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Created exclusively for users Studios For Disney Adults – Standard One Day Plan – Plan B – Without Fantasmic

I recommend the Standard One Day Plans for the majority of Disney adults (groups that consist of those age ten and over) who plan to visit the bulk of the most popular attractions, including the thrill rides with height requirements of 48 inches. This plan visits all of the best attractions at the Hollywood Studios and most of the other attractions geared toward pre-teens, teens, and adults as well. It also skips those attractions that have little to offer adults, including Playhouse Disney/Disney Jr. Live on Stage, Honey I Shrunk the Kids Movie Set Adventure, and Jedi Training Academy. It’s relatively easy to work these attractions in if you do want to visit them. Luckily, Jedi Training Academy and Playhouse Disney have the most shows scheduled throughout the day. If your itinerary is focused primarily on a child, I would recommend using one of the “with kids” touring plans and work in the thrill rides with FASTPASS throughout the day if you also want to do Tower of Terror and Rock ‘N’ Roller Coaster.

Plan A Vs. Plan B – Standard One Day Plan

Plan A and Plan B have different approaches. Plan A minimizes wait times and walking as much as possible and keeps you away from the bulk of the morning crowds (other than at Mania). This is possible because we use FASTPASS at Rock ‘N’ Roller Coaster and Tower of Terror, rather than going to those attractions immediately after Toy Story Mania in the morning. The downside is that we aren’t scheduled to ride Rock ‘N’ Roller Coaster, Tower of Terror, and the Great Movie Ride until the end of the day. This allows us to see as much as possible in the Hollywood Studios in the shortest amount of time, but it may be difficult to put off the Studios’ most popular attractions until after 5pm, especially if this is your first visit.

If you would like to ride Rock ‘N’ Roller Coaster and Tower of Terror earlier in the morning, I would recommend using the Plan B version of the Standard One Day Plan. The major downside to Plan B is that we have to deal with potentially heavy crowds on Sunset Boulevard in the morning and it will take more time to do those attractions, because the line will almost certainly be longer than the five to ten minutes we would be waiting in the FASTPASS line later in the day. Of course, if you arrive at Rock ‘N’ Roller Coaster and the line is longer than you’d like, you can always grab a FASTPASS rather than wait in line. There is also a lot more walking involved in Plan B. Plan A is more compartmentalized. On the plus side, we’ll be riding each of the headlining rides at least twice with Plan B, and possibly more, depending on how many FASTPASSes you collect throughout the day.

While the itinerary only explicitly schedules you to pick up FASTPASSes for Rock ‘N’ Roller Coaster and Tower of Terror once, you’re welcome to obtain as many FASTPASSes for these rides as possible throughout the day. I recommend sending one person with the group’s tickets to obtain the FASTPASSes and then they can rejoin the group at a stage show or meal. You can

Created exclusively for users use as many FASTPASSes “back to back” as you want (as long as they’re due), but you will need to exit and reenter the line each time. Still, the wait shouldn’t be longer than five or ten minutes each ride. Also, remember that FASTPASSes don’t have names attached to them. You can get FASTPASSes with people’s tickets even if they aren’t planning to ride. For example, if there are four people in your group and only two of them are planning to ride Rock ‘N’ Roller Coaster, you can still use all four tickets to get four FASTPASSes. The two people that are interested in the ride can then use all four FASTPASSes to ride twice.

In order:

1 and 2. Head directly to Toy Story Mania in Pixar Place. If the line is 30 minutes or less, go directly to the standby line and ride and then get a FASTPASS on your way out. If the wait is longer than 30 minutes, you don’t want to wait at all, or you only want to ride once, grab a FASTPASS without riding and continue to step three.

3. Exit Toy Story Mania and head back out toward Mickey’s Sorcerer’s Hat and over to Sunset Boulevard. We’ll pass Tower of Terror and ride Rock ‘N’ Roller Coaster first because the wait increases earlier in the day.

4. Walk back toward Tower of Terror and ride.

5. Continue walking out of Sunset Boulevard and walk back up to the Great Movie Ride at the end of Hollywood Boulevard. The entrance is behind Mickey’s Sorcerer’s Hat.

6. Walk back up toward Pixar Place and pass Toy Story Mania on your way to the Backlot Tour, which is now conveniently located through an archway. Prior to Toy Story Mania’s construction, you would have had to walk all the way around through Streets of America to get to the Backlot Tour. It’s still a trek, but there’s really no way around it. We want to avoid the Backlot Tour from 2pm to 5pm because of all the people who exit the Lights, Motors, Action! Extreme Stunt Show and immediately get in line for the nearby queue to the Backlot Tour. Don’t be too concerned if the line seems long – they move a ton of people through at a time and the line doesn’t move in between pre-shows starting.

7. Walk back down to Sunset Boulevard to obtain FASTPASSes for Rock ‘N’ Roller Coaster. I recommend sending just one person with the group’s tickets to the FASTPASS machines to do this. That person can then meet the group for lunch.

8. Have lunch. I recommend Starring Rolls on Sunset Boulevard because of its proximity to Beauty and the Beast and Rock ‘N’ Roller Coaster as well as the high quality of the food. Sunset Ranch Market is also nearby and offers a wide variety of options.

9. See the 12:45pm Beauty and the Beast Stage Show.

Created exclusively for users 10. Obtain FASTPASSes for Tower of Terror. The FASTPASS machines are just about two minutes away from the entrance to Beauty and the Beast.

11. The Disney Channel Rocks show begins at 1:30pm near Mickey’s Sorcerer’s Hat at the end of Hollywood Boulevard. Because the stage is out in the open and there is no formal queue, you can walk right up and see the show. Disney Channel Rocks won’t necessarily entertain adults much and we actually want to be on our way to see the 2pm Epic Stunt Spectacular in Echo Lake, but you do have time to enjoy a few minutes of the show. If Disney Channel Rocks is more important to your group, I would recommend watching the 10:30am show in place of the Backlot Tour. You can then reschedule the Backlot Tour in place of a stage show or attraction that you don’t necessarily care about seeing later in the day.

12. See the 2pm Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular in Echo Lake. Unless Hollywood Studios is extremely busy (Rock N Roller Coaster wait times of 50+ minutes and Tower of Terror wait times of 30+ minutes), arriving about ten minutes early should get you good seats. If the Studios is busy, skip Disney Channel Rocks completely and head straight here.

13. We have some time to take a break, use the bathroom, and gather snacks before the 3pm Parade. The Parade takes a while to get to the Echo Lake area and probably won’t arrive until about 3:15pm. I wouldn’t risk trying to fit in another attraction before the Parade unless you don’t care about missing the Parade. Consider browsing the store attached to Star Tours if you need something to do or search for nearby characters.

14. Watch the 3pm Parade. I recommend getting a spot along the Parade route in the Echo Lake area, near the entrance to Sounds Dangerous and American Idol Experience. It will be much less crowded than Hollywood Boulevard. Since we’re headed to Muppet Vision 3D next, stand on the Sounds Dangerous side so that you don’t have to cross the street after the Parade goes by.

15. Walk up the Streets of America to see Muppet Vision 3D. Including the preshow, the attraction is about 25 minutes long. If it looks like you won’t exit the show until after 4pm, save it for after step 16.

16. Continue up the Streets of America to see the 4:10pm Lights, Motors, Action! Extreme Stunt Show. Looking at the stadium seating, sit on the left side (the right side if you’re sitting and looking at the stage) to exit the theater before the majority of the other people in the stands.

17. Exit Lights, Motors, Action and walk back toward where you got in line for Backlot Tour. Continue past it, enter Pixar Place, and use your FASTPASS at Toy Story Mania. Make sure to note the wait time in the standby line and be happy you don’t find yourself in it. If your FASTPASS isn’t due yet, continue to step 18 and return to Toy Story Mania after.

18. Continue walking down through Animation Courtyard to the Voyage of the Little Mermaid.

Created exclusively for users 19. Exit and walk deeper into Animation Courtyard for the Magic of Disney Animation. If you have time, I highly recommend doing the optional drawing tutorial at the end of the tour. It’s an interesting hands-on look at the animation process. You will also create your own unique, free souvenir to take home.

20. It’s time to use those FASTPASSes collected throughout the day. Walk back to Sunset Boulevard and ride Rock ‘N’ Roller Coaster with FASTPASS(es).

21. Walk back out toward Tower of Terror and ride using FASTPASS(es).

22. Walk back up Hollywood Boulevard and look around the : One Man’s Dream exhibit. If you have time, watch the 15 minute that accompanies it in the attached theater.

23. You may also want to head back to Toy Story Mania to enter the standby line right before Hollywood Studios is scheduled to close. Disney will allow you get in line for a ride and ride it right up until Park closing, even if it’s clear that you will exit the attraction long after the Park closes. They will not ask you to leave a standby line unless there is a significant problem with the ride and it must close. In other words, even if the Studios closes at 7pm and the wait at Toy Story Mania is listed as 60 minutes, you may enter the line at 6:50pm and ride. It’s common for wait times to be inflated at the end of the night to persuade people from entering the queue. Make sure you check on the actual length of the line and take into consideration it will likely take less time than stated. If you get antsy, you can always leave. Don’t worry about Disney offering transportation after you get off the ride either. They run buses for at least 90 minutes after the Park is scheduled to close to accommodate those with late dining reservations.

Skipped Attractions and How to Fit Them In

Journey into Narnia: Prince Caspian: This attraction is right next door to Walt Disney: One Man’s Dream. There is rarely a line longer than 10 minutes and you’re welcome to replace another attraction with it if you’re particularly interested in the Chronicles of Narnia. Keep in mind that this is little more than an advertisement for Prince Caspian on Blu-ray and Disney lost the rights to distribute subsequent Narnia movies.

Mulch, Sweat, and Shears Bandscaping: This is a fun band to watch, but not necessarily worth going out of your way to see. They play along the Streets of America and you may see them as you’re walking to a nearby attraction. If you do and you have some time, stay and watch for a few minutes.

Playhouse Disney (Soon to Be Disney Jr.) Live on Stage: This is a stage show that is fun for young kids, but doesn’t have a lot to offer adults. There are no seats and participants are expected to sit on the floor until the singing and dancing starts. I don’t recommend it for anyone over the age of seven or eight, but there are multiple shows scheduled throughout the day and you should have no trouble substituting it for an attraction that doesn’t appeal to your group.

Created exclusively for users Honey I Shrunk the Kids Movie Set Adventure: This is a playground area for kids. It doesn’t offer anything for anyone over the age of eight or nine. The Movie Set Adventure is often confused for the Honey I Shrunk the Audience 3D show (formerly) at .

Jedi Training Academy: This show’s stage is located outside of Star Tours and you may be able to nonchalantly catch a few minutes of it after Indiana Jones or while you’re milling about the Streets of America or Echo Lake areas. There are multiple shows scheduled throughout the day and you should be able to fit it in if you really want to see it. It’s a lot of fun for kids and parents of kids that are participating, but it’s little more than “very cute” for teens and adults. If you enjoy and cute stage shows then you may want to fit this one in. Otherwise, you’re safe skipping it.

American Idol Experience: The 6:30pm Finale is the best show because it features the best singers from throughout the day. Prior shows are generally entertaining, but the experience varies greatly depending on the enthusiasm of the crowd and the talent of the performers. If you have extra time or expressly don’t want to visit one of the other stage shows, I would recommend American Idol Experience. It’s also a great way to get out of the heat, rain, or cold. Generally, you can arrive about ten minutes before a show begins and have no problem getting a seat. For the Finale, you probably want to arrive 20 minutes early to be on the safe side of things.

Fantasmic: Fantasmic is offered on limited nights most weeks. If you are interested in seeing Fantasmic, see the Adult Standard One Day Plan With Fantasmic.

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