1. (Free roam arena only)

Beat Saber is a VR rhythm game where you slash the beats of adrenaline-pumping music as they fly towards you, surrounded by a futuristic world.

2. Budget Cuts (Free roam arena only)

Budget Cuts is a VR where you dexterously zip, sneak or rambo your way forward through thrilling, oil-splatter filled combat!

3. Freedom Locomotion VR

Walk, jog, run, climb and crawl across a range of locations and terrains in the Freedom Locomotion VR demo. This game showcases the revolutionary Freedom Locomotion System that provides you with a wide range of options, which will allow you to find the most immersive fit regardless of how motion sickness sensitive you might be.

4. Earth VR

Google Earth VR lets you explore the world from totally new perspectives in . Stroll the streets of Tokyo, soar over the Grand Canyon, or walk around the Eiffel Tower.

5. I Expect You To Die (Free roam arena only)

Play as a secret agent armed with telekinetic abilities on a mission to stop Zoraxis, a nefarious global weapons and pharmaceutical corporation.

6. Job Simulator (Free roam arena only)

In a world where robots have replaced all human jobs, step into the "Job Simulator" to learn what it was like 'to job'.

7. Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes (Free roam arena only)

Find yourself trapped alone in a room with a ticking time bomb. Your friends have the manual to defuse it, but they can't see the bomb, so you're going to have to talk it out – fast!

8. VR (Free roam arena only)

Lose track of what’s real. Commit yourself, body and mind. Confront the evocative, elegantly brutal world of SUPERHOT VR. Enemies pouring into the room from all sides, dozens of bullets coursing through the air... Wait. Something seems different in here...

9. theBlu (Free roam arena only)

Experience the wonder and majesty of the ocean through a series of habitats and come face to face with some of the most awe inspiring species on the planet.

10. Epic Roller Coasters

In Epic Roller Coasters you'll get the same feeling of a real roller coaster with a high level graphics, physics-based simulation. You'll go up and down seeing everything around you with our long range vision capabilities!

11. Deadly Hunter VR

Deadly Hunter is an immersive first-person defense game designed exclusively for VR. You play as a renowned Orc hunter whose goal is to learn the enemy’s weaknesses and use the best-suited traps to blow their heads off!

12. Quanero VR

Quanero is an experimental VR experience for the HTC Vive and the Rift. Your goal is to figure out what caused a violent incident in a futuristic bar by manipulating the time. You can slow down time, reverse it or bring it to a halt. Explore the scene, unlock the story's branch points and unravel the mystery.

13. The IOTA Project

The IOTA Project is a VR game where you are thrown into the cockpit of a giant mech. Pilot IOTA as you destroy the enemies who have taken over the city using your two giant robot fists and an array of powerful weapons.

14. Wave Beta

Wave is the interstellar music festival of the future you can access at any time from anywhere.

15. Lazerbait

Lazerbait is a free arcade strategy game set in virtual reality with one simple goal: capture all the planets to build more ships and destroy your enemies!

16. Waltz of the Wizard (Legacy)

Waltz of the Wizard is a virtual reality experience that lets you feel what it’s like to have magical powers. Combine arcane ingredients into a boiling cauldron with the help of an ancient spirit trapped in a human skull. Unleash creative or destructive wizardry upon a fully interactive virtual world.

17. The Red Stare

Become a secret agent in the 1950s and observe your neighbours to find the communist spy!

18. The Lab

Welcome to The Lab, a compilation of Valve’s room-scale VR experiments set in a pocket universe within Aperture Science. Fix a robot, defend a castle, adopt a mechanical dog, and more.

19. After-H

Join the Martian battlefields and fight as the Alliance or the Rebels in a competitive fast- paced FPS.

20. Drop In – VR F2P

Drop In is a VR social space with a Lobby, Mini games, Solo missions and Multiplayer Gamemodes. Battle Royale Dedicated Servers are planned for the future as the game develops from to full release. Drop In Consist of the following detailed mechanics.