Books for All: The Multnomah REVISIÓN * DE County Library Bibliotecas para todos: la Biblioteca del Condado de Multnomah ARTÍCULOS Bibliotecas para todos: a Biblioteca do Condado de Multnomah Grace Renata Zivny Language Hunters, Portland, Oregon
[email protected] 55 The Multnomah County Library is an important cultural establishment with a rich and unique history. With its founding in the new western state of Oregon, it is the oldest American library west of the Mississippi River. This paper takes an in-depth look at the history of this award-winning library. Beginning with its inception in multiple private libraries and the roles of prominent businessmen in its founding, the paper will then address the impact of a professional librarian, Mary Frances Isom, in laying the groundwork for the future operations of the library when it became public at the turn of the century. Furthermore, it will detail the contemporary efforts and priorities of the library, its successes, and its context as a valuable institution in not only its commu- nity but in the United States. The Multnomah County Library has built on its early glory and become an im- Resumen portant cultural resource in an overwhelmingly literary population: the Portland metropolitan area. Palabras clave: History of Library, The Multnomah County Library, Community, Librarian. La Biblioteca del Condado de Multnomah es un establecimiento cultural importante, con una rica y única his- toria. Fundada en el nuevo estado occidental de Oregón es la biblioteca estadounidense más antigua al oeste del río Mississippi. Este artículo analiza detalladamente la historia de esta galardonada biblioteca.