Likelyto Take Oxford-Cambridge Net Team

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Likelyto Take Oxford-Cambridge Net Team Grey Lag Equals World's Record for 11-8 Miles in WinniraTthe Dwyer at Aqueduct! Stahle Star Carries r\r>m j . Tom Gibbons Rancacas fyGrantland Rice Oxford-Cambridge Net Team Britain's Star 123 Pounds and Scores Easily KSÊK.L OISHT to Take Beaten West Siders Athletes Show (Copyright, 1921, New York Tribune Pnc.) Likely Badly by Than I-'-1 On Greb ob jace More Impressive Governor Not The Test First! British Players Lose Six Here July28 That of Man o' War ; Jersey T«^ ZooA: Fate in the face, Straight Single Matches; Gilbert Earns Place Smoke Scrceu Sets Pace, To Ban Any Boxers However grim and dark; Winner Probably Will Get Are Shut Out in Doubles Oxford-Cambridge Team to To take the game's worst break Chance at On British Cup Team Meet Cornell and Prince¬ By W. J. Macbeth EDWARD I. ED- hold the vital Carpentier; GOVERNORWARDS of New was And spark; By Fred Hawthorne Stable's a Jersey to Return Soon July 7..J. B. Gilbert, it ton at Travers Island Tb« Rancancos Grey Lag, asked yesterday nt Jersey City what i To throw soft flesh aside Champion The lawn coll by Star he the visiting tennis team from LONDON,was announced to-day, will re¬ rtfae-yesr-olil Shoot.: thought regarding possibility Where trouble rules the fray, Oxford and Cecil on the emblazoned his name in of bouts between Dempsey and Jack j By Jack Lawrence Cambridge universities of place Major Campbell The members of the Oxford-Cam¬ tj'ts MiW"*i make one lo7ic was British Davis cap team. letters in the American turf Johnson, or Johnson and Harry Nor complaint While Tex Rickard, lessee of the England overwhelmingly defeated bridge University track team who wiil aórtai Fame in the fourth running Wills, or Carpentier and Gibbons the harder yesterday afternoon by the team of the of Hail of being held in New Jersey. The Along way. giant boxing arena in Jersey City, has When announcement was made in compete against the combined teams of the Dwyer Stakes at Aqueduct yes- j West Side Tennis on the turf Iondon on 3 of the of afternoon. Governor replied: not yet made any official announcement Club, July make-up Princeton and Cornell at Travers Island ttrday "As as the law is on Can you, who've drifted long, concerning the next courts at Forest Hills. The local the British Davis cup team it was on 28, are to arriv» in Qrey Lav, with 123 ponnda era hit» long boxing j big battle to bo play' said that Campbell's accept¬ July expected galloped the milo ar.d a the statute books boxing may be j Be ready at the call staged within the huge octagon of pine, ers won all six singles and three doub¬ Major this next week. In the tack, »iaply conducted in accordance with is ance of a place on the team was con¬ city early party, farlor.¡r under Earl« Sande to world's the To swim it_ practically certain that the bout les matches that composed the sched¬ ditional his leave which sailed last Wednes¬ tune for the distanc*. law. upstream again will bring together Georges upon receiving fronrEngiand «cord Grey and Tom Carpentier ule and let their British rivals down from the army. were close to of the lead¬ ¡¿g didn't boat a world's record; he "Shall we stop boxing because Whatever may befall? Gibbons. day, twenty it. But under 123 somebody want» us to stop? Would A tentative agreement to this end without a set. athletes of the two limply tied pounds For service also means said is ing varsity English this »ree-year old r.nced the mile an«i we stop the banking business be- I to have been reached yesterday Of course, it was to be that universities. in 1:49 flat, cause somebody who could not bor- The trouble to endure, between Mr. Rickard and M. Francois expected j farlon- tying Goaler's the West Side Club would have no dif¬ Miss Gilleaudeau ¿heir arrival here the breaking effort for the distance row money wanted the banking busi¬ who come Dcschatnps, manager of the French Upon Yisitiajf -rtrld ¦*-"- *--*¦ Where those through fire in ,s Belmont Park on JTune 10 last, ness stopped? champion, and it is probable that arti¬ ficulty scoring over the English col¬ track and field stars will begin imme¬ a five-year old. carried but "There is no chaage in New Jer¬ Shall find the only cure! cles will be signed before the legians, for the Forest Hills club And Mrs. diate for the international GcaieGesier..^^_ battling put Raymond training as sails 54U pounds sey regards boxing. My attitude poilu for France on the liner a strong combination of collegiate contests, which will take ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^the Dwyer is the same as it h»_ always been." I Savoie, scheduled to leave this foi high-ranking the ¡¿.tier of this month. jn winning yesterday' *we in these port players on the men Reach Seini-Finals place part Grey Lag ran a race far mor« impre*.- As have suggested before daily dispatches, Americans Havro on July 14. courts, who have Athletic experts who have followed ,¡-e than the winning effort of the Smoke Screen, which had raced himself lucky enough to see Suzanne Lenglen in action will see one of the sensa¬ Carpentier's trip abroad will be i been trained in tournament play foi their work in the annual Oxford-Cans- one y»ar hurried trans-Atlantic dash that will dual and "Horse ago.! right into the ground because he had tions of an unusual that drifts once in a cen¬ years. The visitors, on the other hand Mrs. Welty and Miss Grove bridg" inter-varsity games from start to finish Grey Lag was more resolution than was competition, product along bring him back to the soil of the Unit¬ are the national Man his rider, ed States within practically just beginning serious Connect¬ English championships -et/er extended 0* War was! crowded right out of tho tury. The French girl has not only proved her greatness often, but has so five weeks rom thf tournament and were never Also Advance for predict that the combined Light and as a to pictures, date of his play t straight string John P. Grier. Smoke far no departure, according to th< match for our men. Dark B¿ue team will be aoie to test, a Screen, directly responsible outclassed the next one in sight that doubt, considering her youth, laid out icut Tennis Fora »Ue ant* sixteenth the Whit-; for this itinerary by Manager Dea The thing that me Championship the best athletes of both Princeton and raced the out the record-breaking performance, must before she is dethroned. Ths adonis impressed mos ¡,»y colt eye-balls of led for seven, furlongs. It may be a many years pass by Uncanny speed of champs. French expects t< about the playing of the Oxford-Cam NEW Conn., July 7.---Miss Cornell to the limit in the scheduled ¦Mer-horse and at a disatvantage be- «pend only a week with his wife anc CANNAN, at Trarers as had fine thing to remember this the first hands and feet, remarkable accuracy, power and the tennis knack are not little bridge students was their inability t< Helen Mrs. Frank M. games Isiand, »»specially -»use- Grier drawn the outside time he starts a race. girl in Paris before Btartin* cope with It is Gilleaudeau, j first only will count in the inter¬ was forced to in six-furlong to be at sudden moment. for speed. true they wen places position and carry wide ¡ No further recommendation than the likely stopped any again America. It is possible tha playing on courts that were Welty, Mrs. Edward Raymond, the national meet. entire bend. he may his strange Shro-^T fractional time is needed. By quarters: bring family back with him to them, but even so, no one of then playing-through champion, and Miss While the order of entry for the Eng¬ Grey Lag in Form Retains showed lish ïs not settled at this 0:23 1-5, 0:461-5, 1:10 1-5,1:35 2-5,1:49. Miss Leitch is still hopeful that she also can make the trip across, and Training Camp any real ability to return th Margaret Grove to-day reached into I collegians Mar. o' War that das set a world's! It was a great day for students of During his absence Carpentier' fast, hard-hit shots of the West Sid the semi-final round of the s3ngles in .lime, it is thought that the visitors will the distance a form, students of form with a Leitch-Lenglen combination there will be at least two cups in dan¬ men. send their men to the line in the ten record for around turn.; though seemed training camp at Manhasset will be re the annual Connecticut State women's ¿t the sixteenth pole Kummer flicked mostly whistling up the stovepipe. By ger that are now prized members of a large collection. after tained and he will prepare there fo This was particularly noticeable ir events about as folio a And, looking the case lawn the wonder horse with the whip end in stretch of the imagination one might his fight with Gibbons. The date o of Ichiya Kumagae and T. R championship tennis tournment HO-yard dash.H. M. Abrahams. Cam- favorites at the range and physical qualities of both, no expertne3s is needed to see l'en in their two strides the champion of champions say swept the card.
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