CIMPOR Back to growth

November, 2010 Disclaimer

The contents of this presentation must be understood in light of the Financial Reports of CIMPOR - Cimentos de , SGPS, S.A. (CIMPOR) which prevail in regard to any data here presented.

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Copyright CIMPOR-Cimentos de Portugal, SGPS, S.A.

CIMPOR STRATEGY | November, 2010 1 Agenda

1. CIMPOR overview

2. Strategic priorities

3. Debt Refinancing

4. Wrap-up

. Appendix

CIMPOR STRATEGY | November, 2010 2 – a major international cement player

. Strong emerging market portfolio 72 % EBITDA from developing countries Group presence in 12 countries with 35.5 M tons cement production capacity1

Over 27 million cement tons sold in 2009 Focused on Cement

. Top of the industry profit margins 29% EBITDA margin in 2009

€ 2bn Turnover in 2009 € 0.6bn EBITDA in 2009

. Solid credit profile BBB - S&P rating Strong credit metrics: 2.66 Net Debt/EBITDA; 34% Net Debt/EV

1) With Own Clinker 3 CIMPOR STRATEGY | November, 2010 3 Strong Emerging Market Portfolio Presence in top 3 growth regions: Africa, South America & India

CIMPOR cement production capacity of 35,5 million tons1 Cement demand growth 2010-20 CAGR 3-4% Portugal 3.1 Mt 7.2 Mt 3.0 Mt ~2% 1.7 Mt 5.3 Mt 1.3 Mt India Cape 4.0 Mt 1.1 Mt Verde

World Cimpor 2 portfolio 6.5 Mt 0.7 Mt 1.5 Mt

Market Highly attractive: Attractive: Less attractive: "Wild card“: attractiveness growth CAGR >4%, growth CAGR>0% growth CAGR <0% highly uncertain overview medium to high and medium to high or low consolidation outlook consolidation consolidation 1 With own clinker 2 Weighted by cement sales (Mtons) in 2010 SOURCE: ICR; CemBureau; Global Insight CIMPOR STRATEGY | November, 2010 4 Top of the industry EBITDA margin and profitability 2009

ROIC 7,4% 6,3% 6,6% 5,0% 5,2%

EBITDA mg. 29% Consistent performance above peers over last 10 years

22% 22% Peers’ average

18% 19.8% 17%

International cement players1

1 Players with a installed capacity >30 M tons and presence in >3 continents SOURCE: Annual reports; Analyst reports

CIMPOR STRATEGY | November, 2010 5 Solid Credit Profile Peers Avg. excluding CIMPOR

47% 31% Net Debt / EV1

Cimpor Cemex Holcim Heidelberg

4.5X 2.7 x Net Debt / EBITDA1

Cimpor Cemex Holcim Heidelberg Lafarge

10.5 x

1 EBITDA / Net Financial Expenses 3.0 X

Cimpor Cemex Holcim Heidelberg Lafarge

1) LTM 4Qavg. ending September 2010 Source: Bloomberg for CIMPOR CIMPOR STRATEGY | November, 2010 6 Executive Management Team

Francisco de Lacerda (CEO)

Luís António Luís Ribeiro Sequeira Varela Vaz Martins (CFO)

Business Latin Southern Corporate Mediterranean Iberia Asia Support America Africa Centre Functions

Alexandre Fernando Plaza Brás Chaves Pieter Strauss Serra Nazaré Lencastre

CIMPOR STRATEGY | November, 2010 7 A diverse shareholder structure supporting a conservative growth strategy November 2010

.Votorantim and CGD 20.3% votes are imputable to signed a Shareholders Manuel Fino given his call Agreement option on CGD participation .Votes imputable together according to Portuguese Securities Code 15.6% 10.0% 10.7% 9.6% 100.0% 21.2%


Manuel Fino, BCP Free float Total SGPS, S.A. Pension Fund

CIMPOR STRATEGY | November, 2010 8 CIMPOR Governance

. CIMPOR complies with Corporate Governance best practices

. The Board of Directors comprises Shareholders’ representatives and independent members

. The Executive Committee is fully composed by independent professional Directors

. CIMPOR signed an APRO with CADE (Brazilian Competition Authority) in which:

1. Brazilian Shareholders do not interfere in operations management in Brazil

2. CIMPOR undertook reporting and competitive obligations towards CADE

CIMPOR STRATEGY | November, 2010 9 Agenda

1. CIMPOR overview

2. Strategic priorities

3. Debt Refinancing

4. Wrap-up

. Appendix

CIMPOR STRATEGY | November, 2010 10 CIMPOR’s aspiration for 2010-2015

I. Capture the best growth opportunities in cement ▪ Focus on current growth geographies (South America, Africa, and India/Asia) ▪ Consider complementary markets

One of the best II. Improve efficiency and performance international cement ▪ Company-wide cost/performance program players… ▪ Spain, Turkey and China improvement

…focusing on III. Strengthen organization and capabilities profitable growth in ▪ Core functions and processes emerging markets… ▪ Leadership renewal

…while achieving top IV. Maintain a solid financial position operating ▪ Strong commitment to keep Investment Grade rating performance ▪ Adequate leverage ratios

CIMPOR STRATEGY | November, 2010 11 I. Capture the best growth opportunities

South America Africa India / Asia Other Geographies

▪ Grow presence ▪ Leverage CIMPOR ▪ Capture growth ▪ Open for experience potential opportunistic transactions under ▪ Strengthen presence interesting terms on ▪ Leverage on in the region assets that fit the current position - ▪ Add capacity in ▪ Focus on India portfolio expand capacity in central Mozambique regional markets Brazil to keep market share ▪ Defend market ▪ Become a relevant share in Egypt, market player Morocco and Tunisia with organic growth ▪ Pursue high return opportunities ▪ Explore trading outside Brazil opportunities in coastal markets

Investment Criteria

▪ Attractive market competitiveness ▪ Majority positions, accepting minority positions with clear pass to management control ▪ Valuation vs. recent transactions and multiples ▪ Availability of appropriate financing

CIMPOR STRATEGY | November, 2010 12 II. Improve efficiency and performance

Turnaround Strategy 3 Year Cost Reduction Programme

China ▪ Integrate management of multiple sites Work fronts: ▪ Increase operating efficiency ▪ Procurement ▪ Commercial focus upgrading distribution ▪ Logistics and pricing capacities. ▪ SG&A ▪ Lean Operations

Approach: Turkey ▪ Increase operating efficiency ▪ Optimize regional footprint ▪ All levers across different geographies ▪ Actively explore pricing maximization ▪ Centrally driven, bottom up planned and locally implemented ▪ Dedicated teams

Spain ▪ Integrate Portugal and Spain operations ▪ Fine-tune operations Objective: ▪ Turnaround RMC operations ▪ Efficiency and Performance Targets ▪ >60 M€ cost reduction (over 2009)

CIMPOR STRATEGY | November, 2010 13 II. Sustainable development is key to CIMPOR businesses

Objectives Main initiatives

▪ R&D targeting CO2 emissions reduction.

Ensure environment ▪ Relevant investment on sustainability – ~45 M€ in 2009 protection and CO2 - operational revamping; emissions management - energy efficiency boost.

▪ Support non-profit organizations (e.g.: “Connosco”– Portugal). Promote social responsibility ▪ Micro-credit initiatives (e.g.: South Africa) and support surrounding communities ▪ Support relevant heritage rehabilitation (e.g.: Portugal, Brazil).

▪ Standard training and targets centrally defined and monitored

Ensure high standards of ▪ OH&S frequent training at country level. Health and Safety ▪ Internal communication plan: - promote best practices; - continuously promote internal benchmark.

CIMPOR STRATEGY | November, 2010 14 III. Strengthen organization capabilities… … to support corporate strategy

. Centralize and strengthen key corporate functions:

‒ human resources development, business development, planning and control, logistics, purchasing and engineering

. Increase robustness and standardization of processes at country level

. Renew company leadership and bring in new talent

CIMPOR STRATEGY | November, 2010 15 IV. Maintain a solid financial position Strong commitment to keep Investment Grade rating Conservative financial policies

Net debt/EBITDA LTM by September 2010 7.3

4.5 4.4

1 1 2.8 2.8 2.7 2.7 2.6

1.5 2

Rating B BB- BBB- BB+ BBB BBB- BBB- BBB- N/a S&P

Net Debt 61% 54% 51% 41%1 35% 45% 1) 40% 34% 19%2 to EV 1) LTM by June 2010; 2) LTM by December 2009; SOURCE: Bloomberg, Company Reports CIMPOR STRATEGY | November, 2010 16 Agenda

1. CIMPOR overview

2. Strategic priorities

3. Debt Refinancing

4. Wrap-up

. Appendix

CIMPOR STRATEGY | November, 2010 17 CIMPOR increases liquidity by € ONE BILLION1… …and liabilities’ Maturity by 1.9 years

Autumn 2010 CIMPOR Refinancing Transactions closed since September, 30 2020

∆ Liquidity ∆ Average Maturity (€ Million) of CIMPOR Liabilities

US Private Placement 10Y and 12Y 147 + 0.8 years

Syndicate Alternative to Eurobond Loan 320 Up to 0.4 Years Term Loans 290 0.5 Years Revolving Credit Facility 150 Up to 0.2 Years 907 Sub Total 1.9 Years of which 0.6 optional of which 290 were already drawn Cash repatriations 94 TOTAL LIQUIDITY INCREASE 1,001

•CIMPOR was able to increase group’s liquidity by more than € 1 Billion in a delicate financial environment.

1) As of September 30, 2010

CIMPOR STRATEGY | November, 2010 18 Debt Refinancing Committed to Investment Grade BBB- from S&P

€ Million Debt Maturity Profile

2000 Liquidity 2010-2020 Major Debt Instruments (€2,087 M)

1,623 150 1500

1000 904 506

320 563 500 336 280 320 569 120 195 176 (1) 311 226 216 243 182 146 (1) 0 13 30 Oct 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016-2020

New Revolving Facility Syndicate Alternative to Eurobond Loan USPP Committed Unused Bank Facilities Eurobond New USPP (1) Cash Bank Club Deals, Bilateral and EIB € / US$ 1.36 CIMPOR STRATEGY | November, 2010 19 Autumn 2010 CIMPOR refinancing

Post-refinancing position

Net Debt(1): € 1.543 Million.

Total Debt(1): € 2.236 Million. . 40% @ fixed interest rate

International Funding . No drawn funding from Portuguese Banks

Average maturity: 3.4 years

No refinancing needs for the next 2 years

Undrawn credit lines: 1.349

(1) As at November 2010 20 CIMPOR STRATEGY | November, 2010 20 Agenda

1. CIMPOR overview

2. Strategic priorities

3. Debt Refinancing

4. Wrap-up

. Appendix

CIMPOR STRATEGY | November, 2010 21 Wrap-up

CIMPOR Strategy

Capture best growth Strong emerging opportunities market portfolio

Improve efficiency and performance Improve efficiency One of the best and performance to international cement sustain attractiveness players… Strengthen organization and capabilities …focusing on profitable growth in emerging markets… Solid credit profile Maintain a solid financial …while achieving top position operating performance

CIMPOR STRATEGY | November, 2010 22 CIMPOR Back to growth

November, 2010 Appendix I: New capacity increase € 2401 M investments in Brazil…. … to reach 8.8M tons of cement production capacity by 2013

New Unit in Caxitu (Paraíba, Northeast) to complement João Pessoa Plant (just 15 km North)

. New unit : o Capacity – 1.45 M tons p.a. Fortaleza o João Pessoa Total investment – €160 Million Atol o Construction schedule: from 2011 to 2013 Campo Formoso Brasília Brumado Goiás Rio de Janeiro São Paulo Cezarina Plant (Goiás, Central-West)

Cajati N. Stª. Rita . “Line 1” ongoing revamping Candiota . New “Line 3”: o Line capacity – 0.65 M tons p.a. o Total investment – €80 Million (Capacity duplication possible for €40 Million) o Construction schedule: from 2011 to 2013.

.Total capacity after investments: 2.1 M tons p.a.

1) Not including €10 Million of already ongoing investment in Cezarina’s “Line One”. CIMPOR STRATEGY | November, 2010 24 Appendix II: CIMPOR Governance model

AGM (Shareholders)

Remuneration Committee

Board of Directors Chairman: António de Castro Guerra Audit Board Corporate Nomination and Governance and Investment Assessment Executive Committee Sustainability Committee Committee Committee Non-executive Board Members Executive Board Members Appointed by Shareholders Independent CEO: Francisco de Lacerda José Fino Manuel de Faria Blanc Luís Sequeira Martins Jorge Tomé António Gomes Mota CFO: António Varela A.C Reuter José Neves Adelino Luís Ribeiro Vaz João Raimundo José Edison Walter Schalka Álvaro Luís Veloso

Business Corporate Iberia and Sub-Saharan Support Latin America Mediterranean Asia Center Africa Functions

CIMPOR STRATEGY | November, 2010 25 Appendix III: Brazilian competition authorities – note on impact of currentBrazilian shareholder Competition structure Authorities

• Contrary to US or EU practises, in Brazil, authorizations or remedies from the competition authority (CADE) regarding M&A activities are given a posteriori.

• So that CADE does not have to rush decisions (probably against buyers’ interests), the entities involved are required do sign agreements known as APRO’s to keep the reversibility of the material impacts of these deals pending the final decisions.

• Following the acquisition of and Camargo Corrêa participations in CIMPOR, these two Brazilian shareholders, and local cement players, signed such agreements.

• Upon CADE’s request CIMPOR also signed an APRO, undertaking reporting and competitive obligations towards this authority.

CIMPOR STRATEGY | November, 2010 26