BREEDER TAKES NOW TOPIC OF CONTROVERSY "ON TO PHILADELPHIA." Nassau Country Clnb Mkely to et KENNEL DIRECTORY SLOGAN OF DOG WORLD May 23 lor Open Air Show. ISSUE ON SEALYHAM Preparations for tht summer shows, delayed the more which have been for MlSCllMANEOCS. urgent business of getting ready and tak- rOMEKANIAXa. Many Winners at Westminster ing part In the premier fixture Just closed, English Judge Says the Breed will ba under way within the next week Show to 11 Benched With or so. One thine which kept tho Nassau Should Have Crooked Legi Country selecting a date for POMERANIANS Good Fresh Lot. Club from 'snnnnssnnnnn' to Go to Earth. Its open sir fixture was tho failure of the Jockey Cub to announce tho sched- SALE bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbH sssssssssB FOR fsssssT slssVl si Aaat t I ule for tho racing season. Tho Nassau "On to Philadelphia" Is the cry In the club Is eo well satisfied with Belmont ALL BLUE RIBBONS but one at THIS THEORY DISPUTED doi; wot Id, for tho cjuulter City is fol- Park ns u enu-- ) for the show that no low line In the wak? of New York, on other place was cutislderod and the dato WESTMINSTER jBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBtiaWaSBUi' SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBI question to be BBBBBBBBBWr Vfcf. tuinual show will open was tho only Important ? Tui'MlaV tin third settled. KENNEL CLUB SHOW. with the promise of lielna; tli best held show on Man Who Knows Breed Well In- bHHIB' bbbbbbbbbbssbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbK-?" It now Is proposed to hold tho In the City of llnitheily Love. The May 23, which will be tho Saturday be- tHHHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH nus-ilc- Go allaH h.)w, which will bo held under the a races, which begin All .Colors at Stud and for 'Sale. The sists They Should Philadelphia, fore tho opening of the Greenacre Kennels of tho Kennel Club of In this district on May 26. So far tha will thrt-- doys, only olio day leas tentatively, hut MAYHEW, With Pack. country. date has been discussed MRS. R. F. CHOW tM than the premier show of the It Is believed that It will be conllrmed CHOWS and TIim beiiUv;d In Hurtlcuitural dons will ho at the nest meeting of the bench show Trolley Stop 212, Hall, whero a record rrowd Is oontlilentty committee. Tho grounds are sure to he SAMOYEDES Perhaps tho biggest sensation In the expei Utt to hi- -i th blue b'.oodid cmlnon, Jericho Turnpike, In order at that time and the chance to dog3 of Judging at tha Westminster show was most of which will attend with lauroU get u view of somn of th! thoroughbreds New Hyde Park, Show and puppies the oauaexl by tho upsetting of what lias been In training will le nn added Incentive fur Long highest class always for sale at the crowd. As usual tho club- Island. recognized an tho standard of Sealyham ter- I Tke FsX) low Baa shoal I house of thu Turf and Field Club will be reasonable prices. riers by W. V. McC.hhIIIiIi, who came from el thrown open for tho visitor, and tha to Judge this breed and other erea sralyhasn . Ilia el- dog,t will be Judged In rlt.g on the lawn PAIItrAX rnsFRAMiM O. J. TOREN, Manager breeds of . Tho Juilrrc pamed over bows oatsrardly back of the Held stand. AND PKKIWirftt; are carves. He open A I.I. COLOR Fairfield, nuch well known champions an Mr. This will bo a forerunner of tho Conn. coald net aallop with hoanda. It Jn and will 1 fol- rvrriKH and i.hown stock Holmes Wllletts's locust Lone Star, best air shows this district FROM CHAMPIONS was a bent leaned and .float Sealy- lowed on May 30 by tho llxturo of the ANI In the Hoston enow; Mrs. Tyler Morse'a Long HUnd Kennel Club. While It was IMPORTKP HTT'DS AND MATRONS. champion Itoston, ham that tvnn the chief honors In club, ABHOI.ITKI.V .Ml HAIJ:N TO DKALKIIH. Tile Varmint, reserve at tho date that troubled the Nassau J7sa OCKAN AK. SHfcHPSIIKAD I1AV, and Clifford 13. Harmon's Ivo Centurion, the breed andrr Jaitse MpC'andllah Decoration Day Is u fixturo with tho IKI.ICPIIONi: (MINKV ISLAND S44. Long Island organisation, there was Champion Star roeontly Imported from Knplund with u Una-lan- but ol at the Westminster show considerable difficulty In deciding on the POMKRANIAN. Mf reputation. last week, which has stirred a lively pluce to hold th" show. The cholco has Mrs. R. K. Curry, lUmlltno, Mass., has always SealybamTerrior of recognising the merits of the on Sheepshcad Hay, where sue ton. tcsxt POMKIIANIA.NM At tlud and for sale. Instead dlaenaalon as to the standard ol the fallen a HAMILTON' D.USV IIOV. a sound black, under (Might fronted terrier the JudgB favored ci'Psful show was held last year. The 4 Ihs. Me U a sire of winners on both sides of the At Stud. Arch Druid, a doR with crooked front, breed. will be exhibited In the racetrack, AtlMitlo. r'ce til. heavy shoulders and weak pasterns, und which many turfmen consider tl.o most Toiler Steele picturesque of nil American W. rO.Mr.nANlAN'M Toy; grown andeupplet?. ally forsip tit champions named above failed to get tracks. by American, K.ifiW.i champions. C1.ANCV, IHiroell of S Broadway will havo a oard In tho open class. Tho explanation SCOTTTES COME TO FRONT. It. Zlit Webiter Ave., llrvns. LOCUST LANE KENNELS that the Healyhnjn, being a dog that charge of both these thowa and will be illwent to ground, should have bent pasterns ready to dltttrlhuto Information regard- SMALL POMERANIAN and Mattes Ter- Bayslde, I.. I. to dachshund, but Freeman Breed furnishes rlcasnnt Sarvrlee ing them In a short time. riers for aala and at stud. Talepaeae, Tel. Hit riuihln; similar the KOKRL1N. BOS E. Bt. Lloyd, a well known Judge of dogs, who to Its Supporters, ITStlt was brought up among this breed, takes EASTERN KENNELS SWEEP UP. IMrOKTKt) WIRE HAIKCtl exception to this view In the following One of the most remarkable exhibits SNGUslI AMI KKKNCH BILLS. article: at the Westminster show wnt furnished AT hTU). FOX TEIlllir.K.1 by Hcottlsh terriers, French llnllrtna" K lifters Are Nat Tho ttralghter you can get them the a breed that has Champion Bloomsbury Ridgemog, AT riTL'll. better. Hhort legged dogs uro generally como to the front so rapidly that the Plrasr.l With Awards. entries exceeded In any Wlnnsr for Hull Terrier at tlie more or less crooked on their legs, but tho thoax terrier breed - KAnr Azzi.t:it. i r.L j:s. French fanciers are not H. T. C. Show, beating- Oh. Noross Patricianlt always with the exception of those ultra popular atock-catte- well advlrej breeder will strive exactly phased with result of the find other noted ones. A certain r The Sensation of Hngland dogfl, .Boston and Alrdnle terriers. The tho num-te- r tot a straight foreleg. They have bred fleoJyhasa terrier pnpplee owned by Jack Howell, master of the the of quality puppies, re, fur n llmllr.t legs of Scottish terriers, strong competition made It the more awards In their particular breed at of Mtcher. 130. WIIITKCIIAPKI, HIIM1E1VAY Silt .tAMi:, VKK ... tha crooked out up do-- , accomplish noticeable that there should be almost Fox llonnda. Mr. Unwell Is land nt falconry and fox Westminster how. It wot u clan IIKRO, lh rawly Imported blc winner lllg Winner In o.rd America. and eventually they will the for the kennels, Mrs. Arnold In Knsland, Mthe-t- n unhown hi Amerlea. Unctai.d 1 T a sweep of the prlres by tho iconics Lealyham of Eastern sun In Sealyham terriers. believe am lie likes terriers best all. Lansiin taking tlrst In bitches and 120. KWKimiKAHT tVIIIKAWAHE. ri:i: ISO. the only writer who hunted with C.ipt. from the Carlyblrd Kentvels of Walter ulnners I.AM INO 1. PI.ATT. ridofavat T. Stern. best in th show with Sirdar" Princes 17 llnrllmt Street, Albany, A grand headed youngster Unttktsn Bdwardes of FcsJyhum. The Sealyham nnoth-- r Bostonlan, Vincent M. Turlcy, dog ulwnys has run with With only one breed to represent him froehly won at th New York exhibition, and ir.onr,i: w. intaiiii, ow.m.k. terrier la n that Mr. was In money CLUB POSTPONES MEETING. capturing the winners dogs with Fenway Bl'I.I.IIOn AT HTL'D. iu fox as welt as with other . No Htcni third tho list of There uri more than 1.000 entries, bull-- . Champion Hewlett Klnr Orrr. WorM. pi(i.Mi(oi: r.UM, winners, excluding tliono kennels which Frenchman. wlcla apee-Ime- n crooked legged terrier can live with any dogs, as In New York, heading the list. experts ncknowlertse him th bH V. gained big prlies by pack exhibits, and Before tho Judges were appointed there of an Enrllrh bulldog- living. Htud fee NEW ITV. N. decent fox hounds In a run. and especially French Rnlldos Clnb Hrfnses to Act while take second place by a small Bulldog Young my one of the kennels In front was the margin from Airedale terriers. Tho New was a request from the French Hi. stock uaunlly for tale. CllAItl.EH Is that tho case in Pembrokeshire Vlckery Chicago, In Absence of President. Club that it be allowed to nunw the Judge 1. HOru, Hedgerow. Kennel. 5? Kront home and where Sealyham la All about of which had two breeds York champions will b opposed by many Htreet, l'HIUdelpMa. I'a. to depend on for the Job of earning cash dogs Phllad-lphln- ns for th breed, but this was not acceded PERFECTIONINEOli-BlSCDi- T that part of North Pembrokeshire the The annual mealing of the Frenoh Bull- owned by who did strongest and ribbons. dog not care lo ship their dogs to New York to, and as a result one of tho ATTRACTIVE, afttv:tlonat. pdtgrea Ktif-lls- )i banks are exceptionally big, and It takes Earlyblrd dogs Club of America, which was sched- kennels In this vicinity, the Never Never iluUdogi churnplnn stocl ven months n, leaping Kennels benched eleven uled to lm Wednesday, wss In view of the nearness of the home fix- HONK stout heart, a big horse and a and It was conceded generally this held last Land of Mrs. Mnry Wlnthrop Turner, old! liouis hrolten. ANNA I'.ICH AUDH, 1911 SHAPED Rood hound to negotiate those hedges. It that postponed owing to the absence of Will- ture. These will be favored by not hav- Avenue V. 1'latbmh, N. V. C. 'Phon T4S1 bench, which was trimmed with Hoynl con- was not represented In the entries. Par- Mldvood. ateeple-fcas- er Lennox, president Mr. ing gone through nearly a week of Is the sort of country that helps a ,wtuurt tartan, was one of most attrac- iam of the club. disappointment was expressed be. horse and man to wtn a grand the Lennox Is on his way hero from Parts finement and it therefore Is believed that ticular tive exhibits nt tho show. If not tho most many upsets will result. cause Mrs. F. A. Doll's champion Lucia KNOMBli RUI.I.nOC AT STt'D. national. plaid an appro- and Is duo As soon as he arrlxes was overlooked among the bitches. The lUroo Teeadale. imported hev arelghl wl&ner. attractive. The formed wHI ! There Is a strong lUt of Judges. New type Vou cannot tell ma that a crooked priate background for dark coated a dato for the meeting fixed, with New York experts were of opinion tnat right and uhlnce: fee, ill. Uts. C N. ',v,Ni,nnir..... legged terrier could live with a straight the the probability that It will be held thin York State being drwn on liberally for PIATT. 152 Kranklln St.. Astoria, N. Y. Scots. Altogether Mr. ntern won twenty-nin- e experts In the different breeds. Sir Lucia was more of a bully type than tho Pupir Su legged terrier In such a country, A prizes, Including cups specials. week. winner, Judge Charles E. Townsend cripple, and There will be change In officers, as William Savory and Howard Buckley but KNOL.IPH nt'LLfl AT 8TCD. sound dog can always beat a and A list of the winnings: a of Charleatown, Mess., ruled otherwise. Hend MALTOID MILK.BONE dog Is virtually cripple. O. V. Voider, the hecretnry. Is now on havo como from England especially for for atud cards. a bad fronted a Dogs First and second puppy, first and this show and will graduate spec- DRUWOTOXE KUNNBLS. REGULATES AND PERFECTS DOssS can pretty well Imagined the tho PjcIiIo voAht, iuiiI since he left New from 14 "Hi s; Vernon, .V. It be that second novice, second and third American tators at New York to Judges In Pnlla- - South Ut. T CONDITION SUCCESSFULLY. TRY IT Sealyham Is valuable when York (Irant Notman of Brooklyn has A 1. terrier a asset bred, first limit, llrxt open and winners. i delphia. Th Baronet will ndjudlcate SETTER LOVERS ENTHUSE. Af f.Otli) .SlUlth.S tha cottager turns his pigsty Into a ken- Hitches Reserve, puppy aild novice, been acting secretary. OuMdn of rou- TOY AND SPAMKL1. F. H. Bennett Biscuit Co. New York tine business nnd offlceta nn uportlng spaniels, while Mr. Buckley s nel. And out of those styes at Hook third American bred, nrst and second the ehrtlon of long list of classes Includes Airedale Pleased With Great Showing: Mailt come some the leading champion tho meeting will take up matters relating A I hTeal, rape th- - have of limit, first nnd second open, first and terriers, fox terriers. Irish terriers, Scot- and trsln very finest Po n dogs of They are or have been reserMi In winners. to tho specialty show which will lo held by Hrrrd at Show, ersand Setters in the wri-- lol.iy. Wecan sup. tish terriers. West Highland white ter- TACONIC KENNELS ply ir-"- ti w-- n rucll-- property of W. Lewis of Haver-for- d in the Hotel .Utor on April 17 and 1J, with or l.fevellln .Setterv tho Fred In addition U- i- Karlyhlrd Kennels took riers, Welsh terriers. Dandle Dlnmont These Interested In English setters are IrWi Scllcrt, (Jonlon bmi I'dlnt-- r l)oj which Is expected to bo u In spe- I west first in brace and first in team. Tho leader and Bedllr.gton enthusiastic over the strength of the breed if jou wnnt a yai Do , roue iiju, legged dog cannot travel, cialty shows. terriers terriers. ( hlcL-- n Ikii:, or on A bandy and cup for the best in the Tlie show has grown o much blnon as shown In the Palace, and particularly Cocker Spaniels tine h.ii trained .inlie anil la work for a with hounds Of tho events scheduled the second Uoedeock, pleam wide us. Puppies fmni SI a u it fast terrier show wns won by Hapton Beryl and sis lost year that five rings will be In use Jubilant becau"" of the succeei of the At MtUd S2A any country, they to ex- product stake Is causing the mue--t Inter- In and need be or seven specials also went to the btern for Judging, as against three for the hum bred Champion Wyoming May Belle, n "RO' S3 so. premier county est, and though only twenty-tlv- e ECLIPSE BLACK HECTOR, K. a, 172491 , tremely active In the of entrl s. bitches second show. Tho Judging will begin from the Meadow View Kennels, over I. ?!',,J'' . Walew, where 'tis hunting all the time and Speaking Hapton havo ben nominated this year, against Imported dog Mallwyd 12dwurd. Send Dhotn and fell particulars, I of Beryl two of the at 11 o'clock on Tuesday morning, be re- the when for r arm neiueis thirty for the show, winning 1I.-.- Ill-- -- nhero even It was thought no great sin Kngllsh Judges pronouncej this bitch the last the sumed 2 o'clock In tho Judged for beat In the show. The Judge, For Male, S blsclt femsle pupplea hv wlnnins K. : OKI, MO. puppies In be re- at aftert.oon and lor Capt Owen Tucker Edwardes to take finest Scottish terrier of either sex In ucirs and bitches will 1 H. M. Postn of Wllkrsbarr, whose de- Kin of Vh. Clark Hare. Lucky lUtrun warded handsomely there will br a third session at o'clock his Sealyham terriers to churoh with him tho world. She has been In the country by rasa returns. The night. same main- cisions met with general approval, pro- twonty-liv- rt at The schedule wtll be every Sunday mornlnp. about six weeks arid has won tleveti entries asiuro S135 to bo tained on Wednesday. There will ho a nounced May Utile the best setter ho had MKPAI. aCRNNKI-- ) COf'KKR HPANIP.I.H CH. DEODORA MONARCH flealy-ha- m among I um convinced that the original point toward her at three tho winners, anil thi will parade of champions on Thursday after- seen and It is doubtful If there is her Hive won over lim prlres al the prlnotrsi shuns l'lan-da- rs be to according l"upp'e - terriers originally came from shows within ten days time. The same nddd to tho number of noon at 3 o'clock and on closing night the equal In tho world. snd trcmn tock utiallr for aal. Tele. Tl.r l!gest n nn f du .iny breed. Il may be from Normandy. There championship applicable puppies entered, $S being charged for Among partial to breed aud e.pres addrts. Great llsrrlBtoa inc. At, a lre In sh:ncs eauall a, urll, kciiIiic It record is to Judging bring those the who Eaph t h-- of American foxhounds will P. u. .New in ecry enough In tApestrlea Karlyhlrd re- each, nil of hlch money will i divided In palace address. Marlboro. Uerksblre ylunert litter. 'Ihe uilcit bj hlir, Is evidence the at Troubadour, another of tho were constant attendance at the Co New P.oom lllgbpolnl Mon-sri'- the hunting set out In Uai. York address. lu. to lioimtcli., drt Princeton. Merier tho Victoria, and Albert Museum, South cently Imported ones, which whu known among the first four of each sex. The were E. B. Chase. Hob White Kennels, Broadway. eeeon-l- rame .lmw Astoria .Monarch, Hmt, fore. -' bodied, club lulds S0 In Wllkes-barr- e. Hre'der- ilutrh, IlnA.aao Kensington, , that a long urilll recently as Champion Ems Trouba- cash ami makes the Philadelphia; Dr. H. M. Beck. - House. .Several othor short ltggotl. white colored, strong Jowled, dour. He took winners' dogs at the West- event moro worth while this year by Pa.; Oeorge J. Gould, FruncU O. S. H. IJSONRAKIIT. JAPANF.tK HPAMKI.9. goml one ron'ni- on Oold and pup-p!- s was great offering for the gold BEAMISHS GREAT DOG DEAD. one : Bob-e- rt whits and black and white ROBERT heavy eared terrier a favorite minster show and vrorod with Bapton first time a medal Taylor, of the oldest breeders by Omar on exlilbltton ami for sal ut LOBIAN, among hunting men of Klanders early Beryl for the beet dog or Mtch puppy. E. Ashley. Fa. ; the nt Newark and Boston. If they West and Wlllman. II th av, llrooklyu. Talepiione. 3B HIIIUr.MIIOII A V.. M WAIlk, .. J, In the fifteenth century The tnpestrles win at Philadelphia next Tuesday they On of the conditions of tl stake pro- Pleasant Bertte Ktllert by Kirk of Mrs. Ilugene Itublno, Babylon, K I. ; 'PSone, M.erly .Ifsas. are all over hunting subjects, and this will have gained championships In seven- vides for tho entry of a puppy even (leorge Ellis. New York; II. II. Tinker. JAl'ANESH SPANIBIH from Imported white terrier tlgures In the centrn of one teen days, a record performance or very thr.unh It be sold by the nominator of the Donkey Was Wanted Here, Plttston, Moss.; A. II. Hooter, New York; stock; puppte from two months to rear old; roil H K LP-- Toy- lllark and Tan TerrfTr. by bitch, W. nlro grown Jape. MPS. II. MAUKRY, 393 and I'onieranlan I'lippln, of these beautiful example loaned the to It. These dogs havo passed suc- Should a nominator sell or part Capt. W, B. Beamish, who Zlegler. Jr., and Dr. J. E. Hare, 1 S the belt looki f cloe Judg'd the Dean at., Urooltlyn. Tel. 4 f V Prospect. nnil podlgr-e- n, vt toy and Duchess of Devonshire. cessfully through tli.j of dif- with a bitch or any whelps Bridgeport. atud. black and tun Duke ordeal three of her the at the Wcstnilntter show, had champion nip Wlnlile Valentine, 3 8ealyham should be nctlve Judges, 1'. Vn A terrier ferent Vinton Hreese, Will tho of his visit marred by news TKRHIKUS AND iota-A- lt breeda for ate. pounds; t HO; tny dn hoarded under a terrier able to pallop with hounds and Nichols ami W. I McCnndllsh. At Phila- ellglblo puppy will L considered as the VlMnn Addrc ALP DEIAtONT. Devon Pa. perentnl care; niodrute. MADAXir go when thoy lmvo put their delphia they to legitimate- to right rrrelved of the deatn In an unusual 'AHIIUMA cor. ucesn Av. and Avenus H, to earth will have nuhmlt to the Miccwmr all and MIsCKI.LANCOl's. Urooktyn. fox there. Fom people have twxsn in- Judgment of Holland Buckley, un nncrllsh-ma- n and may enter and compete nr of his great bulldog sire. Pleasant laugh They during the Hake, provided clined to at trr!ers. who arrived the Westminster for he clearly proves Hertle. The news was rot received until KENNEL aifM'K KltOM i:.m:i.mi h foremen t en were the bed rock from which the mod- show. tho Identity of his dog and his eligibility the end of show, and In the ENGLISH MASTIFFS nels, the be- -t of all breeds: delivered wltb - near the hrnnel iiedlgrres; haired came. Troubadour and Hapton Beryl have under the other conditions.- SnVlnnstt-a- . flub cnaranteed kIiow ern wire Both Should the meantime threo prominent breeders here BRITISH MONARCH Ida a.ta I I s an . sub-eque- nt s 'n"in iu-r- iuicn o ouvf r won their championships several times owner not enter, the orlrlnsl wera considering a proposition to club Grand fawn doe. ery bound, and lreot the i.rtt fniireMtlfArtIon. MKhCAKV. In Krglaiid, nnd the former, though owner may do so In his own name. DIRECTORY tock. U undoutilodly the best Uastl3 kike, irrmt'er Adviser FOUR SHOW. oer together to buy the dog and bring him lo . PLAH FIRST POINT 0 (). Eiposltiou. 'loj-ton- only 3 yenrs old, already has proved hlx lam country ror Drceuing purioss. l'ee 3pllby. hncland worth In the stud by siring winners ut .Vest Shew May Be In UsrAen, won MARQUIS OF LIDGETT Sssdle Will BIk Pleasant Bertie being exercised at BOSTON AND WISH TaJUUKBa. Enthusiasts llsss this year's English shows. Mr. Stern, where Capt. Beamish has his A fawu with splendlil head and front: very typi- WE HAVE 01MEIMIliu.Vli!TTb7e4 -- N. There ... considerable agnation towiird CVnriel phenomenal Pee IZi.iA. by it Event on April 11. whose kennels uro at uslnlng, T. has ' onkey. Tho cal: also a sire. TltU fil.N to enws with IP the end of the New York slu.w by a I , V and Amencan rlio-iu- been Interested In Scottish terriers for tho rumor ' .,.?. a,.nkey und In AT STUD DANE Ing power, nhen ur AirangenienU are prosresslng satlsfac-- 1 past three years, during which time the spread that It was the last year that the 'J1' GREAT atamltia and are tho first four point specialty Westminster Kennel a few moments a tight was In rrogress. HOSTONIA DADDY GERD VON CRUNBACH '"yrteil prlts bununc otterhouni torlly for breed haR advanced wonderfully In popu- Club would hold out donkey sprawl- IIP.LMAN at ti.d. )up.- - nenerm t Club, he In The seen had the dog Sol vt the noblrit lioston Terrier whetped. -- parlruutn otsplendld t)w of the Poodlo which will larity. He has forty or fifty of these the Orand Centrnl Palace. A return H The German bred t"poaud Portlculura froni MALVlIltN Albomarle-Hofrnm- n ing on the floor nnd before the attendant Delivei the Goods, refinement, and of unusual sire. Pee :&0). ss bald at tho on April smart dogs, besides a number of West to MAdlson Square Garden was predicted res iio.oo. Service guaranteed. .NLI.S, Mt. Klco, N. T. 11. Mrs, W. MacLeod, secretary of for next year, so could Interfere had kicked the vuluable W. NKLUs. Pur particulars and Mud cards address, Ward Highland white terriers. hut fur as could lie animal so he died. J. BUSMAN tHo club, reports tho offer of many spe- lenmM there Is no ground as- that V. O. Box 3M, Waterbury, Co an. MOI.PIIOUNDS. for this brln-di- e KINNELON KENNELS, Butler, N. largeit open number sumption. Pleasant Bertie was a mahogany J. Tlis und mot luocessful brJT cula to all besides a for It Is true that the thre year and jtblbltora of nuselan Wolfhounos In ti an only. The club will offer money MORTIMER ESSATS BIO TASK. contract Just under 45 pounds. He had won world. ambers between the Palace msnnpement on bench, but his greatest notoriety ., bouse raised grewa an prises In all the open classes, also in and the Westminster K. C explrc-- l with the young slock, padlgraad and rsgUlsred. for FOR SALE Puppie and grown liound Mr sal. e cam from the Buccess of his offspring. sal. Otang Illoxom Kennels, ICS Summer SCOTTISH TP.nniKR puppies hy Champion VAI.I.KY FAKM KHXNT.I.a stxtaen additional classes. In the variety Will Jndo-- All Bnt Airedales at tho show Just closed, but both sides have (N. V Oftlas) Classen will bo money or 58 He sired seventy English winners and At., Newark, N. J. l'OXIULl.'S SYMHOL. tho Kngllnh Imported win-n- 132 i:.ii 15th there prlsa been satisfied with the arrangements and progony of In Show, NEW YORK, :ret 15 to becor.d and 18 to third. Woodmere Show March IT. Is hln Is known in this country niST WW wis. to first. conditions and a renewal expected. The through tho success of three of his get. IBISH TERRIERS POR SALB. Healthy. hnme.mUrd, brltrlit little frl'iina. Al- HF.N F. I.KU1S IVNSDOHNi:. PA.. be an-nu- The exhibition will not confined to The sixth club match of the Woodmere matter wtll not be settled until the A few high cl terriers lo ba illspoad ot ready accustomed to children. There U no such PI III.IO IIAMII Die Bertie's Best, one of his sons to cross the prU-u-. tslthMln'ji ami Mack poodle, as n full clasrslflcatlon for Kennel Club on March 17 promises to be meeting of very Kor particulars companion for and liardlbond Mnont' 1 the Westminster Kennel at rkonbl 1.'. prepared to look after cla deg poodles under ten pounds has been Important In Atlantic, had a big reputation when he apply ni.ARNRY KENNELS, Convent, N. J. the smaller docs. Price to I.'). lilsh white an fixture, as there ure thirty Club the lute spring. died recently. during the Coining Dog Show Hson. ssranged for, Including winners for dogs regular classes and twenty-fou- r specials Drenmwold Blunderbuss, GAEL KENNELS, which was placed In one of the variety 'Bn'." bst rscommenCatlon ti his iucmi and bitches. The Judge will be announced on the premium lint Just Issued by SupL Ifeltrete Oamla flntsl o PFKINOKSE. N. Y. Vide preiiji next week. The bench show oommltt W. II. Puroell. The show will be held at classes at the Palace, won another son Clinton. le, AMF.RK'A'M OIIEATKST following 43 Thirty-fift- h Champion Nellcote Oamln. from Which of Pleasant and the third of his TERRIERS. Is composed of the well known the Hotel Oregorlan, West prngony PKKI!I1F.9K FOR HAI.K. Airedale. Writ Highland Daniel P. Kitchoy, president street, Judging commence descended many of thn most noted Ftrmoli to show hera was Kllburn LANCJLUY HAM, Wlngah lrlh. Whit. fanciers: and the will at bulldogs KKNNl'.I.H. H WIRE HAIRED FOX TERRIERS Vox and Hull Terrier nt Btud and For Ba. of the olub, who will act exofflclo ; y. II. 8 P. M. William Burtenshaw will Judge of the present day. has changed Hertle. Avuntie. New Hochelle. Telephnn 1303. nAi'curi:;.!. ki:nnki.8, c rerry st B. Hopkins. Hhep-hor-d. hands owing to the retirement from Ileautlful little ahow female. Cngllah bred, FOR SALE U, J. Kills, K. Ford. J. H. W. Airedale and the dean of tho C Newark. the terriers Held of Purdy Bros, dark red, lbs., 1160, or exchange for larger J. Chandler Bernard. Joseph A Judges, James Mortimer, will lake all of Atlantic, Mass., Spaniel Committee Chosen. Show Home grand puppies and grewa stook by Cb. one Ise brood matron. male "Beetle," I MKALVHAM Mr. Pred W. Buchanan, Dr. F. IL Pond and J. 8. other breeds. The entry fee In all classes. of the oldest firms In America de- Among meetings lb., gray brlndls. I1SC. Puppl, two nlc LYNNFinLU SAIJ5X. Puppies from TrilHlEns 1t! voted to the breeding of FVenchles. the clubs which held male, Champion this stock Sealyham. Haverfordwest, Wales, has the bt;. JBrown. Is CO cents, with 35 cents extra for post Purdy during ennlc, on. crandelr Chlnky kennel of theee famous In Bros, have sold out all dogs the Westminster show was the Chog. ISO each. Can b nan by appointment have won more prise than all tie eomblned gel lerrlers the verld Information In regard to too show oan entries. their In order American Spaniel Club, and part of the choice for disposal. obtained tho superintendent, W. bulldogs to give their attention to the breeding of In city. kennels ot tbe breed la America. bs from Boston terriers and French are silver foxes, business wan the selection of an executive i W. MacLeod, Jr., BUS WTllowa avenue. catered to with great liberality. In Bos- and the lucky man to git PFKiNiiKsr. SAi.r. CHOW rl'W. PEDIOHERD. W It. TAT the old champion was K. M. IVxIge committee to attend to the affairs of the ran DANIEL E. LYNN IA3H. 400 LEX1.NOTON AV : PI.AKs l Philadelphia. tons there are ribbons for puppy dogs, f organisation for the ensuing year. All Imported dors nnd lillches, Tho property of 12 to 17 rounds, limit 17 to 32 I'lttstleld, Mais. Nellcote Oamln Is be. MPS. HRIimJlVr and UIW. KUAI.Y OLAHKH, PORT HIIIOX men. limit thn men selected sre well known Hports-me- n LONDON. UNOIAND. Several hrood matron itOAIIOlNtl AMI IIAMJUM). 32 38 pounds, dogs Iloved to have several years of useful- of Alrz n, Stewart neased. pounds, limit to beet ness him, and equally at home In the field or hlfhesiqmlltynndtlny boudoir pet, ranbeacen hsforo though he long has been K. KKCl'.UAN-liOY- MORr.T nOARDINO KENNELS. Chicago good and reserve dogs. The same classes are passe In show quarters. Tho committee: 11. K. by appointment only. Urs. SCOTTISH TERRIERS. , Alex H. Stewart of had a arranged for the opposite sex. as a show dog. Several other high o W. 10th St.. N. Y. Tel. Stuy waant SIM. John Ptoke. proprietor. Hoard and ne at the Wentminster Kennel Club class French bulldogs were disposed Bloodgood. Now York i Oeorge Qreer. hye, A few younc bitches from three months to a dogs under tli peraonal attention at The French bulldog classes for dogs of, ; year and over. J34 to 7&, according to breeding 101, Apart from the suoosas of the some of them going to Western breeders. N. Y. MRrcel A VIM. Philadelphia; Mr. Stoke. Hot Rldgsflald, N. J and bitches are puppy, limit under 32 Wll-let- PERINGESE al Stud. Nowata Ceang; fas, and show quality. W Morsemere. gllsh bulldog. Champion fltrathtay Howard Wlllets. New York; J. Mncy s. Ysng WAl.KftCOTT Tel. HI pounds, limit over 2 pounds, best and III. 00; Chow ot Uratssbnlm; KKNNRLa, ymno Albert, he won with his Airedale New Tork: Frits J. Frank. Pleasant-vlll- e IS 00. Pupa and grown stock far sala.f. Uernardsrllle. N. J. I reserve best. In Alredala terriers, Pe- Men Pick Jnne 6. N. T. : C. rlRKKZEIIOLM KENNELS, Amltyvlll. U L WATIjS.NI! UOAHIIINC1 KF.NNFOA. testis Champion Abbey King Nobbier. Station. F. Nellson. r. Amltyvlll. Tha dui-k- l boarding kennels In America. kingese spaniels, nil other breeds exojpt At the meeting Ter-rle- N. : Ttlaphon FREEMAN LLOYD'S DOG TONIC Kl Nobbier Is really a splendid terrier. annual of the Irish r J. Daniel Jackson. Provi- lit IS Dcis boarded, conditioned and handled snaps toys and all other breeds of toys, there Club, held during the past dence, II. I, ; Rowland P. Keasbey, New M.MI'l.Y MAKVKI.l.Ol'8. pcdlireed He xcels In the of his head, and week, it puts dog In perfect show and field con- HlR'i elasi tiek for oale. are limit classes for both dogs and was decided to hold the specialty city. AIaUEDAI.ES. It Anl.ley. .V. V. Tel. W. Dobb Perry less and feet are simply perfect. specials show York dition, la tnvaluabla for pet dogs and a su- :i hitches. There are nine for Wlssa-hlclio- ChatnVon Abbey King Nobbier was bred of tho'organtzatlon on June at n, perlatively emcaclou tonic aflar th ravages for French bulldogs Tin-te- NnWiler Is son or Ch am- Boston terriers, six Pa.! W. Preseott Wolcott will he AIRKBALKS Ob. Prince of York and m of dlltuper. On dollar box postpaid. Dob Boarded, conditioned and ha ad led. by P. Drown. a Hoist hr Their Own POX 10 A Jt and Oay two for Pekingese, two for Airedales, two the Judge. The election resulted In the Petar. Iieyallat; WIRE TP.IIMRR 1rk. PREi:.M AS LLOYD. W. 10th St.. N. T. Worihlaglon. eckrd. IJlhsl.,Hheepted nion Soudan awlvellar Flossla for best of all other toys nnd two all Those on Inside of appointment ery Wire neaull; fee. : each: VOONO yroOK llf for selection of the following officers for the the the f.WAY3 KOR SALft, VICKERY KENNELS. other breeds of dogs. The Woodmere year: President, Sergeant of Judges for the Westminster show are Harrington, ill. CHAMPION HCOTTINII UEKRMOL'NDS Pt'DIJCATlONB. I.e Bean BrooklraHo. J. Price. tnughlt-.- Kb Hill Club trophy will bo given for the best Chestnut Hill. Pa.; v)re.presMent, W. over a little misunderstanding at miJ; pupplea of th breed for aale. CI.OHR. dog In regarding fierls-lere- HUltN KUNMiLH. llonia of OhMnplon. Dr. W. B. Murphy, proprietor of the or bitch the match. Preseott Wolcott. ncndville. Mftm. : secrn-tnr- tho official to pas on the curly Allli'.DALE VUPPIR.S POIl SALE, from d Wat com- appears Caldwell, N. J. Tel. 91 CaldwMI. Hill Kennels, Wabeno, Wla, says The match will be In rhurge of a n. Hock-lan- d poodles. It that a prominent Champion stock, country raised and splendid Nob John Thorndlke, New City, targe Mrs. by mittee composed of II. D, Hoffman, P. ; on Lonir Island suggested Mx Address LOt.'ISIl P. tllUY. the Royal Kennels, owned Thomas J. county treasurer, John O, Bates, brwder the Rural Route :, Orrnii ltaplils, Ulrh, I'nr Pettrr Punoles and Doc feed Maltold Mltk. BOOK ON . Little of Brooklyn, hava bought tho Sullivan, James Conway and. We x Jones. Npw Tork city. name of one Hopklna for this Important Hone, thn Dune Miaped HUrulta'sold at all ttores only li tiulldog. Nob Hill Le Bsau. Le task und the superintendent, being Terry-vlll- e, and made Prench a trifle SttNmilNn AIRi:DALl! KENNELS. II. IIKN.VETT IIWItTIT .. New Dog Diseases Beau Is a good stud uog. ur. Murphy Pellee Dos; Trials at Bis Fair. hard of hearing, carried away the idea Conn. Houm broken puppl by King F. Tork. Bfaekar Absence Hrsrrettes, Oorang und other winners. STU1V-OINI- HOW ays that he feels certain that the dog's that the person desired was Hopton. AT RA JOHN, NKWINI1TON AND TO FRED One of the blncest features of the Pan- was generally among O., MhRUY IAII. Apply JOHN V.. HOP.HAX, 913 blood linos will do much for the breed It renretted the Charles therefore, was asked to award AIREDALES Ksnnsl. W. A. Mailed Free to any address by the author, very gooa. ama Exposition nt San Francisco will he owners of gun dogs H, tho ribbons It Is 111 llrondway, a variety already "were I shepherd dug that Clarence and said he handed mont ownr. Morgan Av., Brooklyn. n. CLAY GLOVER, V. fi. D, or Brooklyn the German trials. It will Mnrkay was not represented In West- of tho plums to fluffy In- Aviator at Stud. Using In New York or any tho the coated dogs Show dor. brood matron and two good 119 West si.t St., New York City Nob Hill Le Beau never be borne In mind that Tm Sun Instituted minster show, Willy Armstrong brother stead of favoring the tightly vari- don, In the East publlo tests of this sort In New Tork lost curled AL1.STONK kK.Ni:i., Hoo.d Brook, N. J, would nays len my xennsis,- - dm aaio. of Ned Armstrong, Mr. Markay's ken- ety, which Is the standard preferred by POIJCK DOOS. fall, Benjamin H. Throop of Soranton, nel mannirer, said that Ned, like his em the mysterious Hopkins. Pa., met Mr. Lively, chief of the live elt player, woh fond of a good working do JKmae-Arn- Istrains Ankle. department exposl. stock of the oomlns above all things. Indiana AlrraVale All lovers of gun dogs will be sorry to tlon, and a draft of the proposed pro- Clnb Formes'. Elmview Kennels OF CHARGE Muss-Arno- ceedings was Mr. Throop A new PEDIGREE BLANKS FREE that Oustave tha well made. will cross Bnartlsa Judges Onrsts Here. olub has been ELM HURST PA. S,rn Judge and painter of dogs, sprained the continent with a big team of trained organized nt Indlanapotts and It has been GERMAN SHr.PHERD DOGS ankle the Westminster Kennel dogs, as will I. De Winter of Outten-bur- g, Sir William Savory and Holland Buck- famed tho Airedale Club In- at I. Terrier of Th gaiaons Pollre aad Club show. The Injury did not prevent N. JH and other Eastern owners. ley, two IJngllsh Judges who will officiate diana. Charles P. Rockwood of Indian- Army Beg of :.rese. sun to Tuckahoe, nt Philadelphia, are the guests of Theo- apolis Is the secretary, one New York Mm getting home and he and of his all comrrunirstions aid ne would oe aoia to tags ins ring Ir Wllllasa Forestalls Tho dore Offerman at the Blltmore Hotel. Thev drat official nets wne to design a club iittu to KENNEL DEPARTMENT at Philadelphia on Tuesday, when paid a visit to the medal which was worked out by a Japa- CON NELL BLDQ. again Oeorge Thomas of Hamilton, Mass., of- 333 he is w juage many oreeas. office on Friday and were much Inter- nese artist. It Is a neat trophy and will I'HANTON. PA. Enclosed find 2c. send five pedigree blanks j fered $1,000 last week for the wire haired ested In thn records nnd statistics of form a handsome souvenir of victory for stamp. Please fox terrier No Duchess of the well known American dogs contained there. the first show of th club. tv.. Tovna Armstrong! Goes Abroad. Collar Bona of Notts strain. Blr Will- DOO TRAINED free of charge. serMnal protection. iam Havory, who Is now In America and a f.r drown Osrm.n Oolnssans Will llola Shaw. "Ho Lana-he- Like tho Rest." Rhphrd (trained I and puppies for aala. that Edward Lander Armstrong. will judge at Philadelphia this weak, fore- J.ksl von flchendorf. trained Police NAME jean Arassirong, snot to death stalled Thomas and bought hsr. The Following the Rochester show, which Franklin B. Lord, Jr., did not do so well Uog. at asrvlc. paper with advertisement was a week will Immediately afU-- r the Phlladsl-phlan- s as usual In big show TBAININH KCHOOI. FOR POLICE DOOB, jent by. uoorgs J, the b. the with his Welsh Osdnsy Farm, ADDRESS i uuiio lata reaching tserltates and Thomas have had their turn, Columbus, terriers. Tlie Misses D. and Q. de Coppet Whit. Plain. N. T. was. behind with his cable. , will attract many of tho best dogs of this city took the blue ribbon. Mr, OFJUIAN BOOM. ThcflghlADks mr be hnd In lott of on hundred with krnnel nd oniier'i'natriR nnd art sals) aara prom for the annual show In city. Eno Ixird'a kennel manager was MLICK ( Is ts. offered a that asked what Prlw sHBDer. al Stud. Puppies, own breeding, drttt printed In nil. blue or bUck Ink for l.M, UrtlvcrrU by run i!iyhere lit thr Vtiftf rs Meyer, the Cincinnati artist, wtll ba the Mr. Lord thought of all.. laughed added or money order or tic Bargain, It "He for sal. W1NTERVIEW KKNNEL8. l. Jlth II fitaie. PoitncB to foretpi couauiei, Check muii accoiupany all around Judge, Ilk tha rest of taatn," h sal. OsttsBsert. ti, J. Paoas bm n Vulti. '