CORROSION RESISTANCE OF NICKEL AND NICKEL- CONTAINING ALLOYS IN HYDROCHLORIC ACID, HYDROGEN CHLORIDE AND CHLORINE (CEB-3) A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO THE USE OF NICKEL-CONTAINING ALLOYS NO 279 Distributed by Produced by NICKEL INCO INSTITUTE CORROSION RESISTANCE OF NICKEL AND NICKEL-CONTAINING ALLOYS IN HYDROCHLORIC ACID, HYDROGEN CHLORIDE AND CHLORINE (CEB-3) A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO THE USE OF NICKEL-CONTAINING ALLOYS NO 279 This handbook was first published prior to 1985 by INCO, The International Nickel Company, Inc. Today this company is part of Vale S.A. The Nickel Institute republished the handbook in 2020. Despite the age of this publication the information herein is considered to be generally valid. Material presented in the handbook has been prepared for the general information of the reader and should not be used or relied on for specific applications without first securing competent advice. The Nickel Institute, their members, staff and consultants do not represent or warrant its suitability for any general or specific use and assume no liability or responsibility of any kind in connection with the information herein. Nickel Institute
[email protected] Nickel-clad steel jacketed reactor used for organic chlorinations. It was built in accordance with the A.P.I. A.S.M.E. code for unfired pressure vessels and operates at a temperature of 650° F, and pressures of 25 lb. per sq. in in the body and 125 Ib per sq. in. in the jacket. Page 2 Resistance of Nickel and High Nickel Alloys to Corrosion by Hydrochloric Acid, Hydrogen Chloride and Chlorine† CONTENTS HYDROCHLORIC ACID .................................................