Examining the Standpoint of Eu in the Negotiation Between Catalan Government and Spanish Government on Catalonia Secession Issue (2010-2014)
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EXAMINING THE STANDPOINT OF EU IN THE NEGOTIATION BETWEEN CATALAN GOVERNMENT AND SPANISH GOVERNMENT ON CATALONIA SECESSION ISSUE (2010-2014) By Mahfudz Al Basithu Hajrikhan ID No. 016201100026 A thesis presented to Faculty of Humanities President University In partial fulfillment of the requirements for Bachelor Degree in international Relations Major in Diplomacy Studies 2015 THESIS ADVISER RECOMMENDATION LETTER This thesis entitled “Examining the Standpoint of EU in the Negotiation between Catalonia’s Government and Spanish Government on Catalonia secession issue” prepared and submitted by Mahfudz Al Basithu Hajrikhan in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of BA.IR in the Faculty of Humanities has been reviewed and found to have satisfied the requirements for a thesis fit to be examined. I therefore recommend this thesis for Oral Defense Cikarang, Indonesia, 20 January 2015 Recommended and Acknowledged by, Teuku Rezasyah, Ph.D Thesis Adviser i DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY I declare that this thesis, entitled “Examining the Standpoint of EU in the Negotiation between Catalonia’s Government and Spanish Government on Catalonia secession issue” is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, an original piece of work that has not been submitted, either in whole or in part, to another university to obtain a degree. Cikarang, Indonesia, 20 January 2015 Mahfudz Al Basithu ii PANEL OF EXAMINER APPROVAL SHEET The Panel of Examiners declare that the thesis entitled “Examining the Standpoint of EU in the Negotiation between Catalonia’s Government and Spanish Government on Catalonia secession issue” that was submitted by Mahfudz Al Basithu Hajrikhan majoring in BA.IR from the Faculty of Humanities was assessed and approved to have passed the Oral Examinations on 25 February 2015 Teuku Rezasyah, Ph.D. Witri Elvianti, MA. Dr. Endi Haryono, M.Si. iii ABSTRACT After the end of heat caused by the secession issue of Scotland from Britain which concluded with the failure of Scottish citizen in getting most vote to break apart through referendum which allowed by British Government, the secession issue of Catalonia from Spain has becomes the main secession issue that currently ongoing in the world especially in Europe. This conflict appears to be unique because before discriminatory treat towards language, economy and culture from Spanish Government to Catalan, its people had already have nationalist feeling towards Catalonia in which basically already has language, economy and culture even its own flag. This issue is vital as Catalonia might succeed in getting out of Spain in the future, the economic and political situation in international system specifically in Europe will be shifted. It is because Catalonia is one of the wealthiest region and most productive in Spain. Yet, considering Catalonia has international port that seems attractive and busy yet its location is very beneficial. All this time, Catalonia is the main engine to Spain for generating income in which helpful to survive in the economic crisis has been hurting the world especially states under European Union. Not to mention this issue getting more interesting as it left space for EU as involving international institution. The reaction from it will be explained towards the conflict between Spain and Catalonia. Whether it takes Catalan’s or Spain’s side, or even whatever would be the responds from the regional institution will be discussed. This research will try to understand on what actually happening in Catalonia and how the involvement of European Union in this very issue. In explaining all of that, this research will also be supported by two theories within International Relation scope that will help in study process towards the issue currently faced by Spain and Catalonia. As for the method, this research will be using qualitative pattern taken from the results of finding out of primary and secondary sources. Keywords: European Union, Spanish Government, Catalan Government, Secession, EU Treaty iv ABSTRAK Setelah berakhirnya kehebohan yang ditimbulkan dari masalah perpecahan Skotlandia dari Inggris yang berakhir dengan gagalnya masyarakat Skotlandia mendapatkan sebagian besar persetujuan untuk memisahkan diri melalui referendum yang telah diizinkan oleh pemerintah Inggris, masalah perpecahan Catalonia dengan Spanyol menjadi konflik perpecahan utama yang kini sedang terjadi di dunia terutama di eropa. Konflik in terlihat sangat unik karena sebelum diskriminasi terhadap bahasa, ekonomi dan budaya yang dilakukan pemerintah Spanyol terhadap Catalonia, penduduk mereka sudah lebih dulu memiliki rasa nasionalisme terhadap Catalonia yang pada dasarnya sudah memiliki bahasa, ekonomi dan budaya bahkan bendera mereka sendiri. Masalah ini begitu penting karena ketika Catalonia mungkin berhasil memisahkan diri dari Spanyol, keadaan ekonomi dan politik dunia terutama di eropa jelas akan berubah lagi. Hal ini diakibatkan karena Catalonia merupakan daerah yang paling kaya dan produktif di Spanyol. Belum lagi mengingat Catalonia memiliki pelabuhan yang atraktif, strategis dan sibuk di dunia. Selama ini Catalonia adalah mesin bagi Spanyol untuk menghasilkan banyak uang yang membantu mereka bertahan dalam krisis ekonomi yang menerpa dunia terutama Negara – Negara dibawah Uni Eropa. Belum lagi, masalah ini menjadi lebih menarik ketika di dalamnya menyisakkan ruang untuk Uni Eropa sebagai institusi internasional yang bersangkutan. Akan dibahas bagaimana respon dari mereka dalam menyikapi masalah yang terjadi antara Spanyol dengan Catalonia. Apakah mereka memihak Spanyol atau Catalonia, atau bahkan bagaimanapun tanggapan mereka akan dibahas dalam penelitian ini. Penelitian ini akan mencoba memahami dengan dalam apa yang sebenernya terjadi di Catalonia dan bagaimana keterlibatan dari Uni Eropa dalam masalah kali ini. Dalam menjelaskan itu semuanya, penelitian ini juga akan didukung oleh dua teori yang berada dalam jangkauan bidang studi hubungan internasional yang akan membantu dalam proses pembelajaran terhadap masalah yang sedang dialami oleh Spanyol dan Katalonia tersebut. Untuk metodenya penelitian ini akan menggunakan pola kualitatif yang diambil dari hasil – hasil penemuan di sumber primer dan sekunder. Kata Kunci: Uni Eropa, Pemerintah Spanyol, Pemerintah Katalonia, Secession, Perjanjian Uni Eropa v ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First of all, I would like to say Alhamdulillahirabbilalamin eventually I made it, my thesis. All complements are due to Allah SWT who has given me endless strength to pull it off. He is one of the factors that cannot be sidetracked in my struggle to put in all my efforts to finally produce this research. Without his guidance all this time, I certainly would not be able to get it done on time. My parents and family also are the key factors that strengthen me and providing the moral boost whenever I felt mentally drained and exhausted. I would like to especially thank my mother for the endless prayers she delivers every day for the sake of my success and my father who is tirelessly taking good care of my family when I was not there at home. They are all highly important for me indeed. Even this thesis is definitely not enough to repay their kindness, but I have been working things out to create something greater that can make them proud. I also would like to express grateful to both of my thesis advisors Mr. Teuku Rezasyah and Ms. Witri Elvianty for their excellent mentorship. The direction they focus me built the most part of this thesis otherwise this thesis will not come out as valuable as it is now. Their enlightments never failed to motivate me in perfecting this final project. After more than three years fighting side by side shaping our own dreamed future, I cannot lose my words not mentioning International Relation batch 2011 of President University. Together we experienced happiness, laughter, grief and sorrow yet we still able to maintain such solid friendship. I am honored being trusted to represent this major competing in SOPU joining with tug of war and volley ball team. President Model United Nations also helps me grow and enhance my skill that would be priceless in the future. In addition, I am very grateful to Devita Kania, Azhar Fuadi and Tifani Lusiana for their constant lectures and encouragement, to Aris Munandar, Farhan Dermawan and Rajiv Ambara for letting me stay overnight in their place when I needed to, and to Dede Wahyu, Safirah Fakhria and Dwi Agitha, my fellow high school students excited grabbing fun with me when I was in Jogja. vi Plus, I would like to send my sincere gratitude towards Awale Ali, Hasrul Anhar, Disa Daramantasya, Yeni Meytadewi, Rinda Putri, Indah Fitri, Andhita Zerlina, Antik Arifani, Zuhaila Novita, Aditya Yudha, Astari Kinanti, Khairur Rizki, Fairuz Alhamdi, Endro Oberson, Muhammad Ikhsan, Duan Evan, Aprilliya Elshaviona, Mark Hermawan, Tias Aditya, Ratna Sudaryo, Lia Margareth, Gilbertus Nico, Putri Kuncahyo, Mr. Eric Hendra, Mr. Hendra Manurung, Ismail Hussein for the support on my thesis defense. Additionally, I would like to mention my fellow Lazada staff: Dinda Rizlani, Adryansyah, Genta Pribadi and Ade Zulkarnain. Generally, they are all always be there for me whenever I needed them and I could not be happier with them all. Sincerely yours, Mahfudz Al Basithu vii TABLE OF CONTENS CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION…………….………………………………………………….1 1.1. Background of the study……………………………………………………………1 1.2. Problem Identified…………………………………………………………………..3 1.3. Statement of the Problem…………………………………………………………...5 1.4. Research Objectives…………………………………………………………………6