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ISBN-10 ISBN-13 Format Title Author Edition Edition Status New Edition Site Course ID Course Title ISBN-10 ISBN-13 Format Title Author Edition Edition New Edition Publisher Imprint Publisher Adoption New Status ISBN Level Only Middle School ENG71 ENGLISH 7 1-328-63111-7 978-1-328-63111-4 Paperback Catherine, Called Birdy Cushman, 2019 Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Clarion Books Required Yes Karen Middle School ENG71 ENGLISH 7 1-4165-9084-6 978-1-4165-9084-2 Paperback Miracle Worker Gibson, 2008 Simon & Schuster, Inc. Charles Scribner's & Sons Required Yes William Middle School ENG71 ENGLISH 7 1-877653-52-7 978-1-877653-52-0 Paperback Little Worlds: A Collection Guthrie, Peter 1985 Wayside Publishing Wayside Publishing Required Yes of Short Stories for the Middle School Middle School ENG71 ENGLISH 7 0-590-37125-8 978-0-590-37125-4 Paperback Out of the Dust: A Novel Hesse, Karen 1997 Scholastic, Inc. Scholastic, Inc. Required Yes Middle School ENG71 ENGLISH 7 0-14-200174-0 978-0-14-200174-5 Paperback Secret Life of Bees Kidd, Sue 2002 Penguin Random House Llc Penguin Books, Inc. Required Yes Monk Middle School ENG71 ENGLISH 7 0-929166-01-9 978-0-929166-01-8 Paperback Vocabulary Energizers: Popkin, David 1988 Hada Publications Hada Publications Required Yes Stories of Word Origins Middle School ENG71 ENGLISH 7 0-7434-7754-5 978-0-7434-7754-3 Paperback Midsummer Night's Dream - Shakespeare, 1993 Simon & Schuster, Inc. Washington Square Press Required Yes Folger Edition William Middle School ENG71 ENGLISH 7 Emailed Course Planner Fee Villa Duchesne Latest Villa Duchesne Villa Duchesne Required Yes Product Middle School ENG81 ENGLISH 8 1-877653-52-7 978-1-877653-52-0 Paperback Little Worlds: A Collection Guthrie, Peter 1985 Wayside Publishing Wayside Publishing Required, Yes of Short Stories for the previous Middle School purchase Middle School ENG81 ENGLISH 8 0-679-75533-0 978-0-679-75533-3 Paperback Raisin in the Sun Hansberry, 1988 Penguin Random House Llc Vintage Books Required Yes (Paperback) Lorraine Middle School ENG81 ENGLISH 8 0-439-27200-9 978-0-439-27200-1 Paperback Witness Hesse, Karen 2001 Scholastic, Inc. Scholastic, Inc. Required Yes Middle School ENG81 ENGLISH 8 0-14-240733-X 978-0-14-240733-2 Paperback Outsiders (Platinum Edition) Hinton, S. E. 2006 Penguin Random House Llc Speak Required Yes Middle School ENG81 ENGLISH 8 0-446-31078-6 978-0-446-31078-9 Paperback To Kill a Mockingbird Lee, Harper 1960 Hachette Book Group USA Grand Central Publishing Required Yes Middle School ENG81 ENGLISH 8 0-929166-02-7 978-0-929166-02-5 Paperback Vocabulary Energizers II: Popkin, David 1990 Hada Publications Hada Publications Required Yes Stories of Word Origins Middle School ENG81 ENGLISH 8 0-7434-8277-8 978-0-7434-8277-6 Paperback Twelfth Night - New Folger Shakespeare, 1993 Simon & Schuster, Inc. Washington Square Press Required Yes Library Edition William / Mowat, Barbara A. (Ed.) / Werstein, Paul (Ed.) Middle School ENG81 ENGLISH 8 0-14-017739-6 978-0-14-017739-8 Paperback Of Mice and Men Steinbeck, John 1937 Penguin Random House Llc Penguin Books, Inc. Required Yes Middle School ENG81 ENGLISH 8 Emailed Course Planner Fee Villa Duchesne Latest Villa Duchesne Villa Duchesne Required Yes Product Middle School FLG71 FRENCH 7 1-68005-799-5 978-1-68005-799-7 Paperback D'Accord Level 1 - With Blanco, Jose A. 3RD 19 Vista Higher Learning Vista Higher Learning Required Yes SuperSitePLUS Access Middle School FLG71 FRENCH 7 1-68005-786-3 978-1-68005-786-7 Paperback D'accord Level 1 - Mitschke, 3RD 19 Vista Higher Learning Vista Higher Learning Required Yes Workbook Cherie Middle School FLG71 FRENCH 7 Emailed Language Course Materials Villa Duchesne Latest Villa Duchesne Villa Duchesne Required Yes Product Fee Middle School FLG72 SPANISH 7 0-328-96171-X 978-0-328-96171-9 (Under Review) Autentico 2018 Prentice Hall/Pearson Required Yes Student Edition w/ Courseware Middle School FLG72 SPANISH 7 0-328-92374-5 978-0-328-92374-8 Paperback Autentico 2018, Level 1, Prentice Hall 2018 Prentice Hall School Prentice Hall School Required Yes Leveled Vocabulary and Division Division Grammar Workbook - Workbook Middle School FLG81 FRENCH 8 1-68005-799-5 978-1-68005-799-7 Paperback D'Accord Level 1 - With Blanco, Jose A. 3RD 19 Vista Higher Learning Vista Higher Learning Required Yes SuperSitePLUS Access Middle School FLG81 FRENCH 8 1-68005-786-3 978-1-68005-786-7 Paperback D'accord Level 1 - Mitschke, 3RD 19 Vista Higher Learning Vista Higher Learning Required No Workbook Cherie Middle School FLG81 FRENCH 8 Emailed Language Course Materials Villa Duchesne Latest Villa Duchesne Villa Duchesne Required Yes Product Fee Middle School FLG81 FRENCH 8 Hardback Material Information ZZDIRECT Latest MBS Textbook Exchange MBS Textbook Exchange Required No Available From Instructor Inc. Inc. Middle School FLG82 SPANISH 8 0-07-669439-9 978-0-07-669439-6 Emailed Asi se dice! Level 1 - 1 Year Schmitt, 2016 McGraw-Hill Publishing Glencoe Publishing Co. Required Yes Product Subscription Conrad Company Middle School FLG82 SPANISH 8 0-02-136747-7 978-0-02-136747-4 Hardback Asi se dice! Spanish 1 Schmitt, 2016 McGraw-Hill Publishing Glencoe Publishing Co. Required, No Conrad J. Company previous purchase Middle School FLG82 SPANISH 8 0-07-666849-5 978-0-07-666849-6 Paperback Asi se dice! Spanish 1 - Schmitt, 2016 McGraw-Hill Publishing Glencoe Publishing Co. Required Yes Workbook and Audio Conrad J. Company Activities Middle School FLG82 SPANISH 8 Emailed Language Course Materials Villa Duchesne Latest Villa Duchesne Villa Duchesne Required Yes Product Fee Middle School MTH70 PRE ALGEBRA A 0-02-144987-2 978-0-02-144987-3 Emailed Aleks - 1 Year Online Glencoe 2014 McGraw-Hill Publishing Glencoe Publishing Co. Required Yes Product Student Subscription Company Middle School MTH70 PRE ALGEBRA A Box TI-84 Plus Graphing Texas NONE Douglas Stewart Co. Douglas Stewart Co. Required Yes Calculator Instruments Middle School MTH70 PRE ALGEBRA A Emailed Class Materials Fee Villa Duchesne Latest Villa Duchesne Villa Duchesne Required Yes Product Middle School MTH72 PRE ALGEBRA B 0-02-144987-2 978-0-02-144987-3 Emailed Aleks - 1 Year Online Glencoe 2014 McGraw-Hill Publishing Glencoe Publishing Co. Required Yes Product Student Subscription Company Middle School MTH72 PRE ALGEBRA B 0-13-372118-3 978-0-13-372118-8 Hardback Algebra Readiness Prentice Hall 2010 Prentice Hall School Prentice Hall School Required No Division Division Middle School MTH72 PRE ALGEBRA B Box TI-84 Plus Graphing Texas NONE Douglas Stewart Co. Douglas Stewart Co. Required Yes Calculator Instruments Middle School MTH82 ALGEBRA 0-13-350040-3 978-0-13-350040-0 Hardback Algebra 1 Charles 2011 Prentice Hall School Prentice Hall School Required No Division Division Middle School MTH82 ALGEBRA 0-02-144987-2 978-0-02-144987-3 Emailed Aleks - 1 Year Online Glencoe 2014 McGraw-Hill Publishing Glencoe Publishing Co. Required Yes Product Student Subscription Company Middle School MTH82 ALGEBRA Box TI-84 Plus Graphing Texas NONE Douglas Stewart Co. Douglas Stewart Co. Required, Yes Calculator Instruments previous purchase Middle School SCI71 SCIENCE 7 0-13-320922-9 978-0-13-320922-8 Paperback Interactive Science: Life Prentice Hall 2013 Prentice Hall School Prentice Hall School Required No Science Division Division Middle School SCI71 SCIENCE 7 Emailed Science Course Mtrl. - Villa Duchesne Latest Villa Duchesne Villa Duchesne Required Yes Product Middle School Fee Middle School SCI81 SCIENCE 8 0-13-320926-1 978-0-13-320926-6 Paperback Interactive Science: Physical Prentice Hall 2013 Prentice Hall School Prentice Hall School Required Yes Science Division Division Middle School SCI81 SCIENCE 8 0-13-323831-8 978-0-13-323831-0 Emailed Interactive Science: Physical Prentice Hall 2013 Prentice Hall School Prentice Hall School Optional Yes Product Science - Online Access Division Division Middle School SOC71 WORLD 1-58371-452-9 978-1-58371-452-2 Hardback Geography Alive! Regions Teachers' 2011 Teachers' Curriculum Teachers' Curriculum Required No GEOGRAPHY and People Curriculum Institute Institute Institute Middle School SOC81 AMERICAN 0-07-668053-3 978-0-07-668053-5 Hardback Building Citizenship: Civics Remy 2018 McGraw-Hill Publishing Glencoe Publishing Co. Required No CIVICS and Economics Company Middle School THE71 THEOLOGY 7 1-59982-331-4 978-1-59982-331-7 Paperback Catholic Connections Claussen, Janet 2ND 14 St.Mary's Press St.Mary's Press Required No Handbook for Middle / Saron, Brooke Schoolers Middle School THE71 THEOLOGY 7 0-06-447104-7 978-0-06-447104-6 Paperback Lion, the Witch and the Lewis, C. S. 1994 HarperCollins Publishers Trophy Books Required No Wardrobe Middle School THE81 THEOLOGY 8 1-59982-331-4 978-1-59982-331-7 Paperback Catholic Connections Claussen, Janet 2ND 14 St.Mary's Press St.Mary's Press Required No Handbook for Middle / Saron, Brooke Schoolers Middle School THE81 THEOLOGY 8 Emailed Class Materials Fee-Middle Villa Duchesne Latest Villa Duchesne Villa Duchesne Required Yes Product School... and Oak Hill School Upper School ENG101 FOUNDATIONS 0-679-73477-5 978-0-679-73477-2 Paperback House on Mango Street Cisneros, 1984 Penguin Random House Llc Vintage Books Required Yes English OF LIT & COMP Sandra Upper School ENG101 FOUNDATIONS 0-929166-04-3 978-0-929166-04-9 Paperback Vocabulary Energizers III Popkin, David 2017 Hada Publications Hada Publications Required Yes English OF LIT & COMP Upper School ENG101 FOUNDATIONS 0-316-76948-7 978-0-316-76948-8 Paperback Catcher in the Rye (234 Salinger, J.D. 1979 Hachette Book Group USA Little, Brown and Required Yes English OF LIT & COMP Pages) Company Upper School ENG101 FOUNDATIONS 0-375-42230-7 978-0-375-42230-0 Hardback Persepolis Satrapi, 2003 Penguin Random House Llc Pantheon Books Required Yes English OF LIT & COMP Marjane Upper School ENG101 FOUNDATIONS 0-7434-7711-1 978-0-7434-7711-6 Paperback Romeo and Juliet Shakespeare, 2011 Simon & Schuster, Inc.
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