~* , " -, T ' •- •-'. , ^ ^^ *Mn fl^£^^^^^ c¥yrStv ,. ... ,..:.... Ii,.4.?fef??.ff^j^^ in tte SSMSJSV the - - -4,% ttaDfftwKbestast Mdt is their taut onaketwe.1 Vol. XXXtvI CRANFORD, N. J., THURSDAY. JUNE 18, 1931 HVF CENTS Ararelodge To Mark CWord Riding Club New Class Added To COP GETS DECISION RtMcn't Confectionery Sold Hu Dinner Ride • irsf STREET SK1RM1S1 . To Rational Confectionery GracIuation Programs lunication Members ot the Craaford Ridto Club rode their horses from the Ken Cranford Horse Show t'oloml Man Shelve* fat Grand Ji The National Cigar and ^Rtutlonrry sjngton. Stables, Kenilworth. to Ih < Action. After Faring Badly la Company, Inc. has purchased the riant. Roach and Tumble _ Close Public Schools Fornier Governor Sufeer of Dutch Oven at Mountainsidi-,. last Good Hand* Trophy Is Do- stationery and cunlreuwwry «tnn> At N. Y.. and Other Prominent Thursday evening, where they enjoyed 15.North avenue, Wnrt. tnuu A. Rusi'n a beefsUak dinner. nated by Officer of S: P. Members Will Attend An- Playing iho rote or me tough, bail M. B. Bragar Is the' new mannirer of SENIOR COMMENCEMENT Those at the dinner were WiUtan C. A. for Beat Entry Group; boy. against Officer Thomas Woods. Jr. the store and he aru\ouncp« (hut it All 8th Grade. Have SpsxiaJ /Curran and Or, and Mrs. u: a Hom- Tuesday night didn't go over so. big to „ niversary Monday Even will be continued aluiut Uie same TAKES PLACETONICHT ExofciM* Ttt» WesJr, »n8- Hton of WettneUt Mm. Uicy M.Adams. Rubert Johnson, colored, 27, of 1 John aa a. hl(h-cla» nirrrhandisinK rentrr. Miss Elizabeth. AdamsV Miss. Edith A post entry Oopd Hands Class htu Mawy Get Diptomw. Monday son avenue. For after the officer go Tj'w company—operates wvyml-otht-r ; The Imliti'i- »IUi' of Ihr high evening. jalle B. ,„ Qrulttner,' Miss Katherinit Park. Miss' been added to the twenty-two, clam through working on him, Johnson prmram of the all-day hone show of stores lu this Slate. -MrrBnwnr ha« cominc»c«ntnt |iru(ram took place Bertha Burnes,. Mr. and Mrs. O. Rich- patched up by a doctor, lodged 4tith Orsduatlng exercises In' UM gniffimac ards of Cranford, Mr.-and Mrs. H, W the Cranford Bying Club, Inc.. to bejail overnight and yesterday morntni been In the buslnrM nevcial years, huv- luat Iimrsdav nltht Ul tho Kooxvelt held at the Kensington Riding Stables, Uig operated sinillar stores in Newark Hi-hiiol Audlturium. »lirn the members schools UKik iilai-e. thu wnt, start- T«npie m-CranWd at-th* Clarke.. Miss Eleanor OUllhan. Mr. and l«ki»n tn tin- r.mnty Jail to await hear liitf Monday, wheii the ROHMV»U cVnooli corner o( bouth iM.nu8 a Kenilworth. Saturday, June 27. The ami Long Branch. WlUi mj.i funiMv, "I the iiraUunttnK claaH |>rv>ent«t tin Mrs. E. Lalng. Miss Doris. Lalng,. Mis ing on charges uf assault and batun f'laiA Niuht t-xi-rolfli'«, belure a laiiirat pnHiranv was prasented. Tuesday «- Marlon Robbie and Mua M. Scott m-inner In this class. .»fhlch will be runnrodo bslhi" officer; • ^ Mr. Bragar plans to l«kv lip li.f..ri"J- •aiiuei UnmirmRS of-the National and 'de'nee In Cranlord. Mr. Kntrn, wli» ci|i lrnilniii:r tit Hull' (rlt'iida ami sehool< cilllW, the Lllicdln School pupil* hml As this dateis an epoch m the Lodge"Plalnfipld. Miss Lillian Hlnkeldey Aijout 10:11'•p. m... Tuesday, Offlci y New Jersey 8. P. C. A, will be eligible erated Ihe »lorc (our years, ts contcni innii-s. (Uvinti wrlrd fRllmati's uf what their cainmrncement, whll* that at the history, It is Dr0|x*,«i by Ule committee Oarwood. Miss Marion Dreher. I y A, will be eligible Woods. Jr.. received word Oicre wa> \;uiiii!s pupil.* would bit doing In tl aiiermsn School took, plac* last nttrht lnc t0 ™5y***iS.^.? ?*»y?nl11 °9od Hands plating a trip -to Europo. 1— ' __??S.?_j]?»?t M)ii!.JiJii.aHalf-ofuii- Drebff. Miss Flfrrda ttnfTn trauWn in Porter'* taxt olSce,. where h ful'uriN "tin- iliiS liroplipoy "was "pn {Selection! by the combliiM ncfioat or- usual character, with a reunion of. the Mrs. W. Mackey. Kenneth Maekoy an XJIan" at the coming New York Horse found Johnson threatening Mrs, Por f Show. Thomas Price of Newark, uresi- tented .»>• ft cummllteii i Lhutras, under the direction of Kr» older mmmembbe Donald Mackey of Elizabeth. Mr an ter. The officer Uoolc Johnson ih tdl flora-IHiniitl,- supfrvlspr of ihuslg In th* rs. Many former Breth- M»JJJEllPiU' ,*.v;4«»»cl#dsr,-a«t-st«rdailn-» M WWIrTlfrtifloliT'faHuifeiJ 'the"-«i«a».s In."' guished Masons (rom other Jurisdlc- Mrs. 8. B. Rlgij of CHen Rids*. J,. n. Outside the taxi office at th AllirnT rlr II (lie aclioult, Including the Mutt lwwTiCBfTJiS^rrdtUas B HIsh'Mrtm-nrKt-eqiitrraw ._ Inc Brother .Josiiph-S.-Tauv who Joined iiuts -Job niton stor.t«d.-a-;break..for- fcee- .In.. Um RupMivelt. Swhoot «» In 1880. when the Lodge was located other,classes, witfrtwo dorii. but the officer citught blm and •KsfM>ii;-mwtfinf nig Top. Choose Committees of the liinduoli'n were, read" by Rober nlglit. a selection 'by the orehestrsi op- back of the old Mansion House In Hiy- sweepstakes, one for saddle horses, thethere followed a two way rough anij ened »e.'proirram.-aft«r which th»-ln- seue Although he. -later demltted In County Republican Clubs other for hunters, <#j e IIncludel d In thetumble skirmish such a* they used to Ivvnmir mill . ['IUIIIIH' HLanley, whlli Annual Meetintr ut Home of •"«1'l»'l.";». "f .«Miuo(.-day» were prc- voeatlon WSJL. pronouncea by UM On . 1903 in order to become a charier mem- Ijrogram,- with money prizes in allfake In Uie days or the strong, silent tr W l«. Bloaii; pastor of^ht tint ytw*. ber of Durand Lodge Novt^RDf-po jg«^pl«nttplor movie*. SWIIIJUNI . in.hi*'heavy .rain- . ' r» • J r-i .-> • .T1 tf-uv Earl Mown and Dorothy ; HheTrrcsidcnt'Chbfifrpi^tJtii -cirinpf.firii;;'s-"8iflli»n:fe8lr«i«ttTf"'"-aJso byterlai\roiiurciiw TtMre «er» sefei:Bon» Pleasant, 1ST. J:,,h.e hasihe distinction children;iocal.«addle librses and JuirirP coat, the. officer was at a disadvantag by tlw>bHy>' and girls' chorus after MT.VIM mi thnt iMinijiilttri!.,-, dllts wer» : K»Sipare|U Ind,child, aiut ijorses.rUl- l^ ileri" fey "amffimir*: ^'Tli» riiffhg. ••> "'(W ••as at one time or another a member e-Them tor jnhnsah rtpped-IMi T American. Association of Horse Shows', a :partlcularly effectivt «rrr iMrvUtitiit pflncITiSlT l fTfi6Tji«niay~if of Azure Lodge. Charles & Llttcil of on Union County Day a mft»r-i.h» -high nchoot arid Mt«f , Clsnlor4,-llaiiev(,>r.-wlniJoined. In Ho- ullm^r,i«ia»loa,..0<lktr,,.Woo4»,.,i[ yjr I, ay l_/.VLr^.m« selle lnlB89,is the oldest-memberof u aneuiber, -ttili.be followed throughout. tinully subdued his playful companion: •Trustees- of- the-Cranf/iitl-- Hlslwirn -- the • Governor's "'Summe! Tlie saddle horse classes Include no- ri'pi il.isetl with the presentoHon of 'ttlsson; vice president or th» board ot the tjftrige rnvertng a period of forty- put the handcuffs on him and brought Soclnty held their annual mratlri's tni dticullmi, I'aroiiUTntchuL-Astoolatlaa two jears, and he has also expressed a Home. ' vice saddle horses over M.2, saddle him to headquarters.. tin' dim iimnLIc tiT iho Juniors and Uie Jiorses over H2; saddle. horses under the election of ofllcert and tho limn Muvjliui ut ilio cloai rlrj's (or cltlMnihlp were ilvin BV desire to be " Dr. A. L, Lewis was called and treated vlra Krnamvr, Harry Walsh and: Kin. iX saddle horses 19J and over, sad- Johnson for a bruised skull and took action of oilier business at thn lioini inul •u'li-clpil by CtirlatUtti Sonnseti ami Another Brother of distinction, who That Union County will be well rep dle horses 15.2 and over to be ridden by or J. Stanley VorheesTu Pro«|>"!t streel Itiiiiu UIFablo. HSttliif Wagner, Jano oth OrimtlM, While spralul prism, aljia Joined Azure Lodge in Roselle In 1889,resented at Sea dirt on July 10, Is as seven stitches In a cut over one of his UoiiHuni mill', llenry IlDnnlund' coin given by. tho l»,.'r. A.; went to tn* foU was the Honorable William Sulzer, ex- sured through organization last nigh ladies (amateurs), road hacks, -local eyes. The- olDcer received treatment last Friday night., Pcndliuj thn arrival lowing: Science, Leroy PDlmsbM: »»- saddle horses owned and used in Mid-for a bump on the Jaw and a sprained |,r Isi'd IIIII loufmltteo in charge of ar- . Governor of New York State. He wasat the Wlnfleld Scott hotel, Elizabeth of diaries Monrhon, secretary, wh «IIUIH tory, Howard (loodtnan; O*ograpHy. born in Elizabeth,.brought up on a farm of a general committee composed o dlesex or Union Counties for- pleasure left wrist, after which he.was excused William—qulnn;—ArtthnwiUh—tun— Idlng. saddle ponies 14.3 and under from duly lor the night. -.--'•- hsrles F, Manchon. recording seen' l>occalaureBto nernioi In Roselle. and iiftcr removing to Newrepresentatives of the Republlcac Ury; William B. Ilragdon, ciirrrninind by. tho Rey.^lUwcoa T. Kroemor. and lOigush, Itoward tttXU. York City he became Master of Repub- Clubs or the County, ridden by amateurs, a parenTand.-ehlld After thinking things over during U) Bach ot tho prise wlnntr* nnimnt • iwas definite!] class and a -swpepwtAkn<i li stead. _. - - •- rector of - Trinity Elilsoopal lic Lodge No. 690. He is also President decided that a special traimrul be r nliiht.
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