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in tte SSMSJSV the - - -4,% ttaDfftwKbestast Mdt is their taut onaketwe.1

Vol. XXXtvI CRANFORD, N. J., THURSDAY. JUNE 18, 1931 HVF CENTS Ararelodge To Mark CWord Riding Club New Class Added To COP GETS DECISION RtMcn't Confectionery Sold Hu Dinner Ride • irsf STREET SK1RM1S1 . To Rational Confectionery GracIuation Programs lunication Members ot the Craaford Ridto Club rode their horses from the Ken Cranford Horse Show t'oloml Man Shelve* fat Grand Ji The National Cigar and ^Rtutlonrry sjngton. Stables, Kenilworth. to Ih < Action. After Faring Badly la Company, Inc. has purchased the riant. Roach and Tumble _ Close Public Schools Fornier Governor Sufeer of Dutch Oven at Mountainsidi-,. last Good Hand* Trophy Is Do- stationery and cunlreuwwry «tnn> At N. Y.. and Other Prominent Thursday evening, where they enjoyed 15.North avenue, Wnrt. tnuu A. Rusi'n a beefsUak dinner. nated by Officer of S: P. Members Will Attend An- Playing iho rote or me tough, bail M. B. Bragar Is the' new mannirer of SENIOR COMMENCEMENT Those at the dinner were WiUtan C. A. for Beat Entry Group; boy. against Officer Thomas Woods. Jr. the store and he aru\ouncp« (hut it All 8th Grade. Have SpsxiaJ /Curran and Or, and Mrs. u: a Hom- Tuesday night didn't go over so. big to „ niversary Monday Even will be continued aluiut Uie same TAKES PLACETONICHT ExofciM* Ttt» WesJr, »n8- Hton of WettneUt Mm. Uicy M.Adams. Rubert Johnson, colored, 27, of 1 John aa a. hl(h-cla» nirrrhandisinK rentrr. Miss Elizabeth. AdamsV Miss. Edith A post entry Oopd Hands Class htu Mawy Get Diptomw. Monday son avenue. For after the officer go Tj'w company—operates wvyml-otht-r ; The Imliti'i- »IUi' of Ihr high evening. jalle B. ,„ Qrulttner,' Miss Katherinit Park. Miss' been added to the twenty-two, clam through working on him, Johnson prmram of the all-day hone show of stores lu this Slate. -MrrBnwnr ha« cominc»c«ntnt |iru(ram took place Bertha Burnes,. Mr. and Mrs. O. Rich- patched up by a doctor, lodged 4tith Orsduatlng exercises In' UM gniffimac ards of Cranford, Mr.-and Mrs. H, W the Cranford Bying Club, Inc.. to bejail overnight and yesterday morntni been In the buslnrM nevcial years, huv- luat Iimrsdav nltht Ul tho Kooxvelt held at the Kensington Riding Stables, Uig operated sinillar stores in Newark Hi-hiiol Audlturium. »lirn the members schools UKik iilai-e. thu wnt, start- T«npie m-CranWd at-th* Clarke.. Miss Eleanor OUllhan. Mr. and l«ki»n tn tin- r.mnty Jail to await hear liitf Monday, wheii the ROHMV»U cVnooli corner o( bouth iM.nu8 a Kenilworth. Saturday, June 27. The ami Long Branch. WlUi mj.i funiMv, "I the iiraUunttnK claaH |>rv>ent«t tin Mrs. E. Lalng. Miss Doris. Lalng,. Mis ing on charges uf assault and batun f'laiA Niuht t-xi-rolfli'«, belure a laiiirat pnHiranv was prasented. Tuesday «- Marlon Robbie and Mua M. Scott m-inner In this class. .»fhlch will be runnrodo bslhi" officer; • ^ Mr. Bragar plans to l«kv lip li.f..ri"J- •aiiuei UnmirmRS of-the National and 'de'nee In Cranlord. Mr. Kntrn, wli» ci|i lrnilniii:r tit Hull' (rlt'iida ami sehool< cilllW, the Lllicdln School pupil* hml As this dateis an epoch m the Lodge"Plalnfipld. Miss Lillian Hlnkeldey Aijout 10:11'•p. m... Tuesday, Offlci y New Jersey 8. P. C. A, will be eligible erated Ihe »lorc (our years, ts contcni innii-s. (Uvinti wrlrd fRllmati's uf what their cainmrncement, whll* that at the history, It is Dr0|x*,«i by Ule committee Oarwood. Miss Marion Dreher. I y A, will be eligible Woods. Jr.. received word Oicre wa> \;uiiii!s pupil.* would bit doing In tl aiiermsn School took, plac* last nttrht lnc t0 ™5y***iS.^.? ?*»y?nl11 °9od Hands plating a trip -to Europo. 1— ' __??S.?_j]?»?t M)ii!.JiJii.aHalf-ofuii- Drebff. Miss Flfrrda ttnfTn trauWn in Porter'* taxt olSce,. where h ful'uriN "tin- iliiS liroplipoy "was "pn {Selection! by the combliiM ncfioat or- usual character, with a reunion of. the Mrs. W. Mackey. Kenneth Maekoy an XJIan" at the coming Horse found Johnson threatening Mrs, Por f Show. Thomas Price of Newark, uresi- tented .»>• ft cummllteii i Lhutras, under the direction of Kr» older mmmembbe Donald Mackey of Elizabeth. Mr an ter. The officer Uoolc Johnson ih tdl flora-IHiniitl,- supfrvlspr of ihuslg In th* rs. Many former Breth- M»JJJEllPiU' ,*.v;4«»»cl#dsr,-a«t-st«rdailn-» M WWIrTlfrtifloliT'faHuifeiJ 'the"-«i«a».s In."' guished Masons (rom other Jurisdlc- Mrs. 8. B. Rlgij of CHen Rids*. J,. n. Outside the taxi office at th AllirnT rlr II (lie aclioult, Including the Mutt lwwTiCBfTJiS^rrdtUas B HIsh'Mrtm-nrKt-eqiitrraw ._ Inc Brother .Josiiph-S.-Tauv who Joined iiuts -Job niton stor.t«d.-a-;break..for- fcee- .In.. Um RupMivelt. Swhoot «» In 1880. when the Lodge was located other,classes, witfrtwo dorii. but the officer citught blm and •KsfM>ii;-mwtfinf nig Top. Choose Committees of the liinduoli'n were, read" by Rober nlglit. a selection 'by the orehestrsi op- back of the old Mansion House In Hiy- sweepstakes, one for saddle horses, thethere followed a two way rough anij ened »e.'proirram.-aft«r which th»-ln- seue Although he. -later demltted In County Republican Clubs other for hunters, # • .T1 tf-uv Earl Mown and Dorothy ; HheTrrcsidcnt'Chbfifrpi^tJtii -cirinpf.firii;;'s-"8iflli»n:fe8lr«i«ttTf"'"-aJso byterlai\roiiurciiw TtMre «er» sefei:Bon» Pleasant, 1ST. J:,,h.e hasihe distinction children;iocal.«addle librses and JuirirP coat, the. officer was at a disadvantag by tlw>bHy>' and girls' chorus after MT.VIM mi thnt iMinijiilttri!.,-, dllts wer» : K»Sipare|U Ind,child, aiut ijorses.rUl- l^ ileri" fey "amffimir*: ^'Tli» riiffhg. ••> "'(W ••as at one time or another a member e-Them tor jnhnsah rtpped-IMi T American. Association of Horse Shows', a :partlcularly effectivt «rrr iMrvUtitiit pflncITiSlT l fTfi6Tji«niay~if of Azure Lodge. Charles & Llttcil of on Union County Day a mft»r-i.h» -high nchoot arid Mt«f , Clsnlor4,-llaiiev(,>r.-wlniJoined. In Ho- ullm^r,i«ia»loa,..0"!t streel Itiiiiu UIFablo. HSttliif Wagner, Jano oth OrimtlM, While spralul prism, aljia Joined Azure Lodge in Roselle In 1889,resented at Sea dirt on July 10, Is as seven stitches In a cut over one of his UoiiHuni mill', llenry IlDnnlund' coin given by. tho l»,.'r. A.; went to tn* foU was the Honorable William Sulzer, ex- sured through organization last nigh ladies (amateurs), road hacks, -local eyes. The- olDcer received treatment last Friday night., Pcndliuj thn arrival lowing: Science, Leroy PDlmsbM: »»- saddle horses owned and used in Mid-for a bump on the Jaw and a sprained |,r Isi'd IIIII loufmltteo in charge of ar- . Governor of New York State. He wasat the Wlnfleld Scott hotel, Elizabeth of diaries Monrhon, secretary, wh «IIUIH tory, Howard (loodtnan; O*ograpHy. born in Elizabeth,.brought up on a farm of a general committee composed o dlesex or Union Counties for- pleasure left wrist, after which he.was excused William—qulnn;—ArtthnwiUh—tun— Idlng. saddle ponies 14.3 and under from duly lor the night. -.--'•- hsrles F, Manchon. recording seen' l>occalaureBto nernioi In Roselle. and iiftcr removing to Newrepresentatives of the Republlcac Ury; William B. Ilragdon, ciirrrninind by. tho Rey.^lUwcoa T. Kroemor. and lOigush, Itoward tttXU. York City he became Master of Repub- Clubs or the County, ridden by amateurs, a parenTand.-ehlld After thinking things over during U) Bach ot tho prise wlnntr* nnimnt • iwas definite!] class and a -swpepwtAkn- well as fraternally expect to attend Jn classes are for green hunters; hunters without any trouble. ' man, Louis Kramer, John Pan'Iui. tails were appointed and these will get with conformation, manners,..way Ing In nomination (or- tlm vailmi: tkliudl. "Miifche. au« Plambeau," ren- anticipation or the pleasure of listening busy at once to complete tlietr work. : offices: J. Stanley Vertices, IITTBIIIMII , by,the combined school oriihes William Qulnn, Howard Rath. O*r mit to his address. Among others are Sena- going and performance each counting Richard Harrigan of Plalnfleld is 25 per cent; novice Jumpers' over Jumps Emmor K. Adsrnvnrst vIOB-pn-sldent tras will oi»n thd iirbtimiii, after which Reusch, Josephine Shaffer, O»il vr.ut tor BansUton Kean and Assemblyman chairman of the general committee and three feet, six Inches; Jumpers open to Wesley A.: Stanger,.second vlce-presl- tho Invocation will bi) delivered by the Martha WUIIams. . ' . H. J. Pascoe. _A number Irf the mem- from the enthusiasm shown at. th Anti-Litter Campaign dent; -WUIUni'J. MoKce, treasurer Hiiv, Mr. .-Faust, fhe.alrUi' Itk|h Otlur grsduat»» wore: - meeting there will be more from Un- ; jumps lour feet; •Jumpers ov Oharle* FT Hanclion, recording wtro- Mchiml-Choius will tlmn fotiilur the •*• bers of the Grand Lodge oINew Jersey lumps four feet, three inches, open to Robtrt Acklancl. touia Aladlta, Tttsttw are also expected, Including Junior ion County than ever before to greel Ury; JMIUam D. Mfagdon. correspond- lection, "Hpring-Tlde." The main ad- as Allan, Josaph Alvaits, Governor Larson. all; local Jumpers for-horses owned In Is Winning Support irotary. . ' '_ • . '•—• • ot thu occasion will be.deUve.red Grand Warden Francis P. Morton, and Middlesex and Union counties only; Klta Uarday, Virginia- Barne*,WUJiam. Past Grand Master William D. WoUsT for >hr round trip liirlnrtlng Vorhees stutcd Uiat as he Hadby thn Hev, Dr. J. Btuuloy Durket, pos- Blrkmtr*. Walter Born. Chaxlsa Brlltt- 1 tOQcll~aha go:~a sweepstakes, with a praident of the society jlnoeiw Kefl.—• Owing-to a • previous" engage- box luncheons, et«,,-will tw »1.50. Th jumping class for children not over Township Committee i,Tir" or~Plymouth— Brooklyn; SDunBtntm Brooks, Mary-Barton,MM- molt, it Is lmpotslble i for the Orand trip will give opportunity for" a plea*- inospthniu th»t be desired *o -retire. win Osrpsntur, Oartrudv Clsmry. Bt 1 seventeen completing this r part df the Support of Po|ice, Illiih School prlw» wilt be presenlcit by •i program " Olemitnt^alter^hlerrHrred see a well staged review otBtate troops Lodge Is 59 YearsiOlOlUd dinance to Be Dray prevailed upon to withdraw lil» ,»u« \V, UriiiB, iiresldent of the Lion* Club Frank Ouahin*;4- Ruth. PWTUV VM*T "" as well,as to meet most of the big gun A class for flvc-galted saddle horse, gestlon and the afann -wrm. unitni- lirewnt thu LlonsClub llaK trophy. The history! off Azure Lodge covers a italllon. mare or gelding, and A class ing Penalty. Brlgard, Moiuriot D«ker. JKary O*s> 1 in-StattpoUUcs. _„'•_,•:.-,-•-. .".-._.. mously elected" fof.', the . ensuing ~.yeftf • f-_fducftUon jnodalS- will .be periodof'flltyinme years: K-wasconi for polo mounts shown' by riders hi nsn, Hop* DtOusmwv KeUn Dty. JWr* stituted in Roselle April 22,. 1872, with Before" The cibie oT the meeting the siwardeiiI by"liarry. R. Blssiin," vice , Duffy, dcorg* Bdward*. Ifortorj Bnory. correct polo attire, performance count- president named the following commit- drnt of the board, while diploma* will a charter membership of fifteen. Those ing 75 per cent and conformation 25 Following Is Eleanor rotga, LeRoy rbUrurbn. A«SM L&kcy, tees: Membership, Wiillam J. Hoffman be iiuifprri'il i>y Jnhn K, Cloiid, RresU Pr»nk. EdJis Oalvln. WUUan Oo»- who formed 'the Lodge at that time xr cent, will also be conducted. Ihalrman, Lisle - R. Deardslce. Wesley •lent of thi) board, ,'l'wotwliwllons by were as follows; Two' horsemanship classes for ama and slut schow, Kenriotli Orunow, Beriins. Ktb- «t M^^~*Mffi»#«M«^UM^J14** d irical Committee, Andrew.n«W»mock, .„„ .., Hi* ««v. Willlttm- f.. Behrens, am Kefly. WilUani Kettle, Dormhra Washington Lodge No. 33; Thomas B. welve, "the other for riders not over an active campaign against trurthrowihg of litter In the street*. shalmuui, E. K. Adams, W. 0. BraHdon, r, iiuntar ut Calvary Lutheran: Church, Keyaar, ' . -. •'. .- ' '•• i^-tn)ri.nrf WUliam ' A. Mulford, jr. icvenleen, are alsp scheduled.- Judicsvro'r:{he"iiltt)w\wlll be!'Charles- hut-been given-to ft;., ;J, M(Ke« and W.-JiHoffirinn.-Ciuif Km t«.i.i.. .;.j__..i:. ... Maris Kllngspor, Bvtni Know. Judge David Mulford, C»pt. Alfred At- tives Being Chosen, as ; adlans, Edward Bvewtlrclwilnnaii, W. am«« Kreit, Mart. Lawrtnc*. BdttH kins, Dr.Maay^C-Jfieaon: Jotin.yr, Barrle of Teoneck, saddle horse's the plea for nn Antl-Llllcr Campaign •Thi» inolto »f tho Claas orfMl untcrir'and Jumpers, and' Mri^ohn Uie receipt of the.following letter 3 Bragdon, E. K, Adams ami. I), a, N. Un/lt ft Avunt," whlcli means straight Maiuihon. Oltarlts MarUn. N«* Hasssv Cocks. Miller P^Moore, John W. Mul- AilEquipment Is;Put Into sent In response to one asking for ths Mllru; Publicity, Wesloy A. Htaiiurr.Tutwurd. The claw fluwer Is the Flour oupli MaUMon, Jan* Hr'1"*. I lord, 2nd. George K. Crane, Rev. John dcrken of Brooklyn, horsemanship Good Shape for Comfort of lasses. ^ :. . -y/-': assistance of tho Township Commit- The name of Mlw Stella Uower wan do lys, the colors purple and cream and Mctntyn, Joan Mbrrlson. Juas? fleary. A. Dennlston,-Hinun_P. Baldwin, Wll- tee in the proposed campaign: presented for membership by W, J, he clans niqucot "Duko" Polly. . onst«n«* Nelson, MadtUne '' Umh-WrDilts, Rev. Charles A. Briggs, Campers. Many prominent state and county Miss Alice Lakey, Chairman, Leonard Psnewlo. Thomas Pamtt iffldals are listed, on the honorary offman and, elacied. W: miragdon and Edward O. Burling. Stj-eets and Htatlons Committee, llsplayed a large number or new Items hilip Poreella, wad* ' Postal, (bttb None of the original fifteen are now Philip Barries.^who was In charge of :ommitte.e of Uie show, which Includes VIA, Crnnm>ri,:H. .t ^1 Health Board Delay* Morgan P. Larson, Senator hlitoricml valuiT Hint he had cullwtnd alive, as Miller & Moore, tho- last w camp activities'at camp craniord, on governor Inspector Appointment ney Itabln. John Reed." Paul Btttsx. Irthur N. of Westfleld. Mayor My dear Miss Lakey: ne* ths preMdlng meeting'and j surrive, died-in 1930 after a continuous Silver Lake In Warren County, last «^..J*«J»prk was golnglorwnrd Tarold Bchultxe, John 8icko, BMsatdl membership ot 58 years In gooa stand- yrarrrBB-beenTelBctexfTis director of toger. C. 1 ery rapidly In compllUig the-history Meeting on the Hoard. «f Health tsnley, Ralph Bwasney, Arthur Trmt- the camp this year. Mr." Barnes has 'il of Kenilworth, Freeholder ly.y Walsh. JU»t«E_W*»lgl>»nv -Inc. iroesoher of Cranford,'WrRlch- . was: brough.t Jo. the attention Df the.. if.Orsrtford. Mr. Everttt also J Tuiwlay evening, the Township-Gom- • lor the"flrstHfour"years* of Its llffe had several years experience In camps, ' Township .Oominlttco at • their" HruninsinrsrhUloilo objects.. Walttr Whltfleld, Htnry Wtoodrufl. Tl«- both as a tamper and as a leuUi'r. He pj Summit, Secretary or mltU'B took ho action In apjwlntlng a Axure Ix)dge made its nome.on me sec- meeting held on the 9th instant.. Th* subject of a museum for the nu- siiCH««jr to thn late Alfred -II. Millar, or Zslonk. Henry ZekoU. ood Boor ot> former carpenter shop, is a senior at Lebanon Valley Coll the' Union County Party Commission, .Tlie Committee wishes me to ad- dety, was again brought up and It was Louis Dmnm«rta, Frank SproU tout and promment In athletics, belnj W. B. Ruthraufl of Rumson and Luther an wcrctary lo the board or health thd located on the north, side of Fourth y vise you that they are In full ac- reported that as tho County Park Com- hl Inspector._ . Building Inspector Pred Jones, honor, pupils, were- dsatr- avenue, Bosille. Just east of. Chestnut membeb r of .ththe basketballbktbll"; *football and Lee Blake o( Pairfleld, Conn. cord with your "Litter Campaign'' ission now had possession of the old ; nattd by the t«ach«n to act aa tns-n«tp A box luncheon will be served^on Rimer I.. Moore," who Is now. assistant street, which biulcUng was' owned by tennis squads. Mr. Barnes yUi be In and to assist In carrying' it through PWlIlpsJioujWihaUhIIlJ«i!Uh . .J ooloriuard at ths Roosmlt School and) charge of the camp program, arrang- Ihc "grounds by the Junior . Service wcrclary to .the board, and assistant L^ _lhe JW»eUe_tand land Improvement they, have reftrred It to the Police cletyjo.saiulre the use of Itjor_a^ mu- ealthjH«pf;ctor-WilL.contlru«t-tO *ery* heir »ppolnUn«nt was annnunewt at r Company' and had been us?d .as theing TukeTahd the " beague-of-Cranrordv-whloh-«IU. receive Committee for co'-oieniba nod W~ he Horcises Monday night' Th» pro- ppr.Usn.lpBB5.JS?l hfp _ seum wasTbeTng agarrTagftated.: W.J? aa such Ittr a time,' It war announced. shop ortieCojnnany'* carpenter tore- -r ^principal «ot- the v the Attorr|ey to draft an ordinance ' McKee was appointed lootrry on nfBO.- Eleven alVpllcaUbiis f tv • the -position gram was conclude* with tb»'fl*v«sf Kenneth Robbie of Plalnfleld, presl as you suggest with -a penalty.. uta ajut th* singing of "Annrica* bt ms*,WffllantW,Pilt». ~Sherman School,jwfll return-to. camp Uatlpns with .that-end in ylow^- W, B, ire-rftcclved;-;- -'— - - -- • •' this season ln^nis old post as cornp Jent of the club, heads the horse show ,ho»o present, "." to April WTO, the Lodge Building ommittees with Miss EUiabeth K. Ad-, clause for violation. • . • " . Bragdon reported Uiat the plan for nolu- Application Jot-» permit to -'Seep. moved by the Improvement Com- manager.,-. B£"-wi|l; have charge -of the Yours very, truly,' ing a get-to;gether for the older, rejl- WWh4<*etnutstreetitoaiSew aros :of, Cranford,, Miss, Dorli Lolc« .Qt :l_dj?kej!«,.ln^«or:dsmr)uo,^-res!* Tmnr tWWh4<*estnuts Plalnfleld and Dr. 8. B. Bigg of alen A! district was re(us«j. Two appilca- MKSfoajiiiavji^ii'avff the lnvocotlodst ttbsb * _ -locatkm at the rear of the old Man-be to mkke'the youthful tampers "com- Township Clerk, gresslng and that It was planned to Kei 1oh»- for permits to keep rabblis, one Lincoln School • twrclsaa Tussday »jon Hoqw on the east side of Chest- Ridge as vice-chairman. Bub-commlt-

^fg^^^ iZC^tiri&f&i


DaflFodil Time Up in the Nort^wert


fat urn aeu war rather Iteecooa to hla chO- um mlwiya nib your

aaatee* it m ami* chaner." Xaecoon are mr*j ri«BD«nJ_rau»_«_fTea t deal about sl«Cr food trcah and nice and T»<» «aa «at « traat many things." r mlanl r*tlmr Baccoon. "Too are I, wBtimut ~gc%

~m* M «r »J1 yon haren't ttnwft.'* •*>« T3» Baccoon little ones. "JUh. I am tm^ilng tui aorprlse," («M a^aaaitr itc^onon, We knttw that hnn different tepperamen asked the extremely sensitive to to another* There i •sgh be dldnt know STREETS! «tuut a* nsjnarna imant l*Ty.m'K years ago thl V *l#bed Motber Rmccoon, month occurred a trap cflfflflms ./%*hL<* .shocked J whole counjry aa (roil

since tlio assaaslnntinn Los Angeles.—A, hit-and-run of Abraham Lincoln. ttaa an the Baecoos motorist who drove. Ma automo- On Jun* SS, 1870, (Jen. bile over six. sleeping) persons at George Armstrong (!»• a roadalde camp la being sought. tor, a, dashing cavalry "Wfc, anwOxr,"" flwy aald, "now you Helps the Convicts Asm tat Or aa «a on tho~ public mind the strenitb of the hostile*. - 'lie mSmt «ai mil' «f what tagT* Ilecauae of aroused public sentiment stituted by u full time board, the num- Bain progress. Tha£stat»-reducea\il- ' from the blue to stun the public with which more limn half a century ho From the beginning the itmlt* a£ asft«ta" Sftrt&n^ Itspconn.* ^ have no and the co-operntlnn of_lhe ndmlnl ber of prisoners on purole has been llteracy by 4.1 per cent of the popul its III,. tidings and to cast a pall of Snot erased; aft. aeuj I hmrr su> ntg. - tratlon, the program la already well increased from UOIt on July 1. 1929, to tlon. •'•',• sorrow over tho centennial featlvjtles, the campaign were, unimttafiwhwy. If the Irtiny of fat* which overtook Oen. J. J. lleynohlis of Ctwja.'* cm. "V yon chfl- under way, but there Is much yet to.be 2.03S on srsxchl, 1031, -Logically, the hews of the tragedy •IMS dnshlng cHvnlryuinn, Frailf lone, ho reported to his chief. A -year ORO .4,102 persons-were on mand attacked"tho vlljag* ot ta» Open" Window Started " should not have surprised the Atner Ilunt,\tlio biographer pri'vlously re .' «5« «ne « mnmnaflnn la a saying," aaTli Tlie Armament thnt prisons might' 118,102 persons over ten yctirs of ace 1 Marriage for] red maiyof undervsilmatlog both the r : due.they say, to a liounewlfe leaving -*• i ii durlng-llio Civil wnr). but-as an In- progress Indnflultcly. Ji *h,«t tun, -3i«»™ «*aar«. -u 4s *or Raccoon, laol so dmwn-out wnrs with the Sciulnoles early. In 1.870. In rcjanl to the pro- ter, uiarclilng; _railjJ!jt ..J»aciai»11 ttio t Bates Jflund-there_were~bnly-tw» ^Jta-^rltta_seived_to-r«alMU--Aiid- ;w«-«g» si«Un ytorw'a^-Weat. "~~ losed -caiiiphl»l«M..fi)t..more-mcn^-Tho..rosult-w«« iliead of- the-army, heJIttlo -realli tack at"onto- without waftingTlS>r.Tiri> Ew-Swuany- SMS TliBlr jiicolc by a ' The disciplinary barracks has ieen that Lieut Col. W. J.' Fettenuan; !0W_W«*,llls.J>t5phecy was jnor. that brwi*. smS .a» Stacc*W^!r'i^^B«^H^«'fis»W?f»? TergOmm iMfferent directions: upon wlih the* rn.llans, lie mad* th* fatal Tlhn>nff j.na«au>ltM) to Uie country acre* at Camp Lee resenatton near called—though the student of frontier retersburg, Vs.; Jl.000000_Of_jnldk. _band. •_ _ 2 the section In Wyoming and Montana division of his command tnto St iatj; jaaj4j» tUs caae in the "Now you must fiction •^history. If J4e^recpjnt*?a^ihfi..j(onl. hhJllh pyitotts »j W>» One -player u the flonal 'conifructlbn i»-being"aon* at P-^massacTB" at air »i the cormtone aillllcothc, Ohio; 12,800,000 lalbelog. goes, "that this man a ifter their refusal to «tay on the res- Major Benteen and the third: by biro- Sv-snrov an* tbe 9s mQowtd M na awajr wife lived so-buppJIjT for this affair, la less Inclined to blame : spent "In" the Ozairks near Spring- rratlons net aside by. theunoTernmenr self; ••"• • •.' •• •• ' ;~"~~ 0M uj Mtla wfefis Hie net of tbe understood one another - the warriors of the great Sioux chief, 'or them. One under Oeneral Gibbon tinder tbe circumstances, the re-ptefwea sama t-Sbeir -backs *opo*a aim. Held,.Mo.- , .'••_..:.•• ••••••: •-. .-• • lied Cloud," than the. government om- ail the husband did the to come eastward from western sult was almost a foregone AhcnV •ta B»' as aaaasa i» wUsdsa, and .jail* are being started-at New Or- ' ured cour«, in the nive? •a well done, there was dais who Ignored Oirrlnjton's re; ilontann;. another under- General Kmo-tnade hts nttac»rwd» m«t: tft# a mtni;'la ODterant *"~ilue«ts^h6rrined~tTie; "country.for T .Yook »us to advance no<|hward from with a flerce. reslitanca and, ouiaora- ,_^shbrt-Hniey-but within (en year* it had nuthern NelirHilcn; and the'third un' bered, was driven' back' to the bloffk ttafflC. «lir» ca» actually see the saved them at first from_the_tntgads .. -forgotten this. Just as It had other . ler-Ceueral. Terry " Wttin~t<>"'proceed across the river, suffering hfnvY *< RIVER DESTROYING or-weatteTrTalnsltb d_s i thw ransltba sun and winds, rip ; v riham l.lncoTn . etreated, *"Benteen, following ^g tnte tbim. for still another tragtc chanter. And ID what la now North .Dakota. The PICTOKESQOE ISIS RtllNS which had caused crumbling. the route designated for blnu got into «r gfiaaic tm> sm* ahe konches of tree* ,Now _hqwejai^janld.-4lslntcgratluii—* the hero of It was George Armstrong rlnclpal trouble with thla plnn yas imposslblo-L-wuntry—and lhtV • J —^Custer,-7ther->*lloy: Ocnernl" of CjVII' pygtalhutnV Rsmoval to the Unltsd 8Ut«« 'Suogest- I of hieroglyphs and small details of re- h'at tt didn't work. It didn't work be- workeik lb back toward the wot* takm Tat* Carn- Hie Seampl-u **re received by the priests at a flight I llef'U reported, arousing concenL— A - " '••'.;•'• irtr'.'*W''•'•••'..'.'.'•'.••.'''1''^ •.'•••" ••"•'"'',••'.'.*''.. •din Order » Preserve Ancient cause the combined three forces were by Iteno so that he arrived tat Urn* >»B> taamgtm Ms Mdlns t of steps at the nonihtr,,^ nnlcr ^ J_.i_geTeral factors have niitelwi Intn hultf that- olllcvr hold his' owa'olte«. aa sm-a a tosjer*as jjnirj TFen passed IDto a"court"with^a.colon-, ~^ln»-the^>ag^^f-oiryegfi~iio 1 of them,:e-ven though the government against the whooplnjt savages who oimi, atnB 8* am tu ow «Aaa) aaar bin, nade to the right and left, erJcted by -r such enduring fame whUe_ greater had thought It might be large were swarming about him, Mean- aa> nmyrn a«atT um oihar faldtng rarjs.—The Temple of lals, on the Tiberius and liter Roman empeSirs. ...- ohea bare been forgolTenTOhe ef them 1 island of I'hllae, U In danger of being r enough,_especla!!T_s!Bieahe_Indl»ns, while Outer and his Ore companteav DUK* wafidh t* aanJes at» food ona, -—lathestrlklnrpersonalltysr tneTe«d .Instead of. waiting for. the three not knowing that hla plan of batthr Xte a**ters •ft* axt sOwsas think, ot destroyed by the ravages or the River .':«r who died there—Ctfster, the "Beau I»oftltt 9»-S*» sanae aiabt twlca, and >"tler and art "lovers of many nations 1 ^nnle*.Jo_concentrato^iipon--therar had already- been broken up, rode oat (t —saawroriiTifnTi^n^fiSyT ™« made use of some Napoleonic strat- o his death. Far, the Indians, savior *• t* an a* oostaokca ken until hars> demanded that something be ot the temple and bears the name ot "tast; of^ihe CaraJlefV as he has egy, nnconscloujly, . perhaps, and by put Reno out nf-the- aght, csDceo> ha> seas ttk » xaa »a>asa tosom e «tbet done to save It. Necunebea O. who lived about 301 R> '. been called bf a recent biographer,' a operating "on Interior llnea" attacked rated on Custer and wlthta a abort nosJa wall* ana 9m eaanameAla yaa» Fhllae Is near AUssnan, Egypt, and C Beyond h th soqtb,_of Syene^ilt-ls* small-granlw 1 manofjrljrld^r»na!!tit.th«,i»roiof. •J^Kr^tt«--H»!««naJnrie«tato=amJ5 tlme~Jia,d-dau* htm-aiid^als- metFts* B^-aaBiartsMTaissat^ ^-^i— - «fal cbsmberi itfd OinlfllcnipeL An- T^i-»sn«^rSoTy^r-tt^^ndTISrly* defeated them In detail Then, too; It death. 1Da> (6>w «dhs> Bret candies sight rock fringed with rich greenery, about other amalltr pylon'gives entrance to ,-.•: beloved^ by^ ^Amerl<»nsrTt»r,;,bu!t.hls .^Hth^be.:lodlatrs,'lnstwd''Bfwnr'ffi8' raged many a'Wtter controversy an* converted Into a Christian.: church In c«nin«i«nf In Kanaiirwid bt; army. ror ltwaa the Jnefflclency— iround It hat sprung m> a, grMt man; r ;S ' J^»A^ldded;;to,Aisi 10 b»-«xtreni»ly;charlriibte-iof ihSIni- r *Tftianr*Si;' mythry mWnfcrH immasjn* «> Mk «« tte ptac* _-.,-.• i - . otliavtii whota I I perpetuated the tradl-. 1 ^^^«*>»»nan^»mrteteie l 1 :: dlan department which permitted the and Just.plain "tpunk." trma wiitadk S* anarM wk«n Srst >a J^iS "' ****"**&*** boat chleHy«W,i '>StbJs century,: dM not In1m« b'jBa^wi^^nel^^hltiibrjfy:™^., ^^oh'of t'HCnstwyjnck^SoTirhen this Indians to go Into the Beldniuch bet- M^^^«l5e«i««ii^nUnurt: :t^e»j"TIC- ter armedVthan-the loWlera or Crook Usafat naaOa* a;Bra;»to;tte^In^nii;itJI|asi;and:dld It and fllbbon and Terry; and which "alv l^o.distinction between.hei^oo«. Potato peeling dried thoroogh&r «ta csagte. anwiw. tbe, : ;fgJ-riuBchinrof;theu,i jht a.In Instead of woodj btusrneA Seaom. as a* matt t .^Tb«l5t)iroeestowSof^iUtouBa^ a'nS ^J^:lf^:tt^'for;th SfeaUD "df th*"saiB«-typ« w &&£ii£i£3.

If -J

' ? 0' •KnonDiK amano JO lltq q p liqi q puoa a* J*»i JO XB* Xq qstt DO W0|03 punlg •aoi jo j|«q jadda paqojn" D|J) o| a««qg war «ujq a| pnnoq q u, q pq n j iu*ia«| B*»asd>t • NiqmMU n tmq *»»qx\il»}«n eqj jo ]ja| jaduh aqi JB wq« Mflsjsao; Stq ataaidnf tqi p»t(fc> tt»oq» J'Jaq qiop qn* Jaqio pa* ( j mooj 'injq SD|«M JO IBB aqi >| w«oq» •Mai* nq l|u|t|»3 '/»(HKU |« «|i jo m «uy •qipau «)»!|3oi) JOJ qitnoua amq _MI| Ot JV8M 01 UMll M«a • •BUD03 nug cpa* on •«« punoj put not jo pui_ •»iao> o) jasMid fu|ppa« Air «*iq qi|« »|oq* «q| pu|q pas "Ml «.*»q> wj ''jsiiop « oiqi PI** ") aXauoiiB jo nug 0| DMIMJI »D l«oo ]oa in* joqi pus '»sn i xa •At* an •HUB »q| japun adBqs 'sun-pou aqi JI/J |||M )»qj «a|qi •pjp • )no v» "null) eqi u» pioj '|B|Jai •«m »qi jo BJtinbi • o^m <|ilui|H •mn IMOBfl WW« jjtuton» IB

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X «ui|p I.. TWPP» iiq ui j o j a J oi XUB pnujap oi p>pai|u| pnq aqa us oi iwil jaaijnd aiiua OIUJ -«JiqIpji2an|<] Orfqi pas „ || pJlti|» aaoq.u •uaSajun pun p||Ai Ia|Miirs ju jul B (U|q iqSnojq ]aj|| Ilf 'pU|IU 01 1UU BUI P|O] *|| jaqjoj B qi|A\ aSujJ •jvm B oiu| nviuoAt .funof ainXiia jniMiiim n aq 0) [»»n tHHt«^»»»«Ht»»«l|-t»BiB|l«|»>«.l»»»»«»«HHHHIBHI

•tioni|u >>qni p (II MIM pUU Xaqi 'Xm eo||od •'II."Ill" M K jo-da»|-t> »p»m BJJ j jo 4i|ii.Aiafi 'a»w jo BB»a pd«"iVopn|* q pua la tfronf pmxjq *sua]i|Ui ua|oo.H flc SHV13 31XSV SVWOHX ^ S JO|IK» iii-nu|i|,)|iii »qi i * b »AiiI»"»»-»ptnnj"qii.* adi Xq aunt iqfnra M 'qinof l|.>ut" IU|J1 ri'l tin* oij) •«3|4(I« •pBta-( ml J"J pdnmij.) pun. XJIII,IJ|CI |,'M< IUUIIU au|q,ai|inu «<-J«B« - i«nin Xpl | inaji ft) iw4.>jji) «ioiJB|qqo4B BqiTpaif/oi */tj.»H jn UIIB »qi r OOPOODCWDOOOOOOOOOOOOOCHWO pajoAojsip Xniiun BJopo(] 'Xnp •til JO ,,«|IM| i|o|| ppuiiq a|i| uo.qKnj « pnq )U duo ' aSHONOH NVDIM3WV oq.u uuiu o jo asm otio mm ajaqj, «q| in IIMOI|I> an 'n| jnm ii|puj • •• • ' - 111 Jl Nil q HIM l|||« i oooooacKujooooooooooocHMiooa aq Xmn nTtnnmq "aq XunT asnoj Cl • »«n »>H"U'11 "ill J»JI '111141 mi|q jadojil inoq||M JO «»J1 o| siutij aqi 'luqju, isnj )no Suipuy duiu pjvq B i| U|i|l«HO I f)8uiqi asoqi jo fun Xq pa uqof qsnia pawodaj M| •«* Bin »|;u|j i*)jji>il v •ABq iBin JBql Biuatuiuop ||» ' joo ajo tui^a auios *asojuipd •union "I ll'l* • uo ,.Vi]oU oqi 'nun 0)U| BUIBJ BU|i|;>nui I" «IM ll Mil" puB'anuing *]|DO ,'XAJ npa^od. BJB sjqi jo l jo puiiq Bi|| Xq ui|i| IUM|» n» • )i»in|< jo Sg|BBBd aqi qi|.\\ t3u|ql oai ^ *|.IA«| IUOJJ «n.i jnn< UMq PUIJH JUAIIIOX tip, P|»l dOI|B|l| craooau awnr avona •ql un[ '•u.q uiui B IIO ICI.I •«I| ol O i>0 inq jkoa amu tun i no aaojj aiut aqj jo IOMI 'Xi;nvj BO«>IJO ASI^ pip UB jo ajnsvaji o j|aqt •»q saiuaiHH jo jaq ql '|it|j,nmu •Xuj • t| MOJJ JJ»||B aqj u| poos jo •Bjaduiai BB aJB X||naj tujifi joqi ino 'It s|ooq^s jo lua i |jnuiaiu iiqjn Bqi pirn qitiaq aqi no '|o».iii|wk; iqano* Saiaq S| ilv /UOIIIJItq -auioa nuuj. nuajqmii an paonpojd lain* jo *uii||iilt M B UO |IO|H| |K>I|.1UA1 IB Buoued4u|dai>|! •q 'Aj|dinn mil) qi|» luatuiuUn no pcq 1|IIIIMIKU III «Jo||U» IJIHIIB -)O 8JiHj«juinjjp iq IMJ • • • 8aill UMBtl IJlt» BBBq O] BM» * fi Xp«| ocmsq B inmu jo aippim eqi D| JO onjpuB-nq v —"" iqanoqi aj|dmn auo ei(4_«B» l U UUB J****mr*H£*t J . -J»n JIJ -THWMrJjBfl^**,!! Jo- r OJII | P |qm B XjaAa BiuqitB pnq q ajjdain jjtioim • idjJia Bum punnj 4IXAUU >«iuiMi|Muiq. JAMII aqi p|«OIAO| Xq B jo X»p jaqio aqi iiou B ano XjaA» itoiu luos 'ilaiqi auo 0} aA|j|«aaB Xiamaj)z» pro cmqns f« •IB ma -aiasdis OJIO jp>qj jo eijof'» •sinaniBjadnja) • « • ' • sjopop • Ou inq *uaqia. ao ai|of • Xofaa BOX axr. BX,BU1 11111II1. it i»q» Mitt»* »Atq ol a«noq aqi inoq* QBUI •dm «| *U|iB|aj U.- Mlti dQLSXHOn -Xav. VX>

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p u Loafer. Hold PU«. b AMD CnUMOCU Graduates of GrammaKSchools _-— Fut SofdwD League Classified Advertisements tMSMKM utdaatt* us* • • eta bstttlng out victories In tbe fast - wg ckaNrotu i-vntn ASH ataomcu division of the Softball League, St. .( . m Ittl '-. -J **.*,.* MleHaeTs CTnb haogs onto flrft puu* r —* -~~ YuBuauea •a*iii-*ir"iaiM~—Mf,'ii* i-i The Republican Club slipped during «wk and Is now tied to the West End A. C tot second place. •s* tmmf UaM «. WARKU ' In a hard-fought battle last Thurs- day night, St. Michseli won from the M. US Wii^s... \ Repeaten 5-4 It was largely a battle of errors, with each team benelltlng an m »s*t. at 11— as "V from its opponents' mlsplaya. -The -Re- peater* lost simply because they erred '.he most:. Lost Prlday night, the Col- legians continued on their winning way, «.,.... and ahruMier). o.ar aih»J. )bn« and IwMt,.™, Huto defeating the Bible Clan, last place Wrtt, bargain. 5 Balelgb A»«i In Uovk nuabar mtr- C&anfurd S-.SS3-K. UU«1 "ll^i,, TriS"M team. 15-5 Heavy hitting by the Col- tola .1 Craaford, fnloo !«d»ni and lax Heldlng by the Bible rilHITlVKLV Uia beat bur Wee Class featured the contest The Re- Craaford. BTi room bouML oft Mouui IMI • Aveoue. Utrra yeara old. S5.W». Tner. w« Tills, It has been frequently stated. publicans and the West End staged a •aa one auld at tbla price. Bappy tba Oxinil changing, values. Two In keen battle for second place In the ' Hack, ill Broad xirnt, (lUabcW. .V J. li:i 1)0 and |«l,.». ,M ddente early thU week Indicate per. ether game lost Prjday, the Republi- from April 8th. |S3|, a»d baps the value of human life u one cans, taklg the honors 5-4. Ryan's FURNISHED BOOMS TO time elements which Is undergoing; triple In ; the seventh and DiFabio's ruoin, UUi. four, window., beat locality, radial. Chang*. On Monday, Davit sacrifice fly scored the winning run for per week. I'bone COjuiford. H-4481. laraa. TilnSn Jackson, who thot and killed MacKen- HIIKBlri-8 KAIJt - In Ch politicians. i fur-nlalwd riiuu. UUi at door, bnatl£aac Jer«-,, Bclnaa K| Mor, -de Abranu In Cranford last March, waa If dntred. prtvatv family^ S3 Hukraat Ar. Bulldinf and Lo«ji AaMioiallu Monday night,' the West End A. C. bo sentenced to three yean In State'* line. Telephone C'tUaford S-llWHS. »?•" •"*""*• * *' "fPorauJ. , broke' into the winning column by A l«rl Unnuun ,„„ Ulltl, * prlxm. He ni Indicted lor Knurder, rwimplrur the txhlgh A. C. 13-0. Er- furnUiud tmm. auiUbU tor a "»', el al.. d,feudaiila. n, bit aftet trial,, was found guilty Ucite If *«lrnl anna niort|a«nl imaiuwa. rorsXpluji timely hitting caused the S*r w««k. Hi.. Jtitfocd .An Ilr Wriua. nulllc trndur. In Iht Ulslr between, the Collegian* and the Gro- COlirOltTAIlI.Y furolilud fruul ruuo. us u> In Um (ourl Uouw u Uia Cl fending attorneys. The record! of toe cers Monday night was not even a good UUi. Si (iruf* SuttL Telc|)fauiu cattl N I . on -. . . HKt —local police who conducted thtrinvra "df^iNJ" " ththe" CllCollegiansi . ~~ TTheh y r V,rTIH UTt tlgation did not show the killer's Ui •nnnp ~— ~ JUNK. A. D.. 1«1 walked In Q-O. for their fourth straight al .ine^odork-Bundard (t»0 woa in Mich Jeopardy; due to knifing NICE law rums, lulUbl* for biutnau ooupto, »aim«l Time. In ll,» aflwiioon t.imu,, ,4lu.iiiuU.Juiak.-lai»afcJl.dnlnL AU 4r«t'l lv« tnlnutn' tu lUtlon. 11 Orclunl WiM OTTOo.-«n»»t-.sr*ss«* StaSJh/ ata," - threat».th«fr»hB.«,.„•. .at JU^aaaaa. alliiam lying and t*lng In II get a pistol and fire more than on jncoln JSchpolr. r i>bui)a i cUertUlr SIMSL W. ava» aia in da tal I ranfnrd In tli.. County" of Unli r£^;ra^^^££^£^^^^ •"-- Wotf-on. or which "raoFeireip'iaoia .S'K.ILV fuml.l.ni ru.1m.1U cjinmloirei with ***" "Tlnil Traci"; tiefliiiiIhV"at" of this "week," Jackson wassentenced ' print* AraerlcfR. famllr. - 113 north Ara Sortbsenirlr aide if Johnaon . the West fend.'.ti was not even dose, IVal. T.lUJliuuo clUauliud 4-IHUii-U. tf aoutliwrelerly from the aoulha three yean In State's prison. For tak for the "Repeater&v Teed at the finish tllae Rtreeti .Iheiiee Norlhwii Ing human life, he received the Sarru 15-4. Cooney of thV victors mode theHllLElTtU alnfla >ocl .ljulj. furoUhtd K amln mil, Joluiauh Arenua. 1; Klalllim Tu Uiwln. 11> North Avail*. Wi I now or formerly "of the (ian penalty as a man sentenced for auaii best hit of the gametn the first Inning. Tcl«l>hutie L'lUnfurd ff-USS^. . tf ' liuprotemeu Company; Uienn «?; and battery two v»«lt» ago,. While pur/ alimg Die laal meitliiined, laui , suing, a man under iurveillsnct; as TTIT) naaatt :cDl]n«TUir rnrmitiM. TDOOUlTor — Jshuaon. Avenue M-ffrt,.'then. liilil Miuuluclllii*. HI L'to A« al rl«la aujl»i with Julinaou * bootlegger In Summit. early,•.'. Sunday lo aald Jlclo•-• •" • ' "rridrning, Wo" pollccinolT flrMf 'Several fWI lo Die liollit or (ilare of Ht shots:. One of them killed the fleein WOEK WANTED—Ttaal* . UeUis Ills aatna land and pr« man and In hfai clothe* they found m -Hi'rjSw ".'pint of'alleged" wlilsk^^AcwHffii: —TMJVB, *.-,.+'* r-,r0t-tt- Hecohd Tract: Ueing the el "unofficially" upheld the 'policemen • West End A. C...... 7 5 2 liorUon uf lot No. Hi, aa alumn actlonr On the one hand, we have oiirk hy IN. dai. 191 Xurlb Airaue. I a» rasaoaaUa teraaa latai 5-tttlrt—"STap or l'rd|ieMi-am Collegians S 3 1 Cltanfiird tl-H221-M. b slayer, indicted for murder, gelling COaaSmt «-lWt tuunty, New-Jeraey, owned a Orioles 5 3 2 Utujamln •'. Han, and Adele JS. away with a three-year term in prison Repeaters 6 3 3 UUV would Ilka voalliw mlniilm eklldrai map la on file in tlie office of for manslaughter. On the other, a ma airnliiia. Alan ruUltit to lniallds. wtlUni 1 nlim County, aald vremlaea Lehlgh A. C, 5 2 3 lattvra, au-. Rahreiura. lln. \TirtoUi itr. a. sf rmtit and rear liy 1A0 fivt In dc shot, more than likely In- the back, as 'Grocers 4 1 3 Ltfwla. Itilt-pltiiiia ClUnford 0-VH33-W. S-U Tber. la due approxloialvly • he ran with a pint of liquor. Surely, Inlereat from-April STtb. 1941. i Nationals '. .JS 1-4 YIII'MI |*,ly ihuroiulilr experlrnnd in o0k* rilANK K. KUW «v«l rw |*at~n>. j.ara difficult to comprehend, • f — In mai loan J.pMlmmt of bank. T S.lling Tbair Trniii a«y. HetWMil t!liarl« F. Julini With-a courage that must be ad I'lunrurJ o-::9«. • JiililiKin... hia wife, complainant mired, since other and larger munie! In tlie I'liuntrlt'ri \tt Kurope It Is a Hatrwrxiik, et ala.. dwrendanu. -1 juiiiewJiaLminuiun nffnlr to i uf innncased d pallUerhave t«lUy aamllleaTdereat by it "i inilriBerituHirtnivt'ltiiprttirougii ilia ^M.SoVUi 3£uiw r iu taking no recent actlotCilTe Oarwood countryslile uiul making bids fur the llrlnj y.ni. nrtplara, optn liorrh. : bjdrwma facias t» me dlractad i ahall-e Borough Council has taken up the cud- and batb on drat door, J bMlroum. and balh by puUle venduf, la ttie Dlatrlc gels'against a'Tante bakery firniwl In th. (\iurt Houa. In .UieTlly tlie miinvy thun tliclr tliirj- crown. One ciWord D.llll or «-13St "wKUNBIDArTTlli! J1TH carries on a peddling business in that JUNB. A. D.. 1131 ot tlie Inreest linlr warkcts In the at on. o'clock Htandard (Iwo o' boroush. The Oarwood borough father! world.Is lii'ld In the Siilio district of HatUul Tla», In Ih. arunu»n will attempt to nuke tr.e 'company oome T.onilon. HoaU-rn rr.'in many foreign All cklM. Iracu: or paraU prenlar., har«InaflCT narticulai within the provisions of Its peddling .<3)Untrltf* ntlt'iid thin tiulr~falr, and H.OUK. Jour..roWjBih.. all to|in,»a>»«u ailiiah). lying and being In Uw ordinance, which provides that a license Ilicy run it'll the qunllty ot a girl's rar Waal ilulrr Mtrtct, $34 numtiily. wn brlli, In the County ot Union fee must be paid for. every wagon or Karaga I3S. UuW Boffo. rvaidantr. 1.4 Can New Jersey. Irons™ liy a quick look or a moineut's leiiulal AHIIUI. pboua clUntord S-tMl milT TKACT: BKUINNINU -truck-used—In-other-municipalities, . the caju>rlj Ihii uf _IMiar Una large bakery firms-and others have I'Oll lunl--»u rooma\and b«Ui. aun liundwl nfly-all 11561 fret norll Wlren-ilu'y strike a harirulr. with the norlhn-ly-llnr of (ilblawa Cuur successfully evaded the requirement ouu«r. it IIH-III Imrlipr Meps forward ainjilt a«.nly-l»a-«s>| degran with the claim they are making deliver- l •mlnutwf ml m hnnorrd almeo und crupH the. Imlr LIOMU to tlie uttpe IIU18K. liundredtlu (ll«.xa> fuel lo a l»H ies to; regular customers. Yet, it Is of tlitt tiuik. aouiuiliiic'ii It is uf NU Atuiue. Oanford. for rVut $43 'munlulK. wulh l*nily-three 153) dDRM splitting liairs too fine fof tho courts lian olllera. j Iliiuara fiir\aal«. onlj (SI mlnutca thirty (3«) BKOIIO beauty that us mutli us KID or $W a rlla and Ulilae Bolfo, aerrnlj four uuiiurrdlba 110.74] to allow; this neat delineation to stand, •Miliil vlilclr la blatant unt Im pound Is |mlrrnlne sup- Illi. nf-UM>bona C^url; Itience O] .their wares from .house, to house and uonui and balh on ireiiid Door, all Im ty rUlit ilrgrruiwi'lity-lhre. 123] pi) must of tl»> rulr nulr tbut ls*«uut- ;' lual"rurnUlieJA «ita». Ut'St •nd parsllrl lo the ling of fllbbn they will sell to anyone. No one will <'il. (.'ruin Iliu miutli of Krnnca snd ilrud. Hraaunavla rant. 3J\«ouUi A«anu« thrve and lit. hundr«dllia {'30^ question the wisdom of peddling reg- -ulatlont/requiring' such venders-topay norid. "' . *'lSWlWi:BHii5»»?' maJa a license tee, which la only • fraction letlai. Holland ailad. "anr'aui. ilXw*t'xTs. mliiulcs «aat and bi a dlreclion 1 lienimed on tall «d«. lnK.uaTco1.nuS to Gibbons Court .Ightjr-fuur ai of what local merchant* contribute to hundredllia (84.3H feel lo a liolt ttie community In taxes. Cranford, and - OiU M.1I.0J. of lalmaat ~ north aerentjfrtirft^rrtr^eViTeM^l Sherman School 1 1 Tllf lll tnlnulii. wrat one hundred forty other mundpsilUes facing the at 7 PkoM by John T. Klaa. Upright burial was Iho recognised tord'V-'llM*"" " **"• > »»k Oai' • point l« llu utoll Jl»i "I ~ problem, might well Join forces -with them. bakery Ylrm take out peddlers' licenses. The country which loduy seems to TIIP bureau of lilologlinl nurn'jr miys land. It. was not considered fitting and dining rouaa. cedar lined u^, UKt.lNMNO. Wat Tapping Bring* Aid cepuoaal cloa^ room. buUI-la bmkbal KBCOMI TRACT: Wl.Uh la It any headway ta to be gained in the stand at the crosaruaus of Kurviie Is no hurd-nndfint rule tan be {alii itimu that a monarch should be prone, ac- las UUIcnat anna, Craatord. vu> ularly lalil down, dealgnalnland fight, it must oomtT through concerted Cseclioslovakla, To nisuy tills uume for teaching a bird to tulk. Thh. In For Marooned instaUn cordingly they nere burled erect,'clad on a caruln map Ritlllrd "Mat action. . Is a "tirra Inrognlto." but when llu rntlrrir a mnttor of putlrnro unit In their war panoply, and usually with Manufacturing Tinrn of Kllaati mvTBCjr TuvW vtt-«lt *ii»fts» II» I III9**w .*s Bf«l» a pick* out Prague, Carlshad, Marl- soverahco In ilealliiK with the Mnl. Al Ton can't keep a good telephone their faces turned toward their an*- tin Oouiily uf tl«l) aa follows: Graduation exercises have been held enbad, Kmtiicnbad andJ^llspX It la Drat th« bird should be ki'pt In u rumn mles. The ancient Irish believed that 11KGINN1NO at Ih. comer forni man tacked ap for long If there sr» lineilUm of the moat «e»tcrljt.l - this -week in all the gnunmanciiooli, y recogulsciT as' srf oM1>y Itself and the rajrv cotrreil nit thivv so long as their kings remained In Inguu Street now called LlilngaU while commencement of the high any teUphons wins arouad. this position they exercised an evil haunt of tourists. Prague was a favor- •Idea Do not tnlk to th» blnl pxivpl John Brjdoo.... employe* ot tie MKTALCBOINGS Uw moat nbrUierly line ot Cre 'school takes place this evening. With- ite city with Ooothe, Chateaubriand, In repeating slniplo.phniups over und Influence on their foe*. So powerful VITAL CJIUNCd, aulubl. deiUna rot atone) "Ihelir:.- running nortnerly -along out lapsing into the banaltle* of grad- New Juicy Bell Tdephoste Com- was the belief In this ability that on and.rooaa In print, home* yumldtad utf .line or aald Waahlngton Bum Oeorgo Sand, Frovost and Uruudes, over again. Only one ntirunt* thunld pany, demonstrated this when work- (100) feel; thence wealerlr and a uation flights of oratory. It ta well to who praised It as "the Howe of the lie used In a single day. In thv enrljr one.occasion tile body of a king was to tlie laat meuliooed lln. Oft; remind those who graduated that they men went off and left him locked disinterred by those hostile to his clan, thence euulherlr and In a Una pi North." lie") Is the famous llrailcany, training. (Irnilually .work up until up. In th« basement of a new branch line of aald Washington Street owe a great debt ot gratitude to their ancient oeat »f Hie kings of lloliviula sovoral phrases are repvatwl over and and placed tn another grave, head PIANO UCRAL ~ (ltui) feet u> Ih. said northerly parents and other taxpayers, as well of the First National Bank or Mont- downward. In order to break the suc- rent Street! Uu»c« eaalafljr an. and now tl|S resilience of (he Presi- over to the bjrd etch day. Tut n CM- clalr. He was Installlog telephone i'U\0 ntClTAL. rrldar gtralni Juaa zsik. lln. uf Creacent Blrert flfly (901 as teachers, for making their educa- dent Here also la the majestic Goth- cession of disasters ,which dogged at S 13 oclock. Wrlta tor In.l5.tton. Vwan *er~ over tne vagv when the parrot be- equipment In the basement of the l'luo Holwal. I 11 rtanaeu. l place of BKOlN.NlNd. . . tion possible. -To those who enter high* ic cathedral ot St. Vltui ami tho beau- gins to squawk. This Is said tobrvtik them «hilo he rested In-hls grave with HUhuabtk HullOllut. tig W. rront »S MuM g ;ltJlfir ((5«) fe.t fwl — er-schools of learning.-The Cranfortf Incomplete^ structure, when the -face lucned-totrsrd them.—- 4'UlDitald. X. J. TUtphun. s-1 ™* ^ one hundred (1J0I /•*,?»> _ „ tiful aiarUa htldgc over the VlaUta. Hot this-bad habit. doors were locked up at 4:J0 -p. mv' And tawara.MN4Hu-J.lf.Bni _ _Cittern and Chronicle wishes,tlje some Thfy mast striking nulurnl beauty of .So M Uilnsatoa 8tml. Klltab. the Inud Is tint rt'sorls In tb« Tmia Brydon tnlitht have resigned him- Tilers K do. approtlnijl.ly i»SV success that has marked their workln self to spending the night 'where the local schools With conditions as tuouutalus. ' If Tk.r. W»ra No C.pp.r • PuUaD.a.of tb. N.ar Ct«at DUS8SMAKING and aluraUou terea, from "^""^ ba was if. he had not beenja_tele- dona al ' • AAllON KAVFJIAN.ioI'r. '"' ;i , -.they are. all who potslblycatt should Copuer,.uh»t anelsnt rai-tal known "An amusjog- llttre trick -Wm-showir SMKTl KJal phone man. Instead he "tapped a IRanfocd S 1911 continue their education. There is to man, Is Indjiirmisiible to elrctrlclty, teltphone wire leading to the com- to. me yesterday," writes: Peter Slnpla Iittle_opp6rlunlty for obtaining posi- Sunly Ctamplsa Opllmtat newest, tiamluultk-n of the rare. In the liOndon Morning Post "You 811K1UW8 .Siit^W ch»°£J pany'j central oSfca with his ports- 1 \U KINDS of drtumaklni ind altantloauv tions at the present'time and the pos- "You sllu,i|y coutilirrdvprcHDniyllir. Your telephone would br iVaH, Jour bit telephone, >ct and called Mont- take two- matches,' moke *-tiny slit -Hnaonabli prim. Mn. SinnUifc l»T E^ " "morlura Corp.. complauiKit. sic stbilltlea for grammar school graduate*, Xlo'd coiu» home from a ruttmi game cat would be useless, your radio sJ- clalr police headquarters. A ftw In tho match box and Ox one of them JanlD strctt. Tclnilivno catafonl I-IBS. llroaa. .( ux,, defendants,' It fa or even raw high school graduates, are of golf or,a barren dny'a ttuhlng full lent; there wofild he no electric lights In |t, head tip. This Is the sheik. The t-i niorlgag«d pr«nlses/ :y minutes later and a policeman had 11* rlrtu. of' Ib. al«.e-at.Ifd exceedingly slim. That conditions will of beans. He'd buck-the wholt pro- without copper. removed ths padlock from'' tk* other, should be provided with limbs facia, to me dlrecUd I shall eipoa - become beUcTln the near future ta gram without getting ono placed horse Copper Is.tlie.yardstick that deter- by the deft use of a sharp penknife, SatlsS** by Flam* puWI.- Tendue, ln.Ui» DUU-ict Co' bank's temporary front door ana the Court Upiu. In Ih. Cltr of Bt - -undisputed, and every bit Of academic .nd exudo-gwdhuiwr.-Wkcn business mines ttie degree uf any country's elec- Bmlon went home in time for sup- when.lt will represent his lady love., Tou would think that a matnssnatt- education toe job aeeker has wUl be to got so bad that lie Imd to move Into trification. per. Leah It up against the other match so etan who had worked out th* poatrJoai °° «KDSK8DAT.. TB« 1ST D. that thft beads touch, and then set ot a new planet would be Inttrasrtsd ta JULT. A, D., 1H1, hla advantage. a anuller anil rlieuper place, much Ironically, Africa, now discovered to at one o'clock, BUndafd (two ocl p his wile's illsipur, lie tried to cun-bate the rlchcut copper deposits In the lire, to It In tbe_ middle. The remit having a look at that planet, whan dts> R.tlml Tlnw, In In. afternoon ol oing-«t4ar«* alway*-ar»-a sola htr-wlth-tha-facMhat-ilie Iwdn't world. ls~the Dark-coutUwot*-if hard- -wUUM'-a-lons and.-anfciit- kiss-sock as you see In a Sahara scenario." u« Frenchman. Who did tb* flnrbu nuisance, and sometimes dangerous. A such a big house to look after. ly use* suy copper at all. EqmpmeHToT Dial Jol ctt -good-dorra-dug woytn owning;-ta-worth The llrst wet ingltt site ittet nrin~at~ _rm-JorTy,-but-tatlll-pr«{«r-to-ttrt *»''9 «fl NeptUOtln iaiu,.was.«i keeping at home where It belong*, but he door with the lien's that the roof — FiBtKHtFtiigkrCafi paper dollies.—Detroit New*. In th* observatory with- sTammarlon. some folks appear to think1 it ta per-leaked and nater waa ilrlnplng Into y Spirit th* astronomer, who st that motnant fectly all right to let their dogs roam the dining room. During froaly weulher a baby car A freight train naonthsaV mil* bad Neptnne showing In tn* tetwcooSL . wsiMftisrtiimj •*• t*c East and oaked L»nenter If h* woiildttS at will, to the great detriment ot neigh- _^Thafs_ all_ tlght.jlosr,*, he said ; got Into a dreadful skid, shot across long wotia b» required to transport Era Dropp«4 "H" I. Slim Kr «P oU raOrnatt Oca fk«I tte ^ IJS-- bors" lawns and gardenarto say-noth- the road, anil turned a complete som- all .of lbs new dlil telephone equip- In London where, quiet ta perhaps to se* It, Be repUed: era statssv. n*fj*> isa anTzaaBartar •« "put yorr as|ildlstrna under the drip, "No, 1 nave never seen It" ing ot ottir nuisances. The Township nd It will save you watering them.1 ersault. Imprisoning Its two passen- ment which Is to be Installed iat- more esteemed thsn In other cities, a i ordinances require the licensing of ger* A. woman who. had witnessed Ins the next tew months In a nsw sound-proof, house has been ballt'Ttie u* had discovered Neptune'* noat "dc^^t^maxiy" never"wear~a tig." On the affair ran to~lho spot and "caned dial telephooV "building " recently walls; ceilings and floors are of sound- tloa by mathemaUcs and th*r* htaii*; • use, other Ijknd'where enforcement of out agitatedly-: "Is anyone hurt!" crevtsd in-Newark Insulating materials, the doors ter**t Iq It ended. Th* joy ot a matbT **- ' I 111% tt—tilj Footbalt a>d Ch.nJ.lry' "Oh, BO," came a Voice fruo^ihe Man than 100 freight cars wit equipped with nomtammlng devices, maUctan ta tb* discovery of a tSa. law ta attempted the' doocatcber vio- r*Uc truth, or th* confirmation ^^ U tta AtasMtaent wsn set I lates tb* law whenever ittaya. Note Interior. This Is nothing to us. We be wed to carry the machinery to snd the windows with silencer venti- Football was Indirectly itsponslble 1 lators that permit _oir_to enter, bat "HiieneeatpUklninip- ^#r*U«abto pet an airmen. ^ _- _' _ _-_^ Kt*arka_wh«.nr a sma!Larmy_at.ln. W«0l«lb*.tH> for" making 81r-AVllllam Ramsay one exclude sounds! As for the traditional * n w-,ij dctfownedbr Mrs. Barrow bftbeO f the world's greatest chemists. Whea staUers U busy assembling It in wood dosr catcher. It was right on the preparation for a dial* 'cntovar* cricket on the hearth, It haa probably as.a youth his leg was broken In a SlgalBctat Word been trained to do its chirping ontaUt. MBkdtWc.sr.a \ 41ne;,the dog..wore ft cbtlar^witlvj gridiron acrimmsge. he-read arahamVi - 8plt* ta a little wurd,-but tarly^neit summer whan man thaa owner, name and a Cranford license aiemlatry through, partly to relieve •entt as strange a Juntbl* of feeliaga »0.00« teltphonea In Newark and Good to Remember *-»r -s-a^t,..^.. \— . las. Yet ths rlog calche*came Equipment being lastallsd ta Ton majr pay your dedts promptly and with care, and yet be essentially not pnt «ar hearts.-Raskin." paulopate chemical esperlmentflr. Newark oloas will weigh nearly Cml ArlsfUIs • 5,040,000 pounds andit ta estimated dishonest Ton may, tor Instance, prt- Pewter la a soft metal and only very r the next four yesrs. his bedroom So prov* the golden moment: of op- tend yon an doing something for*r fln*-scourers, snch as flu*; whiting. is full of bottles and test-tubes and. that It wonld-Uke-«Bs>angtaieM portunity, and catch the good that ta more than. Ihlrtr-flv* nara-ta •»- good reason, yet know your real no- roag* iw tot,r«ttenstoq*'mlx»a with if tea of strange odors and startling .within cor reach, ta Uw great art'of ttT»Ts"sBnsb. Ko man Is really bontst xh« word bicameral BWUS t-^, SbsaitnhU oniJoU chambered. * '-*•- - • iww^ -•— —Logic, - ^* HTa.-Jot>na«o. ~7' • ~- -»>s»,atWsT»•aa Jlaral..i. hlHBmad#_J3>lehlmaaltr-Qrtt'. ;TiS,iinn»o as a ISM is •»

f\ * .., r '*. r

tt! JlS* r~

cnl» faatj Washington Aided by Seamen f V ni r« IWa-tnw tin attnnpt af th* v of BwUfct twt at Owrte Wmningion'n Brntati to utr ftlrrt Maultrl* u UK Ciiun llguw w Ik* C«» •? prawriea. tytry- driatt satao. BouUi C»ratoa. AcvordlntT lo fratdenl'i military achlrvrmniU br- Ad TtMr* la AN *}>ftfttllMuf*iy x am tint. It raBun - 4ftv, *. n.. mi. ' t 11*/ tflfa, fH»t and r***«K cotnw of Inlcrrat tor HUI tnnsftrrrd to the ««. excrpp t VtrtsuJirt (in a-rtoc* DultiM HUNK It IMMIISM. hour* rront hlrtortami IhM II H w-)hTif II n a more ciesr-cm auccro HARMV OVUttKKN, |U (or the AmertrMUL -vu UK following tract or Mreal of bu4 and Ui* uf a runt nmllKrtt fiom line tnt*T' of Informatimi and Publiottlan al the uf- tiir wMtvtcly tltha ftf Firih Atwm Ocorge WasJiintuio IU- uc# tun cenUtnnlaJ CororrUnloti run airrmdy IIUUMI Uw Brltuh n -rt ullnl IUUC ~ in l I'alUnt AvattO* jturtb thlftT four pubtkl'.ixl mucb now iti»'.:'rt«l brmnng TCjod Onl damaittd. Ita roni j aU of X f .-LTin(ttHd A«mu« distant UwntK IU kui- |iUla*tit, and Albert J> mander prnuadffl that. Ihr Vankce J 1 thirty itntt mlituu* fu*ty Mtfvundl w*«i or Iliii,.! Mnug Jlfruw dim cn]l«d J,«. , fa. fur aal* of muri|;ii|[«*| dr«l /*•*: ihwnr* awith O«ori* Waahlnftun BU»utr>nnlal Cum prtar na not wortli tho. twavy prior to of « foot-Nuni,*** mhum Hid in inlaalon, the winning of b U bumr«d Um» Lt.kta Airtiut nhich {Ntiitt !• tbe iA* low (UrerttnM »h*ll be paid (or: IU capture l rumwr of land fonwiiy (vnrvy*yd by tvoduv. In Hi* not wholly acWtvrd on land, U. ItfncTMa to UM Mil; rumlug of the -«14 , I and r>l«<'* of HKCilVNJMj. tire of hii.flnal »lcU*r to tl* naval a HMWMm^ line or aide of the nml i.,> *,,„„„ ji ^.t.ri 11M «f Hab>B) W.w , THK 8TH IUV Mi 111,- k V »n Kvla^d wap l aatd llu* Inain Street, and which ».s mmtlf -4I:LY. A. II, itui; I'ark, |mn»friY of Hfriant (Virtnpi Cm .A trrmt 1 Waihlugluu Htreel; Ihencr tl) rii'.lil.K ; h)ter«M| yVltM'k MUiidartl itw» oVltk ttiutnl In Cniiftml; laindni ami |IM»U*> uoit ar furwvrlff of AtlA n TT.. *'. jbe wnltrn. tlw U«H«i I, HuerUr, the aald rauerly line or aid. i,f lrir.rs.-n Hartal;. Tim*. In Ui* aftMruooit ff^u J. B Acm-tltt. C. |. and tHtrwT»'. myn t.Ki>Bl;v; nue north aa.eoMi degree* totti-ili i f UM uf utd kivtr; tract ur |.*nvi uf lau< rwyii Juiiit. 1 Ittt (.ml Ketlard. Hvtnlwr, l»l* «id ,Surtl>w«t Un* at iuld |tartVularlv d.«.Tltml. all No ItM »n authority than Admiral'Orartc Wailungtan nin-iiu-iinlal Cotn- EOJAC1J real |U5l eaaltatuy.,|gh| |»| feel'nine ill) |.,m, . TiilRU TRACT: tH»i|N.MNU at « |K.hil on a point U.ereln; thrnra 11) abutti », oly I.... HtUJd * a, h« nd HI In Die H.-t.^.-t. of KM, lh# NVBtvily alii* «>f TalUnl Af<*Au« diMaui Alfrrd t, MiUian lara down tl» thMrem tntSBion That pair .ill u«l with Uir e Uwvrtta In tb« NIIKBlri-8 KAIJt degrert levenleeu nlnulea » hvmt) lit nty «f lnt*m *n.i Ktatv uf t.i\%jii,.w fnt and nlortyiilit* rnir hundrtdlhH .. or New i-'i"i <4 H uf * r»t.t mtfthniy Ttvtm il<* kitrrKHiUu f th« In one of his inaatMly volumra that tlw impwlant work of tlirm- prlvalrrn. t») feet to a point: inence (:1| In a KIMIIIHTI tuU if M • l>c|«»nl>c|«»nii ttw laudlaudii ef Mix vt dlm-IUM on a line parallel xltli u|,| ,.»«„! Knon fti.4 ttW*t«'fl*(*M nn H«vtlan t of th *#M.rly »ldf» of N'vwtun i^tr*»t and Valiant bttUr ol tiantdiia ami Ihr aunrli*-r | and the advwituroua runditlmu undrr ami -WuuJ. tliir .n>t.» HIM yf Habway Kim Hallt uf N»« Ofan«**. . 1't.lo.1t.lo.i t'mmlytmmly. NNrrw Je.iwi. Atrtiu*. If ttfrnhn-uli ttMtM** ritnntni atong line of Jrlferaoo Aienue and Iwuilvovr IS',' and ^MniJ Attnutt, la Mid Towaatilp of of Burgoyne corutltuKd "tlw declalvewhich tln-r ctxrralrd. feet dlaunl eailrrly al right ancle*. iMifrow p fllifllHi tti t ih«h, tytlkytlk uff HiH * * flffUfllUU, ,HU HUMMR R.cl.i 1-allknt AmitM mirth Itaiiy dtgnrM l f.trm.rlrlx lliti* mHyt of B}B«n}i»ii} i i of aakl fuuntf tax \U\U« JJaih dd* y att H HrffrmU event of war,";; and thaMhM e capp- al.. ilefeudaiita. >*l ra lor u twenty-clghl (lay-^feel nine (HI Itu-lam t«. ; Kilmjlw HMI fitly ft*t, lbnit>i wiuth DftjnliK MaMachuaMU alonr put Inlo com- point: and Ui'ettre''north aetvuty-aiv .l,ur»< « rrmiUf* wT alwul tuw hhui IJtM, m Vlwfk *B. tut 14. AjrM thirly.ftmr. niltiiitM WMI nil* buudrrd ture of Bur»oyno'» army waa nuute oHy-»our ulnutee weet twenty-lUt* i-.r.| r,.l I lf une ft*t rurnrr furnnst tir tlir In foil; Unlit-* 'Muiih. thirty dntttwi tncntr-* t mission man! than 2.000 erf Uirv> prl- 11/ Wrluik uf u» aU»«iui«l »rtt ot IWI eaalerly line. I* sl.1. it U all tlit* iicltta 'iif 11M party uf Uw t (>f lltr feUiterly Mm- uf Nitrili KIRII mtttuM Mat fifty-ff#t;;ih*b« mn-th «Or nln* poAlblr? by* the alirewd ot>cratl<)ti3 of a(lint imnM and oiirratcd war vmM-ui fa.laa lo m< i»r«l,o 1 .lull «w« fir Jal. (lr»t liri NurthiYiF utous fv+1 lo 0.« •#•(«!) MJ# r IU Hi A J And to nm.t AIIKTIMUM tlirir niunlun Ill U» lourl Uuuw u Hi. CUl of Kllubelli. 'iiv iti« itn t"emlM9« mintayed to tht •aid Katterlf ttin* of .North kUt;lii»Nill> Mir« I lulu. Most Americana will be aston- hat bt*t». mlalnlrnirrlfd Tlirae prl. There U due aPDniilmaUIr J7.fir.6T, »illi I'any ot trt f f' l Il to (Mbit «nd Mir* wl OKI flrat parl Itcrvto (Kubrln n*«itjrtvi" fi«t ifi'a iHfliit; runiitoit Ul 133 Biwfc »- Wif^jit the renUrrfenttMiMihe^lretl^ -WiKSiaUA^-IIH-MTM D*v -Or - iS«at..ft™>..A|.ririS,_t?J|1_j.!l.j3SUj. j_ fatrtfayrtr itt t*tt WTVitr • of »f untr «hlua. JUNK. A. D., I»I1 • : fttASK U. KUIIMNM. Hhfrllt. It.m Co.. a ruriKiratlim of th« Mat* of „ . BlKhtmtBlKhtwmth mlottt liuudntl f»rt i-- a in.iin.mi VnV (rnlua'of ttiat TiiTie"i»vy w»v of were, duly- (•ommiftalonrri by Uitt lovrni- al .me oyock-Hundiril {no oVIoc, Darllfbl WlllTTIiMOKB * MCLEAN, !'T«y 'Ui.-l Julr H. islT. aitd r*vwrtM In Ut« tl)Mtrtl # runnlni (3) l^tittherlly «nd )i»itt1it1ill l /tl imjom, DciiKllct Arnold. WM4CC ..,,.- nwruauf thci colonies. Their nmi- »anii«l Time. Ui U.o afternoon of >ald i ltr«talpr'« MITttfH.of t'tiloii County oir Novmtw ftakl Norlh KIRhlr«uth HU^-I |**>.,tvlUe U-\ I AU 4nsto»'|>afl6lhfc ' u^wto.^.Mid ••.Aa-AdmlraJ,Muria,n uolola. 1 tmmd«n» *emputrrndVr hravy bond-to •• Uluale, lying and being In Ibe Tliwniblp OT — in nmuty , r»K3. Her, anil tuhimt U» Uuttuntttnc H) WUIvrly al«- *>t ih ll ft I tb M! lf H malnialn the rmiwnii of the ttrni at Between The ITiul.ul.lal Im •'""• ' -..--- 'ibX »ri>tAii>« i <.ih'ir ill if«f Hntiwaj' hlrftr, rlfhU If ^BJ ".if TaKanr %• 0 1 111 Ine ,Nolan . Jllld Xie Nulail.. Ill r liluuaild, : r and xontL.. Anil It. -wayt mt-r'tmtr''\nm «npo»M»d to raptuir nr link i [hire. IV,""cf'••ii» a>r» (ir hilll propWfy kdjolrilng rH.\.VK II CMMIINK H * "nranSil ' ^ * defflidauti. Fl. fa.fur aalp nf l •" >riiul«c>s >m Oio .HMIUI, to rlfliU.,lS it Avenue until! llihty-ri Will pretnliea. 1 burnt riboMt tliU u><-Ul«.|lrllv'h inrrhanlnirn. but only after ft , of nviithlioi-liiB jlnhalillanU and ATVV.VTKU. Mil., Hol'r. y t» Ht flf al right H tlrttu off jibe abotVatnlfil vrrfl of nrrl -nrtL Hi>rlh <-tiriy-n»it> <|tgrv«a lltlrt* on Ilrltlslvdr>t»t. Thn HrllLih rorly notol,human Irmlrrwil hail IXTII an-nnlrd - feet-to' land farlai ui me dlidlreiiedd 1 ihallhll. i-t|MMe W ill Ilic lUtmay HUn. lo agrmnt« 1 .and Hatltji-ttnna If the Mia* _ Unly n^tttida cawt ni.« hundrn) fwt thp atiBttiflr value nl tlw lludxmjra Uw cirwn: Jnlin Ilnmock Inler or the liarwood Land and by MltJlc vrmlne. In the Illalilrt t.'tmrt IIINUI rtuth- thirty -fcmr dt-pw* twenty it«til linprovemeu Company; thence aoulhweiterlT In (lie rnurl llovw Iti the Clly nr Kll/tk-lli 'if.'. nmtAlned lit l>r«l Boolu ,10 HAl.K twt>nty nwHindi >aii ft fir fo. t; Ih Ulvi-r und; Lukr Clmni|il»ln If Ihrjilgnnl tlw; cwnmtHlont ot tire M«Ma- ! l Jfc J^ on' \- ' :;:: l ; ,TLJ "»Ji" •""""•i Iaiid.|iata!b4:w)ft lhl -' ' - • - •Btittoh.T»mie W-lfrt i-thenrf •mil'—-•-'- hundred frat' |o the JULY. A. D,; 1831. WHTii. Ihe Colnnimi woultl. W Ulvltlwl jottxr Oikmlra -did thrlr work/under I right auglea with Juliiin.il, Avenue. ! A.MHta.aod' imllil anil Mare, nf ^UMiiiNMIAeMi --—'.-- -.r 3^'!»iT«crtrt«ra-drtTW .-./-. - Him V He>.(ard'Man'i feel lo Uie point or glace of All tlie foHuWliig tract or. ii.iivtl.'iX niiinri from klrlu.rd Ullt Ouwl.iintmlll.rl.n .f:.iin|Ml iI'jrlt, naturil.rjarttcr. -aiw (KM,, thv> auutli. j. tjurbu I»M> right,yrant of iKc Ilevo- . Ueuig Iht aame land and I mns.:hil r enilifi licrctiiafter t, , .i from New...yywkV the.oilwr frifrit Can-Jlution.- jlrttatrcra wei* fisliile fur TjartViytngaiid t-i'iiii iiv ih«'Ti..vttr,Wjrv.rrr,„„,,„,, ,„ , r(1« ,r ' ... -- - — wife; t*lth.gxft»ftir-thv i ll|| !9"lr«T^lb(r1a«lnrjlMnF><»^»'^tM^tei|^^ stiltac. all" • 'rauford, . N._ J," un rile In lha. . uf. Ib. "nil ini»r u^Ttvmeiit tntiiVr'lh« iiroviilona ' ili (fusi "iiitifViiiHtl »,kni th» dratli of John ^I'll.TIH'IIAlTi MW1INNIMI at a rmln't on -HenfUli'trArnoW wttlr hbt-IHtlt ll«t tn fart, lUnlater i.f aald County of Union. llnr'ninUivtlf aliav.vr.rimi ArnineilKla.it l)fl» wittl Second Tract: Being ine 'cai'trrly one-half •lil« of Rttfurd Avenu«, tlUUui aluii* IIICM iLitww iki. pri.nl.'iva lu-reln il^tcrlbwl Iwcatuc ~ JULY. A., .» IWU.. of three M'jiuniicrn. a sloup, and five •raincn Mit.d I'* F Mdld KU'hard Tuwnavnd lUnabav JpllKlil irlr >lil- i.f l-allalil Av.iiu. ».I||| lh. nurlller|> "liniidu'tts,'" ill 4771 delayed preparation Colonlm be- -••• • '.•••• M ai ' i _^, j cr"**. m rniHiii uf saliltla>. AIIIM or VUtli 'Avenue: IbHive riuinllig alung ' lounlY. New Jtraej, owned Cranfufd, Uuloo line of Marsh Htm. wLtU lh» MiuOicaaivrlj (if naltl tn hi a|rri*"nj*i.t b£lng rttcurded ilmul 11.r followlnx trmt nr I'arc.) of land and and itdvfincn from Ounuda no - long came ol 110a pnintablo/lillivllicM of prt- . —. and ikmiVt) by taurtiuiily fifth Ainiila tlorlh tlfly-llre .hgreea thlfly-.m of Rptfurd Avenue; thenea (t) Kimlti tuny ( lra iitrtinafliT |i«rtlrulatly t>d. all- iiilniit^e li,iiv KiH.MiOa vaal lifly r>-»l: IIIWI thai Cnrleton from thttt end coulil IHH utmnual for a Hnija.ii.ln r. lUru, ami AuVIe K JutiiiNua" which deerrea 00 mlnutea Eaat and al rlelit- am. Tlii-ff Ill apiiruilrnately fMT,5»J7, wltli iut«, lylni tMid Ulns tn Hi* fll> uf KHrH^ili. nurlli thirty-fuitr dvgrvw ttreiilr-nrrlit mlimt map la on nit. In Ui* .-ITW of Uie lUglittr of to Holford Avvnut) on* liuinlreifiiiitty.the (.a in MnMarilh Illh31ih. |»3loll1, andi r l In 111*. Countr of I'oloi, and NtaU -*tf St* ijttln a position from which to roopcr- Ivn Q&0 |Kiundi Jera«y. .- . . IHl wHsunls went one hiiuilrvd fertt Ilienc- I nliitt County, Mid nrrniln-m being 15 teal fe«t to * point: Ihenr* |1) Hiiutti ilfij- rilANK U. «SIUONB. HI.win. rir-flvi. iWraei llilrtv-om mlniika rorlr mo with HOVIT. ami their synilironita- prin- mowy ot a fnmt and rrar liy l.io f«t In dvpth. drfrwa 4.0 mlnutea Wrnt and i-nrallfl i.t KIKKK I niKKK. Hul'n, h It m>ir« itarllculatl)' laid ikiwn, ilcsln- xeaLllfUL f«li Ilirare mi.II. llilrly-Mor There l> du* itipruxtmalvly |3.871.«3. with ford Avtmuit fifty C.U) fvn to a i>>.Lnl: in : linn wan ixwl poned for a, year: a delaj Ilie ruiillliandlnK 1 KllUli' reta ,_ wit UlitliiRuUliin] im « r«TUl« mail t-li. ai Iw^iiD-eliilit tiilnittei tmtitf at-t nli.wi Interest fr«m Ajirll 37lb, 1931. and cotta. (31 Nurtli fuHy (40) drgrtes tttt mlnuiva tlllml, TrliM ur l"i01 litf« of Ann r If an i.'nlttii Vim one hunilriHl reel lo Hit* horlh«rly ilile of which proved ratal, and thua the liver lindy It viu WANK K. CUUUNU, Sheriff, and parallel to the lint rouriJ- itf tlila r..|M>rly of Ilrrlam |v>- iinlea. : •"" '"• -. - (4) aloni th« HauUieaitt-rl' I'liny.-;. Nrw J* leey cnriioralloli, rl ala., rtnn. Itm-ff. Klli-Ulli, N, X, Aiudial 37. tUMH, an Map vlo|Mi(.l • l^luiiaHy, ajlnalnl In • rriTnfiiril, — In Omncery of New rly Rhl NIL . w; lletwwii Chariot V. Jutinauti anijj Lillian tlfRrtifi tVmlaiiti, Fl. fa', for "ale of mortgaged tircnilaea. Ht-li.g l,n nuntlrf-r t:ia» ami ih* ^iHl.-'ily h-lf 4'. K. nn.l Hiirvrynr lurteyed Jnni', |HXS andof Uie Bean contributed greatly in Uie JuluiMitf hta wlfv, w-mplatnaijta, and Uetirg* Baat flfly (30) feet tu Ibe |H,.i,t' or rlin llMtUril ll.-tiil^r. lell. . Beginning. • llv vlrlne or Ihr alHiie-alated writ-«r—nerl of lul numtwr nil,l, I Inn HmW Mi. it). •« l.li| T pnvaiwS i . and iiarilriilarly ik> auccew ot Wmililnnton'» nloge of II4M- uf ittnrtKageU pp"".—?* living kn»wn and dfalipiatn, m No, HUTU TIIAIT; IKIilSMMl oo Uie »..l«rl, > Ihr Wtwrt tiuflra ur lo our *crltwHl ai fttllima; Hrflnitiiitt-iit-atltl - |)uliii_iiii lr «f-jtri»tOTHirVt«t* |lnf|lI llvj tori hi 1TH-ITJB. So many aupply In the^TuurlL HUU "In lhe"i;it>™o>- Uiv tailwlyy aid* uf Kliu|i|f Mtiri;L_j]talj|l'i-NM(lltil - tarter prlva- Tairliillu to me dlrat'tod 1 ahall ezpoee for aitr —WKM la'due apiiroilmalelr |l,i wtlt lltt ftf ir' fumtrd ti> m. luiiljinl ad lllnrly a-r.rr' Irtt nurlli.tlr ajuj»riieudiii|j rur tlw Ilrlllah » liuWlc tendue, In tbe Dlatrlct Court Kooni. tottnal from January 30th. mi. a wrtlrrty llitfty f»mt-front' .I..I.I the llilt.rar.-li.nl i.r llu. ea.krly lint of In forelmi tea i FHANK B. KMMIIN'H. Klierlltr URUNKHIIAV, THK 1MT DAY Ol» ~ IllUluajf th# MitM ly lln#.if Mlnvr Flirt** Aienue with Uie wrelvrly line irf at Huston were tttptuifd. and tlieir In the Court HOUM lu UieTlly JC;tY A. » l»31 wllh I he •»ai»*rl>' |lnt> of Knopf Hif*>*-t; :miUJt^W' ,WUL.i.4r«:$tmwluc JUl|>aoi L tMItlKj!LjT | ''wKD^IMDAVrinii S4TH DAV oV rraifarHr awirifus^irnayni ttill e wealKllwllyy line or KewliMi KlrreKlrrell nortnorth HlitHlite preascd Culonlul trmnia. Hint dlscour- T. ScoUattJ. In 1777, roniplnliu iirl Ttnip, in (lit? afUrnooii of Mid day. onth furtj-on*-. dvgren Mly t\v« mliiul*** lr.l n ilegrrtl a ffortj aeien mliiuln. raal llfty fe*l; JL'NB, A. I).. 1831. ia or wrfri of land alt nn* hundred fret tn i uutiil; Uieiii'* «nu|}i at one u'rtork Ktandard (two o'clock Daylight Diftt i-crulfi irart or wrfri of land alt tlimi-r I.) n.iflh aKienly uVgrem thirteen Inln- inirmonv may caally have helped lo :tlm« aa "»0~iTouWr»oine nm mmtirr-r> KALK - In riianri'r)' of N b and l*\ne\ In U Uie t'lly of KlttabtHh, furljr rlttlit drum* tlvt mlnul>a_i«t»r Uilrly f«H (ilea wvat one hundred reel i Ihvnr* 13} aotiUl Ka.higr Time. In th» ifiemoort of aaJd day. Jeraey, Hetwevn Tbe (•ermanla Mutual HA the t'uimly •I I'nlon and Mtate or Newto a itahp; IIi«/ni** ' running mirth forty-urn wear (town Hie lirttWi inoralu. i ao full of American private* All thoM trarU. or pamls et* land 4uu iillit.le.il ilrgMea forllr-ieVKii mlnulea. Meat fifty Inga AiaorUllon. a Corporation. rHinplahian Jwiwy. KT*MI nfly-Artt nldiilni wt>Ht ontrtiuiidrvd f«»t rt*i; Ilimre III auulll ielenly-lUgrwea thirteen On June XI, ma, octnirred the flnil noUilmt can br trusted utxin II. premlaM harelnafln- particularly deacrlbSq and William Kdwln Uerwln, >l lu,, rt all aiiuate. lying and being In MM City of Kilo. ! at l a Mot tIn the t aoulheaalerlm.ulhful«rly tu * auk* In Mid (In* of Knupf,_»*ir**t atnl Hitnlllra t-a«l one hmidred: feel to Ihe Neaterlf baltla at tlio Revolution tn which coaal' Utli, In UM County of Union and mala or defendanla. Y\. fa, f»r aalv of roortgaKi .f Hummli ||.,ad ttlMant narlhaaatrrlr Ihvncft n«rihraat*rfy along Mtd lift uf Kmtpf llnr. of NewltHi Ktreet and Ihe iioliit aiid l*laci 4nt.1l ftfl from Ilic mrnvr furnwd by lha In- lrt-rt tt.lnr fe*t In th« i>U<-.< >-V |l-fltr lit ifrxHtlirii or nal4 llmt nr Humtnlt Road wlUi Tli«rT~U dim ifprn^lmtiK.r *«,rJtJ%7r,i nf lll,«k r. nn lleilwl Man or llrrhiu Calk, |illf>lli< vvnilile, In tile Ulalrli'l t'u.irl ttf^m. Vtltl riUIT•THACTJ HKUINNINU it a point In farUa lo tue dlrKtxd 1 tthatl fur M flic norilirtly line of t'ulonla Koad and from nlrrrat fmrn May MMl, I»3|, and'>uala. l'luwrljur Ilirlml l)ti.lu|nu»iit fomtaui.-nll. .the rtUtlerlj Ihiffiif _Ktliar Hoad dWajJt ,unf by-~poMHr-*entlii»,: lit lhe-WMri«.|-<'miri- l 1-nnr.tf.f (M •lona- wldHnr-cfKl UBIed In t'raofniil, Undwn unit lloat-lle, I'nliui l |lllt'«ltllaau hundred Hfly-aJx (156) feet northerly 'font Ihe : \|l TBAf'T'. IlKtift'MMl III III* U.1..I In the Ciuirl llouae Inlhe Cllr.of l:ilinl..| imrtti II iheriH'a S mtnutr* .19 C. ABiltHilS- HWllT, Hol'r. I'ulintr, N 1. " . • .. ft iiurtlierlj.-lin*--of Utuuoua CotiHi UIHM« Or N. I., on ' rait 15:utl It-tf. (lipnct. runnlt>r Jl| •cujlh «S KDJACC 'wiVsKHIIAV. TlIK I'ITII 1>AT n*N* «r Miibi** irr.i ii a l«llni llu aiiuth •tn«nty-'twe»**M) d«reea Sitr-fir* (551 NKVUMTll TIIAIT:' MaHllNMIMJ al a |H.I«I («> 'Wt el»i(hwr*lnlT fr.rfa ll.e «. J L 1 1ST 1IAV or •!" Vt ca-t 12H-.Br fwt; ttii-iirit running ' (SI v4. I '•-il-'M; A, I', J»JI. • •(tilnut*«, east' oo* hunitr«d .alxteea and twentA* * I 25 dfttr^«twlat J» frti j. lli^r*. runnttif <>n. lln uMulI aide of Wood Aienue, •tMTlli It" nni" 'o'l'lm k Htanilarxl trwol r.'rlir* - areatMl/' line or^Mml" Wrert tltmm run liundrMlths (Ufl.lO) fMt Ut a IH'inli thence W) juLr. A. a, rni.< ••-.-'•• thtrt/.fi.ur tlrgrm* twi-iily-elnlit'niltltitia IHviil at one'o'clock Bunuard (two oVfotk Davllg' H} auiltu 95 (krim'(rimss *a***|| ,17 frvt; Un-iwUniwe rruun HHiMrrw "AI.K — In riianrerr of N,.« HllllKl tlnw, III tile aRellliKW of ukl <(rtt Mtrrtt. #u..lli -,a .Itirtr. I. n.lm aoulh twraiy-three (t3) tlmrr*. twenlynltie 1 ll d II l Jeraer, Uetweeu Tile Mnnlerlore lirillitlng anil ninei-iuiill t WI>I I fine hhri Irril l frfrett frnrl Ihe Inter* ' All (lie n.ll.iwlna Itail ..r parwl of la f««i, tltmre M^illi Ua il««i»renw lll iUll l*rlU ;'*ast Iitt7 :1brtwe ni*th *ie ihan Wl wveiity four . bundrnltha (10.74) Ifretr tu V ulalnanlr and Htrlaat liere|flpm«t.| . Co ll Iho-uollhelljlhelljl Una of;>irihAf«4l«atof-;>irih-AfihAf« : ruit *,--31 .tw**i~ Ikmt* l...r«|i J* .1 prtmlara hereuuflirr, particularly., .ilrsi'illmtij: l SuJi f Ul IU 're ill Mirlb Itnr II" lgr tieie."ly)iig 1 . , 11 iHiint Wailcli la distant mie niindrrd iweiity- late, lying and being In the Townalii). of (|n Ic|iret^:i7 lulnulla weiti J5.3IS rt alii; iUfeiiilanu. . el. fa.-for aile of tillii-"lltr'n're ill Mirlb Itnr II" iligrtriligrrtra IhlrlyIhlrly- ttttm 1^ tNittt. . *»• (<• ..in inlii.iti-ti i fiforiv HoniniHnnihh rait I.III.I«« l liiindrrldi d rr. r| l.ird In 111. l>'uiily of. l?nluu ami Htaiyirf Mew • ^ Din*aa tlUI tut ) feet uortberlnortherly front litIhee norititrlnoritiffly* gaged prenlaea. \ iiindrrd rr.| . <>i •lul Jin. prd In the County of Union aud HUU- of '.VI -iinnlng (HI 1101U1 S5 ilegreea wral IOT.SI- reel lirl a |H.{iiiMliei.(-{l e II) nortthh anil parallel U> tin «*bl MM* nf •>film f* IXft 1" line of Otlilauna Coiut; ttience (3) aouth aef«h- l» II11* iioutbeaiterlr line of UununLt.Knad.anv llr ilrlne of Uie alxtre-iutiil writ t.f n>rl ll llKlilNMMI al Ibe IB1I11I <•('!' ly eight Uegrfealwi'uty-Ihfee (23) mtnutet eait Tartta'lo me dlrwlid Titian ~efi«>M fur aal« Itr *«Mw"iy llni. i.r Wtwal: Aventia nfly rrtt-tn a %tnown and deaignaiSi aa "ISliT XumliW lln> iHiint or nlarn of IIKIIINNI.MI, Iwlnl; llitnre (]) auuUl nfly.h.o i|»re>a II.IMi lli'.''n<>rlliwir*U'tlr. auU line «.f Mam and i-arailcl to Ihe tine uf fllbUma Court n.fiy- r llundrnndrll aandd ThThtrlyy (1^0(1 ) and ¥i Huminll lload. Kllaabeth, N. J liubllo teniliie. In Iht UUIrlrt I'Mtii llonm, In Mlltt tin. n.i»llii.allU-lly line ..r.All ttirve and lite hundmlllia {Aioro feet tu the •InrMred andd ThiThirty-ont e (JH.(iJHV V b Ilia IViurt.lliniae Hi tbe (llr .if tsllaalMli, N.-J,, i lr.lniili» fnrly r.4.iiffi|li Hf«l am} lurallpl I.. tkeli^a irnm aalil ln-gkiiulog H. • >n 1 1 .Tin* atKiv£-iU'irrj|.Llon.-belng:.ln. arnlrdanci IIMK N«.. 1. one litiiidred.firel tn'a^lH.lnl III line- /if Nml)i'i>f ^*tH** ?t"it M"If* Ll* P"*' mw»l',Pu«I I iwML'•Jw»«MBL, U « 4» t*f«r*i..ifc i JinrtH »ie*cti Hill-" 3rgreea"*ln'!rtlf--ae"i»fi* uiJ'ark Land Company, Cra'tifiird. \i fet.1 lo a ' onli.l Ii wortey l,». l'il«ll»r mliiul.'B eait and tn a dLreclIon at right iu»l«i y* aurreyed by.J. L. Iliiiter,-rltll K: JULV, A. II. IDJt. t along'the ratu-rly Una ..( llelilg imrt. or tlio name prattilaaa conrered to at one tl'i-lm'k HUntlaril Itwo oVIork Daylight vryne 11.11111 lblrt):-four . deKr»ea iMeiiiy- liill KoatNeera and HuFirtor^. Ualnl Oil. to Gtbbona Court eighty-four and thirty-nine glnearANotemlier 10. IIIOO. and filed In link Cttranl llruwfr during hla liretune, .by deed nnll lite liunilrnllli » |«l huitdredtha <84.3») feel to a Mnt; thence {'•) liter'a UfBce, Match li. 1910. Having) Time. In Ilia afternoon ut laid ilay. ili.tu.ni Iwi-nly IMOIIIIR BI«I flfiy frr|- |o JhtttSA- It i row John J. ruiiuerir. ...and . wire., recorded " All lite Mlirt.wnr.rt'*f rarrrl-nf I.11.I in.l !tV&^I^JlK0IK*IM4l«' north aerentjfrtwoftlloVtTMj^ diie-anproilma;tely: f!.1llttt;"Tili ;.RFml-r IS,~I!!Iir.-IiriTIoiil!-TJi:or Deeda on Ktlial«tl>. New. J'f«*». April 14th. ml, and •'»*». pnmlaet hiKhiarirr patllMilarly dwrllxl, alt. what bi kn,m,i Ka |^,|e r.|rsbv lha County or Union, and rltala ot New J*-r»ey. hunili of, Ibe ll.iriniKli ICi.jrriieDr i.f Howl!',' N. |y IturK K«ar.liM « ..lid IJIM-|. (iu) mlnutea Weal along aald aaalerly line of A8O V. HTIIN, Kol'ra: >aine lirrlnlani coniryed lo Ollie H. -VrewTr, BKIII.VN'l.NIl im Uie noltllll'l corner of I I.11I mil y»l rrvularlyMud, II aiw riiniprlari IIIM / . !• da. .|K..il«.»i.lr Edgar Koad eighty (101 'act lo the place of C0J4CC / ,Keea 113.1 deed fn.ni Lnuiae K. Laggren, widow, re- llooaeirlL Hlrcel and l.ln.-ul.i I'arkway aa 'Imwii Tli«r.. i a|>|.ri.alu./ul/ 111.14*, Inl Odulir 13. 1HJ3, In Book Big. uage !'.l will! la knuwlt aa LulH». Jill on a mauiar. ' U 1 im,l\\IN(i. on Herlaeil >l«|. of llrrlani Park, l.n.pprly of aal.1 nrnnlKa l.y. J..'II. AiwHIa. T.-1tT«a. J . Slay tub, I/.II .u.l r,»i. I'RASK It I.HM.ISB, HllUllf KBCOMI TBACT: Which la mora parllo- SHKRirni rULE-ZIn Mianrrry "I N ir npeili; llu. aald g'tfard Krewer liatlng de- llerlant l>eiHu|imint rouipany,' iltualetl In KMIIMR I' I'UKNHKHIi, H»l r marly lalil down, dealgnaledand dlillngulihed l.aileil llil< life on Hay II,. I'U, learliil a aal.1 taller un|i.Jiaa-.|ierrf been offired ror ac- rHA>K ry r.Munx». Jeriey. Ilrtwlieo ColumbU Building and Loai Manronl, l.li.Ori, aud. lloarlle. Union Touuly, rvpta'nra or\rri'«rd "In Ihe uinklle. Knalneor'i rA KliJat'C . rWa IZI on a certain map entitled "Map of the Nr-Aaaoclatlon oCJBIIgabelli. a coriwralloti of .v.^ JIHI Mill ami Tnlaaient dated January II. N, J., aurreytd b'y^,-.ll. Aroivlla, 1'bVl Kn- SII'HIIUH A »MVII»M(VII,V/H-ilr/ . Manufacturlng Town of EllxabeUiport,^- Ni »!-.. and a fodli-l) dated December II. l»ll. elnwr. init er bVl- . Ao»Ua_ ., . al Jeraey, complainant, and nirhard'A. H,-IMIII now. \ A * - - '. *H " IhHrglater^ 10th; ijriilMiUd Jiiin; *, laia.-aiiuV iteuldiU. In inner ami mrmui.JMiic n;.'. n.il.mi 0 MtlllllTH'TMAIT; IIIHIINNIMI .• . |..I, .... 9111 III..' djfendtlllk iT,"fg;:"fiir"»a.l rf g or juflf! Imili n.t. ixeh ••.«, ahertln be detbtd all M the County of KM«> at follows: . gaged pretuLfca. \ ' - .. 1914: iRMica. riintilng along llie:ni*lbiiit Ilia HMriti ilije ot I'allanl Amiui dliuillune ..KBirrn KALB 7 in riiancerr «f- Niw r>T.«rr ur AMV «r. i UKbl.NNlNO at Ihe corner formed by Uie in- la propel ly, Includlns lila inlertat In and to of Rtoatrell Hlreel norUl alilr-lhrM huiidle.1 ainl >| rin reel aiid Utnely.nlne one. By virtue.vf Ui\ atMtve-atalrd writ nf Ur *e-premU»a-luir«Ui»l«>l* drtcrlbtd to bit wlfl, r Jeraer. IIMaten Wr.m.1.1 Really Aaaurlaka. I'iltauaol In IW <*>lrr uf tiKOIIIiR II. JMIIN t«rme(tUm at the moat «e»tetljt.llne-ofl^'jUbr. }J«^!» "!««« *JUA*d liuliilridllu or »\ fool .norUierly from Uia InUr' MTU*. Hnrronn* ttf.iiMUouiUr of t.'iilvulr.jua.l- Tartaa^to~nie Qifecteu'l -anaii~eTi|H>fi*'"'fitt" mlc^ti he aalil Ollra H Hrewec Turet Teci and aeietily-aeren 6ne-hu"udrrdlha of Ingtuu Street now called Llrtugaton fttrect with pahllc tendue. In thh DUlrlct I'.iurt Ilixmi In Urntmrnf-trsr-writfriyTtilell orTHeToir Rtreel lennle IM »al.lrj lire H all ileren.laau .m Uie lath «ey ,J In. A II, 1*31, 11m.11 II10 All tliat reruln tract or parcel of land and a font to tha wralarlr aide of llerlant Arrniiv anil 1'allalil Arenue If pnaluceil Ihence run the nroa4 northerly line of Credent Htreel. iht Court Howe In till Clly or Kllaabellu N J Tmlara iltuate lying and bring In Iht Itty rl fa for Mle i.f (gated otenlaea aH.lkatlr Ihclire running northerly along aald westerly at alujwu iiu^aforeaald mail. Uieoce along the r.fi.g along I'allaut Avenue north thirty itngretv liy vino* r.r Ii iN.ia HUl-1 aril or flee ,f the rtilr of Ilie eouthweet rorner ot the m.lrtrl r...irt rv.MMH In ill lu tlw evit.etrlt.ei urider nalli or affli to Uie laat mentioned line fifty ,50) feet HCniNMM. at a point In lha norlhwealerly liimiheir fe.1 ihvine aouUi Ihlrty ilegreea twenty Mtl««'Uvelr rtalwa anr forrv r iW) feet to Uie aald northerly line pf Cre« prerolaea hereinafter pardi ilarlr dearillMd, alt- be lutemn-tlou or aald Una of UUIalde Boad hundredUia or a ruol»bJ Ihe eaalerly alile of A II IK1I Iarr«l froai HotB-mlng or reratrrlng tht aamt •Mil the aoulbaraurlr Una or Baldwin Had ntfirnrt'iinlnf and place ur IIK(HIiN|i||| lleina rent Street, UM»C« taaterly and along aakl uat«, lying and lielng In . Borough .or (lar rurber ATCnut aa ihuwn on aald map, theiue lot Nu 4)1 Illuck Z, 1.11 Uailaed Han of llrrlanl ahdard ItWir ni-liwk Ifayllght again* U» eularrlbvr line ot Creaceat Street filly (»> feet to thewood. In the County of Vnl intl Hlale of Nei mil from Ihem-e running (I) along aald Una along lha uaie aovlh thirty drgrera twenty ila ir Illll.lili lload afiuM 13 degreet weat 111 fret. I'ark prol^rty or llerlaut lMrlupnteul Cnrn the arierrvorm of aald day 1 KANnillli Tntm ('HMI'AKt; place of UK01NNIMI . Jeraey mlnulat eait four bulidred and uriy out feet pany allualMl at t'ranford IJiiden and lt.jaelle, lloalng tract or parr.l of larwl ga.l of Cianford, X, I Belnf a lotflity (50) feat froat *nd rear, bj Which are laid down, utledanrl dli I.™™, running 111 north «5 dtgnta weal and Hlltr eight one hundredUia 1 f a fool to Ihe 3150 reel' Iheiire (3) north It drtreea It loaili by J H Aciitel|a, T X and Rurreyor^ all.ari«r parllrularly .laarrlljed .11 Adralnlaualor tlngulahed upon a certain i ,. lade by Kilwl lUvtaarlr-rafiler nr rurber vMaoua aoU- SttmUM aiirjej,,.! June l«|«,_Ke.laed OiUiber (Ml vale lyhyaliri l«log In Ihe Towmhlj* wl 4 ran ntmrloe eaat- ^m -faetj iflanct -ramtng i$l Ktitet, aa'ahown on aald map; llWnit running fl. Vnoiula. C. B. In Am »o», und mnt 10 Hi «5 drgrrea weat II feet, ihenra running Tti.ri. (a line approalaiauly IM HI la wllk find In If/e I'miitlr ol 1'nJnfTanil Hlaw of Mew So 8« Llrlngatoo Street *Wal»»«h. In Iht oOrt (.f Iht Keglaler of\l nlon (.ninlr along^r-^ewliia HIMfi_nO£Ul-JlluavCaiL-degfiaa 4 1| north >-. d>cre« tut U ^«el 1 Ihence run- Inureit fruui Minh III! Ivll aifd 1011a fOR RRIO0I WORK forty' atrtn rnlnutrt aaat fire liundrnl and Tliera H du« approtlmauly M,1H. with In at Bliabeth. N I. entitled. "Wcllnn V-> hut (01 aoillh 61 ilnrreea aaal 155 feel 10 the riUSHUSK nH (MMhtMaMMht , Hherllf properly alluated tt Uarwood Weelfleld I'n. twenty elgltl reel and twenty ooa orit humlreilllie llli al Ilie i.irner f.irraed \,, the Ualea Caaaly. aj. I lorlhwealerry line or Illllilile Koad and Ibrof a foot to tha aoulhweat wirner of-lUllaJft KMAM'KI. I.IHIINHTKI.V. RolT. or Uie norlliwialrrly aide Una of Count/. New Jeraer^ Iwlonglna' V lha Miw.LlilL-W ulair of IIIH-.LSMMI. Known ta No KIlMt't- Yaekr Suburban. Land Company." Wi and liy Arenut and Vewton fttreel, ihence running along fiat Il2a.li rnni with Ihe mrulhwiilrrty aide Nn« < AAJ.«N,K . . - , -. Htfekl and runrilna Iheflrt/jlont aald Brldti l^awttue tar lriatrtn' iio' I of Ilii- Iba nujbara, la Block fourteen lit), lota wo *1 lllllIllUiiifai,Lc. JluadU.w/l , KiiiaAiUv,Vllvahllh ISf. XI ,..^_ Pailahl Arenut uurlh thlrfy rbgreta iwenUr alx lid. nine tiT Vorlh Attnu* Hv> ih \\] -,a' w.»t •J tlnaa rrreeaitden of trie rounly or hundred and twenty all (III), 1«\> limdriil Tho alwre dearrlvUorr Iwlng In acciirdaoct lulnut** wall lao huridred and tlitr feet and u al UW iViet lltiate- Kllratri^h, *ew J.i Iweulr alj one hunrlrtdUia af t font lo UM llKHirt AI.R In - rlianrtry of New . »iie and elgbtr ..lie hun.lir.Hha~ fil »l_ r 1 and twenty atren {1ST) and two hutadnil and llli a auney mail llrw Jwaey Sallonal Bank ferl tu the mtMIe nf lha party wtll Uwnre inti . ar it Kngtneera and Rurreyora. dated June 9 MU-LHAI. J| XX It. IUI, Jeraey BetWMtTUutual fl»Tln*» ^ """ tvt- — ,-• tame nortfi arty Ore degreea Uilrljr titw nilnulet t> Trml fmniianr of "nrirk arid Anliur T through the middle of aald pail* wall "*^1urt ta due approxlraalrlr I^Olrlt. .1Ui rorty aecomla eait ont hiinilrrd and rurly ruitr tW Mbwlog drarrlbrd Work monla. a rorp, complalnanl and Mortlmw J. Intrreat from April tlal ml, and roau - Itrlng part or ihe uai preavltea cooreyed to \aa.1 llr vlr .f II.. aun. altted wrll of Hail Mali A«*- me ab«g faclaa to me dlrKt«d I ahall expoae tor aale \>j imge 21, and alao bauig part of Iht lana atiUjU i \h m e dlreiilf*dllf!! I MlMalll for lale by nail l.-t mmlliiord lan.la and landing tlwena puWU Tendu*. In th. DUUlct Court Boom, la nrruilafi ninier.d-to OII11 H Brewer, by deed greet two nlaultt taat four huudred and flflr Wltrwnlrvg alailainua ahUaeiil aatenaUia. light feet atvr forty one hutdredlha of a root nillli* teriiliie the I'litrlrt t ourt III ' Hi II* 50' Kaal twenty Hue* anil eighty 1 thVCourt Upuae In the City of KUabeth > J . SHEItiri-H KALI—In Clianrery of ><* IUW Lriulee K^uirrtn( widow, recorded Oe- tbenct norm rortr*tlght degreat forty nlnt tbe t'ourL III. • III Ille-Clly af Bil M>ii>ft huodrMMhe iz^a;, fi.»i tot pob.1 la Uui T!Sf *iiT "!?* "I'L??'"*' ?" "?*™t» rail Jereejr Between Wntfleld hralty AMOi*latP .l', ll»l. In Book »1» of Deeda on page V J , Mi • Mil «at.l Ilil* line of Alden a| , ihenrs aloag ». lite aald Eterard C Brewer, haling da rtloulet tail three hundred and Ihlrtylhret rH t ket °° ftEDSESDAT. THK 1ST DAY Of Inc.. a- Corp.; complainant,-'and - Workmen • reel and thirty ont liuudredUia or 1 root ' . TDK I'.Til DAT lir •lid il.lt line ..f A.len Hlreet Houlh IT If RaH JULY. A, D. l»l. Building (X-lac-ot-UnlolcotUnlon County, a cnriNir irled llil» lira on tilt Hlh day of Utr. lit), nllly IUI feel lollnt point aoil 1.1.r. »f U« Itktl NO. I al aVa* • a ^^t ~*B «w«e iiLa ailng a Lau Will and Tealamrat dalrd Jan- JI LY, A II 1*11 at one o'clock Sundard (two o'clock Dayllfbl ,n,ll in. „t ala, derendanlderendanlaa. 'F'Ftt . rra . rorr aal le of I.INNIMII ' * 1. '^fi?*' "•»*««»» aahwalaa. HlmgUien mnrtgagrd - - .dated December it mil. lo rl«*k Hlandard Itwo oVInck [lull) tog. LrWg« all by Ik. .riding nMhadT an Sarlnct Time, In tha anarnoon or aald day l nortll Ihli 1 H—I l|. lie •• A ^a,-: --Tiiiim weif W " - ' ~ — •M«ll-«f-taM-*l«: T^EfernWUlf F»« «-t»rtel-jf hn4 an* _ _ >UUU. aod.jav g ul or «ae«4 «f la«4 ««4 IUJIUBU wUJi Uileieel frua alay athr 1HI, I.I.M In Boi.k ft-J. page 919. wherein bt da iri'rnl«>l h-rrlnafter fiarllcularly dmvrrlhed./all- and rueta, - , Wark la U Irt ta iaw coalrart. ilenl all hU prootrtr. Including b mle lying ami urllrg In Ihe f llr of Kllr R KMMl)1.*. Rnerlff Plan •«-) wrrUmthaa fnr l .anil In Ihe pramln-a hrrilnaboat- ^leaallbed J-trCI3 aMHirnrriBF KT TiS- Ilia wife, lha aald Ollre H Brewer degreet rorty nine mlbultt watt bin* biuidfrd MHirnrriBF *KT aTiSallouST R^ST and twenty thrta fett and aerrnty flit one- •atl Vmau. niatbrih. hew Jefjey. lIKINtl aU Ihe aartt praailara daambed ._ IIKMSXIMi In Ihe aoutherly line J We'd Ka.aa UMer aanas aataan alUi (bt Ud a erf. JTi. JUXY.^a. D. •re Book Kit of Mortgagee for tlaloo hundredUia or a foot? tlielict noilli eighty UOalOale fran • Dwl rMu llU b tl oat o'clock Standard (two o'clock liaViliTir r. pagflN. •Ight dearert any thrtt mlmilaa weal out • Illlj Tllt.H. jiL_a_uolnl Ihrreln Ul"l.|i.l nl In m.n.u, ,,t Vew «iKr4> Caiaaaar Billing Ibll Baling) Time, to tht afternoon or aald day thouaand thre. huntlred and alalr two feet r.Tl Wealnly from Ihe wetterly ll tbe m. tad wUh mil All Iht rolltwlag tnrt or parcel of land and eJlltK and tll.ittH. and llliTI and thirty-one nee hundredth! o( JI foot: * Ti«f Vm|.vriy of Vewark an«1 ArlRn- T prtnlMt btrtlnanaT aarllailtrty deacrll^d. all iilnutea ran and at right aliglw lo Im tinileillll Tlilitrt In UtoUallm •Mlhau aa aft rewind \1 Ilie eo««ll-faw tot aundrtdlln .... :«e •*•» tat aeatau. oj .~ ~ wcaterly la a count Parallel tt laataua Mml Irrealaea. Mrand Kueet, Kllubeth, X. J Hutijart lo tat taadrtd lwtalr-*ttta tad Sftr one hm- 1 ealaea. tad alaatr-a^lt ine hundredOra of a foot la dndtaa.lUT M) feet to t point avirked 07 an BBy Tlrtnt tf Or ibora-atateiL jrrll af «arl tat aanlitaattrlf earner of Itorrtmll Hlreet tad .lpa.tunlrlpal l llent and ttMautenlatautenla.. aubjerubjert alao _. ./ajrtwwta, dt- .rtaa lo ma dlncvtd I tkall emoat for aala la melt alafl-ala f fartfata aa aa trrivalrlt aurrrv off taJOM I'tunty of Union tM'HUla aatf auiaa tr ak. fh.1- ' UvUBUlatJ Milreplaal^lMdlakta,^^.dlatav, . . .LL . -a aatllaavMt M tBt-ikh^.' le Own DOWN t>t tVmMJI Of faloa. oa Wad' *«!• -mmm^m ^v—«n> w»wr *»naw w** WaHWanVl BUM •inert It due tpproglntblr %t»nja ami fBiiVSiiolrilieaUtliT Waoiy.four amdradtag IUMII feet la * pohil MJI.H. wuh Inbrraat from April «ld. 1931. atuktd 5 an tarn pip, T» tht nwUteaMetl, " wjni-fisoAT, tux nn DA* or aad IwV.«- , . _. _ --^ dlatut IM fan rtj fraea taa-aoafh- ,~ line of iaatnum Btrtetr tktaet aoiaiietaterly JU1.T, A..D.. iMt •eMerllwtMartr- JI"--^M W MfrUt ItwM! thane, rwatag l MM Itu of JWau RraH on* haodrad JtatoM* c twtxftnn. Err. iloo» OgoVn Hum. aoata M dtgraaa 41 alaatta KDJtCC F weat, M rittrlaam taidll ulvw JIMT followuw tract« barer! at laaftf tt .rMttSrnH0 tat of sa33&r hln lbt oVtacrSS att. aa^UaaVUit faiWwU «,aUoulM htii lbtMt"wrrh tmmrr* nxtx —i» ckumn ef - st» hn n JJMvtaM wW WatUUId Utaujr Atawltita, IM,, a eofp, coarpUlnul, lad WortahWa M Btujdla. Ca,,-Wt. tt PtloB Ci rtta avr^t'>% ft.

latu M tat

ml ->» * *< " ~ '•y THE CBANFpRDjaTgE>jAND CHB0MOE, THURSDAY,- JUNE 18, 1931

Woodbridge Continue. a, i »• J Qlpry The -pogoahy la i You Remember--^ Sunday Auto RKM flae needles of lee, era r/Bited Rates, It la npsM te k*' -Symbol of Nation For 154 Years ABOCT CRANFORD ?, With auto racing activities at thedsogerous U> the Iwga aad U I«t insOe* hf a»1MttasV^>%: i"A«« ni a tool; p/ jadfttM c* f£* wrWttalorpic of Herodotus when, he .tlie. populu red_ i* mil Ofllee AoOtVAf Vtlm M/WIM 'toller* fi* ttivtA fnr tnm* fhamtoyfc-tateiwt —etnttu BtssHiircses=r «™i rannj « aofkratr at sit, tcrf/h never a word of greeting I knew by Sunday's race when the continuation the labored tapping of hit cane at he approached, even be/art he eame in vlev, A sense of kaator la • Mussing- ar % that something toot wrong; and. biding my fine, f soon found a* opportunity of the major race- of June H win becurse aecontlog to yoar phlloispkr/— to tact/uUs question Mm. It mat rather distressing to hear him lament therun as an added feature to-the June Woman's HODW Omapsusloa. - -, . lot of another old friend. Alfred H. Miller; but. nevertheless, hit eulon of the21st sprint events. „ \ Milter /amUjr, man* of whom were companions of long ago. was a happy While five events and one-half of dlitndkm which toon changed hit mien, at hit thoughts. I* ntrotpect unfolded the sixth event were run off on June •VusU SaVs" Begiaasat' taut of long ago. 14, track conditions became such late Uade Sam as a nickname for Ik* Culted-Ststes dates froo t*e War *t a warm and genial- friend to In the afternoon that the 29 mile race Do you remember John O. Miller? had to be halted half way and decision VOX I do neighbors a patriot, a lover of sjsnf IJuanavr «sr h |SMIH#»| es> nivvvs wt siso was made to continue It ne*t 8unday His Jersey ancestor, Jqhn the First country, ready to respond to the Na-directly "following the Time Trials, came from Long Island about the yeai tion's call to duty. He served In thewhich will start promptly at 1 p. m. Robert TIMMS A Son 1«««. and was one of the first asso first battalion of the Fourth Regiment Billy Wlnn. Georgia driver, who was CMRHRBa. elates or Ellzabethtown. It was Johi of New Jersey from 1823 to 1833, andthe hero .of Sunday's competition, was O. Miller's father who boarded Mlnut was honorably discharged from any In the lead of {he race and following .coitnuonm Men In the old MUIer Homestead on further duty, .having served faithfully him in order were Jimmy Patterson, Houses Bum to Order svn« In » uniform company for the term of } rn.» ,„. 3H Elisabeth avenue, Cranford. during the Gordon Condon, Hermann Schurch. 4 HOLLYWOOD AT*. Revolution when Washington's Army ten years. May. 13, 1834,' he was Uj 1 Lew Shingle, Malcolm Fo*. Rick Deck- PboneOTanford«-«sjj4.M . S, " '"'" •" •* was quartered that winter at Morris- elected by the "Union Blues" and com- er, Doc McKeniie and George Wlnger- missioned, to be "Ensign." The "Union lion .1 U. lo«««r ,r town. The old house which wss but ter, and these drivers and likely 40 "» In inn „» el,|,, t Blues" was a company of the First n. Mjm,,,, rw Uu uh recently standing, contained only the more will be entered for-the Sunday Int ronrluslou ur ttw uli kitchen of the original structure, due Batalllon, Fourth Regiment of Essex ice FLOWERS !>• rcaotiL Brigade of N. J. to additions and changes. for all .»» V""l or r On the 3rd of May, 1830, he was Inasmuch as there is a major A. A. A.' •hill l« no othw The Elizabeth Daily Journal of Aug- sanctioned race ot Langhorne Speed- Artlstle aaa latest elected by the company and com- Warka j d to ih. no ust 14, IMS. printed the following obit- missioned. by Oov. Vroprri to be capway- , near Trenton on .Saturday, June Tvi redemption .t ,M,, uary: - — 20th, with one of the largest fields «t taw «"inlcip«ll(l™ .lull i,,,, taln of -hl3.rompnny.mnil .on-Dec-17. L f. Johri~o"."MuieF,~a well-known 1832, he received an rtnnorable diseven-enterS- T In lS? hytory'of auto •»« '!!!•« Ml racing, TtTs figured the stars from this I*n resident of Cranford township, died last charge from Amd Dodd, Brigade Tet t-tUt Tha lala !• mada undcf night at (he age of «7 year*. He wasJudge. Advocate,- We are. informed-that big race will trek to Wobdbridge for •rt „( th« UtW.lur, V Sunday •when seven'events" will be run" «»™t«r-«rtinitil nua""u born In Cranford township, and hathe U the lust of the of the enevents will be r munlrlp.1 ch«f,™ „„' ,„ 9 Jnaddufan'tt a tthe-urh o race meets »illns for Iba i-ollmlm II occupation.. He_«os an.attendant of this week-end, there are races also "m'mu^':,Mr.,.MUler-£nJoycd-tirmsrka))l'"" y good scheduled for Woodbridge'on June 28th the" Presbjrterlah Church In the village, health, all through life excepting At any Urna More u la and thee big Altoona Speedway Race on AUTOMOBILE PAINTING' r»cflT» paymenl of Om, and highla y esteemed by all who knewchronic rbeumatisin, which had afflict- 9* *V * BM^g July 4t4thh. Prowrlr. »1U, Ihr l,ii,Tn him. He leaves three sons and ed him for many years, and at last * DCOO raimi op Io lira* or payment. Block Lot <,„ daughter." when he laid dawn to die he retained •Umittt Oiran Mr faculties perfectly clear and un- Then, on August IT, IMS there ap Fir.1 Halted Slatei Slrik* ' • »C CRanford«-nir'-' ' " "Audi, a pearcd In the Journal this communlea clouded to the very last Truly It mav be said of him-thufr Tie" was'gathered Tht nrst slrJ^e lu the United States •£?•'}.,-•- -w - tionrr»- -/-,-• T-cn-i. ,-'-«.<.»*•- took "place In New Vorlt elly in 1741 • t • .7'-" AiUli B« 'Mr. Edltorj—Another one of theto his fathers like a shock of com I S AiUla 111 fully ripe. when a number of Jourpffvinon-Jbakers • II Adillt Bl I landmarks has passed away.- John eomlilnM -nnil rrtuiiHl to hnke until • 33. II AcUla Hi O. MUIer, of Cranford, N. J, died K. _, their iMieOH wore rnlicd. P.J.I S 35. 2« Addli. Ill August. 13th. 1885, In the 87th year of S—I, wonder who "K" wast Do you I 17. U Aildlo Hp know? . II 31 A. L. Wi his age. Painter mad Decoraior 13 31 ITink 11. T I. B JHERODOTUS. Auto Solf-Sl»rl«r 14 H IT, ... ito? Sn n^daUd%u'aiortl '" *"«•"«*« •- 0— W*? M two of the numerou, 'Mr. MUIer died on the place where and liulldliif lue emllt for the llrsi practical Long Kxperienoe and Oanful 14 II Joi.ph Vi he was born, he being the fourth gen- ni'lf Hlnrter for nuliiniulillwi Is lariiely 15 10 Koter* T eration of the family that has lived IS II t'ourtliml OMM atory, the most boautlfull of all the crossecsess of StSt. George and St. An- THE HcCARTER SCHOOL due tu .Mr. Charles V. Ketterlnis. Tills - Insures SatlttsatoV It Bua&n C. Geo g St. An flred a bnied*ide~6rthirteen luhs Into and died on that old homestead. His startvr wun mloptnl hy Cadillac during II I* Ada Halnt nationaational flan,flan have a birthdayy on June drew combinecombinedd , andd signifyiniifi g ththe a British man-o'-wmr on September 4, great grandfather purchased the land CRANFOBD, NEW JEESEV Ilie yciir nf ion uml proved to be the 31 lit. It '*"U Moth" XU. OUafMIMH and . mMt U Moth r Oounlry 1777. in his report of the Incident Uu of Philip Cartaret In 1070 for one CIIUM l| Ma4>rs«rtia lad Mnasl fimt FUo* WafT '*I I " -1«. sometimes called captain wrote in part: "We compliment- penny for every ten acres ot_land Slilt ttttf. die market. ^. • and bulldlns ... of the nation, for In Itsthe Congress ColorsCl , andd IIn addition ed them with gun for each State, a 6 Uaeala ATSSIM CXANIOBO 33 It ITIor A ' blue field there are forty-eight glistening After htadenti. his son, Johnluile*, Tdolioa 31 9 1 I M was the first Navy ensign. whole broadside Into their hull." SI3J4. 3t II E J I'ur •tan, signifying each State of the second, came In possession, who lived \ 41 5 The Orand Union flag wss first • fin* galate to Old atory. " V>m Cord Onion. and died on the same homestead. The 41 3T C ti HIM hoisted over our fleet In the Delaware Many Americans-will recall that the 41 .13 Ada Halm More than a century and a half has River In December, 1775, and was flown flrtt nUute to the: Stars and Stripes third generation - was—Abner-MUIer, Dr. J. B. Engle i Willia_ m Priestley ITIor & H IP*"* tlnosilie StatSpangled Banner io the breese at Cambridge, Msss, when *a»-gtven-«n-mraary-M.—lTTSrby who Jolnedthe-array—under" Oeneral *" flnrt flung to the breese. Step by the Continental Army came Into ex- France. This oecured In Qulberon Bay Washington and served throughout the VETERINARIAN [ CIVIL ENGINEER AND LAND SURVEYOR •nd liulldlns step it has kept pace with the forward istence In January, 1778. It floated over DOQ AND CAT U08PITAI, _ 5» 1 | Uarjr A I • • i • a tj _a* Jl. ...II . afet t * ± "BJfttffSfflSh Poas^,when the Jtanger. Revolutionary-War. ™ .-. .-••- - it -, i, uMrT a,| — -— —" — — ~» a>aaai aavf*:, alV BtaBVSStjafcV • */• ronOFWCBBMtpiNoi fottr captured by American salldrs and under John Paul Jones, was saluted HorrU TornpQie an<~Middle SL and buUdli>| patriotism, loyalty and fidelity to theMarines In the-Bahamas in March, by the French fleet under Admiral La John O. Miller, the fourth generation, SUMMIT, N. J. ' it 411 M Jarkaon Ideals of America. was born on the homestead In 1798. Ho and bulldliK llolml 1778; received a salute from a Dutch Motte PicqueU Tel. summit t-0381 '•OIOI It • <>. fit Hobart Ur! Long before Old Olory became the was married to Sarah W. Ludlow in «MH> •ad bulldlns fort in the West Indies In November, Old Olory first floated over a fortress 1818. symbol of our great nation, there were 1776, and-flgured In many other stirring MASON CONTBAOTOBI SS t J Klnner scores of Hags, representing the hopes of the tMd-World when Lieutenant , _ AND BOUJMEBB aid bulldln, episodes. ODannon of the Marines and Mid- They had six children, three sons L.H.CHAFFEE — nvawiHI m •> » , w A. fcv.1 and asptraUoni of our forefathers. But the Grand Union flag was never shipman Mann of the .Navy raised the and three daughters; Mrs. Miller died Cement CuutrucUoa of All Klad^ ft Colonial flats show anchor*... beavera, —>—a*««—** —aisaaa vi#a v>asv *4Vaa)vT liUVCU UU WB*BpsVaV*maBaK_Bk.l_ —-~M mm. A_ * m n u, it w j H»II formally acknowledged by- Congress. It flar over the fortrear at Dcme TripolI, eleven .ago.. The, three sons-and-one n 3t, 91 • - Antonio (e ratUcatakee, pino trees and various was the Stars and Stripes, which we r daughter survive him, Mr.'Miller was Jobbing a Specialty and lulldlnf ¥ other1 Insignia. Some of them bore Uu where It was flung to the breese on tl It U W J (loll! so often call Old aiory, that was des-Aprtt ^ lMlMoo t__ } . always honorable and upright as a dt- «i I - Kl ^^-•irord«,--Hopt --*Ubertr." or«An Ap- Rates Moderate Plus SatlsfacUon ( tined to be accorded that honor one ."By the dawn's early light" on!Sep- Itenrfilthful u the discharge of his« SOUTH 15th STREET, CRAirpORD peal to Heaven." A favorite motto be- dulled lis a father to^b"cluTdrenTand hundred and fifty-four years ago. \ tember 14.1814, FrancU Scott Key saw Telephone CRanford 6-0310 '.Mniii.iij -neath-the rattlesnake design was Origin a Mystery. _ ' , "Dont-Trea4 oo Me." .. TT7 . trie Stir Spangled Banner stUI waving, New Jersey's BatT Rag. Research has failed to prove definitely over "Fort McHenry ad composed the ELECTRICAI. . Z-The buff mloreln Mew-Jersey's Qtato Just who designed our National Hag, song which Is now the national anthem. nag harks- back to the days of theBut tradition point* to Betsy Ross as ^th the flags raised at Tripoli and CONTRACTING the needlewoman whose fingers wrought at Rut McHenrjr had fifteen stars and lawn iHowers Sharpened By fleclrakeen Process BeYolttttoa. The nag was adopted In n!^n4iri£flW!|rlf^aai^^tol GENERAL MUUO&SP give yon^an^estunate on tug in the New Jersey State Legt#)a- BUrs and Stripes, which- was almost In vogue from VM until 1818. Then 5 tun, a memorandum was submitted identical with the flag as we know It Congress authorised the return of the today. flag to Us original form of thirteen BLACKSMITH gn and suggest eh - .ffHiffuat-^ayhy- Hiff- TT* --thrmm The wlthout any obUgaUon to JWL memorandum states that In 1779 the Latelii the spring"of 1776 her ilttle striUMTonc star being added for each T ANDOTIO Continental Congress by resolution au- shop in Philadelphia was visited by* State entering the union. „ B. J. EICHIINGER AT WCA80NABUraU thbrlatd and directed the Oommander- some distinguished patrons. A com- The little home "of Betsy Ross has ln-Ohlet,U> prescribe uniforms both as mittee, headed by Oeorgo Washington, remained virtually unchanged through Phone CRantord IV11U E. FRED SULZER to eolor and facing* for the regiments called on Mrs. Ross and submitted a the years. Old wood cuts show It to be CRANFORD, N. J. of the New Jersey"Continental Une. rough design ot a new type of flag thmuch the same as-It was In Washing- Id. CBaafart HW which stars had been substituted for ton's time. It la now preserved as a >M VTUmt Ave. CaUNFOBO Oeaerl Washington directed In gen- fitlonal nhrinit —'VTtSRBrs (havihe coals of such regP menta should be dartrttu'e. faced wiUi drew. The^commlttee was of tlie opin- Road L. J. BMNNAN Ruaaill K. 1 butt, abater It was ordered- that the ion that the slarrju^oolerbiTsix-polnted. Road Aaitaw Haflagg att the-State troops should have a Mrs. Ross showed them how a five- PAINTER AND DECORATOR j Cunnl aafefearifcaa,aBfe^ aa A BVA afcakjh .a.1^ __•» 11.* M a — -. Joba Noan. J — ground to,be thdel color of the-facing. pointed star could be made by one snip to. CRAW. t-«a C A. ColllM Thus It was the Father of our Country of her'scissors, and her suggestion was 38 WORTH-ACTOTM KASX ORANKJRD ~ PHONE 6-20H Voarlla r«rk Raalur Co, himself who selected buff aa the color adopted. Roiallr Park of New JuMf flags, and that color, Unfortunately no record of this "first ' Call Emerson 3-OJJO or Emerson 2-M48 Roall; Co. flag has ben preserved. However, Betsy RoWlla Talk upon whlch^the arms qf the State are BRENNAW&TOYE BesMeace and O0es-M* West Oraad 81, EUZABETB, N. J. -"-htaimf Wrealnl In the New Jersey told the story in detail to her children Thorough flag of totfty.' and grandchildren, and her decendanU VARNISHES -The.ftrst-flag In general use by th vouch for the authenticity of the his-PLUMBING, TINNING - * -- A. • • -a fc • m *» m -. , . toric Incident. , «ol«ol»ttLOJW|s^>.of_.MarteW.sir^ House Uteraate red and white typifying-the It it interesting 'to know .thai" Mrs. and HEATING thirteen colonies, with a union bearing Ross was a flag maker for some atxty years, was thrice left a widow, and N» SOUTH AVE, K., Cleaning lived to be 84 years old, • ,.-. - " The Bag's-flrsT official bWdaywas AVTQMQRILE Wai Once on June 14. 1777. On tHat dale Con- gress resolved "That the flag of the FIRE . thirteen United States be thirteen loarila stripes, alternate red and white; that B.allj Co. Rowlla Park tho union be thirteen stars, white in •aallr a blue field, representing a new con- BURGLARY Roaella lirk kaallr Co stellation." _ . _.__._ Uarr A. Sackr Xilea Walah - Nobody knows Just when the Stars latar-Oounlr and Stripes were first displayed. Of Uoiaa Build. Inlar Counlr uona there-artLmany accounts, and-a variety Inlrr-Cmniljr of conflicting claims, Uoma Build. —Soon- after-the-new deslgu was-oB* daily adopted, John Paul Jones was at Portsmouth, N. H, preparing to tall ND OTHERS] abroad on the, Ranger. One naval WEtHAVE THEM! authority whole that the young ladles -Tender , yovng. spring own and their mothers* gowns a beau-' _OiidteiM,--excellent, for UtuL Star "p*"gV^ n»in» which was Always Jftef routing or frying. Make flowp (o the breeea In s Portsmouth Harbor on July *. 1TTT.- ~ ' • Sodas are always rttashhw and Cogidt the Real next: Sundaj!«_dinnerZan: . Averyls history records that another; you wm-flnd them more than hastily improvised Stars and Stripe* nM\mthrtbt«fUU Slanwix,,near Beats N. Y, on August Orop^b when you need t, 1TJT. Captain OwaHvou. donated refnshmg. r •, nil cM*k~f8rO*bTue OBd^ibsTibiaierp •{heir shlrta for the white strtpea. iii 'it vna. oorto« _ and t.toMkrC.tokUtr*t wttereontrtbutewttereoatrtbutsd hstarr; 1U . IS Ha*. Canto" '— petUeouu fof r ththe nd rtrlp«a.Vrherearetrt'm' SS down and f5#,mo*tk [rteartrlto Hwr. that the Oonttnental "' -» ' ' . r ^ * " * % —-

^"" ^ -^>-^^^^^

>- A

-.- J a-NajMcaf**.

f 4 cna. in SuriaHleld I«MI to bar nvorU nldtaaaM tortk * 1 Hot Music From Sinking Flame froo. tt« War #f "J*** *l«»satanlaj TbeMn* Franel* BtrUarer, ABM''J » Out Jotatd tbcttal tartta nsrtato, Latwrttv Catss_ . Cttldm, MW curled In the GradutiogE rt Uc«S*y ^ „ brack at Jamb ahaUeroee to the Coppola OttlUd,,TlM*BtM 8urro«»le dearex H ward aOehaal Dona, tt Mayor j^ g,^ Sharp farm In Madison, when a pro. Aa|uat «ram of sans w enjoyed. There In Harding School Kna. RitdoU Richard oauttaaa,, R^ D Thotnaa Flanagan, the assemblage Jr, lack ouncil UI hld IQnUns, wortn M. r Cburch nen Sunday and

toe succmUnt oaa. During July, the intent I ueadav Evenino I u»0. jr. pubjtt wffl be nlfcd by th»Se» George . . Cannela LumnUna, «ward» or Hostile. The Her. A. B mlno W»taf the pUn for board member!^ Plta-OenML. pastor o( the ctiitrch nny-aaven pupUi wen graduated I - Katherln* Ida Mark) wear tuxedo, at the school commencc- t the school commencc- sailed tilts week for a trip to Sfcrope irom to* KenUworlh Orauunar School '"» **"•• Mogren, Roosevelt njfnt u reported In lut wn**>> tssue at the commencement exerclw, whirh "wUo Huward Neville, NaBe* rror la recretted and the Hot? Land. ^^ ctted Bids for school ssjgplse* win be ic took place Tuetday evening in the »™>«". "»roW H*na, Alfred warn Officers and Teachers of the Kenil- Harding School, before a large crowd Cheater Juhn Ruatnlak, Marn..., rth M cHred at the adjourned meeting of the of parents and friends of the graduates. •>•. u"y Ma« Shallcross, William' » 8wen Swenaon, chairman of the en- >*" 8lel«er, OhrlaUn* Cllsabeth twlainmerrl eommittee-of thrbosM orl1"1' *•'"«» PrnnkrVttsJerTrailir A chUdrm's da; program took place education presided at the exenlaei «« W«nor, Nelson WUIImns, '•• 8tmday aftemaosHn the Krall- i MM Music was furnished by the Roselle 11«nipoiilloiii>. Holma Mary •--Park Hli^Sehitol'OrcnrrtrsrtiiitfM llie|"ow""""' """'"' '--'•"*- vocai sobs, mirical artertton*. or l latlons tocludtiir'Ta89tK'Brnai»--'*bd direction of Uhs Belle II. Uarwa. I '»P»« •« Olo school* neither ai(far KnuAon, V»mnla..K*lta-.. Bea. .-r-*f»«r.tii»v pmttttam W4RrfbrlH» ll«l«l« _ . Irlce and Betty BWncer. Ulnetra Shall. orchaMra, Ur» slnglrw of -Amertca'- Kllubilh Butals CTWB. Roar.RanNndl. Ptel and EMher the fls« salute and a hymn, the Invo- io. Graco Arthur, tCdwanl Baiitt," Xlluballi BmitrU cation tu delivered by Howard Olll- ! UUabeth Btrtcik Danana. WUUau and Maiy Oooklln. Irlrn Uatlaglla, Paul Uarnwas, Roger KUUbnli BartU his-s. The addreu of the occasion we* llrlncer, Edward Bewln, Victor Birln- oo maw Orace Fknar]lan. EUwtn Miller. MJUT _ —-"~^»™o»»™o»»apni Millta innorentl Oirt L given by Judge Henry a Wsldroan, o| | ;pr, l^thtNyiarsn»as, Ruth. BlrintW, - Speech and ~— AMI. Bartnt i" » Orippo. Norma NUscfake, Mabel AihU. Harr.lt ._ Smith. Dorothr Browfi. and »Anna •'" 'lli-hnrd <*)!ltmr tocy-"OopiioIaV M Cranford Graduate* Kenneth Wtahlntton, Wllltem Webb, ThM- ° Country," Julius Elchberir and AiMla Batrall ._ 01 cumipit. nuiy obruridr. nobsrt Aildl. Harreu . i%3 (Oontinued from Pag* One) Richard Washington, Otorg* W»ln*r. tT * H»hc*rs," P Plscome; recltatlun •»lllii», Kinr bunlplln, Cdlth Davey A L Woodward If! jK Wl 1 llcl1 111 Kantntr, Kaiel Kehrwald, Daisy 'Sherman School-ieon Chereskoff- " " ' nalheway; song~"'I1ieold lulh DOWIIBV. SeboHlan oanlella, Ruth — — ">-> ti-.focl- Id:: Mackey, Helen MacOonald, WlUUm Alma Deller, rrank Eaton, Emll Orlmm. "•''»•«." by the boys; "Personals." Or- .11 ».1« ShiuSlSTj . H«I5 John D RoliUoa )uvry. Mildred Kn,, HutlolphKna. Jan- •nil IIUIIOIIII Matthaei. Mildred MoOormlck. Prank O*n* Klesllng, Vincent Ltisardl, Leo '*n*» "llano and Conrad Cammarota, JJ '• Joiaph Vuralra John D Rubulna l Fink, Tlimniu Pliinimnii, Mabel ri- ana building - ""'i se'fnta V nr ! '- I>I»HII sum Mayer Francis MUler, Robert Morris, Panaaelwlts, Jun« Rents. Bernard •""•-"Mrtaa1 Moonlight Dance," girls, 1J Is Iliac™ T Branch »«i 31 rrlor A WIHUna _._ laiiilan, Jiwrph Unires, Anna drlppo, & . ? IJ C\mrtlarid RnDlnaoa „ 31 1 Io achlrmer. .in laur H r«d . tat John/lcaro. Anne BadUnski. Antoln. iuriuvr. iwnvniauon of i daiclass gift and claaai rank ciriii|>ui|W,. lUymonluymond HlvginsHlmrins, A1A-l SI H. p a j r iimw . Wink II f r- r tt «vn> horn »|ih Ori.l iffJOA 4^A ~..i. AA.. i - I IIS Sal n > AnntbeU Booaivtlt Bchool-Thomu Allen, B- PrUw-Orlsndo iniano. nrst honori tr ^^nwu. miaim, Charles Krac- 11 18. II H.l..*.« no._n. ,i Arcanum f 2!f . a""*"'". K»ther- Amuroiiii -u LouU K RoWru >T mer Brooks, WlUlam Qulnn, Floyd Rue, ""I" Keuler and second to Margaret nnr, A).,m Kalur, Una Kaiser, Her- and lulldln* ine Brhulta. Vincent BUblle, David ..._. SIM 41 •tardar BIM Bwaru, Doris Templln, August Ther- Ralph Sweeny. ,I Walters--—.-- — - — ,» presentatiop*« v~v**vwv*^tni o^af gif^si tai two Lllliwl|*Ji nan Knliwr, Tlipodon. Kolrner, rrank Albart c rvllon LIT union COUNTY aaraaar'COURT man. Robert TUler. Tony^Tlneo. W. Oliaucrou by David P-JUntaS, for thi Cremlick, ArUuir Klnnvft Anna Lover- CSANIOSD Prior t William _. SI3 n OmUl Hutaraon __ •.IT A II Uullard __ ._ ill 13 • II •Mln KUMI IHH.S.W wardTomcayk, UUdred VanDuyn*. An- Telephone Pioneer. Elect „..„board, of ediicaUoli for being lielUiei lirck, Joseph Markano, VlminuvMai- » R J I'urlle -_. 5 11 it HoiUno L. IIIKI 1T_~ >N nor tardy during seven years ol :»rar Itocco Maliuiilnn, KtlUieth Mor- Jf »• (.wdon 5 . _ 311 ii 1 3 11 _" ,R*» neth Wuhmgfon. Robert Wfber, WU Veteran aa^ Leader school. Ick, Kathcrlnc Murkano, Ooujlai MOr- « V r. Hhcrmu ... 3 13 14 I A Collloa XI) To Jan. JJ Ada Halmon 13 H.lm A. KanMl _ _ Uam Webb, Ellsworth Wilson. I PrtMntation of dais for dlplomaa- rlck, Bom Muclironr. Verunlca Myers. . __ 9 13 MUdfM H. I...U. 3U •» Hllllam. . IM SI s u •» ta» 4 L I'etcr Mulai|Uno JnhM JPt L £1- "'"-Hfc-JlM! ' -vsjs-not i.' * drimatlt*Unn-of- 'Tn»-Man~Wttri r Mulai|Uno, Jnhn-M Jra*|>in,). Ourrel Manny-Kathirliis ire 31 ing exercises of the Shenna.. . of Muca Mardl, Molly Onolrl, K*" ™ • veteran of th. oTy.Tf mm—mM-mm .„___._ _ _ Whlfh Irta-iV fJtlaVM la art aitaoliaS L, ,«f-Motlier»' ,Club _ -3111 in 47 B |r. __^ .... uM «*» W»t*on»operatBr» »ho began-hn Olanu l'Jtt«iir IX>iiald-Hettlt,-Porotrr» •lid buUdlni nB i ""'• »^»sai« •••»»«« ' a* fsaanafaw VT Vf ( *••"•-•» ~ **"^ "• fH**™ "itWtf Ilin|(f I in U *• R*«ap ,^ . ,,... _ s^gi [ ^H. .». J Ul mer | i ^' « one of them before toTturn Pollack; farewell—» fuultiiey, Itoso Hlul, VirglnlaH'Rtu.j, > 4« 1 ."""^JT ***** *" * •*"• n >*i of the ' • • ud bulldlnl llubrrl Prim . 173 >l«5ITIlM»l. |«.»|««U rluiln. Jm M ul ot the centur« ... J, Deana; song—"Tho End Allonao iliiai, Janus Hiuico, Iuyau.iU ... S3.M 113 ' 1 i«.i»l "»•"""• .HIM io ma or br «iuriu« • " "•" P»y. uipiomas were pr*-!"' "'• «<»ury. SI II SI Hubert Orltrr ...... T>.4< AJbort H T Raniluf Uf» ad Wm entni if a Perfect Day." Conrad Cammarota tllul, Elite eheldt'iger. Mabel tSm* ud bulldlnt its 'I**' ?!•£'£ J*» a*. It ""V """""• -^ •"• ! " *>y William o. BUmHson of the I* •» FKldlai P. Melga, whoa* imsent - ooii. ruk U Mt Th* SRerclsea dosed with the slngln* idwarci fJUipiwrfeiuie, Roae Scarair •1 ( J. Klnn'tr . _ II.U 113 "" .Tu*,? .T£X S S '..Tii: ^d ~ »»•"« <* education, wltitaawart, wSrl *—**• "»• cartaTfoI^M»»I« awrr mm V^mLmSTJwuwvuare Ol it.WJU ICTOBI r Raaltr Co tt Prtncl ) cf thee S"Star Spanglengled BannerBanner,." MisWlw* ud bulldln, - til f^dUjiU kMnlan and Bark or*r 7lmil T*mad"e •b*y Princim« »'l ChartCharl"n AA- Wallacnr.H.ue •mployeeHnoloyeeae of thsth>e MNemw JmJerseny n>lBelll Teltm.\m-- |Vsr(lull*. Edward Vltale, •I II U W. J, llolki .„ in is Other oflfcen elected in a statewide U I Riua.HK. Jlirrrtt, ... ir.ri loul. Wabor ... traduatinK class, Anthony 8«*rainui-|oii'rn, Mlihael Venire, I m-.—W.-r.:.;.-- pott completed within the last.tew days Road Ancaamanl i l«0a 7b, I .. tlno, vice president; Jack DaUiewsyJi'siil Vltale, Aji«elo Altaic Ruaa.ll K. .nartrtl '"•"•'ii'ii tto Harris, iBarbara taolude: Vice PresldentaPresldenta, Oarret A. •nd'bulldlis ••. secretary and Frank Wadoa, itreaimer.l ih>». Otnevlcve WaiSo.. >r Road Aaa<4ra.nl .,._., 5^3 i 1U .Hat r. »allng. PJ»lnll«ld.-H A. Motlwaln oof Huaa»]| K.V Bamtf L^ .30.1.,..3« Trenton d a M V Ifnwwritudenlsofth(graduatliigclass|leri ,l,,AihU .f 1I..M,.J,,.II.U.I.UI|BH, U.Mae . Wernerit,^. . • I RMd Aaaeaarami'' E' 11.15 Trentoi a a 1 n•* annnjanniod i a1^4 M^SB.A ViuaoVaailffl Rutherford•« IS mpprnwi; •S 7, I Kuaadi K. Oarnlt L . Ill ExecuUve committee, Howard K. SmllH " -\ Thomas Benin, Conrad I Walter Road lAaaeaam.nl „ (1.13 Wiestneld Jh P ~" " - - •• AI.IIIOIIO. as.... st»i>-. *u*.IH(,Jl.rr« Westfleld, Joseph p. Arthur of New- Koa.l Aunamenl ark, Winiam Bf. Mali of Jeraey'aty and e mei(el.|--T7* " IS , 14 lu II : Kuaacll K. Barrtu Miss Julia Tomlln. of Atlantic i Ardulno|AXI>HK Road A , II. IS. Road Aaaaamnil -._ UMloa COUN» oanum COURT j| • (Cuntliiued from Page One) II RuaatU IT Barr.ll „ Road Aaaaument : • 1030 by Clrund Maater Benjamin 51.13 BuiMU.K.^.IUrrill .„,__„. Havens II, IS Huaa.ll K. llirrMt ._, 1(1 Rae Wolf of Irvlngtoti, Pred BUrtlni with ...„ _w... ». 17 iiuaaeii K. Bamit ^Z Thsodore Slierba, Oenevlevt ID, » Kuaull X. BirrWt _ - I.S1 VanWagheg r oMf Madisoa n and 11173. Azure Lodwo struggUhl along II Ruaa.ll K. Bimu „.. 1,31 JUid Margaret Helen Walters. Iwvnty-odd years during ft period Ri»d Aaiearatnl ™... 131. « f ST ' ' *-"•» «>«•••( p> |KT|W},1B T f DrtdSeton Mr w - * ^"i ••• v w • mi mmwm^mmj V0J0n>| Other graduates wen: ss JI io ss RIUMU K Birmi .. s^_ The New Jersey chapter of Pioneers ° ««*»«•» »«•' almost continuous depression In bu«l> JEER Road Aaaaaamnil 1315a -_ Brotosky, Meredith Oonley, la named in honor of K. O. MtoOuUy - lf*mi* A™"roso.10*11- VirginiVirginiaa AnnAnna Am 1 ^ »*J^^ IS 31 to 41 Ruaa.ll K Rirrrtl _ 3 U nesa cnn«u by financial panic*, labor Road Aaaumml ... lit III i «n« Mf«n Oertrude Cremerius, Ira Olradourian, wh_• o was associate™. d. wit..h. muc" h.•"T'rr of th*" nnw, Phllln vVa*n wN.."». Bn.n^l"frttl- tIMn disputes, and national mid local *««»', UUfFOBO IS 41 Io a Ruaaall K. Barrill vlctor aau1 early development Of telephone service tustropliM, After moving to > "SoruUrS ' ""* W*»i* »lwln Imus, t£r t •Vtvaw-i p| paj a.garo*. SCHOOL surrLiis ly-Coi . _ Ireland. Prank Mempa l*« *IVA Bi>U ^ -41 la K*—Rwaaall Kt-Jaffrtt "11 T IIII .i^uIDWa an viaI'm ou^imjaum,f pcneayha nmi\r BoMlloPuk ' iayterCharlet Mey, Duruthy WWaon; ^ I Ufajjaj.j rpftrtfOt... t — — rotrirad by Uir Roaltr Co, , m- -.—r—- --j fMW •— T ••••1>tol SltSVA Will IS. II. 55 Buu.ll K. BarrrllM S£ H 1311 .... VOMUIM al llaidtai tkhool, proaperlty prevailed and contli It to 53 Boacllo ruk alOXUAT IVINIKU. iVNU II. Illl, til today tlm menitwrihlp ha Rood - AaataMnanl » . 53 IS IIII PalaUr si 41 Inorj Cunnlnibak . 9.11 RMlty Co w •i j N r, ' »«7, many of whom have ti 111 II Io ST 1 Inaocral X sent -bf« tluiniber- KlikhllaulbipraiBMliaUl b. puUlclrwM 31 Joba NoUn. Jr 193 BoaaltoPaik IS II ••^MM« uuwv,—rotvr jriniai. Alietn nent In the social, rdiglou •I C A. Colllna 111 uen V«lasi|dN to liny for the |mr- fd and rant for ou|>fl)» UMIW. vmrlla. air I and business world of apjlrs. — •'•• , - it II. Roaella rark III 91 io II Roaau* Park ^S, STSTiii^rtS Cullen>, «*»"«Charle•s OnuanOman, AlberAlbertt HanaenHansen,, •»a»lS«»Uo«i un to ami al Ih. oOr» tif Ih. Raalur To SI3 RaaUIr Co. 1J.4I K*m Uuafat^ 4KIIM4 toe'•» <*taw• ««»«•«• oa- it, Anton Kantner, Harry Main, William tralt of Hie impe, Tho arllat refuted .iiaarlet clwl, »UI Mfrtl, KnUwKUi, M At the present lime-then are twenty- . " •I to ss koatii* ruk •IMMMd psotr •itdof. ud. Ant/m Ifanfnsir rfam-.a aar.i^ oMieti -Ib hr < 11 •• tr* nail I la l> u Hos.llr rark 19 SI 'o actriil Ih* money. Th» king seven llvirw Past Master* of Alur* »f Realty Co in m Ih lhi h II Rowlla I'aik Wtoir «J.iu"rSk Lodge, snd It Is hoped that Uiiy ma» II I9.M 18 RMltjr iCo . ID RMll/Co. •oaallo >mrk i bH, Vincent Stabile, August Therman* y* ")"™ *Hli US* owb ltnt.1. 'It Ii , all be .present Monday evening. Tb*lr V II Roaella Pirk *15II I , '1 salU Him the nn|» liiimnrfil dim. M ARTHUR, Raoiir Co nsmes. according to tho order of their (_ J* 13 RoatlU rark 15 U seniority, are as folowafjoha Wilson.'' « RaoIITCo Edmund H, Oraves, Edward Stamta,', - IK Roari(.rark —Tit ftcallT Co John H. Crormrell, James" p. Vf. ttOf'^S' tf »3 Roartle I'ark Raallr Co. kin. James D, Kay, Alvan B. •«- ^—'ai II M Roa.Ua ratk James O. p»rkf LouU V^I RnlU Co loaril. rark SPECIAL ONEJJAY FARES Cverett, Joluj'8. Wit) -R»Jly-r«. Umo-BKANUI »f OA Trt. llaugnwoutBainuel H.' Roa.ll.rafk Special Demonstration .. U JI. RniltyC . H -» BoariLPark J, August J, Raaltr Co ... WATCRt WITCH i)l-)5 "^ «sft*y. wuiiam D „ «,,», ^ II 31 Roaelt. I'ari H.allj Co. ^ UKUfMllm,!,,,,, Mutch, Edmund A. Krantonan,' flnt rob TI 31 Rowlla Park 1 1 WIUtam 8 Raallr Co. Every TaMaataj aai Thanalay £' S "?. - ""«*«>. Hamy. ] II '31 Riaell. lirk Kyanizey a. Kwell, Oeorge a. MUler, Prank Cfc Raallr Co. Ryder, and William o. Brick. , "•< Mf 13 Uarr A. Sackrtl _. The following eighteen, ahmaVranged"" II Xllc. Wall* » IS luiar-Oounlj aocordlng to seniority, hav» been niam- Uom. Bulldan. Inc. VARNISsHES i\ND ENAMELS bers of Asure Lodge lot thirty *—- -- l rmllT TToB* BOJia»r«,-tli«; f o r_ EIN1S HI N-q—r- mor»:«Cli«ls» lVU«*JI,-1toho~ Inlrr-Cmmlir »•— - Pi MvOeorgo O.-WaWfman, jr," Uom. Bulldna, Inc. '...•ir>- A-%; Thoma*. Bnireor K. Adams, Fi Poimlr Old Furniture, Floor., Woodwork OM BulldWl. Dnm>>iuali>, StefhTn .J, .uo*. jr., ~Bd- * in tl mund a. Graves, p. i«V WlUl»ttfOr*y, •' reproKiitative will demonitrate the >i«e of the various products fttmes-or W. Bankln^p./M.,. John Cromwell, p,~M., Max a. Doeril«,c,,, 14 31. 31 Jofan ud bulldlnl - frank R. Owackhamor. Lcnii* V. Hoag>«J% II 14 Cmld Bahl ATLANTIC CITY land, Jaccb lluefntr, Walter B..HS5-" ""' - and nDtmi ley, W. Louis Tinsmari, and Johtt-IV _lil«I CUaco — Tiiuman. - / ---,--' —-i™. j Jokuu Slilcbla 1 John U Marpttt The offlcen of Azure Lodge lor (At"j' f. Cokunm SATGRDAY, JUNE 20th year, 1W1 an as.Mows; Brickv Worshipful Masttri Baumann, Benior, Warojr- appearance of the home." In fait. «*«*!'! - Bnmnerr Junior Wardens «.. invariably retulu when' mirfacet are refinithefiihd dd .and, newl . color scheme. *r*tt, P. KuJTrtajuterj Oscar

,w re guiranteed tfg

*' &" "TT- >l-*4 -, >. f



; Six," sens idtrpouucst MarmiKm^-itfAmiFY YOUR 'W«r)d\lt «he attraction w , the jptotaat at the Panu body or of your cart ^^T r Friday, June l«tl repairs when they are p«M|il_aa» VaUace Beery, CJiedTWeak Spotf not oriy swoldtat the tatwjaifipjaBet:'* '•anrr-Min^ cumulative major n ' • Btnaa, John Mack Bro» ilao keeping-JKWr imFaSTMarjorie Siin 1 i up-my money in- an ~As You Do YourCar Tlie comptlatlon of the mortgage to- to Itt fullest workhi ttw biggest casts xrnden no dlvl- Ult. tor the month of MaJ\ at prer How are your porch steps today? needed for aecnitty^rtortil yeaioVtht picture unfold home owners follow the sage "" turn-over that tavettmaot Jt TtMf to in( tale bated on actualii ir, an ardent advocate vrve you at once, whereat adswo-a*- i-ctty Ufe. all that be canto protect the princi- «et for them by the phyridansand the i, has written for that «xk ihowi a grand total of *M80, , autonobUe owners, that questttn wffl the-beel bouse kt a cotatant drat flat Tht story was wrlttei that owns IU own pal and to make the best us«rof his tbe red aide of the ledger. /author of' returns. . divided as follows: Title and mortgage soon almost as common as now on i in It, malntalna It companies; Mtt.rro banks um}*2M. you do?" Heart TeaarsUtn BUI," more pleasure out of It, Perhaps the greatest Investment a Insurance companies 118.500. B. * L. lUonof t Bin, who also wa: , more wholesome, healthful man ever makes la when he buys or ortgagei-|1.104««.W. Thla total re- Doctors, through educating 4he pub- UakMake aa brief mental examir builds his own home, and yet few home in He to safeguard its health, have man- L for the, two earUe: atmosphere In which to flects the stability ot real estate In the your borne. For a tttater, tak.Jwt / alao remembered tor hli The horns owner hat ownen service that Investment. with county, and U an assurance to those aged to add from five to tenyear s to wof the Items that la tetdota fttan / adequate protection. If he Is to get the average life span. Automobile "Tan ttt* the Marines" i ^constructive aim tn life. He works with sound equities that a plentiful _ thought, tbe roof, b it tjme-acarred. mrFJeeV » outside hli home; ht spends major profits from home ownership, a supply of money U available for high manufacturers, by stressing the need no longer weather-proof? It tttht man would do well to take at good cart of regularveheeks on oU, battery, brakes, The picture opens In i leisure more profitably, and he and grade mortgage loans. csuseof yyour fuel bffls?-Does th» heat bouse, where Beery work; family Uw s finer lift and enjoy of hla house aa ht does of hit automo- and motor\have prolonged the period i it t wm bile, applying tht tame economy of escape through it in winter to warm ..-•"toe pent. The ruuativ ot the comforts and cultivating of efficiency V every car that la sub- aU out-of-doont In tha summer time subjecting It to periodic checks. -The jected to regular checks Physical ex- -Beery through various ep - our modem civilisation." automobile manufacturers have con- Early Hwsttals does it allow^ the scorching laji of the letgmg resorts and In , DMAcoas m Ufe The establishment of hospitals In amination*: are\glveri periodically to tun to penetrate Into the honee, tunv. vinced car owners that regular checks man and to automobile, and the effi- until finally he becomes Tbott art *- part of tbe dividends on the oU, tht battery. Urea, radiator the senae In which wt understand ing the upstairs roomi Into tnaufferable overlord of crime, living art paid to home owners, the them.now probably occurred In Eu-ciency Is thereby heightened Just as ispockets of beat? water, and motor extend the period of the efficiency of machines tn a large Then the forces of the h I specified by our Business M»n efficiency In a car and protect tbeN|n- rope during the Middle ages. Histo- Your local contractor win ten you work and gradually the 1 Those are not dividend! rians differ somewhat oa this, but Itfactory where the superintendent ot that you can prolong the life of your vestment for a resale or turn-in. V maintenance is ever on guard to pre- dethroned, to find hl» en i repretent-doflars and cents They Treveat Sa»n Wast*. ,:.... \ Is geoDruUy agreed that the Institu- home and increase IU UveabUlty by -fold. '; the treasures of human lift' tions conducted In Europe by rations serve the Investment of Bis employers. property servicing the roof, If home ownen would cheeky their religious orders were perhapi the The producers admit tl: , > constant return! of pride. self-realizs. Bssne Greatest tavcataanst aulate tbe roof you will tkm, happiness, and the bracing knowl houses as they do'their cart, Judiciously " >rerunimrt_of the present-day he* down your fuel bill and will be the ttory no attempt waa ie"orwarasecuted actviw. - - spendhig-a few dollara ooc*«-twk« a ils. It should "be remem6efed7how. "The" Hoine~ownert ~ grestest\tnvest- youThouse more'comtarUble- - round the gangster with tint thought, these seem to be year to prevent wastes, they would not tint there were certain places ment is his home; and yet until now he •round. When coal it used " of glamour. Instead, h( be specified by a Ononly bee avoiding the heavy expensp e of ^h^|!E^lk fudcosU hit true light s ; bouse. tbe.snnual saving. snirHoVcfirthej cumtmttlve maJW^'r«pairr bat ly Greece. These were npore on an Insulated hous„,e _ 6r*4hlrd. '' —information is actuol-h: 1 their place In the economic ordci alto be keeping their Investment prlm- ' • j_of cilulnp .rath'er than hot- ciency 1'a thatjhome. Hhetttopror an Insulated root doxen American cities wf •&-mttwmt*tim*s*r?vrtxn pitiit: " .._ Jaw" they "In particular "beerTse- needed for >ecuritr ot for an lamedt- 'ord. t first Iraapttal In the Cnlled take his cue from the doctors and ino- insuring comfori J^aC-aU ot the rooms. -oceunences' reported In t Meted by President Hoover, the chie ,ate turnover, that Investment would be Btstet Xor catmaoiifacturTrs and give .periodic "dallyT 'Court sequences, ready to serve them at once. Houses tests to his homc-Judidously spending todes, the political, ci ^•MeuUve who ii administering the that are obsolete or down-at-the-neel after the Wttemenf "of New York •ip ' -so-aflalni of * great country with the aam a few dollars once or twice a year to FROWTTNJES8 croaked election—are all are entered on the red aide of the led- ROS made, a] been filmed with the aid "" - sJWelujMiantoatlon that he applied Io ge, • •^••:x~~-.r-:~:-x.-....^ .-_: prevent wastes and loss of the original Tl^ Jf, '/tfitnatlon'rimilnew when he m aec • nui-noovriai- r outlay of his money,, 'J-£..]:.~.~::.:.. ':';_. technical advtaorfc— " The Ant Indication of the condition ^ Aadnw . Plumbing, HeBtinftTirinmg Dramatic highlights inc , Attractive JbagVab, Betas-; -.- p^ ~ "V^-ii*TOUR PLANS ' Into bit dally llvipg When a man and aecond ttory. territories are other. VJMc i he la Immediate) KngUah ityle. The aweeplng roof Unet way Impain the stiffness of the wood the name" of Un/foyer,' lived ^ $9,000 andup - mantle Interlude is supllei community as of the main roof come down over the On the entrance the structural feel- when It la uaed vertically.. general's plantation uhtll he •, NEAK COUNT* PARK AMD STATION, low, of "Hell's Angels" ft jIUty, and It Is Uuentrance on one aide of the porch, off Ing la carried out by using a half-tim- __ Many Woods Available the age of twenty, when he Mack Brown, who deserti unt to himself Xoi the living room and dining room on bered wood on the aecond story, and Clear wood Is used for the porch and what was thert called 'quick cuusu characterisations of "B i who hat "a con' the other tide, helping to etlabUth thlt beama and potta of the porch and en- the steps, but the cost Is Justified by lion' (liiieunionlu)." JANSEN trance feature*. Thla structural quall- and "The Oreat Meadow' /lift" atyle. 1 the added strength and durability of and Builder _ porter role _ y. The living n»m_which_li lart»_and ty la typical of the beat of the Kngllah tlie~woa17~Vtnni1Tnf~tTie~pWrh and 1 :_of-American cltlten work and to thla la due much of-the ~ TSSwls Stone portrayvN i for the attainments well arranged and the dining room ad' the-atepi-should-be-treated-wlth-prt- tcrupulou! criminal wh Jacontr each hat one of thott charm- Intimate friendly charm of the style. servatlvea, If It 1* to give its best ser- Parrots have been known to live as He It the man who ,mig,as fW years. . _ /_ machinations of the r KTtf improve lne~c6H: lng,bay» .that, the .E»gu«hJoro,to.la- JMani fqr lhlt iomq can be, had at vice^-Treatment ofU4hC-lumber.-Jrith a very sina.ll coat by writing to Tuttle creosote, nine chloride,-or other good g ,.A — ._ d-htm; who—becauno. at iroduoe Into their beat work. The tlieitered porch openi from both the Brot. preservatlei wllj treble tbe Ufe of tbe at a "gun moll"; Paul m}-%JKSty» W >» »» Immediately Gable, Ralph Bellamy, **;dKtnmnt"i' *T*r •tort to lhe working wood. H For the Interior trim ot the.house DeWltt Jennings, Mu - - l government. He It taking Honored for Ufe-Saving Fletcher Norton, Louis Nf . In the dally Ufa of hit there it * variety of popular woods available to the home owner. White McOlynn and Theodore' I the affairs of that country up the remainder of the •ry !nt*reat_to him 'He fir and white pine are In the most 'direct tie-up between general inc. although, whlto pine is pre- and the local ferred. White fir, however, la perfectly good for interior trim, as in strength qualities it Is equal to augar pine, and J1 he dldf H except, tn toughness It Is equal to spruce. When the major parts of th* eaterior I which, through th •wltb>-- the entire nation. and- mterlor -wooden portions of the home are checked, It V wise for the WALLACE BEI householder to check the roofing, the LEWIS STO: I W..lk.r VaiM drains, the plumbing, walls, and cell- JEAN IIABU ll b gi^ itha. hmuffi b3f( lmt th|!4Se wenthrrvaXn the local contractor! Just at the auto- \ PLAINFIELI Ate been InxcnM at a very mobile mechanic gives testa to can, •te. On towers, castles ao and minor .repairs can. then be made to /I THEATRE INT IK jwlfdlng* Its 'usuiijjtonn was keep the house at ita highest point of \ La .banner, but on churches efficiency. ookjlieJornrof the rooster, PARAMO ,Tbt lari tall of the cock waa wall >v 1 " rut «YMO» «t_Is«« Adapted with Iho wind, Delaltloa of a Saab /_ TiL PUllltaM'l Thackeray's definition of a snub U - A PUBLIX THE! havo for a tane Hie We Help You Pis , lite* •( Parmaat of^hJl'jstWU to whom a classic of Itt kind. It express*! very \ naatly the chqracteriatlct of that re- kef, wU 8t gretablo type of person. "A snob IF 4 8t Setml that man or woman who are always Needed Home Improvements jaejet, etch bar- pretending, before the world, to bt Jthl aoincthlng better—especially richer or fare at hard to more fashionable— than tfcey~are. It And show you bow you can pin for them i voues of 81, Bepul- Is oue who thinks his own position In life contemptible, and la always yearn- in small monthly instal tents .,' V ing and striving to force blmselt In- to one above, without the education or I. OU characteristics which belong to It;one B is no good reason why your I TBDRSDAT and H on many dayi can be iutde who looks down upoo^ despises, and cannot _ „_ beautiful old rity of Nureiu- ovtrrfdw hit lofsrlora, or tVeo equals -!• be up-to-the-minute.- Improvements 'as a wtrtt'one of the qutlnteatintlrawhol* of hit ownstaudlng, and It everrtady 4 %r: ^at Qtmttny, Most Americana g» first tojuroreblp, fs,wn upon, and flatter a new roof, hardwood floors, new step saving Ind ' -to tht horn* of the great artist Dunr. Two ttltpbtna mtn rtetlvt rtflonal breut Vail Mtdala, Mghtlt twtrdt" rich or titled man, not because he la a 'tl It a Dfteenth century Oothlc, struc- of the ttl«ph»nf Industry f»r Mtswtrtky putllo Mrvlee, Chatter K Bar*, good .now, s wise fijttt, or * Chrtstlsa other .modern conveniences can be bad ~*si*4o»*wntdby thedty f - -•"»"• . nard,-prtt|dtnlLat thf-Mtw Jtrtty •tlLTiltphont Cgiiipany,.praaantt -man;-but became hs"Jus the-luck c en- __ _nay tee benehth medaiiJoJoMph Btrntrt (siotarMM-^iaJl. Wntlflt>di.be_th «f_ Jo_be_rlcb or •ojntlUL fe?*4 !^ paying for them in small mo S- ttmttrei roof the furniture of his own Audubon, at a banqutt held In NawarkTunorlno^thirteen teltphent mtn in- tor llf«-t!vln» aett. atmtrt and Wattrfltld,-by applloat'on'of tlr»t aid stallments—sometimes as low as $10.00 per ' tAosWlipttly copies, at the original! (raining aoqulrtd In tht ttlaphont butlntta, ktpt a Colllngaweod msterhrt M .';>• art> tbe grttleat museums and gal- from binding to dtath from Injuriet auatalnad In a motor train. Regtuald is an old Teutoulc name Call us today and let us give you the benefit T.ltrltt'of''the world. The modem meaning "powerful Judgment"^ It 'art- toy makers and their cornea from "rsgo." or "rego," mtan- our experience in home modernizing. There is ire in ttw hippy nurterM 3] Ing Justice «•- wise -decision, and in nation*. - "wald> "power." Wbto'the two-wordt obligation. -T . wart put together It was found >J,_-v ' much easier to"omU the "W* at the -OLfiT —:We~ supply-only "Certified-Material Jeffci tbont the BwUt navy might be atetd of "Bsgnwald- or "Keglnwald,3 k natlont, the Wallonir It wtt thftrtrfltil Ifttfr tht fr^^'n* teed by a •1,000 bond, backed > Otogrtphlc wdety teyt In a bulletin Jlegtnald aad Reggie. Tbe name was •~ ooMnf that there are 15 conntrtet that osed-Tcry touch by the Kormant and $44,000,000 surety company. This is j.'kaVe DO eea coatttV e.aJwrt 8ngllsl>"varlsit,"the whole cost fox "Certified Material"—ask for hlghett dttt*t, to' make - tet originally eonOn* from tbe Latin tlUtX^fsitm to ib* ate. word Too," 1 ml**-:— • ' -.',-, '-,--., jni jtalafatir-watehliif t'-

Oi.'aJi 4^f iv »(.a,'7mu«ut

In. thick, Oedar Olc«tt Ur*— ~

^11) oou '- ,uiam," v sVA^iuutnuu Mini- '•nwajnn

vil^. ' -^:_!r -^T\^*im

V rti it TI 1 sensational Columbus/ ttty poutics and the under- Elect Offic^ifor Year * w*J»}nV h the attraction which will head TBMMMSOMT COUNTRY, , ttMJUgxan at the Paramount/Theatre Wntffld CotjKcil K of C Uff —*ta. Friday, June l«th / ted orrrrn rars Ch.ii E Oottlick chapkun, N; J .AlHriJtanUJistriMlaa Itorrira Bill, who also was at the audi- Rt'i Oilier H J WatttrsunJ delegate tor the,two earlier hits. Hill is to state cunienuon isua. Thnnai I Ttiir Kartiemr wlm wWwetii have a ^Although aster wilt, /alaof remembered for his direction ot McCanht and grand km»ht. exoffli.ro proftwliw ol blmim from Canterbury are mas* evident at I -'.mn~'R WWe Marines" and "The Fiy- twlU and -other biennial campanulas t hereafter, both of the** < next. M-axiu uluKild sow xwds ft these V/avIn many seedlings at T*e picture opeas In a slaughter- plants this June ftnnt this month, the at which time seedling* that t house, where Beery works as a killer ui Uue .a I plants will' glow targe fnoiuh to be come, MUbliahed In their ..-•"the pen*. The naratite then takes in i ,r 11 rsslly rur«) lor, and yrt they are nolocationt s in the garden wlB '.,.., -• -Beery through various episodes In booi- "'f I" ' Ml . ill II - ,1, .Mil likely to bofome a>*r-(rt>wn. found to have partly of niVngltW 4 a leggtalg resorts and Into prosperiti "rt i r n it iir ,| r,n I. i tlutt In addition to the Canterbury, tell rayed root systems, rf^'ifdj until flnally he becomes a millionaire flliln tlu> rn,uni| mill humid vCampanula medium >, thorr are srv- Older aster plante may I overlord ot crime, living like a king Ilrv wiriilin uf tin* n*0»mR because Uiey shortly afterwards. This I* Oat work and gradually the bootlen-king ii HUMS [hut biniuil ,>r fiKlii-r wa\tHl. blenni liTultlM-h the second year from of-osier wilt, which destroys I0 dethroned, to find his- end of the seal (Her tin, ',TIIK nf iniiiiip who had o ,iu> C. Uuiii^tvla, C. mlr-conducting system In the stem and iJia^ -fold. been munli-ieil—\tirt'uiuill) lielleivil \iliil.i and CiihyUdoralyx. Mm' of Jfips* ~vurivt)ra arc «*«y to cam** a nxtlng of the roots, Ihtacsarf The producers admit that throughout In rot dlscajM, which causes a gKHMkf - V urtiiln um\er, eiul\ lif-t «imv (nun sr-ti. and they gcnnlnale the story no attempt was made to stir k ranker at or Just above, the SOU It***'" ~i - round the gangster with any measure took iii liU iiKslitnnt mi III looking j _ . _ .__.: nlsn may be responsible for the t ' Jouiin jiiiiw \fu r a Hi ii' tin nt-awr „ of glamour. Instead, he Is shovtn In 'nu- iiinlii iUTi'ouUuits i|.raifi] iiml Hie iuti > mult cur- Out of ntt ***** AWJkthe Malting Unit' plains are t« guard hi* true light plants. - —information » actual happenings In a rl*d ui) tlu! )>u«luv«s, tli'i itirlwi Uml. Ida initntt'r tint] gniio on n IMIII: journey ind U> innki Mlrc Hint thp-surlare ol •WrtMT'sUtooorV" dozen American cities were uo\rn into andlaier thinned to th* desired 1 -•^-the-'Blwy, -atey thafrTine wlUrsee in'tr ^blCt -occurrences reported in the newspapers tt liu[iptm-un\e>IIIHIL, <>n Mug i|UPa* beantr Inwhldti mgoataln vA Mill , ,'J ;.;_/, ,^, ;., ,,.^ will or stem rot of asters have been technical advisors.- ' I lake Tie with one aaotbar f«r w B : ml •wvrrr in llir Kardr*, the soil should b* tinned as to the uejAir't «hurrabouts, beautiful copses that haya been Tlii> pdi'iuilal campanulas are lianlrr Dramatic highlights Include the night ijenkd nlj krjmvle! Sr^ipifWinafrnr-iwr plaMfng*- UP-" stronghold, the gangster funeral, the he would o\entuull; return. The the charm torniatloli on soil Merlusation can be sensational murder trial, the de&peratc tions of ita But ill* Fr»nch-Can .lu-ii "i IIK i n»^.«HS!!ii'.>'lJf!lUlri5Ufci,' slit-riff, however, set Ills oflUura ti> UorToftK continent Tr2 vent U~beconilnil ever i _ ii>Uli>rdrro4ir county agrleultural ~ running battle of gunmen in autos, other isetibn ooff g ever more mark- tlie hlciuiUil \ailrtles. iiuwtiver. mnsi dig Hlii'ru llm Unlit li.iil liet'ii seen, honsaf nlecn t ti» EngJUhmagJj s ed by the «npeiirnncp « of mora prep - ut l\i 4Kiuuuil CiUiipaiiuJas .will bioon, i#*nf« or from the New Jersey Agri> the "putting on the spot" of Beery, the and u In n tlie went i r'tf hmly was tenuous' nllgloulll s edtfdtfl , l soelety that U distinctly pmchant for makinki g hhii s hhom e hihis nllglous edtflrcs, closer tram FHI1 tlu< ntiiinil oraAwn. rullural Rxpcriment Station. murder of Lewis Stone, and the grim fouml HIP Journe) man limki' ilnwn and nationality" in character and castle, and there U just the most knit rural communitirai , andd nn denouement in the condemned cells easy brand of honpltnllty to visi- nn two clitssra of perennial cunfcH^pd that he had iniinleretl him campanulas, tile lull, lame, nhowj The mysterious meetings of 'the the aspect of field tors. The Provincial Tourist Bur- It Is inld that abuilt ISlM tin-He eau will furnish detailed informa- -mes n-prrrcmrd by ivntcUolla. peach- secret six," the third-degree methods, tights, nlil(.h were proliatily due to de- Originally tion gratis to thole planning trips. lenf br)lllimcr).*nittl the dwarf or rack Trmtt-Atlontic Optntn raids on the stills of bootlegger* and Empire Loyalists, ___. tor^yftn compiisltliin, mlKlit haw been Meell ul 01dUr3 Ufarther enhanead by It Is difficult to conceive a more lunli'ti kinds rpprrorntnl by C. car- Locatti Bmlkr in rVortMy the "muscling in" of gangsters on rhal niOHt every lilRlit In tho overfull rlotlc souls who crossed the 1 delightful vacation than one spent n from the United State* c._ tteslSToff EnglisElih eattlttl . graalnl g piitlrn iCiit|Mililitn hulrlx-lli. That territories are other vivid spots A ro- churdijucd i>f firejiriors ' Kdln- DlaeUly on verdant uplands at any of th« exquisite resorts in and Immediately after the War o? the Eastern Townships of m» of 1 ho brat, of the perennial Wk.B a Millvllle'contractor tried mantic Interlude Is suplled by Miss Har-" hurgh.—W ei'kly Scotsinun '" Independence, and still largely still further by the kliuls but Uiorc nte liiiiunierable oilier to **t lh touch with hi! bsaker re- low, of "Hell's Angels" fame, and John in™ »»ntliy-tif Hi uimlrncr's care, - i>jntb/.to make stun* srsanaeaMUe Mack Brown, who deserts his historical Most of tht.- IM'11 tluwera prefer a bsMrs'tR* lafdng of^aVloportent characterisations of "BUly the Kid'Exportation* Now Meet Brisk! Fasti 1 rnlhi-r Unlit soil, but will grow well on eoatratt, Be learaed thst the baaior and "The Qreat Meadow ' to play a. re- Demand for Pine Nut* the sunusl Inspection tu taking any Mill Hint lit well drnlnni and not too was In IM*ar, _ porter role _ place. Fortunately, the brightest dan Modern Wizard Pierces Veil 1 How many people know that Ihcre Is " ——TSw5 Stone portrays Newton. Hie un- or all~wirThe~ftnt-to radergo this -Boaisuody auggested only one ulngle Iraf"conifer- In North ordeal. "" •• — scrupulous criminal 'who guides the Anii'rlcu, the plnyoa' or dlniile leaf Shrouding Electric Wonders Sow Forgel-Me-NoU in June trsiu*UanUo t*lenh( machinations ot the mob from the plrnv and JhaL It not only ylfldeil_tlie. Une after another the Inspector's Th* contractor called winter provlslob of *the Indians, hut tl t d CfNCtlJfcAt ~™_- • «r A."t>.-Mi*em»r~"""-™-- ioperftof aa a "gun moll"; Paul Hurst, Clark that It now >lo!(!» an annual liarvejtof last he decided to give the pupil* a Trfalmy, Occult or Othejrwig., Hai No Part In Scientific N. J. Airii-ullural KnUiutan Service ot the banker, that because (Sable, Ralph Bellamy, 'John Miljan, pine nuts convertible Into cash? As really hard tent. •vvaii hours"dlfTareac* in Mm* DeWltt Jennings, Murray Klnnell. early as 18.13, SSenas Leonard, the clerk "Now, who c«a give me aa example Demonstration of Talking Flame, Sound- Norway It was Impossible to"' June Is nn riccllcnt month In which non Fletcher Norton, Louis Natheaux, Frank of Capt, Joseph K. Walker, who was of noUilngr he lnQulred, Just where the party cuuld be f After a short pause a tiny hand was — Jeia Hearing, etc o start furgcl-mc.-:'iiota or-Myosotl* for 1 McOlynn and Theodore Von EHtzjnakc tha first weotbound white innn to cross ipxl sniaun's likwin. Altliough theae but tbal It waa Imperative I up the remainder of the huge cast. raised. In locnlocL • the Sierras, makes note of this tree 1 A new kind of magician, conjuring toloplinliM are familiar SIKIUS In mosl ,>Iitnta may be sown as Into us August thnt plsyed so Important 1 pnrt In the "Well, little girl, * said the Inspec- Two liMiirn later III* » tor, "what's your doflnlHOor - mpbllfrof wliardry from the telephona all dally nt!y»U!nL»irs, Thoy am sool ind stilt blootn.-weil tlw followlnu home economics of the Indian. John scientists' supply of magl«, Is flerglus over wires In tho form uf^l«i.lrlo Iin prln«. (urllrr-stiirlt'd planbi give txl- ran* and t>te> bsnkcr-w Q Fremont In bis memoirs also refers The smallest child la the class nee wire The Mlllrllla Starts Friday, June ,19th to her feet. - i F. Grace, assistant vice-president of -pulsos ami enn be chanum! Into sounil l*r rrwltA. .,:. . '.:. to this spocles, which was the cause or HKIII, dopi'iiillnn i;li what roci'Mnn fi)lllr«rt of bloody battles fought by the I'lutes "Please, sir," she said, It's a leg- Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc. r'uct-nir-iioi wi'ptls iteiir.rolly rc« to K^rrnlnalif. Ihirllli "The Secret Six" and Washoe tribes over possession of less stocking with us foot In-lf— tlon, tlm hlnli iiiilns represent tBifill '" Yorkshire Post. the-bat occult may mystify no end of Ivriud the setKlbrfT'sliQuld be Uior- with the territory In which the prolific trees spots, Hie lowlniileii IIIB sbmlows. 11 Ilia past grew. peoble wltll bis vanishing guinea pigs, jughly tliadiil unUI Ihe yming (ilanti WALLACE BKEBY Mr. Clrare also tl«iiuinHtrat<>* varlou* x 111 n hie sawing of women In half, and his irntk thrniiiili tin* noli.'This will pre- fnl LEWIS STONE -The Indians gather after hard frosts types of t«J«vUlon liilina evolvml III Rhyme* About Maatae L apparently Inexhaustible supply of vt'iit tin' mil face null from drying out 33»,llt)0 In JEAN IIABLOW to collect the cones that ylfld the nu- Usrtlelt's "familiar QuoUtlons" egg* plucked from thin sir, tills mod- this relotlvuly now dov^opnient In U",ind cuuiiliift^tlii! (Irdlh of tho tritious, jeed^pr,nutsi after.Jielli*L. «'U #m,.magician, ol electricaljclencej.ro- 'ephony. dl jsnious w i 1 Bifiml* posed" to the sun or artlflLfut IIOHU Hie* "Thirty days hath September. AprH, aaoes such astounding willies as: * iii ~\iti "WlViiig" B«nfe ~*sp8l li nliBr \ FLAINFIELD'8 rnoled. • •.. In l»!0 seeds are eateo after they are roasted Jun» and November," th* earliest of A vlctrola playing a picture, sounds are passnd thromth a rcgulai Morlntii llnvr found Ills furuct-mc-nui THEATRE INTIMATE or are dried and ground Into meal. wbicb Is In Lstln and to found In • talking flame. radio tranaiullter amplifying (.Ircull, prontabli) pioiit for sprjAg sales, yl i»»-nuilly a« 111* florists. PARAMOUNT pine nuts «era shipped to distent Chronicle, dated Vttt. Other ver- Audible muscles. ~ telk as a" loud speakor woulil. Powut-nip-noUi Krow best on a ratltcr markets after the past season. The sions are In Richard draftoo'a Grasping speecli. A sensitive mlcropliono and a power- Indians were paid about £15,000 for gt »nil purtliilly shaded soil. • Sliade Tit >uii«>M "Chronicles of England," 1590; "The -The tnunderlog heart beak ful amplifying duvlco causns tho Drdl may easily bj« provided for tlie seedbed A PUBLIX THEATRE this commodity, which la new to eust- Return from Parnassus," London, 1008, While all of but demonstrations bare nary beort boat to roar Ilka a henl em markets. by using a^Dcrccn made of-building HtM »l P«r«»««t PlelMM and ma current Jn th* New England the elsment* ol magic. It is InturMt- ot thundering cattle. Muscles also latlu nailed ulxiul three-fourlhs to one states. A rhyme asld te be current lag to note that each esperlment make nolsea whin Llir-jr contract, as In Inrh apart Huch *, screen, climated at "amdag th'e Friends ut Chester county; quite apparent tn thorn -who hear them 1 U the >eiult'ol constent~re«earch for least 1 (out over tha beds, provides for Pa., ran: "Fourth, eleventh, ninth and better and-mbr* efflctenl methods of by way ot Mr. drum's ptiwurful louil an equal distribution of light. sixth. Thirty days to each am* (Ev- speaker, .. transmitting speech and Images over Trie modern /nrgel-tne-noli bloom in ery other thirty-one, Except th* -**c- telephone circuits. The dial that spuaks, tho woildnrit ond month alonej" all slwdcsui^lilWJtniR, and pink. The One of his most Interesting esperl- of automatic telephony and vsrlon- one most eotnmoiTIy grown. M. alpmrtrlt, ments la referred' to as "scrambled other ilnrtllng products ot ekstrlcil is a nhort-llved perennial, and Is cul- speech." High notes turn Into low Invoutlon are additional thing" luckcl IHaled un a biennial In New Jc|s»y be- USE if rl«. No Ssleatii* Baal* one*, low ones Into blgb ones, produc- "up the sleeve" ot this new wizard of cause" of our hoi summers. M. scor- science, JUNK 18-tl Ther» Is no known sdenUflc basis ing a strange Jargon when words are ploldes or tlw .swamp fargrt-me-not, Is NOWA for the popular belief that under- spoken Into the scrambled spajtch ap- a true perennial It nerd* a moist en- BETTER —MANURE ground water, oil. mineral deposit* or paratus. This Jargon can be "un- vironment far bent rmulla, hidden treasure* can be located by scrambled" and the notes resume their BACHELORS SAID TO BE CUAN OOORLEfS ' "LOUJS WOLHEIM and MARY ASTOR means of a forked twig carried over HorKtt-nie-nots, in oru>r to survive •LEASANT TO USE original poeiUoes.--The experiment BEST TELEPHONE USERS winter in good condition, need more the surface In a.certain manner, say* tit- developed for use on trans- gMMirAMTTta "- Pathfinder Magaalne. Bat the faith of protection than do most perennial*, Oceania radio telephone circuits.to in- Single men are more courteous over nils protection should be more against GARDEN ind certain people la not diminished. sure absolute privacy for telephone the teleuhona tbsn are wowon or mar "SW AU3OSHIP- " - The-beUef i* DtobaUy.a relic otsft: water and Ice than agalmt low UropM- rled_mon.'At least siuli Is the dwluc aturesv A rotdfrsmr-iirideel for wtoler- ,WN cl*ot-4nei^oda.()f_dlyjMtiojb-larly.la > Frank Fay- and. LauT*.:l*PI»P»? 1 ftf th*; -reasexch-xork- of. tne tlon Of s reporter b)r_the lies Mnlnet il1|r*forg' t-me--uotr, although they-abw in the Fifteenth century miner* In the Bell Ubonlofte* has bwn carried on Is, It«|l«tor wbo recently IntervIeweiT Ham mountains of -Oermany prospect- may be vlntercd 'wrll in Ihe open "GOD'S GIFT TO WOMEN" for th* relief of bHMnlty.-ittom this vsrlous telephone operators in that jround,'-provided tiwy are covered with ed with haul twigs, and this practice, phu* ot reeeareh has com* tb* arU- city on the question, "Are marrleit POX NEWS wblcb was Introduced among the Corn- j coarse material that will not hold the Bdal larynx which enables person* men, bachelors or women the most rater and Ice around the crowns of Double Featara wall miners In the time of Queen Elis- wh* kav* suBsred the lot* of their lar- polite Of«r the telephqnor' According SATURDAY abeth, later "was adopted a* a mean* Jie plants. Uhijh Ctwl & Supply Continuous Performance Ml P. yngse- througi surgical operations to to the operators, married mon are Im- for finding veliM-«f underground water. patient and -demarfd "more In the w«y fltoSENTB tats agate. By merely forming words with 111* lip*. Mr. OractKtelk* In hi* of service, while women are not is r- InilUn 19EattmanSt - Crairford dasMastrallon ot this* meohsnlsm. considerate and get exejted more Wetbawken 1* anSJndlau Pieseal Day W—«e«e ^A. vlctrola pleyjng picter*s U anj easily. Han In business are salj to be neanlna "innlw Inml." MJIMON Usny list* *nn ng..wond*M.ot. -topsf who-seem-best to-nndatataod- yfth _ *^^yfa "telephone "osag* atfd'Tfd»;fe7"ihsn"are El Brendd and FtfiDqSay geated. bat there la no final authority parates to noalv* electric Impulses reported by th* operators io be las Mat int. over telephone wire* tor the -j. ^.-__- = . UO Tt* aujrjrpoprraifavorlt* llaMndndar traasmtealon ot plelurs. Telephoning Tiest. telepboa* users, the steam engine, electric power, radio, Chicken DONT BET ON WOMEN ytctan* is now practiced widely and "much more polite, LOBHTSB UINNBR, IU* with •telephone, tlie phonograph, the *uto- mobllp.anfl «hi> airplane. Edmund -Je»mette MacPotiakl WsUdvP ' SteaJer* Tea- WINTER GROVE RESTAURAOT^fac^ akote.sbout a foot deep, Orange pekoe te* or pekoe tea I* Bonnie Barn Boad. Reotrfc yHOA*** MONDAT^ ^^^ ,.„ ^ ««»»oo»d»>oi»n>»ot wklle piaylng oa die ouUUrtt it 0MB> a kind of black tea of One Bator, com- batore^Ua, a boy dtoeovered » Urge of the young leave* picked In STRAND (Utkenpot. Inside the vessel, whlefc early spring- and rossted at a low tem- njUMrnao fc* dug out, were over 1» *ilv*r coin* perature, says. Pathfinder Msgajlr /"MALTESE FALCON" bearing nones In»enptions.-Tbe coins The word -pete** le **»«> Radways "Tested" **•»• *tfl . gDATB are stated to h* abnut 2.0flo year* old with Ctlnes. -pal." white, and "h«o, «^aV Moie •Ow ,v JflsW* *n * r efJCWnatpwn.' -»*» be* never gfflder* are not Prod«edftjn, RICHARD WX .^yeWTU WrwHI<*of them hovj or by not tllmate.* All *ped^ig . been mott wload by *i

V* Matins*! Weww r«»t.i»»u«PM »«»ermum ot,Utt. ^iU tW n* Ha UAwsanuvnta) *-^^

•CtmOMfitF TMffiffiAy.JUNE;T*.»931

.... «. tenj olAaatrkancitypoUtiasi MnnFPMi7F_RF A1ITIFY YOUR worH, It the attraction » -r»t)»enaia at the Parai atatttnf Friday, June IK repairs when they art W* Wallace Beery, Check, Weak Spots, nCtpalravololni"" " May cumuiaUve major repairai-bi* yoa *re "- «naw. John Mack Bnm own my hornet —Iti^our Dwelling flio-kee^ua juui UniatmtBt tr"—• ItV'MkTlaarJorie Ran I up my money in «n The compilation of the mortgage to- to its fullest worktog eajaselty.-.Whttt 'one of-the biggest casts no divt- tals tor the month ot May at pre- How are your porch steps W*s£J* needed for securltr or f^anrtainiedlate yet ry the picture unfold When a man makwea Investment of pared by the ndeBty Onion TiUe^nd borne owner* follow the sage example turn-over that Inrettnietat la. TtMf to' fait; tale based on actual! , an ardent advocate tSjOM or of llDjOOQ. he ordinarily doc* Mortgage Ooaranty Companyjif JKew;- set for them by the physicians and the serve you at once, whereaaa down-at- American city life. an that be- can to protect the orind- <, hat written for ((bat ark shows a grand total of $M«O,«W1. automobile owners, that questton win the-heel bouse to a constant drat on ~ Tttt story' was - writt^i •that ownsiti own pal and to make tbt beat me of hisdivided at follows: Title w^J"0"**? the red side of the ledger. lfarlon, aothor of The I returns. -:•-•' soon almost as common as How do i In It, maintains It r^r,P.ny^l IW1.T7D banks $miUM. you do?" Bew>Tew*eafT "lOn and BUI," and in more pleasure out of It. Perhaps the greatest investment a insurance compamea »1»JOO. B. #L. Oeorge Bill, whs also wai an ever makes it when he buys-or Doctors, througtt-tducattog the pub- „__ a brief mental ertminatVin of .more wholesome, healthful, mortgagea IU043W.T5. This total re- your home. Ftr-a starter, take Just pbona for the two earUs sphere In which, to builds bis own home, and yet few home lic to safeguard Its health, have man- flect, the stability ot real estate In the one of the items that It addon, given also Temembend for hb the horn* owner hat owners-service that investment with' county, and Is an assurance to those aged to add from five to ten years to the average life span. AutomobUe a thought, the roof. It it ttae^earred. "Tell It to the Marines" alBVin life. Hew adequate protection. If be It to-get with sound equities that a plentiful Ing Fleet.'' outalde tut home; be spends major profit* from home ownership, a supply of money is available tor high manufacturers, by stressing the need no longer weather-proofT .It It tba man would do wen to take at good care of regular checks on oil, battery, brakes, cause of your fuel btUaT Data tbt beat The^ picture opens in I leisure more profitably, and he and - grade mortgage Joans. house, where Beery work I family live a finer Jlfe and enjoy of his house at he does of hit automo- and mcoe,n»ii outlay of hIt.money--r,-!-r • * tt» nation's butinesi when he waa tec- -»IUl-»tOOt-fU«- .technical advisors. The tint Indication ot the condition Pnlage Dramatic .highlights in< of'-m nToWi»~perlsapX^"aT*eBra*<*- dlnlng room and living room. drains, floors, steps, porch, tills, plumb- They have been'selccled because they Tliis attractive Knguah home com- of the porch, steps, and. railing. Good bntchTe," says Augustus Buell to "His- TsL CBaaf era «-«SM stronghold, the: gangster The kitchen Is well lighted, has bunt- lumber lives almost life long service, ing; nesting plant, anil jjelllngs ^f your "represent the fundamental resources of bine* In one small compact bouse, all tory of Andrew Jackson," "wss thehome Just as you do the parts of your CONTKACTOB' '--—"—*-: aentatlonal-murder-trial. oT the conveniences of many seemingly In cases, pot closet and Its own side but In many cases weather and decay capture of a little Indian boy not more running battle of guru .Uw_Ai»Mlca that has forged ahead, to entry porch. lip. They are the stamina largeAmore expensive homes. Being have opnthlned to weaken the Joints than two year»"of"at"C both of whose the "putting on the spot' for the" renowned American solidarity designed to approslmate a cube, ailh no A stairway rises from the living room and boards. A broken step or railing parents had -been killed. General murder of Lewis Stone. ' and enterprise and rugged honesty, be- waste and a minimum of watt and roof through a charming alcove to theand scaling porch paint detract from Jacluou took charge of him., provided A FEW LOTS ON CRANFORD RIVER denouement In the cond otuat they art the all-powrrful ties ot rooms above. The second floor pro- the trim appearance of any house. him with clothing and made a cap- The mysterious meet a'rea. Its cost of construction Is very duces three large bedrooms and an Then It Utttf expense in dressing up sentiment that bjnd a man to alt \re- moderate tured colored •woman, a slave of the WITH HOUSES BUILT FROM, secret six," the thlrd-de HHmflWUtfi that secure him 16 his abundance of closet room, linen closet the front of the house, as knotty pine Creeks, nurse him. lie subsequently raids on the stills of b busJjMterthat taatenu driving purpose The rambling elevations' contain all and well arramred bathroom. The can be used far'the spindles In the sent him and bis nurse to the Hermi- YOUR PLANS railing*, as a tight, sound knot In no the "muscling In" of gap ' Into hit dally llvlpt. When a man the Informalities and charm ot thestair Is well lighted on both the first tage. The boy, to whom Jackson gave territories are other vivit own* bit own home he hi Immediate!) IngUih style. The sweeping roof Imea and second story. way Impairs the stiffness of the wood the name ot Mncojer, lived on the when It Is used vertically. mantle Interlude is suplie reoogtuatd by tw "community u an of the main roof come down over the On the entrance the structural feel- general's plantation until he reached low, of "Hell's Angels" ft agent ot responsibility, and it to- thientrance on one side of the porch, off ing Is carried out by using a half-Um- Many Woods Available the age of twenty, when he died ot BLUFF STBEET, NEAB COUNTY PARK AMD STATION what wus then called 'quick cousunip- Mack Brown, who desert man that muttJkcounl to himself fo the living room and dining room on bered wood on the second story, and Clear wood Is used tor the porch and characterisations of "E beams and posts of the porch and en 9 tlon" (pneumonia)." G. J. JANSEN tbt welfare of ethers who lisa "a con the other aide, helping to ri^iih this the steps, but the cost is Justified by and "The Great Meadow etructlve aim inJlUe" style; trance features. This structural quali- the added strength and durability of Carpenter tnd Builder ty It typical of the best ot tbe English porter role.—----- •'--- He UfTiT^"orAnierlcaircnii«n _Itift_urtngTeom jwhtch Ji Jane, and p ~ ' ESTIMATES" CHEBftFVLLYT OJVIN Lewis Stone portrays N well arranged and the dining room ad- work- and to Uus Is due much of Uw Pamt's Lo.( UU win It ratpagflble for the attainments Intimate friendly charm at the style. the steps should be treated with pre- Telephone CRanfera g-etat-V scrupulous criminal wt jacent, each-has one of those tharm- servatives, If it it to give ltt_best_set Parrots hsve been known to live «» Of fell He is the man who Hans.fot.Uils-hoiw!,csn. be, had al iug ss 00 years. . macbinatlons__pf_the_j I uronprofe'lhe ton lng.haya.Jbat the-English-JOK to In- vice.. Treatment,of the lumber .with ^background.- Marjorte; R troduce Into their beat work. The a very small cost by writing to Tuttlo creosote, atno chloride,-vr other good nun; who—because, Brae. as a "gun moll"; Paul payer, he is immediately sheltered porch opens from both the preaervaUes wU| treble the life of the Gable. Ralph Bellamy, ever alert to tlie working OeWltt Jennings, Mu government. He Is taking Honoiwd for life-Saving Tat the Interior trim of the house Fletcher Norton, Louis Ni in the dally We of his there it a variety of popular woods _ McQIynn and Theodore the affairs ot that country available to the home owner. White up the remainder of the to him .He fir and white pine are In the most general use, although white pine It pre- ferred. White Or. however, It perfectly I. and the local good for interior trim, as In strength ptal to Heaven. „ ,tra then, Starts Friday, Ji Math Jht IW qualities it is equal to sugar pine, and M»h Presiden except in toughness It Is e$ual to spruce. d" lie did? He ; "TBTSecret which, through the When the major parts of the exterior profit the entire nation, and Intcriori wooden portions of the home are checked, ltjs wtoe for the .. .. I »'"* householder to' check the roofing, the WALLACE BC «l*at Weather V«».« drains, the plumbing, walls, and cell- LEWIS STO ingt>,-TeM»-wlU berglven-the.h Many churches have for a vsne the Thackeray's definition, of a snob Is Ht» tl PattBMSSt "ttabhjM o'lh* JMlntt to whom they a classic of Its kind, It expresses very WeHelpYouJPlan neatlf_ the chsractertstlcs of that re- T .1* jbjr key, ana at Lun- gretable. typ^'of person. "Asnob Is BetiBlchre1 that man or woman who are always I —Needed'HomeImprovemeiits pretending, before the wortdrto be something better—especially richer or more fashionable—than they are. It And show you how you can pay for them ps-V TUwjasonatlle'people are u ImW to It one who thinks his own position In £'i/iaeoncj|* as the vanea of St. Beuul- life contemptible, and Is always yearn- ; tore,'! tower." ing and striving to force bimselt In- in small monthly installments to oa* shove, without the education or ^ !« OU NsretaUrg characteristics which belong to It;one *TpHERB is no good reason why your home cannot h-, * Trip* on many day* can be made who looks down upon, despises, and h' *^Hf7)» beaaUful old city of Naitm- overrides hit Inferiors, or even equals J. be up-to-the-minute. Improvements such as a -ot bit «wn etsndlngr and It ever ready- f B lnth< whole to worship, Awn. upon, and fetter a ^,-_ Of tjaruisny.—Most Americana tv> Ant rich or titled nan, not because he la a new roof, hardwood floors, new' step.saving and '-" to tie home ot the great arllat Durer. i Vail Medals, fclatieet twtrda ' ef the tlleshMe Industry ftr attowertay patlle «srvtet. Chatter U Bar., good man; a wise man, or a Christian Jt I* • fifteenth century Gothic strttc- -—othe • ^- Tr modern conveniences can• -*b^ ^e ••••^had^ aaana ti| d^, a,g^ _ntrd, prealdtntjif the -New Jersey Bell Telephone Csmpany.jitwntt" juam.but because.,ha.Jut tha_luck «ow.«watdJ)yJtl«ilLly. a| njhrlna, to-be rich ll* Seret-jea-aia ytmnayy tee lunehth Its hr-nty .-jnedalt to j^ph B.mtft_tt*ntettaadJoh»-H.-Wsttmels,-*oth et- joycr} ^biltpaying-foriihemria-jmill, monthly in>-~ ; thnHrtbkd d rooft tthe furniture oT Ills o»n Audubon, at a banquet held la Newark htnerlng thirteen telephone men ~~dajr^ur mil at many of hit wortut, " ftr 1lfe*avln# atla, Bemertant Watertleld, by application ef flrat aid ^s $10.00 per month. UuMgh'mostly copies, as the originals training acquired In Mie tslepheat business, kept • Celllngtweed motorltt thaalag ef "ReaiaaW art la tbe greatest museums'and gal* from Mtedlnt te-deaUi frem Injuries sustained In a-motor crash.- —Reginald-is aa-old-Teutonic name- meaning "powerful Judgment'!.- It Caltus today-and lemur give you the benefit oT lsrl4t.0t the world. Tlie modem a Dsrera art toy nuketa and their comet from ""nun" or regn£-ttean- ourexperience in home modernizing^Thcre is @.j. "prodAets are la the happynursfrie»T>f -Ing- jBstice «—wise-decision,- and "V all nattont. "wsHi" "power." When the two words obligation. together It was found so &335g "Gettified-Material^ /ttttaboat the Swlna navy might b« ttead ot -BognwaYd" or g^ Nf 4t-wat - shortened Mo, tb*' fsmllltr. jeed by a $l,0O0J)QnrjV backed-by-a Geographic society ttyt hi a bulletin Itegtnald and Beggte. The aunt was noting that there are IS countries that used *err noeh by tat Normans and $44,000,000 surety company. This is •Mvt ao tea coasts. ~ to found manjUmee to' ths Donwaday ymur assurance of high quality, ' Uuropettt eight land-locked na- book, which William tat Cboaaaror Moot—Bwltserlend, Austria. Hungary. ordered to' be made.. When used la' mancnt material. There is no added "OiKhotlovakla,'Andorra. San Marino. Scotland ltla often speUed Bonaldr In HUe«^tatelli«iMltr - -«aly-«-be<»mea-»lnsMo,-whU«-Be» cost for "Certified Material"—ask foe r*?iiirtt»ertaild la devehiplbg lu aerial " ls*tl»«lK>rtKagUsh'vartant, the whole ' it^ti highest degrei to make set orUloally coming from the Latu details^— - fcf to the tea.- word irefB."H role,- - >""

•i_ T**" .,-V t~ •^." " I? 1 ii. ^lt cjwntna; blanket, wild aald: - - LUMBER FOR ALL USES ' OSWAlDNlTSCniXJi. Au» In hit • \ ruU lme of StaDdard 8w mndW and Door Bentoi of Char White RAINIER ud Pine, JIM in. tbkk. Cedar dotet Uak«. GbtatwA and Otte P«g for IJGOQRATOR «**¥».*:-- * y **,

«J?I B«TTi *&?"•' ^JK*.


. i Ba." sensational drama THE EASTERN TOWNSHIPS OF.QUEBEC V&J ? "«*'4»*rk^dtypoUtios and the under- work!, 1« the attraction which will head •^ ia» JMBOXT COmtTMT, --rtk#^n«o*r*m at the Paramount Theatre W«t!Md,.Couniu K of C, has i ted officers for the Wallace Beery, hero of .The •lime 30, J9K, Lfirt» «to*a, John Mack Brown. loVattoTltaljorte Rambeau heading a IKRafh:' CO* Of the biggest casts assembled in warden. Matthew Wlttmi is yeanv tbe picture unfolds an astound- Peter Ritier m Oanterburj are most evident at I I* seldom given abwrentembered for his direction of McCarthy and giaal it tline*earnd. ~KH It to the Marines" and "The Ply- belb and other biennial campanulas thereafter, both ot the**- < mn'.Ii It the Ing Jteet." ni-tt smson phmiM sow «enls of then many needling* at . > Does the heat The picture opens tn a slaughter- plants tills June. Mown this niontli, ths at which Urn* seedling* thatfttti Due iai.., planu will glow large diouali to be winter to Mm house, where Beery works as a killer In come, ealabUshed tn their tbe pens. The naratlve then takes Tlii'nt «.:i :o r,,r- . - ,, * Cm fi eaatly carni for. and yet they are not locations in the garden wW «C*Hr4l ' TAT* W* : Mngraysof tba Beery through, various episodes in boot- llef in -iji-.i.l inn.i - llkfly"to Iwfome over-growit. v found tn have partly or uumjiletal 1' !K>rt i>f natural. t>i.wt In addition to the Canterbury bell the home; turn- legging resorts and into prosperity rayed root systems. from tti»» ^rounit »irrl • (Campanula medium), Intro are sev- Into Insufferable until finally he becomes a milllomitrv Older aster plant* may *udd*Ray.f overlord of crime, living like a king llti? window *>f Uj«r.r»»'t» eral other biennial campanulas that and din, espechUly at ^looming ttMJeTi lng in.rs.m (,iy, ~(V, i •*• ul i» ««• are well worth growing brtiause tliey v «m tell you Then tbe forces of the law begin their shortly afterwards. This Is th* I "" work and gradually the. bootleg-king is tlauit.'!}' thut bumttl . r nt'?««- mi< blooni profusely Un>*econd year from of ast«r wilt, which destroys ths) \ the life at your over tile grate'»f .'iny,;n* «Sw ka4 awl. Ilipso att* C, limm'ntyln, c. inir- • llveabUity by - dethroned, to find his end of the scat conducting system In the stem and 1 fold.- ^ b^vn tnunltireii—vtrc »->ii.i>ri abllls. C. ixitulu and O. pliytldocaly>. causes a rolUng of the roots. TheetatJf^.. root. ITyouln- In. Moit of tlw^c- varicti™ are'-easy lo R «fll be cutting The producers admit that "throughout rot diseases, which cause* a girdBnt-V'*| A certain. w*':iv*»r niHj from newt; and they germinate the story no attempt was made to siir- ranker at or Just above the soil levei,-.' " be nuking took as his uiwiataM —round -the-gangtter—with-aiiy-ineasuiit ( may Ui iB»pumlble-foT~ "Jouni^ytaanT" .After a L sun> jlmt the surface ot n insulated not dozen American cities were woven into and later tlilnned to th* desired n rrasrawrBotwS:' ; Tlic soiLjiiay bc.Ju!pt..uiQUit ^^liT^b^^ffdn^Sl not the rooms: • occurrences reported in the newspapers tltuii'eu, -driving pus r will Uiaii lnviii»lanuid aster*. This Is" daily, Coi*#l sequences, gangster epi- • «- Miiulluji It with Uiirlnp or cxo»l»iur tufce one nliiht. in« The ona«terml wltrjl ciUinr of Ihow because auch seedling* suffer no root sodes, the political campaign and by leaps aad aoaadeTthey Injury by • trhnsplanllng, and are not near- tno cottar, hriMcJM Ike i tor tasttaate -ththe keen pleasurepleasnrast will pirvicil Hipjuiil .iiirfiuo slu'rtff to th* pla<« ehrcknl In growth. If either aster been, filmed with the aid of experienced it affords fat*e*n*ryp f Irom drying out under the hot summer ; .'Thlf-'!>•« sou ia whiehil wilt or stem rot or asters have been the Ww lab* via with os» id iMit'iiniol camiutiiilas nre liarticr llic KardeK the toll should be Dramatic highlights include the night poce^led bjrtMr**roy d^peend- beaatlfol either replaced with fresh soil or steril- gbBe."buT;fWilite(l Hi Ws itttr » stronghold, the gangster funeral, the he would ."eventually nrtam. .H«: thedw gensatlonalrmrrder trial, the desperate tseaaet»a«s Impossible Fletcher Norton, Louis Nathcaux, Frank of t'«l)t Joseph R. Walarr._ak* *w «f BMldagr he laaslneV leu Hearing, etc. Just wlmre the party could be tton _ McQlynn and Theodore Von E1U make tho lint iwestbound watt* Wai tm mm Alter a ahort pass* a ttay head was o stait forgct-inv-nutfl or MytMulbi for tint thai It wna Imporallv* t' up the remainder of the huge cast. the Slerrasv makiia mx* o* tkisi lr*« K-xt srnwns blikiin AHIiniigti thcu ha locnloil. A new kind of magician, conjuring elophotos are familiar sights In mosl iilunlii may bn sown fis laUt IUI Augilst that ulajed so tmpurtaola put la Ike -Well. Itttl* girl,- said the Inspec- Two liiiiir«-|nt«r llio •a kit* of wlaatdry from th* telephone, all dally newmiaui'ra, 1 hoy ars sonl and still- bloom »cll tho Jnllowlim 1 bom* economic*, of ta» taJUst J*ka tor, "wham your deflaltiaar raiiK ami ITs*» banker w •[ The smallest child la tbe class roes eolentliu' supply of magic, la B.rglu* liver wires In llio form of oloUrlu Ini prlng, carllnr-iihirlMl plullli ulvti bit- C. Fremont In hi* Duawtm at** ntm pulses and can be choimoil Into snuml wire. Tim MH^'UvflflV -, Starts Friday, June 19th to this specie*, walen of bloody battlo* fungal by la* nan _ Wb«r*a* jour ordinary rabblt-from- apparatus Is used. In a ">uund" rvrop les* sleeking with no foot la It."— ibout III dn)^ l» iKTiiliiiati' IJurllly •—*••• ^ cretSix and Washo« tri»«.«»«r ;U>M«H.«( the-hat occult miy mystify no end of tlon, tho hlcli units rcurciliMit Ills llglil the territory In watch the BfoOac tnc* Tstkabln Post, spots, ttin tnw notim tlm Jh»Jo»s. jjila pulod Uie'sualbnl sliuuld br thur>. Ill th« psut deosd*,' the num'b»r ot Ittw. people with bis vanishing guinea pig*. •uthly shaded until the vouug planli WALLACE BCEKV his sawing ot woman In balf, and bis Mr. (Iraru also ilcmons'tralos various irrak llirounli tin' null 'tills will pre- liluiilu 11 in (he City of_O«trqlt hu LEWIS STONE The Indian* gather after aud'fxMtt *t>y*>*r-ni*»t -thait* - apparently Inexhaustible supply- of types «r tnlevlalun lulim •volvod-III -j-L troni_l«J«MLJB _18»l_lo. . tcliriirn~siiiriile m>n frunniryrng oul runnuo in 1931. TUedlyuowb*«*kuut JEAN IIABLOW to collect the rone* tHat yteM Ukt •»• -familiar Quotations" egg* plucked from thin air, this mod- this relstlvoly now dovulopmenl In t>- md canning llit> ilrutli of llio trltluus seed or oat* after tea* «m- en r*rf*'*" of electrical science pro- lephony. , IID.OIIO dial tulophones,- which almost 1 jviu*la.2ha tu|al nttrabe^ otjlalspjuiawks^- •poseU'to ^* suirW'tttfltrf^'TBoarTt* September, April, eaoca sues astounding rcalltiea a*:' his "liilKlnr flame *-ejpirrttnTiir- PLAINHELD'S In I0SO. ', !*&'.. *eed* an eaten atUr Uwv an VMUtel Jem* *ad Serember,- th* earliest of A vlctrola playing a picture. sounds are passed lliroiigli a n'gulsi Florists Imvii fuuntl the forncl-inc-noi THCATRE INTIMATE or are dried ami grand. Eafi* *M*L Is la Lathi and hi found in radio transmitter anipllfylng circuit, '! A talking llama. v a profitable plant fur spring sulra, yd tiurdia, &, The »hlt» man aas ur*--5amn*4 IlarrhMtt** IMecrlpUen of Scrambled speocb and miuls. causing a flamlug »M bntwcoii twoainaUtur uardi-ili'la ulll grow thflv own this- delicacy, and ftottr *- PARAMOUNT pin* nut* want SMMP*4 U «sl*a« Chronide, dated iSCt. Other ver. Audible musclss. ~ Ulk as a loud speaker Would. 1 ForKct-inr-nols tiruw best on a mtlrr st iian,iiu(>.oaa 4-- -" markets after tb* past ***»»•• !»• •Im are hi Biebard Orsfton * Creeping: speech. A sensitive inlcrophorio and a power light and purtlally shmled soil. Hlwdc T* PUIP«tl« 6-2800 ndian* we» paid abvtt tJSjB* **r "Chrealde* of Bsgland." 11M0; "The nil amplifying daviio csus's tho ordl A PUBLIX THEATRE *he -thundering heart beat may cosily bo provided for th« seedbed this conimoJIW. whlcb t» •<• t* east- Betam fiwai Famassas," London, 100B, While all of his demonstrations bar* nary heart boat to roar Ilko a Ijonl by -using a screen inado of building ern market*. sorf e*w cvrrent, in Aw Mew England tba elenunta of magic, It I* InUirost- of thundering cattle. Muscilvs" all laths nalltil ubout lltrcitrfourlhs. toon e J state*. A rhyne sala to be carrent tag tojnote that each experiment make riolsts whun tlioy cnnlrnct, as l» Inch apart (inch i. screen, elnvuted at eft .js^tWfMewbVOkester MtOtty; it the reeutt ofTconslanC "research for 4UIM app»ieilWo-tlH»s»=wl»o-b«iP-th»m least 1 fool uvrr tint Imls, provides for II fK. ra»: -Fwrrdi. eleventh,ntoth aad by way of Mr. (Iraco's powerful luuil better and nor* efficient method*.of i MIUUI illittribtitlou of light. •nth. Thirty days to each aflfi.B* transmitting speech and Imagoe over speaker. cry ether thirty-one, bcept 4tm aee- Ttip niwlt-rn forgi't-ine-nou bloom In telephone circuits. The dial tbat spoaks, tha wonder* ill luuuks of wlilte," bluo. and pink, '(Tin One of hi* most Interesting experi- ot automatic tolspbony and tarloil one most romtnonly gruwn, M. alpestrts, ments hi refsrred to a* "scrambled other startling products ot plwtrliil Is a stu>rl-ll«ed .pvreiinlul, and Iscul- speech." High note* turn Into low Invention are additional things tnckcil tlvated as a biennial In New Jersey be- USIIT CRANFORD N.J Ha* He. 3il»atta« Beat* one*, low ones Into high on**, produc- "up tbe sleeve" of thl* new wizard of cause ot our liot.sujmncrs. M. iicor- There 1* cw known sdestific basis ing a strange jargon when words ste science, - -— - - - " ploldea or thu swamp forgrpme-not, l» NOW" for the iHipolar belief that nnder- spoken Into the scrambled speech ap- a true pcrcimlal It needs a moist en- BETTER--MANURE gnsnl water. e»L •Uaeral deposits or paratus This Jargon can b* "un- BACHELORS SAID TO BE vironment tor best results. • CLEAN ODORLISS LOU1S WOLHEIM and JV1ARY ASTOR treanrw eaa be located'by tcrambled" aad the note* resume their «f a r«rkad twig carried «ver original positions.' Th* experiment BEST TELEPHONE USERS Purgel-inc-nole, In order to survive TO use n a certain nanaer; gays was developed for us* en true winter .In good condition, nral nwrq 1 .. tagsaiDe. Bsjt the faith «f ooesnle radio telephone circuit* to to- Bugle men are more courleoua over protection than do must perennial* son sbsolau privser tor telephone Hits protection should b« more against "SIN SHIP ' certsda peop»«. J* not drsslnlshii, the teiopbone than are women or mar water and ice than a^slnst low tomper- -ALBO- The fceHefi e proeably a rellg of an- «ae»L rled men. At least such la the dednc tui(i_ A,coafmmiriaiU«al_iOT winjsr rttt aiilusltea Tsilj la Mash of1£*~r«**arch work 01 Uslt5n~pT*rr«port*rt»r the DeirMotiwr la th* Bell Laboratories ha* been carried on Is-, ResUter who recontly Interviewed ng foriict-iiip-iiuts, olthougli they also "GOD'S GIFT TO I Ban wMstalaa *f Oerssaay praepact- for the relief of "humanity, from this various telephone operators In -that may be wintered will-In. till? open I «i «Wh hasel twig*, and this practice, phase ot rsseanh bss come- tbe artt- city on the question, "Are marrlcil {round, provided they axe covered with poxjim •latradaced smong-tbe Oom- letal bwyax which .enable* persons men, ba wb* bav* nfml the loss of their lar- polite over the toIepbunvT' A«ordln(C »at«r and Ice around The trowns of Continuous Performance MI P. M- I akett, later'waa adopted as a means aakw- tbroogh lurglcal operation* to to the operator*, married moo are Im- ho plants. -prjOE -|PRB3ENT8- - rvctns-of-andargraejnd'WSter.' tSacafiu 7y merely forming word* patient and demand more In llio way with hi* lips, Mr. Grace talks in bis ot service, while women are not ss Indian N*w»iiUt«» (deejoastraUon ot thl* mechanism. considerate- and get excited more eeliawken I* eJi Indian easily. Men In business are salj to ho 1 •MR. LEMON of ORAN&T 'Avtetrola playing plcturts te-an aning 'Imnlre Intnl. * uWq g telephone usage and single men are fifiDorgaqr paratM to-receive electric Impulses SUNDAY seat o>< war telephrm* wlr**Jor_tb«_ reported by lb*_operalor* _lo bo- lh» L -•—J ••* of^ pleturs* . ^TelephoninM * e^ e g best leiephons nsots, a* thsy artt Chickeicken oor teng blItiaitrhDadrDhiMr-a ' DONT BET ON WOMEN" pietarsa Is sow practiced i ^-more polite." with- | LOBSTEB DINNER EVB«Y rWDilfV, »LM _J^B.M»J>-»M owe Bet'* Laes* Fhsi StMdara Tea WINTER GROVE RESTAUllANTiHInc. Dtggtng • bete gboota foot deep, Orange p*«oe t«s or pekpe tea U MX playing oai tt* onukirt* of CoBa- a kind of blsck tea of floe «"or. com- Honnle Burn "•"' t! ^NU»r»rlD«arrboy^b|cov*red a large, posed of th* young leaves picked « ajuthen pot Inside the vessel, wbleb early spring and roasted at a low t*m- • >'t

wUilIoin-.anld. / SpieW* riese*** • ^ . • a •age of Chinatown.' "There bas.nevor Solder* ar* not produced from oiri BLVK navtir-rtJatB snd.E»xw»Tg8 ween doubt w to «hkb of tben hat* W by bit «H»»t«.i AnspWeajre '•Men most ,vsTo»d by,*«eh gmwratkm * cmralvorM*, eating.- Insect* «nd «tb«r k T and they are UkeUi^lo b» ^*— Insect prey-jwtfl be caught- When I . *l# •sttfaMwU fleWflaf MflblMP ME Ulfe orb«Udln»:tI«,_«»so:1f»rt!'«< BobbrJooeii tptum (la UtaagaltA rets)

-'•-I-S'&^ii: >*i±.i~S\. ttfci£w I-*,-*^?L\P" &4_ ~l -^•v.—Z


Mld property owner* should bt CRANFORD A. C ADDS •ultad.to aee whether they wlah Juit Fjnom Detroit down* on* tide repaired or eomplM* patching •a onr the surface. Interested prop- A conbtaatton fait baiebaD game etty owner, win be notified w atuend Struck by a car while crossing North A meeting of the dtatrlbnUng com OraduaUoa exercise* of th* Oar- the adjourned meeting of the council avenue near Westneld line last Thurs- raltte* of. the Oarwood Centra) ReUrf wood Public School will take and "more fan than adrcus- M adver- last W—tsy. tised for next Wednesday eventnt at next Tuesday evening. IBids for tarvl* day night, Catherine Orlando, J, of in Committee wilt- take place tomorrow n*xt Wednesday evening in the Lin- Oarslde street, Newark, suffered a evening at 7 M o'clock In the borough coln School, when a class of about Dnsml Park, when tha Oarwood Demo- and covering materlalfi'or road repair cratic Club baseball team will to Obtain Li- were authorised to be advertised for, broken leg and several abrasions. Mil- halt forty-two wtn receive diplomas Clan dred Uunbardo, 10.110 Oanlde avenue Piling np an earfy lead, the Craaford the Detroit Clown*, with June 30 a* the date of recelvlnt At the present time, the Central Re- night exercises will be held tomorrow A. C. romped off with their game Under Ordinance Newark, who was crossing the street lief Committee hai received' a total in evening. the field and an the but*, thej with her was also struck by Ihe car the E&tabeth Orayi test Sun-players am an Councilman Murray reported he had donation! of tmoa. ThU Includes The theme of the graduation exer- day at Warlnaneo Park. and received' minor injuries, such aa IIM.03, raised In the hou» to hduf* who are not busy whue>HSe tkto ta* i inspected road repairs nude by the cises will be "Educating; for Worthy Joe KJeto. the A- C •« star hotter had i OPBOCU Tuesday night water company In Hemlock avenue and abrasions of the nose, leg* and fuijeri unywii *Bl from the charity ball and Home Membership" and a huge share bat entertain the crowbr with first-dais of the left hand. MO donated by the teachen of Oarwood no trouble tondDg them past the be- downing, mug a^rlde variety of mirth * the polio* department found them not satisfactory. The of the program win be devoted to awildered opponent stkkmen. In the l MalM all peddler* sell- council voted to call the matter to the The car was driven by'MIss Roberta «chool», dramatization of various aspects of the team It managed by seventh, honrit, be allowed them five Pepper Martin, famous shortstop of the* uthl* borough Without the company'i attention. The recommen- Everett of 107 Retford avenue, Cren- The committee hai many requetu for theme which have, been learned in hits and four runs Just by way of mak- «: •ytf required under the dation to Install a reflector-type dead- ford. who stated the children darted in thoa and clothing. Local people de- sciiooL American League team. Ing the game men mteresUng. But Demcereta will present- their t'Jim MeMer* ordinance. end itreet il«n on Third avnue was front of her machine. They wen takentlring to help lit the relief wptk by The invocation will be delivered by for the dattfi« son in left and center WMeettat, Uw tltrk m sanctioned. Referring to the Impass- to Elisabeth General Hospital by their giving «hoe» or clothing are reque»t*d the Rev. peter F. Will; putor'of the line-up, bieUidhig Babe Bacjder, fields, whkh vWoally made it hnpoasU Jack Jkao; Abby Leltcn, BUI McOarron »mitt to wveral arm* car- able ditch at the Intersection of But parents, who were visiting friends In to •end «uch thlngi tp.Rlcbajd_Bocil PrejoyterUn Church of Oarwood. WU- hie to approach anythlnc bit V teem, notifying them •tract and South avenue, where the dorwood The Lombardo girl was able ford, secretary, m Window Haee, or Ifaun Farkas, president of the clasi wai direction. Klein would have and WaUy Morgan, as material tat the I of UM ordinance. The avenue is being reconstructed, Coun- to return to her home after receiving Henry Pfelffer, treasurer, 337 Myrtle give the ioddresi of welcome, while ashutoot- infield and Frank Martin, Howy -and-toe-Rome cilman Murray-aald-several-ear*: had treatment-at Uw honpUat-— •reque,. Ajracant store: jrilLheiecuted htatloi of-th*-«bv -glft-te Xtu h the only one* beerr bogged and suggested the con- After-the'accident, Miss Everett ai a storage place for such article* and school will be made by Alice Wasow- . * and Paul McCarron for the. outfield. final appllca- tmustor be notified to erect a. barrier, from which they will be distributed to ski Supervising Principal W. W. Hal ' they have The game,wlll start at «:U p. m. drove to Oarwood police headquarters the needy, - - -.- -th*--meetin|-Tu«- or-mlgn -that toad Is under construe--' to' mike a report THIS resulted Ih • v Sftkht ftmom were granted. tlon. Ill* suggestion wai carried out. charge of leaving the scene of an accl- which will be awarded by R. P. Hund. the past, they f Hatvre Pr«*rv«t Balaar* \mti hia—.Ian of-* ti*ntr~but-«f ter- hearing- before- sjrhlch ptddlea _ Murray .aid there Is need for a light Ewald, sentence was suspended During the program, selections will be HI Ho. the *age of Chinatown, "«lio..ld I JMII a* in Mwral other munctpalf- on South avenue, between Myrtle ave- rendered by the school orchestra, while not Oespalr. Heaven ha* been gener- Mtejiut Motion. It wai pointed out nue and the Oarwood line. Acting Lacked, Speaker Aiaerto Lotus Caaale will give a violin solo. The ous In distributing through the world "^parUoular bakery claim* deliveries Mayor Acker agreed .that it was needed HOROUOff BBI|EF8 benediction wiU be Jrjt. the Rev. a > Tannler./pastor of SL Pauls many men who are both well-to-do and customers, and. It "was authorised.. Cafl p, Knus, and LeRoy P. Shepiird Opportunity knocks mor»,gftem sto- aear-slchtrd "—Washington 8U& _ ,—j- - ^— — -•— -^p-Bc ™ ^-ej^aleVawe^e* *• h«ve_been. Mlectod-to_ KOTO on .the dar, modern comptea aondltlonf of ltv- Cbnrcn, -.. — goods front which deliveries ough hall had resigned" Acting Mayor. fourth panel, May term; of the grand Inj than In tbo "good «ld days" of i Mystic Ceremoniei,at two days ettch week",' St. Paul's Lutheran Church will have ester I? Dornord. president of the The~three major uqlti of English 1 milk dealer* should obtain different men being used.'. ills *u«gej. dl pitrioHo -Jwrrlce' - Sunday .Hsw.Jersay.Ball Telephon* Company, -Japan, like njott of the-Orient, br a money are poumle-sttrHng.—»WlUng* I lo-thoae they re. tlon_wia_.jippr9yed._ JTO. Increase., the asserteiU'ecently. great land for ceremonial dance*. A and pence. The milnea, the half High up, set in fr, June 0«. Membeni of the Quebec lies t . . _d of health. -Other efficiency .-of the . superintendent of borough council and other omclali have .Speaking at ceremonies Jointly .eon- •word dance hi given one* in every crown; and the half penny and the streeta. It waa agreed that he be allowed National Perk, a members of the council expressed the been Invited to attend. The pastor, ducted oy the Re police were needed. He had struck to. command alienee. which we have IB others.—ti Kocbe- I held at the Court Hou *«,poUced« »^J;7.M.f2qf,^, counciL ei- P.tMm.WljUon.. ll)ey,,-could not y prdrog presard the opinion the money could be have rendered tb«- outstanding service Carter, p. 3H on Thursday, June only tune memben work- and earnestly before the holy ofjiotles, ' 1:10 p. m. bour ahlrta, Itn tmpoulblc wed to better advantage buying food Now an Adafe, Written they did render, nor have won torwith many low bows," relates an east- that th li hd for the needy, as the poor account Is themselves the sward* they received. Totala. , Orector McMane prcsldl that Uw police headquarter* Only Few Years Ago ern observer of the rites, "Then be ihowed 30 members prrse 11,be antwercd. AcUng running low*-' ; 4,000 Lt.rn First Aid arose and waved his stick over the Cranfoid A. C. _5 0 0 1 0 3 3 3 o—13 Htaabeth Grays J> 0 1.0 O 0 4. 0 0— « - Minute* of the meeting v«wu., pointed out the employ- Acting'Mayor Acker was given au- All of the citations were for casu heodi of the musicians on the plat- Stabd mpoab wlU bt mind bi Ux thority, to baue the annual proclama- •A familiar adage tells us that 'the Two base hits) Torrea. Bhrigbt. 5o '' f 4; by Carter S. Double pUya. Wlkander- t« uw fanUinK .nd drilt.rj of slm K»W- Loveland ad- quette. "Adage—an ancient proverb." those whose lives were spared were which is tied a white paper symboll*- Uun u4 UHUDIMIU ularlils la llw Bomish I lt t i Wesighan. g^-rffH* Pledikaauu. FLkecl Out Wrong Time i "How ancient doe* a slogan hare to peoplpl e outsidtide ththe telephonlh e organisa- Ing pjurlty. cat In a peculiar fashion.' Oanraod. Nnr JcrM), durlu UM rtu 1111. bating iw be In order to become an adage?" asks tion. T/he dnncejr whose duty It was to Catlsein bluN «f osaanUei pueome- I to See) Model Childrwa If. 0. Stoke*, now on the staff of Elec- The recipients of tbo citations all are terrify the evil spirits and drive them Cnfty 14.tMC.lloM or AtthUl Oil Ortltt ICO 4~p» cenBdered. It ••eoiilc wondered at out frolics, but trical Research Products, Inc. Mr. holders gt first lid certificates Issued away seemed to the otwtrver- more The- rrdhndol wnodpeckiT Is * "htitaa-r. i I pollca and lire com- enjoyed them, and droll slurle* are Stoke* was th* originator of the phras* jointly by tho Red Cross and by Ih* destined to give tile wldi-ejed chil- fnrrnnndnl bird. tn« . inthorHln at r-lnntUmtion «nd report. •till told of (lie adtealiires or tho«« telephone company upon the comple- dren In the audience horrifying night- i .Vatlooal i«rt. dlifotnia. say. day*.-llr- Kiuerw«-»bd-Marg*ref that-hai-proved so-popular for many mares,-This dispenser of evl[ spirit* tt~to-twiiE e years. tion ot a course In flrst aid training p M to where flm alanm ruller were visiting my parent* one which Is offeredJor all male employees *ore an ugly mask, with lung ecrag- guide putt* *nd w»d-r amrn* Into the afternoon, and Jl;». e^venatluaJuM. .As a matter ot fact, Ihls phrase, 'P-.lhejMjajanjk^AJJha.j ,^!^^,^jraasS*»s**);jte Ilig rurned to iheerer-lnterMtlng sub- VV6n^irb-*n^r*alta^VAWp.1^iT there aft approximately may lie given at all p ae approximatelly *.J0».JO09 teletele--1 Prayer stick, but his was a twig torn scorns bat iber appear biter and eat 01 CADiV) • COLLLNB, an alarm at theject of education, Ula* ruller said: coined In January, 1111, when Mr. Iphon* men In New Jen* who' hav* from 0. tree and on It were tied paper- the worm* that develop ja the acacia*. of the bor- "Welt. Mr. Alcolt. you have beta Stokes was copy manager In the ad-J completed this- training. They are prayers. These be waved throughout able to carry out yoor method* la -J vertlilng doportmonl of the Nsw York] tra'»ed la all branch** of emergency his dance. During his appearance the ^V/HttrB. jour nwn family, and I should Ilk* to Telephon* Companyrof-which" hohcrf ""'•"•-*ach Mtne »W«catlon ot drummer beat upon the same kind of M* your model children." i snot > during the meeting. B.' Boorburgh was advertising director. artificial respiration and the treat- Instrument used In the Furuma dance -J i Vtolstt 'acted In his place She did In a few moments, for u ment ol wounds and fractures, as well and two other men played peculiar the guest* stood on th* doorstep* a According to an account, at the-blrth U In genoral rules ,ot health and Japanese wind Instrument*, sounding - J>e event olthe slogan which found Its way Into .Upon the" ot Fire wUd uproir approached, and round safety. much like a flute but much shriller n, the council voted th* corner of the house came * wheel- h' York Times: . /Women of the ''telephone- cenSpany In tone. A MILLION r fire hydrant*. Th* barrow holding Baby May arrayed ai "Mr, Bcarburgh walked Into Mr. also recelvo some first aid tralnlug " UVenue, cut of a queen | r wai the. bone, bitted and Btoku' office one day and noticed that in connection with health courses of- -..Center brluled, and driven by my elder slater he was working on the 'dummy' for a fered for all female employees:" Then Eaatern Cemeterv Laid • -IN USE , near Cen- Anna; while Lhnl* played dog, and booklet. He asked ^Im what It was,•re about 4,(00 telephone.women In - Out Like Modem City barked n loud as her geotl* voice and Stokes replied that It was a little the slat* who have completed this and mow tellimg permitted. course, - Travelers In Egypt spproachlas; y;beeded at theee loca- book on courtesy, called Winning Cairo from the easr are deeply Im- stilt fastor | , U were paying All wen shouting and wild with Friends by Telephone, anil was de- Two Vail Medal* Qlven ran. which, however, cam* to a sud- pressed with the striking appearance. ratetv due to Um. signed to become part ot the. educa- Regional bronso Vail medal awarda In a sandy valley between line* ot - ." \< r. Answering Council, den end u w* espied th* stately group worjo, presented this year to Joseph b*for* us i for my foot trlppsd. and tional campaign then under way, broken hills, of a seemingly opulent quiry, acting 'Mayor Whan Mr. Scarburgh left he carried Bornert and John H. WaterOeld, both city, dose-built with houses of vary. ihevhydranu wUl oast 1103 down we all went In a laughing heap) ot Audubon, who by the application ot while my mother put a cUmax to the .away a copy of the booklet, and he Ing alies and dominated at.interval* ^rn^Ur wpply. tells tho rait of the story this wiy: .sold compresses saved th* life ot a with great domes and slender mbv effort* of Councilman Need to Joke by saying, with dramatic wave CoWagiwood motorist who was bleed- of the nand; - -;• -. - * •I stuck the copy Into'my pdeket and areta. ..They are, however,- greatly M lli1 il1 lot tp death from Injuries sustained in nnioaed upon reaching the city toBa d Sthe *2firecorder's* court*'. "Her* at* Die mod*! ehlldrao. Mil* want uptown, where I met F. 8. a motor crash.'. Vail Medal awards are Fuller."-From "Uralaa May Aleott Biackall, who wo* then the president that not a living aoul 1* In It d tho highest, awardi of the UMphoae . 8ucb Is the "Eastern Cemetery.* or that a suitable bench Her LIT* add, tetter*.* by Una D. ot ft."Ho e A Company, manufacturers Industry foroutatandtag public serv- .Ghent*. , i. , "cemetery of the Sahara," as thla HOOto-IUSr-Oouncil^, of printlngjnschineryi'-Wejrent tpjth* ke^-SlnceJnauguratloR of-thli •ward- waCtlven authority to I theatre together, and between the acta about ten years ago fifhono r of Theo." ITfar more luxurious than many town* ,. _ for_benehei, although j I *how*d>loJ a copy of Stokei' little dor© N. Vail, Jersoyman and outstand- of the Uvlug, It hai houses, streets, a Head suggested that cluUhr| ' book. He read It through carefully, ing telephone pioneer, thirty-nine Mew court*, shaded walks, and large, can- _at__onee._> councilman _> __ Clocki_WallD**aryJ -and-wh*a he-tame tQ-thrtaut-ihra;. Jersey neoslB_hav«.r»ceived such meoV .traUballdlng*. which are-th*-tgmba-of- i that a new flog, ooat- Cuckoo clock* originated In Oar- which was 'The voice with i smile als, six of them being national silver the neolthy or great : purchased for. the borough many, In the Black lYtrtat district •*"'"" " ot "" The principal structure, under a "fled., fce.reported.acnen a Jfh* first ooejra* jnadejiy *ran*_*jK aaUVaaflaa **V*T4a«Ua*% -^ hugs dome,-la, called the "Xfosqu* of~ • on the windowi of police Vygitp Th. President's 'Medal, offered by toa Ketterer, la SchoMowold, In 1T80. Bd mi mi t0 tt Kattbey," the tomb of a sultan. There I and to make the campaign Copta aoon became popular, the op- * ' " **° -**\ \ » National Safetfeyy CounciCoun l for the mre also the squalid quarters of th* peal made by their quatntn*** tad - •; .IguccessfuIguccessfull applicatioliti n ott tthho prone poor. —two acraen fW ."the outer norv . ud exceneat Uow-keep- The sugtution wai followed, and ^, d this year to P. J. several rooms, all well furnlahedand sine other will be hung In the InarqnallUea. The mecbonUm of the the slogan waa used on a (mall blotter Clark, of South Orange, who rasuscl- (decorated with be*8llfut eriental "! *oo clock ta^vwyTTngeMooa^ By~f »"* Uttle cards issued bylhe company; ttled a'young-woman toundowrwnar^Weg-rntound'OT*reomvre*rrIe¥~Tndd "illk'illk'hi" hanri5i the .thrust, of a wire'ih•'••--e bod- y of tat 'an•»d• afterward* in many advtrtlse- by g*s In her Mwirk apartment, Six I - , "the'Onloo County Tax Board bird I* bent forward,' the wings and mmente*"1*. ••"•storiel—s •and lectures. Almost, New Jersey telephone men have re- e.,«aiJneelyed that! eight property tall am raised and Uw beak to opened. I Immediately uupon id "appearance. It eelvedthli awar* shite It wai Initiated - ' OU WulW Osa*a* • had ippealed from assessments Blmultaneously two naalt bellow* are' <*»• dbtlayid4, by the subway ticket .thro* yyea n agog. At Blddeford pool, * 'place of ran f"""jj local aoeoon. ooundl raised and dropped.—Tae not** ! •altar*l , undsd r the glsss-of their coun- All thirteen ut the** men werTpr*; historic Interest on the western Mate* :hearin«-was-aei-for pndBdhJUU____ ^ . ^»«. and-by-caihUr* la rwtauranU •ented Red Cross cerlincatas ot merit coast, recenUy discovered records slum ig;ln.the court house. one taaeTa fifth *bove the other, tr*-"* «orM. who hung It abov* th*The list. In addition to th* Vail MedaV that there were weather prophet* there (hive the borough at- which the bellow* are attached. Al-"1 *•»**»» of weh> cages tor hasty pa- tits and the winner ot the President* as tarty a* 1016V. It was In that year ir rt proient to rente* mostr«nry home In the Black forest' 9* * r*«d and act upon. , Medal, Includes H. J. SchaeStr, ot that th* flrst white settlers passed., th* t thel Newark; R. &V Jackson, ot West O winter at Ihe pool, naming It Whiter Cceseeses one of thew dock*, but oa * wwtooalsti have used it in the 1 '"-iMtlaenMh*> are-nowless pop-» Bttfataa^41t>lr-i»»U-kiowB cUarac ante:. Harry.H. lay , ot.Uackeuaack} Harbor. r ealmroer J|*sf M*» formerly,' poietbly bmus* leu. and th* movie* have flashed It Francis W.. Kapus, of HlversldTPaik; •ome map* and charts to the prevent accept .modem hom«,hav* not the right'aN on the icrtee, |t WM th* movl« pec. Xdwia W, RedBaldRdBld , KdwtKdtaa O, ObOnbb day.' In the; foil the Indian* toM th* . . to-1aidrt»B0 ascribed Ita'Crtgla andB4w*rdHPBeanett-alttPi»- aettltrrnhir-tbtre: would Wflooi' , g. orlJ^ dietor winter for the»reiioaa":i5S Ungton;, William. Price, of Burlingtong , com husk, war* thick and Hose/about •a•dd G. J. McCarthrMCth , of Jersey City. the ear; ithe beech ud walnut earn laanjumalt, theC «r|tk • frtaA a* MM.-I haU Ibt maa CmZEN AM> CHRONICLE. THURSDAY. jUNg .ft,


fern often will hew Si. ACCIDCNTS ""«w»i »"<7 »it inat so and n (tons Iftthe types or accidents. The »«> iatarested in problem haadsr, minwlnallnt facU on the motor v« most Important element in the decline fad then they end up by discussing hide accident situation are mads avail- of accidents where heavier vehicle* are the hands witihira and beaming just able by ths exceedingly painstaking involved Is the railroad train. Inter- £#*"**?' TJwe»»«S5Siiliiiit survey Just eompleM by the National ataW Commerde Communion figures Hda la *t probk&aa, (a Auction and Contract, Safet* Council. - . Ithflnt-dais that always IntenM*. prabtbly tht AUCTION BIDDING: Indicato a decreiue from 3,103 motor ebatM oTtlw imtoownV«l tbi con- Motor vehicle accidents resulted In vehicle grade crowing accidents In 1B3S |lety of ulstn •qiwit «irit f th No ran. 2 d«lt and btd e*e cfco, managed by A out neut and Y doubled. B iwW Mfi» deaths In. the United State* dur- to l.TM in 1930, about 19 per cent Ool- irtitopof th» •Mia atMKjA «—i ••> * a\ J IVV IWs; 1990, an Increase of nearly 8 per llalona of automobiles with street cars •cue kin. should V now bid and rent over the ins total of J1.J15. There have Increased less than 30 per cent Hwent tndr They give them something la a ratio of about 13 non-fatal InjurlM slnco 1034. during which time automo- tebe Bidder, f-JTZ,—!* f* "*"* over amtare of each faUlltv. Aa a rough approxi- bile fatalities In general have Increased, tUHfcOunm Mtenstunr for that reason, in addition mation It ran be said that there are approximately 7» per cent. t» the* valjg fram an educational Important w5cSSiiw~5cSSiii ih total to* the standpoint. The, following hind, are vehicle In xtin, Howy- no exception: can tethenn make two hearta. he will Juries rach year. the age distribution of those killed and scorre a fame not ntherwiethie possibltibl . •"lured In motor vehicle- usctdenU, landNo7l ry Cfind and adult experience""has moved caudns no injury, but owuujerable propmy aamace. Taking account of In opposite directions In, one area cov- P0Ui4aiur» «4id-property damatp; the ?!«t, by, .Mje,s«oi,yii.JAm0nu>bUei death*, ant Naliontl Conference on 8traet and eicludlni heavier vehicle collisions, to "~ JJ£Q^&J&^JS9^JiiCj^ase|L4rJJ£Q^&J&^JL i Ihia flOO-as Ihe-mat-of motor- vehicle aocl- area rrrttn J3.000 In 11)33 lo 38,883. In dents In IIO. This'means a cost of 1034, an incrnue of I0J per cent In been geuer- Hearts —8,5 Uie.wmo period automobile deaths of qub« — 7,1 WOOOOO.OOO for IftM, Mlgure. quite well lithe world Uiamondi — K. I 9-f* 'Ubatantlatrd by recent Independent children under IS Increamd from 4,018 ellto-do tod Investigations. ' lo 0.115, nn Increom of onlji^'a? per i Star, Sr».it—QaXi cent, ; III 1913, a» i«>r cint'()t the vlo- WbUeU* population HUW ,„ ^™ Umes In ilie f»tal • accidents were jAtce IA i/evjse, IN.rue visrrucr o, i beati particoUr- Jo score snd A B a tame la. Z dealt serJdenia has Increased approximately National Perk, a res]ikndant re- legqcy Irom the" greatest of all Ice- United Btates there were ni more child ly lavish with her favon of riven KKM™!' *Ba CONTRACT BID- and passed. A and Y passed andeS bid 140 percent from IWO to IBM, where- treat for jaded nerves. • - shifts, the Laurentldes Glacier. and"lalie«, mountalna and forest DING: . one spade. Z bid two beartarm two as the total motor vehicle rate has In-deaths In autahioblln accldnnta lit INS Oldest of mountains, the Laur- . And sunsets, u magical play .of Uian In 1028, but there were 3,300 more abounding in flah and fame. A _No score, rubber game. 2 dealt and spades, Y three hearts and. B tkeae creased only about 137 per cent, Tills cntides, massive, solid, hanl, these lifjht and s)uidow over wido ex- territory through which fine apadet. Z now bid four bearta, A foar adult fatalities. Tills .Indicates fairly is more grandeur than "0 one no trump, A two clubs, Y u Indicative, of the Improvement that iaiiM> of forest covered hill and modem macademiaw road* con- Passed. B bid twoiio trumps, and a spades and Y five hearta. 1) and Z conclusively that driven ore more alert u unire grunueur man sini(it J;in.so 01 loresc covered Hill and trast itrangely; the Prortno* of pMsad. A doubled and Y passed. What has occurred In the collisions of auto- beauty in their aspect. Hills andj d:ilc;.n spectacle worth going far psssBLZopeoed with thefiveof spades. should B now bid and wb>7 mobtlee with heavier vehicles Deaths 'a the accident. poMlbllltlM whtre vallaya of superb sculpture, in- i to see, and, once Been, ~"»verto be Quebec, contribution, making tail A pis red the nine, Y the queen and I —d» kins; of dubs, followed with the can, which during most of this period effort* being made In the schools," ling that iaek, winning the, trick In A's hand with freak hand and hie partner caaaot had been ninnlnc about 10 per cent of el on his the queen. All followed so the clubs sra possibly be aware of It A'e doable, the total, were leas than I per cent in "Private passenger nire Involved In set up. A then led the ace of dubV therefore, Is based on a mkcnxeptioa «it of Minutes of _/ copies on the members' dwks. Rose M. Norrls was referred to Finance of B'; hand. For that reason It Is •»». These deaths are decreasing In iccldenbt have Incrrased 31 per cent All bills presented were approved and What should Y discard and why? Y although registrations have gone up Committee: • etauM discard the nine of diamonds to doubtful if five hearts can be defeated, number as well aa In proportion to the ~Boud of Freeholders upon roll cull ordered paid, Communication from Mrs. Mlnneta enow his partner, Z, at once that he and yet almost a certainty thai A B total. Horn IMO to 1M0 there was aonly about 14 per rent In the last three can score five odd in. spades, la the years In one nurvry jireu. Trucks. In _IavitsLlfiH_Jrom..Uio.-Board-of-Gov- J.-MUIerof-is/eatfleld,-ask1nrtabe- ° " «»» staad^a-dlsmond-lead and that Kreaae. of about. 400V— e have la The regular meeting of the Union It le hto only way to get in and lead actual play, U passed the douhiraMl— •pile oT the 10 per cent advance in reg- ernors of Muhlenborg Hospital to at lmbursed for lost of garage rent on Y Z Just nude their bid while A B ich of that County Board of Chosen Freeholders tend graduation exercises of nurses wai account of South avenue Improvement throttth B's spades. ? should know The fatality rate In-the United istration, were Involvedjn accidents lorn' •J*«hastheilnBor;pades,poesibly couki have scored five odd in tpsdee •Ee Roche- held at the Court Hoiise. HlTabeili. received and (lied. as referred to Rood .Committee, . wpich would have given,-them gssas •- - Slates Is far hlclwr than elsewhere. rrequcntly than In 1097, Taxis and tfcrinngteiTuid, tnerefore, wiflneed a Our tncnaw oTU per lOOjOOO popula- buses also showed declines. In ~ IBM J* on Thursday. June' 4th, 1931, at Petition from* 38 property owners on PeUtlon from members of the bar of seed through In order to set up theand rubber. This is a vtty instnacuVs hand and illustrates a principle ol tion from IM7 to l«a however, waa ex- lirlvato pniuienger care were Involved In J:M p. m. Centennial avenue, Cranford, request- Union County requesting electric fani eptde suit. A~ v - Director McMane presldltiK. Roll call Ing concrete instead of asphalt was re- be InstaUed in Uw library was referred _ dlscanl by Y bidding that should be carefully noted. ceeded by an Increase of 3.1 in New78 per cent of all fatal and non-fati would be nega ly and (ad tog Zealand. 3,1 in Canada, I* In England accidents as compared with 07 per ce, 'showed 30 members present, 4 absent. ferred to Road Committee. to Public prounds and Buildings Com- naitivi aa to Notification tram the Trea*urer~ol CONTRACT BIDDING) and Wake, and 14 in Oermaay. or fatal and 71 per cent or tile noli lOnutea of the meeting of May 21st. mittee, Tbesame. ' ltM, were approved as per printed the temporary appointment of. Miss —Notification from the County Clerk There nan been Important varla- ratal accidents reported In 1017. J.l»« f Hand No. 3 JUNK, 1IJ1. Hand No. S Sarlat-TtMt - ? Hurts—A - , IMHIIUU riabe — 8,4, f A, 0,10,9 Diamonds— A, ' Spades— " Schouler Construction Company IM-IM rrettacaaysea Awnae, NKWABK, l«j I. AUCTION BlDDlNCt j ALTERATIONS No score, rubber game. Z dealt sad •iacee, Caraealer, Masea aai OeaenU Wert bid one spade. A paiaed. Y bid oae aoais e. auaioN, pruwisi AUCnON-OIDDINGt no tramp and B and Z passed. What " HUMMMS iisr. CHAN'OKP. H, j. j , Koecon, first game. Zdeslt anil bid should A bid with the forcgous. bsod oaf epsde and A pasted. What should and whv?

COLLINS, .-,. . «•«,« uid two hearts. It is abut different In that A's i ajk Butane -apjptttti no trunp bid but the tlngle- not bid. On the blddin, S°,'P*0* • a danger spot at no trump. much ss if Y Z wuuld semm gwne sou Hrt^jWarassBt'St up, YcouPd rubber on the hand at no trump. For score gu>>Vt no trump, la the lhat reason. A should bid two spade*. ' pbyJY tK one no-trump and f doubled he should not lose Ustxw —- the odd IrFk while at hearts he Iract by more than one or two tricks could have scored five odd.-nuite a •ml he will sunly eave game and dulercnce. With a hand of this type, rublier. In the actual play, A bid Im ' a singleton, it practically spades, was doubled by Z and lost bis •rtscticstobidthei contract by only one trick. Ilia oppo- eaeiveei-psJHJtl.ua fcatlKS Id Ult] Lflfi fiUJ nents would have scored four odd at MODERN no tramp—game and rubber—ao) ~ CONTRACT BIDDINGS. A s bid was a good sacrifice. TELEPHONE CONTRACT BIDDINGi I Hand No. 4 •g \ The • SERVICE *' Hearts—7 t Y : Clubs—(J I A B : Dunwndt—I, (0,9, Ton 111 l»ck Mate TnO-PHa, lachaUaf Mr SJIS, Dnl wtm|a S» ' iwiiii uMae">iii

~nd., of thev^appolntment of Raymond It. (pprovlng or the (emponiry appotnt- •s Ton for ton... . mile for mile ffchnrlrter as senior cleric stenographer inent of Miss Rose M. Norrls In the was referred to Finance Committee. Treasurer's Office was adopted Communication from Township or Resolution by Finance Committee ap- Chevrolet six-cylinder trucks Union requesting a small claim* court proving of the temporary appouUawnt ^established was referred to Finance ornaymond JV Schneider In the Coun- OommlttGsr *= * "^ • ~sr£y ClerE's office waa adoptcdV.. " _ -—^jl |ess>to operate Communication from Besslo O. Spin- Resolution by1"1 Flnance_.Commlttee ning, compukinlng of. condition of road authorizing County Treasurer to pay in front of her property was referred taxes on property In Cranford pur- r=JpiCjj| -It Is a mailer of-recoraV -charges on-borh parti and labor are iOrRoad-CommlUeer - chased for Shadr -Tree Commlssion'a TWO MINUTES JO ANy DISTANT PLACE- |Mia|fr|ySF| among more and more exceptionally low. That the active life of The monthy reports of County Su- garage was adopted. -large fleet operators, that Chevrolet six- Chevrolet trucks. ertongVwelLpasf the pervisor or Roads, Elizabeth Draw- Resolution by-Finance Committee ap- cylinder trucks give a lower transportation 59,000 mileage mark. bridge Committee, Jan Committee,"JoU PToprtatlng for the purpose or paying Physician, County Engineer and Supt cost and expense of No_ 1—tUOfiOOBO npODAY eight out of tea cost than any other truck of equal copoc- of Weights- and Measures were received Improvement or Centennial avenue. In the market • T° ploc* Y0*" noullng on a minlmum-cost Aii!; fil,-tfaJbr«J*!«f9TO *UUoi 4-. to diltl nepott and resotutlon by Finance work. in. connection -witrnr-construc- completed in left'than two Committee recommending the appoint- tlon of Lawrence street bridge, Rahway. uuiui. ut'Mrs. Laura Bteemgaafa M'fe- wa«-«dopteaV -urinutcsrThatVspeed l~^-~ capable of 20 miles or better, to (,..- ••-...«•.. . — . - - . male guard «u adopted. Freeholder Terrill reported at this oX. of gasoline, that Chevrohrf IM-Kx, AatftUml pries of Chevrolet irucks,_ Report and resolution by ElliabeU) time. A great lyttem ot 22,300 trucks ore making fuel records which or* . oompktojmd ready for work, are. based Drawbridge Committee recommending • Attorney Cllara appeared and spoke h!ah Tha> co h onlow cho lll ot nd direct trunk Unct between rtJarivaly h"» °* - " * ""* . » '^ '? low body-eost,pWs the permanMt appointment or Henr) 'n behdU or a number of property Qhie to keep Chevrolet trucks In first-class 4pily, reasonable charges for handling W. Oibbt as operator of electrical draw- owners of Centennial avenue, Cranford; New Jersey central office* -irorUnt order.-Tlro^CheTroleMefyke^^olk^f«le«elno.- bridges. «nur Adopted.-' requesting concrete instead of-asphalt Bepbii and molution by Road Com- and Up DlrecUor advised him protest and toll-and long distance IH $ mittee requesting authority to Jake would be taken under advisement. centers, plus equipment (DMI wfceess ii*int,£p» eatrel ..3 52O traffic census was adopted. Freeholder Casey staled' that Free- Report and resolution by Road cam. holder Van poren wished to thank the , ami method* iklliuUyuKd, ltteeradrlsinr.oi.bldi-recdved. ^f« wnmilni'i'for tbe beautiful tltfnwn gftrt Improvement of Centennial avenue, nun wblleskk. getlmulu Inliecondi. 7 Craaford, and recommendlns; award at "Tbet* beingf no further_bualneas and contnrt-to low^bklder'tipari'tlie'-Bp': uponTnotion "of FrefieoJder" MotcbklM «. Jfout orderkgiven—the« preral of .TWnuMp of Cranford was and dnlr seconded the Director de- connection'is made and clareld d BoarBoad adjourned unuLTharsdar. LOW con I V -V * ^ -* V" !Vn- ^»t^ J**^ m TODTMUr, ptettol—fw're talking. •~- CHAS. U. AFFUDCK, action/in car- 8peed«ye(l... and ease, 'conyenienccvl Leaves ee> A«*U Tree, *w lOKgtteCMlei

1 ,V y*.S&£^L--4' JsS^sbAt1 Jk,. *h-i 3i.JX&J.'jkfi .'' ^f\T, I :' ' -•'..* »-.'«••=•

\ i .

THE CRANFORD CITIZEN Af©r CHRONICLE, THURSDAY. JUNE ^, Cha*en'»D«y Service: At the communion serrlee In *encaU Have Jo*t that purpose, th»t we for no man to help you. do not cease to In Presbyterian Omrch Presbyterian Church last Bunday,.{ftr rmjr ret to know each other and find knock, strive to enter In at the_strstt •aounan MASS* AT emmea following sermon was dellvend by theout what'common fround Uet between a {^astorrthe Rev W H. Sloan: W when we can meet on equal tenoK come to this.temple.. • • ^'leoosnVnodate goJIers and Sixteen were baptised at the Chil- Granford Churches "As He jsat at neat with thrm. thHr and Vith equal Istentta, and wttb the Honest occupation wttb the truth who plan dlvertttementa dren's pay service In the Pir---'" 3»es were opened"—lake W—K~11. furtner tlew of Sroadahmf that panv concerning Hlro and a-«at Church tart Sunday nwmty. A" moil li not uncommonly employed know It art ueier UiUMlped arm mongn .day i from fflfa&i RtcSsTcT -"Kmnffth —. . If you eat with a man. prejudices the vision tarry, watt for it Um lass uim • ••• •"• — Donald Spencer Parsons, Joyce Eugenia I Fmr Onoicn or Cnm, Bcaarmr to induce an uncovering< of m«i» »a. nmx. The matt has been dessj- JLTfllnni sg|msMs.«i« • "• • i r -- - - — JioujhU To get a man'a tfaoughu, fibnppear, irodfea die down, precon- penitence snd cfcatre leading toa study Urmston. Marlon Irene Allen. George Owner BprtngfleM Avenue and oeiveci notion* take wing and flyaway . naud as-The Golfer's Msss-and ' ^ktU Street hl» innennoit and most Intimate feel- of the scriptures win never golunhteded RMBeld Spslding. Margaret Irvine There is a real getriogether where a by him. '" ' • ' '•' - aU members of the church an y Bchool. 11:00* ingi, you miut dim with him. i being urged to attend this scr- Smith, Joan Marian Tunner, William Maw of our eampllmentary and w- n»al Is social and more especially . The art c< fwelatfo«X Jfesus Joined, Robert Alien, Jane Elisabeth Leber. Wednesday service 1:00 when the numbers are small. What Ttce before starting 8w*»»«- he.. CraWord. Woeim P.M. Routine mom open daily » to dal meaU are p&nned merely to Ond the company and began to unfold the David Day Leber, John Frederick Ol- ffl| confidence are enchanted and what Krtptures. On bis tongue, tests take reatioD, An announcement of the season for the sunyrs, w» « P. M, excepting Sundays and Bali- cut whether apparent barriers and (rtrndiihips made over a table, even in early mass wUl be posted in the son. Julia Marie Olson, Harold Edward • dlfflcultlea which stand in thcLVBy of on new meanings and enter into new Swltagable. Roger Orube. August John ''i. at Hayasht's Tu a hotel, when two or three men arereunions with one another. With Him, dob bouses of nearby golf rrtendclilp and complete understand- met. iThe fountains of fellowship may Orabe, and Cornelia Ann SchubeL ing cannot be removed or solved. words' get a new value and a new em- Younger members of the congrega- break open and flow In full flood where phasis and lay bold of the mind Ilka Retford Avenue It was tor that America extended an n handful of men eat from the same tion had s large part In the morning It-SMBlnc Invitation to the prime minister of the rrfraln of a pleasant song and ws CHILDREN'S DAY AT service. The "Blue Bird Song- was, aj, lUvllaai, raster uiihV. -, • begin somehow to lesaHipon them' as 8unday Serrtosa BIMe School, »:« England, Me. Ramsay McDonald. A tow CRANFORD M.E.CHURCH rendered by the kindergarten depart- -1 , Murts A. U. m. Games rears ago, an effort wt* made to bring What revelations canuke place at a % pilgrim'leans opon-his staff.. Old ment, while Children's Day welcome a, m; preaching Him and 1:45 meal: At a meal, the risen, living fsmUiar words glow with a new content .,, ,, _-l*I.l«h street p. m.; Young Peoples Society, 1 p. m about Church union In the North of Christ was made known; "Aa He sat at was given by the following: Joseph «• - ', Ba*. 1, B. Hartley Ireland and to that end, the most In- until they become as light to ones feet Bspttasssl Service sad Prsgraaa Rice, Joan Mason, Clark Ambrose and ir-The Young Women's t Radio Service—"The Life Une Hour" meat with them ... their eye* were and a lamp to their path. Scripture is 1 First Presbyterian . »:« A-.al.-flunday School. 11.00 SUUon VVBKO, Jersey City, 1450 kilo- fluential men in the two churche* metopened." Mark Flag Day Task naeo Jane Towler. The scripture lesson was 1 •"•uMJe Worship. <:00 p. M-- y st a aortal meal. transfigured and wr literally eat the read by William Angus, Jr.. while the a cake sale Satu cycles, 1 to 4 p. ra. sacred words. You cannot help but Ust Ssaday. . m. to noon in the Ci leagm 1:00 P. M^Kvenlng , In the month of December last, at the 1 offer to you three thoughts for story of hymns was told by Henry Midweek Berries—Community Bible consideration, baaed, on the story from know your BibteT-when-Jesus-ls-teaeherBiMr . Class Tuesday at S p m. end of three weeks packed full of suc- Woodruff, Billy Cowperthwaite, and which our text Is taken ... the attitude And one of the surest signs that he U Children's Day exercises took place In Douglas Sloan. John Faunce offered V.^CNUTMY Xvsmauau. Lvnuaait cmnctt Prayer and Praise, Thursday at 8cessful services, the Belfast Presbytery necessary to revelation, the act of rev- nigh when the Blbie begins to live The Women's Guild of ; -. 19 South Union Avenue i m. Invited Mr. Paul Rader of Chicago to the Cranford M. E. Church last Sun- the prayer before baptism. The collec- elation and the resulting assurance. ngaln. Jesus has come in and the table day. ' Miss Beatrice Warner, supertn- tion was for children's education and i Church will hold .-•ev, WMIaai r. BAHM Cottage Prayer, Friday at S p. m. breakfast -and' conference. The Isnie s spread and- the meal proceeds in sl- ,— trtSTAral^Sunslay School. li;00 If we a" not mentally readyan d t«ndent of the pjrlmsry_ and_beginnersl the-^Uiank you" was'by Hope Hints Saturday afternom waaa^tavltatonJ; willing and -disposed - to receive such lence for heart* are Xoa -busy, ousy 'with departments of the Sunday School, was ttf-3re dUpMetf~fo'associaie revela- Devotions. B, Y. P. U. 8:00 P. M.-«venln» Set. tubject ol the Lesion-Sermon, in and onp-Jialf mUee, more than two tions with something spectacular and Orove street and Ruth Audrey Wilson, 'reverence paid to sealing In the"ort-" : and John Quarrucci sll L'hurchei o( Chrnt, Scientist, on hours walk and as they walked, they awe-inspiring. "The Jews require a daughter-of Mr. and Mrs. Norman EL ICentcnnlal averse, •Jos. .•>••• , ; Sunday,June 21, 1931. ental lands; from whence we.got the I'klli'ir oMlT* Siiliouall* The Golden Text is; "I knnw talked. Note what they were talking sign and the Greeks seek afte» wisdom.' WUson of S Stratford Terrace. - custom. For Inutunco, »|icn the lord^ Pflunr PinimkuK Cnuscii shout Men will always talk about You. very seldom find them associated. %' Francia'J. Coffey of •- Corner of Sprtngffeld and North * Tile , •" Jui ..lll'nnt- that w)iat»oeVfrGo(i dor|h, If thaU. The evening service was in charge of chancellor In Euitlund, or the secre- dA HlllitiUHIr » Jii. i\iiri Inn il In I' ie lor trt-r:. nothing ran be put ti> what is uppermost In their minds and Ood. to mMl'who have eyes to see andB. W. F, Randolph, superintendent of tary, of state In Cum>da ainies the , of. the cpmmitti , JJnton Avenuet U, Bonny thing-taiten -frow.lt" rwaixst to their hearts. Out of- the hearts to understand, -more 'frequently Her. WsswY. ftioaa unit diol In IT.n llu nus JI riiMich the Bunday SchooL The Boy Scouts "great seal" to A statute, s; commis- nty-fWerition of Hal; ninlMli'r tif I r>. in i*. n In* u im MI rlK (Hccletiastes 3.14). abundance of the heart, the mouth reveals Himself though* some of the and-'older children of the Sunday i which, will-present.: 11.00 A, sion, or any other ofllclal document, lt FlUy tirutliMtftatl' IWJ4 iw rifllrll *1llf' •: Amung- >b$ citatum wliiplt ,J»«»T «pMkeUt'~>Tney.«reTe taHtlh* aoeot the VenesT-trUles •- and.' ordinary ..things; o( Bchbol twesented -a • program -Im com- '«eromes''*ometnmg wMt*_has'B» &«••<- • - prise the-Leiton-Swniun js_thc IoL_ common life i «TnTli>-ir-|iJfrls-t|l» lowing from the IliliU: "Let every crews; -"tire-crucifixion arid Christ and memoration of Flag Day. There was a force of'on InOolable law. They "had Credentials^—of—1£ ItVf^ |TI TIT* TTJ'^rtJf*^—H* •! H^ 4-H4 •frf'- " foul w sublecl "unlb" (he" htgiier the rumors of-the resurrection and try- Come- down through the Old Testa- •large attendance at both services. that rule In China unnumbered years hurch" next Tuesday erei lllllHTfifl lt » furi'lju iii'inlt) iluilug and to acknowledge any other pow- heart-burning Interest in religion, the and become windows, which open out gathering was present and enjoyed a Forest avenues. All er it to dishonor God" (p. 228), ing tinder certain conditions, or on a and address. , • M« ailmliiUlriillun land would be rocked uv revival greater on the hills of paradise. pleasant evening. certain day. It is. well understood |*ill be played and there-v. than that which shook Jerusalem at What happened here while He sat Next' Sunday morning, the pastor, that to break the seuls In dlsobnllenca' ^prizes. Refreshments will Pentecost. at meat with them? Something hap- the Rev. M. Y. Poynter will take as to command would bring the utmost i at 50 cenU each, r Despondent and distressed, these- men pened for their eyes were suddenly his sermon subject, "The UnsesaKhsble disgrace upon the disobedient officer. |tained from Mrs. Craig or talked In sorrowful accents. They opened and they knew Him. Some Riches of Christ" Instead of a ser-.T^g_sealgd__orders heroine a sacred Imember of the club. eouia"noFftnd Ihelr-wiy IhrouglRrMt movemeht-of^Hts-riand. imme-tanginf gv "charge, anTionor conferred upon an had happened. It was all so Irrecon- Hli voice, some little gesturevjome way Esther Cirde will-present a play. "Tho -officer, whose obedience and honesty - "The" Scouts of Troops-80 UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT cilable, that the life-giver should be of conducting Himself at the meat Christ of Youth." Those In the cut Is confided In by' his sovereign, a ' parents will have an ull-da. stain-nnd-ft dead-man tome-oaok-to something- opened the door for a whole 'clia"rgOo"Ti8"fespeclea and "flefeirareii Camp Burton, al-Allow flu life. Nobody, any more than themselves associations and half-dormant memor- Kettle Robinson, Eleanor Crane, and unto death—Itself.— Family camp has been chosen as t seemed to bo able to see any light. They ies to rush In and with them, only Once Sanford. A piano solo will be Herald, the summer vacation of the were at their wits' end. such light as could came from heaven. rendered by Miss Carrie McCauU and a July 13 to July 19. The out! When a man gets that length, he U I cannot tell what lt was, but some- vocal solo by-Miss Dorothy Hllyard. quaint parents of the facll Hearing discovery. Unfortunately, many thing betrayed Him and they knew Hard to Overestimate) the camp offers. Dinner se their guest, who He was. ITALVAEY LUTHERAN CHURCH " 1-J.i A Message From are not sufficiently Interested to talk or . Evil of Procrastination the trees, a baseball gam commune, or reason, or bo exercised in "I know not how the spirit moves, The Women's Ouild has set the first t fathers and sons, and a the slightest measure. Men are rush- Convincing men OX sin.— - ~ *telt of December for the time hvwhlch -i-W«-are-toWi~»nd-very- true-It-1»,- f games foir—alh—are UufuileO IUR headlong to ruin, because of heed- Reveallng Jesus through the word. they will hold their basaar. Mrs. Jones that procrastination Is the thief, of day's program. IfSMies* and want of earnest thought Creating Faith in Him.' appointed Mrs. Ernst and Mnr-Eng- time. It Is not the only condition of roity >ean ago, Or. Talmagc said: "If But you know how lt Is with those VSH hi charge of the apron booth, Mrsj ;lhe mind'that K9es nrounil robbing us At the regular buslnesv of time, but this state uf procrastlna- men would stop to think five minutes we love. When they are absent from Doss snd Mrs.1 Oehrke, fancy work; 1 the Yellow Dogs list night ohe-hnlf of the world would be Chris- us. there are a thousand little trifles \o Mrs.-3ouhsg and Mrs. Nobte ia-charge Uon does , absorb hours and dajs »ud, publican.Club.Jt wvs..i!ecid£i tian tomorrow.' remind us of them So with the Lord, of children's wear,-Mrs.-Therman and even •jreafs, trying iol make up Its stag outing this sumnier ai National Cigar and Tiicso men had thought until they tr_we_ truly loved Him.. Everything Mrs. Sorensen, food, and Mrs. Norrgard mind Just what to do, and then how .Orove. The date and plans ucrv at nn end of thinking And aswould speak His name. ~ Everything and Mrs. 8torm In the kitchen. These nounced by the eiittrtalru they walked, a stronger, drew near and would be Hushed with the light of His committees are making a lot of plans White that is bapptmltig, some other mittee. Next Wednesday, ni *sk«l the- reason for their downcast ancVast the auilcl tor, their ' olonjt ami dues'* entertalnromb ijijtht, -for - tot He unfolded the scripture. He kind- support. ': ';; •-'•-•'..' . . . It Ha hasn't-any time to spend-both- friends. Robert Nledrach, I Stationery jpompany, Inc. countenance and doleful speech, and ering about It ..'.'.. :'.: then began to unfold the scriptures-to led tho glow of affections In their Saturday; June 30th. afternoon and committee, promises some u them I do hot- know- lt their paces hearts - He uncovered Himself. - evenlngrthere wlil be*strawberry-fes- . tftrliSlnrnfriti -***•• .y -Wr^rBiig putting oft Is all wrong. If It were" Successor to A. ROSEN. IS North Ave., Wot, Cranfard, N. 1 t II nuy^be that they be- What was the Issue? They straight- tival served on the lawn of Mrs. Chrls- dent, presided at last night enmc shorter and slower, bulXTK Jour- way set out for Jerusalem. They could tisnsen7$rB. Union avenue'Tickets necessary, it could be underBtood; but ~ not keep silent about'this experience. are » cents and can be, purchased from when an Individual won't, or can't, ney became sweeter, hearts were oak* up his mind, he Is certainly Figktiat Sea'a Ran wkaaibl the dgar. reaffetlsnery and stationery stere at the above strangely lightened, darkness was slow- Their spirits" were so fired with seal, so the Guild members. All are most cor- Authorities UIOIIK the Itali thrilled and'elated with joy and their dially Invited. something of s weakling. Granted It ly nnd silently merging into dawn sometimes needs • little courage to are contciiiplatlng a »ysw Wien they reached the village, the minds so radiant with Ught they could All meetings are held In (he Church planting which they • hup* < Rooms, » a Union avenue. make a decision. "Will It be the right _ ' This stars) will be candtttd In a manner that we are rare will please oar^ntost stranger ntu going oil, when someone not remain either qulet-or Inactive. j>ne.r.lsJtbe'thousht_Uiat worries, us... fective In Ilinltlni; the eat eWictlnaUs* aalreoa. -— -'- " "- salcC ""Won't "you coine "In?" Be~our Never did they stride"so~quicHy over -That Is largely the make-up of the ~orthe sear Tnesoiter Hoi c for the Night." I would like to the road. Never did men more feel the Bw S*U EumpI* Is Hiuau procrsstlnator's mind. He has lost the feet In tin? last 'Kyrnr*.. A bes rarrliti half her own weight W« will ahnays ha** •> haiki a «ne and wnHeU line of Imported and domealle. hn\o been the one that extended that need for wings. They could' not get capacity to make a decision. We ought Invitation. They were Just in such a la nectar, and works herself to death (Irani, a waodedid ssiinriairnt ef the ftaest candles: leys for the Kiddies; a splendid; there soon enough. In breathless to arrest procrastination, uud preu>nt Foolith lll-Humoi stato of mind, they would not part with haste and with "bursting hearts, they In a few Aeeli*. Ve| there are. some It doing any more thieving from us.— aaaoHaaesil of greellBg cares and Gifts tar all onasiona. <- people who feel "thst'thcy must worry Ill-humor, wrwte fiocth*. such a companion. rushed to the upper room, full of con- London Tlt-Rlts. more than un I'nwanl fwlf They dldnt know who they were fidence about the_jiewt they had. about U)e whole nelKhbvrhood's, tho ' Oar feauitala service wDI ftatare dellel ad Sundaes ntade with pure frail whole city'* state's or nutiouXtroubles own want of merit, a dlss; 1.8* talking to, but they were so interested There Is nothing so bracing, so In- with ourselves wh'Wrtintlw: synttvireah cnakeel fralu and tke fsais— they were ready to listen to anybody on vigorating, so startling In Its power as and carry them ou their shoulders.— Try a Classified Adv. Louisville Courter-Jnurmtl. with an. envy that fmtltsh. the subject and ready to entertain any- the joy of discovery. cites. : body who could relate scripture and When Archimedes, by accident, dis- Ohrlit and experience as this man wascovered the method by which be might ~ No Uf. Without SUB doing. They brought him In. They tesrthe specific gravity of the crown. "If the sun snddfnly »as»t to exist" & H>ppin««~ia-.E wanted nothing now buMo hear, hlmq't sent him out into the street Uke a all Uf* on the earth- would cease hi • - • ±4 Ton may, tie an- «rtf»fc « 1 ANHEUSER-BUSCH madman, crying, -Eureka! Burekal very short time: th« temperature a- coal-heaver; ,1/ jW rare They were at leisure from their own pursuits, nnd opinions and arguments When the great truth of the world's her* would become so' cold that «fl whether as artist or eoal-hei Their ears were opened movement dawned uporr- Galileo, lt water would freete snllilly and evup> ten to one you will, also »e if-tHrtreTesr were notr Their hearts oould'notbe silent, though lU~expresH BiUrtiIf Ill' = Sir p.-CkioawwuijlL^-iii^-j; IGErGREAM - were like silent, listening auditoriums. loo brought down upon his devoted They -were prepared to remain in head the anathema of the church and PAINTING ". Old Iriili Terta We decided after imM-analysts,-and adUa tpedei i In our Ntwark.stor* that- untll_the_ morning light was in the very moment of enforced .adjur- "Culleeh" Is a w»ril.of_!r streaking the- sky. They were mentally ation compelled to cry out, "But it does DECORATING— and literally means B|rl or _ANIKU8ER-UU8Cil 4CS CREAM b the highest qaaUljr, the anwoUMOt, the richest and' move." •• - ' • ' the most delklou ice Cream obtainable, the batter-fat content being 14%. — " and iphitually ready,-ready completely i t Is frequeutly used as a-, ill (of a VUltallaiv-from heaven. And when the women of Samaria PAPER HANGING -THE BEST WORK The EnglWi-pronuimlatlpn. my experience as a pastor of made hef discovery, she forgot~every- een," vith the. arrent on SPECIAL FOR FRIDAY ONLY large congregations, of people of vari- thing hi the Joy of the discovery and at syllable. M'' "•. ous stations In life, I think I am free ran with the news to the city. AU our THE LOWEST PRICES -A-Rcguhr-.tSc-Iw-Crewn -Soda fu suy,'tlii'te arc-people here and -there', best hymns ibxUl.wlth. the Joy of dis- .- AB-thrk oasnntied covery. ana more or them than'moat people EsUsaatss Chcartaly Qhea are aware of, who hi a measure corrca- Have we found anything that has Fictions In law. mosiiy aw* pond to these two disciples when the tongues'in fiery tig Herman B, Konegen ~aay were'lu>'Bted by Knglbl stranger drew near. They are inter- 'quencer What wrought the change In Be Assured aa a means of carrying casw 18 IMS OBANO.E ATENVE t eatcd. __Tta«y sre_ willing to talk-and. -H • • - ™* -* • - - - -™ ™ »^—»^^^^ ^»WWW HIY ^VWBMB *#^ of the same freshness in ': fflnrt to. stpoth*?^ .whfrtOy ti REMEMBER FATHER SUNDAY hear and ^tw'«* opinions, their new-bom confidence and bold- TtL CRaaftra S-lug BK became checks'16"*«i:l> otier That is a hopeful condition. But It ness? An experience of Christ which , other dairy products as in '•: Is also a very dangerous conriiUon. .In confirmed and illuminated the scrip- Cranford Dairy. Milk., At ** tures. . . tlttrtrstate-ot-nilnd, one may-be easily "our Union Avenue store' tSf' •self-dlstrust.- diverted from the main and true quest, It Is then the scripture becomes the 1 "'" of Chloatown, "Is a dangwot word of God to us. When my expsrt- only the BEST is on sale & which Is a quest'for light and life and ; iWe are prepared with a full line of cigars, "pipes, pouches, 'tobacco, experience, to a mere balancing of enoe Christ becomes to me in very deed •—the freshest of Eggs, -. tennstion a wornliw to other Ideas and pleasant juggling with In- and power the. word of the living Ood, Wm.C. the fin«t of Butter and Sd conlUence.--WashIngto :£Jgarett^JiglUer8_aiKL.other_srnokenL_articles, all Jn_attractive.^.. _. tcTlKlual-cSncfpaons.^They gather lt throbs with auchiife andiight, power " ift boxe*. - * ~ Information, but never possess a revel- and, glory that I can only think of It mOORPOtUTBO atlonr In such a state of mind one may and feel toward It, as the word of GUI _Uaklss Life .Better oeoome^Hne'pKy of "cMrfHaiTor'Q.uack; wm -

'' ' „ * f.S \ '

,\ tfej, "^ A^-r ^ J?A( fw ^ l-;H.i fc THE CRANFORD CITIZEN AfP-CHRONlCLE. THURSDAY.

Report on SoalStJe Thonipcon Pupil* Give CartTum Over Without CASINO NewsotjheWeek Spring Concert Friday _—. Injury io Occupants, :,puck pin scum last WMaasdsy awn. "Arts* meeUnf ofSii' iioaid'of«- Uttell „ .1« 108 117 M The i»i Playground to Ctmn- racton °* ttw Union county Tubercu- US 1J« HI 131 lutbL *Lost Fnday. evenlni the yountirr Crrs ford will optn with ttu Institute Jor :.•*•»»held In ihe Court House. students of Mrs, Jolut II. Thump-un T»o ears were tumud-pver In -a col- M 74 113 101 lision rtamrday aiWrnA'^lbf » j» n fay* their spring recital at the stndta Handicap •'•~- - •• itreel, the |iuuti» all limn- » Systems, on June 3i at Warlnanco Seal Sato »as presented tor ttif ed on earnest interest In their work Ma* r.. Rtwilii.of Perth Amboy was : Periias 104 1J3 WKCLY Park In Ensabrth. Tbta U the second Uve iMerelsry, J. L. Lawrence. and eager to* take part, a number play dmiiic-lils rar .Niiiy Wosv 110 n ion County last November. Replita to • The Cranford .Wociir. s club- d.«*d • The insutut* wn run an days and Interest, those toxin* imrt keeping r l.'lrv i-ame I 'urtlicr at.Uie inlrru-ctliuf - these letters of sppnU to the number of the slrpets mid both niiled ov»r. 443 425 47« " I season for u» summer with > Km- • Santupo Porrella. Jr. of the following subjects win be taualit: cellent time.'•' of 23.M3 were received comalnlng Mr* BUuld,''rWlii^ »iui Iwrhusband """ »t Hayashi's TurxUy ^' ^j i !n»t Wj - - • Hdl ^Ucs. ac- As a variation In the program Mtldrec money covering payment for all or a was treated Ijv Or. Zl«alr.i fur shock. catnea. quiet samas. can of thu Schubel played two nnrnben on the .^Vj '« «a indefinite slay at part of the seals sent u> the person w!i!li« Mr Ettuld r.f«ived abrasions uu A little Clasilfled Ad. In Uils paper pla^round and apparatus.- technique violin, accompanied by her bnitlirr ; J* home of njatim in Santo Uainin-o m»Ui>« the reply; 9.0M persons return- tin* fureliMd;' left liand, cllww «nd will Mil thai old furniture for you. '•'H»nry w. Whipple ot the of handling children, ami first aid. Robert at the piano. Turct was Instructor of lite ed the seals with no money; and SMS flinuldrr, Frnl tVhults. also In the Et- * Co. is vacationing jru The Cranford Playground will op;n Prises, for beat practice return] am peraoni have not u )«t replied either i?<>lil c.ir. MMalm-rt (tbrtiious of Ihe left husetts with Mrs. Wh; iM Hll £ July 5 and continue untU September 1. season's work wcrr> awardnl (or virls 'oMfWeaern Eeetric Kearny Work,, t:M by paying for' the seals or returntnf leg ttfui.ariii > Whlpple. All the equipment has .been painted tor Virginia Sheeny. Jane Mniiland. Mar Prof. Rohrer "•"• a large cbisusris- graduatd this protection from- weather and s lanre them to the league. 1.106 letters were returned by the various post offices as Jorle Rue, and boys: Charlen Ktiben* Nu *nn|'.!nmt ImV bcrii made to the Private Lcuom Young Womtns Bible e mt ten by fifteen sand box has been made Oordon Dunfoe and Alviii Booth: for urn™ g» yrt. : .: . . • . Stinger of 705 Willow 1 for each playground. This box replaces iundeltverable for sundry reasons. most Improvetnent In playlnj: Ilobort CUBNET t LABINRT "rst P^brW^TS^^j^jj- SAXUniUNK TROMBONR a cake sale SaturOaT.-rrom 9> ««=•*• the two by. five sand boxes used last] '" Cranturd 3,041 letters were sent Schubel and Dorothy^Sonutknjf olrt an( 38 Try a Cliuslflrd Ad. : Ntadl* li Unl.i. Ave. m. to noon in the yeryear.. QaskelbalBasketball basket*s are also bebe-'- <' '•* personf s returned sohte Many voiced the opinion Uiai.lt «».< of Ill CKANPOin •••»» 7 ~.*j. ..vlv- u^j, .^JspenH t ihe weekend at ins erected on each playground. Equip- j """""I money. There were 8H per ans to rnl back of Ule one ot the best demonstrations "I Mrs _ j the Hotel St. Charles on the Boardwalk. ment lor several new Interesting gatOes * * * *" ml> with Thompson's .pupils In some years. Is being purchased for use this season •>*> TOoney; 239 who have not replied as Tile Women's Guild of _ ? • ••. I Miss Alice Uijnt«-,-QCthls..nitt;. nufTpaliry "wBoTiavo been regular con i and John Quarraccio. Jr.; of 338 Mr. and Mrs. John P. ^jm.pj. MW Hsnrtng, Under Uie leadership of «hl«( .tf p,.- Roosevelt School; Miss Grace Torres. To"U« leagiie's'Seal Bale'Ih [Otntennlal avenue. - .•_, previous years In an efibrl to try and llce* James B. Ilennetispy, twent.v-t'lith TOR WOMIN AND YOUNG GIRLS - - :'• :". ."'•• *-''~MKr Lincoln Bchool: John Haynes, In charge members of the. Junior Pullci- Pntm Both T. Barker of the high nf boy actlvlllps moke uu this denclt. The response to AT CftAlO'S'tlYMNAafUM.- (recently' ramnveil'rnnn Oa'rwoudi, nuw located Prancia'J Cotley of Cranlord j faculty. mil attend the Annual »«iviues will/leave Saturday mnmlng for Cufni All *hc members of the staff OTwe date has not been up to expectations , of the committee from a-,4|Conitnuon of thr Pt Beta Phi itlie and> those penonr who have not )el Cranford, on. Mllvnr Lukc>, In Wnrn-i in OKANKMUI A r 9 FA81MAN HniBanyterifleriJL lt»i| Men's" Hall ration of Holy Name &o-1 "J"^**^ vuueii's ftntcmityj lo iy jheld replied U> Ui« l«anuer» letter of appeal County Tim buys will gallivr at JK>HIT i which »1U present Daiid Gold-i'11 thej?c«j\«itlon Hal) Asbury Park. I are urged to do so If paulblr so that hradquarters at 9 a m lhr> will lir BJibiTat- »-• tbe \Mwk"or*h«' league m -Uw-Wiberelr- MRS.~MATTl£ Credentials ot the CfclhoEc ihe Bertrtey-Carteret C. F. Marichon has received the. follow- losU flrld may not have to be curtailed - Chief Hennea-ev will b<* ivhlrt br lie following In .ihe operation or Ilio n|HHlul Claiius In lloc(y llnilillnu for fllrh _ . hurch" next Tuesday evening at 7 45 Mr and Mis Harry- Brtmer of 10 ing letter from Scout headquarters this jenr when it It Is anticipated that 111 llitntin the Aues of 10 and in c in Warlnanco Park Stadium. Brood start entertained at dinner lost P™" * appreciation/or Cranford con more eflort. than usual wll have to be camp: Praiuls llnnneMfy, I'limlp Chorim . A, Wailnrv'.of the..Blirnuaii IIS: II la 12 A.M. «th. The public-Is invited to at- Sunday in honor of Mr. Brewer's par- .''rtoi'tionB.to the fundr put forward. CSTADLISHID KINCI Btwncrs par School and Warren W, Klrkiiiau. - I1NU nVM CI.AH* nil ents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brnnpr of „ ' June 10, 1931. Remittances covering payment for APHuiNTMtNT ' CHUNI CKANfORD S »00 f*nningda!e. L. I. The ^session was Mr c- the seals should be sent to A. L. Wood- The Cranford Democratic Club. Inc. UxirJOIh wedding anniversary, quests 117 Alden Place, land, local treasurer for-, the league, liable showing tiiau the Counly as n 1 sponsor a lawn and card party Frt- were present, from Jersey City. Long Cranford, N. J. 331 Cajlno avenue, Cranford. Cran- 'hole, but It should .be n lot bclU't Sday evening, June 19. at 3:30 sharp on Island. .Cranford. Brooklyn and Linden. Dear Mr- ord In percentage makes a more cred- than the flirures given above Indicate £the grounds of the resilience of Mr. and As Executive-secretary of the Union John W. Heins & iSon . H. B. J. Craig, comer of North CoundLI_havwm IOnno.ll. Hunan) ._^_ red upon on The Scouts of Troops-SO" and their and honesty - LS Telephnm tltanfurd (J-OJ77 OANFOBO sovereign, a ' parents will have an all-day outing at Intraeferiileil Camp Burton;-«-TAllatrr*mdar~,-^hr camp has been chosen as the site for 1 f d lan kin for (real Family The bride wore, white satin and lace' "" "" ' -**""; " 1 « 5™" (Founded 1867) the summer vacation of the troop from wi!h a tulle v your personal, part in the. matter we July 13 to July 19. The outing wul ac- of roses, lilies of of quaint parents of the facilities which ihila. Her matron of honor, Mrs. Offering elementary. Intermediate and secondary courses, Includini g an Cordially yours, the camp offers. Dinner served under Philip R_ RuUy, of Montclalr, and the the trees, a baseball gome between D. W. MOVER, other attendants were dressed In mous- orls course, is well as college-puparatlon . t fathers and sons, and a swim Scout Executive. and •linie d> soie in pastel colors, arid car- j ' fames for till uie inenrded tJiel day's program. Itars Virginut Sykes and Betty Bui-; CABD O'F THANKS AN.NO;UNCES lard, of CrantoUi^DQrottoy Plant, of.. I lake this opportunity to express my At the regular business- meeting. ot Wrai&ld. usier of the bridegroom, and alncpn> appreciation tor the ktodnea«'«hd Tlial wliereaa no more applications can bo received In the the Yellow Dogs list night In the Re- Laiirs Ssxnee.' of Chatham. The How- sympathy shown me In.the loss of my publican,Club.,it nii3ecld«j tohold-a . , ,, 'Jth: gthyuid Stli-years.1 there remUn-a-llmlltdiiiumbrr-ot- « a stag outing this summer at Behnerfsj Canada, niece of Uie bridegroom. Mrs. .W1 nelKhbors. TSspeclally do I thank _Orove. Thedate and plans wuXbe.M-tUach.n»!ner.ol.lhe:toMe^ of Amerl™n openings lii the Lower. School, aa well as In the lOtti.aiid 11 tli_ 1 ;, some other. nounced by the entertainment com-j tome of coral chlfloitwhilejhe gown Mechanics, No. 376 of Elizabeth: In- mlttee. Next Wednesday, night mill be: of Mrs. PtanW the bfldegroom's mother, tegrlty Council, No. 183. Sons and yeara.- ang,andi|oea~- : i tt i > spend- both- e&tertainmcnt^o^h^^for -nietnbers'-juid »>ras.0f.-*««^ beiee. lac*.- ^lii*r- a-;kmall -P Wb^?^*-^^ '4bfir^yj. .thc.^A?aoc.latliqQ,; friends. Robert Niedrach, head of. the reception ,Tor relatives' and intiniote Of'B*mi* Plremenj. the'pall henn.™. friends, the newly married couple left tho Rev. Roscoe T, Foust and the Bey. ' •'Application! thvutd be 'made ttt~the* committee, promises some unusual en- • ting n i^gh ~ New- Orfon_C_ Hop|»rVJiv. . • It It • wore dent, presided at last night's.session. They wiU make their home at the Sag- lerrtood; but" amore aparunmts m Cranford after l't, or can't. their return. • Do you know we specialise In clean- Is certainly Figktiat Sea'a Ra»t*> Ing blankets and curtains? Prices re- ELIZABETH i&RSEY Authorities UIOIIK the Itallaa Illiflen duced, workmanship unexcelled. Para- . Granted It A UBAL. SDKPUSli 4 C R AN F O R DL AIR P O R T •) courage to are contciiiplalfng a system''of' trre mount Cleaners. Phone CRanford planting which they hiipe will b* ef- Silurday night a number of friends be the right at the Editor gave nun a real surprise, 6-0888. (Adv. tf) Licensed Planet — Licensed Pilot* tvdrriea.ua.,. fective In llniltlni; the ' i swjrTDe soiterH iUe-up of the for the evening and about 8:3a the feet In the last 15 .venni. 3 has lost the Men's l^ASSENGER HOPPINi cm. We oujtht the necessaries for a real good, tune UNION AVE., mid.prevent Foolish Ill-Humor inclucSnc good fellowship and jt_wus a Fancy Short* STUDENT INSTRUCTI ig from us.— Ill-huuior, wrwte Ron be. W real good lizoe until the sanall bours. CRANFORD 55c, 75c, $1,00 more than un I'nwani fwl^ns -«' 'Mir Among those present were: Chief "BERRY'S" SPECIAL CHARTERED TRIPS Al own want of. nivrit, a dissatisfaction James Hennessey and Mrs. Hennetaey; I'ltiCKH Quorau ON witivlth oourselves wnTrtrlintlwa.v* Sheriff Prank R. Emmons and .Mrs. with an. envy that foolish.vanity «-i'Enunons; former Sheriff Harry Sun- "PRICE REDUCTIONS" and "SPECIAL VALUES" cites, itnont and Mrs. Simmons: Surrogate CRANFORD AIR SE 1—: -....•.'_ -|Ge«se H. Johnston; Assemblyman The Order of the Day—In All Lines puKM-ia -ESciucr- •:;.'. JThonai'Muir; Chief Wm. Tunlson and C, R. 5ilknian/i- Matthew/Seleiki This wiirfemind you to come to us for Summer things, like: , ~ Tel. CRanford 6-13 Walnut Avenue and Rarjfan Road Battling Suits Underwear' Hotiery 'm Cranford, N. ten to one you will, also be T. and O. J. i" IHb«l t» Sheer or Bcrvlce Weight ot 40S Spcingneid avenue, will be msr- Covert Cloth BulU GABTEB BtLTS ~Skr. were luieutetdd bfeHiJb. h UwfUO 4:iO"otloclr No-Bituiid* ui ltayoror Khaki Pants and Blouse* ua means of carrying fosw from one to J. Bradford 'WOson of East Orang; ** I/-' - mart to soother, whereby the courts In Trinitit.Ktstoeopal Chnrcn. bacame checks to each other. Sale gPOTUGBT 18 IS8VEO Boys'Wuh Pants' WathDres* Goods - The Senior annual edition of "The Kayter's LongSJlks Dainty Voiles, 39c. 50c, 60c up JUn« « 5.1M>Utr»t In Cnuh-Un tt Cloth . .-sald I" Hu. lie sap potngnt-. printed by toe Cltiim and WMtc-snd- Colors-^S value HOUSE FOR SALE Chronicle OOce Is now OD sale by mem- 4 to 16 yri.-«»c to $1.15 each Knickers or SborU IIEST RF.HIMENTIAL NEIOIIBpBIIOOU oi to-hastofl^ bers of the staff. The rolonse contsln^ ilpair Sport Shirt*-Or—Blouses CABEFULLV BeHTRICTKU . . torSiUoii a warning to other, to wttb a fall btaenphy of all memben of the 4-8-8 Button Length: Mm'tWear STconlUence---WasalB«ton Star graduating: da**, as well as outlines of Khaki SborU for Camp i—Olace or Susds school actirltlea.-and ltteraqr.aork.by — J- « tfeat sbi brain tbe aota. SALE WASH UChtenberg. " Ladles LlneaDresses, »M~ Overalls 1 to a yrs. 9 tl.00 ' miaUPanU Sle«Tele«s_Models,neat_ styles- — 7 to M-jrift «$1JO- - ' B VrD. Oonneots , W know we Do jaa Know «* nasx sv free camphor t ,sfarror one dMlort tor anartefca cleaned? 1/loitpato] Sheeto Pillow C*U* Spreads gents' not* cleaned and .'suk nCTOBIAL rATTBKMS ana 4VABTUU.IES S* ***** *—

*£^&i^&&d^^-d£^\Mkk^£A ri!^i4^&4.^Ji6itai)«Bjv.Jsili,i&i**-''. iisiiC p ^^^^j^^

aUMFORO CITIZEN AND CHRQffKlE Dntfoci IsirsiirtiinT 1sll«i short of eight thousand vetae ef Amy's scr)aln>, <• take the rote ef Mua a, $. JL. Excitement feU awsy -tnm the threshold or Amy' Strieker- rowen~overn)ghL 8h* b»c»roe' an/ little bride In any little town, mar- -y—- »•* - " ' ried to sny HtU* straggling fellow.. 1 They **t JUP hmukeepUig .la thn» roomi of a two-famllr cottsw on a Lcssoiv MKN tl^Sr>i»wii»«. n, mm ^^ scrubby itmt st the end of the town. tm ot TmaMr. HtSSmB* laatltat* «f ChlMS*.) , '"Treasury Issues I The coaununity was Irreparably dis- (C\ Mil, W«»t«r» HtmnmrmV*U*.V appointed In Amy snd msnlfestcd It- got tired of keeping books, -to- aelf by leaving her severely alone. be studied mechanics, took a bench for the Unit few months of the mar' IB a machine shop and Invented one of Leston for June 21 rliga, the town's resentment lingered, the most familiar robots, the adding and thenjhe..case of Ml>s IT. 8, A. wu machine. THE SIN OF CAU8IN0 OTHKM TO eoe a* thoee situations. forgollen. The Torn I'owella- became This robot doesrft resemble a human STUMBLE Which, beginning the also of/ a comfortably s part of loral Ufa. Amy being In any way. but It. performs (Tsmeerance Lessen) pea. gathered moas at such 'an tonk up her lioim-ImM dutlps snd Tom •aatbematlcal computations more ra I idly and far more accurately than OOLDEN TEXT—It Is too* aetther pursued his work. There were "the aatootshingly rapid rate that to «»t Huh. nor *o drink wlnaTaor .. .all those connected with It usual (truggW*. the uniiol bap(|)nesi, human brain. It cannot think for anrthlna wbersby thy brothtr stvm* Ittrljr su war* aghast at the magnitude of what the muni smliltinni, dnalrenand hopes. itself, but It has the power of obeying bltth, or Is offendtd. or la mad* weak. the richi they had done. The first flt« yean «f their marrtags Instructions and if'the Instructions LESSON TEXT— Romana H:ll-I3, earth, tli FR1UART TOPIC—Utlpinc Other* The Mldtown Oasette, on which Tom w«« promutrd twice, Amy gained sre correctly given. Its answer la lo- Is. "up tvltsbly correct This madilne^can- (Hulth Pmph««|»). -yoaaaf-Ton Powell waa a reporter anil fifteen ponmls, nni three babies, all JUNIOR TOPIC—Mr R»ponau)llltir the "It" t» which Was Amy Strieker auh- of them healthy an'l vigorous, wers, not Disks a mistake. Its human mas- for Oth.r. (Uulth Emphasis). ' trillion ( acrlbed. had started a popularity con- born. If tlie perfwtlon of ABiys ter can and frequently does. " INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOP- with the bloom faded, (lie Illii* bland, blue Tlie chancrof-error In giving the IC—Abit.lnlnc for th« Sik* of Othairn. another . test, the winning young lady to be TOUNO PEOPLE AND ADULT TOP- the fortunate recipient of a tour quilllr of her eyes burned on. Hh« adding mschlne Its Instructions, how- IC—Tha Liquor Trafle a StumbllB«- around the world. was beautiful becaun slie wss-happy. ever,, Js much less than the chance Modb_— .vciir. -T And then' cstastrophe* came. The" of error by human beings to whom the therefore Of coorae, off-hand, one would have This lesson sets forth fraternal du- told you that Amy Strieker, so blond eldeat boy •Immt succumbed to menin- task of making the computations Andrew . issue Ion might be Intrusted. ties in matters "of conscience.. The la ber beauty, so bland In her blue- gitis.- Ani-y f^H-olf s"Isdder whlft Mellon ; fOr fSOO.i background for these obligations la 1 -eyedneea, so trader In the aprlagUme painting her kitchen cupboard snd hsd All business now relies on- these. Ing 3>» per cent lnieres quality of ber youth, was the moat a bad tlm* with s sprained ankle. robots for sddfnt, subtracting, multi- found In the fact that there were some lieu of an Increasie In popular girl In town. Hut popularity Then Tom, out of s clear sky, took plication, division and tabulation. In the church at Some who were very probahlj "INnot bejistt lp the town of Orlando waa one thing (o his bed! for"a "perloiLot flgbleen They ronfloo their operations to simple j -conscientious with reference to-eaUntT next >a; "Tnenj" he further bond Issues, if ore,, the, township at Of, dte Sets of wheels are shifted aa keys there were some, who had particular borrontntrs on.short tern I ft and with Interest and? rnard for fair dsy»jm.r* raerftanUm Uketr c*r* "Ofthsb> ordte- the'coiinfrj'rillstofjrwil scrubLiiug_BJuCwln oversubscribed to the ej ing the victory In the hands nf bis her out to stranger). That-came lit- ber 1 on It, and the process'of addi- msnt Upon the Other-(Rom. 14:1-13). dreds of millions of dol lovely fiancee. Miss Amy Strieker. erally to Iw true, tion ta reversed. The robot multiplies -This Instruction applies to things In- 314 per cent lbterestls b; consecutive addition. It divides by partly because of the pre' for three months, with comparative- Tom, when he klwod her.and fon- subtracting the divisor from the num- different In themselves. It wonld be a ly Bo local competition, hut with dan- .died her, as If lie could never leave mistake to apply, these principles to ness of money aud parti ber to be divided as many times as the fact that while the gerous runners-up from the larger cities off niircMlng his gratitude, always the. dlTlior'ls contained In that num- such actions as are-inherently wrong. of the stale; the war for popularity thouglit of her In hlslieart as typical Concerning things which are morally have a deflclt. the credit ber. The operation Is automatically ernment Is A-l. waged and circulation climbed. Miss of'UIss II, H.-A. » registered td the counting wheela as Indifferent,'passing judgment on an- Strieker's little desk at the library 11a. mi. Mociur. K*nf»,t s». $ frenaled fight for the spectacular re- degree, unit they could not enter un- widely used dne« not keep a printed a. Each man lives not to himself, and $1(X).(KIO. In addition ward waa the small, beautiful Mond ion attired-In full dress. -The recep- record of Its computations. It Indi- but unto the Lord (vr. 7-0). The one regKered bonds In tin figure of Amy Strlckor, She was as tion* ... merely reproduced, on a cate! the remit on illnli. _, .-—• Joined to Jesus Christ Is to be gov- nomination. The falernL! radiant aa a lovely morning, her blue smaller- plan, the customs andecre- One type of the calculating robot . Scene In Berlin at the dedication of a i to the monbers of,Zeppelln crews who lost tbelr lives during erned by the Spirit of Christ will tie tho official asm _«yee_n»v«r_bMr, her smile nevelLwMl-. ffllflt • , r t.n. WFUflmtf. ; ' u ? uMthe lleme-ln-the-«nipntntton th« war. The statue »hn«r»«n aviator,, |apd.lnc,.,wli -JL-lEajn-nian mnst-glve. no accoant ~ ..^ilotAtion ofmtlLe.J_^L ,» ?. i •r. They aald of her locally that ahe "At these receptions Mrs. Washing- to appear Immediately on dials when of himself to God {rv. 10-13}." will receive subscrrptfo nil Mary IMckford. at Mary's aenlth. ton sat. Quanta weie grouped In a the keys are depressed, the operation HE'S HELPING CUBA a. Each one must stand before the vestors. ' 1-, Tbungsteis adored her and followed clnle round which tho . President af-a crank-clearing-the-figures off the Judgment seat, of Christ (r. 10). The hoMs will be eiei In Memory of Sweden's Aviators 1 her In little clumps. Old ladles' tod- puiui'd, Bppaklng politely to each one. illnl • fnces , When the computation it " b. Account must be rendered unto eral. state, and local tux dled to the,library tor the benefit of but never sbuklug hands. At the first conipleted. ,.,.._ ] God (v. '12): Nothing can be con- herltance taxes nnd surl " tbVgentteTManner she'had with tlicin. toe/tn^virt« ™AirjfoufaYhiui^ cealed from him. for he Is omniscient: Amy had more beam than there were nnmiunt'otl: '(leneral AVnabington fiirmed on this robot aa variations II. A Stumbling Block 8hould Not KKMAXY'S huge chain In the Ifodtow street houno to llrei at.tni .o'clnckisnd I uaually pre- «f simple arithmetic. Hut the count- Bs Placed In the Way of Another G lM»Jx, after.long Ui' accommodate them. Tom Powell, who codb him. Uooit nlRht.'" ing wheeU are «o arranged that they Utom. 14:14-23). ous accidents, finally-cr had workod hli way through North- Today w» fliidln tlie unodldni guide take short cuts over the simpler add— A properly enlightened Christian, hintic ocean successful! l •""weatnni wihHHi1tyr"Waa reganlml tha Bg^msclrirYeS'^-:'!••^?»'^; *'-'--''*' t -Jw;''biav^t:p^e>fert^iDecty to act'-In a* the ilfetit ^?nflD.,'t^n!'£,'-, luckkart fellow fn town. Ho wonted In our Uni'ltnl* "lt\» correct On another type of the calculating given way as far as he himself Is con- to Fernando Niironlm ' Amy to be tha luckiest girl In town. Iwllllcal. oltU'lnl and resident' Wsah* robot the ninbunts'to be computed are cerned, but- the exercise of his llb- of llraill in 12 hours an —On thirdly of Atny'irTlrtorr of eijht it|^^r'l|t ;*eny<-fiiay" become - an^ occasion of sttim^*~ - r>»f>lni« .superstition,.. 13. . -thousand votes -over .her. closest com- 11)0 Whit? llouiw. Thl* . . , con' operation of the machine cither by WiflB to.anpther. ...The urgent reas- - aboan) the Pg-X. . petitor, the town wont wild. It wns a a|nts of driving or jtnlklng up to the hnnd or electric motor effects the cal- ons for abridgment of liberties are: It Mas announced-by- miniature Lindbergh day. Factories main tntmiuo 1111J placing the cards" culation. — 1.-We may destroy the weak broth: pnrtmrat In-Washlngton and business houses blew their mid- on s trny which a. footinnn brlngi to Some of theso machines show the er for whom Christ died (v. 15). If and Mrs. Lindbergh will day Vfhlslls* and business was literal- the front door or to your car., These figures to be computed on dials before It was worth while for Christ to die long on a pleasure cruise ly auspended for the hour that Amy call* being merely, tokens of respect, the computation Is made, to guard for a man surely it Is worth while that In their Lockheed plane, Strieker, mounted on a paper flout, no one naks to see the I'realdent'a against human error In submitting the .tbe_ Christian •houldJeny^Mmgelf 'pan nnd. CWna via the rode-through-the town, bowing; her wlfej tho whole "ceremony occupying problem td the robot." *imeT5rTvnege"for~Iiis brotherVsake." sweet acknowledgments to tho plnud- abour linlf n mliiute from tlie gate ot Totaling dials show the total In 2. We should not allow our good to the route taken by tin Ita of crowds that were almost entire- entrance to the exit on the other side. addition, the product In multiplication, be evil spoken of (w. 10-18). Liberty In 1W4. going.to Slber ly composed of men, women mid chil- "In recent years It has become cus- tlio minuend, or remainder In subtrac- In Christ laa precious thing which the Aleutian Islands. dren with whom she had grown up. tomary for women, after they have tion and tho quotient In division. only love.knows how to ose. That one' No royal bride was ever more pnlnp- left their cnnls as described, to ask A calculating robot that prints a ffovunsbits -of ah is In the KlngdonuflOod and. there- J states took part 1 ously prepared for ceremony than Amy fur the honor of being recelted by the complete record of all Its computa- fore, ruled by the Holy- Spirit Is proved §V In those weeks preceding her depar- l*rcal wife. This ilono by writ- tions has recently been Invented. It conferences at French I I'rof. Edwin It. Svllgman, Columbia- by dally living the love life which ta set eral of them disrupt? ture far the first lap of her ninety-day ing n note to her loclul secretary, prints the factory, figures out and characterized as follows: ' tour ot the world. -She was the com- wlilch mny bo nbuut as follows: prints the answer and accumulates tio miUverslty viouomlst. Is under coo- ' of harmless topjes by I tract to conduct a" survey of Cuba'* — a. Righteousness, honesty and In- •^ own vigorous opinions nunlly'J^ Interest, tho community's " 'My de«r Miss -—: Will you ask total of nil the answers with a single tegrity In all things. pride, the "community's" responsibility, Mrs X If I may have the honnr ot operating stroke; Separate dials on -dre»««. lUncbot-of-Pei b. Living In peace "with each other. * Instance, insisted on ma -calling upon her, and-let me* know Its face show the multiplier In multi- bus signed a decree employing the " Vjaaics" societies met for-the sole nuf - c. Joy In the Holy Ghost The Holy "' UCk on the public utllK on »hut day It will, be agreeable for plication and tho divisor In division econoi^lia's wrt ices and appropriating • pose of sowing Amy's trnreJIng things. Ghost la represented as the "oil of Instead of^mking "aboii her to rea'ho meT Sincerely yours,' as a check against error. This ma- IG.O0O for expenses in connection with Loco! shops vied wltb one another in gladness^ (Heb. 1:0). _ _. . In the closing »«aion .III and so dn."—MauiTe Purker In the chine Is capable ot tweniy. multiplica- the work. 1'xot Carl Shoup. -aLw ef ' supplying Miss TJ. 8. A. with para- 3. We should" follow after' things" land, criticising the c Saturday Kv«hlng Fd»t tions a minute. Columbia will u*i|t Professor S«1U- phernalia. Jom .Powell worked his that make >for peace and edify one trying to avoid contnwi This latest calculating robot Is used nmn ,1^ maWlut-thft «unrey. _ . eager hands to the. hono, so io speak, •another (v. jnX"To1gnor«~the conT nrged the return of llq extensively In business. It keeps """acelng- to It that the whole general scientlous scruples of a weak brother the states as a solutlt Pertlaaat QHMIIOB books,, makes out bills, credits partial picture waa one of magnitude and ADOPTED BY OSBORN Seew at the ceranonlea attending the nnveltlng of a memorial In Stock- Is to destroy the work of God—to pull problems. •cone worthy of his fiancee. An Irlshmaa strolling through Ion- paymenta and keeps an accurate rec- don eaw some pictures In a pho- holm to the dead aviators of Sweden. It waa erected by the Itoyal Swedish down the gracious work which God is *- - And then there entered Into this pic- ord ot balances, doing the work ot a Aero dnht and laaMe It wae pUced an urn containing mcdaUiusCTtbedTWith lographers nluflow. Una'was of. acorps of bookkeepers, and making no -dolog-ln hlntrz — — ture aspects of the human equation the naoes of those honored. 'r ' • 4. We should exercise our faith In vrhfch were to shock and disappoint young man taken after he had attend- mistakes of l|s own. ed s .fancy drew ball lu Mephistophe- God and abstain from 'things which Ihelcommunlty beyond anything that orTend the weak brother (vv. 21-23)." had ever happened In Its midst A lean coatuiue. After looking at'lt tor some time he Franklin's Taltruce World's Longest Single-Span Bridge III. We Shoold Please Our Neigh. ' .momentary shock. It Is true, which bor and Not Ourselves (Horn. 13:1-13). later waa to be superseded by a home- weaiLlutcs tlio shop and said he wanted An Interesting letter from. Franklin * blll to. h|« al^iM-. .T*i%^i M^nflBi Is to .The .Infirmities gf,Jto-weakjire-real-. lil»tffAa*ai *m»rtl«mlk MKA A_.ft.—, L ^ ^ -•. ^ y tclf on one card. possession of a Philadelphia flrm. burdena whlc£are to be misdemeanor of which Miss 8trlcker Tlie photographer made the uiual "Upon the whole," Franklin wrote In strong. •nil Mr. Powell had been milltT. er«eo4eF preparations ahd tlicu asked for Ills, * HIII much. uisiuiHHl to like tnt -1. Because of Christ's eiample (vr.— Two weeks before Amy's contem- world as I flnd It, and to doubt my own 1-3), He Is our supreme pattern. His ing his resignation plated departure on a flower-decked, bruther. Jlr. Teague declared • "Oh. l.e'i In HrlntoU was the reply. Tigm^hr 'ilsMrt wliiit i^nnM supreme thought .and purpose wu to buntlns'draped train, Tom FoweTC H I see so much Wisdom In what I un- help" and save others. the board had fully •ented In hcr~ituffy little parlor one "And lio«-. said the photosrapher, justified Itself and It* "can you es|x>rt me to take the picture derstand ot Its Creation and Govern' 2. Because of the Scripture testi- evening, caught her tn Ma arms and rnent, that I suspect equal Wladoia mony f_a man who Is In liristoljr without 1U advice and —"Writ,1*-sa« the, Irishman,-"i;d-llke- uiay-lie In- what-F doAiot-unilerataiHl ftrlpjures abound wlth_examplea of- licr go, that he was sure to-lose her selfjdenylng sacrl'flcea for the good of many farmers' co-opt tS a vast and admiring world, that be to kuow huw yifu took Satan's picture. And thence have perhaps as much have gone under; and Did you meet him here?" Trust In. Cod as. the moit ptous CJirts- other*, having their culmination of had tried to be unselfish In giving meaning In the action of Christ fended the emergency hef* to the world, but that-his heart tlan." the board In stablllzl Mi ajckjrltbln him with what be cotton. , - Whan H. Speat Ik* Day . -. . Caaataig Oal _ . , TrtmM. Eaa* to. FUaT_ .„ Ta-aS - ~- " " ~Vrs.~Ma(grha3 Invited hor-ttetgbv ""There are-two'dhrtt Toung David was enjoying il§ third Those who look for"trou»"laVwlf not"'' stabilising markets," 1 Amy In turn, with ber cheek against bor to see the new decorations. The birthday with the special privilege of be long finding trouble to took at But - -, bis ahoulder, sobbed out her no4tal£la; house liad beta repainted, and after 3 Sftobahly throne tha 'eating'at* tha farSlty-table, During Uft-your- eyes-higher—lo^hha-'tronf"" pbaslxed most In pobl begged him to release her from the oiamlnlng the living rooms they went Miss Stella " Lee Bran**' Ctaborn whom our help-Cometh. Then yoi ' >ast.project of taking this tour alone: most of the meal bis eyes had been, thtrtjr-scvon year-old newly' adopted the stablllxaUon opera into Ibe bedroom. resting at certato puuled uterrals-.on will be able to meet you troubles) wlil ,«lBif ,to hlajj Meted him.. The neit, ••My I", said Mrs. Dlggs, admiringly, daughter of Chase Salmon- Oaborn. \ an' unperturbed -'— --•--' and, cotton, J*hlch wen roornlnf. Amy'and Tom went off to a the bald head of K vliltlng node whom lecturer, writer and former toteroo* ', gency operations node "Isnt It pretty? But what are tba) he hid not seen before. In spite or emersency conditional a town twenty miles away .and were lovely pictures painted on tlie celling ot Michigan. Miss Brunt, who worked H all "effort oa the part ot his mother to her way through night school when •lleve an entirely'Just! «»arrl«»arrleie L --•„''„„„ ' for!" . . „ . m avoid any comment; David ttnilry ex-"ale "was («enty-one~an3~ffiea~w»rt«d !~ooghttOxpedthe«es Will hate reinHca"nri - The newspaDer, the town and the "For * "uJband," explained airs. claimed. her-way to a M. A. degree tn the rjjal- the day In communion, with Culture and boslnesa g< atate gave'a,large grunt ot disgust Uagga. *"B Ukea to -ave somtthlng to. ."Mother, Uncle Leonard's head I* verslty-'Of Michigan, had been nterary bl dfmltfBl -tebte* any,ro»t to I ^end: turned 'to the aecond runner-up, look at on Sundajn."—London" Ht- cemlnf out" > '" " 'eeSretary to Mr. Osborn many Stan. «•»«*'•»'• •'>»«• dt» »»» >>ad Uta> W WSff. lUaafatteran eT t» Patt

cam•wwaaav^ e^^BP B a••••«••*> ^ p SMS^rw^^v^g^* •«bd i i i. p —— r — ttat News Review of Current osectsd. Oily abas* SM «*m t» tM WORLD irUttrW-sjt**** the prendatv — QUR€0MIG lEe World Over njstf w aottwactM «o#J. «srattw*> " WArR nrsstes aadths Jrisjus- jHned MiWaa- SOlM biles. There-iraa bad wtn. «f»*w. lor Afieocaaa ' " ~——— YAHNS a Cafcan.1has' - W«wapaja«O»tsr» (if the A, IS. V. w«re kept. ' —Mr Responsibility .distribution and thus have, an Impor- attitude. Ills conclusion brought a i Emphasis). ' L.lllnn dollar deficit, -The Ituib" «lmk It, out unlll a tant influence In the «tablUiaUon of great ovatlat from his followers. AND SENIOR TOP- with the prospect of markets.'.' •• • major who rivn»lili;r paying about one-third more than be- omewho were Tery pruliablyjrflj not be asked until after Foreign Minister Jull- linimlPd- parade ground nl rt'ircat. " ~f7T?n7iWf^TSSlb~ir"T fnrn'tliw xenr tnr ^ft thl"(T« thuy hnyj •reference: tO~eatlna?: aexf7eaTsnr7eaiuWiUuf^ |~THX'urUui wlUi 1'iluie uroinrTrrtitn The bureau estimates -that farmers ere without the** all, The reason for tills conrse Is, Minister Ramsay Mao. the Iniopa. t'uiniiiliigii anil, his two now receive 80 per cent of prewar e what ni aet .be- U Donald .and .Foreign roiniuuilonniuuil s wnite illri'i'l I" «!h»uinnnt prtcps and pity 130- p« e«rtfor goods lt question: "TuW MinUptMi'UtTArtli-iff'flehT " f' W Tte>rtl>rtl» - he further bond Issues, as well as boucliL . ''- nhirreWv who bad ptrtienlar borrowings. oVshort^ terra certiflcates derson. The German their ri'Blnimits. bad.. ;;i"arni. xriips,".. soya. the .report "»Tilch'~rra(l'"per~sleaajry:pfeauceiI" Until,"" jtliiailnif •oywhlrordpre..-"!**'* "ar» recovering, from the effecta, of >ade no distinction, tlon from the, Englishmen, snd the do tills rlKlit".llo hlrpil n nib anil tlm since 1923, now begin* to climb up- the continued cool weather.' 'Winter |y alike; It Isreadl- four men discussed thoroughly the aflprnoon they wero to IPIIVO hnlleil It ward again.. wheat prospects have been Improved rtit bow .differences bearing of reparations on the wgrld near the |inmil« g ouniL Tho thri'o This-bond Issue announced by Sec-. Fruit prospectr'afegenerally reported d arise. The sore economic crisis. It,was the hope of were Insl.li!. Klrai call for miarit muuut. retary«f the^rcasuryLJUi|lMw Mellon. fatr, to good. .Lite stock grovrars ap- te nsdor

the^county- contest; BfWh 1— — Tribune prtnwd; an edttorial which j ^Tooo1tWcon«est*_ ^* . n\ tAnJS: Hanlui*&***" should have bad some' efflettf-ujxsn lbs Sli Bi«th grade booklet contest, Lor- present disregard evidenced bj our dtt jaiue yancelet- -_— • *% v . Cfar Specialty T»' - BOO8KVELT* SCHMM. ;.. JW>RD Tribune (perhaps because of the ma- the right ol way. Quality, Courtesy Vol. XXXIV. No.] 6-0444 jority of Bepubllesfls here) but slack. "The existent*- ot law -wttlca pollowins; is a poem written by i and alas IV does not seem to have made vide penalties for perpetrating __ Roosevelt pupil: . and Service. 1 6-0443 much impression on them, with per- ances fit this sort is. furthermore, some- ROADS _ 6-044 mission of our co-operator In thia anti- ihing KnSwhlch an enlightened com- By Betty Jeanne Jacobsen, Age s, We detlre an L litter movement. Mr. James K. Warner, Sty^ught to apologise to itsett.' Roosevelt 3. of the Cltten-Chronide. we ask leave ,CranIard will please note that phrase). -The editorial concludes by stating Aroadmight^leadtoapalaa opportunity to to make a tew quotations from the ar- When . king sit* MLS. ">«»•: ticle referred to hoping that lu wis- that a very high percentage of oBen-_ ders sgainst good taste or community pr It might lead to a funny sight prove it. dom may help m. It would seem as if Or to a cave of stone. i It had been written for Cranford in the "elfs.rfare simply thoughtle-, a. W- f first place for the writer begins by choloftlcal truth which the Commission- Of to a witch s candy house. - Prices Much Lower 1 •tatini- that the campaign against lit- er (in our case "Mr. Beggs) wfflI un- It might lead" to a ghortly ylace J.H.MciYIAHON liminary Estimate: XPERTLY milled work ter In Mew York in public places which doubtedly recognize. "It U to be hoped Where giant* walk, the ground. was to be undertaken by the police'un- that the.announcemeirtof the cam- It might lead to a huge circus Hi^Gmk Grocar Lowest for Concre E and quality materials will der Commissioner Mulrooney (here tt paign, will in itself »ufflce to effect.» With clowns all playing round. great transformation in the appearance Cranford Has Had go a long way in helping is under Commissioner Begtfs aided by A road might lead to a pool FkesM CIssM t-lMt-C-UH Chief Hennessey) "deserves the moral of the city." iiwtorial Where people "• •wimming. Improvement A you to be satisfied with your tne e 1 support of every organization and or- "These excerpts'from , ° ~f~: It might fool you—and Movesfor Better * building (when you start to gan of publicity In Uie city." Then the will caW our readers to I*"**™* Lead you right back home! editorial states that no one will be the matter »as first deslgnedfor Own- erect that home that you have called Into court for scattering paper ford and not New Vork.WU.CrMj been planning on from year to and rubbish, until he has been re- mtnded that Isws exist which provide Stu^'eSicuS.'S toe" "orce. Tuesda; night the Td» year. It will pay you to pur- Densities for so doing. This Is only working 10 support of the An^-I. Buying the BEST ofMeat^ mlU« opened bids for pa w taow chase your lumber and milled- Campaign? Then « "*" u avenue, ctirb to curb, frc O«O4«*I H"« •! pupils made a clean ^ $13.50 sweep In thVcmmt^ WrCT.iO.eon> bidders were retiincd an ^G ^or^re)i^P^farlg " to"the"momenriri8»aw.w , r door. "TterrBmaj. n. a no-intrieswere mide._ --—,- STOVE : 13.75 'rlaiuiia Ahnu* £• KtreraldeDriia with' - wbo-baa -dene muob roavl mnrr»l* pafetnenl and curtia, b«tw*«i tn*'Ct»rt> Local children who. won first prizes ' The Irving Market« nearly ai old as Cranforf^tsdt- County. The Tovmshlp NUT line and lha » foot mM alrlo of Bai«moil were: Eighth grade booklet contest, 11.25 1K,W timlM betwa«l ttoulb Nlnlh «re.t ««d aid through the year, haslcept pa.ee with ,to grovrthu«l .much pleased at the low PEA llaatloa Aienii*. awl hrwa In* curb I In. and Dorothy wolf, -Why Sensible Young development. A number of this markets cuatomew the «brk. which are be] 9.00 II,. » foot center alrlp ul paranoil al»ul u. People Do Not Smoke": Seventh grade viously obtained. The cos U Uld by aewral* ordlnanc* Kltn Wat* aMI booklet contest, same subject, Donald have lien steady patrons for more than a quarter of a BUCKWHEAT 7.50 rcuia Houlli NlaUi'Jilrwt W WienMa Orlle, Place paring on the low b tucrlliR «iiir'n«-«aia>y dralnasa chrull*. ac- DeOroat: Sixth grade booklet contest, ortntliryl Only QUALITY can make a record like that. I der *3.O0O. tbe balance re| RICE lurilliis In tb* lilaaa and aiMCiacatlons prrparwl "Whose Fault was the Accident?". Rob- fur Hi* lani* by tile To»nahB> Inslncc aail cost ot the Orange ave n IKI Ma In Uw OOM »f Ibe Toenue to a title WiUlsm Peden; Seventh, grade «Ulh of I f*el "O "M-n •«• of aald —'- poster contest. "Building a Nation of but (SUs may be increu Hrli> ao aa u> nalia a curb lo mrb pa Blocks that Won't Crumble,"-Edward ol heavier pating *! the Inwroioraeel aball.ba unOar- Beams, . . roadirajt. • laken sa a l»ral lavronmenl. aod U>" tmu A letter from Arthur 1 and .>t«na« Incurred In I*, proatrullon and Cranford -pupils who won second The IRVING- prlres w«re:.:-Elghth.««dBj»QU«t.PO!t LOVELAHDt/SONSI tad ' test, Edna Ooble, "Why SensibleJfoung PeoplQ)o Not 8moke"; BMh grade. t»bw} between-46e Tmn Hio. i TiuI'MUI if**iM.H».M"U tar.br ap- tm mUm «nW»Wa» .aaaa— s ropnaM- «-tWr«HI»-«ial <*=»ttttiwir MBwnrllgi Bnaim aald contest, Miriam Qrafl, "The Man Who way. This matter will ImpiottniMttniMI and K> mm liu mat tlwrwt. !«»• l»rar> UmdUd a of Uw To«»ihl» «t ttantiird at. Ran a Race": Third grade poem, "The the commissioners when •HONE (6- lim.br aollu>rli«l » b. laan«t In an amoutvl Better Way," Jane Royce; Eighth grade 24 Union Ave., N. Cranford ttnally made. not iicwdlni IU.M*.M. whlfb. ihall btar to- poster. Uoyd Howard. "Our Motto- Mr. Wawrs, represenli wrul al • ral« wt »lt«duif t% l»r annu» Telephone.: (Word «126P-*0393-*li >•«• Temperance'USeventh^ grade -poster ImprovemosV Atsodattlc SERVICE IF0RD1 from Uia diu «nm lha |,uti>.,» for wahb l toaurd na> bus «rtl«l int. All (Glen Ridge £-6300) ._ better train service on Will I liuMW—F4l* mwinn -im ina innmn -railroad-during-commuL of •alii binula auall b. *t«nalnri| bjLnaolutloa r said Cranford should hi of lli« To«natilil. ConnlUM. Cn.t.ra. N. J. . serrice that would serve »«•;•-•». -nib. ««»wy.-*«ii.uk. .««•!• K«l«l 1,1.1a "III b. nnirU if U" Icmjahlj Uaya aflrr Ui* tlala of lta publication, afur commuters. Mr. Schols- CoumlltM i.f llw Towmlilp of Craiifotil11. N1. J.1 , Anal pa«ii%-«a-pr..«lail.|ij,,)«»..;.... . ,; al ti™Tu»lnJai> JUunu...41: t'nluj J", ,,* * ^ or the Association tUso. rltKrt.. Cr.ii(orU. . !j. J.. for «>• tolly«lni proved service. Comn HIUM ilml 11..1.H lu l» »utaltl~l in a.al»d TO- l with uamM of b ikUTa and liknltflra- - cullough jarreoted thai is made of UK compat tB KmuLJ if ittMlM* Kwmlmn. * T""TI'MIIAV «VKMN«. Jtxii SSKD, itii. •'• «a»-»,-iiJI.-Jaud-JiUl-li»_oilu>d«rI.-Jaud-JiUl-li»_oilu>d 4 for Tin MlloolllI rtrwW In U»> ToMahlD—Or- be given in the matte l atlatlr pvUlUlo h~tlnhl , al auoUuu r ni» A«enu«. from Ulienldo .J)tl« to South quested. On motlqn of t ..f iaia To-Mhl. Cw«lltt.. Sr W i !tnm--rV.ulh.llli- BU"l Begjs the Townihip Cle ; ^wVftetfte^i>Vfte- tfte-T»ur6«ul.cT . express train service s ^ ,-_, ^=;-^ ,-./.,.-. , __ . *1VAN jUiup Clark. m.iriD«Bt, Includlnt roiicrtte trur™, «lr*tna«« fyulRinnH. ©tr., Mcurdlfig and about 5:15 P- m- I ».-1SJI.' A . ••« .1.. A..' 1 i. ,.kl>ltaHll tat 1 ~" ordinances""esubBsh Vacation ul U. I . X. t'ollln<. To» Ul»n rauunt, tUdcra «U»U a QUH f South Onion avenue moro»io osoniANcr iiimalrt Uiuvlnai ullH<*ty eiiinlann, rtf«f- Lexington avenue and ml>INA.NC* «ulli«lalWHl» taipr««»»>«»U .auxA..|ilaui:auil tlH.nrlal ability 10 perform Ilia wurk, Iwfurt ukltix t>lana. tUMBER ot > certain uulmprgitj T» KoaJ,i to sewer in" tbe"same SUM all Ot«iil. AiMlWi liurnunl 10 lha Drinl- A dn«»ll »l »1>- »HI '• iulrid for plain ali«a ut ChaHtr. lit. V. U I»U. Md a»miJ- auil wwlfli-alloni; Ui-i-alUi-i-alll ui plam and apert- on Orst reading and hi Land! iiunu «n,l .upi.lmmu llurwo and prutUlu* DtlDratlonn t noll Md un «1%«U nont h i reluadrldrdd iuv ' Ji4x.l«. -;•/ •, < Ul« OoaaelM ol Uw to* Uanal. Ina •!•• are rclurricj inrw daia before «i« "Buuding Inspector il tky I4da. ar« m-vl>nl. Thtt antouut of de< OR MHSHKA8. II la prawmd u tm|inna Oranm r AIMiliIMilii fiui»FII»SU»;nglFWW«=«<>f«UauUIfiui»FII»SU»-;nglFWW«=«<>f«UauUI. ttbUJfe*J*ffl!«leaLJff V" jix _»ppUcaUanS-JorUJorb_ lirue. IB the Tiwoihle or Craatonl, Cuunlir •( vm •»•? t«ev »VT» .••-•••>- -•-» »»-^- r *»llaWJ V*. llsaMal asfc which were granted. 1 "Have I Forgotten I nlun. a dlatan™ ot M mllr». Mr. ? !••». and up aurli plana aud »pr«Ulcatlona. UUUIEAS; lh« wUDUUd coal •( aald 1m- A ctrllOrd clutfk fur «55»u. itiall accompany , port for May showed 1! pr»i.muU_U IIO.tM aa. and **i'li bid for rartoiu utreeta. Cain will oa r»- and total value stated ; WUU1IA8. It-It prowart U nuka applka- rnlrol In lum uf .lieclt for the".am* amount linn 10 111. RUM . VIS>»ilJ ' CUaBUatW M Thti TtiHimhlu i'tiainfltltw r**mea til* rlsbt Mh Hess objected tc Anything" Toauhlll Aid lu On inwut of Mr«nlr 0" !•" to r.J«t any or all bld« aa they, may d^Ub the present time of Le rent i>( tbw nllmaud coat ol Uu uavratnMOI. t«_tb« \xk 1IU.-...U ill 0* .«rn>hKNS P- „. • tween Tuxedo Place a in acrurtlanw »IU> U» pro'Ulan. it OtvUt -Kntuietr COAL ill. I'. U l»l«. anil annnJia.iiU an! Kilfli- nue stating same Is nol

Uated: Jun« «Ui. U31. • *'A. B. A. Tiavel Cheque*?" nimSKAB.ha proilalai hu htrrtofomjum This block was omittec nutl« for ItM -tuwuahlp'a aoaM o( aatd Inprota- program of last yew. PROPOSCO ORDINANCC A letter from Mlas 1 "Valuables in Safe Deposit?" °"n« II Ordalnad. br lha Tu»«»hH> Coaualttw AN UHU1NANCK lo am.nd an Ordinance en* u(-ll» Towualr-al-Crufiwl.U.iaa Oouoljr ol — lUlfd'^A« Urdln«lH:4 Itt-reculau and .control OR of the Streets andSti Unlttn. N"<* itnmi ti •; - • ih. -arrcUoo. coMtructton. alUr»Uon anil »• of theV.X A. thankt "Someone to collect my in- i Mir of Mldlnia and «tbar«ttuc«ir*a-l» «n* Utiert » JUleralO. OrlY*. In lha Tovmablp of ot • Crawford, . Union O>unty. New —Committee for. - helpl ITaiifiVrJ. rountr" ofr t'ntoau-.at-'-.Uwnvnl In Antt-litter Campaign _. come and f*»y inyj>Ui>«-., % accordtnn »Hn ItNt "ailarnnl ap^k-allon.' B. It ordaliinl hi tbr To«nihU> ConunlllM t^^bat-iba-attOi of- Its.***.** ••» t»:««* tll W^Cfd; I U* Cnl f i^riUoiiito i . tlienot aa may b* wn»lred. be. and la hereby nlete success. In tils 'I aH'toviUlej-for Ih* aboi* Hnwrofmrnl. • r. Xmlon 1. tnal P"Mraph C i>rg«Uo 9*ef~ArOcle 13 of' ilift'Ordtnance- «oUtt«d "An JromAWorneyWsralns '»aniS~irWiW«-itOTWnim-tttWTmttr»ranianSirWiWa«itOTWnimtttWTmttroo. i I hrr«by uju*lh«rlaed. undJTtt* projUlooa-ot. conatrurUon. .alteration and repair of .bulldlng.bulldlnga r^sBorrorttotaaoo Uldd UhtUh r .tturwrtwrmm ln.|hln|h» Tu»ii»hU) of CranCran- foftTtiloa" oninljY Nnf irritf." ba-mnd- tn» "include fine *nd lail We can sell you A. B. A. Travel Cheques, good anywhere. Juii"°iLua'jball_sMI«_l« |jn««l !•!»•:.>M tha outalda, oalla OR A box in our vault will keep your valuable papers and jewelry aa may be iktarolned by rwliulon of'th* an> ranururled ot brick, aloua, til. or whet, AtroTdioanee maklr Tixmahln Commllteei Tb* form «f not*, rat* the traax *ork la ciwernl with alucco. brick. building blocks dlacrel ot lnleraaV-inil.dat.-01-maturlti.aliall-alaa-bi UK «t-»lliTr-ln™mlHnlllil«-mal«daVplala ilaaa safe from fire and theft. — .. • mined by rMolulloei. ,-• . ... nay to uaed.' ' ' bulldfiw lMpectot Jns „ Tb. toUmlna nutura. aa mnlded by rVrtlou t TbU ordlnanra .aliall Uk» effect tary was adopted on ! I " 1'ba.ptcr - SM, .^TLA'MW...-. M .»•«*<«,. in UuardUUly. ,i.~._-.-.„ T', -jl_"•..'.. Leayejyour secujjriAjin our custody and we will collect the in- hereby.detenbjed and «XcUr««:_^ • hearing flxtrjr«.J»lf ' " T*" fr*bab|* 'n*r|oil of Ba*fub»aaa of Th«-tonKolnB jmUnantt-jKaa-lntroduiwLjt cbme andciedit it, to your account or pay it as yoardirecfc—- a reiular mevlTnS'tif th* .Tumuhlp Conunlttea MASON ^a^^av^^^^^- —•— — — r » w Vr"- at Iba Towuhlp •( Cranford. New lift—I. bald Od—na** ? , With Our Vacation Services MOTlCt OF HIARINft l ol the distrkt. The •airt at A4iwt»aa«-laalaa. THAVErr place Saturday aTten Nolle* la hereby lino Ihat lha Board ol u old Mler P»m AdtaUwnl (Xonlu) of UK Tomuhlp ot Cran. Onion arenue JOIN THE NEW VACATIOTT AND TAX CLUB fom. S, J, In th. County X Vnloa. wUl hold *3axitlLk~Bmxte'- ~ —"-i. —c- -^* * Jtf« ' TBl'ESBAV. JIXB J5TH. 1SJ1. PAYlofCYOlM^ACMON^THE TTOXr TIME at S IS P. 1L. Oaylltlil Sa«ltw Tttu ^nparUdpste at tb* TownabipKooaia.cvni«r.lTnloo A.*n«*ajid SUacr tMttr CruroM.\X.-i:. KrctraUarr- w) burseshnw, ptteii •-S1. Apowl ol T. A: Wary tttte. mar. special features; will tor a naxtUtcaUoo. of u» Conlm (Mluno to poraalt Ua errcUan at a oiollu JUUncjrutloa tor tbe women. al laarSmnhWM «nar- of North -and Carn MambLAnsM >M >S Bu>ck '" TonkhUj Tkhrtl- m-Siol.aMil "alt-DMrm. — Walter W. Mooney •GRIB TRUST COMPANY At Ch* lla* and *Uc« akaro ataud all U- tartatad autlaa art Hilled a ho tmont «b*> tritwlunlty to b* k*>nl «,U1 ba. stnax ta than*. ^ 1 WALNUT AVENUE , 1\ BOAkO'OI

»M» « na*rtiWW.

.>* i
