Service de l’Information AIRAC AIP SUP 033/19 Aéronautique AIRAC date : 28 MAR Phone : +33(0) 5 57 92 57 97 or 57 95 e-mail :
[email protected] Publication date : 14 FEB Internet : Subject : Procedures « break » for ACFT flying in formation at Bordeaux Mérignac AD LFBD With effect : From 01 April 2019 to 30 June 2019 Flights of two RAFALE ACFT coming in one formation will land and take off at Bordeaux Mérignac AD. These flights will follow a « break » procedure before landing. This procedure is an arrival at 3000 ft (ALT) on final axis, remain at 3000 ft (on final) until 4 Nm from THR (Initial Point, “IP” on the following chart), then descend to 2000 ft (ALT) then “break” i.e. turn around to downwind position. Breaks should be left hand turns for RWY 05, 11 and 29, and right hand turn for RWY 23, but on ATC request, the directions of the turns may change. ENG Page 1/2 © SIA AIRAC AIP SUP No 033/19 BORDEAUX MERIGNAC RAFALE ARR RWY 05/23 and 11/29 ALT AD : 166 (6 hPa) LFBD LAT : 44 49 43 N LONG : 000 42 55 W VAR : 0° (15) FIS : AQUITAINE Information 120.575 ATIS : 131.155 05 57 92 81 04 APP : AQUITAINE Approche / Approach 129.875 - 126.730 (s) TWR : 118.300 ILS/DME RWY 23 BD 110.3 GND (Sol) : 121.900 - 121.730 sur instruction CTL / on ATC clearance ILS/DME RWY 29 BEI 111.15 L.