Since You Ask Me.Pdf
Dark-haired,, dynamic Ann Landers loves people and proves it in her unceasing efforts to help them solve problems. Her ready wit and wise understanding of everyday prob lems, her warmth and sincerity have made her America's #1 human re lations columnist. Readers from every walk of life call on her for advice about every phase of living, and every letter she re ceives gets an answer. She is asked how to handle mooching relatives, lecherous bosses, free-loading fian ces, noisy neighbors, jealous hus bands,, catty girl friends and patho logical liars . to list a few. And, the questions come from everybody harassed housewives to bewildered bridegrooms, and truck drivers to schoolteachers. She never hesitates to call on anybody anywhere to help her provide a better ansiver to a baffling question. Her quest sends her searching the fields of medicine, psychiatry, law, religion^ business,, politics and education. JNlOW, after her years as a columnist answering readers everywhere, here is the sum and substance of all Ann Landers* experience in a fresh new ap proach to life's oldest bugabootrouble. (Continued on back flap) BOOK CLUB EDITION Landers, Ann Since you ask me kansas city public library city, Books will be issued only on presentation of library card. Please report lost cards and change of residence promptly. Card holders are responsible for all books, records, films, pictures or other library materials checked out on their cards, Since you isk me INCE Y ASK E By Ann Landers PRENTICE-HALL, INC. ENGLEWOOD CLIFFS, NJ. For Margo 1961 by Prentice-Hall, Inc.
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