CPWF Project Report
Research Highlights CPWF Project Report CPWF Project Report Improved Planning of Large Dam Operation: Using Decision Support Systems to Optimize Livelihood Benefits, Safeguard Health and Protect the Environment Project Number 36 Matthew McCartney IWMI for submission to the December 2009 Page | i Contents CPWF Project Report Acknowledgements This report synthesizes findings from the project “Improved planning of large dam operation: using decision support systems to optimize livelihood benefits, safeguard health and protect the environment ”. This project was a collaboration of the following three institutions: Addis-Ababa University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Southern Waters, Cape Town, South Africa International Water Management Institute (IWMI), Regional office for the Nile Basin and East Africa, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia A large number of people contributed in a wide range of ways to the different components of the study. The following are due a special word of thanks: Solomon Kibret, Yilma Seleshi, Dereje Hailu, Beyene Petros, Asegid Taye, Ayalew Gebre and Derese Getachew of Addis Abba University; Jackie King of Southern Waters; Seleshi Bekele Awulachew, Eline Boelee, Solomon Seyoum and Jonathan Lautze of IWMI; Tesfaye Abebe, Lemma Regassa and Dereje Olana of Oromia Regional Health Bureau; Michael Abebe of the Ministry of Water Resources; Wondie Ayalew of Bahar Dar University; Bruce Paxton of the University of Cape Town; Paul Kirshen of Tufts University; Richard Pollack and the late Andrew Spielman of the Harvard School of Public Health. A number of postgraduate students contributed to the project through research conducted for their theses: Jonathan Lautze, Benon Zaake, Getachew Daniel, Abeyu Shiferaw, Wubneh Abebe, Tadesse Alemayehu, Yordanos Gebremeskel, Berhan Mellese, Amelework Tesfaye and Julia Reis.
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