Abbreviations and Bibliography
ABBREVIATIONS AND BIBLIOGRAPHY Ah. 'Ahilot Albeck Chanoch Albeck, Si!ah Sidre Mi!nah, Seder Zera'im (Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, 1957) Alon Gedaliahu Alon, "Tefl_uman fel fl_ukkot tohorah," in Mefl_qarim betoldot yiira'el" (2 vols.; Tel Aviv, 1957) 1: 148-76 [="The Bounds of the Laws of Levitical Cleanness," in Alon, Jews, Judaism and the Classical World: Studies in Jewish History in the Times qf the Second Temple and the Talmud (Jerusalem, 1977) 190-234] Arak. 'Arakin ARNA 'Abot de Rabbi Natan, Recension A, ed. Solomon Schechter (Vienna, 1887; reprint: New York, 1945) Aruch Alexander Kohut, ed. Aruch Completum (8 vols.; Vienna, 1878-92; second edition, 1926), and Additamenta ad Librum Aruch Completum, ed., Samuel Krauss et al. (Vienna, 1937) Avery-Peck Alan J. Avery-Peck, Mishnah's Division qf Agriculture: A History and 7heology qf Seder Zeraim (Chico, 1985) Avi-Yonah, Michael Avi- Y onah, with the assistance of Shemuel Safrai, 'Atlas Atlas Karta' litequpat bayyit feni, hammi!nah, wehattalmud [Carta's Atlas qf the Period qf the Second Temple, the Mishnah, and the Talmudj (Jerusalem, 1966) Avi-Yonah, Michael Avi-Yonah, Geograpiah historit fel 'eresyiira'ellemin fibbat iyyon Geography we'ad rl fit hakkibbuf ha'arabi [Historical Geography qf the Land qf Israel from the Restoration to the Arab Conquest] (Jerusalem, 1962) Avi-Yonah, Michael Avi-Yonah, 7he Holy Land .from the Persian to the Arab Conquest, Holy Land 536 B.C.-A.D. 640: A Historical Geography (Grand Rapids, 1966) A.Z. 'Abodah Zarah b. Babli, Babylonian Talmud; ben, "son of," as in "Simeon b. Gamaliel" B Mishnah Zera'im, MS.
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