Parish Newsletter For Ballyadams, Luggacurren, Wolfhill & The Swan 29th Sunday of the Year - Mission Sunday – 21st of October 2018 Rev. Dan Dunne: 059 86 27123 -Parish Website SAFE GUARDING: Diocesan Liaison Person - Joan Treacy - Tel: 0858021633 – Parish Reps: Christine Kealy, Chris Cahill Parish Mass Times: Weekend Masses: Saturday 7.30 p.m in Luggacurren, Sunday 10 a.m in Wolfhill & 11 a.m in Ballyadams. Masses During The Week: Morning Mass in Luggacurren at 10 a.m Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday. This Week’s Anniversaries: Please pray for Paul Condron, Barrowhouse & Ratharrig who died during the week. Sheila Meaney, Boley (Sat 7.30) Margaret & Michael Walsh, The Swan, William & Margaret Rochford, Ballylehane & their daughter Sheila Swher, Brannockstown (10 a.m) Jamesie Dempsey, late Loughlass, Tom Crosby, Kellyville & deceased members of the Redmond family (11 a.m). Next Week’s Anniversaries: Bedelia Kilbride, Clopook (M.M) Peter Moloney, Crossard & Julia Butler, Monascreeban (Sat 7.30 p.m) Dorrie & Seamus Fitzpatrick, The Rock & John Brennan, c Kilcr uise, Peggy Rowan, Glosna, Mary Carroll, Boley, James & Hannah M Donald, Kylenabehy & Hannah Molloy, Leixlip (10 a.m) Mary Delaney, Ballyadams (11 a.m) rd th Vocations Retreat: Come & See – Exploring Priesthood Retreat 23 /24 November 2018, Mount St. Anne’s, organised by the National Vocations Office, Irish Catholic Bishops Conference: Contact Details: Phone: (01)5053118, email:
[email protected] – Post: National Vocations Office, Columba Centre, Maynooth, Co Kildare for more Information. Parish Lotto 15/10/2018: Jackpot No’s: 04-07-22... Jackpot Prize: €450..No Winner: €15 Winners: Lorna Dunne, 14 The Swan, Kevin O’ Brien, Crannagh, Tony Kelly, Corbally, Willie & Ruth Hooney Boley, Smyth Family, Crannagh...Next Week’s Jackpot €600.