Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 114 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION
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E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 114 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 161 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, MAY 14, 2015 No. 74 Senate The Senate met at 9:30 a.m. and was ular order. It allows Senators to ex- OBAMACARE called to order by the President pro press themselves without endangering Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, it is tempore (Mr. HATCH). more American trade jobs for the peo- good to see forward momentum on f ple we represent. trade. That is certainly good for the So this is good news. It is good news American people. But there are other PRAYER for bipartisanship. It is good news for a issues that both parties should want to The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- new Congress that is getting back to address, too, such as the broken prom- fered the following prayer: work. And it is good news for Amer- ises of ObamaCare. It would be nice to Let us pray. ica’s middle class. see more bipartisan support there, and Eternal God, King of the universe, The people we represent deserve the I hope we will at some point, because bestow upon our lawmakers under- kind of good jobs we could secure by we all know that ObamaCare is a law standing to know You, diligence to knocking down unfair trade barriers. filled—literally filled—with broken seek You, wisdom to find You, and a One estimate shows that trade agree- promises. We all keep seeing reminders faithfulness to embrace You. Today, ments with Europe and the Pacific of how it failed so many of the same help them to experience the constancy could support as many as 1.4 million people we were told it would help. of Your presence. Lord, give them a additional jobs here in our country. In Back in my State in Kentucky, we courage which shows itself by Kentucky, they can support more than are seeing how hospitals and their pa- gentleness and integrity. Provide them 18,000 additional jobs. tients are feeling the negative effects But we can’t get there without first with a wisdom which shows itself by of this partisan law. That is particu- passing the kind of legislation we will simplicity and unity. Impart to them a larly true in the rural areas of my vote to open debate on this afternoon. power which shows itself by humility State. A recent report showed that It is the only way to enact clear stand- and restraint. Guide them by Your ObamaCare’s multibillion-dollar at- ards and guidelines that our trade ne- higher wisdom and fill them with Your tack on hospitals in Kentucky is ex- gotiators need to move forward, and peace. pected to result in a net loss of $1 bil- that Congress needs to appropriately We pray in Your great Name. Amen. lion over the next few years—a net loss assert its authority in this area. to Kentucky hospitals of $1 billion over f So yesterday’s agreement is signifi- the next few years. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE cant. I thank Chairman HATCH and his These hospitals are expected to lose negotiating partners for the good, bi- more money under ObamaCare than The President pro tempore led the partisan cooperation that got us to they are expected to gain in new rev- Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: where we are. enue from the Medicaid expansion. I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the I would like to thank the President, And, largely due to ObamaCare, these United States of America, and to the Repub- too. No, you are not hearing things. losses are forcing Kentucky hospitals lic for which it stands, one nation under God, President Obama has done his country to cut jobs, reduce or freeze wages, and, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. a service by taking on his base and in some instances, even close alto- f pushing back on some of the more ri- gether. We have lost at least two rural RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY diculous rhetoric we have heard. He critical-access hospitals this year. LEADER was right to remind everyone that Officials report that Kentucky hos- ‘‘you don’t make change through slo- pitals are suffering partly because The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. gans’’ or ‘‘ignoring realities.’’ He more than three out of every four Ken- HELLER). The majority leader is recog- should be recognized for it. tuckians who signed up for ObamaCare nized. The American people sent a divided were in fact put on Medicaid, and we f government to Washington. But it know that Medicaid reimburses hos- doesn’t mean they don’t want us to TRADE pitals for less than it costs to treat pa- work together on issues where we can tients. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I agree. And on this issue, we do agree. So despite promises that greater ac- was glad to see our Democratic friends Today’s vote brings us closer to cess to coverage would decrease visits accept our path forward on trade yes- achieving a positive outcome for the to the emergency room and the cost as- terday. Under our plan, the Senate will people we represent. I look forward to sociated with those visits, the vast ma- avoid the poison pills that had been continued positive engagement from jority of emergency room doctors now floated in favor of the very type of bi- both the President and Members of say they have actually experienced a partisan approach we have been advo- both parties as we move forward on surge—a surge—in patients visiting the cating for all along. It follows the reg- these bills. ER since ObamaCare came into effect. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S2897 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:39 May 14, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14MY6.000 S14MYPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2898 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 14, 2015 In fact, a recent survey reported that the objections of the American people least a week to secure the vote. And thousands of ER doctors have actually had heeded these warnings. We made maybe that isn’t even possible. seen an increase in emergency room all these warnings 6 years ago. We have a chance to take bipartisan visits since the start of last year. One So this is just one more reminder action that protects Americans’ civil physician from Lexington was quoted why ObamaCare is bad for Kentucky, liberties. It would be irresponsible for as saying he had seen ‘‘a huge backlog why it is bad for the middle class, and us to squander this opportunity. in the ER because the volume has in- why it is bad for our country. f creased.’’ He went on to say that ER But here is the good news. The new AMTRAK TRAIN DERAILMENT volume rose by almost a fifth in the Congress just passed a balanced budget first few months of this year, which is this week with legislative tools that Mr. REID. Mr. President, as I said nearly double—nearly double—what he will allow us to begin to address yesterday, my heart goes out to those saw last year in the same period. ObamaCare’s broken promises. I hope who suffered in the terrible accident of There are a lot of reasons for these President Obama and our colleagues Amtrak’s Northeast Regional Train increases, but as one ER physician put across the aisle will work with us to do No. 188, on Tuesday night at 9 p.m., it, ‘‘visits are going up despite the so. when the accident occurred. As we now ACA, and in a lot of cases because of We owe the American people more know, the train was going more than it.’’ than ObamaCare’s broken promises. We 100 miles an hour on a curve where it Volume in the ER is driven as a re- owe them real health reform that low- should have been going 50 miles an sult of coverage expansion, adding a lot ers costs and increases choice. hour. It is very tragic. Seven people died of new people, that has largely been I hope our friends across the aisle and scores are injured. There were born by the Medicaid program. As I will work with us in a bipartisan way about 250 people on the train. It is un- have said previously, though, increas- to help achieve that important out- fortunate that sometimes it takes an ing coverage doesn’t guarantee access come. to care, and prior to Medicaid expan- event such as this before policymakers f learn what they need to learn. But sion, Kentucky already faced a short- worse still would be if policymakers age of physicians participating in Med- RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY LEADER fail to learn anything at all. icaid. Now, there are more than 300,000 National Transportation Safety The PRESIDING OFFICER. The additional enrollees—adding 300,000 Board member Robert Sumwalt said Democratic leader is recognized. new people to an already broken sys- there is technology available called tem. So when Americans on Medicaid f positive train control that would have get sick and can’t find a doctor, who FISA DATA prevented this accident. That tech- will treat the Medicaid patients? Mr. REID. Mr. President, yesterday nology is in place in a few places in the Where do they end up? Of course, in the Northeast corridor.