Operational Experience with 6 Meteorological Stations Installed in Sisimiut and Umanak

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Operational Experience with 6 Meteorological Stations Installed in Sisimiut and Umanak Operational experience with 6 meteorological stations installed in Sisimiut and Umanak. Kurt S. Hansen [email protected] Martin O.L. Hansen [email protected] Department of Mechanical Engineering Technical University of Denmark Poul Linnert Artic Technology Center Technical University of Denmark Fluid Mechanics Section, DTU Mekanik Technical University of Denmark SUSTAINABLE ENERGY SUPPLY IN THE ARTIC Sisimiut, 1-3 March 2008 Outline •Purpose • Measurement locations • System setup • Data transfer • Data access • Experience • Perspectives •Results • Conclusion Fluid Mechanics Section, DTU Mekanik Technical University of Denmark SUSTAINABLE ENERGY SUPPLY IN THE ARTIC Sisimiut, 1-3 March 2008 Purpose • Small settlements in Greenland • Increasing oil prices • Huge distribution cost for energy • Local energy resources • Wind resource measurements • Sarfannguaq = ”fyrtårnsbygd” • Sisimiut & Umanak communes Fluid Mechanics Section, DTU Mekanik Technical University of Denmark SUSTAINABLE ENERGY SUPPLY IN THE ARTIC Sisimiut, 1-3 March 2008 6 measurement locations: 1) Dumpen, Sisimiut 2) Sarfanguaq 3) Ukkussisat 4) Saattut 5) Umanak 6) Ikerasak Sisimiut Fluid Mechanics Section, DTU Mekanik Technical University of Denmark SUSTAINABLE ENERGY SUPPLY IN THE ARTIC Sisimiut, 1-3 March 2008 Sisimiut area Measurement locations in Sisimiut Kommune: 1. Dumpen (Sisimiut) 2. Sarfanguaq Fluid Mechanics Section, DTU Mekanik Technical University of Denmark SUSTAINABLE ENERGY SUPPLY IN THE ARTIC Sisimiut, 1-3 March 2008 DUMPEN INSTALLATION Dumpen Fluid Mechanics Section, DTU Mekanik Technical University of Denmark SUSTAINABLE ENERGY SUPPLY IN THE ARTIC Sisimiut, 1-3 March 2008 DUMPEN INSTALLATION Fluid Mechanics Section, DTU Mekanik Technical University of Denmark SUSTAINABLE ENERGY SUPPLY IN THE ARTIC Sisimiut, 1-3 March 2008 DUMPEN INSTALLATION Fluid Mechanics Section, DTU Mekanik Technical University of Denmark SUSTAINABLE ENERGY SUPPLY IN THE ARTIC Sisimiut, 1-3 March 2008 SARFANNGUAQ INSTALLATION Fluid Mechanics Section, DTU Mekanik Technical University of Denmark SUSTAINABLE ENERGY SUPPLY IN THE ARTIC Sisimiut, 1-3 March 2008 SARFANNGUAQ INSTALLATION Fluid Mechanics Section, DTU Mekanik Technical University of Denmark SUSTAINABLE ENERGY SUPPLY IN THE ARTIC Sisimiut, 1-3 March 2008 SARFANNGUAQ INSTALLATION Dir. North Fluid Mechanics Section, DTU Mekanik Technical University of Denmark SUSTAINABLE ENERGY SUPPLY IN THE ARTIC Sisimiut, 1-3 March 2008 Mast Fluid Mechanics Section, DTU Mekanik Technical University of Denmark SUSTAINABLE ENERGY SUPPLY IN THE ARTIC Sisimiut, 1-3 March 2008 Measurements locations In Umanak Kommune: 1. Sattut 2. Umanak 3. Ukusissat 4. Ikerasak Fluid Mechanics Section, DTU Mekanik Technical University of Denmark SUSTAINABLE ENERGY SUPPLY IN THE ARTIC Sisimiut, 1-3 March 2008 SAATTUT INSTALLATION Fluid Mechanics Section, DTU Mekanik Technical University of Denmark SUSTAINABLE ENERGY SUPPLY IN THE ARTIC Sisimiut, 1-3 March 2008 SAATTUT INSTALLATION Fluid Mechanics Section, DTU Mekanik Technical University of Denmark SUSTAINABLE ENERGY SUPPLY IN THE ARTIC Sisimiut, 1-3 March 2008 SAATTUT INSTALLATION Fluid Mechanics Section, DTU Mekanik Technical University of Denmark SUSTAINABLE ENERGY SUPPLY IN THE ARTIC Sisimiut, 1-3 March 2008 UMANAK INSTALLATION Fluid Mechanics Section, DTU Mekanik Technical University of Denmark SUSTAINABLE ENERGY SUPPLY IN THE ARTIC Sisimiut, 1-3 March 2008 UMANAK INSTALLATION Fluid Mechanics Section, DTU Mekanik Technical University of Denmark SUSTAINABLE ENERGY SUPPLY IN THE ARTIC Sisimiut, 1-3 March 2008 IKERASAK INSTALLATION Fluid Mechanics Section, DTU Mekanik Technical University of Denmark SUSTAINABLE ENERGY SUPPLY IN THE ARTIC Sisimiut, 1-3 March 2008 IKERASAK INSTALLATION Fluid Mechanics Section, DTU Mekanik Technical University of Denmark SUSTAINABLE ENERGY SUPPLY IN THE ARTIC Sisimiut, 1-3 March 2008 UKKUSSISAT INSTALLATION Fluid Mechanics Section, DTU Mekanik Technical University of Denmark SUSTAINABLE ENERGY SUPPLY IN THE ARTIC Sisimiut, 1-3 March 2008 UKKUSSISAT INSTALLATION Fluid Mechanics Section, DTU Mekanik Technical University of Denmark SUSTAINABLE ENERGY SUPPLY IN THE ARTIC Sisimiut, 1-3 March 2008 UKKUSSISAT INSTALLATION Fluid Mechanics Section, DTU Mekanik Technical University of Denmark SUSTAINABLE ENERGY SUPPLY IN THE ARTIC Sisimiut, 1-3 March 2008 METEOROLOGICAL STATIONS - I The measurement equipment is based on a standard NRG- system with sensors for measuring wind speed, wind direction and temperature. All instruments and logger are mounted on a 10m guided mast. The sensors have not been selected for operation under artic conditions. Fluid Mechanics Section, DTU Mekanik Technical University of Denmark SUSTAINABLE ENERGY SUPPLY IN THE ARTIC Sisimiut, 1-3 March 2008 METEOROLOGICAL STATIONS - II Recorded signals – 10 minuts statistics • Wind speed, h=10 m (mean, turbulence, min, max) • Wind direction, h=10 m (mean, stdev, min, max) • Temperature, h=3 m (mean, stdev, min, max) • Radiation (optional) • Precipitation (optional) • Humidity (optional) Fluid Mechanics Section, DTU Mekanik Technical University of Denmark SUSTAINABLE ENERGY SUPPLY IN THE ARTIC Sisimiut, 1-3 March 2008 METEOROLOGICAL STATIONS - III Data storage & transfer • NRG Symphonie logger • SD-card, storage capacity appr. 1 YR • Manual transfer with Email or Ftp • NRG Symphonie -iPack for GSM, but ... Fluid Mechanics Section, DTU Mekanik Technical University of Denmark SUSTAINABLE ENERGY SUPPLY IN THE ARTIC Sisimiut, 1-3 March 2008 METEOROLOGICAL STATIONS - IV Online Data: • Data from each location is http://winddata.mek.dtu.dk/greenland received daily on a central Foehn driven flow - measured at Dumpen 4-5 feb. 2007 mail-server located at DTU- 30 20 Mekanik, Lyngby 10 ws - m/s ws- 0 • The data quality are 04-Feb-2007 05-Feb-2007 06-Feb-2007 checked before they are 400 made public accessible on 200 the Internet wd - deg 0 04-Feb-2007 05-Feb-2007 06-Feb-2007 20 Contacts: 0 [email protected] TDegC - -20 04-Feb-2007 05-Feb-2007 06-Feb-2007 Fluid Mechanics Section, DTU Mekanik Technical University of Denmark SUSTAINABLE ENERGY SUPPLY IN THE ARTIC Sisimiut, 1-3 March 2008 Problems in 2006-2007 • Loss of data: logger failure (Umanak, Saattut) • Loss of data: missing SD-card, reformatted SD-cards • Loss of data: missing contact person • Failure in equipment (cup destroyed during winter) • ”Mac” data transfer problems Fluid Mechanics Section, DTU Mekanik Technical University of Denmark SUSTAINABLE ENERGY SUPPLY IN THE ARTIC Sisimiut, 1-3 March 2008 Problems 2007 - 2008 Symphonie logger Data flow iPack Email GSM TeleGreenland DTU Mekanik Database • Data transfer delayed: lack of power for iPacks; latest data received 13. November 2007! Fluid Mechanics Section, DTU Mekanik Technical University of Denmark SUSTAINABLE ENERGY SUPPLY IN THE ARTIC Sisimiut, 1-3 March 2008 Site Year Hours Availability Dumpen 2004 3478 - - 2005 5030 57% - 2006 6467 84% - 2007 5767 88% Data Sarfannguaq 2003 3527 96% recorded - 2004 4940 97% Ultimo - 2006 3173 66% September - 2007 5855 89% Umanak 2006 1036 28% 2007 - 2007 663 10% Sattuut 2006 1848 100% - 2007 939 14% Ikerasak 2006 1833 100% - 2007 6246 95% Ukkusissat 2006 1909 99% - 2007 4039 62% Fluid Mechanics Section, DTU Mekanik Technical University of Denmark SUSTAINABLE ENERGY SUPPLY IN THE ARTIC Sisimiut, 1-3 March 2008 Mean wind speeds Sites Vmean A k Power m/s m/s - W/m2 Dumpen 4.9 5.3 1.28 261 Sarfannguaq 6.0 6.8 1.97 256 Umanak 6.5 7.3 1.82 354 Sattuut 4.3 4.8 1.73 106 Ikerasak 3.2 3.4 1.20 76 Ukkusissat 3.8 4.3 1.91 66 Fluid Mechanics Section, DTU Mekanik Technical University of Denmark SUSTAINABLE ENERGY SUPPLY IN THE ARTIC Sisimiut, 1-3 March 2008 Wind speed distributions - I 20.700 hours Dumpen 17.500 hours Sarfannguaq Fluid Mechanics Section, DTU Mekanik Technical University of Denmark SUSTAINABLE ENERGY SUPPLY IN THE ARTIC Sisimiut, 1-3 March 2008 Wind speed distributions - II 1.700 hours Umanak 2.800 hours Saattut Fluid Mechanics Section, DTU Mekanik Technical University of Denmark SUSTAINABLE ENERGY SUPPLY IN THE ARTIC Sisimiut, 1-3 March 2008 Wind speed distributions - III 8.100 hours Ikerasak 6.000 hours Ukkusissat Fluid Mechanics Section, DTU Mekanik Technical University of Denmark SUSTAINABLE ENERGY SUPPLY IN THE ARTIC Sisimiut, 1-3 March 2008 Conclusion on measurements • Dumpen is well represented in the database and includes 2 complete years. • Sarfannguaq is well represented and includes 2 complete years. • Umanak is very poorly represented. •Saattutis very poorly represented. • Ikerasak is lightly represented with almost one year of valid measurements. • Ukkusissat is poorly represented. Fluid Mechanics Section, DTU Mekanik Technical University of Denmark SUSTAINABLE ENERGY SUPPLY IN THE ARTIC Sisimiut, 1-3 March 2008 Monthly average wind speeds Sarfannguaq, h=10 m 8 7 2003 6 2004 5 2006 4 2007 3 0123456789101112 Month Dum pe n, h=10m 9 8 7 6 2004 5 4 2005 3 2006 2 2007 1 0 0123456789101112 Month Fluid Mechanics Section, DTU Mekanik Technical University of Denmark SUSTAINABLE ENERGY SUPPLY IN THE ARTIC Sisimiut, 1-3 March 2008 Next step - data analysis More than 1 YR measurements Ok Determine Wind energy at wind resources Sarfannguaq/ J.N.Kastvig Ok Wind conditions at Sisimiut and Sarfannguaq/ Determine K.S.Hansen wind conditions Wind turbine operation Acceptance, funding, during artic conditions grid connection, M.O.L.Hansen permissions,turbines.. Fluid Mechanics Section, DTU Mekanik Technical University of Denmark SUSTAINABLE ENERGY SUPPLY IN THE ARTIC Sisimiut, 1-3 March
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