[Disclaimer: The below text is machine translated. For accurate information kindly refer the above text in original language.]

a- Works contracts (T): 1. Construction of a module of three classrooms with office-warehouse equipped with 75 table- benches and 04 offices and a latrine module with four cabins at EPP Itouba.

2. Construction of a block of six shops at the Aoro market.

3. Drainage and other cleaning works for the benefit of the town hall of .

4. Routine maintenance of the tracks (weeding, weeding, cleaning of side and divergent pits, treatment of degradations, cleaning of structures and gutters and repairs).

5. Maintenance of the heritage of the municipality of Bassila management 2021.

6. Maintenance and repair of grounds, youth centers and school infrastructure

7. Rehabilitation of the main entrance to the Bassila stadium.

8. Construction of a youth center and. & alphabetization of 100 places with office and toilets in Aoro

9. Completion of the construction of a 150-place youth and literacy center with office and toilets in Akarade.

10. Construction of a youth center and alphabetization of 100 places with office and toilets in Dogue.

11. Construction of a simple 1 I-room DRC type insulated maternity unit at the health center.

12. Construction of an isolated 11 room DRC type maternity unit at the health center of Adjirnon.

13. Construction of a simple 13-room DRC type maternity hospital at the Penessoulou health center + Controle.

14. Construction of a simple ground floor dispensary of 09 rooms at the Aledjo + Controle health center.

15. Construction of fence of 288.4 ml with a height & set 2.5m of + Gate and gate at the EPP center of Bassila

16. Equipment of the Bassila slaughter rake water point with a solar pump and construction of a water tower.

17. Construction and arrangement of three (03) watering points a. Adjiro, Dogue and Ke metou.

18. Construction of a sorting center in Guiguisso (development of 900 m2 of sorting and construction of gutters for the collection of leachate and wastewater, block of latrines with 2 cabins and showers)

19. Road opening in the town of Bassila.

20. Work & development of the DAD and monitoring of the supply of equipment for the offices of Motel de Dille de Bassila.

21. Construction of the fence for the Penessoulou stadium for 700 linear meters; with a height & set 2.50m and fence to make play.

22. Construction of the fence of the stadium for 700 linear meters; with a height & set 2.50m and fence to make play.

23. Construction of a sanitary complex (modern toilets) for the Bassila car park

24. Development of sacred forests of Igbodognin of Partago, Igbolakou of Manigri Souangbe, masgistras settlers of .

b- Supply Markets (F): 1. Acquisition and installation of 90 solar street lights in the municipality of Bassila.

2. Acquisition of intranet management software and website hosting for the benefit of the Town Hall

3. Acquisition of three (03) bookbinders for the benefit of the town hall of Bassi la ..

4. Acquisition of five (05) storage cabinets for the benefit of the town hall of Bassila.

5. Acquisition of two (02) GPS.

6. Acquisition of three (03) portable computers for the benefit of the Bassila town hall.

7. Acquisition of five (05) complete computers (central units, monitors plus inverters).

8. Acquisition of ten (10) inverters.

9. Equipment for beekeeping (beehive, hives, smokers, set of containers and complete combinations.

10. Construction of 150 hand washing devices for 100 teaching groups.

11. Supply of school furniture for the benefit of the three modules of three classes in Dengou, Bassila and Manigri (FADeC affects / FAST TRACK funding).

12. Acquisition of two tricycles for garbage collection

13. Acquisition of consumables for the benefit of the town hall of Bassila.

14. Acquisition of cleaning products for the benefit of the town hall.

15. Acquisition of office supplies.

16. Purchases of inactive securities.

17. Preparation of civil status registers for the benefit of the Municipality of Bassila.

18. Acquisition of boxes of chlorine for the benefit of the municipality of Bassila.

19. Acquisition of work clothes for the benefit of the collectors of the municipality of Bassila.

20. School furniture (150 tables - benches for schoolchildren, 10 tables for teachers, 4 desks for full director, 20 chairs for teachers and visitors and 4 padded armchairs with armrests for director) and 80 table for schoolchildren, 160 chairs for & oilers.

c- Service contracts (5) and Intellectual Services (IP) 1. Recruitment of a consultancy firm / office for the realization of the rainwater management plan in the municipality of Bassila (District headquarters: Bassila, Manigri, Penessoulou and Aledjo)

2. Recruitment of a consultant / design office for the monitoring and control of school, market and road infrastructure in the municipality of Bassila (independent firms / controllers)

3. Feasibility study for the development of the zones of economic concentration of Salmanga and Modogui (Agricultural Village).

4. Study for the sizing and installation of a solar system for the supply of the town hall of Bassila.

5. Study for the sizing and installation of a solar system to supply the Motel in the town of Bassila.

6. Development of the organic framework of the town hall of Bassila.

7. Training of the actors of the innovation platform of the poultry / meat poultry and small ruminant / meat ruminant value chain of the PADT project (training workshop + trainer) (Report).

8. Preparation of the TBS for the municipality of Bassila (2012-2020).