

Wednesday 6th December 2006

COUNCILLORS PRESENT FOR THE WHOLE OF THE MEETING: The Chair (Councillor Bryan Keen), Councillors Mohammed Niaz Abbasi, Shah Jahan Khan, Sabir Hussain Mirza and Bob Timbs


COUNTY COUNCILLORS PRESENT FOR THE WHOLE OF THE MEETING: County Councillors John Sanders, Val Smith and Olive McIntosh-Stedman

OFFICERS PRESENT FOR THE WHOLE THE MEETING: Angela Cristofoli (Area Co-ordinator) and Mathew Metcalfe (Legal and Democratic Services), and Felicity Byrne (Planning)

OFFICERS PRESENT FOR PART OF THE MEETING: Osita Mba (Legal and Democratic Services)

Inspector Richard Brown and Sergeant Paul Jackson () also attended for part of the meeting.


No apologies were received.


None declared.


None notified.


(1) Cholsey Close Play Area

Dermot Nolan a local resident made the following comments questions:

(i) The Cholsey Close Play Area should be listed as being in the Cowley Area Committee area not in the South East Area Committee area as detailed in the Play Area Facility Action Framework report.

(ii) Out of the three areas in the locality, Cholsey Close was the most likely to be developed as it had access from the road, unlike the other ones, which only had access via footpaths and were surrounded by properties;

(iii) Why was the cost of repair so high as the site only required a Risk Assessment under EU regulations, as it was an existing site.

Dermot Nolan said that the consultation that had been carried out for the original report had been very poor and he was concerned for the future of the Cholsey Close Play Area. He also requested that the issue be an item on the agenda for the January 2007 meeting of the Cowley Area Committee.

The Committee agreed to note the comments from Dermot Nolan and agreed to pass them to the Parks Manager and to request that a response be submitted to the January 2007 meeting of the Area Committee, and an Officer be present at the meeting.

(2) Pedestrian Crossing – Driftway

Mr Drury asked if a safe pedestrian crossing could be provided in Horspath Driftway between Hollow Way and the Eastern By-pass, as it was dangerous for pedestrians to attempt to cross this road.

Felicity Byrne informed the Committee that as part of the TA site redevelopment £70k had been allocated towards a pedestrian crossing at some point along Horspath Driftway.

The Committee agreed:

(a) To note that under S106 funding as part of the redevelopment of the TA site, £70k had been allocated to provide a pedestrian crossing in a location to be decided along Horspath Driftway;

(b) To write to the County Council informing it that the Cowley Area committee considered a pedestrian crossing a priority for the area and to request a formal assessment of a pedestrian crossing;

(c) To note that the Oxfordshire County Councillors on the Cowley Area Committee would also speak to County Highways Officers requesting a pedestrian crossing as a matter of urgency.

(3) Beauchamp Lane – One-Way/traffic calming measures

Sheila Spencer from Beauchamp Lane said that it had previously been requested that the road be made one-way, but that there was no funding to do this. She asked if a speed restriction could be placed on the road instead.

County Councillor John Sanders said that any traffic calming measures, required funding and that previous assessments of Beauchamp Lane had indicated that it was not a viable option to provide traffic calming measures.

The Committee agreed:

(a) To write to the Oxfordshire County Council requesting that consideration be given to making Beauchamp Lane one-way from Crowell Road and that the speed limit of the road be reduced;

(b) To note that the Oxfordshire County Councillors on the Cowley Area Committee would also take the issues back to the County Highways Officers and request that they were considered.

(4) Monitoring of complete development following the granting of planning permission

Mr Bianchini asked what monitoring took place of developments once planning permission had been granted to ensure that any planning conditions etc. were adhered to.

Felicity Byrne in response said that it was the duty of the developer to comply with any conditions attached to the planning permission. However if the Council was informed of possible breeches these would be investigated and enforcement action taken to enforce the compliance of the condition. She added thought that there Council did not have the resources to inspect every development for compliance of conditions and urged people to contact the Council should they feel that a condition was being breeched.

Felicity Byrne also said that Building Regulations Officers did inspect sites and if there were discrepancies in the plans and what was being built, they would inform Planning Services. She added that any information received was always treated as confidential.

The Committee agreed to note the concerns of Mr Bianchini and urged him and other residents that should they feel a condition on a planning permission was being breeched, to contact Planning Services which would investigate.

(5) Parking on the pavements – Watlington Road

Councillor Timbs said that there was a major problem with cars parking on the pavements etc. along Watlington Road and while this caused problems for pedestrians it also caused motorists problems when coming from the Tesco Store as they could not see pedestrians.

County Councillor Val Smith said that the process to have double yellow lines down Watlington Road had been started and that both the Police and Control Plus had gone along the road issuing tickets to these parked cars. She added that BMW was also now involved as a number of these cars belonged to its workers.

The Committee agreed to note that the Oxfordshire County Councillors were in discussions with County Highways Officers, the Police and BMW to resolve the problems and that the process to have double yellow lines painted on the road was in progress.


The Area Co-ordinator on behalf of Inspector Richard Brown submitted a report (previously circulated now appended) which provided an overview of Neighbourhood Policing within the local area from August-October 2006.

Inspector Brown highlighted a number of issues which included a slight rise in vehicle crime in mid November 2006 in the area and that the Council and the Police were working together to deal with a licensed premise, which was causing problems.

Various other issues of concern were raised by Councillors, including drug dealing, continued problems with prostitution, bicycle theft and taxi break-ins. In response Inspector Brown said that Officers were investigating and dealing with prostitution in the area and that he would speak to the Bicycle Team and the Crime Reduction Team with regard to Bicycle thefts. He added that he was aware of the taxi break-ins and was dealing with the issue.

County Councillor Smith said that it would be useful if 6 monthly crime figures were provided for the area, as happened for the South East Area Committee, as it would help the Cowley Area Committee to identify and monitor any specific issues. In response Inspector Brown said that he would provide this information.

Inspector Brown also reminded the Committee of a meeting that was being held for Councillors and Police Officers that would take place on Thursday 14th December 2006.

The Committee agreed:

(a) To note the report;

(b) To note that the issue of prostitution in the area had been raised again;

(c) To thank Inspector Brown for attending the meeting.


David Taylor from the Oxfordshire County Council attended the meeting and said that it was perceived that Service 10 was unreliable and slow as it took over 2 hours to do a round trip of its route. He said that while it was a fact that the route did take some time this was in part due to traffic congestion, parked cars on narrow roads and some bus stops were in a poor state of repair, which slowed boarding times.

David Taylor said that the aim of the proposed project was to tackle the problems and improve the service and as part of this, bus stops would be improved, raised kerbs to aid passenger boarding and possible Real Time information. He added that there was a feasibility study being carried out which was looking at creating a bus turning facility in Between Towns Road, which would remove the need for buses to go down Rymers Lane and Littlehay Road. He further added that the traffic light phasing would be looked at, at the junction of Between Towns Road and Hollow Way.

Councillor Keen said that in Hollow Way, a third lane could be created just for buses from remving part of the wide footway and bollards opposite the shops at the Cowley end.

Councillor Timbs said that one way to speed up passenger boarding times was to have conductors on the buses as used to be the case many years again. Councillor Khan added that have kerbside conductors would also help, as happened at some Park and Ride Car Parks.

In response David Taylor said that Officers worked with the bus companies and that the companies were looking at different payment methods that would speed up passenger boarding times. With regard to the turning facility in Between Towns Road, he said that the feasibility study was progressing and once submitted and approved and funding available, works could begin with the current financial year, but it was more likely in the next financial, if the scheme was approved.

The Committee agreed:

(a) To strongly support the proposal to provide a bus turning facility in Between Road at Cowley Centre, that would result in buses no longer needing to use Rymers Lane and Littlehay Road;

(b) To invite David Taylor from the Oxfordshire County Council to come back to a future meeting of the Cowley Area Committee once the necessary consultation and feasibility studies had taken place for the turning facility;

(c) To thank David Taylor for attending the meeting

93. 15 DENE ROAD, OXFORD – 06/02176/FUL

The Planning Business Manager submitted a report (previously circulated now appended) which detailed a planning application for a single and tow storey rear extension. Pitched roof to front extension. Conversion of extended house to 3 flats (1x1, 2x1 bed flats). Parking for 1 car on frontage and 2 cars at rear.

The Committee agreed not to grant planning permission for the following reasons:

(1) Overdevelopment (2) Loss of privacy, light and over bearing (3) Inadequate amenity space (4) Inadequate car parking

94. 6 HORSPATH ROAD, OXFORD – 06/01208/FUL

The Planning Business Manager submitted a report (previously circulated now appended) which detailed an application for the retention of a single storey rear extension. Conversion to 1x1 bed and 1x2 bed flats. Parking for 2 cars on frontage. Bin and cycle store to rear.

The Committee agreed to grant planning permission subject to the following conditions.

(i) Development begun within time limit (ii) Develop in accordance with approved plans (iii) Samples (iv) Access (v) Retain parking areas (vi) Bin storage (vii) Landscaping/boundary treatment


The Planning Business Manager submitted two tables (previously circulated and now appended) which detailed planning appeals received and decided during October 2006.

The Committee agreed:

(a) To note the information;

(b) To ask the Planning Services Business Manager if the performance could be broken down into each Area Committee area.


The Leisure and Cultural Services Business Manager submitted a report (previously circulated now appended) which detailed the method and programme for the expenditure of the budget for the allotment condition survey.

The Committee agreed:

(a) To request the Leisure and Cultural Services Business Manager to clarify in Year 1 the works and expenditure to the Barns Court Allotments, as Members were under the impression that these works were to provide a wall rather than a fence;

(b) To, subject to clarification of recommendation (a) above, approve the priority of expenditure allocated in the budget for allotments.


The Committee agreed the minutes (previously circulated) of the meeting held on 1st November 2006, subject to the following amendment.

(a) In Minute 81 (Cowley Marsh Recreation Ground – Proposed Skate Park), delete “2006” in the last line of recommendation (b) and insert “2007”


(a) Minute 76 (Environment Agency – Flooding)

Angela Cristofoli said that dates for a meeting between Ward Councillors and Keith Lead (Environment Agency) and City Council Officers would be circulated in the New Year.

The Committee agreed to note the position.

(b) Minute 81 (Cowley Marsh Recreation Ground – Proposed Skate Park)

Angela Cristofoli said that following further consultation with local residents and the result of the work of a Noise Consultant, a report would be presented to either the February or March 2007 meeting of the Area Committee depending on the progress of the consultation etc.

The Committee agreed to note the position.

(c) Minute 84 (Highways Issues – Response from the County Council to the Cowley Area Committee recommendation on the proposed relocation of the highway gate in Phipps Road, Oxford)

Angela Cristofoli said that a timetable had been received for the works from the County Council, but no costs, and that she was in discussions with County Officers with regard to the amount of funding the County would require up to the end of March 2006, as there was funding available from the 2006/07 budget.

The Committee agreed to note the position.

The meeting started at 6.30pm and finished at 8.45pm

10 members of the public were present at the start of the meeting with 1 present at the end.