Champion Star Roeontly Imported from Knplund with U Una-Lan- but Ol at the Westminster Show Considerable Difficulty in Deciding on the POMKRANIAN

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Champion Star Roeontly Imported from Knplund with U Una-Lan- but Ol at the Westminster Show Considerable Difficulty in Deciding on the POMKRANIAN DOG BREEDER TAKES NOW TOPIC OF CONTROVERSY "ON TO PHILADELPHIA." Nassau Country Clnb Mkely to et KENNEL DIRECTORY SLOGAN OF DOG WORLD May 23 lor Open Air Show. ISSUE ON SEALYHAM Preparations for tht summer shows, delayed the more which have been for MlSCllMANEOCS. urgent business of getting ready and tak- rOMEKANIAXa. Many Winners at Westminster ing part In the premier fixture Just closed, English Judge Says the Breed will ba under way within the next week Show to 11 Benched With or so. One thine which kept tho Nassau Should Have Crooked Legi Country selecting a date for POMERANIANS Good Fresh Lot. Club from 'snnnnssnnnnn' to Go to Earth. Its open sir fixture was tho failure of the Jockey Cub to announce tho sched- SALE bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbH sssssssssB FOR fsssssT slssVl si Aaat t I ule for tho racing season. Tho Nassau "On to Philadelphia" Is the cry In the club Is eo well satisfied with Belmont ALL BLUE RIBBONS but one at THIS THEORY DISPUTED doi; wot Id, for tho cjuulter City is fol- Park ns u enu-- ) for the show that no low line In the wak? of New York, on other place was cutislderod and the dato WESTMINSTER jBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBtiaWaSBUi' SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBI question to be BBBBBBBBBWr Vfcf. tuinual show will open was tho only Important ? Tui'MlaV tin third settled. KENNEL CLUB SHOW. with the promise of lielna; tli best held show on Man Who Knows Breed Well In- bHHIB' bbbbbbbbbbssbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbK-?" It now Is proposed to hold tho In the City of llnitheily Love. The May 23, which will be tho Saturday be- tHHHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH nus-ilc- Go allaH h.)w, which will bo held under the a races, which begin All .Colors at Stud and for 'Sale. The sists They Should Philadelphia, fore tho opening of the Greenacre Kennels of tho Kennel Club of In this district on May 26. So far tha will thrt-- doys, only olio day leas tentatively, hut MAYHEW, With Hound Pack. country. date has been discussed MRS. R. F. CHOW tM than the premier show of the It Is believed that It will be conllrmed CHOWS and TIim beiiUv;d In Hurtlcuitural dons will ho at the nest meeting of the bench show Trolley Stop 212, Hall, whero a record rrowd Is oontlilentty committee. Tho grounds are sure to he SAMOYEDES Perhaps tho biggest sensation In the expei Utt to hi- -i th blue b'.oodid cmlnon, Jericho Turnpike, In order at that time and the chance to dog3 of Judging at tha Westminster show was most of which will attend with lauroU get u view of somn of th! thoroughbreds New Hyde Park, Show and puppies the oauaexl by tho upsetting of what lias been In training will le nn added Incentive fur Long highest class always for sale at the dog show crowd. As usual tho club- Island. recognized an tho standard of Sealyham ter- I Tke FsX) low Baa shoal I house of thu Turf and Field Club will be reasonable prices. riers by W. V. McC.hhIIIiIi, who came from el thrown open for tho visitor, and tha England to Judge this breed and other erea sralyhasn terrier. Ilia el- dog,t will be Judged In rlt.g on the lawn PAIItrAX rnsFRAMiM O. J. TOREN, Manager breeds of terriers. Tho Juilrrc pamed over bows oatsrardly back of the Held stand. AND PKKIWirftt; are carves. He open A I.I. COLOR Fairfield, nuch well known champions an Mr. This will bo a forerunner of tho Conn. coald net aallop with hoanda. It Jn and will 1 fol- rvrriKH and i.hown stock Holmes Wllletts's locust Lone Star, best air shows this district FROM CHAMPIONS was a bent leaned and .float Sealy- lowed on May 30 by tho llxturo of the ANI In the Hoston enow; Mrs. Tyler Morse'a Long HUnd Kennel Club. While It was IMPORTKP HTT'DS AND MATRONS. champion Itoston, ham that tvnn the chief honors In club, ABHOI.ITKI.V .Ml HAIJ:N TO DKALKIIH. Tile Varmint, reserve at tho date that troubled the Nassau J7sa OCKAN AK. SHfcHPSIIKAD I1AV, and Clifford 13. Harmon's Ivo Centurion, the breed andrr Jaitse MpC'andllah Decoration Day Is u fixturo with tho IKI.ICPIIONi: (MINKV ISLAND S44. Long Island organisation, there was Champion Star roeontly Imported from Knplund with u Una-lan- but ol at the Westminster show considerable difficulty In deciding on the POMKRANIAN. Mf reputation. last week, which has stirred a lively pluce to hold th" show. The cholco has Mrs. R. K. Curry, lUmlltno, Mass., has always SealybamTerrior of recognising the merits of the on Sheepshcad Hay, where sue ton. tcsxt POMKIIANIA.NM At tlud and for sale. Instead dlaenaalon as to the standard ol the fallen a HAMILTON' D.USV IIOV. a sound black, under (Might fronted terrier the JudgB favored ci'Psful show was held last year. The 4 Ihs. Me U a sire of winners on both sides of the At Stud. Arch Druid, a doR with crooked front, breed. dogs will be exhibited In the racetrack, AtlMitlo. r'ce til. heavy shoulders and weak pasterns, und which many turfmen consider tl.o most Toiler Steele picturesque of nil American W. rO.Mr.nANlAN'M Toy; grown andeupplet?. ally forsip tit champions named above failed to get tracks. by American, K.ifiW.i champions. C1.ANCV, IHiroell of S Broadway will havo a oard In tho open class. Tho explanation SCOTTTES COME TO FRONT. It. Zlit Webiter Ave., llrvns. LOCUST LANE KENNELS that the Healyhnjn, being a dog that charge of both these thowa and will be illwent to ground, should have bent pasterns ready to dltttrlhuto Information regard- SMALL POMERANIAN and Mattes Ter- Bayslde, I.. I. to dachshund, but Freeman Breed furnishes rlcasnnt Sarvrlee ing them In a short time. riers for aala and at stud. Talepaeae, Tel. Hit riuihln; similar the KOKRL1N. BOS E. Bt. Lloyd, a well known Judge of dogs, who to Its Supporters, ITStlt was brought up among this breed, takes EASTERN KENNELS SWEEP UP. IMrOKTKt) WIRE HAIKCtl exception to this view In the following One of the most remarkable exhibits SNGUslI AMI KKKNCH BILLS. article: at the Westminster show wnt furnished AT hTU). FOX TEIlllir.K.1 by Hcottlsh terriers, French llnllrtna" K lifters Are Nat Tho ttralghter you can get them the a breed that has Champion Bloomsbury Ridgemog, AT riTL'll. better. Hhort legged dogs uro generally como to the front so rapidly that the Plrasr.l With Awards. entries exceeded In any Wlnnsr for Hull Terrier at tlie more or less crooked on their legs, but tho thoax terrier breed - KAnr Azzi.t:it. i r.L j:s. French bulldog fanciers are not H. T. C. Show, beating- Oh. Noross Patricianlt always with the exception of those ultra popular atock-catte- well advlrej breeder will strive exactly phased with result of the find other noted ones. A certain r The Sensation of Hngland dogfl, .Boston and Alrdnle terriers. The tho num-te- r tot a straight foreleg. They have bred fleoJyhasa terrier pnpplee owned by Jack Howell, master of the the of quality puppies, re, fur n llmllr.t legs of Scottish terriers, strong competition made It the more awards In their particular breed at of Mtcher. 130. WIIITKCIIAPKI, HIIM1E1VAY Silt .tAMi:, VKK ... tha crooked out up do-- , accomplish noticeable that there should be almost Fox llonnda. Mr. Unwell Is land nt falconry and fox Westminster how. It wot u clan IIKRO, lh rawly Imported blc winner lllg Winner In o.rd America. and eventually they will the for the kennels, Mrs. Arnold In Knsland, Mthe-t- n unhown hi Amerlea. Unctai.d 1 T a sweep of the prlres by tho iconics Lealyham of Eastern sun In Sealyham terriers. believe am lie likes terriers best all. Lansiin taking tlrst In bitches and 120. KWKimiKAHT tVIIIKAWAHE. ri:i: ISO. the only writer who hunted with C.ipt. from the Carlyblrd Kentvels of Walter ulnners I.AM INO 1. PI.ATT. ridofavat T. Stern. best in th show with Sirdar" Princes 17 llnrllmt Street, Albany, A grand headed youngster Unttktsn Bdwardes of FcsJyhum. The Sealyham nnoth-- r Bostonlan, Vincent M. Turlcy, dog ulwnys has run with With only one breed to represent him froehly won at th New York exhibition, and ir.onr,i: w. intaiiii, ow.m.k. terrier la n that Mr. was In money CLUB POSTPONES MEETING. capturing the winners dogs with Fenway Bl'I.I.IIOn AT HTL'D. iu fox as welt as with other hounds. No Htcni third tho list of There uri more than 1.000 entries, bull-- . Champion Hewlett Klnr Orrr. WorM. pi(i.Mi(oi: r.UM, winners, excluding tliono kennels which Frenchman. wlcla apee-Ime- n crooked legged terrier can live with any dogs, as In New York, heading the list. experts ncknowlertse him th bH V. gained big prlies by pack exhibits, and Before tho Judges were appointed there of an Enrllrh bulldog- living. Htud fee NEW ITV. N. decent fox hounds In a run. and especially French Rnlldos Clnb Hrfnses to Act while collies take second place by a small Bulldog Young my one of the kennels In front was the margin from Airedale terriers. Tho New was a request from the French Hi. stock uaunlly for tale. CllAItl.EH Is that tho case in Pembrokeshire Vlckery Chicago, In Absence of President. Club that it be allowed to nunw the Judge 1. HOru, Hedgerow. Kennel. 5? Kront home and where Sealyham la All about of which had two breeds York champions will b opposed by many Htreet, l'HIUdelpMa.
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    AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL KENNEL COUNCIL Extended Breed Standard of THE AIREDALE TERRIER Produced by The Airedale Terrier Clubs of Queensland and Victoria in conjunction with The Australian National Kennel Council Standard adopted by Kennel Club London 1994 Standard adopted by the ANKC 1994 FCI Standard No:7 Breed Standard Extension adopted by the Club and ANKC 1998 Breed Standard Extension reconfirmed 2008 Copyright Australian National Kennel Council 2008 Country of Origin — United Kingdom Extended Standards are compiled purely for the purpose of training Australian judges and students of the breed. In order to comply with copyright requirements of authors, artists and photographers of material used, the contents must not be copied for commercial use or any other purpose. Under no circumstances may the Standard or Extended Standard be placed on the Internet without written permission of the ANKC. HISTORY The Airedale Terrier, or the “King of Terriers”, is a relatively young breed in comparison to many other breeds of dogs, with its origins being traced back to a little over 150 years ago. The Airedale Terrier (often shortened to “Airedale”) was developed by the workingmen from the Aire valley of Yorkshire in England. These men spent time hunting along the river valleys of the area and wanted a dog that could run with the hunters, was obedient to their masters, courageous and versatile and then return home at night as a companion to their families. The workmen of the day, not being well off, appreciated that the Airedale was not a greedy eater and only needed a nutritious meal to support their growth and maintain the dog’s substance.
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