An ADIDAM™ Periodical —Asia-Pacific region ISSN 1176-4570 VOL 19/4 “Look for something Greater”

Who has seen the madness of this "world"? Who is disenchanted enough with that madness to want to find a Spiritual Master? For whom is this "world" so much of a dead-end that it cannot be accepted on its own terms, or for its own sake? Where is someone for whom there must be a greater Reality— someone who will be utterly devoted to finding It? - Adi Da Samraj, “The Ancient Walk-About Way” There is no bad message in the “world” except what human beings make in their un-Happiness. - Adi Da, The Eternal Stand

If you are sensitive to the actual nature of your "experience", you discover that conditionally manifested existence is disturbed and limited and unsatisfactory. Therefore, you actively look (even if only inwardly, in a feeling sense) for Something Greater. When you find a True Realizer, you simply see the Realizer in front of you, and you tacitly feel the State of the Realizer. That tacit recognition is not about words. It is not about the Realizer's state of mind. It is not about the Realizer as an extension of the language-game. It is simply a tacit recognition of the Realizer As the Self-Realization (and the Self-Revelation) of Reality Itself. - Avatar Adi Da “The Ancient Walk-About Way”

…I have not come to serve any utopian (or, otherwise, merely social and ego-consoling) “”—but I have Come to Call an End to this “late-time”, this “dark” epoch of egoic humankind, and all the future that would be made of this “civilized” and dreadful pond of history that only reflects “Narcissus” to the ego’s own and “self”-enamored eye. I have Come to Initiate a truly Divine New Age of Real-God-Man, by Means of My forever Divine Avataric Self-“Emergence” here and every “where” in the cosmic domain.

- Avatar Adi Da “I Have Come To Found A Bright New Order of Global Humankind”

“Until all have come to Me” By Dina Lautman In the meditation hall, I fell into a dream-like state. At rst, there was just a growing feeling of sorrow and grief. There was no recog- nizable content to it. Later, the picture lled out, and I was sitting in a huge eld of corpses, weeping. The grief was endless. I was crying for all those who had died in this massacre. It was in nite pain. Finally, Beloved Adi Da appeared in this vision, and my grief turned to rage. I began to yell and scream at Him about what had occurred, blaming Him directly. “How could God have allowed this?” I screamed. He Gazed at me most compassionately throughout my tirade, and nally He spoke about the Love He feels for all beings. He explained that this is why He had Incarnated—because of His Love for beings. He looked at me and said that He had Appeared here, “not only for those whom you mourn, but for all those who have died, are dying, and will die—in all planes, and in all forms, and throughout all time. I will not rest until all have come to Me.” It was then that I had the experience of my Beloved as Love Itself. He was only pure Feeling, Radiating in all directions, like the sun. I felt His personal Love for me, and yet I simultaneously knew His Love was universal, for all beings. —The Eternal Stand Who is Avatar Adi Da Samraj? I do not belong to any “side” at all. I Am the Whole here. I Transcend all, in this Alpha-Omega “world”. All conflict comes to an end in Me. All limitations—whether of the East or of the West—are Gone Beyond in Me. All differences between East and Avatar Adi Da's entire human lifetime West are Resolved in Me. was a unique demonstration of His There is no precedent for What I Eternal Form — the State He calls the have Done. "Bright", the Conscious Light that is Reality Itself. The Adidam Revelation is a Unique Transcending of all elements, East From His birth on 3 November 1939 on and West, in the entire Great in , to His passing Tradition of humankind. from the body on 27 November 2008 at I have no “tribe”. the Island of Naitauba, Fiji, His Life is the story of the Intervention of the I have no traditional allegiances. "Bright" in human time. I have no axe to grind, of any traditional or conventional kind. The fruits of Avatar Adi Da's Lifetime are the establishment of a new and unique Mine is a Free and Spontaneous possibility for the transformation of all Self-Revelation. beings and the world itself. I am not here to be the center of a “cult”. His Eternal Revelation is of the Divine I Am here for the Sake of Free life. Reality, which is always Shining — like the sun — as the Prior Condition of every one and every thing. - Adi Da Samraj Always Enact Fidelity To Me

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