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[email protected] AUGUST 2017 • ISSUE 41 SPOTLIGHT ON R2P High Level Advisory Panel on the Responsibility to Protect Public Seminars in Southeast Asian Capitals Overview The HLAP Report crimes against humanity, the four In its Report on Mainstreaming the In the context of ASEAN member crimes covered by R2P. Dr. Surin Responsibility to Protect in South- states’ commitment to establish Pitsuwan, Chair of the HLAP and for- east Asia, the High-Level Advisory a peaceful, just, democratic, peo- mer Secretary-General of ASEAN, Panel on R2P in Southeast Asia ple-centred and caring community, stresses that the principle is not an (HLAP)1 sets forth the importance the HLAP Report’s primary purpose alien concept or contrary to ASEAN for ASEAN member states to imple- is to underscore the importance of norms. Anchored in existing inter- ment the Responsibility to Protect mainstreaming the R2P principle national law, it is not in conflict with in their effort to building a commu- in the region. On their pathway to- but instead complements traditional nity of caring societies. Since the wards this vision, R2P can con- norms of sovereignty and non-inter- Report’s presentation at the UN in tribute to promoting shared values ference, as it recognizes the primary September 2013, a series of public related to the protection of human responsibility of governments within seminars have taken place in vari- lives, adopting measures to end states. It is in symbiosis with ASEAN ous capitals in the region to promote human suffering, and in building in- values, its institutional mechanisms, awareness of the principle and im- stitutions to protect human beings and already a fundamental aspect plement the Report’s recommen- from violence and from genocide, of its mandate.