College of Chemical Sciences Institute of Chemistry Ceylon A Government approved Charity (Founded 1971: Incorporated by Act of Parliament No: 1972 Successor to the Chemical Society of Ceylon, Founded 1941) Adamantane House 341/22, Kotte Road, Welikada, Rajagiriya Tel: 4015230, 2861653, 2861231 Fax: 2861231, 2861653 E-mail:
[email protected], Web: Results of Australian National Chemistry Quiz Contest 2017 held on Saturday 15th July 2017 by the Institute of Chemistry Ceylon The Australian National Chemistry Quiz conducted in Sri Lanka is a unique chemical education activity designed to promote Chemistry among younger generation. It aims to promote interest in and appreciation of the role of chemistry and chemists in our society and engender a better understanding of the nature and relevance of chemistry among students. The quiz provides a major focus for secondary school students on the relevance of chemistry on an exciting and stimulating way. This year nearly 5000 students from 150 schools sat the exam throughout the island in 34 centers. The results of the above exam was released by the Royal Australian Chemical Institute and is given below. School Name Year Last Name First Name Gender Raw Level Score Sanghamitta Balika 11 WIJENAYAKA PAMODI A F 30 Vidyalaya, Galle Zahira College, Matale 11 MANSOOR AZHAR M 30 Maliyadeva Boys 11 GALLAGE NADUN ANJANAKA M 29 College, Kurunegala St. Josephs Balika M. 11 RATHNAYAKE NETHMINI NIRASHA F 29 Vidyalaya, Kegalle Sri KoneswaraHindu 11 BARATHITHASAN SATHURSHAN M 29 College, Trincomalee