
Rainer Schwenn, Eckart Marsch (Eds.) Physics of the Inner I Large-Scale Phenomena Series: Physics and Chemistry in Space

Physics of the Inner Heliosphere gives for the first time a comprehensive and complete summary of our knowledge of the inner solar system. Using data collected over more than 11 years by the twin solar probes, one of the most successful ventures in unmanned space exploration, the authors have compiled 10 extensive reviews of the physical processes of the inner heliosphere and their connections to the solar atmosphere. Researchers and advanced students in space and physics, astronomy, and will be surprised to see just how closely the heliosphere is tied to the and how sensitively it depends on our star. The four chapters of Volume I of the work deal with large-scale phenomena: - observations of the solar corona - the structure of the interplanetary medium - the interplanetary magnetic field - interplanetary dust. Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1990, XI, 282 p.

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