VISITORS’ GUIDE - 2017-2018

My diary of a trip to Reims ( ( A CULTURAL PARENTHESIS

Version CMJN Download the application eims is a formidable nugget for tourists, located at the crossroads of REIMS CHAMPAGNE TOUR the great cultural and economic influences of the Grand Est. Champagne is an extraordinary destination made up of exceptional Get to know Reims by your fingertips! ingredients which harmonise in a rich in expressions and inventive know-how, with people at the heart of the cultural heritage. With humility and generosity, we want to share the wealth of our tourist Rmetropolis as so many open doors to the discovery of a smiling , in the intimate heart of the most beautiful landscapes of France, inscribed on the World Heritage Lists of UNESCO. With the commitment of my team and the actors of the tourist sector, I want to put everything to work towards achieving a common objective: that of transmitting to you our unconditional attachment to this radiant City, once the mysterious Royal Residence of Kings and today, the sparkling home of Champagne. This Diary of a Trip to Reims is an invitation to a cultural parenthesis, where during the course of your getaways, you will discover the taste of the unforgettable flavours of a great vintage. Champagne! Have a wonderful stay… Philippe Verger All tourist offerings available Director of the Greater Reims Tourist Office on smartphone and tablet!

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Information and prices at Siège social : 6 rue Rockefeller CS 60013 – 51725 Reims cedex Tel. 03 26 77 45 00 – Fax: 03 26 77 45 19 Important note: [email protected] – Although every effort has been made to ensure accurate pricing and information, Office de tourisme du Grand CATHEDRAL + TRAIN STATION: TEL. 03 26 77 45 00 - [email protected] SIRET : 53448928100061 - Code APE : 7990Z Reims cannot accept responsibility for any errors Immatriculation au registre des opérateurs or omissions in this guidebook. All establishments de voyages et de séjours : IM051120001 featured in this guidebook are partners of the Office de tourisme. Conception et réalisation : Champagne Création All prices are VAT included. Rédaction : Angèle Sipière Crédits photos : Illustrations: Champagne Création Photographs: Office de Tourisme du Grand Reims / Greater Reims Tourist Office has been awarded the French Carmen Moya et Clément Richez – Christian Lantenois TM Frédéric Canon – Jacques Driol – Axel Coeuret QUALITÉ TOURISME label in 2017. Champagne Création Reims – Jean-Christophe Hanché.

3 Contents

REIMS UNFETTERED p. 5 Free time for your heritage . . .

UNESCO World Heritage p. 6 Prestigious Buildings p. 10 Champagne Houses p. 14 Decorative Arts p. 28 Urban Spaces p. 20 Remembrance Trails p. 24

REIMS - THE TURNKEY SOLUTION p. 27 REIMS UNFETTERED Your heritage is not without inspiration . . . Free time for your heritage Itineraries for those in a hurry p. 28 Itineraries for those who are contemplative p. 30 Itineraries for those who are passionate p .32 There are many ways to describe our city, vibrant, European, open to curiosity and exchanges. Reims, the Radiant, the Effervescent, the Inventive, the Mysterious, the Itineraries for those who are epicureans p. 36 Smiling, the fascinating beauty of a royal city, so many advantages added together to reveal to you its exceptional monuments that have been listed as World Heritage Sites by UNESCO, sites that are not to be missed… VISIT REIMS p. 39 The first pages of this Diary of a Trip to Reims provide an opportunity to take an off-beat look at the city by reinventing a heritage in total liberty and by listening to your whims to stop in the meanders of your tour when you want and when you’re STAY IN REIMS p. 45 in the mood. Each lane is an unexpected invitation to your personal discoveries and favourite places. Take the time for this unique experience which is yours and imagine the magical p. 50 REIMS MAP relationship that will link you forever to the city…

4 5 Unesco World Heritage


Let yourself be enchanted by the splendour of one of the most beautiful cathedrals of Europe. A majestic jewel of Gothic Art A marvel to discover: the luminous stained from the 13th-15th centuries, Notre-Dame glass windows coloured with powerful blue de Reims is an architectural marvel, by the artist of Russian origin Marc the beauty of which will conquer you Chagall and illustrious master glassmakers Notre-Dame of Reims, Cathedral of Light from your first glance. who perpetuate the art of stained-glass windows Its dizzying 38-meter high nave admirably crowns through their traditional know-how transmitted the spellbinding play of light and colours of the through the centuries with a modern look. stained-glass windows, offering a fairylike display. This moment suspended between the sky and the earth is extended by the architectural inge- niousness of the flying buttresses and the wealth of façades decorated with 2,303 spectacular statues and an astonishing bestiary of gargoyles. From 5 may to 10 september 2017 “RÊVE DE COULEURS“ AT NOTRE-DAME CATHEDRAL Sublime multi-coloured sound and light show at Notre-Dame after nightfall. late may early june LES FÊTES JOHANNIQUES Over 800 performers retell the epic story of the crowning of Charles VII by Joan of Arc. The lanes explode with joy during these medieval festivals with artisans and traders wearing period costumes. Admire the monumental statues of the Gallery Cathedral forecourt of Kings and the series of winged angels including the renowned Smiling Angel.

6 7 Palace of Tau St Remi, The Crown Jewels will enable you to experience the magnificence The Basilica of the Coronations of the Kings of France and the sumptuous Tour the fascinating pages coronation ceremonies, from Louis of architecture with the St Remi the Pious to Charles X. Basilica and its former Benedictine The tour of this wonderful Archbishop’s Abbey, two exceptional sites Palace, once the location for the inscribed on the UNESCO World residence and banquets of the King Heritage List. (the still visible 15th century Tau Room), A timeless symbol inscribed on the offers a beautiful continuity with the modernity of the city, the Basilica is one discovery of the Cathedral. Managed by of the most illustrious accomplishments the Centre des Monuments Nationaux, of Romanesque Art in northern France. the museum has preserved the rich A delightful and enchanting display treasures of the Cathedral (religious with the “Crown of Light” suspended at the transept crossing, symbol of the artefacts) and the monumental statues heavenly Jerusalem, with 96 candles symbolising the age of Remigius at his death. Admire the which once decorated the façades. dizzying height of the nave and the choir, not to mention the imposing organ with its 43 music scores, exceptional for the height of its pipes. Built in the 11th century to protect the Holy Ampulla, it houses the tomb of Remigius, bishop of Reims, who baptised Clovis, the first King of the Franks, initiating a tradition of sacrament that was celebrated Coronation of the Kings of France centuries later in 1996 during the festival commemorating the 1,500th anniversary of this baptism.

St Remi Abbey Extend the cultural parenthesis in a place rich in history. The former Royal Benedictine Abbey today hosts the St Remi Museum, which is dedicated to local history, from prehistoric times to the Second World War, to Gallo-Roman archaeology and From 24 june more. An architectural marvel awaits you to 7 october 2017 with the chapter house, the sumptuous MUSIC AND LIGHT stairway of honour, the façade of the AT THE ST REMI BASILICA interior courtyard, the cloister and the Every Saturday at 9.30 pm, the Basilica old medieval parlour, as well as with invites you to a sound and visual interpretation that presents its history. the discovery of archaeological and artistic collections, of which exceptional everyday objects dating back to the Gallo-Roman times. 8 9 Prestigious Buildings Museum of Fine Arts Enter this beautiful Abbot’s Palace of the 18th century to have the immense privilege of getting to know the works of the greatest artists such as Boucher, Monet, Pissarro, Renoir, Gauguin, Vuillard, Matisse… FRUITS OF A LONG TRADITION OF PATRONAGE HONOURED BY MEN WHO LOVE Through an admirable museography where paintings and sculptures are displayed CULTURE AND ART, OLD BUILDINGS HAVE BECOME STUNNING SETTINGS FOR THE in a contemporary manner, as well as furniture and objects of art from the Renaissance INVALUABLE COLLECTIONS OF ART AND HISTORY THAT THE CITY HAS PRESERVED to the 21st century, the Museum of Fine Arts of Reims has preserved twenty-six OVER TIME. THEY RESTITUTE THROUGH ITS MUSEUMS AN EXCEPTIONAL AND celebrated landscapes by the painter Corot as well as emblematic works by the artist PRECIOUS HERITAGE. Foujita and in his priceless collection of paintings.

The Museum of Fine Arts is honoured to be one of the major museum areas in France owing to the wealth of its collections, Le Vergeur Museum-Hotel inherited in large part from the legacy of Henry Vasnier, the great art collector The mansions still vibrate with special of Reims and a wine merchant for a memories. The splendid mansion Le Vergeur, Champagne House. once the private residence of Hugues Krafft, the wealthy patron from Reims, is a testimony to this emotion. The rooms succeed one another with different velvet atmospheres, protected from the hustle and bustle outside. The intimate set designs of the collections of furniture, works and objects of art reveal the former A celebrated replica of the painting by living rooms of the home of this man who loved the Le Vergeur Museum has a prestigious arts and travel, a son of German traders of wine from collection of celebrated engravings including Jacques-Louis David, entitled "The Death Champagne. You will be charmed by this superb the Apocalypse and the Great Passion by of Marat ", found in the workshop of the Master. moment, a cultural journey out of time. Listed as the Master Engraver Albrecht Dürer. Huile sur toile - 141,1 x 115,7 cm - Inv. 879.8.1 a Historical Monument. ©MBA Reims 2016 /photo : Christian Devleeschauwer

16 and 17 September 2017 : EUROPEAN HERITAGE DAYS A special, fleeting moment to enter the heritage sites that are normally inaccessible. www.journeesdupatrimoine. Masterpiece by Le Nain brothers "Venus in the forge of Vulcan". November Huile sur toile - 170,5 x 136,8 cm - Inv. 922.21.1 ©MBA Reims 2016 /photo : Christian Devleeschauwer LONG NIGHT OF MUSEUMS Special student version.

10 11 Hotel Saint Jean-Baptiste de La Salle Former Jesuit College Penetrate into the temple of wisdom You will be doubly appreciative before the history of this with a tour of an astonishing building extraordinary building and the vocation of this highly humanistic of charm that once enclosed the place, an alcove that nestles discreetly in the lanes of the modern city. treasures of knowledge. From old A contemplative pause awaits you in this old bourgeois dwelling which reveals before your eyes religious buildings still emanates the refined details of a work of architecture and ornamentation from the Renaissance period. a singular atmosphere that favours The two caryatids of Adam and Eve welcome you at the entrance. In the interior courtyard are tranquillity and the soothing rest. the towers and the winding staircase crowned with an elegant bell-turret that reminds us, You will be conquered by the beauty of by their style, of the Château de Blois. A scenographic itinerary sheds light on the life and work the place and the richness of the interior of John Baptist de La Salle at the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools that are still decoration: the exceptional library in sculpted working in 80 of the world. Canon of the Cathedral of Reims, son of a family of noble The property of the Jesuit Brothers in wood ornamented with medallions on magistrates, he abandoned his fortune to devote himself to school apostolate for the poor. the ceiling, with scrolls and cherubs, a real the 17th century, this old priory today hosts masterpiece of baroque art, as well as the the Regional Collection of Contemporary refectory, the kitchen, the stairway, not to Art (Frac Champagne-Ardenne) and the mention the garden and the courtyard which host the grape stock of vines that are over Digital University Campus of Sciences Po. 300 years old, ranked as Historical Monuments. Listed as a Historical Monument.

Used to store bottles of Champagne before shipping, in an era when the Champagne industry Le Cellier was developing, Le Cellier was the property of Take an avant-garde look at the Mumm Family, then of Champagne Veuve this place where the atmosphere Clicquot-Ponsardin, the Syndicat du Commerce entwines the eras with a special soul. et des vins de Champagne (wine merchant’’ ‘s trade Prestigious location of one of the most union), Champagne Fournier and Champagne Birthplace of John Baptist de La Salle, celebrated Champagne Houses which Jacquard. Listed as a Historical Monument. the mansion was built in 1545 by the have succeeded one another since the wealthy textile merchant Henri Choilly, the 19th century, Le Cellier today incarnates an area of cultural exchanges and artistic Memo owner of this magnificent private residence expressions in harmony with the origins which then passed into the hands of different of this building constructed by Champagne owners in succession, including the director G.H. Mumm. You will be transported by Participate in the cultural events of the Maison Fossier, to serve as the head the beauty of an imposing and remarkable painting on the façade, inscribed on the at Le Cellier all year round: office and workshop for his biscuits. Listed as a Historical Monument. list of Historical Monuments, with two Le Cellier houses the Culture and artistic works majestically executed. Heritage Workshops, including An entrance of monumental dimensions suggests a gigantic wine barrel. A frieze a room for creation, a screening entirely composed of enamel mosaic room and exhibition areas. tiles illustrates in detail all the steps in preparing Champagne.

12 13 The Champagne Houses of Reims will reveal the secrets of making this The Champagne houses famous sparkling wine of worldwide renown, symbol of celebrations and unforgettable events. The tour of these underground cellars that have been remarkably dug out of the chalk, often CHAMPAGNE INCARNATES THE EMBLEMATIC FRENCH ART OF LIVING AND KNOW- at the old location of the medieval chalkpits, HOW PERPETUATED FOR GENERATIONS. CHAMPAGNE HOUSES OPEN THE DOORS will plunge you into the extraordinary story TO A PRESTIGIOUS WORLD IN THE FIRMAMENT OF EXCELLENCE, FOUNDED ON THE of champagne where the patience of years SECRETS OF MAKING A WINE THAT MEETS THE REQUIREMENTS OF LUXURY. AGED BY Canard-Duchêne confers on each House their most previous MEN AND NATURE TO THE RHYTHM OF THE SEASONS, CHAMPAGNE IS MADE WITH Canard-Duchêne vintages. THE PASSION OF VINTNERS WHO LOVE THEIR LOCAL TERROIRS, IN PROPORTION TO A LEGEND INITIATED BY DOM PÉRIGNON. Ruinart CHAMPAGNE G.H. MARTEL Ruinart Inscribed on the World Heritage List CHAMPAGNECanard-Duchêne HILLSIDES, While preserving its intimate family side, Champagne G.H. Martel Canard-Duchêne G. H. Mumm opens for you its beautiful medieval chalk pits that were dug between HOUSES AND CELLARS ARE the 4th and the 15th century, its champagne ecomuseum and its G. H. Mumm G.H. Mumm LISTED AS UNESCO WORLD 18th century buildings. HERITAGE SITESRuinart 17 rue des Créneaux - Tel. 03 26 82 70 67 Ruinart [email protected] - Plunge into the middleCanard-Duchêne of a Pommery Reopening of cellars early 2018. breathtaking panorama by setting off Pommery to discover one of the most beautiful vineyard heritagesG. H.of Mumm Europe and G. H. Mumm Villa take the time to admireRuinart this major Demoiselle Villa tourist site by allowing yourself to CHAMPAGNE LANSON Demoiselle be enchanted by the rich details and The Lanson Champagne House offers its brand new tour circuit, a real facets of the Pommery initiation trail which takes you from the grapevines to the champagne culture of Pommery G. H. Mumm Canard-Duchêne flute in the heart of Reims in a working environment. Taittinger Champagne. 66 rue de Courlancy - Tel. 03 26 78 50 50 Taittinger [email protected] - Villa Open from Monday to Friday. Guided visits to be paid for under reservation Villa Demoiselle Ruinart Canard-Duchêne in French and English (in German and Spanish: depending on availability). G.H. Demoiselle Pommery On-site shop. Martel Ruinart G.H. Martel Ruinart Taittinger G. H. Mumm Taittinger Villa Charles de Demoiselle To continue your discovery beyond Cazanove the walls of the city: Charles de Taittinger Cazanove G.H. G.H. G. H. Mumm THE CHAMPAGNE TOURIST Martel G.H. Martel Pommery Martel Taittinger Veuve Clicquot Pommery ROUTE This marked itinerary reveals a landscape Veuve Clicquot of valleys and hillsides that shelter Charles de Villa Pommery traditional champagne . The Charles deCazanoveG.H. Demoiselle numerous Champagne Houses and Cazanove Lanson Martel 15,000 harvesting vintners invite you to an LansonLanson exceptional encounter, in the heart of the Saint-Thierry Massif and the Ardre Valley Veuve Villa to the West, the Mont de Berru to the East Veuve Clicquot TaittingerDemoiselle Veuve ClicquotClicquotCharles de and the Reims Mountain to the South. 14 Cazanove 15

Lanson G.H. Taittinger Lanson Veuve Clicquot Martel

G.H. Charles Martelde Lanson Cazanove

Charles de Veuve ClicquotCazanove

Veuve Clicquot Lanson

Lanson CHAMPAGNE TAITTINGER Inscribed on the World Heritage List Taittinger is one of the last great Champagne houses to have retained its independence and bear the name of its owners and managers, guaranteeing its expertise remains intact and of a style characterized by a high proportion of chardonnay, synonymous with finesse and elegance in the Champagne region. 9 place Saint-Nicaise - Tel. 03 26 85 84 33 - Open every day from mid-April to mid-November (tours begin from 9:45am to 4:15pm). Closed Saturdays, Sundays and holidays from mid-November to mid-April (tours begin from 10am to 11:45am and from 2pm to 4:15pm). Paid visits in French and English.

CHAMPAGNE VEUVE CLICQUOT Inscribed on the World Heritage List Discover the Veuve Clicquot Champagne House’s magnificent crayères, important relics of the region’s rich past. CHAMPAGNE POMMERY 1 place des Droits de l’Homme - Tel. 03 26 89 53 90 [email protected] - Inscribed on the World Heritage List Open from 4 April to 18 November 2017 from Tuesday to Saturday from 9.30am Unique in Champagne, this Elizabethan-style estate was conceived to 12.30pm and from 1.30 to 5.30pm. Visits exclusively on meet up. and built by Madame Pommery in the 19th century. Through a guided tour of the cellars, discover some of our historic chalk pits and our exhibition of contemporary art. 5 place Général Gouraud Tel. 03 26 61 62 55/56 [email protected] CHAMPAGNE RUINART Inscribed on the World Heritage List Open every day (including Aisne Reims Plunge into the heart of a chalk cathedral with the Ruinart Champagne weekends and holidays) from Montagne de Reims House. The show begins with a sumptuous stairway that takes you thirty 10am to 7pm. Closed 25 December meters underground to a network of galleries opening out onto ancient and 1 to 3 January. Paid visits upon resevervation. chalk pits. The tour ends with tasting two vintages of your choice, Vallée de la Marne including the prestige vintage Dom Ruinart, in a private lounge. 4 rue des Crayères - By appointment only. Booking exclusively via the website Marne

Côte des Blancs

CHAMPAGNE G.H. MUMM The tour of the wine cellars of the G.H. Mumm Champagne House carefully explains the main stages in making Champagne. VINEYARDS & DISCOVERIES, This exceptional site hosts one of the most complete museums A LABEL FOR THE CHAMPAGNE REGION on Champagne trades. This label, awarded by the Ministry of Agriculture and Tourism, guarantees services that LOGOTYPE COULEUR FOND BLANC Nº dossier : 20120475E M100 J80 N10 Date : 21/02/2013 Validation DA/DC : C40 M40 J40 N100 Validation Client M30 J70 N25 34 rue du Champ de Mars - Tel. 03 26 49 59 70 respond to the quality requirements of the world of vineyards and champagne: wine- [email protected] - producing estates, accommodation in the heart of the grapevines or in a charming Open every day upon reservation from 1 to 31 October from 9.30am to 1pm environment, wine-tasting cellars, oenological activities... “Vineyards & Discoveries” enables and from 2pm to 6pm. From 1 November to 30 December, open from Wednesday to Sunday (except 24 and 25 December) from 10am to 1pm and from 2pm to 5.30pm. you to select partners who share a special sensitivity to the world of wine and who want to From 2 January to 28 February, open from Wednesday to Saturday from 10am to transmit an authentic cultural and human heritage. 1pm and from 2 to 5.30pm. Shop open at the same hours as the cellars. Paid visits in French and English (other languages: please contact us). 16 17 Decorative Arts Reims Opera Lift the curtain on one of the most splendid may theatres in France for a fascinating show OPERAS OPEN THEIR DOORS! in a place dedicated to the art of the opera. As part of the European Opera REIMS HAS THE CHARM OF ONE OF THESE CITIES WHICH EXERCISE A SPECIAL Discover the elegance of a place that fans Days, 25 institutions open their ATTRACTION BY THEIR SUBJUGATING BEAUTY WITHOUT OSTENTATION. THE of lyric art love as much for its dazzling decor doors for free for a weekend and as for its artistic radiance. invite the public to enter the gates RECONSTRUCTION AFTER THE FIRST WORLD WAR, TAKING ITS SOURCE OF of the French operas. With an architecture representative of Italian theatres INSPIRATION IN THE DECORATIVE ARTS, HAS RAISED THE CITY TO THE RANK OF with its perspective scenery at the back of the stage A CAPITAL OF ART DECO. and several tiers of boxes arranged in U form around a semi-circular landing, the Reims Opera has a timeless, refined atmosphere, with a sumptuous ceiling and a circular frieze decorated with the theme of the arts of the theatre. The minute work of the interior Carnegie Library decoration expresses the Art Deco style down to the smallest detail. The Carnegie Library incarnates the alliance of creativity and the craftsmanship The stage of the Reims Opera House assembled in a stunning achievement. reflects the Italian influence: the stage house The great wealth of this place originates from the decor which was carried out by virtuoso craftsmen: and the machinery make it possible to produce the sublime lustre of the Master Glassmaker of special or decorative effects at several invisible Reims Jacques Simon, the magnificent works in levels for a play. The façade of the building A public library dedicated to study and wrought iron by the celebrated steel construction reflects the neo-classical style. heritage, the Carnegie Fund has preserved company Schwartz-Hautmont, the remarkable books that date back to the medieval era and ceiling of the reading room by the illustrious collections specific to Champagne. It was Master Glassmaker Jacques Grüber. This artistic excellence is underlined by a know-how that Villa Demoiselle built in 1921owing to the patronage of the blends creativity with noble materials with green Enter this memorable residence for a discovery marked by strong, poetic emotions. American magnate Andrew Carnegie, as onyx marble, in gold leaf and exotic rare woods… The Champagne House of the Vranken family, where the finest vintages await you a tribute to Franco-American solidarity in the wine cabinet, the Villa Demoiselle is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage during the First World War. Site and combines the contemporary and prestigious world of Champagne with an extremely refined decor. Seat of the University of Reims Champagne- Ardenne, the Villa Douce encourages artistic After five years of renovations by Champagne Vranken, the Villa Demoiselle Villa Douce unveils a place of reference for the stylistic movements of Art Nouveau and expressions and the emergence of young talent. Arts Décoratifs which are harmoniously blended. The prodigious work of Admire the refinement of this beautiful private residence of the couple Marthe Listed as a Historical Monument. restoration respecting the elements of the era is a testament to the and André Douce. This mansion reveals talents and know-how of the master-craftsmen who have restored an astonishing balance between sobriety the exuberant heart to this Mansion. Renowned artists such as and luxury inspired by the Art Deco style. Louis Majorelle, the Cristallerie Saint-Louis, Serrurier-Bovy and Emile Gallé are working together to restore its memories. The Villa Douce displays a decorative world Visits by appointment only: marked by a remarkable play of volumes and spaces: the great curved central staircase with its stylised banister in wrought iron, The Villa Demoiselle was built in 1890 the semi-circular concert room, the mirrors by the enlightened collector Henry Vasnier, opening the perspective to the infinite. heir of Champagne Pommery. 18 19 Urban Spaces Place du Forum Share the living atmosphere of this place located on the ruins of the ancient Roman THE DISCOVERY OF URBAN AREAS IS AN ENRICHING AND CAPTIVATING Forum which for long was a marketplace and always open to multiple exchanges. EXPERIENCE AS IT OFFERS A CONTEMPORARY WAY OF VIEWING THE CITY. A PLACE Ideally placed in the heart of the city, the Place OF LIFE WHERE THE NATURAL EFFERVESCENCE OF THE CITY IS CONCENTRATED du Forum is a place where the image of living LIKE SO MANY PLATFORMS OF EXPRESSION: MUSIC, SHOWS, FESTIVALS, OPEN well “French-style” reconnects with the tradition AIR CINEMAS… EVERYTHING IS A PRETEXT FOR OPENING OUT ONTO THE WORLD of the old cafés and little bars in which you can Discover the Cryptoporticus, a Gallo-Roman AND FOR UNFORGETTABLE DISCOVERIES. IMPETUOUS AND AVANT-GARDE, enjoy a relaxed atmosphere. Here can be savoured construction including a long underground REIMS RADIATES WITH ITS URBAN YOUTH. cooking that is both traditional and simple, orchestrated with products of the local “terroir” passage where probably grains, olive oil, wine as well as the bistro conversations. In a warm and other commodities were stored in ancient and festive atmosphere, many concerts and shows Roman times. A unique testimony in Europe. enliven this place which vibrates every day at lunch and dinner like a heart beating in the city. Boulingrin Exchange moments of curiosity with the inhabitants and the business community from 15 june who receive you in their city for warm, friendly encounters. to 2 september 2017 The Boulingrin District is an integral part of the life of Reims with its market and its stalls which it Place Royale UN ÉTÉ À REIMS welcomes every week for the pleasure of the inhabitants. Alive and welcoming, the food shops Cultural events free of charge take over the urban area and and the windows of the second-hand dealers breathe an endearing soul into the place. In each Historical return and pause in the present at a all the of the city during lane you will yield to the delicious regional specialties concocted by the Best Craftsmen of France, place that is not to be missed which once served the 3 summer months. honouring the world renown of French gastronomy. the glory of the King and was a privileged witness of the economic and social activity of the city. Let yourself be inspired by a tour of the Boulingrin Ever-present in the urban landscape of Reims, Place from 22 june Covered Market, built in 1927. A building with Royale was dedicated to King Louis XV to celebrate his to 12 july 2017 kingdom and his grandeur. In the centre, a monumental an architecture from between the wars that is LES FLÂNERIES MUSICALES sculpture was erected showing the sovereign as a Roman distinctive for its bold creativity and its amazing The Flâneries Musicales de Reims emperor crowned with laurels. Take the time to admire the invites you to the new edition vaulted concrete ceiling 19.85 meters high and only two allegorical statues symbolising the virtues of power of this annual festival of classical 7 cm thick designed by engineer Eugène Freyssinet. and the people. It enjoys an unequalled environment with music, which attracts thousands a magnificent architectural of visitors to Reims every year. Listed as a Historical The famous picnic concert will be complex listed as a Historical held on 22 July. Monument. Monument of the Sub-Prefecture, the arcades, the roofs with balusters and the paved floor.

XV Memo At the foot of the statue of Louis , look into the distance See the market at the building of the City Hall, which blends the styles of the opening times p. 44. 17th century with that of the French Renaissance and is listed as a Historical Monument. Take a detour to admire the door of the community hall and the stairway of honour. 20 21 Place Drouet d ’Erlon Parc de la Patte d ’ Oie from late november The ultimate place in the centre of the city to stroll For those who love green areas and resourcing to late december at any time is a pure delight. walks, leave the urban districts for a minute Trendy boutiques, fashion, bookstores, restaurants, café terraces, to take a detour towards nature. THE CHRISTMAS MARKET The Place Drouet d’Erlon puts on hotels and cinemas, Place Drouet d’Erlon is teeming with a thousand Striking contrast on the edge of the sparkling its festival clothing with glittering proposals to yield to multiple exhilarating pleasures. In the daytime enjoy city-centre and the Convention Centre with 3.7 hectares decors, garlands of lights, traditional an activity that is almost popular, punctuated by the delicious lunch of greenery discreetly hidden under the leaves of trees wooden chalets in a warm family hour when cooks and business people are active. In the evening, the area that are hundreds of years old. The Parc de la Patte atmosphere to accommodate is enlivened with the gleam of bars offering a festive atmosphere ideal d’Oie reveals a real garden of happiness with detours the Reims Christmas Market, ranked the 3rd biggest Christmas for pleasant relaxation. through its avenues that are stage-managed by nature: market in France. lakes, rivers, waterfalls, various species of trees and plants… With its playgrounds, its music kiosk which Take a cultural pause to admire comes to life during concerts, the park remains a place that is prized by people seeking a beneficial pause the Fontaine Subé where a winged and the people of Reims who like to wander here Victory rises at its summit holding in springtime. in its hand a crown of laurels and dominating with an unreal strength the centre of Place Drouet d ’Erlon

The Convention Centre of Reims, a gigantic modern area designed to accommodate meetings and conventions, has an ideal setting with the wooded stretch of the Parc de la Patte d’Oie and the nearby canal crossing the city.

Chemin-Vert Garden City and St Nicaise Church Tour on foot this timeless garden city, a remembrance of the first workers’ dwellings that are inseparable from the economic and human development of the city. A reference model of urban planning after the war, the Chemin-Vert Garden City astonishes with its charm and the Alsatian style of its little houses built in this era for the families of workers. This tour will take you to the doors of the St Nicaise Church, inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List and rich in the works of renowned artists such as René Lalique, Maurice Denis, Gustave Jaulmes... 22 23 Remember and pay tribute to the heroes The Remembrance Trails Fort de La Pompelle of the War in an emblematic place marked Museum by the imprints of European conflicts. With an exhibition enriched with documents THE MARNE WAS ONE OF THE DEPARTMENTS ON THE WESTERN FRONT THAT from the era, objects from everyday life in SUFFERED THE MOST DAMAGE DURING 1914-1918. THE TOUR OF THE PLACES OF the trenches, rooms of uniforms and artillery, the Museum displays the human events that MEMORIES OF THE GREAT WARS IS A TRIBUTE TO THE COURAGEOUS MEN WHO marked the period of the Franco-German BUILT THE PEACE OWING TO THEIR HEROISM AND A WAY OF FULFILLING A DUTY wars. A major site of resistance that remained TO REMEMBER. in the hands of the Allies during the war of 1914-1918, the Fort de La Pompelle Museum has an astonishing collection of 560 headdresses and helmets of the German Imperial Army. Museum of the Surrender Listed as a Historical Monument.

Enter into a page in the history of the Second World War to understand the context of a signature for peace. It was in this former school converted to the HQ

Memo of General Eisenhower that on May 7, 1945, the act of surrender was signed by the armed forces of the 3rd Reich, ending the Second World War. This WORLD WAR I AND THE CHEMIN DES DAMES: Museum which has preserved in its original condition Return to the emblematic sites of the First World War. the Map Room, re-baptised the Surrender Room, enables you to return, through The Chemin des Dames, half an hour away from Reims its archives, to a major historic day, symbol of a commitment to peace in the future. on the road to Laon, is dominated by the imposing Listed as a Historical Monument. Observatory Tower of the Plateau de Californie. From the summit which is 20 meters high, you can admire

an impressive panoramic view of this cliff road that Monument to the Dead of Reims the Franco-British and German troops bitterly fought Relight the flame of memory for a message of peace addressed to the future generations. over in 1917. Nearby, the Dragon’s Cavern,

A majestic achievement inspired by the a real underground barracks,

great arcaded monuments from Antiquity, poignantly reproduces its strength originates from the allegorical the daily life of the men power of its high reliefs and a central sculpture symbolising the Resurrection, in its tunnels. Sacrifice, Lessons of the Past and Remembrance. The Monument to the Dead erected in memory of the military and civilian victims from Reims in 1914- 1918 is also a place of commemoration of the Second World War.

24 25 DISCOVER REIMS WITH THE TOURIST OFFICE The Tourist Office offers a range of tours adapted to your every wish, on foot or by car, accompanied by a guide-lecturer or run by one of its partners.

OUR HIGHLIGHTS • Let us tell you about the Cathedral • Reims at night • In the footsteps of the Kings of France • Reims City Tour

THE CURIOUS EYE • The modern heritage of Reims • St. Clotilde Basilica • Historic Reims • Art Deco tour • Medieval Reims • Insights on contemporary stained glass in Reims • St Remi: a place, a destiny • A Gallo-Roman • Reims in the age of Enlightenment • Notre-Dame, Cathedral of Light • Mystery tour around a builder Reims • Street names tell stories • Reims Bike Tour This is the opportunity The Turnkey Solution for a moment of fun FOR EPICUREANS and pleasure. The Tourist Your heritage is not without inspiration • Champagne Wine Tour Office designs • Reims Gourmet Tour a half-yearly programme • Gourmet Heritage Tour • Champagne Wine & Gourmet Tour of guided tours which Let us do the work and relax while you let yourself be guided by our personalised are like so many cards • Art Deco Gourmet Shopping Trip itineraries. Everyone has their own way of approaching a tourist holiday without to play to make Reims having the time to organise everything. Whether you are in a hurry, contemplative, into a life-size playground passionate or epicurean, with multiple proposals for every taste and concocted CHRISTMAS IN REIMS to discover, share with the zest of an avowed partisan, we hope to create an original approach to the • Evening torchlight Tour and marvel at… • The Coronation City at Christmas discovery of the city. Our view of what surrounds us is also nourished, beyond the heritage treasures, by the human richness cultivated in the warm hearts of its inhabitants. Reims is a marvellous city that one must learn to understand with the naivety of a spirit that is From curious about everything in order to open a cultural, creative and festive parenthesis. * Information: 03 26 77 45 00 € 9* / pers. [email protected] 26 27 Itineraries for those 1day with a hop, For people who arrive in Reims on foot, the, who are in a Hurry skip and a jump Champagne Wine Tour is for you! On board an open top bus, embark immediately Museum of Fine Arts DO YOU DEVOUR LIFE WITH INTENSITY? YOU WILL NOT BE SPARED FROM THE NICE 7 to discover the Champagne vineyard with the high Paintings of the masters await you point of the tour: tasting champagne with a vintner! SURPRISES NOR THE ASTONISHMENT THAT IS PLANNED DURING THIS EXCURSION in this 18th century abbey. A priceless THAT REFLECTS AN IMPETUOUS CITY. THE FORECOURT OF THE CATHEDRAL, LIKE THE collection of works from the 15th to the 21st centuries represented by € 35*/ pers. PULSE OF THE CITY, IS A MAGNIFICENT DEPARTURE POINT TO EXPERIENCE A DAY OF the greatest painters such as Monet, PLEASURE. REIMS HAS THE ADVANTAGE OF OFFERING WITHIN REACH OF THE STREET Renoir, Gauguin, Matisse, Corot, Foujita… constitutes the heritage MULTIPLES PRETEXTS FOR CULTURAL, HISTORICAL AND GOURMET DELIGHTS. of this beautiful museum area. 10 St Remi Basilica 12 Lighthouse of Verzenay Leaf through a few pages of history As surprising as magnificent, nowhere on the Coronation Tradition with the else can you find a picture like this. splendid St Remi Basilica which contains In an idyllic setting stands the Phare the relics of Remigius, the bishop who de Verzenay, offering an exceptional 1 day with a face-paced tempo baptized Clovis, the first King of panoramic 360° view of the beauty the Franks. Not to mention the wonder of the vineyards. The Museum displays that awaits you with the sumptuous the vine-growing crafts in a sparkling 1 Notre-Dame Cathedral 2 Palace of Tau 3 Le Vergeur Museum-Hotel achievements of the 17th and 18th musical atmosphere to centuries in the old Benedictine the festive sounds of “champagne The magic starts here. The first journey The dream continues. Relive the A lover of the arts and travel, this Royal Abbey, on the UNESCO World corks popping” with joy! through time over eight centuries luxury of royal traditions in this former splendid Mansion will revive your love Heritage List. of history and architecture with this bishop’s palace and residence of of old bourgeois homes. An intimate masterpiece of the 13th century. One the monarchs of France, by admiring scenography of furniture, works and of the most beautiful Gothic cathedrals with envy the rich treasures and the objects of art highlight the life of 11 Reims Mountain of Europe shines in all its splendour glittering crown jewels under the this wealthy patron from Reims, Hugues On the way to a getaway in the vineyard and majesty, crowned by sublime stained impassive gaze of monumental statues, Krafft, son of German merchants for the conquest of the Reims Mountain glass windows and the celebrated. once the guardians of the Cathedral. of wine from Champagne. and fully enjoying the show, a grand Life is not measured panorama of vineyards cradled by by the number of breaths the nuances of the seasons in the heart we take, but by the Champagne Taittinger of the Champagne Tourist Route. moments that take 5 Champagne G.H. Mumm 8 This major tourist and wine-producing 4 LUNCH IS READY! The simple mention of the Taittinger This exceptional site of the emblematic site shelters charming Champagne our breath away. brand, a symbol of elegance and an brand of Champagne with the villages which invite you to a tasting Place du Forum intact family tradition, is enough to sing red ribbon, synonym of luxury, admirably among the independent vintners, Alfred Hitchcock its praises. The unequalled beauty of This lively place is prized by the people of retraces for you the history of whom you cannot forget, they are the cellars nested in the 4th century Reims for its little terrace cafés and its “French- Champagne by a complete discussion of so engaging. style” bars. At lunchtime, simple, traditional the fine trades of the vineyard. Gallo-Roman chalk-pits confirms cooking will tantalise your tastebuds… On the rapture of a unique place listed the menu, a flavourful list of the local dishes as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. in the pure tradition of the bistros.

9 LUNCH IS READY! Place Drouet d’Erlon This place which vibrates all day long to the rhythm of shopping bustles at WILL YOU BE STAYING lunchtime to offer a joyful, welcoming atmosphere. The café terraces are tee- OVERNIGHT IN REIMS? ming from the first rays of sunshine. You Le Manège, L’Opéra, La Cartonnerie, can give in to all your gourmet whims in La Comédie de Reims… It’s the moment restaurants with a multitude of different to enjoy an unusual, entertaining evening, Foujita Chapel atmospheres and varied menus from fast 6 food to the tables of great chefs. to go and see the most recent play that Take a little detour to finish your tour in Asia. Located near Champagne G.H. everyone is talking about, to discover other Mumm, the Chapel offers a Japanese journey, immortalised in cultures… and quite simply to open up a decor designed by the Japanese artist Foujita, where biblical scenes testify your chakras! in a spirit of humility his dramatic conversion of faith in the St Remi Basilica. Information at the Tourist Office * Information: 03 26 77 45 00 - [email protected] - 28 29 Itineraries for those Our team of guide-lecturers 1 day just taking your time can accompany you on some of your itineraries! Think who are Contemplative about it! 6 Notre-Dame Cathedral 10 House of the Counts You will surely get dizzy contemplating of Champagne From € 9*/ pers. Notre-Dame Cathedral. Take the time To have lunch in the district of the FOR YOU, EVERYTHING HAS A SPECIAL AESTHETIC AND YOU ARE SENSITIVE TO Tickets and information at the to remain in this place cradled by the City Hall District, take the Rue de Tourist Office. YOUR SURROUNDINGS. EVERYTHING YOU NEED IS BEFORE YOUR EYES TO CREATE A soft, coloured light of the stained glass Tambour. It is a charming cobblestone For visitors who arrive in windows, admiring each detail. Outside, lane: florist, interior decorator, MAGNIFICENT VISUAL POEM. FORGET THE REST AND KEEP ONLY THE PURE EMOTION. Reims without a limousine, the flamboyant building reveals its antiquarian, tea salon… Located at YOU ARE HERE TO EXPLORE AND LIVE, SO TAKE YOUR TIME WITHOUT MISSING THE majesty by the extent of the flying n°22, the House of the Counts of our partners will be delighted to rent you bikes ESSENTIALS. ON THE WAY TO A GETAWAY! buttresses, the richness of a bestiary Champagne was a residence reserved of gargoyles and a collection of 2,303 for nobles during the Coronations of the or chauffeur-driven cars ! statues, including the Smiling Angel. Kings of France. This building located at n°18-20 on the street foreshadows the architectural richness of the Maison Carnegie Library des Musiciens, built in the 13th century, 7 of which only the reconstructed façade 1 day savouring every instant You will be dazzled by this majestic remains in the St Remi Museum. Don’t linger in the work symbolising the Decorative Arts and its ornamental robes enhanced past, don’t dream about the future, concentrate 1 Museum of Fine Arts 2 by precious materials. This study 11 Le Cellier In praise of languor in a museum where Sightseeing Tour library awakens nostalgia like Proust’s You will be carried away by the singularity on the present. losing oneself in the whims of the picture Reims City Tour madeleines, with the smell of beeswax of one remarkable work on the façade The Buddha rails is a delightful moment. Time has no and old books that remind one of of the cultural area of Le Cellier. An Slow down with our open top bus which invites you to encounter school desks. control over you and you breathe to fully the most beautiful monuments of Reims with an overview of sites that entrance of monumental dimensions experience your emotions. Fugue in the are not to be missed, to enjoy only the show and nothing else, except suggests a gigantic wine barrel. of the intense colours of Monet, A frieze made entirely of enamel for a 360° horizon over the city and its sites rich in history. 13 Champagne Taittinger Place Royale – City Hall mosaic tiles illustrates all the steps Renoir, Gauguin, and Matisse and an 8 Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage interlude in the musicality of Corot and in making champagne. € 12*/ pers. Admire on your tour the monumental Site. What could be nicer than Foujita, in the heart of this 18th century sculpture of King Louis XV as a Roman escaping into a subterranean labyrinth Abbey. emperor and the splendid architectural where the scenography between complex of the Place Royale which Champagne and Light plunges you opens like a mirror of the Sub- into infinite emotion. Orchestrated a beautiful view of the City Hall. 4 by Champagne Taittinger, the tour 3 LUNCH Champagne of the 3rd century chalk-pits confers IS READY! Slopes, Houses an unforgettable magic to the place. At the foot of and Cellars 9 Place du Forum the Cathedral Cryptoporticus Jump on board an open top bus Champagne Pommery This place is the cultural pulse with our Champagne Wine Tour or Hôtel Le Vergeur 14 of the city which vibrates in unison in your own car for a heady trip down Keep smiling… “Waiter, a coffee Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage with European exchanges. Two steps the Champagne Tourist Route. please!“ You deserve a break to recover Site. The Domaine Pommery dominates away from the Tourist Office, you For nothing but your happiness, from your emotions. The people of Reims the landscape with this Elizabethan- have the luxury of lunching at the the most beautiful landscapes will love this place for the charm of its friendly style residence set in a park of foot of the Cathedral without taking parade before your eyes and enable terraces, its familiar pubs and the nice 50 hectares. This replica of a castle your eyes away from it. The pubs youto discover the reason that you smile of the coffee waiters. with a dungeon, towers and red bricks located on the Square offer a varied cameto our region: breathe, blow, From this square, you will see below is also a unique art space in Champagne. menu for a pleasure that is get away… the long underground passage of emotional, as well as on the plate! the Cryptoporticus dating back to the Villa Demoiselle € 35*/ pers. end of the 1st century AD, which LUNCH IS READY! 15 awakens to the rhythm of festivities 12 City Hall District Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage in the summer season. Site. Opposite the Domaine Pommery WILL YOU BE STAYING On your left, Le Vergeur Museum-Hotel Here, life rolls along peacefully like rises a property that is just as sumptuous. in a . Smiling and charming, OVERNIGHT IN REIMS? The View from Hautvillers stands out easily with its half-timbered The Villa Demoiselle, property of the 5 façade. This splendid Mansion is one the restaurant-owners of the City Hall Vranken family, symbolises an era Rêve de Couleurs... Sublime technicolour Nicknamed the Pearl of Champagne, the picturesque village of the oldest private residences of District know how to welcome you like when sensitivity to art was encouraged show of sound and light at the Cathedral of Hautvillers enjoys a bucolic setting offering an incomparable Reims and once belonged to a wealthy a guest at their fine tables, in a velvet at the very heart of existence. A place of Reims at nightfall. view of the beauty of the vineyards of the Marne Valley. A tour patron of Reims, son of merchants atmosphere where creativity is of aesthetic delight for lovers of the Art expressed in the ovens… > From May to September in the typical lanes of Champagne will take you to the old of Champagne wines. Nouveau and the Art Deco movements. Benedictine abbey in the footsteps of Dom Pérignon where his Information at the Tourist Office memory lives on and where the history of Champagne began… * Information: 03 26 77 45 00 - [email protected] - 30 31 Itineraries for those 1 day to deepen your who are Passionate knowledge of the arts

Le Cellier YOU LOVE TO DETECT THE BEAUTY IN EVERYTHING, YOU LOVE TO TRAVEL THROUGH 8 This place incarnates today an area TIME AND YOU WANT TO RELIVE GREAT MOMENTS IN HISTORY. TAKE AWAY A PART dedicated to cultural events where OF A DREAM BY TRAVELLING THROUGH THE MEDIEVAL HISTORY OF THE CITY OF the original soul of old cellars from the end of the 19th century persists in which CORONATIONS UP TO THE MAJOR EVENTS OF OUR TIME WHICH PROJECTED THE CITY a succession of the most prestigious ONTO THE INTERNATIONAL ARTISTIC AND HISTORICAL SCENE. Champagne Houses has resided from Champagne Mumm to Champagne Ask for our programme 12 Museum of Fine Arts Jacquart. Two illustrations are superbly of Historic and Artistic Enter this intimate 18th century executed on the façade. A colossal strolls! Abbot’s Palace for the immense entrance way suggests a barrel of wine privilege of dialoguing with the Every six months the Tourist and a frieze entirely decorated with greatest artists such as Boucher, Monet, 1 day to review your history enamel mosaic tiles illustrates in detail Office offers new thematic Pissarro, Renoir, Gauguin, Vuillard, all the stages in the preparation guided tours to awaken Matisse, Foujita… An artistic journey of Champagne. your interest and stimulate 1 Palace of Tau 4 Fort de La Pompelle Museum 5 Museum of the Surrender through the canvases of the painter ever more pleasure… Corot, the replica of the painting by Return to a medieval era in this This major defensive site which remained You will be first in line in this former 9 Le Vergeur Museum-Hotel Think about it! Jacques-Louis David “The Death of former bishop’s palace, once the in the hands of the Allies during the Great wartime HQ in the heart of the War Marat” discovered in the workshop of setting of the royal residence and War of 1914-1918, has made it possible Room where on May 7, 1945 the The priceless woodcuts of the the master, as well as “Venus in the banquets, to revive the Coronations to pay tribute to the courageous soldiers American General Eisenhower and “Apocalypse” and the “Great Passion” From € 9*/ pers. forge of Vulcan”, masterpiece by Le of the Kings of France and the from the point of view of each country. the German General Jodl signed the act by the German Master Albrecht Dürer, Nain brothers. coronation ceremonies, from Louis The Museum of the Fort de La Pompelle of surrender of the armed forces of the considered to be the first private editor the Pious to Charles X. The museum displays a collection that is not only 3rd Reich, putting an end to the Second of the Renaissance, continue to come unusual with the 560 headdresses and World War. The surrender room preserved alive over the centuries by their pictorial decoration of which on the themes has preserved the Crown Jewels of Art and Music and the elegance 13 Villa Douce and other royal treasures. helmets of the German Imperial army, intact with its maps of operations as strength. You will be charmed by this as it is impressive with the complete sets of of May 7, 1945, enables visitors to cultural journey out of time in this of its ornamental stairway, make this Let yourself be delighted by the military objects that have been preserved. revisit a significant moment of the war Mansion and by the biography of a major work of the Art Deco style. purified refinement of this beautiful of 1939-1945. Hugues Krafft, a wealthy patron of Art Deco style private residence. The couple Marthe and André Douce, St Remi History Museum Reims who loved the Arts and Travel. 11 LUNCH IS READY! 2 who devoted their lives to the Arts, The former Royal Benedictine Abbey Boulingrin Covered has fashioned a decorative world houses the prestigious History Your unlimited pass to Reims! Hôtel de Bezannes Market and clothed in superb detail. The volumes Museum, with collections relating 10 Opt for the REIMS CITY PASS for 1, 2 or 3 days and take advantage of free admission to surroundings and areas are marvellously allied in to the history of Reims from prehistory Hôtel de la Mutualité the sites that are not to be missed, unlimited access to the bus and tramway lines of a play of curves, lines and infinite to the Second World War, by way An unexpected surprise with two old In the Boulingrin District, you cannot Greater Reims and exclusive discounts from over 30 partners! perspectives. of Gallo-Roman archaeology. buildings isolated in the heart of resist the delicious regional specialties the modern city, listed as Historical of the great chefs who play perfectly From / pers. a culinary score that is appreciated € 22* Monuments. The Bezannes Mansion, 14 Villa Demoiselle a flamboyant Gothic-style residence by the people of Reims as well as by Absolute beauty is displayed in LUNCH of nobles from the 15th century, is close tourists. In an imposing Art Deco style 3 a variety of nuances at the Villa IS READY! to the Mutualité Mansion, the exterior building, La Brasserie du Boulingrin, Monument to the Dead of Reims facing a Historical Monument, offers Demoiselle which is the ultimate Esplanade 6 you to savour French cuisine in a exaltation of the Art Nouveau and Fléchambault The allegorical power symbolising the Resurrection, decor enhanced by Arts Deco furniture. Art Deco stylistic movements. The the Sacrifice, the Lessons of the Past and Memories You will have the double privilege The Boulingrin Covered Market is a Villa Demoiselle is a hymn to the give to this majestic accomplishment all of its of lunching in an exceptional building from the period between excellence of master craftsmen who strength. The Monument to the Dead erected in environment facing the radiant the wars that is engraved in the have made this mansion their feminine memory of the military and civilian victims of St Remi Basilica and also of revisiting memories of the people of Reims, soul, voluptuous and sensual. A journey Reims of the war of 1914-1918 is also a place of a major episode of the Liberation. distinguished for its avant-garde in a bower of beauty with renowned commemoration of the Second World War. The Esplanade opens up a visual creativity and the exceptional height artists such as Louis Majorelle, the and historical perspective of of its vault. Cristallerie Saint-Louis, Emile Gallé… Fléchambault Bridge, which enabled 7 Monument to the Martyrs of the WILL YOU BE STAYING American troops to liberate Reims Resistance - Square of Victims OVERNIGHT IN REIMS? during the Second World War. of Gestapo REIMS BY NIGHT: For amateurs of long With the help of a small resistance Everything you can imagine is real. The duty of remembrance with two monuments group, this passageway was the evenings, discover Reims in a nocturnal that praise the actions of the Resistance and only one that was not destroyed tour by wandering around a city which Pablo Picasso honour the memory of the victims of Reims of by the German troops. at nightfall clothes itself in a thousand the Nazi repression during the Second World War. romantic details… * Information: 03 26 77 45 00 - [email protected] 32 Information at the Tourist Office 33 Our guide-lecturers are unbeatable, you can ask all the questions you want during your guided tours!

From € 9*/ pers.

5 LUNCH IS READY! Place Drouet d’Erlon This place dedicated to shopping for which visitors come especially to savour a coffee on the terrace and to mingle with the crowds, hides from the hurried glance a place full of nostalgia, the Boulangerie Waïda, which has been in the same family for three generations. The tea salon serves lunch in a magnificent Art Deco setting, in the middle of Viennese pastries and cream puffs.

6 Former Jesuit College 7 Former Benedictine Abbey FRAC St Remi Basilica

1 day to be unbeatable in general culture You will be conquered by the charm The old Benedictine Abbey perpetuates a captivating history around of this building, the rich interior the legend of the Holy Ampulla and the Order of the Four Knights decoration of which equals the treasures who served as its guardians. An angel in the form of a dove brought of knowledge once preserved in its to Bishop Remigius a phial, still preserved to this day, containing sacred 1 exceptional Jesuit library. The courtyard oil for the baptism of King Clovis. Sightseeing Tour protects six grape stocks over 300 years The St Remi Basilica extends the wonder with the dizzying height of Reims City Tour Culture is like a old, which, until 1999 were harvested its nave displaying under its Gothic vaults the spectacular “Crown of Light” parachute: if you don’t for white wine. Slow down in our open top bus which invites you to encounter the and an exceptional organ with 43 music scores. most beautiful monuments of Reims with an overview of sites that want to be crushed, For art amateurs, the Regional Collection are not to be missed, to enjoy only the show and nothing else, except you have to open it. of Contemporary Art (FRAC) offers an for a 360° horizon over the city and its sites rich in history. area for temporary exhibitions that are sometimes astonishing, but always Didier Hallépée € 12*/ pers. surprising.

360° Panoramic Cryptoporticus Museum of the Surrender Tours with Reims 2 Notre-Dame Cathedral 3 4 City Tour*! The history of the Coronations of the Hail Caesar! Relive the rich hours The historical event remains intact in Kings of France and the epic of Joan of of Ancient Rome! The underground this former college that became the HQ Embark immediately on Arc marching to Reims to crown Charles tour of this long half-buried tunnel of General Eisenhower where on May 7, board an open top bus for VII in Notre-Dame Cathedral have where probably grains, olive oil, 1945, the act of surrender of the armed discovery, with windblown conferred on the city a place of prestige wine and other commodities were forces of the 3rd Reich put an end to hair and 100% pleasure stored will plunge you into the daily the Second World War. This museum among the most beautiful cities in France. even when it rains (the bus life of Gallo-Roman civilisation in which has preserved intact the Operations You will be submerged in admiration is covered). There is also a at your first look by this majestic jewel the heart of the Imperial Room of the Allied Headquarters in of Belgian Gaul. Europe, enables you to revisit a major similar version: of Gothic art, by its prestigious history Champagne Wine Tour* ! as well as by its architectural treasures day in history. including the Smiling Angel. From € 12*/ pers.

* Information: 03 26 77 45 00 - [email protected] - 34 35 Itineraries for those 1 day to satisfy all your wishes . . .… who are Epicureans 6 Reims Gourmet Tour YOU HAVE A GOURMET SPIRIT, A TRAVELLER’S APPETITE AND CURIOUS TASTEBUDS. YOU Regional gourmet food and encounters with local retailers who share 10 Champagne Ruinart their know-how are of course the common threads of this city tour. Crayères inscribed on the World APPRECIATE THE PLEASURE OF LIFE BECAUSE YOU TAKE YOUR TIME. YOUR WORLD IS A Heritage List. POETIC WORLD WHICH SHARES ITSELF. YOU NEED ONLY ONE STEP TO REACH NIRVANA, € 15*/ pers. In a private lounge, taste two vintages HERE IS OUR DOSE FOR HAPPINESS IN THREE PRESCRIPTIONS… of your choice, including the prestige vintage Dom Ruinart, in a moment of bliss which concludes the sumptuous tour of a chalk cathedral 7 Guillon Distillery 9 Champagne G.H. Martel glorified by the ancient chalk pits. Original and unique, a single malt made Crayères inscribed on the World 1 day to sample everything in France aged in the heart of the Reims Heritage List. Mountain! Tour the site of the production At 22 meters underground, forget and tasting of the “Esprit du Malt” about time in the cool of these surrounded by the smell of barley from medieval cellars dug by hand. 1 Pink Biscuit of Reims 2 Deléans Chocolate Factory Champagne and swirls of amber alcohol The ecomuseum of the family-owned with a delicious fragrance. Voluptuous The Biscuiterie Fossier is a gourmet Indulgence is a delicious sin. As a Champagne G.H. Martel offers an pleasure for a fabulous experience of Put a grain of story that spans three centuries. Guest foretaste, savour the smells which instructive journey through a large taste and smell… of honour to the Coronation of Louis XVI, waft out of this artisanal chocolate collection of machines and tools audacity in everything. factory created in 1842. The tour of from Champagne, from planting this company became the official supplier Baltasar Gracián of biscuits for the court of King Charles X. the Maison Deléans is the opportunity to harvest, up to the tasting of a flute The ultimate pleasure with a tour of the to discover from a Master Chocolate- of champagne. workshops and a not-to-be-missed tasting Maker the jealous know-how of LUNCH IS READY! session of the renowned pink biscuit gourmets. The tour ends with tasting 8 of Reims”, appreciated the world over. Champagne chocolates with a taste Champagne that defies description. Tourist Route Treat your eyes and tastebuds on the Champagne Tourist Route! This tourist The Tourist Office boutique 3 LUNCH IS READY! 4 Champagne Lanson itinerary hosts charming villages where is full of local gourmet products and Boulingrin District it is easy at lunchtime to find a place The wine tourism journey continues that is prized by vintners in order to “kawaï*” gift ideas! with one of the oldest Champagne Here, your curious palate will be appreciate the traditional home-made Postcards, key-chains, pens, we have satisfied beyond its hopes. You will Houses… The celebrated Champagne cooking of Champagne. A pleasure everything! Even the shirts of the football succumb at every step to the regional Lanson, distinguished by its prestigious to taste where good restaurants display bottles stamped with the Maltese specialties revisited by the best culinary the Vineyards & Discoveries label. team of Stade de Reims! artisans of France who place an accent Cross, offers you a unique, sensuous (*cute in Japanese) on an inventive French cuisine. experience “from the Grapevine The Great Chefs of the Boulingrin to the Flute” with an explosion District, as lovers of the good life, of bubbles in the mouth for the Our team, motivated by gourmet reserve a generous welcome for you. ultimate taste apotheosis. tastes, has selected tourist The appetite is whetted easily when the temptation to relish flavours offerings for you around a unique borrowed from bistronomy submerges Delight theme! Cooking classes you without warning... in the vineyard, wine workshops… Enjoy yourself without compromise! 5 Shopping WILL YOU BE STAYING The city-centre is the popular heart of the city where a thousand OVERNIGHT IN REIMS? promises fulfil the connoisseurs and attract all sorts of curious visitors : Les Galeries Lafayette, glamour boutiques, bookstores, fine Kabaret Champagne Music Hall delicatessens, wine shops… the pleasure of shopping is available Join in the exciting celebrations of Music according to your whims in an effervescent and communicative Hall and Champagne! Rhinestones, costumes atmosphere! While away the hours with relish and savour life like of lights, rivers of pearls and ornaments a delicacy. of precious stones. Information at the Tourist Office * Information: 03 26 77 45 00 - [email protected] - 36 37 1 day to savour the open air with the family

1 The Urban Bike Tour 2 Mystery tour An original recreational break to share with friends or with the family around a builder: on two wheels to admire the city and the diversity of its districts. Adults and children, learn together With or without your own bike, take advantage of the Green Belt to ride about how people in the 13th century along in total peace of mind behind your guide. succeeded in building imposing and sumptuous churches. This entertai- Rates with your own bike. ning tour of the Coronation Cathedral From € 9*/ pers. Option of renting too. is offered as a treasure hunt. By sol- ving our mysteries one by one, some of its great secrets will be revealed to you little by little… Notre-Dame de 3 Green Corridor 4 Planetarium Reims, a limitless playground! Breathe in, breathe out… Open your You will revisit Star Wars in its Reims lungs to enjoy a green area that version! Explore the galaxy under € 8 or 10*/ pers. stretches over 650 hectares nestled the giant dome of the Planetarium in the urban area. A lush, green 18-km with an astonishing realism owing road along the canal, reserved for to an innovative projection device pedestrians, roller-skaters, sports fans equipped with 7000 optical fibres. and cyclists, allows you to yield to A place reserved for dreams for those total relaxation. This immense natural who wish to let themselves be What use is it to park offers a beautiful programme of cradled by the poetry of a starry raise mountains when ecological walking tours with the family sky and discover images of the and an idyllic setting for a picnic in planets carried out by space probes it is so simple to just complete simplicity. or understand our place in the go over them. universe… Boris Vian VISIT REIMS

5 Reims Mountain Regional Nature Park Breathe in the fresh air! Bordered by the luxurious landscapes of the Champagne We are at your service! Tourist Route, the Reims Mountain Regional Nature Park offers 53,000 hectares of open We offer you a vast choice of organised tours for short or long stays. Our special advisors have an green space and as many opportunities to unequalled experience in the selection of the tours that will suit you best in our beautiful city and savour life. A Garden of Eden for lovers of forests, streams, preserved fauna and beyond… flora, the Park reveals some charming surprises: traditional wash basins, Romanesque churches, villages of character, walking tour circuits, mountain bike trails, paths to discover a heritage…

6 Faux de Verzy Our guided tours Visit Reims Art deco Reims at night Breathe in a big bowl of fresh air! This is Programme and timetables Notre-Dame Reims is the most An original guided pure happiness… The mysterious Verzy at the Tourist Office and at: Forest attracts curious visitors as well as Cathedral representative city of tour of Reims which The Tourist Office Boutique botanists, who love the vegetation and has selected books for children and adults… With our guide- Art Deco in France. makes it possible to The most beautiful discover the beautiful are concerned about the survival of the medieval history, tales from the era of knights lecturer, the Cathedral trees. The surprising Faux de Verzy are of Reims will have façades will be lighting of the From / pers. beeches in the form of giant natural on horseback, local curiosities, cooking recipes… no secrets for you. revealed to you by monuments in the € 9* bonsais, the origin of which remains If you want to sleep in the open air, sail over Reims our guide. city-centre. a mystery. A forest trail allows visitors in a balloon, rent a bike or a 2CV for some fantastic to admire these strange specimens adventures… we know how to arrange it! From / pers. (price per visit) in a natural setting that seems to be € 9* inspired by the tales of Hans Andersen.

38 * Information: 03 26 77 45 00 - [email protected] - * Information: 03 26 77 45 00 - [email protected] - 39

Our guided tours on tablet UNESCO Heritage “ Reims Discovery ” Available in FR, EN, DE, NL, ES, IT, PT, JP NOTRE-DAME CATHEDRAL Place Cardinal Luçon - • The 10 unmissable Open all the days from 7.30am to 7.30pm • The very roots of Coronation, St Remi Basilica (except during services). Free entry. • 2000 years of history, St Remi Museum The guided tour of the towers enables visitors • Art Deco in Reims, the most beautiful façades to discover the impressive structure and statuary of the highest parts and to offer unique vantage points • The Coronations of the Kings of France, of the city. Every weekend from 15 March to 5 May and from Notre-Dame Cathedral 9 September to 31 October. Tuesday through Sunday morning from 6 May to 8 September. Paid admission. The application is also available by downloading to your mobile phone. Sound & Light «Rêve de Couleurs»: An exceptional lighting up of the Cathedral. At nightfall from 5 May to 10 September 2017.

PALACE OF TAU Place Cardinal Luçon - Tel. 03 26 47 81 79 ST REMI BASILICA Open 9.30am-6.30pm from 6 May to 8 September; AND ABBEY 9.30am-12.30pm and 2pm-5.30pm from 9 September to 5 May. Closed Mondays and 1 January, 1 May, Place Chanoine Ladame 1 and 11 November and 25 December. Open from 8am until sundown (no later than 7pm). No visitors allowed during mass.

Sound and light show at St Remi Basilica ST NICAISE CHURCH The history of the Basilica retraced through a Reims City Pass Reims City Tour Avenue de la Marne fairyland show. On Saturdays at 9:30pm from 24 June to Visit by appointment only at 06 72 66 60 72 And the city is yours… The open top bus tour invites you to view 7 October 2017. the most beautiful monuments of Reims. Opt for the City Pass of your choice in Gaze on the city and its places rich in history order to take advantage of free admission with amazement during an overview of sites to over the sites that are not-to-be-missed, that are not-to-be-missed. unlimited access to transportation by bus and tramway around Greater Reims and Decorative Arts enjoy exclusive discounts by over € 12*/ pers. - 1hr Carnegie Library 30 partners! 2 place Carnegie • 1 day: €22*/pers. Closed on Sundays, Mondays and Thursday mornings. • 2 days: €32*/pers. Villa Douce • 3 days: €42*/pers. 9 boulevard de la Paix - Tel. 03 26 91 89 00 Open only on the occasion of the European Heritage Champagne Wine Tour Days, on 16 & 17 September 2017.

Our open top bus takes you along the Reims Opera vineyard routes in the heart of a panorama 13 rue Chanzy - Tel. 03 26 50 03 92 to take your breath away with a discovery of the Champagne vineyards inscribed Only the hall is accessible, from Tuesday to Saturday on the UNESCO World Heritage List. from 2:30 to 6:30pm (except July and August). High point of the tour: tasting champagne with a vintner… Villa Demoiselle 54-56 boulevard Henry Vasnier - Tel. 03 26 61 62 56 € 35*/ pers. - 3hr [email protected] Open Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 10am to 6pm, public holidays included. Monday through Thursday: please apply to Champagne Pommery. 40 * Information: 03 26 77 45 00 - [email protected] - 41

20th century Heritage Witnesses of the past Bazée Gate Chemin-Vert Garden City Vestiges of a monumental Gallo-Roman gate marking Boulingrin Covered Market Place du 11 novembre 1918 Cryptoporticus the Southern entrance to the city of which only two piles 50 rue de Mars remain. It mirrored the Mars Gate. Market on Wednesdays from 7am to 1pm, on Fridays from 7am Built circa 100 A.D., these partially buried galleries 35 rue de l’Université to 1pm and from 4 to 8pm, and on Saturdays from 6am to 2pm. SNCF Station Hall located beneath the Gallo-Roman forum of Durocortorum Esplanade François Mitterrand may have once been a covered market. City Hall Place du Forum Jacobin Convent 9 place de l’Hôtel de Ville Open every day from 1 May to 30 September from 2pm A 14th-century monastery founded by the Dominican Friars Department Stores Tel. 03 26 77 78 79 - to 6pm. Free entry. or the Friars Preachers, who were then called the Jacobins. Open Monday through Friday from 8:30am to 12pm Rue de Vesle The remains are listed as Historical Monuments. and from 1 to 5pm. Mars Gate Rue des Jacobins Talleyrand buildings Mars Gate is the only remaining monumental gate Foujita Chapel Rue de Talleyrand built ca. 200 and giving access to the Gallo-Roman city Cordeliers Convent 33 rue du Champ de Mars - Tel. 03 26 35 36 07 Cinema Opéra of Durocortorum. An old Franciscan monastery, the remains of which indicate Open from 2 May to 30 September from 10 to 12 Place de la République the beauty of this medieval building, before its destruction and from 2 to 6pm. Closed on Tuesdays and on 14 July. Rue de Thillois Under refurbishment until the end of 2017. during the First World War. Rue Voltaire St Nicaise Hill Museums and other sites Remnants of the ancient walls of the medieval city. Porte du Chapitre Boulevard Diancourt Built in 1531, it opened out onto a canonical enclosure St Remi Museum Planetarium where the Canons of the Diocese of Reims lived. 53 rue Simon - Tel. 03 26 35 36 90 The planetarium uses its dome as a screen to reproduce Rue Carnot Open every day from 2pm to 6.30pm (to 7pm on weekends). the starry sky using a set of screening devices. Closed 1 January, 1 May, 14 July, 1 and 11 November 49 avenue Général de Gaulle - Tel. 03 26 35 34 70 and 25 December. Sessions on Wednesdays at 2.30pm, on Saturdays and Sundays at 2.30pm, 3.30pm and 4.45pm, every day Museum of Fine Arts (except Sat. morning and Sun. morning) at 10.45, 2.30, Squares and Fountains 8 rue Chanzy - Tel. 03 26 35 36 00 3.30 and 4.45pm during school holidays. Private sessions for groups during the week, only by reservation. Open from 10am to 12pm and from 2pm to 6pm. Place Drouet d’Erlon Closed Tuesdays and 1 January, 1 May, 14 July, 1 and 11 November and 25 December. FRAC Champagne-Ardenne Place Saint-Timothée The Regional Collection of Contemporary Art (FRAC) Place Godinot Le Vergeur Museum-Hotel has as its aim the building-up and diffusion of a collection 36 place du Forum - Tel. 03 26 47 20 75 of modern works of art, the programming and realization Place du Chapitre Guided tours in French, English and German from Tuesday of temporary exhibitions. to Sunday at 2, 3, 4 and 5pm. Closed on 1 May, 14 July, 1 place Museux - Tel. 03 26 05 78 32 Fontaine Subé 1 November and from Christmas to the first Monday of the year. During exhibitions, open from Wednesday to Sunday from 2 to 6pm. Closed on 1 January, 1 May, 14 July, Fontaine Godinot Hotel Saint-Jean-Baptiste de La Salle from 3 to 16 August 2017, on 1 and 11 November and 25 December. Free entry. 4 bis rue de l’Arbalète - Tel. 03 26 97 34 79 Fontaine des Boucheries Tours in French, English and Spanish from Tuesday to Saturday from 2pm to 5pm. Closed in January. Reims-Champagne Automobile Museum Almost 230 cars and motorbikes from 1908 to present times, 5,000 miniatures and car toys as well as vehicles Museum of the Surrender of World War I are exhibited in this museum. 12 rue Franklin Roosevelt - Tel. 03 26 47 84 19 84 avenue Georges Clemenceau - Tel. 03 26 82 83 84 Cultural Scenes Open from 10am to 12pm and from 2 to 6pm. Closed Tuesdays and 1 January, 1 May, 14 July, 1 and 1 Open from 10am to 12pm and from 2 to 6pm (to 5pm from 1 November and 24, 25 and 31 December. November to March). Closed Tuesdays (except public holidays), Le Cirque and Le Manège de Reims La Cartonnerie 25 December and from 31 December to mid-January. National scene Modern music concert hall Fort de La Pompelle Museum 2 boulevard Général Leclerc 84 rue Docteur Lemoine Museum of Local Aeronautics Located 8 km from Reims, on the way to Châlons-en-Champagne Tel. 03 26 47 30 40 Tel. 03 26 36 72 40 Tel. 03 26 49 11 85 Take off for a century of civil and military aviation Open from 10am to 6pm (to 5pm from October to March). with the collections from the old Air Base 112 of Reims and its surroundings. Closed Mondays, 1 May, 14 July, 1 November and from La Comédie de Reims Saint-Exupéry cultural centre Place de la Mairie - 51450 Bétheny mid-December to mid-January. Chaussée Bocquaine, National drama centre Tel. 03 26 07 12 71 Esplanade André Malraux 3 chaussée Bocquaine Le Cellier Tel. 03 26 48 49 10 Tel. 03 26 77 41 41 Open between April and October, Tuesdays and Fridays 4 bis rue de Mars - Tel. 03 26 24 58 20 from 2:30 to 5:30pm as well as every 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month. Groups by appointment only. 42 43 Faux de Verzy Parks and Gardens 51380 Verzy - Tel. 03 26 59 44 44

Parc de Champagne 10 avenue Général Giraud - Tel. 03 26 35 52 50

Parc de la Patte d’Oie 12 boulevard Général Leclerc - Tel. 03 26 77 72 08

Parc Léo Lagrange Chaussée Bocquaine - Tel. 03 26 77 72 08

Pierre-Schneiter Horticultural Garden Boulevard Louis Roederer - Tel. 03 26 77 72 08

Green Corridor From La Neuvillette Bridge to the yacht harbour of Sillery 18 km

Parc des Buttes Saint-Nicaise Boulevard Diancourt

Reims Mountain Arboretum Chaussée Bocquaine Regional Nature Park Chemin de Nanteuil - 51480 Pourcy Tel. 03 26 59 44 44 Parc de la Cure d’air Rue François Dor STAYING IN REIMS

Markets from 5am to 1pm We are your guide The Tourist Office is at your service to guide you in your adventure in the territory ofReims. Monday • Place Saint-Thomas Some friendly advice so that your holiday will be unforgettable… and of course all the essential information to organise your tours! Tuesday • Rue Simon CATHEDRAL TRAIN STATION 6 rue Rockefeller Esplanade François Mitterrand • Place Jean Moulin January 2017: Monday through Saturday from 10am to 5pm, Closed in January 2017. From 1 February to 13 April and Sundays from 10am to 12.30pm and from 1.30pm to 5pm. Wednesday from 2 October to 31 December 2017: Monday thourgh Closed 1 January. • Halles du Boulingrin Saturday from 8.30am to 12.30pm and from 1.30pm to 6pm. From 1 February to 13 April and from 2 October to 31 Closed Sundays and public holidays. • Avenue Georges Hodin (Les Châtillons) December 2017: Monday through Saturday from 10am to From 14 April to 1 October 2017: Monday through 6pm, Sundays and public holidays from 10am to 12.30pm Saturday from 8.30am to 12.30pm and from 1.30pm Thursday and from 1.30pm to 5pm. Closed 25 December. to 6pm (7pm on Fridays), Sundays and public holidays • Boulevard Carteret From 14 April to 1 October 2017 : Monday Through Saturday from from 10am to 11.30am and from 12.30pm to 4pm. • Place Luton 9am to 7pm, Sundays and publi holidays from 10am to 6pm.

Friday • Boulevard Wilson SALES DEPARTMENT Bio Market Tel. 03 26 77 45 15 - [email protected] Saturday from 4 to 8pm MARKETING AND COMMUNICATION DEPARTMENT • Halles du Boulingrin Tel. 03 26 77 45 20 - [email protected] • Rue Pierre Taittinger (Croix-Rouge) Friday 6 rue Rockefeller - CS 60013 - 51725 Reims cedex PRESS DEPARTMENT • Boulingrin Covered Market 03 26 77 45 00 Tel. 03 26 77 45 26 - [email protected] Sunday • Avenue Jean Jaurès [email protected] CONVENTION BUREAU • Rue de Louvois (Sainte-Anne) Tel. 03 26 77 45 30 - [email protected] 44 45 All roads lead to Reims COACH ACCESS BOAT ACCESS If you like to control unforeseen events or the tranquillity of an organisation down to the last TransChampagneArdenne: From 1 May to 30 September millimetre, nothing is simpler than a few tips to complete your GPS or your mobile applications… • Line Reims - Châlons-en-Champagne – Troyes. Reims yacht harbour The yacht harbour of Reims is located on the bank of Stops: the Aisne-Marne Canal, a few steps away from the city GETTING TO REIMS • Erlon: 643 spaces • Gare SNCF Clairmarais (Rue André Pingat) centre and Notre-Dame Cathedral. Access and exit 24h/24 and 7d/7 - Tel. 03 26 05 40 08 • Saint-Symphorien (Rue Eugène Desteuque) Motorway access is via the: Reims harbour authority A4 (Paris, Strasbourg), • Hôtel de Ville: 152 spaces • Gouraud (Boulevard Henry Vasnier) Boulevard Paul Doumer - 51100 Reims A26 (Troyes, Lyon), Access from 7am to 1am (except Sundays and holidays). Tel. 03 26 88 55 36 or 03 26 77 45 00 A26 (Lille, Calais), Exit 24h/24 and 7d/7 - Tel. 03 26 05 40 08 A34 (Charleville-Mézières, Brussels, Liège). Sillery yacht harbour • Gambetta: 277 spaces Links with Laon + Soissons: The yacht harbour of Sillery is situated 10 km east of Reims, Access from 7am to 1am (except Sundays and holidays). When using the tram, think park and ride! at foot of the Reims Mountain and its vineyards. Exit 24h/24 and 7d/7 - Tel. 03 26 05 40 06 With your CITURA pass for public transport, park your car International connections: for the day and continue by tram or bus to the city-centre. Sillery harbour authority Keep this pass for the parking exit and present it at,, Rue Jacques Cartier - 51500 Sillery Tel. 03 26 07 57 24 or 03 26 77 45 00 the terminal to activate the barrier to open., Long-term parking 3 P + R at your disposal: • Reims train station: 850 spaces • NEUFCHÂTEL - 189 places - rue de Neufchâtel Access and exit 24/7 - Tel. 03 26 87 29 03 • BELGES - 97 places - avenue de Laon • Champagne-Ardenne TGV train station: 60 spaces • - 152 places - avenue d’Épernay HÔPITAL DEBRÉ Access and exit from Monday to Friday from 6am to 8.30pm, Getting around is child’s play Access 24h a day. on Saturdays from 9am to 1.30pm and on Sundays and holidays from 9am to 2.30pm. Tel. 03 26 85 64 59 By bus, by car, by bike or on foot… you will marvel at all the ways…

VITICI - TRAVELLING Edonys Limousine & Travel THROUGHOUT CHAMPAGNE- Tel. : 03 26 35 15 67 TRAIN ACCESS ARDENNE Mail : [email protected] Reims train station, Esplanade François Mitterrand: To travel throughout the Champagne-Ardenne Region • TGV from/to Paris (45 min) and Sedan by train, coach, bus or tram, use the route planner • TER from/to Épernay, Châlons-en-Champagne, Fismes, “Vitici”: BIKE RENTAL Rethel / Charleville- Mézières and Laon. Bike Energy Champagne-Ardenne TGV - 51430 Bezannes: BUS OR TRAMWAY Place Cardinal Luçon - Tel. 06 71 29 16 69 [email protected] - • TGV from/to Paris (40 min), Airport Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Citura provides public transportation (tram and bus) Strasbourg, Lille, Rennes, Nantes and Bordeaux. in Reims. Manu Loca Vélo • TER from/to Reims - Tel. 36 35 (€0,34/mn) 6 rue Chanzy - Tel. 0 800 003 038 59 bis rue Marie-Clémence Fouriaux + Tel. 06 51 27 24 10 / 06 51 97 21 33 TAXI [email protected] PARKING IN REIMS AGC TAXI REIMS Tel. 07 64 08 82 81 - [email protected] 5 underground car parks REDUCED MOBILITY with the 1st hour free! PLANE ACCESS CAR RENTAL Greater Reims Tourist Office offers reception and an See map pages 50-51 Airport Paris-Charles de Gaulle: attentive accompaniment to facilitate the holidays Sixt Reims TGV 30 min from Champagne-Ardenne TGV station. of people with reduced mobility (individuals or • Cathedrale: 556 spaces 1:30 hr by car. 8 rue André Pingat - Tel. 03 52 38 00 52 groups): adapted tourism offers, accessible and [email protected] expanded in terms of sites to see, transportation, Access from 7am to 1am (except Sundays and holidays). Airport Paris-Vatry: accommodation and catering… One of our references Exit 24h/24 and 7d/7 - Tel. 03 26 05 40 06 45 min by car. Private or collective shuttles: Reims Cabs and advisors is fluent in French sign language. • Buirette: 425 spaces Airfield Reims-Prunay: Brochures devoted to Tourism & Handicaps are Access from 7am to 1am (except Sundays and holidays). Tel. 06 51 49 29 19 available in our offices and Business and tourism aircraft - Tel. 03 26 49 10 92 Exit 24h/24 and 7d/7 - Tel. 03 26 05 40 07 Mail : [email protected]

46 47 Sleep well To see even more… Two steps away from the Cathedral, in the heart of the Champagne vineyard, in a cart or under If you are curious by nature and want to create your own itinerary… the stars… put your suitcases down in our beautiful region and forget about the return ticket…

Marne (ADT) Tourism « Un Siècle de Mémoire » Tel. 03 26 68 37 52 - From 2014 to 2018, France commemorates OUR HOLIDAY IDEAS the Centenary of the First World War. The Tourist Office offers packages for 2 or 3 nights in the City of Champagne-Ardenne (CRT) Tourism Coronations. Consult the detailed description of our offers Tel. 03 26 21 85 80 Art Deco on, section Book online. Ideas for tours devoted to the Heritage Our Address Book: of the beginning of the 20th century. Sites inscribed on the World Heritage List It offers you a selection of accommodation for a romantic holiday for two or relaxation among friends, from charming Greeters en Champagne luxury hotels to authentic guest rooms. Fun, free tours run by passionate volunteers Sites listed as Historical Monuments Consider our Holiday Packages: (accommodation + tours) at low prices! Weekend packages Direction Régionale des Affaires Culturelles Information: Reims Tourist Office and (DRAC) Grand Est CAMPING Éco Tourisme Reims-Chaussée Bocquaine Motorhome Stopover Comité Champagne (CIVC) 9 places for campervans located 10 mn away Tel. 03 26 51 19 30 - Entreprises du Patrimoine Vivant on foot from the city centre French businesses are awarded the label “Living Chaussée Bocquaine - Tel. 03 26 40 52 60 USEFUL CONTACTS Heritage Company” (EPV) for the excellence of their Reims-Bois d’Amour Motorhome Stopover artisanal and industrial know-how. Logis de France de la Marne Campground accessible to campers and workers only. National call centre 4 rue de Tinqueux - Tel. 03 26 35 52 38 Tel. 01 45 84 83 84 Val-de-Vesle Campsite 19 km south-east of Reims Gîtes de France de la Marne 51360 Val-de-Vesle (direction Châlons-en-Champagne) 13 bis rue Carnot - 51000 Châlons-en-Champagne Tel. 03 26 03 91 79 Tel. 03 26 64 95 05 [email protected] Mail : [email protected] Fismes Campsite** 26 km west of Reims (direction Soissons) Allée des Missions, 51170 Fismes Practical information To keep handy… Tel. 03 26 48 10 26 - [email protected] Le Trésor EXCHANGE OFFICE Culture info point, open Tuesday through Indulge Saturday from 12 to 7pm and Sundays Change Or Reims from 2 to 7pm. Reservations. Give in to the addiction of shopping in the big department stores, the shopping malls and the 44 rue Chanzy - 51100 Reims Tel. 03 26 77 77 76 - Tel. 03 26 40 54 37 - festive atmospheres of the champagne bars at nightfall… For your tastebuds, the Great Chefs Reims Évènements have composed for you an array of flavours to feast on with your eyes closed… Convention Centre + Expo Park 12 boulevard Général Leclerc - 51100 Reims OUR ADDRESS BOOK Tel. 03 26 77 44 44 - A precious selection of eateries: City of Reims Fine restaurants to satisfy all your whims. Place de l’Hôtel de Ville - 51100 Reims Open air activities, entertaining tours, balloon trips… Tel. 03 26 77 78 79 - Cabaret shows, cinemas… Sous-Préfecture de Reims Available at Reims Tourist Office and Place Royale - 51096 Reims Cedex at Tel. 03 26 86 71 00


Have some fun and friendly experiences


The complete schedule of our events is available at

6 rue Rockefeller - CS 60013 - 51725 Reims cedex 03 26 77 45 00 [email protected]