High Point , Sicily, 22nd to 29th September 2012 High

YachtFest Point October 2008

High Point YachtFest Four Regattas in October 2008, in Gocek, Turkey.

Week 1 Ã 04/10/08 − 11/10/08 Ã LAW Week 2 Ã 11/10/08 − 18/10/08 Ã FINANCE Week 3 Ã 18/10/08 − 25/10/08 Ã ENGINEERING Week 4 Ã 25/10/08 − 01/11/08 Ã IT YachtFest

1, Victor Street • Oxford OX2 6BT, UK • T +44 (0)1865 516 577 • F +44 (0)1865 514 266 • [email protected] • www.highpointyachtfest.euOctober 2008

High Point YachtFest Four Regattas in October 2008, in Gocek, Turkey.

Week 1 Ã 04/10/08 − 11/10/08 Ã LAW Week 2 Ã 11/10/08 − 18/10/08 Ã FINANCE Week 3 Ã 18/10/08 − 25/10/08 Ã ENGINEERING Week 4 Ã 25/10/08 − 01/11/08 Ã IT

1, Victor Street • Oxford OX2 6BT, UK • T +44 (0)1865 516 577 • F +44 (0)1865 514 266 • [email protected] • www.highpointyachtfest.eu Table of Contents P 1 Front Cover P 2 Table of Contents P 3 Introduction P 4-5 Welcome & Prize-giving P6-7 General Information P 8 Arrivals, Check-in and programme P 9 Yachts, Handicaps and results table High P 10-11 Sailing Instructions and Waypoints P 12-20 Itinerary and Pilot Information P21-33 Crew presentation Point High P34 Marina Plans Point

YachtFest October 2008 High Point YachtFest Four Regattas in October 2008, in Gocek, Turkey.

Week 1 Ã 04/10/08 − 11/10/08 Ã LAW Week 2 Ã 11/10/08 − 18/10/08 Ã FINANCE Week 3 Ã 18/10/08 YachtFest − 25/10/08 Ã ENGINEERING Week 4 Ã 25/10/08 − 01/11/08 Ã IT October1, 2008Victor Street • Oxford OX2 6BT, UK • T +44 (0)1865 516 577 • F +44 (0)1865 514 266 • [email protected] • www.highpo intyachtfest.eu

High Point YachtFest Four Regattas in October 2008, in Gocek, Turkey.

Week 1 Ã 04/10/08 − 11/10/08 Ã LAW Week 2 Ã 11/10/08 − 18/10/08 Ã FINANCE Week 3 Ã 18/10/08 − 25/10/08 Ã ENGINEERING Week 4 Ã 25/10/08 − 01/11/08 Ã IT

1, Victor Street • Oxford OX2 6BT, UK • T +44 (0)1865 516 577 • F +44 (0)1865 514 266 • [email protected] • www.highpointyachtfest.eu Introduction

Welcome to High Point YachtFest 2012! After twice holding events in Sardinia and Corsica the Aeolian Islands north of Sicily emerged as the perfect venue for 2012. It is dramatically beautiful and has active volcanoes and thermal springs to ensure High the sea is comfortably warm for those late-night unplanned dips. The area is one of the most sought after destinations for A- list celebrities (like the Dutch Queen Carolyn, our two-time commodoress, and her famous entourage). Point

We have almost the same entrants as 2011 which means we can carry on where we left off...... tragically Paul Roux is no longer with us, but his son, Justin, is taking his place ...... and has a guitar-shaped suitcase, so be ready to “Keyp Rockin”!

All the yachts are based out of Portorosa which is where we will start and finish the week.

Portorosa and all the islands have supermarkets so you should be able to avoid the shame of having some of the week left over at the end of your provisions.

After the event kicks off with a wild welcome and reunion party in Portorosa the fleet will visit , , Stromboli, Salina, and finally back to Portorosa for the final party and emotional farewells. This area is great for swimming, YachtFest there are many spectacular sights, and some legs involve long distances, so the race legs will be tailored accordingly. October 2008

I have included extracts from Navionics charts in this booklet, but please do not use these or any other data presented here for navigation.

Please be reminded that a boat is entirely responsible for its own safety and nothing in this document or anywhere else, reduces this responsibility. It is for the boat to decide whether it is fit to sail in the conditions in which it will find itself. By going to sea, the boat confirms that it is fit for these conditions and that its High Point YachtFest crew is competent to sail in them. We recommend each skipper gives his crew a safety briefing covering Four Regattas in October 2008, in Gocek, Turkey. gas safety, MOB procedures, boom awareness, winch operation and lifejacket use as a minimum. Each skipper should make himself aware of any relevant medical conditions any of his crew have, especially diabetes, epilepsy or heart condition. It will not be easy to get prescription medicines during the week. Week 1 Ã 04/10/08 − 11/10/08 Ã LAW Week 2 Ã 11/10/08 − 18/10/08 Ã FINANCE We hope you will enjoy The Aeolian Islands as much as we anticipate you will. Week 3 Ã 18/10/08 − 25/10/08 Ã ENGINEERING Week 4 Ã 25/10/08 − 01/11/08 Ã IT John Hall Hall (co-organiser, race officer) 1, Victor Street • Oxford OX2 6BT, UK • T +44 (0)1865 516 577 • F +44 (0)1865 514 266 • [email protected] • www.highpointyachtfest.eu Welcome Party

The welcome party will be held in the Portorosa Marina in ‘La Casa di Nanna’. High Price per person is Euros 16 (rather than collecting from each Point participant, we will be asking the skippers to collect the amount and hand it to us before the welcome party).

The price includes the local tax, music and technical equipment (microphone, speakers etc) and a buffet type meal made of mainly Sicilian specialities such as focacce, caponata, pizzas, salads, mix of omelettes, Sicilian cheese, home made bread with tomatoes, eggplant etc... A glass of wine or beer for everyone, mineral water. YachtFest Prices for extra drinks are: October 2008 - Caffè €1,00 - Cappuccino €2,00 - Tea € 2,00 - Calice vino della casa bianco o rosso € 2,00 High Point YachtFest (glass of red or white wine) Four Regattas in October 2008, in Gocek, Turkey. - Birra da 33cl messina moretti o heineken € 2,00 Week 1 Ã 04/10/08 − 11/10/08 Ã LAW - Grappe o distillati Week 2 Ã 11/10/08 − 18/10/08 Ã FINANCE vari(passiti,malvasia etc € Week 3 Ã 18/10/08 − 25/10/08 Ã ENGINEERING 3,00 Week 4 Ã 25/10/08 − 01/11/08 Ã IT - cannolo siciliano € 2,00. 1, Victor Street • Oxford OX2 6BT, UK • T +44 (0)1865 516 577 • F +44 (0)1865 514 266 • [email protected] • www.highpointyachtfest.eu PRIZE GIVING PARTY Prize Giving party will be at the ‘Déjà vu’ beach bar, about a mile from Portorosa. This place also has a covered area in case High of rain. We have booked the evening at Euros 48 per Point person and this will include: Food, a bottle of wine between 3 people, transfers from/to Déjà vu throughout the evening, rental of the music system, karaoke system, microphone for the prize giving ceremony, DJ and his assistance, projector and screen to show photos, taxes that normally apply for private parties on the beach.... YachtFest Not included are extra October 2008 drinks at: wine €10 per bottle, beer €3, champagne €80, cocktails and other alcoholic drinks (I assume whiskey, rum etc) €7. High Point YachtFest (Rather than collecting from Four Regattas in October 2008, in Gocek, Turkey. each participant, we will be asking the skippers to collect Week 1 Ã 04/10/08 − 11/10/08 Ã LAW the amount and hand it to us Week 2 Ã 11/10/08 − 18/10/08 Ã FINANCE before the end of the week). Week 3 Ã 18/10/08 − 25/10/08 Ã ENGINEERING Week 4 Ã 25/10/08 − 01/11/08 Ã IT

1, Victor Street • Oxford OX2 6BT, UK • T +44 (0)1865 516 577 • F +44 (0)1865 514 266 • [email protected] • www.highpointyachtfest.eu General Information The Aeolian Islands lie north of Sicily and have a Mediterranean climate with hot and dry summers and cool and wet winters.

The prevailingHigh winds are from the west and northwest (10-15 knots) and numerous secure High anchoragesPoint are available. Occasionally the wind comes from the southeast in strong irregular gusts which Point are hot and enriched in Sahara desert dust and Etna ash. These winds arrive and pass quickly and are usually followed by thunderstorms, but if they are forecast we may have to change our plans.

The currents between the islands are driven by the winds and can be very strong, particularly between and Filicudi and south of .YachtFest These volcanicOctober islands 2008 have beautiful and spectacular coastlines but we need to be aware of hazardous shoals and YachtFest partially submerged rocks. It is important to navigate at a good distance from the coast. The depth drops off rapidly and care needs October 2008 to be taken when anchoring.

The Aeolian Islands are a great destination and were awarded the title Highof UNESCO Point World Heritage Site inYachtFest 2000. High Point YachtFestFour Regattas in October 2008, in Gocek, Turkey. Four Regattas in October 2008, in Gocek, Turkey. Week 1 à 04/10/08 − 11/10/08 à LAW Week 2 à 11/10/08 − 18/10/08 à FINANCE Week 3 à 18/10/08 − 25/10/08 à ENGINEERING Week 1 à 04/10/08 − 11/10/08 à LAW Week 4 à 25/10/08 − 01/11/08 à IT Week 2 à 11/10/08 − 18/10/08 à FINANCE 1, VictorWeek Street 3 à 18/10/08 − 25/10/08 • Oxford à ENGINEERING OX2 6BT, UK • T +44 (0)1865 516 577 • F +44 (0)1865 514 266 • [email protected] • www.highpointyachtfest.eu Week 4 à 25/10/08 − 01/11/08 à IT

1, Victor Street • Oxford OX2 6BT, UK • T +44 (0)1865 516 577 • F +44 (0)1865 514 266 • [email protected] • www.highpointyachtfest.eu Some background information from Sasha King:- Whether we are booking in an area that has a good choice of boats or in a more remote area with small and diverse fleet, it is crucial to secure the boats well in advance. In this way, we will secure as good fleet as possible, with just one or two suppliers who are then willing to provide good support. Each boat is only allocated to us when the deposit is paid, which is why we have to commit as soon as possible. High Some areas we know very well and the others we may be less familiar with. We work with local suppliers and a network of people that we have established relationship with. We will use it to make sure we have Pointthe best organized event possible, safe, with plenty of fun. With the areas that we don’t know that well, we will employ a local contact to lead us through the organization on the ground, help us with the route, moorings and evening organization. If there is a charge for this part of the organization, we will spread it across the fleet and collect with the balance Invoice. The aim of the event is for everyone to enjoy safe sailing and socialising. Our group is made up of great people from influential companies from different industries and countries. We have a gourmet night, music nights and will look to do more in the years to come based on your wishes. YachtFest October 2008

High Point YachtFest Four Regattas in October 2008, in Gocek, Turkey.

Week 1 Ã 04/10/08 − 11/10/08 Ã LAW Week 2 Ã 11/10/08 − 18/10/08 Ã FINANCE Week 3 Ã 18/10/08 − 25/10/08 Ã ENGINEERING Week 4 Ã 25/10/08 − 01/11/08 Ã IT

1, Victor Street • Oxford OX2 6BT, UK • T +44 (0)1865 516 577 • F +44 (0)1865 514 266 • [email protected] • www.highpointyachtfest.eu Arrivals, Check-in and programme for the week The airports are located near Palermo and Catania and transfers will be arranged by the crews through the charter High companies co-ordinated by Sasha. Point The provisional programme for the week will be as follows:- Saturday 22nd Portorosa Check-in Welcome Party at 19:30 Sunday 23rd Leg 1 - Portorosa to Lipari Monday 24th Lag 2 - Lipari to Panarea Swim at Lisca Bianca Beach barbeque/music in Cala Milazzese Tuesday 25th Leg 3 - Panarea to Stromboli YachtFest Evening climb to see October 2008 volcano Dine ashore (optional, of course) Wednesday 26th Leg 4 - Stromboli to Salina Dine ashore (Salina is best food island) Thursday 27th Leg 5 - Salina to Filicudi High Point YachtFest Gourmet night at Pecorini a Mare Friday 28th Leg 6 - Filicudi to Portorosa Four Regattas in October 2008, in Gocek, Turkey. Prize-giving Saturday 29th Check-out/farewell Week 1 Ã 04/10/08 − 11/10/08 Ã LAW Week 2 Ã 11/10/08 − 18/10/08 Ã FINANCE Week 3 Ã 18/10/08 − 25/10/08 Ã ENGINEERING Week 4 Ã 25/10/08 − 01/11/08 Ã IT

1, Victor Street • Oxford OX2 6BT, UK • T +44 (0)1865 516 577 • F +44 (0)1865 514 266 • [email protected] • www.highpointyachtfest.eu Yachts, Handicaps and Results Table Skipper Yacht Name Make/model TCF 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total Disc Points Rank High John Hall Hall Galeodea Ben Cyc 50.5 Point Carolyne Krijnse Zammù Dufour GL 525 Locker

Spyro Sorotos Katia Bavaria 42

Colin Ford Senza Pensieri Oceanis 473

David Brewster Marica Ben Cyc 43.3 Philip Young Senza Confini Oceanis 423 YachtFest October 2008 Duncan MacPhee Ulisse Ben Cyc 50.5

Ernesto Machado Senza Segreti Ben Cyc 50.5

Vilmos Thomazy Senza Veli Oceanis 43 David Barlow Rooster Blood Oceanis Cl 423 High Point YachtFest Steven Visser Marcella Ben Cyc 50.4 Four Regattas in October 2008, in Gocek, Turkey.

Martin Suter Suelita Ben Cyc 43.4 Week 1 Ã 04/10/08 − 11/10/08 Ã LAW Jacquie Milne Senza Cuore Oceanis 40 Week 2 Ã 11/10/08 − 18/10/08 Ã FINANCE Week 3 Ã 18/10/08 − 25/10/08 Ã ENGINEERING Week 4 Ã 25/10/08 − 01/11/08 Ã IT

1, Victor Street • Oxford OX2 6BT, UK • T +44 (0)1865 516 577 • F +44 (0)1865 514 266 • [email protected] • www.highpointyachtfest.eu Sailing Instructions and Waypoints General HPYF 2012 will take place out of Portorosa in Sicily from 22nd to 29th September 2012. John Hall Hall will be your Race Officer and his boat, “Galeodea” will be the “rabbit” for race starts (see below) and the lead boat for the week High (leading from behind, maybe!). The event will be sailed under ISAF’s “Racing Rules of Sailing for 2009 - 2012”. There will be 6 or so races (legs) with the worst result discarded. The overall ranking will be in order of lowest points score, so normally Carolyn, but not always!!. Ties will be decided Point based on each yacht’s best performances. The overall winners will receive an “appropriate” prize (i.e. reflecting the incentive afforded to the Race Officer and his team). Courses and Pre-race Briefings Briefings will be held every morning - see Race Officer’s crew for venue. All skippers and crews are welcome. The day’s course(s) will be given at the briefing, or later by VHF on the water. The start, finish and course marks will be selected features evident on the following pages. Interesting stories (“gossip”) from the previous night will be given time on the agenda. There will be a special section for skipper Colin. Start Procedure John’s boat will act as the “Rabbit” which starts the race by approaching slightly downwind of the windward mark on Port tack. The other entrants cross behind him on Starboard tack. The “rabbit” may trail a fender which you must start behind without touching. The start of the rabbit’s run will be pre- announced by VHF and if you don’t cross on the initial run, you may cross behind the rabbit at any time before the rabbit rounds the windward mark, after which you will be deemed to have failed to start. This procedure will be explained in more detail in a briefing YachtFest before the first start. The race will be considered to have started when the first boat crosses the rabbit’s wake. October 2008 Finishing Procedure The finishing line will be defined as a bearing to a conspicuous mark and you must record your own finishing time using the time display on your GPS. The normal time limit for each leg will be 18:00. Penalties and Protests A single 360° turn is the penalty for breaking a rule (“reduced” to 180° if protested!!). We’re not expecting any protests as we’re here to enjoy ourselves! High Point YachtFest Anchors / Spinnakers Four Regattas in October 2008, in Gocek, Turkey. Anchors can be left in place on the bow when racing, but don’t use it to make holes in other yachts, especially the “rabbit” at the start! Spinnakers, cruising chutes, jib poles and other equipment, such as boat-hooks are not allowed to be used to affect boat speed or to intimidate the opposition. Radio Check / VHF Procedure Week 1 Ã 04/10/08 − 11/10/08 Ã LAW We will have a radio check on the first day before we leave Portorosa. Week 2 Ã 11/10/08 − 18/10/08 Ã FINANCE Waypoint Listing Week 3 Ã 18/10/08 − 25/10/08 Ã ENGINEERING Please set your GPS to WGS 84 datum before entering the waypoints on the next page. Week 4 Ã 25/10/08 − 01/11/08 Ã IT The numbering is made up of the first two letters (HP = HighPoint) followed by 12 representing 2012, and the last 2 digits are a random sequence.

1, Victor Street • Oxford OX2 6BT, UK • T +44 (0)1865 516 577 • F +44 (0)1865 514 266 • [email protected] • www.highpointyachtfest.eu Waypoints Waypoint Co-ordinates Description High HP1201 N 38º 16.291 E 15º 14.414 Pta Mazzo at north of Milazzo peninsula HP1202 N 38º 23.976 E 14º 56.292 Rock “Pietra Guaglietta” on west coast of Vulcano Point HP1203 N 38º 26.358 E 14º 56.551 Between rocks at west end of passage between Vulcano & Lipari

HP1204 N 38º 28.490 E 14º 53.752 Rock “Pietro del Bagno on west coast of Lipari

HP1205 N 38º 37.637 E 15º 05.084 “Le Formiche” rocks southeast of Panarea

HP1206 N 38º 38.336 E 15º 07.068 East corner of Lisca Bianca

HP1207 N 38º 39.881 E 15º 06.387 Westnorthwest tip of Basiluzzo island HP1208 N 38º 39.627 E 15º 07.154 Southeast corner of Basiluzzo island YachtFest HP1209 N 38º 49.043 E 15º 15.135 Lighthouse on Strombolicchio October 2008 HP1210 N 38º 38.833 E 15º 03.864 West edge of rock on north coast of Panarea

HP1211 N 38º 37.421 E 15º 03.793 Rock south of Punta Milazzese

HP1212 N 38º 33.269 E 14º 52.286 End of pier at entrance to Porto delle Eolie HP1213 N 38º 34.834 E 14º 52.286 Northeast tip of Salina High Point YachtFest HP1214 N 38º 34.790 E 14º 48.022 West edge of rock “Faraglione”on northwest coast of Salina Four Regattas in October 2008, in Gocek, Turkey. HP1215 N 38º 33.448 E 14º 35.621 East edge of Capo Graziano in southeast Filicudi

HP1216 N 38º 33.508 E 14º 33.944 Southwest corner of pier at Pecorini a Mare on Filicudi Week 1 Ã 04/10/08 − 11/10/08 Ã LAW

HP1217 N 38º 34.943 E 14º 31.632 Light “Scoglio Montenassari” on rock northwest of Filicudi Week 2 Ã 11/10/08 − 18/10/08 Ã FINANCE Week 3 Ã 18/10/08 − 25/10/08 Ã ENGINEERING HP1218 N 38º 22.001 E 14º 59.509 Lighthouse on southern tip of Vulcano at P. Ta dei Porci Week 4 Ã 25/10/08 − 01/11/08 Ã IT HP1219 N 38º 08.578 E 15º 03.826 East end of mini-peninsula westnorthwest of Portorosa marina

1, Victor Street • Oxford OX2 6BT, UK • T +44 (0)1865 516 577 • F +44 (0)1865 514 266 • [email protected] • www.highpointyachtfest.eu Itinerary The intended route (shown below) may be possible in the normally prevailing westerlies but, like Italy The$route$for$2012$itself, the wind strength and direction are mostly High unpredictable. So, courses will be set on the day, • The$winds$are$steadier$than$in$Corsica/Sardinia$which$is$just$as$well,$because$the$islands$are$more$based on the conditions. Point spread$out$and$the$routes$have$to$be$longer.$ The Aeolian Islands have few natural racing marks so we will have to improvise at the last minute. • The$area$has$less$features$to$use$for$se@ng$courses$or$finishing$early$if$the$wind$dies.$The diagram on the left shows which ports are • The$volcanic$features$make$a$spectacular$ suitable for which wind directions backDdrop.$$Vulcano$looks$like$a$Swiss$cheese$ Stromboli full$of$holes$and$Stromboli$is$one$of$just$3$ acGve$volcanos$in$Europe$and$is$conGnuously$ dribbling$or$spi@ng$lava.$ YachtFest Panarea October 2008 • Prevailing$winds$are$generally$westerlies,$but$ Filicudi Salina can$swing$round$to$come$from$the$SE,$so$ these$routes$could$end$up$quite$different.$ Lipari • These$show$what$we$could$do$with$westerly$ winds.$ High Point YachtFest • Rabbit$starts$will$again$be$the$normal$way$of$ Four Regattas in October 2008, in Gocek, Turkey. starGng$the$fleet.$The$rest$of$the$fleet$should$ Vulcano posiGon$themselves$to$be$forward$of$the$ Week 1 Ã 04/10/08 − 11/10/08 Ã LAW starboard$bow$when$the$lead$boat$starts$her$ Milazzo Week 2 Ã 11/10/08 − 18/10/08 Ã FINANCE port$starGng$leg.$ Week 3 Ã 18/10/08 − 25/10/08 Ã ENGINEERING • Finishes$may$have$to$be$recorded$by$the$ Week 4 Ã 25/10/08 − 01/11/08 Ã IT parGcipants$or$by$the$first$finisher,$to$ensure$1, Victor Street • Oxford OX2 6BT, UK • T +44 (0)1865 516 577 • F +44 (0)1865 514 266 • [email protected] • www.highpointyachtfest.eu consistency.$ • The$sea$in$September$is$lovely$and$warm$and$ total$immersion$is$a$daily$must$do$pleasure$ which$the$courses$will$be$designed$to$ accommodate.$

Portorosa Portorosa is a purpose built complex with the SunSicily office in the centre where the shopping centre, marina office and restaurant are. High The SunSicily boats are on the other side in front of the Point hotel, less than 3 minutes walk from their office. They have a van to shift people and their luggage back and forth. The Sailing Sicily boats are just north-west of the SunSicily boats and they are still looking for an office, having recently moved from Milazzo. The supermarket is not big but is apparently well equipped and adequate for the first stock-up. They also do a provisioning service, charging 20% of the supermarket receipt. YachtFest Once everyone has checked in October 2008 and got their yachts provisioned up it is time to relax and get into h o l i d a y s p i r i t starting with the welcome party High Point YachtFest which Carolyn is Four Regattas in October 2008, in Gocek, Turkey. organising. Details of this kick-off event will follow...... Week 1 Ã 04/10/08 − 11/10/08 Ã LAW Week 2 Ã 11/10/08 − 18/10/08 Ã FINANCE Week 3 Ã 18/10/08 − 25/10/08 Ã ENGINEERING Week 4 Ã 25/10/08 − 01/11/08 Ã IT

1, Victor Street • Oxford OX2 6BT, UK • T +44 (0)1865 516 577 • F +44 (0)1865 514 266 • [email protected] • www.highpointyachtfest.eu

Sunsicily s.r.l.• 98123 Messina • Via Giordano Bruno, 106 • Tel. +39.090.2927680•+39.090.2982301 • fax +39.090.6514992 Capitale Sociale € 115.000,00 int. vers. •Codice fiscale e P. IVA 02154430835 •Iscrizione al Registro Imprese di Messina e-mail: [email protected] • sito Internet: http://www.sunsicily.com Vulcano Porto di Pontente

Vulcano We do not plan to High High spend a night here. Wikipedia says: Point “Vulcano has been quiet since the Point explosive eruption of the Fossa cone 1888 to 1890”, so High Point would be a big shock to these quiet peoples! YachtFest October 2008

YachtFest HighOctober 2008 Point YachtFest Four Regattas in October 2008, in Gocek, Turkey.

Week 1 Ã 04/10/08 − 11/10/08 Ã LAW Week 2 Ã 11/10/08 − 18/10/08 Ã FINANCE

Vulcano as seen from Lipari Week 3 Ã 18/10/08 − 25/10/08 Ã ENGINEERING Week 4 Ã 25/10/08 − 01/11/08 Ã IT

1, VictorHigh Street • PointOxford OX2 YachtFest 6BT, UK • T +44 (0)1865 516 577 • F +44 (0)1865 514 266 • [email protected] • www.highpointyachtfest.eu Four Regattas in October 2008, in Gocek, Turkey.

Week 1 Ã 04/10/08 − 11/10/08 Ã LAW Week 2 Ã 11/10/08 − 18/10/08 Ã FINANCE Week 3 Ã 18/10/08 − 25/10/08 Ã ENGINEERING Week 4 Ã 25/10/08 − 01/11/08 Ã IT

1, Victor Street • Oxford OX2 6BT, UK • T +44 (0)1865 516 577 • F +44 (0)1865 514 266 • [email protected] • www.highpointyachtfest.eu Lipari If the wind is westerly, we can moor in Marina Corta. If there is strong wind from the southeast, the safest and cheaper place will be Pignataro harbour High which is about half a mile north in the same bay. The main centre is a 1km walk or €10-15 taxi ride Point for 8 each way. Other possibilities for mooring in High southeasterlies are Valle Muria bay or the beautiful bay of Porto di Ponente in Vulcano Island, 2.5 Nm to the south. In both these places Point we can drop anchor in about 5 metres depth and both have a secure sandy bottom. Pignataro Lipari is the biggest and main island with lots of Lunga facilities including museum, hospital, supermarket, fish market, chandlery and more. Sottomonastero Recommended restaurants are Filippino at €60-70 YachtFest per head (call Mr Bernardi on +39 090 9811002) or Marina Corta October 2008 Trattoria del vicolo in a cosy flowered street and €30-40 per head (call Miss Rosy on +39 090 9811066). Name drop Daniele for preferential treatment. Bars to consider are Luna Quinta YachtFestValle Muria bay (sailors’ bar), Eden Bar (good for HighPotential finish line Point YachtFest aperitif), Bar l’approdo (live music) and October 2008 a couple of discos with bumpt bumpt Four Regattas in October 2008, in Gocek, Turkey. bumpt type music you can’t speak over. Supermarkets will deliver free for the Week 1 Ã 04/10/08 − 11/10/08 Ã LAW chance of a friendly tip and there are Week 2 Ã 11/10/08 − 18/10/08 Ã FINANCE two small chandlers. Porto di Pontente Week 3 Ã 18/10/08 − 25/10/08 Ã ENGINEERING There is a small sailmaker for repairs and mechanical service available. Week 4 Ã 25/10/08 − 01/11/08 Ã IT

1, VictorHigh Street Point • Oxford YachtFest OX2 6BT, UK • T +44 (0)1865 516 577 • F +44 (0)1865 514 266 • [email protected] • www.highpointyachtfest.eu Four Regattas in October 2008, in Gocek, Turkey.

Week 1 Ã 04/10/08 − 11/10/08 Ã LAW Week 2 Ã 11/10/08 − 18/10/08 Ã FINANCE Week 3 Ã 18/10/08 − 25/10/08 Ã ENGINEERING Week 4 Ã 25/10/08 − 01/11/08 Ã IT

1, Victor Street • Oxford OX2 6BT, UK • T +44 (0)1865 516 577 • F +44 (0)1865 514 266 • [email protected] • www.highpointyachtfest.eu Panarea There is room for 10-12 boats to anchor for free near High the one concrete pier Point where the High ferry and other ships moor up. Just 0.5 Nm to Point the north, Enzino has a buoy field and operates a 24 hour water taxi Capo and Cala Milazzese Enzino service which is included in the ~€30 YachtFest mooring fee. October 2008 There’s a nice beach we can anchor on at Cala Milazzese with a restaurant, Zimmari, which Swim option we could call up to organise a beach barbeque (call +39 329 6279502). Or there is the restaurant da Pina which is very special (ask for Giovanna or Anna on +39 090 983032). Two aperitif YachtFest solutions are the Raya or Bridge Club terraces, High Point YachtFest OctoberCala 2008 Junco both of which serve good stuff and have Four Regattas in October 2008, in Gocek, Turkey. amazing panoramic views. Cala Milazzese Panarea is a very tiny village and all activities 04/10/08 − 11/10/08 take place on or close to the dock. Week 1 Ã Ã LAW The special swimming option in the area is the Week 2 Ã 11/10/08 − 18/10/08 Ã FINANCE water southwest of Lisca Bianca where bubbles Week 3 Ã 18/10/08 − 25/10/08 Ã ENGINEERING can be seen coming out of the ground (it wasn’t Week 4 Ã 25/10/08 − 01/11/08 Ã IT me, honest!!). Cala Junco 1, VictorHigh Street Point • Oxford OX2YachtFest 6BT, UK • T +44 (0)1865 516 577 • F +44 (0)1865 514 266 • [email protected] • www.highpointyachtfest.eu Four Regattas in October 2008, in Gocek, Turkey.

Week 1 Ã 04/10/08 − 11/10/08 Ã LAW Week 2 Ã 11/10/08 − 18/10/08 Ã FINANCE Week 3 Ã 18/10/08 − 25/10/08 Ã ENGINEERING Week 4 Ã 25/10/08 − 01/11/08 Ã IT

1, Victor Street • Oxford OX2 6BT, UK • T +44 (0)1865 516 577 • F +44 (0)1865 514 266 • [email protected] • www.highpointyachtfest.eu Stromboli The seabed follows the shape of the island so it is very deep even close to the island. There are two options for mooring on the northeast coast. High The first is the buoy area Sabbianera (ask for Ando on +39 335 Fico Grande Point 8021375) which costs €25-30 including High 24 hour water taxi. The other is free mooring at anchor just north of the Sabbianera buoys on the tongue of sand that Point protrudes to the northeast from the land in 5-6 metres depth, or further round on the long black beach called Fico Grande, also 5-6 metres deep and with good holding. If there is a strong YachtFest northeasterly blowing the only October 2008 shelter is down-wind of the big rock and the coastguard does not allow boats close to the shore. If it blows up we would have to shelter here on engine, so fingers crossed for benign winds YachtFest for this part of the trip. HighOctober 2008 Point YachtFest Rumour has it that Barbablu is a Four Regattas in October 2008, in Gocek, Turkey. good dinner or aperitif venue and that the sweet pastries and Week 1 Ã 04/10/08 − 11/10/08 Ã LAW “Arancini” (riceball filled with ragu....yummy!) at Ingrid Bar in Week 2 Ã 11/10/08 − 18/10/08 Ã FINANCE the main square are unmissable. Week 3 Ã 18/10/08 − 25/10/08 Ã ENGINEERING Ingrid’s is also the meeting point Week 4 Ã 25/10/08 − 01/11/08 Ã IT for the climb up the volcano. Strombolicchio 1, VictorHigh Street • OxfordPoint OX2 6BT,YachtFest UK • T +44 (0)1865 516 577 • F +44 (0)1865 514 266 • [email protected] • www.highpointyachtfest.eu Four Regattas in October 2008, in Gocek, Turkey.

Week 1 Ã 04/10/08 − 11/10/08 Ã LAW Week 2 Ã 11/10/08 − 18/10/08 Ã FINANCE Week 3 Ã 18/10/08 − 25/10/08 Ã ENGINEERING Week 4 Ã 25/10/08 − 01/11/08 Ã IT

1, Victor Street • Oxford OX2 6BT, UK • T +44 (0)1865 516 577 • F +44 (0)1865 514 266 • [email protected] • www.highpointyachtfest.eu Salina We will probably stop in the Porto delle Eolie (tel: +39 090 9843521) if we need to fill our tanks and galleys after nights at anchor. Otherwise we can drop anchor just in front of the marina entrance. High Salina is a gastro island with many great restaurants and amazing food. The sweet wine Point “Malvasia” is produced on the island -how about a High visit to a vineyard for some tasting? Laila Club at the end of the promenade and 10 minutes walk from the marina towards the centre is Point in the running for an aperitif. In Santa Marina Porto delle Eolie there is:- - Portobello is a terrace just above the Laila Club. Prices €50-60 per person (+39 090 9843125) - Mamma Santina is a sort of Trattoria, 15 minutes walk from the centre. Mario the chef learnt from YachtFest his mother, Mamma Santina and is great October 2008 friends with Daniele, our local guide. - Batana is the best pizzeria in the island and, like Mario, the owner, Tamrat, is a great friend of Daniele. 3 km west lies the small fishing village of YachtFest Lingua which is home to Alfredo’s bar OctoberHigh 2008 Point YachtFest which is the most famous in the Four Regattas in October 2008, in Gocek, Turkey. archipelago. “Granita Siciliana” and “Pane Cunzato” are specialities that can be looked up on the internet. Week 1 Ã 04/10/08 − 11/10/08 Ã LAW Pollara is 12km away and a great spot for Week 2 Ã 11/10/08 − 18/10/08 Ã FINANCE the sunset. The restaurant La Locanda del 18/10/08 − 25/10/08 ENGINEERING Postino is a dinner option there and they Week 3 Ã Ã would collect a crew by mini-bus (Mauro or Week 4 Ã 25/10/08 − 01/11/08 Ã IT Amelia on +39 335 6779733). 1, VictorHigh Street Point • Oxford YachtFest OX2 6BT, UK • T +44 (0)1865 516 577 • F +44 (0)1865 514 266 • [email protected] • www.highpointyachtfest.eu Four Regattas in October 2008, in Gocek, Turkey.

Week 1 Ã 04/10/08 − 11/10/08 Ã LAW Week 2 Ã 11/10/08 − 18/10/08 Ã FINANCE Week 3 Ã 18/10/08 − 25/10/08 Ã ENGINEERING Week 4 Ã 25/10/08 − 01/11/08 Ã IT

1, Victor Street • Oxford OX2 6BT, UK • T +44 (0)1865 516 577 • F +44 (0)1865 514 266 • [email protected] • www.highpointyachtfest.eu Filicudi There are no marinas in this little island. We can drop anchor and moor up stern to the concrete pier in Anchorage 1 Pecorini a mare. The bottom is sand and rock. Call Nino on +39 340 1484645 or +39 090 9889077 to arrange High moorings or employ his diving services. On the way there we could stop at one of the anchorages Point at Punta la Zotta (1) (beware of rocks!) or the back of the High ankle-shaped peninsula in the southeast part of the island (2). The Saloon on the promenade would a good choice for Point our apres-sail rendez-vous aperitif beer or Malvasia wine-tasting in simple surrounding frequented by the locals. A place to soak up the local culture. Antonio and Alina (she’s English and they live in the Isle of Wight during the winter) bought a piece of land and built their restaurant, Lidalina, on the seaside so YachtFest we could eat there (+39 349 8693320), la Sirena or October 2008 Filicudi Yacht Club which are also good places with nice terraces. YachtFest HighAnchorage 2 Point YachtFest OctoberFour 2008 Regattas in October 2008, in Gocek, Turkey.

Week 1 Ã 04/10/08 − 11/10/08 Ã LAW Week 2 Ã 11/10/08 − 18/10/08 Ã FINANCE Caves on Filicudi Week 3 Ã 18/10/08 − 25/10/08 Ã ENGINEERING Week 4 Ã 25/10/08 − 01/11/08 Ã IT

1, VictorHigh Street Point • Oxford YachtFest OX2 6BT, UK • T +44 (0)1865 516 577 • F +44 (0)1865 514 266 • [email protected] • www.highpointyachtfest.eu Four Regattas in October 2008, in Gocek, Turkey.

Week 1 Ã 04/10/08 − 11/10/08 Ã LAW Week 2 Ã 11/10/08 − 18/10/08 Ã FINANCE Week 3 Ã 18/10/08 − 25/10/08 Ã ENGINEERING Week 4 Ã 25/10/08 − 01/11/08 Ã IT

1, Victor Street • Oxford OX2 6BT, UK • T +44 (0)1865 516 577 • F +44 (0)1865 514 266 • [email protected] • www.highpointyachtfest.eu Stop-overs Facility Name Lat/Long VHF Phone High Marina Porto delle Eolie, Salina N 38º 33.256’ E 14º 52.235’ +39 0909843521

Marina Marina Corta, Lipari N 38º 27.957’ E 14º 57.471’ +39 0909811320 Point

Marina Sottomonastero, Lipari N 38º 28.240’ E 14º 57.403’ 16 +39 0909811320

Marina Marina Lunga, Lipari N 38º 28.539’ E 14º 57.403’ 16 +39 0909811320

Mooring buoys Pignataro, Lipari N 38º 28.626’ E 14º 57.717’ 16 +39 0909813521

Anchorage Valle Muria bay, Lipari N 38º 27.558’ E 14º 55.982’ Anchorage Porto di Ponente, Vulcano N 38º 25.181’ E 14º 57.120’ 16 +39 3393372795 YachtFest Marina Porto di Levante N 38º 24.893’ E 15º 57.674’ 16 +39 335 8021375 October 2008 Mooring buoys Sabbianera, Stromboli N 38º 48.050’ E 15º 14.533’ +39 335 8021375

Anchorage Fico Grande, Stromboli N 38º 48.481’ E 15º 14.216’ 16 +39 090986390

Mooring buoys Enzino, Panarea N 38º 38.267’ E 15º 04.667’

Anchorage Cala Milazzese, Panarea N 38º 37.667’ E 15º 04.000’ High Point YachtFest

Pier Pecorini a mare, Filicudi N 38º 33.504’ E 14º 33.945’ 16 +39 3286559228 Four Regattas in October 2008, in Gocek, Turkey.

Anchorage Unnamed, Filicudi N 38º 33.300’ E 14º 35.000’ Week 1 Ã 04/10/08 − 11/10/08 Ã LAW Anchorage Punta la Zotta, Filicudi N 38º 35.033’ E 14º 32.633’ Week 2 Ã 11/10/08 − 18/10/08 Ã FINANCE

Pier Scalo Ditella, Panarea N 38º 38.251’ E 15º 04.494’ 16 +390909811320 Week 3 Ã 18/10/08 − 25/10/08 Ã ENGINEERING Week 4 Ã 25/10/08 − 01/11/08 Ã IT

1, Victor Street • Oxford OX2 6BT, UK • T +44 (0)1865 516 577 • F +44 (0)1865 514 266 • [email protected] • www.highpointyachtfest.eu