The Ukrainian Weekly 1940
English supplement of SVQBQDA. Ukrainian daily, found d 1893. Dedicated to the needs and, interests of young Americans of Ukrainian descent. 9 JERSEY CJTY, N. J., SATURDAY, MARCH 2, 1940 оаша&ма YVASHINiGTONTO BESITE OF UKRAINIAN CON • Ш CAN!T rBELJEVE fHEM •/ UKRAINIAN DEVELOPMENTS US GRESS. IN MAY Ap^irently to win the confidence and.aid of»)Ufk- immw -ішт ти rainians''"fpr the projected plane to;reconstitute a- tpGe Poland, certain ргощідепі Poles have on several occasipns Representatives of leading Uk UKRAINIAN ^PtEAL rainian-American national organ expressed themselves in favor of Ukrainian.national free izations meeting in . Philadelphia dom. Typical of such comment is that of General'Haller, last Saturday, unanimously resolved now turned tourist who recently said: "J believe and favor ROME (AP). —Euhen Onatsky, to go .ahead., with the, preparations [Rome .avrrespondeflt^of "Svpbo- for the qoming Ащегісап-Ukrainjan an independent Ukraine ..." . da"}hjhaa. sent.en. open letter«^^ I Congress, and scheduled it to take ,Much as .we would ДЦсе to believe General J^aUe^and SumriervWelies, Rre^enti|loose- place early,in May in the nation's velt's. special епі^р^тЩкю^ре, capital, Washington. others Цке ЬДт, we simpjy cannot. There is too, niuph pleading ь£ог .• x&#f&tionmj{ рМЛ evidence to > the contrary. In addition, - history shows cause,- ^he.Rome office о&фщщЯр: As,a final effort, .however, .to rainian Nationalists, disclosed * tor. gain for the,congress the support that. all;such- Polish,overtures of friendship toward, the of the- Workingmen's and. Provid Ukrainians, were .insincere. Whenever* 4Jher Ukrainians ac- %3ie tetter, asked (tbai *ЇЩЇГІЬІ~) ence, associations,, whjch, refjauned • cepted them, they • always found cause to deeply- regret States і'.'Ьеаг injmind" the.
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