News from Contact: Mandy Licata, Associate Publicist Vintage Books Tel.: 212-572-2016 A Division of Penguin Random House E-mail:
[email protected] AVAILABLE IN TRADE PAPERBACK ON MARCH 6, 2018 A BAARNESRNES & NOOBLEBLE DIISCOVERSCOVER GRREATEAT NEEWW WRRITERSITERS PIICKCK A BOOOKLISTOKLIST BEESTST NEEWW ADDULTULT FIICTIONCTION OOFF 22017017 PIICKCK A ccoming-of-ageoming-of-age sstorytory aandnd a tthrillinghrilling hheist,eist, bbasedased oonn a ttruerue sstory,tory, TThehe GGargoyleargoyle HHuntersunters iiss a ffunnyunny aandnd ppoignantoignant lloveove lletteretter ttoo NNewew YYorkork CCity.ity. “Marvelously evocative. Exuberant. Eye-opening. [An] urban Indiana Jones–like escapade.”—The New York Times His family and his city are crumbling when thirteen-year-old Griffi n Watts stumbles headlong into his es- tranged father’s illicit architectural salvage business in 1970s Manhattan. Small and nimble, Griffi n is sent clambering up the ornamented façades of nineteenth-century tenements and skyscrapers to steal their exu- berant architectural sculptures—gargoyles and sea monsters, goddesses and kings. As his father sees it, these evocative creatures, crafted by immigrant artisans, are an endangered species in an age of sweeping urban renewal. Desperate for money to help his artist mother keep their home, and yearning to connect with his father, Griffi n is slow to recognize that his father’s deepening obsession with preserving the architectural treasures of Gilded Age New York endangers them all. As he struggles to hold his family together, Griffi n must build himself into the man he wants to become, and discern which parts of his life may be salvaged—and which parts must be let go.