Primary Active Ca2+ Transport Systems in Health and Disease
Downloaded from on September 27, 2021 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Primary Active Ca2+ Transport Systems in Health and Disease Jialin Chen,1 Aljona Sitsel,1 Veronick Benoy,1 M. Rosario Sepúlveda,2,3 and Peter Vangheluwe1,3 1Laboratory of Cellular Transport Systems, Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, KU Leuven, 3000 Leuven, Belgium 2Department of Cell Biology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Granada, 18071 Granada, Spain Correspondence: Calcium ions (Ca2+) are prominent cell signaling effectors that regulate a wide variety of cellular processes. Among the different players in Ca2+ homeostasis, primary active Ca2+ transporters are responsible for keeping low basal Ca2+ levels in the cytosol while establishing steep Ca2+ gradients across intracellular membranes or the plasma membrane. This review summarizes our current knowledge on the three types of primary active Ca2+-ATPases: the sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA) pumps, the secretory pathway Ca2+- ATPase (SPCA) isoforms, and the plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase (PMCA) Ca2+-transporters. We first discuss the Ca2+ transport mechanism of SERCA1a, which serves as a reference to describe the Ca2+ transport of other Ca2+ pumps. We further highlight the common and unique features of each isoform and review their structure–function relationship, expression pattern, regulatory mechanisms, and specific physiological roles. Finally, we discuss the increasing genetic and in vivo evidence that links the dysfunction of specific Ca2+-ATPase isoforms to a broad range of human pathologies, and highlight emerging therapeutic strate- gies that target Ca2+ pumps. a2+ signaling is crucial for many physiolog- cus on the primary active Ca2+-transporters or Cical processes and is dysregulated in a mul- Ca2+-ATPases, which are responsible for keep- titude of pathological conditions.
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