Nuremberg, Germany 26 - 28 February 2021 Security Council Background Guide 2021 Updated and edited by: Anne Hahn, Dorothee Karbe, Tamara Titz BAYERN MODEL UNITED NATIONS © 2021 BayernMUN THE 2021 BAYERN MODEL UNITED NATIONS Franconia‘s Largest United Nations Simulation Hosted by Dear Delegates, Welcome to the 2021 Bayern Model United Nations! The topics under discussion for the Security Council are: I. Resource Scarcity and Its Relation to Conflict II. The Situation in Yemen The Security Council is the international community's most powerful institution dedicated to maintaining peace and security. The Council may issue both binding and non-binding resolutions, release presidential statements, commission reports by the Secretary-General, and authorize peacekeeping or humanitarian missions, among other actions. The Council’s unique legal authority and broad reach makes it the leader of the international community’s efforts to maintain international peace and security. This Background Guide serves as an introduction to the topics on the agenda. However, it is not meant to be the only resource for your research. We invite you to conduct additional research, explore your Member State’s position in-depth, and examine the policies of other Member States to facilitate negotiations and consensus building. The (annotated) bibliography can help you with your initial research and may lead you to other relevant sources. We ask each delegation to draft and submit a position paper by 12 p.m. (CET) on 15 February 2021. Guidelines will be made available in the download section of our Homepage.If you have any questions regarding your preparation for the committee and the conference itself, please contact us at
[email protected].