The Involvement the Catholic Clergy Republican Struggle Carlow from 1913-21

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The Involvement the Catholic Clergy Republican Struggle Carlow from 1913-21 Involvement of the clergy in 1916-1923 edited_Layout 1 28/10/2015 19:45 Page 1 100 example from the wider set of military statements shows how an IRA operative was able to identify a detective disguised The involvement as a priest by the amount of time it took him to say the rosary.11 Religion was an of endemic part of everyday life and any form of approval by such a powerful group would give legitimacy to The Catholic Clergy operatives’ actions. with the The Carlow Witness Statements indicate clerical influence back as far as 1914 when the Ballymurphy Company of volunteers was formed. Thomas Ryan Republican struggle (WS1422) describes how Fr. John Lawler, then C.C. at Borris, was instru- in mental in the setting up of the company. Ryan describes how Fr. Lawler intro- duced a Mr. Judge and Mr. L. Mellows to Carlow from 1913-21. the men before they signed up.12 This along with other evidence will show that Tom Joyce the clergy were not merely sympathetic or unsympathetic onlookers in the The Historiography of The Irish War of work for consistent and accurate analy- Republican fight. They were intimately Independence has followed a somewhat sis. Instead of assessing what the hierar- involved in the formation of companies tortuous road. It began as a predictable chy decreed or following chronologically and encouraging volunteers to enlist. story of, ‘the virgin Eire versus the the lists of religious and where they Thomas Ryan (WS1422) in the same bloody Saxon’.1 Recent work by authors served, this article wishes to examine the statement also describes how in 1918 such as Michael Hopkinson and Fearghal minutiae of clerical involvement and the during the Conscription crisis, “the McGarry has seen the revision of this reflected attitude of all society to clerical people were greatly inspired by the work narrative turning attention to the conduct influence. Patrick Collinson the religious and advice of Fr. P. Doyle, P.P., Baltin- of the IRA during this period.2 Inter- historian encouraged the minute view of glass, then C.C. in Borris. A collection spersed with this work has been heavily a particular period and the intimate was made at the church doors on disputed and often controversial work on examination of a story with specific Sunday…”.13 This is in contrast to John sectarianism by such writers as Kevin focus on society.7 Similar to G.R. Elton, A Murphy’s statement that “the Irish Myers, Gerard Murphy and Peter Hart.3 Collinson sought to dissuade the revolution of 1913-1921 completely Others such as David Leeson, Richard researcher from projecting today’s views bypassed the priests and that it was Bennett and Pearse Lawlor have detailed back to the period under examination. He carried through without the benefit of the role of the Black and Tans and the advised people to examine history on its clergy”.14 John Newsinger also describes British Military.4 Of these accounts, few own merits using extensive sources from how the conversion of the priests to deal with the role of the clergy and that time.8 Armed with Collinson’s republicanism occurred in 1917 during surprisingly, since the release of The framework this article will assess local the conscription crisis. The Carlow State- Bureau of Military History Collection events during the period using these ments indicate that this had occurred (BMH)5 in 2001, there has not been any statements, local newspapers, and work much earlier and it was not a conversion major reassessment of that role. Diar- conducted by other researchers. Histori- to republican politics but an immersion muid Ferriter expressed the opinion ography of the clergy during this period in IRA activities. Puzzlingly, modern subsequent to the release that the attitude has centered on pronouncements by the historical writers such as the excellent of the Catholic Church to the crisis hierarchy and how local clerics con- Fearghal McGarry hardly credit the deserved reappraisal.6 This article will demned violence in their area.9 While clergy with any involvement; “The examine these witness statements, focus- this is undoubtedly the case, Collinson Catholic Church’s opposition to oath ing on Carlow, the second smallest would advise we not be distracted from bound societies also deterred many county in Ireland. It will be contended the place that religion had in Ireland dur- recruits and prompted others to leave”15 that the Catholic clergy played a far ing the period 1913-22. Ireland was a greater role than the general historio- country where religion influenced every Nan Nolan’s (WS1441) testimony backs graphy indicates. It will also be argued aspect of life from sexual mores to polit- up the clerical involvement thesis. She that the clerics acted as a legitimising ical decisions. The chapter Church and describes how a new parish priest in the agent for many combatants. State in JJ Lee’s book Ireland, 1912-1985 Ballon area of Carlow initiated the Politics and Society will provide ample setting up of a volunteer company; When faced with sources such as witness evidence of the power of religion and the Things seemed to go easy here for a testimony it is difficult to form a frame- religious in Ireland.10 An intriguing while. Then a priest came to the parish Carloviana 2016 Involvement of the clergy in 1916-1923 edited_Layout 1 28/10/2015 19:45 Page 2 101 The involvement of the Catholic Clergy with the republican.... to do temporary duty for a year... He was mony by Hynes, the priests’ remarkable IRA to give up the body after the execu- Rev. Fr. Francis Fletcher, and while he powers of persuasion convinced the tion. Even the smallest crumbs of was here he set things moving. He organ- Lieutenant not to carry out any comfort were in short supply during this ised anti-conscription and Sinn Fein reprisals.22 Although it is hard to believe period. Walsh describes how he had the meetings. A great change came over the certain aspects of Hynes’s testimony it gruesome task of re-submerging the body people.16 She also describes how the seems remarkably similar to other which surfaced two months after the same Fr. Kelly prevented a fairly brutal accounts of clerical persuasion and execution.26 interrogation outside the church by the influence over both the RIC and local RIC by simply appearing at the Church IRA units. The theme of clerical attendance pre- door.17 This would indicate that the execution is further illustrated by Sean British military were also wary of getting It would appear that not only were the Whelan’s testimony (WS1294). Whelan on the wrong side of the clergy. This clergy in Carlow involved in the setting describes in theatrical detail the detain- perceived strength by the clergy would up of volunteer companies and acting as ment, court martial and execution of almost certainly be noted as a sign of an influence with both sides. They also another suspected spy named James ecclesial importance by a deeply had the onerous task of hearing the last Doyle. Doyle was alleged to have written religious following. Nan Nolan and confessions of those convicted by the a letter to the British Regiment in Ennis- Thomas Ryan both also describe how the IRA of alleged crimes against the Repub- corthy giving details of IRA personnel. clerics in their area provided transport for lican cause. John Walsh (WS966) Whelan is vague on the details of the the IRA to deliver dispatches and to get describes how an ex-British soldier alleged crime, forgetting the place where “on-the-runs” out of the area.18 Brigid named Kenny who had given informa- Doyle was court martialled, not remem- Ryan of Carlow Town (WS1573) backs tion to the Devonshire regiment in Graig- bering if he got an answer to his question up the influence of clerics when she namanagh was caught, court martialled about the origin of the letter or if indeed describes, one day, my home was fired and sentenced to death.23 The curate in Doyle had signed it. Despite this he could into by Black and Tans, and later British Graignamanagh Fr. Gerry C.C. was recall the body of the letter verbatim. A military and Tans were approaching my called and “attended” to Kenny in an eel Fr. McCormack was sent for to hear house with the intention of burning it. house between Borris and Graigna- Doyle’s last confession. Walsh describes, They were accosted by Rev. Fr. Killian managh. The curate subsequently left, the scene for the third and final act is laid (later Parish Priest, Edenderry, Offaly), according to Walsh, and wished them a at Knockroe, near Borris, on the and he persuaded them not to do so.19 good night. As the eel house was too Wexford-Carlow border. Doyle's bullet- The use of the word ‘accosted’ is inter- close to a RIC post it was decided to riddled body is discovered in a field be- esting insofar as it indicated that people execute Kenny by drowning him in the side the main road. On his breast hangs believed in the influence of the clergy river; We gagged and blindfolded him a card, with the warning:- SPIES AND and also that priests may have had some and, having bound his arms and legs, we INFORMERS BEWARE!. The execution influence over the British military. dropped him into the River Barrow at a is confirmed in another less theatrical point just a few yards from the eel house. statement by Micheal O Ciardubhain John Hynes (WS1496) describes a The water at this point would be eight or (Kirwan) WS1175 and also in the Carlow disagreement between the IRA and a ten feet deep and, as an additional Sentinel Newspaper.28 Unlike the previ- chemist called William Kennedy in precaution, we tied a 56-lb.
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