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Pigfrghaileif IHSTnraMr "Tu^tUij-Siar Ye«rs ef Responsible Freedom" • Barren School of Business and Pobfic Administration—City College of Vol. VLI-—No. _ Page 3 Tuesday. October 7, 1958 389 By Subscription Only Council Votes Down Gallagher Will Ask Revision Proposed Amendment ft Groun Anneal* DAVIV Ran An amendement to the Student Council Charter which ~" XJf± "" M ^* K MCdlS *-f <* V 1& XJctlt would allow Upper Juniors to run for the office of President was defeated Friday, by a vote of 11-11-1. A two-thirds President Buell G. Gallagher said Wednesday that if the Marxist Discussion Club W€>te was necessary: Larry Miller '61, maker of the amendment, stated that asks him to appeal the speaking ban on Benjamin J. Davis, under the Administrative Coun­ there is more interest in * — cil's ruling banning speakers convicted of violating the Smith Act, he would "take their prestig-e and in age than must; serve on at least one com­ request to the Council for consideration." The Council wiH meet on October 14. there is in the responsibility mittee. The proposed amend­ Davis, New York State chairman of the Communist Party and candidate for" the and the job. He felt that "the ment stated: "Student Council State Senate from the 16th Council is overlooking- a representatives, in order to main­ period—wherein the candid tain their status as elected repre- Senatorial District, was in­ dates for the presidency are . sentative* on Student Council vited to-speak on campus -by- as able and competent as must be a member.or chairman of the MDC October 16. Dean of they would ever be." two committees." Elective cards for the spring Student Life James Peace -The-opponents of the amend­ In other business, the Charity term are available in 312 and immediately vetoed the invi­ ment said that the respect that Drives Committee selected the. most be returned by October 9. tation. t£e "facu3ty~and the rest of the,. five* charities for which drives "1 Student Body would have for a They wiH be used as a basis for However,' President Gallagher will be run this semester. The said that he has not "received any president who is a Junior would five are: Boosters lollypop sale the schedule of recitations for be less as opposed to the respect next term.' ~" '* communication -=- written or by for the World University Service, any other form—from the MDC." a; Senior commands. They fur­ Alpha Phi Omega charity car­ All students at the College Under a ruling of the Council, ther stated that the knowledge nival to be run for Myasthenia are required to file Elective of the School and the maturity persons convicted under the Gravis, Christian Association and cards. Students who neglect to a Junior possesses is .not as Newman Club Christmas toy Smi^h Act are barred from speak­ great. dxivg,-Sigma .. Alpha flower- sate, - fill cards will be required to ing at any of the municipal col- jre dealing in__probabiii- and Saxe *61 drive for lukemia. register at the end,of their re­ leges. I>avjs "was ^convTcted- under_ the Smith Act. ties,** stated one of the oppon­ Because the Charity Drives spective classes next semester. ents. The probabilities being: the Committee felt that Sigma Al­ "The normal procedure not to chance that ^a^ Junior, were he pha's flower sale should not be Buell 6. Gallagher issue an invitation until it is elected,, could h%gr good president used again this term for the col­ cleared with the Department of and the chance that the faculty lection for a beaver for the lobby, Student Life was violated in this a motion stating-, case. Whether by intent or not I cause of his "lack of prestige and it introduced a motion urging' SA am not prepared to say," said experience.** to serect another charity. e Year's Plans; President Gallagher. Another amendment to the SC In announcements, Myles Mer- "I have no discretionary power The .amendment would, in effect, ling introduced a proposed amend­ at this point to waive the ruling make the obligation of Student Seniors Set March Prom ment to increase the qualifica­ now in .effect/* President Galla­ Council representative greater. tion of S.C. president to two At present the representatives term's service on Council. . The Senior, Junior and Sophomore class have announced gher commented. a variety of activities for this semester, ranging from hay- Davis spoke at City College two rides to proms. m " . • years ago, before the ban was Peter Stein, president of the Class of *59, said that a put into effect, after serving a Bauer Raps 'Beat-niks' Senior Hayride will take place at Clove Lake Stables*, Staten five-year sentence for conviction Island, Saturday, November 8. It will feature an outdoor under the Smith Act.. As 'Cancer of Society' wiener roast. "^ ^—z ~ — - —' _, _ ~ " By Sandy Starfcman i£2£2^^£g&: Fridays- Special Election* be decided at the next '59 Class _# gr% 4^1 ' ^> W W T • "Beat-nicks" are psychological- According to Dr. Bauer, the getting . a—push fpom the movie ."krr^™^t?£ Fill SC, Class Vacancies symbolic' of the "cancer of Blackboard Jungle and its theme location and price of the Senior Special Elections to fill vacant Student' Council and our society." This statement was song, whichrTebelled against adult Beer Party, which will be held Class Council offices were held Friday in Xounge C. made by Professor John Bauer in Beat Generation emanated from In the Class of '59 there were two uncontested election^ December 19. - his discussion of the Beat Genera­ the Jazz Age or Rock n' Roll, for class offices. Hal Pensky won for treasurer with 33 tion to a standing-room-only Senior Prom "yes'!rvotes to 8 "no" votes; Arthur L. Goldberg triumphed crowd "in the Faculty Council for the secretaryship of the The Senior Prom, highlight of cancies, Wollin only filled one of Lounge, Thursday. class with 27 "yes" to 9 no Professor Bauer's objectives the Senior - year, is planned for votes. these. Student Council Friday, were to describe the Beat Gener­ March 3 at the Tavern on the ruled thatrthe one vacancy in the '- Class of '60 uppWpart of '62 be thrown open ation and disprove the statement Green. It will be formal. No price Although there were. 4 vacan­ to the lower half of the class f Harvard's President Tusey, or other details have been decided cies for the position of Student hat all of today-'s youth fall un- since more than three persons upon. Council "Representative from the sought rep positions in the enter*- ier this category^ Dr. Bauer said Class of '60, .only one person— the. Beat-nick's emphasize escap­ Junior Prom ing class. Warren PlncTis^ran for the rep I..I^II. 1 ? ing from the pain of awareness Neil Reshen, president of- the post. He tallied 24 "yes" as op­ i;:'t-.:. !S» •*nd deriving pleasure front the • posed to 10 "no" votes. inmediate moment; this is Class of 1960, said that a Junior achieved by their immersion into Prom is already being planned for Class of 61 ^peed. Hi-fi and -Heroism. next tyi'in, "wlnelr wilr~~probably In the only contested election, All psychology students in­ The spokesman for the Beat Isaac Sultan, Andy Meppen and"' be semi-formal." terested in any of the follow­ feneration is Jack Kerouac, who The 'Sophomore Class will hold Peter. A Korn won .the prfree best typKfies their,, distinct lan­ Ehr. John Bauer vacant Student Council Represen­ ing courses for the spring se­ a Dinner-D%nce at the Village guage and thinking m his book authority. The biggest boost came tative seats from the Class of '61. mester—51, 62, 70, 281 or 284, **0n the Road/' to which movie from Jimmy Dean (to the Beat- Barn, 52 West 8th Street, No­ They defeated MJhrcus Tieman are. requested to attend a pre- righia were- jnst sold. Dr. Bauer _nicks~a7 present day equivalent of. vember 3, it. was~announced by and Jack Fox' for .the sea-ts. This registration meeting on"~~Oct©- stated that their language 19 for" was the fifth consecutive election Napoleon -or - Hitlor >, Dean was Arty Schreiber, jpresident of its ber 19 at 12:3* Hi 5«^ the moot pax£ composed of""terse- the lost youngster, an orphan Class Council. The. price will be that the Class of '61 had J* con­ neae, mtrsicaf terms, and. a general. tested election for SC seats. Failure to appear may pre­ who shuflSed from one add* job to $7.percouple. lack of communication. An exam- another-to exiaC. Bip- was?th|S7 first j» tine Class of Upper '62, Gary vent yonr admission to these Tdsoput the Gciahar to symboinsc •ities wiH- W-oJlm ^waa victnrions hy^a!xble-~' TEttita the Class ol^i^r^e3^i6"X^^M~^tes." ,; There wer^howevier.^^o^Via-

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Page 2 THE TICKER TuesdayOctober -7. 1^58^, ^ueio^/^erbber 7, f-^58 Mrs. Roosevelt Says- First Meeting- Department? Starts. r in T£evi< USSR Talks Urgent Series with 'Hear itNow' Held by JOB The History Department -will •will deal with the events leading, "Kruschev is a top person with whom we should start The first. meeting- of -the newly- begin a series of special programs up to and including'- World War federated Inter Club Board •was to familiarize students with the II. The remaining time will be_ skilled negotiations because he may fear the growth of held, Wednesday. A constitutional events, of the last three decades devoted to questions, diseussion Communist China." Mrs. Roosevelt told a group of City amendment to confederate the Thursday. They will feature the and debate. ; **Hear it Now" recordings' made All programs will take place By Irwin xlirsch and Susan Schilowitz College students at her summer home m Hyde Park, New Board was passed by Student By Larry Bochner '58 York, Saturday. Council last term. by Edward R. Muriow. in 1311 at 12:30 and are tenta­ Last week, when President Eis­ tively scheduled on a monthly President Buell G. Gallagher has expressed his wholehearted support of last week's Mrs. Roosevelt noted that she Under this amendment ICB City College went Hollywood Thursday night for the opening enhower compared the situation basis. The complete series'" of of the Twentieth Century-Fox's "The Barbarian and the Geisha" at Supreme Court decision to speed uo integration without delay in Little Rock, Arkansas, had heard in many diplomatic is- now composed . of sections —*•*;? • in Matsu and !!::!lj!i!ft'!lj::.i;:-'LI!li;illl ?•$•< •'• !«! "ife- between public education Communist China, because of her with the Broadway traffic in an attempt to please photographers. idea. It will give the board-'a meant. This . was due to their which is not segregated and hu^e and scattered population, "The Barbarian and the Geisha" is the story of Townsend Harris, scanty knowledge and understand­ no public education. would suffer less and become the chance to come out of its dol­ the first . diplomatic representative to Japan. "While ing of recent history. It is hoped Dr. William Turner Levy of The History Department has The President also said that top power in the world. drums of the past years. My first Harris may be known at City College, the rest of his countrymen that the programs will correct the English Department will announced that a new course, there must be a prompt begin-, "It may well be that is what order of business will be to con­ seem to be oblivious of his accomplishments. But the same cannot, be these deficiencies. hold the first meeting of his History 33": Contemporary ning to integration and said the Chinese Communists are said for the Japanese, who -consider him as an important figure in centrate on getting a good Board," seminar Friday at 2 in 825. American Problems, will be that he doesn't forsee any Com­ thinking." stated Mrs'. Roosevelt. The programs will begin with their history. said Chairman Bill Dinkelacker. The purpose of- this meeting given next term. Professor Ber­ plete opposition to segregation, With the growth of what she be­ an introduction by a teacher last term. will be to decide what book will The movie begins with Harris' (John Wayne) arrival at the nard Bellirsh, chairman of the stating, that, "we may achieve a lieves to be "Red Chinese influence which will be. f ©llowed by" the be read for the seminar. tiny seaport of Shimoda in August, 1856. Although brought there Department,-who wilt teach the In the South, he concluded by with Kruschev "the tail may well Prior to the meeting Dean playing of a recording. The one by a Navy frigate, he is left with only his interpreter, Herry Heusken course, said it will discuss the degree of democracy yet." be wagsrir.'g the dog:." she said. Saxe- rcr bo* played at the. first~rneettng" Mrs.. Roosevelt (Sam Jaffe, '12). role* of industry and govern­ - The ruling he discussed per­ "The growth of power in Red The Japanese are hesitant about honoring the treaty signed with mental agencies in America tained to the Supreme C< China is something we should the U. S. two years previous and while Harris is waitinjg_fox -a» inter­ since 1900. decision that all direct opposition c use to try to make some agree- view with the shogtm, he is given, residence in a ruined temple by or "evasive schemes" could not —v • , *. _* s •s :a. .Mrs. Roose- men' ^ < v.-: tn J Baron Tafhura (So Yamamura). This is a wait that takes up most Pres. Dwight Eisenhower get away from the fact that-pub­ veit Ci , m : r. en t e«'. of the picture's 106 minutes. lic school segregation was uncon­ - Or. the is- •;e c ,«• v•••<" g '.itior. of In order to. make his stay more pleasant, Harris, is- given a- stitutional. r •.,:. :e U::::«--a States. Reu j t n beautiful geisha (Eiko_Ando) by the baron and here-starts the plot, . Two Federal Circuit Court Mrs. Roosevelt .-:v.cd to retain control of the city high' realistic.** schools and by no means allow • Regarding the seating of Red Cast of Student Activity Fees them to be taken over by private China in the Cnit«-d Nation.-. "The Barbarian and the Geisha" y corporations. Mrs. Roosevelt observed that Sees' •* Z "*/ ' s. ' ' *** ' "• A record total of $8,217.26 was tion. A reserve for students who . ct*oid tnonVceV Townsend Harris .. .John Wayne The Supreme Court decision, 'drake distributed to the three autonom- drop out of school is also main- when the Security Cnu::c:l was :MGUSH- bossy Okichi Eiko Ando backed by President "Eisenhower, formed. Nationalist China was stac* ous student groups at the Baruch tained. V\er Henry Heusken" _.^ ... — -stated that- in teg i at km should tie . i _in.ciuU.eu because -she w«*^ a niajui' School, intra-tourarl Board, 5tu- Assistant Dean Clement Thomp- Tamura ...... So Jamamura sped up as soon as" possible. "Moif-~ jJuwei. "Xi».Ui>iii«-ii*t China. i> no*, ^ K^°^~ dent Council and THE*"TICKERS son met with Student Council Ship Captain . . Norman Thomson days the Court stated that for no now a power." she said. at a Fees Committee meeting, President Larry Schiff, Editor-in^- Lt. Fisher ...... James Robbins reasoti would they grant any de­ "To say that Nationalist (.'h.r.a' Friday. v •-'--' Prime Minister .Morita lay in the procedure. represents the Chinese people in. J Daimyo Kodaya Ichikawa The high amount was made ~ " The Court further said that the UN is foolish." Mrs. Roose­ Shogun Hiroshi Yamato available because of increased e\-ery state legislature is under velt continued. "This is not China: Harusha . .Tokujiro Iketaniuchi registration and the 50 cent Stu­ oath to obey the constitution and. ft is Formosa." she said. Lord Hotta Fuji Kasai dent Activities Fee increase last -•—••..-•-•-«£*« therefore cannot go against it. Mrs. Roosevelt has just re­ : Chamberlain . .Takeshi Kumagai fall. '' '^?$: "In short," the Court said '^the turned from a three 'week tour Student Council and THE Constitutional rights of children of Soviet Russia. It was her sec­ TICKER each received $3,800, not to be discriminated agaTnst ond trip there in two years. Produced by . . . Eugene Frenke and the Intra-Mural Board was -•.^^^^•^^^•^i- in school admission on grounds of - ••M&&--M: Directed by ...... John Huston given $617.26. This was the race "Or color can neither be nulli­ Screenplay by .Charles Grayson amount available after provision*. ^__^_^^_^^_^_^_^^^^_^,^__. fied indirectly by the states Story by Ellis St. Joseph had been made for Lounge Furni- I^^EB^^^^IHI^^I^^^K^^^F^ through evasive schemes for seg­ ture, Muzak, Central Treasury regation whether attempted "in­ 1 BAGELS & LOX Music Hugo Friedhofer Supplies, Student Activity Sup­ geniously or ingenuously." •r vt-<.x^> Director of Photography plies and a Student Activity Re­ JTAU DELTA PHI twa diflerent brands off cigarettes Charles G. Clarke, A.S.C. serve for Contingencies. ENGLISH: hatchery for baby skunks Art Direction The Council and THE TICKER } THINKUSH TRANSLATIOM: Obvi. Lyle R. Wheeler JOHN WAYNE and Sam Jaffe shares came to 46^'r each, while Clement Thompson Retail Group RITUAL Jack Martin Smith in "The Barbarian and the Geisha** the 1MB allotment came to 8_Tv,._; Chjef of THE TICKER Ricnard ousry^ this pnnr fHlnw hasn't, heard In addition to the money re- Gurian and IMB's Faculty Ad- fl«8 W. 23 St. I nr. 7 Ave.) about Luckiea. Why? Ktemmtary. ceived from Student Activities visor Doc Robert Henderson and The Retailing Society has -sm- Any man who smokes the genuine with each other and are ready to give up all to be together. But there Fees this term,. $215.76 was not its' President, Amie Bass, to dis- nounced varipnc g^tiv;Tfas to. bo | San. Oct. 12aHl A.M. ie more. A clhoera epidemic adds lu Lhe adventure. article wouldn't touch another" spent last term, and was put cuss the appropriations, held in conjunction with National Harris finally receives permission to 'make his way to Tokyo to back in the pool for redistribu- A statistical analysis follows: Retailing Week, October 12-25. ;•»»«»»»«««««••»»»»»»•••»•««»««««•» brand with a ten-foot cigarette see the shogun. The procession is accompanied by the people of Shi­ Balance in Unappropriated Fees. $ 215.76 Kieking off the week's schedule holder. With T.ncfriec, you get the moda who are very grateful to Harris for his help in stopping the will be a trip to a buying office rSV Estimated Receipts, Fall, 1958 9564.00 honest taste of fine tobacco. Why epidemic arranged by the National As­ THE or leas? (The man in ques- At the capital, after some high intrigxie and an attempted as- sociation of Buying Qffieee.--AJft- is a OgandsL Don't let this sination, Harris completes a trade treaty and the name of Townsend Total 9779.76 students are invited to attend this JOIN Harris is written into international "history. Less: event which will take place Tues­ FUN happen to you!) day, October 14 at 2. John Huston jys_directed the story with a great stress on the Re«ervefor ftefnnris . , . , ^_^^^^ . . .^_. . . . ^^ _^^^^„ "L50J10- ur fALL wttKthLO pictorial beantyof ancient Japan. The settings, costumes and color Following this will be an "Open photography can be compared with the best Hollywood productions. House" luncheon for FrmhrilMi *" •••:••• v •= ' ; \-_U--U- «£AIL TltyMTUMI I Put to » good word end MAKE »25l Great pains* were taken to give this picture the authenticity it has Total Available for Distribution : . . 9629.76 and Sophomores' Thursday, OotO- CAMP FREEDMAN He*ea the easiest way yet. to make money! Just pot two obtained. All of this Huston film was shot on location in Japan, using Less: . her 16 at 12 in 1220. All students wo*da together to fon» a i / Japanese technicians and advisers. interested in Retailing as a ma~jnr 0--i i- .; • •. t_- Lounge Furniture $1000.00 — One of the more impressing scenes is the procession the Yedo, are invited to a tend. UNLV SlB.bC nc. Well pay $25 each for the hundreds of Thdnkliah words Muzak . 262.50 man v iurtwan with American eagles and Japanese butterflies flying side by side on Guest speakers at the luncheon o Meois your ThinfcKwh words (with translatione) to Lucky Strike, silken banners. Add to this the magnificent composition of the single Central Treasury Supplies 25.00 will be Vincent Brennan of BoxJSZA.-Mi* YeraoBuK. Y. Enclose your shots and you have the makings of a good movie. In' fact if there Student Activity Supplies .T. .T^r. *.« 50.00 Bloomingdale's department store, college or university, and • was a decent plot this would be a very good movie. Adele Elgart, Director of Special­ Students Activity Reserve for Contingencies .. 75.00 1412.50 John Wayne plays his part convincingly, appearing slightly over­ ty Stores Buying Office and" sized in a/kimono. Eiko Ando as the geisha is. charming, while So Total Available for Studeat^Organizations- 8217.26 ^Madeline «har, CCNY alumria :t. 10-12 Yamamura makes a wonderful American debut as the Baron. Sara and buyer" at Goldrings, "a na­ Autunui .canerv the genuine article Jaffe is a little unsure pt himself as Wayne's interpreter. Budget Allocations tional buying house. i ! : 1 9 i J T C '. i.llij lOnci;"io The legend of Townsend Harris could have lent itself to a much "" *" FaU-1957 Spring 1958. Fall 1958- . jThe^ Retailing Society is also better story thanl£e~oae nnafinhled frii jlinjfjiOTip All of the other planriingr a series of exhibits in / Get the honest Intra-Mural Board .$498.50 $565.30 $ 6IT.26 efforts on ita behalf axe. the only thing that make ^*The~Barbarian the . library "showing' "various 1 G A R -E- T T-E 5 Student Council .3045.00 3605.00 3800.00 c and the Geisha" Worth while. phases of retailing. Students who -MLi. : R o 20 / 4 * 3800.00 . If you 'want to see- a beautiful piece of art, with fantastic settings, THE TICKER _i i a ...... 3042^50 3605.00 are interested should check the seenrery and costwBa&9-4&4 ajre witting to put up with_a substandard 821*26 bulletin board ~on the- 13thffloor« d *• T. Co. 65$&eo 7.'///i» Vi-^y' A- ;'»i? V^ '\

M ! •*r--r<~' jg&gg&te^g^gigg^ • >»—^*- ••**»iy*i't 3 *?*r -•.-,-.<.-^>v.aicc. >..->. "x'..-,.• . '+>••*•*%*••• j- .-*:W l feSSmf^fiSS.ss^jmsssuiSsmmmesamaMm BftMMiftHBe*' " " "'••*ii" •': ."^s* ;-«i'."^ "^^ - "'•"" "»i- r^>-> **"^^ *''\^*^-/f'^'"H^/.-:>*^^*^^^?^S^23.i^^r^^ ^ ^tJ^*^?"*?w' "^r^c^^"^'"^"-^'-*^^-"^*: ...-,.._..,

^ I Page 4 THE TICKER Page 5

.%•-*«». i <.; Lexicon *S9 s *-r- Begins Work "Ticent-g-Six Yearn of Responsible Freedom' Lexicon, the Senior Yearbook, Southern Attitude i~= Bernard M. Barwcb has begun- -work on the dummy (The writer of the following came to your mind—-in-this case, School of Business and Public Administration By Gene Gold copy of its 1959 issue. Founded letter_ is Vice-President of FOSJ. you £ollow

N» x i3$< • *ViS*'^ <***^»&jw*S3K%. FTP:vgyyy'ftf S t"2!&™m*^!2&8m iViiiSSr' EHiV-i ictiii-*-'. Km. '.".V«-- Kiij^S^^V^'i^li^ia^-Safciil1 li^^^L^si^i^^^ c- ^limHiTri? Hl a**^*-;- »^. i^lili "n---'" BRSSSBBP ; --3M.'*' ^sm ^. ^i0^ ;>•'•'•: fm^mmm^ >-..-"..,V-r-^"-, T-^y- 'JC^^J^r-9^.\r/'-^t^r^ ^ 3^3^52

Page 6 THE- TICKER TueWayrOfctoljfer^; ?958 Tuesday, October 7, 1958 THE TICKER <. v On Campus' • Shop at . . . Don't Wait Till You Fail MATH Schedule SeK^^sk Class I Make Passing A CINCH • ^21 yr»- Experience. Second Lecture Series Talks Slated J. J. O'BRIENft SO N RESULTS GUARANTEED! Annual Battle Dean of Graduate Studies Jerome B. Cohen has an­ Call Evenings Mr. Verter • K\ 2-6426 By Wrestlers The Freshman class stormed them after the Battles and de- nounced another series in the Financial Management Lec­ Those students graduating in January who are interested in GREETING CAKI>S FOB. AUL^ OCCASIONS^ By Sid Davidoff into the gymnasium Thursday af­ shirted them...... _ tures to be driven this term. Under the coaching of Joe Sa- ternoon and made 15 Sophomores The victory resulted from wins "On Campus" interviews should 1 i f w The talks will be given in 1502, in conjunction with apply at the Placement Office, ^CmF-Studenti^ineel864-^ -bitg._the ^"ft, ip..thfi ..s." T - iriHiial fn fin Tyr *' — —< »»"»;»* ™«~ Economics 160: Business Fi­ 303. Appointments will be made ting in shape for the coming sea­ Frosh-Soph Battles. basketball contest. In the Tug, nancial Management. with representatives of firms • Printers, Stationers, Artists 128 East 23rd Street son. The squad will be out trying Led by captain Bob David, 21 both classes won in the five-man Casts rope pull. But, in the ten-man, The first of the lectures £ook visiting the school starting on • Supplies, Drafting Materials New YorE City to better their 3-5 mark of last tug, the Frosh came out on top"/ place yesterday, when James October 21. season. €6 99 Mass basketball gave the Frosh Heckman, Assistant Treasurer of These interviews have been "The team has a tough sched­ a 4-3 win; while the cage ball American Telephone and Tele­ held for several years, and have •«•»* A HATFUL OF RAIN ule ahead," said Coach Sapora, mess saw the Sophomores come graph Company, spoke on the proved such a success, to both NO ACTING EXPERIENCE NECESSARY "But we expect to do better than frnanciat controls within that graduating students and the par­ last year." up with a victorious 2-1 score. firm. ticipating concerns, that- they The only Baruchian who is Faculty Advisor to the Intra- CAPPA SIGMA TAI T^ES-FRf., OCT. 7-10th — 2-5 P.M. have been continued. most likely to make the team is Mural Board, Doc Henderson felt The remaining lectures are: that the turnout" of Sophomores FRIDAY, OCT. 10th — 6-10 P.M. Dave Borah. The 147-ppund • David Climan, assistant The participating firms are: 'THE NEWEST FRATERNITY sophomore was one of the best was very good. This turnout,.. in SeidmAn & Seidman. CPA. October 21 fact, was the best that the Frosh- treasurer of the Allied Chemical Bambencers October 22 wrestlers on last year's squad. Gertz Department Store October 24 Soph Battles had had in a very Corporation, will speak today, Bloommgdales Dept. Store October 27 Borah also won the 177-pound Presents Its long time. from 11-12, about "Managing Ernst '4c Ernst, CPA October 28 class crown in the Intra-Mural : ; Franklin Simon Dept. Stores October 29 Board's wrestling tournament. ;«. n,;:;:,;;': .:-;:;!!;!!:';l,,;,:Vv":;'.' .;; ,,. ',,.:'; iV /•; - - {- ti'lllT. Cash Flow." Abraham & Stratus Dept. Stores Oct. 31 Martin's Dept. Store November S Sapora has high hopes for the The Army Audit Ajrency November 5 • Charles B. Stauffacher, vice- Stern'e Dept. Stores November 7 PHI EPSILON PI Baruchian if he puts in enough Mtcmsk&tbcmEl D. Berdon. CPA November 12 president of finance of the Con­ Dean Jerome B. Cohen U. S. General Acc't Office November 19 SEMIANNUAL SMOKER practice before the beginning of tinental Can Company, will speak the season. The varsity basketball team, under the supervision of Coach on "Internal Financial Controls," • Oct, 10th 8:30 p.m. The team will be led by co- The Battles JZ!\MORS-$E\iORS captains Jack Izower and Milt eager Frosh made off with the Nat Ilolman, will begin prac­ Thursday, October 16, from 11-12. SMOKER tice October 15 at 4 in Wingate Gittleman. Izower, an Uptown crown of supremacy. "We're the • Arthur Long, regional direc­ WHy Ray More for Class Rings! Physics major, is a 157-pound best;" they shouted as they began . Gymnasium, Uptown. The frosh tor of the Small Business Admin­ 191-20 Jamaica Ave., Jamaica senior. Heavyweight Gittleman to sit on their laurels. However, squad will start on the same istration, will lecture Monday, Friday. 8 30 PM. is a senior majoring in Engineer­ their shouts weren't heard long as day in Goethals Gymnasium SHOP TOR VAEJJE with Dave. Polansky sX the n October 20, from 12-1, on "Meet­ ing: the losing Sophomores rushed »»^»»»^»»»^^»»»^» ~ — --~~~~-~~-~—r-r-r- rrrrffffffrffff rccff+is-ifff frrwiL helm. —— T; - ing' the Financial Needs of Small Class rings from $19.00 up Any students interested in BusTness—Recent Trends." n trying out for either the var­ a • D. J. Jones, assistant treas­ 121 ~€. 23^d St. (Room 203) 44.Y.C. 285 Eighth Avenue Vaughn System of Barbering sity or the frosh teams must urer of Standard Oil of New Dear Brigette, present an eligibility card Jersey, will speak on "Forecast­ CRamercy 5-2430 * (Between 24 and 25 St.) signed by his doctor. : •.i.MJI ing Cash Flow and Cash Needs" Sorry I can hot keep our date Friday •i:'! !! ••'••HiLi;: Tuesday, October 21, ^om_l_l-12. •^^^•^^^•^•^^^^^^^^•^^^^^^ Haircuts 4Q< - , • Walter Seidiaac of Jones Dear Mprefier ^ IT ~"1 & Company, factors, will talk on LAKIN FURNITURE CO., t+tC. We Also Shave - Shampoo and Massage Darling you are right! J "Accounts Receivable Financing" 155 E. 23 ST. • NEW YORK, N. Y. 309 THIRD AVE. won't stand between you from 11-12. Thursday, October 2:5. GRamercy 7-3846 EPSILON PHI ALPHA, REFRESHMENTS and EPSILON PHI ALPHA! Between 23 & 24 St. Brigette i • Richard Sanso of Dun &. 4 FLOORS OP FURNITURE the i: Bradstreet will speak on "Finan­ BEDROOM - LIVINC ROOM - DINING ROOM - J: cial Management and Ratio SOFA BEDS - OCCASIONAL PIECES, Etc. t Analysis." Monday, October 27, all Brooklyn Fraternity, | from 12-1. DISCOUNTS Do fbu Think for Yourself ? ( "^JSHISZT*) at 306 East 91st Street, on October 10th, DREXEL - KLINC - AMERICA - WHITE - CUSHMAN - KROEHLER - ENCLANDER - SEALY - PULLMAN at 8:WT>7M. Ah well! Can you honestly say you never Imitate Do you enjoy adapting yourself .to Candee 61 AND MANY OTHERS the manner-of an executive or leader a-a new conditions? D-d FREE INTERIOR DECORATING SERVICE C'est la vie! you admire? congratulates OPEN: MONDAY THRU SATURDAY to 6 P.M. Moishe Lenora Cooper THURSDAY to 9 P.M. Are you entirely confident ttart you V NO Do you aiwaysJoolc at the directions ^»*»*»»#*'»»##.»##»«I»»»»J^ *^*S»^>»^^.*^^«^^*S»^^«»^^^^^^^^^^^^»»' would not get "lost" if you worked before_using a complicated < »^^*x»^*»^^^»s»^< »»^»»« *+^^++**>*++*+++++++>+M "Q D on her for a large firm? new appliance? D-D engagement TO r- COLLEGE When driving: or walking for Have you ever thought seriously of Jesse Kain distance, do you life taking short EfeD writing, painting or getting some O-Q: SENIOR HOUSING MANAGER, N^V.C.VfA. major independent task done? to For the Very Best In Aitownees a Co»|r]eie CMTse In going to the moviaa, do you consult vr.rn j I When faced with a long, detailed job, — FOOD — forGity Ex the re viewaABOmthex than just. Y**l I I I do you try haod to £nd a aanpler way of doing it before getting started? •OHU — ATMOSPHERE —-j; Alpha Phi Omega ta^^pot luck"? ~ < " -^5^ — PRICES — -« The Man Who Thinks m IrVrhe Open House line: Saturday, Octdber Y~"' - « ----. *- -i- *^ *1& Place: Academy Hall, 853 -A. **=.- Fee: Forty Dollars (Payable forHimse* its... VARSITY THURS., OCT. 9, 1958 12:00-2:00 hinted ONLY VICEROY HAS A THINKING MAN'S FILTER . A SMOKING MAN'S TASTE! SWEET 323 4th Ave. (24th St.) Attend this Saturday' and wtnVout obligation, Before you light your nextr cigarette', ask yourself this: this coarse can do for yo Have you really thought which filter cigarette is best •**• SHOP for you? .Students Who expect ti 4* Downtown City's -* 1959 are eligible to take If you have chances are you're a VICEROY smoker, hua! salary: $4000-5080 The fact is, men and women who think-for them­ Favorite Eatm* Place Assistant Hoteing Manager selves usually smote. VICEROY. Their reasons? Best in • 160 EAST 23rd STREET^ title to Housing Manage the world. They know for a fact that only VICEROY— :uty Director of no other cigarette—has a thinking man's filter ami a ^GET Ml* TMMB *?!*OW—4fO A.P.O. smoking vtaa's taste* ••THEl^WtOOK HAVE ANSWERED YES TO 6 OP THESE IOMSVYOU AASRSON WHO THINKS FOR HtlftgELFt ts.--.--^'-^ " T ITii - " i -J- •f--,- S-v —-~H

•••swV. "2XZ3£X>-y7ZZ':f*"!'-''. •'•jitij ^^^^^^•^" -:-^r:^^--wt;; ~^r;^ 3^j^::&z,?;:£&3z£%5 :^^: «*•.' - ^^^^••mmi^- ^ ;^p?^


Page. 8 Tuesday/October 7. T9f>13 ISoccermen Edge RPI, 2-1; CGNY Booters to Play c J c m * • »rr LKJ in Leasee Contest buna Scores livice in fray By Bob Signer ; Special to THE TICKER The Long Island University soccer team will invade TROY, N. Y., October 4—A combination of Billy Sund's two goals and a staunch Lewisohn Stadium Saturday in an attempt to avenge last defense, led by Johnny Paranos, gave thie Beavers a 2-1 victory over Renssalaer Polytech­ year's ignominious 9-1 defeat at the hands of the Beaver nic Institute in the season's opening game today. - • • • booters. However, the calm of the sunny afternoon was shattered when goalie Wally Wolke LIU has two coaches, John O'Boyle and Albert Picariel- •was kicked in the face as RPI scored its first goal and lay/ prostrate on the 'ground Io, at the helm. O'Boyle thinks that "the team looks very for several minutes. He was good this season." He observes that "it has good spirit and finally carried off the field by is looking forward to the his teammates. (CCNY) game." game, only two iettermen are re­ The fame's deciding tally came The -Blackbirds compiled a 4-7 turning. Howie Taylor, who play­ •with.-only a minute left in the Metropolitan League record last ed halfback in 1957 will" be the third period, as Sund took a pass season. Of the starting lineup goalie. Frank Piccola will alter­ from Gabor Sohlisser and rammed that faced City in last year's nate between fullback and half­ the ball past the r'nprir.eer iroalie. back. Earlier in the irame. at the 9- In its first outing of the new minute mark in the second period. season, LIU -went up against Sund had scored on a pass from Flash Backs Pratt Institute in a practice ses-. Wachier. This tied the score at sion. Although-the Blackbirds 1-1. - were turned back, 7-6, O'Boyle The RPI si-ore came as outside fert that the team as a whole looked much better than last sea­ left Sandy Csobaji drove thr- bail Fifteen Years Ago This Week .. - son's squad. Saturday, the Black­ past Wolke and then ran into First girl's varsity basketball birds' lost to New York Univer­ him. The tally came at 2:.37 -of team is created at the Baruch sity's team, 5-0. the >econd period. School . . . City opens football Sharp Defense season. Coach Harry Karlin's Beavers Several times durintr the frame Ten Years Ago This Week . . . will face LIU with a juggled a combination of poor Engineer front line. Gabor Schlisser, who CCNY plays Panzer- in soccer played regularly at inside left shooting and a sharp Beaver de- "grudge" match . . . Basketball £ea«f prevented further RPi last aeason, win be at the center leaxtu »r*A»r .Xal Ho!man, pre­ forward slotT Heinz Mihnerop, scoring. More than once Csobaji, pares for the toughest schedule who was a thorn in the Lavender former occupant of the position, - it ever had. -:d<> al! day. had clear shots at will move to one of the sides. Five Years Ago This Week . . . Minnerop is co-owner of the sea­ the Beaver yoal from the left *>•>•$»• suie. only to miss the nets by a Co-captain of the CCNY box~- son's scoring record with 16. wide margin ing team Arnie • Slomowitz, re­ Against the Blackbirds, Minnerop MISSED: Renssalaer goalie hits the ground without stopping the ball turns from Israeli trip where he kicked in four goals during the In the last period. Paranos in Saturday's City College victory over the RPI soccer squad in Troy. 1957 encounter. saved the Beaver win as he kicked copped the light heavyweight the ball clear of the goal mouth period, RPI forwards broke away. throughout, with neither team championship crown at the JVIac- Kings Point as substitute g-oalie Leon Man­ only to be overhauled rfram tfae- graining-~a- very clear advantage cabiah. Games . . . Soccer squad The opening game of the sea­ fred: lay on the ground after rear by Beaver defenders, thus at any time. For every sustained dumps alumni, 7-2, as All-Ajneri- son was washed out. The United making a save. preventing a score. Lavender offensive attack, the cafl Johnny Koutsantarnou tallies States Merchant Marine Academy And tvciee during the 4a.st ' was 'closely played. Tevhmen would rally with one~6T was supposed, to play the Beavers their own- However, In the last One Year A*© This Week . Wednesday at the Kings Point quarter, the Beavers held the The Beaver Booters begin bat­ field. Rain, however, caused the Baruch School Instructor upper edge except for a short tling their way towards their game to be postponed until to­ Serves as Umpire period. first national championship. morrow. By Alvin Revkin Two Players Oat: Dr. Andrew Lavender, English instructor and Student Council faculty atfvrsor, is. also a tennis umpire atTFbrest 9 Hills. At the West Side Tennis Club he has been the umpire at many vital matches. Among others, he has 'umped' for Harriers Get Set for S8 Debut .jcLPanrho Oon/a lea-Frank Sodgcman match. —- The City College cruss-cuuMtry Corr, a man deGirolamo A teacher at the Baruch School for the last ten vears, team will kick off" its season Sat­ planned to fill in the vacancy left Dr. Lavender feels that a .•---- -— urday at by Dougherty or Cleary, suffered tennis official must be "af­ against Fairleigh Dickinson. They a turned ankle last week and will firmative in his decisions." will be out to improve upon-their be out 'indefinitely.' As a result of this convic­ •>-! record of last year. DeGirolamo felt that Corr had tion. Dr. Lavender ran into The bright picture painted by been farther advanced in his con­ the team at the start of practice ditioning than most of the squad. a tijrht situation durin.u a J Gonzalez-Sed^man mateh_ has been .somewhat distorted—by- "He is^ an"~importah~t~~cog in our' Tfrui-frTjfir World ('hampionship the loss for the season of its "two wheel," said the Coach. match. I called the ball "out' kev runners. Still unable to evaluate the en­ against Sedjrrmin," he recalls. Bob Cleary. the number one tire squad because of the holidays "everybody in the Stadium, ex­ man on the City squad }ast sea­ and rain, deGirolamo thinks that cept (lonzalez and I. thought the son, will not have time "to com^_ at least one spot is filled. bail was 'jrood.' This happened in l^ete this term because of a heavy "Phil PniHips, a transfer-from a key point in the game" load of electrical engineering the Evening Session, could be sec­ Besides being a member of the courses. Also out will be co-cap­ ond to Taylor," he said. "Right- National Tennis Umpires Asso­ tain Tom Dougherty; he is siif- now, Phil could" probably break ciation for five years. Dr. Lavend­ «rin*r from a serious throat in­ 30 minutes." er is also in the National Eastern TICKER foto by Lou Jmcobton fection that will sideline him from The harriers will open their Umpires Association. Dr. Andrew Lavender competition. Ralph Taylor - campaign in hopes of capturing' When he was playing the game to Student Council debates. In ad­ Since two of the top three run­ their third consecutive Metropoli­ -years ago. Dr. Lavender was a dition to Student Council, he also ners on the team are out, the ready replacement .for Cleary. tan League Title. The big test, •winner of several local tourna- is the faculty advisor to the In­ Beavers will be short of proven However, he feels that a winning however, will be' tfce=«iffiwlTVC5fc~ ments, When you stop playing ter-Club Board. This explains why veterarisT The third figure in the^ season is still pussibier legiate Track CbampioAfthips the game, you should stay with time does not permit him to as­ cluster of vets is the other co- The Coach maintains, "If the City placed second to Connecticut the game.' This is the reason why sist Coach Harry Karlin with the captain Ralph Taylor. Last.week. ^jte has stayed with tennis to~serve City College tennia team? al­ these three veterans were set for shape I want them in, well have two CTC meets. -ns an umpire. though Dr. Lavender was, eager season's play.—- «r «oodr- Dr. Lavender can also "be eon- tb help out after Karlin had ajked Crogs-country. coach Harry do- To JwtAHtttfy idfred an ampi comes Girqlamo A "s&Sg&gk