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Arts & Style News Statoil + the N.Y. exhibit from Gammel vane er vond å vende. Lone Star Norwegian artist – Norwegian proverb State Read more on page 12 Read more on page 3 Norwegian American Weekly

Vol. 124 No. 26 July 5, 2013 Established May 17, 1889 • Formerly Western Viking and Nordisk Tidende $1.50 per copy News in brief Find more at blog..com Fighting for human rights News The Norwegian oil company Norway was one Statoil’s partner in Algeria says the security around the of the first countries gas plant at In Amenas is now to sign Protocol total and that it is again safe to return the Norwegian staff. “We No. 15 amending are inviting them to come back. They may now work in total the European safety,” says regional director of Convention on Sonatrach, Djellou Chaib. Statoil has, together with BP, demanded Human Rights more physical barriers around the oil and gas installation at In Amenas. Five Norwegian Statoil Special Release employees were killed in a Ministry of Foreign Affairs terrorist attack on the In Amenas gas plant in January this year. “The Protocol may lead to (Norway Post) faster processing of important hu- Foreign Affairs man rights cases in Strasbourg,” “I am pleased that the U.S. is now said Minister of Foreign Affairs seeking further cuts in deployed Espen Barth Eide. strategic nuclear weapons,” Protocol No. 15 was adopted said Minister of Foreign Affairs by the Council of Europe’s Com- Espen Barth Eide. In a speech in mittee of Ministers on May 16, and Berlin, President Barack Obama Photo: Candice Imbert / Council of Europe announced that the U.S. would See > rights, page 6 Petter Wille, Permanent Representative of Norway to the Council of Europe, signs the protocol. negotiate with Russia with a view to reducing U.S. strategic nuclear weapons by up to a third. “We welcome the fact that President Canada’s interlude Translation award Obama intends to work with Professor Odd Lovoll researches Norwegian NATO allies to cut the number Eriksen Translations of short-range nuclear weapons immigration through Canadian ports in Europe. Norway has put this makes list of top 30 topic on the Alliance’s agenda, language services and we are ready to work together with the U.S. on this issue,” Mr. providers Eide said. (Press Release) Press Release

Eriksen Translations of What’s inside? Brooklyn, N.Y. has been named News 2 – 3 one of the Top 30 Language Ser- Business 4 vices Providers in North America Photo: Eriksen Translations Research & Education 5 See > award, page 14 Opinion 6 – 7 Taste of Norway 8 Travel 9 Norway in second Roots and Connections 10 Obituaries & Religion 11 Norwegian biker Arts & Style 12 placed 2nd in the In Your Neighborhood 13 Photos: Gary G. Erikson / Amazon first stage of Tour de Norwegian Heritage 14 Left: Professor Odd Lovoll. Right: Lovoll’s 2007 book “Norwegians on the Prai- rie: Ethnicity and the Development of the Country Town.” France Sports 15 Gary G. Erikson Staff Compilation $1 = NOK 6.0823 Sunburg, Minn. updated 7/1/2013 On Saturday, Alexander Krist- Norwegian-American social will examine the phenomenon of In comparison off of Norway placed second in the historian and author, Professor Odd 19th century Norwegian immigra- grueling first stage of the Tour de 6/1/2013 6.1108 Lovoll, is engaged in research and tion into North America through Photo: Wikimedia Commons France. Norwegian cyclist Alexander Kristoff 1/1/2012 5.5661 writing for a new volume which is doing well in the Tour de France. 7/1/2012 5.9596 See > canada, page 14 See > second, page 15 2 • July 5, 2013 norwegian american weekly Nyheter fra Norge Nyheter Klare for første fosommerleir Bare fire av ti Sørlandet sykehus får nasjonalt flåttsenter Bare 41 prosent av Et nasjonalt kompetansesenter for flått- 3. juli åpner AUFs første norske studenter fullfører bårne sykdommer skal etableres på Sør- sommerleir siden landet sykehus. Helse- og omsorgsminister utdanningen sin, viser en Jonas Gahr Støre (Ap) overbrakte nyheten terrorangrepet på Utøya oversikt fra Organisasjonen til ledelsen ved Sørlandet sykehus mandag. 22. juli 2011 Sykehuset har drevet forskning på flåttbårne for økonomisk samarbeid sykdommer og diagnostikk i mange år. – Vi og utvikling (OECD) vet mye om flåttbårne sykdommer, og det er viktig at den kunnskapen blir delt og kjent. VG Aftenposten Samtidig trengs det mer forskning. Nå gled- er vi oss til å ta fatt på arbeidet med å forme 59 prosent av studentene i Norge som kompetansetjenestene, sier nevrolog og for- AUF-ledelsen forbereder seg på at det påbegynner utdanning, fullfører en bach- sker Randi Eikeland. Det nasjonale referan- kan bli sterkt for mange. elorgrad eller høyere. selaboratoriet for diagnostikk av borreliose Til nå er mellom 700 og 800 deltakere ligger ved sykehuset. Årlig blir om lag 300 påmeldt, og meldinger om godt vær sørger Foto: Wikimedia Commons Det er godt under snittet i OECD- Utøya etter 22. juli 2011. personer i Norge syke av borreliainfeksjon trolig for at opp mot 1000 personer vil delta landene, og langt bak land som Japan (90 i Norge. på AUF-leiren. prosent), Australia (82 prosent) og Danmark (VG) – Påmeldingen har vært kjempebra i år. (81 prosent). Kun Sverige, USA og Ungarn være tilbake på AUF-leir for første gang etter havner bak Norge. Det kommer til å komme mange flere enn 22. juli. Mange av årets deltakere var selv på Syv nordmenn i dødskrasj i Sverige på lang tid, sier leirsjef og generalsekretær i – Ikke overraskende, sier nyutdannet Utøya for to år siden, deriblant Eskil Peder- IT-ingeniør Odd Kartsen Michaelsen (23) til En nordmann omkom i en alvorlig trafik- AUF, Marianne Wilhelmsen. sen selv. kulykke i Storlien i Sverige søndag et- Aftenposten. – I mitt kull droppet 60 prosent AUF opplevde en enorm medlemsvekst – Dette er helt klart noe jeg vil tenke på. termiddag. To norske biler var involvert i ut fordi det ble opplyst at vi ikke trengte i 2011, da medlemstallet gikk fra rundt 9600 Det er et steg å ta, og krever andre forbere- ulykken. Til sammen syv personer var inn- til 13.800. Fremdeles er over 13.000 person- særlig datakunnskap. Mange gikk på en blandet i ulykken på E14 noen kilometer øst delser for meg. Men samtidig opplever jeg smell. Dårlig rådgivning begynner allerede er medlemmer i ungdomsorganisasjonen. at planleggingen er helt som normalt, og det for grensen til Norge søndag ettermiddag. – Det økte politiske engasjementet som på videregående, hvor en ikke blir forberedt Politiet i Sverige opplyser at alle de invol- gjør det litt enklere. Samtidig skal vi ha res- hverken praktisk eller faglig på studiene, kom etter 22. juli har vedvart, sier Eskil Ped- pekt for at folk har ulike opplevelser av det, verte i ulykken var nordmenn. – En mann i ersen. sier han. 60-årene omkom i ulykken, sier vakthaven- sier AUF-lederen til VG. Årets sommerleir er den første siden ter- Tallene kommer frem i årets utgave av de befal Kjell Johansson i Jämtlands-politiet Derfor er Modum kommunes kriseteam rorangrepet 22. juli 2011. Likevel tror AUF- rapporten Education at a glance, som utgis til VG. To norske biler kolliderte front mot varslet, slik at de kan bistå dem som har be- av OECD. Den inneholder omfattende ut- front på den trafikkerte veien. Et vitne sier til duoen at årets leir vil bli en tilnærmet «van- hov for å snakke ut. lig» leir. danningsstatistikk fra alle medlemslandene. VG at en av de involverte bilene ble liggen- – For oss er det viktig at det er lav ter- Norge er ett av relativt få land der de i grøften etter ulykken. Til VG forteller – Jeg er stolt over at vi nå tar steget og skel for å si ifra, sier Wilhelmsen. høyere utdanning er gratis, men forfatterne Johansson at ulykken skjedde som følge arrangerer vår første sommerleir siden 22. finner ingen klar sammenheng mellom kost- av at en personbil på vei mot Norge kjørte juli-angrepet. Men vi frykter ikke at dette vil over i feil kjørefelt. Den traff en bil med fire ta all oppmerksomheten fra politikken, sier naden ved å ta høyere utdanning og andelen personer. Føreren av bilen som kom over på Pedersen til VG. som fullfører. feil side, ble sittende fastklemt og pådro seg AUF har tatt høyde for at enkelte av del- English Synopsis: The Labor Youth (AUF) will English Synopsis: A new study shows that only four så alvorlige skader at han døde av dem. St. takerne kan oppleve det som ekstra sterkt å hold its first summer camp after the Utøya tragedy out of ten Norwegian students finish their college edu- starting on July 3. cations. Olavs Hospital opplyser i en pressemelding at den ene kvinnen er alvorlig skadet, og at tilstanden er uavklart. En annen kvinne betegnes som meget alvorlig skadet, og til- Fant tegning Bare gi opp, standen hennes er kritisk. (VG) Det er ikke hver dag Partileder gikk Nesten 4.000 kroner i bompenger for hver det dukker opp ukjente selvsikkert og nådeløst bil helleristninger på Østlandet. til verks under Fremskritt- Norske bilister betalte hele 12,5 milliarder Nylig fant Are Janson en spartiets amerikanske valg- kroner i bompenger på riks- og fylkesveier i fjor. Det tilsvarer 3.950 kroner per bil. Bom- 4 meter lang og 8.000 år kampåpning pengeselskapene fikk inn 3,4 milliarder kro- gammel elg i Lier ner mer i bomavgifter i 2012 sammenlignet VG med 2011. Av de 12,5 milliardene vi betalte VG i fjor, er 9,6 milliarder andelen for person- biler, skriver VG. Til sammenligning betalte Partiet har samlet 600 medlemmer på norske bilister 1.172 millioner kroner i bom- – Jeg ble litt paff. Vi har jo vært her Quality Hotell Dyreparken i Kristiansand. oppe i 34 år og jobbet, men jeg skjønte jo at Foto: Wikimedia Commons penger i 1991. Økningen har vært på 966 Det skjer etter amerikansk mønster, og Siv Jensen debatterar under Nordiska rådets session i prosent på 22 år. Bompengekostnadene vil det var en stor helleristning da jeg begynte arrangementet ble sparket i gang i et par- Stockholm 2009. ifølge prognosene fortsette å øke med 1 mil- å koste bort mosen på berget, sier Janson. tytelt i bakhagen, med blå, hvite og røde bal- liard kroner i løpet av 2013, sier administrer- Selv om han ikke legger skjul på at det er longer i taket. Fremskrittspartiet svinger på målin- ende direktør Øyvind Solberg Thorsen i Op- ekstra gjevt at elgen dukket opp i hans egne – Bø, roper partileder Siv Jensen fra gene, men ligger langt under toppnivåene i plysningsrådet for Veitrafikken AS. – Vi ser hjemtrakter, synes han det viktigste er det de scenen. 2010. Appellene under valgkampåpningen at flere og flere aksepterer bompenger som urgamle «tegningene» kan lære oss om fo- – Ble dere redde nå? Det blir nemlig var preget av nettopp knallharde angrep på finansieringsform – fordi det innebærer bed- rhistorien. Jens Stoltenberg når han ser meg. Han skal statsministeren. re veier raskere enn ellers. Det vi synes er Janson meldte fra til fylkeskommunen, overbevise velgerne om at vi er farlige. Han – Jeg karakteriserer ikke Jens som mindre greit i denne sammenhengen, er at vi som satte sin arkeolog, Lars Hovland på er en mann uten egne visjoner og uten øn- statsministeren lenger. Han er skremmeren. faktisk har fått en ekstra bilavgift som utgjør saken. Og Hovland kan bekrefte at funn som ske om å videreutvikle samfunnet. Han bare Han reiser land og strand rundt og skremmer så mye som 12,5 milliarder kroner. Og dette dette slett ikke er dagligdagse. skremmer. Selv vil han gi opp. Det er greit! folk, mener nestleder Per Sandberg. er på toppen av allerede høye bilavgifter. – Denne elgen er 8.000 år gammel, og Bare gi opp, Jens Stoltenberg. Nå er det vår Leder i kontroll- og konstitusjons- Bompenger og andre bilutgifter må sees un- siden 1970-tallet er det bare dukket opp et tur, sier hun. komiteen på Stortinget, Anders Anundsen, der ett, sier Thorsen til VG. Også kommuni- par nye ristninger fra denne perioden på Øst- Jensen mener den rødgrønne regjerin- kasjonssjef Inger Elisabeth Sagedal i NAF gikk knallhardt løs på alle de tre rødgrønne landet. gen har sviktet på de mest sentrale valgløf- reagerer på de økte bompengekostnadene. partilederne da han holdt sitt innlegg i par- Og det er ikke bare alderen som er im- tene. – Denne gradvise økningen har vi påpekt tyteltet i Kristiansand tidligere på dagen. ponerende. Med en lengde på 4 meter er mange ganger. Problemet med denne bruke- – Da Jens overtok kontrollen for åtte – Jeg vil til høsten våkne til frihet fra rfinansieringen av veiene er at vi får lite vei Lierelgen mer en dobbelt så stor som Ås- år siden, så sto det 200.000 mennesker i Liv Signe Navarsetes overdrevne sinne. Jeg for det som totalt investeres, samtidig som kollenelgen. Den var 1,8 meter og ble inntil helsekø. Nå er det 280.000. Det er flere, det. vil våkne til frihet fra Lysbakkens grenseløse den enkelte bilist selv ikke har mulighet til nylig regnet som den største helleristningen Det er dyrt å ha folk i kø. Tenk hva vi kunne arroganse. Jeg vil våkne til frihet fra Jens å påvirke denne stadige gradvise økningen, av elg fra eldre steinalder. Men selv 8.000 år spart om vi fikk dem inn til behandling og Stolenbergs selvtilfredshet, ropte han til de sier hun. gamle rekorder kan altså stå for fall før man operasjon. Da må vi utnytte det vi har av res- fremmøtte – som applauderte vilt. (NRK) vet ordet av det. surser i det offentlige, private og i utlandet, English Synopsis: A Norwegian in Eastern Norway sier hun. English Synopsis: At an American-style political has found a previously unknown 8,000 year old rock – Det er uverdig og dyrt med kø. Derfor rally, Progress Party leader Siv Jensen announced that drawing of an elk. skal vi i regjeringen. current Prime Minister Stoltenberg should “give up.” Norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/news July 5, 2013 • 3 News UN development This week in brief Statoil develops in U.S. Conservatives advance further on latest poll The UNCTAD annual report The Norwegian oil The Conservative Party (Høyre) has the is launched in Geneva support of 33.8 percent of the electorate in company continues to Norstat’s poll for June, up 3.8 percentage create ties in Texas points from the previous poll. The Labor Marit Fosse Party (Ap) drops 1.9 points on the same Geneva, Switzerland poll. After gaining on the two previous polls, Prime Minister Jens Stolteberg’s Special Release is now therefore down to On June 28, the UNCTAD annual re- Statoil 28.1 percent. Coalition partner Socialist port, the 2013 World Investment Report, was Left (SV) drops further by 0.6 points to launched in Geneva at an important moment 4.0 percent. The right wing Progress Party when the international community is making Statoil announced today that the (FrP) drops 1.2 points to 18.0 percent. The a final push to achieve the Millennium De- company as of July 1 has assumed poll, made for the newspaper Vårt Land, velopment Goals by the target date of 2015. operatorship for all activities in the eastern gives Høyre and FrP a clear majority At the same time, the United Nations is part of its Eagle Ford asset in Texas. The in Parliament, with altogether 92 seats. working to forge a vision for the post-2015 Statoil-operated activities fall mainly within The parliamentary elections are held development agenda. Live Oak, Karnes, DeWitt and Bee counties. September 9th. Credible and objective information on Photo: John Davenport / San Antonio Express News “This is an important milestone for (Norway Post) foreign direct investment (FDI) can contrib- A Talisman Energy hydraulic fracturing site near Statoil’s development as an operator in the ute to success in these two endeavors. Ac- Cotulla. U.S.,” says senior vice president for U.S. More Romanians in Norwegian jails cording to the report, global FDI declined Onshore, Torstein Hole. In 2010, Norway and Romania signed an in 2012, mainly due to continued macroeco- holding as operator and we look forward to “We now have operational activities in agreement to make it easier for Romanian nomic fragility and policy uncertainty for engaging with communities and landowners all our onshore assets, Bakken, Marcellus convicts to serve jail sentences in their investors, and it is forecast to rise only mod- in the eastern part of our joint venture and Eagle Ford. Our organization in Houston homeland. However, since then the is eager to further develop our Eagle Ford number of Romanians in Norwegian See > UN, page 15 See > statoil, page 15 jails has increased. Since the agreement became effective a year ago, Norway has asked that 11 convicts be transferred, but Romania has not responded. Meanwhile New start for SAS? Private life the number of Romanians in Norwegian jails has increased. At present, around 40 The Royal Family has a right SAS Scandinavian Airlines are serving sentences in Norway, while 80 to privacy, even when they are in custody, NRK reports. buys a brand new long- are in public places, press (NRK) haul fleet commission rules Norwegian frigate leads anti-pirate operation The Norwegian frigate “Fridtjof Nansen” Norway Post Norway Post is the flag ship and command center for the NATO-led anti-pirate operation Ocean Shield in the Bay of Aden and off the The Norwegian Press Complaints Com- Horn of Africa, over the next six months. Scandinavian Airlines System (SAS) mission (Pressens Faglige Utvalg) PFU has The NATO force numbers altogether and European manufacturer Airbus have ruled that the Norwegian Royal Family has a 700 men, and 170 of these are stationed signed a Memorandum of Understanding for right to privacy, even when they are in public on the Norwegian frigate. In addition to the order of eight new A350-900 XWB and places. the Norwegian contingent, there are also four A330-300 Enhanced. The Royal Palace had complained on personnel from Denmark, the Netherlands, Photo: Wikimedia Commons SAS says the agreement marks the behalf of the Royal Family about a series of the Ukraine and the U.S. Ocean Shield is SAS Boeing 737-600 (LN-RPA) landing at Lon- launch of SAS’ long haul strategy of an ex- an operation set up to combat the threat of don (Heathrow) Airport. articles, including photos, published by the tensive fleet renewal plan, options for more weekly magazine “Se og Hør,” which the piracy in the Bay of Aden and the Indian aircraft and a total upgrade of passenger cab- Royals claimed were invasion of privacy. ocean, an area the size of Western Europe. ins on existing fleet. plemented with an extensive long haul fleet PFU ruled that the magazine had in Even though 850 seamen were exposed SAS recently launched a completely plan. Key deliverables within the strategy several cses violated the ethical norms for to attacks from Somalia-based pirates new service concept to create the most mod- 4Excellence Next Generation have paved the press, especially when using telescopic in 2012, it was a reduction by nearly 80 ern flight experience for our customers. The the way. percent from the year before. customer offer is backed by a comprehensive lenses through hedges and fences without the (Norway Post) fleet renewal plan with 65 short haul aircraft already announced and initiated, now com- See > start, page 6 See > private, page 7 Enjoy Norway all year long. Keep up with Norway and the Norwegian-American community with the only Norwegian newspaper in North America! $ Subscribe – it’s easy! one year subscription: 59 Call us toll-free at $79 in Canada and $179 in Norway and all other countries (800) 305-0217 to start a new subscription

Questions? Call us toll-free at (800) 305-0217, email [email protected], or write to us: Norwegian American Weekly, 7301 5th Ave NE Ste A, Seattle, WA 98115

Norwegian American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942-1389) is published weekly except the last two weeks of July, the first two weeks of August and the last week of Dec. by Norwegian American Weekly Inc, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Norwegian American Weekly 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Phone: (206) 784-4617 • Email: naw@norway. Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly com • Website: www.norway.com. Annual subscription cost: USD $59 domestic; USD $79 to Canada; USD $179 to Norway and all other foreign countries. 4 • July 5, 2013 Online: blog.norway.com/category/business norwegian american weekly Business

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Norway’s Unemployment Unexpectedly Falls 3.7 percent now seems like an outlier,” Erik From Three-Year High Bruce, senior economist at Nordea Bank AB, Norway’s unemployment rate unexpectedly said in an e-mailed note to clients. “After a rise 2709 SAN PABLO AVE — BERKELEY, CA 94702 last autumn, unemployment seems to have sta- Phone: (800) 854-6435 — Email: [email protected] fell in April from a three-year high as west- ern Europe’s biggest oil producer resists the bilized at 3.5 percent.” Norway’s central bank drag from the recession-ridden euro area. Un- has kept interest rates at a near-record low of Featuring great Nordic products employment, adjusted for seasonal variations, 1.5 percent for more than a year to support the fell to 3.5 percent in April from 3.7 percent in oil producer’s economic recovery and pro- Books • Candy and Chocolates • Canned goods • Condiments March, Oslo-based Statistics Norway said on tect exporters from currency gains. The krone Cooking wares • Dry Goods • Gift items • Specialty meats its website today, citing the labor force sur- tumbled 3.3 percent against the euro on June and more! vey. Unemployment was seen at 3.7 percent, 20 after the central bank signaled an increased according to the median estimate of eight chance of a rate cut in September as inflation Visit us online: www.nordichouse.com economists surveyed by Bloomberg. “The remained below its 2.5 percent target. importance of this figure is that last month’s (Bloomberg) norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/research July 5, 2013 • 5 Research & Education Fit for biofuel and salmon feed It sounds too good to be true: a common marine species that consumes microorganisms and can be converted into much- needed feed for salmon or a combustible biofuel for filling petrol tanks

Bård Amundsen / Else Lie Research Council of Norway

And it can be cultivated in vast amounts: 200 kg. per square meter of ocean surface area. Tunicates (ciona intestinalis) is the name of this unexpected source of such rich potential. The species is the starting point for a research-based innovation project being carried out by researchers and innovation specialists in Bergen. The idea was hatched by a group of researchers at the University of Bergen and Uni Research.

Produces cellulose and contains omega-3 The yellowish, slimy growth that many Photo: Wikimedia Commons of us have come across on ropes that have There are many different species of tunicates. These are clavelina moluccensis, the bluebell tunicate. lain in seawater is the marine organism known as tunicates. Tunicates are basically living filter production. Christofer Trødsson of Uni Re- as well. Removing the water tubes that suck bacteria and other microor- search is the project manager. The project So tunicates appear promising as a new “The second major challenge we face is ganisms into one end and excrete purified will run through 2014. feed ingredient. how much water we can squeeze out of the water out the other end. This is how tunicates Those involved have known all along tunicates,” continues Dr. Trødsson. “Their feed – at the very bottom of the food chain that the project is high-risk. But many of the Large-scale cultivation needed body mass is 95 percent water. To sell the and without competing directly with fish or risky components have now been tested, and Protein production from marine cultiva- product we have to be able to remove at least other marine animals higher up in the chain. it has been verified that they function as in- tion of tunicates has 100 times the potential 90 percent and preferably 95 percent of that At the same time tunicates clean the fjords tended. And if all goes as planned, as it looks per square metre than any land-based protein water by mechanical pressing.” and coastal areas. like it will, the results may be impressive. cultivation. Moreover, the food that tunicates “On an isolated basis we have managed The fact that tunicates are also the only need is readily available in the form of vast to mechanically press out 97 percent of the animals that produce cellulose – and that From cellulose to bioethanol amounts of microorganisms in nutrient-rich water. Now we must try to carry out that they are rich in omega-3 fatty acids – makes The tunicate is the only animal known to marine waters. process efficiently on board the harvesting them a potential alternative for bioethanol produce cellulose, with which it constructs boats, while at the same time pulling several and as a feed ingredient for farmed fish. its body wall, called the mantle. So what is the hold-up? tonnes of tunicates per hour out of the sea.” Breaking down cellulose yields sugars “Our single greatest challenge is culti- “Thus production volume and water Inhabiting all oceans that can be used to produce the fuel bioetha- vating enough biomass per square metre to separation are the two critical factors that Tunicates grow very quickly and year- nol. Much of the world’s bioethanol current- make operations profitable,” explains proj- must be successfully addressed if tunicate round. Found in every ocean, they particu- ly comes from corn, a controversial source ect manager Trødsson. “We anticipate a crop cultivation is to be profitable for private larly thrive in cold, nutrient-rich waters such since this crop could be used to feed people of 100 to 200 kilograms per square meter, companies in today’s market,” concludes Dr. as those around the quays and coastal rock instead. which is an extremely high yield. But that is Trødsson. slopes of Western Norway. One alternative being thoroughly re- what is needed for profitability because the The Research Council of Norway’s Since there are no marine predators searched is to produce bioethanol from the price per kilo is so low.” program Commercializing R&D Results feeding on tunicates, some 2,500 to 10,000 cellulose in forest-based biomass. But this is The Bergen-based researchers have (FORNY2020) is allocating NOK 8.7 mil- individuals can grow undisturbed in one me- not unproblematic either, since the biopoly- achieved this production target at their lion in funding to the tunicate project through ter of ocean surface area. mer lignin contained in wood is valuable in small-scale facility, and the mathematical 2014. Other than the Japanese and Koreans, many other applications. Tunicate cellulose models they have run make them optimis- who eat tunicates, no one has paid them would be a less controversial source because tic that a similar production level is possible much attention until now. it does not contain lignin. with large-scale tunicate farms. But there are no guarantees just yet. Similar to mussel cultivation Targeting fish feed based on marine ingre- For the first time ever, tunicates are be- dients ing cultivated experimentally at a pilot facil- Even more attractive than biofuel pro- ity in Øygarden, a small island community duction is the use of tunicates in feed for near Bergen. salmon and other farmed fish. Norway is the The production method resembles the world’s largest producer of salmon feed, and Advertise in the Weekly! cultivation of mussels. At a facility in a there is a huge demand for more marine pro- small finger of a fjord, long plastic sheets are teins as feed ingredients, but the limit has al- Reach over 20,000 Reasons to advertise: anchored to the seabed and held vertical by ready been reached in industrialized fishing. Norwegian-American readers • Affordable! $10/col inch for buoys. Between these sheets flows seawater One major challenge facing feed pro- EVERY week! B&W, $15/col inch for color teeming with the microorganisms tunicates ducers is to produce salmon feed contain- need. • Free ad design ing omega-3 fatty acids, which the fish need • Support the only Norwegian- The Research Council of Norway’s but do not generate. The bulk of omega-3 in American newspaper! program Commercializing R&D Results salmon feed presently comes from the fisher- (FORNY2020) and the technology transfer ies industry. Dried tunicates contain 60 per office Bergen Teknologioverføring (BTO) cent protein and are rich in omega-3. Perhaps For details, call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected] are investing heavily to scale up tunicate just as importantly, salmon find them tasty 6 • July 5, 2013 norwegian american weekly opinion < duel From page 1 An opinion column about current issues in Norway it will help to ensure the future of the Euro- Join the conversation! pean Court of Human Rights. On the EDGE The European Court of Human Rights Norway’s island problem in Strasbourg rules on individual or State ap- plications alleging violations of the civil and By Edith O’Brian political rights set out in the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Funda- mental Freedoms. For many years, the court On April 8, NRK printed an article be smarter. entire way of life. His eponymous boat has struggled with a heavy caseload and a called “People move away from islands There is more public transportation in is one of only 20 that came out to hunt significant backlog. At the end of May, it had despite billions for bridges.” The article the city; less money will be spent on cars this —a far cry from the nearly 200 more than 116,000 cases pending. described Norway’s many small island and gas, lowering the Norwegian popula- whalers that worked northern Norway’s The main purpose of Protocol No. 15 is communities as getting smaller and small- tion’s carbon output. coastal waters in the late 1950s, when to improve the effectiveness of the court. The er each year. The government can stop spending Kristiansen was getting his first taste of most important amendment is one that will “In the ocean south of Senja are whaling as a deckhand. make it easier for the court to reject cases the scenic islands of Ibestad Munic- “It isn’t a scarcity of whales that are of little significance. This may help ipality,” wrote NRK. that is bringing down the curtain, to ensure that rulings are made on a greater “In 1994, residents hoped that or even the complicated politics of number of important cases within a reason- the bridge between Andørja and the whaling. It’s something far more able period of time. The protocol does not mainland would lead to population prosaic and inexorable: Norwegian amend any of the rights or freedoms set out growth and more jobs. Six years kids, even those who grow up in in the convention. later, they were jubilant when the the seafaring stronghold of Lofo- “Norway has long played an active part municipality built an underwater ten, simply don’t want to become in the reform process to strengthen the court. tunnel that made it​​ possible to drive whalers anymore. Nor do they Protocol No. 15 is a step in the right direc- from Andørja to Rolla. want to brave storm-tossed winter tion,” said Mr. Eide. “In all, the project cost over seas to net fortunes in cod, as their “The Government will continue its ef- NOK 590 million by today’s stan- forebears have done for centuries. forts to promote additional reforms and to dards. Instead, they aspire to land safer, ensure that the resources available to the “But mainland connection has Photo: Wikimedia Commons salaried jobs in distant cities or court are increased and that the national im- not led to more citizens. As in most The harbor in Engenes, Andørja in Ibestad. with the offshore oil industry, and plementation of human rights obligations is island municipalities in Northern they have been leaving their island improved,” Mr. Eide said. Norway and Trøndelag, the oppo- communities in droves.” In order to enter into force, the Protocol site has happened. so much money on expensive bridge and Oh. must be ratified by all the member states of “Now, one in three of Ibestad’s in- tunnel projects, and invest it in things like Now it makes sense. the Council of Europe. habitants have left the islands.” healthcare and education. Norway’s cultural heritage is so root- Continuing in its pursuit of human rights This is only one story, but there are Sure, nobody will live on the small ed in these seaside communities. It is root- and peacekeeping, on June 27, Norway rati- many similar ones from all over Norway. islands anymore...but are the islands com- ed in boating, fishing, and yes, whaling. fied the Optional Protocol to the UNCon- Researchers suggest that people plaining? Norway is the country of the Vikings, the vention against Torture. searching for higher-paying jobs must Then, I saw an article in National nation that along with Greece has ruled “Torture is unacceptable and nothing move to move urban areas. Geographic magazine. From the recent the seas for centuries. can justify its use. It is therefore vital that Researcher Helge Brunborg of Statis- June 2013 issue: Norway’s small island communities we support efforts to strengthen international tics Norway says that jobs and study op- “In his five decades as a whaler, Kris- have produced many Norwegian-Amer- rules relating to the prevention of torture,” portunities mean more for settlement pat- tiansen has weathered many a storm, both icans who continue to happily consume said Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide. terns than do mainland connections. at sea and on land. He lived through the lutefisk at church suppers, for crying out The objective of the Optional Protocol “It can be described as incorrect in- dangerous years of the eco-wars, when loud. is to prevent torture and other cruel, inhuman vetments,” said Brunborg of the govern- activists sabotaged and sank a number So although change is often good, or degrading treatment or punishment by es- ment’s huge bridge-and-tunnel budget. of Lofoten whaleboats. And he survived perhaps the government needs to con- tablishing a system of regular visits by in- I’ve reflected quite a bit on this prob- a horrific shipboard accident a few years tinue investing in these communities. But dependent bodies to places of detention, in- lem. And I’ve started to wonder...is it a ago when his harpoon cannon backfired, instead of bridges and tunnels, follow cluding prisons, police detention cells, psy- problem at all? What are the consequenc- nearly killing him and leaving him with a Brunborg’s advice: invest in education chiatric institutions and other places where es for Norway if it has more people living mangled left hand. He was back hunting opportunies within these communities people are deprived of their liberty. in the city, and less people living isolated whales the following season. themselves. Invest in local businesses. The Parliamentary Ombudsman has in small island communities? “But as he steers toward an old Keep Norway’s seaside heritage been designated as the institution responsi- It stands to reason that higher educa- whaling station on this calm midsummer alive! ble for monitoring efforts to prevent torture tion opportunities are more prevelant in morning, Kristiansen sees not just his own in Norway. Prisons and other places of de- urban areas, so Norway’s population will long career drawing to a close, but also an tention may also be visited by the UN’s Sub- committee on Prevention of Torture. The opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is The Optional Protocol was adopted on not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor. December 18, 2002, signed by Norway on September 24, 2003, and entered into force on June 22, 2006. Whereas 153 states are < start From page 3 says it initiates important measures to secure the latest materials and system technology party to the Convention against Torture it- a modern and efficient long haul fleet with available. It offers up to 30% lower fuel self, only 68 are party to the Optional Pro- state of the art aircraft technology from Air- consumption per passenger seat and reduced tocol. “I am very happy with today’s an- nouncement. Whilst continuing to deliver on bus. noise by half compared to e.g. A340. our strategy and plan for a profitable SAS, The first A350-900 is due in 2018, and SAS will upgrade the passenger cabins we are succeeding in making fundamental already in 2015, the fleet will be upgraded on up to seven selected A330/A340. Don’t forget! changes that allows us to invest in our fu- with the first couple of A330-300 Enhanced The upgrade will consists of new seats Our summer break ture as Scandinavia’s leading airline – for to replace A340 when the current leasing throughout the cabin including fully flat the benefit of our customers, employees and agreements expire. In the meantime, SAS seats in Business Class, and throughout the is coming up! shareholders,” said Rickard Gustafson, SAS will commence the cabin upgrade of seven entire cabin a new high definition full video Group President and CEO. aircraft in the existing fleet. on demand in-flight entertainment system. July 15 – August 9 With the announcement today, SAS The A350 is a completely new aircraft The cabin upgrade is expected to be type incorporating advanced aerodynamics, completed 2015. Subscribe to the Norwegian American Weekly!

Call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected]. norwegian american weekly July 5, 2013 • 7 opinion Norwegian American Weekly Letters to the Editor Published since May 17, 1889 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Do you have something to say? Send your letters to us! Toll-free: (800) 305-0217 • Local: (206) 784-4617 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Fax: (206) 448-2033 • Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Publisher Norwegian American Foundation [email protected] Managing Editor Dear Editor, villagers, staff, parents, and visitors all adore Kelsey Larson [email protected] Driving along the Kitsap Peninsula this our dean, Tove, and brainstormed as to how If you would like to donate online use weekend, I came across Norwegian Point we can celebrate this momentous milestone. the following instructions: Assistant Layout Editor Park in Hansville, Wash. We concluded that the best gift we could give If you go to the link below, it will ask Harry Svenkerud [email protected] Though we saw a sign with the name of Tove was more villagers at Skogfjorden. you for some information, and to select a Advertising the park, there was no indication as to why The best way to get more villagers at Sk- fund to send your donation to. You have to Erik Krippaehne [email protected] the park is called Norwegian Point! ogfjorden is to support scholarships for vil- select “Other” and then write in “The Nor- Subscriptions Do any of your readers know wegian Scholarship Fund” in the Call (800) 305-0217 [email protected] the story on this? “Other designation name” space Contributing Editors (Picture at right!) below. Larrie Wanberg Grand Forks, N.D. Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. Sincerely, https://secure.imodules. Carla Danziger McLean, Va. John Erik Stacy com/s/1351/index_villages.aspx? Sölvi Dolland Fraser, Mich. Erling Dugan Ventura, Calif. Seattle, Wash. sid=1351&gid=2&pgid=473&cid Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. =1206 Rasmus Falck O oslo, Norway Marit Fosse G geneva, Switzerland Judith Gabriel Vinje Burbank, Calif. Sincerely, Shelby Gilje Seattle, Wash. Dear John, Ross “Odin” Dybvig Line Grundstad Hanke Seattle, Wash. Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway Thank you for your letter! I don’t Campaign for Skogfjorden Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. know the story behind this park, but Leslee Lane Hoyum R rockford, Minn. Else Hvistendahl New York, N.Y. hopefully some of our Washington Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. State readers might have an idea! Photo courtesy of John Erik Stacy Scott Larsen New Westminster, B.C. If anybody knows the story, Readers, the Norwegian Lan- Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. Attention, readers! Does anybody know the story behind Norwe- Jerry Larson Zimmerman, Minn. please send a letter to the editor to gian Point Park in Hansville, Wash.? guage Village in Bemidji, Minn. is Solveig M. Lee Seattle, Wash. [email protected] or to the address close to my heart, and a very wor- Richard Londgren Thousand Oaks, Calif. Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. below! thy cause. Berit T. Mesarick Williamsburg, Va. lagers. With that in mind, our goal is to have If you have the means, help spread David Moe Sun City, Calif. Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. Sincerely, 100 people donate $35 in honor of Tove’s 35 Norwegian heritage and language to the Bill Osmundsen New York, N.Y. Editor years at Skogfjorden. younger generations! It is so important to Sada Reed Woodbury, Minn. Will you help us celebrate and honor pass this incredible gift on to children and John Erik Stacy Seattle, Wash. Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. this milestone by donating $35 in honor of grandchildren. Kjell Olav Strømsli Trondheim, Norway Tove Irene Dahl? Daytona Strong Seattle, Wash. Dear Editor, If you would like to donate to Skogf- Sincerely, CORRECTIONS: Norwegian American Weekly Skogfjorden Norwegian Language Vil- jorden scholarships we would appreciate it. Editor strives to make its news report and accurate. If you have a question or comment about news coverage lage is in the middle of the summer sessions! Every amount helps and goes a long way. call (206) 784-4617. • Norwegian American Weekly Lots of norsk is being learned and that love All checks/donations should be made out to reserves the right to edit any and all submissions for of this magical place is being rekindled ev- “The Norwegian Scholarship Fund” and sent style, grammar, accuracy and/or space, and the right not to print submissions deemed libelous, in poor ery moment. to: taste, or not suited for publication in this newspaper. We will also be celebrating a wonderful Do you have something to say? Write to us! • The opinions expressed by opinion writers and milestone this summer, Tove’s 35th summer The Norwegian Scholarship Fund letter writers are not necessarily those of Norwegian Letter to the Editor American Weekly, and our publication of those on staff! Tove Dahl, the Dean of Skogfjorden, Concordia Language Villages views is not an endorsement of them. Comments, continues to have an incredible impact on Concordia College Norwegian American Weekly suggestions and complaints about the opinions Skogfjorden, Concordia Language Villages, 901 8th St. S. 7301 5th Ave. NE, Ste A, Seattle, WA 98115 expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed or send a note to [email protected] to the publisher. • Norwegian American Weekly is and Norwegian-American connections. The Moorhead MN, 56562 published weekly except the first week of the calendar year, the last two weeks of July, and the first two weeks of August by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. • Be our friend on Facebook! Please send address changes to 7301 Fifth Ave. < pr ivate NE Suite A Seattle, WA 98115 • Annual Subscription Caribbean. Cost: US$59 Domestic, US$79 to Canada, From page 3 US$179 to Norway and all other foreign countries. However, the PFU also stated that the Royal Family must expect to be the target SINCE MAY 17, 1889: consent of the Royal Family, and without re- of photographers at a public beach like St. Formerly Norway Times gard for the children involved. Western Viking & Washington Posten Barts, but found that the large number of In particular the PFU mentioned the pictures, many of the family members in Comprising Nordisk Tidende, Decorah- series of pictures of the Royals during their Posten og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, swimwear, were over and above “the need vacation at the resort St. Barts in the Minnesota Posten, Norrona and Skandinaven for information.” For a touch of Norway every day: facebook.com/naweekly NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. Han Ola og Han Per 8 • July 5, 2013 norwegian american weekly Taste of Norway The Little Viking Scandinavian GiftS Norway party a touch of Scandinavia in southern California What toppings do Norwegians like on their pizza? We have combined our two stores 28465 Old Town Front St. #104 and moved – Temecula, CA 92590 stop in to have a look and say hi! (951) 676-6800 | [email protected]

Celebrating 50 years of business Visit our store in Seattle or find us online! www.scanspecialties.com 6719 NW 15th Avenue, Seattle, WA 98117 Phone: (206) 784-7020 — Toll free: (877) 784-7020 Mastercard and Visa accepted. Hundreds of items available for nation-wide shipping! God Sommer! Our summer break is coming!

Photo: Tine.no Fresh basil, fresh cherry tomatoes and lamb top this Norwegian pizza.

Pizza in Norway: it’s just as popular a But Norwegians prefer slightly differ- dinner choice on Friday night as it is in the ent pizza toppings than we do in the U.S. U.S. Many Norwegians keep frozen pizza Here are a few ideas to “Nowegian-ify” your in the freezer at all times (like the popular pizza! brand ).

Norwegian pizza ideas

The Norwegian American Weekly office will be The Peppe’s Pizza “Moby Dick” closed July 15 – August 9 for summer vacation. Peppe’s Pizza is Norway’s most popular pizza place, found in many cities around the country. The “Moby Dick” pizza from their menu includes curry and garlic marinated shrimp, fresh peppers and leeks (ever tried shrimp on your pizza before?! Give it a shot!)

The Peppe’s Pizza B ‘n B This is something you might expect to find in the U.S.! This pizza is topped with juicy sirloin steak seasoned with black pepper, fresh leeks and onion rings. It is topped with No issues will be published July 19, 26, August 2 or french fries and bernaise sauce, believe it or not! 9. Regular printing will resume August 16. The sauces One element of Norwegian that the U.S. is sorely missing is the sauces! Rømme- dressing (basically a type of ranch dressing) is by far the most popular to put on pizza, but some Norwegians also like bernaise, salsa, guacamole, or any number of other varieties!

Other Norwegian toppings Here are a few other toppings that you will find on Norwegian pizzas (I saw all of these with just a cursory glance at MatPrat.no, a popular Norwegian recipe website) that are not Subscribe to the Norwegian American Weekly! quite so popular here: Only $59 for a year’s subscription. Corn Hot dogs Bacon BBQ chicken Call (800) 305-0217 or email at [email protected]. Meatballs norwegian american weekly July 5, 2013 • 9 Travel Climb a glacier in Norway this summer “The amazing views over the mountains and the Hardangerfjord are what I most love about my job,” says experienced glacier guide Åsmund Bakke

Sonja L. Birch-Olsen Visit Norway

Åsmund is preparing a small group of tourists from England, the U.S. and Norway for a hike and a bit of ice climbing on the Folgefonna Glacier in Hardanger. The group is a little nervous, as many have never sat foot on a glacier before, let alone tried ice climbing. Arvind Dorai from the U.S. and his girlfriend Ingrid Elise L. Rekaa from Norway, two of the participants, are quite excited and they listen attentively to everything Åsmund has to say. “It’s my first ever time on a glacier, so this is going to be interesting and pretty cool,” says Arvind. Photo: Håvard Myklebust / VisitNorway.com To cross a glacier demands experience Take a blue ice glacier tour! This is Bødalsbreen glacier, Loen Sogn and Fjordane. and glacier equipment, so before they can set off, Åsmund must give instructions about safety and how to walk on a glacier. tours from three -– six hours in length. Book By car from Stavanger “Walk slowly and with your legs apart, in advance or meet at the ski center, depend- Follow the scenic road rv. 13 – passing By car from Kristiansand pretend you are a bow legged cowboy. And ing on vacancies. Lauvvik, Oanes, (or ferry directly to) Tau, Follow the road rv. 9 – passing Evje and make sure the rope behind you does not trail The blue ice trip is best for people over Sand and Røldal. Then drive to Odda, Utne Hovden to Haukeligrend. Then follow road to the ground,” says Åsmund. seven years, in normal good shape. The tours and Jondal where you follow a local road E134 – passing Røldal and Odda ad Utne. are adjusted to the participators wishes and trough the Krossdalen Valley to the Folge- Then drive on to Jondal where you follow a A white desert abilities. fonna Glacier. Total travel time: 6 hours. local road trough Krossdalen to the Folge- After the safety lesson, it is time for the Since the Folgefonna Glacier is at high fonna Glacier. Total travel time: 7 hours and group to start their hike up to the glacier. altitude, you should be prepared for all By car from Oslo 30 minutes. Starting from the Folgefonna Summer Ski types of weather from summer sun to winter Two options: A) Follow the road E134 Center, 1,200 meters above sea level, they go storms. – passing Drammen, Notodden, Seljord, By public transport slightly uphill for an hour. Then finally they It is very important to bring sunglasses Haukeligrend and Røldal to Odda and Utne. From Bergen you catch the bus to reach the glacier; an amazing white desert and sun cream. You definitely need: Then drive on to Jondal where you follow a Norheimsund, and from Norheimsund you with patches of blue and turquoise ice. • Windproof and warm outer jacket local road trough Krossdalen to the Folge- take the ferry to Herand. The ferry runs Roped together, with Åsmund in front, and trousers fonna Glacier. Total travel time: 7 hours and daily between 1 May to 30 September. From and armed with ice axes, the glacier explor- • Windproof and warm mittens/ 30 minutes. B) Follow the road rv. 7 pass- Herand you catch the Glacier/Ski Bus, runs ers venture out on the glacier which in total gloves ing Sandvika, Hønefoss, Geilo, Eidfjord and daily between mid-June to mid-August, up covers 203 square kilometres, making it the • Warm socks Kinsarvik, ferry to Utne. Then drive on to to Folgefonna Glacier and the ski centre. third largest glacier on mainland Norway. • Long johns, preferably in wool Jondal where you follow a local road trough Travel time from Bergen is approximately 3 From the summit of the glacier at 1,400 • Long sleeved vest, preferably in Krossdalen to the Folgefonna Glacier. Total hours. Travel time between Herand and Fol- meters above sea level, the group can see wool travel time: 7 hours and 15 minutes. gefonna is approximately 50 minutes. Hardangervidda Mountain Plateau and the • Hat Sørfjord to the east, and the North Sea and • Mountain boots the Hardangerfjord to the west. To the south • Packed lunch and something to they can see the rugged mountains of the as- drink (water is recommended) tonishing Rosendal Alps. All necessary equipment such as helmet, The glacier hike consists of both calm, crampons, harness and ice axe is provided by flat ice and more challenging crevasse- ar Folgefonni Breførarlag, which also has boots eas. All throughout the trip, Åsmund tells and some outdoor clothing you can borrow. interesting facts about the thousand-year-old The season runs from Mid-May – mid- glacier which is in perpetual change. In the August. All together it will cost NOK 490 or middle of the blue ice those wanting an extra above (the trip includes all necessary climb- challenge can try their hand at ice climbing. ing equipment). Safely back down at the summer ski center, the group agrees it was a wonderful Getting to the Folgefonna Glacier and trip, allowing them to experience the con- Folgefonna Summer Ski Center trasts between winter and summer during one day. Armand and Ingrid Elise are satis- By car from Bergen fied with the hike and their own effort. Follow the road rv. 7 – passing Arna and “Doing the ice climbing was the best turn right at Norheimsund. Then follow rv. part. It was fun and suited to beginners such 49 to Tørvikbygd for ferry crossing to Jondal as myself,” grins Arvind. where you follow a local road trough Kros- sdalen to the Folgefonna Glacier. Total travel time: 2 hours and 30 minutes. Facts Photo: Anders Gjengedal / VisitNorway.com Folgefonni Breførarlag offers different The journey may require a little ice climbing. 10 • July 5, 2013 norwegian american weekly Roots & Connections Norwegian American Weekly Healthy Foods Photo of the Week Puzzles with Sölvi Dolland

Photo courtesy of Leya Barr Leya Barr of Seattle, Wash., imitates one of the Vigland sculptures on the bridge in Frogner Park, Oslo.

Want to be featured in our Photo of the Week? Email [email protected] or mail your photo with a caption.

Uff Da! In our June 21 issue, we accidentally printed the birthdays for July instead of June! We wish a very happy belated birthday to those Solution on page 15. that we missed. Here they are! eee Gratulerer med Dagen!

Alfred Solberg Coeur d’Alene ID N. H. Breivik Norridge IL Mrs. Marius Holje Salt Lake City UT Joel Kristopher Myhre Marina Del Ray CA Lois Aubol Wise Fountain CO CT Kathie Injerd washington, MI Kathleen Nesseth Lake Forest Park, WA 24. juni 10. juli Mary Kamp Minneapolis MN Dottie Lillestrand Bloomington MN Esther Kolbjornsen Silver Springs MD Mathilde Rodegard Hollo Vancouver WA Elaine Larsen Benner Sarasota FL Othilie Hellem Old Sayerook CT Konnie Haas Albert Lea, MN 25. juni Lars Dahl Burbank CA 5. juli 11. juli Lloyd L. Larson Windom MN Henry Nissen Everett WA John Faugstad Kiester MN Victor Johansen Salt Lake City UT Gerhard Gjertson Cambridge WI Alma Bensen Coeur d’Alene ID Odd M. Hagen Penticton BC Ebba Johansen Cleveland OH Harald M. Nygaard Bartlett IL Bronwyn Allen Redmond WA Oscar T. Omodt Spring Grove MN Edwin Fransen Astoria OR Nils Gjersengen Aremark Norway Olaf Swanson Montclair CA Edward Olsen Riverhead NY 6. juli R. D. Jacobsen Prescott AZ Solfrid Myhre Price Seaside OR Alph Ronholm Valley City ND Bernice C. Jorgensen Minneapolis MN Mikael Rickman Southern Shores NC Ole Hansen Serman Oaks CA Marlene J. Strand Seattle WA 21. juni Kjersti Iselin Lyngstad-Beakey Oslo Norway Sverre Haave Hanford CA Mary E. Garner Olympia WA Thordis Moe Sun City CA Malven Arnum Raleigh NC Oddvin (Ed) Bjorge Larrabee IA Myrtle Twedt Elk Point SD Odd Clemmetsen Langley WA Steven Oskar Kongevold Brooklyn NY Karen Olsen Stockton CA 26. juni Andrea Loken Chesapeake, VA Olaf Kvamme Seattle WA Elizabeth Gjerald Sherwood WI Mrs. Erling Eilertsen Ketchikan AK Hannah M. Greenhill Whitewater WI Nancy Ring Issaquah WA 7. juli Ivar Strand Winnipeg Man Lloyd Loven Dallas TX Marit Warberg New Town ND B. K. Barney Grinnvoll Harlowton MT 22. juni Peter Hart Mt. Bethel PA Helen Nilsen Miami Beach FL Emil Stensholt San Jose CA 27. juni Anna Jorgensen Seattle WA G. N. Karlstad Sacramento CA 8. juli Eunice Bellerud Auburn WA Lette Grodem Loves Park IL Margit Bernhus Concord CA Hans Lenschow Bellevue WA Alvin Blindheim Seattle WA Arthur Nilsen Miami Beach FL Want to see your birthday in the Steven Blindheim Seattle WA Gustav A. Nelson Ottawa IL Barbara Jelen Lake Oswego OR Norwegian American Weekly? Christian Shiels Pelham NY Neil Blindheim Seattle WA T. Wollen Portland OR Clara Odegaard Kirkland WA Egil Larsen Mountain View CA Call at (800) 305-0217 or email naw@norway. 23. juni Dean Felthous Seattle WA Erik Thorgesen Gansevoort NY Borgny Simonis Sidney MT Signe Overboe The Villages FL com. Birthdays must be submitted at least one Haakon Strand Garretson SD Alfred Hartland Seattle WA Else Bentsen Seattle WA month in advance. Sheryl Hove St. Paul MN 9. juli NB: Has someone on our birthday list passed Greta Quilty Thousand Oaks CA Oliver Hawkensen Eleva WI away? Please notify us! Karl D Johansen Salt Lake City UT norwegian american weekly July 5, 2013 • 11 obituaries & Religion Pastor Larson’s Corner Pastor Jerry Larson retired to his cabin in Zimmerman, Minn., after 39 years In Loving Memory in parish ministry for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. In 2011 he Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? published a book entitled “Speaking the Word Freely: Writing with purpose, Contact us at (206) 784-4617 or [email protected] to place an obituary. preaching with power.” Contact him at [email protected] Robert Ringdahl Died June 19, 2013 Stewards

Robert E. ers Association. His civic interests included In the popular PBS series, Downton thought about the difference between Ringdahl, a serving as chairman of the Board of Direc- Abbey, the master of the house, the Earl ownership and stewardship. We live in a resident of the tors for Western Wisconsin Technical Col- of Grantham, desires to keep the English culture that places great value on owner- Ocean Reef lege as well as serving on the boards of St rules of inheritance alive even though ship. In todays world people are, in many Club, Key Francis Hospital and Bank of Sparta. it means the estate will not go to his el- ways, what they own. They are judged by Largo, Fla. and Bob was a parishioner of St. Justin dest daughter. Following the rules of in- others according to the material things Wappingers Martyr Church in Key Largo and St. Mary, heritance means that Downton will go to a they have been able to accumulate over a Falls, N.Y., en- Mother of the Church, Fishkill, N.Y. He was distant relative they do not even know. His life time of buying and owning. God did tered into rest a member of the Ocean Reef Club, Card daughter has a great deal of trouble under- not call us to “, till and OWN” the on June 19, Sound Golf Club, Ocean Reef Yacht Club standing why he won’t fight for a change earth but rather to “dress, till and KEEP” 2013 at Vassar and Ocean Reef Art League and the Ocean in these rules of inheritance. the earth. In other words, we have been Brothers Medi- Reef Flying Club. When his daughter presses him on the called by God to be stewards of the things cal Center in In addition to his wife, he is survived by point, he tries to explain his position. He of this earth. Poughkeepsie. Born and raised in LaCrosse, his brother, Jerry (Linda) Ringdahl of Dav- says that he does not own Downton. It was Stewards are people who take care Wisc., he was the son of the late Carl and enport, Ia., his son Tom (Debbie) Ringdahl his ancestors before him that acquired it of things. They watch over the things that Frances Moznet Ringdahl. He is survived of Holmen, Wisc., daughter Cherie (Jeff) and built it up over several centuries. He have been entrusted to them. We are Gods by his wife, Ginger Knapp Ringdahl, whom Fassbinder of Longmont, Colo., grandchil- inherited it from them and is simply the good stewards of the things of this earth. he married on October 21, 2006 in St. Mary dren Bret Ringdahl, Brian (Crystal) Fass- current steward of the place. As such, it Remembering that we are stewards and Mother of the Church, Fishkill. binder, Katie (Ben) Scarbrough and great must be passed on according to the same not owners helps us keep future genera- Bob attended Logan High School in La- grandson, Luke Daniel Fassbinder. rules that held when he received it many tions in mind. Let us do our best to pass on Crosse, Wisc. After high school, he traveled Bob was predeceased by his brothers, years earlier. to the next generation a world as beautiful throughout the Midwest playing the saxo- Charles and Donald, sisters, Carol, Phyllis, As I heard him explain himself, I as the one we have enjoyed. phone in a jazz band. Bob attended a tele- and Shirley and his grandson, Josh Ringdahl. vision repair school in Chicago. He proudly He is also survived by his wife’s chil- served his country in the U.S. Navy during dren and grandchildren Larry (Joann) World War II. While serving, he became a Knapp, Lynn Knapp Donnelly, Steven communications specialist running the radio (Kathi) Knapp, Clare (Jesse) Engelhart, The Scandinavian Hour shack aboard a munitions ship in the Pacific Courtney (Conor) Friedersdorf, Taylor, and Celebrating over 50 years on the air! theater. Gillian Knapp, Michael and Joylynn Don- After military service, Bob worked for nelly, Joey (Deniz) Elizabeth, Patrick and KKNW – 1150 AM the Gateway Products Company in La Crosse Timothy Knapp. and, ultimately, Northern Engraving Corpo- At Bob’s request, there will be no call- Saturdays 9 – 10 a.m. PST ration in Sparta, Wisc. where he served as ing hours. Friends are invited to share the Streaming live on the internet at: President until his retirement in 1985. mass of Christian Burial which will be cel- Bob was an accomplished musician, ebrated on Saturday, June 22, 2013 at 11 www.1150kknw.com who began playing at the age of 12. His ad- am at St. Mary, Mother of the Church, 106 vocation was playing both sax and clarinet Jackson Street, Fishkill, N.Y. Military hon- with a special love for Big Band music. He ors will follow. Memorial donations may be Norwegian Lutheran Memorial Church played with the Ocean Reef Jazz Society and made to St. Justin Martyr Church or Ocean until recently, Bob enjoyed performing with Reef Medical Center. Den Norske Lutherske Minnekirke two bands in Wisconsin – The Stardust Big A celebration of Bob’s life will be held The Norwegian Lutheran Memorial Church offers the best venue in Chicago for Norwegians, Band and The Grumpy Old Men who enter- in LaCrosse, Wisc. at a later date. Scandinavians to gather and celebrate Norwegian traditions. Visiting Pastor Arne Ekra July tained weekly throughout the area. For driving directions, online condo- 14th through Aug. 4th. We welcome you to our warm and friendly family of members. Please visit us soon! Bob was a pilot and an active outdoors lences and memorial donations, please visit enthusiast. He enjoyed skiing, boating, golf- Bob’s Book of Memories at www.mchoulfu- ing, playing tennis, and hunting. He served neralhome.com. July 2013 as the president of the Wisconsin Bow Hunt- July 14 Norwegian Service w/ Holy Communion Elizabeth Margaret “Betty” Johnson Balcom July 21 Norwegian Liturgy w/ English Sermon October 28, 1921 – June 22, 2013 July 28 English Service w/ Holy Elizabeth Margaret “Betty” Johnson Betty’s love for her family was uncondition- Communion Balcom, 91, of Lantana, Fla. went to be with al and her memory will be forever cherished Aug. 4 Norwegian Service the Lord on June 22. She was born in Cleve- by her three children Diane Balcom Stone, land, Ohio on October 28, 1921. Her parents Carol Weeks Cicchini, and Barry Balcom, were Peter B. and Elise Johnson who migrat- by her fourteen grandchildren Heidi, Heath, All services are at 11 a.m. unless otherwise noted. ed to America from Norway. Betty graduated Malena, Jesse, Crystal, Rayne, Sara, Lacey, 2614 North Kedzie Avenue, Chicago, IL 60647 • (773) 252-7335 • www.minnekirken.org from high school in 1939. She became a taxi Gregory, Matthew, Breann, Candace, Kris- cab driver where she met Harry J. Balcom, ten, Savannah, her brother Norman Johnson, Funeral Home who also became a taxi cab driver when he eleven great-grandchildren, three nieces, and returned home from the war after serving in Ruth Olsen, her cousin. She was expecting SOlie and Crematory the Navy. Betty was married to the love of two great great grandchildren. Betty was Honoring • Caring • Serving her life, Harry J. Balcom, on December 28, preceded in death by her husband, Harry 1946. They moved to Riviera Beach, Fla. in J. Balcom and her daughter, Lorie Balcom 3301 Colby Ave. Everett, WA 98201 (425) 252-5159 1952 then Lake Worth, and finally Lantana Pickren Leech. where Betty became a homemaker raising In lieu of flowers donations can be made four children, her goats, chickens, horses and in her name to the Hospice of Palm Beach Subscribe to the Weekly! Call (800) 305-0217 dogs. She and her husband owned Atlantic County, 5300 East Avenue, West Palm Exterminating in Lake Worth for 30 years. Beach, FL 33407 www.hpbc.com. 12 • July 5, 2013 Online: blog.norway.com/category/culture norwegian american weekly Arts & Style Norwegian art in N.Y. Calendar of Events Agora Gallery in Chelsea, N.Y.C. will be featuring artwork What’s going on in your neighborhood? by Norwegian artist Sirenes through August 13

California Opened May 22 for summer Trollfjell Camp Havre de Grace, Md. July 7 – 20 Summer exhibit will feature rosemaling Alta, Calif. by Lise Lorentzen, formerly of Staten Is- Sons of Norway – District 6 Camp land, NY. Find the exhibit at Bay Gallery, Trollfjell Language & Heritage Camp for 500 Warren St, Ste. B Harve de Grace, children ages 8 – 13 years at Camp Norge MD. For more info call (410) 409-1336, in Alta, California. A 14–day Camp from or (410) 939-4441, or visit the website at July 7 – 20; $750 — postmarked by May www.artsbythebaygallery.com. 7th; $800 — postmarked after May 7th. Learning & Living Your Norwegian Minnesota Heritage through daily activities such Norway Day as: Rosemaling, Viking History, Crafts, July 14 Folk Dancing, Language Lessons, Foods Minneapolis, Minn. of Norway, and Building Lasting Friend- 82nd year of this Norwegian Heritage ships. Scholarships are available from and Cultural Event held on the second District 6, Southern California Past Sunday in July each year, July 14, free Presidents’ Club and many local lodges. and open to the public. Program book For more info: (530) 677-2006. Email: $2 containing ads and church service [email protected]. Web Site: at 11 a.m. Ethnic foods, vendors and http://www.campnorge.com. craftsmen, barnetog children’s parade, and entertainment from Norway – Fu- Photos courtesy of Agora Gallery Above: Sirenes’ work, “Fantasy,” Acrylic on Iowa ruleiken Spel og Danselag – musicians Canvas, 27.5” x 39.5.” Right: the artist, Sirenes, Trollfjell Camp and dancers. Norwegian Glee Club and is a Norwegian painter. July 25 Daughters of Norway bring songs, Leroy Decorah, Iowa Larson and ensemble bring Scandinavian Vennskap 1-554 and District 1 Sons of music. For more info: (612) 861-4793. Press Release Norway sponsored motor coach tour from Email: [email protected]. Agora Gallery Marshall, Minn. to Spring Grove, Minn. to visit the Giants of the Earth Heritage Pennsylvania Center and to the annual Nordic Fest at NE Penn. Regional Sports for Health Chelsea, New York’s Agora Gallery will art lovers, with two wonderful exhibitions Decorah, Iowa. The $190 fee includes July 21 – 28 feature the original work of Norwegian artist that will leave visitors feeling refreshed and round trip motor coach ride, two nights Sherman, Penn. Sirenes in Degrees of Abstraction. The exhi- ready to appreciate the world around them. lodging with breakfasts, Nordic Fest but- Do you enjoy the outdoors and like to bition is scheduled to run from July 23, 2013 Interpretive Realms features art that repre- ton and program guide, the entrance to hike, canoe/kayak, ride a tandem bike, or through August 13, 2013. The opening re- sents the physical expression of the sensitiv- all Nordic Fest exhibits, workshops and do some fishing? Would you like to share ception will be held on Thursday night, July ity, ingenuity and integrity of talented art- musical events; admission to the Vester- your love of this activity with someone 25, 2013 from 6 – 8 p.m. ists who use their impressive skills to share heim Museum, an evening Smorgasbord, who is blind or visually impaired so they their thoughts and ideas with others. Multi- guided tour of the Seed Savers Exchange too can know the joy of these activities? About the Artist faceted, the works reflect and emphasize the & Lillian Goldman Visitors Center and Do you know an adult (18 and up) who For Norwegian artist Sirenes, painting is distinctive perspectives and techniques that Gardens in Decorah and admission to the would like to experience these activities? a visceral undertaking, one that represents an the artists consider key to their engagement Bily Clock Museum in Spillville, Iowa. At the Sports for Health program at Land organic connection between painter and can- and communication with the world. Degrees Celebrate your heritage with other SONS of the Vikings you can do all of that. vas. Often foregoing the use of even a brush of Abstraction presents art of strength, cour- OF NORWAY Members. For more info: Sports for Health is the summer equiva- as an intermediary, she will apply her paints age and beauty as artists experiment with the (507) 296-4566. Email: dorothyzim- lent of the winter program, Ski for Light. with her fingers, creating what she calls “ab- possibilities offered by colors, textures and [email protected]. It is a unique, week long program where stract expressions on the canvas.” The art- forms. Carefully balanced to convey both a visually impaired participants and sight- ist loved painting with her hands when she clear impression and a moving sense of emo- Maine ed guides work together as a team to en- was a child, and there are appealing echoes tion, these works are fascinating in composi- 10th Anniversary Celebration joy the summertime activities. Can’t stay of a childlike openness in her work. But that tion as well as undoubtedly affecting in their July 27 for the whole week? Sign up for part of freedom comes hand in hand with a well- overall impact. The exhibitions open on July Bath, Maine the week, or a few days, whatever your developed sense of composition, as well as 23, 2013 and continue until August 13, 2013, Maine Nordmenn #3-664 will hold their schedule allows. You won’t be disap- an ability to use color for maximum impact. with an opening reception on the evening of 10th Anniversary Celebration on Satur- pointed. Visit our website, www.nepasfl- “I have always been fascinated by col- Thursday July 25, 2013. Don’t miss this op- day, July 27, from 11:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. sfh.org for more information about our ors,” says Sirenes. Using acrylics, she works portunity to put some energy back into your at the Maine Maritime Museum in Bath, group, contacts, and application forms. with a palette that takes advantage of the sat- summer! Maine. 11:00 a.m. registration, 12:00 p.m. urated shades that acrylics offer. That palette appetizers and cold beverages (donations Wisconsin is employed in a wide variety of ways, from About Agora Gallery for beer and wine gratefully accepted), Vennelag 513 Kaffe Stue images that work through the subtle varia- Agora Gallery is a fine art gallery, estab- 12:30 p.m. Anniversary Celebration Cer- July 20 tions of one shade to others that juxtapose lished in 1984 and located in the heart of New emony, 1:00 p.m. Dinner Buffet. Adults: Mt. Horeb, Wisc. a near-kaleidoscopic array of hues. “I am York City’s Chelsea art galleries district. It is $40. Children 18 and under: $20. Prices If you hanker for some good Norwegian trying to express my inner feelings,” Sirenes famous for showcasing a spectacular array include admission to the museum. Call food, come to the Community Center explains, and, indeed, her open-handed style of talented artists from around the world and or email Gedske Szepsy for reservations where Vennelag Lodge 513 hosts their brings those feelings vividly to life. around the corner, while providing quality as soon as possible since seating is lim- 42nd Annual Kaffe Stue. You can sample Exhibition Dates: July 23, 2013 – Au- and original art to collectors. Exhibitions are ited. (207) 215-6186 gszepsy@yahoo. genuine foods of the old country, such as gust 13, 2013. usually group exhibits, presenting the work com.Reservations and payment must be lefse, rommegrøt, sandbakkle, smørbrod, Reception: Thursday, July 25, 2013, 6 of a number of artists, but sometimes solo received by July 12th. Send payment to sotsuppe and more. Once again they will – 8 p.m. exhibitions focus on the work of one par- Gedske Szepsy, 34 Buffee Landing, Li- offer their popular Troll Roll sandwiches. Gallery Location: 530 West 25th St., ticular artist. The gallery publishes ARTis- tchfield, Maine 04350. For more info: (608) 437-5468. Email: New York City, N.Y. Spectrum Magazine, a bi-annual magazine [email protected]. Web Site: Gallery Hours: Tues – Sat, 11 a.m. – 6 that is distributed to museums, galleries, art Maryland http://www.vennelag513.com. p.m. institutions and art schools around the world. Rosemaling Exhibit Event URL: http://www.agora-gallery. It provides artists, collectors, museums, gal- com/artistpage/Sirenes.aspx leries, art organizations and enthusiasts with Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 access to the work of international talented to be added to the Norwegian American Weekly! About the Exhibition artists as well as feature articles, reviews and Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month prior to event. Agora Gallery has a summer treat for interviews. norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/norway-in-the-us July 5, 2013 • 13 In your neighborhood Savor some salmon Artists, seniors create art Bestefars hjørne Norsk Folkedans Stemne 2013 presents wild Norwegian Wearable Art allows seniors in N.Y. to partner with a diverse dance and music featuring for dinner our tasty wild salmon! team of artists to create exciting and beautiful projects A feature column by Leslee Lane Hoyum

Special Release Royal Norwegian Embassy

For Wearable Art Class, members of the tween the costume maker and performer Hamilton Madison House City Hall Senior Riitta Ikonen and the blogger behind Ac- Center will be showing off the products of cidental Chinese Hipsters, Alison Kuo, in their labors with a display of handmade cos- which the two declared their intentions to tumes, photography, and video that prove make art with the dynamic and fashionable that beauty, age, and creativity can be syn- older residents of Chinatown. From there, onymous. Through July 28, the show will the network of collaborators and and partici- feature bright colors, uncommon materials, pants has grown exponentially. and innovative fashions so appealing that Funding for the Wearable Art Class visitors will want to take them off the shelf came from the Lower Manhattan Cultural to wear to the next party. Council‘s residency program “Seniors Part- Wearable Art Class is a multidisci- nering with Artists Citywide” (SPARC), plinary visual art and performance program which is a collaboration between the New for the senior residents of Manhattan’s Chi- York City Department of Cultural Affairs, natown. They have gathered every Wednes- the Department for the Aging, and the city’s day since January at the City Hall Senior five local arts councils. This program is sup- Center, 100 Gold Street, New York, NY, and ported, in part, by public funds from the De- also recently performed on stage of the Chi- partment for the Aging. This exhibition is natown restaurant Jing Fong. generously supported by Christopher Henry The artist team behind Wearable Art Gallery, the Consulate General of Finland in Class is Riitta Ikonen (Finland), Alison Kuo New York, Nordic Breads, Recess and Mate- (U.S.), Yue Lin (China), Wei Xiaoguang rials for the Arts. Photos courtesy Leif Erikson Lodge (China), Karoline Hjorth (Norway) and An- Enjoy folk dancing and music? The salmon dinner night on August 13 at Leif Erikson nie Collinge (UK). For photos and more information, visit Hall in Seattle, Wash. is right up your alley! Hjorth, a Norwegian photographer and the class blog: http://eyesasbigasplates. journalist, lives in Oslo. She recently pub- wordpress.com/sparc-wearable-art-class/ Special Release lished a book called “Mormormonologene” Presented by the Hamilton Madison Leif Erikson Lodge which is about Norwegian women all above House City Hall Senior Center. For more in- the age of 80. formation visit http://www.christopherhen- Wearable Art began as a meeting be- rygallery.com. On August 13 at 6 p.m., enjoy a wild sic through family links. Jane’s father played salmon dinner and performances by Poulsbo fiddle and accordion. Jane was a late-bloom- Leikarringen and Barneleikarringen with er who began playing the button accordion at musicians Toby Weinberg, Jane Johnson and around age 40. Notable Norwegians Jeff Anderson, at Leif Erikson Hall, 2245 Jeff Anderson is from Waterville, Wash- With David Moe NW 57th Street in Seattle, Wash. The event ington, and has been playing fiddle since is sponsored by Leikarringen of Leif Erikson the age of 15. For over thirty years he has Lodge 2-001, Norsk Folkedans Stemne, the played for shows and dances. Both of his Carl H. Gronn Sr. was born in loan it to Carl if he were willing to fix Sons of Norway Foundation, and Leif Erik- grandfathers were Norwegian-style fiddlers Smelt Creek, it. One day Carl son Lodge 2-001 of Sons of Norway. Pro- from North Dakota, and he is carrying on Alaska, twelve tried to duplicate ceeds benefit the educational programs of the musical traditions of his family. Both he miles up the river it and make a Norsk Folkedans Stemne, a 501c3 organiza- and Jane play with Nordic Spirit, formed in from Naknek, Crown of Thorns tion. Afterwards, there is dancing for every- 1999. Alaska.He was frame and soon one. Seating is limited, so buy your tickets Our favorite Norwegian fiddler, Bill one of sixteen mastered the art early! Boyd, leads the musicians for the dancing children born to of creating frames Poulsbo Leikarringen is the premier following the performance! Bill Boyd is a Agafia Kalma- and ornaments young adult dance group in the greater Se- multi-talented fiddler and learned to play koff Gronn and out of this design. attle area. They were the featured program hardingfele in 1983 from Leikarringen’s Nils R. H. Gronn. In this puzzle- at the centennial of Sons of Norway District original fiddler, Ingulv Eldegard. Ever His father, Nils, work design, the 2 and wowed the delegates with their fast since he has been playing for Leikarringen was from Oslo, members are in- paced dances. It included the amazing ath- of Leif Erikson Lodge 2-001, Sons of Nor- Norway and was ter-connected in letic halling which culminated with the high way, and continues developing his skill by a sailor on a four three dimensions kick off of the hat held on a long pole 10 feet both instruction in Norway and here through masted sailing with no solid core in the air! the many fiddlers who have been at Norsk ship named the and is considered Barneleikarringen features performanc- Folkedans Stemne. “Star of Falk- a variety of tramp es of the children’s dances of Norway and See you at the wild salmon dinner and land” that sailed art. Scandinavia. The enthusiasm and smiles performance by dancers Poulsbo Leikarrin- to Bristol Bay, Tramp art of youngsters ages 3-10 is heartwarming gen and Barneleikarringen, and musicians Alaska in 1924. Photo: Laura Fisher Quilts became popular as they show off their skills in singing and Jane Johnson, Jeff Anderson and Toby Wein- Nils decided to The complex “Crown of Thorns” frame. in Europe in the dancing! berg performance on Tuesday, August 13! stay in Alaska 1880’s and was Toby Weinberg is widely recognized as and married Aga- brought to the one of the leading Hardanger fiddle play- Tickets available at http://www.brown- fia Kalmakoff. United States by immigrants in the ers in North America. He has been learn- papertickets.com/event/386751 Carl grew up in Naknek, Alaska early 1900’s. It wasn’t until 1930 that ing, teaching and performing slåttar from Or, send your check with a self ad- and as a young man in the 1950’s, he this art form became popular in the Telemark and Numedal for more than 27 dressed stamped envelope to: saw a frame in a man’s house, the man U. S., but after the depression, it soon years. He is also an accomplished performer Norsk Folkedans Stemne he knew only as “German Happy,” disappeared. Carl has created one and teacher of other Norwegian instruments PO Box 17099 and he never forgot the design, known frame that consists of over 2,000 piec- including ordinary fiddle, seljefløyte and Seattle WA 98127 as the “Crown of Thorns.” In 1990, es, a complex art form that is unique munnharpe. Dinner and performance tickets are $20 he met Dennis Knagin, who owned to our world of art. Jane Johnson has been playing at danc- for adults or $10 for children 6 – 12 until Au- one of those frames and agreed to es in the Puget Sound area for many years gust 10. Tickets at the door and after August with her husband Jeff Anderson. She is a self 10 are $25 for adults or $15 for children. taught musician, introduced to Nordic mu- 14 • July 5, 2013 Online: blog.norway.com/category/norwegian-americans norwegian american weekly norwegian heritage

< canada Norwegian Language Corner From page 1 settlements, all of them existing within a hundred miles east of Montreal. NORWEGIAN FOLK TALES, FAIRY TALES AND TROLLS lesser publicized Canadian paths of entry. Quebec City used an island, Grosse Isle, “The book has the working title, ‘The Ca- in the St. Lawrence River as a point of entry. nadian Interlude,’ or in Norwegian, ‘den “A lot of these immigrants who came had ty- Kanadiske mellomakt,’ and it deals with the phus or cholera, and I visited the cemetery,” period 1850 to about 1875, when some 90% Lovoll shared. “There were several hundred of all Norwegians coming to North America Norwegians who died and are buried on this With 18 classic folk tales, fairy tales and trolls from Norway in Norwegian and English, “Tuss og Troll” is now serialized in the Norwegian American Weekly’s Norwegian Language Corner. The stories are from the col- landed in Quebec City or Montreal, mostly Grosse Isle. It was very touching for me to lections of Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Moe, and retold by Øyvind Dybvad, Gard Espeland, Velle Espeland, Johannes Quebec City, rather than New York,” Lovoll see their names.” Farestveit and Nana Rise-Lynum. “Tuss og Troll” was edited, designed and published by Deb Nelson Gourley of Astri My Astri revealed. publishing. Copyright © Norsk Barneblad. Having spent time on both sides of the The attraction of Canadian ports of en- Atlantic, in Quebec, in Ottawa, five weeks in try was tied to the development of the Nor- Norway in Oslo and in Stavanger in pursuit wegian sailing ship industry of that time. of research, Lovoll mentioned that he is also Impetus came from “. . . the enactment of “in touch with descendents of immigrants free-trade agreements with Great Britain, who came through Quebec City and are now which allowed them to carry immigrants to living in the United States, and they will be Quebec and transport timber back to Great part of my book as well.” Britain. Cargo going in both directions al- “As a social historian, my book will lowed the sailing ships to lower the rate of be on both a micro and macro [level]. I fo- tickets very much, and this attracted Norwe- cus very much on the individual experience gians,” Lovoll stated. about the immigrant, more so than many his- “Now, almost all of these [Norwegian torians would have done. I have a lot of sto- immigrants] did not stay in Quebec. Some ries about that,” Lovoll stated. He described of them had bought tickets to all the way to correspondence between such immigrants Wisconsin, all the way from Norway. A lot entering through Canada and their families of these immigrants that came from Norway in Norway, correspondence he discovered in in the ‘50’s were paupers, and they landed an educational institution in Norway. It all without any money. The authorities in Que- memorializes a difficult trail of immigration bec paid for their way to Wisconsin some- from fjords, valleys and mountains around Dei to Friarane The TWO SUITORS times, something that happened quite a bit. Norway. Or, the charitable institutions took care of Lovoll is continuing to search out sto- Og no vart det fart på hogginga. Til And now the cutting down of the trees them in the same way.” ries of families in North America who came midnatt var alle trea nede, og før sola went fast. By midnight all the trees were He continued, “There was a great effort through the ports of Canada during this time spratt neste morgon, var dei både kvista down, and before the sun shone the next on the part of Canadian authorities to have period. He can be reached at his e-mail ad- og lagde i ein lunne nede ved elva. morning, the trees were both limbed and these immigrants stay, and some of them did. dress of [email protected] should someone Då kongen og prinsessa kom for å stacked in a pile down by the river. There were actually three Norwegian settle- care to share their family’s experience with sjå korleis det hadde gått, var kongen When the king and the princess came ments. They all failed, but there were three him. Lovoll stated the book will be pub- nær på å mista både munn og mæle. to see how it had gone, the king was dumb- attempts. Canadian authorities sent Norwe- lished in both English and Norwegian lan- Men så fekk han sjå at det stod att ein struck. But then he noticed that there still gian-speaking agents to Norway to get Nor- guage versions. He has publishers here in wegians to come to settle in Quebec.” Lovoll liten tynn or. stood a small thin alder tree there. America and in Norway. will spend some time in study of these three — Du har ikkje hogd alt, sa kon- “You haven’t cut down all of them,” gen, — så noko bryllaup blir det ikkje. said the king, “so now there won’t be any — Men sidan han har vore så flink, må .” “But since he was so good, won’t han vel få ein sjanse til, bad prinsessa. he get another chance,” begged the princess. < awar d From page 1 CEO. “We’re particularly happy to be able — Ja vel då, men greier han ikkje “Alright then, but if he doesn’t manage to do this from Brooklyn, one of the most å dyrka heile teigen der skogen stod, to cultivate the entire parcel of land where in Common Sense Advisory’s (www.com- linguistically diverse cities on the planet!” til i morgon tidleg, så hamnar han i or- the forest stood, by early tomorrow, then he monsenseadvisory.com) annual review of Building on her career as a successful megarden, sa kongen og for heim. will be thrown into the worm farm,” said the the translation, localization, and interpreting freelance translator, Vigdis Eriksen founded — Dette greier eg aldri, sa guten då king and went home. services industry. Based on total revenue, Eriksen Translations in 1986. In addition to det leid til kvelds. Men akkurat då kom “I’ll never manage to do this,” said the this places Eriksen Translations in the top working in her native Norwegian, her goal trollkjerringa gåande igjen. Og ho var boy as it neared evening. But just then the 1% of the more than 5,000 translation com- was to offer clients other Scandinavian lan- panies identified in North America. like sur og usikker som kvelden før. troll woman came walking along again. And guages while maintaining her personal com- This report shows that in an increasing- — Jau, flink er han Troll-Knut, men she was just as crabby and unsure as the eve- mitment to flawless translations and excep- ly globalized world, translation is more im- eg veit ikkje om han er snill, sa ho. — ning before. tional service. As the company has grown, portant than ever – to reach 90% of the most Eriksen has never wavered from that com- Kanskje han slett ikkje veit korleis han “Aye, that Troll-Knut sure is clever, but economically active consumers online, you mitment. lyskar ei trollkjerring. I don’t know if he is kind,” she said. “May- need to communicate in at least 13 languag- Eriksen Translations Inc., now in its be he doesn’t know how to delouse a troll es. The European Union recognizes 23 of- 27th year, is a leading provider of multilin- woman.” ficial languages, and the influence of Arabic gual services in more than 100 languages. and Chinese continues to grow worldwide. In addition to translation, Eriksen offers Eriksen credits this ranking to years of interpreting, web localization, multilingual Translated into English by Alexander Knud Huntrods and Odd-Steinar Dybvad Raneng experience as a leader in the industry along desktop publishing and media services, and with the company’s commitment to provid- Price: $29.95 with FREE shipping in the U.S.A. • www.astrimyastri.com cultural consulting. ing clients with a premiere level of service. Eriksen partners with major companies With 687 “locales” worldwide representing in technology, finance and insurance, health unique slices of the world’s economic, po- care and education, as well as museums and litical, and cultural identity, the need to help cultural institutions worldwide. Clients in- businesses communicate around the globe clude leading cultural institutions like The is growing, making high-quality, client-fo- Metropolitan Museum of Art, medical tech- cused language services a crucial differen- nology innovators such as Medtronic, finan- tiator in the international marketplace. cial giants like Citi, MetLife, and Prudential, “It’s wonderful to be part of a thriving and leading technology companies such as industry and to play even a small part in help- Skype. For more information, visit: www. ing the different peoples of the world com- eriksen.com. municate,” said Vigdis Eriksen, Founder and

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< Second Tippeligaen: Norway’s Premier League From page 1 In 2012, he also won 1st place in the 3rd stage of the Driedaagse De Panne; 1st results Standings Twenty-five year old Kristoff, of place in the 4th stage Tour of Denmark; 2nd Tippeligaen PLD PTS Stavanger, Norway, is a professional cyclist place in the 2nd stage Driedaagse De Panne; 06/22 Vålerenga 3 – 3 Molde 1. Strømsgodset IF 14 32 for the UCI Pro Team Katusha. His past no- 2nd place in the 1st stage Tour of Denmark; 06/22 Sarpsborg 2 – 1 Start table victories include two first place finish- and 2nd place in the 13th stage of the Giro 2. Rosenborg BK 14 28 es, one in 2007 and another in 2011, at the d’Italia, among other victories. 06/22 Rosenborg 1 – 0 Strømgodset 3. Ålesunds FK 14 24 National Race Championship, which is held Kristoff has almost 2,000 people fol- 06/23 Tromsø 2 – 0 Lillestrøm 4. SK Brann 14 24 annually in Norway. Kristoff also took home lowing him on his Facebook page, where he 5. Viking FK 14 24 a bronze medal in the road race of the 2012 provides interesting updates as he continues 06/23 Ålesund 2 – 1 Viking 6. Sogndal IL Fotball 14 20 London Olympics. to compete in the Tour de France. 06/23 Hønefoss 1 – 1 Odd Grenland 7. FK Haugesund 14 20

06/23 Sandnes Ulf 1 – 3 Sogndal 8. Tromsø IL 14 19 9. Vålerenga Fotball 14 17 < UN 06/23 Haugesund 2 – 1 Brann 10. Sarpsborg 08 FF 14 17 From page 3 third of global FDI outflows, continuing an upward trend that looks set to continue. 11. Odd Grenland 14 15 erately over the next two years. This year’s World Investment Report To read more about football in 12. Hønefoss BK 14 15 However, the report reveals that the provides an in-depth analysis, strategic de- 13. Lillestrøm SK 14 15 Norway, visit global picture masks a number of major dy- velopment options and practical advice for www.uefa.com 14. Molde FK 14 14 namic developments. In 2012 – for the first policymakers and others on how to maxi- 15. IK Start 14 14 time ever – developing economies absorbed mize the benefits and minimize the risks as- 16. Sandnes Ulf 14 10 more FDI than developed countries, with sociated with global value chains. This is es- four developing economies ranked among sential to ensure more inclusive growth and the five largest recipients in the world. De- sustainable development. < statoil veloping countries also generated almost one From page 3 responsible manner, whilst ensuring maximum value creation in the joint venture. acreage,” he underlines. We are also committed to continue the Sports News & Notes Statoil entered into the Eagle Ford relationship and further develop strong ties shale in 2010, through a 50/50 joint venture with our host communities,” says Torstein with Talisman Energy USA Inc. Talisman She has also won six European Championship Hole. Athletics: Diamond League gold for initially acted as operator for the jointly gold medals, and in 2004 she won Olympic Statoil holds approximately 73,000 net Thorkildsen owned acreage, under an agreement where gold in the games in Athens. acres in the Eagle Ford. Production stands Norwegian Andreas Thorkildsen won the jav- Statoil was to attain operatorship for half the (Norway Post) at 20,200 barrels of oil equivalents per day elin event at the Diamond League meet in Bir- acreage at a later stage. (boe/d) (Statoil share) from around 300 mingham on Sunday, with a throw of 83.94m. Soccer: Eikrem signs for Heerenveen Last year, producing wells. It was also his first Diamond League win of the companies Norwegian international footballer Magnus Statoil has the season. Finland’s Ari Mannio placed sec- agreed that Statoil, been active in U.S. ond, and Russia’s Dmitrij Tarabin came third. Wolff Eikrem (22) has signed a four-year through a phased contract with the Dutch club Heerenveen. shale plays since (Norway Post) transition, would 2008. Besides its Eikrem comes from the Norwegian premier take responsibility activity in the Eagle league club Molde. He was also sought by Off-road biking: Gold for Dahle Flesjå for operations in the Ford, Statoil holds several other European clubs, among them Norwegian biker Gunn-Rita Dahle Flesjå won eastern half of the significant positions some said to be from the Bundesliga. “We are gold in the marathon off-road biking world asset. in the Marcellus and very proud of the fact that he chose us,” says Championship in Kirchberg, Austria on Sat- This acreage the Bakken plays. Heerenveen director Johan Hansma. urday, ahead of Sally Bigham, Great Britain. falls mainly within Production from these (NRK) The Norwegian veteran (40) led from start to Live Oak, Karnes, positions is a strong finish. This was Dahle Flesjå’s 9th WC gold. DeWitt and Bee contributor to Statoil’s counties. Talisman North American will continue Puzzle Solution growth strategy, with operational From page 10 Norwegian American Weekly where the ambition responsibility for is to produce more the western acreage, Photo: Ole Jørgen Bratland / Statoil ASA Statoil’s presence in Williston, N.D. than 500,000 boe/d in Organization of the Week which is principally in 2020. Statoil’s global McMullen, La Salle ambition is to produce Sons of Norway and Dimmit counties. 2.5 million boe/d in #3-636 The joint ownership for the total acreage is 2020. not impacted by the splitting of operational Lillehammer Lodge In North America, Statoil is established responsibilities. with U.S. offices in Houston and Austin, Manhattan, N.Y. Statoil has already taken over Texas; Stamford, Connecticut; Anchorage, operations on three drilling rigs in the Alaska; Williston, North Dakota and Sandra L. Fisher Eagle Ford. From July 1, the company has Washington DC and Canadian offices Lodge Vice President also assumed responsibility for producing [email protected] in Calgary, Alberta and St. Johns, wells, processing facilities, pipelines and (212) 744-5900 Newfoundland and Labrador. infrastructure, and a field office in Runge, The company also owns and operates Karnes County. the South Riding Point crude oil terminal in For the full list of organizations, “Both companies have been committed visit noram.norway.com/organizations the Bahamas and has a representative office to executing the transition in a safe and in Mexico City, Mexico. Our summer break is coming up!

The Weekly office will be closed July 15 – August 9.

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