The Agile Manager’s Guide To COACHING TO MAXIMIZE PERFORMANCE The Agile Manager’s Guide To COACHING TO MAXIMIZE PERFORMANCE By Jack Cullen and Len D’Innocenzo ™ Velocity Business Publishing Bristol, Vermont USA For Grace and Jack Cullen and Nina and Frank D’Innocenzo With love and grateful appreciation for your guidance and inspiration Velocity Business Publishing publishes authoritative works of the highest quality. It is not, however, in the business of offering profes- sional, legal, or accounting advice. Each company has its own cir- cumstances and needs, and state and national laws may differ with respect to issues affecting you. If you need legal or other advice pertaining to your situation, secure the services of a professional. Copyright © 1999 by CRKInteractive, Inc. All Rights Reserved Printed in the United States of America Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 99-64995 ISBN 1-58099-050-9 Second printing, March 2001 Printed in Canada The information on behavioral styles is adapted from the widely used DiSC® Model and the Personal Profile System®. The Personal Profile System is copyrighted (©) 1994 by Inscape Publishing, Minneapolis, Minnesota. DiSC® and Personal Profile System® are registered trademarks of Inscape Publishing. Used with permission. If you’d like additional copies of this book or a catalog of books in the Agile Manager Series®, please get in touch. ■ Write us: Velocity Business Publishing, Inc. 15 Main Street Bristol, VT 05443 USA ■ Call or fax us: 1-888-805-8600 in North America (toll-free) 1-802-453-6669 from all other countries 1-802-453-2164 (fax) ■ E-mail us:
[email protected] ■ Visit our Web site: To get in touch with Jack Cullen or Len D’Innocenzo, call 1-978-474-8657 or visit their Web site,