Forest of Bowland AONB PO Box 9, Guild House Cross Street, Preston, PR1 8RD Tel:01772 531473 Fax: 01772 533423 Bowland@Env.Lancscc.Gov.Uk
Sense of Place Toolkit Forest of Bowland AONB PO Box 9, Guild House Cross Street, Preston, PR1 8RD Tel:01772 531473 Fax: 01772 533423 The Forest of Bowland Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) is a nationally protected landscape and internationally important for its heather moorland, blanket bog and rare birds. The AONB is managed by a partnership of landowners, farmers, voluntary organisations, wildlife groups, recreation groups, local councils and government agencies, who work to protect, conserve and enhance the natural and cultural heritage of this special area. Lancashire County Council acts as the lead authority for the Forest of Bowland AONB Joint Advisory Committee a partnership comprising: Lancashire County Council, North Yorkshire County Council, Craven District Council, Lancaster City Council, Pendle Borough Council, Preston City Council, Ribble Valley Borough Council,Wyre Borough Council, Lancashire Association of Parish and Town Councils,Yorkshire Local Councils Association, NWDA, DEFRA, Countryside Agency, United Utilities plc, Environment Agency, English Nature, Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB), Forest of Bowland Landowning and Farmers Advisory Group and the Ramblers Association. FOREST OF BOWLAND Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Contents Welcome Welcome 02 Introduction 03 How to use this toolkit 05 A place to enjoy and keep special 07 Delicious local food and drink 13 A landscape rich in heritage 17 A living landscape 21 Wild open spaces 25 A special place for wildlife 29 Glossary 34 Welcome to the Sense of Place Toolkit. Its purpose is to help you to use the special qualities of the Forest of Bowland Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) in order to improve the performance of your business.
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