POWDER Larans Upon Real Estate, Lien, I Taunton, J

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POWDER Larans Upon Real Estate, Lien, I Taunton, J a-AOTtAKT Xf !•»©. dence of Mr. Gardiner, nearly a mile distant, three Political. ATE ELECT MR. DAVIS. Give of and called Mrs. Gardiner ont to see her pet. MUTUAL LITE INSURANCE the seven councilor* to the republicans, and candidate for Presi- informed of the THE CONNECTICUT CO, JUimebec Imtrnal wpaver, greenback Mrs. Gardiner upon being OOJTW. Jailj be- in to as not OF HARTFORD, divide the State offee* nearly equal dent. ie to make an extensive campaign contents of the can. begged the girl tween the two as Let the the in so. parties possible. the South. He believes greenbackers open it there, hot she persisted doing 8. cities which were de- she Anguata, Thursday Morning, July representatives of the can carry tiro or three southern States. but at the earnest request of Mrs. Gardiner ANNUAL STATEMENT. of seat* the of the THIRTY"FOURTH prived their by illegality to the Vice-Presidency consented to cut off the bead of the snake com- When nominated returns, BE ADMITTED; and let the to from Mr. Colfax was a widower. So were Henry with an axe on hia attempting escape NET ASSEIS, January I, l(C* * men of both IS 1979. mittees be made sp of the best was and with it RECEIVED Bepoblfean SMinafiois. Wilson and Mr. Wheeler. Both Mr. Eng- the can. The axe procured, 07 with reference to the bus- snake $5,759,441 parties, important lish and Mr. Arthur are widowers. she pried open the can, and when the K.ir Premiums. 3,903,Sir lit iness of the State, and not to In For Interest »ud Kent, politics. Convention crept out of it she deliberately cut its head this we will go An Irish-Ameriean Republican following substantially plan, off with the axe. The snake was a large one 954^0,, will be held at on the fourteenth to the next year, and I believe receive Indianapolis rattles. people States and territories and contained ten their verdict of approval. instant. Twenty-fire #5S,l?v,iij'|I are by signers to the call. IS 1879 : I assume, of course, that the legislature represented , DISBVRSED Bawdoin f oinuiem emeiit. if s war record, there is College : would carry out such a programme request- In spite of Hancock IO POLICY HOLDERS A1 745 266 54 him at Death and matured Endowment. ed the candidate for Governor. not a negro in the land who, knowing The morning trains on Wednesday brought For claims by *i nS>#4 n by opposition returned to Policy-holders, do so. At not "the soldier" .surplus jsor 45ft 88 I have no doubt would any all, ddes look upon superb a number of alumni, and the Policies, they in quite large Lapsed and surrendered _ rate, so far as the office of Governor is con- as one of the worst enemies of bis race. an animated #7,13«,98« W town now presents quite appear- Total holder'. cerned, it is in the hand* of the opposing Mr. A. G. Porter, republican nominee for paid Policy and ance. The exercises of the are not of as EXPENSES: candidates. If you and Major Smith, Governor of Indiana, began life as a young day $300,145 59 on other ot should concur in the views ex- much public interest as the days on salary, 9..S/4 99 Mr. Bradbnry, ferryman on the Ohio river, opposite Law- Salaries of tMBcerr! clerks, and all others employed such a the week, and most -»f the time is spent in pressed, you could of course compel renceburg. When he had reached the age of FOB PRESIDENT, I tee be- old and in social Advertising, Postage. Exchange, etc., result. Without some compromise, he had saved enough money at this renewing acquaintance PrTnrin^Stathmery, ^ fifteen Phi Profit and Loss, AX At f» o'clock. V. M.. the _ fore the opposition OVERWHELMIXG work to carry him partly through a college gathering-. DEFEAT NEXT YEAR. It seems to me Beta Kappa fraternity held it* annual meet- 585,708 4.5 course. of the WB*BW' JAKES A. such as I must be ing and elected the following members TAXES, GARFIELD, some compromise suggest the recent of women of the Among appointments of’SO : Moulding. as honorable; and in view class Dane, Hall, Giveen, OF OHIO. regarded bv the Governor and Council of Massachu- The business to be transacted by the Maxey. Winter. Chapman and Holmes.* important setts, are those of Adelaide A. Calkins of the winter, it is of great officers for the ensuing year are : President. Assets. December SI. UCT, *47,116,24. J7 legislature coming trustee of the State and Balance, Net Springfield, primary Hon. Josiali Vice President, Judge importance. P. of Crosby; SCHEDULE OF ASSETS FOB VICE PRESIDENT, reform schools; Catherine Lothrop Prof. F. will not consider me as impos- Symonds: Secretary and Treasurer, first ® I hope yon trustee of the State workhouse: POWDER larans upon Real Estate, lien, I Taunton, J. but receive what C. Robinson; Literary Committee, Prof. Loans ujhiii Stocks and Bonds, '•# sing my views»upon you, and P. ot trustee of the an hon- Emily Pope Boston, Rev. 11. X. Pure. Premium Notes on Policies in force, M have said as on my part by B. Sewall, Hon. W. Z. Putnam. Absolutely * JEKIi CHESTER A. ARTHUR, prompted State almshouse. Cost of Real Estate owned by tin* Company, 47 to out of our in an Packard, Hon. i). C. Linscott and Rev. C- S ( ream Tartar—No other prep- a*?* est desire get difficulty Made from Grape ost ot l ulled States Bonds, H Iowa or lux- l Rptfisrered The report comes from Perkins. the Phi Beta aration makes such light, hot breads, 00 OF NEW YORK, honorable wav. gratifying Following Kappa flaky without Cost of State Bonds, in the re- Can be eaten dyspeptics Verv that there is now perfect harmony meeting came the annual meeting of tin* urious pa-trv. by Cost o! City Bonds, °* truly yours. I fear ol resulting from heavy indigestion «5a? ranks in the Fifth. Sixth and was the'ills Cost of other Bonds, Ml J. B. FbSTBR. publican Alumni. No business of importance in all food. Sold only cans, by grocers. l ost of Bank Stock, <* Seventh Congressional Districts of that done. New York. "’•JJ'1 FOB GOVERNOR, KitVAi. Bakino PoivriK* Co., Cost of Railroad Stock, State. This has not been true before for church janl5ttl 1 has become In the afternoon the First Baptist Cash in Bank at Interest, sS’SP ? The Commercial we look Bangor several year9. and may confidently was well filled an audience Balance due from Agents, secured, 71 by appreciative 15,X6.y**-' 44 DANIEL F. in the a from llills receivable and J udgment, DAVIS, ferocious over the developments forward"to solid republican delegation to listen to an address before file Phi Beta OF CORINTH. Siamese-twin to which it belongs, the State in the next Congress. ! Kappa Society by Prof. Meo. T. Ladd of *47,116,244 37 party 52 Amt Interest accrued and due, *1,453,4*8 of nominations and The greenbackers have relied upon having Bowdoin College. in favor separate Ameri- Kents acc ued, the of Gen. Butler in the coming The concert in the evening by the *o"J It hurls the support Market value of Stocks and Bonds over cost, 105,1)82 the of fusion. evince not much can Band and Miss was well at- Fom Member* or Corobe**: against policy campaign, and they only May Bryant Net Premiums In course of ceKecriou, NONE thunderbolt at those over tended anti satisfaction. After the and semi-auuual Premiums, 31*,*, 9 6* 2nd Dint. WILLIAM P. FRYE, of Lew- following rhetorical surprise but considerable indignation gave good Net deterred quarterly the statement that the General does not in- concert the various societies held reunions iston. who dare its wishes : “We say *1,676,000 oppose old times 11 of tend to support the greenback nominee, and and revived their remembrance of :wi STEPHEN D. LINDSEY, that the man or men, “in all sincerity, not in the cam- in the and not until a Norridgcwock. will therefore take any part spent chapter rooms, Gross Assets, December 111, 1*79, *48,792,334 46* an contribute toward late hour were these LIABILITIES: 4th CHARLES A. BOUTELLE. “who, at such important crisis, persists paign, or anything defray- pleasant gatherings success, is an ing the expenses of keeping the greenback broken up. Amount required to reinsure all outstanding Policies, net, assuming of Bangor. ! “in a course that endangers 00 alive. A who lie saw 4 percent, interest, *^'974,325 .-.tli SETH L. MILL!KEN, ot to its party gentleman says 06 to the party, and a traitor latter de- IVinthrop Lorala. All other Liabilities, l,277,2o. Belfast. “enemy Gen" Butler quite recently says the Thousands visit the Mineral Springs, here and whatever his Peter and Paul two French and thousands ot dollars in search for “interests and the State, clined to say whether he would support Gen. Sturgis Ruel, abroad, spend *45,351,5*2 06 when a lew doses of or Hancock. He said that it health, “creed or and also to the Garfield Gen. Canadians were arrrigned Detore trial justice professions; Connecticut Standard, Councillor Foster’s Letter to <Jov- would not be wise for the democratic party SURPLUS, December 31, 1*79, by *3,440.752 42 which has for Woodward of tJtli, charged Tarrant’s Seltzer SURPLUS, December 31, 1*79, bv New York Standard. *ii.i**,I24 42 “great and patriotic party the Surratt or to Winthrop, July Aperient ernor Oarcelon ProposlHg a to defend affair, attempt RATIO OK EXPENSE OF MANAGEMENT TO RECEIPTS IN 1*79, 0.54 Per Cent.
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