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76-9949 CHAPEL, James David, 1948- PETROLOGY and DEPOSITIONAL HISTORY of DEVONIAN CARBONATES in OHIO 76-9949 CHAPEL, James David, 1948- PETROLOGY AND DEPOSITIONAL HISTORY OF DEVONIAN CARBONATES IN OHIO. The Ohio State University, Ph.D., 1975 Geology Xerox University Microfilms,Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106 PETROLOGY AND EEPOSITIONAL HISTORY OF. DEVONIAN CARBONATES IN OHIO DISSERTATION Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in the Graduate School of The Chio State University bY Janes David Chapel, B.A, * * * * * The Ohio State University Reading Coirmittee: Approved Ey Professor Charles H. Summerson Professor Kenneth 0. Stanley //?//? Professor James W. Collinson v Adviser Department of Geology and Mineralogy ACKNOWIEDGMENTS ivy deepest thanks go to Dr. C. H. Summerson for his guidance and encouragement during the course of the research and for his critical reading of several drafts of the manuscript. I also wish to thank Dr. J. W. Collinson and Dr. K. 0. Stanley for their discussion and criticism of material presented in this dissertation. Special thanks go to Mr. A. Janssens of the Ohio Division of Geological Survey who discussed stratigraphic problems with the author on several occasions and provided access to unpublished stratigraphic data. I am especially indebted to the owners and officials of numerous stone companies who permitted me to study the sections in their quarries and who, in some cases, provided access to drill cores. In this regard \ special thanks are. extended to Mr. B. Mascn of the Prance Stone Company and Mr. R. Annesser of the National lime and Stone Company without whose cooperation and assistance this study would have been impossible. I also acknowledge financial support provided by the Friends of Ortcr. Fund of the Department of Geology and Mineralogy of The Chio State University which helped defray the cost of thin section preparation and drafting. Finally, Ms. Yvonne M. Kolibash deserves special recognition for her incredible patience and understanding throughout the hectic years of my graduate studies and for her aid in the field and in typing the rough draft of the manuscript. VITA January 30, 1948.............. B o m - Youngstown, Ohio 1969... ............... ..... B.A., Franklin and Marshall College, - Lancaster, Pennsylvania Summer, 1969........ Geologist, Callahan Mining Corp., Osbume, Idaho . 1969-197 0... ................. University Fellow, Department of Geology and Mineralogy, The Chio State University, Columbus, Ohio 1970-197 2.... ................ U. S. A m y 1972-1975.......... ..... ..... Teaching Associate, Department of Geology and Mineralogy, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio FIELDS OF STUDY Major Field: Geology Studies in Sedimentology. Professor Charles. H. Summerson. Studies in Sedimentary Petrology. Professor Christopher St. G. Kendall Studies in Stratigraphy. Professor Walter' C. Sweet Studies in Geochemistry. Professor Gunter Faure Studies in Paleontology. Professors Stig. M. Bergstrom and Aurele IaRocque Studies in Igneous Petrology. Professor Charles Schultz iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ACKNOWLEDGMENTS............. ........ ii VITA....... ill LIST OF TABLES......... ............. ...................... vi LIST OF FIGURES.................. vli INTRODUCTION ..................... 1 Location and Geologic Setting. ....... 1 Purpose and Scope of Study............ 2 Previous Work............ 6 Methods of Study........ ................. 7 PART I. DEVONIAN CARBONATES OF CENTRAL OHIO Chapter I. STRATIGRAPHY .................................. 10 * . II. MINERALOGY.. .... ..................... 21 Carbonate Minerals ..... 21 Detrital Minerals...... ...... 22 . Non-Carbonate Authigenic Minerals ..... 25 Non-Carbonate Organic Material.......... 29 III. CARBONATE PETROLOGY. ........... '.... 31 Ccrnponents. ......... 31 fedimentary Structures......................... *LL Carbonate Rock TS/pes........................... 52 IV. DIAGENESIS....................... 55 Biological KLagenesis................. 55 Lithiflcation................................. 58 Dolomitizatlon..................... 60 Calcitization. ............................... 63 Sill cifi cation................................ 65 iv Chapter Pace V. FACIES ANALYSIS.............. ..... 67 Introduction........... .................... ; 67 Facies of Unit I........................... 68 Facies of Unit II. .... 88 Facies of Unit III........................... 114 Facies of Unit IV............................ 141 Facies of Unit V ............................. 154 VI. ANALYSIS OF INTER-UNIT CONTACTS.................... 184 Unit I-Unit II Contact.................. 184 Unit Ii-Unit III Contact ...... 186 Unit III-Unit I V Contact............... .194 Unit IV-Unit V Contact......................... 201 PART II. REGIONAL ANALYSIS VII. DEVONIAN CARBONATES OF THE OUTLIER........ 207 Introduction................ •................ 207 Detroit River (Lucas) Dolomite....... 207 Columbus limestone........ 209 Stratigraphic Analysis......................... 215 VIII. PRE-TRAVERSE DEVONIAN FOCKS OF NORTHWESTERN OHIO 220 Introduction................................. 220 Sylvania Sandstone............................ 220 Detroit River Dolarite................... 223 Dundee Limestone .............. 229 Stratigraphic Analysis. ...................... 236 IX. DEVONIAN CARBONATES OF THE EASTERN OHIO SUBSURFACE.... 241 Introduction.................................. 24l Bois Blanc Formation................... 241 Columbus limestone............... 243 Delaware limestone............................. 244 Stratigraphic Analysis........................ 245 X. SUMMARY OF DEP0SITT0NAL ENVIRONMENTS................ 248 •• v ■ •• •• XI. SUMMARY OF DEPOSITTONAL HISTORY........... 259 XII. CONCLUSIONS................................ 267 APPENDIX-LOCATION OF MEASURED SECTIONS...................... 270 LIST OF REFERENCES........................................ 273 v LIST OP TABLES TABLE PAGE 1. Rock-forming constituents of the fossiliferous rocks of units I through V................ 33 vi LIST OP FIGURES FIGURE PAGE f 1. Index map of study areas.' ...... 2 2. Index map showing location of major study sections....... 5 3. Cross section showing major subdivisions (units) of the Devonian carbonate sequence in central Ohio......... 18 4. Photomicrograph of dark centered, clear rimmed euhedral dolomite crystals................ 23 5. Photomicrograph of authigenic quartz overgrowths on detrital quartz grains....... 28 6. Photomicrograph of pelletoids of possible fecal origin 37 7. Photomicrograph of corallite filled with two generations of drusy calcite spar cement...................... 39 8. Spar-filled fenestral voids....................... 43 9. Discontinuity surfaces in the upper part of Columbus limestone....... 44 10. Intensely burrowed fossiliferous packstone-grainstone 46 11. Vertical burrows...... 48 12. Photomicrograph of a boring penetrating an iron-oxide Indurated discontinuity surface.................... 49 13. Horizontally laminated algal stromatolite............... 50 14. Domal algal stromatolite.............................. 51 15. Cross section showing distribution of rock types .... 53 16. Photomicrograph of fossil fragments with micritized rims... 57 vii 17. Contact of sandy conglomerate at the base of unit I with the Silurian Bass islands Dolomite............ 70 18. Cross section of unit I showing distribution of facies 72 19. Negative thin section print of the lower conglomeratic portion of facies 1:1............. 74 20. Negative thin section print of the upper portion of facies 1:1.............. 75 21. Photomicrograph of porous dolomitized mudstone of facies 1:2............. 78 22. Brecciated bed in the upper bituminous banded portion of facies 1:2 ...... 80 23. , Upper part of unit I at locality H ............ 81 24. Coralliferous crinoidal grains tone of facies 1:3 (B) disconformably overlying the Silurian Bass Islands Group. ........................... 84 25. Photomicrograph of facies 1:3 grainstone. ..... 85 26. Cross, section of unit II showing distribution of facies...... 89 27. Coral-stromatoporoid wackestone of facies 11:1.,...... ....... 90 28. Large mound-like stromatoporoids in facies II:1.............. 92 . 29. Cherty gastropod mudstone of facies II:2.............. 95 30. Fossillferous packstone of facies 11:2.............. 97 31. Itypical appearance .of facies 11:3 in the' field....... 100 32. Facies II:3 dolomitized wackestone..... :........... 101 33. Facies 11:3 mudstone containing numerous thin bituminous... 102 34. Facies 11:3 laminated mudstone....... ..105 35. Calcite pseudomorphs after gypsum crystals in facies 11:3 mudstcne............ 106 36. Negative thin section print of facies 11:3 pelletoidal packstone-grainstone............................... 107 viii 37. Negative thin section print of facies 11:3 fossiliferous and pelletoldal packstone. ......... 108 38. Spar-filled fenestral voids in facies 11:3 mudstone........ 109 39. Photomicrograph of sandy bed in facies 11:3........ Ill 40. Ripple-marked sandy bed in facies II:3. 112 . 41. Ripple-marked and mud-cracked sandy bed in facies 11:3.... 112 42. Cross section of unit III showing distribution of facies...,116 / 43. Negative thin-sectian print of facies 111:1 fossiliferous wackest one.............'............ 118 44. Bedding surface in facies 111:1 covered with fragmented and abraded skeletal debris............... 119 45. Facies III: 2 burrowed packstone .... 122 46. Facies III: 3 burrow-mott led mudstone ......... 125 47. Massive mudstone of facies 111:4........ 129 48. Silty-shale bed in facies 111:4........................
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