Geology of the Insight Landing Site on Mars ✉ M
ARTICLE OPEN Geology of the InSight landing site on Mars ✉ M. Golombek 1 , N.H. Warner 2, J.A. Grant 3, E. Hauber 4, V. Ansan 5, C.M. Weitz 6, N. Williams 1, C. Charalambous 7, S.A. Wilson 3, A. DeMott2, M. Kopp 2, H. Lethcoe-Wilson1, L. Berger1, R. Hausmann1, E. Marteau1, C. Vrettos 8, A. Trussell1, W. Folkner1, S. Le Maistre9, N. Mueller 4, M. Grott 4, T. Spohn 4, S. Piqueux1, E. Millour 10, F. Forget 10, I. Daubar 1, N. Murdoch 11, P. Lognonné 12, C. Perrin 12, S. Rodriguez 12, W.T. Pike7, T. Parker1, J. Maki 1, H. Abarca1, R. Deen1, J. Hall1, P. Andres1, N. Ruoff1, F. Calef1, S. Smrekar 1, M.M. Baker3,13, M. Banks14, A. Spiga 10,15, D. Banfield 16, J. Garvin 14, C.E. Newman17 & W.B. Banerdt1 1234567890():,; The Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport (InSight) spacecraft landed successfully on Mars and imaged the surface to characterize the surficial geology. Here we report on the geology and subsurface structure of the landing site to aid in situ geophysical investigations. InSight landed in a degraded impact crater in Elysium Planitia on a smooth sandy, granule- and pebble-rich surface with few rocks. Superposed impact craters are common and eolian bedforms are sparse. During landing, pulsed retro- rockets modified the surface to reveal a near surface stratigraphy of surficial dust, over thin unconsolidated sand, underlain by a variable thickness duricrust, with poorly sorted, unconsolidated sand with rocks beneath.
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