Dear Sirs, Date: 24/10/2018 APPEAL STATEMENT
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The Planning Inspectorate Development Services South 3P Kite Wing The Council House Temple Quay House Bourne Hill 2 The Square Salisbury Bristol SP1 3UZ BS1 6PN Dear Sirs, Date: 24/10/2018 APPEAL STATEMENT: APP/Y3940/W/18/3205804 Proposal: Change of use from A4 to House of Multiple Occupation (14 bedrooms) Site: The George, George House, London Road, Shrewton, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP3 4DH LPA Reference: 17/11252/FUL Please find enclosed the Local Planning Authority’s statement in respect of the above appeal. The statement comprises: Appendices Page No. Appendix 1 Delegated report to 17/11252/FUL 2 Appendix 2 Decision notice to 17/11252/FUL 14 Appendix 3 Updated references to NPPF 18 Appendix 4 Comments in response to appellants statement 19 Appendix 5 Email to applicant 20 Appendix 6 Oliver & Chandler letter dated 21/02/2018 22 Appendix 7 Marketing details submitted with the application 24 from Humberts Appendix 8 Email to applicant on previous application 33 (15/08777/FUL) which was refused Appendix 9 Refusal decision notice to previous application 34 (15/08777/FUL) Appendix 10 Relevant policies and supporting text from Wiltshire 38 Core Strategy Appendix 11 Housing Land Supply Statement (March 2018) 88 Appendix 12 Without Prejudice conditions if appeal were to be allowed 212 For the reasons set out in the attached report (with updated references to NPPF 2018 at appendix 3), and the further responses to the appellant’s statement attached at appendix 4, it is respectfully requested that the appeal is dismissed. Yours faithfully Lucy Minting Senior Planning Officer Tel: 01722 434 377 Fax: 01722 434 520 Email: [email protected] Web: encls 1 Appendix 1: Delegated report to 17/11252/FUL 2 CASE OFFICER'S REPORT Application Reference: 17/11252/FUL Date of Inspection: 10/01/2018 Date site notice posted: 10/01/2018 (expiry date 31/01/2018) Date of press notice: NA POLICIES Adopted Wiltshire Core Strategy (January 2015): Core Policy 1: Settlement Strategy Core Policy 2: Delivery Strategy Core Policy 3: Infrastructure Requirements Core Policy 4: Spatial Strategy: Amesbury Community Area Core Policy 41: Sustainable construction and low carbon energy Core Policy 49: Protection of rural services and community facilities Core Policy 57: Ensuring high quality design and place shaping Core Policy 58: Ensuring the Conservation of the Historic Environment Core Policy 60: Sustainable Transport Core Policy 61: Transport and new development Core Policy 62: Development impacts on the transport network Core Policy 64: Demand Management Core Policy 67: Flood Risk Housing Land Supply Statement (March 2018) Adopted Salisbury District Local Plan saved policies listed in Appendix D, of the Wiltshire Core Strategy: C6 (Special Landscape Area) Wiltshire Local Transport Plan 2011-2026: Car Parking Strategy Government Guidance: National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) National Planning Policy Guidance (NPPG) ISSUES Principle Protection of rural services and community facilities Impact to the character and appearance of the area and impact on the living conditions of both proposed occupants and nearby properties Highways considerations Archaeology Sustainable Construction Flooding REPRESENTATIONS Highways: Comments following revised plans: The parking layout shows parking for 12 cars which is a shortfall of 2 spaces but considered to be acceptable in this instance. Spaces numbered 10 and 11 will prove rather awkward to enter and 3 exit, however it is likely that all manoeuvring will take place within the site curtilage and this layout is similar to the parking provided when the building was in use as a pub. It is possible that additional ‘overflow’ parking could take place in the landscaped car parking area if necessary. All parking spaces are shown of sufficient width and length with 6m manoeuvring space behind. On the basis of the information provided, I am of the opinion that I could not justify a highway objection. I recommend that no highway objection is raised subject to the following condition being applied:- No part of the development hereby permitted shall be first occupied until the turning area and parking spaces have been completed in accordance with the details shown on the approved plans. The areas shall be maintained for those purposes at all times thereafter. REASON: In the interests of highway safety. Original comments: I refer to the above planning application for a change of use from A4 to C4 (house of multiple occupation). The plans show that 14 bedrooms will be available within the building with a provision of 12 parking spaces. Whilst it is acknowledged that there is no specific parking standard for HMOs, it is considered that one space per bedroom should be provided (in line with hostels / hotels) particularly given that the residents are not related and car sharing is therefore unlikely. In this location there is little suitable on-street parking available and any parking over spilling from this development would further add to the on-street parking pressures in the vicinity of the site, therefore the parking need should be accommodated within the site curtilage. I request that the applicant submits a plan of the parking area demonstrating an ability to park 14 vehicles in a satisfactory manner with sufficient space to manoeuvre. Environment Agency: We have no objection to the proposed development but please include the following conditions/informatives in any permission granted. Flood Risk Whilst the site lies notionally within Flood Zone 1, due to its very close proximity to the edge of Flood Zones 2 & 3, and in mind of the proposed change of use causing an increased flood risk vulnerability for the building we recommend the following condition and informative be attached to any permission granted: CONDITION Finished floor levels shall be set no lower than existing. REASON: To reduce the risk of flooding to the proposed development and future occupants. INFORMATIVE The Environment Agency recommends that in areas at risk of flooding consideration be given to the incorporation into the design and construction of the development of flood proofing measures. These include barriers on ground floor doors, window and access points and bringing in electrical services into the building at a high level so that plugs are located above possible flood levels. Guidance is available within the Department for Communities and Local Government publication ‘Improving the Flood Performance of New Buildings – Flood Resilient Construction, May 2007’ available at:- Further advice and guidance about preparing your property for flooding is available at: 4 business-properties-interim-guidance General guidance for preparing for a flood is available on our website at:- Pollution Prevention During Construction INFORMATIVE Safeguards should be implemented during the construction phase to minimise the risks of pollution from the development. Such safeguards should cover: - the use of plant and machinery - wheel washing and vehicle wash-down - oils/chemicals and materials - the use and routing of heavy plant and vehicles - the location and form of work and storage areas and compounds - the control and removal of spoil and wastes. Archaeology: No objections Although this site lies within an area of archaeological interest, there appears to be no new footprint of below ground impact. Therefore, on the evidence available to me at present, I consider it unlikely that significant archaeological remains would be disturbed by the proposed development and so have no further comment to make. Shrewton Parish Council: Object • Concerns over access to and from the property for the proposed number of vehicles on to the highway with a tight bend/junction. • Limited space to manoeuvre within the car park vicinity. • Number of parking spaces is quoted as 12, whereas the space available does not appear to permit this (number of proposed letting rooms is 14?) • With Shrewton being a village with very limited public transport it is anticipated occupants will each have a vehicle. The closest town is Amesbury approx. 7 miles away. Wiltshire Council Public Protection (South): No comment 13 Third Party Representations of Objection, summarised as follows: Loss of public house/village amenity/valued community asset With the right management, the premises could be (and has previously been well established as) a successful public house business Public house infrastructure has been removed Has rarely been open since 2014 as a public house Should be marketed with a realistic commercial price similar to price paid as a public house Impact on nearby parking, traffic congestion and highway hazards on highly trafficked dangerous bend with poor visibility/obstructed Pedestrian access missing Lack of outside amenity space Concerns regarding impact to adjoining property from noise and loss of privacy (side windows overlook garden) Original public house foul drainage infrastructure inadequate Surface water flooding from tarmaced car park The premises is already in C4 use No of occupants exceeds C4 use allowances Concerns re Health and Safety and Fire Regulations and need for license Discrepancies/errors and omissions in application form 5 Lack of waste storage facilities/space Querying neighbour consultations/timing of application Reference to previous applications and objections 1 Petition with 12 no. signatures ‘we, the undersigned agree to the change of use application’ CPRE: In spite of the Plume of Feathers being round the corner, this plus that one were the only 2 pubs remaining in this growing village, so conversion would result in loss of a valuable community resource. I visited several times through the occupancy of the last 3 publicans and it was evident the business was viable as a pub. There is also an issue about proposed extra parking on this difficult corner site.