32nd Annual Bishop Dunne GeoTech Conference February 27 - 29 Featuring Keynote Speaker Planet or Plastic with Lillygol Sedaghat National Geographic Expolorer

Geotech 2018 1 Bishop dunne Previous GeoTech KEYNOTE PRESENTERS 2019 Dedicated Dallas Experts Conversations in the Cliff around Sustainability and Development 2018 Bertie Gregory National Geographic Young Explorer and Scientific Exploration Zenith Explorer 2017 Bryan Christy National Geographic Explorer of the Year and Special Investigations Unit 2016 Joel Sartore National Geographic Society Photographer and Conservationist 2015 James Balog Film Producer: Chasing Ice and Environmentalist 2014 Dr. Patrick Meier Crisis Mapper and Humanitarian 2013 Dr. Albert Yu-Min Lin Archeologist, Explorer, and Pioneer of and Drone Exploration 2012 Dr. Mireya Mayor Field Correspondent, Explorer, Naturalist, and Author of Pink Boots and a Machete: My Journey From NFL Cheerleader to National Geographic Explorer. 2012 Dr. Kobe Boykins Engineer and Designer for Mars Explorer at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory 2011 Dr. Robert Bakker Paleontologist and Author: The Dinosaur Heresies 2010 Ben Osborne Planet Earth DVD Series Photographer 2010 Pregracke President of Living Lands and Waters – U.S. Jefferson Award for Public Service Winner, CNN Hero of the Year 2013 2009 Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson Astrophysicist, Nova Host, and Cosmos Host 2008 Dr. Dawn Wright Oceanographer and Deep Water Explorer, Professor of Geography and Oceanography, Oregon State University 2007 David Rumsey Cartographer and Philanthropist 2007 Dr. Spencer Wells Geneticist, Anthropologist, and National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence 2007 Sister Helen Prejean, CSJ Author: Dead Man Walking, Anti-Death Penalty Activist 2006 Dr. Mae Jemison Astronaut and Author, Founder and Chair of the Dorothy Jemison Foundation for Excellence 2005 Dr. J. Michael Fay National Geographic Conservationist-in-Residence 2004 Jodi Cobb National Geographic Photographer 2003 Dr. John Kuglin Former Director of NASA’s Earth Observing System (EOS) Education Project 2002 Dr. Wade Davis National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence 2001 Dr. Sally Ride Astronaut and Author. Professor of Physics, University of California at San Diego 2000 Erik Larson Author: Dead Wake: The Last Crossing of the Lusitania, Isaac’s Storm: A Man, a Time, and the Deadliest Hurricane in History, Thunderstruck: Devil in the White City, and In the Garden of Beasts 1999 Dr. Jane Goodall Author: Reason for Hope, Anthropologist and Scientist, Founder of The Jane Goodall Institute 1998 Dayton Duncan Author and Co-Producer (with Ken Burns) Lewis & Clark: The Journey of the Corps of Discovery: An Illustrated History, The National Parks: America’s Best Idea, The Dust Bowl: An Illustrated History, The Civil War, Baseball, and Jazz 1998 Ann Bancroft Author: No Horizon Is So Far: An Extraordinary Journey Across Antarctica and Explorer - First Woman at the North Pole and the South Pole and to Traverse the Antarctic Continent 1997 Dr. Robert Ballard Author: Lost Liners, Explorer and Discoverer of RMS Titanic, Founder of the Institute for Exploration, and the JASON Foundation 1997 Kenneth C. Davis Author: Don’t Know Much About Geography: Don’t Know Much About History; Don’t Know Much About The Civil War: Don’t Know Much About The Bible 2020 GeoTech: Planet or Plastic? Keynote Presenter - Lillygol Sedaghat, National Geographic Explorer

Lillygol Sedaghat is a National Geographic Explorer and multimedia storyteller at the intersection of science, systems and people. Previously, she was a Fulbright–National Geographic Digital Storyteller documenting Taiwan’s waste management system, plastics recycling and circular economy initiatives.

Through her work, Sedaghat hopes to inspire conscious consumerism — the realization that every choice we make affects the environment — and spark a global discussion on trash with #MyWasteMyWay. Using infographics, music videos, maps and digital storytelling to promote environmental education, she aims to transform people’s perceptions of trash from something disposable to something valuable.

An active spokesperson for National Geographic’s global Planet or Plastic? campaign, she has spoken at United Nations World Environment Day India and the National Geographic Live series, and has helped to launch the Planet or Plastic? campaign in mainland China and Hong Kong. She has been named as one of “5 Under 25: Leaders in U.S.-China Relations” by China Hands magazine. Sedaghat received her Bachelor of Arts in political economy from the University of California, Berkeley, and is pursuing a Ph.D. in environmental anthropology. 2020 Bishop Dunne GeoTech Conference Sponsors Partner: Sherman & Yaquinto, LLP Square Foot, Inc. Sponsor: Dallas Zoo Supporter: Rubel Advisors Kenneth and Molly Alfers Blake and Dorsey Martensen Friend: Good Space Paul and Paula Day Scott and Rhonda Dugger Christopher and Ashley Shultz In kind donations: Oak Cliff Society of Fine Arts Pasco Scientific Voigt Consulting Zoe Marie Cookies Donors Mary Gracheck Tom Maj Dale McKean Pero Vrucinic and Julie Coxe

Geotech 2020 1 Bishop dunne WHERE EARTH, TECHNOLOGY, AND EXPLORATION MEET Friday, February 28, 2020

8:00 a.m. Registration and Breakfast Bishop Dunne Cafeteria

9:00 a.m. Opening Address: Engaging the Millenial Learner presented by Courtney Brazile Msgr Milam J. Joseph Auditorium Courtney Brazile teaches Speech Communication courses at Eastfield College and he directs the Minority Male Initiative for the Dallas County Community College District and his campus. He was named the 2015-16 Jean Sharon Griffith Student Development Leadership Award recipient at his campus. In spring 2016, he received the John & Suannne Roueche Excellence Medallion at the Innovations Conference in Chicago. SESSION 1 10:00 – 10:55 a.m. Social Emotional Learning in the Classroom presented by Soriya Nelson Library As students learn a common language and method of dealing with emotions and people, how does that fit into the school culture so that everyone benefits? What if there was a playbook that allowed adult-student conversions to be productive in a short period of time? Social-Emotional Learning can help a school develop both a consistent language and a playbook for the sustainable develop- ment of the culture you want to create.

Soriya Nelson, M. Ed., is an Associate Dean of Student Services and Academics with two decades of experience working in public and private education. She has been a classroom teacher, Depart- ment Chair, Coordinator of Student Services and Presenter for SELlaunchpad.

Discovery Education Lori Aden Room 304 Discovery Education Experience (formerly known as Discovery Education Streaming) offers dy- namic curated K-12 curriculum resources combined with on-demand instructional strategies, personalized for your needs as an educator. These real world content channels bring excitement and relevance to the topics you teach, ensuring all students have opportunities to unlock their true potential.

Dr. Lori Aden is the Program Coordinator for Region 10 for Discovery Education, Distance Learning, E-rate, and Reggie’s Robots.

Bishop dunne 2 Geotech 2020 Friday, February 28, 2020 (continued)

Using Probes to Teach Math and Science! Roger Palmer Room 306 Come play to learn basics of using Pasco probes. Rather than giving students information from sources you spend precious time trying to find, how about having students collect their own in- formation to learn natural concepts. Setting up experiments becomes easier if you help students think how to collect data and prove concepts you cover. Pasco’s tools are made to turn on and just explore phenomena. We will look at a few easy experiments from Life, , environ- mental Science, and Chemistry, Physics, Physical Science that you can easily teach, explore, have students do labs using Pasco equipment on free apps students can download to their phones, iPad or software on your computer.

Roger Palmer was born in North Dakota 160 years too late to have been part of the historic Lewis and Clark exploration of the Missouri River basin. From the Missouri’s shores he has explored the Red River of the north, Texas’ Trinity and most recently the American River where he is the science product manager with Pasco Scientific in Roseville, California. Here he combines his 28 years teaching and science chair experience at Bishop Dunne Catholic School to design electronic tools for exploring science. Roger continues to use his University of North Dakota master’s degree to provide teacher professional development, coauthor books, science lesson sets, publish professional research articles, and at many conferences. He loves helping teachers collect data and constructing stories from information embedded in interactive maps and graphs. Hun- dreds of teachers have joined he and his wife in technological adventures from Hawaii to the Rockies, the great plains to the great lakes, and Australia to Abu Dhabi. Roger continues to collaborate widely with local, national, and international part- ners to give teachers learning experiences.

Outdoor Learning at John Bunker Sands Wetlands Center Linda Dunn Room 310 The mission of the John Bunker Sands Wetland Center is to educate the public and provide re- search opportunities in the areas of water quality and supply, wildlife management, and wetland systems. The Wetland Center facility provides opportunities for research, education, wildlife ob- servation, and community gatherings within a comfortable, environmentally-conscious building. The Center partners with area school districts, wildlife and conservation organizations, and re- search institutions. Learn more about the center and how you can engage your students in outdoor learning experiences. Linda Dunn, Education Manager of the Wetland Center, comes to the Wetland Center with over 20 years experience in teaching both in the environmental education field and the formal class- room. Linda graduated from Texas A&M in 1986 with a B.S. in Recreation and Parks/Outdoor Education. Currently, Linda is a member of the Texas Association of Environmental Education, the National Interpretation Association and the Science Teachers Association of Texas.

11:00 - 12:00 p.m. Lunch Bishop Dunne Cafeteria

Geotech 2020 3 Bishop dunne WHERE EARTH, TECHNOLOGY, AND EXPLORATION MEET Friday, February 28, 2020 (continued)

SESSION 2 12:00 - 12:55 p.m. Leading Their Learning: Student Led Conferences Ann Gohsman Library In his Educational Leadership article, “When Students Lead Their Learning”, Ron Berger de- scribes the power of student-led conferences to build motivation, clarity, self-direction, and crit- ical thinking in students. “When students must report to their families what they’re learning - what skills and understandings they have, what areas still challenge them, and where they hope to get to - they must understand their own learning and progress...Education stops being some- thing that is done to them and begins being something that they are leading.” High-quality port- folios of student work, goal setting, and a culture of growth set the stage for this reflection and discussion. Have you tried student-led conferences yet? If so, how are they going? In this session we will identify the elements of effective student-led conferences and learn new ways to create high-quality portfolios.

Ann Gohsman is the Director of Instruction at the Diocese of Dallas Catholic Schools Office. She holds a Master’s Degree from SMU and is an Academic Language Therapist. Her twenty years in the classroom span second grade through middle school. She has dedicated herself to becoming a lifelong learner and enjoys sharing her passions for curriculum, instruction and data driven instruction. Ann and her husband John are transplants from Chicago and Milwaukee, respectively. They have one son who lives and works in New York City.

Mapping Vietnam Mike Kistner Room 304 Mike Kistner has been researching and mapping his father’s tours in Vietnam. He started with the letters his father wrote to him during his 1970 tour. Mike began looking for the locations of his father’s unit when he wrote those letters. Students have been assisting with this research. This presentation will include letters his father wrote home, pictures he took while in country, and maps of the fire bases and landing zones during the war.

Michael Kistner has been teaching at Bishop Dunne for many years. He has a B.A. in history from the University of Texas at Arlington and an M.A. in European history from University of North Texas. Mr. Kistner has a particular interest in military history, especially Vietnam, as his father served two tours of duty there.

Bishop dunne 4 Geotech 2020 Friday, February 28, 2020 (continued)

Creating inquiry experiences in demo’s, assessments, and labs Roger Palmer Room 306 When was the last time you (as a learner) did science and discovered some new understanding about a topic. You have been fortunate if you’ve experienced science in this manor. We are asked to do inquiry but if we have rarely seen it modeled, how do we provide for our students? We will take the time to examine specific lab exercises from all of Pasco’s offerings: Elemen- tary, Middle, Biology, Chemistry and Physics to see how they’ve designed labs to give students more control in discovering answers. We will do hands on labs to see what some of this looks like as part of the discussion

Bishop Dunne Advanced Research Students Room 310 Current GIS interns at Bishop Dunne will make short presentations on their current projects. Olivia Dugger: North Texas Food Bank – Mapping economically disadvantaged student populations Marlowe Martensen- BD population density map and West Dallas Non-Profit Map Atlas Jack Shultz- Drone Mapping project and building an Interactive Trail Map at the Bunker Sands Wetland. Field Data Collec- tion – Tree Survey. SESSION 3 1:00 – 1:55 Mindfulness Practice in the Classroom Amy Kirchhoff Library In this session, participants will learn about the science behind mindfulness and how it can pos- itively influence the academic environment. They will also get a chance to experience a mindful practice or two as well as explore practical strategies how to implement mindfulness in their class- rooms - or even in their own homes. Amy is passionate about this topic, and that enthusiasm will come through in her session!

Amy Kirchhoff is a Licensed Professional Counselor and adjunct Psychology professor. She owns and sees clients at a private mental health therapy practice, Harvest Counseling (www.harvest- counseling.com), out of an office right here at Bishop Dunne. Prior to working as an LPC, she was the Director of Guidance and Counseling at Bishop Dunne, where she advocated for social-emo- tional learning in the classroom and mental health policies for at-risk students. She has worked with adolescents and their families since 2004 and is perpetually curious about brain-behavior connections, human motivation, and how shifts in perception can increase resiliency and joy.

Modeling to learn. Using programming to learn testable concepts Roger Palmer Room 306 Part of learning includes revising ideas, trials or labs based on measurements. Some call this muscle memory, in academics, a scientific mindset (equally as valid for historic, analytical, or linguistic mindsets). The discipline of figuring stuff out comes from being able to easily re-run smart trial and error attempts to see where our efforts lead. Learning how to fail faster on your way to learning, providing small sand boxes (places of limited conditions) are needed explore content that supports what you are teaching. Computer simulations allow you to quickly change conditions to demonstrate laws governing states of matter, or making a program monitor some condition and provide some action. For half the class we’ll experience hands- on models and some computer programming (Blockly) to learn new concepts. You can take programming to another level while supporting core topics like math and science investigations. The other half of class we’ll discuss how you might incor- porate using models for students to learn in your classes. You all have some experience with this if you enjoy puzzles, music, tinkering …or even designing what you teach in your classroom.


Friday, February 28, 2020 (continued)

Do You KNOW Your Students? Charleen Doan Diana Torres Rivera Room 304 A vital component of education is understanding students and their backgrounds. With technology available to easily col- lect data and analyze trends, the sky is the limit to provide better resources and support to all students. Learn how to better understand your personal biases, identify useful data, and utilize facts to best serve your students and your student body.

Charleen Doan is currently the Director of College Guidance at Bishop Dunne Catholic School. She also oversees the College Ready Academy at Bishop Dunne, a program to prepare first-gen- eration college students for the college, financial aid, and scholarship processes, and to help equip them with life skills to increase their likelihood to graduate from college. As a graduate of the Alli- ance for Catholic Education (ACE) Program from the University of Notre Dame, she has served in various roles within Catholic education, from teaching, to coaching, to serving as Bishop Dunne’s Director of Admissions from 2011 – 2017. Prior to coming to Bishop Dunne, she worked as an admissions counselor for the Office of Undergraduate Admissions at the University of Notre Dame.

Dr. Diana Torres Rivera teaches Dual Credit Spanish III and AP Courses. Her experience teaching started after graduating with a Hispanic Studies Degree from the University of Puerto Rico when she moved to Seville, Spain for graduate school. She taught Spanish American Literature classes as a graduate student in Spain, where she earned a PhD in Spanish American Literature and History of the Americas. Also, she spent a summer doing research on Caribbean Literature in the Univer- sity of Oxford in England as a Visiting Scholar. Back home she taught graduate and undergraduate Spanish American Literature courses and language classes at the University of Puerto Rico and the Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico. She has taught in Laboratory Schools mentoring student teachers. Nowadays she enjoys developing critical thinking and linguistic conscience in her high school students through the use of technology and comprehensible input in the classroom to facilitate real-time feedback to empower students in their learning process by seeing their strengths and weaknesses as soon as possible.

Bishop dunne 6 Geotech 2020 Friday, February 28, 2020 (continued) The Coronavirus Challenge Brad Baker Room 310 This session will explore the geography and GIS behind the current Coronavirus crisis and then explore what teachers can do to help prepare their homes and classes if the situation ad- vances to the pandemic level. Mr. Baker studies diffusion geography with his AP geography class and has taught disaster preparedness as part of his survival course elective for over a decade.

Brad Baker is one of the most experience high school teachers of GIS in the country. He offers three years of GIS courses for students at Bishop Dunne Catholic School. His students have been honored in local and national news and at the Esri International GIS Users Conference. Brad also coaches archery and designs an active hands-on approach to every class he teaches.

Closing Session- Student Engagement in the Classroom 2:00 – 2:55 p.m. S. David Brazer and Debra Russell Msgr. Milam J. Joseph Auditorium

Students need to speak in order to learn. Teachers currently talk 70-80% of class time rather than letting students lead their own learning. This problem is most acute for special popula- tions: classes with high-achieving students get more than double the amount of student talk time than a typical classroom with larger numbers of Title 1 students, SWDs, or ELs. A pilot group of teachers tried a different approach this past fall. This panel discussion will share how greater student engagement transforms the classroom.

David Brazer is Director of Professional Learning at TeachFX. Prior to joining TeachFX, Da- vid was a Professor and Director of Leadership Degree Programs at the ’s Graduate School of Education. His research and writing focus on the challenges of school and district leadership, exploring how those challenges are met in practice. His third book (with Scott Bauer and Bob L. Johnson, Jr.), Leading Schools to Learn, Grow, and Thrive: Us- ing Theory to Strengthen Practice will be published by Routledge in 2019. Previously, David spent 15 years in K-12 education as a teacher and high school administrator.

Debra Russell is Head of Engagement at TeachFX. Debra is an educator at heart, having taught middle and high school ELA as part of the Puente Project and Upward Bound out- reach programs in addition to work alongside teachers as a K-12 instructional coach and project manager for ed-tech implementations. She graduated from UC Berkeley with a BA in English, and later earned an MA in Rhetoric and Composition from UC Irvine. Debra has also studied issues in education policy as a fellow with the San Francisco Education Fund.

Geotech 2020 7 Bishop dunne For more information visit https://www.bdcs.org/explore/literary-festival

Bishop dunne 8 Geotech 2020 bdcs.org

3900 Rugged Drive • Dallas, Texas, 75224 • 214.339.6561

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