The Resurrection of Hungary: a Parallel for Ireland;
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RESURRECTION OF HUNGARY ABTHUE GRIFFITH PATRICK MAHON PRINTBR YARNHALL STREET DUBLIN THE RESURRECTION OF HUNGARY FRANCIS DEAK. (Circa 1867.) THE RESURRECTION OF HUNGARY^ A PARALLEL FOR IRELAND WITH APPENDICES ON PITT'S POLICY AND SINN FEIN By ARTHUR GRIFFITH. " The case of Ireland is as nearly as possible parallel to the case of Hungary." WILLIAM SMITH O'BRIEN. "It is impossible to think of the affairs of Ireland without being forcibly struck with the parallel of Hungary." SYDNEY SMITH. " Whenever the people of England think one way in the proportion of two to one, they can outvote in Parliament the united force of Scotland, Wales, and Ireland, although they should think in the other way in the proportion of five to one. And if England thinks one way in the proportion of three to one, she can outvote Scotland, Ireland, and Wales together, although they were each and all to return the whole of their members to vote against her." GLADSTONE. " A country is prosperous, not in proportion to its fertility, but in proportion to its freedom." MONTESQUIEU. THIRD EDITION. 2)ublin : WHELAN AND SON. 1918. Preface to the Third Edition. " In the fourteen years that have passed since The " Resurrection of Hungary was written, Ireland continuing to pursue the policy rejected by Hungary in its conflict with Austria, has had its population further reduced by eighty thousand souls and its taxation trebled. In the British Parliament, whither it sent its representatives, those representatives during that period supported in office four succes- Ireland with sive English Governments ; associated England's declaration of war upon Germany; aided England's Government to impose English war taxes upon this country ; declared that Irish manhood must subserve the aims of announced war England ; willingness to aid England to conscript Irish youth it should be necessary to English victory ; and agreed with England to partition Ireland in the twentieth century as Russia, Prussia and Austria partitioned Poland in the eighteenth. In the same space of time sixteen Irishmen were executed and two thousand five hundred Irishmen deported and imprisoned on proof or suspicion of seeking that measure of independence for Ireland which England claims for nations that lie within the dominion of the Powers upon whom she declared war. In the past year the British Premier stated in the British House of Commons (a) that Ireland is is. X RESURRECTION OF HUNGARY still as unreconciled to England as it was in the days of Oliver Cromwell; (b) that the Irish repre- sentatives in England's Parliament had never claimed for Ireland that sovereign independence England claims for Belgium, Serbia, Rumania and Poland ; and (c) that England would never yield Ire- land back her sovereign independence. These are the evil fruits of Parliamentarianism masquerading as Constitutionalism physical and economic decay, moral debasement, and national denial. The constitutional leader of Hungary Francis Deak refused to associate his country with Aus- tria's war against Prussia even when Austria bid the restoration of Hungary's independence as the price. None but the Government of a free Hungary might pledge the lives and property of the people of Hungary. The pseudo-constitutional leaders of Ire- land pledged Ireland's blood and treasure to Eng- land's war upon Germany and Austria-Hungary without even offer of the bribe of Irish independence, and without reference to the Irish people. The Irish people have dis- owned their false leaders, but the sin was less in the men than in the system. Irish Par- liamentarianism, born of the Act of Union and based upon admission of English right over Ireland, was inherently vicious. It constituted not a national expression, but a national surrender. It was the acceptance of moral and constitutional right in another country to shape our destinies ; and whither it led the Irish people to the attempted renun- ciation of their national past and their national future to provincialism, partition, and foreign con- PREFACE XI scription was whither it tended by the law of its being. When Mr. Pitt, having- struck down an organised and centred Ireland, induced the Irish to send their representatives to a foreign Senate to discuss with a foreign majority the affairs of this country, and to accept the vote of the foreign majority as the decid- ing factor Mr. Pitt came nearer to conquering Ireland than came Mountjoy, who handed over Ire- land to Elizabeth "carcases and ashes," or than came Cromwell when, with fire, sword, and slave- " ship, he settled Ireland for all time." For Mr. Pitt achieved by fraud what the warriors failed to gain by force. He confused the moral standards of the nation. He caused Ireland to revolve on an axis not its own. He made Irish nationality a doubter of its own existence, and in Irish politics he made a chaos. Thus most Irishmen lost the instinct of thinking nationally, and came to think of Ireland in terms of English Toryism or English Whiggery, English Radicalism or English Socialism. They grew to look upon this English party or class as a friend, and that English party or class as an enemy. Hence they ceased to recognise in all English parties and classes the same England in different garments. Mesmerised by London whither its eyes were turned away Ireland permitted, one by one, the attributes of nationhood to be filched, and in the end the Irish Nation, dwindling from the earth, listened to the spellbinders who half-persuaded it that duty and allegiance lay outside itself, and were in fact due to that country which had erased its name from the list of independent nations. Xll RESURRECTION OF HUNGARY Ireland was sick mind-drugged by Parliamen- tarianisru but Ireland is convalescing. The memory of what she was and the realisation, of what she is are restoring her to national health. She sees herself as Hungary came to see herself through eyes no longer fitted to foreign spectacles. She sees Finland stand up a free Republic, Poland arise a sovereign Kingdom. She asks shall she, their elder sister, be less in the world's account, and she demands to-day an equal independence. It is the story of the Sibylline Books. " Fifty-seven years ago the London Times," writ- ing of the struggle then waging, said of the Hun- garians They wish to be Hungarians, and not Germans, and they have no desire to be dragged by Austria into German politics and be compelled to spend their money and lives in pursuit of objects in which they have no interest. That is to-day the position of the people of Ireland. They wish to be Irish, and not English, and they have no desire to be dragged by England into British politics and be compelled to spend their money and their lives in pursuit of objects in which they have no interest. ARTHUR GRIFFITH. January 20, 1918. Preface to the First Edition. (1904). " The series of articles on the Resurrection of Hungary" originally appeared in "The United " Irishman during the first six months of the present year [1904]. The object of the writer was to point out to his compatriots that the alternative of armed resistance to the foreign government of this country is not acquiescence in usurpation, tyranny, and fraud. A century ago in Hungary a poet startled his " countrymen by shouting in their ears : Turn your eyes from Vienna or you perish." The voice of Josef Karman disturbed the nation, but the nation did not apprehend. Vienna remained its political centre until, years later, the convincing tongue of Louis " Kossuth cried up and down the land : Only on the soil of a nation can a nation's salvation be worked out." Through a generation of strife and sorrow the people of Hungary held by Kossuth's dictum and triumphed gloriously. The despised, oppressed, and forgotten province of Austria is to-day the free, pros- perous, and renowned Kingdom of Hungary. Sixty years ago, and more, Ireland was Hun- gary's exemplar. Ireland's heroic and long-endur- ing resistances to the destruction of her independent nationality were themes the writers of Young Hun- gary dwelt upon to enkindle and make resolute the xiii JX1V RESURRECTION OF HUNGARY Magyar people. The poet precursors of Free Hun- gary Bacsanyi and Vorosmarty drank in Celtic inspiration, and the journalists of Young Hungary taught their people that Ireland had baffled a tyr- .anny as great as that which threatened death to Hungary. Times have changed, and Hungary is now Ireland's exemplar. It is in the memory of men still living when Hungary had not five journals in which a word of the Hungarian language was permitted to appear, when she had no modern literature save a few patriotic songs; when she had no manufactures of moment, and no commerce, save with her enemy, Austria ; when she was cursed with an atrocious land- ruled bureaucrats her system and by foreign ; when whole revenue did not reach 6,000,000 yearly, and her finances were robbed to perpetuate her op- pression. To-day the revenue of Hungary is 42,000,000 800 newspapers and journals are printed in the Hungarian language. She possesses a great modern literature, an equitable land-system, a world-em- bracing commerce, a thriving and multiplying people, and a National Government. Hungary is a Nation. She has become so because she turned her back on Vienna. Sixty years ago Hungary realised that the political centre of the nation must be within the nation. When Ireland realises this obvious truth and turns her back on London the parallel may be completed. It failed only when, two generations back, Hungary took the road of principle and Ire- land the path of compromise and expediency.