2012 Technical Progress Report Institute for Telecommunication Sciences Boulder, Colorado ITS Organization Chart

Office of the Director Al Vincent, Director Lisé C. Matthews, Administrative Specialist Jill V. Copeland, Secretary

Administrative Office Brian D. Lane, Executive Officer Carol B. Van Story, Budget Analyst Lilli Segre, Publications Officer Amanda Alsafi, Budget Analyst Kipper Stiever, IT Specialist Lawrence Turner, IT Specialist

Spectrum and Propagation Telecommunications Measurements Division Engineering, Analysis, and Eric D. Nelson, Chief Modeling Division Patricia J. Raush, Chief

Telecommunications and Telecommunications Theory Information Technology Division Planning Division Frank H. Sanders, Chief Jeffrey R. Bratcher, Chief Amy Weich, Secretary Kathy Mayeda, Secretary

Institute for Telecommunication Sciences National Telecommunications and Information Administration U.S. Department of Commerce 325 Broadway Boulder, CO 80305-3337 303-497-5216 http://www.its.bldrdoc.gov Institute for Telecommunication Sciences FY 2012 Technical Progress Report

U.S. Department of Commerce Lawrence E. Strickling, Assistant Secretary for Communications and Information May 2013 The Institute for Telecommunication Sciences is an Office of the National Telecommunications and Information Administration, an agency of the United States Department of Commerce.

The Department of Commerce creates the conditions for economic growth and opportunity by promoting innovation, entrepreneurship, competitiveness, and stewardship informed by world-class scientific research and information

The National Telecommunications and Information Administration serves as the President’s principal adviser on telecommunications and information policy matters, and develops forward-looking spectrum policies that ensure efficient and effective spectrum access and use.

The Institute for Telecommunication Sciences performs telecommunications research, conducts cooperative research and development with U.S. industry and academia, and provides technical engineering support to NTIA and other Federal agencies.

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Certain commercial equipment, components, and software are identified in this report to adequately describe the design and conduct of the research and experiments at ITS. In no case does such identification imply recommendation or endorsement by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration, nor does it imply that the equipment, components, or software identified are necessarily the best available for the particular application or use.

All company names, product names, patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property mentioned in this document remain the property of their respective owners.

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Cover art by A.D. Romero.

ii Contents The Institute for Telecommunication Sciences ...... 1 Awards and Honors ...... 3 Technology Transfer ...... 6 Cooperative Research and Development Agreements ...... 7 Interagency Agreements ...... 10 Technical Publications ...... 11 Conferences, Workshops and Symposia ...... 11 National and International Standards Development ...... 13 ITU-R Standards Activities ...... 14 ITU-T and Related U.S. Standards Activities ...... 16 Spectrum and Propagation Measurements ...... 19 Radio Noise and Spectrum Occupancy Measurement Research ...... 20 RSMS Development ...... 22 RSMS Operations ...... 24 Spectrum Sharing Innovation Test Bed Pilot Program ...... 26 Table Mountain Research Program ...... 28 Telecommunications and Information Technology Planning ...... 31 Multimedia Research ...... 32 Project 25 Compliance Assessment Program ...... 34 Project 25 Standards Development ...... 36 Public Safety Audio Quality ...... 38 Public Safety Broadband Demonstration Network ...... 40 Public Safety Broadband Requirements and Standards ...... 42 Public Safety Broadband Research ...... 44 Telecommunications Engineering, Analysis, and Modeling ...... 46 Interference Analysis, Simulation, and Testing in Proposed Shared Spectrum Band 1675–1695 MHz ...... 48 Public Safety Video Quality (PSVQ) ...... 50 Propagation Modeling Website ...... 52 Web-based Propagation Analysis Services ...... 54 Ionospheric Propagation Modeling ...... 56 Integration of the Empirical and the Undisturbed-Field Models ...... 58 Earth-to-Space Propagation Models ...... 60 Broadband Wireless Standards ...... 62 Telecommunications Theory ...... 65 Audio Quality Research ...... 66 Broadband Wireless Research ...... 68 Coast Guard Spectrum Reallocation Study ...... 70 Effects of the Channel on Radio System Performance ...... 72 Interference Effect Tests, Measurements, and Mitigation for Weather Radars ...... 74 Lockheed Martin TPQ-53 Radar Measurement CRADA ...... 76 U.S. Navy Shore Line Intrusion Monitoring System (SLiMS) Emissions Measurements . . . 78 Video Quality Research ...... 80 ITS Tools and Facilities ...... 82 ITS Activities in FY 2012 ...... 92 ITS Publications and Presentations in FY 2012 ...... 92 ITS Standards Leadership Roles and Technical Contributions in FY 2012 ...... 96 ITS Government Projects in FY 2012 ...... 98 Abbreviations/Acronyms ...... 105

iii Left: From rear, the RSMS-3G measure- ment truck, RSMS-4G measurement truck, and the radio propaga- tion research receiver van are parked behind the ITS laboratory while staff configure instrumentation in preparation for mul- tiple measurement efforts. Photo by Bob Johnk.

Right: ITS technician Ron Carey configures a transportable public safety LTE base station for interference testing at a public safety land mobile radio transmitter site. Photo by John Vanderau. Below left: ITS engineer John Van- derau configures a head and torso simulator (HATS) to make recordings for audio intelligi- bility testing experiments. Below right: PSCR technician Sam Gomez and ITS engineer Chris Redding in the PSCR van conducting network drive testing in the field to evaluate an LTE system under test (infrastructure and user equipment) in an operational environment. Photos by Ken Tilley.

iv Overviews

ITS serves as a The Institute for principal Federal resource for the Telecommunication Sciences conduct of basic research on the Outputs nature of radio waves, generating • State-of-the-art research and analysis results of national impact in telecommunications and communi­ • Technical input to NTIA policy development and spectrum management cating new, • Analysis and resolution of specific telecommunications problems of Federal agencies cutting-edge scientific • Technical assistance to the private sector understanding of • Leadership and technical contributions to national and international telecommuni­ telecommunications fora cations technology he Institute for Telecommunication Sci- • Telecommunications Engineering, Analysis and and systems. ITS Tences (ITS) is the research and engineering Modeling research supports laboratory of The National Telecommunications • Telecommunications Theory the Department of and Information Administration (NTIA), an The Director’s Office supports these areas in Commerce objective of agency of the Department of Commerce (DOC). budget and administrative functions. The Institute is located on the Department of enhancing Commerce Boulder Laboratories campus in Col- Contributions scientific orado, sharing advanced laboratory and test fa- ITS is recognized as one of the world’s leading knowledge and providing cilities with the National Institute for Standards laboratories for telecommunication research. Ba- information to and Technology (NIST) and the National Oceanic sic research conducted at ITS enhances scientific and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). stakeholders to knowledge and understanding in cutting-edge improve innovation Organization areas of telecommunications and information and technology, The Institute’s technical activities are orga- technology. Applied research, testing, and evalu- support economic nized into four divisions, which characterize ation help drive innovation and development of growth, and ITS’s centers of excellence: advanced technologies and services. Coopera- improve public • Spectrum and Propagation Measurements tive research with industry leverages ITS Federal safety. • Telecommunications and Information Technol- research resources and promotes innovation, ogy Planning entrepreneurship, and commercialization.

1 ITS research resolves telecommunications network operation and management, en- challenges for other Federal agencies, state and hancement of survivability, expansion of net- local governments, private corporations and work interconnections and interoperation, and associations, and international organizations. improvement of emergency communications. Research results and measurements from ITS • Enhancing Domestic and International are transferred to U.S. industry and Government Competition: ITS develops user-oriented, through peer-reviewed publication, technical technology-independent methods of measur- contributions and recommendations to stan- ing telecommunications performance to give dards bodies, and cooperative research and users a practical way of comparing competing development agreements (CRADA) with private equipment and services. ITS research pro- industry and academia. ITS staff represent U.S. motes enhanced competitiveness by removing interests in many national and international technical barriers to commercialization of telecommunication conferences and standards equipment and services. ITS research contrib- organizations, and their technical contributions utes to development of communications and and recommendations to national and interna- broadband policies that enable a robust tele- tional standards bodies help influence develop- communication infrastructure, ensure system ment of standards and policies to support the integrity, support e-commerce, and protect an full and fair competitiveness of the U.S. commu- open global Internet. nications and information technology sectors. • Emerging Telecommunication Technolo- Areas of Focus gies, Systems, and Networks: ITS research addresses emerging telecommunications, • Spectrum Measurement and Utilization: information technology, and security chal- ITS designs, develops and operates state-of- lenges through investigation and invention the-art systems to measure spectrum occu- of new information and telecommunication pancy trends and emission characteristics of Federal transmitter systems, and to identify, technologies such as Voice over LTE (VoLTE), analyze, and resolve radio frequency interfer- ultrawideband, and Dynamic Spectrum Ac- ence in Federal systems. This research provides cess (DSA). ITS assesses telecommunications a technical foundation for NTIA’s policy de- system components, evaluates network surviv- velopment and spectrum management activi- ability, and assesses system effectiveness in ties to enable more efficient use of the radio national security, emergency preparedness, spectrum. It supports optimization of Federal military, and commercial environments. spectrum allocation methods by identifying • Audio and Video Quality Research: ITS unused frequencies and potential interfer- conducts research on digital audio and video ence through field measurements, and by quality, grounded in signal processing theory promoting technology advances for efficient and models of perception. spectrum use. • Electromagnetic Modeling and Analysis: • Public Safety Interoperability: ITS provides ITS maintains ongoing investigations in broad- systems engineering, planning, and testing of band wireless systems performance, propa- interoperable radio systems (e.g., voice, video, gation model development incorporating and data) to foster nationwide first-responder field measurement data, advanced communications inter-connectivity and in- designs, and noise as a limiting factor for ad- teroperability at Federal, state, local, and vanced communication systems. tribal levels. ITS operates a 700 MHz Public • IT Prototyping and Security Analysis: ITS Safety Broadband Demonstration Network to applies its security expertise to current and provide manufacturers and first responders a emerging Internet technologies through the location for early deployment of their systems design and implementation of prototype in a multi-vendor, neutral, host environment. information systems, including development • National Defense: ITS research contributes and testing of large scale records manage- to the strength and cost-effectiveness of the ment infrastructure for secure Federal elec- U.S. Armed Forces through improvement of tronic record repositories.

2 Awards and Honors

• The National Public Safety Telecommunications Council (NPSTC) established an annual Technical Award in honor of a late ITS senior engineer • The Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS) presented an Award for Outstanding Contributions to an ITS senior engineer • Eight ITS employees received U.S. Department of Commerce awards for work performed in FY 2012 NPSTC Award called him “brother,” and many openly credit he National Public Safety Telecommuni- his work with saving lives. Tcations Council (NPSTC) established the NPSTC awarded the first Atkinson Techni- Atkinson Technical Award in honor of ITS senior cal Award posthumously to DJ at a June 2012 engineer David (DJ) Atkinson, whose April 2012 national meeting. Deputy Assistant Secretary death in a tragic accident was a great loss to and NTIA Deputy Administrator Anna Gomez NTIA and the public safety community. accepted the award on behalf of DJ’s family. DJ made an important contribution to the ATIS Award Public Safety Communications Research (PSCR) program, a joint program run by ITS and the he Alliance for Telecommunications Indus- National Institute of Standards and Technol- Ttry Solutions (ATIS) presented ITS senior ogy’s Office of Law Enforcement Standards to engineer Tim Riley with an Award for Outstand- research and develop common technical stan- ing Contributions to an ATIS Forum or Commit- dards for public safety communications. As part tee during the 2012 ATIS 9th Annual Meeting of the PSCR program, DJ led the Public Safety of Committees in April 2012. This award is Audio Quality project at ITS labs. presented to individuals who have provided In announcing the new award, NPSTC said valuable contributions to the development, ac- DJ’s work on audio quality and intelligibility ceptance or completion of ATIS standards dur- guidelines for digital two-way radios helped ing the past year. Riley was recognized for his lead to a “shift within the industry to address is- leadership and valued contributions as an active sues in loud background noise environments for member of the Wireless Technologies and Sys- first responders.” Firefighters who rely on radios tems Committee (WTSC) Radio Access Networks built to standards developed through DJ’s work (RAN) Subcommittee

Above: DJ Atkinson at the Public Safety 700 Above: ATIS President & Chief Executive Officer MHz Demonstration Network Spring 2012 Susan M. Miller presents an ATIS Award to Tim Stakeholder Meeting in Broomfield, CO, on Riley during the Annual Awards Reception on March 6, 2012. April 17, 2012. Photo courtesy ATIS.

3 Since 1949, the U.S. Department of Commerce Awards Department of Commerce has granted honor Gold Medal Award Bronze Medal Award awards in the form he U. S. Department of Commerce Gold Michael Cotton and Geoffrey Sanders re- of Gold, Silver, and TMedal award is the highest honorary award ceived a Bronze Medal Award for rapid develop- Bronze Medals. given by the Department. The award is granted ment and deployment of a system to measure Gold and Silver by the Secretary for distinguished performance radar spectrum occupancy in support of the Medals are granted characterized by extraordinary, notable, or pres- President’s broadband initiative. by the Commerce tigious contributions that impact the mission of Secretary; the the Department and/or one operating unit and Cotton and Sanders conducted a rapid-turn- Bronze Medal is that reflect favorably on the Department. around radio spectrum band occupancy study granted by the An interdepartmental team from ITS and the . They researched, developed, and experimen- head of an NTIA Office of Spectrum Management (OSM) re- tally demonstrated a specialized measurement operating unit or ceived Gold Medals in the category of Scientific/ system to optimally detect spectrum occupancy Secretarial Officer. Engineering Achievement for work performed by incumbent radar systems in the 3550–3650 in FY 2012. Frank Sanders and John Carroll of MHz band, identified by NTIA’s Fast Track report ITS, with Robert Sole of OSM, were recognized as a high value band for spectrum sharing. They for identifying severe nationwide WiMAX radio then used the system to conduct a maritime interference to National Weather Service (NWS) radar spectrum occupancy study that provided NEXRAD safety-of-life weather radars, providing interference diagnostics to NWS, and providing spectrum managers with vital incumbent usage solutions for the problem. data. The findings from this occupancy study The affected radars warn U.S. citizens and were presented as an objective basis for discus- airports of severe weather events such as torna- sions at ISART and used to prepare a proposed dos. In 2010, blanked-out zones (interference new FCC rulemaking. strobes) were identified on many NEXRAD displays at sites across the U.S. The group devel- Certificate of Appreciation oped a test-and-measurement plan and system Certificates of Appreciation are granted by to identify the interference mechanism and the head of an operating unit or Secretarial sources, then deployed the system to a selected Officer for noteworthy performance. Chris NEXRAD site. The NTIA engineers worked with Behm, Paul McKenna, Teresa Rusyn, and Jeffery the NWS, the FCC, and industry to identify the Wepman of ITS, with Alaka Paul of OSM, re- source of the problem and find technical solu- ceived a Certificate of Appreciation for technical tions to it. Six technical solutions were identified and shared with stakeholders so that WiMAX leadership across ITU-R Study Group 3 (SG3) in interference to NEXRADs can be mitigated na- the area of . This team filled tionally without hindrance to the continued de- more than eight leadership roles in the U.S. Del- ployment of new broadband WiMAX services, egation to the June 2012 ITU-R Study Group 3 ensuring that Americans will continue to receive meetings preparing for the 2015 World Radio NEXRAD warnings while enjoying the benefits Conference and provided most of the radio of new WiMAX services. propagation expertise. They put together a suite This accomplishment advanced both the of about a dozen U.S. technical contributions to NWS mission to improve weather forecasting firmly establish U.S. leadership on work efforts and NTIA’s spectrum management mission by protecting Government radar operations while in noise, diffraction, sharing, and air-to-ground ensuring that both Government and non-Gov- propagation models, and administered these ernment radio spectrum are used as efficiently documents through the U.S. State Department as possible in the long term. for review and ultimate submission to SG3.

4 Awards and Honors

Above: Acting Department of Commerce Secretary Rebecca M. Blank (far left) and Assistant Secretary for Communications and Information Larry Strickling (far right) present the Gold Medal Award to Robert Sole, Frank Sanders and John Carroll. Below left: From left, Teresa Rusyn, Jeffery Wepman, Chris Behm and Paul McKenna with Certificates of Appreciation presented by ITS Direc- tor Al Vincent (far right). Below right: Geoffrey Sanders receives a Bronze Medal Award from ITS Director Al Vincent.

5 Innovation fuels Technology Transfer economic growth, the creation of new Outputs industries, companies, jobs, • Cooperative research and development agreements products and • Interagency research and development agreements services, and the • Technical papers and royalty-free data and software releases global competitiveness of • Conferences, workshops and symposia U.S. industries. • Collaborative standards contributions One driver of successful innovation is Overview of 1986 (FTTA). FLC laboratories promote the technology rom the Stevenson-Wydler Technology fullest application and use of Federal research transfer, in which Innovation Act of 1980 to the October and development by providing an environment the private sector F 2011 Presidential Memorandum on Accelerat- for successful technology transfer. adapts Federal ing Technology Transfer and Commercialization research for use in Government-Sponsored of Federal Research in Support of High-Growth the marketplace. Research Businesses, there has been increasing emphasis Research results and measurements from ITS Presidential on facilitating the transfer of intellectual prop- are transferred to U.S. industry and Government Memorandum — erty and technology emerging from federally through peer-reviewed publication, technical Accelerating supported research to the private sector and contributions to standards bodies, and CRADAs Technology Transfer other Government agencies. Technology trans- and Commercialization fer to the private sector aims to rapidly integrate with private industry and academia. This tech- of Federal Research Federal research outcomes into the mainstream nology transfer supports the competitiveness in Support of High- of the U.S. economy to enhance U.S. competi- of U.S. businesses, brings new technology to Growth Businesses, tiveness in the global marketplace. It is a natural users, and expands the capabilities of national October 28, 2011 complement to the provisions of the Economy and global telecommunications infrastructures. Act of 1932 that allow Federal agencies to ITS is also a joint partner in the Public Safety benefit from the research and development re- Communications Research (PSCR) program with sources of other agencies through interagency the Department of Commerce National Insti- cost-reimbursement agreements. tute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Law ITS is very active in technology transfer. About Enforcement Standards Office (OLES). Other half of ITS research programs are undertaken Government agency sponsors that provide sig- for and with other Federal agencies; state, local nificant support to various ITS programs include and tribal governments; private corporations the Department of Homeland Security, the De- and associations; or international organizations. partment of Transportation, the Department of This includes assisting the FCC and Federal de- Defense, the National Archives and Records Ad- fense, public safety, and other agencies that use ministration, and the National Weather Service. Federal and non-Federal spectrum. Sponsored Privately Sponsored Research research supports the technology transfer goals of the Department of Commerce while ITS supports private sector telecommunica- contributing to NTIA’s overall program. Coop- tions research through cooperative research erative research and development agreements and development agreements. CRADAs were (CRADA), technical publications, and leadership authorized by the FTTA to encourage sharing of and technical contributions in the development Government facilities and expertise as an aid in of telecommunications standards are the three the commercialization of new products and ser- principal means by which ITS transfers the fruits vices. ITS has entered into CRADAs with other of our research efforts to the private sector. research organizations as well as with telecom- ITS is a member of the Federal Laboratory munications service providers and equipment Consortium for Technology Transfer (FLC), a manufacturers—companies ranging from multi- nationwide network of about 300 Federal labo- nationals to small start-ups. These partnerships ratories organized in 1974 and formally char- enhance synergies between entrepreneurial tered by the Federal Technology Transfer Act ventures and broad national objectives.

6 Technology Transfer

ITS world-class Cooperative Research and Development facilities and Agreements capabilities shared through CRADAs TS participates in CRADAs with private indus- More recently, CRADAs in the areas of objective and interagency Itry, universities, and other interested parties audio and video quality, advanced antennas agreements to design, develop, test, and evaluate advanced for wireless systems, and remote sensing and include: telecommunication concepts. CRADAs protect global positioning (GPS) technology have al- • Audio -Visual the non-Governmental party’s proprietary in- lowed ITS to contribute to the development of Laboratories formation, grant patent rights, and provide for new products and services. • Public Safety RF user licenses to private entities. Laboratory These partnerships aid in the commercializa- CRADAs for Use of Table • Public Safety tion of new products and services, as well as Mountain Audio & Video enhancing the capabilities of ITS laboratories The Table Mountain Field Site is also made Laboratories and providing researchers with insights into available for telecommunications research to • Radio Spectrum industry’s needs for productivity growth and other Government agencies and to private in- Measurement competitiveness. This enables ITS to adjust the dustry through CRADAs. Access to this unique Science (RSMS) focus and direction of its programs for effec- resource particularly benefits small businesses, Program tiveness and value, and to undertake research in who would otherwise be unable to perform • Table Mountain commercially important areas that it would not research that may be crucial to bringing a prod- Field Site/Radio otherwise be able to do. uct to market. In FY 2012, ITS participated in Quiet Zone To date, major contributions to personal six CRADAs involving use of the Table Mountain • Propagation communication services (PCS), local multipoint Field site. Prediction distribution service (LMDS), ultrawideband AdHoc UAV Ground Network (AUGNet) Modeling (UWB), and broadband over power line (BPL) Test Bed Services technologies have been achieved through CRA- The University of Colorado is experimenting Read more about DAs. These have aided U.S. efforts to rapidly with communication networks between low- these and other introduce new communications technologies. cost small unmanned aircraft (UA) similar to resources at ITS in the ITS Tools and Facilities section, page 82.

For more information The University of Colorado’s Research and Engineering Center for Unmanned Vehicles (RECUV) contact: is a university, government, and industry partnership for the development and application of Brian D. Lane unmanned vehicle systems. Above, an unmanned aircraft under test at the RECUV UAS airfield on (303) 497-3484 Table Mountain. The facility is used to conduct RECUV mobile networking experiments and other blane flight tests. Photo courtesy University of Colorado Boulder. @its.bldrdoc.gov

7 model radio-controlled airplanes and ground- airfield operations anywhere in the world for based radios. The networking is used to coor- both military and disaster relief efforts. Under dinate UAV activities and the goal is to develop this CRADA, ITS was tasked with measuring autonomous “flocking” where the UAVs col- the emission spectrum and related emission lectively and autonomously complete sensing characteristics of the two types of radar and to and communication tasks. This project is part of ascertain that both comply with the NTIA Radar the Ad hoc Ground Network (AUGNet) research Spectrum Engineering Criteria (RSEC) emission activity which is part of the Research and Educa- mask limits. This is critically needed data for tion Center for Unmanned Vehicles (RECUV) at electromagnetic compatibility analyses between the University of Colorado. This CRADA allowed these radars and other radars with which they the university to use the Table Mountain Field will need to share spectrum. Site as a field location to safely and accurately Raytheon developed the AN/APY-10, a new test these technologies; test data and reports maritime, littoral and overland surveillance were shared with ITS, providing ITS insights into radar designed to operate on the U.S. Navy’s wireless network operations using commercial- next-generation multimission patrol aircraft, off-the-shelf (COTS) wireless LAN equipment. the P-8A Poseidon. Under this CRADA, ITS per- Installed Performance of Antennas formed the NTIA RSEC and transmitter/antenna Under Test RF tests on a production-qualified AN/APY-10 FIRST RF Corporation is a small business that radar system and provided the data needed by designs and manufactures radio antennas and the Navy for a frequency allocation application systems. This CRADA allowed FIRST RF to use to enable deployment of these new radars. the Table Mountain Field Site as a field location to fully test the functionality of new antenna Public Safety 700 MHz designs during product development. Broadband Demonstration Agreements Laser Radar (LADAR) Testing on Table Mountain The vast majority of CRADAs ITS has entered Areté Associates is developing a variety of La- into in the past two years and will likely con- ser Radar (LADAR) technologies for the U.S. De- tinue to enter into for the next several years are partment of Defense. This CRADA allowed Areté the Public Safety 700 MHz Broadband Demon- to use the Table Mountain Field Site as a field stration Agreements. location to safely test and demonstrate these These agreements allow vendors, including technologies in atmospheric conditions and at equipment manufacturers and wireless carriers, distances relevant to potential applications. who intend to supply 700 MHz LTE equipment Laser Radar (LIDAR) Testing and service to public safety organizations to Lockheed Martin Coherent Technologies en- operate various elements of an LTE network tered into a CRADA with ITS to engage in field- in the Public Safety Communications Research testing and characterization of components, test bed and over-the-air (OTA) network (both subsystems, and systems for eyesafe coherent hosted and managed by ITS) in order to test in- laser radar at the Table Mountain Field Site. The teroperability of public safety communications instruments being tested use Light Detection equipment under simulated field conditions. and Ranging Systems (LIDAR), an advanced Public safety practitioners participate in this remote sensing technique that uses pulsed laser research. light instead of radio waves (radar) to detect At the close of FY 2012, 54 CRADAs were in particles and varying conditions in the atmo- place under this program. The CRADAs protect sphere. The technology is used, among other the parties’ intellectual property, encourag- things, to improved flight safety by detecting ing participation in testing that simulates real hazardous winds and aircraft wakes. multi-vendor environments in the field. This is Radar RSEC Measurements for Two the first government or independent facility New Radar Designs in the U.S. capable of testing or demonstrat- Lockheed Martin is developing a new deploy- ing public-safety-specific LTE implementation able radar system designed to rapidly establish requirements.

8 Technology Transfer

The Public Safety 700 MHz Broadband Demonstration Network has multiple Evolved Packet Cores (EPC) from different vendors on site in various configurations (distributed and full core), several different Evolved NodeB (eNodeB) base stations, and many varieties of User Equipment (UE), all communicating over a test network with one mobile and two fixed transmitters. Top left: Test set up in the PSCR laboratory. Photo by Rob Stafford. Top right: eNodeB base station at the Green Mountain transmitter site. Photo by Ken Tilley. Bottom left: LTE user equipment from multiple manufacturers charging in preparation for testing in the laboratory. Photo by Ken Tilley. Bottom right. This fixed transmitter on Table Mountain is part of the 700 Hz test network. Photo by Ken Tilley.

9 Interagency Agreements

nteragency agreements, authorized under technologies, development and validation of Ithe Economy Act of 1932, offer important interoperability standards, and laboratory and benefits to Federal agencies, including the field measurements. ITS provides similar services ability to economically and effectively leverage to the Federal Railroad Administration Office of Federal research investments. With almost 100 Re­search and Development to improve railroad years of uninterrupted radio research history, telecommunications efficacy. ITS represents a unique Federal resource for The Department of Defense and the National agencies that have short- or long-term radio Weather Service of the National Oceanic and research or development needs that cannot be Atmospheric Administration entered into agree- met effectively by existing in-house resources. ments with ITS to use the Institute’s unique Through interagency agreements, these expertise in propagation modeling to provide agencies can gain the benefit of the federally- specialized radio propagation prediction tools funded expertise, equipment, and facilities of for coverage and interference prediction. which ITS is the steward. Federal partners re- The U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Navy, the U.S. imburse ITS for the costs of research conducted Coast Guard, and the office of Emergency Com- under an interagency agreement, but—unless munications of the Department of Homeland the research is classified—the results are re- Security entered into various agreements with leased into the public domain for the benefit of ITS to perform radio spectrum emission mea- other researchers, both public and private. surements on new or proposed equipment. In FY 2012, ITS entered into over 20 inter- The National Aeronautics and Space Admin- agency agreements with ten different agencies. istration requested ITS assistance to identify Research funded under these agreements in- potential sources of interference into certain cludes propagation modeling, electromagnetic control systems and to conduct interference compatibility and interference analysis of new threshold studies for planned new radar or proposed systems, root cause analysis and satellites. resolution of interference to existing systems, The National Archives and Records Admin- and engineering analysis and support for stan- istration entered into an agreement with ITS dards development for evolving technologies. to leverage the Institute’s experience in the Several research projects funded by the management of large data stores. ITS is tasked National Institute for Standards and Technol- with assisting NARA to design and implement a ogy Law Enforcement Standards Office and large scale records management infrastructure different offices of the Department of Home- to administer, store, and manage e-records. land Security involve improving public safety More information about individual FY 2012 communications. Tasks assigned to ITS under interagency agreements is provided in the sec- these agreements include engineering analy- tion on “ITS Government Projects in FY 2012” ses, technical feasibility studies of emerging on page 98.

10 Technology Transfer

Technical Publications istorically, ITS has transferred research publication. In FY 2012, ITS authors published Hresults to other researchers, the commer- six NTIA Technical Reports, Memoranda or cial sector, and Government agencies through Handbooks that were peer-reviewed through publication of results either directly as NTIA the ERB process and five conference papers that publications or by submission of articles to underwent both ERB review and additional peer peer-reviewed external scientific journals. Many review outside ITS. of these publications have become standard In addition to formal technical publications, references in several telecommunications areas. ITS experts are also frequently invited to partici- Technical publication remains a principal pate as speakers or presenters at technical con- means of ITS technology transfer. An inter- ferences, workshops, and symposia. A list of FY nal peer review process managed by the ITS 2012 publications and presentations, with full Editorial Review Board (ERB) ensures quality of citations and abstracts, begins on page 92.

Conferences, Workshops and Symposia ISART 2012 new and innovative ways to share spectrum. Geolocation databases will dictate channel or over a decade, ITS has hosted the Inter- availability in the TV white spaces, and the De- national Symposium on Advanced Radio F partment of Defense is developing capabilities Technologies (ISART). This symposium brings to generate digital spectrum policy that would together government, academia, and industry govern the operation of flexible spectrum use leaders from around the world for the purpose radios with and without spectrum sensing. of forecasting the development and application Future Federal spectrum sharing will require of advanced radio technologies. changes to the existing spectrum management The 13th Annual ISART was held at the Millen- infrastructure to expand spectrum availability nium Hotel and Conference Center in Boulder, through use of technologies like DSA. Wide- Colorado, July 25–26, 2012. Its focus was “De- INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON spread acceptance and adoption of spectrum ADVANCED RADIO TECHNOLOGIES veloping Forward-Thinking Rules and Processes INSTITUTE FOR TELECOMMUNICATION SCIENCES sharing technologies will require well-defined to Fully Exploit Spectrum Resources—Case business practices and sharing agreements, the Study 2: Exploring Approaches for Real-Time development of supporting automation and Federal Spectrum Sharing.” Recent progress management systems to generate coexistence in dynamic spectrum access (DSA) technology rulesets, and secure networks that implement highlights the critical role of the spectrum shar- these rulesets. ing infrastructure, which is more the domain of ISART 2012 brought together radio scientists computer scientists than radio scientists. This and computer scientists to present a detailed infrastructure is architected upon databases, view of their perspectives of spectrum use and information exchange languages, and business management. Obstacles to development of processes. More than any particular radio tech- spectrum sharing infrastructure for both Federal nology, computer science has spurred the latest and commercial sharing were delineated and advancements in technologies that will enable potential solutions discussed.

11 Public Safety 700 MHz VQiPS Demonstration Network TS hosted the 4th Annual Video Quality in Stakeholder Meeting IPublic Safety (VQiPS) conference and work- TS hosted the Public Safety 700 MHz Dem- shop July 26–27, 2012 in Boulder, CO. The Ionstration Network Spring 2012 Stakeholder meeting brought together public safety prac- Meeting at the Omni Interlocken Resort and titioners, Federal partners, manufacturers, and Conference Center in Broomfield, CO, March representatives from academia and standards 6–7, 2012. This was the third face-to-face development bodies to coordinate efforts in stakeholders’ meeting for the Demonstration establishing quality requirements for video use Network, with over 350 attendees from public in public safety. safety, Federal agencies, industry, and academia. During this collaborative working session the Keynote speakers were Anna Gomez, Deputy draft Video Quality for Public Safety Standards Assistant Secretary for Communications and Handbook, which provides voluntary guidance Information and Deputy Administrator, NTIA; in deploying video quality for network video Dr. David Boyd, Science and Technology Direc- surveillance applications based on established torate Command, Control and Interoperability best practices, was presented for feedback. Division, Director, DHS; and Tom Power, Deputy Workshop participants also received an intro- CTO for Telecommunications, Office of Science duction to version 2.0 of VQiPS’ online Rec- and Technology Policy, Executive Office of the ommendations Tool for Video Requirements. President. Participants learned about progress in The tool matches a video user’s unique needs the Demonstration Network testing, including to use cases and provides a video system re- Phase 1 test results and lessons learned, Study quirement recommendation. PSCR researchers Item findings, recent public safety broadband received additional feedback from public safety requirements gathering and standards develop- practitioners about how the online tool could ment activities, preliminary voice over broad- be improved to be more user-friendly. Usability band audio quality testing findings and future information gathered during the session will plans, and nationwide broadband modeling help to ensure that the online tool is well-suited and simulation efforts and results. to public safety applications in the future.

Left, top: Cuong Luu (far right) of DHS/OIC, closes the VQiPS Workshop and congratulates participants (left to right) Anna Paulson (ITS), Don Zoufal (System Development Integration), Joel Dumke (ITS), Steve Sur- faro (Axis Communications), John Contestabile (Johns Hopkins University), Andrew Hartigan (SRA International for DHS/OIC). Left, bottom: PSCR staff Sam Gomez (2nd from let) Robert Stafford (center) and Chris Redding (2nd from right) observe a vendor demonstration of public safety communica- tions equipment at the Public Safety 700 MHz Demonstration Network Spring 2012 Stakeholder Meeting. Photos by K. Tilley

12 Technology Transfer

The U.S. National and International Standards Administration Development promotes the use of voluntary Representative Leadership Roles held by ITS Staff consensus standards in order • International Chairs of one ITU-R Working Party, one ITU-R Subgroup and one ITU-T to “encourage Study Group long-term growth • U.S. Chairs of one ITU-R Study Group and three Working Parties for U.S. enterprises • Chairs of two ITU-R Correspondence Groups and promote efficiency and • Head of U.S. Delegation to ITU-T Study Group economic • Chair of NPSTC Working Group competition • Chair of TIA Working Group through harmonization of ational and international standards and and was the best-performing metric in ITU standards”1 and Npolicies for telecommunications­ support comparison testing with others methods from encourages the the full and fair competitiveness of the U.S. around the world. Thirteen ITS employees par- participation of information and communications technology ticipated in 45 committees or working groups in authorized Federal sectors. Technical standards establish common seven different SDOs and held 11 Chair/Co-chair agency norms for technical systems—uniform engineer- positions. Other offices of NTIA participate in representatives in ing criteria, methods, processes and practices the same standards bodies in different, non- standards that promote competition and interoperability. technical capacities. As representatives of the activities. For decades, ITS has provided leadership U.S. Administration, NTIA/ITS staff who hold Establishing and technical contributions to national and uniform SDO leadership and membership roles advocate international telecommunication standards engineering or globally for communications technology stan- development organizations (SDO). For example, technical criteria, dards and policies that encourage competition a plurality of the technical recommendations methods, and innovation. Positions held by ITS staff in of the International Telecommunication Union processes, and national and international SDOs are listed on (ITU), a treaty organization, are based on re- practices for search conducted at ITS. Key national quality-of- page 96. telecommunica­ service standards developed under the American Technical Contributions tions helps to National Standards Institute (ANSI) accredited overcome technical In cooperation with other interested U.S. Committee T1 for video, audio, and digital data barriers in also incorporate research results obtained at Government agencies and industry groups, ITS international trade, ITS. ITS chairs many committees and working staff organize and coordinate preparations for minimize groups in the ITU, the Alliance for Telecommu- U.S. participation and negotiations in telecom- interference, and nications Industry Solutions (ATIS), and other munications conferences and SDO meetings. maximize telecommunication SDOs, providing technical ITS develops and presents user-oriented techni- interoperability. leadership that is trusted by commercial-sector cal contributions that address requirements, participants. ITS’s technical inputs are relied on functionality, performance, testing, quality as technically advanced, scientifically sound, of service, communication network resource and unbiased by commercial interests. management, interoperability, compliance, and Standards Leadership other issues critical to the development and implementation of standardized public safety In FY 2012, ITS continued its technical lead- ership and contributions to communications communications, advanced IP-based networks, 1. Office of Management standards for public safety, particularly for first optical transport networks, next generation net- and Budget Circular responders and primarily in the area of interop- works, and supporting broadband infrastruc- A-119, February 10, erability standards and testing procedures. ITS’s tures. The technical contributions ITS makes to 1998. Available http:// objective video quality measurement method SDOs throughout the year contribute materially www.whitehouse.gov/ has been made a national standard by ANSI to the content of final published standards; a omb/circulars_a119/

13 ITU standards representative list of draft or approved standards supported by FY 2012 ITS technical contributions (called Recommen­ appears on page 96. dations) act as defining elements ITU-R Standards Activities in the global Outputs infrastructure of information and • Technical support for U.S. Administration activities in ITU-R Study Group 3, Working communication Parties 3J, 3K, 3L, and 3M; in ITU-R Study Group 4; and in ITU-R Study Group 5, technologies. Working Party 5D Recommendations • Leadership roles in U.S. Study Group 3, U.S. Working Party 3K, and U.S. Working are critical to Party 3J global interoperability • Development of a new version of ITU-R Recommendation P.528, Propagation Curves and to create a for Aeronautical, Mobile and Radionavigation Services using the VHF, UHF and SHF level playing field Bands in which companies can compete • Development of a new version of ITU-R services. Study Group 5 deals with systems and internationally. Recommendation P.533, the Ionospheric networks for fixed, mobile, radiodetermination, Over 4,000 ITU Propagation Model amateur, and amateur-satellite services. Recommendations Overview Participation in Study Group 3 are now in force, he International Telecommunication ITS engineers play important roles in SG3 and developed by Union - Radiocommunication Sector (ITU- in all four of the ITU-R SG3 Working Parties: WP consensus in Study T R) is the authoritative international organization 3J (Propagation Fundamentals), WP 3K (Point- Groups of experts for the standardization, coordination, and regu- to-Area Propagation), WP 3L (Ionospheric from both public lation of the radio frequency spectrum. It is the Propagation) and WP 3M (Earth-Space and and private sectors. single most important worldwide telecommu- Point-to-Point Propagation). ITS engineers cur- These experts nications regulatory and standardization body. rently serve as the International Chair of WP 3K, provide input ITU-R international technical standards, called the U.S. Chair of SG3, the Chair of Correspon- towards the Recommendations, are developed by small dence Group 3K-3, and the Head of Delegation development of a Working Parties (WP), finalized by the larger (official spokesperson) for the U.S. Administra- Recommendation Study Groups (SG), and approved by the 193 tion at meetings of ITU-R Study Group 3 and all in the form of member states. Member states provide input by of its Working Parties. technical preparing technical contributions to WPs and The international block meetings of ITU-R contributions. SGs to inform the discussion and provide a ba- Working Parties 3J, 3K, 3L, and 3M took place in sis for the language of the Recommendations. June 2012 at the ITU Headquarters in Geneva, Though not mandatory, in practice ITU-R Rec- Switzerland. The SG3 meeting took place im- ommendations are implemented worldwide. mediately following the block meetings of the Within the ITU-R, Study Groups are respon- Working Parties, at the same venue. In accor- sible for the development and maintenance of dance with State Department rules, U.S. Study Questions, Recommendations, Reports, and Group 3 (USSG3) held monthly preparatory Handbooks, as well as undertaking studies as- meetings beginning in late May 2011 to review signed to them as a result of decisions by World and comment on proposed U.S. Administration Radiocommunication Conferences. Working contributions to these meetings. An ITS engi- Parties are set up as needed to study specific neer chaired the U.S. preparatory meetings and Questions assigned to them. ITS provides ongo- three others participated in them. ing technical support to the U.S. Administration Four ITS engineers served as members of the in ITU-R Study Groups 3, 4, and 5 and their U.S. delegation to the meetings of ITU-R Study Working Parties; in particular, Working Parties Group 3 Working Parties in June of 2012 in 3J, 3K, 3L, 3M, 4A, 4B, 4C, 5D, and 6C. Study Geneva. One of these, Paul McKenna, served as Group 3 deals with radio propagation phe- International Chair of ITU-R Working Party 3K. nomena. Study Group 4 covers fixed-satellite Paul McKenna was confirmed as International

14 Technology Transfer

Chair of Working Party 3K during the October ITS engineer Jeff Wepman provided a tech- 2011 meeting of Study Group 3. In June 2012, nical contribution to Study Group 3, Working he led the meetings of Working Party 3K in Party 3L describing recent man-made radio noise Geneva. Between meetings, Mr. McKenna par- measurements taken in the Boulder/Denver area ticipated in the work of Correspondence Groups and the results of the subsequent data analy- 3K3 and 3K4. ses. This contribution was presented to Sub- Working Group 3L-4 during the international ITS engineer Chris Behm served as Head of meetings held in June 2012. The data resulting the U.S. Delegation. Mr. Behm is the Chair of from these measurements were approved for USSG3, which submits technical contributions inclusion in the ITU Radio Noise Databank. Mr. related to radio wave propagation to SG3 on Wepman also served as Chair of Sub-Working behalf of the U. S. He serves as Head of Del- Group 3L-4 and Chair of the drafting group that egation for Working Party 3L and as chair of generated a temporary document proposing various Subworking groups within the ITU-R changes to ITU Recommendation P.372.10. SG3. Working Party 3L focuses on international issues related to high frequency (HF) radio wave Participation in Study Group 4 propagation and radio noise. Mr. Behm is lead- In FY 2012, an ITS engineer participated in ing a correspondence group in ITU-R WP 3L to the U.S. preparatory meetings of Study Group validate and verify a new implementation of 4 and continued to monitor the work of SG4 Recommendation P.533-11. from an engineering perspective. This engineer ITS engineer Teresa Rusyn served as a Sub- also served as the point of contact for a Liaison group Chair in WP 3L and as Chair of the Draft- Statement from SG4 to SG3. ing Group and Rapporteur of Correspondence Participation in Study Group 5 Group 3K3, which is responsible for preparing a An ITS engineer provided technical support major revision of Recommendation ITU-R P.528 to WP 5D over the phone in FY 2012. Tim (Propagation Curves for Aeronautical, Mobile Riley sat in on the U.S. conference calls and and Radionavigation Services using the VHF, monitored WP 5D activity during the U.S. pre- UHF and SHF Bands). Her work centered on paratory meetings and the actual working party Recommendation P. 528-3, covering aeronauti- meetings. In early FY 2012, prior to the 2012 cal services. During the June 2012 meetings, World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC- Correspondence Group 3K3 was expanded to 12), the main issues were spectrum-related. correspondence group 3K3M-9 to include path Since WRC-12 ended in February of 2012, WP losses for airborne platforms. 5D topics have centered solely around spectrum

Every three years the Radio Regula- tions, the international treaty govern- ing use of radio-frequency spectrum and satellite orbits, are revised at the World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC). From mid-January to mid-February 2012, over 3,000 participants, representing 165 of ITU’s 193 Member States and more than 100 Observers from ITU’s 700 private For more sector members and international information organizations, attended WRC-12 in contact: Geneva, Switzerland. ITS engineers Paul M. McKenna began intensive preparation for (303) 497-3474 WRC‑15 in FY 2012. Photo courtesy pmckenna ITU-R. @its.bldrdoc.gov

15 The ITU exists to issues not of a technical nature: International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT) advanced proce- provide a neutral dural issues and public protection and disaster relief (PPDR). platform for shaping global ITU-T and Related U.S. Standards consensus on the Activities standards that enable a seamless Outputs robust, and reliable, global • Leadership of ITU-T and related telecommunications committees communications • Technical contributions presenting U.S. standards proposals and ITS research results system. Developing • Proposed ITU-T Recommendations and of the ITU-T Joint Rapporteur Group on Mul- and influencing associated U.S. industry standards timedia Quality Assessment (JRG-MMQA). An ITS staff member served as Co-chair of VQEG’s international Overview standards and high-definition television (HDTV) Group and led policies supports he Institute has a long history of leadership, the group’s technical work to completion. Ttechnical contributions, and advocacy of the full and fair ITU-T Study Group 9 competitiveness U.S. Government and industry proposals in the ITU-T Study Group 9 carries out studies on of the U.S. International Telecommunication Union’s Tele- information and communication Standardization Sector (ITU ‑T) the use of telecommunication systems for communications and related U.S. standards organizations. ITU-T broadcasting of television and sound programs technology sector. is a specialized agency of the United Nations, re- and the use of cable television networks to pro- ITS plays a vital sponsible for developing the international stan- vide interactive video services, telephone, and role in representing dards (Recommendations) that providers use to data services, including Internet access. Among the interests of plan, interconnect, and operate public telecom- the Recommendations standardized by ITU-T U.S. industry munication networks and services worldwide. SG9 are those defining video and multimedia and the U.S. ITU-T Recommendations strongly impact both quality assessment and those supporting emer- Administration to the evolution of U.S. telecommunication infra- gency telecommunications over broadband the ITU-T as it structures and the competitiveness of U.S. tele- cable networks. produces or communication products in international trade. While this project provides input to the Alli- revises over 150 The Institute’s long-term goal in ITU-T (and ance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions information and related national standards work) is to motivate (ATIS), the Society of Cable Telecommunications communications the standardization of user-oriented, technol- Engineers (SCTE), and the ITU-R, the majority of technology ogy-independent measures of telecommunica- work is directed to ITU-T SG9 and VQEG. In FY standards tion service quality, and to relate those measures 2012, Arthur Webster served as international each year. to the technology-specific performance metrics Chair of ITU-T SG9, which is responsible for and mechanisms providers use to provision broadband cable networks and television and and operate networks. This work promotes sound transmission. Margaret Pinson was As- fair competition and technology innovation sociate Rapporteur for Question 12/9 (Objective in the telecommunications industry, facilitates and Subjective Methods for Evaluating Audiovi- inter-working among independently-operated sual Quality in Multimedia Services) and served networks and dissimilar technologies, and helps as Head of the U.S. Delegation to ITU-T SG9. users define their telecommunication needs and select products and services to best meet them. VQEG One way ITS promotes telecommunications An ITS staff member founded the Video standardization efforts is by accepting leader- Quality Experts Group and has co-chaired it ship roles in key standards development orga- since 1997. VQEG enables video experts from nizations. In FY 2012, Institute staff members many countries to collaborate in developing held several prestigious leadership roles includ- and evaluating video quality metrics (VQM). ing Chair of ITU-T Study Group (SG) 9 (Television The group’s reports strongly impact the stan- and sound transmission and integrated broad- dardization of VQMs in both ITU-T and ITU-R. band cable networks), Co-chair of the Video VQEG works largely via several e-mail reflectors, Quality Experts Group (VQEG), and Co-chair publicly accessible at http://www.VQEG.org.

16 Technology Transfer

During FY 2012, the number of participants is spearheading new ITU-T work on audiovisual subscribed to the main reflector grew to over quality assessment and Internet video quality 650. VQEG produces independent validation assessment through its leadership in VQEG and data, which the U.S. considers to be a key pre- ITU-T SG9. requisite for standardizing a VQM. Thus, VQEG JRG-MMQA acts as a cooperative technical advisory com- mittee that facilitates standardization efforts in In related work, ITS leads the ITU-T’s Joint Rapporteur Group on Multimedia Quality As- ITU-T SG9, SG12 (Performance and Quality of sessment (JRG-MMQA). This is a cross-cutting Service (QoS)), and ITU-R Working Party (WP) 6C ITU-T standards body that unites the video (Broadcasting Services—Programme Production quality expertise of SG9 with the audio and and Quality Assessment) to develop objective, network quality expertise of SG12 in an effort computer implementable, perception-based to develop objective, perception-based metrics video and multimedia quality metrics that emu- for combined audio and video signals in mobile late the human visual system. and PC environments. The JRG-MMQA meets ITS staff members provide key leadership concurrently with VQEG. The JRG-MMQA pro- and technical contributions to VQEG. Arthur vides an official mechanism for coordinating Webster co-chaired VQEG and chaired the two VQEG activities with ITU-T SG9 and ITU-T SG12. meetings that occurred in FY 2012. Margaret Pinson co-chaired the HDTV effort and is now Preparation for U.S. co-chairing the VQEG’s Independent Lab Group Participation in ITU (ILG) and spearheading the current testing ef- World Conferences fort to validate objective measurements of video In addition to direct participation in the tech- quality. ITS has been very active in developing nical committees discussed above, ITS engineers the Hybrid Perceptional-Bit-Stream test plan participated in the State Department’s U.S. pre- and organizing the test. Through the combined paratory process for the ITU’s World Conference efforts of this and other ITS projects, the Insti- on International Telecommunications (WCIT), tute provided key video source material that ITU-T’s World Telecommunications Standardiza- comprises most of the validation sequences tion Assembly (WTSA), and the Telecommunica- used in the VQEG’s current testing efforts. ITS tion Standardization Advisory Group (TSAG).

For more information ITS engineers Margaret Pinson and Joel Dumke, foreground, participate in the December 12, contact: 2011, meeting of the Video Quality Experts Group in Hillsboro, Oregon. The meeting was hosted Arthur A. Webster by Intel Corporation and took place coincident with an ITU-T JRG-MMQA meeting. Participants (303) 497-3567 included researchers from seven universities, two government labs, four telcom carriers, one inde- webster pendent research institute, and seven manufacturers from ten countries. Photo by Arthur Webster. @ its.bldrdoc.gov

17 The White House, Presidential Memorandum: Unleashing the Wireless Broadband Revolution, June 28, 2010:1

Few technological developments hold as much potential to enhance America’s economic competitiveness, create jobs, and improve the quality of our lives as wireless high-speed access to the Internet. Example LTE Measurement Capture: Spectrum and waterfall display of aggregate LTE uplink transmissions. We can also unlock the value of otherwise underutilized spectrum and open new avenues for spectrum users to derive value through the development of advanced, situation-aware spectrum-sharing technologies.

1. http://www.whitehouse. Configuring experimental equipment for measurement studies at the Table Mountain Field Site. gov/the-press-office/ Photo by Wayde Allen. presidential-memorandum- unleashing-wireless- broadband-revolution

18 Spectrum and Propagation Measurements

The Secretary of Spectrum and Propagation Commerce, Measurements working through NTIA … shall n 2012, a new approach to increasing commercial access to wireless spectrum began to take form. create and INTIA’s Office of Spectrum Management (OSM) issued a report, An Assessment of the Viability of implement a plan Accommodating Wireless Broadband, that addressed the high cost and extended transition times to facilitate associated with spectrum reallocation. The report proposed an alternative spectrum sharing scheme to research, expedite commercial access to this spectrum while minimizing the cost and impact to Federal opera- development, tions. The Commerce Spectrum Management Advisory Committee (CSMAC) commissioned five work- experimentation, ing groups to study the feasibility of commercial Long-Term Evolution (LTE) networks sharing spectrum and testing by with Government systems. These groups established an analysis framework consisting of system mod- researchers to eling, band occupancy measurements, and interference protection criteria (IPC) measurements. Late explore innovative in FY 2012, ITS entered into a CRADA with three commercial wireless operators engaged with CSMAC spectrum-sharing to assess the sharing scenario. The Spectrum and Propagation Measurements Division will use its new technologies, automated test software and preselector systems for the occupancy and IPC measurements. including those As commercial communications systems proliferate, interference to Government radio services— that are secure and particularly radar systems—has become more frequent. In 2012, ITS addressed two separate inter- ference cases. ITS engineers continued to assist other government agencies seeking to implement resilient.  corrective actions for dynamic frequency selection (DFS) interference to Terminal Doppler Weather Radars. An updated set of characteristic radar waveforms were developed to permit the FCC to update DFS testing systems. Meanwhile, interference to NEXRAD systems by adjacent-channel WiMAX transmitters was resolved. Field measurements and an electromagnetic compatibility analy- sis yielded best practices which address the situation and should prevent its reoccurrence. This latter effort earned the team a Department of Commerce Gold Medal Award. The following areas of emphasis are indicative of the work done recently in the division to sup- port NTIA, other Federal agencies, academia, and private industry. Radio Spectrum Measurement various advanced research and measurement Science (RSMS) Program programs. Research includes propagation stud- The RSMS program develops and operates an ies and development and evaluation of measure- automated testing capability that is adaptable ment methods for spectrum occupancy, radio to a wide variety of measurement scenarios. noise, antenna design, laser testing, and radar Comprised of commercial and custom test emissions. Work is supported by ITS funding and equipment, the RSMS system supports ad hoc CRADAs with non-Federal entities. measurements to assess and resolve complaints Spectrum Sharing Innovation of interference involving Government radio sys- Test Bed Pilot Program tems. RSMS also supports broadband spectrum surveys and band occupancy measurements, Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) technol- measures existing and proposed radio system ogy promises greater frequency agility and emissions for electromagnetic compatibility improved radio adaptation to the environment studies and determination of IPC, and performs for increased spectrum efficiency. The division is conformance tests on radio systems. The RSMS presently spearheading Test Bed measurements program funds system maintenance, perfor- to assess the capabilities of state-of-the-art DSA mance enhancements, development of new devices. The project is funded by NTIA/OSM. capabilities, and operational field testing. Radio Noise and Spectrum For more Table Mountain Research Occupancy Measurement information Program Research contact: Eric D. Nelson The Table Mountain Field Site is the principal ITS engineers developed a noise measure- experimental field site for the DOC Boulder ment system based on Vector Signal Analyzer Division Chief Laboratories. Designated by Congress as a pro- (VSA) technology. The results of a two year study (303) 497-7410 tected radio quiet zone where the magnitude of of environmental noise were published and pre- enelson external signals is restricted, the site facilitates sented at the ITU. The project is funded by ITS. @its.bldrdoc.gov

19 Radio noise can degrade the Radio Noise and Spectrum Occupancy performance of Measurement Research wireless communication Outputs devices. To ensure • Technical contribution to ITU-R Study Group 3 Working Party 3L describing recent reliable wideband man-made radio noise measurements and statistical data analyses communications, radio systems must • Leadership of ITU-R Sub-Working Group 3L-4 on Radio Noise be designed to • Inclusion of ITS noise measurement data in the ITU-R Radio Noise Databank compensate for • Design of an improved outdoor radio noise measurement system noise as well as to protect against Overview and leadership in the International Telecommu- interference. nication Union – Radiocommunication Sector Accurate and roper radio communication system design (ITU-R) Study Group 3 Working Party 3L. ITS reliable requires, among other considerations, P provided a contribution describing recent wide- measurements of knowledge of the noise and interference band man-made radio noise measurements radio noise provide environment at the receiving location. While conducted in the VHF and low UHF bands in important distinguishing between noise and interference the United States and the results of the subse- information for is subject to different interpretations, one quent statistical data analyses. As a part of this effective design of interpretation is that interference arises from contribution, wideband complex noise data wireless intentionally radiated signals, whereas noise taken at center frequencies of 112.5, 221.5, communication arises either from natural sources or from unin- and 401 MHz at two business locations and systems. The tentionally radiated signals generated by man- two residential locations in the Boulder/Denver results of ITS noise made sources. Noise can also be either internal area were processed to provide hourly median measurements or external to the receiving system. values of the mean antenna noise figure Fa for influence design External, man-made noise was studied ex- each measurement location and frequency. decisions by tensively in the 1960s and 1970s, culminating This hourly median data were provided and ac- private companies in the development of a man-made noise model cepted for inclusion into the ITU-R Radio Noise and public entities. that is still in use today (see Recommendation Databank. Figure 1 shows the hourly median ITU-R P.372-10). However, there are many values of Fa for 112.5, 221.5, and 401 MHz for reasons to suspect that the man-made radio the downtown Denver location. In addition to noise environment may have changed since the these technical contributions, an ITS radio-noise 1970s. The introduction of new technologies engineer served as chairman of the ITU-R Sub- such as computers, cellular telephones, and Working Group 3L-4 on Radio Noise during the other electronic devices; increases in spectrum international meetings held in June 2012 at the crowding; the use of RF overlay technologies; ITU headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. the aging power distribution infrastructure; and improvements in auto ignition systems repre- Improved Noise Measurement sent some of the changes that are likely to have System Design had an impact. Furthermore, there is concern Additional work in 2012 focused on the de- that the growing popularity of hybrid electric sign of a new, improved wideband noise mea- and plug-in electric vehicles, with their potential surement system for outdoor measurements. for generating greater levels of electromagnetic Outdoor noise measurements are extremely interference, may increase levels of man-made challenging, requiring a measurement system radio noise in the future. Because of all these with high sensitivity, large dynamic range, factors, there has been a renewed, worldwide stringent filtering, and center frequency agility. interest in measuring, quantifying, and model- While the current measurement system, based ing man-made radio noise. on a commercial vector signal analyzer, can and has been used for outdoor noise measure- International Standards ments, it has several limitations and could use Contributions improvement. Most notably, although the cur- Work in man-made radio noise research at rent system has excellent sensitivity, it is prone ITS in FY 2012 included technical contributions to signal overloads. Other limitations of the

20 Spectrum and Propagation Measurements

30 Related Documents: ITU-R WP3L 25 Document 3L/4, “Wideband man-

b) 20 made radio noise 0 measurements in

112.5 MHz the VHF and low 15 221.5 MHz UHF bands” 401 MHz (J. Wepman) (dB above kT a F 10


0 0000 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 Coordinated Universal Time

Figure 1. Hourly median values of Fa for 112.5, 221.5, and 401 MHz for the downtown Denver location. current system include the inability to adjust A two-channel system was chosen for the the analog sampling rate, limited anti-aliasing new design. This system consists of one very filtering, inability to include an external IF filter sensitive RF channel along with another less before the digitizer, and reliance on very sharp sensitive RF channel. Measurements are taken rolloff, fixed RF filters that restrict center fre- on both channels simultaneously with process- quency agility. ing used to extract the composite data. A block Several different measurement system design diagram of the system is shown in Figure 2. This strategies were considered. These included: new measurement system will provide a sig- 1. Modifying the current measurement system nificant improvement over the current system. by replacing the vector signal analyzer with a more state-of-the-art analyzer It reduces the susceptibility to signal overloads 2. Developing a system based on a while maintaining excellent sensitivity, provides very high resolution (greater than for a flexible analog sampling rate, allows for 22 bit), high-speed digitizer custom IF filtering, and promotes center fre- 3. A two-channel measurement system quency agility.

Directional Low Noise Coupler Amplifier

Tunable RF Down- IF Analog to Bandpass converter Bandpass Digital Filter Filter Converter

Personal For more Computer information contact: Analog to Down- IF Jeffery A. Wepman Attenuator Digital converter Bandpass Filter Converter (303) 497-3165 jwepman Figure 2. Block diagram of the new, two-channel noise measurement system. @its.bldrdoc.gov

21 Accurate information about RSMS Development current spectrum Outputs occupancy is a prerequisite for • Completed primary measurement applications in the RSMS-5G software suite spectrum • Completed instrument drivers in the RSMS-5G software suite for the most commonly management and used instruments optimization, but • Completed a three-week-long spectrum survey in San Diego, CA accurately characterizing • Completed a two-week-long spectrum survey in Chicago, IL spectrum • Presented preliminary spectrum survey data and methodology at three conferences occupancy is both time-consuming Overview ITS, and several peripheral instruments that are and complex. he Radio Spectrum Measurement Science commonly used when conducting spectrum The RSMS T(RSMS) measurement system consists of measurements. Core measurement applications measurement state-of-the-art tools (vehicle, software and have also been completed for the most high- system was hardware) for making measurements to charac- priority algorithms. These include measurement developed to terize spectrum occupancy, ensure equipment applications to calibrate measurement systems enable accurate, compliance, determine electromagnetic com- and to record and compute the numerous repeatable, patibility, and analyze interference problems. spectrum analyzer sweeps from which statistics actionable surveys The RSMS Development Program ensures that regarding spectrum occupancy are calculated, of radio wave the Institute has the most advanced software as well as the stepped measurement algorithm activity of all types, and hardware to perform accurate and com- that is described in NTIA Report TR-05-420, in all bands. plete measurements. “Measurement Procedures for the Radar Spec- o sustain this function, development of trum Engineering Criteria (RSEC).” Tthe 5th generation of RSMS software Development of the RSMS-5G software will (RSMS-5G) began in FY 2012. Many of the continue in FY 2013. Modules scheduled for core measurement capabilities of the RSMS- development in FY 2013 include more instru- 4G software suite have been incorporated into ment drivers, more measurement applications, the new software suite and development will data processing tools, and a scheduler. continue in FY 2013. To determine spectrum Spectrum Survey Effort usage, the RSMS system was used to conduct A comprehensive spectrum survey was spectrum surveys at three locations (Denver, CO, conducted to measure spectrum usage in the San Diego, CA, and Chicago, IL). Preliminary frequency range from 108 MHz to 10.5 GHz results of these surveys and the techniques used in San Diego, CA during the spring of 2012. to perform them have been presented at three Figure 1 shows the RSMS-4G vehicle, which conferences, and reports detailing the findings are being produced. serves as a mobile lab, set up to conduct these measurements. Two separate systems were run Next Generation of RSMS simultaneously in the RSMS vehicle, making it Software (RSMS-5G) possible to collect twice as much spectrum data. In FY 2012 development of the next gen- Figure 2 shows a plot of data taken from 869 eration of RSMS measurement automation to 902 MHz. This plot shows several downlink software, called RSMS-5G, began. The software cellular transmissions from 869 to 894 MHz. is designed as a collection of software tools and The spectrum above this frequency range is part core measurement capabilities that make it pos- of the ISM (Industrial, Scientific, and Medical) sible to rapidly develop new measurement tech- band used for low-power devices. Similar spec- niques or use existing measurement applications trum surveys have been completed in Denver, to quickly perform any spectrum measurements CO, and Chicago, IL. that are needed to support policy makers. Spectrum survey measurements provide Instrument drivers have been developed for NTIA with critical scientific data to support the the instruments most commonly used by ITS. development and determination of telecom- These include drivers for several types of spectrum munication policies affecting both the public analyzers, preselectors that are custom-built by and private sectors. This has become a very

22 Spectrum and Propagation Measurements

prominent issue due to the development of at three conferences: the United States National Related new wireless technologies, and the need for ad- Committee – International Union of Radio Sci- Publication ditional bandwidth to support higher data rates ence (USNC-URSI) National Radio Science Meet- H. E. Ottke over the air. This increased demand for spec- ing; the International Symposium on Advanced and C. A. trum requires that the spectrum be managed Radio Technologies (ISART); and the Institute of Hammerschmidt, and used more efficiently, and these spectrum Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Inter- “Specialized surveys can provide policy makers and system national Symposium on Electromagnetic Com- Algorithms for developers with current usage statistics to in- Spectrum patibility (EMC 2012). In FY 2013, processing form their decisions. Surveys,” in of the spectrum survey data will be completed Preliminary results from the spectrum surveys Proceedings of the and NTIA reports presenting these data will be completed to date, as well as the techniques used 2012 IEEE to perform these surveys have been presented released for each of the three sites. International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC2012), Figure 1 (right). The Pittsburgh, PA, RSMS-4G vehicle set up Aug. 5-10, 2012, to conduct spectrum pp. 565-570 usage measurements in San Diego, CA. Photo by Chriss Hammerschmidt.

Figure 2 (below). Graphs showing NTIA spectrum survey results from 869 to 902 MHz in San Diego, CA.

For more information contact: Geoff Sanders (303) 497-6736 gsanders @its.bldrdoc.gov

23 ITS is the principal Federal resource RSMS Operations for technical Outputs assistance in understanding and • Emission measurements of a newly-developed Air Force radar system used in combat resolving theaters as well as training telecommunication • Emission measurements of a Navy radar system verifying the emissions are in challenges. Other compliance with domestic and international regulations Federal agencies • Follow-up field testing of Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure devices in the request the presence of a 5 GHz weather radar assistance of RSMS • Continued technical assistance to the Federal Aviation Administration and Federal measurement Communications Commission regarding electromagnetic compatibility between expertise and Terminal Doppler Weather Radar systems and unlicensed wireless devices operating in capabilities to the same frequency band resolve existing Overview data gathered from the effort was later pro- interference cessed and used to verify the radar emissions problems, to plan he Radio Spectrum Measurement Sci- met the requirements of Military Standard 461E appropriately to Tence (RSMS) program performs critically (MIL-STD-461E) and the United States Radar prevent needed and time-sensitive radio signal measure- Spectrum Engineering Criteria (RSEC). MIL-STD- interference, and to ments that facilitate Federal Government spec- 461E and the RSEC promote efficient spectrum optimize signal trum allocation decisions and policy making. use and help minimize the possibility of harmful coverage and NTIA Departmental Organization Order 25-7 interference between the many critical systems quality. assigns ITS responsibility for measurements that used simultaneously in a combat environment. will guide the effective and efficient use of the spectrum. RSMS program managers coordinate Navy Radar Emission with the NTIA Office of Spectrum Management Measurements (OSM) to ensure that identified spectrum re- International Telecommunication Union (ITU) search needs are addressed. Through the RSMS Recommendation SM.1541 Annex 8 specifies Operations program, ITS provides NTIA, other the out-of-band emission limits for radar sys- Federal agencies, and the executive branch with tems internationally and is akin to the United radio spectrum data, data analysis, reports, and States’ RSEC. At the request of the Navy, the summaries. RSMS encompasses the following RSMS Operation program in FY 2012 performed types of measurements: emission measurements of a Navy radar system. • Spectrum surveys and channel usage Subsequently, the measured data was used to • Equipment characteristics and compliance develop a report that was submitted to the Navy • Interference resolution and electromagnetic to confirm the radar meets the requirements of compatibility Recommendation SM.1541 Annex 8. Compli- • Signal coverage and quality ance with SM.1541 Annex 8 is especially critical Aircraft Radar Emission to the Department of Defense, as many of its Measurements radar operations occur inside, or close to, other countries’ territories. In FY 2012, ITS engineers, in conjunction with engineers from Boeing and Raytheon, per- Terminal Doppler Weather formed a two-week-long set of emission mea- Radar Interference surements on a newly-developed radar system In early 2009, the Federal Aviation Adminis- that will be integrated into existing Air Force tration (FAA) became aware of interference to aircraft platforms to expand capabilities and their 5 GHz Terminal Doppler Weather Radar extend service life while reducing maintenance (TDWR) systems from Unlicensed National In- costs. The measurements were performed in an formation Infrastructure (U-NII) wireless devices anechoic chamber (operated by the Department operating in the same frequency band. TDWRs of Defense) with the aircraft inside (Figure 1). provide warnings of gust fronts, windshear, Equipment from the RSMS program was used microbursts, and other weather hazards for to successfully collect all the necessary data. The improved safety of operations in and around

24 Spectrum and Propagation Measurements

major airports. In 2009–2010, ITS conducted private industry representatives. ITS engineers Related field measurements to identify the cause of worked with private industry representatives Publications interference and laboratory tests to understand to field test newly-developed U-NII devices and J.E. Carroll, F.H. the interference mechanism and how to im- made time-domain recordings of TDWR emis- Sanders, R.L. Sole, prove the FCC device certification process to sions (Figure 2) that may eventually be used by and G.A. Sanders, prevent interference. the private sector to test their systems prior to “Case Study: investigation of In FY 2012, the RSMS Operations program submitting them for official FCC certification. interference into continued to support the FAA and the FCC to Finally, ITS publicly released the final in a 5 GHz weather identify solutions to prevent interference to three part series of NTIA technical reports detail- radars from these critical radar systems. As technical subject ing the 2009–2010 NTIA study of electromag- unlicensed national matter experts ITS engineers participated in netic compatibility between TDWR systems and information several meetings with the FAA, FCC, OSM, and 5 GHz U-NII devices. infrastructure devices, Part I,” NTIA Report TR-11-473, Nov. 2010. J.E. Carroll, G.A. Sanders, F.H. Sanders, and R.L. Sole, “Case Study: Investigation of interference into 5 GHz weather radars from unlicensed national information infrastructure devices, Part II,” NTIA Report TR-11-479, Jul. 2011. J.E. Carroll, G.A. Sanders, F.H. Sanders, and R.L. Sole, “Case Study: Investigation of interference into 5 GHz weather radars from unlicensed national information infrastructure devices, Part III,” NTIA Report TR-12-486, Jun. 2012.

For more information contact: John Carroll Figure 1 (top). Air Force aircraft (masked in photo) in DOD anechoic chamber during emission (303) 497-3367 measurements. Figure 2. ITS engineer John Carroll and OSM engineer Robert Sole make time- jcarroll@ domain recordings of TDWR emissions. Photos by Frank Sanders. its.bldrdoc.gov

25 The Spectrum Sharing Innovation Spectrum Sharing Innovation Test Bed Test Bed Pilot Pilot Program Program provides an opportunity for Outputs Federal agencies to • Completed and released the Phase II/III field test plan. work cooperatively with researchers Overview Phase I Testing from industry and TIA, in coordination with the FCC and By the beginning of FY 2012, test bed engi- academia to other Federal agencies, established a Spec- neers had completed Phase I laboratory testing investigate new N trum Sharing Innovation Test Bed pilot program on two DSA devices, drafted a field test plan, and technologies that to examine the feasibility of dynamic spectrum concluded an abridged set of tests on two other might improve DSA devices. Testing on the latter two devices management of the sharing between Federal and non-Federal users was cut short due to irregularities in the devices’ nation’s airwaves. as a means of improving spectrum efficiency. Dynamic spectrum The program is evaluating the ability of dynamic detect-and-avoid algorithms and incompatible access may permit spectrum access (DSA) devices that use spec- test mode interfaces. (The test mode is required new radios to share trum sensing and/or geolocation techniques to to facilitate automated detection performance spectrum with land share spectrum with land mobile radio (LMR) measurements needed for statistical analysis.) mobile radio systems operating in the 410–420 MHz Federal These devices were returned to the participants systems in the band. DSA technology permits a transceiver to for further examination and modification. Un- same band. But is appraise its radio frequency environment us- fortunately, due to resource constraints, neither this technology ing spectrum sensing and to opportunistically participant was able to implement the necessary mature enough to exploit vacant spectrum in time and frequency modifications, so testing was either halted or postponed for these systems. ensure availability on a non-interference basis. and preclude Phase II and III Testing Begins interference to Program Design In FY 2012 the field test plan for Phases II mission critical The test bed program assesses the character- and III was circulated for Federal agency and public safety istics of several DSA devices under both lab and test bed participant review and comment. Com- systems? field conditions to determine the maturity of ments were reviewed and addressed and the DSA technology and to inform the rulemaking final Phase II/III Test Plan was published in July process. The objective is to define key perfor- 2012. Phase II testing then began on the first mance indicators for DSA devices that might DSA device. Phase II of the test plan examines permit a rulemaking and allow spectrum shar- DSA devices’ spectrum sensing capabilities in ing without harmful interference to incumbent a live LMR environment while restricting their LMR systems. transmissions. The program is divided into two categories The subsequent Phase III suite of tests per- of testing. Phase I involves bench-top labora- mits the DSAs to transmit freely within a con- tory measurements of DSA radio characteristics trolled LMR system. Phase III introduces the DSA such as transmitter emissions, sensor perfor- devices to a variety of controlled LMR operating mance, and policy-based radio etiquettes. This scenarios and examines their behavior while is performed under controlled conditions at monitoring LMR receivers for harmful interfer- ITS’s lab in Boulder. NTIA’s Office of Spectrum ence. A number of preparations for Phase III Management uses the lab measurement results testing were accomplished this year. A number to develop models that predict the interference of exploratory drive tests were conducted and potential of the devices. Key performance indi- a suitable outdoor test range was chosen. We cators measured in the lab suggest conditions in procured and installed base station antennas which DSA devices might operate without caus- at two ITS managed communications sites (Fig- ing harmful interference to incumbent systems. ure 1) and installed a pneumatic mast on a drive Follow-on field testing performed in Phases II test vehicle (Figure 2). Finally, we developed and and III test the assumptions developed in Phase configured a base station simulator using a I through system-level field tests of DSA radios vector signal generator, and selected a suitable in live LMR environments. trunked LMR system.

26 Spectrum and Propagation Measurements

Figure 1 (above). Omnidirec- tional base station antenna (top of left tower) at the ITS Green Mountain communica- tions facility.

Figure 2 (right). Test van with pneumatic mast deployed for For more Phase II field measurement of information DSA sensor performance. contact: Eric D. Nelson Photos by Eric Nelson. (303) 497-7410 enelson @its.bldrdoc.gov

27 FCC regulations restrict wireless Table Mountain Research Program radio transmissions Outputs in two “radio quiet zones” in the U.S. • Ground constant measurements and modeling Restrictions are • NOAA Weather Radio Receiver performance testing and validation designed to • Antenna characterization and radio propagation studies minimize harmful interference at the • Radar and LADAR research National Radio Astronomy Overview different measurement approaches have been Observatory and he Table Mountain Field Site and Radio created, and prototypes of systems based on the neighboring TQuiet Zone supports fundamental re- these simulations have been built and tested at Naval Radio search into the nature, interaction, and evalu- the Table Mountain facility. The goal of this pro- Research ation of telecommunication devices, systems, gram is to identify the technical challenges for Observatory, both and services. In addition to ITS telecommunica- making these measurements, and to develop a in West Virginia, tions research designed to enhance scientific measurement technique that may be used to and at Table knowledge, other research is performed at Table map the electrical properties of surface soils at Mountain. ITS Mountain by other Department of Commerce the Table Mountain site. These data can then be administers the laboratories collocated on the Boulder Labs used to calibrate other measurement systems, Table Mountain campus and by other Federal and non-Federal and will help improve propagation modeling site for the DOC entities. Cooperative research and development and prediction tools for near-Earth radio wave Boulder agreements (CRADA) with private industry allow propagation. Laboratories. In companies to benefit from the unique resources addition to Radar and LADAR Research available at ITS to test and optimize new and coordinating use of The Table Mountain field site provides a improved products prior to bringing them to the site by Federal large, open, unobstructed area that is ideal for market. Interagency agreements allow agencies laboratories, ITS the study of traditional radar as well as laser other than Commerce to also make use of this makes it available based LADAR systems. Researchers use the Table Federal resource. for commercial and Mountain facility to validate new measurement academic research Antenna Research methods, and to test the operation and perfor- and development When performing a comprehensive survey of mance of new radar and LADAR systems. Syn- through the radio signals present at some location, it is thetic aperture LADAR is one of the emerging cooperative necessary to include signals arriving from any technologies tested by CRADA partners at Table agreements. direction with any possible polarization. Most antennas commonly used for spectrum surveys are typically limited in their response to specific polarizations and signals coming from a certain direction. ITS researchers have been studying a hybrid antenna array or 3-axis antenna (see figure) that has the potential to detect signals arriving from any direction, at any time, and with any polarization. This will enable surveys that provide a better understanding of the mul- tidimensional aspect of the radio environment, rather than just taking a narrow sampling of signals with specific characteristics. Free Field Measurements of the Electrical Properties of Soil ITS engineers have been experimenting with a number of different methods for measuring the dielectric properties of soil at the Table Prototype 3-axis antenna design under devel- Mountain site. Numerical simulations for several opment at ITS. Photo by Wayde Allen.

28 Spectrum and Propagation Measurements

Mountain. Work in this area serves to improve • Lockheed Martin/Coherent Technologies Related the capability of these systems, especially for op- • First RF Corporation Publications eration in high clutter and dusty environments. • University of Colorado, AUGNet J.W. Allen, “A NOAA Weather Radio (NWR) CRADA Partner Publications prototype antenna Testing • Jason Roadman, Jack Elston, Brian Argrow, for total RF field and Eric W. Frew. “Mission Performance of measurement,” NWR provides continuous information on the the Tempest UAS in Supercell Storms.” AIAA NTIA Report latest weather conditions directly to the public Journal of Aircraft, (accepted Mar. 2012). TR-12-483, from the National Weather Service (NWS) of- • Cory Dixon and Eric W. Frew, “Optimizing Oct. 2011 fices. A 1975 White House Policy statement des- Cascaded Chains of Unmanned Aircraft act- ignated NWR as the sole Government-operated ing as Communication Relays.” IEEE Journal N. DeMinco et al., radio system to provide warnings regarding on Selected Areas in Communications, 30(5): “Free-field natural disasters and nuclear attack directly into 883-898, June 2012. measurements of private homes. As an extension to this policy, • Eric W. Frew, Jack Elston, Brian Argrow, Adam the electrical in cooperation with the Federal Emergency Houston, and Erik Rasmussen. “Unmanned properties of soil Management Agency (FEMA) and the Federal Aircraft Systems for Sampling Severe Local using the surface Communications Commission (FCC), NWS has Storms and Related Phenomena.” Robotics wave propagation expanded the role of NWR to include “all haz- and Automation Magazine, 19(1):85-95, between two ards”—natural disasters such as earthquakes or March 2012. monopole avalanches, environmental catastrophes such as • Neeti Wagle and Eric W. Frew. “Transfer Learn- antennas,” NTIA chemical releases or oil spills, and public safety ing for Dynamic RF Environments.” In Pro- Technical Report emergencies such as AMBER Alerts™ or 911 ceedings 2012 American Control Conference, TR-12-484, telephone outages. Montreal, Canada, Jun. 2012. Jan. 2012 ITS has developed simulated broadcasts and • Anthony Carfang and Eric W. Frew. “Real-Time a series of repeatable measurement methods Estimation of Wireless Ground-to-Air Com- J.W. Allen, “A 3-axis to test the performance of NWR receivers. antenna array for NOAA allows receivers that meet the required munication Parameters.” In Proceedings IEEE polarimetric Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) perfor- International Conference on Computing, Net- spectrum surveys,” mance specifications to bear the NWR logo, working and Communications (ICNC 2012), in Proceedings of which certifies to the public that a model is Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks Sym- the 2012 IEEE EMC capable of receiving weather and/ or warn- posium, Maui, Hawaii, January/February 2012. International ing information from NWS Forecast Offices, • Neeti Wagle and Eric W. Frew. “Spatio- Symposium on Department of Homeland Security offices, and temporal Characterization of Airborne Radio Electromagnetic Emergency Operation Centers. Individual NWR Frequency Environments.” Wireless Network- Compatibility, receiver manufacturers can enter into CRADAs ing for Unmanned Autonomous Vehicles (IEEE Aug. 2012 with ITS in order to have equipment tested, GlobeCom11 Workshop - Wi-UAV), Houston, problems uncovered, and improvements made TX, December 2011. to weather radio receiver models before the CRADA Publications Indirectly For more choice is made to apply to NOAA to use the Supported by Table Mountain information Activities NWR logo. Receivers that meet the standards contact: during the ITS and subsequent NWS evaluations • T. X. Brown, N. M. Balasubramanya, “Dynamic J. Wayde Allen will be recommended for use of the logo. ITS Outage, Availability, and Interference Models (303) 497-5871 serves as NWS’s independent CEA-2009-B sur- for Mobile Cognitive Radios.” In Proceedings wallen veillance test lab for NWR receivers. of the 2011 IEEE Global Communications Con- @its.bldrdoc.gov The compiled results of numerous tests made ference (GlobeCom), Houston, TX, December For information by ITS also help NOAA determine the possible 6–8, 2011. about NWR cause of receiver malfunctions reported by the • A. L. Houston, B. Argrow, J. Elston, J. La- testing, contact: public when receivers do not respond during a howetz, E. W. Frew and P. C. Kennedy. “The Raian F. Kaiser weather event or other broadcast emergency. Collaborative Colorado-Nebraska Unmanned Aircraft System Experiment.” Bulletin of the (303) 497‑5491 FY 2012 CRADA Partners American Meteorological Society, 93(1):39- rkaiser • Areté Associates 54, January 2012. @its.bldrdoc.gov

29 In a joint research Right top: ITS engineer, DJ Atkinson effort between ITS (podium), well known for his public and NIST/OLES, safety audio quality research, moder- the PSCR program ates a Digital Radio for Firefighters has built a 700 MHz session at the 2012 International Public Safety Wireless Communications Exposition Broadband (IWCE). We were deeply saddened by Demonstration the loss of our talented team member Network over and friend when DJ died April 24, which public safety 2012. Also shown are firefighters Ken communications Link (left) and Paul Roberts (right) who systems can be both supported DJ’s research over the tested in a multi- years. Photo by Jeff Bratcher. vendor, neutral, host environment. Right bottom: ITS IT Specialist Ted The network Mullen monitors Long-Term Evolution comprises three (LTE) eNodeB data throughput at the stationary eNodeB Table Mountain Field Site and Radio base stations, and Quiet Zone, one of three stationary one mobile eNodeB eNodeB sites in the PSCR demonstra- station housed on a tion network that supports broadband trailer. This communications research for the configuration Nationwide Public Safety Broadband allows stakeholders Network (NPSBN). The others are at to perform the Green Mountain Mesa Field Site comprehensive and the ITS Public Safety Radio Lab. system and node- Photo by John Ewan. level tests, Left top: Over 350 meet- including in-depth ing participants filled two and advanced ballrooms for the PSCR-hosted performance Spring 2012 Public Safety testing and multi- Broadband Demonstration user, loaded Network Stakeholder Meet- network stress ing in Broomfield, Colorado. testing. Keynote speaker Anna Gomez, NTIA’s Deputy Assistant Secretary for Communications and Information, spoke to the importance of state and local representatives on the 15 member First Responder Net- work Authority (FirstNet) board to ensure its process includes a local voice.

Left bottom: Stakeholder Meeting participants view the PSCR demonstration network’s mobile eNodeB cell. The mo- bile cell allows ITS researchers to study network interference and throughput in different locations. Photos by Ken Tilley.

30 Telecommunications and Information Technology Planning

Telecommunications and Information Technology Planning

he Telecommunications and Information Technology Planning Division is focused on research, Tdevelopment, and testing efforts from the perspective of the system or network level. Projects include development, testing, and evaluation of existing, new, and proposed telecommunications and information technology systems with a focus on improving efficiency, interoperability, perfor- mance, and reliability. This work, commonly referred to as systems engineering, is performed for both wireline and wireless applications. The division conducts all phases of strategic and tactical planning, as well as problem solving and actual engineering implementation. ITS engineers identify users’ functional requirements and translate them into technical specifications. In the process, telecommunication system designs, net- work services, access technologies, and information technologies are all analyzed. The work within the Public Safety Communications Research (PSCR) program, a joint effort between ITS and the NIST Law Enforcement Standards Office (NIST/OLES), continues to focus on public safety interoperable communications. The program performs research, development, testing, and evaluation to foster nationwide public safety communications interoperability. The program has been shifting focus to broadband technologies in support of an upcoming nationwide public safety broadband network. Below is a summary of the significant project areas that researchers in the Telecommunications and IT Planning Division worked on during FY 2012. Details pertaining to each project are described in separate sections on the following pages.

Public Safety Communications Multimedia Quality Research Research Program The Institute characterizes and analyzes the The PSCR program (www.pscr.gov) is one of fundamental aspects of multimedia quality as- the largest sponsored programs at the Institute. sessment. A primary goal of this research is to The program conducts broad-based technical develop an algorithmic system to objectively efforts aimed at facilitating communications assess multimedia quality by combining audio interoperability and information sharing within quality, video quality, and audiovisual synchro- the public safety community. The sponsors of nization information. the program’s research include the Department International Standards of Homeland Security (DHS) Office for Interop- Standards development organizations (SDO) erability and Compatibility (OIC) and the DHS exist to provide a neutral platform for shaping Office for Emergency Communications (OEC). global consensus on the standards that enable PSCR projects are planned and performed a seamless, robust, and reliable global commu- with coordination among local, state, tribal, nications system. Developing and influencing and Federal practitioners. Technical thrusts international standards supports the full and within the program include: fair competitiveness of the U.S. telecommunica- • Project 25 Compliance Assessment Program tions technology sector. ITS plays a vital role in • Project 25 Standards Development representing the interests of U.S. industry and • Public Safety Audio Quality the U.S. Administration to the ITU-T and other • Public Safety Broadband Requirements and SDOs. In this project ITS provides leadership For more Standards and technical input to the ITU Standardization information • Public Safety Broadband Demonstration Sector (ITU-T), the Video Quality Experts Group contact: Network (VQEG), and the Alliance for Telecommunica- Jeffrey Bratcher • Public Safety Broadband Research tions Industry Solutions (ATIS). Division Chief (303) 497-4610 jbratcher @its.bldrdoc.gov

31 The Multimedia Research Project Multimedia Research explores audio Outputs quality and video quality • Technical papers interactions. • Subjective test best practices Technical papers • Technical content for standards describe the techniques, experiments, and Overview Impact of Mobile Devices and underlying he Audio Quality and Video Quality Proj- Usage Location on Perceived algorithms, ects at ITS study audio quality and video Multimedia Quality transferring the T quality individually. This dichotomy is often Because the number and availability of technology and the advantageous for researching compression and Internet-connected mobile devices is swell- tools to other delivery methods but does not represent how ing, it is becoming increasingly likely that any researchers in given person will view multimedia content on government, most people consume movies, television, or a mobile device. The existence of these devices academia and Internet video. The Multimedia Project builds on makes the task of ensuring high-quality content private industry. the subjective and objective quality assessment delivery much more complicated. The objective methods developed by the Audio Quality and Additionally, in some developing countries, quality Video Quality projects. Internet-connected mobile devices are the measurements Audio Quality × Video Quality primary way people can view multimedia. The produced by ITS = Audiovisual Quality use of these devices makes the task of ensuring research help high-quality content delivery more complicated. multimedia Multimedia subjective tests methodically ask For example, someone could use a set top businesses make many people their opinion of many multimedia box to watch a previously broadcast football informed design clips. Between 2006 and 2012, the Multimedia game on a large TV in a living room. Another decisions about Project conducted a series of subjective tests person could stream a live broadcast of the trade-offs among that looked at the impact of audio and video on football game to a laptop while working in a quality, people’s opinion of audiovisual quality. Each test coffee shop. A commuter using a video-on- compression, and asked people their opinion of audio samples, of demand service could use a tablet to watch the bandwidth. video samples, and of audiovisual samples. Labs latest popular sitcom. Students abroad could around the world conducted similar tests. download a weather forecast using a smart­ A study documenting the development of phone. How is delivered quality measured in an audiovisual model (an equation used to these situations? calculate audiovisual quality) appeared in the To answer this question, ITS conducted sub- IEEE Signal Processing Magazine in November jective tests using HDTV videos. The subjects 2011. The equation uses individually measured were shown the same audio and video on six audio and video quality to predict audiovisual devices: two smartphones, a tablet, two laptops, quality and is surprisingly simple—a simple mul- and a broadcast-quality television and speakers. tiplication of audio quality times video quality This experiment was conducted in two different environments. One was a traditional lab envi­ provides a fair estimate of audiovisual quality. ronment and the other was a simulated living This equation is an important research con- room. The quality ratings obtained in the lab tribution as it can help: and in the living room were statistically identical • Telecommunications service providers to (Figure 1). apportion audio and video bandwidth Analysis, a publication, and several presenta- intelligently tions reporting on the results of this experiment • Equipment manufacturers build tools to took place this year. For example, an ITS engi- predict audiovisual quality from separate mea- neer presented the paper “Impact of Mobile sures of audio quality and video quality Devices and Usage Location on Perceived Mul- It can also inform the design of forthcoming timedia Quality” at the International Workshop audiovisual subjective tests and objective quality on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX) measurement tools. in July.

32 Telecommunications and Information Technology Planning

Extending the research results of the previous Related tests, ITS began research on 3DTV in FY 2012. Publications: Initially, the project established a laboratory ca- A. Catellier, M. pability and obtained a selection of high-quality Pinson, W. Ingram, 3DTV video sequences which were used in pre- A. Webster, “Impact of mobile liminary testing. Further research in 3DTV will devices and usage be carried out in future years under the video location on quality research project. perceived In another extension of previous efforts, multimedia research on multimedia quality and its relation- quality,” 2012 ship to effective lip-reading and sign-language Fourth communication began in FY 2012. ITS staff International Workshop on conducted a literature search and video-taped Quality of subjects conversing to use in task-based tests Multimedia designed to determine the quality needed for ef- Experience fective communication using lip reading and/or (QoMEX), sign-language. See Figure 2 for example frames pp. 39–44, of these test sequences. Follow-on research ef- 5–7 July 2012 forts in this area will be carried out in future Margaret H. years under the video quality research project. Pinson, William This project concluded at the end of FY Ingram, Arthur 2012 and further work in audiovisual quality re- Webster, search will be addressed in the video and audio “Audiovisual projects. quality components: An 5 analysis,” IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, vol. 28, 4 no. 6, pp. 60–67, November 2011


2 MOS from Simulated Living Room

1 1 2 3 4 5 MOS from Standards−Based Environment

Figure 1. Mean opinion scores (MOS) for each sequence used in subjective tests performed in two different environments on six devices are For more shown in a scatter plot, with the MOS from the information standards-based environment on the x-axis and contact: the MOS from the simulated living room on Figure 2. A series of stills from videos of Arthur A. Webster the y-axis. The data has a correlation of 0.992, subjects conversing that were filmed for use (303) 497-3567 indicating that a less-controlled environment in task-based subjective multimedia quality webster did not have a significant effect on MOS. testing. @ its.bldrdoc.gov

33 The P25 Compliance Project 25 Compliance Assessment Assessment Program Program impacts billions of dollars in Outputs purchases of public • Development of technical materials for DHS P25 CAP Governing Board safety equipment by providing a • Grant guidance language for Federal P25 equipment grant programs mechanism to • Laboratory assessment program management and subject matter expertise ensure that • Compliance assessment related P25 standards purchased equipment conforms to Overview P25 Compliance Assessment Program (CAP) to test equipment for standards compliance. interoperability istorically, public safety agencies have standards. By Hpurchased and used equipment made Program Structure supporting the by different manufacturers with inconsistent The P25 CAP is a voluntary program that migration from manufacturing practices and using different allows P25 equipment suppliers to formally proprietary and spectra. As a result of these inconsistencies, the demonstrate their products’ compliance with stove-piped equipment could not interoperate, preventing a select group of requirements within the P25 communications many public safety agencies from communicat- systems to open, suite of standards. The purpose of the program ing when lives were in danger. Public safety standards-based is to provide emergency response agencies with organizations and the communications industry infrastructure, the evidence that their communications equipment partnered through Project 25 (P25) to eliminate P25 CAP ensures meets P25 standards for performance, confor- these issues by developing standards for easy that emergency mance, and interoperability. Rather than relying interoperability of radios and other components response on a large centralized test facility, the program regardless of manufacturer. The goal of P25 is to technologies recognizes independent laboratories authorized specify formal standards for interfaces between effectively meet to conduct testing. It is an outstanding example the various components of a land mobile radio the needs of of Government making a minimal investment (LMR) system, commonly used by emergency practitioners in that catalyzes industry and the community it the field. responders. serves to develop a solution that will affect bil- After years of effort, industry was successfully lions of dollars in purchases. incorporating standards into much of the radio ITS supports NIST/OLES and DHS OIC in car- and communications equipment used by public rying out the rigorous and objective assessment safety. However, preliminary test data indicated process through which test laboratories dem- that some radios sold under the P25 label did onstrate their competence, promoting the user not meet all of the standards’ requirements. community’s confidence in, and acceptance of, The problem was the lack of a reliable method test results from these recognized laboratories. to verify equipment compliance with P25 stan- Eight laboratories were recognized under this dards. “Testing was something that, for a long program as of May 2009, and all equipment time, public safety assumed occurred, but then suppliers that participate in the P25 CAP must they realized that their toasters were tested to use these recognized laboratories to conduct a higher degree than their radio systems,” says performance, conformance, and interoperability Dereck Orr, National Institute of Standards and tests. The P25 equipment suppliers then release Technology/Office of Law Enforcement Stan- summary test reports from these recognized dards (NIST/OLES) Communications Program labs along with declarations of compliance. Manager. This documentation increases the public’s con- In 2008, ITS, NIST/OLES and the Department fidence in the performance, conformance, and of Homeland Security’s Office of Interoperability interoperability of P25 equipment. Further, the and Compatibility (DHS OIC) worked together declaration of compliance related documents to build an independent coalition of public developed by program participants provide use- safety users and communications equipment ful technical information about the equipment. manufacturers to address this issue. This led to The P25 CAP is a partnership among ITS, DHS the creation of the congressionally-mandated OIC, NIST/OLES, industry, and the public safety

34 Telecommunications and Information Technology Planning

community. It provides a forum where perfor- ITS is assisting NIST/OLES and DHS OIC in mance, conformance, and interoperability is- the process of transitioning the assessment sues that emerge as the technology and the user and recognition of participating P25 CAP test needs evolve can be recognized and resolved laboratories to commercially available ISO/IEC before product launch and deployment. ITS 17011 based accreditation bodies. Supplier’s supports this process by leading the develop- Declarations of Compliance and Summary Test ment of Compliance Assessment Bulletins and Reports, first posted to the Responder Knowl- updating them as program needs continuously edge Base (www.rkb.us) Web site in January adapt to changing user requirements. 2010, continue to increase in number. Currently, P25 equipment from thirteen manufacturers is Results represented. The P25 CAP is providing more than 60,000 ITS is working independently of TIA to de- emergency response agencies nationwide velop conformance tests appropriate for com- with a consistent and reliable indicator of P25 pliance assessment for inclusion in the P25 CAP. product compliance. It also provides a means ITS also assisted in developing Federal grant of verifying that billions of Federal grant dollars guidance language for DHS that affects how and Federal procurements of LMR systems are Federal grant money is used by state and local being invested in standardized solutions and public safety in the purchase of communica- equipment that promotes interoperability. tions equipment.

Public safety and industry have partnered through P25 on developing standards that allow radio systems to interoperate regardless of manufacturer For more information contact: Andrew P. Thiessen (303) 497-4427 andrew @its.bldrdoc.gov

35 The overall goal of Project 25 is to Project 25 Standards Development enable and Outputs promote the development and • Leadership roles and formal participation to promote public safety interests in use of achieving P25 goals interoperable land • Technical proposals to accelerate the development of P25 standards satisfying public mobile radio safety requirements (LMR) equipment • User outreach to increase public safety practitioner involvement in the P25 process and systems that and the adoption of P25 standards cost-effectively meet the complex Overview ITS Involvement and evolving mission-critical roject 25 (P25) was established in 1989 ITS began to advance the development radio communi­ Pby governmental entities and the As- of P25 requirements and standards shortly cation needs of the sociation of Public-Safety Communications after P25 was established. Under NIST/OLES public safety Officials – International (APCO) to realize the sponsorship, in FY 2012 support continued community. ITS benefits of digital narrowband land mobile for accelerated development of P25 standards and Telecommunications Systems Bulletins involvement in P25 radio (LMR) technologies for public safety prac- standards (TSB) to meet increasing needs for functionally titioners and other users. Manufacturers, public development enhanced, compliant equipment and systems, safety, government, and other representatives directly supports and to satisfy Congressional mandates. ITS’s participating in the P25 process develop, as a NTIA’s objectives P25 standards development support efforts to advance public public-private partnership, voluntary consensus are an integral part of the Public Safety Com- safety standards with the support of the American munications Research (PSCR) program, a joint communications National Standards Institute (ANSI)-accredited effort of ITS and NIST/OLES. ITS also supports and support first Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA). related areas of emphasis, such as public safety responder needs. APCO Project 25 is unique in that it is an audio quality research and the P25 Compliance open, user-driven standardization process, Assessment Program. In FY 2012, ITS provided with technical and operational requirements technical and organizational representation for established through stakeholder participation. NIST/OLES and directly assisted the approval of new and revised P25 requirements and stan- TIA published standards set the basis by which dards in several critical areas, including the ISSI manufacturers develop, implement, and offer and CAI. For example, TIA published three key P25 equipment and systems; recognized labo- P25 documents that incorporate many technical ratories conduct P25 compliance testing; and and editorial contributions submitted by ITS in users specify, procure, and operate P25 radios FY 2012 and prior fiscal years: and communications infrastructure. • TSB-102-B, Project 25 TIA-102 Documenta- The deployment of P25 equipment and tion Suite Overview, which provides a critically systems continues to grow among the more needed overview of the LMR systems, services, than 60,000 public safety organizations in the and interfaces currently supported by the U.S. and others in over 54 countries. Congress TIA‑102 series of documents. recognized P25 standardization as the preferred • TSB-102.BACC-B, Project 25 ISSI Overview, an solution for narrowband LMR public safety us- umbrella document to the ISSI TIA-102 docu- mentation suite, which reflects the significant ers, and several key P25-defined open interfaces progress made since 2003 by providing a as critical for near-term completion. The P25 high-level overview of the ISSI features, pub- Inter-RF Subsystem Interface (ISSI) and the P25 lished documents, and drafts in progress. Common Air Interface (CAI) were singled out • TIA-102.BAEC-B, Project 25 Data Overview as the most important because they enable and Specification, which provides a compre- multi-agency interoperability using multi-man- hensive overview of TIA-102 data services and ufacturer P25 radios and P25 infrastructures, specification of TIA-102 packet data services, even across large geographic areas including and establishes the technical basis to facilitate different public safety jurisdictions. development of relevant test documents.

36 Telecommunications and Information Technology Planning

Representative Snapshot of TIA-102 Series of Documents (110): TIA-102 Standards and TSBs in effect Standards and TSBs in development Interface Overview & Other Service System Test




BABA, BABA‑1, BABD, 102‑B, AABA‑B, BADA, AAAD‑A, AACA, AACA‑1, BADA, BADA‑1, BADA‑A, AAAC, AAAC‑A, AACC‑A, BADA‑1, BADA‑A, BAEA‑B, AACA‑2, AACA‑A, AACB, BAEA‑B, BAEB‑A, BABB, BABC, BABE, BABF, Other BAGA, BAHA, BAHA‑A, AACB‑x, AACD, AACD‑1, BAEB‑B, BAEE‑B, BAFA‑A, BABG, Cxxx, CABB, CADA, BAJA‑A, BAKA, BAFA‑A AACD‑A, AACE‑A BAHA, BAHA‑A, BAJB, CBAA, CBAB, CBBC, CBBH BAJC, BAJD, BAKA TIA-102 series of documents in relation to principal TIA-102 interfaces and document type. (Representative snapshot based on TSB-102-B and the PSCR P25 DSR “P25 Document Quick Status” chart available at http://www.pscr.gov/outreach/p25dsr/menu_top/p25_documents_quick_status.php.)

Status of P25 Open Interfaces developed by TIA may be adopted by the P25 TSB-102-B describes 13 TIA-102 interfaces: Steering Committee for use by Project 25. Conventional FDMA CAI, Trunked FDMA CAI, Leadership and Participation Trunked Two-Slot TDMA CAI, ISSI, Console Sub- Formal participation by ITS in the P25 process system Interface, Fixed Station Subsystem Inter- continued into FY 2012, with the submission of face, Data Host Interface, Network Management numerous technical and editorial contributions Interface, Telephone Interconnect Interface, and letter ballot comments enabling standards Subscriber-Mobile Data Peripheral Interface, to be approved consistent with ITS and sponsor Key Fill Device-Mobile Radio Interface, Key Man- objectives. An ITS staff member was publicly agement Facility-Key Fill Device Interface, and recognized by the P25 Steering Committee for Inter-Key Management Interface. As part of the his efforts from 2005 to 2011 as Editor of the PSCR program, ITS maintains the P25 Document Project 25 Statement of Requirements (P25 & Standards Reference (P25 DSR, available at http://www.pscr.gov/outreach/p25dsr/p25dsr. SoR). ITS played a key role in assisting the Steer- php), which tracks the current state of TIA docu- ing Committee’s development of an important ments that have been, or are expected to be, document describing the current P25 process, adopted as part of the P25 Standard. The table and also submitted at the Steering Committee’s shows a snapshot summary of the over 100 request a proposal for development of a P25 documents covering these interfaces. System and Standard Definition document to TSB-102-B identifies as future work items clarify the purpose, scope, and content of the only eight of the 68 combinations of high-level P25 Standard as it evolves in relation to the TIA-102 services (within the categories of Tele- TIA-102 documentation suite and to provide services, Bearer, Data, Supplementary, Mobility traceability to the P25 SoR. and Registration, Security, Network Manage- After the February 2012 passage of legisla- ment, and Local to the Subscriber) requiring tion promoting rapid deployment of FirstNet’s For more support by the CAI or ISSI. Realization of the Nationwide Public Safety Broadband Network, information P25 open interfaces and the defining P25 stan- ITS was tasked to expand its work on broad- contact: dards documents was significantly accelerated band requirements and standards development Randall S. by ITS efforts over the past decade. In their for public safety. In light of the current status of Bloomfield current state, the P25 interfaces and standards Project 25, ITS suspended its formal and techni- (303) 497-5489 largely fulfill the project’s original interoperabil- cal participation in TIA TR-8 and Project 25 in rbloomfield ity goals; the generic LMR standards now being mid-FY 2012 to redirect resources accordingly. @its.bldrdoc.gov

37 Improving spectral efficiency within Public Safety Audio Quality public safety Outputs spectrum depends largely on • Technical reports describing experimental conduct and results increased reliance • Contributions to standards bodies regarding measurement methods for public safety on digital rather audio quality than analog radio technology. Digital Overview information on radio usage, the operational environment, and common practices of public radio systems offer ublic safety practitioners work in some safety personnel. Typically, these field studies a number of other of the harshest environments around. P produce two different types of recordings. First, advantages in When they are in those environments, their examples of communications encountered dur- addition to lives depend on their ability to communicate ing typical field operations are recorded so as improved spectral with their coworkers and commanders. It is es- to help increase the understanding and com- efficiency. But for sential that public safety practitioners be able to prehension of public safety operational require- public safety call for help, to warn others, to communicate ments. Second, high-quality digital recordings practitioners, when their lives are in danger. However, some of specific environmental noises are collected intelligibility—the background noises encountered in the public so that they can be shared with the community degree to which safety environment, such as sirens, chainsaws, and used in audio quality research experiments. speech can be and personal alert safety systems (PASS), can understood—is the interfere with those essential communications. Laboratory Research highest priority in Sometimes this interference is so severe that it The high-quality digital recordings are used communications. can prevent a practitioner and the person talk- to reproduce real-life sound levels inside a Public Safety ing with him or her from understanding each sound attenuated chamber which contains an Audio Quality other at the most critical moments. ITU-Standard Head and Torso Simulator (HATS) research To understand how background noise af- (see figure). The HATS has a calibrated speaker characterizes the fects voice communications and to determine representing the mouth and a calibrated micro- factors that what technology improvements are needed phone representing each ear. It can be used to influence to overcome any background noise issues, ITS simulate a conversation in any noise environ- intelligibility of and its program sponsors (NIST/OLES and DHS ment for which a recording exists. Using a pair digital radio OIC) have worked with practitioners to develop of these chambers containing HATS enables communications. and implement tests that measure how digital both halves of a conversation to be simulated This research radios operate in the presence of loud back- and recorded for later analysis or playback to a provides digital ground noise. subjective listener panel. equipment The Public Safety Audio Quality project takes In a previous subjective experiment, a variety manufacturers and an innovative approach to addressing the needs of fire-specific noises were mixed with audio standards bodies of the public safety community. Working directly to perform an intelligibility test. The noises in- important with practitioner agencies, the project conducts cluded such sounds as a chainsaw, a fire-hose information about both field and laboratory studies to increase fog nozzle, a low air alarm from breathing how to design awareness of public safety requirements, con- apparatus, and a PASS alarm. The experiment increased duct experiments that reflect the real environ- compared the intelligibility of digital and analog intelligibility into ment in which public safety must operate, and radio communication systems in the presence digital radio quantify potential communications technology of such noises. Results were published in an systems. issues and identify solutions for those issues. NTIA Report1 and companion recommenda- tions published by the International Association Field Studies of Fire Chiefs.2 The field studies conducted by the project are essential to understand the environments in 1. D. Atkinson and A. Catellier, “Intelligibility which public safety practitioners must operate. of selected radio systems in the presence of To date, field measurements and recordings fireground noise: Test plan and results,” NTIA Technical Report TR-08-453, June 2008. have been made in a variety of public safety vehicles and at several fire scenes to provide 2. IAFC Digital Problem working Group, Interim Report and Recommendations: Fireground noise information specific to noises encountered and Digital Radio Transmissions, International by the fire service. These field studies provide Association of Fire Chiefs, May, 2008.

38 Telecommunications and Information Technology Planning

Broadband’s Impact on Audio The second study, Intelligibility of the Adap- Quality tive Multi-Rate Speech Coder in Emergency-Re- Two audio quality research studies were sponse Environments, expanded the results of completed in 2012, both of which investigated a previous landmark comparison of analog and the possible impact of broadband audio codecs digital radios operating under fireground noise on public safety communications. A broadband conditions. The most recent study used live test public safety network that uses 3GPP Long- subjects to compare the intelligibility of phrases Term Evolution (LTE) radio technology may likely communicated via three types of devices under utilize the Adaptive Multi-Rate (AMR) speech the types of background fire-specific noise coder found in some versions of voice over LTE conditions discussed above—analog, P25, and (VoLTE) for its mission-critical communications. two different AMR bit rates (12.2 and 7.5 kb/s). The first study, Objective Speech Quality Es- The results of the study showed that, in general, timates For P25/VoLTE Interconnection, looked 12.2 kb/s AMR performed better than analog at the Interactions between the type of codec in high-noise conditions and slightly worse than found in Project 25 (P25) digital radios (Multi- analog in low-noise conditions, while P25 was Band Excitation (MBE)) and the codec used in LTE and third generation mobile telephones most often less intelligible than its other three (AMR). The results of the study suggest that counterparts. a conversation between users of a P25 radio Future Work and an LTE device would sound worse than if both users had used the same type of device. In FY 2013 the project will continue to in- Automated evaluation of Mean Opinion Scores vestigate the impact that emerging broadband (MOS) via the Perceptual Evaluation of Speech wireless network technologies will have on pub- Quality (PESQ) algorithm for AMR-MBE inter- lic safety voice communication and publish full actions resulted in scores lower than three, or technical reports on the two studies completed worse than “fair.” in FY 2012.

An ITU-Standard Head and Torso Simulator (HATS) is set up in a sound-isolated booth in the Public Safety Audio Laboratory. Loudspeakers behind the HATS are used to reproduce a desired background noise field. Research- ers use this set up in a controlled acoustic environment to prepare speech samples for subjective testing. In this way, audio samples used for a subjective audio quality test are identical except for the variables under test. Photo by For more Andrew Catellier. information contact: Jeff Bratcher (303) 497-4610 jbratcher @its.bldrdoc.gov

39 The Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Public Safety Broadband Creation Act of Demonstration Network 2012 included provisions to fund Outputs and govern a single • Technical contributions to the public safety community specific to Long-Term Evolution Nationwide Public (LTE) technology Safety Broadband Network. Public • Technical contributions and support to the First Responder Network Authority safety land mobile (FirstNet) radio (LMR) • Cooperative Research and Development Agreements with public safety broadband networks have vendors traditionally been built by individual Overview As part of its role in assisting FirstNet ac- localities or on a tove-piped proprietary systems and non- tivities to build out the NPSBN, the PSCR Broad- statewide basis. contiguous spectrum assignments have band Demonstration Network will also support Deploying new S long impeded effective cross agency/jurisdiction technical contributions to the 3rd Generation cellular public safety land mobile radio (LMR) com- Partnership Project (3GPP)—a collaboration technologies munications. To avoid similar issues with new among six telecommunications standards nationwide will be broadband technology, Congress made spec- bodies to produce globally-applicable cellular far more complex trum in the newly cleared 700 MHz frequency system specifications. and require an band available to public safety for a unified na- unprecedented Goals of the Demonstration tionwide public safety broadband system. The level of Network Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and coordination. The National telecommunications companies public safety leadership are working to develop Public Safety maintain sophisticated test networks and dedi- baseline requirements for interoperability on Broadband cated laboratories to ensure that selected equip- this system. Demonstration ment meets their specifications and to identify The Public Safety Communications Research Network is an (PSCR) program, a joint effort of the National interoperability issues prior to building their independent, Institute of Standards and Technology Law networks or adding new features, hardware, vendor-neutral Enforcement Standards Office (NIST/OLES) and or software. The Public Safety Broadband Dem- venue where public ITS, leads this effort, tailoring it to the unique onstration Network was established at the U.S. safety agencies can operational and technical requirements specific Department of Commerce Boulder Laboratories test equipment and to broadband communications for public safety. to provide an equivalent Government lab facility identify The PSCR Broadband Demonstration Network, in the U.S. where the fragmented, resource- interoperability established in FY 2010, facilitates accelerated constrained community of public safety agen- issues prior to development of testing for emerging Long-Term cies could test and demonstrate public safety building or altering Evolution (LTE) broadband equipment specific 700 MHz broadband networks and applications. their networks. to public safety. This over-the-air broadband demonstration Title VI—Public Safety Communications network and laboratory, operating in the public and Electromagnetic Spectrum Auctions of safety broadband spectrum (LTE Bandclass 14), the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation leverages the expertise of the PSCR staff and the Act of 2012, enacted as Public Law 112-96 on unique assets of the Boulder Laboratories—spe- February 22, 2012, created the First Responder cifically, the Table Mountain Radio Quiet Zone Network Authority (FirstNet). FirstNet is tasked and the Green Mountain Mesa Test Site. with establishing a nationwide public safety The Demonstration Network is made avail- broadband network (NPSBN). This legislation able through cooperative research and develop- also re-allocated the D Block spectrum to public ment agreements (CRADA) for manufacturers safety and created funding mechanisms for and carriers to test the deployment of 700 MHz the network via spectrum auctions. The PSCR systems in a multi-vendor environment. It serves Broadband Demonstration Network will be as an educational site for public safety by allow- leveraged for the research, development, and ing interested agencies to observe these systems testing aspects in support of FirstNet’s vision for and execute public-safety specific test cases that the NPSBN. are unique to their operational environment.

40 Telecommunications and Information Technology Planning

The PSCR Broadband Demonstration Network’s • Explore roaming functionality with LTE and goals are to: non-LTE systems, including how quality of • Assess the defined open interfaces associated service, billing, priority, preemption, and ap- with LTE that will ensure interoperability for plications work when roaming. the public safety broadband system. • Validate key public safety functionalities • Demonstrate broadband air-interface and core network capabilities to provide proof of and requirements, and gather public-safety concepts, improve quality of future systems, specific information to influence the LTE stan- and create new technology and requirement dards process. benchmarks. In FY 2013, the Public Safety Broadband • Evaluate broadcast capabilities for wide-area Demonstration Network project will continue simultaneous data delivery. to conduct studies of LTE technology to drive • Assess interoperability concepts with existing LMR, cellular, and broadband technology, le- the development of the NPSBN in support of the veraging several past PSCR projects. FirstNet vision.

For more information contact: Jeffrey Bratcher Division Chief (303) 497-4610 jbratcher The PSCR drive-test van and the Cell on Wheels (COW) ready for testing. Photo by Ken Tilley. @its.bldrdoc.gov

41 There is little doubt that the Public Safety Broadband Requirements potential benefits and Standards of a nationwide 700 MHz broadband Outputs network are • Development of public safety broadband requirements documents enormous—the ability to transmit • Representation of the First Responder Network Authority in standards development medical data, to • Public safety ranked as top priority for 3GPP in Release 12 run complex • Normative standards-track work for Proximity Services and Efficient Group criminal database Communications queries and to download Overview Approach blueprints of a burning building n 2010 the FCC published the National PSCR has been active in the following re- are just a few of the IBroadband Plan, which outlines how broad- quirements gathering efforts for public safety examples noted by band spectrum will be utilized in the future. The broadband since the spring of 2003: public-safety Plan also detailed the development and imple- • PSCR led the creation of the SAFECOM State- officials. mentation of a nationwide interoperable public ment of Requirements in 2004, which was a safety broadband communications network. In spectrum and technology agnostic perspective D. Jackson, order to assure that the nationwide network of advanced public safety communications “Commentary: 700 would be interoperable across agencies, juris- • PSCR led the National Public Safety Telecom- MHz demonstration dictions, and regardless of manufacturer, PSCR munications Council’s (NPSTC) Broadband network a step in the actively participated in the requirements gather- Working Group to develop a 700 MHz Broad- right direction,” Urgent ing and standards development process on be- band Statement of Requirements in 2007 Communications, • PSCR led the NPSTC Broadband Task Force January 5, 2010 half of public safety. Following enactment of the Middle Class Tax Relief Act of 2012 and the cre- Technology Working Group, which addressed ation of the First Responder Network Authority interoperability issues and delivered its report (FirstNet), the PSCR standards team now directly and recommendations in August 2009 represents FirstNet, and thus all public safety in • PSCR led the NPSTC Broadband Working the United States, in all broadband standards Group in the creation of the qualitative Mission development. Coordinated implementation of a Critical Voice Requirements document in 2011 public safety broadband network under a single • PSCR led the NPSTC Broadband Working network operator—FirstNet—presents a unique Group in the creation of the Local Control opportunity for public safety to define their and Priority & Quality of Service Requirements requirements before deployment and to poten- documents in 2012 tially preemptively eliminate the interoperability • PSCR led the NPSTC Broadband Working problems that have plagued public safety in Group in the creation and delivery of the Pub- land mobile radio. lic Safety Launch Requirements to the FirstNet Board in 2012 Background In its standards development efforts, PSCR PSCR has been active in the requirements also represents FirstNet as a member of ATIS, gathering and standards development process 3GPP, and GSMA—the organizations that are for public safety broadband communications collectively responsible for developing the stan- since its inception in 2003. PSCR actively partici- dards for the LTE technology selected by public pated in the TIA standards process for land mo- safety for 700 MHz broadband. As a result of bile radio and has long-standing relationships PSCR’s involvement, public safety was identified with many public safety organizations that as the top priority in 3GPP for Release 12. PSCR focus on defining requirements for public safety currently represents FirstNet in ensuring Release communications. PSCR is uniquely positioned 12 LTE products contain two critical features for to represent public safety as new broadband public safety: efficient group communications technologies are tested in PSCR’s Demonstra- capabilities and direct mode capability. tion Network and as the nationwide network is As part of its requirements and standards built out. work, PSCR is coordinating with public safety

42 Telecommunications and Information Technology Planning

organizations in the United Kingdom, continen- million public safety users in the country. The tal Europe, Canada, and Australia as they begin newly available 700 MHz spectrum will let pub- to develop public safety broadband efforts for lic safety adopt broadband technologies that their first responders. support high-speed data transmission across long distances creating access to video, map- Value to Public Safety ping, GPS applications, and more. It is crucial Broadband technology presents a significant that public safety’s requirements be incorpo- opportunity for public safety agencies to use rated into the standard so that Federal grant a nationwide interoperable communications dollars and taxpayer dollars are spent only on network that meets the unique needs of first equipment that is interoperable and allows first responders and is deployed by a single network responders to better carry out their mission of operator (FirstNet). There are as many as five protecting lives and property.

Principal Relevant Requirements and Standards Documents

• SAFECOM Statement of Requirements (SoR) for Public Safety Communications Interoperability (2006–2008) • NPSTC Public Safety 700 MHz Broadband Statement of Requirements (SoR) (2007) • NPSTC Broadband Task Force Requirements • NPSTC Mission Critical Voice Communications Requirements for Public Safety Functional De- scription (2011) • NPSTC LC21 “Local Control in the Nationwide Public Safety Broadband Network,” Rev. F, March 19, 2012 • NPSTC “Priority and QoS in the Nationwide Public Safety Broadband Network,” Rev 1.0, April 17, 2012 • NPSTC Public Safety Broadband High-Level Launch Requirements, Statement of Requirements for FirstNet Consideration (December 7, 2012) • 3GPP TR22.803 Feasibility study for Proximity Services (ProSe) (Release 12) v12.0.0 (December 2012) • 3GPP TS22.468 Group Communications System Enablers for LTE (Release 12) v0.2.0 (November 2011)

For more information contact: Andrew P. Thiessen (303) 497-4427 andrew @its.bldrdoc.gov

43 Public safety broadband users Public Safety Broadband Research have unique needs Outputs compared to users of civilian cellular • Investigations into MIMO mechanisms networks. Signal • Software-defined radio test instrument technologies degradation that is a nuisance to a Overview Investigations of MIMO civilian user may be ith the assignment of new spectral re- Mechanisms life-threatening in Wsources and congressional funding for a Almost all LTE systems in the United States a public safety mandated public safety nationwide broadband operate in the 700 MHz band and use cross emergency. The network, the public safety community is ready polarized antennas to achieve the radio path dif- most promising to fully embrace broadband technologies as a ferences required for MIMO. Propagation effects technology to vital tool for their mission requirements. Unlike on these signals due to ground-based objects assure public safety civilian networks, however, public safety net- have not been extensively studied and network broadband works must often offer coverage in areas where designers must use very conservative assump- transmissions are no billable customers normally reside (for ex- tions in current LTE networks. The Public Safety both robust and ample, forests or desolate mountainous areas). Broadband Research project is working to fill this efficient is Long- Of course, public safety coverage must also knowledge gap using current propagation mod- Term Evolution extend to densely populated urban areas, and els combined with a measurement campaign (LTE) using both coverage situations must offer the flex- conducted in the laboratory as well as in the multiple input, ibility and scalability to accommodate small field. For the laboratory work, a MIMO-capable multiple output numbers of users in regular situations as well as signal generator is available, but field studies (MIMO) capacity-straining usage scenarios during criti- require a test signal of significant strength. techniques. The cal emergencies. In these situations, additional However, all current LTE networks provide a test Public Safety personnel may be brought in from other juris- signal embedded in their LTE transmissions that Broadband dictions to meet mission requirements, greatly is being used for the current measurement. Research program increasing the number of users on the network The reception of the MIMO signal proceeds in at ITS explores during the emergency period. two phases. During the channel characterization ways to optimize The public safety broadband network must phase, which occupies a small fraction of the these technologies. also operate under more severe reliability con- total signal transmission time, a known refer- In the process, the straints than those faced by civilian networks ence signal is sent from each of the two cross program is and it must keep operating over long periods polarized transmission antennas in turn—i.e., developing new of time during widespread disasters like floods only one of the two transmitting antennas is tools for active and hurricanes. These and other factors drive on at any given instant with the two antennas network testing. the need for public safety broadband research. alternating their transmissions. Both “legs” of While the needs of The Public Safety Broadband Research project the dual polarized receiving antenna, shown in the public safety seeks ways to assure highly efficient data trans- Figure 1, receive the test signal from whichever community are fer to public safety broadband users in subopti- transmitting antenna is active and the receiver most urgent, the mal radio conditions. Currently, the broadband can use the known properties of the signal to results of this technology of greatest interest to public safety is measure the characteristics of the radio channel research will be Long-Term Evolution (LTE) and, arguably, one of between the active transmitting antenna and applicable to the strongest determinants of spectral efficiency the two cross-polarized receiving antennas. A inform design in LTE is the use of multiple input, multiple short time later, the other transmitting antenna decisions for any output (MIMO) techniques to carry more than sends out its reference signal, and the process is high-speed wireless one information stream over the same spectral repeated to determine the characteristics for its data system. allocation. In the current LTE implementation of radio channel. In LTE, this entire cycle occurs over MIMO, the receiver receives two different signals a time period of about 428 microseconds, or just that are transmitted at the same frequency but over 2000 times per second, with each reference from different antennas. Under good signal-to- signal sent for just over 70 microseconds. noise ratio (SNR) conditions, the receiver can In the second phase of the process, both take advantage of knowledge of the two slightly transmitting antennas are energized at the different radio paths to separate the two signal same time to send two different signals in the components from the aggregate signal received. same frequency band. The receiver uses the

44 Telecommunications and Information Technology Planning

channel information acquired in the first phase this type. This capability would be nearly unique to separate the two received signals using one among existing LTE test instrumentation, and of several possible algorithms. would allow much greater flexibility in active In order to study this signal, a special dual re- network testing. ceiver system capable of synchronized sampling Conclusions is required, as shown in Figure 2. Using these two components, we have investigated the Both of the efforts mentioned above are fine structure properties from civilian networks by no means restricted to use in the public as well as public safety systems. Differences in safety spectrum, but could easily be expanded to include civilian LTE as well. Although the the quiescent behavior between infrastructure immediate goal is to provide the public safety devices from different manufacturers is evident, community with guidelines and measurements as is the need for robust signal processing about network tuning to optimize the MIMO algorithms to achieve synchronization under capabilities and maximize spectral efficiency, poor signal propagation conditions. Although the information being gathered here is use- the complexity of the LTE signal makes these ful across a wide range of scenarios. Indeed, investigations difficult, it also offers the promise MIMO promises to be one of the most useful of helping to identify radio channel behaviors tools needed to achieve the spectral efficiency in situ and in greater detail than has previously targets in current Federal policy. This work can been possible. Furthermore, these “digital fin- help ensure informed decisions about its use in gerprinting” concepts may prove of interest in Federal high-speed wireless data systems. the future to help determine the security and health of public safety wireless systems. SDR Test Instrument Technologies The effort described in the previous para- graphs requires the use of laboratory grade test instruments, but another aspect of the Public Safety Broadband Research project concerns the use of inexpensive software-defined radio (SDR) platforms to accomplish many of the field mea- surements needed. MIMO measurements re- quire the use of multiple phase locked receivers to assure time synchronization in the channels being measured. This requirement is expensive to achieve in current test instruments, but has recently become available in the universal soft- ware radio peripheral (USRP) class of devices. This raises the possibility of relatively inexpen- sive signal logging devices that could be used in the field to study MIMO signal characteristics. Another capability of the SDR devices under investigation is their use as radio transceivers, rather than just passive listening instruments. For more As the LTE signal characteristics become better Figure 1 (top). A dual polarized antenna used information understood, we believe that SDR test instru- to receive broadband LTE signals in the 700 contact: ments could be used to produce specialized test MHz spectral range. Figure 2 (bottom). A Dr. Robert B. waveforms as well as act as “lite” user equip- synchronized dual sampling receiver scanning Stafford ment nodes for existing LTE base stations, with system that allows examination of the cross- (303) 497-7835 the closed loop communication and control correlation properties of two radiated MIMO Stafford@its. that would be required for an experiment of signals. Photos by R. Stafford. bldrdoc.gov

45 A radio propagation model Telecommunications Engineering, is an empirical Analysis, and Modeling mathematical computer program he Telecommunications Engineering, Analysis, and Modeling Division conducts studies in these that predicts radio Tthree areas for wireless and wireless-wireline hybrid applications. Engineering encompasses wave propagation— technical assessment of telecommunications systems, their components, and their performance, and hence wireless including the impact of access, interoperability, spectrum sharing, jamming, and interfering signals communications on system effectiveness in Government and commercial operational environments. Analysis is often coverage—as a performed in association with the Propagation Modeling Website (PMW) Program, which offers function of custom tools and propagation prediction models incorporated into GIS formats and web-based frequency, distance, access. Modeling is one of ITS’s core engineering strengths, enabling technical contributions to in- and other ternational and national standards bodies. Propagation models are used in conjunction with terrain conditions. There databases and other data, like population. Adaptations of historic models, and application-specific are different models, have been developed, enhanced, and compared. ITS engineers use field measurements models for different and laboratory simulations to verify and validate the models. Custom tools and unique propagation types of radio links models are developed for specific applications to meet sponsor requirements. under different terrain and environmental conditions. These models are used to help plan equipment deployment. ITS has developed models for many different scenarios based on large collections of measurement data acquired over half a century of continuous research.

Output from PMW VHF 3.0 and PMW HF 1.1. Top: Worldwide REL (time availability, % time SNR exceeds required SNR) output from the ICEPAC PMW HF model, displayed in Esri’s ArcMap™. Bottom: .kmz Field Strength output from all four PMW VHF propagation models (TIREM, Longley- Rice, Undisturbed Field/Mobile-to-Mobile, and COST 231 Extended Okumura-Hata), displayed in Google Earth™.

46 Telecommunications Engineering, Analysis, and Modeling

Engineering Modeling Interference Analysis, Simulation, and Ionospheric Propagation Modeling: ITS Testing in Proposed Shared Spectrum Band propagation engineers maintain models for 1675–1695 MHz: In support of the President’s LF/MF, both ground wave and sky wave, and for spectrum policy initiatives, ITS engineers are HF sky wave. Recent work on the HF models in- researching the potential interference between cludes a C implementation of Recommendation a Federal video surveillance system (VSS) and ITU-R P.533 being shared with WP 3L via tech- the existing Government incumbents in the pro- nology transfer. This work is funded by DOD. posed shared bands. Engineers were able to use Integration of the Empirical and the laboratory simulation, a cost savings over field Undisturbed-Field Models: ITS continues measurements. This work was funded by DHS. development of a model for short-range (2 m Public Safety Video Quality (PSVQ): With to 2 km) propagation between mobile radios and with very low antenna heights, down to the participation of expert viewers, the PSVQ the ground. This work includes propagation project conducts subjective tests on video com- model development and field measurements. In pression and artifacts. The results help public FY 2012, this project was funded by NTIA/OSM. safety agencies specify video equipment for Earth-to-Space Propagation Models: their specific applications. Using these data, ITS ITS propagation engineers build on existing has participated in technology transfer via tech- models previously developed for other agen- nical recommendations for needs-based video cies to accomplish global technology transfer. standards like Rec. ITU-T P.912. ITS engineers IF-77, originally developed by ITS for the FAA, lead VQiPS workshops and working groups. is being updated for the ITU-R SG3 Correspon- This project is funded by NIST/OLES. dence Group 3K3M-9 and is currently being Analysis used in a modified version for an ITS CRADA. Several potential sponsors are interested in this Propagation Modeling Website (PMW): work because of its applicability to Unmanned The Institute continues development of a suite Airborne Systems (UAS). This work is currently of GIS-based applications for propagation mod- funded partially through a CRADA and partially eling and performance prediction. This power- by NTIA. ful GIS format complements ITS’s propagation Broadband Wireless Standards: ITS devel- prediction capabilities. The work is funded by ops radio propagation algorithms and methods the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) through to improve spectrum usage. ITS prepares tech- multiple agencies. One of DOD’s goals is to le- nical contributions in the form of propagation verage this program across as many agencies as models to support the International Telecom- possible to ensure maximum cost-effectiveness. munication Union – Radiocommunications Sec- Web-Based Propagation Analysis Ser- tor (ITU-R) across multiple Study Groups as well vices: ITS provides network-based access to re- as the U.S. private sector. The U.S. is interested search and development of models and various in broadband wireless systems for Study Group databases required for wireless system design 3, Radio Propagation. ITS is very active in path- and evaluation. These services are available to specific model development like Recommenda- Government and non-Government customers tions ITU-R P.1812 and P.452, earth-to-space and are funded through interagency agree- modeling using Recommendation ITU-R P.528, ments or cooperative research and development and ionospheric modeling involving Recom- For more agreements (CRADAs), respectively. In particular, mendation ITU-R P.533. This work is funded information this year’s efforts were funded by NWS. partially by DOD and partially by NTIA. contact: Patricia Raush, Division Chief (303) 497-3568 praush @its.bldrdoc.gov

47 We can also Interference Analysis, Simulation, and unlock the value of otherwise Testing in Proposed Shared Spectrum underutilized spectrum and open Band 1675–1695 MHz new avenues for Outputs spectrum users to derive value • Interference potential assessment through the • Interference mitigation techniques development of advanced, • Interference simulation via propagation modeling situation-aware o support the President’s spectrum range- and frequency-dependent propagation spectrum-sharing policy initiatives, ITS is examining the models to characterize the shared propaga- technologies. T interference potential between various Federal tion environment. Parameters, such as antenna Presidential communication systems that are targeted for patterns, modulation, transmit powers, and re- Memorandum: sharing common spectrum. One of the initia- ceiver sensitivity, are used to accurately describe Unleashing the tive’s proposals involves the spectrum reloca- the interference environment. In addition, Wireless Broadband tion of Federal video surveillance systems (VSS) system use patterns are also parameterized to Revolution, into the 1435–1525 MHz, 1675–1695 MHz, further refine the analysis. This process can be June 28, 2010 or 2200–2290 MHz bands, which are already used to quickly identify benign and troubling in use by existing systems (incumbents).1 This interference scenarios. Once the latter are project’s objective is to study the interference identified, ITS can focus greater attention on potential from relocating Federal VSS services the troubling scenarios to inform users of the into the incumbent band used by NOAA’s Geo- engineering issues that will result from shared stationary Operations Environmental Satellite spectrum use, as well as to develop effective (GOES) and Radiosonde. Based on the results mitigation techniques. of the study, ITS will make recommendations to the affected agencies regarding the feasibility of Simulation maintaining seamless and mission critical com- Simulation of the propagation channel, the munications in the shared band. communications systems, and use patterns can ITS uses simulation, analysis, and testing to help illuminate the complexities of the potential address the feasibility of successfully sharing interference environment. Since the degree to spectrum. Simulation, analysis, and testing which a system can be characterized analytically are, of course, interrelated. Each one of these may be limited, simulation will be used to sup- techniques reveals complementary information plement the analytical information. Simulation about the potential interference interaction be- can also help in the development of mitigation tween systems. The comprehensive and detailed techniques in scenarios where interference is analytical evaluation that ITS engineers provide found to be significant. To explore how to miti- forms a strong basis for simulating and testing gate against interference, simple simulations can interference interactions. be performed using combinations of temporal, spatial, and spectral separations between the Analysis and Modeling communications systems. All these mitigation Interference between systems has to be techniques can be simulated to assure either characterized to allow for a methodical engi- that the services that share the band are unaf- neering analysis of the potential interference fected or that any performance degradation is environment. Once the important parameters evident to all those involved. Simulation has the that define a given communication system are added benefit of replacing expensive field mea- determined, ITS uses an array of tools to model surements that may be too resource-intensive. the interference environment. ITS then uses Laboratory Testing 1. U.S. Department of Commerce, National Laboratory testing is used to verify and vali- Telecommunications and Information Ad- date the conclusions and the inevitable assump- ministration, “An Assessment of the Viability of Accommodating Wireless Broadband in tions that are required to analyze and simulate the 1755–1850 MHz Band,” March 2012. systems. For example, in this project, a test

48 Telecommunications Engineering, Analysis, and Modeling

FDR vs Frequency for VSS XMTR to Radiosonde RCVR 60


50 Figure 1 (left). FDR versus

45 frequency for VSS transmitter

40 to radiosonde receiver.

35 Figure 2 (below). Frequency FDR (dB) FDR 30 separation versus separation

25 distance for VSS transmitter to radiosonde receiver. 20


10 0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 Frequency Separation (MHz)

∆f vs Separation Distance for ht = 20.0 m and ht = 5.0 m VSS XMTR to Radiosonde RCVR circuit was devised to simulate 12 an interference environment to 11 establish the video performance 10 threshold. Testing is valuable in 9 assuring users that the shared 8 spectrum for critical communica- 7 tion functions will be preserved. ∆ f (MHz) 6

Tests also can be used to identify 5 the limitations within the shared 4 band. During the discovery 3 phase of this project, laboratory 2 and field tests were performed 1 to fully determine the range of 0 operations of each receiver and 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 Distance (km) transmitter in an interference- free environment, and determine and confirm substantial improvement in interferer rejection system specifications that are relevant to inter- occurs for frequency separations greater than 5 ference-free transmission and reception (e.g., MHz. output power, sensitivity, signal-to-noise levels, Figure 2 shows the improvement in per- isolation, processing gain, etc.). formance of the target receiver for frequency offset versus distance separation. This type of Pulling it All Together plot graphically aids users sharing the band to Over the course of this project, the tech- develop frequency plans or to establish geo- niques of simulation, analysis, and testing were graphic protection zones. Figure 2 indicates used in an iterative fashion. Parameters that are that the receiver will have less difficulty with critical to the analysis may not be available until interferers at distances greater than 36 km. work progresses in the testing and simulation ITS’s objective was to reduce the complex of systems. This is true in determining the fre- interference environment to a judicious number quency dependent rejection (FDR) for the system of parameters, forging cooperation between proposed for relocation. FDR is a figure of merit the affected users. When decision-makers are For more which indicates how well the receiver can dis- aware of the engineering trade-offs, the result- information criminate desired transmissions from those that ing decisions are more sound. This approach contact: are unwanted. An example FDR curve is shown ensures that Federal systems remain able to Christopher Behm, Figure 1. The graph shows that the receiver has meet the communications needs of their owner (303) 497‑3640, increasing interferer rejection as the separation agencies, even while freeing precious spectrum cbehm distance increases. Figure 1 also shows that a for innovation. @its.bldrdoc.gov

49 Public safety practitioners are Public Safety Video Quality (PSVQ) starting to rely on Outputs: video technology as a tool by which to • Guide to Defining Video Quality Requirements, to help public safety agencies specify keep the Nation video equipment safe. Poor quality • Recommendations Tool for Video Requirements, to provide specific technical video footage can recommendations to public safety agencies based on their needs have serious • Technical contributions to standard bodies to establish video quality measurements implications and and standards for the public safety community may mean the difference between • Technical publications and presentations on video quality life and death. As Overview -- Match needs to technical performance the technology specifications and standards to support evolves, equipment olice and fire agencies often purchase ra- procurement options become dios, cameras, and other communications P -- Develop a glossary of common terms increasingly equipment based on just their local needs. Un- -- Compile an inventory of existing standards complex. Unbiased fortunately, this equipment may not always be and specifications that address various guidance is of sufficiently high quality for use in certain ap- components of the video system for specific essential for plications, nor standardized enough to enable GUCs practitioners to be agencies to communicate with other agencies. -- Develop a common library of test clips that able to clearly Until recently, there were no technical standards represent GUCs articulate their for emergency communications equipment. The Guide is the central framework for il- video quality needs To improve communications for public safety lustrating and disseminating the work of the and make informed agencies, ITS is conducting audio and video other three initiatives, and for any performance purchasing quality research to determine standard param- specifications developed by PSVQ in the future. decisions. eters for levels of quality of communication Its purpose is to assemble in a single repository systems based on the specific needs of public all technical guidelines for use in video system safety practitioners and their applications. design and specification that achieve the de- The PSVQ project is working on behalf of the sired system usage across multiple disciplines. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and The Guide informs policy makers and procure- Web Sites for the Department of Commerce’s Public Safety ment officials who are engaged in the selection Additional Communications Research (PSCR) program to of video systems. The desired usage across dis- Information ensure that first-responder video systems deliver ciplines will drive applicable technical require- ments. These requirements will facilitate the PSVQ Web site: suitable content based on user needs. preparation of video system specifications for http://www.pscr. VQiPS Working Group the public safety end user. gov/projects/ The PSVQ project formed the Video Quality video_quality/ VQiPS Workshop in Public Safety (VQiPS) Working Group (WG) video_about.php PSVQ hosted the fourth VQiPS workshop in under DHS in 2009 to provide the public safety July 2012 (Figure 1). The workshop’s goal was PSCR VQiPS Web community with the knowledge to purchase to bring all users of video in the public safety site: http://www. and employ the most appropriate video systems community together to continue progress pscr.gov/projects/ for their requirements, and to collectively com- on the VQiPS WG initiatives. A wide range of video_quality/vqips/ municate public safety practitioners’ needs to participants attended, including local, state, vqips.php industry and standards-making bodies. and Federal representatives from a variety of The WG’s main initiatives are: SAFECOM VQiPS disciplines such as law enforcement, fire ser- Web site, with • Development of a set of application-inde- vices, and Emergency Medical Services (EMS); publications: pendent usage scenarios, or generalized use representatives from non-profit research http://www. classes (GUCs) organizations and academic institutions; and safecom­program. • Development of Defining Video Quality Re- industry leaders. Ultimately, the VQiPS series of gov/current­ quirements: A Guide for Public Safety to help workshops helps to coordinate efforts in estab- projects/ public safety agencies perform the following: lishing quality requirements for video used in videoquality -- Assess video needs public safety applications.

50 Telecommunications Engineering, Analysis, and Modeling

Related Figure 1 (left). The fourth annual VQ- Publications: iPS Workshop saw good attendance, U.S. Department of with participants from five countries. Homeland Security, Figure 2 (below). The interactive “Assessing Video Video Requirements Web Tool guides Quality for Public practitioners in choosing appropriate Safety Applications requirements for video procurement Using Visual by asking questions about intended Acuity,” Public use. Figure 3 (bottom). The user Safety Communica­ interface for side-by-side visual acuity tions Technical and recognition performance testing. Report DHS-TR- PSC-12-11, Nov. 2012. Available: http://www.pscr. gov/outreach/ safecom/vqips_ reports/assessing_ video_quality_for_ public_safety_ applications_using_ visual_acuity.pdf

U.S. Department of Homeland Security, “Video Quality in Public Safety (VQiPS) 2012 Workshop Report,” Jul. 2012. Available: http://www. safecomprogram. gov/­SiteCollection­ Volume 1 of the Guide was published in July (object size, scene motion, and scene lighting) Documents­/ 2010, and VQiPS will continue as an annual and network conditions (resolution and bitrate) Final_ workshop to address the WG initiatives on an affects the ability of a practitioner to recognize VQiPSWorkshop­ ongoing basis. The Video Requirements Web an object within a scene. The PSVQ project also Report_092912.pdf Tool (Figure 2) was released in July 2012 to pro- incorporated a new video quality metric, visual vide recommendations for a single use case. The acuity, into these experiments (Figure 3). By Generalized Use Class Questionnaire, released measuring acuity and recognition performance in May 2011, provides recommendations that side-by-side, PSVQ was able to match user apply to multiple use cases belonging to one or requirements with specifications for sufficient more use classes. video systems. The test report contains a set of Network Performance recommendations for H.264 compression and For more video resolution specifications for each VQiPS Specification Testing information In support of the Guide, PSVQ performed GUC. These recommendations were incorpo- contact: two experiments to determine network perfor- rated into version 2.0 of the Recommendations Dr. Joel Dumke mance specifications that apply to the VQiPS Tool for Video Requirements (available at: http:// (303) 497-4418 GUCs. These experiments investigated how the www.pscr.gov/outreach/vqips/vqips_guide/ jdumke interaction of several aspects of a video scene rec_tool_vid_reqs.php). @its.bldrdoc.gov

51 Accurate propagation Propagation Modeling Website modeling is an Outputs essential component of • A custom-tailored and installed HF (High Frequency) and VHF (Very High Frequency) wireless Propagation Modeling Website (PMW) Geographic Information System (GIS) software communications suite for multiple DOD, NWS, and future government customers planning, and • Ability to simultaneously run a batch of transmitters, as specified in an Excel® accurate transmitter file geographic • Ability to mosaic DTED1, DTED2, SRTM1, SRTM2 or custom terrain files for use in a information is a propagation analysis critical input for accurate modeling. • Use of parallel threading to decrease propagation analysis time proportional to the ITS has developed number of computer cores openly available • Ability to composite thousands of transmitter analyses to predict regional wireless propagation network coverage for system planning and interference detection for national security modeling tools that and public safety use commercial Geographic Overview ArcObject software and customized VB6.0 Information dvanced Geographic Information System software. Systems (GIS) to A(GIS) models have become an important Over the last five years, ITS has been develop- both acquire tool in recent years for predicting the perfor- ing the newest generation of propagation pre- geographic data mance of communication systems. Government diction tools, the PMW HF and VHF web-based and display operations, including those for public safety GIS solutions. The PMW VHF and HF provides geographic and national security, depend critically on the intranet users with web-accessible propaga- coverage areas. As ability to successfully predict propagation in a tion models, a central imagery/data storage users migrate to variety of environments and conditions. ITS has facility, and a central database location to store Web-based developed the Propagation Modeling Website all propagation analyses, using just one set of systems, the tools (PMW) VHF (Very High Frequency) 3.0 and licensed software, as diagrammed in Figure 1. must also migrate PMW HF (High Frequency) 1.0, web-based GIS Maintaining, operating, and upgrading the to being Web- propagation modeling tools, customized to system are streamlined. accessible. meet the propagation prediction needs of the PMW VHF 3.0 and HF 1.0 Department of Defense (DOD) and National Weather Service (NWS) sponsors. The PMW VHF The PMW VHF 3.0 software currently includes 3.0 covers 1 MHz to 20 GHz, whereas the PMW the capacity to perform propagation analysis HF covers 2 to 30 MHz. using any of four models: Longley-Rice, TIREM The PMW project builds on 30–40 years of ITS expertise in evaluating and analyzing propagation models. ITS devel- oped TA (Telecommunications Analysis) Services, a propagation modeling tool based entirely on FORTRAN software, more than thirty years ago, before commer- cial GIS components, database systems, or sophisticated web development tools were avail- able. In response to the increas- ing use of commercial GIS tools, over 15 years ago ITS created a desktop tool called the Commu- nication Systems Planning Tool Figure 1. PMW VHF 3.0 System Architecture (* indicates (CSPT) based on ESRI ArcGIS® future functionality).

52 Telecommunications Engineering, Analysis, and Modeling

Figure 2. COST 231 Extended Okumura-Hata to Longley-Rice comparison.

3.15, COST 231 Extended Okumura-Hata, and communicates the status of all processes back Undisturbed Field/Mobile-to-Mobile. Figure 2 to the PMW VHF 3.0 or PMW HF 1.0 website for shows two available power analyses—one using users to monitor the system progress. the COST 231 Extended Okumura- Over the next several years, as the PMW HF and the other using the Longley-Rice model— and VHF continue to mature, current and future displayed in Google Earth™. Other features sponsors may choose several software enhance- include: login access control, data input valida- ments, including but not limited to: interference tion, the ability to create analysis composites for studies, a GIS map server within the website, thousands of transmitters, database propaga- combining terrain cells for longer propagation tion parameter and measurement storage, and analysis distances, new terrain formats (HRTe, data analysis export to 3-D Google Earth (KML/ LIDAR, IFSAR, etc.), and other propagation KMZ) and ESRI ArcMap®. Users can choose models (LF/MF, IF-77, updated HF models, and from antenna pattern and terrain data included indoor-outdoor models). with the software to run an analysis or upload The PMW VHF 3.0 and PMW HF 1.0 are cur- their own files to the site. rently customized to fit the needs of our spon- The PMW VHF 3.0 also incorporates a sors and operate on either their internal, secure For more parallel-threaded design that offers speed networks or hosted on a secure ITS website, al- information improvements over a single-threaded model. lowing only our sponsors to have access to their contact: The PMW HF 1.0 software allows users to per- data. Due to the large selection of GIS databases, Julie Kub form HF studies using the ICEPAC propagation customers can choose to include terrain, satel- (303) 497-4607 model; the system queues up multiple HF study lite and aircraft imagery, ground transportation jkub iterations to run automatically without minimal infrastructure, building data, and population @its.bldrdoc.gov user intervention. Both PMW VHF 3.0 and distribution. By developing PMW VHF 3.0 and or PMW HF 1.0 contain a Windows® “service” PMW HF 1.0, ITS has aided Government agen- George module which reads XML propagation model cies in efficiently managing their telecommu- Engelbrecht files created by the website and runs each XML nications infrastructure through sound system (303) 497-4417 process according to priority and availability of planning and interference detection for national gengelbrecht system resources. The “service” monitors and security and public safety. @its.bldrdoc.gov

53 ITS is developing an online capability Web-based Propagation Analysis to enable other Services Government agencies to use ITS Outputs propagation • Internet access linking Government agencies to the latest ITS engineering models and models developed databases over seven decades of research. The • Contributions to the design and evaluation of broadcast, mobile, and radar systems, on-line propagation personal communications services (PCS), and local multipoint distribution systems services Web portal (LMDS) provides access to • Standardized models and methods of system analysis for comparing competing the user-friendly designs for proposed telecommunication services Propagation Modeling Website Overview in the next two years. The PMW HF tool uses the (PMW) tool that n FY 2009, ITS began the effort to upgrade ICEPAC propagation model. assists in the Ithe Telecommunication Analysis (TA) Services These general purpose models are applicable design of effective System to a new GIS Web-based interface that to a wide range of frequencies and scenarios. wireless systems. will place the power of advanced GIS func- For models that integrate terrain we provide tions and features in the hands of Government ability to store and manage DTED1, DTED2, agencies. This Propagation Modeling Website GLOBE, and user uploaded terrain files. Analy- (PMW) presently offers two tools: the Very ses are stored with all constituent parameters High Frequency (PMW VHF) tool and the High in an SQL database. The user can query their Frequency (PMW HF) tool. PMW is discussed in runs and see all parameters using a variety of greater detail on page 52. This work contin- options. Large numbers of analyses can be run ues as funding becomes available. in parallel by using Excel® batch files, and large The Online Propagation Analysis Services numbers of analyses can also be exported as a program provides U.S. Government agen- group using various export options that specify cies with access to the latest ITS research and compression method (.zip or .7z) or define in- engineering outputs via the internet. All serv- clusion of various output products. ers and databases are behind the ITS firewall ITS also provides a database of country infor- for security. Services are provided through the mation for tagging locations, as well as a user PMW, which is designed for non-technical users modifiable defaults database. User access is with average computer expertise and minimal coordinated by a separate login database which knowledge of radio propagation. The services could be shared among other applications for are updated as new data and methodologies unified log-in by users. are developed by the Institute’s engineering and research programs. National Weather Service The online propagation services also allow (NWS) users to work closely with ITS engineering staff Under an interagency agreement, ITS is pro- to customize research and development models viding the NWS with Online Propagation Analy- to fit their respective programs. sis Services based on the PMW VHF service. The Available Models and NWS is the office of the National Atmospheric Databases and Oceanic Administration (NOAA) charged The PMW VHF Site provides the ability to run with providing the Nation a round-the-clock a number of propagation models. These mod- source of weather reports and timely hazard els include the Terrain Integrated Rough Earth information. This is accomplished through the Model™ (TIREM), the Integrated Terrain Model NOAA Weather Radio system, which broad- (ITM) sometimes called the Longley-Rice model, casts continuously on specified frequencies. It the COST 231 Extended Okumura-Hata model, is the goal of this system to provide access to and the Undisturbed Field/Mobile to Mobile potentially life-saving information to at least 95 model. ITS plans to add low frequency/medium percent of the U.S. population in the event of a frequency (LF/MF) and indoor-outdoor models national emergency.

54 Telecommunications Engineering, Analysis, and Modeling

To continue to meet or exceed its broadcast improve coverage by their large, diverse radio coverage goal, the NWS engages in ongoing transmission system. The figure below shows expansion efforts that provide new or upgraded the architecture of the NWS PMW system. In the transmitters in many locations around the future, ITS will add 2010 census data processed country. ITS provides the NWS with custom- into smaller 90 square meter components to ized Online Propagation Analysis Services used this system in order to more accurately predict to plan the location and characteristics of new transmitters to optimize coverage. Through the population coverage. use of the PMW system and databases, this For more information on available programs national alert system will be able to verify and call one of the contacts listed here.

For more information contact: Julie Kub (303) 497-4607 jkub @its.bldrdoc.gov or George Engelbrecht (303) 497-4417 gengelbrecht @its.bldrdoc.gov or Teresa L. Rusyn (303) 497-3411 trusyn System Architecture for the NWS PMW system. @its.bldrdoc.gov

55 The ionosphere, extending from Ionospheric Propagation Modeling about 50 to 2000 LF/MF Ground Wave and Sky Wave Model and km above the HF Sky Wave Models surface of the Earth, contains Outputs enough free ions • Unique LF/MF ground wave and sky wave propagation models and electrons to affect the • Antenna models specific to LF/MF/HF frequencies incorporated into analyses properties of radio • LF/MF/HF communication circuit reliability and performance waves propagated within and through • LF/MF interference analysis capability it. Because its Overview man-made noise components). The model pre- structure is highly TS is the preeminent source for ionospheric dicts the likelihood that the communication link variable, the propagation modeling. In any given year, ITS will operate satisfactorily and whether interfer- performance of I does numerous in-depth propagation studies ence will occur for such an environment. telecommunication for Federal agencies, including the Department The presence of the sky wave at night could systems whose of Defense. The Institute has developed and create potential interference problems between signals are continues to improve propagation models that distant stations on the same frequency or propagated via the analyze coverage and interference in the high frequencies that are near to each other. The ionosphere is also frequency (HF, 3–30 MHz), medium frequency sky wave models estimate the expected field highly variable. (MF, 300 kHz–3 MHz), and low frequency (LF, strengths of signals to assist in frequency al- ITS and its 30–300 kHz) bands. The LF/MF communication/ location and to avoid potential interference predecessors have broadcasting system performance model was problems. At night, undesirable interference been building and designed to run on a PC and includes three from the sky wave can manifest as adjacent and improving models ground wave and three sky wave propagation co-channel interference to stations that would to predict the loss prediction methods. ITS also developed and not normally be affected in the daytime. performance of maintained several high frequency propagation The absence of the sky wave during the day ionospheric- models. precludes the use of systems in this band for dependent radio reliable long distance communication, since the systems for close to LF/MF Ground Wave and sky wave at frequencies from 150 to 1705 kHz 100 years. Sky Wave Model is strongly attenuated by the electron density in The ITS propagation models perform radio the D region during the daytime. wave propagation and antenna analysis in ad- dition to interference prediction analysis. The Antenna Modeling sky wave propagation models are valid from Antenna and propagation modeling in the 150 to 1705 kHz, and the ground wave models LF/MF band is unlike that in other bands. In are valid from 10 kHz to 30 MHz. The LM/MF this band, antenna performance on or near the model is unique, since no other model can per- surface of the Earth is very dependent on the form these analyses in these frequency ranges. interaction with the lossy Earth. Consequently, This model has been used for interference and antenna models have been included that cor- coverage analysis for two versions of the Na- rectly launch the ground wave at the horizon tionwide Differential Global Positioning System angle and the sky wave at the appropriate eleva- (NDGPS) in two frequency bands (285–325 kHz tion angle. Propagation modeling in this band and 435–495 kHz), and the AM broadcast band also requires consideration of the losses and re- (150–1705 kHz). The LF/MF model is freely flections caused by the Earth air interface. Free available to all Federal agencies, including mili- space loss estimates that do not include these tary agencies. effects in the loss predictions are inaccurate. For the 150 to 1705 kHz frequency band, the propagation of radio waves at night includes HF Propagation Modeling both a ground wave and a sky wave. The sky In the HF band, communication occurs pre- wave combined with the ground wave may be dominately via the sky wave. ITS developed a compared to an idealized radio noise environ- model of sky wave propagation for HF commu- ment (consisting of atmospheric, galactic, and nication called the Ionospheric Communications

56 Telecommunications Engineering, Analysis, and Modeling

Analysis and Prediction Program (IONCAP) in IONCAP and its successor programs model the early 1970s. a number of propagation paths with mean Sky wave propagation in the HF band relies month statistics to predict HF channel char- on the phenomenon of ionospheric layers, prin- acteristics such as maximum usable frequency cipally the E and F2 layers, to bend HF signals (MUF), , and receive signal reliability. aimed at them back to earth. ITS maintains Each program models a series of propagation three modern variants of the IONCAP program that were each developed to serve the different modes that are associated with E and F2 layer needs of the national and international HF com- reflections. Ionospheric and temporal charac- munities. These variants are VOACAP, ICEPAC teristics of the path and spectral characteristics and REC533. VOACAP was developed for the of the signal are used to estimate the effective- special broadcast needs of the U.S. Voice of ness of the communication link. The modeling America.1,2 ICEPAC includes code that more approach used in these programs relies on accurately models polar propagation paths. differing assumptions that are dependent on REC533 was created to help develop the in- the path length and geographic location. Each ternational agreements for HF communication through the International Telecommunication program contains two models: one for shorter Union (ITU). All of these programs were de- range paths and one for long range paths, with signed to run on a PC. an interpolation zone in between.

Figure 1 (above): Maximum Usable Frequency (MUF) for a 5000 kW transmitter in Boulder, Colorado. Figure 2 (right): Radio coverage for For more an AM broadcast station in Penobscot, Maine, information generated by the low and medium frequency contact: propagation model. Nicholas DeMinco (303) 497-3660

1 N. DeMinco, “Ground-wave analysis ndeminco model for MF broadcast systems,” NTIA @its.bldrdoc.gov Report 86-203, September 1986. or 2 N. DeMinco, “Medium frequency propagation Christopher Behm, prediction techniques and antenna modeling (303) 497‑3640, for intelligent transportation systems (ITS) broadcast applications,” NTIA cbehm Report 99-368, August 1999. @its.bldrdoc.gov

57 Accurate radio wave propagation Integration of the Empirical and the models are vital for Undisturbed-Field Models interference analysis and Outputs coverage • ITS Undisturbed-Field and Empirically Derived (ITS_UFED) radio wave propagation predictions. ITS model based on analytical predictions and measured data developed for use with continues to ultra-low antenna heights and close-in distances improve model accuracy by • Verification of the Undisturbed-Field Model via analysis and multiple sources of developing new measured data methods better • A new tool to meet the needs of spectrum management and electromagnetic suited to the compatibility analysis processes rapidly changing radio environment. Overview measurements and model development to more In particular, ITS he tremendous growth in demand for accurately predict radio signal propagation. developed a new Tmobile wireless devices requires that the The Empirical Model model which is problems of interference between existing and The Empirical Model was developed in re- more accurate than new radio spectrum users be addressed. An sponse to a need for an accurate radio wave previous models accurate and flexible radio wave propagation propagation model for interference analysis and when predicting model is essential to meet the needs of spectrum coverage predictions in an environment where propagation at low management and electromagnetic compatibil- broadband wireless networking services would antenna heights, ity analysis processes. ITS was tasked by the Of- be deployed. Low antenna height and low close distances, low fice of Spectrum Management to integrate two power broadband wireless terminals are needed power, and in previously developed radio wave propagation to permit operation of these systems and at the cluttered models into a self-contained model. same time avoid interference with other systems environments. One model is the Empirical Model based on in a crowded electromagnetic spectrum. In this These the least squares fit to measured data resulting type of environment, the antennas are situated characteristics are from an ITS measurement campaign performed at heights so low that they are immersed in the typical of in three vastly different environments: rural, surrounding environmental clutter. The anten- broadband wireless urban low-rise/suburban, and dense urban nas may also be very close to each other. uses, like cellular high-rise/city. The other is the deterministic and The Empirical Model is a slope-intercept and mobile devices analytically based Undisturbed-Field Model, model based on measured data taken by ITS in a downtown which is suitable for very short-range propaga- in a cluttered and complex radio environment. area. Drive tests tion distances and very low antenna heights. The The data was collected from radio wave mea- through various Undisturbed-Field Model has also been verified surements performed in and around Denver cluttered with several measurement campaigns, as de- and Boulder, Colorado, using a pseudo-mobile environments scribed in the related publication. The result of test procedure with a fixed transmitter location provided the data the model integration was the ITS Undisturbed- needed to develop while a receiver van was driven over a speci- Field and Empirically Derived (ITS_UFED) Model each of these fied route. The measurements were obtained for radio wave propagation loss prediction for individual models at seven nominal frequencies—183, 430, 915, very low antenna heights (1 to 3 meters) and and their 1602.5, 2260, and 5750 MHz—since the close-in distances (2 meters to 2 kilometers) integrated result. propagation characteristics are expected to be between antennas over the frequency range of frequency dependent. The raw signal-strength 150 to 6000 MHz. measurements and positions were post-pro- The model is unique in its ability to work cessed to yield basic transmission loss values seamlessly over these difficult combinations versus distance for each nominal frequency and of parameter ranges. The combined model transmitter location. Based on these measure- can be applied for use in system performance ments, the Empirical Model attempts to mirror prediction as well as prediction of interference some of the general trends in the data. phenomena. It is based on both analytical cal- culations from the physics of electromagnetic The Undisturbed-Field Model theory and actual measurements. The model The Undisturbed-Field Model is a deter- is the result of an ITS program that combined ministic method suitable for very short range

58 Telecommunications Engineering, Analysis, and Modeling

mobile-to-mobile propagation, for distances of curvature of the Earth has a negligible effect Related 2 to 30 meters.1 The minimum distance is based and can be assumed to be flat for frequencies Publication: on staying at distances greater than the dis- less than 6 GHz over a smooth Earth. The Un- N. DeMinco et al., tance where the reactive field of the antenna is disturbed-Field Model as a separate model can “Free-field present. Extensive testing with exact models at be used for antenna height ranges from 0 to 3 measurements of close-in distances has verified the computation meters and frequencies from 150 MHz to 6000 the electrical accuracy for distances as close as 2 meters over MHz, but when integrated into the ITS_UFED properties of soil 1 the 150 MHz to 6000 MHz frequency band. Model the antenna heights are limited to the using the surface The model has also been shown to be accurate range of 1 to 3 meters for smooth transitions wave propagation for flat terrain up to 2 kilometers. with the Empirical Model. Extensive measure- between two The method involves the calculation of the ments, reported in the related publication, have monopole undisturbed electric field and calculation of the verified the separate Undisturbed-Field Model antennas,” NTIA loss based on the amplitude of the electric field for antenna heights of zero to 3 meters. Report TR 12-484, as a function of distance, frequency, antenna Jan. 2012. heights, and the ground constants. The undis- ITS Undisturbed-Field and turbed field is the electric field produced by a Empirically Derived Model transmitting antenna at different distances and The ITS Undisturbed-Field and Empirically heights above ground without any field-dis- Derived Model is a combined model with a turbing factors in the proximity of the receiver hybrid procedure using both the Empirical and antenna location. Undisturbed-Field models. The principal moti- The undisturbed electric field technique vation for its development is the fact that the includes near-field effects, the complex two- Empirical Model adjustments at “short” ranges ray model, antenna near-field and far-field were less accurate than making adjustments response, ground effects, and the surface wave. based on the Undisturbed-Field Model. Since this is a line-of-­sight model, the ground The combined model avoids discontinui- is assumed to be flat over the distance of 2 ties between the two models as users vary the kilometers or less with no irregular terrain pres- model parameters of antenna heights, distance, ent. For distances of less than 5 kilometers the frequency and the combined percentage of time and locations. It does this by establishing a set of breakpoint distances. The breakpoint distances were selected by observing where computations made with both models were equal for the same scenario of frequency, antenna heights, and environment. For the median quantile of (combined) time and locations and at distances less than the break­ point distance, the combined model uses the Undisturbed-Field Model to predict the basic transmission loss. For the median quantile of (combined) time and locations and at distances For more greater than the breakpoint distance, the com- information, bined model uses the Empirical Model to predict contact: the basic transmission loss. These breakpoint Nicholas DeMinco distances are functions of the environments, the (303) 497-3660 antenna heights and the frequency. The break­ ndeminco point distances also depend on the desired @its.bldrdoc.gov quantile of time and locations. or The ITS receiver van performing propagation Paul McKenna measurements in the downtown Denver dense 1. N. DeMinco, “Propagation loss predic- (303) 497-3474 tion considerations for close-in distances urban high-rise city environment. Photo by and low-antenna height applications,” pmckenna Robert Johnk. NTIA Report TR-07-449, Jul. 2007. @its.bldrdoc.gov

59 Radio propagation models are Earth-to-Space Propagation Models empirical Outputs mathematical equations that • Technical support for international telecommunication standards organizations predict path loss • U.S. technical contributions to the ITU-R. along a • Participation in domestic and international working groups studying Earth-to-space transmission link communication links. or the effective coverage area of a Overview ITS is committed to supporting the effort to transmitter. Each use frequency spectrum efficiently. Our work telecommunication n describing the President’s broad approach includes ensuring that the methods for accurate link encounters Ito freeing up spectrum for mobile and fixed and realistic planning are available to both Fed- different wireless broadband use, the White House eral and civilian users. conditions, so reported: “In recent years, the amount of in- different models formation flowing over some wireless networks Supporting International has grown at over 250 percent per year.”1 In ad- are needed to Standards dition to expanded demand driven by increasing predict ITS uses its technical work and expertise to use of established consumer technologies such propagation for as “smart” cellphones, this growth is fueled by support U.S. interests in the Radiocommuni- different types of the need to accommodate new technologies cations sector of the ITU (ITU-R), a technical links under such as unmanned aircraft systems (UAS). agency within the United Nations. The ITU-R different The ”spectrum crunch” is further exacer- develops international standards called Rec- conditions. Many bated by the fact that only a limited portion ommendations. Entities such as government international of the regulated radio spectrum—the frequen- agencies, businesses, or academia can use these standards for cies between approximately 600 MHz and 40 Recommendations to study, plan and develop propagation GHz—is the most viable to use for practical radiocommunication systems. modeling are based systems. This means that in addition to real- Study Group 3 of the ITU-R is responsible for on models location and repackaging of individual bands, Recommendations in the P-series, which pertain developed by ITS spectrum sharing will be increasingly relied on to propagation issues. ITS, with its history of from our uniquely to accommodate rising demand. On a global propagation modeling, is well suited to support extensive data level, several wireless communication systems SG3 work. Of particular interest this past year collection. ITS are investigating the possibility of sharing fre- has been Recommendation ITU-R P.528-2. This continues to make quency spectrum. Recommendation was developed from an ITS significant model, IF-77. contributions to Propagation Modeling for The ITS model IF-77 has gained further inter- updating those Spectrum Sharing est for its high altitude component. This high models—some of Successful spectrum sharing requires careful altitude component is critical for spectrum which were first planning to avoid interference between differ- sharing studies between satellite services. In ad- published over half ent users. Any study for sharing the spectrum dition, propagation models with a high altitude a century ago—to in a frequency range needs to apply an ap- component are needed to plan for the expand- reflect propriate propagation model in order to obtain ing role of unmanned vehicles and consequent contemporary reasonably realistic predictions of the results of spectrum required for communication and conditions and a particular sharing scenario. Satellite systems control of such vehicles. equipment. are especially vulnerable candidates for spec- trum sharing: mistakes are costly to correct and Recommendation ITU-R P.528 might even be unfixable. Unfortunately, there It is critical that the model used in frequency are few appropriate propagation models avail- sharing studies involving aeronautical and satel- able for aeronautical and satellite wireless links. lite systems be appropriate for the situation. In many cases, Recommendation ITU-R P.528-2 1. The White House, “Fact Sheet: Doubling the is the appropriate model to use. In the 2010 Amount of Commercial Spectrum to Unleash the SG3 Working Party meetings, the study group Innovative Potential of Wireless Broadband,” June received questions about two separate issues. 28, 2010. http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press- office/fact-sheet-doubling-amount-commercial- One issue concerned frequency sharing studies spectrum-unleash-innovative-potential-wireles between the Earth stations of mobile satellite

60 Telecommunications Engineering, Analysis, and Modeling

services (MSS) and satellite remote sensing (SRS) Again, ITS is heading a correspondence Related services. The other concerned frequency sharing group to produce prediction methods for the Documents: studies between terrestrial mobile systems and radio frequency signal parameters necessary for ITU-R WP3K aeronautical radionavigation systems (ARNS). communications and control for airborne plat- Document 3K/21, The appropriate Recommendation to use was forms which may be unmanned. There are two “Aeronautical and P.528. Recommendation ITU-R P.528-2, how- methods presently being considered, and one is satellite link ever had not been updated since 1986. The based on updating the ITS IF-77 model. propagation recommendation was technically correct, but method” almost unusable in its existing form. System Planning (T. Rusyn) ITS headed a correspondence group effort to ITS is supporting U.S. interests by continu- revise P.528-2 using the IF-77 model developed ing the work of the correspondence group in at ITS for the FAA. The correspondence group revising Recommendation P.528. The group is expanded the set of graphs and added frequen- presently developing a computational method cies, time percentages, and antenna heights for the Recommendation in the next ITU-R study that were badly needed. The group also added a method for interpolating across five param- cycle. Again, the basis for this work will be the eters, making the document more usable. The ITS propagation model IF-77. Users could use revision to the Recommendation was accepted this computational method to calculate interfer- in October 2011. Future work includes a step- ence levels with other systems and separation by-step method for calculating the transmission distances between Earth-based stations. loss for user defined parameters. The expanded ITU SG3 investigations into Unmanned Aircraft Systems all airborne platforms (Question ITU-R 233/3) (UAS) fit well into ITS’s work in both aeronautical and unmanned airborne systems. This work is The FAA Modernization and Reform Act of essential to studies to evaluate frequency shar- 2012 includes a section on expanding the use ing proposals. The calculations based on the of UAS into the national airspace system. Inter- nationally, several study groups in the ITU are future computational method for P528-3 and studying the effects of the expanding uses of prediction method(s) likely to come out of the airborne platforms and the consequent com- SG3 investigations for airborne platforms will munication requirements in the shrinking avail- also be important in planning both satellite and able frequency spectrum. aeronautical systems.

For more information contact: UAS are used by the National Atmospheric and Oceanic Administration (NOAA) for weather pre- Teresa L. Rusyn diction and scientific research. A pilotless hurricane hunter is shown on the left and on the right (303) 497-3411 an unmanned air vehicle carrying a surface imaging system and instruments for measuring ocean trusyn color and atmospheric composition and temperature. Photos courtesy NOAA. @its.bldrdoc.gov

61 Success in world- wide telecommuni­ Broadband Wireless Standards cations markets, as Outputs well as effective and compatible use • Preparation for and support of the 2012 Block Meetings of ITU-R Working Parties 3J, of telecommunica­ 3K, 3L and 3M and Study Group 3 tions technologies • Technical contributions on the use of ITU-R propagation recommendations for both domestically interference and sharing studies and abroad, is vital to the long-term economic health of Overview The Plan identified over 2.2 GHz of radio fre- the U.S. To achieve quency spectrum for evaluation, all presently these goals and s wireless dissemination, collection, ma- allocated to other Federal exclusive and Federal/ further its nipulation and analysis of digital informa- A non-Federal shared services. It described a pro- objectives with tion becomes increasingly ubiquitous, demand cess for evaluating each of the candidate bands regard to all forms that more bands of radio frequency spectrum and the steps necessary to make them available of wireless commu­ be made available for commercial broadband for wireless broadband services. The Plan also nication on a global use, either by reallocation or sharing, also formally recognized the critical importance of basis, the U.S. increases. In recognition of this increased de- electromagnetic interference protection for all Administration mand, the U.S. Administration and Congress Government missions/services that rely on spec- participates in the have directed NTIA to undertake a number of trum use and the need for coordination with single most initiatives to make more spectrum available. A international standards bodies.4 important world­ 2010 Presidential Memorandum directed the wide telecommuni­ Commerce Department, working cooperatively World Radiocommunication cations regulatory with the Federal Communications Commission Conference Contributions (FCC), to identify and make available 500 MHz and standardiza­ In addition to its domestic activities in support of radio frequency spectrum for expanded wire- tion body, the of the Plan’s ambitious goals, NTIA has worked dil- less broadband use over the next 10 years.1 This International igently with other Federal agencies and the FCC to goal was reinforced in the Wireless Innovation Telecommunica­ promote international broadband wireless access. and Infrastructure Initiative (Wi3).2 The Middle tion Union – Radio- NTIA joined other federal agencies participating in Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012, communication the 2012 World Radiocommunication Conference enacted in February 2012, set a timetable for Sector (ITU-R). (WRC-12), a treaty conference that was held in clearing or sharing 15 MHz in the 1575–1710 Geneva, Switzerland, from January 23 to February MHz band and evaluating other specific sce- 17, 2012. NTIA worked with the Federal agencies narios for potential sharing or reallocation of and the FCC to develop the United States’ proposal specific bands.3 for a future conference agenda item seeking ad- With input from the Policy and Plans Steer- ditional global spectrum allocations for wireless ing Group (comprised of Assistant Secretaries broadband services, including International Mobile from Federal Government Departments and Telecommunications (IMT) systems. Agencies), NTIA released a “Ten-Year Plan and The U.S. succeeded in securing an agenda item Timetable to Make Available 500 Megahertz of for the 2015 World Radiocommunication Confer- Spectrum for Wireless Broadband” (the Plan). ence (WRC-15) to consider allocation of additional spectrum to the mobile service on a primary basis 1. The White House, Presidential Memorandum: to facilitate the development of terrestrial mobile “Unleashing the Wireless Broadband Revolution,” June 28, 2010, http://www.whitehouse.gov/ broadband applications (WRC-15 Agenda Item the-press-office/presidential-memorandum- 1.1). Another agenda item (1.2) will consider the unleashing-wireless-broadband-revolution use of the 694–790­ MHz band by the mobile, 2. The White House, “Fact Sheet: President except aeronautical mobile, service. Obama’s Plan to Win the Future through the Wireless Innovation and Infrastructure Initiative,” 4. National Telecommunications and Information February 10, 2011, http://www.whitehouse.gov/ Administration, “Ten Year Plan and Timetable sites/default/files/microsites/ostp/Wi3-fs.pdf to Make Available 500 Megahertz of Spectrum 3. Public Law 112–96—Feb. 22, 2012. Middle for Wireless Broadband,” http://www.ntia. Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012, doc.gov/report/2010/ten-year-plan-and- http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/PLAW- timetable-make-available-500-megahertz- 112publ96/pdf/PLAW-112publ96.pdf spectrum-wireless-broadband-pre

62 Telecommunications Engineering, Analysis, and Modeling

To meet the objectives of spectrum flexibil- Recommendation ITU-R P.528. This represents Related ity and harmonization for the joint studies to a major development for this recommenda- Documents: be conducted by the ITU-R, prudent spectrum tion, since it provides the information needed ITU-R WP3L management practice dictates that predicted to evolve the recommendation from a curves- Document 3L/7, harmful interference must be minimized both to based method into a more general computa- “Reference and from the existing, incumbent services and tional method based on physical phenomena, implementation of the new (i.e., mobile) services. General purpose thus allowing for predictions for arbitrary radio the ITU-R P.533-10 radio propagation prediction models are pow- climates, terminal heights, frequencies, and ter- HF propagation erful tools for building international consensus rain irregularities. This material was carried for- model and an around the introduction of these new services. ward as an attachment to the WP 3K Chairman’s example of use” They provide accurate methods for evaluat- report. The research is described on page 60. (C. Behm) ing the potential for interference arising from The second notable contribution, Doc. 3L/7, proposed spectrum reallocation and/or sharing is a complete rewrite of the Recommendation ITU-R WP3K scenarios. When these radio propagation pre- ITU-R P.533 software (i.e., a reference imple- Document 3K/29, diction models are also recommended interna- mentation) in the C programming language. “Report on the tional standards (i.e., Recommendations), they The rewrite is intended to provide a clear, read- meeting of Working are generally perceived as technically neutral and able implementation of the recommendation Party 3K (Geneva, unbiased bases for multilateral coordination, which will be much easier to maintain than 18–27 June 2012)” regulation, and harmonization of spectrum. earlier implementations. The program P533 (P. McKenna) Working in conjunction with other agencies provides methods for the prediction of available and countries, NTIA promoted the establishment frequencies, signal levels, and reliability for both ITU-R WP3K of a Joint Task Group (JTG) to conduct the neces- analog and digitally modulated HF systems, tak- Document 3K/156 sary sharing studies and to develop the necessary ing account not only of the signal-to-noise ratio Study Period preparatory text. The Conference Preparatory but also of the expected time and frequency 2007-2012, “Report Meeting for WRC-15 adopted the joint study spreads of the channel. This program calculates of the Meeting of approach and established Joint Task Group (JTG) the HF path parameters described in ITU-R Working Party 3K 4-5-6-7 as the responsible group for WRC-15 P.533-10 (2010). In this implementation great (Geneva, 17-26 Agenda Items 1.1 and 1.2, ensuring the opportu- care has been taken to follow ITU-R P.533-10 as October 2011)” nity for all stakeholders to participate during the closely as possible. It is the intent of this project (P. McKenna) sharing study work, and setting the international that users will be able to freely use the model framework in motion to advance the Broadband with public domain compilers and tools. Wireless Initiative at WRC-15. Owing to the importance of the work of JTG 4-5-6-7 and the very aggressive schedule for completion of its work, WP 3K has continued its work inter-sessionally via correspon- dence. In particular, ITS engineers have participated in Correspondence Groups 3K-3 (Rec. ITU-R P.528) and 3K-4 (Rec. ITU-R P.1546 and aggrega- tion of low time percentage signals). Technical Contributions Two extensive contributions were For more produced under this year’s effort. information The first, Doc. 3K/21, is a compre- Example of signal level prediction using Rec. ITU-R P.533 contact: hensive description of the physical as described in the Handbook to predict the median field Paul M. McKenna bases and methods used to provide strength at Tangier, Morocco for a 24 hour period (UT) in (303) 497-3474 propagation loss predictions for June 1994, from a 500 kilowatt transmission originating in pmckenna aeronautical (and satellite) links in Belgrade, Serbia, for frequencies 2–30 MHz. @its.bldrdoc.gov

63 Spectrum sharing can take a number of forms, but its purpose is to ensure that when the primary user does not need the spectrum, another party can put it to good use, as opposed to allowing it to remain fallow.1 

The ultimate goal is to achieve dynamic heterogeneous spectrum sharing, in which spectrum users can co-exist closely in frequency, time, and geography, dynamically adapt to both the environment and the presence of other users.2 

1. Jason Furman and John P. Holdren, “Making the Most of the Wireless Spectrum,” An unlicensed national information infrastructure (U-NII) transmitter (left) The White House Office of Science and Technology set up to transmit toward a distant weather radar (right) during NTIA Policy, July 20, 2012. http:// interference-solution testing at an FAA facility. Performance verification is www.whitehouse.gov/ critically important in spectrum-sharing studies performed by the Institute. blog/2012/07/20/making- Photo by Frank Sanders. most-wireless-spectrum. 2. Report to the President: Realizing the Full Potential of Government-held Spectrum to Spur Economic Growth, Executive Office of the President, President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, July 2012, p. 30. http:// www.whitehouse.gov/sites/ default/files/microsites/ostp/ pcast_spectrum_report_fi- nal_july_20_2012.pdf

64 Telecommunications Theory

Telecommunications Theory

orldwide demand for telecommunication spectrum by governments and the private sector Wcontinues to grow. Wireline networks can meet many needs and be expanded almost indefi- nitely, but some needs can only be met by wireless systems that must use radio spectrum—a limited resource. In response, spectrum use is migrating toward more sharing. Many sharing schemes rely on dynamic spectrum use by self-controlled, interference-limited technologies. Allocations on a service basis (i.e., separate spectrum bands for each system) are being supplanted by increased shar- ing between services. But successful implementation of more sharing depends on developing new capabilities in radio systems to avoid, or work in the presence of, interference from other systems. New knowledge, focused on improvements in network performance, is required to understand the levels of interference that radio systems can withstand from other systems. Tools to monitor the quality of audio and video information on communication channels must be developed and used so that audio and video quality levels can be adjusted in real time to achieve maximal quality with minimal bandwidth. To achieve these goals for the U.S. Government and the private sector, Theory Division research targets system improvements at fundamental levels of physics and engineering. The major areas of investigation are: broadband wireless system performance in the presence of interference; development of new, short-range radio propagation models; the effects of noise and interference as critical limiting factors for advanced communication systems; automated tools for assessing audio and video quality; and further development of advanced spectrum sharing concepts.

Audio Quality Research work is focused on these effects as limiting fac- tors in the performance of radar and communi- The Institute, an internationally recognized cation systems. The project is funded by NTIA. leader in audio quality research, conducts research and development leading to standard- Radar Interference Solutions ization and industry implementation of percep- In response to interference problems to radar tion–based, technology-independent quality receivers resulting from non-radar systems op- measures for voice and other audio communi- erations in and adjacent to radar bands, Theory cation systems. The project is funded by NTIA. Division personnel performed extensive analyses Compliance Measurements on and measurements jointly with the ITS Measure- New Radars ments Division and NTIA’s Office of Spectrum Theory and Measurement Division personnel Management (OSM). Investigating widespread performed spectrum compliance measurements interference to 3 GHz Government weather on emissions of new radars for a Government radars from digital communication systems, ITS agency and a private company. Laboratory and OSM engineers performed a major series of measurements on a prototype of a new U.S. measurements and tests at field sites. Technical Navy Shore Line Intrusion Monitoring System solutions were developed and an NTIA Report (SLiMS) radar led to spectrum certification for released documenting the problem and its solu- this important perimeter security system. Under tions. For the U.S. Coast Guard, ITS engineers a CRADA with the Lockheed Martin Company, analyzed technical issues and possible solutions ITS engineers performed spectrum emission associated with potential spectrum sharing at compliance measurements in the field on a new 3.5 GHz between maritime radars and non- counter-fire radar, the TPQ-53, that tracks artil- radar communication systems. lery rounds, short-range rockets and mortars. Video Quality Research For more Effects of the Channel on Radio The Institute, an internationally recognized information, System Performance leader in video quality research, develops per- contact: ITS, a recognized leader in radio channel ception-based, technology-independent video Frank Sanders measurement and modeling, is researching the quality measures and promotes their adoption (303) 497-7600 effects of interference and noise on the perfor- in national/international standards. The project fsanders@ mance of radio receivers and networks. Current is funded by NTIA. its.bldrdoc.gov

65 As the variety of devices and Audio Quality Research complexity of the Outputs infrastructure for wireless • Technical publications and presentations on new research results transmission of • Measurements and estimates of speech and audio quality and algorithm performance audio signals • Algorithms and data supporting speech and audio coding and quality assessment increases, methods and protocols for digital audio Overview is highly relevant to the current telecommuni- encoding and igital speech and audio encoding and cations scenario. As mentioned above, com- transmission also Dtransmission have become pervasive. monly used telephony channels do not provide become more Transmissions over wireless links and over the constant throughput. If a speech encoder can complex and Internet have become particularly popular and adapt to the current channel conditions, then the result is speech quality that can dramatically varied. Many these channels are not static. The laws of phys- improve or worsen even over relatively short factors influence ics and sharing of resources dictate that the time-scales. For example, this may be experi- the perceived throughput of these channels is not constant, enced when using a cell phone while moving. quality of audio but rather varies markedly. In the limiting case, transmissions. The portions of transmitted speech and audio data Experiment Design ITS Audio Quality streams may never arrive at the receiver, or may Program staff designed, implemented, Research Program arrive too late for playback in real-time services. and analyzed an experiment centered on the studies the ways in Thus robustness to missing data is a highly question “When should quality increases be al- which all these desirable property for speech and audio encod- lowed?” This is a counterintuitive but relevant factors interact ers. Redundancy is one simple way to increase question. It is counterintuitive because at first and can be robustness, but it also increases bit rate. This glance it might seem that improvements are configured to highlights one of several important trade-offs always desirable. efficiently and inherent in speech and audio coding. It is relevant because quality variations should effectively optimize Similarly, the ability to adapt to different be minimized, so increasing quality for short perceived quality. signal classes, bandwidths, quality levels, cod- periods of time, or at a late point in a talk-spurt New tools and ing rates, or robustness levels is very desirable. is not necessarily a desirable procedure. algorithms This adaptive nature allows encoders to be well- Staff used a recognized statistical model developed by ITS matched to channel conditions even though for talk-spurt durations to build a mathemati- are transferred to those conditions are evolving. cal framework for answering the question. industry, Overall, speech and audio encoding entails The main variables in the experiment were the Government, and a delicate balance between bit-rate, speech or talk-spurt length, the time within the talk-spurt academia to audio quality, robustness, delay, and complexity. at which the quality increased, and the type promote The ITS Audio Quality Research Program iden- of quality increase. A selection of current nar- innovation, tifies, develops, and characterizes innovations rowband (NB), medium band, and wideband entrepreneurship, for speech and audio coding and transmission (WB), speech coders was employed, and quality existing market that may increase quality, robustness, or adapt- improvements were created by switching from development, and ability, or that may decrease bit-rate, delay, or one coding mode to another. commercialization complexity. In addition, the program seeks to The resulting recordings were presented in a of competitive new improve tools and techniques for character- controlled laboratory environment to 30 listen- technologies. izing and optimizing the trade-offs between ers. Each listener heard 222 recordings. Each lis- these factors. This often requires measurement tener provided a single rating of overall speech or estimation of speech or audio quality, and quality for each recording, but each recording actually contained two different quality levels. this can be very challenging due to the interplay between technology factors, human auditory Experiment Results perception, and human judgment. A detailed statistical analysis of the results showed that, on average, quality improve- Time -Varying Speech Quality ments should be allowed early in a talk-spurt, Research but not later in a talk-spurt. The exact cut-off In FY 2012 program staff continued their re- point depends on the type of the speech-quality search on time-varying speech quality. This topic improvement. It is expected that these results

66 Telecommunications Theory

can guide adaptations in speech encoding and seconds are heard in NB and the final four sec- transmission so that the highest possible speech onds are heard in WB. Now the user’s opinion quality is delivered under a given set of channel is higher than in the first case, because the NB conditions. to WB transition happened early enough in the A graphical example is given in the figure. speech signal. The top of the figure portrays a cell phone user who leaves a building at the six-second point Additional Work on the horizontal time scale. This improves the Throughout FY 2012, program staff per- radio channel and in turn allows for the speech formed speech and audio quality testing using coder to switch from an NB mode to a WB both objective and subjective techniques, sup- mode. Three spectrograms show three differ- porting this and other ITS programs. Laboratory ent timing cases for the speech signal that the facilities were upgraded and staff continued user is hearing. The top spectrogram shows the to draft technical documents detailing labora- case where the entire speech signal is heard in tory procedures and research results. Staff also NB, and the user finds the quality of the result served in numerous peer reviewer and associate acceptable. The middle spectrogram shows the editor capacities for the technical paper publi- case where the first four seconds are heard in NB and the final two seconds are heard in WB. cation process in support of the international The user’s opinion is lower than in the first speech and audio research community. Program case, even though WB is well documented to publications, technical information, and other provide higher speech quality. The bottom program results are available at http://www.its. spectrogram shows the case where the first two bldrdoc.gov/audio. freq freq

For more freq information, contact: Stephen D. Voran 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (303) 497-3839 time (s) svoran@its. Graphical depiction of the impact of the timing of NB to WB transition on user quality perception. bldrdoc.gov

67 ITS broadband wireless research Broadband Wireless Research develops more Outputs accurate radio channel • Identification of flaws and development of corrections for a widely-disseminated measurement channel-power model methods and tools, • Measurements to support ITS propagation model development performs real-world • Development of new fast-fading measurement tools for mobile propagation measurements, and measurements supports development of • First prototype development of a new narrowband, laboratory-grade channel sounder better propagation using commercial-off-the-shelf equipment models. This Strategic Objective These systems were deployed in seven different research helps to he goal of the NTIA/ITS Broadband Wire- environments ranging from the deep urban improve the less project is to measure the radio channel canyon of downtown Denver to the open ru- competitiveness of T in real-world environments and to provide data ral farm country outside of Boulder, Colorado. the U.S. to facilitate the development of improved radio Both wideband and narrowband systems were information and channel models. The results of this research communications deployed over a wide frequency range of 183– are disseminated to the wireless community technology sectors, 5750 MHz. The data obtained were used to through NTIA technical reports, journal publi- and enhances develop sophisticated path loss models that will cations, conference presentations, seminars, scientific help OSM develop interference models of por- and national and international standards bod- knowledge through table and mobile radios. Through technology ies such as ANSI and the IEC. Results are also a greater transfer, these systems and the data obtained provided to other NTIA and ITS groups for the understanding of can be made available to commercial entities the radio channel. development, maintenance, and improvement of radio channel propagation models. such as AT&T, other Government agencies such as the Department of Defense, and academic Program Overview research institutions such as Ohio University for The Broadband Wireless project is engaged further research and development. in developing ultrawideband, wideband, and narrowband propagation measurement systems, Narrowband Mobile Channel channel modeling, statistical data analysis, signal Measurements processing algorithms, and development of spe- ITS researchers developed a novel narrow- cialized RF emissions measurement systems. band measurement system that has exceptional Mobile Propagation measurement fidelity. This system is based on a Measurements signal generator and vector signal analyzer and The program is developing propagation two rubidium clocks to provide high-precision measurement systems to study the mobile signal measurement capabilities. The system propagation channel. Two systems have been can be deployed in either a fixed-to-mobile or a developed: mobile-to-mobile configuration. It can measure • A novel narrowband system mobile channel both time- and frequency-domain radio chan- fading system that has high dynamic range nel parameters such as envelope fading and the and excellent measurement fidelity power spectrum. We used this system to per- • A patented wideband pseudorandom noise form a comprehensive series of measurements (PN) channel sounder system that performs in residential areas adjacent to the Department both time- and frequency-domain channel of Commerce Laboratories in Boulder, Colorado. parameter measurements Good results were obtained and both Rayleigh Under the sponsorship of the NTIA’s Office of Spectrum Management (NTIA/OSM), ITS and Rician channels were observed along with used these systems to build a comprehensive a wide variety of channel power spectra. The propagation database for the development of results of this effort were presented at a special mobile-to-mobile propagation models cover- session on spectrum management (TC-6) at the ing ranges of two meters to eight kilometers. IEEE EMC symposium in Pittsburgh in 2012.

68 Telecommunications Theory

Modeling and Research GHz. It uses a combination of a vector network Related analyzer, an optical link, and a pair of transmit/ Measuring the average power of a mobile ra- Publication: receive antennas. This system performs low dio signal is important for mobile radio system Robert T. Johnk, power stepped-frequency measurements that design because it is used for various controls, Chriss A. are post processed to obtain high-dynamic range especially for handoff decisions. It is therefore Hammerschmidt, data in both the time and frequency domains. It important that this power be measured accu- Mark A. has been deployed in a variety of environments rately. A well-known paper by Lee1 presents a McFarland, and ranging from short-range indoor environments criterion for determining the uncertainty and John J. Lemmon, with antenna separation of a few meters to out- associated confidence level of the average mea- “A Fast-Fading door environments with antenna separation of Mobile Channel sured power. A close examination of this paper 250 meters. This system has provided precision Measurement revealed a number of mathematical errors that path loss information and delay-spread data for System,” 2012 IEEE make this criterion overly optimistic. In view of developing propagation models. International the fact that this is a well-known rule of thumb, Boeing, United Launch Alliance (ULA), Symposium on it is important that the engineering community Hewlett-Packard, the National Aeronautics and Electromagnetic be made aware of its fallacies. ITS researchers Space Administration (NASA), and the U.S. Compatibility are writing a report that identifies and corrects Navy have expressed interest in either having (EMC2012), the mathematical errors and presents corrected ITS engineers apply this system to a particular pp. 584–589, conclusions. We expect this report to be pub- problem they are researching or having this 6–10 Aug. 2012 lished in 2013. capability transferred to them. The system has also been used collaboratively to support UWB Measurement System other programs within NTIA/ITS, most nota- Development bly to measure soil properties at the ITS Table The Broadband Wireless Research project is Mountain Field Site (see the paragraph on Free currently developing a short-range ultrawide- Field Measurements of the Electrical Properties band (UWB) propagation measurement system of Soil in the article “Table Mountain Research that covers a frequency range of 10 MHz–18 Program,” page 28).

For more information contact: Dr. Robert Johnk 1. Lee, W.C.Y., “Estimate of local average power Above: ITS-developed propagation measure- (303) 497-3737 of a mobile radio signal,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 34, no. 1 , pp. 22- 27, ment system undergoing laboratory evaluation. bjohnk@its. Feb. 1985. doi: 10.1109/T-VT.1985.24030. Photo by Bob Johnk. bldrdoc.gov

69 Effective spectrum sharing and Coast Guard Spectrum Reallocation spectrum Study reallocation can only be Outputs accomplished if • Radar interference protection criteria both legacy and new services • Interference testing methodologies operating in the Overview land. The BRS antenna is attached to a tower same or adjacent which is high enough to transmit the BRS sig- bands can be pectrum reallocation is often necessary to nal to significant distances over the water. The protected from Saccommodate new services that can poten- larger ship is using an S-Band marine radar to interference so tially increase business productivity and enhance detect the presence of the smaller ship between they can fulfill their the private lives of citizens. However, reallocat- it and the shore. missions. First, the ing services to bands near legacy services or, in There are two aspects to this problem. First, interference some cases, in the same band used by legacy the marine radar community needs interfer- potential must be services, can cause interference that prevents the ence protection criteria (IPC) that can be used understood and legacy service from fulfilling its mission. by regulatory agencies to determine maximum quantified. Then Reallocation can cause interference in three transmitted power levels and minimum separa- mitigation methods ways. First, reallocating services to nearby bands tion distances. Regulatory agencies of interest can be devised, can introduce weak unwanted out-of-band or are the International Telecommunication Union tested, and spurious signals into the legacy radio detec- (ITU), National Telecommunications and In- standardized. tion bandwidth. This interference cannot be formation Administration (NTIA), and Federal mitigated by legacy receiver filtering. The real- Communications Commission (FCC). Second, located service must mitigate the interference the marine radar community needs to know by reducing unwanted power and maintaining how to test whether a marine radar can perform a minimum separation distance. in the presence of other radio systems which Second, reallocating services to nearby bands satisfy the IPC. The testing methodology must can cause legacy radio receivers not properly be approved by test standards groups such as protected from strong signals outside the de- the United Nations/International Electrotechni- tection bandwidth to experience front end over- cal Council (UN/IEC). load. This can cause gain compression, higher In FY 2010 our work focused on examining receiver noise levels, and intermodulation. This prior work and assembling relevant models for problem can be mitigated by legacy front end our investigation. In FY 2011 we investigated filtering. However when this is not feasible, the the first potential threat—weak unwanted spu- reallocated service must also mitigate the inter- rious signals from a communications link. ference by reducing power and maintaining a minimum separation distance. Current Work Third, reallocating services to the legacy radio In FY 2012, we investigated the second band can cause co-channel interference. For potential threat, i.e., marine radar front end example, reallocation could combine different overload from the BRS signal outside the radar radar services into the same band, or allocate detection bandwidth. Our goal was to deter- communications links using spectrum sharing mine how much radar front end filter attenua- techniques into the radar band. Interference tion is needed to prevent overload over a range could occur if the sharing technique fails. of separation distances. Results from this work In FY 2010 the U.S. Coast Guard contracted are being published in an NTIA report which is ITS to investigate effects of reallocation to ac- currently in review. commodate the broadband radio service (BRS) The first step was to determine the allowable on S-Band marine radars. The BRS is the next interference power at the input to the front end. generation of personal communication services Front end overload is a non-linear effect which which will provide wideband internet communi- is difficult to analyze mathematically. Conse- cations to mobile users. quently we chose to determine the allowable Figure 1 depicts the interference scenario. interference power through laboratory mea- The BRS basestations are laid out in a grid on surement. Figures 2 and 3 show the laboratory

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measurement test fixture and magnetron marine basestation’s power is included in the aggre- radar front end assembly tested by it. gate power. Once the allowable interference power was Finally, the minimum separation distance was known, we developed a link power budget to determined from the propagation loss using determine the front end filter attenuation and propagation models. Because of atmospheric propagation loss needed to meet the allowable conditions, propagation loss in the maritime interference power. The link power budget in- temperate environment varies with location cluded the power from all the basestations (the and time. Hence we can only predict minimum aggregate power). Propagation and antenna separation distances needed to satisfy particular pattern losses determine how much of each reliability requirements.

Figure 1 (left). Interference scenario showing a network of BRS base stations con- tributing to the interference power. BRS basestation height allows the BRS signal to travel significant distances. The BRS signal can cause the radar to not BRS see the boat between the Basestation BRS basestation and the ship using the radar. This can be hazardous in foggy conditions.

Figure 2 (lower left). Front end overload laboratory Coast Ocean test fixture. From top to bottom in equipment rack: vector signal generator, vector signal analyzer, bandpass filter, signal generator to emulate the radar signal, reference front end and IF, mag- netron front end, power supplies, and local oscillator signal generator. Photo by R. Achatz.

Figure 3 (lower right). Magnetron front end assembly. Components (from left to right) are waveguide terminator, circulator, limiter, and low noise front end. Photo by R. Achatz.

For more information contact: Robert J. Achatz (303) 497-3498 rachatz @its.bldrdoc.gov

71 The radio channel is the “information Effects of the Channel on Radio System super-highway” Performance over which a wireless signal Outputs travels. As • Error statistics for degraded radio channels channels become increasingly • Relationships between channel characteristics and error statistics crowded, the • Radio system design parameters traveling signal • Interference protection criteria encounters more impediments. Overview quantified. These statistics can be as simple as Undesired signals, elecommunications play a vital role in the rate at which errors occur or as complex as attenuation, and providing services deemed essential for the mean time between errors. multipath can all T modern life. Many of these services use radio One of the more challenging tasks for this cause degradation project is to devise methods of collecting er- links composed of a transmitter and receiver, of a wireless ror statistics while the radio link is being de- i.e., the radio system and the channel over transmission. graded. Depending on the link, these statistics which its radio waves are propagated. Common Characterizing are obtained through mathematical analysis, examples are television and radio broadcasts, these impediments simulation, or hardware measurements. Ideally, and their impact cellular phones, wireless local area networks, they are obtained by two or more methods to on radio and radar. improve reliability. transmission is a The channel, which can vary widely—as, These statistics are used in a variety of ways necessary for example, an urban area or an office envi- to improve the design of radio systems and the prerequisite to ronment—is often the primary impediment to regulation of their operation. Designers use designing and reliable radio system performance. Potential them to help determine radio system design regulating wireless degradation due to channel characteristics has parameters such as transmitted power, error systems that can wide ramifications for designing radio systems correction gain, and channel equalization gain. deliver their and regulating their operation. The fundamen- Regulators use these statistics in determining information intact tal purpose of this project is to understand interference protection criteria (IPC), which despite the the effects of the channel on radio system designate the maximum amount of interfering impediments in the performance and apply this knowledge towards signal power a receiver can tolerate without channel. improving the design of radio systems and the compromising its own performance. Reliable regulation of their operation. IPC become more important as pressure in- The channel degrades radio system per- creases for Government services to share radio formance by introducing undesired signals, spectrum with private services in accordance attenuation, and multipath. Undesired signals with the recently introduced National Broad- include natural noise created by phenomena band Plan. such as lightning, man-made noise generated by electrical devices, and signals from other Current Work radio systems. Attenuation is the loss of aver- Work this year consisted of the continued age signal power caused by obstructions in development of a radar model, investigating the radio environment such as hills, buildings, the effects of desired-link path-loss variability or walls within a building. Multipath is due to when establishing IPC, developing new meth- reflections, diffractions, and scattering off these odologies for spectrum occupancy analysis, and same objects. publishing the proceedings of the 2012 ISART Undesired signals and attenuation reduce conference. signal power margins. Multipath causes signal We continued development of a radar model fading, inter-symbol interference in digital for radar interference studies. This model is communications systems, and clutter in radar timely, since radars use a large portion of the systems. All of these lead to an increase in the Federal radio spectrum and industry is currently number of errors, and error statistics provide advancing a number of proposals for sharing it. the performance metrics by which the effect The focus has shifted from modeling magne- of the channel on radio system performance is tron radars that use non-coherent integration

72 Telecommunications Theory

to modeling the more modern solid state radars 2012 we demonstrated how the joint statistics Related that use matched filter detection with coherent of interfering and desired paths could be used Publication: integration. Solid state radars are preferred by to determine IPC to protect marine radars from Michael Cotton, industry due to their lower maintenance costs broadband radio service spurious emissions. Madelaine Maior, and the ease with which signal characteristics Spectrum band occupancy measurements Frank Sanders, can be controlled. This year we demonstrated are often performed over large spectrum Eric Nelson, and that the matched filter detection used by solid ranges. This approach often results in long time Douglas Sicker, state radars was not compromised by target periods between measurements of the same “ISART 2011 movement at slower speeds. At higher speeds, band and, consequently, poor estimates of Proceedings error is introduced but it can be compensated band occupancy. In FY 2012, we investigated - Developing for through signal processing. how reducing the time between measurements Forward Thinking Interference protection criteria are often would allow us to estimate channel occupancy Rules and established with path-loss variability in the second-order statistics, such as statistics of how Processes to Fully interfering-signal path but not in the desired- long a channel within a band is continuously Exploit Spectrum link path. The reason path-loss variability is not occupied, and use the statistics to better pre- Resources: An often included in the desired-link path is the dict band occupancy. This technique was used Evaluation of complicated way statistics from the propagation to estimate the occupancy of a Federal radar Radar Spectrum Use and model must be manipulated to determine the band which could potentially be shared with Management,” joint statistics of interfering and desired paths. private industry. We are currently working on NTIA Special However, this omission could potentially intro- an NTIA report that will discuss results of the Publication duce significant error in estimating IPC. In FY measurement. SP‑12‑485, March 2012

For more information contact: Robert J. Achatz (303) 497-3498 Project team members, from left to right, Robert Achatz, Mike Cotton, and Roger Dalke. Photo by rachatz Frank Sanders @its.bldrdoc.gov

73 As radio spectrum crowding increases, Interference Effect Tests, interference issues Measurements, and Mitigation for arise more frequently. Weather Radars Mitigation depends Outputs on accurately identifying both • Predictions of the effects of interference from non-radar systems to weather radars the source and the • Measurements of interference effects at 3 GHz NEXRAD weather radar sites and mechanism of measurements of emission spectra of interference sources interference. ITS is skilled at • Development of interference-mitigation techniques for 3 GHz NEXRAD weather interference root radars cause analysis, as • Release of an NTIA Report detailing the NEXRAD interference and technical solutions well as developing to mitigate the interference mitigation techniques. Overview from communication transmitters. ITS, working n FY 2012, ITS and OSM engineers found jointly with the NWS, the Federal Communica- Isolutions for ongoing radio interference to tions Commission, the Federal Aviation Admin- 3 GHz NEXRAD weather radars operated by istration and the private sector, measured not the National Weather Service (NWS) and other only the interference in the victim receivers but agencies at locations across the United States. also the emission spectra of the interference An NTIA Technical Report was released which sources. described the problem and technical solu- These measurements, made under controlled tions for it. It followed up on work that NTIA conditions, provided confidence that the inter- engineers had earlier performed at field sites at ference can be resolved via technical means at Grand Rapids, Michigan; Jacksonville, Florida; nearly all sites where it occurs. Careful planning and Herndon, Virginia, and on analysis per- formed by ITS engineers in Boulder and OSM has been identified as a critical component for engineers in Washington, DC. compatible operations between broadband Interference to weather radars at 3 GHz communication transmitters and sensitive has been caused by adjacent-band emissions adjacent-band radar receivers.

Interference effects (radial lines, called strobes) from a communication transmitter as seen on a NEXRAD weather radar display screen.

74 Telecommunications Theory

Related Publication Frank H. Sanders, Robert L. Sole, John E. Carroll, Glenn S. Secrest and T. Lynn Allmon, “Analysis and Resolution of RF Interference to Radars Operating in the Band 2700– 2900 MHz from Broadband Communication Transmitters” NTIA Technical Report TR-13-490, October 2012.

Left: A tower with communication transmitters that can interfere with NEXRAD weather radars. Right: A NEXRAD weather radar tower. Photos by Frank Sanders.

For more information, contact: Frank Sanders (303) 497-7600 Communication signal (raised pulses) observed by NTIA engineers in a NEXRAD weather radar fsanders@ receiver. The pulses form the lines seen in the figure on the previous page. its.bldrdoc.gov

75 ITS is a recognized leader in radio Lockheed Martin TPQ-53 Radar channel Measurement CRADA measurement and modeling whose Outputs resources and • Emission spectrum measurements of a new air-search radar. expertise are sought after both • Emission measurements of a new battlefield radar. by other • Seminars for LMCO on radar spectrum emissions. Government agencies and by he Institute makes its capabilities available remote locations where the measurement private sector Tfor use with partners in other Government system has to sit in the open, at an extended companies. In agencies and in the private sector via Inter- distance from any power sources or other local addition to agency Agreements (IA) and Cooperative Re- support infrastructure. performing search and Development Agreements (CRADA), In FY 2012 ITS undertook and completed measurements, and respectively. These agreements provide benefits a CRADA with the Lockheed Martin Company analyses on for both the Government and the private-sector (LMCO). Under this CRADA, ITS engineers per- request, ITS partners. formed RSEC emission-spectrum measurements engineers transfer The Institute has developed highly special- on a new LMCO battlefield counter-fire radar, ized capabilities for performing radar spectrum knowledge to the TPQ-53. Emission spectrum measurements engineering criteria (RSEC) measurements on others through were performed on this new radar at the Yuma radar transmitters.1 Procedures for RSEC mea- training in Proving Ground in Arizona, using a specialized surements are provided in available literature, spectrum radar emission measurement system housed in but building measurement systems that can measurement the RSMS vehicle. techniques perform these measurements can be prohibi- The TPQ-53 radar detects and tracks artil- developed over tively difficult and expensive for an organiza- lery rounds, short-range rockets and mortar more than half a tion, as compared to working directly with ITS rounds in flight. Live fire tests were conducted century of research. to perform the measurement. When organizations set up IAs or CRADAs while the ITS measurements were in progress. with ITS, the Institute’s specialized capabilities The measurement results were analyzed by ITS can be made available for RSEC measurements. engineers and provided to the sponsor per the This includes the use of ITS measurement terms of the CRADA; the final data set provided systems in the Radio Spectrum Measurement for spectrum certification for the radar under Science (RSMS) program. The RSMS systems are the NTIA RSEC. These measurements, and the well adapted for measurements at field sites. analysis results, helped to move this important The RSMS systems can be especially useful when new system forward to deployment with U.S. RSEC measurements have to be performed at and allied forces worldwide.

1. F. H. Sanders, R. L. Hinkle and B. J. Ramsey, “Measurement procedures for the radar spectrum engineering criteria (RSEC)”, NTIA Report TR-05-420, U. S. Department of Commerce, Mar. 2005. http://www.its. bldrdoc.gov/publications/2450.aspx

76 Telecommunications Theory

A TPQ-53 counter-fire radar during RSEC compliance measurements at the Yuma Proving Ground. Photo by Frank Sanders, courtesy LMCO and U.S. Army release.

For more information, contact: Frank Sanders (303) 497-7600 fsanders@ its.bldrdoc.gov

77 Maintaining public safety increasingly U.S. Navy Shore Line Intrusion depends on Monitoring System (SLiMS) Emissions sophisticated radio and radar Measurements equipment. New Outputs technologies for surveillance and • A full characterization of the emission characteristics of the SLiMS ultrawideband intrusion detection radar system promise more • A comprehensive study and model of interference potential of the SLiMS system to accurate and incumbent electronic systems (e.g., GPS and radar altimeters) at deployment locations detailed information for Overview set of emissions measurements on a shortened public safety he United States is currently engaged in a pole structure containing a single radar module. agencies, but global war on terror, and the security risks In coordination with the Naval Surface Warfare before they can be T to U.S. personnel and assets have increased Center (NSWC), ITS will: fully deployed significantly overseas and at home. The Depart- • Ensure that the Navy system is compliant with testing, ment of Defense is currently developing a num- NTIA and FCC UWB emissions limits. measurement, and ber of surveillance radars to detect and identify • Ensure that the system does not constitute a analysis is needed hazard to either personnel or ordinance to ensure that they intruders on the ground. In order for these sys- • Perform an incumbent system study at SLiMS are both safe and tems to be deployed, they must be proved to be deployment locations to make sure that inter- compatible with compatible with incumbent electronics systems ference does not occur existing wireless and to not pose safety hazards. ITS has a unique devices. combination of expertise, equipment, and facili- Progress and Deliverables ties to measure and evaluate these systems for ITS engineers have completed a compre- deployment. hensive series of emissions measurements on a Project Background SLiMS “short pole” in a fully anechoic chamber, The Navy Facilities Engineering Command as shown in the accompanying figure. An an- (NAVFAC) is sponsoring the development of an echoic chamber provides an interference-free ultrawideband (UWB) radar that can track as environment with high measurement precision. well as image intruders. It has been designated ITS measured antenna patterns, random losses, the Shore-Line Intrusion Monitoring System and peak/average radiated power levels. Emis- (SLiMS) system. The radar consists of a distrib- sion levels were measured over a frequency uted system of autonomous transmit/receive range of 1–15 GHz using a high-speed sampling modules mounted on poles, which are deployed oscilloscope and precision spectrum analyzer. around a facility to be protected. The number ITS conducted a series of antenna calibrations of poles and modules varies depending on the in conjunction with the emissions measure- coverage needed. There are currently plans to ments to provide high precision and excellent deploy this system at military bases in the con- measurement fidelity. An NTIA Technical Report tinental United States and in Alaska. The U.S. that provides a comprehensive discussion of the Department of Energy (DOE) wants to deploy measurement methods and results obtained this system around a nuclear power plant. The was written and published at the beginning of Navy has asked ITS to perform a comprehensive FY 2013.

78 Telecommunications Theory

Related Publication Robert T. Johnk, Frank H. Sanders, Kristen Davis, Geoffrey A. Sanders, John D. Ewan, Ronald L. Carey, Steven J. Gunderson, “Conducted and Radiated Emissions Measurements of an Ultrawideband Surveillance Radar” NTIA Technical Report TR-13-491, November 2012.

A “short pole” mounted Shore-Line Intrusion Monitoring System (SLiMS) autonomous transmit module is set up in an anechoic chamber at the Department of Commerce Boulder Laboratories, with a receive antenna to capture and measure its emissions. Photo by Robert Achatz.

For more information contact: Robert J. Achatz (303) 497-3498 rachatz @its.bldrdoc.gov

79 The advent of digital video Video Quality Research compression, Outputs storage, and transmission • Improved techniques to measure video quality systems has • Development of software tools exposed • Distribution of test video fundamental limitations of • Publication of technical papers techniques and • Representation of U.S. interests in international standards bodies methodologies traditionally used Overview having to change/modify their signing to be understood via video. to measure video here are three ways to measure video ITS leads an effort within the ITU-T Study performance. A quality: T Group 9 to produce a draft new Recommen- new measurement • Look at a test signal dation for audiovisual subjective testing. This paradigm is • Ask a person’s opinion of a video document seeks to accommodate the needs needed, one that is • Use a computer algorithm of researchers and developers to test modern tailored to the Test signals were an effective way to measure performance video devices in non-traditional environments, video quality in the days of analog television. characteristics of such as a noisy cafeteria. For example, the camera focused on a picture digital video of wide and narrow lines. Video quality was Reliable Objective Video systems. Ideally, it measured by finding the narrowest line on a Quality Models will perceive and television monitor. This does not work for mod- ITS has been developing objective Video measure video ern digital systems. Quality Models (VQM) for over two decades. impairments like a Asking a person’s opinion of video—also ITS’s VQM software offers an inexpensive alter- human being. The known as subjective testing—is by far the most native to subjective tests. The VQM software can ITS Video Quality be downloaded royalty-free for commercial or Research Program accurate way to measure video quality. The cost non-commercial use from www.its.bldrdoc.gov/ develops software and the time required are often a problem. For vqm. In the last four years, over 2400 people tools to implement example, industry needs rapid feedback while have downloaded the VQM software. this new paradigm fine tuning a new product, but subjective test- The VQM software includes a variety of algo- by rapidly and ing is a lengthy and expensive process. rithms to suit different needs: the Peak Signal to economically An objective video quality model is a com- Noise (PSNR) Model, the NTIA General Model, measuring video puter algorithm that attempts to predict human the NTIA Fast Low Bandwidth Model, and the quality. perception of video quality by trying to imitate Video Quality Model with Variable Frame Delay human perception, object recognition, and (VQM_VFD). judgment. This is difficult to do well. The PSNR Model has wide industry ac- Subjective Testing ceptance but the NTIA models offer improved In FY 2012, ITS began research into improved accuracy. The NTIA General Model and NTIA subjective testing techniques to measure the Fast Low Bandwidth Model were evaluated by impact of video on speech perception. These the Video Quality Experts Group (VQEG, www. vqeg.org) and standardized by the prestigious techniques will be useful for follow-on stud- International Telecommunication Union (ITU). ies into the level of video quality needed to communicate using a visual language such as Consumer Digital Video Library American Sign Language (ASL). Finding—and getting rights to use—relevant As a first step, ITS filmed interviews of people test video is an obstacle to some interesting signing conversations. To ensure accurate mea- research topics. The Consumer Digital Video surements, the filming included a large variety Library Web site (CDVL, www.cdvl.org) was of people with different signing behaviors. With created to address this problem. ITS developed, the assistance of a Deaf ASL Specialist, this foot- hosts, and supports the CDVL website. age will enable future experiments to determine The CDVL makes high quality, uncompressed the level of video quality that allows participants video clips available for download, free. Content to sign freely over any video link—without owners can also upload and share their content.

80 Telecommunications Theory

Clips hosted on CDVL are ideal for use by the • Providing independent oversight to promote Related education, research, and product development fairness and accuracy Publication: communities. CDVL content is also useful to: • Analyzing data from VQEG sponsored subjec- Margaret H. • Develop new products tive tests Pinson, Lucjan • Choose video equipment • Writing subjective test plans and reports Janowski, Romuald • Improve video coding algorithms Once an objective video quality model has Pépion, Quan • Optimize video system performance been tested by VQEG, the next step is an inter- Huynh-Thu, • Train objective video quality models national standard. This provides reputable proof Christian • Conduct subjective video quality tests that the algorithm is reliable. The video quality Schmidmer, Phillip In FY 2012, 187 people downloaded video project supports video standardization efforts in Corriveau, Audrey from CDVL. Approximately 75 percent were the Video Services Forum (www.videoservices- Younkin, Patrick from the U.S. and 25 percent from other coun- forum.org), ITU-T Study Group 9, ITU-T Study Le Callet, Marcus tries around the world. About 75 percent of Group 12, and ITU-R Working Party 6C. Barkowsky, and those who registered are from academia and 25 ITS provides information to U.S. industry and William Ingram, percent from industry. ITS has made 2500 video other Government agencies through responding “The Influence of clips available on CDVL, including VQEG’s high to e-mail and phone inquiries, lab visits, technical Subjects and definition television (HDTV) dataset. presentations, and publications. ITS sometimes Environment on Leadership performs subjective tests to answer questions Audiovisual Subjective Tests: VQEG determines whether objective video raised during this exchange of information, as An International quality models are accurate enough for industry reported in the related journal publication. Study,” IEEE to trust. ITS helped establish VQEG in 1997 and More information can be found on the Video Journal of Selected continues to participate in VQEG by: Quality Research home page at http://www.its. Topics in Signal • Co-chairing VQEG meetings bldrdoc.gov/n3/video. Processing, Vol. 6, No. 6, October 2012, pp. 640–651

For more information, contact: Sample frames from videos depicting people who sign in American Sign Language (ASL) as their Margaret H. Pinson main means of communication. Each participant was filmed signing a natural conversation in ASL. (303) 497 3579 The conversation in the footage looks like it took place over a high quality video link. Photos by mpinson Tom McDonald of Fire Side Productions @its.bldrdoc.gov

81 A unique combination of ITS Tools and Facilities past experience, current knowledge, Audio Visual Laboratories ITS has proven expertise in designing and specialized tools, conducting subjective experiments. Over the Subjective Testing Facilities and experimental past two decades, ITS has published the results Subjective testing is simply asking a person’s facilities enable from dozens of subjective experiments. opinion. This is the most accurate way to mea- ITS to perform One surprisingly difficult problem is audio sure the perceived quality of a phone conversa- advanced tele­ and video playback. Many audio and video play- tion or video stream. communications ers cannot guarantee that every person will see Designing a subjective test can be tricky. The research and solve and hear exactly the same audio or video. ITS way one asks a person’s opinion can influence complex telecom­ uses studio-quality hardware and special pur- the answer the person will give. Experts create munications pose software tools to ensure reliable playback. ITU Recommendations that list “best practices.” problems. These These attempt to minimize unwanted influence resources are on a person’s answer. When subjective tests are shared through designed with care, they can be highly repeat- interagency and able; that is, results are the same regardless of cooperative where or when the test takes place. research and development A controlled test environment can enhance agreements to repeatability. A person’s attention is focused on solve telecom­ the task at hand since the lighting is controlled, munications there is little or no background noise, and there challenges for are no visual distractions. A controlled room Federal and state also frees the experimenter from considering agencies and to environmental variables when analyzing the test support technology results. ITS has three such rooms: two are iden- transfer and tically constructed sound isolation chambers; commercialization one is a secluded, quiet room. of telecom­munica­ The two identical rooms can be connected tions products and to allow two persons to converse using audio, services. video, or both. This type of testing can reveal problems that are not apparent when people only listen to audio recordings or view video. An important example is audio delay—if it is too long, conversation becomes difficult. The third subjective test room is a larger, quiet room with a window. This room provides flexibility, but a little less control. Currently, the third test room looks like a living room. This sets a different context for questions about audio and video quality. Unique Capabilities Because subjective testing is so time intensive Audio Video Laboratory facilities at ITS. Top: and requires such expensive resources, only a The video workstation includes a broadcast few organizations in the United States perform quality television, studio quality speakers, and them. Significant expenses are: uncompressed capture of HDTV. Acoustical • Subjective test facility construction and foam reduces background noise, so that subtle operation audio impairments can be heard. Middle: • Accurate audio and video play back Subjective test room set up as a real world • Experiment design and implementation living room. Bottom: Sound isolation booth • Production of audio and video recordings that set up for an audiovisual subjective test, with a match the test purpose broadcast quality television and studio quality • Simulation of audio and video systems speakers. Photos by Andrew Catellier.

82 These playback systems often push cutting-edge The cornerstone of the system is the VSA that computer hardware to its limit. permits wideband noise measurements in up Simulating modern audio and video distribu- to 36 MHz of bandwidth and the recording of tion is expensive because there are many meth- digitized in-phase/quadrature (I/Q) samples of ods in use in the telecommunication industry. the entire noise signal. The ITS audiovisual lab has a variety of hardware The ability of this system to record actual I and software tools that encode, transmit, or and Q signal data in a wide bandwidth provides play audio and video, and simulate how people many options for processing and further use of use audio and video today. These tools span a the data. The preselector contains a fixed band- wide range of audio and video services: pass filter tuned to the measurement frequency, • Broadcast quality audio and video a low pass filter, and a low noise amplifier (LNA). • Satellite TV and Cable TV The filters can be easily exchanged to conduct • Video on Demand noise measurements at different frequencies. • Streaming Internet video This configuration provides for a very sensitive • Video teleconferencing measurement system with a noise figure (NF) of • Cell phone audio and video approximately 3 dB. The system uses a quarter- • VoIP wave monopole antenna, tuned to the desired Audio and Video Capabilities measurement frequency and mounted on a The ITS audiovisual lab includes support for ground plane. the following technologies: The personal computer is used to run soft- • Standard definition (SD) television ware developed by ITS to control the noise • High definition television (HDTV) measurement system. This software allows the • Three-dimensional television (3DTV) user to set the measurement frequency, band- • Monophonic, stereophonic, and 5.1-channel width (span), number of data points, and other audio streams parameters. Once the measurement is started, • Studio quality analog and digital video record- the software will automatically collect data at ers with 2 to 8 audio channels user-defined time intervals for a user-specified • Digital audio recorders duration. The software can also perform and • Analog audio mixing, filtering, and equalization display results of noise diode calibrations, • Studio quality video monitors, monitor loud- spectrum captures, and single manual noise speakers, and headphones measurement data captures. To provide a high • Telephone handsets degree of RF shielding between the measure- • Subjective test chambers compliant with ITU-T ment equipment and the antenna, as well as Rec. P.800, ITU-R Rec. BT.500, and ITU-T Rec. AC power, temperature control, and shelter, the P.900 noise measurement system is currently housed • Various hardware and software encoders and in the RSMS-4G measurement vehicle. decoders While the system is fully capable of, and • Internet protocol network error simulator has been used for, conducting outdoor noise compliant with ITU-T Rec. G.1050 measurements, several limitations of the sys- Contacts: Margaret Pinson (Video) tem have become apparent. These limitations (303) 497‑3579, [email protected]. include a susceptibility to signal overloads, the gov or Stephen D. Voran (audio), inability to adjust the analog sampling rate, (303) 497‑3839, [email protected] limited anti-aliasing filtering, no capability to Automated Wideband Noise include an external IF filter before the digitizer, Measurement System and a restriction on center frequency agility. Several years ago, ITS developed an auto- A new two-channel measurement system has mated wideband noise measurement system. recently been designed that will overcome these The measurement system consists of an an- limitations. The new system consists of one very tenna, ITS custom-built preselector, vector sensitive RF channel and another less sensitive signal analyzer (VSA), and personal computer. RF channel. Measurements are taken on both

83 channels simultaneously with processing used connects to the ITS Wireless Networks Research to extract the composite data. Center. The site can provide six independent Contact: Jeffery A. Wepman, duplex fiber channels to the ITS lab. This allows (303) 497‑3165, [email protected] research to be conducted over an isolated one- Boulder Labs Frequency mile outdoor Wi-Fi link. The fiber connectivity Manager provides a LAN connection to the outdoor wire- less router and the capability to operate remote An ITS staff person acts as the Boulder Labs data collection equipment. Frequency Manager, chairing the Boulder Labs Interference Committee. This committee pro- The outdoor router, located on an 80 foot tects the Department of Commerce Boulder tower, provides long-range 802.11 links to Laboratories campus and the Table Mountain other sites. These links provide 802.11b services Radio Quiet Zone facilities from harmful radio and are also used for network performance test- frequency interference by evaluating new ing. The site’s unique location, several hundred transmitters before they begin operating. feet above the main Department of Commerce Propagation analyses using various propagation campus, allows for the provisioning of wireless prediction models or field measurements may test links over a large portion of eastern Boulder be required in order to resolve potential electro- County. magnetic interference problems. Contact: Christopher Behm, The Committee has jurisdiction over all (303) 497‑3640, [email protected] Government and private industry users seeking permission for frequency usage at the Table High Performance Computing Mountain Radio Quiet Zone, and over stations Cluster in the area that meet the following conditions The HP blade computing cluster is an exten- of effective radiated power (ERP) and radial sible platform with 32 CPU cores and 128 GB of distance: RAM. It is primarily used for running propagation • All stations within 2.4 km. prediction models with large amounts of terrain • Stations with 50 W or more ERP within 4.8 km. data in parallel. The cluster allows researchers • Stations with 1 kW or more ERP within 16 km. to make significant progress towards achiev- • Stations with 25 kW or more ERP within 80 km. ing real-time results that are highly desirable Contact: Kristen Davis, (303) 497‑4619, [email protected] for many consumers of propagation modeling data. Customized software developed at ITS al- Green Mountain Mesa Field lows this capability to be leveraged for ITS and Site joint research projects in many ways. The cluster The Green Mountain Mesa Field Site is lo- runs both GNU/Linux and Windows Server® and cated on the main Department of Commerce also has the capability for virtualization of many Boulder Laboratories campus. The site is used client operating systems. The blade system is year round for outdoor wireless network re- housed inside a climate-controlled server room search and was extensively refurbished in FY with high available power and battery power 2010. Improvements included installation of a backup. There is sufficient capacity to enable portable building situated on a concrete pad to rapid response to new computing challenges securely house the fiber and power distribution. with new hardware or techniques. All servers A new 16.8 meter (55 foot) tower was also include redundant disk arrays, and backup to a constructed and raised to support research and large disk store. The room is physically secured evaluation of LTE (Long-Term Evolution), a 4th generation wireless technology. through an access control and security system The site is connected to the ITS laboratories that logs entry by authorized personnel. via both fiber optic and 802.11 links, and to the Contacts: George A. Engelbrecht, Table Mountain Field Site via a link. (303) 497‑4417, gengelbrecht@ The fiber optic link provides access to the ITS its.bldrdoc.gov or Timothy J. Riley local area network (LAN) while the 802.11 link (303) 497‑5735, [email protected]

84 ITS Tools and Facilities

Public Safety Audio and Video impacted by other equipment in the laboratory. Laboratories The digital capabilities include: digital mixing, One of the most challenging aspects of 24 track digital recording, 8 channel digital in- public safety communication is the harsh noise put and output to Windows-based computers, environment in which public safety practitioners digital audio tape (DAT), and 1/3 octave digital must effectively establish and conduct commu- filters. Usage of analog audio signals is kept to nications. The Public Safety Audio Laboratory a minimum by 1) digitizing analog inputs at (PSAL) and Public Safety Video Laboratory (PSVL) the input and keeping them digital throughout are facilities for investigating the voice and video any processing, and 2) only performing digital- quality of public safety communication systems to-analog conversion on signals that are to be in harsh environments. The PSAL consists of converted to acoustic signals. digital systems for mixing, storage, and distribu- The more specialized equipment in the tion of audio; sound attenuated chambers for PSAL includes the two HATS systems. The effective isolation; and International Telecom- HATS systems are defined by the ITU in Recom- munication Union (ITU)-compliant head and mendations P.58 (Head and torso simulator torso simulators (HATS) for acoustic coupling to for telephonometry), P.57 (Artificial ears), and radio interfaces. The PSVL consists of cameras, P.51 (Artificial mouth). These recommendations video capture systems, video coding and decod- specify the physical characteristics and acousti- ing systems, network simulators, video editing cal/electrical interface characteristics that en- stations, and props. able a consistent simulation of the speaking and The PSAL is built on a foundation of digital hearing frequency responses of the “average” audio mixing and distribution. All audio mix- human. The HATS enable consistent acoustic ing, distribution, storage, and filtering are input to communications equipment under test conducted in the digital realm with 48 kHz and provide a “willing subject” that will not be sampled audio. This provides a high-quality, subject to hearing loss when exposed to harsh distortion-free distribution system that is not noise environments for extended periods.

Racks of commercial off-the shelf public safety communications equipment used for testing in the Public Safety Audio Quality Research Laboratory. Photo by Ken Tilley.

85 The PSAL system provides a reproducible Association (TIA) Project 25 (P25) standards (TIA acoustic path that enables emulation of the 102). Another ongoing effort supports activities harsh noise environments encountered by public related to the P25 CAI testing standards in order safety practitioners. The recorded output from to further the goals of the Project 25 Compli- the system can be used in a number of ways. ance Assessment Program (P25 CAP). For example, the recordings might be analyzed The LTE Test Bed is another active effort to by an objective measurement technique such support the development of new public safety as that defined in ITU Recommendation P.862 mobile communications technologies. The PSRF (Perceptual evaluation of speech quality (PESQ): Lab hosts this test bed so that manufacturers an objective method for end-to-end speech may use it to hone public safety mobile com- quality assessment for narrowband telephone munications products incorporating LTE, a new networks and speech codecs). Alternatively, the generation of mobile broadband access tech- recordings might be incorporated into a subjec- nology, before they are brought to market. This tive test experiment where listeners rate the effort also includes development of techniques quality of the audio. to bridge LTE and P25 technologies. The primary role of the PSVL is to support While the PSRF Lab’s test and measurement the PSVQ project. In accomplishing this mis- capability is primarily intended to support devel- sion, scenes that contain selected vital elements opment and maturation of public safety mobile of public safety responder uses are created and communications technology, the underlying filmed on high-definition cameras. These scenes infrastructure and analysis facilities can support include simulations of surveillance cameras a much broader range of tests and radio equip- (indoor and outdoor), in-car police cameras, ment. This excess capability is available to other and search and rescue robot cameras, among Federal agencies on a first-come, first-served others. The video is then captured and edited basis. on the PSVL workstations. Selected scenes are Contacts: John M. Vanderau, processed through controlled versions of the (303) 497‑3506, [email protected]. communication systems that are typical of what gov or John D. Ewan, (303) 497‑3059, a jurisdiction might consider purchasing. The [email protected]. communication systems processing includes compression schemes and simulated wired and Pulsed Radar Target Generator wireless networks. The Pulsed Radar Target Generator is an To determine if a system is adequate for use electronic tool used to produce targets on a in specified applications, first responders view radar screen. The generator produces signals the video and attempt to perform certain tasks that simulate the returns that would normally such as identifying an object or reading a license be seen by a radar from targets in the environ- plate. The results of these tests provide data for ment. The signals are injected into the radar’s developing recommendations. Together, the receiver at the normal frequency of operation. PSAL and PSVL provide valuable insight into the Some radar models transmit modulated pulses. requirements for public safety audio and video The generator can produce modulated pulses communications. such as chirped and phase coded modulations Contacts: Jeff Bratcher (PSAL), (303) (including the popular Barker code set). 497-4610, [email protected] Several parameters of the signals can be or Joel Dumke (PSVL), (303) 497‑4418, adjusted over a wide range to be compatible [email protected] with several different radar models. For the Public Safety RF Laboratory same model radar, the number of targets and ITS’s Public Safety RF Laboratory (PSRF Lab) the range to the targets can be adjusted. Other supports several different but related research adjustments include the displayed bearing of efforts. One effort involves land mobile radio the targets and whether the targets are station- (LMR) systems and components research in ac- ary or moving along concentric circular paths. cordance with the Telecommunications Industry Compensation adjustments can be made for

86 ITS Tools and Facilities

radars that have large tolerances in their operat- loss) can be extracted. It has the capability of ing specifications. measuring both fast- and slow-fading phenom- The targets can be set to occur at a fixed ena as well as path loss. time interval after a timing pulse (for example, Over the past four years, a new ultrawide- beginning of scan) supplied by the radar. The band propagation measurement system has generator can be used to verify operation or come on line. It consists of a commercial- troubleshoot the radar under test. ITS has used off-the-shelf vector network analyzer (VNA), the generator to provide simulated desired sig- transmit and receive antennas, and an analog nals in interference studies where interference optical link. The VNA is configured to perform is injected into the radar and the effect on the 2 port S-parameter transmission measurements targets is recorded. between fixed transmit and receive antennas. Contact: Brent Bedford, (303) 497‑5288, The system covers a frequency range of [email protected] 20 MHz to 18 GHz and is used to measure Radio Propagation time- and frequency-domain propagation phe- Measurement Capabilities nomena at distances of 2–300 meters. It is con- figured in a stepped-frequency mode, and S21 ITS maintains and is developing both mobile data (amplitude and phase) are acquired and and static propagation measurement systems stored. The resulting frequency-domain data that address a number of wireless propagation are post-processed, inverse Fourier transformed, scenarios. ITS systems cover a frequency range and time gated to yield propagation parameters of 20 MHz to 30 GHz. The mobile propagation such as delay spread and basic path loss. system is deployed on two vehicles: a transmitter This system has high accuracy and is ideal truck and a receiver van. The transmitter truck has an on-board generator, a pair of telescoping for precision propagation measurements and masts, RF transmitters, associated modulators, model development/validation. The frequency- and a precision rubidium frequency reference. and time-domain signal processing yield high- The receiver van contains multiple antennas dynamic range and excellent immunity to RF mounted on a large aluminum ground plane, interference. The system transmits very low equipment racks, a multi-channel digitizer, power levels (typically +5 dBm) and has low spectrum analyzers, radio receivers, and a 5 kW interference potential to existing wireless ser- on-board generator. The van has a GPS naviga- vices. It has been used extensively for near-Earth tion system with a dead-reckoning backup. propagation measurements at Table Mountain The system has two operational modes: 1) with excellent path loss and channel impulse narrowband channel probe 2) broadband chan- response data obtained. This system also has nel probe. In mode 1, a continuous-wave (CW) excellent range resolution capabilities that signal is transmitted and received using a spec- permit the isolation and evaluation of selected trum analyzer, vector signal analyzer, or sound propagation events. Plans are currently being card/communications receiver combination. The made to perform indoor and building penetra- received data contain path loss, a slow-fading tion measurements using this system. profile, and fast-fading information. Contact: Dr. Robert Johnk, (303) 497‑3737, The narrowband mode has high dynamic [email protected] range, sensitivity, and excellent immunity to in- Radio Spectrum Measurement terference making it suitable for measurements in RF-congested urban environments. The sys- Science (RSMS) System Tools tem can also be operated as a broadband chan- The Radio Spectrum Measurement Science nel probe by applying binary phase shift keying (RSMS) measurement system is a unique, (BPSK) modulation to the transmitted signal state-of-the-art system designed for gathering using a pseudorandom number code with a information about spectrum occupancy, equip- user-selectable number of bits. Post-processing ment compliance, electromagnetic compat- yields a channel impulse response from which ibility, and interference resolution. The system useful parameters (e.g. delay spread, basic path provides NTIA critical measurement support for

87 determining policies that affect Government existing measurement capabilities. The RSMS radio systems and spectrum utilization. 5th generation software suite (RSMS-5G) makes The RSMS system is a dynamic and flexible use of modern software development environ- system that incorporates automated, semi- ments, simplifying the design and implementa- automated, and manual techniques for the tion of new measurement algorithms, as well measurement and analysis of radio emissions. as supporting multiple operating systems with While not defined by any single hardware con- fewer third-party software requirements. With figuration, the system employs state-of-the-art less dependency on third-party software and spectrum analyzers, digital oscilloscopes, vector compatibility with multiple operating systems, signal analyzers, and signal intercept and collec- the 5th generation of software has an extended tion systems. It is designed to be flexible enough application life-cycle and reduced overall costs. to accommodate implementation of mobile or Contacts: John E. Carroll, (303) 497‑3367, stationary measurements, in a laboratory or in [email protected] or Geoffrey the field. A. Sanders, (303) 497‑6736, An integral part of the system is the mea- [email protected] surement vehicle itself. The vehicle has a highly shielded enclosure (60 dB isolation) with three Spectrum Compatibility Test full-size equipment racks, three 10 meter tele- and Measurement Sets scoping masts, and a 20 kW diesel generator, as The introduction of new radio technologies well as Internet connections, fiber optic control in close physical and frequency proximity to lines, and a climate control system. The control older ones can result in electromagnetic com- and acquisition software is fully developed by patibility (EMC) problems. Although theoretical ITS so that measurement techniques can be eas- models and simulations provide useful informa- ily altered in new and innovative ways to meet tion in guiding design decisions, the complexity immediate needs. of modern systems and the existing spectral Controlling the RSMS system is the custom environment often require real-world measure- measurement automation software, developed ments of a proposed system’s effects within its internally. The software suite, now in its 5th operating environment to determine its impact generation, provides functionality that can on other spectrum users. easily accommodate new equipment and dif- Another problem is to adequately produce ferent hardware configurations, and expand on controlled interfering signals with known

Two monopole-on-a-ground-plane antennas set up for near-Earth propagation measurements at Table Mountain. Photo by S. Carroll.

88 ITS Tools and Facilities

characteristics in environments where suspected preprogrammed with the requisite mathemati- interferers may be unavailable for tests and cal information to create particular waveform measurements. This includes situations such modulations, such as quadrature phase shift as laboratory investigations of possible inter- keyed (QPSK) signals. ference from ship- or aircraft-mounted radars The ITS interference signals can be transmit- or terrestrial or space-based communications ted with high-power amplifiers to generate systems. In these sorts of situations, a system high-power interference at frequencies up is needed that simulates the spectral emissions to 26 GHz. The advantages of using VSGs to of other devices with high fidelity. An example generate interference include simplicity of op- of these needs is the requirement to determine eration and use, plus the ability to replicate very the thresholds at which various types of inter- complex interference waveforms with complete ference from communication transmitters are confidence in the fidelity of the simulated signal manifested as observable interference effects to the characteristics of the original signal from in radar receivers. Another example would be which it was derived. to determine the source(s) of interference from Contact: Frank H. Sanders, (303) 497‑7600, terrestrial services to space-based communica- [email protected] tion links. To meet these needs, ITS engineers have Table Mountain Field Site and developed capabilities to generate interference Radio Quiet Zone signals. These signals can be coupled directly Established in 1954, the Table Mountain Field into a system under test or they can be trans- Site and Radio Quiet Zone is a unique radio mitted through space into a target system’s research facility. Located north of Boulder, the receiver to more accurately gauge its response to a real interference situation. site extends about 4 kilometers (2.5 miles) north- ITS engineers generate interference by south by 2.4 kilometers (1.5 miles) east-west, and first using high-speed digitizers, called vector has an area of approximately 1,800 acres. The signal analyzers (VSA), to record interference site is designated as a Radio Quiet Zone where waveforms in bandwidths up to 36 MHz. They the magnitude of external signals is restricted subsequently radiate or hardline-couple those by state law and Federal regulation to minimize signals into victim receivers using vector signal radio-frequency interference to sensitive research generators (VSG). Alternatively, VSGs may be projects. Facilities at the site include:

LTE antenna at the Table Mountain site­—one of two fixed transmitters on the Public Safety 700 MHz Broadband Demonstration Network test network. Photo by Ken Tilley

89 • Spectrum Research Laboratory—A state-of- the web. User-friendly and efficient, it offers a the-art facility for research into radio spectrum broad range of programs that allow the user to usage and occupancy. Radio Quiet restrictions design or analyze the performance of telecom- ensure that no signal incident on the mesa munications systems. Currently available are: overpowers any other. online terrain data with 1 arc-second (30 m) • Open Field Radio Test Site—Table Mountain, resolution for CONUS and 3 arc-second (90 m) a flat-topped butte with uniform 2% slope, is resolution for much of the world, and GLOBE uniquely suited for radio experiments. It has (Global Land One-km Base Elevation) data for no perimeter obstructions and the ground is the entire world; U.S. Census data for 2000, relatively homogeneous. This facilitates study- 1997 update, and 1990; FCC databases; and ing outdoor radiation patterns from bare GIS databases (ArcInfo). TA Services developed antennas or antennas mounted on structures. models that predict communication system • Mobile Test Vehicles—There are several mobile coverage and interference for many broadcast test equipment platforms available at the site, applications. New models in the GIS environ- ranging from four-wheel drive trucks to full- ment have been developed. Programs available featured mobile laboratories. through TA Services include: • Large Turntable—A 10.4 meter (34 foot) • HAAT—Calculates Height Above Average Ter- diameter rotatable steel table mounted flush rain for an antenna at a specified location. with the ground. Laboratory space under- • PCS/LMDS—Allows the user to create or import neath houses test instrumentation and control surfaces which may include terrain, buildings, equipment, and motors to rotate the turn- vegetation, and other obstructions in order table. The facility can be operated remotely by to perform line of sight (LOS) and diffraction computer. studies. FCCFIND, FMFIND, TVFIND, AMFIND, • Two 18.3 Meter (60 Foot) Parabolic Dish An- and TOWERFIND—Allows the user to search tennas—These two antennas are steerable in the FCC database for particular stations or by both azimuth and elevation and have been search radius around a point of interest. used at frequencies from 400 MHz to 6 GHz. • PROFILE—Extracts path profiles according • Radar Test Range—A large space just south of to user-specified input parameters. After the the Spectrum Research Laboratory is available data is extracted, either the individual eleva- for testing radar systems. tions or an average elevation along the profile The Table Mountain Research program can be obtained. A user can also receive plots supports a number of research activities, e.g., of the profiles adjusted for various K factors. studying the effects of radio propagation on For microwave links, Fresnel zone clearance digital signal transmission, environmental and can be determined so that poor paths can be man-made noise, verification of antenna propa- eliminated from a planned circuit or network. gation models, and the development of mea- • SHADOW—Plots the radio line of sight (LOS) surement methods needed to assess efficient regions around a specified location in the U.S. spectrum occupancy and usage. Partnerships using digitized topographic data. The pro- and cooperative research activities with other gram shows areas that are LOS to the base of entities are encouraged at the site. Learn more the antenna, areas that are LOS to the top of online at: http://www.its.bldrdoc.gov/resources/ the antenna, and areas that are beyond LOS. table_mountain. • TERRAIN—Plots terrain elevation contours Contact: J. Wayde Allen, (303 497‑5871, from any of the terrain databases available [email protected] (1 arc-second Spatial Data Transfer Standard for CONUS, 3 arc-second U.S. Geological Sur- Telecommunications Analysis vey, and GLOBE for the whole world). Services • COVERAGE—Calculates the received signal The Telecommunications Analysis (TA) Ser- levels along radials that are spaced at user- vices program provides the latest ITS-developed defined intervals of bearing around the trans- engineering models and research data to mitter. The program lists the contours of signal industry and other Government agencies via coverage of the transmitter along each radial

90 ITS Tools and Facilities

and lists distances to user-specified contours Wireless Networks Research for each radial. Either the FCC broadcast rules Center or the ITS Irregular Terrain Model (ITM) can be The Wireless Networks Research Center chosen for calculations. (WNRC) provides a common laboratory area for • CSPM—Determines the system performance research in wireless networks and wireless net- of mobile and broadcast systems in detailed output plots of signal intensity. Plotted out- work access technologies. The WNRC allows ITS puts can be faxed to the user, plotted on clear to consolidate efforts in several areas, such as plastic for overlaying on geopolitical maps, or the RF/network interface. This work uses RF link downloaded to the user site (in HPGL, GIF, or characterization correlated with low-level net- TARGA format). This program uses the ITS ITM work management protocols to develop PCS- in a point-to-point mode, or other user-chosen to-PCS interference models, wireless network algorithms for path loss calculation. propagation models, noncooperative wireless • HDTV—Allows users to analyze interference measurement, and wireless network discovery. scenarios for proposed digital television (DTV) RF/network interface measurement devices are stations. The model contains current FCC and used to make detailed measurements of PCS MSTV allotment tables and maintains the and cellular networks. One device uses a series catalogs created by all program users. The of PCS/cellular phones to extract low-level pro- user can create new stations by hand, or by importing station information directly from tocol messages, network management informa- the FCC database. Analyses may be performed tion, and RF signal quality parameters. Another using existing FCC database and allotment as- has the ability to perform provider-independent signments, or the user can replace a station PN offset scans and CDMA2000 level 3 message with one created and maintained in his/her logging. catalog. The WNRC contains an experimental IEEE • NWS—A specialized application that helps the 802.11b wireless local area network (WLAN). National Weather Service maintain its catalog ITS has conducted a series of wireless Voice of weather radio stations (currently about over IP (VoIP) tests utilizing this infrastructure. 920). The WLAN resources include IP packet log- • PBS—An analysis model similar to the HDTV ging equipment that can be used in network model, but specialized for Public Broadcasting measurements. A code domain analyzer (CDA) Services (PBS) stations. Typical outputs may consist of composite plots showing Grade A measurement capability, used to collect both and B coverage of several stations or “overlap” short and long term Walsh channel data for any plots which show areas covered by more than target IS-95 base station, has been added to one station. the WNRC. The CDA operates in both the cel- • ICEPAC/VOACAP/REC533—High frequency lular and PCS frequency bands and can be used prediction models that can be downloaded in fixed or mobile environments. The WNRC is free and executed on Windows based used to conduct ITS research in the area of inter- platforms. PCS interference, in support of the Alliance for • ITM—Source code available for the ITS Irregu- Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS) lar Terrain Model (Longley/Rice). subcommittee WTSC-RAN. ITS also has the • IF-77—Source code available for the IF-77 Air/ capability to simulate PCS interference using a Ground, Air/Air, Ground/Satellite prediction series of ITS-implemented interference models. software (.1 to 20 GHz). Contacts: Paul M. McKenna, (303) Contacts: Christopher J. Behm, 497‑3474, [email protected] (303) 497‑3640, cbehm@its. or George Engelbrecht, (303) 497‑4417, bldrdoc.gov or Timothy J. Riley, (303) [email protected] 497‑5735, [email protected]

91 ITS Activities in FY 2012

Scientific progress relies on ITS Publications and Presentations in the broad and open FY 2012 dissemination of research results. NTIA Publications John E. Carroll, Geoffrey Sanders, Frank H. Sanders, and Robert L. Sole, “Case study: Department Frank H. Sanders and Roger A. Dalke, “Re- Investigation of interference into 5 GHz of Commerce lationships between measured power and weather radars from unlicensed national Administrative Order measurement bandwidth for frequency- information infrastructure devices,” Part III, DAO 219-1, Public modulated (chirped) pulses,” NTIA Technical NTIA Technical Report TR-12-486, June 2012 Communications Report TR-12-488, August 2012 In early 2009, the Federal Aviation Adminis- Measured power levels for radio frequency tration (FAA) became aware of interference to (RF) pulses that are frequency modulated Terminal Doppler Weather Radars (TDWRs) that (chirped) vary as a function of the bandwidth in operate in the 5600–5650 MHz band and pro- which the measurement is performed; if chirped vide measurements of gust fronts, windshear, pulses cause RF interference, the power levels microbursts, and other weather hazards for of the pulses in victim receivers will likewise improved safety of operations in and around vary as a function of receiver bandwidth. This airports. National Telecommunications and report provides both heuristic and rigorous Information Administration (NTIA) engineers, derivations of the relationships among chirped with assistance from FAA engineers, determined pulse parameters and the measured peak and the interference to be caused by some unli- average power levels of chirped pulses as a censed national information infrastructure (U function of measurement bandwidth. These NII) dynamic frequency selection (DFS) devices relationships may be best understood via a operating in the same frequency band as TDWR single graph (Figure 3) presented in this report. systems. These devices use DFS technology that This report supplements NTIA Technical Reports is supposed to detect the presence of nearby co- TR-05-420, TR-10-465 and TR-10-466, in which channel radars and change operating frequen- the formula for minimum bandwidth needed cies to prevent interference to those radars. This for measurement of full peak power in chirped pulses is presented but not derived. report, the third of a three-part series, describes some U NII emission spectra and introduces an Frank H. Sanders, “The rabbit ears pulse- additional set of TDWR test waveforms that the envelope phenomenon in off-fundamental Federal Communications Commission (FCC) may detection of pulsed signals,” NTIA Technical use during DFS U NII device testing. This report Report TR-12-487, July 2012 also explores the distances and geometries at When radiofrequency pulse envelopes are which interference to TDWRs from U NII devices observed away from their fundamental fre- is likely to occur. quency their shapes differ from those at their fundamental frequency. Off-fundamental pulse Michael Cotton, Madelaine Maior, Frank envelopes tend to exhibit spikes at their rising Sanders, Eric Nelson, and Douglas Sicker, and falling edges with lower-amplitude energy “ISART 2011 Proceedings - Developing for- between the spikes. This phenomenon, called ward thinking rules and processes to fully the rabbit ears effect, is described in this NTIA exploit spectrum resources: An evaluation of Report. Examples of rabbit ears pulse envelopes radar spectrum use and management,” NTIA are provided in a mathematical simulation and Special Publication SP-12-485, March 2012 from measurements of off-fundamental pulse These are the proceedings for the 2011 envelopes of two models of 5 GHz weather International Symposium on Advanced Radio radars. Morphologies of rabbit ears pulses Technologies hosted by the National Telecom- are examined. A method is provided for us- munications and Information Administration’s ing this effect to determine the durations and Institute for Telecommunication Sciences in bandwidths of chirped pulses in bandwidth- Boulder, Colorado. The conference focused limited measurement systems. Implications for on radar spectrum usage and management. off-fundamental detection of pulsed signals for It included radar tutorials; spectrum inventory dynamic frequency selection (DFS) algorithms briefings; and moderated discussions about are considered. radar policy, spectrum management, research

92 ITS Publications and Presentations in FY 2012

and technology, and regulatory issues related two monopoles placed close to the ground at Four ITS-authored to sharing radar spectrum. Overall, ISART specific separation distances. Soil properties are Conference Papers 2011 successfully brought together the radar extracted by comparing measured data with were accepted at and communications communities to identify known analytical models and optimizing the the 2012 IEEE spectrum issues and discuss ways to make radar results. International systems and spectrum more efficient. Conclu- Symposium on Journal Articles sions drawn at this year’s conference were that Electromagnetic better spectrum management in radar bands is Margaret H. Pinson, William Ingram, and Compatibility a multi-faceted problem spanning economic, Arthur Webster, “Audiovisual quality compo- (EMC). regulatory, and technical issues. Technical con- nents: An analysis,” IEEE Signal Processing cepts and solutions were identified that could Magazine, vol. 28, no. 6, pp. 60-67, Novem- improve radar spectrum efficiency. Examples ber 2011 include radar transmitter upgrades to improve The perceived quality of an audiovisual se- out-of-band emissions; using adaptive and cog- quence is heavily influenced by both the quality nitive antennas and signal processing to avoid, of the audio and the quality of the video. The mitigate, and prevent interference; and con- question then arises as to the relative impor- solidation of multiple radar systems, functions, tance of each factor and whether a regression and/or operational bands into a single platform. model predicting audiovisual quality can be In regards to sharing radar spectrum as a means devised that is generally applicable. to increase spectrum utilization, radar usage Conference Papers models that offer whitespace opportunities were identified. Radar spectrum improvement J.W. Allen, “A 3-axis antenna array for po- projects, however, have technical challenges larimetric spectrum surveys,” 2012 IEEE and tend to be large and expensive. Further, International Symposium on Electromagnetic current funding models do not support wide Compatibility (EMC), pp. 575–578, 6–10 Aug. scale development for the sake of spectrum ef- 2012 ficiency. The path forward involves the develop- Complete and accurate characterization of ment of a cohesive long-term radar spectrum the radio environment is necessary for effective strategy that reduces large radar projects into management of an increasingly congested radio incremental and manageable steps with limited spectrum. Unfortunately most antenna systems risk. Similarly, incremental regulatory reform is commonly used to perform spectrum surveys needed to enable spectrum sharing rules to be only respond strongly to signals with one po- implemented in manageable increments with a larization and from a limited number of direc- “crawl-walk-run” approach. tions. This paper describes an easily constructed antenna array that can detect signals from a Nicholas DeMinco, Robert T. Johnk, Paul very broad range of directions, determine the McKenna, Chriss A. Hammerschmidt, and total RF power at a given location regardless of J. Wayde Allen, “Free-field measurements polarization, and provide information about the of the electrical properties of soil using the polarization and arrival direction of signals. surface wave propagation between two monopole antennas,” NTIA Technical Report R.T. Johnk, C.A. Hammerschmidt, M.A. Mc- TR-12-484, January 2012 Farland, and J.J. Lemmon, “A fast-fading This report describes one of three free-field mobile channel measurement system,” 2012 radio frequency (RF) measurement systems that IEEE International Symposium on Electro- are currently being developed by engineers at the magnetic Compatibility (EMC), pp. 584–589, Institute for Telecommunication Sciences (NTIA/ 6–10 Aug. 2012 ITS). The objective is to provide estimates of the We describe a prototype propagation mea- electrical properties of the ground (permittivity surement system based on a combination of a and conductivity) over which the measurement spectrum analyzer and a vector signal analyzer. systems are deployed. This measurement system The system is designed to measure the charac- uses transmission loss measurements between teristics of a narrowband mobile radio channel.

93 We present results from a commercially-avail- Fourth International Workshop on Quality of able fading simulator and fixed-to-mobile mea- Multimedia Experience (QoMEX), pp. 39–44, surements performed in Boulder, Colorado. The 5–7 July 2012 results obtained look promising and the system We explore the quality impact when audiovi- demonstrates excellent measurement fidelity. sual content is delivered to different mobile de- vices. Subjects were shown the same sequences M.A. McFarland and R.T. Johnk, R.T., “Char- on five different mobile devices and a broadcast acterizing an S-band marine radar receiver quality television. Factors influencing quality rat- in the presence of interference,” 2012 IEEE ings include video resolution, viewing distance, International Symposium on Electromagnetic and monitor size. Analysis shows how subjects’ Compatibility (EMC), pp. 579–583, 6–10 Aug. perception of multimedia quality differs when 2012 content is viewed on different mobile devices. Characterizing the effects that out-of-band In addition, quality ratings from laboratory and interference has on the performance of an S- simulated living room sessions were statistically band marine radar receiver’s IF output normally equivalent. requires non-linear network analysis. We have developed a non-linear network analyzer from Presentations commonly available laboratory instruments. Our • Andrew Catellier, “Quality of Subsampled automated system operates over a broad range Video on Mobile Devices,” Video Quality Ex- of interferer frequencies and power levels. It perts Group (VQEG), December 12-16, 2011. enables the collection of the data required for • Joel Dumke, “Evaluating Video Quality in Pub- an extensive analysis of a radar receiver’s AM- lic Safety Applications,” 4th IEEE International AM and AM-PM performance in the presence Workshop on Future Multimedia Networking, of interference. With this data, engineers can 2012 IEEE Consumer Communications & Net- begin to make recommendations on protecting working Conference (CCNC 2012), Las Vegas, these radars from potential interference. NV, January 14, 2012. • Margaret Pinson, Keynote Address: “NTIA H. Ottke and C. Hammerschmidt, “Specialized Video Quality Metrics: Calibration, Models and algorithms for spectrum surveys,” 2012 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), pp. 565–570, 6–10 Aug. 2012 With increased demand in the radio spec- trum, there have been multiple recent cam- paigns to quantify spectrum occupancy through measurements. These measurements can pose many challenges, one of which is created by impulsive noise. Below 500 MHz, impulse noise can be particularly prominent and mimic nar- rowband LMR emissions during measurements that use common swept spectrum measure- ment techniques. This paper discusses methods to properly measure the intentionally radiated signals in the environment while minimizing measurement of unintentional emissions and describes processing algorithms that may be used to assist in distinguishing between LMR emissions and impulsive noise.

A. Catellier, M. Pinson, W. Ingram, A. Webster, ITS engineer Andrew Catellier presenting at the “Impact of mobile devices and usage loca- Video Quality Experts Group (VQEG) meeting in tion on perceived multimedia quality,” 2012 December 2011. Photo by Arthur Webster.

94 ITS Publications and Presentations in FY 2012

Validation,” Sixth International Workshop on Network Spring 2012 Stakeholder Meeting, Video Processing and Quality Metrics (VPQM), Broomfield, CO, March 7, 2012. Scottsdale, AZ, January 20, 2012. • DJ Atkinson, “Initial LTE Voice Performance • DJ Atkinson, “P25/VoLTE Interconnection: Indicators,” Public Safety 700 MHz Demon- Initial Voice Performance Indicators,” Inter- stration Network Spring 2012 Stakeholder national Wireless Communications Exposition Meeting, Broomfield, CO, March 7, 2012. (ICWE), Las Vegas, NV, February 22, 2012. • Andrew Thiessen, “Public Safety Communica- • Jeffrey Bratcher, “Public Safety Broadband tions Research (PSCR) Program,” Public Safety Demonstration Network,” International Wire- 700 MHz Demonstration Network Spring 2012 Stakeholder Meeting, Broomfield, CO, less Communications Exposition (ICWE), Las March 7, 2012. Vegas, NV, February 22, 2012. • Jeffrey Bratcher, with Dereck Orr (NIST), • DJ Atkinson, “Where are we with audio intel- “Project 25 Compliance Assessment Program ligibility in P25?,” International Wireless Com- (P25CAP),” Association of Public-Safety munications Exposition (ICWE), Las Vegas, NV, Communications Officials Australasia (APCO February 22, 2012. Australasia) 2012 Conference & Exhibition, • Jeffrey Bratcher, “Demo Network Test Results: Queensland, Australia, March 12–14, 2012. Background and Methodology,” Public Safety • Andrew Thiessen, “Public Safety Communi- 700 MHz Demonstration Network Spring cations Research (PSCR) Program,” Urgent 2012 Stakeholder Meeting, Broomfield, CO, Communications Webinar on Next Generation March 6, 2012. Communications: What does it Mean to You?, • Dr. Rob Stafford, “Public Safety Communica- March 15, 2012. tions Research,” Public Safety 700 MHz Dem- • Paul McKenna, “Integration of the Irregular onstration Network Spring 2012 Stakeholder Terrain Model into the Federal Spectrum Man- Meeting, Broomfield, CO, March 6, 2012. agement System, Release 2.0 (FSMS R 2.0),” • Andrew Thiessen, “NPSTC Broadband Require- Teleconference, April 11, 2012. ments,” Public Safety 700 MHz Demonstration • Chriss Hammerschmidt, “Initial Results from Three Spectrum Survey Campaigns,” 13th An- nual International Symposium on Advanced Radio Technologies (ISART 2012), Boulder, CO, July 25, 2012. • Mike Cotton, “Spectrum Occupancy Measure- ments of the 3500-3650 MHz Maritime Radar Band Near San Diego, CA,” • Jeffrey Bratcher, Rob Stafford, and Andrew Thiessen, with Dereck Orr, Emil Olbrich, and Michael Souryal (NIST), “A Nationwide 700 MHz Public Safety Broadband Network,” presented at the 78th Annual Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials – In- ternational (APCO International) Conference For information & Expo, Minneapolis, MN, August 20, 2012. about ITS • Arthur Webster and Margaret Pinson, with publications Philip Corriveau (Intel Labs) and Vittorio contact: Baroncini (Fondazione Ugo Bordoni, Italy), “ Lilli Segre, Tutorial on Standardization Trends in Video/ Publications Multimedia Quality Assessment,” presented at Officer ITS engineer Dr. Rob Stafford presenting at the the 2012 IEEE International Conference on Im- (303) 497-3572 Public Safety Demonstration Network Spring age Processing (ICIP), Orlando, FL, September lsegre 2012 Stakeholder Meeting. Photo by Ken Tilley. 30, 2012. @its.bldrdoc.gov

95 Technical standards formally ITS Standards Leadership Roles and document common Technical Contributions in FY 2012 norms or requirements for TS provides technical contributions to standards development organizations (SDO), standards technical systems. Irelated organizations (SRO), and other organizations that informally contribute to standardiza- Timely tion. For over half a century, ITS has held technical leadership roles and provided research-based promulgation of technical contributions to support U.S. Administration positions in formal national and international new standards for SDOs. These include: emerging • International Telecommunication Union Radiocommunication Sector (ITU-R) technologies gives • International Telecommunication Union ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) industry the • Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS) confidence to • Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) invest in new • 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) products, broadens In recent decades, the scope of this technology transfer effort has expanded to support the the market, and technical working groups of organizations such as the National Public Safety Telecommunications protects buyers’ Council (NPSTC) and the Video Quality Experts Group (VQEG). Reports produced by these bodies in- investments. This form the deliberations of SDOs and are important precursors to technical standardization. They also technology transfer inform the policy deliberations of regulatory bodies such as NTIA, FirstNet, and the FCC. ITS provides method directly technical leadership and expertise to these groups through formal and informal contributions. promotes U.S. Video Quality Experts Group’s (VQEG) Inde- competitiveness in Standards Leadership pendent Lab Group (ILG) and Co-chair of its telecommunica­ Below is a list of positions held by ITS staff AVHD Group. tions. members on various standards development • Patricia J. Raush: U.S. Co-chair and Head of organizations (SDO). Delegation of ITU-R Study Group 3 Working • Christopher J. Behm: U.S. Chair of Interna- Party 3J. Delegate to Working Parties 3J, 3K, tional Telecommunication Union Radiocom- 3L, and 3M. munication Sector (ITU-R) Study Group 3 • Timothy J. Riley: Member of Alliance for (Radiowave Propagation). Head of Delegation Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS) for Working Party 3L. Delegate to Working committee WTSC-RAN (Wireless Technolo- Parties 3L and 3K. Subgroup Chair in WP3L. gies and Systems Committee — Radio Access • Randall S. Bloomfield: Technical participant Networks) and issue champion and editor for and voting representative for NIST/OLES in development of a document addressing inter- TIA Engineering Committee TR-8 (Mobile and ference issues affecting wireless communica- Personal Private Radio Standards) and APIC tion systems. (APCO Project 25 Interface Committee). U.S. • Teresa Rusyn: Chair of the Drafting Group Department of Commerce Delegate to 3GPP and Rapporteur of ITU-R Study Group 3 Cor- SA (Service and System Aspects) Working respondence Group 3K3. Member of Working Group 2 (Architecture). Parties 3K and 3M. Subgroup Chair in Working • John E. Carroll: Delegate to ITU-R Working Party 3L. Party 5B. • Frank H. Sanders: Chair of ITU-R Radar Cor- • Paul M. McKenna: International Chair of respondence Group (radar technical spectrum ITU-R Study Group 3 Working Party 3K. U.S. issues). Delegate to ITU-R Working Party 5B Chair of Working Party 3K. International Chair (radar spectrum allocation and sharing) and of Subgroup 3K2. Joint Rapporteurs Group 1A-1C-5B (radar • Margaret H. Pinson: Head of U.S. Delega- spectrum efficiency issues). tion to ITU-T Study Group 9 (SG9: Integrated • Andrew P. Thiessen: Vice-Chair of the Tech- broadband cable networks and television and nology Committee and Chair of the Broad- sound transmission). Associate Rapporteur band Working Group, National Public Safety for Question 12/9 (Objective and subjective Telecommunications Council methods for evaluating perceptual audiovisual • Bruce R. Ward: Member, Technical Specifica- quality in multimedia services within the terms tion Group for Service and System Aspects of Study Group 9) in SG9. SG9 contact for Working Group 1 (TSGSA WG1), 3rd Genera- Electronic Working Methods. Co-chair of the tion Partnership Project (3GPP)

96 ITS Standards Leadership Roles and Technical Contributions in FY 2012

• Arthur A. Webster: International Chair of FY 2012 Approximate Count of Technical ITU-T Study Group 9 (SG9: Integrated broad- Contributions to SDOs, SROs, and others band cable networks and television and sound ITU-R Technical Contributions to SG3 13 transmission). SG9 representative to ITU-T ITU-T Technical Contributions/Reports to SG9 9 standardization committee for vocabulary ATIS Technical Contributions 11 (SCV) and to several ITU-T Joint Coordination 3GPP Technical Contributions 30 Activities such as those on Interoperability and VQEG contributing documents 44 Conformance (JCA-CIT) and Identity Manage- NPSTC task group report contributions 2 ment (JCA-IDM). Co-chair of Video Quality Experts Group (VQEG). Co-chair of ITU-T Joint • TIA TIA-102.BAEA-B, “Project 25 Data Rapporteur Group on Multimedia Quality As- Overview and Specification,” June 2012 (R. sessment (JRG-MMQA). Member of U.S. Del- Bloomfield) egations to ITU-T Study Groups 9 and 16, and • ATIS-P0017 “Proposed Joint ATIS/TIA Standard to the Telecommunication Standardization on Coexistence and Interference Issues in Land Advisory Group. U.S. Department of Com- Mobile Systems” draft in progress (T. Riley) merce voting member for ATIS Committees • 3GPP TR22.803, “Feasibility Study for Proxim- Network Performance, Reliability and Qual- ity Services (ProSe) (Release 12) v1.0.0,” Au- ity of Service Committee (PRQC) and Packet gust 2012 (B. Ward) Technologies and Systems Committee (PTSC). • ITU-R Recommendation P.528, “Propagation NTIA voting member for the Society of Cable curves for aeronautical, mobile and radionavi- Telecommunications Engineers (SCTE). gation services using the VHF, UHF and SHF Standards Development bands,” under revision Below is a representative list of draft and • ITU-R Recommendation P.533, “Method for approved technical standards to which ITS staff the prediction of the performance of HF cir- contributed in FY 2012. The table shows an cuits,” under revision approximate count of technical contributions • ITU-R Recommendation P.1546 “Method for ITS researchers provided in FY 2012 to support point-to-area predictions for terrestrial ser- the development of these standards and other vices in the frequency range 30 MHz to 3 000 standards-related activities. MHz,” under revision • TIA TSB-102-B, “TIA-102 Documentation Suite • ITU-T Draft new Recommendation J.bitvqm, Overview,” June 2012 (R. Bloomfield) “Hybrid perceptual bitstream video quality as- • TIA TSB-102-BACC-B, “Project 25 Inter-RF Sub- sessment” (Study Group 9, Question 12) system Interface Overview,” November 2011 • ITU-T Draft New Recommendation J.av-dist, (R. Bloomfield) “Methods for subjectively assessing audiovi- • TIA TSB-102.BADA, “Telephone Interconnect sual quality of internet video and distribution Overview (Voice Service),” June 2012 (R. quality television, including separate assess- Bloomfield) ment of video quality and audio quality”

97 ITS Government Projects in FY 2012 NTIA Science and Engineering Multimedia Quality Research Projects Develop a subjective methodology to mea- sure audiovisual quality. Create a single, cohe- Audio Quality Research sive audiovisual model, that objectively predicts Develop and evaluate new techniques for en- multimedia quality through a combination of coding, decoding, and analyzing speech signals. audio quality, video quality, and audiovisual Provide algorithms, software, and technical ex- synchronization information. pertise to other ITS programs. Provide technical Project Leader: Arthur A. Webster presentations and laboratory demonstrations as (303) 497‑3567, [email protected] requested. Project Leader: Stephen D. Voran (303) 497-3839, [email protected] Broadband Wireless Research Deploy state-of-the-art measurement sys- tems for collecting broadband radio wave prop- agation data, to promote spectrum extension, aid in the development of 3G and 4G cellular systems, and evaluate proposed short range unlicensed device interference. Project Leader: Dr. Robert Johnk (303) 497‑3737, [email protected] Broadband Wireless Standards Provide leadership and technical support to committees (e.g., ITU-R SG3/WP 3K, 3J, 3M, and 3L, TIA TR-8) developing broadband wire- less communications standards that affect Fed- eral agencies’ use of the services. Building on previous ITS work, develop model comparisons for each propagation model. Project Leader: Paul M. McKenna (303) 497‑3474, [email protected] Effects of the Channel on Radio Systems Identify, model, and characterize a small number of radio systems and use these to pre- dict the effects of the channel on others. Use the results to predict how interference intro- duced by new spectrum engineering methods impacts legacy systems. Project Leader: Robert J. Achatz (303) 497‑3498, [email protected] Emerging Wireless Technologies Present technical contributions on PCS inter- ference effects to ATIS Technical Subcommittee WTSC-RAN. Contribute to related fora (e.g., ITU-R Working Parties 5D, 3K, and 3M) as ap- Graphs of median, mean, and peak noise propriate. Develop a technology-independent, power in a 1 MHz bandwidth at three different multi-channel PCS interference model for use center frequencies measured over a 24 hour in the evaluation of CMRS and other potentially period at a business area location during a affected (e.g., public safety) systems. spectrum usage survey conducted as part of Project Leader: Timothy J. Riley the Noise and Spectrum Occupancy Measure- (303) 497-5735, [email protected] ment Research project.

98 ITS Government Projects in FY 2012

International Standards Support RSMS Development Provide objective, expert leadership and key Provide new and innovative measurement technical contributions in ITU-T and related U.S. hardware and software tools for current and industry committees responsible for develop- future RSMS capabilities. Project future needs ing broadband network performance, Quality and develop long-term strategies for building of Service (QoS), and resource management the necessary tools. standards. Project Leader: Geoffrey A. Sanders Project Leader: Arthur A. Webster (303) 497‑6736, [email protected] (303) 497‑3567, [email protected] RSMS Operations Public Safety Broadband Research Provide NTIA with critical measurement sup- Research, develop, and demonstrate state- port to determine radio spectrum usage across of-the-art methods and tools related to the the U.S.; resolve interference problems involving measurement of wireless data networks, such Government radio systems; and determine the as wireless local area networks (WLANs) and the emission characteristics of radio transmitter sys- use of software-defined radios (SDR) as dynami- tems that may affect Government operations. cally reconfigurable wireless network testing Project Leader: John E. Carroll tools. (303) 497‑3367, [email protected] Project Leader: Dr. Robert Stafford (303) 497-7835, [email protected] Table Mountain Modernization Maintain and upgrade the Table Mountain Noise and Spectrum Occupancy Measurement Research Field Site infrastructure, ensure a safe working Characterize and track over time the levels of environment there, and provide logistical sup- radio channel noise in various frequency bands port for research activities at the field site. and environments. Identify areas of greatest Project Leader: J. Wayde Allen need, design and implement systems to per- (303) 497‑5871, [email protected] form measurements in those areas, and report Table Mountain Research on the results. Conduct spectrum usage surveys. Utilize the Table Mountain Field Site and Project Leader: Jeffery A. Wepman Radio Quiet Zone to support fundamental (303) 497-3165, [email protected] research into the nature, interaction, and evalu- RSMS Enhancements ation of telecommunication devices, systems, Support RSMS operations through the and services in order to expand ITS’s knowledge development and maintenance of software, base, identify emerging technologies, and de- hardware, systems, and equipment. velop new measurement methods. Project Leader: John E. Carroll Project Leader: J. Wayde Allen (303) 497 3367, [email protected] (303) 497‑5871, [email protected] Video Quality Research Develop technology for assessing the per- formance of digital video transmission systems. Improve measurement technology for multi- media definition (MD) and high definition (HD) video systems. Facilitate the development of international video quality measurement stan- dards by participating in both the Independent Lab Group (ILG) of the Video Quality Experts’ Group (VQEG) and as a proponent for new re- This mini preselector is one of several custom duced reference (RR) measurement technology components of the RSMS measurement system for standard definition (SD) and HD TV systems. designed and built by ITS. Photo by Steve Project Leader: Margaret H. Pinson Engelking. (303) 497‑3579, [email protected]

99 NTIA/OSM Projects Rapporteur Group (JRG) 1A-1C-5B by providing position papers, technical reports, and atten- 2.7 GHz Interference Resolution dance in these forums. Also support the Radar Perform measurements and analysis of elec- Correspondence Group (RCG) and the JRG 1A- tromagnetic compatibility (EMC) issues between 1C5B and RCG websites. incumbent radar systems in the 2.7–2.9 GHz Project Leader: Frank H. Sanders spectrum band and other, non-radar transmit- (303) 497-7600, [email protected] ter systems operating in adjacent spectrum. Spectrum Sharing Test Bed Support Project Leader: Frank H. Sanders Evaluate equipment that uses Dynamic (303) 497-7600, [email protected] Spectrum Access (DSA) technology within the Integrate the Undisturbed Field Model 410-420 MHz and 470-512 MHz bands to Incorporate the Undisturbed Field Model assess and address potential interference to into the Short Range Mobile-to-Mobile Model incumbent spectrum users. for use by OSM in promoting efficient and ef- Project Leader: Eric D. Nelson fective use of spectrum resources. (303) 497‑7410, [email protected] Project Leader: Paul M. McKenna Upgrade the Slope-Intercept Empirical (303) 497-3474, [email protected] Model Propagation Engineering Support Upgrade the current single slope Slope-Inter- Provide technical support to NTIA/OSM in cept Empirical Model to a two-slope propaga- advancing telecommunications and network- tion model and provide the new models, with ing infrastructure development, improving supporting documentation, in a format that can U.S. telecommunications trade opportunities, be used to predict radio signal attenuation. advancing information technology, and pro- Project Leader: Paul M. McKenna moting more efficient and effective use of the (303) 497-3474, [email protected] radio spectrum. Project Leader: Paul M. McKenna Other Agency Projects (303) 497-3474, [email protected] Department of Commerce / NIST / Radar Support Tasking Office of Law Enforcement Standards Support USWP5B, USJRG, and the U.S. Ad- Analysis, Demonstration, T&E ministration’s positions in ITU-R WP5B and Joint Provide engineering support, scientific analysis, technical liaison, and test design and implementation to allow the identification, development, and validation of interoperability standards for the Justice, Public Safety, Home- land Security community, and other communi- cation system products and services supporting wireless telecommunications and information technology (IT) needs. Perform technical assess- ments and evaluations of existing and emerging commercial products and services that may provide interim solutions for various interoper- ability scenarios. Project Leader: Jeff Bratcher (303) 497-4610, [email protected] Assessment of Integration Strategies Conduct engineering analyses, cost/benefit assessments, evaluations of grant proposals and Setting up the RSMS measurement truck in research and development proposals, and tech- preparation for taking spectrum occupancy nical feasibility studies of emerging technologies measurements as part of ongoing support to to facilitate the development and/or application OSM, Photo by Chriss Hammerschmidt. of more effective interim integration solutions

100 ITS Government Projects in FY 2012

for public safety (that will be consistent with, Development of Requirements, RF Interoperability Standards or migrate logically to, the long-term standard- Provide applied science and engineering ex- ization strategy), and to help identify ways to pertise to OLES, and on behalf of OLES to the bridge the shortcomings identified through gap Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and analyses performed as part of the long-term Project SAFECOM. Solve telecommunications standardization process. interoperability and information sharing prob- Project Leader: Kameron A. Behnam lems among local, state, Federal, tribal, and international Justice, Public Safety, Homeland (303) 497-3830, [email protected] Security agencies by addressing voice, data, image, video, and multimedia information transfers. Project Leader: Andrew P. Thiessen (303) 497-4427, [email protected] P25 CAP and Public Safety Lab Equipment and Support Investigate if and how cutting edge tech- nologies (such as 3G & 4G systems based on OFDM, CDMA, etc.) can be integrated with existing P25 systems and/or deployed indepen- dently of traditional P25 systems in order to meet future public safety needs. Creation of a 700 MHz LTE Demonstration network using the PSCR RF Lab, Green Mountain Mesa, and Table Mountain field site. Standards development for Public Safety LTE support. Project Leader: Jeffrey R. Bratcher (303) 497-4610, [email protected] Public Safety Communications Research and Testing Facilitate standards development efforts aimed at nationwide public safety communica- tions interoperability and information sharing through direct participation and technical contribution to the appropriate Standards Video sequences filmed during a simulated Development Organizations. Conduct scientific accident training exercise are used in Public analyses, laboratory and field measurements, Safety Communications Research. Remote and test and evaluation activities to accommo- personnel could use such links to monitor date technical elements of the PSCR program developing incidents. Top: View of the scene and other related Federal programs supported through a pan-tilt-zoom security camera. by OLES. Maintain state-of-the-art laboratory Middle: Emergency medical technicians facilities, conduct field pilots, develop formal/in- and firefighters extract a patient from an formal training courses, test tools, and conduct automobile wreck, seen through a firefighter technical feasibility studies of emerging public or paramedic’s helmet camera. Bottom: Emer- safety interoperability technologies. gency medical technicians respond to a burn Project Leader: Jeffrey R. Bratcher patient inside an ambulance. One paramedic (303) 497-4610, [email protected] is calling patient information in to the hospital. Public Safety Telecommunications An audiovisual communication link is used, so Interoperability the doctor can see the patient’s condition. Stills Provide engineering support, scientific courtesy of www.cdvl.org. analysis, technical liaison, and test design and

101 implementation to allow the identification, whether the receivers comply with the stan- development, and validation of interoperability dards set down in CEA 2009. standards for the justice/public safety/homeland Project Leader: Raian F. Kaiser security community. Support the joint NTIA/ITS (303) 497‑5491, [email protected] and NIST/OLES Public Safety Communications Research (PSCR) program. Provide technical assessments and evaluations of commercial products and services that may provide interim solutions for various interoperability scenarios. Project Leader: Jeffrey R. Bratcher (303) 497-4610, [email protected] Public Safety Video Quality Assessment Determine one-way transmission minimum performance specifications for a wide range of task-based public safety video application areas that involve the ability to recognize the target of interest for a particular scenario (visual intel- ligibility or visual acuity). Project Leader: Dr. Joel Dumke (303) 497-4418, [email protected] Video Clip Preparation Film, edit, organize, and document high quality video sequences suitable for objective and subjective analysis of the suitability of video equipment for public safety purposes, with NOAA Weather Radio (NWR) broadcasts warn- appropriate usage permissions and content. ing and post-event information for all types of Design and film new video sequences, edit new natural and man-made hazards 24 hours a day and existing footage, organize footage into sce- on one of seven VHF frequencies from 162.400 nario groups, document the video sequences, MHz to 162.550 MHz and cannot be heard on and convert footage into multiple formats. a simple AM/FM radio receiver. ITS assists in Project Leader: Margaret H. Pinson developing weather radio performance stan- (303) 497-3579, [email protected] dards and reception tests they must pass be- Department of Commerce / NOAA / fore manufacturers are permitted to display the NOAA Weather Radio Program Office NWR All Hazards logo on their radios. Above, Enhancements to Propagation NWR coverage map for the state of Colorado Modeling Website (PMW VHF) as displayed on the NWS web site. Below, log Develop and enhance a web-based multipur- in page for the PMW VHF web-based modeling pose GIS propagation modeling tool to predict tool used to develop coverage maps. NOAA Weather Radio coverage and integrate 2010 population data to verify that NWR “All Hazards” radio transmissions reach 95% of the population of the U.S. as mandated by law. Project Leader: Teresa Rusyn (303) 497-3411, [email protected] NOAA Weather Radio Receiver Tests Test the responses of selected commercial NOAA Weather Radio (NWR) receivers to vari- ous simulated NWR transmissions using a series of repeatable measurement methods. Compile and report on the characteristics and responses of the tested receivers As applicable, determine

102 ITS Government Projects in FY 2012

Department of Defense (DOD) Project Leader: Andrew P. Thiessen Propagation Modeling Web site (PMW) (303) 497-4427, [email protected] Develop and enhance a web-based multipur- Investigative Device Measurement pose GIS propagation modeling tool to predict Methods coverage, interference and overlap coverage of Develop standardized measurement meth- outdoor broadcast systems for frequencies up ods for body wire systems and other investiga- to 20 GHz. tive devices. Support the Federal Partnership Project Leader: Julie Kub for Interoperable Communications standards (303) 497-4607, [email protected] committee. Support public safety practitioner DOD / U.S. Air Force involvement in the PSCR Broadband Demonstra- tion Network FPS-124 and RNSS EMC/Spectrum Study Project Leader: Jeffrey R. Bratcher Assist the Air Force to examine mitigation (303) 497-4610, [email protected] techniques between RNSS signals and radar DHS / Office of the CIO systems operating in the 1215–1390 MHz Investigative Device Testing frequency band. Perform radar emission mea- Provide engineering and technical support to surements on the AN/FPS-124. Spectral emis- DHS Office of the CIO for development of stan- sion data will be used to quantify the amount dardized measurement methods of investigative of energy, if any, that is radiated in the EESS devices. Conduct measurements on new and/or and WMTS bands, 1390–1400 MHz, and to proposed investigative devices defined by DHS. provide a complete FPS-124 emission spectrum, Project Leader: Christopher Behm a determination of transmitter bandwidths, cal- (303) 497-3640, [email protected] culated spurious and harmonic emission levels, DHS / U.S. Coast Guard and, if possible, a plot of the azimuthal antenna Evaluation of Interference to Marine pattern. Radars Project Leader: John E. Carroll Develop computer models of typical solid (303) 497-3367, [email protected] state and magnetron-based S-Band Marine DOD / U.S. Navy Radar receivers and perform EMI analyses and SLiMS Testing parametric studies of potential interference from Perform a comprehensive set of emissions Broadband Wireless devices operating within measurements on a Shore-Line Intrusion Moni- the band, and from devices and radars operat- toring System (SLiMS) ultrawideband (UWB) ing in adjacent bands. Where necessary, supple- radar fence module to ensure that system trans- ment these computer models by measurements mission levels fall below NTIA and Federal Com- performed on selected radar receivers. Develop munications Commission (FCC) UWB radiated emissions limits and that the system does not constitute an electromagnetic radiation hazard to either personnel or ordinance (HERP/HERO). Project Leader: Dr. Robert Johnk (303) 497‑3737, [email protected] Department of Homeland Security (DHS) / Office of Emergency Communications Coordination Support for the Office of Emergency Communications Provide support for public safety stakeholder involvement with the PSCR Public Safety Broad- band Demonstration Network and the develop- ment of public safety broadband requirements and standards in applicable broadband com- FPS-124 radar on which ITS performed emis- mittees and meetings. sion measurements. Photo by Frank Sanders.

103 recommended Marine Radar receiver selectivity National Aeronautics and Space standards to minimize interference from and Administration define reasonable adjacent band/out-of-band Intentional Emitter Study emissions (OOBE) limits for broadband wireless Perform a review of the current versions of devices. Monitor related Broadband Wireless the FCC licensing database and the Government spectrum reallocation efforts and FCC regula- Master File (GMF) to identify, characterize and tory actions and rulemaking efforts. catalog licensed or assigned radio transmitters Project Leader: Frank H. Sanders within approximately 8 km of about 200 locali- (303) 497-7600, [email protected] ties where some automotive control systems may Department of Transportation / Federal have experienced compromising failures. Railroad Administration Project Leader: Dr. Robert Johnk Railroad Telecommunications Study (303) 497‑3737, [email protected] Provide engineering services and products to the Federal Railroad Administration Office of L-Band Interference Thresholds Research and Development, including testing Obtain, for the receivers of FAA long-range VNB digital radios’ audio quality in a railroad radars ARSR-3, ARSR-4, and CARSR, the inter- environment, evaluating the efficacy of the VHF ference duty cycle threshold below which emis- channel plan, evaluating propagation models as sions from the planned NASA JPL Soil Moisture applied to railroad environments, and verifying Active/Passive (SMAP) orbital radar will not RF performance metrics of very narrowband cause loss of desired targets by terrestrial radars. digital radios. Prepare technical contribution Project Leader: Frank H. Sanders pertaining to railroad telecommunications for (303) 497-7600, [email protected] the Association of American Railroads’ (AAR) Wireless Communications Committee (WCC). National Archives and Records Administration Project Leader: John M. Vanderau (303) 497-3506, [email protected] NARA e-Government Study Provide the technical backbone for the pro- posed electronic Federal Record Center (eFRC). Working closely with NARA archivists, design and implement a potentially large scale records management infrastructure to administer, store, and manage temporary e-records in compliance with well-established NARA RM requirements, including support for automation of NARA busi- ness processes through electronic workflow. Project Leader: Michael G. Cotton (303) 497‑7346, [email protected] Various Federal & Non-Federal Agencies Telecommunications Analysis Services Develop and maintain TA Services analysis tools (propagation models) and their cor- responding interfaces to users and databases, including maintenance and development of Railroad yardmaster console position uses GUIs and various databases. 6.25 kHz bandwidth digital trunked FDMA Project Leader: George Engelbrecht, radios to communicate with railroad yard (303) 497‑4417, gengelbrecht@ personnel. Photos by John Vanderau. its.bldrdoc.gov

104 Abbreviations/Acronyms


3DTV three-dimensional television DCP digital sampling channel probe 3G third generation cellular wireless DFS dynamic frequency selection 3GPP 3rd Generation Partnership Project DHS Department of Homeland Security DOC Department of Commerce A DOD Department of Defense AAR Association of American Railroads DOE Department of Energy AC alternating current DSA dynamic spectrum access AMBER America’s Missing: Broadcast Emergency Response DSR Document & Standards Reference DTV digital television AMR Adaptive Multi-Rate ANSI American National Standards E Institute eFRC electronic Federal Record Center APCO Association of Public-Safety EMC electromagnetic compatibility Communications Officials EMS emergency medical services – International ERB Editorial Review Board APIC APCO Project 25 Interface Committee ERP effective radiated power ARNS aeronautical radionavigation ESRI Environmental Systems Research system Institute ARSR Air Route Surveillance Radar F ATIS Alliance for Telecommunications FAA Federal Aviation Administration Industry Solutions FCC Federal Communications AUGNet Ad Hoc UAV Ground Network Commission B FDMA frequency division multiple access BPL broadband over power line FEMA Federal Emergency Management BPSK binary phase shift keying Agency BRS broadband radio service FirstNet First Responders Network Authority C FLC Federal Laboratory Consortium CAI Common Air Interface FM frequency modulation CAP Compliance Assessment Program FTTA Federal Technology Transfer Act CDA Code Domain Analyzer FY fiscal year CDMA Code Division Multiple Access CDVL Consumer Digital Video Library G CEA Consumer Electronics Association GHz gigahertz CMRS Commercial Mobile Radio Services GIF graphical interchange format CONUS continental United States GIS geographic information system COTS commercial-off-the-shelf GLOBE Global Land One-km Base Elevation CRADA cooperative research and development agreement GMF Government Master File CARSR Common Air Route Surveillance GPS Global Positioning System Radar GSM Global System for Mobile CSPT Communication System Planning Communications Tool GSMA GSM Association CSSI Console Subsystem Interface GUC generalized use class CW continuous wave H D HATS head and torso simulator DAT digital audio tape HD high definition dB HDTV high definition television

105 HF high frequency L HPGL Hewlett-Packard Graphics LADAR laser detection and ranging Language LAN local area network HRTe high-resolution terrain elevation LF Low frequency I LF/MF low frequency/medium frequency LIDAR Light Detection and Ranging IBOC in-band on-channel LMDS local multipoint distribution IBRES in-building radio enhancement system system LMR land mobile radio IEC International Electrotechnical Commission LNA low noise amplifier IEEE Institute of Electrical and LOS line of sight Electronics Engineers LTE Long-Term Evolution IF intermediate frequency M IF-77 ITS-FAA 1977 propagation model MBE Multi-Band Excitation IFSAR interferometric synthetic aperture MD multimedia definition radar MF medium frequency ILG Independent Lab Group MHz megahertz IMT International Mobile Telecommunications MIL-STD Military Standard IP Internet protocol MIMO multiple input multiple output MOS Mean Opinion Score IPC interference protection criteria MSS mobile satellite services I/Q in-phase/quadrature MSTV Association for Maximum Service ISART International Symposium on Television Advanced Radio Technologies ISSI Inter-RF Subsystem Interface N IT Information Technology NARA National Archives and Records ITM Irregular Terrain Model Administration ITS Institute for Telecommunication NASA National Aeronautics and Space Sciences Administration ITS_UFED ITS Undisturbed-Field and NAVFAC Navy Facilities Engineering Empirically Derived Command ITU International Telecommunication NBSPN Nationwide Public Safety Union Broadband Network ITU-R ITU Radiocommunication Sector NF noise figure ITU-T ITU Telecommunication NIST National Institute of Standards Standardization Sector and Technology IWCE International Workshop on NOAA National Oceanic and Computational Electronics Atmospheric Administration NPSTC National Public Safety J Telecommunications Council JCA-CIT Joint Coordination Activity on NSWC Naval Surface Warfare Center Interoperability and Conformance NTIA National Telecommunications and JCA-IDM Joint Coordination Activity on Information Administration Identity Management NWR NOAA Weather Radio JRG Joint Rapporteur Group NWS National Weather Service JRG-MMQA Joint Rapporteur Group on Multimedia Quality Assessment O JTG Joint Task Group OEC Office for Emergency Communications K OFDM orthogonal frequency-division kHz kilohertz multiplexing km kilometer OIC Office of Interoperability and kW kilowatt Compatibility

106 Abbreviations/Acronyms

OLES Law Enforcement Standards Office SLiMS Shore Line Intrusion Monitoring OOBE out-of-band emission System OSM Office of Spectrum Management SMAP Soil Moisture Active/Passive orbital radar P SNR signal-to-noise ratio P25 Project 25 SoR Statement of Requirements PASS personal alert safety system SRS satellite remote sensing PBS Public Broadcasting Service PCS Personal Communications Service T PESQ perceptual evaluation of speech TA Telecommunications Analysis quality TARGA Truevision Advanced Raster PMW Propagation Modeling Website Graphics Adapter PN pseudorandom number TDWR Terminal Doppler Weather Radar PPDR public protection and disaster TIA Telecommunications Industry Association relief TIREM Terrain Integrated Rough Earth PRQC Network Performance, Reliability Model and Quality of Service Committee TR technical report PSAL Public Safety Audio Laboratory TSAG Telecommunication PSBB public safety broadband Standardization Advisory Group PSCR Public Safety Communications TSB Telecommunications Systems Research Bulletin PSNR peak signal-to-noise ratio TSG Technical Specification Group PSRF Public Safety RF Laboratory TV television PSVL Public Safety Video Laboratory PSVQ Public Safety Video Quality U PTSC Packet Technologies and Systems U.S. United States Committee UA unmanned aircraft UAS unmanned aircraft system Q UAV unmanned aerial vehicle QoMEX International Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience UHF ultra high frequency QoS quality of service ULA United Launch Alliance U-NII Unlicensed National Information R Infrastructure R&D research and development UN United Nations RAN radio access networks URSI International Union of Radio RECUV Research and Education Center for Science Unmanned Vehicles USNC United States National Committee RF radio frequency USRP universal software radio peripheral RR reduced reference UT universal time RSEC Radar Spectrum Engineering UWB ultrawideband Criteria V RSMS Radio Spectrum Measurement Science VHF very high frequency VNA vector network analyzer S VoIP voice over Internet protocol SCTE Society of Cable VoLTE voice over Long-Term Evolution Telecommunications Engineers VQEG Video Quality Experts Group SD standard definition VQiPS Video Quality in Public Safety SDO standards development VQM Video Quality Model organization VQM_VFD Video Quality Model with Variable SDR software-defined radio Frame Delay SG Study Group VSA vector signal analyzer SHF super high frequency VSG vector signal generator

107 W W watt WCC Wireless Communications Committee WCIT World Conference on International Telecommunications WG Working Group Wi3 Wireless Innovation and Infrastructure Initiative WiMAX Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access WLAN wireless local area network WNRC Wireless Networks Research Center WP Working Party WRC World Radiocommunication Conference WTSA World Telecommunications Standardization Assembly WTSC-RAN Wireless Technologies and Systems Committee – Radio Access Networks

108 DOC/NTIA Organization Chart

U.S. Department of Commerce

National National International Bureau of Economics U. S. Patent Oceanic and Institute of Trade Industry and and Statistics and Trademark Atmospheric Standards and Administration Security Administration Office Administration Technology

National Minority Economic Telecommunications Business Development and Information Development Administration Administration Agency

Office of Office of Policy Office of Spectrum Office of Telecommunications Analysis and Management International Affairs and Information Development Applications

Institute for Office of Telecommunication Public Safety Sciences Communications

Office of Policy Office of Office of Public Office of the Coordination and Congressional Affairs Chief Counsel Management Affairs 2012 ITS Technical Progress Report