Mormonism for Dummies
30_571958 bindex.qxd 1/25/05 7:19 PM Page 349 Index Articles of Faith (Church statement), • A • 175–176 Aaronic Priesthood, 15, 67–68 Asia, 79, 246, 248 abolitionist, 252 Association for Mormon Letters (arts abortion, 257, 275 organization), 321 Abraham (prophet), 83, 173–174 Atonement Abrahamic covenant, 83 celestial kingdom requirements, 37 accident, 12, 124 Mormonism versus Christianity, 52 accountability, 24 overview, 47 Adam (first human), 13, 18, 27–29 sacrament, 98 addiction, 16–17, 279 telestial versus terrestrial kingdom, 36 adopted children, 127, 276 uniqueness of Mormonism, 18 adulterer, 35 attendance, 245 Affirmation (support group), 268 Africa, 246, 248–249 • B • African Americans, 249, 251–255 afterlife The Backslider (Peterson, Levi), 321 of Jesus, 47–48 Badger, Julie (The Essential Mormon overview, 13 Cookbook), 317 phases, 31–39 banking organization, 188 age of accountability, 101 baptism agency, 24, 27–29, 31 celestial kingdom requirements, 37 alcohol avoidance for the dead, 120–121 Brigham Young University, 147–148 definition, 116 Joseph Smith’s surgery, 62 gifts of Holy Ghost, 54 missionary invitation, 241 growth, 245 rationale, 16–17, 336 house of Israel, 84–85 Word of Wisdom, 278–279 importance, 101 Alma the Younger (prophet), 157 key D&C scriptures, 179 ancestors, 78–82, 111 preparation, 101–102 Angels in America (play), 322 process, 102–103 animal, 38 COPYRIGHTEDproxy, MATERIAL 79–80 announcement, 97 temple recommend, 119 antichrist, 167 Barty, Billy (actor), 324 apostle, modern basketball, 111–112 appointment, 137–138 bathing suit, 273 function, 137 Beehive House (Church facility), 132, 347 overview, 70 The Best Two Years (movie), 238 uniqueness of Mormonism, 19 Bible.
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