CADW DE CYMRU’N DDIOGEL 1• KEEPING SOUTH WALES SAFE THE GREAT WAR CENTENARY 19 14-19 18 201 4-2018 The Great War, the war to end all wars had a catastrophic effect on humanity and the world as a whole. Great empires centuries old collapsed and disappeared, new countries formed and the world changed forever. Please take sometime before the service begins to read the following statistics. 1. 1 million British and Commonwealth soldiers lost their lives. 250,000 underage teenage boys enlisted in the army, the youngest age 13 years. 50% were killed. The remains of 100,000 troops still lie under the battlefields. At the battle of the Somme, 1916 in Picardy, 17,000 British soldiers were killed and 40,000 wounded on the first day of battle. 14,287 merchant seamen lost their lives. O valiant hearts who to your glory came. 10 million civilians died of starvation and illness. 1 million civilians were killed as the result of military action


Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called sons of God MATTHEW Ch.5 v.9

POPPIES OF REMEMBRANCE Delicate and bright, they catch the eye, petals open to embrace the world. Innocent, they push their way through soil and rubble, seeking light. In the light they bring forth colour to a devastated land. Blood red, they reveal the horrors lived out on the ground of their creation. Nurtured, nourished, by the rain that fell, the blood shed of human life. Their birth into the ground of warfare, herald’s remembrance. Delicate and bright, they catch the eye, petals gently moving in the breeze. Innocent, and with gentleness, they subvert all the land has witnessed. In the light of a new day they bring forth colours of peace and hope. Blood red, they reveal the pulse and life of love possible in humanity. Nurtured, nourished by creation, they become our Remembrance, Of all that has been, and is, and never should be again.


Chief Constable WELCOME Chaplain We are gathered here together in the presence of Almighty God to give thanks and to commemorate the sacrifices of those who gave their lives for our freedom. Amen

ACT OF REMEMBRANCE THE LAST POST THE SILENCE REVEILLE THE EXHORTATION Chief Constable They shall grow not old as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them. And all shall repeat: We will remember them

LAYING OF WREATHS THE KOHIMA EPITAPH Chief Constable When you go home tell them of us and say for your tomorrow we gave our today.


A READING P o li c e a n d C r im e MICAH C h. 4 v.1-5 Commissioner It shall come to pass in the latter days, that for South Wales the mountain of the house of the Lord shall be established as the highest of the mountains, and shall be raised up above the hills; and peoples shall flow to it, and many nations shall come, and say: “Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; that he may teach us his ways, and we may walk in his paths.” For out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. He shall judge between many peoples, and shall decide for strong nations afar off; and they shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more; but they shall sit every man under his vine and under his fig tree, and none shall make them afraid; for the mouth of the Lord of hosts has spoken. For all the peoples walk each in the name of its god, but we will walk in the name of the Lord our God for ever and ever.

3 SERVICE OF COMMEMORATION “REMEMBERED WITH PRIDE” This year South Wales Police, as part of its commemoration of the centenary of the First World War, remembers fifteen police officers from our predecessor forces of Glamorgan, Cardiff, Swansea and Merthyr, who died during 1917. It was another year of terrible loss of life especially during the Third Battle of Ypres (the Battle of Passchendaele) which started on 31st July and went on until 10th November, exactly one hundred years ago today. Amongst the police officers who died in that battle was Constable Percy John Marks of the Cardiff City Police. He was from Somerset and was serving with the when he was killed in action on 4th September 1917. He was 22 years of age. His sergeant wrote this letter to his father: “Dear Mr Marks. Just a few lines to inform you of the death of your son. Corpl Marks and myself were very good chums, because we belong to the same battalion and came together on this job. All the boys miss him because he was so cheerful. He always had a smile on his face, and I miss him very much, because he was one of the best NCO’s I had under me. The way he met his death was by a shell dropping right on top of the dugout, killing one NCO and three men. They were killed outright and buried beneath the dug- out. I was out digging for him last night and this morning and I shall do my best as a soldier and a pal to see that your son and the others are buried properly. If there is anything you would like to know I shall be only too pleased to help you. Your son was a good soldier and a brave one as well. Please accept the sympathy of all the boys and myself in your great loss. DJ Richards, Sergt.” The Welsh poet Ellis Humphrey Evans, Hedd Wyn, who died on the first day of the Battle of Passchendaele described such loss in his poem Rhyfel/War: M a e ’ r h e n d e l y n a u g e n i d g y n t The harps to which we sang are hung Ynghrog ar gangau’r helyg draw On willow boughs, and their refrain A gwaedd y bechgyn lond y gwynt Drowned by the anguish of the young A’u gwaed yn gymysg efo’r glaw Whose blood is mingled with the rain

Gareth Madge OBE Chair, First World War Project Group


13TH APRIL PC William Jones Thomas (Glamorgan/Welsh Guards) 4TH MAY PC Milton Horace Wood (Cardiff/Royal Army Medical Corps) 30TH MAY PC Evan Jones (Glamorgan/Welsh Regiment) 26TH JUNE PC Arnold Dickens (Glamorgan/Welsh Regiment) 24TH JULY PC William Syphas (Glamorgan/Royal Garrison Artillery) 1ST AUGUST PC Richard Drew (Cardiff/Welsh Regiment) 13TH AUGUST PC Reginald Charles (Glamorgan/Welsh Regiment) 15TH AUGUST PC Frank Coffey (Swansea/Welsh Regiment) 4TH SEPTEMBER PC Percy John Marks (Cardiff/Welsh Guards) 17TH SEPTEMBER PS James Robert Angus (Glamorgan/) 19TH NOVEMBER PC Thomas Thomas (Glamorgan/Welsh Regiment) 23RD NOVEMBER PC Arthur Hopkins (Glamorgan/ Fusiliers) 27TH NOVEMBER PC John Evans (Glamorgan/Irish Guards) 1ST DECEMBER PC Ronald Evans (Glamorgan/ Welsh Guards) 9TH DECEMBER PC Edward Price Evans (Glamorgan/Welsh Guards) We remember them with pride. Yn angof ni chant fod.


Chaplain We pray now for this nation, giving thanks for it’s traditions of freedom and democracy. Remembering the part we have played in peace and conflict over many decades in all parts of the world. Especially remembering all those who laid down their lives to attain this freedom. We pray too that in harmony and truth we may continue to seek the way of peace, joining our prayers together as we say the Lords Prayer. Chaplain Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done; on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespasss against us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen BLESSING A r c h b i s h o p Go forth into the world in peace, ‘Be of good of Wales courage, hold fast to that which is good,’ render to no one evil for evil. Support the weak, help the afflicted love and serve the Lord and may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God and the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you and all whom you love, now and always. Amen




ACT OF RE-DEDICATION OF THE NEW FORCE MEMORIAL GARDEN Chaplain We will shortly hold our Act of Remembrance for those who have died whilst serving with South Wales Police but before doing so I will call upon the Archbishop of Wales, the Most Reverend John Davies, to Re-Dedicate the Force Memorial Garden in its new location. After that, and the Act of Remembrance, we will all proceed to the Memorial Sundial where the Chief Constable will lay a wreath. Archbishop o f W a l e s THE RE-DEDICATION (The Chief Constable, Police and Crime Commissioner, Archbishop and Chaplain proceed to the new Memorial Garden) ACT OF REMEMBRANCE Chaplain We stand before the newly re-dedicated Memorial Garden to remember before God our Father all those we love, but now no longer see, who died whilst a serving member of the South Wales Police, and to give thanks to God for their lives and dedication. MEMORIAM Chaplain O gracious Lord, help us to listen lovingly to your Word, that we may find comfort in our grief, light in our darkness, and faith in the midst of doubt; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen JOHN 14: 1-6, 18, 19; I am the way, the truth and the life Jesus said, “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house there are many dwelling-places. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, so that where I am, there you may be also. And you know the way to the place where I am going.” Thomas said to him, “Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?” Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. I will not leave you orphaned; I am coming to you. In a little while the world will no longer see me, but you will see me; because I live, you also will live.”


A PRAYER FOR THE DEPARTED Chaplain Most merciful God, who in your loving kindness gave us so much joy through your servants departed; we thank you for them and for our memories of them. We praise you for your goodness and mercy that followed them all the days of their life and for their faithfulness in the tasks to which you called them. We bless you that for them the tribulations of this world are over and that death is past; we give them back to you dear lord and we pray that you will bring us with them to the joy of your perfect kingdom, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen A PRAYER FOR THOSE WHO MOURN Chaplain Eternal God we pray for all who mourn, comfort and support and uphold them. Help them to know you are always with them and not to think of the darkness of death, but of the splendour of everlasting life in your presence. In Jesus name we pray. Amen A PRAYER FOR THE POLICE Chaplain Almighty God we bring to you in prayer those who bear responsibility for maintaining law and order in our land especially members of the police service. Give them faith, hope, courage and wisdom to carry out their duties justly and mercifully without fear or favour, so that the innocent may be protected, evil doers be brought to account, the rights of all be defended, so that we as a nation may enjoy the blessing of a just, free and peaceful society... In Jesus name we pray. Amen BLESSING A r c h b i s h o p God grant to the living, grace; to the departed, rest, to of Wales us and all his servants, life everlasting; and the blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit be with you and abide with you always. Amen



In 2001 South Wales Police Most importantly it was also unveiled a Memorial Sundial in a where the families of those who garden at Police Headquarters in had lost loved ones could place Bridgend. Made of Welsh slate it items such as small plaques and contains at its base the inscription: flowers to remember them. Each November following the “To our colleagues who Service of Remembrance at the died whilst serving the War Memorial a service has been people of South Wales” held in the Garden when a wreath has been laid by the Chief In subsequent years the Sundial Constable to remember has formed a prominent feature in colleagues who have died. the garden which, with its As a result of the re-development benches and green spaces, was work which has been undertaken frequently used as a place for on the Headquarters site it has people to sit, especially during been necessary to re-locate the summer months. Memorial Sundial and the

The former Memorial Garden as it was on 11th November 2016


Memorial Garden. Today we will, as always, The Sundial now stands remember those who have died prominently in front of the new but we will also re-dedicate the pavilion building whilst the new Memorial Garden in a service led Memorial Garden is situated along by the new Archbishop of Wales, the frontage of the Main Building. The Most Reverend John Davies, The Garden now contains, in prior to the laying of a wreath at addition to grassed areas the Sundial. interspersed with shrubs and The location of the Sundial and flowers, four semi-circular walls the Memorial Garden may have on which are slate panels to changed, but one thing will never which are attached plaques change and that is the containing the names and other commitment of South Wales details of all police officers and Police to remember all those who police staff who have died whilst have died in its service and in the serving with South Wales Police service of the people of South since its formation in 1969. Wales.

The new Memorial Garden


Officer/Staff Rank Name Date of Death

Officer Constable Jeffrey Pittman 13th August 1969

Staff Civilian Cleaner E.M.A'herne 8th September 1969

Officer Superintendent Thomas Hubert Williams 8th October 1969

Officer Superintendent Joseph Vernon Hewlett 14th October 1969

Officer Superintendent Lindsay Morgan 4th January 1970

Officer Constable Leslie Thomas Edward Sears 21st July 1970

Officer Constable Geoffrey John Allsopp 9th December 1970

Officer Constable David Ewington 7th February 1971

Officer Constable Ralph Parry 17th February 1971

Staff Traffic Warden Ieuan Kemp 24th February 1971

Staff Civilian Cyril George Parker 4th March 1971

Staff Traffic Warden Norman Clifford Hodges 27th March 1971

Staff Civilian Clerk Joan Lewis 22nd September 1971

Staff Civilian Technician Evan Glyndwr Rees 6th October 1971

Officer Chief Inspector Gwynne Alfred Edwards 18th December 1971

Officer Detective Sergeant Edmund John Lewis 9th January 1972

Officer Superintendent John Watkin Stead 1st March 1972

Officer Detective Superintendent Graham Francis Davies 24th April 1972

Officer Constable David Allan Blackman 12th May 1972


Officer/Staff Rank Name Date of Death Staff Civilian Clerk Diane Sandra North 23rd September 1972

Officer Chief Inspector Trevor Harold Smith 18th November 1972

Officer Detective Chief Supt David Elwyn Davies 31st January 1973

Officer Chief Inspector Hywel Gwyn Evans 15th February 1973

Officer Constable Frank Shallish 11th April 1973

Staff Civilian Store Keeper William Terrance Minney 20th September 1973

Officer Sergeant Donald Wilfred John 19th November 1973

Officer Constable Dewi Walter Jones 9th December 1973

Officer Inspector Harry John Hill 26th March 1974

Officer Constable William Charles Duncombe 13th April 1974

Officer Constable John Kevin Clarke 6th May 1974

Officer Constable Raymond Walters Evans 3rd June 1974

Officer Detective Chief Inspector Douglas George Killick 5th June 1974

Staff Civilian Cook Rose James 7th September 1974

Officer Sergeant Clifford Percival Thomas 3rd October 1974

Officer Constable Donald Gordon Lloyd 9th February 1975

Staff Civilian Clerk William Thomas R Heade 10th February 1975

Officer Detective Sergeant William Ewart Thomas 14th February 1975

Officer Constable Kenneth David Griffiths 18th March 1975

Staff Traffic Warden Gerald Joseph O'Brien 7th February 1976

Officer Detective Inspector Desmond John Eynon 27th February 1976


Officer/Staff Rank Name Date of Death

Staff Civilian Clerk Diana Mary Thomas 11th July 1976

Staff Civilian Clerk Stanley Edward Lawrence 30th August 1976

Staff Civilian Driver Raymond George Walters 15th November 1976

Staff Civilian Clerk Constance Dorothy Squires 19th December 1976

Staff Senior Traffic Warden James Dennis Collins 24th January 1977

Officer Constable Edward Robert Jackson 15th March 1977

Staff Traffic Warden Lilian Joan Bell 10th April 1977

Staff Traffic Warden John Preece 29th April 1977

Staff Civilian Police Auxiliary Terence Rees Blake 23rd June 1977

Staff Civilian Senior Police Auxiliary Joan Doreen White 13th October 1977

Staff Civilian Clerk Margaret Phillips 29th October 1977

Officer Sergeant Dennis Lloyd 30th April 1978

Officer Detective Chief Inspector Ernest Jeffrey Griffiths 6th July 1978

Officer Constable William Hodgson 27th September 1978

Staff Civilian Kitchen Assistant Doris Anne Davies 10th December 1978

Officer Constable Gary Jones 28th June 1979

Staff Civilian Police Auxiliary Dianne Mary Bridget Petherick 16th January 1980

Officer Detective Constable Wayne Lloyd Berrow 7th February 1980

Officer Sergeant Derek Henry Davies 6th March 1980

Staff Civilian Cleaner Elizabeth Stormont Warren 21st May 1980

Staff Civilian Clerk Beryl Irene Payne 4th July 1980


Officer/Staff Rank Name Date of Death

Staff Traffic Warden Leonard Terriza 7th July 1980

Staff Civilian Store Keeper David John Pook 29th July 1980

Officer Constable Graham John Roberts 2nd August 1980

Officer Superintendent Percy Bates 17th September 1980

Officer Assistant Chief Constable George Kelynack Richards 18th December 1980

Officer Superintendent Elwyn Lewis Jones 30th July 1981

Officer Sergeant Alfred James Watkins 1st August 1981

Officer Constable David Andrew Smith 12th October 1981

Staff Civilian Clerk Gwyneth Mair Griffiths 17th October 1981

Officer Chief Superintendent Leonard Edward Hawkins 26th November 1981

Officer Constable Philip John Walsh 20th January 1982

Officer Constable John Roulston 27th February 1982

Officer Sergeant Geraint Brychan Williams 16th March 1982

Officer Constable Glyndwr Leslie Collins 16th May 1982

Staff Civilian Matron Marilyn Ann Neizer 31st December 1982

Officer Constable David Anthony Mason 25th January 1983

Officer Detective Sergeant Hector Parry Thomas 7th April 1983

Officer Detective Constable Michael J Offersen-Christensen 15th May 1983

Staff Civilian Driver David Gethin Anthony 25th May 1983

Staff Civilian Clerk Megan Pamela David 13th June 1983

Officer Constable Jeffrey David Phillips 22nd July 1983


Officer/Staff Rank Name Date of Death

Officer Constable Derek Ivor Jones 11th January 1984

Officer Constable Leonard James Woolway 15th May 1984

Staff Civilian Clerk Ernest Thomas Humphreys 17th August 1984

Officer Constable Harold Nigel Davies 23rd August 1984

Officer Detective Constable Malcolm William Ring 10th March 1985

Officer Detective Sergeant Daryl Williams 24th August 1985

Staff Civilian Cleaner Margaret Brophy 10th December 1985

Officer Constable Michael Thomas Ellery 6th February 1986

Staff Civilian Carpenter Michael John Crandon 5th May 1986

Officer Constable Kevin Mood Williams 23rd October 1986

Officer Sergeant Derrick Jones 5th December 1986

Officer Constable William Francis Edwards 3rd February 1987

Officer Inspector David Charles B Harries 17th May 1987

Staff Traffic Warden Edwin John Pryce 2nd November 1987

Officer Constable William John Smith 16th November 1987

Staff Civilian Controller Andrea Bernadette Canham 1st February 1988

Officer Inspector Charles McMillan 9th August 1988

Staff Civilian Clerk Diane Evans 18th November 1988

Officer Superintendent William Roderick Morgan 6th April 1989

Officer Constable Brian Reville 13th April 1989

Staff Civilian Cleaner Sheila Lewis 11th June 1989


Officer/Staff Rank Name Date of Death

Officer Superintendent William John Jones 18th September 1989

Staff Civilian Clerk Irene Rogers 27th September 1989

Staff Traffic Warden Derek Charles Daniels 29th March 1990

Officer Constable Philip Anthony Bullen 19th April 1990

Staff Civilian Clerk Helen Dineen 27th August 1990

Staff Traffic Warden Selwyn Davies 6th October 1990

Officer Constable Roger Burton Stone 6th January 1991

Staff Civilian Clerk Sheila Knight 10th March 1991

Staff Civilian Clerk Mary Frances Thomas 22nd March 1991

Staff Civilian Cleaner Christine Andrews 31st May 1991

Staff Civilian Caretaker Charles Weaver 4th November 1991

Staff Civilian Clerk Sharon Maunder 5th April 1992

Staff Civilian Controller Valerie Harris 30th October 1992

Officer Constable John Ace Morgan 14th January 1993

Officer Constable Graham Lloyd 10th May 1993

Officer Constable John Keith Davies 7th June 1993

Staff Civilian Admin Manager Lynne Evans 21st June 1993

Staff Civilian Clerk Sharon Marie Davies 29th July 1993

Staff Civilian Cleaner Betty Williams 12th July 1994

Officer Constable Ralph Vernon Friend 2nd November 1994

Officer Detective Constable Duncan James Bevan 6th December 1994


Officer/Staff Rank Name Date of Death

Staff Civilian Cleaner Florence June Griffiths 12th January 1995

Staff Traffic Warden Anthony John James 5th April 1995

Staff Civilian Caretaker Jack Rouse 14th May 1995

Officer Sergeant Brian John Richards 9th June 1995

Officer Constable Robert Dalgleish Mackenzie 19th January 1996

Officer Detective Constable John Simpson 21st February 1996

Officer Constable Anthony Randolph Ashmore 31st March 1996

Officer Chief Constable William Robert Lawrence 21st May 1996

Staff Civilian Controller Julie Clifford 22nd November 1996

Officer Sergeant Peter Alfred Everett 28th February 1997

Staff Civilian Clerk Margaret Jane Brooks 5th June 1997

Staff Civilian Systems Officer Rebecca Ann Kostic 26th June 1997

Officer Special Constable Stephen William Lewis 22nd October 1997

Officer Sergeant Ian Charles Lippiatt 29th March 1998

Staff Traffic Warden Suzanne Tracey Coral Jones 19th May 1998

Staff Traffic Warden Peter Ivan Pellett 1st February 1999

Officer Constable Ian Charles Godfrey 20th June 1999

Staff Support Staff David Alfred Leach 7th July 1999

Officer Constable Peter Dennis Cooper 23rd May 2000

Staff Support Staff Anthony McConkey 30th May 2000

Officer Constable John Anthony Thomas 24th June 2000


Officer/Staff Rank Name Date of Death

Officer Constable Garry Wozencroft 30th June 2000

Officer Chief Inspector Christopher John Fletcher 7th August 2000

Officer Detective Constable John Watson Warwick 24th August 2000

Staff Support Staff Angela Sophia Herbert 3rd September 2000

Staff Traffic Warden John Herbert Thomas 26th October 2000

Staff Kennel Hand David John Davies 8th October 2001

Staff Garage Assistant Mervyn John Jones 24th February 2002

Officer Sergeant Gary Jonathan Hughes 16th March 2002

Officer Sergeant Mark Woodward 14th June 2002

Staff Controller Rebecca Jane Pearce 23rd April 2003

Officer Constable Terras John Williams 26th April 2003

Officer Constable Andrew Lloyd James 2nd August 2003

Officer Constable Darren Anthony Sharpe 10th December 2003

Officer Constable Craig Morris 5th March 2004

Officer Inspector Michael Anthony Lerway 2nd April 2004

Officer Detective Constable Rhydian David Phillips 13th May 2004

Staff Call Handler Meryl Rebecca Walters 2nd June 2004

Officer Constable Lewis John Hughes 21st July 2004

Officer Constable Daniel Paul Thomas 20th February 2005

Staff Police Staff Sarah King 18th May 2005

Staff Police Staff John Edward Jenkins 18th September 2006


Officer/Staff Rank Name Date of Death

Staff Station Enquiry Clerk Natalie Marie Stewart 27th May 2007

Staff Police Staff Teri Denise Balla 26th November 2007

Officer Constable Rhydian Boast 18th June 2008

Officer Constable Richard John Mead 30th June 2008

Staff Police Staff Alison Margaret Richards 1st August 2008

Officer Constable Ian Houston 6th February 2009

Officer Constable Colin Ernest Hillman 2nd July 2009

Staff Police Staff Geoffrey Frank Howe 13th May 2010

Staff Police Staff Andrew Winter-Jones 29th May 2010

Staff Caretaker/Handyman Vernon Hugh Rowlands 10th July 2010

Staff Police Staff William Richard Byrne 1st October 2010

Officer Constable Steven David Jones 29th October 2010

Officer Detective Constable Angela Yvonne Finlay 31st October 2010

Officer Constable Stephen Donald Harries 2nd November 2010

Staff Police Staff Patricia Judy Bayley 12th February 2011

Officer Detective Constable Simon Rosslyn Williams 14th June 2011

Officer Constable Sally May Hands-Jones 2nd August 2011

Staff Police Staff Keith Allan Hodge 6th November 2011

Officer Constable Jeffrey Lyn Williams 29th November 2011

Officer Constable Deborah Jayne Plummer 31st December 2011

Staff Police Staff Anoop Bhanaut 10th January 2012


Officer/Staff Rank Name Date of Death

Staff Police Staff Malcolm Robert Watt 5th April 2012

Officer Constable Mark Anthony Gould 25th April 2012

Officer Sergeant David Gary Watkins 18th March 2013

Officer Sergeant Jeremy Weston 16th May 2013

Staff Police Staff Andrew David O'Donnell 23rd October 2014

Staff Police Staff Jeremy Taylor 25th November 2014

Staff Police Staff Lisa Ann Williams 25th February 2015

Officer Sergeant Louise Mary Lucas 31st March 2015

Staff PCSO Stephen Paul Lewis 20th July 2015

Staff PCSO Andrew Williams 30th December 2016

Officer Constable Gregory John Rees 7th February 2017

Officer Constable Mark Ford 4th April 2017

Officer Constable Michael Evans 30th May 2017

Staff Police Staff John Cherry 16th August 2017

They will not be forgotten. Yn angof ni chant fod.


South Wales Police is currently gathering information about the many serving officers from our predecessor forces of Glamorgan, Swansea, Merthyr Tydfil, Neath and Cardiff who fought and died during the First World War. We want to ensure we uncover as much information as possible about our proud history, and the many men who served both the force and their country to ensure they 8

are never forgotten. 8 3 2

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All the stories and information collected, R

t n i r P

including photographs, letters and newspaper . t n e

coverage from that time will be shared online m t r a p and on Facebook. e D

t n i r P

To make a contribution e c i l o

please email: policemuseum@ P

s e l south-wales.pnn.police.uk a W

h t u o S

y b

d e t n i r P

d n a

d e n g

www.south-wales.police.uk i s www.southwalespolicemuseum.org.uk e D