(12) United States Patent (10) Patent N0.: US 8,450,271 B2 Shah Et Al
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US008450271B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent N0.: US 8,450,271 B2 Shah et al. (45) Date of Patent: May 28, 2013 (54) PEPTIDE-BASED SCAFFOLDS FOR 6,270,765 B1 8/2001 Deo et a1. CARTILAGE REGENERATION AND 6,309,862 B1 10/2001 Jarekrans et a1. METHODS FOR THEIR USE 6,391,297 B1 5/2002 Halvorsen 6,444,723 B1 9/2002 Kline 6,458,924 B2 10/2002 Knudsen et a1. (75) Inventors: Ramille N. Shah, Chicago, IL (US); 6,473,730 B1 10/2002 McKeown et al. Nirav A. Shah, Chicago, IL (US); 6,548,048 B1 4/2003 Cuthbertson et al. Samuel I. Stupp, Chicago, IL (US) 6,548,630 B1 4/2003 Zhang et a1. 6,562,619 B1 5/2003 Gearhart et a1. 6,800,481 B1 10/2004 Holmes et a1. (73) Assignee: Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 6,855,329 B1 2/2005 Shakesheff et a1. (Us) 6,890,654 B2 5/2005 Stupp et a1. 7,371,719 B2 5/2008 Stupp et a1. 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