Political Regimes of the Ancient Near East, 3000-63 B.C.E
Chart 2.1 Political Regimes of the Ancient Near East,Political 3000-63 Regimes PoliticalB.C.E. of the Regimes Ancient ofNear the East, Ancient 300 Near East, 3000 – 63 B.C.E. B.C.E. 3000 2800 2600 2400 2200 2000 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 Median Kingdom Persian Empire IRAN Sumerian Revival Sumerian Revival Elamites Lagash, Ur, Larsa, Isin Lagash, Ur, Larsa, Isin (Cyrus, Darius I, Xerxes I) Sumerian City-States Guti Old Babylonian-Amorite Kassite Kingdom (e.g., Lagash, Erech) Highlanders Dynasties Neo- LOWER (Hammurabi) Babylonian/ Chaldean Empire Seleucid Kingdom (Nebuchad- (Antiochus the Akkadian nezzar, Great, Antiochus IV Empire Nabonidus) Epiphanes (Sargon I, MIDDLE Naram-Sin) MESOPOTAMIA Parthian Kingdom of Mari Kingdom of Mari Kingdom of Kingdom (Zimri-Lim) Mitanni (Tiglath-Pileser I, Shalmaneser III,Tiglath-Pileser III, Shalmaneser V, Sargon II, Sennacherib, Esarhaddon, Ashurbanipal) UPPER Assyrian Kingdom (Ashur–Uballit I) Color blocks represent the areas and times a regime ruled. Vertical connections represent GREECE the conquest of one regime by another. Hittite Kingdom/Empire (Augustus) (Supiluliumas I, Hattusilis III) Persian Empire ANATOLIA (Cyrus, the Great) (Alexander Darius I, Kingdom of Xerxes I) Maccabean- Roman Empire Damascus Hasmonean State United Kingdom of Israel Israel Kingdom Sea Peoples Kingdom Kingdom of Alalakh Judah SYRIA–PALESTINE of Ebla of Ugarit (Philistines) Amarna Age Macedonian/Hellenistic Empire Macedonian/Hellenistic Empire Proto-Dynastic Intermediate Intermediate Intermediate
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