1 Installation of Sir Kt Bro. Charles L. L. Cobb as 33rd Supreme Knight 2 Motto: Unity, Charity and Fraternity THE NOBLE ORDER OF THE KNIGHTS OF MARSHALL (A CATHOLIC FRIENDLY SOCIETY) INSTALLATION OF SIR KT BRO. CHARLES L. L. COBB AS 33RD SUPREME KNIGHT (2019-2021) On Saturday, September 14, 2019 At the Marshallan Temple, Sekondi Installation of Sir Kt Bro. Charles L. L. Cobb as 33rd Supreme Knight 3 LOCATION: No. 3 Insaidoo Close Sekondi, Western, Ghana POSTAL ADDRESS: Supreme Council P.o Box 175, Sekondi EMAIL:
[email protected] [email protected] Installation of Sir Kt Bro. Charles L. L. Cobb as 33rd Supreme Knight 4 Pope Francis Installation of Sir Kt Bro. Charles L. L. Cobb as 33rd Supreme Knight 5 Monsignor Pavol Talakpa Charge d’Affaires Installation of Sir Kt Bro. Charles L. L. Cobb as 33rd Supreme Knight 6 His Eminence Peter Cardinal Appiah Turkson Prefect, Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development Installation of Sir Kt Bro. Charles L. L. Cobb as 33rd Supreme Knight 7 Most Rev Philip Naameh President of the Ghana Catholic Bishops Conference Installation of Sir Kt Bro. Charles L. L. Cobb as 33rd Supreme Knight 8 Most Rev Joseph Osei-Bonsu Supreme Spiritual Director Installation of Sir Kt Bro. Charles L. L. Cobb as 33rd Supreme Knight 9 Patrons, Archbishops and Bishops of Ghana Ecclesiastical Province of Tamale Archbishop Gregory E. Kpiebaya Most Rev. Paul Bemile Most Rev. Philip Naameh, Most Rev. Peter P. Angkyier Archbishop Emeritus of Tamale Bishop Emeritus of Wa Archbishop Of Tamale Diocese Bishop of Damongo President of GCBC Most Rev.