Picturesque and Noisy, Catania Is the City Of

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Picturesque and Noisy, Catania Is the City Of The infinite island gorges formed by erosion by water. Lastly, the Lastly, bywater. formedbyerosion gorges deeply carvedoutby rock, above allcalcareous sion oftablelands formedbylava,tufaand isasucces- the easternpartofisland,there mountains ofCalabria.Furthersouth, againin the Peloritanscontinue,wholly similar tothe lowhills. dominating roundish formations,isolatedoringroups, calcareous theMadoniegivewaytoirregular river Torto, Justwestof the peaks goupto2000metres. andtheMadoniemountains, whose Nebrodi ofthePeloritans, isastretch west, there biggest oneinEurope. volcano, 3300m.high,isactive,andthe The park),intheeasternpartofSicily. nature byabig ofwhichisprotected (the wholearea Catania. withonlyonebigplainnear and hilly, Sicilian landscape:theislandismountainous movementinthe isgreat 1000 km.long.There tothenorth,andsandysouth,is rocky Itscoast,prevalently metres). er 25,708square the southPelagieandPantelleria(altogeth- Islands andUstica,tothewestEgadi, smaller islands:tothenorthAeolian isa seriesof itthere Around metres). square Sicily isthebiggestislandinlatter(25,460 To theeast,between Messina andEtna, To eastto Along thenortherncoast,from The mostimportantmassifistheEtnaone oftheMediterranean, Placed atthecentre Geography andgeology terrible. magnificentand darkandsunny, an island",mythologicalandconcrete, identities" (Bufalino). and,toboot,apluralnation, withsomanydifferent rather thanaregion ious tobeintegratedinthemodernworldandtimes,"anation at oncepoorandrich,closeddiffidentinitsnobledecadenceyetsoanx- yetstilltodayitisworthknowingit,thisSicilywithathousandfaces, ty, tient tomeetthelocaljetsetwhichwasoutcomeofcenturiesnobili- whenPalermowasaprizemeccaforthe richandpowerful,impa- remote ancient customs,theyhavechangedthefaceofcountryside. withcars,theyhavedoneawayblackscarvesand andstreets squares they havedarkenedthefacadesofoldmonuments,filled not helpnoticingthatthe60yearshavegonebylefttheirmark: ClubdevotedtoSicilyin1933.Lookingattheoldphotos,wecan- Touring civilisation. to thehistoryofmostwidespread “ versal is the fame of its beauty, andsomuchthememoryofitislinked versal isthefameofitsbeauty, Who hasneverlongedatleasttoknowit?Fewpeopleornoone;souni- "An island not sufficiently an island" (Borgese) or perhaps "too much orperhaps "An islandnotsufficientlyanisland"(Borgese) althoughthetimeare Nevertheless, althoughitsfamehasbeenobscured, tothebigvolumethatItalian inthepreface "This iswhatweread ty of 190 inhabitants per square kilometre. ty of190inhabitants persquare estimated tobeabout 5,000,000,withadensi- it hashaditsown Parliament.Itspopulationis since 1946,hasbeenPalermo,and since1947 Autonomus Regionwithamain town,which of JuneandSeptember-October. themiddleofAprilto middle periods from spring andautumnmonths,inparticularthe the ited tobathingpurposes,wereccommend whichisnotlim- ForatriptoSicily, summer. Celsiusinwinterto27 in about 16degrees varies from Celsius. Thewatertemperature December toFebruary-average10-14degrees Celsius-andthelowest from 26 degrees inJuly andAugust-average are temperatures Thehighest OctobertoMarch. months from concentratedinwinter are dant precipitations 1800 ofnorthernFrance.Thenotveryabun- againts the2000ofmainlandItaly-and 2500, hours ofthesunshineonaverageare summers andshortmildwinters.The hight). 1000 metres tion ofthehillonwhichEnnastands,almost (withtheexcep- between 500and700metres sulphurbearing plateau,withaheightvarying Thisistheso-called ofSicilyishilly. centre Sicily, with the islands around it,isan withtheislandsaround Sicily, Government andpopulation It isdecidedlyMediterranean,withhot Climate Isola di Isola di Isola di Levanzo Marettimo Ustica Isola di P ALERMO Favignana I SOLE EGADI ti Milazzo RAPANI t T I. delle Femmine Pa Ter S. Vito Lo Capo ina di m AEROPORTO ar e Capo M dari V A20 FALCONE-BORSELLINO . A18 d’Orlando Tin I MMessinaessina A20 N Terrasini Carini PPalermoalermo Zingaro A29 ta Flavia A San S.Agata IT Custonaci R Bonagia Scopello di Militello O Castellammare Monreale Bagheria Partinico A20 EL Erice del Golfo A29 Cefalù P TTrapanirapani I Novara T A20 Montalbano A29 di Sic. N A18 Piana degli Termini Im. Elicona O Albanesi A20 Pollina S.Stefano M Tusa di Camastra Alcamo S. Giuseppe Jato I Gratteri D San Cipirello Isnello R O A29 Castelbuono Segesta Cefalà Diana Caccamo Collesano Mistretta Francavilla A19 N E B di Sic. A29 Calatafimi S. Mauro Mojo Alcantara Motta I.le dello BIRGI Ciminna Castelverde Camastra Stagnone I E RANDAZZO Castiglione Ficuzza O N di Sic. Geraci Siculo Gaggi A18 Mozia AD Taormina M Linuaglossa Caltavuturo Salemi Sottana Maletto Calatabiano Sclafani Polizzi Giardini Naxos Marsala A29 Gibellina Corleone Bagni Generosa Gangi Petralia Soprana Bronte MONTE ETNA Santa Ninfa Lercara Contessa Friddi S.Alfio Partanna Entellina Prizzi A19 NICOSIA Bisacquino Santa Venerina Castelvetrano S. Margherita Palazzo Zafferana Etnea A29 di Belìce Chiusa Adriano Adrano M Sclafani I A18 O A N Cammarata Leonforte Agira Biancavilla N T Sambuca I S IC S. Stefano Mazara Campobello Qusquina S. Maria Nicolosi Acireale di Sicilia di Licodia Trecastagni del Vallo di Mazara Menfi Burgio Marianapoli Calascibetta Belpasso Aci Catena Caltabellotta S. Caterina A19 Villarmosa Paternò San Gregorio Selinunte A19 EEnnanna I.le Ciclopi Sutera San Calogero Pergusa Ribera Campofranco CCaltanissettaaltanissetta Sant’Angelo CCataniaatania Sciacca Bompensiere A19 Muxaro P IANA AEROPORTO Milena Cattolica San Cataldo FONTANAROSSA Eraclea A N IA Serradifalco Aidone Morgantina D I CAT Raffadali Aragona Pietraperzia Piazza Eraclea Armerina Minoa Canicattì Siculiana AAgrigentogrigento Lentini Militello Porto Mineo Val di Catania Empedocle Caltagirone MO Isola di Augusta Pantelleria NTI I Melilli Priolo Niscemi Sortino Gargallo Vizzini BL EIFerla Floridia Licata T RAPANI SSiracusairacusa Gela Palazzolo Isola di Acreide Stromboli Pen. d. Maddalena I SOLE EOLIE (O LIPARI) VITTORIA COMISO RRagusaagusa Avola Noto Isola di Scoglitti Isola di Linosa Mòdica Panarea S. Croce Isola di Isola di Camerina Filicudi Salina Scicli Ispica I. di Vendicari Isola di Marina Alicudi di Ragusa Isola di I SOLE PELAGIE Pachino Lipari Pozzallo Porto Palo I. di Capo Passero I. delle Correnti Isola di Vulcano Isola di M ESSINA Lampione Isola di Lampedusa A GRIGENTO The Chronological history of Sicily (650), Agrigento (582). The colonies developed and became true towns, rich and decorated with Prehistory - 35000-5000 B.C. Late Palaeo-lith- monuments. ic. The Sicilians lived on hunting and berries. 485 B.C. Gelon, tyrant of Gela, conquered Graffiti in grottoes on Monte Pellegrino and on Syracuse, which in the ensuing years became Levanzo from this period. one of the main cities in the Mediterranean. 1900 - 1800 B.C. Groups of Indo-European 405 - 367B.C. Dionysius I the Elder reached the populations penetrated into Sicily, blending apex of his power in Syracuse, getting himself with the natives and starting the Bronze Age. elected tyrant of the town. Together with the Findings at Castelluccio, Naro, Filicudi, King of Persia, he was the most magnificent Syracuse and Pantalica. ruler of his days, thanks to the splendour of his 1400 B.C. Traces of the Aegean-Cretan civilisa- court and the power of his army, capable of rout- tion. The Elimi, founders of Erice and Segesta, ing the Carthaginians who fought against the and the Siculi came to Sicily. The latter brought Greeks for the dominion over Sicily. the use of the horse and of copper, taught agri- 316 - 289 B.C. Agathocles, tyrant of Syracuse. culture and the cult of the dead. After the death of Dionysius, he was the first 1200 - 1000 B.C. The Iron Age began. Findings seigneur capable of competing with the power of at Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto, Monte Finocchit- his predecessor, keeping out the Carthaginians to (Noto), Sant’Angelo Muxaro. In the 11th to and taking Syracuse back to its former splen- 10th centuries the Phoenicians came, founding dour. After his death, the town was in the hands Solunto, Motya and Palermo. of weak governors until the accession of Jeron II The Greeks - 753 B.C. With the foundation of (276 B.C.), a mild, yet firm king who made an Naxos by Greek settlers, Sicily entered into the alliance with Rome, a newborn Italic power. history of the Greek Mediterranean. In the ensu- Vestiges of Greek Sicily in Syracuse, Agrigento, ing years many colonies flourished: Syracuse Selinunte, Segesta and Gela. (734), Catania (729), Gela (689), Selinunte The Romans - 264 B.C. The Mamertines, an Finds in the Archaeological Museum of Agrigento. 1 Italic population who had occupied Messina, social and cultural aspects of it. Monumental feeling threatened by the Carthaginians, turned vestiges at Randazzo, Castelbuono and for help to the Romans, who, supported in Sicily Pantalica. by Jeron II, started the first Punic War against Carthage. At the end of the latter the whole of The Arabs - 827 The Arabs landed at Mazara, Sicily - except for the ally Syracuse - was pro- starting the campaign for the conquest of the claimed a Roman province (241 B.C.). island. This was to be completed in a hundred years and marked a profound change for the 219 - 212 B.C. Second Punic War. The Romans social and cultural life of Sicily, which was hur- conquered and subjugated Syracuse too. tled into the Muslim world after centuries of Sicilian history under the Romans is not espe- Christianity. The Sicilian capital was Palermo, a cially rich in events, except for the slaves’ revolts splendid metropolis with an Islamic look. (135 and 101 B.C.). It was a tranquil province, Monumental
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