Radioprotection: smart games with death

Andrei V. Gudkov, Elena A. Komarova

J Clin Invest. 2010;120(7):2270-2273.


The efficacy of treatment by radiation and chemotherapeutic drugs is often limited by severe side effects that primarily affect the hematopoietic system and the epithelium of the . Progress in understanding differences in the mechanisms involved in the responses of normal and tumor cells to genotoxic stress has led to the development of new rational approaches to selective protection of normal cells, such as suppression of apoptosis by pharmacological inhibition of p53 or activation of NF-κB. Another promising approach presented in this issue by Johnson et al. is based on the idea of using pharmacological inhibitors of cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) to convert normal cells into a radioresistant state by inducing reversible cycle arrest at the G1/S transition. The evidence indicates that this approach is likely to be specific for protection of normal cells and may, therefore, have clinical potential as an adjuvant in anticancer therapies.

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12. Foretz M, et al. Metformin inhibits hepatic glu- of pyruvate dehydrogenase in isolated liver 2009;137(4):635–646. coneogenesis in mice independently of the LKB1/ mitochondria. Effects of octanoate, oxidation- 22. Mu J, Brozinick JT Jr, Valladares O, Bucan M, AMPK pathway via a decrease in hepatic energy reduction state, and adenosine triphosphate to Birnbaum MJ. A role for AMP-activated state. J Clin Invest. 2010;120(7):2355–2369. adenosine diphosphate ratio. J Biol Chem. 1975; kinase in contraction- and hypoxia-regulated 13. Berglund ED, et al. Hepatic energy state is regu- 250(6):2028–2035. glucose transport in skeletal muscle. Mol Cell. lated by glucagon receptor signaling in mice. J Clin 18. Burgess SC, et al. Cytosolic phosphoenolpyruvate 2001;7(5):1085–1094. Invest. 2009;119(8):2412–2422. carboxykinase does not solely control the rate of 23. Musi N, Hayashi T, Fujii N, Hirshman MF, Wit- 14. Tanaka T, Sue F, Morimura H. Feed-forward acti- hepatic gluconeogenesis in the intact liver. ters LA, Goodyear LJ. AMP-activated protein vation and feed-back inhibition of pyruvate kinase Cell Metab. 2007;5(4):313–320. kinase activity and glucose uptake in rat skel- type L of rat liver. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 1967; 19. Samuel VT, et al. Fasting hyperglycemia is not associ- etal muscle. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2001; 29(3):444–449. ated with increased expression of PEPCK or G6Pc in 280(5):E677–E684. 15. Kemp RG. liver phosphofructokinase. patients with type 2 diabetes. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 24. Kalender A, et al. Metformin, independent of Comparison of some properties with those of 2009;106(29):12121–12126. AMPK, inhibits mTORC1 in a rag GTPase-depen- muscle phosphofructokinase. J Biol Chem. 1971; 20. Shaw RJ, et al. The kinase LKB1 mediates glucose dent manner. Cell Metab. 2010;11(5):390–401. 246(1):245–252. homeostasis in liver and therapeutic effects of met- 25. Libby G, Donnelly LA, Donnan PT, Alessi DR, 16. Van Schaftingen E, Hers HG. Inhibition of fructose- formin. Science. 2005;310(5754):1642–1646. Morris AD, Evans JM. New users of metformin 1,6-bisphosphatase by fructose 2,6-biphosphate. 21. He L, et al. Metformin and insulin suppress are at low risk of incident cancer: a cohort study Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1981;78(5):2861–2863. hepatic gluconeogenesis through phos- among people with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Care. 17. Taylor SI, Mukherjee C, Jungas RL. Regulation phorylation of CREB binding protein. Cell. 2009;32(9):1620–1625.

Radioprotection: smart games with death Andrei V. Gudkov1,2 and Elena A. Komarova1

1Department of Cell Stress Biology, Roswell Park Cancer Institute, and 2Cleveland BioLabs Inc., Buffalo, New York, USA.

The efficacy of cancer treatment by radiation and chemotherapeutic drugs amifostine, works in this way (2). How- is often limited by severe side effects that primarily affect the hematopoi- ever, clinical use of amifostine is compli- etic system and the epithelium of the gastrointestinal tract. Progress in cated by its own toxicity and lack of suf- understanding differences in the mechanisms involved in the responses ficient selectivity in protection of normal of normal and tumor cells to genotoxic stress has led to the development versus tumor cells (2). of new rational approaches to selective protection of normal cells, such as suppression of apoptosis by pharmacological inhibition of p53 or acti- Targeting apoptotic mechanisms vation of NF-kB. Another promising approach presented in this issue by for radioprotection: p53 inhibitors Johnson et al. is based on the idea of using pharmacological inhibitors of In the 1990s, it became clear that the mas- cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) to convert normal cells into a radioresis- sive cell loss that occurs in radiosensitive tant state by inducing reversible cell cycle arrest at the G1/S transition. The tissues and embryos after irradiation and evidence indicates that this approach is likely to be specific for protection leads to lethality is not due to irreversible of normal cells and may, therefore, have clinical potential as an adjuvant damage of cells but rather to activation in anticancer therapies. of apoptosis. This apoptosis is largely p53 dependent, and p53-deficient mice Importance and challenges increasing the cumulative radiation dose are resistant to doses of radiation that of clinical radioprotection by as little as 10%–20% might make a dif- kill wild-type mice by inducing lethal HP While radiotherapy is a powerful anti- ference between incomplete and com- (3). Important- cancer treatment approach, it is associ- plete eradication of tumors, as shown, for ly, apoptotic mechanisms are frequently ated with severe side effects that drasti- example, for head and neck cancer (1). In inactivated in tumors, as part of their pro- cally limit its therapeutic capacity. Two order to allow for increased radiotherapy gression toward unconstrained growth of the most radiosensitive tissues — the doses, pharmacological approaches to (4). These findings presented an attractive hematopoietic (HP) system and the gas- radioprotection of normal tissues must opportunity for the development of phar- trointestinal (GI) tract — provide the be developed. These approaches must be macological inhibitors of p53 capable biggest clinical challenges. The outcome strictly selective for healthy tissues and of providing reversible radioprotection of radiotherapy would be substantially must be safe (i.e., must not promote the by temporarily blocking p53-mediated improved if its therapeutic index could development of radiation-induced sec- apoptosis. The feasibility of this idea was be increased by selective reduction of ondary ). proven by isolation of small molecule p53 damage to the HP and GI systems, with- Since the killing of cells by radiation is inhibitors, named pifithrins, that demon- out an increase in the radioresistance of mediated by the ionization of irradiated strated radioprotective efficacy in mice tumors. There is evidence indicating that matter, the most well-characterized prin- (5, 6). Since p53-dependent apoptosis is ciple of radioprotection involves using considered a major component of p53 antioxidants, which act as scavengers of tumor suppressor activity, concerns Conflict of interest: Andrei V. Gudkov is a shareholder in and consultant for Cleveland BioLabs Inc. reactive oxygen species. The only drug regarding the safety of pharmacological Citation for this article: J Clin Invest. 2010; currently approved for clinical use to pro- p53 inhibition have slowed down clini- 120(7):2270–2273. doi:10.1172/JCI43794. tect against the toxicity of radiotherapy, cal developments based on this approach.

2270 The Journal of Clinical Investigation Volume 120 Number 7 July 2010 commentaries

Figure 1 Hypothetical mechanisms underlying three approaches to pharmacological protection of normal cells from . All the mechanisms depicted are based on the presumption that apoptotic cell loss is a central event in both the HP and GI components of acute radiation syn- drome. Small molecules known as pifithrins (5), acting through unknown mechanisms, inhibit p53-mediated apoptosis, thereby rescuing HP progenitors. The flagellin derivative CBLB502 activates NF-kB by inducing TLR5 signaling, also leading to suppression of apoptosis. Unlike p53 inhibitors, CBLB502 is effective not only against the HP but also the GI component of acute radiation syndrome (15). Constitutive activation of CDK4/6 frequently occurs in tumors (e.g., by overexpression of cyclin D), leading to hyperphosphorylation of the tumor suppressor protein Rb, blocking its ability to repress the E2F family of transcription factors that are essential for cell progression from the G1 to S phase of the cell cycle. As shown in this issue by Johnson et al. (16), the synthetic small molecule PD0332991, a specific CDK4/6 inhibitor with unknown mechanism of action, protects the HP system from radiation damage, presumably by inducing Rb-mediated quiescence associated with suppression of apoptosis.

However, it has now been well docu- vival strategy (13). Among other targets, matin is subject to strong torsional stress- mented, using both pharmacologic (7) NF-kB drives expression of inflamma- es and when DNA breaks have almost no and genetic (8) approaches, that tempo- tory cytokines, which have long been rec- chance of being repaired before chromo- rary and reversible suppression of p53, ognized to have radioprotective power some segregation. Cells in early G1 and resulting in massive rescue of cells in (14); however, unacceptable toxicity has late S phase are relatively radioresistant, radiosensitive tissues, is not associated prevented their clinical development as whereas the G1/S transition and G2/M with an increase in carcinogenicity. Thus, radioprotectants. Recently, however, an phase are relatively radiosensitive. These p53 inhibitors are expected to emerge as NF-kB–activating approach to radiopro- observations provided the rationale for tissue protective drugs to be used under tection has been proven feasible by the Johnson et al. (16) to test cell cycle–tar- pathological conditions associated with demonstration that bacterial flagellin, geting agents as potential radioprotec- massive apoptotic (9). which is an agonist of TLR5 and a natural tants (Figure 1). Although p53 inhibitors hold therapeu- NF-kB–activating agent, has outstanding The inhibitor of kinase 4/alternative tic promise, their potential application radioprotective properties in mice and pri- reading frame (INK4a/ARF) locus encodes is limited by the tissue specificity of p53- mates (15). Pharmacologic, constitutive that act as negative regulators dependent . Specifically, engagement of NF-kB activity is highly of the cell cycle by inhibiting particular despite the pronounced p53-dependent specific for protection of normal cells in CDKs to cause cell cycle arrest at spe- apoptosis that occurs among epithelial mouse tumor models (15). Like p53 inhib- cific points of the cell cycle. Analysis of cells of the small intestine after irradia- itors, use of NF-kB activators in combina- malignancies has shown that the tion, clinical GI acute radiation syndrome tion with radiation is safe, in terms of lack CDK–cyclin D/INK4/pRb/E2F pathway is develops independently of p53. Actually, of stimulation of radiation-induced carci- abnormal in most cancers. Deregulation p53-deficient mice are more susceptible nogenicity (15). of CDK4/6 activity, either through over- to GI radiation damage than wild-type Both p53 inhibitors and NF-kB acti- expression of D-type cyclins or through mice (10). Further, p53 acts as a survival vators are currently in clinical develop- loss of INK4 proteins, almost invariably factor in irradiated endothelial cells (11), ment as tissue protectants for a variety leads to hyperproliferation and eventually and radiation-induced ceramide-medi- of applications (Cleveland BioLabs Inc., to tumor development (18). Given their ated apoptosis of endothelial cells in the critical role in cell cycle control, CDKs small intestine has been defined as a major tion_technol.php and Quark Pharmaceu- have been actively considered as targets effector of GI radiosensitivity in mice (12). ticals, for anticancer therapy. A number of CDK These findings made it clear that radiopro- qbi-en/products/qpi-1002/). Another inhibitors (CDKIs), with different mecha- tection of the GI tract would require p53- radioprotection concept, described in this nisms of action targeting regulatory path- independent strategies. issue by Johnson et al. (16), may open a ways implicated in CDK function, have new avenue for the development of radio- been evaluated in laboratory experiments An alternative approach to block protectants. This concept is based upon and in human trials (19). apoptosis: radioprotection the use of an emerging class of antican- Johnson et al. (16) tested the effect of pre- via NF-κB activation cer agents, inhibitors of cyclin-dependent viously identified CDKIs that control the A promising solution to this problem was kinases (CDKs), to target the cell cycle transition from G1 to S phase in ionizing found with another class of apoptosis control machinery (Figure 1). radiation–induced cell toxicity. They con- inhibitors that mimic a different tumor- firmed that inhibitors specific for CDK4/6, specific mechanism of cell survival: acti- Quiescence as a safe harbor: specifically PD0332991 and 2BrIC, caused vation of the prosurvival NF-kB path- radioprotection via reversible cell reversible G1 arrest (pharmacological qui- way. Being a major mediator of immune cycle arrest escence) exclusively in Rb-positive and not responses, NF-kB is generally inactive in The cytotoxicity of DNA-damaging Rb-deficient human cells. In mice, oral healthy cells under normal conditions, agents, such as ionizing radiation, is cell administration of PD0332991 resulted in but it is constitutively activated in most cycle dependent (17). Cells are generally reversible inhibition of proliferation of dif- tumors, presumably as part of their sur- most sensitive at mitosis, when the chro- ferent populations of cells

The Journal of Clinical Investigation Volume 120 Number 7 July 2010 2271 commentaries

Puzzles and perspectives Johnson et al. interpret the radioprotection provided by CDK4/6 inhibitors as a func- tion of cellular quiescence. This is a sound hypothesis but is currently supported only by correlative evidence. Since HP cell death following irradiation occurs primarily through apoptosis, this hypothesis sug- gests a link between quiescence and resis- tance to apoptosis, something that has not been previously reported for bone marrow HP precursor cells and that is definitely not Figure 2 true for thymocytes, splenocytes, and other Radioprotection by CDK4/6 inhibitors is expected to be highly specific for normal cells. Normal radiosensitive mature HP cells. Hence, the cells respond to CDK4/6 pharmacological inhibition by reversible cell cycle arrest (quiescence). exact mechanisms translating quiescence Lack of functional Rb makes cells insensitive to CDK4/6 inhibition, regardless of other genetic into radioresistance of HP cells remain to alterations. However, even those tumor cells that retain wild-type Rb may not be protected by be elucidated. CDK4/6 inhibitors, since they frequently have mechanisms of quiescence deregulated and respond to CDK4/6 inhibition by apoptosis or irreversible arrest (senescence; ref. 21). The irre- Johnson et al. found that PD0332991 versibility of CDK4/6 effects on Rb-positive tumor cells explains the efficacy of CDK4/6 inhibi- markedly enhanced the survival of mice, tors as antitumor agents. Only rare tumors retaining functional Rb and p53 and the capacity to when applied as late as 20 hours after respond to CDK4/6 inhibition by quiescence can be protected (red arrow). m, mutant. total body irradiation (16); thus, it acted as a radiomitigator. If this rescuing effect is indeed explained by drug-induced qui- (16). The least differentiated cells (HP stem PD0332991 did not protect CDK4/6-inde- escence, it would suggest that premature cells, multipotent progenitor cells, and com- pendent tumors against radiotherapy by entrance of HP progenitors into the cell mon myeloid progenitors) appeared to be studying mice that develop autochthonous cycle following DNA damage could be a more dependent on CDK4/6 than did the melanomas, due to melanocyte-specific lethal event for irradiated HP progenitors more differentiated bone marrow elements expression of mutant H-Ras (16). However, and contribute to HP acute radiation syn- (granulocyte-monocyte progenitors and this does not mean that radioprotection drome. This is a testable hypothesis that megakaryocyte-erythroid progenitors). Con- by CDK4/6 inhibitors should be limited remains to be verified. Other possible expla- sistent with earlier reports (20), cells at the to patients with Rb-deficient tumors. On nations for PD0332991-mediated radiomit- final stages of differentiation were found to the contrary, these agents were originally igation include involvement of direct and be resistant to CDK4/6 inhibition (16). considered as prospective anticancer drugs indirect effects of the compound on HP The PD0332991-induced quiescence of against tumors “addicted” to the high Rb- progenitors or bone marrow stroma. bone marrow progenitor cells observed suppressive activity of CDK4/6 (Figure 1), Another unknown is the tissue specific- by Johnson and colleagues was accompa- a common property of a large proportion ity of the reported effects. If PD0332991 is nied by radioresistance (16). When admin- of tumors (19). As opposed to normal cells, found to be protective/mitigative not only istered to mice 4 hours before exposure in which pharmacological inhibition of against the HP component of acute radia- to a radiation dose sufficient to induce CDK4/6 results in reversible quiescence, tion syndrome but also against the higher lethal HP syndrome, PD0332991 pro- presumably converting them into radiore- doses of ionizing radiation that induce tected the mice from death. In this sce- sistant state, the response of tumor cells to severe GI damage, the potential clinical nario, PD0332991 had a beneficial effect these agents is frequently irreversible and impact of CDK4/6 inhibitors would be on the recovery of all peripheral blood involves the induction of senescence or greatly enhanced, with a broader scope of lineages: platelets, erythrocytes, myeloid apoptosis (Figure 2). It has been demon- potential applications as radiotherapy and cells, and peripheral blood lymphocytes. strated that temporary overexpression of chemotherapy adjuvants as well as biode- Moreover, no evidence of myeloprolifera- the natural CDK2 inhibitor p21 resulted fense drugs. tive disorder or myelodysplasia was found in establishment of senescence in some in animals of long-term surviving cohorts. human tumor cell lines, while cell cycle Acknowledgments These data indicate that the mechanism arrest remained reversible in normal dip- We thank Patricia Stanhope-Baker for help of PD0332991-mediated radioprotection loid fibroblasts (21). The choice between on manuscript preparation. The authors’ is apparently safe and does not exacerbate senescence and quiescence in response to work on radioprotection is supported by the late hematological toxicity associated CDKI treatment is determined in part by grants CA075179 and AI080446 from NIH with high-dose total body irradiation. p53 activity, specifically, the ability of p53 and from Cleveland BioLabs Inc. (to A.V. to serve as an inhibitor of the mTOR path- Gudkov). Why do CDK4/6 inhibitors protect way (21). Hence, tumor cell radioprotection normal cells but not tumor cells? by PD0332991 or functionally similar com- Address correspondence to: Andrei Gud- It is expected that CDK4/6 inhibitors pounds is expected to occur only in a minor kov, Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Elm and should not protect Rb-deficient cells, as subset of tumors that retain both Rb and Carlton St., Buffalo, New York 14263, USA. they are CDK4/6 independent. Consis- p53 function, including the ability of p53 Phone: 716.845.3902; Fax: 716.845.3944; tent with this, Johnson et al. showed that to negatively regulate mTOR (Figure 2). E-mail: [email protected].

2272 The Journal of Clinical Investigation Volume 120 Number 7 July 2010 commentaries

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Section of Molecular Biology, Division of Biological Sciences, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, California, USA.

Autophagy is a tightly regulated catabolic process whereby cells degrade (4, 5). The former is involved in the homeo- their constituents to dispose of unwanted cytoplasmic elements and recycle stasis of cellular constituents, including nutrients for cellular remodeling. Studies of autophagy in have organelles, and the degradation of long-lived elicited substantial interest because it is linked to a range of physiologic and proteins and protein aggregates (4, 5). How- pathologic states. In this issue of the JCI, Mariño et al. uncover a role for ever, autophagy can also be induced by phys- autophagy in a balance disorder related to inner ear pathologies. Mice lack- iologic and pathologic conditions, such as ing the protease autophagy-related 4B (Atg4b, also known as autophagin-1) nutrient starvation and infection by patho- exhibited a systemic reduction in autophagy and showed defects in the devel- gens (4, 5). Consequently, it should not be opment of otoconia, organic particles that contain calcium carbonate crystals surprising that mice incapable of autopha- and proteins and that are essential for balance perception (equilibrioception) gy die perinatally, revealing the necessity of in mammals. The intriguing aspect of this work is that an autophagy block autophagy in surviving neonatal starvation impairs the secretion and assembly of otoconial proteins, emphasizing a role (i.e., after the transplacental nutrient supply for autophagy in functions distinct from macromolecule degradation. is stopped, autophagy becomes essential for maintaining the amino acid supply; ref. 6). The physiological importance known as the isolation membrane wraps Tissue-specific knockouts of autophagy of autophagy around portions of the to form genes have also revealed diverse patholo- Autophagy, a tightly regulated process by a double-membrane vesicle, the autophago- gies. These include severe hepatomegaly which cells consume unwanted cytoplas- some. The engulfed cargo, including organ- and hepatic hypertrophy caused by liver- mic macromolecular constituents and elles, is degraded upon autophagosome specific deficiency of autophagy-related 7 recycle nutrients for cellular remodeling, fusion with late endosomes or lysosomes. (Atg7) (5); behavioral problems, as indi- is mediated by the coordinated activity of Autophagy plays a central role in cancer, cated by abnormal limb clasping, reduced autophagy-specific (ATG) genes. There neurodegeneration, innate immunity, organ- coordinated movement, and neuronal loss, are several forms of autophagy, but here elle clearance, the organismal response to caused by either Atg5 or Atg7 deficiency in we focus on the best-characterized form, starvation, and aging (1). Genetic variations the central nervous system (7); the degen- macroautophagy (referred to herein as in the autophagy-related genes autophagy- eration of islet cells, reduced glucose toler- “autophagy”). During this evolutionarily related 16–like 1 (ATG16L1) and immunity- ance, and insulin secretion caused by Atg7 conserved process, a double membrane related GTPase family M (IRGM) are linked deficiency in pancreatic b cells (8, 9); and to susceptibility to Crohn disease, a human the abnormal morphology and function of chronic inflammatory disorder affecting intestinal Paneth cells caused by deficiency Conflict of interest: The authors have declared that no conflict of interest exists. the gastrointestinal tract (2, 3). Mice exhibit in either Atg16l1 or Atg5 (10). These stud- Citation for this article: J Clin Invest. 2010; basal and induced forms of autophagy, both ies demonstrate that the physiological phe- 120(7):2273–2276. doi:10.1172/JCI43238. of which play important physiological roles notypes are caused not only by the loss of

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