Columbus City Bulletin

Bulletin #4 January 27, 2007

Proceedings of City Council Saturday, January 27, 2007


(With the exception of Ordinance 2134-2006 which was signed by President Pro Tem Kevin L. Boyce on the night of the Council meeting, Monday, January 22, 2007, all legislation listed in this bulletin was signed by Council President Michael C. Mentel , on the night of the Council meeting, Monday, January 22, 2007; Mayor, Michael B. Coleman on Wednesday, January 24, 2007and attested by the City Clerk, Andrea Blevins prior to Bulletin publishing.)

The City Bulletin Official Publication of the City of Columbus

Published weekly under authority of the City Charter and direction of the City Clerk. The Office of Publication is the City Clerk’s Office, 90 W. Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215, 614-645-7380. The City Bulletin contains the official report of the proceedings of Council. The Bulletin also contains all ordinances and resolutions acted upon by council, civil service notices and announcements of examinations, advertisements for bids and requests for professional services, public notices; and details pertaining to official actions of all city departments. If noted within ordinance text, supplemental and support documents are available upon request to the City Clerk’s Office.

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Council Journal (minutes)

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Regular Meeting No. 1 was called to order. Following the National Anthem, Councilman Boyce lead the Pledge of Allegiance. Father Michael Watson offered prayer.

Clerk read President Habash’s letter of resignation into the record.

Nominations were accepted from members of Council to fill the vacancy.

Councilmember O’Shaughnessy moved that Andrew J. Ginther be appointed to fill the vacancy.

Councilmember Thomas seconded the motion

Hearing no other nominations, President asked for roll call.

The motion was carried by the following vote: Affirmative: 5 – Boyce, O’Shaughnessy, Tavares, Thomas and President Pro-Tem Mentel

Oath of Office ceremony:

Reverend Grayson Atha offered a prayer. Mrs. Shannon Ginther administered the oath of office.

Clerk read Councilmember Hudson’s letter of resignation into the record.

Nominations were accepted from members of Council to fill the vacancy.

Councilmember Boyce moved that Priscilla R. Tyson be appointed to fill the vacancy.

Councilmember Tavares seconded the motion

Hearing no other nominations, President asked for roll call.

The motion was carried by the following vote: Affirmative: 6 – Boyce, Ginther, O’Shaughnessy, Tavares, Thomas and President Pro-Tem Mentel

Oath of Office ceremony:

Bishop Timothy Clarke of First Church of God offered a prayer. Bishop Clarke administered the oath of office to Councilmember Tyson.

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 5 of 207 City Clerk asked for the pleasure of Council in electing a Temporary President to preside for the purpose of electing a Permanent President of City Council.

Councilmember Boyce moved that City Clerk Andrea Blevins be made Temporary President for the purpose of electing a Permanent President of Columbus City Council.

Councilmember Ginther seconded the motion.

Roll Call was taken.

The motion was carried by the following vote: Affirmative: 7 – Boyce, Ginther, O’Shaughnessy, Tavares, Thomas, Tyson, and President Pro-Tem Mentel

Temporary President Blevins assumed the Chair.

Councilmember Boyce nominated Councilmember Michael Mentel as Permanent President of City Council.

Councilmember Tyson seconded the motion.

Hearing no other nominations for President of City Council, Roll call vote was taken.

The motion was carried by the following vote: Affirmative: 6 –Boyce, Ginther, O’Shaughnessy, Tavares, Thomas, Tyson

Temporary President of Council assumed the Chair and moved that Councilmember Kevin Boyce be appointed Permanent President Pro Tem of Columbus City Council.

Councilmember Tavares seconded the motion. Roll call vote was taken

The motion was carried by the following vote: Affirmative: 7 – Boyce, Ginther, O’Shaughnessy, Tavares, Thomas, Tyson and President Mentel

PRESIDENT Mentel introduced Ordinance 0130-2007 from the floor.

To amend Chapter 111 of the Columbus City Codes, 1959, as it relates to the Standing Committees of Council; and to declare an emergency.

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WHEREAS, it is necessary to amend the Columbus City Codes, 1959, as it relates to the Standing Committees of the Columbus City Council; and

WHEREAS, all other aspects of Chapter 111.04 of the Columbus City Codes, 1959 will remain the same; and

WHEREAS, an emergency exists in the City of Columbus in that it is immediately necessary to amend Columbus City Codes, 1959 as it relates to Standing Committees of Columbus City Council for the immediate preservation of the public health, peace, property, safety and welfare; now therefore


Section 1. That existing Section 111.04 of the Columbus City Codes, 1959 is hereby amended to read as follows:

111.04 Standing Committees.

All Standing Committees and the Chairperson thereof shall be appointed by the President of City Council unless the motion creating the Committee provides for a different method of appointment.

Standing Committees shall be as follows and be composed of the number of members herein designated:

Finance Committee, four members Jobs and Economic Development Committee, four members Development Committee, four members Administration Committee, four members Health, Housing & Human Services Committee, four members Public Service & Transportation Committee, four members Recreation and Parks Committee, four members Rules & Reference Committee, four members Safety & Judiciary Committee, four members Judiciary Committee, four members Workforce Development Committee, four members Utilities Committee, four members Zoning Committee, all members

Committees shall meet at times fixed by the President of City Council or the Chairperson of the Committee.

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 7 of 207 All appointments and removals made by the Mayor which are subject to the confirmation or approval by the City Council shall be referred to the Rules & Reference Committee.

Section 2. That for the reasons stated in the preamble hereto which is hereby made a part hereof, this ordinance is declared to be an emergency measure and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor or ten days after passage if the Mayor neither approves not vetoes the same.

The motion was carried by the following vote: Affirmative: 7 – Boyce, Ginther, O’Shaughnessy, Tavares, Thomas, Tyson and President Mentel

City Clerk read the committee assignments into the record.

Meeting Recessed for 5 minutes.

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 8 of 207 2007 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEES with REPORTING DEPARTMENTS & DIVISIONS (Departments shown in bold with underline)

FINANCE COMMITTEE COUNCILMEMBER KEVIN BOYCE, CHAIRPERSON Committee Members: O’Shaughnessy, Tavares, & Mentel Bond and note sales, city wide finance issues, authorized strength ordinances


Safety:Director's Office and Divisions of: Police, Fire, Communications and Licensing Other: Collective Bargaining Agreements and Salary Ordinances for safety-related city personnel


Development: Director’s Office; Land Management Office and Divisions of: Building Services, Planning, Neighborhood Services (except Agency services), Division of Economic Development, Downtown Development Office Other:Annexations


Public Service:Director's Office, and Divisions of: Transportation, Fleet Management


Health Department: Development: Housing Division and Neighborhood Services Division (Office of Agency Services including Social Service contracts and Emergency Human Services Fund) Finance: Consolidated Plan including CDBG and HOPPA Grant Funds

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Mayor’s Office of Education: Items relating to transition to work, job training, career and technical education, job placement, skill development and internship program(s). Central Ohio Workforce Investment Corporation (COWIC)


Mayor's Office:Community Relations Commission, Office of Education (with exception of items covered in Workforce Development Committee), and Equal Business Opportunity Commission Office Department of Technology: Divisions of: Communications and Telecommunications City Council:City Clerk, Legislative Research Office, City Treasurer City Auditor's Office:Income Tax Finance:Director's Office, Purchasing Division (contracts affecting more than one department) Human Resources: Labor Relations Salary Ordinances and Collective Bargaining Agreements for non-safety related city personnel Civil Service Commission Sinking Fund Public Service: Facilities Management Division


Public Utilities:Director's Office, and Divisions of: Sewerage & Drainage, Water, and Electricity Public Service: Refuse Collection Other: Assessments


City Attorney Municipal Court Judges Municipal Court Clerk

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Approval and placement of legislation on the agenda, Columbus City Code changes, Appointments from the Mayor’s office


Rezonings & Variances

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Columbus City Council Journal January 22, 2007


Present: 7 - President Pro-Tem Boyce, Ginther, Ms. O'Shaughnessy, Ms. Tavares, Ms. Thomas, Tyson and President Mentel RULES & REFERENCE


Transfer Type: C1 To: Radi Inc DBA Fine Foods 1609 Cleveland Av 1st Fl Columbus, Ohio 43211 From: Susan Food Inc 1609 Cleveland Av 1st Fl Columbus, Ohio 43211 permit # 7160492

Transfer Type: C1, C2 To: Livingston Sunoco Inc 3172 E Livingston Av Columbus, Ohio 43227 From: Mound Inc DBA Livingston Sunoco 3172 E Livingston Av Columbus, Ohio 43227 permit # 5243648

Transfer Type: C1, C2 To: Easy Stop I Inc DBA Convenient Plus Foodmart 5435 E Livingston Av Columbus, Ohio 43232 From: Mound Inc

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DBA Convenient Plus Foodmart 4 5435 E Livingston Av Columbus, Ohio 43232 permit # 2412996

Transfer Type: D1, D3 To: Uncle Sun Inc DBA Lee Garden Restaurant 2691 Federated Blvd Columbus, Ohio 43235 From: CYX Inc DBA Mings Chinese Restaurant 3482 Sullivant Av Columbus, Ohio 43204 permit # 9148477

Advertise: 1/27/07 Return: 2/8/07 Read and Filed 0130-2007 LA To amend Chapter 111 of the Columbus City Codes, 1959, as it relates to the Standing Committees of Council; and to declare an emergency. Sponsors: Michael C. Mentel

A motion was made by Ms. Thomas, seconded by Ms. Tavares, that this matter be Approved. The motion carried by the following vote: Affirmative: 7 - President Pro-Tem Boyce, Ginther, Ms. O'Shaughnessy, Ms. Tavares, Ms. Thomas, Tyson and President Mentel READING AND DISPOSAL OF THE JOURNAL

A motion was made by Ms. Tavares, seconded by Ms. Thomas, to Dispense with the reading of the Journal and Approve. The motion carried by the following vote: Affirmative: 7 - President Pro-Tem Boyce, Ginther, Ms. O'Shaughnessy, Ms. Tavares, Ms. Thomas, Tyson and President Mentel RESOLUTIONS OF EXPRESSION Tavares

0008X-2007 To support the Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan for Franklin County (Emergency Management & Homeland Security) Sponsors: Charleta B. Tavares

A motion was made by Ms. Tavares, seconded by Ms. Thomas, that this matter be Adopted. The motion carried by the following vote: Affirmative: 7 - President Pro-Tem Boyce, Ginther, Ms. O'Shaughnessy, Ms. Tavares, Ms. Thomas, Tyson and President Mentel ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA

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2261-2006 FR To authorize and direct the Mayor of the City of Columbus to accept a subgrantee award through the FY2006 Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) program from the Bureau of Justice Assistance, Office of Justice Programs via the Franklin County Office of Homeland Security and Justice Programs, to authorize Lt. Ramona Patts as the official city representative to act in connection with the subgrant, and to authorize an appropriation of $150,000.00 from the unappropriated balance of the General Government Grant Fund to the Division of Police to cover the costs of the FY06 Justice Assistance Grant project. ($150,000.00) Read for the First Time DEVELOPMENT: O'SHAUGHNESSY, CHR. TAVARES TYSON MENTEL

2037-2006 FR To accept the application (AN06-010) of Quest Community Church for the annexation of certain territory containing 17.7 ± Acres in Plain Township. Read for the First Time UTILITIES: THOMAS, CHR. GINTHER O'SHAUGHNESSY MENTEL

2216-2006 FR To authorize the Director of Public Utilities to enter into a professional engineering services contract with Camp, Dresser and McKee, Inc., in connection with the Sewer System Capacity Model Project; to authorize the transfer of $454,291.68 and expenditure of $1,954,291.68 from within the Voted Sanitary Bond Fund; for the Division of Sewerage and Drainage. ($1,954,291.68) Read for the First Time 2117-2006 FR To amend the 2006 Capital Improvements Budget; to authorize the City Auditor to transfer of $1,809.48 within the Voted 1995 and 1999 Street Lighting and Electricity Distribution Improvements Fund; to authorize the City Auditor to allow the Division of Power and Water's capital bond fund to reimburse the operating fund; for labor and equipment costs incurred in the installation of various street lighting projects; and to authorize the expenditure up to an amount not to exceed $43,069.82. ($43,069.82) Read for the First Time 2196-2006 FR To authorize the Director of Public Utilities to enter into contract with the Downing Construction Company for the construction of the Driving Park Downspout Elimination Pilot Project; to authorize expenditure of $115,800.00 from the Voted Sanitary Bond Fund; and to amend the 2006 Capital Improvements Budget; for the Division of Sewerage and Drainage. ($115,800.00) Read for the First Time 2206-2006 FR To authorize the Director of Public Utilities to enter into a contract with The Righter Company, Inc. for construction of the Livingston Avenue Booster Station for the Division of Power and Water, to amend the 2006 C.I.B., and

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to authorize the expenditure of $1,371,700.00 for construction from the Water Works Enlargement Voted 1991 Bonds Fund, ($1,371,700.00) Read for the First Time 2252-2006 FR To authorize the Director of Public Utilities to enter into contract with EMH&T, Inc. for Construction Administration Services for the Livingston Avenue and Griggs Booster Stations for the Division of Power and Water, to authorize the City Auditor to transfer funds within the Waterworks Enlargement Voted 1991 Bonds Fund, and to authorize the expenditure of $336,000.00 from the Waterworks Enlargement Voted 1991 Bonds Fund. ($336,000.00) Read for the First Time 2254-2006 FR To authorize the Director of Public Utilities to enter into a contract with Danis Industrial Construction Company for the Hap Cremean Water Plant Basin Improvements - Collector Arms, for the Division of Power and Water , to authorize the expenditure of $1,149,942.50 from the Waterworks Enlargement Voted 1991 Bonds Fund, to amend the 2006 C.I.B. and to authorize the City Auditor to transfer funds within the Waterworks Enlargement Voted 1991 Bonds Fund. ($1,149,942.50) Read for the First Time 2300-2006 FR To authorize the Director of Public Utilities to modify the professional construction management services agreement with H.R. Gray & Associates, Inc. for the Southerly Wastewater Treatment Plant New Headworks Project; to authorize the expenditure of $2,872,864.00 from the Ohio Water Pollution Control Loan Fund; for the Division of Sewerage and Drainage. ($2,872,864.00). Read for the First Time ZONING:

0018-2007 FR To rezone 6037 CENTRAL COLLEGE ROAD (43054), being 12.47± acres located on the south side of Central College Road, 300± feet west of New Albany Road West, From: CPD, Commercial Planned Development and L-ARO, Limited Apartment Residential / Office Districts, To: CPD, Commercial Planned Development District. (Rezoning # Z05-094) Read for the First Time 1861-2006 FR To grant a Variance from the provisions of Sections 3356.03, Permitted Uses; 3356.05C, C-4 district development limitations; 3342.15, Maneuvering; 3342.18, Parking setback line; 3372.609B, Setback requirements; 3372.611, Design standards; for property located at 263-277 WEST NORWICH AVENUE (43201), being 0.15 + acres located at the southwest corner of West Norwich Avenue and Tuttle Park Place, to permit ground level residential use and second floor residential use not located over a commercial use, thereby permitting an apartment building in the C-4, Commercial District. Read for the First Time 2019-2006 FR To rezone 6261 MAPLE CANYON AVENUE (43229), being 7.73± acres located on the west side of Maple Canyon Avenue, 100± feet north of Sprucefield Drive, From: R-1, Residential District, To: CPD, Commercial Planned Development, and L-R-4, Limited Residential Districts (Rezoning # Z06-039).

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0007X-2007 CA To express the appreciation of the Council of the City of Columbus to Matthew D. Habash for his service to this Council and his commitment to the citizens of this City. Sponsors: Kevin L. Boyce, Michael C. Mentel, Maryellen O'Shaughnessy, Charleta B. Tavares and Patsy Thomas This Matter was Adopted on the Consent Agenda.


0006X-2007 CA To proclaim Sunday, February 4, 2007, Four Chaplains Sunday in the City of Columbus. Sponsors: Michael C. Mentel

This Matter was Adopted on the Consent Agenda.


0005X-2007 CA To express our gratitude and deep appreciation to Cheryl L. Roberto for her nine years of exceptional service to the people of Columbus and Central Ohio upon her retirement as Director of the Department of Public Utilities. Sponsors: Patsy Thomas

This Matter was Adopted on the Consent Agenda.


2228-2006 CA To authorize and direct the City Auditor to make payment of $2,304.00 to Patricia VanDyke for vacation time and benefits which have been accumulated in excess of the maximum amount established by the Management Compensation Plan; to authorize the expenditure of $2,304.00 from the General Fund; and to declare an emergency. ($2,304.00) This Matter was Approved on the Consent Agenda.

0002X-2007 CA To authorize the City Auditor to request advance payments of property and estate taxes from the Franklin, Fairfield and Delaware County Auditors during 2007 and to declare an emergency. This Matter was Adopted on the Consent Agenda.


2182-2006 CA To authorize the appropriation of $315,200 for 2007 from the unappropriated balance of the Franklin County Municipal Court Judges probation fee fund for all anticipated expenses associated with the enhancement of probation services; and to declare an emergency. ($315,200.00) This Matter was Approved on the Consent Agenda.

2277-2006 CA To authorize the Franklin County Municipal Court Judges, through the Administrative and Presiding Judge, to enter into the fourth year of a potential four-year contract with Willo Security, Inc. for the provision of

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security guard services in the Municipal Court building; to authorize the expenditure of $300,000 from the Municipal Court special projects fund; and to declare an emergency. ($300,000.00) This Matter was Approved on the Consent Agenda.

0007-2007 CA To authorize the appropriation of $350,000 from the indigent driver alcohol treatment fund to the Franklin County Municipal Court Judges, pursuant to the requirements of O.R.C. 4511.191 (H); and to declare an emergency. ($350,000.00) This Matter was Approved on the Consent Agenda.

0013-2007 CA To authorize and direct the Administrative and Presiding Judge of the Franklin County Municipal Court to modify and extend the contract with iSECUREtrac; to authorize the expenditure of up to $60,000 with iSECUREtrac for electronic monitoring of offenders; and to declare an emergency. ($60,000.00) This Matter was Approved on the Consent Agenda.

0003X-2007 CA To declare the necessity and intent to appropriate fee simple title and lesser interests in and to real estate in connection with the Tuttle Crossing Boulevard project, and to declare an emergency. This Matter was Adopted on the Consent Agenda.

0004X-2007 CA To declare the necessity and intent to appropriate permanent and construction easements in, over, under and through real estate in connection with the Petzinger Road Storm Sewer Project, and to declare an emergency. This Matter was Adopted on the Consent Agenda.

PUBLIC SERVICE & TRANSPORTATION: O'SHAUGHNESSY, CHR. SON TAVARES THOMAS MENTEL 0022-2007 CA To accept the plat titled The Lakes at Taylor Station Section 2 Part 1, from M/I Homes of Central Ohio, LLC, an Ohio Limited Liability Company by Stephen M. Caplinger, Vice President Land Operations; and to declare an emergency. This Matter was Approved on the Consent Agenda.

0087-2007 CA To accept the plat titled Haydens Crossing Section 3 Part 2, from Dominion Homes, Inc., an Ohio corporation, by Joseph A. Sugar III, Vice President Land Acquisitions; and to declare an emergency. A motion was made by President Pro-Tem Boyce, seconded by Ms. Tavares, that this matter be Approved. The motion carried by the following vote: Abstained: 1 - Ms. Thomas Affirmative: 6 - President Pro-Tem Boyce, Ginther, Ms. O'Shaughnessy, Ms. Tavares, Tyson and President Mentel HEALTH, HOUSING & HUMAN SERVICES: TAVARES, CHR. BOYCE THOMAS MENTEL 0038-2007 CA To authorize the transfer of $991,706 (cash only) from the CDBG subfund known as the Revolving Loan Fund to the CDBG subfund known as the Entitlement Fund to provide resources for all approved 2007 CDBG program

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activities, and to declare an emergency. ($991,706) This Matter was Approved on the Consent Agenda.


1947-2006 CA To authorize the Director of Public Utilities to pay inspection, testing and prevailing wage coordination services to the Transportation Division for Greenlawn/Eaton Stormwater System Improvements in the amount of $268,725.95; to authorize the transfer of $268,725.95 within the Storm Sewer Bond Fund for the Division of Sewerage and Drainage; and to authorize the expenditure of $268,725.95 within the Storm Sewer Bond Fund. ($268,725.95) This Matter was Approved on the Consent Agenda.

2127-2006 CA To authorize the Director of Public Utilities to enter into a professional engineering services contract with ms Consultants, Inc., in connection with the Franklin No. 1 Trunk Sewer Rehabilitation Project; to authorize the transfer and expenditure of $528,755.24 from within the Voted Sanitary Bond Fund; for the Division of Sewerage and Drainage. ($528,755.24) This Matter was Approved on the Consent Agenda.

2174-2006 CA To authorize the Director of Finance and Management to establish a purchase order with Causeway Equipment Inc for the purchase of a Compost Screen with Trade-In for the Division of Sewerage and Drainage, and to authorize the expenditure of $222,590.00 from the Sewerage System Operating Fund. ($222,590.00) This Matter was Approved on the Consent Agenda.

2215-2006 CA To authorize the City Attorney's Office to modify and extend the contract with McNees, Wallace & Nurick LLC to provide legal service regarding issues related to the purchase of power for the Division of Power and Water for the years 2008 and 2009, and to authorize the expenditure of $50,000.00 from the Electricity Operating Fund. ($50,000.00) This Matter was Approved on the Consent Agenda.

2264-2006 CA To authorize and direct the City Auditor to transfer $380,716.45 within the Voted Street Lighting and Electricity Distribution Improvements Fund, to replenish the Urban Infrastructure Recovery Fund (UIRF), and to declare an emergency. ($380,716.45) This Matter was Approved on the Consent Agenda.

0034-2007 CA To authorize the Public Service Director to enter into a contract with Prime Engineering & Architecture, Inc. for the design of the Alum Creek Storm Water Pollution Prevention Systems for the Refuse Collection Division; to authorize the expenditure of $140,473.52 from the 1995, 1999, 2004 Voted Refuse Collection Fund; and to declare an emergency. ($140,473.52) This Matter was Approved on the Consent Agenda.


2282-2006 CA To authorize the expenditure of $100,000.00 from the Voted 1999/2004 Parks and Recreation Bond Fund for various expenditures for golf course equipment to be purchased through the City of Columbus Purchasing system, and to declare an emergency. ($100,000.00)

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This Matter was Approved on the Consent Agenda.

2283-2006 CA To authorize the expenditure of $50,000.00 for various Golf Course Improvements from the Voted 1999/2004 Parks and Recreation Bond Fund, and to declare an emergency. ($50,000.00) This Matter was Approved on the Consent Agenda.

0005-2007 CA To authorize the Director of Recreation and Parks to enter into contract with Jess Howard Electric Co. for the Livingston Park Lighting Improvements project, to authorize the expenditure of $120,000.00 from the Recreation and Parks Voted bond fund, and to declare an emergency. ($120,000.00) This Matter was Approved on the Consent Agenda.

2306-2007 CA To authorize the Director of Recreation and Parks to enter into contract with Quality Masonry Co. for the Goodale Park Terrace improvements project, to authorize the expenditure of $70,000.00 from the Recreation and Parks Voted bond fund, and to declare an emergency. ($70,000.00) This Matter was Approved on the Consent Agenda.


A0007-2007 CA Re - appointment of Sharon Francis , 2006 Hegemon Crest Drive, Columbus, Ohio 43219 to serve on the Joint Columbus and Franklin County Housing Advisory Board, with a new term expiration of December 31, 2009 (resume attached). This Matter was Read and Approved on the Consent Agenda.

A0008-2007 CA Re-appointment of Samuel Gresham, Common Cause, 50 West Broad Street Suite 1705, Columbus, Ohio 43215 to serve on the Joint Columbus and Franklin County Housing Advisory Board with a new term expiration of December 31, 2009 (resume attached). This Matter was Read and Approved on the Consent Agenda.

A0009-2007 CA Appointment of William Goldman, 155 West Main Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215 to serve on the Columbus Zoo Board replacing Philip Craig with a new term expiration of December 1, 2009 (resume attached). A motion was made by President Pro-Tem Boyce, seconded by Ms. Tavares, that this matter be Read and Approved. The motion carried by the following vote: Abstained: 1 - Ginther Affirmative: 6 - President Pro-Tem Boyce, Ms. O'Shaughnessy, Ms. Tavares, Ms. Thomas, Tyson and President Mentel A0010-2007 CA Re-appointment of Andy Bittinger, 4949 Oldbridge Drive Columbus, Ohio 43220 to serve on the Franklin Park conservatory Joint Recreation District Board with a new term expiration of January 31, 2009(resume attached). A motion was made by President Pro-Tem Boyce, seconded by Ms. Tavares, that this matter be Read and Approved. The motion carried by the following vote: Abstained: 1 - Ms. Thomas Affirmative: 6 - President Pro-Tem Boyce, Ginther, Ms. O'Shaughnessy, Ms. Tavares, Tyson and President Mentel

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A0012-2007 CA Appointment of Russell Austin, Battelle 505 King Ave. Columbus Ohio 43201 to serve on the Columbus Downtown Development Corporation replacing Carl Kohrt with a new term expiration of July 8, 2008 (resume attached). This Matter was Read and Approved on the Consent Agenda.

A0013-2007 CA Appointment of John W. Kessler New Albany Co. 220 Market Street, Suite 200, New Albany, Ohio 43054 to serve on the Columbus Downtown Development Corporation replacing Douglas Kridler with a new term expiration date of July 8, 2007 (resume attached). This Matter was Read and Approved on the Consent Agenda.

A0014-2007 CA Appointment of Bruce A. Soll, Limited Brands, Three Limited Parkway, Columbus, Ohio 43230 to serve on the Columbus Downtown Development Corporation replacing Les Wexner with a new term expiration date of July 8, 2007 (resume attached). This Matter was Read and Approved on the Consent Agenda.

Passed The Consent Agenda

A motion was made by President Pro-Tem Boyce, seconded by Ms. Tavares, including all the preceding items marked as having been approved on the Consent Agenda. The motion carried by the following vote: Affirmative: 7 - President Pro-Tem Boyce, Ginther, Ms. O'Shaughnessy, Ms. Tavares, Ms. Thomas, Tyson and President Mentel EMERGENCY, TABLED AND 2ND READING OF 30-DAY LEGISLATION FINANCE: BOYCE, CHR. O'SHAUGHNESSY TAVARES MENTEL

1980-2006 To make appropriations for the 12 months ending December 31, 2007, for selected other funds for various divisions, to authorize the City Auditor to make transfers as may be necessary, and to declare an emergency. A motion was made by President Pro-Tem Boyce, seconded by Ms. Tavares, that this matter be Taken from the Table. The motion carried by the following vote: Affirmative: 7 - President Pro-Tem Boyce, Ginther, Ms. O'Shaughnessy, Ms. Tavares, Ms. Thomas, Tyson and President Mentel A motion was made by President Pro-Tem Boyce, seconded by Ms. Tavares, that this matter be Amended as submitted to the Clerk. The motion carried by the following vote: Affirmative: 7 - President Pro-Tem Boyce, Ginther, Ms. O'Shaughnessy, Ms. Tavares, Ms. Thomas, Tyson and President Mentel A motion was made by President Pro-Tem Boyce, seconded by Ms. Tavares, that this matter be Approved as Amended. The motion carried by the following vote: Affirmative: 7 - President Pro-Tem Boyce, Ginther, Ms. O'Shaughnessy, Ms. Tavares, Ms. Thomas, Tyson and President Mentel 1981-2006 To make appropriations for the 12 months ending December 31, 2007 for the Sinking Fund - Bond Note Retirement Funds, and to declare an emergency.

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A motion was made by President Pro-Tem Boyce, seconded by Ms. Tavares, that this matter be Taken from the Table. The motion carried by the following vote: Affirmative: 7 - President Pro-Tem Boyce, Ginther, Ms. O'Shaughnessy, Ms. Tavares, Ms. Thomas, Tyson and President Mentel A motion was made by President Pro-Tem Boyce, seconded by Ms. Tavares, that this matter be Approved. The motion carried by the following vote: Affirmative: 7 - President Pro-Tem Boyce, Ginther, Ms. O'Shaughnessy, Ms. Tavares, Ms. Thomas, Tyson and President Mentel ADMINISTRATION: THOMAS, CHR. BOYCE TYSON MENTEL

0086-2007 To amend the 2006 Capital Improvements Budget; to authorize the cancellation of $13,127.00 from an existing EL005509 (AC024591) associated with the Safety Voted Bond Fund; to authorize the Finance and Management Director to enter into contract for the Facilities Management Division for flooring renovations of various areas in City buildings with Flooring Foundations, LLC; to authorize the expenditure of $200,000.00 from the Construction Management Capital Improvement Fund, to authorize the expenditure of $13,127.00 from the Safety Voted Bond Fund; and to declare an emergency. ($213,127.00) A motion was made by Ms. Thomas, seconded by Ms. Tavares, that this matter be Approved. The motion carried by the following vote: Affirmative: 7 - President Pro-Tem Boyce, Ginther, Ms. O'Shaughnessy, Ms. Tavares, Ms. Thomas, Tyson and President Mentel DEVELOPMENT: O'SHAUGHNESSY, CHR. TAVARES TYSON MENTEL

1956-2006 To authorize the Director of Development to enter into an Enterprise Zone Agreement with the Columbus Compact Corporation for a tax abatement of 75% for a period of ten years for real property improvements and 75% for a period of two years for personal property in consideration of a proposed $2.5 million investment and the creation of 16 new jobs. A motion was made by Ms. O'Shaughnessy, seconded by Ms. Thomas, that this matter be Taken from the Table. The motion carried by the following vote: Affirmative: 7 - President Pro-Tem Boyce, Ginther, Ms. O'Shaughnessy, Ms. Tavares, Ms. Thomas, Tyson and President Mentel TABLED UNTIL 01/29/07

A motion was made by Ms. O'Shaughnessy, seconded by Ms. Thomas, that this matter be Tabled to Certain Date. The motion carried by the following vote: Affirmative: 7 - President Pro-Tem Boyce, Ginther, Ms. O'Shaughnessy, Ms. Tavares, Ms. Thomas, Tyson and President Mentel 0004-2007 To authorize the Director of the Department of Development to enter into an agreement with Crafts Americana Group, Inc. for a real estate tax abatement of 75% for a period of ten years and a personal property tax abatement of 75% for a period of two years; and to declare an emergency.

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A motion was made by Ms. O'Shaughnessy, seconded by Ms. Thomas, that this matter be Approved. The motion carried by the following vote: Affirmative: 7 - President Pro-Tem Boyce, Ginther, Ms. O'Shaughnessy, Ms. Tavares, Ms. Thomas, Tyson and President Mentel SAFETY : GINTHER, CHR. BOYCE THOMAS MENTEL

2259-2006 To authorize and direct the Finance and Management Director to enter into an agreement with MD Helicopters, Inc. for the purchase of a 500E helicopter, in accordance with sole source procurement for the Division of Police, to authorize the appropriation and the expenditure of $1,356,545.00 from the Special Income Tax Debt Fund; and to declare an emergency. ($1,356,545.00) A motion was made by Ginther, seconded by President Pro-Tem Boyce, that this matter be Approved. The motion carried by the following vote: Affirmative: 7 - President Pro-Tem Boyce, Ginther, Ms. O'Shaughnessy, Ms. Tavares, Ms. Thomas, Tyson and President Mentel HEALTH, HOUSING & HUMAN SERVICES: TAVARES, CHR. BOYCE THOMAS MENTEL 0039-2007 To authorize an appropriation of $11,937,687 in various divisions and object levels of the Community Development Block Grant Fund, to provide funding for approved programs, and to declare an emergency ($11,937,687). A motion was made by Ms. Tavares, seconded by Ms. Thomas, that this matter be Approved. The motion carried by the following vote: Affirmative: 7 - President Pro-Tem Boyce, Ginther, Ms. O'Shaughnessy, Ms. Tavares, Ms. Thomas, Tyson and President Mentel 0041-2007 To make appropriation for the twelve months ending December 31, 2007, for the Health Department Grants Fund, to the Department of Health, in various projects and object level ones, for the continued operations of grant programs, and to declare an emergency. ($1,029,807) A motion was made by Ms. Tavares, seconded by Ms. Thomas, that this matter be Approved. The motion carried by the following vote: Affirmative: 7 - President Pro-Tem Boyce, Ginther, Ms. O'Shaughnessy, Ms. Tavares, Ms. Thomas, Tyson and President Mentel UTILITIES: THOMAS, CHR. GINTHER O'SHAUGHNESSY MENTEL

2099-2006 To authorize the Director of Public Utilities to enter into an agreement with Critical Path Consultants for provision of consultant services related to realignment of responsibilities within the Department of Public Utilities, to waive provisions of competitive bidding and to authorize expenditure of $23,490.00 from the Sewerage System Operating Fund, $16,965.00 from the Storm Water System Operating Fund, $1,305.00 from the Electricity Operating Fund and $23,490.00 from the Water System Operating Fund. ($65,250.00) A motion was made by Ms. Thomas, seconded by Ms. Tavares, that this matter be Approved. The motion carried by the following vote:

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Affirmative: 7 - President Pro-Tem Boyce, Ginther, Ms. O'Shaughnessy, Ms. Tavares, Ms. Thomas, Tyson and President Mentel 2106-2006 To authorize the Director of Finance and Management to enter into a contract for hydraulic and pneumatic tools with E.H. Wachs Company for the Division of Power and Water, to waive formal competitive bidding requirements, and to authorize the expenditure of $60,312.70 from the Water System Operating Fund. ($60,312.70) A motion was made by Ms. Thomas, seconded by Ms. Tavares, that this matter be Approved. The motion carried by the following vote: Affirmative: 7 - President Pro-Tem Boyce, Ginther, Ms. O'Shaughnessy, Ms. Tavares, Ms. Thomas, Tyson and President Mentel 2134-2006 To authorize the Director of Public Utilities to modify the agreement with Malcolm Pirnie, Inc., for Professional Program Management Services for the 2006-2010 Capital Improvements Program under the Wet Weather Management Plan, for the Division of Sewerage and Drainage; to authorize the expenditure of $12,000,000.00 from the Voted Sanitary Bond Fund; and to declare an emergency. ($12,000,000.00) A motion was made by Ms. Thomas, seconded by Ms. Tavares, that this matter be Approved. The motion carried by the following vote: Abstained: 1 - President Mentel Affirmative: 6 - President Pro-Tem Boyce, Ginther, Ms. O'Shaughnessy, Ms. Tavares, Ms. Thomas and Tyson 2224-2006 To authorize the Director of Public Utilities to enter into contract with Reynolds, Inc., for the construction of the Morse Rd./Elks Drive Area Sanitary Improvements Project; to authorize the transfer and expenditure of $6,600.00 from the Storm Sewer Bond Fund; to authorize the appropriation and expenditure of $896,832.00 from the Ohio Water Pollution Control Loan Fund; to amend the 2006 Capital Improvements Budget; for the Division of Sewerage and Drainage; and to declare an emergency. ($903,432.00) A motion was made by Ms. Thomas, seconded by Ms. Tavares, that this matter be Approved. The motion carried by the following vote: Affirmative: 7 - President Pro-Tem Boyce, Ginther, Ms. O'Shaughnessy, Ms. Tavares, Ms. Thomas, Tyson and President Mentel 0016-2007 To appropriate $14,000,000.00 within the Special Income Tax Fund; to authorize the Public Service Director to establish an encumbrance in this amount to pay 2007 refuse tipping fees to the Solid Waste Authority of Central Ohio for the Refuse Collection Division pursuant to an existing lease agreement; to authorize the expenditure of $14,000,000.00 or so much thereof as may be necessary from the Special Income Tax Fund; to waive the competitive bidding requirements of the Columbus City Code; and to declare an emergency. ($14,000,000.00) A motion was made by Ms. Thomas, seconded by Ms. Tavares, that this matter be Approved. The motion carried by the following vote: Affirmative: 7 - President Pro-Tem Boyce, Ginther, Ms. O'Shaughnessy, Ms. Tavares, Ms. Thomas, Tyson and President Mentel RECREATION & PARKS: TYSON, CHR. GINTHER TAVARES MENTEL

2292-2006 To authorize and direct the Director of Recreation and Parks to accept a

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grant in the amount of $596,100.00 and enter into agreements with the State of Ohio - the Ohio public works program, for land acquisition along Big Walnut Creek , to authorize an appropriation of $596,100.00 from the unappropriated balance of the Recreation and Parks Grant Fund to the Recreation and Parks Department, and to declare an emergency. ($596,100.00) A motion was made by Tyson, seconded by Ms. Tavares, that this matter be Approved. The motion carried by the following vote: Affirmative: 7 - President Pro-Tem Boyce, Ginther, Ms. O'Shaughnessy, Ms. Tavares, Ms. Thomas, Tyson and President Mentel 2293-2006 To authorize and direct the Director of Recreation and Parks to accept a grant in the amount of $184,850.00 and enter into agreements with the State of Ohio - the Ohio public works program, for land acquisition known as Dysart Run Forested Floodplain Preservation , to authorize an appropriation of $184,850.00 from the unappropriated balance of the Recreation and Parks Grant Fund to the Recreation and Parks Department, and to declare an emergency. ($184,850.00) A motion was made by Tyson, seconded by Ms. Tavares, that this matter be Approved. The motion carried by the following vote: Affirmative: 7 - President Pro-Tem Boyce, Ginther, Ms. O'Shaughnessy, Ms. Tavares, Ms. Thomas, Tyson and President Mentel 0006-2007 To authorize the transfer of $25,044.55 within the voted 1999/2004 Parks and Recreation Bond Fund, to authorize the Director of Recreation and Parks to enter into contract with Central Ohio Building Co. for the Barnett Park and Sprayground Improvements project, to authorize the expenditure of $1,150,000.00 from the Recreation and Parks Voted bond fund, to amend the 2006 Capital Improvements Budget, and to declare an emergency. ($1,150,000.00) A motion was made by Tyson, seconded by Ms. Tavares, that this matter be Approved. The motion carried by the following vote: Abstained: 1 - Ms. Thomas Affirmative: 6 - President Pro-Tem Boyce, Ginther, Ms. O'Shaughnessy, Ms. Tavares, Tyson and President Mentel 0044-2007 To authorize an appropriation of $82,613.00 from the unappropriated balance of the Recreation and Parks Special Purpose Fund to the Recreation and Parks Department for the purchase of various supplies, services, and equipment in 2007 which are supported by donations and fees, and to declare an emergency. ($82,613.00) A motion was made by Tyson, seconded by Ms. Tavares, that this matter be Approved. The motion carried by the following vote: Affirmative: 7 - President Pro-Tem Boyce, Ginther, Ms. O'Shaughnessy, Ms. Tavares, Ms. Thomas, Tyson and President Mentel RULES & REFERENCE: MENTEL, CHR. BOYCE O'SHAUGHNESSY TAVARES

0762-2005 To supplement and amend sections of Chapter 3389, "Special Permit Uses," of the Columbus Zoning Code, in order to update and modernize terminology and add uses that require a Special Permits; add Impound Lots to the list of uses that require a Special Permit and a license under Chapter 3392, "Junk and Salvage Yards" of the Columbus Zoning Code.

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Sponsors: Michael C. Mentel


A motion was made by President Mentel, seconded by President Pro-Tem Boyce, that this matter be Tabled to Certain Date. The motion carried by the following vote: Affirmative: 7 - President Pro-Tem Boyce, Ginther, Ms. O'Shaughnessy, Ms. Tavares, Ms. Thomas, Tyson and President Mentel 0764-2005 To repeal and enact a new Chapter 3387, Prohibited Uses, of the Columbus Zoning Code, in order to update the list of prohibited uses and to modernize the language associated with them by amending and adding various definitions to Chapter 3303 of the Columbus Zoning Code. Sponsors: Michael C. Mentel


A motion was made by President Mentel, seconded by President Pro-Tem Boyce, that this matter be Tabled to Certain Date. The motion carried by the following vote: Affirmative: 7 - President Pro-Tem Boyce, Ginther, Ms. O'Shaughnessy, Ms. Tavares, Ms. Thomas, Tyson and President Mentel 1210-2006 To amend various sections of the City of Columbus Fire Prevention Code (Title Twenty-five), relating to the fees charged for plan review, inspections, and other services. Sponsors: Michael C. Mentel

A motion was made by President Mentel, seconded by Ginther, that this matter be Approved. The motion carried by the following vote: Affirmative: 7 - President Pro-Tem Boyce, Ginther, Ms. O'Shaughnessy, Ms. Tavares, Ms. Thomas, Tyson and President Mentel 2276-2006 To amend various sections within Chapters 921, 2133 and 2141 of the Columbus City Codes, 1959, to maintain consistency between state OVI laws and City OVI ordinances; and to declare an emergency. Sponsors: Michael C. Mentel

A motion was made by President Mentel, seconded by President Pro-Tem Boyce, that this matter be Approved. The motion carried by the following vote: Affirmative: 7 - President Pro-Tem Boyce, Ginther, Ms. O'Shaughnessy, Ms. Tavares, Ms. Thomas, Tyson and President Mentel RECESSED AT 6:48 P.M. UNTIL THURSDAY, 1/25/07 AT 10:00 A.M.

A motion was made by Ms. Tavares, seconded by Ms. Thomas, to Motion to Recess the Regular Meeting. The motion carried by the following vote: Affirmative: 7 - President Pro-Tem Boyce, Ginther, Ms. O'Shaughnessy, Ms. Tavares, Ms. Thomas, Tyson and President Mentel

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Columbus City Council Journal January 25, 2007


Present: 7 - President Pro-Tem Boyce, Ginther, Ms. O'Shaughnessy, Ms. Tavares, Ms. Thomas, Tyson and President Mentel EMERGENCY, TABLED AND 2ND READING OF 30-DAY LEGISLATION FINANCE COMMITTEE: BOYCE, CHR. O'SHAUGHNESSY TAVARES MENTEL

2089-2006 To make appropriations for the 12 months ending December 31, 2007, for other funds for various divisions, to authorize the City Auditor to make transfers as may be necessary and to declare an emergency. A motion was made by President Pro-Tem Boyce, seconded by Ms. Tavares, that this matter be Taken from the Table. The motion carried by the following vote: Affirmative: 7 - President Pro-Tem Boyce, Ginther, Ms. O'Shaughnessy, Ms. Tavares, Ms. Thomas, Tyson and President Mentel A motion was made by President Pro-Tem Boyce, seconded by Ms. Tavares, that this matter be Amended as submitted to the Clerk. The motion carried by the following vote: Affirmative: 7 - President Pro-Tem Boyce, Ginther, Ms. O'Shaughnessy, Ms. Tavares, Ms. Thomas, Tyson and President Mentel TABLED UNTIL 02/05/07

A motion was made by President Pro-Tem Boyce, seconded by Ms. Tavares, that this matter be Tabled to Certain Date. The motion carried by the following vote: Affirmative: 7 - President Pro-Tem Boyce, Ginther, Ms. O'Shaughnessy, Ms. Tavares, Ms. Thomas, Tyson and President Mentel 2090-2006 To make appropriations for the 12 months ending December 31, 2007, for each of the several Object Level 1s for which the City of Columbus has to provide from the monies known to be in the treasury of said City of Columbus, in the fund known as the General Fund, during the said 12 months from the collection of all taxes and from other sources of revenue the amount of $630,000,000, in the fund known as the Safety Staffing

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Contingency Fund the amount of $1,000,000 and in the fund known as the Public Safety Initiative Fund the amount of $460,000, and to declare an emergency. ($631,460,000). A motion was made by President Pro-Tem Boyce, seconded by Ms. Tavares, that this matter be Taken from the Table. The motion carried by the following vote: Affirmative: 7 - President Pro-Tem Boyce, Ginther, Ms. O'Shaughnessy, Ms. Tavares, Ms. Thomas, Tyson and President Mentel A motion was made by President Pro-Tem Boyce, seconded by Ms. Tavares, that this matter be Amended as submitted to the Clerk. The motion carried by the following vote: Affirmative: 7 - President Pro-Tem Boyce, Ginther, Ms. O'Shaughnessy, Ms. Tavares, Ms. Thomas, Tyson and President Mentel TABLED UNTIL 02/05/07

A motion was made by President Pro-Tem Boyce, seconded by Ms. Tavares, that this matter be Tabled to Certain Date. The motion carried by the following vote: Affirmative: 7 - President Pro-Tem Boyce, Ginther, Ms. O'Shaughnessy, Ms. Tavares, Ms. Thomas, Tyson and President Mentel


ADJOURNED: 10:42 a.m.

A motion was made by President Pro-Tem Boyce, seconded by Ms. Thomas, to adjourn this Regular Meeting. The motion carried by the following vote: Affirmative: 7 - President Pro-Tem Boyce, Ginther, Ms. O'Shaughnessy, Ms. Tavares, Ms. Thomas, Tyson and President Mentel

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Ordinances and Resolutions

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 28 of 207 Office of City Clerk 90 West Broad Street City of Columbus Columbus OH 43215-9015 City Bulletin Report

Legislation Number: 0002X-2007

Drafting Date: 12/29/2006 Current Status: Passed

Version: 1 Matter Type: Resolution

ExplanationBACKGROUND: This is an annual event. Council has authorized the City Auditor to request and receive advances on property taxes and estate taxes, both of which will then be available on a monthly basis.

FISCAL IMPACT: Provide a better cash flow for the Treasurer. If not needed for current expenses, we can invest it.

REASON FOR EMERGENCY: Funds are available beginning the first week of January 2007. TitleTo authorize the City Auditor to request advance payments of property and estate taxes from the Franklin, Fairfield and Delaware County Auditors during 2007 and to declare an emergency. BodyWhereas, it has been the custom of the City of Columbus to have the City Auditor handle all advance payment requests for both property taxes and estate taxes from the Franklin, Fairfield and Delaware County Auditors; and

Whereas, an emergency exists in the usual daily operation of the City in that the Franklin, Fairfield and Delaware County Auditors have advised that a resolution be passed by the City Council as required by Chapter 321 of the Ohio Revised Codes, authorizing advance payment requests for the City of Columbus for both the property taxes and estate taxes, thereby preserving the public health, peace, property, safety, financial stability and welfare; now, therefore,


Section 1. That the City Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to request from the Franklin, Fairfield and Delaware County Auditors advance payments for all taxes collected, in accordance with all procedures prescribed in Chapter 321 of the Ohio Revised Codes, during fiscal year 2007.

Section 2. That for the reasons stated in the preamble hereto, which is hereby made a part hereof, this resolution is hereby declared to be an emergency measure and shall take effect and be in force from and after its adoption and approval by the Mayor or ten days after adoption if the Mayor neither approves nor vetoes the same.

Legislation Number: 0003X-2007

Drafting Date: 01/02/2007 Current Status: Passed

Version: 1 Matter Type: Resolution

Explanation Background:

The following is a resolution to declare the necessity and intent to appropriate fee simple title and lesser interests in and to real estate in connection with the Tuttle Crossing Boulevard project.

Fiscal Impact:

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Emergency Justification: Emergency action is requested to allow the Real Estate Division to acquire the necessary right-of-way as soon as to accommodate anticipated March 2007 construction.

Title To declare the necessity and intent to appropriate fee simple title and lesser interests in and to real estate in connection with the Tuttle Crossing Boulevard project, and to declare an emergency.

Body WHEREAS, the City of Columbus is engaged in the Tuttle Crossing Boulevard project; and

WHEREAS, an emergency exists in the usual daily operation of the Public Services Department, Transportation Division, in that it is immediately necessary to declare the necessity and intent to appropriate fee simple title and lesser interests in and to the hereinbefore described real estate necessary for the aforementioned project so that there will be no delay in the project thereby preserving the public health, peace, property, safety, and welfare; now, therefore:


Section 1. That this Council hereby declares the necessity and intent to appropriate fee simple title and lesser interests in and to the following described real estate necessary for the Tuttle Crossing Boulevard Project, Project # 530161, pursuant to and in accordance with the Charter of the City of Columbus, Columbus City Code (1959) Revised, Chapter 909, the Constitution of the State of Ohio and Ohio Revised Code, Chapter 719; to-wit:

PARCEL 19A-UV Being a parcel of land lying on the left side of the centerline of survey of Tuttle Road, made for the City of Columbus as recorded in Plat Book __, Page __ of the records of Franklin County. Situate in Virginia Military Survey No. 3011, City of Columbus, County of Franklin, State of Ohio, and being an utility easement over a 1.112 acre tract as conveyed to Dimche Kuzmanovski by deed of record in Instrument No. 200510140216470 and 200510140216471 and being part of Reserve D, Tuttle Crossing Northwest, Plat Book 71, Page 33 (all references to deeds, microfiche, plats, surveys, etc. refer to the records of the Franklin County Recorder's Office, unless noted otherwise) and described as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of said 1.112 acre tract also being in the north right-of-way line of Tuttle Road; thence along the west line of said 1.112 acre tract North five degrees thirty minutes thirty-two seconds West (N05°30'32"W) for twenty and 00/100 feet (20.00') to a point; thence across said 1.112 acre tract North eighty-four degrees twenty-five minutes thirty-four seconds East (N84°25'34"E) for seventy-eight and 55/100 feet (78.55') to a point; thence continuing across said 1.112 acre tract South five degrees thirty-eight minutes forty-nine seconds East (S05°38'49"E) for five and 00/100 feet (5.00') to a point; thence continuing across said 1.112 acre tract North eighty-four degrees twenty-five minutes thirty-four seconds East (N84°25'34"E) for ten and 00/100 feet (10.00') to a point; thence continuing across said 1.112 acre tract North five degrees thirty-eight minutes forty-nine seconds West (N05°38'49"W) for five and 00/100 feet (5.00') to a point; thence continuing across said 1.112 acre tract North eighty-four degrees twenty-five minutes twelve seconds East (N84°25'12"E) for forty-five and 04/100 feet (45.04') to a point at the southeast corner of said 1.112 acre tract; thence along the east line of said 1.112 acre tract South five degrees thirty minutes thirty-two seconds East (S05°30'32"E) for twenty and 00/100 feet (20.00') to a point at the southeast corner of said

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 30 of 207 1.112 acre tract also being in the north right-of-way line of said Tuttle Road; thence along the south line of said 1.112 acre tract, and the north right-of-way line of said Tuttle Road South eighty-four degrees twenty-five minutes thirty-four seconds West (S84°25'34"W) for one hundred thirty-three and 59/100 feet (133.59') to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing zero and 060/1000 (0.060) acres, more or less. It is understood that the above described tract contains 0.060 of an acre, more or less including the present road, which occupies 0.000 of an acre, more or less out of Parcel No. 010-266357-00. The Franklin County Auditor's Office carries the affected tract as a 1.11 acre tract with Parcel No. 010-266357-00. This description was prepared from a field survey performed by Woolpert, Inc. in January, 2002, with bearings based upon the Ohio State Plane Coordinate System, South Zone, North American Datum of 1983 (1986), holding FCGS 2213 and FCGS 6641 with a bearing of North eighty-four degrees twenty-five minutes thirty-four seconds East (N84°25'34"E). The Grantor claims title by instrument of record in Instrument No. 200510140216470 and 200510140216471, Recorder's Office, Franklin County, Ohio. Woolpert, Inc. Steven W. Newell, Ohio Professional Surveyor #7212

PARCEL 19A-T Being a parcel of land lying on the left side of the centerline of survey of Tuttle Road, made for the City of Columbus as recorded in Plat Book __, Page __ of the records of Franklin County. Situate in Virginia Military Survey No. 3011, City of Columbus, County of Franklin, State of Ohio, and being a temporary easement over a 1.112 acre tract as conveyed to Dimche Kuzmanovski by deed of record in Instrument No. 200510140216470 and 200510140216471 and being part of Reserve D, Tuttle Crossing Northwest, Plat Book 71, Page 33 (all references to deeds, microfiche, plats, surveys, etc. refer to the records of the Franklin County Recorder's Office, unless noted otherwise) and described as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of said 1.112 acre tract also being in the north right-of-way line of Tuttle Road; thence along the west line of said 1.112 acre tract North five degrees thirty minutes thirty-two seconds West (N05°30'32"W) for twenty and 00/100 feet (20.00') to a point; thence across said 1.112 acre tract North eighty-four degrees twenty-five minutes thirty-four seconds East (N84°25'34"E) for one seventy-eight and 55/100 feet (78.55') to an angle point; thence continuing across said 1.112 acre tract North eighty-four degrees twenty-five minutes thirty-three seconds East (N84°25'33"E) for ten and 00/100 feet (10.00') to an angle point; thence continuing across said 1.112 acre tract North eighty-four degrees twenty-five minutes twelve seconds East (N84°25'12"E) for forty-five and 04/100 feet (45.04') to a point on the easterly line of said 1.112 acre tract ; thence along the east line of said 1.112 acre tract South five degrees thirty minutes thirty-two seconds East (S05°30'32"E) for twenty and 00/100 feet (20.00') to a point at the southeast corner of said 1.112 acre tract also being in the north right-of-way line of said Tuttle Road; thence along the south line of said 1.112 acre tract, and the north right-of-way line of said Tuttle Road South eighty-four degrees twenty-five minutes thirty-four seconds West (S84°25'34"W) for one hundred thirty-three and 59/100 feet (133.59') to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing zero and 061/1000 (0.061) acres, more or less. It is understood that the above described tract contains 0.061 of an acre, more or less including the present road, which occupies 0.000 of an acre, more or less out of Parcel No. 010-266357-00. The Franklin County Auditor's Office carries the affected tract as a 1.11 acre tract with Parcel No. 010-266357-00. This description was prepared from a field survey performed by Woolpert, Inc. in January, 2002, with bearings based upon the Ohio State Plane Coordinate System, South Zone, North American Datum of 1983 (1986), holding FCGS 2213 and FCGS 6641 with a bearing of North eighty-four degrees twenty-five minutes thirty-four seconds East (N84°25'34"E). The Grantor claims title by instrument of record in Instrument No. 200510140216470 and

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 31 of 207 200510140216471, Recorder's Office, Franklin County, Ohio. Woolpert, Inc. Steven W. Newell Ohio Professional Surveyor #7212

PARCEL 19B-UV Being a parcel of land lying on the left side of the centerline of survey of Tuttle Road, made for the City of Columbus as recorded in Plat Book __, Page __ of the records of Franklin County. Situate in Virginia Military Survey No. 3011, City of Columbus, County of Franklin, State of Ohio, and being an utility easement over a 0.876 acre tract as conveyed to W Realty Co., LTD. by deed of record in Instrument No. 200309090286498 and being part of Reserve D, Tuttle Crossing Northwest, Plat Book 71, Page 33 (all references to deeds, microfiche, plats, surveys, etc. refer to the records of the Franklin County Recorder's Office, unless noted otherwise) and described as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of said 0.874 acre tract also being in the north right-of-way line of Tuttle Road; thence along the west line of said 0.874 acre tract North five degrees thirty minutes thirty-two seconds West (N05°30'32"W) for twenty and 00/100 feet (20.00') to a point; thence across said 0.874 acre tract North eighty-four degrees twenty-five minutes twelve seconds East (N84°25'12"E) for sixty-three and 16/100 feet (63.16') to a point; thence continuing across said 0.874 acre tract South five degrees thirty-eight minutes forty-eight seconds East (S05°38'48"E) for seven and 00/100 feet (7.00') to a point; thence continuing across said 0.874 acre tract North eighty-four degrees fifteen minutes thirty-four seconds East (N84°15'34"E) for ten and 00/100 feet (10.00') to a point; thence continuing across said 0.874 acre tract North five degrees thirty-eight minutes fifty seconds West (N05°38'50"W) for seven and 00/100 feet (7.00') to a point; thence continuing across said 0.874 acre tract North eight-three degrees fifty-seven minutes fifty-three seconds East (N83°57'53"E) for forty-eight and 06/100 (48.06') to a point at the northeast corner of said 0.874 acre tract thence along the east line of said 0.874 acre tract South eleven degrees fourteen minutes thirty-four seconds East (S11°14'34"E) for twenty and 08/100 feet (20.08') to a point at the southeast corner of said 0.874 acre tract also being in the north right-of-way line of said Tuttle Road; thence along the south line of said 0.874 acre tract and the north right-of-way line of said Tuttle Road on a curve to the right with a radius of five thousand six hundred sixty-three and 58/100 feet (5663.58') for an arc distance of seventy-one and 45/100 feet (71.45'), chord bearing South eighty-four degrees three minutes fifty-three seconds West (S84°03'53"W) for seventy-one and 45/100 feet (71.45'), delta angle of said curve being zero degrees forty-three minutes twenty-two seconds (0°43'22") to a point; thence continuing along the south line of said 0.874 acre tract, and the north right-of-way line of said Tuttle Road South eighty-four degrees twenty-five minutes thirty-four seconds West (S84°25'34"W) for fifty-one and 77/100 feet (51.77') to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing zero and 54/1000 (0.054) acres, more or less. It is understood that the above described tract contains 0.054 of an acre, more or less including the present road, which occupies 0.000 of an acre, more or less out of Parcel No. 010-215395-00. The Franklin County Auditor's Office carries the affected tracts as a 0.87 acre tract with Parcel No. 010-215395-00. This description was prepared from a field survey performed by Woolpert, Inc. in January, 2002, with bearings based upon the Ohio State Plane Coordinate System, South Zone, North American Datum of 1983 (1986), holding FCGS 2213 and FCGS 6641 with a bearing of North eighty-four degrees twenty-five minutes thirty-four seconds East (N84°25'34"E). The Grantor claims title by instrument of record in Instrument No. 200309090286498, Recorder's

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 32 of 207 Office, Franklin County, Ohio. Woolpert, Inc., Steven W. Newell, Ohio Professional Surveyor #7212 Break1


Being a parcel of land lying on the left side of the centerline of survey of Tuttle Road, made for the City of Columbus as recorded in Plat Book __, Page __ of the records of Franklin County. Situate in Virginia Military Survey No. 3011, City of Columbus, County of Franklin, State of Ohio, and being a temporary easement over a 0.876 acre tract as conveyed to W Realty Co., LTD. by deed of record in Instrument No. 200309090286498 and being part of Reserve D, Tuttle Crossing Northwest, Plat Book 71, Page 33 (all references to deeds, microfiche, plats, surveys, etc. refer to the records of the Franklin County Recorder's Office, unless noted otherwise) and described as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of said 0.874 acre tract also being in the north right-of-way line of Tuttle Road; thence along the west line of said 0.874 acre tract North five degrees thirty minutes thirty-two seconds West (N05°30'32"W) for twenty and 00/100 feet (20.00') to a point; thence across said 0.874 acre tract for the following three (3) courses: 1.) North eighty-four degrees twenty-five minutes twelve seconds East (N84°25'12"E) for sixty-three and 16/100 feet (63.16') to a point within said 0.874 acre tract; 2.) North eighty-four degrees fifteen minutes thirty-five seconds East (N84°15'35"E) for ten and 00/100 feet (10.00') to a point within said 0.874 acre tract; 3.) North eighty-three degrees fifty-seven minutes fifty-three seconds East (N83°57'53"E) for forty-eight and 06/100 feet (48.06') to the northeast corner of said 0.874 acre tract; thence along the east line of said 0.874 acre tract South eleven degrees fourteen minutes thirty-four seconds East (S11°14'34"E) for twenty and 08/100 feet (20.08') to a point at the southeast corner of said 0.874 acre tract also being in the north right-of-way line of said Tuttle Road; thence along the south line of said 0.874 acre tract and the north right-of-way line of said Tuttle Road on a curve to the right with a radius of five thousand six hundred sixty-three and 58/100 feet (5663.58') for an arc distance of seventy-one and 45/100 feet (71.45'), chord bearing South eighty-four degrees three minutes fifty-three seconds West (S84°03'53"W) for seventy-one and 45/100 feet (71.45'), delta angle of said curve being zero degrees forty-three minutes twenty-two seconds (0°43'22") to a point; thence continuing along the south line of said 0.874 acre tract, and the north right-of-way line of said Tuttle Road South eighty-four degrees twenty-five minutes thirty-four seconds West (S84°25'34"W) for fifty-one and 77/100 feet (51.77') to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing zero and 056/1000 (0.056) acres, more or less. It is understood that the above described tract contains 0.056 of an acre, more or less including the present road, which occupies 0.000 of an acre, more or less out of Parcel No. 010-215395-00. The Franklin County Auditor's Office carries the affected tracts as a 0.87 acre tract with Parcel No. 010-215395-00. This description was prepared from a field survey performed by Woolpert, Inc. in January, 2002, with bearings based upon the Ohio State Plane Coordinate System, South Zone, North American Datum of 1983 (1986), holding FCGS 2213 and FCGS 6641 with a bearing of North eighty-four degrees twenty-five minutes thirty-four seconds East (N84°25'34"E). The Grantor claims title by instrument of record in Instrument No. 200309090286498, Recorder's Office, Franklin County, Ohio. Woolpert, Inc., Steven W. Newell Ohio Professional Surveyor #7212


Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 33 of 207 Being a parcel of land lying on the left side of the centerline of survey of Tuttle Road, made for the City of Columbus as recorded in Plat Book __, Page __ of the records of Franklin County. Situate in Virginia Military Survey No. 3011, City of Columbus, County of Franklin, State of Ohio, and being an utility easement over a 2.000 acre tract as conveyed to Gilligan Oil Company L.L.C. by deed of record in Instrument No. 200608040153584 and being part of Reserve D, Tuttle Crossing Northwest, Plat Book 71, Page 33 (all references to deeds, microfiche, plats, surveys, etc. refer to the records of the Franklin County Recorder's Office, unless noted otherwise) and described as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of said 2.000 acre tract also being in the north right-of-way line of Tuttle Road; thence along the west line of said 2.000 acre tract North eleven degrees fourteen minutes thirty-four seconds West (N11°14'34"W) for twenty and 08/100 feet (20.08') to a point; thence across said 2.000 acre tract North eight-four degrees six minutes fifteen seconds East (N84°06'15"E) for one hundred ninety-four and 96/100 feet (194.96') tot a point; thence continuing across said 2.000 acre tract South eighty-five nine minutes fourteen seconds East (S85°09'14"E) for fifty-nine and 75/100 feet (59.75') to a point a point on the east line of said 2.000 acre tract; thence along the east line of said 2.000 acre tract South nine degrees thirty-two minutes eighteen seconds East (S09°32'18"E) for one and 49/100 feet (1.49') to a point at the southeast corner of said 2.000 acre tract also being in the north right-of-way line of said Tuttle Road; thence along the south line of said 2.000 acre tract and the north right-of-way line of said Tuttle Road on a curve to the right with a radius of five thousand six hundred sixty-three and 58/100 feet (5663.58') for an arc distance of two hundred fifty-two and 01/100 feet (252.01'), chord bearing South eighty-two degrees twenty-five minutes forty-three seconds West (S82°25'43"W) for two hundred fifty-one and 99/100 feet (251.99'), delta angle of said curve being two degrees thirty-two minutes fifty-eight seconds (2°32'58") to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, containing zero and 093/1000 (0.093) acres, more or less. It is understood that the above described tract contains 0.093 of an acre, more or less including the present road, which occupies 0.000 of an acre, more or less. The Franklin County Auditor's Office carries the affected tract as a 2.00 acre tract with Parcel No. 010-255690-00. This description was prepared from a field survey performed by Woolpert, Inc. in January, 2002, with bearings based upon the Ohio State Plane Coordinate System, South Zone, North American Datum of 1983 (1986), holding FCGS 2213 and FCGS 6641 with a bearing of North eighty-four degrees twenty-five minutes thirty-four seconds East (N84°25'34"E). Woolpert, Inc. Steven W. Newell, Ohio Professional Surveyor #7212 break2


Being a parcel of land lying on the left side of the centerline of survey of Tuttle Road, made for the City of Columbus as recorded in Plat Book __, Page __ of the records of Franklin County. Situate in Virginia Military Survey No. 3011, City of Columbus, County of Franklin, State of Ohio, and being a temporary easement over a 2.000 acre tract as conveyed to Gilligan Oil Company L.L.C. by deed of record in Instrument No. 200608040153584 and being part of Reserve D, Tuttle Crossing Northwest, Plat Book 71, Page 33 (all references to deeds, microfiche, plats, surveys, etc. refer to the records of the Franklin County Recorder's Office, unless noted otherwise) and described as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of said 2.000 acre tract also being in the north right-of-way line of Tuttle Road; thence along the west line of said 2.000 acre tract North eleven degrees fourteen minutes thirty-four seconds West (N11°14'34"W) for twenty and 08/100 feet (20.08') to a point; thence across said 2.000 acre tract North eighty-four degrees six minutes fifteen seconds East (N84°06'15"E) for one hundred ninety-four and 96/100 feet (194.96') to a point;

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 34 of 207 thence continuing across said 2.000 acre tract North eighty degrees twenty-five minutes twenty-four seconds East (N80°25'24"E) for fifty-seven and 87/100 feet (57.87') to the northeast corner of said 2.000 acre tract; thence along the east line of said 2.000 acre tract South nine degrees thirty-two minutes eighteen seconds East (S09°32'18"E) for sixteen and 37/100 feet (16.37') to a point at the southeast corner of said 2.000 acre tract also being in the north right-of-way line of said Tuttle Road; thence along the south line of said 2.000 acre tract and the north right-of-way line of said Tuttle Road on a curve to the right with a radius of five thousand six hundred sixty-three and 58/100 feet (5663.58') for an arc distance of two hundred fifty-two and 01/100 feet (252.01'), chord bearing South eighty-two degrees twenty-five minutes forty-three seconds West (S82°25'43"W) for two hundred fifty-one and 99/100 feet (251.99'), delta angle of said curve being two degrees thirty-two minutes fifty-eight seconds (2°32'58") to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, containing zero and 102/1000 (0.102) acres, more or less. It is understood that the above described tract contains 0.102 of an acre, more or less including the present road, which occupies 0.000 of an acre, more or less. The Franklin County Auditor's Office carries the affected tract as a 2.00 acre tract with Parcel No. 010-255690-00. This description was prepared from a field survey performed by Woolpert, Inc. in January, 2002, with bearings based upon the Ohio State Plane Coordinate System, South Zone, North American Datum of 1983 (1986), holding FCGS 2213 and FCGS 6641 with a bearing of North eighty-four degrees twenty-five minutes thirty-four seconds East (N84°25'34"E). The Grantor claims title by instrument of record in Instrument No. 200608040153584, Recorder's Office, Franklin County, Ohio. Woolpert, Inc., Steven W. Newell, Ohio Professional Surveyor #7212


Being a parcel of land lying on the left side of the centerline of survey of Tuttle Crossing Blvd., made for the City of Columbus as recorded in Plat Book __, Page __ of the records of Franklin County. Situate in Virginia Military Survey No. 3011, City of Columbus, County of Franklin, State of Ohio, and being 1.283 acre tract of land as conveyed to Clare Acquisitions LLC by deed of record in Instrument No. 200606280126583 and being part of Reserve D, Tuttle Crossing Northwest, Plat Book 71, Page 33 (all references to deeds, microfiche, plats, surveys, refer to the records of the Franklin County Recorder's Office, unless noted otherwise) and being more particularly bounded and described as follows: Commencing for reference at a railroad spike found at the centerline intersection of Hirth Road and Tuttle Road as shown on the centerline of survey plat for Hirth Road, Washington Twp. Rd. No. 355; Said found railroad spike is South eighty-four degrees twenty-five minutes thirty-four seconds West (S84°25'34"W) fifteen and 10/100 feet (15.10') of FCGS 2213, and is South eighty degrees thirty minutes fifty-one seconds West (S80°30'51"W) one thousand one hundred twenty-seven and 04/100 feet (1127.04') of FCGS 6641; thence along the centerline of said Tuttle Road North eighty-four degrees twenty-five minutes thirty-four seconds East (N84°25'34"E) for fifteen and 10/100 feet (15.10') to a monument box number (FCGS 2213) found at the northeast corner of V. M. S. No. 3022, the northwest corner of said V. M. S. No. 2418, and in the south line of V. M. S. No. 3011; thence North seven degrees thirty-three minutes twenty-two seconds West (N07°33'22"W) for fifty and 03/100 feet (50.03') to a PK nail found in the corporation line between the City of Dublin and the City of Columbus; thence North eighty degrees twenty-seven minutes forty-two seconds East (N80°27'42"E) for twenty-eight and 37/100 feet (28.37') to the southwest corner of said 1.283 acre tract and an angle point in the north right-of-way line of Tuttle Crossing Blvd. also being the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described tract; thence along the west line of said 1.283 acre tract and the north right-of-way line of said Tuttle Crossing Blvd North nine degrees thirty-two minutes eighteen seconds West (N09°32'18"W) for nineteen and

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 35 of 207 69/100 feet (19.69') to an iron pin set; thence across said 1.283 acre tract on a curve to the left with a radius of six thousand one hundred eighty-two and 95/100 feet (6182.95') for an arc distance of one hundred sixty-four and 54/100 feet (164.54'), chord bearing North eighty-one degrees thirteen minutes twenty-seven seconds East (N81°13'27"E) for one hundred sixty-four and 54/100 feet (164.54'), delta angle of said curve being one degree thirty-one minutes twenty-nine seconds (1°31'29") to an iron pin set; thence continuing across said 1.283 acre tract North eighty degrees twenty-seven minutes forty-two seconds East (N80°27'42"E) for two and 93/100 feet (2.93') to an iron pin set in the east line of said 1.283 acre tract and the west line of a 0.12 acre tract (part of Reserve F, said Tuttle Crossing Northwest) as conveyed to Tuttle Crossing Owner's Association, Inc. by deed of record in Instrument No. 199905260133830; thence along the east line of said 1.283 acre tract and the west line of said 0.12 acre tract on a curve to the left with a radius of sixty-seven and 50/100 feet (67.50') for an arc distance of five and 00/100 feet (5.00'), chord bearing South seven degrees twenty-five minutes two second East (S07°25'02"E) for five and 00/100 feet (5.00'), delta angle of said curve being four degrees fourteen minutes thirty-one seconds (4°14'31") to an iron pin set; thence continuing along the east line of said 1.283 acre tract and the west line of said 0.12 acre tract South nine degrees thirty-two minutes eighteen seconds East (S09°32'18"E) for twelve and 51/100 feet (12.51') to the southeast corner of said 1.283 acre tract and the southwest corner of said 0.12 acre tract also being in the north right-of-way line of said Tuttle Crossing Blvd; thence along the south line of said 1.283 acre tract and the north right-of-way line of said Tuttle Crossing Blvd. South eighty degrees twenty-seven minutes forty-two seconds West (S80°27'42"W) for one hundred sixty-seven and 28/100 feet (167.28') to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, containing zero and 070/1000 (0.070) acres, more or less. It is understood that the above described tract contains 0.070 of an acre, more or less including the present road, which occupies 0.000 of an acre, more or less. All iron pins set are 5/8" diameter rebar, 30" long with a yellow plastic cap stamped "FRANKLIN COUNTY ENGINEER". The Franklin County Auditor's Office carries the affected tract as a 1.28 acre tract with Parcel No. 010-219117-00. This description was prepared from a field survey performed by Woolpert, Inc. in January, 2002, with bearings based upon the Ohio State Plane Coordinate System, South Zone, North American Datum of 1983 (1986), holding FCGS 2213 and FCGS 6641 with a bearing of North eighty-four degrees twenty-five minutes thirty-four seconds East (N84°25'34"E). The Grantor claims title by instrument of record in Instrument No. 200606280126583, Recorder's Office, Franklin County, Ohio.Woolpert, Inc. Steven W. Newell, Ohio Professional Surveyor #7212 break3


Being a parcel of land lying on the left side of the centerline of survey of Tuttle Crossing Blvd., made for the City of Columbus as recorded in Plat Book __, Page __ of the records of Franklin County. Situate in Virginia Military Survey No. 3011, City of Columbus, County of Franklin, State of Ohio, and being a temporary easement over a 1.283 acre tract as conveyed to Clare Acquisitions, LLC by deed of record in Instrument No. 200606280126583 and being part of Reserve D, Tuttle Crossing Northwest, Plat Book 71, Page 33 (all references to deeds, microfiche, plats, surveys, etc. refer to the records of the Franklin County Recorder's Office, unless noted otherwise) and described as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of herein described parcel; thence continuing along the west line of said 1.283 acre tract North nine degrees thirty-two minutes eighteen seconds West (N09°32'18"W) for twenty and 01/100 feet (20.01') to a point; thence across said 1.283 acre tract on a curve to the left with a radius of six thousand one hundred sixty-two and 95/100 feet (6162.95') for an arc distance of one hundred sixty-four and 54/100 feet (164.54'), chord bearing North eighty-one degrees thirteen minutes thirty-six seconds East

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 36 of 207 (N81°13'36"E) for one hundred sixty-four and 54/100 feet (164.54'), delta angle of said curve being one degree thirty-one minutes forty-seven seconds (1°31'47") to a point; thence continuing across said 1.283 acre tract North eighty degrees twenty-seven minutes forty-two seconds East (N80°27'42"E) for seven and 54/100 feet (7.54') to a point in the east line of said 1.283 acre tract; thence along the east line of said 1.283 acre tract on a curve to the left with a radius of sixty-seven and 50/100 feet (67.50') for an arc distance of twenty and 60/100 feet (20.60'), chord bearing South three degrees twenty-six minutes fifty-six seconds West (S03°26'56"W) for twenty and 53/100 feet (20.53'), delta angle of said curve being seventeen degrees twenty-nine mintes twenty-four seconds (17°29'24") to a point; thence across said 1.283 acre tract South eighty degrees twenty-seven minutes forty-two seconds West (S80°27'42"W) for two and 93/100 feet (2.93') to a point; tce continuing across said 1.283 acre tract on a curve to the right with a radius of six thousand one hundred eighty-two and 95/100 feet (6182.95') for an arc dance of one hundred sixty-four and 54/100 feet (164.54'), chord bearing South eighty-one degrees thirteen minutes twenty-seven seconds West (S81°13'27"W) for one hundred sixty-four and 54/100 feet (164.54'), delta angle of said curve being one degree thirty-one minutes twenty-nine seconds (1°31'29") to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, containing zero and 078/1000 (0.078) acres, more or less, subject however to all covenants, conditions, restrictions, reservations, rights-of-way, and easements contained in any instrument of record pertaining to the above described tract of land. It is understood that the above described tract contains 0.078 of an acre, more or less including the present road, which occupies 0.000 of an acre, more or less. The Franklin County Auditor's Office carries the affected tract as a 1.28 acre tract with Parcel No. 010-219117-00. This description was prepared from a field survey performed by Woolpert, Inc. in January, 2002, with bearings based upon the Ohio State Plane Coordinate System, South Zone, North American Datum of 1983 (1986), holding FCGS 2213 and FCGS 6641 with a bearing of North eighty-four degrees twenty-five minutes thirty-four seconds East (N84°25'34"E). The Grantor claims title by instrument of record in Instrument No. 200606280126583, Recorder's Office, Franklin County, Ohio.Woolpert, Inc. Steven W. Newell, Ohio Professional Surveyor #7212


Being a parcel of land lying on the right side of the centerline of survey of Tuttle Crossing Blvd., made for the City of Columbus as recorded in Plat Book __, Page __ of the records of Franklin County. Situate in Virginia Military Survey No. 2418, City of Columbus, County of Franklin, State of Ohio, and being part of a 1.739 acre tract of land as conveyed to 2150 Investment Co. by deed of record in Official Record 34042 F-20 Lot 1 of Tuttle Crossing Southwest a Subdivision of record in Plat Book 78, Pages 75&76 (all references to deeds, microfiche, plats, surveys, etc. refer to the records of the Frankllin County Recorder's Office, unless noted otherwise) and being more particularly bounded and described as follows: Commencing for reference at a railroad spike found at the centerline intersection of Hirth Road and Tuttle Road as shown on the centerline of survey plat for Hirth Road, Washington Twp. Rd. No. 355; Said found railroad spike is South eighty-four degrees twenty-five minutes thirty-four seconds West (S84°25'34"W) fifteen and 10/100 feet (15.10') of FCGS 2213, and is South eighty degrees thirty minutes fifty-one seconds West (S80°30'51"W) one thousand one hundred twenty-seven and 04/100 feet (1127.04') of FCGS 6641; thence along the centerline of said Tuttle Road North eighty-four degrees twenty-five minutes thirty-four seconds East (N84°25'34"E) for fifteen and 10/100 feet (15.10') to a monument box number (FCGS 2213) found at the northeast corner of V. M. S. No. 3022, the northwest corner of said V. M. S. No. 2418, and in the south line of V. M. S. No. 3011; thence along the east line of said V. M. S. No. 3022 and the west line of said V. M. S. No. 2418 South

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 37 of 207 twelve degrees four minutes forty-nine seconds East (S12°04'49"E) for fifty and 05/100 feet (50.05'); thence North eighty degrees twenty-seven minutes forty-two seconds East (N80°27'42"E) for ten and 01/100 feet (10.01') to the northwest corner of said 1.739 acre tract and said Lot 1also being the intersection of the south right-of-way line of said Tuttle Crossing Blvd. with the east right-of-way line of said Hirth Road being the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described tract; thence along the north line of said 1.739 acre tract, said Lot 1 and the south right-of-way line of said Tuttle Crossing Blvd. North eighty degrees twenty-seven minutes forty-two seconds East (N80°27'42"E) for one hundred eighty-five and 15/100 feet (185.15') to the northeast corner of said 1.739 acre tract, said Lot 1 and the northwest corner of Reserve "A" of Tuttle Crossing Section II, of record in Plat Book 72, Pages 7&8 and a 0.122 acre tract as conveyed to Tuttle Crossing Owner's Association, Inc. by deed of record in Instrument No. 199905260133830; thence along the east line of said 1.739 acre tract, said Lot 1 and the west line of said 0.122 acre tract South nine degrees thirty-two minutes eighteen seconds East (S09°32'18"E) for twelve and 50/100 feet (12.50') to an iron pin set; thence continuing along the east line of said 1.739 acre tract, said Lot 1 and the west line of said 0.122 acre tract on a curve to the left with a radius of sixty-seven and 50/100 feet (67.50') for an arc distance of six and 01/100 feet (6.01'), chord bearing South twelve degrees five minutes eighteen seconds East (S12°05'18"E) for six and 01/100 feet (6.01'), delta angle of said curve being five degrees five minutes fifty-nine seconds (5°05'59") to an iron pin set; thence across said 1.739 acre tract and said Lot 1 for the following three (3) courses: 1.) South eighty degrees twenty-seven minutes forty-two seconds West (S80°27'42"W) for three and 01/100 feet (3.01') to an iron pin set; 2.) on a curve to the right with a radius of six thousand three hundred nineteen and 03/100 feet (6319.03') for an arc distance of one hundred forty-five and 43/100 feet (145.43'), chord bearing South eighty-one degrees seven minutes sixteen seconds West (S81°07'16"W) for one hundred forty-five and 43/100 feet (145.43'), delta angle of said curve being one degree nineteen minutes seven seconds (1°19'07") to an iron pin set ; 3.) South thirty-four degrees fifty-four minutes four seconds West (S34°54'04"W) for forty-nine and 50/100 feet (49.50') to an iron pin set in the west line of said 1.739 acre tract and the east right-of-way line of said Hirth Road also being in the corporation line between the City of Dublin and the City of Columbus; thence along the west line of said 1.739 acre tract, said Lot 1, the east right-of-way line of said Hirth Road, and the corporation line between the City of Dublin and the City of Columbus North twelve degrees four minutes forty-nine seconds West (N12°04'49"W) for fifty-two and 22/100 feet (52.22') to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, containing zero and 90/1000 (0.090) acres, more or less, subject however to all covenants, conditions, restrictions, reservations, rights-of-way, and easements contained in any instrument of record pertaining to the above described tract of land. It is understood that the above described tract contains 0.090 of an acre, more or less including the present road, which occupies 0.000 of an acre, more or less. All iron pins set are 5/8" diameter rebar, 30" long with a yellow plastic cap stamped "FRANKLIN COUNTY ENGINEER". The Franklin County Auditor's Office carries the affected tract as a 1.739 acre tract with Parcel No. 010-225913-00. This description was prepared from a field survey performed by Woolpert, Inc. in January, 2002, with bearings based upon the Ohio State Plane Coordinate System, South Zone, North American Datum of 1983 (1986), holding FCGS 2213 and FCGS 6641 with a bearing of North eighty-four degrees twenty-five minutes thirty-four seconds East (N84°25'34"E). The Grantor claims title by instrument of record in Official Record 34042 F-20, Recorder's Office, Franklin County, Ohio. Woolpert, Inc., Steven W. Newell, Ohio Professional Surveyor #7212

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Being a parcel of land lying on the right side of the centerline of survey of Tuttle Crossing Blvd., made for the City of Columbus as recorded in Plat Book __, Page __ of the records of Franklin County. Situate in Virginia Military Survey No. 2418, City of Columbus, County of Franklin, State of Ohio, and being an utility easement over a 1.739 acre tract as conveyed to 2150 Investment Co. by deed of record in Official Record 34042 F-20 and being part of Lot 1, Tuttle Crossing Southwest, Plat Book 78, Page 75 (all references to deeds, microfiche, plats, surveys, etc. refer to the records of the Franklin County Recorder's Office, unless noted otherwise) and described as follows: Commencing for reference at the northwest corner of said 1.739 acre tract also being the intersection of the east right-of-way line of Hirth Road and the south right-of-way line of Tuttle Crossing Blvd; thence along the west line of said 1.739 acre tract, the east right-of-way line of said Hirth Road, and the corporation line between the City of Dublin and the City of Columbus South twelve degrees four minutes forty-nine seconds East (S12°04'49"E) for fifty-two and 22/100 feet (52.22') to a point; thence across said 1.739 acre tract North thirty-four degrees fifty-four minutes four seconds East (N34°54'04"E) for thiry-five and 81/100 feet (35.81') to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described easement; thence continuing across said 1.739 acre tract for the following three (3) courses: 1.) North thirty-four degrees fifty-four minutes four seconds East (N34°54'04"E) for thirteen and 69/100 feet (13.69') to a point. 2.) on a curve to the left with a radius of six thousand three hundred nineteen and 03/100 feet (6319.03') for an arc distance of one hundred forty-five and 43/100 feet (145.43'), chord bearing North eighty-one degrees seven minutes sixteen seconds East (N81°07'16"E) for one hundred forty-five and 43/100 feet (145.43'), delta angle of said curve being one degree nineteen minutes seven seconds (1°19'07") to a point; 3.) North eighty degrees twenty-seven minutes forty-two seconds East (N80°27'42"E) for three and 01/100 feet (3.01') to a point in the east line of said 1.739 acre tract; thence along the east line of said 1.739 acre tract on a curve to the left with a radius of sixty-seven and 50/100 feet (67.50') for an arc distance of ten and 15/100 feet (10.15'), chord bearing South eighteen degrees fifty-six minutes thirty-nine seconds East (S18°56'39"E) for ten and 14/100 feet (10.14'), delta angle of said curve being eight degrees thirty-six minutes forty-three seconds (8°36'43") to a point; thence across said 1.739 acre tract South eighty degrees twenty-seven minutes forty-two seconds West (S80°27'42"W) for four and 67/100 feet (4.67') to a point; thence continuing across said 1.739 acre tract on a curve to the right with a radius of six thousand three hundred twenty-nine and 03/100 feet (6329.03') for an arc distance of one hundred fifty-five and 02/100 feet (155.02'), chord bearing South eighty-one degrees nine minutes forty-eight seconds West (S81°09'48"W) for one hundred fifty-five and 02/100 feet (155.02'), delta angle of said curve being one degree twenty-four minutes twelve seconds (1°24'12") to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, containing zero and 035/1000 (0.035) acres, more or less. It is understood that the above described tract contains 0.035 of an acre, more or less including the present road, which occupies 0.000 of an acre, more or less. The Franklin County Auditor's Office carries the affected tract as a 1.74 acre tract with Parcel No. 010-225913-00. This description was prepared from a field survey performed by Woolpert, Inc. in January, 2002, with bearings based upon the Ohio State Plane Coordinate System, South Zone, North American Datum of 1983 (1986), holding FCGS 2213 and FCGS 6641 with a bearing of North eighty-four degrees twenty-five minutes thirty-four seconds East (N84°25'34"E). The Grantor claims title by instrument of record in Official Record 34042 F-20, Recorder's Office, Franklin County, Ohio. Woolpert, Inc., Steven W. Newell , Ohio Professional Surveyor #7212

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 39 of 207 PARCEL 22-T

Being a parcel of land lying on the right side of the centerline of survey of Tuttle Crossing Blvd., made for the City of Columbus as recorded in Plat Book __, Page __ of the records of Franklin County. Situate in Virginia Military Survey No. 2418, City of Columbus, County of Franklin, State of Ohio, and being a temporary easement over a 1.739 acre tract as conveyed to 2150 Investment Co. by deed of record in Official Record 34042 F-20 and being part of Lot 1, Tuttle Crossing Southwest, Plat Book 78, Page 75 (all references to deeds, microfiche, plats, surveys, etc. refer to the records of the Franklin County Recorder's Office, unless noted otherwise) and described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of said 1.739 acre tract also being in the west right-of-way line of Britton Pkwy; thence along the east line of said 1.739 acre tract and the west right-of-way line of said Britton Pkwy. South nine degrees thirty-two minutes eighteen seconds East (S09°32'18"E) for forty-four and 74/100 feet (44.74') to a point; thence across said 1.739 acre tract North sixteen degrees twelve minutes forty-eight seconds West (N16°12'48"W) for forty-five and 05/100 feet (45.05') to a point in a north line of said 1.739 acre tract; thence along a north line of said 1.739 acre tract North eighty degrees twenty-seven minutes forty-two seconds East (N80°27'42"E) for five and 24/100 feet (5.24') to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing zero and 003/1000 (0.003) acres, more or less. It is understood that the above described tract contains 0.003 of an acre, more or less including the present road, which occupies 0.000 of an acre, more or less. The Franklin County Auditor's Office carries the affected tract as a 1.739 acre tract with Parcel No. 010-225913-00. This description was prepared from a field survey performed by Woolpert, Inc. in January, 2002, with bearings based upon the Ohio State Plane Coordinate System, South Zone, North American Datum of 1983 (1986), holding FCGS 2213 and FCGS 6641 with a bearing of North eighty-four degrees twenty-five minutes thirty-four seconds East (N84°25'34"E). The Grantor claims title by instrument of record in Official Record 34042 F-20, Recorder's Office, Franklin County, Ohio. Woolpert, Inc., Steven W. Newell, Ohio Professional Surveyor #7212

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Being a parcel of land lying on the right side of the centerline of survey of Tuttle Crossing Blvd., made for the City of Columbus as recorded in Plat Book __, Page __ of the records of Franklin County. Situate in Virginia Military Survey No. 2418, City of Columbus, County of Franklin, State of Ohio, and being a temporary easement over a 1.739 acre tract as conveyed to 2150 Investment Co. by deed of record in Official Record 34042 F-20 and being part of Lot 1, Tuttle Crossing Southwest, Plat Book 78, Page 75 (all references to deeds, microfiche, plats, surveys, etc. refer to the records of the Franklin County Recorder's Office, unless noted otherwise) and described as follows: Commencing for reference at the northwest corner of said 1.739 acre tract; thence South twelve degrees four minutes forty-nine seconds East (S12°04'49"E) for fifty-two and 22/100 feet (52.22') to a point; thence across said 1.739 acre tract North thirty-four degrees fifty-four minutes four seconds East (N34°54'04"E) for thirty-five and 81/100 feet (35.81') to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described easement; thence across said 1.739 acre tract for the following three (3) courses: 1.) North thirty-four degrees fifty-four minutes four seconds East (N34°54'04"E) for thirteen and 69/100 feet (13.69') to a point. 2.) on a curve to the left with a radius of six thousand three hundred nineteen and 03/100 feet (6319.03') for an arc distance of one hundred forty-five and 43/100 feet (145.43'), chord bearing North eighty-one degrees seven minutes sixteen seconds East (N81°07'16"E) for one hundred forty-five and 43/100 feet (145.43'), delta angle of said curve being one degree nineteen minutes seven seconds (1°19'07") to a point; 3.) North eighty degrees twenty-seven minutes forty-two seconds East (N80°27'42"E) for three and 01/100 feet (3.01') to a point in the east line of said 1.739 acre tract; thence along the east line of said 1.739 acre tract on a curve to the left with a radius of sixty-seven and 50/100 feet (67.50') for an arc distance of ten and 15/100 feet (10.15'), chord bearing South eighteen degrees fifty-six minutes thirty-nine seconds East (S18°56'39"E) for ten and 14/100 feet (10.14'), delta angle of said curve being eight degrees thirty-six minutes forty-three seconds (8°36'43") to a point; thence across said 1.739 acre tract South eighty degrees twenty-seven minutes forty-two seconds West (S80°27'42"W) for four and 67/100 feet (4.67') to a point; thence continuing across said 1.739 acre tract on a curve to the right with a radius of six thousand three hundred twenty-nine and 03/100 feet (6329.03') for an arc distance of one hundred fifty-five and 02/100 feet (155.02'), chord bearing South eighty-one degrees nine minutes forty-eight seconds West (S81°09'48"W) for one hundred fifty-five and 02/100 feet (155.02'), delta angle of said curve being one degree twenty-four minutes twelve seconds (1°24'12") to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, containing zero and 035/1000 (0.035) acres, more or less. It is understood that the above described tract contains 0.035 of an acre, more or less including the present road, which occupies 0.000 of an acre, more or less. The Franklin County Auditor's Office carries the affected tract as a 1.739 acre tract with Parcel No. 010-225913-00. This description was prepared from a field survey performed by Woolpert, Inc. in January, 2002, with bearings based upon the Ohio State Plane Coordinate System, South Zone, North American Datum of 1983 (1986), holding FCGS 2213 and FCGS 6641 with a bearing of North eighty-four degrees twenty-five minutes thirty-four seconds East (N84°25'34"E). The Grantor claims title by instrument of record in Official Record 34042 F-20, Recorder's Office, Franklin County, Ohio. Woolpert, Inc., Steven W. Newell, Ohio Professional Surveyor #7212


Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 41 of 207 Being a parcel of land lying on the left side of the centerline of survey of Tuttle Crossing Blvd., made for the City of Columbus as recorded in Plat Book __, Page __ of the records of Franklin County. Situate in Virginia Military Survey No. 3011, City of Columbus, County of Franklin, State of Ohio, and being part of Reserve "F" of Tuttle Crossing Northwest of record in Plat Book 71, Pages 33&34 as conveyed to Tuttle Crossing Owner's Association, Inc. by deed of record in Instrument No. 199905260133830 (all references to deeds, microfiche, plats, surveys, etc. refer to the records of the Franklin County Recorder's Office, unless noted otherwise) and being more particularly bounded and described as follows: Commencing for reference at a railroad spike found at the centerline intersection of Hirth Road and Tuttle Road as shown on the centerline of survey plat for Hirth Road, Washington Twp. Rd. No. 355; Said found railroad spike is South eighty-four degrees twenty-five minutes thirty-four seconds West (S84°25'34"W) fifteen and 10/100 feet (15.10') of FCGS 2213, and is South eighty degrees thirty minutes fifty-one seconds West (S80°30'51"W) one thousand one hundred twenty-seven and 04/100 feet (1127.04') of FCGS 6641; thence along the centerline of said Tuttle Road North eighty-four degrees twenty-five minutes thirty-four seconds East (N84°25'34"E) for fifteen and 10/100 feet (15.10') to a monument box number (FCGS 2213) found at the northeast corner of V. M. S. No. 3022, the northwest corner of said V. M. S. No. 2418, and in the south line of V. M. S. No. 3011; thence continuing along said centerline, the south line of said V. M. S. No. 3011 and the north line of said V. M. S. No. 2418 North eighty degrees twenty-seven minutes forty-two seconds East (N80°27'42"E) for three hundred sixteen and 70/100 feet (316.70') to the intersection of the centerline of Tuttle Crossing Blvd. with the centerline of Emerald Pkwy./Britton Pkwy. as shown in Plat Book 71, Page 33-34 and Plat Book 78, Page 75-76 also being in the south line of V. M. S. No. 3011 and in the north line of V. M. S. No. 2418; thence along the centerline of said Emerald Pkwy. North nine degrees thirty-two minutes eighteen seconds West (N09°32'18"W) for one hundred and 00/100 feet (100.00') to a point of curvature of said Emerald Pkwy. thence South eighty degrees twenty-seven minutes forty-two seconds West (S80°27'42"W) for forty and 00/100 feet (40.00') to an 5/8" iron pin found in the east line of said 0.12 acre tract and in the west right-of-way line of said Emerald Pkwy. being the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described tract; thence along an east line of said 0.12 acre tract and the west right-of-way line of said Emerald Pkwy. South nine degrees thirty-two minutes eighteen seconds East (S09°32'18"E) for thirty and 00/100 feet (30.00') to an iron pin found at a southeast corner of said 0.12 acre tract; thence continuing along the east line of said 0.12 acre tract and the west right-of-way line of said Emerald Pkwy. on a curve to the right with a radius of twenty and 00/100 feet (20.00') for an arc distance of thirty-one and 42/100 feet (31.42'), chord bearing South thirty-five degrees twenty-seven minutes forty-two seconds West (S35°27'42"W) for twenty-eight and 28/100 feet (28.28'), delta angle of said curve being ninety degrees zero minutes zero seconds (90°00'00") to the southeast corner of said 0.12 acre tract and the intersection of the north right-of-way line of said Tuttle Crossing Blvd. with the west right-of-way line of said Emerald Pkwy; thence along the south line of said 0.12 acre tract and the north right-of-way line of said Tuttle Crossing Blvd. South eighty degrees twenty-seven minutes forty-two seconds West (S80°27'42"W) for sixty and 00/100 feet (60.00') to the southwest corner of said 0.12 acre tract and the southeast corner of Reserve "D" of Tuttle Crossing Northwest, of record in Plat Book 71, Pages 33&34 a 1.283 acre tract as conveyed to Clare Acquisitions LLC by deed of record in Instrument No. 200606280126583; thence along the west line of said 0.12 acre tract and the east line of said Reserve "D" a 1.283 acre tract North nine degrees thirty-two minutes eighteen seconds West (N09°32'18"W) for twelve and 51/100 feet (12.51') to an iron pin set; thence continuing along the west line of said 0.12 acre tract and the east line of Reserve "D" of said 1.283 acre tract on a curve to the right with a radius of sixty-seven and 50/100 feet (67.50') for an arc distance of five and 00/100 feet (5.00'), chord bearing North seven degrees twenty-five minutes one second West (N07°25'01"W) for five and 00/100 feet (5.00'), delta angle of said curve being four degrees fourteen minutes thirty-one seconds (4°14'31") to an iron pin set; thence across said 0.12 acre tract North eighty degrees twenty-seven minutes forty-two seconds East

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 42 of 207 (N80°27'42"E) for seventeen and 15/100 feet (17.15') to an iron pin set; thence continuing across said 0.12 acre tract North thirty-five degrees twenty-two minutes fifty-four seconds East (N35°22'54"E) for eighty-eight and 27/100 feet (88.27') to an iron pin set at the northeast corner of said 0.12 acre tract and a east corner of said 1.283 acre tract also being in the west right-of-way line of said Emerald Pkwy; thence along the east right-of-way line of said 0.12 acre tract and the west right-of-way line of said Emerald Pkwy. on a curve to the right with a radius of one thousand three hundred sixty and 00/100 feet (1360.00') for an arc distance of thirty and 01/100 feet (30.01'), chord bearing South ten degrees ten minutes fourteen seconds East (S10°10'14"E) for thirty and 01/100 feet (30.01'), delta angle of said curve being one degree fifteen minutes fifty-one seconds (1°15'51") to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, containing zero and 075/1000 (0.075) acres, more or less. It is understood that the above described tract contains 0.075 of an acre, more or less including the present road, which occupies 0.000 of an acre, more or less. All iron pins set are 5/8" diameter rebar, 30" long with a yellow plastic cap stamped "FRANKLIN COUNTY ENGINEER". The Franklin County Auditor's Office carries the affected tract as a 0.00 acre tract with Parcel No. 010-215397-00. This description was prepared from a field survey performed by Woolpert, Inc. in January, 2002, with bearings based upon the Ohio State Plane Coordinate System, South Zone, North American Datum of 1983 (1986), holding FCGS 2213 and FCGS 6641 with a bearing of North eighty-four degrees twenty-five minutes thirty-four seconds East (N84°25'34"E). The Grantor claims title by instrument of record Instrument No. 199905260133830, Recorder's Office, Franklin County, Ohio. Woolpert, Inc., Steven W. Newell, Ohio Professional Surveyor #7212

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 43 of 207 break6


Being a parcel of land lying on the right side of the centerline of survey of Tuttle Crossing Blvd., made for the City of Columbus as recorded in Plat Book __, Page __ of the records of Franklin County. Situate in Virginia Military Survey No. 2418, City of Columbus, County of Franklin, State of Ohio, and being part of Reserve "A" of Tuttle Crossing Southwest of record in Plat Book 78, Pages 75 as conveyed to Tuttle Crossing Owner's Association, Inc. by deed of record in Instrument No. 199905260133830 (all references to deeds, microfiche, plats, surveys, etc. refer to the records of the Franklin County Recorder's Office, unless noted otherwise) and being more particularly bounded and described as follows: Commencing for reference at a railroad spike found at the centerline intersection of Hirth Road and Tuttle Road as shown on the centerline of survey plat for Hirth Road, Washington Twp. Rd. No. 355; Said found railroad spike is South eighty-four degrees twenty-five minutes thirty-four seconds West (S84°25'34"W) fifteen and 10/100 feet (15.10') of FCGS 2213, and is South eighty degrees thirty minutes fifty-one seconds West (S80°30'51"W) one thousand one hundred twenty-seven and 04/100 feet (1127.04') of FCGS 6641; thence along the centerline of said Tuttle Road North eighty-four degrees twenty-five minutes thirty-four seconds East (N84°25'34"E) for fifteen and 10/100 feet (15.10') to a monument box number (FCGS 2213) found at the northeast corner of V. M. S. No. 3022, the northwest corner of said V. M. S. No. 2418, and in the south line of V. M. S. No. 3011; thence continuing along said centerline, the south line of said V. M. S. No. 3011 and the north line of said V. M. S. No. 2418 North eighty degrees twenty-seven minutes forty-two seconds East (N80°27'42"E) for three hundred sixteen and 70/100 feet (316.70') to the intersection of the centerline of Tuttle Crossing Blvd. with the centerline of Emerald Pkwy./Britton Pkwy. as shown in Plat Book 71, Page 33-34 and Plat Book 78, Page 75-76 also being in the south line of V. M. S. No. 3011 and in the north line of V. M. S. No. 2418; thence along the centerline of said Britton Pkwy. South nine degrees thirty-two minutes eighteen seconds East (S09°32'18"E) for seventy and 00/100 feet (70.00'); thence South eighty degrees twenty-seven minutes forty-two seconds West (S80°27'42"W) for forty and 00/100 feet (40.00') to a 5/8" iron pin found at a northeast corner of said 0.122 acre tract and in the west right-of-way line of said Britton Pkwy. being the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described tract; thence along the east line of said 0.122 acre tract and the west right-of-way line of said Britton Pkwy. South nine degrees thirty-two minutes eighteen seconds East (S09°32'18"E) for sixty and 00/100 feet (60.00') to a 1" iron pipe found at the southeast corner of said 0.122 acre tract and a northeast corner of 1.739 acre out of Lot 1 of Tuttle Crossing Southwest of record in Plat Book 78 Pages 75&76 as conveyed to 2150 Investment Co. by deed of record in Official Record 34042 F-20; thence along the south line of said 0.122 acre tract and a north line of said 1.739 acre tract South eighty degrees twenty-seven minutes forty-two seconds West (S80°27'42"W) for five and 24/100 feet (5.24') to an iron pin set; thence across said 0.122 acre tract North fifty-four degrees eight minutes forty-eight seconds West (N54°08'48"W) for eighty-six and 39/100 feet (86.39') to an iron pin set; thence continuing across said 0.122 acre tract South eighty degrees twenty-seven minutes forty-two seconds West (S80°27'42"W) for thirteen and 83/100 feet (13.83') to an iron pin set in the west line of said 0.122 acre tract and in an east line of said Lot 1 a 1.739 acre tract; thence along a west line of said 0.122 acre tract and an east line of said 1.739 acre tract on a curve to the right with a radius of sixty-seven and 50/100 feet (67.50') for an arc distance of six and 01/100 feet (6.01'), chord bearing North twelve degrees six minutes fifty-four seconds West (N12°06'54"W) for six and 01/100 feet (6.01'), delta angle of said curve being five degrees six minutes twelve seconds (5°06'12"); thence continuing along a west line of said 0.122 acre tract and an east line of said 1.739 acre tract North nine degrees thirty-two minutes eighteen seconds West (N09°32'18"W) for twelve and 50/100 feet (12.50') the northwest corner of said 0.122 acre tract and a northeast corner of said 1.739 acre tract also

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 44 of 207 being in the south right-of-way line of said Tuttle Crossing Blvd.; thence along the north line of said 0.122 acre tract and the south right-of-way line of said Tuttle Crossing Blvd. North eighty degrees twenty-seven minutes forty-two seconds East (N80°27'42"E) for sixty and 00/100 feet (60.00') to the northeast corner of said 0.122 acre tract also being the intersection of the south right-of-way line of said Tuttle Crossing Blvd. with the west right-of-way line of said Britton Pkwy.; thence continuing along the north line of said 0.122 acre tract and the west right-of-way line of said Britton Pkwy. on a curve to the right with a radius of twenty and 00/100 feet (20.00') for an arc distance of thirty-one and 42/100 feet (31.42'), chord bearing South fifty-four degrees thirty-two minutes eighteen seconds East (S54°32'18"E) for twenty-eight and 28/100 feet (28.28'), delta angle of said curve being ninety degrees zero minutes zero seconds (90°00'00") to the TRUE POINT OF BGINNING, containing zero and 082/1000 (0.082) acres, more or less,. It is understood that the above described tract contains 0.082 of an acre, more or less including the present road, which occupies 0.000 of an acre, more or less. All iron pins set are 5/8" diameter rebar, 30" long with a yellow plastic cap stamped "FRANKLIN COUNTY ENGINEER". The Franklin County Auditor's Office carries the affected tract as a 0.00 acre tract with Parcel No. 010-225917-00. This description was rpred from a field survey performed by Woolpert, Inc. in January, 2002, with bearings based upon the Ohio State Plane Coordinate System, South Zone, North American Datum of 1983 (1986), holding FCGS 2213 and FCGS 6641 with a bearing of North eighty-four degrees twenty-five minutes thirty-four seconds East (N84°25'3") The Grantor claims title by instrument of Instrument No. 199905260133830, Recorder's Office, Franklin County, Ohio. Woolpert, Inc., Steven W. Newell, Ohio Professional Surveyor #7212


Being a parcel of land lying on the left side of the centerline of survey of Tuttle Crossing Blvd., made for the City of Columbus as recorded in Plat Book __, Page __ of the records of Franklin County. Situate in Virginia Military Survey No. 3011, City of Columbus, County of Franklin, State of Ohio, and being part of Reserve "G" of Tuttle Crossing Northwest of record in Plat Book 71, Pages 33&34 as conveyed to Tuttle Crossing Owner's Association, Inc. by deed of record in Instrument No. 199905260133830 (all references to deeds, microfiche, plats, surveys, etc. refer to the records of the Franklin County Recorder's Office, unless noted otherwise) and being more particularly bounded and described as follows: Commencing for reference at a railroad spike found at the centerline intersection of Hirth Road and Tuttle Road as shown on the centerline of survey plat for Hirth Road, Washington Twp. Rd. No. 355; Said found railroad spike is South eighty-four degrees twenty-five minutes thirty-four seconds West (S84°25'34"W) fifteen and 10/100 feet (15.10') of FCGS 2213, and is South eighty degrees thirty minutes fifty-one seconds West (S80°30'51"W) one thousand one hundred twenty-seven and 04/100 feet (1127.04') of FCGS 6641; thence along the centerline of said Tuttle Road North eighty-four degrees twenty-five minutes thirty-four seconds East (N84°25'34"E) for fifteen and 10/100 feet (15.10') to a monument box number (FCGS 2213) found at the northeast corner of V. M. S. No. 3022, the northwest corner of said V. M. S. No. 2418, and in the south line of V. M. S. No. 3011; thence continuing along said centerline, the south line of said V. M. S. No. 3011 and the north line of said V. M. S. No. 2418 North eighty degrees twenty-seven minutes forty-two seconds East (N80°27'42"E) for three hundred sixteen and 70/100 feet (316.70') to the intersection of the centerline of Tuttle Crossing Blvd. with the centerline of Emerald Pkwy./Britton Pkwy. as shown in Plat Book 71, Page 33-34 and Plat Book 78, Page 75-76 also being in the south line of V. M. S. No. 3011 and in the north line of V. M. S. No. 2418; thence along the centerline of said Emerald Pkwy. North nine degrees thirty-two minutes eighteen seconds West (N09°32'18"W) for one hundred and 00/100 feet (100.00') to a point of curvature of said

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 45 of 207 Emerald Pkwy. thence North eighty degrees twenty-seven minutes forty-two seconds East (N80°27'42"E) for forty and 00/100 feet (40.00') to a 5/8" iron pin found in the west line of said 0.12 acre tract and in the east right-of-way line of said Emerald Pkwy. being the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described tract; thence along a west line of said 0.12 acre tract and the east right-of-way line of said Emerald Pkwy. on a curve to the left with a radius of one thousand four hundred forty and 00/100 feet (1440.00') for an arc distance of thirty and 00/100 feet (30.00'), chord bearing North ten degrees eight minutes seven seconds West (N10°08'07"W) for thirty and 00/100 feet (30.00'), delta angle of said curve being one degree eleven minutes thirty-eight seconds (1°11'38") to an iron pin set at the northwest corner of said 0.12 acre tract and a southwest corner of Reserve "E" of Tuttle Crossing Northwest of record in Plat Book 71, Pages 33&34 a 3.555 acre tract as conveyed to Duke Realty Ohio by deed of record in Instrument No. 200302260056923; thence along the north line of said 0.12 acre tract and a south line of said 3.555 acre tract North eighty degrees twenty-seven minutes forty-two seconds East (N80°27'42"E) for ten and 31/100 feet (10.31') to an iron pin set; thence across said 0.12 acre tract South nine degrees thirty-two minutes eighteen seconds East (S09°32'18"E) for thirty and 00/100 feet (30.00') to an iron pin set; thence continuing across said 0.12 acre tract South seventy-two degrees fifty-seven minutes twenty-nine seconds East (S72°57'29"E) for seventy-eight and 22/100 feet (78.22) to an iron pin set in the east line of said 0.12 acre tract and a west line of said 3.555 acre tract; thence along an east line of said 0.12 acre tract and a west line of said 3.555 acre tract on a curve to the right with a radius of sixty-seven and 50/100 feet (67.50') for an arc distance of two and 50/100 feet (2.50'), chord bearing South ten degrees thirty-five minutes fifty-nine seconds East (S10°35'59"E) for two and 50/100 feet (2.50'), delta angle of said curve being two degrees seven minutes twenty-one seconds (02°07'21") to an iron pin set thence continuing along an east line of said 0.12 acre tract and a west line of said 3.555 acre tract South nine degrees thirty-two minutes eighteen seconds East (S09°32'18"E) for twelve and 50/100 feet (12.50') to an iron pin set at the southeast corner of said 0.12 acre tract and a southwest corner of said 3.555 acre tract also being in the north right-of-way line of said Tuttle Crossing Blvd.; thence along the south line of said 0.12 acre tract and the north right-of-way line of said Tuttle Crossing Blvd. South eighty degrees twenty-seven minutes forty-two seconds West (S80°27'42"W) for sixty and 00/100 feet (60.00') to an iron pin set at a southwest corner of said 0.12 acre tract and the intersection of the north right-of-way line of said Tuttle Crossing Blvd. with the east right-of-way line of said Emerald Pkwy.; thence along a west line of said 0.12 acre tract and the east right-of-way line of said Emerald Pkwy. on a curve to the right with a radius of twenty and 00/100 feet (20.00') for an arc distance of thirty-one and 42/100 feet (31.42'), chord bearing North fifty-four degrees thirty-two minutes eighteen seconds West (N54°32'18"W) for twenty-eight and 28/100 feet (28.28'), delta angle of said curve being ninety degrees zero minutes zero seconds (90°00'00") to a 5/8" iron pin found at a southwest corner of said 0.12 acre tract; thence along a west line of said 0.12 acre tract and the east right-of-way line of said Emerald Pkwy. North nine degrees thirty-two minutes eighteen seconds West (N09°32'18"W) for thirty and 00/100 feet (30.00') to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, containing zero and 069/1000 (0.069) acres, more or less. It is understood that the above described tract contains 0.069 of an acre, more or less including the present road, which occupies 0.000 of an acre, more or less. All iron pins set are 5/8" diameter rebar, 30" long with a yellow plastic cap stamped "FRANKLIN COUNTY ENGINEER". The Franklin County Auditor's Office carries the affected tract as a 0.00 acre tract with Parcel No. 010-215398-00. This description was prepared from a field survey performed by Woolpert, Inc. in January, 2002, with bearings based upon the Ohio State Plane Coordinate System, South Zone, North American Datum of 1983 (1986), holding FCGS 2213 and FCGS 6641 with a bearing of North eighty-four degrees twenty-five minutes thirty-four seconds East (N84°25'34"E).

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 46 of 207 The Grantor claims title by instrument of record Instrument No. 199905260133830, Recorder's Office, Franklin County, Ohio. Woolpert, Inc., Steven W. Newell, Ohio Professional Surveyor #7212 break7


Being a parcel of land lying on the right side of the centerline of survey of Tuttle Crossing Blvd., made for the City of Columbus as recorded in Plat Book __, Page __ of the records of Franklin County. Situate in Virginia Military Survey No. 2418, City of Columbus, County of Franklin, State of Ohio, and being 0.122 acres out of Reserve "B" of Tuttle Crossing Southwest, of record in Plat Book 78, Pages 75, as conveyed to Tuttle Crossing Owner's Association, Inc. by deed of record in Instrument No. 199905260133830 (all references to deeds, microfiche, plats, surveys, etc. refer to the records of the Franklin County Recorder's Office, unless noted otherwise) and being more particularly bounded and described as follows: Commencing for reference at a railroad spike found at the centerline intersection of Hirth Road and Tuttle Road as shown on the centerline of survey plat for Hirth Road, Washington Twp. Rd. No. 355; Said found railroad spike is South eighty-four degrees twenty-five minutes thirty-four seconds West (S84°25'34"W) fifteen and 10/100 feet (15.10') of FCGS 2213, and is South eighty degrees thirty minutes fifty-one seconds West (S80°30'51"W) one thousand one hundred twenty-seven and 04/100 feet (1127.04') of FCGS 6641; thence along the centerline of said Tuttle Road North eighty-four degrees twenty-five minutes thirty-four seconds East (N84°25'34"E) for fifteen and 10/100 feet (15.10') to a monument box number (FCGS 2213) found at the northeast corner of V. M. S. No. 3022, the northwest corner of said V. M. S. No. 2418, and in the south line of V. M. S. No. 3011; thence continuing along said centerline, the south line of said V. M. S. No. 3011 and the north line of said V. M. S. No. 2418 North eighty degrees twenty-seven minutes forty-two seconds East (N80°27'42"E) for three hundred sixteen and 70/100 feet (316.70') to the intersection of the centerline of Tuttle Crossing Blvd. with the centerline of Emerald Pkwy./Britton Pkwy. as shown in Plat Book 71, Page 33-34 and Plat Book 78, Page 75-76 also being in the south line of V. M. S. No. 3011 and in the north line of V. M. S. No. 2418; thence along the centerline of said Britton Pkwy. South nine degrees thirty-two minutes eighteen seconds East (S09°32'18"E) for seventy and 00/100 feet (70.00') to a MAG nail set; thence North eighty degrees twenty-seven minutes forty-two seconds East (N80°27'42"E) for forty and 00/100 feet (40.00') to a point at a northwest corner of said 0.122 acre tract and in the east right-of-way line of said Britton Pkwy. being the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described tract; thence along a west line of said 0.122 acre tract and the east right-of-way line of said Britton Pkwy. on a curve to the right with a radius of twenty and 00/100 feet (20.00') for an arc distance of thirty-one and 42/100 feet (31.42'), chord bearing North thirty-five degrees twenty-seven minutes forty-two seconds East (N35°27'42"E) for twenty-eight and 28/100 feet (28.28'), delta angle of said curve being ninety degrees zero minutes zero seconds (90°00'00") to a point at a northwest corner of said 0.122 acre tract also being the intersection of the east right-of-way line of said Britton Pkwy. with the south right-of-way line of said Tuttle Crossing Blvd.; thence along the north line of said 0.122 acre tract and the south right-of-way line of said Tuttle Crossing Blvd. North eighty degrees twenty-seven minutes forty-two seconds East (N80°27'42"E) for sixty and 00/100 feet (60.00') to a point at the northeast corner of said 0.122 acre tract and a northwest corner of Lot 3 of Tuttle Crossing Southwest of record in Plat Book 78, Pages 75&76 a 1.440 acre tract as conveyed to OH Retail LL, LLC by deed of record in Instrument No. 200601130008877; thence along the east line of said 0.122 acre tract and a west line of said 1.440 acre tract South nine degrees thirty-two minutes eighteen seconds East (S09°32'18"E) for twelve and 50/100 feet (12.50'); thence continuing along the east line of said 0.122 acre tract and a west line of said 1.440 acre tract on a curve to the right with a radius of sixty-seven and 50/100 feet (67.50') for an arc distance of twelve and 57/100 feet (12.57'), chord bearing South four degrees twelve minutes nine seconds East (S04°12'09"E)

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 47 of 207 for twelve and 55/100 feet (12.55'), delta angle of said curve being ten degrees forty minutes nineteen seconds (10°40'19") to an iron pin set; thence across said 0.122 acre tract South eighty degrees twenty-seven minutes forty-two seconds West (S80°27'42"W) for twenty-three and 83/100 feet (23.83') to an iron pin set; thence continuing across said 0.122 acre tract South thirty-five degrees twenty-seven minutes forty-two seconds West (S35°27'42"W) for seventy-seven and 78/100 feet (77.78') to a 5/8" iron pin found at the southwest corner of said 0.122 acre tract and a northwest corner of said 1.440 acre tract also being in the east right-of-way line of said Britton Pkwy.; thence along a west line of said 0.122 acre tract and the east right-of-way line of said Britton Pkwy. North nine degrees thirty-two minutes eighteen seconds West (N09°32'18"W) for sixty and 00/100 feet (60.00') to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, containing zero and 079/1000 (0.079) acres, more or less. It is understood that the above described tract contains 0.079 of an acre, more or less including the present road, which occupies 0.000 of an acre, more or less. All iron pins set are 5/8" diameter rebar, 30" long with a yellow plastic cap stamped "FRANKLIN COUNTY ENGINEER". The Franklin County Auditor's Office carries the affected tract as a 0.00 acre tract with Parcel No. 010-225918-00. This description was prepared from a field survey performed by Woolpert, Inc. in January, 2002, with bearings based upon the Ohio State Plane Coordinate System, South Zone, North American Datum of 1983 (1986), holding FCGS 2213 and FCGS 6641 with a bearing of North eighty-four degrees twenty-five minutes thirty-four seconds East (N84°25'34"E). The Grantor claims title by instrument of Instrument No. 199905260133830, Recorder's Office, Franklin County, Ohio. Woolpert, Inc., Steven W. Newell, Ohio Professional Surveyor #7212

PARCEL 23-UV1 Being a parcel of land lying on the right side of the centerline of survey of Tuttle Crossing Blvd., made for the City of Columbus as recorded in Plat Book __, Page __ of the records of Franklin County Situate in Virginia Military Survey No. 2418, City of Columbus, County of Franklin, State of Ohio, and being an utility easement over a 0.122 acre tract as conveyed to Tuttle Crossing Owner's Association, Inc. by deed of record in Instrument No. 199905260133830 and being Reserve A, Tuttle Crossing Southwest, Plat Book 78, Page 75 (all references to deeds, microfiche, plats, surveys, etc. refer to the records of the Franklin County Recorder's Office, unless noted otherwise) and described as follows: Commencing for reference at the northwest corner of said 0.122 acre tract also being in the south right-of-way line of said Tuttle Crossing Blvd; thence along a west line of said 0.122 acre tract South nine degrees thirty-two minutes eighteen seconds East (S09°32'18"E) for twelve and 50/100 feet (12.50') to a point; thence continuing along a west line of said 0.122 acre tract on a curve to the left with a radius of sixty-seven and 50/100 feet (67.50') for an arc distance of six and 01/100 feet (6.01'), chord bearing South twelve degrees five minutes nineteen seconds East (S12°05'19"E) for six and 01/100 feet (6.01'), delta angle of said curve being five degrees five minutes fifty-nine seconds (5°05'59") to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described easement; thence across said 0.122 acre tract for the following three (3) courses: 1.) North eighty degrees twenty-seven minutes forty-two seconds East (N80°27'42"E) for thirteen and 83/100 feet (13.83') to a point; 2.) South fifty-three degrees forty-nine minutes six seconds East (S53°49'06"E) for thirteen and 97/100 feet (13.97') to a point; 3.) South eighty degrees twenty-seven minutes forty-two seconds West (S80°27'42"W) for twenty-one and 93/100 feet (21.93') to a point in the west line of said 0.122 acre tract; thence along the west line of said 0.122 acre tract on a curve to the right with a radius of sixty-seven and 50/100 feet (67.50') for an arc distance of ten and 15/100 feet (10.15'), chord bearing North eighteen degrees fifty-six minutes thirty-nine seconds West (N18°56'39"W) for ten and 14/100 feet (10.14'), delta

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 48 of 207 angle of said curve being eight degrees thirty-six minutes forty-three seconds (8°36'43") to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, containing zero and 004/1000 (0.004) acres, more or less. It is understood that the above described tract contains 0.004 of an acre, more or less including the present road, which occupies 0.000 of an acre, more or less. The Franklin County Auditor's Office carries the affected tract as a 0.00 acre tract with Parcel No. 010-225917-00. This description was prepared from a field survey performed by Woolpert, Inc. in January, 2002, with bearings based upon the Ohio State Plane Coordinate System, South Zone, North American Datum of 1983 (1986), holding FCGS 2213 and FCGS 6641 with a bearing of North eighty-four degrees twenty-five minutes thirty-four seconds East (N84°25'34"E). The Grantor claims title by instrument of record in Instrument No. 199905260133830, Recorder's Office, Franklin County, Ohio. Woolpert, Inc., Steven W. Newell, Ohio Professional Surveyor #7212 break8


Being a parcel of land lying on the left side of the centerline of survey of Tuttle Road, made for the City of Columbus as recorded in Plat Book __, Page __ of the records of Franklin County. Situate in Virginia Military Survey No. 3011, City of Columbus, County of Franklin, State of Ohio, and being a temporary easement over a 0.12 acre tract as conveyed to Tuttle Crossing Owner's Association, Inc. by deed of record in Instrument No. 199905260133830 and being Reserve F, Tuttle Crossing Northwest, Plat Book 71, Page 33 (all references to deeds, microfiche, plats, surveys, etc. refer to the records of the Franklin County Recorder's Office, unless noted otherwise) and described as follows: Commencing for reference at the southwest corner of said 0.12 acre tract and said Reserve F; thence North nine degrees thirty-two minutes eighteen seconds West (N09°32'18"W) for twelve and 51/100 feet (12.51') to a point; thence on a curve to the right with a radius of sixty-seven and 50/100 feet (67.50') for an arc distance of five and 00/100 feet (5.00'), chord bearing North seven degrees twenty-five minutes one seconds West (N07°25'01"W) for five and 00/100 feet (5.00'), delta angle of said curve being four degrees fourteen minutes thirty-one seconds (4°14'31") to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described easement; thence along the west line of said 0.12 acre tract on a curve to the right with a radius of sixty-seven and 50/100 feet (67.50') for an arc distance of twenty and 60/100 feet (20.60'), chord bearing North three degrees twenty-six minutes fifty-six seconds East (N03°26'56"E) for twenty and 53/100 feet (20.53'), delta angle of said curve being seventeen degrees twenty-nine minutes twenty-four seconds (17°29'24") to a point; thence across said 0.12 acre tract for the following three (3) courses: 1.) North eighty degrees twenty-seven minutes forty-two seconds East (N80°27'42"E) for thirty-two and 48/100 feet (32.48') to a point; 2.) South thirty-five degrees twenty-two minutes fifty-four seconds West (S35°22'54"W) for twenty-eight and 24/100 feet (28.24') to a point; 3.) South eighty degrees twenty-seven minutes forty-two seconds West (S80°27'42"W) for seventeen and 15/100 feet (17.15') to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, containing zero and 012/1000 (0.012) acres, more or less. It is understood that the above described tract contains 0.012 of an acre, more or less including the present road, which occupies 0.000 of an acre, more or less. The Franklin County Auditor's Office carries the affected tract as a 0.00 acre tract with Parcel No. 010-215397-00. This description was prepared from a field survey performed by Woolpert, Inc. in January, 2002, with bearings based upon the Ohio State Plane Coordinate System, South Zone, North American Datum of 1983 (1986), holding FCGS 2213 and FCGS 6641 with a bearing of North eighty-four degrees twenty-five minutes thirty-four seconds East (N84°25'34"E). The Grantor claims title by instrument of record in Instrument No. 199905260133830, Recorder's Office, Franklin County, Ohio.

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 49 of 207 Woolpert, Inc., Steven W. Newell, Ohio Professional Surveyor #7212

PARCEL 23-T1 Being a parcel of land lying on the right side of the centerline of survey of Tuttle Crossing Blvd., made for the City of Columbus as recorded in Plat Book __, Page __ of the records of Franklin County Situate in Virginia Military Survey No. 2418, City of Columbus, County of Franklin, State of Ohio, and being a temporary easement over a 0.122 acre tract as conveyed to Tuttle Crossing Owner's Association, Inc. by deed of record in Instrument No. 199905260133830 and being Reserve A, Tuttle Crossing Southwest, Plat Book 78, Page 75 (all references to deeds, microfiche, plats, surveys, etc. refer to the records of the Franklin County Recorder's Office, unless noted otherwise) and described as follows: Commencing for reference at the northwest corner of said 0.122 acre tract and said Reserve A; thence South nine degrees thirty-two minutes eighteen seconds East (S09°32'18"E) for twelve and 50/100 feet (12.50') to a point; thence on a curve to the right with a radius of sixty-seven and 50/100 feet (67.50') for an arc distance of six and 01/100 feet (6.01'), chord bearing South twelve degrees six minutes fifty-four seconds East (S12°06'54"E) for six and 01/100 feet (6.01'), delta angle of said curve being five degrees five minutes fifty-nine seconds (5°05'59") to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described easement; thence across said 0.122 acre tract for the following three (3) courses: 1.) North eighty degrees twenty-seven minutes forty-two seconds East (N80°27'42"E) for thirteen and 83/100 feet (13.83') to a point; 2.) South fifty-three degrees forty-nine minutes six seconds East (S53°49'06"E) for thirteen and 97/100 feet (13.97') to a point; 3.) South eighty degrees twenty-seven minutes forty-two seconds West (S80°27'42"W) for twenty-one and 93/100 feet (21.93') to a point in the west line of said 0.122 acre tract; thence along the west line of said 0.122 acre tract on a curve to the right with a radius of sixty-seven and 50/100 feet (67.50') for an arc distance of ten and 15/100 feet (10.15'), chord bearing North eighteen degrees fifty-six minutes thirty-nine seconds West (N18°56'39"W) for ten and 14/100 feet (10.14'), delta angle of said curve being eight degrees thirty-six minutes forty-three seconds (8°36'43") to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, containing zero and 004/1000 (0.004) acres, more or less. It is understood that the above described tract contains 0.004 of an acre, more or less including the present road, which occupies 0.000 of an acre, more or less. The Franklin County Auditor's Office carries the affected tract as a 0.00 acre tract with Parcel No. 010-225917-00. This description was prepared from a field survey performed by Woolpert, Inc. in January, 2002, with bearings based upon the Ohio State Plane Coordinate System, South Zone, North American Datum of 1983 (1986), holding FCGS 2213 and FCGS 6641 with a bearing of North eighty-four degrees twenty-five minutes thirty-four seconds East (N84°25'34"E). The Grantor claims title by instrument of record in Instrument No. 199905260133830, Recorder's Office, Franklin County, Ohio. Woolpert, Inc., Steven W. Newell, Ohio Professional Surveyor #7212 break9


Being a parcel of land lying on the left side of the centerline of survey of Tuttle Road, made for the City of Columbus as recorded in Plat Book __, Page __ of the records of Franklin County. Situate in Virginia Military Survey No. 3011, City of Columbus, County of Franklin, State of Ohio, and being a temporary easement over a 0.12 acre tract as conveyed to Tuttle Crossing Owner's Association, Inc. by deed of record in Instrument No. 199905260133830 and being Reserve G, Tuttle Crossing Northwest, Plat Book 71, Page 33 (all references to deeds, microfiche, plats, surveys, etc. refer to the records of the Franklin County Recorder's Office, unless noted otherwise) and described as follows:

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 50 of 207 Commencing for reference at the southeast corner of said 0.12 acre tract and said Reserve G; thence North nine degrees thirty-two minutes eighteen seconds West (S09°32'18"E) for twelve and 50/100 feet (12.50') to a point; thence on a curve to the left with a radius of sixty-seven and 50/100 feet (67.50') for an arc distance of two and 50/100 feet (2.50'), chord bearing North ten degrees thirty-five minutes fifty-nine seconds West (N10°35'59"W) for two and 50/100 feet (2.50'), delta angle of said curve being two degrees seven minutes twenty-one seconds (02°07'21") to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described easement; thence along the south proposed right of way line of Tuttle crossing Blvd. and across said 0.12 acre tract North seventy-two degrees fifty-seven minutes twenty-nine seconds West (N72°57'29"W) for twenty-two and 35/100 feet (22.35) to point on said proposed right of way: thence across said 0.12 acre tract North eighty degrees twenty-seven minutes forty-two seconds East (N80°27'42"E) for eighteen and 87/100 feet (18.87) to a point on the east line of said 0.12 acre tract; thence along the east line of said 0.12 acre tract on a curve to the right with a radius of sixty-seven and 50/100 feet (67.50') for an arc distance of ten and 07/100 feet (10.07'), chord bearing North fifteen degrees fifty-six minutes eight seconds East (S15°56'08"E) for ten and 06/100 feet (10.06'), delta angle of said curve being eight degrees thirty-two minutes fifty-eight seconds (08°32'58") to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing zero and 002/1000 (0.002) acres, more or less. It is understood that the above described tract contains 0.002 of an acre, more or less including the present road, which occupies 0.000 of an acre, more or less. The Franklin County Auditor's Office carries the affected tract as a 0.00 acre tract with Parcel No. 010-215397-00. This description was prepared from a field survey performed by Woolpert, Inc. in January, 2002, with bearings based upon the Ohio State Plane Coordinate System, South Zone, North American Datum of 1983 (1986), holding FCGS 2213 and FCGS 6641 with a bearing of North eighty-four degrees twenty-five minutes thirty-four seconds East (N84°25'34"E). The Grantor claims title by instrument of record in Instrument No. 199905260133830, Recorder's Office, Franklin County, Ohio. Woolpert, Inc., Steven W. Newell, Ohio Professional Surveyor #7212


Being a parcel of land lying on the left side of the centerline of survey of Tuttle Road, made for the City of Columbus as recorded in Plat Book __, Page __ of the records of Franklin County. Situate in Virginia Military Survey No. 2419 and 3011, City of Columbus, County of Franklin, State of Ohio, and being 3.555 acres out of Reserve "E" of Tuttle Crossing Northwest, of record in Plat Book 71, Pages 33&34 as conveyed to Duke Realty Ohio by deed of record in Instrument No. 200302260056923 (all references to deeds, microfiche, plats, surveys, etc. refer to the records of the Franklin County Recorder's Office, unless noted otherwise) and being more particularly bounded and described as follows: Commencing for reference at a railroad spike found at the centerline intersection of Hirth Road and Tuttle Road as shown on the centerline of survey plat for Hirth Road, Washington Twp. Rd. No. 355; Said found railroad spike is South eighty-four degrees twenty-five minutes thirty-four seconds West (S84°25'34"W) fifteen and 10/100 feet (15.10') of FCGS 2213, and is South eighty degrees thirty minutes fifty-one seconds West (S80°30'51"W) one thousand one hundred twenty-seven and 04/100 feet (1127.04') of FCGS 6641; thence along the centerline of said Tuttle Road North eighty-four degrees twenty-five minutes thirty-four seconds East (N84°25'34"E) for fifteen and 10/100 feet (15.10') to a monument box number (FCGS 2213) found at the northeast corner of V. M. S. No. 3022, the northwest corner of said V. M. S. No. 2418, and in the south line of V. M. S. No. 3011; thence continuing along said centerline, the south line of V. M. S. No. 3011 and the north line of V. M. S. No. 2418 North eighty degrees twenty-seven minutes forty-two seconds East (N80°27'42"E) for four hundred thirty-six and 70/100 feet (436.70') to a point;

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 51 of 207 thence North nine degrees thirty-two minutes eighteen seconds West (N09°32'18"W) for fifty and 00/100 feet (50.00') the southwest corner of said 3.555 acre tract, the southeast corner of Reserve "G" of Tuttle Crossing Northwest, of record in Plat Book 71, Pages 33&34 a 0.12 acre tract as conveyed to Tuttle Crossing Owner's Association, Inc. by deed of record in Instrument No. 199905260133830, and in the north right-of-way line of said Tuttle Crossing Blvd. also being the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described tract; thence along a west line of said 3.555 acre tract and an east line of said 0.12 acre tract North nine degrees thirty-two minutes eighteen seconds West (N09°32'18"W) for twelve and 50/100 feet (12.50') to an iron pin set; thence continuing along a west line of said 3.555 acre tract and an east line of said 0.12 acre tract on a curve to the left with a radius of sixty-seven and 50/100 feet (67.50') for an arc distance of two and 50/100 feet (2.50'), chord bearing North ten degrees thirty-five minutes fifty-nine seconds West (N10°35'59"W) for two and 50/100 feet (2.50'), delta angle of said curve being two degrees seven mintes twenty-one seconds (02°07'21") to an iron pin set; thence across said 3.555 acre tract North eighty degrees twenty-seven minutes forty-two seconds East (N80°27'42"E) for one hundred fifty-eight and 05/100 feet (158.05') to an iron pin set on a south line of said 3.555 acre tract and at a point on the north right-of-way line of said Tuttle Crossing Blvd.; thence along an east line of said 3.555 acre tract and the north right-of-way line of said Tuttle Crossing Blvd. South nine degrees thirty-two minutes eighteen seconds East (S09°32'18"E) for fifteen and 00/100 feet (15.00') to a corner in the south line of said 3.555 acre tract and a corner in the north right-of-way line of said Tuttle Crossing Blvd.; thence along the south line of said 3.555 acre tract and the north right-of-way line of said Tuttle Crossing Blvd. South eighty degrees twenty-seven minutes forty-two seconds West (S80°27'42"W) foron hndred fifty-eight and 00/100 feet (158.00') to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, containing zero and 054/1000 (0.054) acres, more or less. It is understood that the above described tract contains 0.054 of an acre, more or less including the present road, which occupies 0.000 of an acre, more or less. All iron pins set are 5/8" diameter rebar, 30" long with a yellow plastic cap stampe "RAKLIN COUNTY ENGINEER". The Franklin County Auditor's Office carries the affected tract as a 3.56 acre tract with Parcel No. 010-215396-00. This description was prepared from a field survey performed by Woolpert, Inc. in January, 2002, with bearings based upon the Ohio State Plane Coordinate System, South Zone, North American Datum of 1983 (1986), holding FCGS 2213 and FCGS 6641 with a bearing of North eighty-four degrees twenty-five minutes thirty-four seconds East (N84°25'34"E). The Grantor claims title by instrument of record in Instrument No. 200302260056923, Recorder's Office, Franklin County, Ohio. Woolpert, Inc., Steven W. Newell, Ohio Professional Surveyor #7212


Being a parcel of land lying on the left side of the centerline of survey of Tuttle Crossing Blvd., made for the City of Columbus as recorded in Plat Book __, Page __ of the records of Franklin County. Situate in Virginia Military Survey No. 3011, City of Columbus, County of Franklin, State of Ohio, and being a temporary easement over a 3.555 acre tract as conveyed to Duke Realty Ohio by deed of record in Instrument No. 200302260056923 and being part of Reserve E, Tuttle Crossing Northwest, Plat Book 71, Page 33 (all references to deeds, microfiche, plats, surveys, etc. refer to the records of the Franklin County Recorder's Office, unless noted otherwise) and described as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of said 3.555 acre tract also being in the east right-of-way line of Emerald Pkwy; thence along a west line of said 3.555 acre tract on a curve to the left with a radius of one thousand four hundred forty and 00/100 feet (1440.00') for an arc distance of seventy-six and 54/100 feet (76.54'), chord bearing North twelve degrees fifteen minutes seventeen seconds West (N12°15'17"W) for seventy-six and 53/100 feet (76.53'), delta angle of said curve being three degrees two minutes

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 52 of 207 forty-three seconds (3°02'43") to a point; thence across said 3.555 acre tract South eighteen degrees five minutes twenty-two seconds East (S18°05'22"E) for seventy-seven and 30/100 feet (77.30') to a point in a south line of said 3.555 acre tract; thence along a south line of said 3.555 acre tract South eighty degrees twenty-seven minutes forty-two seconds West (S80°27'42"W) for seven and 86/100 feet (7.86') to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing zero and 006/1000 (0.006) acres, more or less. It is understood that the above described tract contains 0.006 of an acre, more or less including the present road, which occupies 0.000 of an acre, more or less. The Franklin County Auditor's Office carries the affected tract as a 3.56 acre tract with Parcel No. 010-215396-00. This description was prepared from a field survey performed by Woolpert, Inc. in January, 2002, with bearings based upon the Ohio State Plane Coordinate System, South Zone, North American Datum of 1983 (1986), holding FCGS 2213 and FCGS 6641 with a bearing of North eighty-four degrees twenty-five minutes thirty-four seconds East (N84°25'34"E). The Grantor claims title by instrument of record in Instrument No. 200302260056923, Recorder's Office, Franklin County, Ohio. Woolpert, Inc., Steven W. Newell, Ohio Professional Surveyor #7212


Being a parcel of land lying on the left side of the centerline of survey of Tuttle Crossing Blvd., made for the City of Columbus as recorded in Plat Book __, Page __ of the records of Franklin County. Situate in Virginia Military Survey No. 3011 & 2419, City of Columbus, County of Franklin, State of Ohio, and being a temporary easement over a 3.555 acre tract as conveyed to Duke Realty Ohio by deed of record in Instrument No. 200302260056923 and being part of Reserve E, Tuttle Crossing Northwest, Plat Book 71, Page 33 (all references to deeds, microfiche, plats, surveys, etc. refer to the records of the Franklin County Recorder's Office, unless noted otherwise) and described as follows: Commencing for reference at the southwest corner of said 3.555 acre tract and said Reserve E: thence North nine degrees thirty-two minutes eighteen seconds West (S09°32'18"E) for twelve and 50/100 feet (12.50') to a point; thence on a curve to the left with a radius of sixty-seven and 50/100 feet (67.50') for an arc distance of two and 50/100 feet (2.50'), chord bearing North ten degrees thirty-five minutes fifty-nine seconds West (N10°35'59"W) for two and 50/100 feet (2.50'), delta angle of said curve being two degrees seven minutes twenty-one seconds (02°07'21") to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described easement; thence along a south line of said 3.555 acre tract on a curve to the left with a radius of sixty-seven and 50/100 feet (67.50') for an arc distance of ten and 07/100 feet (10.07'), chord bearing North fifteen degrees fifty-six minutes eight seconds West (N15°56'08"W) for ten and 06/100 feet (10.06'), delta angle of said curve being eight degrees thirty-two minutes fifty-eight seconds (08°32'58") to a point on said south line; thence across said 3.555 acre tract North eighty degrees twenty-seven minutes forty-two seconds East (N80°27'42"E) for one hundred fifty-nine and 17/100 feet (159.17') to a point; thence along said east line of said 3.555 acre tract South nine degrees thirty-two minutes eighteen seconds East (S09°32'18"E) for ten and 00/100 feet (10.00) to a point on said east line and the north proposed right of way of Tuttle Crossing Blvd.; thence across said proposed right of way and said 3.555 acre tract South eighty degrees twenty-seven minutes forty-two seconds West (S80°27'42"W) for one hundred fifty-eight and 05/100 (158.05') to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing zero and 036/1000 (0.036) acres, more or less. It is understood that the above described tract contains 0.036 of an acre, more or less including the present road, which occupies 0.000 of an acre, more or less. The Franklin County Auditor's Office carries the affected tract as a 3.56 acre tract with Parcel No. 010-215396-00.

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 53 of 207 This description was prepared from a field survey performed by Woolpert, Inc. in January, 2002, with bearings based upon the Ohio State Plane Coordinate System, South Zone, North American Datum of 1983 (1986), holding FCGS 2213 and FCGS 6641 with a bearing of North eighty-four degrees twenty-five minutes thirty-four seconds East (N84°25'34"E). The Grantor claims title by instrument of record in Instrument No. 200302260056923, Recorder's Office, Franklin County, Ohio. Woolpert, Inc. ,Steven W. Newell, Ohio Professional Surveyor #7212

Section 2. That the City Attorney be and hereby is authorized to cause a written notice of the adoption of this resolution to be served upon the owners, persons in possession of or persons having a real or possible interest of record in the above described premises in the manner provided by law.

Section 3. That for the reasons state in the preamble hereto, which is hereby made a part hereof, this resolution is declared to be an emergency measure and shall take effect and be in force from and after its adoption and approval by the Mayor, or ten days after adoption if the Mayor neither approves nor vetoes the same.

Legislation Number: 0004-2007

Drafting Date: 12/21/2006 Current Status: Passed

Version: 1 Matter Type: Ordinance

Explanation BACKGROUND: The need exists to enter into an Enterprise Zone Agreement with Crafts Americana Group, Inc. (Crafts Americana). The Ohio Enterprise Zone law O.R.C. Section 5709.62 (C) requires the City to enter into a Council-approved agreement between the City and participating companies.

Crafts Americana began operations in 1975 as a supplier of decorative paint supplies. Today, the company has three divisions: The Artist's Club Division that distributes decorative paint supplies; the Connecting Threads Division that distributes quilting supplies; and Knit Picks Division that distributes knitting supplies.

Crafts Americana currently employs approximately 90 people and operates out of a 50,000 square foot corporate office building in Vancouver, Washington and a 30,000 square foot distribution center in Grove City, Ohio.

Due to business expansion, the company is proposing to relocate their distribution operation currently located in a leased facility at 2235 Southwest Boulevard Suite D, Grove City, Ohio 43123 to a new 60,000 square foot facility to be built on Bolton Field Street (on 5.772 acres of 10.1595 acre parcel 570-154754-00) in Columbus. Crafts Americana is working towards LEED Certification for their new facility. Their corporate headquarters will remain in Vancouver, Washington.

The Department of Development recommends a 75%/10 year Enterprise Zone tax abatement on real property improvements and a 75%/2 year Enterprise Zone tax abatement on personal property under the City's Enterprise Zone Program.

This legislation is presented as an emergency in order to allow Crafts Americana to begin investing and creating jobs as quickly as possible.

The South-Western City School District has been advised of this project.

FISCAL IMPACT: No funding is required for this legislation.

Title To authorize the Director of the Department of Development to enter into an agreement with Crafts Americana Group, Inc.

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 54 of 207 for a real estate tax abatement of 75% for a period of ten years and a personal property tax abatement of 75% for a period of two years; and to declare an emergency.

Body WHEREAS, the Columbus City Council authorized the designation of the Enterprise Zone by legislation, Ordinance Number 779-85, dated April 22, 1985; and subsequently amended the Zone by Ordinance Nos. 2722-85 in 1986; 2080-89 in 1989; 1949-92, 2609-92 and 2249-92 in 1992; 1079-94 and 1228-94 in 1994; 2196-95 and 2817-95 in 1995; 533-99 in 1999; 1785-00 in 2000; 1464-02 in 2002; and 225-03 in 2003; and

WHEREAS, the Director of the Development Department of the State of Ohio determined that the Columbus Enterprise Zone as amended by the aforementioned Ordinances continued to contain the characteristics set forth in Section 5709.61(A) of the Ohio Revised and recertified said Zone in 1986, December 20, 1989, September 28, 1992, October 22, 1992, December 17, 1992, May 31, 1994, June 24, 1994, June 16, 1995, October 5, 1995, December 19, 1995, April 1, 1999, September 25, 2000, January 27, 2003 and most recently on August 19, 2003 as an "urban jobs and enterprise zone" under Chapter 5709 of the Ohio Revised Code; and

WHEREAS, Crafts Americana Group, Inc. plans to relocate their distribution operation currently located in Grove City, Ohio to a new 60,000 square foot facility to be constructed on Bolton Field Street in Columbus; and

WHEREAS, The Crafts Americana Group, Inc. agrees to invest approximately $2,400,000 in real property improvements within the City and invest approximately $1,520,000 in personal property (machinery & equipment, furniture & fixtures, stand-alone computers, and inventory) within the city; and

WHEREAS, Crafts Americana Group, Inc. agrees to retain and relocate 12 (twelve) full-time permanent jobs, 6 (six) part-time permanent jobs, and create 9 (nine) new full time and 6(six) part-time permanent jobs; and

WHEREAS, Crafts Americana Group, Inc. has indicated that tax incentives are crucial to its decision to locate the aforementioned expansion at the Columbus site; and

WHEREAS, it is required by law to enter into a formal, binding agreement in order to provide an Enterprise Zone incentive in the State and City; and

WHEREAS, the City desires to enter into such agreement with Crafts Americana Group, Inc. to foster economic growth; and

WHEREAS, an emergency exists in the usual daily operations of the Department of Development in that it is immediately necessary to enter into contract with Crafts Americana Group, Inc. to provide for Crafts Americana Group, Inc. the ability to move forward with their project so as to allow for the project to break ground in the first quarter of 2007, and for the preservation of public health, peace, property and safety, NOW, THEREFORE,


Section 1. That the Director of Development is hereby authorized to enter into an Enterprise Zone Agreement with Crafts Americana Group, Inc., and to provide therewith an exemption of seventy-five percent (75%) on real property improvements for a term of ten (10) tax years and an exemption of seventy-five percent (75%) on personal property investments for a term of two (2) taxable years, in association with the project's proposed $3,920,000 investment and job retention and creation.

Section 2. That the City of Columbus Enterprise Zone Agreement be signed by Crafts Americana Group, Inc. within ninety (90) days of passage of this ordinance, or this ordinance and the abatements authorized herein are

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 55 of 207 null and void.

Section 3. That for reasons stated in the preamble hereto, which is hereby made a part hereof the ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor or ten days after the passage if the Mayor neither approves nor vetoes the same.

Legislation Number: 0004X-2007

Drafting Date: 01/03/2007 Current Status: Passed

Version: 1 Matter Type: Resolution

Explanation Background: The following is a resolution to declare the necessity and intent to appropriate permanent and construction easements in, over, under and through real estate in connection with the Road Storm Sewer Project.

Fiscal Impact:


Emergency Justification:

Emergency action is requested to allow the acquisition of the parcels necessary for this project to proceed without delay. Title To declare the necessity and intent to appropriate permanent and construction easements in, over, under and through real estate in connection with the Petzinger Road Storm Sewer Project, and to declare an emergency.

Body WHEREAS, the City of Columbus is engaged in the Petzinger Road Storm Sewer Project; and

WHEREAS, an emergency exists in the usual daily operation of the Department of Public Utilities, Sewerage and Drainage, in that it is immediately necessary to declare the necessity and intent to appropriate permanent and construction easements in, over, under and through the hereinbefore described real estate necessary for the aforementioned project so that there will be no delay in the project thereby preserving the public health, peace, property, safety, and welfare; now, therefore:


Section 1. That this Council hereby declares the necessity and intent to appropriate permanent and construction easements in, over, under and through the following listed parcels of real estate more fully described in Exhibits A through O O attached hereto and made a part hereof as though fully written herein, necessary for the Petzinger Road Storm Sewer Project, Project #610739 pursuant to and in accordance with the Charter of the City of Columbus, Columbus City Code (1959) Revised, Chapter 909, the Constitution of the State of Ohio and Ohio Revised Code, Chapter 719; to-wit:


Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 56 of 207 A/1T/ William R. Schlanger B/2T/Network Housing '94 Petzinger Inc. C/3T/Martina and Richard Francis D/4T/Louis Soto E/5T/Edward and Molly Kounlavong F/6T/Glenn Sanders G/7T/Elydian Gore H/8T/Clarence Watkins I/9T/Anitra Toles J/10T/Joyce West K/11T/Wayne and Alicia Skinner L/12T/John and Lissie Redd M/13T/Edward Chatman N/14T/Clarenece Reed O/15T/Cassandra Myers P/16T/ Pauline Newlen Q/17T/Carol Saunders (aka Carol Parker) R/18T/Tara Gibson S/19T/Theodore and Yvonne Deibel T/20T/Larry Ray Higman U/21T/Joyce Tucker V/22T/Gary Salone W/23T/Kevin and Shaun Armstrong X/24P/Tomasco Muciber Y/25P/Metal Real Estate LTD Z/26P,27P; 28P/Ralph Mowery A A/29P,T; 30P/Kareem Smith B B/31P, T/ David L. Brown C C/32P/Roy Rockefeller D D/33P/Willie Moore and Ella Latham E E/34P/Christopher Morton F F/35P/Wayne and Janie Arnold G G/36P/Donna Williams H H/37P/New Fellowship Baptist Church I I/38-1P, 2T, 3T/Patricia Roger J J/39P/Peter Laihr K K/40P/ Hugh and Olivia McLymont L L/41P/Riverdale-Ruben LP M M/42P/S and L Bexley Enterprises LLC N N/43P/Mt. Carmel Holy Church of America O O/44P/Courtright Investment Co. LTD.

Section 2. That the City Attorney be and hereby is authorized to cause a written notice of the adoption of this resolution to be served upon the owners, persons in possession of or persons having a real or possible interest of record in the above described premises in the manner provided by law.

Section 3. That for the reasons state in the preamble hereto, which is hereby made a part hereof, this resolution is declared to be an emergency measure and shall take effect and be in force from and after its adoption and approval by the Mayor, or ten days after adoption if the Mayor neither approves nor vetoes the same.

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 57 of 207 Legislation Number: 0005-2007

Drafting Date: 12/21/2006 Current Status: Passed

Version: 1 Matter Type: Ordinance

Explanation Background: This ordinance will authorize the Director of Recreation and Parks to enter into a contract with Jess Howard Electric Co. for the Livingston Park Lighting Improvements.

Six bids were received by the Recreation and Parks Department on November 19th, 2006, for the Livingston Park Lighting Improvements as follows:

Status Amount Jess Howard Electric Majority $111,100.00 Complete General Majority $114,000.00 US Utility FBE $132,870.00 Settle Muter Electric Majority $161,750.00 Affordable Choice Majority $177,700.00 Tippan Electric Majority $217,125.00

Services will include the removal of existing light poles and foundations and the installaton of a new lighting system.

A contingency amount of $8,900.00 is being included in this project

Contract Compliance Number for Jess Howard Electric Co. is #31-4405752.

Emergency action is necessary to allow project to begin as soon as possible.

Fiscal Impact: $120,000.00 is budgeted in the Recreation and Parks Voted 1999/2004 Bond Fund to meet the financial obligation of this project.

Title To authorize the Director of Recreation and Parks to enter into contract with Jess Howard Electric Co. for the Livingston Park Lighting Improvements project, to authorize the expenditure of $120,000.00 from the Recreation and Parks Voted bond fund, and to declare an emergency. ($120,000.00)

Body WHEREAS, bids were received by the Recreation and Parks Department on December 19th, 2006, and the contract for the Livingston Park Lighting Improvements will be awarded on the basis of the lowest and best responsive and responsible bidder; and

WHEREAS, an emergency exists in the usual daily operation of the Recreation and Parks Department in that it is immediately necessary to enter into contract to allow work to begin as soon as possible; now, therefore


SECTION 1. That the Director of Recreation and Parks be and he is hereby authorized and directed to enter into contract with Jess Howard Electric Co. for the Livingston Park Lighting Improvements, in accordance with plans and specifications on file in the Recreation and Parks Department.

SECTION 2. That the expenditure of $120,000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be and is hereby

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 58 of 207 authorized, to pay the cost thereof, as follows:

$120,000.00 Recreation and Parks Voted Bond Funds: Fund No. 702, Dept. 51-01, Project 440006, OCA Code 644526, and Object Level 3 No. 6621

SECTION 3. That for the purpose of paying for any contingencies which may occur during this project, the amount of $8,900.00 has been included in Section 2, above. This amount will be expended only after approval by the Director of the Recreation and Parks Department, certification by the City Auditor, and approval of the City Attorney.

SECTION 4. That for the reasons stated in the preamble hereto, which is hereby made a part hereof, this ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor, or ten days after passage if the Mayor neither approves nor vetoes the same.


Legislation Number: 0005X-2007

Drafting Date: 01/09/2007 Current Status: Passed

Version: 1 Matter Type: Resolution



To express our gratitude and deep appreciation to Cheryl L. Roberto for her nine years of exceptional service to the people of Columbus and Central Ohio upon her retirement as Director of the Department of Public Utilities.


WHEREAS, on November 11, 2003 Cheryl L. Roberto became the first female director of the City of Columbus, Public Utilities Department; and

WHEREAS, Cheryl's commitment to public service began in 1987 when she served as an Assistant Attorney General for the State of Ohio until 1992 and as Assistant Counsel for the Common Wealth of Pennsylvania from 1996-1997; and

WHEREAS, Cheryl's service to the citizens of the City of Columbus began in 1997 as an Assistant City Attorney to City Attorney Janet E. Jackson and then Policy Advisor to Mayor Michael B. Coleman; and

WHEREAS, as Director of the Department of Public Utilities, Cheryl and her staff safeguard the quality of life for our families and neighbors by providing safe drinking water, sewers that protect our environment and our homes, and street lights so that we feel secure; and

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 59 of 207 WHEREAS, Cheryl's list of accomplishments include the implementation of the city's first household sewer backup prevention program, Project Dry Basement; the development of a 40-year wet weather management plan to reduce sewer overflows and improve local waterways; the overhaul of the water rate structure and implementation of a low income discount program; the management of several green initiatives such as efforts to protect the Big Darby; the development of a Technology Master Plan for the Department of Public Utilities; and the reorganization of the department to improve efficiency and collaboration among employees; and

WHEREAS, as Cheryl looks forward to enjoying more time with her family; it is more than fitting for this Council to acknowledge her many contributions to the quality of life of Columbus as well as the affection of her many friends; now, therefore


That this Council does hereby express our gratitude and deep appreciation to Cheryl L. Roberto for her nine years of exceptional service to the people of Columbus and Central Ohio upon her retirement as Director of the Department of Public Utilities.

Legislation Number: 0006-2007

Drafting Date: 12/21/2006 Current Status: Passed

Version: 1 Matter Type: Ordinance

Explanation Background: This ordinance will authorize the transfer of $25,044.55 within the Voted 1999/2004 Parks and Recreation Bond Fund No. 702, and authorize the Director of Recreation and Parks to enter into a contract with Central Ohio Building Co. for the Barnett Park and Spray Ground Improvements.

Two bids were received by the Recreation and Parks Department on November 21st, 2006, for the Barnett Park Improvements as follows:

Status Amount Central Ohio Building Majority $1,070,700.00 Hopewell Constructors FBE $1,189,000.00

Services will include paving, parking expansion, new shelter, mechanical room, restroom renovations, sight lighting, sprayground, play equipment, site furnishings, trees, seeding, asphalt walk, and basketball court.

A contingency amount of $79,300.00 is being included in this project

Contract Compliance Number for Central Ohio Building Co. is #31-0814382

Emergency action is necessary to allow project to begin as soon as possible for Summer season opening.

Fiscal Impact: $1,150,000.00 is budgeted in the Recreation and Parks Voted 1999/2004 Bond Fund to meet the financial obligation of this project.

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 60 of 207 To authorize the transfer of $25,044.55 within the voted 1999/2004 Parks and Recreation Bond Fund, to authorize the Director of Recreation and Parks to enter into contract with Central Ohio Building Co. for the Barnett Park and Sprayground Improvements project, to authorize the expenditure of $1,150,000.00 from the Recreation and Parks Voted bond fund, to amend the 2006 Capital Improvements Budget, and to declare an emergency. ($1,150,000.00)

Body WHEREAS, bids were received by the Recreation and Parks Department on December 21st, 2006, and the contract for the Barnett Park Improvements will be awarded on the basis of the lowest and best responsive and responsible bidder; and

WHEREAS, an emergency exists in the usual daily operation of the Recreation and Parks Department in that it is immediately necessary to enter into contract to allow work to begin as soon as possible; now, therefore


SECTION 1. That the Director of Recreation and Parks be and he is hereby authorized and directed to enter into contract with Central Ohio Building Co. for the Barnett Park Improvements, in accordance with plans and specifications on file in the Recreation and Parks Department.

SECTION 2. That the City Auditor is hereby authorized to transfer $25,044.55 within the Voted 1999/2004 Parks and Recreation Bond Fund No. 702, from North Recreation Center Improvements, Project No. 510226, OCA Code 644526, Object Level 3 No. 6620 to Swimming Facility Improvements, Project No. 510011, OCA Code 644526, and Object Level 3 No. 6620.

SECTION 3. That the expenditure of $1,150,000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be and is hereby authorized, to pay the cost thereof, as follows:

$750,000.00 Recreation and Parks Voted Bond Funds: Fund No. 702, Dept. 51-01, Project 440006, OCA Code 644526, and Object Level 3 No. 6621

$400,000.00 Recreation and Parks Voted Bond Funds: Fund No. 702, Dept. 51-01, Project 510011, OCA 644526, and Object Level 3 No. 6621

SECTION 4. That for the purpose of paying for any contingencies which may occur during this project, the amount of $79,300.00 has been included in Section 2, above. This amount will be expended only after approval by the Director of the Recreation and Parks Department, certification by the City Auditor, and approval of the City Attorney.

SECTION 5. That the 2006 Capital Improvements Budget Ordiance No. 1108-2006, is hereby amended as follows, in order to provide sufficient budget authority for the execution of this legislation as well as previously approveed legislation:

CURRENT: Fund 702 Project 510035 / Facility Renovation / $2,429,328 (voted carryover only) Fund 747 Project 510035 / Facility Renovation / $2,714.00 (permanent improvement fund only) Fund 702 Project 510039 / Street Trees / $200,000.00 (voted carryover only) Fund 702 Project 510041 / Whittier Peninsula Office Relocation / $1,559,000.00 (voted carryover only) Fund 702 Project 510112 / Parkland Acquisition / $-(80,779.00) (voted carryover only) Fund 702 Project 510017 / Park and Playground Development / $1,206,384.00 (voted carryover only) Fund 747 Project 510017 / Park and Playground Development / $9,024.00 (permanent improvement fund only) Fund 747 Project 510117 / Park and Playground Development / $1,866.00 (permanent improvement fund only) Fund 702 Project 510011 / Swimming Facility Improvements / $687,019.00 (voted carryover only) Fund 702 Project 440006 / UIRF Improvements / $1,936,000.00 (voted carryover only)

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 61 of 207 Fund 702 Project 510316 / Greenway Projects / $1,662,784.00 (voted carryover only) Fund 702 Project 510429 / Golf Course Improvements / $611,588.00 (voted carryover only) Fund 702 Project 510323 / Reservoir Parks / $0.00 (voted carryover only) Fund 747 Project 747999 / Unallocated balance / $539,170.00 (permanent improvement fund only) Fund 702 Project 510226 / North Recreation Center / $-(77,184.00) (voted carryover only)

AMENDED TO: Fund 702 Project 510035 / Facility Renovation / $2,263,526.00 (voted carryover only) Fund 747 Project 510035 / Facility Renovation / $31,890.00 (permanent improvement fund only) Fund 702 Project 510039 / Street Trees / $200,953.00 (voted carryover only) Fund 702 Project 510041 / Whittier Office Relocation / $1,713,604.00 (voted carryover only) Fund 702 Project 510112 / Parkland Acquisition / $403.00 (voted carryover only) Fund 702 Project 510017 / Park and Playground Development/ $1,690,444.00 (voted carryover only) Fund 747 Project 510017 / Park and Playground Development/ $50,796.00 (permanent improvement fund only) Fund 747 Project 510117 / Park and Playground Development / $5,869.00 (permanent improvement fund only) Fund 702 Project 510011 / Swimming Facility Improvements / $714,053.55 (voted carryover only) Fund 702 Project 440006 / UIRF Improvements / $1,756,013.00 (voted carryover only) Fund 702 Project 510316 / Greenway Projects / $1,687,133.00 (voted carryover only) Fund 702 Project 510429 / Golf Course Improvements / $383,505.00 (voted carryover only) Fund 702 Project 510323 / Reservoir Parks / $231,072.00 (voted carryover only) Fund 747 Project 747999 / Unallocated balance / $603,670.00 (permanent improvement fund only) Fund 702 Project 510226 / North Recreation Center / $0.00 (voted carryover only)

SECTION 6. That for the reasons stated in the preamble hereto, which is hereby made a part hereof, this ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor, or ten days after passage if the Mayor neither approves nor vetoes the same.


Legislation Number: 0006X-2007

Drafting Date: 01/09/2007 Current Status: Passed

Version: 1 Matter Type: Resolution

Explanation [enter background and fiscal impact text here]

Title To proclaim Sunday, February 4, 2007, Four Chaplains Sunday in the City of Columbus.

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 62 of 207 Body WHEREAS, the Armed Services of the United States have always entreated the spiritual guidance of the American soldier and sailor to a Corp of dedicated Chaplains; and

WHEREAS, this February 4th marks the fifty-ninth anniversary of the sinking of the troop ship Dorchester, which carried to their deaths Four Chaplains of different faiths, who along with many sailors, met their deaths on that day; and

WHEREAS, these Four Chaplains, a Jewish rabbi, a Catholic Priest, a Methodist Minister and a Minister of the Dutch Reformed Church gave their own life-jackets to four soldiers and sacrificed their own lives for their fellow man; and

WHEREAS, it is fitting that on this anniversary, the Council of the City of Columbus give special recognition to the memory of these Four Chaplains and by so doing acknowledge all those who have served in similar circumstances; and

WHEREAS, the sacrifice of the Dorchester Chaplains is the best spirit of the Chaplain Corp in all branches of the American Armed Forces; now; therefore


That this Council does hereby proclaim Sunday, February 4, 2007, as Four Chaplains Sunday in Columbus, and urges the Columbus community to commemorate this day in honor of the Dorchester Chaplains and all those who have received spiritual guidance from the Chaplain Corp.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this Resolution be presented as a token of our esteem.

Legislation Number: 0007-2007

Drafting Date: 12/22/2006 Current Status: Passed

Version: 1 Matter Type: Ordinance

Explanation BACKGROUND: This ordinance appropriates $350,000.00 to the Franklin County Municipal Court Judges from the indigent driver alcohol treatment fund for 2007, to provide sufficient funds to pay the cost of attendance at court-ordered drug and alcohol treatment centers. The Alcohol, Drug Addiction, and Mental Health Services (ADAMH) Board administers the indigent driver alcohol treatment program of the Court, pursuant to Ohio Revised Code 4511.191 (H). This legislation is considered an emergency measure to ensure the continuation of uninterrupted payments to the treatment centers.

FISCAL IMPACT: There are sufficient funds available within the indigent driver alcohol treatment fund to support the requested appropriation level for 2007.

Title To authorize the appropriation of $350,000 from the indigent driver alcohol treatment fund to the Franklin County Municipal Court Judges, pursuant to the requirements of O.R.C. 4511.191 (H); and to declare an emergency. ($350,000.00)

Body Whereas, Ordinance No. 2070-90 was submitted by the City Attorney's Office and passed by Columbus City Council on

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 63 of 207 July 23, 1990, which established the indigent drivers alcohol treatment fund; and

Whereas, the Alcohol, Drug Addiction, and Mental Health Services (ADAMH) Board administers the indigent drivers alcohol treatment program of the Court, pursuant to O.R.C. 4511.191 (H); and

Whereas, an emergency exists in the usual daily operation of the Franklin County Municipal Court Judges in that it is immediately necessary to appropriate the aforementioned funds, in order to provide sufficient funds to pay the cost of attendance at court-ordered drug and alcohol treatment centers, thereby preserving the public health, peace, property, safety and welfare; Now, Therefore


Section 1. That from the unappropriated monies in special revenue fund known as the indigent driver alcohol treatment fund, fund number 225, subfund number 001, and from all monies estimated to come into said fund from any and all sources and unappropriated for any other purpose during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2007 the sum of $350,000.00 is appropriated to the Franklin County Municipal Court Judges, department 25 as follows: oca 250266 (indigent driver alcohol treatment fund), object level 1 - 03, object level 3 - 3336, $350,000.

Section 2. That the monies appropriated in the foregoing Section 1 shall be paid upon order of the Franklin County Court Judges; and that no order shall be drawn or money paid except by voucher, the form of which shall be approved by the City Auditor.

Section 3. That for the reasons stated in the preamble hereto, which is hereby made a part hereof, this ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor or ten days after passage if the Mayor neither approves nor vetoes the same.

Legislation Number: 0007X-2007

Drafting Date: 01/17/2007 Current Status: Passed

Version: 1 Matter Type: Resolution


Title To express the appreciation of the Council of the City of Columbus to Matthew D. Habash for his service to this Council and his commitment to the citizens of this City.


WHEREAS, Matthew D. Habash served as a member of Columbus City Council since 1993 and as Council President since 1999; and

WHEREAS, Matt Habash contributed valuable guidance, leadership and assistance to the many members of City Council, City Attorneys, City Auditor, and Mayors he has served along side; and

WHEREAS, under Matt Habash's leadership, City Council collaborated and partnered with many different organizations, across multi-jurisdictional boundaries, with the common goal of improving the quality of life for all citizens, including the enactment of a moratorium that led to a historic partnership to preserve the Big Darby; and

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 64 of 207 WHEREAS, Matt Habash, recognizing the need to create and sustain good paying jobs within the high-tech industry, led City Council to invest in the creation of the 315 Research + Technology Corridor, which is a collaborative initiative of government, academic and business interests in Central Ohio; and

WHEREAS, along with numerous other initiatives and partnerships, Matt Habash pioneered a collaborative effort to quadruple the number of bike trails miles in the region to 110 by 2010; and

WHEREAS, Matt Habash initiated a long-term strategic plan in the summer of 2000 to make Columbus City Council more responsive to the needs of citizens, revolutionize the way the public interacts with Council, and modernize Council operations; and

WHEREAS, Matt Habash, as the Executive Director of the Mid-Ohio FoodBank, continues to provides exemplary leadership and public service by coordinating the distribution of $30 million worth of food to over 500 charities in 20 Ohio Counties; now therefore,


That this Council does hereby recognize and express its appreciation to Matthew D. Habash, President of Columbus City Council, for his dedicated service and commitment to the citizens of Columbus.

Legislation Number: 0008X-2007

Drafting Date: 01/19/2007 Current Status: Passed

Version: 1 Matter Type: Ceremonial Resolution

Title To support the Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan for Franklin County (Emergency Management & Homeland Security)

Body WHEREAS, Franklin County has a history of experiencing damage from flooding, tornadoes, severe thunder storms, and winter storms resulting in loss of life, property loss, economic hardship, and threats to public health and safety;; and

WHEREAS, the Franklin County Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan has been developed over three years of research and work done by Franklin County Emergency Management and Homeland Security and representatives of various county and local governmental agencies, and stakeholder organizations; and

WHEREAS, the plan recommends many hazard mitigation actions, prepared and submitted by local jurisdictions, that will protect the people and property impacted by the natural hazards and threats faced by Franklin County; and

WHEREAS, adoption of a "Hazard Mitigation Plan," encompassing potential hazards facing various local jurisdictions, is a condition of eligibility to receive disaster relief funds, and similar other funds available through the Federal Emergency Management Agency, and other sources of such funding; now, therefore;


That Columbus City Council does hereby offer its approval and support of the Franklin County Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan.

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 65 of 207 Legislation Number: 0013-2007

Drafting Date: 12/27/2006 Current Status: Passed

Version: 1 Matter Type: Ordinance

Explanation BACKGROUND: This ordinance authorizes the Franklin County Municipal Court Administrative and Presiding Judge to modify and extend the contract with iSECUREtrac and to authorize the expenditure of up to $60,000 from the Municipal Court Judges 2007 general fund budget for electronic monitoring of indigent offenders in the Court's home confinement program.

In 2006, the Court was funded for a program to offer home incarceration as an alternative to jail when the Franklin County Court of Common Pleas discontinued extending its program to offenders of the Franklin County Municipal Court. As funded in 2006, the Court's program covered the cost of three probation officers and other incidental expenses with the assumption that the cost of monitoring would be borne by the offender. During the development of the program, it became clear that the Court needed to offer the program to individuals who could not pay the cost of the monitoring, but who otherwise would be eligible for such a program. Ordinance number 1345-2006 passed by City Council on July 24, 2006, authorized the contract and expenditure with iSECUREtrac for monitoring of indigent offenders during the program's pilot phase. As a result of delays in the contracting process and the delay in the start up of the Court's home confinement program, the Court requires additional time for a meaningful pilot phase.

The Court's initial contract with iSECUREtrac was for $60,000. The contract modification adds an additional $60,000 from the Court's 2007 general fund budget appropriations. iSECUREtrac, contract compliance # 870347787.

FISCAL IMPACT: This ordinance is contingent on passage of the Court's 2007 general fund budget. Funds are available within the Court's 2007 general fund appropriations for this purpose.

This legislation is considered an emergency measure to ensure that the contract is in place so that the Court may continue its electronic monitoring of indigent offenders without interruption.

Title To authorize and direct the Administrative and Presiding Judge of the Franklin County Municipal Court to modify and extend the contract with iSECUREtrac; to authorize the expenditure of up to $60,000 with iSECUREtrac for electronic monitoring of offenders; and to declare an emergency. ($60,000.00)

Body WHEREAS, the Franklin County Municipal Court has begun a program to provide home incarceration as an alternative to jail; and

WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of Franklin County Municipal Court that the Court offer the program to individuals who cannot pay the cost of the monitoring; and

WHEREAS, resources are available within the Franklin County Municipal Court's 2007 general fund budget to provide funding for the needed electronic monitoring services; and

WHEREAS, this ordinance is requested as an emergency to permit the continuation of needed services for the Court's home confinement program; and

WHEREAS, an emergency exists in the usual daily operation of the city, in that it is immediately necessary to modify and extend the contract and expenditure for electronic monitoring services with iSECUREtrac, thereby preserving the public health, peace, property, safety and welfare; Now, Therefore,

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 66 of 207 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLUMBUS:

SECTION 1. That the Administrative and Presiding Judge of the Franklin County Municipal Court be and is hereby authorized to modify and extend the contract with iSECUREtrac for electronic monitoring services for the period ending April 30, 2008.

SECTION 2. That the expenditure of $60,000 or as much thereof as may be necessary is hereby authorized from the Franklin County Municipal Court Judges, department number 2501, general fund, fund number 010 as follows: oca 250177, object level 1 - 03, object level 3 - 3431.

SECTION 3. That for the reasons stated in the preamble hereto, which is hereby made a part hereof, this ordinance is declared to be an emergency measure and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor, or ten days after passage if the Mayor neither approves nor vetoes the same.

Legislation Number: 0016-2007

Drafting Date: 12/28/2006 Current Status: Passed

Version: 1 Matter Type: Ordinance

Explanation This legislation authorizes the Public Service Director to establish an encumbrance within the Special Income Tax Fund to pay 2007 refuse tipping fees to the Solid Waste Authority of Central Ohio (SWACO) for the Refuse Collection Division. This expense is necessary to safely and contractually dispose of the refuse collected by the Division in the course of pursuing its mission by providing residential refuse collection services to over 325,000 households weekly.

The Finance Department has determined that $14,000,000.00 should be adequate for this purpose. This number is based on estimated refuse tonnage of 351,250 tons estimated to be taken to SWACO in 2007. Actual tonnage is susceptible to variables such as the weather and the number of households collected that cannot be absolutely predicted at this time. If necessary, additional legislation will be submitted to increase this amount later this year. Previous years' actual tipping fee expenditures totaled $10,866,348.70 (2003), $10,816,454.46 (2004), and $11,057,297.07 (2005). Through November 2006, actual expenditures totaled $11,943,315.38 and are expected to be $12,923,316.00 by the end of December. Tipping fee rates are determined by SWACO's established rate setting process. In January 2006, tipping fees increased $2.50 per ton. Effective January 1, 2007, SWACO will raise tipping fees by an additional $1.25 per ton.

Also, pursuant to the eighth (8th) modification to the Agreement between the City and SWACO, part of the tipping fees will help fund the expansion of the drop-off recycling program.

Formal competitive bidding requirements must be waived because refuse disposal services, other than those provided by SWACO, are available in the marketplace, however the City is bound by contract to tip at SWACO facilities.

This 2007 expense is budgeted within the Special Income Tax Fund.

Emergency action is requested to avoid delays of payment to SWACO that could result in the City incurring interest penalties as specified within the Agreement between the City and SWACO. Title To appropriate $14,000,000.00 within the Special Income Tax Fund; to authorize the Public Service Director to establish an encumbrance in this amount to pay 2007 refuse tipping fees to the Solid Waste Authority of Central Ohio for the Refuse Collection Division pursuant to an existing lease agreement; to authorize the expenditure of $14,000,000.00 or so much thereof as may be necessary from the Special Income Tax Fund; to waive the competitive bidding requirements of the Columbus City Code; and to declare an emergency. ($14,000,000.00) Body WHEREAS, the Refuse Collection Division must encumber funds to continue refuse tipping at the Solid Waste Authority of Central Ohio's facilities pursuant to the lease agreement between the City and the Authority for those facilities; and

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 67 of 207 WHEREAS, these funds must be appropriated within the Special Income Tax Fund; and

WHEREAS, an emergency exists in the usual daily operation of the Refuse Collection Division, Public Service Department, in that it is immediately necessary to establish an encumbering document with the Solid Waste Authority of Central Ohio for 2007 refuse disposal services to avoid incurring interest penalties due to late payments, thereby preserving the public health, peace, property, safety and welfare; now, therefore,


SECTION 1. That the sum of $14,000,000.00 be and hereby is appropriated from the unappropriated balance of Fund 430, the Special Income Tax Fund, and from all monies estimated to come into said Fund from any and all sources and unappropriated for any other purpose during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2007, to Department No. 59-02, Public Service Department, Refuse Collection Division, Object Level One Code 03, Object Level Three Code 3389 and OCA Codes 593715 - Alum Creek($4,666,667.00), 593954 -Georgesville Road (4,666,667.00) and 594341- Morse Road ($4,666,666.00).

SECTION 2. That the monies appropriated in Section 1 shall be paid upon order of the Public Service Director and that no order shall be drawn or money paid except by voucher, the form of which shall be approved by the City Auditor.

SECTION 3. That the Public Service Director be and hereby is authorized to establish an encumbrance with the Solid Waste Authority of Central Ohio for 2007 refuse tipping services for the Refuse Collection Division at the various rate charges assigned to each tipping location and any legal subsequently adjusted rates.

SECTION 4. Pursuant to the eighth (8th) modification to the agreement between the City and SWACO, part of the tipping fees will help fund the expansion of the drop-off recycling program.

SECTION 5. That the expenditure of $14,000,000.00.00 or so much thereof as may be needed be and hereby is authorized from Fund 430, the Special Income Tax Fund, Department No. 59-02, Public Service Department, Refuse Collection Division, Object Level One Code 03, Object Level Three Code 3389 and OCA Codes 593715 ($4,666,667.00), 593954 ($4,666,667.00) and 594341 ($4,666,666.00).

SECTION 6. That in accordance with Section 329.27 of the Columbus City Code, City Council has determined that it is in the best interest of the City of Columbus that Section 329.06 relating to formal competitive bidding requirements be waived and hereby waives said section.

SECTION 7. That for the reasons stated in the preamble hereto, which is hereby made a part hereof, this ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor or ten days after passage if the Mayor neither approves nor vetoes the same.

Legislation Number: 0022-2007

Drafting Date: 12/29/2006 Current Status: Passed

Version: 1 Matter Type: Ordinance

Explanation M/I Homes of Central Ohio, LLC, an Ohio Limited Liability Company, by Stephen M. Caplinger, Vice President Land Operations, has submitted the plat titled The Lakes at Taylor Station Section 2 Part 1, to the City Engineer's Office for review and approval. This plat has been reviewed and approved by the City Engineer. The following legislation allows the City to accept said plat for property located north of East Broad Street and east of Taylor Station Road.

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 68 of 207 Title To accept the plat titled The Lakes at Taylor Station Section 2 Part 1, from M/I Homes of Central Ohio, LLC, an Ohio Limited Liability Company by Stephen M. Caplinger, Vice President Land Operations; and to declare an emergency.

Body WHEREAS, the plat titled The Lakes at Taylor Station Section 2 Part 1 (hereinafter "plat"), has been submitted to the City Engineer's Office for approval and acceptance; and

WHEREAS, M/I Homes of Central Ohio, LLC, an Ohio Limited Liability Company, by Stephen M. Caplinger, Vice President Land Operations, owner of the platted land, desires to dedicate to the public use all easements shown on said plat and not heretofore so dedicated; and

WHEREAS, after examination, it has been found to be in the best interest of the City to accept said plat; and

WHEREAS, an emergency exists in the usual daily operation of the Public Service Department, Transportation Division, in that it is immediately necessary to authorize the acceptance of this plat so development of this subdivision can proceed as currently scheduled thereby preserving the public health, peace, property, safety and welfare; now, therefore


Section 1. That the plat titled The Lakes at Taylor Station Section 2 Part 1 on file in the office of the City Engineer, Transportation Division, be and the same is hereby accepted.

Section 2. That for the reasons stated in the preamble hereto, which is hereby made a part hereof, this ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor or ten days after passage if the Mayor neither approves nor vetoes the same.

Legislation Number: 0034-2007

Drafting Date: 01/02/2007 Current Status: Passed

Version: 1 Matter Type: Ordinance

ExplanationThe Public Service Department, Refuse Collection Division, is constructing storm water pollution protection systems at 2100 Alum Creek Drive. The Alum Creek facility is exposed to storm water drainage during rainfall events. Due to the nature of the operations at this specific site - truck storage, maintenance and fueling activities - storm water runoff could be affected by inadvertent spills. The accumulation of anti-freeze, oil, grease, and hydraulic fluids may result in contamination of storm water runoff to Alum Creek.

In compliance with provisions of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, a Storm Water Management Program and Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) was prepared in accordance with good engineering practices and is being implemented at the Alum Creek Refuse Collection Facility. Professional engineering services are required to fully implement the provisions of the SWPPP. When fully implemented the designed systems will control , minimize, and eliminate, where possible, contamination of storm water discharging from the site as a result of vehicle fueling, storage, servicing, and maintenance activities.

This legislation authorizes the Public Service Director to enter into a contract for the Refuse Collection Division for a

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 69 of 207 professional services engineering contract for the Alum Creek Storm Water Pollution Protection Systems with Prime Engineering & Architecture, Inc. in the amount of $140,473.52. A professional services contract for engineering is needed to assure timely completion of the design, as the Refuse Collection Division does not maintain adequate staff or all of the various disciplines necessary to complete such design in house.

The selection process for the professional service contract was completed in accordance with provisions of Chapter 329 of the City Code, 1959. Four majority firms and four minority firms submitted proposals. The evaluation committee determined that Prime Engineering & Architecture, Inc., (FBE) contract compliance number 31-1373357 (expires January 20, 2008) submitted the best overall proposal at a competitive price for this work.

Fiscal Impact: Funds in the amount of $140,473.52 are budgeted and available in the Refuse Collection Division's 2006 Capital Improvements Budget in the 1995, 1999, 2004 Voted Refuse Collection Fund, Fund 703.

Emergency action is requested so that this project can proceed in a timely manner and keep commitments made to the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency. Design work completion is anticipated by April 30, 2007. The scheduled completion date for construction is October 31, 2007. The construction contract will be formally bid. TitleTo authorize the Public Service Director to enter into a contract with Prime Engineering & Architecture, Inc. for the design of the Alum Creek Storm Water Pollution Prevention Systems for the Refuse Collection Division; to authorize the expenditure of $140,473.52 from the 1995, 1999, 2004 Voted Refuse Collection Fund; and to declare an emergency. ($140,473.52) BodyWHEREAS, there is a need to construct storm water pollution prevention systems at a Refuse Collection Division location; and

WHEREAS, the Public Service Director has identified the need to enter into a professional service contract for the design of the storm water pollution prevention systems at 2100 Alum Creek Drive; and

WHEREAS, a satisfactory proposal has been submitted by Prime Engineering & Architecture, Inc.; and

WHEREAS, an emergency exists in the usual daily operation of the Public Service Department, Refuse Collection Division, in that the contract should be awarded immediately so that the design work may proceed without delay in order that required reconstruction of the stormwater drainage and adjacent improvements can be begin, thereby preserving the public health, peace, property, safety and welfare; now, therefore


SECTION 1. That the Public Service Director be and hereby is authorized to enter into a contract with Prime Engineering & Architecture, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $140,473.52 for the design of the Alum Creek Storm Water Pollution Prevention Systems.

SECTION 2. That for the purpose of paying the cost thereof, the sum of $140,473.52 or so much thereof as may be needed, be and hereby is authorized to be expended from Fund 703, the 1995, 1999, 2004 Voted Refuse Collection Fund, Department No. 59-02, Refuse Collection Division, Object Level One Code 06, Object Level Three Code 6682, OCA Code 644419 and Project 520001.

SECTION 3. That for the reasons stated in the preamble hereto, which is hereby made a part hereof, this ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor or ten days after passage if the Mayor neither approves nor vetoes the same.

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 70 of 207 Legislation Number: 0038-2007

Drafting Date: 01/03/2007 Current Status: Passed

Version: 1 Matter Type: Ordinance

Explanation BACKGROUND: The approved 2007 City of Columbus Consolidated Plan (Ord. 1748-2006) includes activities for both the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) entitlement subfund and the CDBG revolving loan subfund. Total estimated resources in these two subfunds support the 2007 Consolidated Plan budget, however a transfer of cash is needed from the revolving loan subfund to the entitlement subfund to properly align resources with programs. This ordinance authorizes the transfer.

FISCAL IMPACT: Cash on hand and anticipated revenues in the revolving loan subfund exceed planned expenditures in the subfund to the extent that $991,706 is available for transfer to the entitlement subfund to support budgeted activities.

This legislation is presented as an emergency for the effective implementation of 2007 CDBG programs and city operations.

Title To authorize the transfer of $991,706 (cash only) from the CDBG subfund known as the Revolving Loan Fund to the CDBG subfund known as the Entitlement Fund to provide resources for all approved 2007 CDBG program activities, and to declare an emergency. ($991,706)

Body WHEREAS, CDBG revolving loan fund cash on hand and anticipated revenues exceed planned expenditures in the revolving loan subfund and are available to support planned expenditures in the entitlement subfund; and

WHEREAS, an emergency exists in the usual daily operation of the Department of Finance and Management, in that it is immediately necessary to transfer the aforementioned funds, thereby preserving the public health, peace, property, safety and welfare; Now, Therefore


SECTION 1. That the City Auditor is hereby directed to transfer cash only in the amount of $991,706 from Fund 248, Subfund 002, OCA 452482 to Fund 248, Subfund 001, OCA 452481.

SECTION 2. That for the reasons stated in the preamble hereto, which is hereby made a part hereof, this ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor or ten days after passage if the Mayor neither approves nor vetoes the same.

Legislation Number: 0039-2007

Drafting Date: 01/03/2007 Current Status: Passed

Version: 1 Matter Type: Ordinance

Explanation BACKGROUND: This ordinance appropriates monies within the Community Development Block Grant Fund (CDBG)

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 71 of 207 to various departments and offices of the government of the City of Columbus for the twelve months ending December 31, 2007. The CDBG appropriation is $73,841 more than the 2007 Action Plan (Ord. 1748-2006). Funding for the Columbus Compact has been restored to the 2006 level and 2006 interest earnings which must be remitted to HUD in 2007 are higher than originally projected. Year-end carryover monies will be used for this additional appropriation.

FISCAL IMPACT: This legislation totals $11,937,687 for the 2007 CDBG programs. These amounts are supported by 2007 estimates of HUD entitlement awards, housing and economic development loan repayments, reprogramming of prior year projects, and other miscellaneous revenues.

This legislation is presented as an emergency for the effective implementation of 2007 CDBG programs and city operations.

Title To authorize an appropriation of $11,937,687 in various divisions and object levels of the Community Development Block Grant Fund, to provide funding for approved programs, and to declare an emergency ($11,937,687).

Body WHEREAS, an emergency exists in the usual daily operation of the Department of Finance and Management, in that it is immediately necessary to appropriate the aforementioned funds, thereby preserving the public health, peace, property, safety and welfare; Now, Therefore


SECTION 1. That from the unappropriated monies in the fund known as the Community Development Block Grant Fund, Fund No. 248, Subfund 001, and from all monies estimated to come into said fund from any and all sources during the 12 months ending December 31, 2007, there be and hereby is appropriated to the following divisions the following sums:

(Refer to Attachment 0039-2007section1)

SECTION 2. That from the unappropriated monies in the fund known as the Community Development Block Grant Fund, Fund No. 248, Subfund 002, and from all monies estimated to come into said fund from any and all sources during the 12 months ending December 31, 2007, there be and hereby is appropriated to the following divisions the following sums:

(Refer to Attachment 0039-2007section2)

SECTION 3. That the monies appropriated in the foregoing Section 1 and Section 2 shall be paid upon the order of the respective department directors or elected officials for which the appropriations are made, except that small claims in amounts not to exceed Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500.00) may be paid as authorized by Chapter 335 of the Columbus City Code, 1959, as amended; and except that payments or transfers between departments, divisions or funds of the City may be made by the City Auditor; and except that payments for premiums for official bonds, depository commissions, employees' hospitalization, life insurance, pensions, dental insurance and prepaid legal services, shall be made on the order and approval of the Director of the Department of Finance and Management or City Auditor; and that no order shall be drawn or money paid except upon voucher, the form of which shall be approved by the City Auditor.

SECTION 4. Except in the matter of payrolls providing for the payment of the salaries of officers and employees regularly employed by the City and extraordinary emergencies, no warrant shall be issued in liquidation of vouchers, unless the department contracting the expense shall have first obtained an order duly certified that there are sufficient funds appropriated to the credit of the proper funds from which the expenditure is to be made, which certificate must be obtained prior to the incurrence of the obligation, and the head of any department or division authorized to contract expenditures will be held personally responsible for any obligation incurred contrary to the provisions of this section. Except that such

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 72 of 207 certificate shall not be issued for obligations pertaining to "Capital Outlay" in programs or activities funded by federal or state categorical grants without the prior approval of the Director of the Department of Finance and Management; such prior approval must be obtained before submission of any requisition for items coded as "Capital Outlay" to the Department of Finance and Management. The Director of the Department of Finance and Management will review such requests for conformity with the approved budget.

SECTION 5. That it is understood that this Council is not making specific appropriations for each item of every classification herein before contained but only for the total for each department and subdepartment, as shown in the final column. The itemized classification shall, however, constitute limitations on the powers of the several department heads as granted in Section 3, and no such officer shall make any expenditure for any other purpose in any amount beyond that of the particular classification; provided, however, that transfers may be made from Object Level 1 to another, within any one department or division. Transfers of sums exceeding $25,000 shall be authorized only by ordinance of Council. Transfers of sums of $25,000 or less shall be approved by letter with the signatures of the head of the department, the Director of the Department of Finance and Management, the City Auditor and the Chairman of the Finance Committee.

SECTION 6. That the City Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to pay obligations of various departments pertaining to preceding years obligations from current appropriations up to a maximum of $25,000.00 per obligation.

SECTION 7. That for the reasons stated in the preamble hereto, which is hereby made a part hereof, this ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor or ten days after passage if the Mayor neither approves nor vetoes the same.

Legislation Number: 0041-2007

Drafting Date: 01/04/2007 Current Status: Passed

Version: 1 Matter Type: Ordinance

Explanation January 4, 2007 BACKGROUND: This ordinance authorizes the appropriation of $1,029,807 in the Health Department Grants Fund for fiscal year 2007. This is the annual appropriation ordinance for Health Department Grants that allows for the continued operations of the various grant programs the Health Department provided in 2006. Additionally, this ordinance authorizes the transfer of appropriation authority within the specified grants to properly align object level one appropriation with projected expenses and to facilitate grant close-outs.

Emergency action is requested to allow the financial transaction to be posted in the City's accounting system as soon as possible. Up to date financial posting promotes accurate accounting and financial management.

FISCAL IMPACT: These grant projects are funded through Federal, State, and County grant awards. Some grant projects collect fees and some are subsidized by donations.

Title To make appropriation for the twelve months ending December 31, 2007, for the Health Department Grants Fund, to the Department of Health, in various projects and object level ones, for the continued operations of grant programs, and to declare an emergency. ($1,029,807)

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 73 of 207 Body

WHEREAS, this ordinance is submitted as an emergency so as to allow the financial transaction to be posted in the City's accounting system as soon as possible. Up to date financial posting promotes accurate accounting and financial management; and,

WHEREAS, an emergency exists in the usual daily operation of the Columbus Health Department in that it is immediately necessary to appropriate these funds to the Health Department for the immediate preservation of the public health, peace, property, safety, and welfare; Now, therefore:


SECTION 1. That from the monies in the fund known as the Health Department Grants Fund, Fund No. 251, and from all monies estimated to come into said fund from any and all sources during the 12 months ending December 31, 2007, there be and hereby are appropriated for the Object Level Ones for which the corporation has to provide the following sums for use during the 12 months ending December 31, 2007:

State Health Subsidy Object OCA Grant No. Level 1 Purpose Amount

500066 508001 01 Personnel $211,869 500066 508001 02 Materials-Operation & Maint. $ 2,740 500066 508001 03 Services-Operations & Maint. $ 8,592

Total for Grant No. 508001 $223,201

Child & Family Health Services

Object OCA Grant No. Level 1 Purpose Amount

506018 506018 01 Personnel $ 20,000 506018 506018 05 Other Expenditures $155,000

Total for Grant No. 506018 $175,000

Women's Health Initiative Object OCA Grant No. Level 1 Purpose Amount

507058 507058 01 Personnel $ 10,000 507058 507058 02 Materials-Operation & Maint. $ 30,000 507058 507058 03 Services-Operations & Maint. $ 20,000

Total for Grant No. 507058 $ 60,000

STD Control

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 74 of 207 Object OCA Grant No. Level 1 Purpose Amount

506003 506003 01 Personnel $ 400

Total for Grant No. 506003 $ 400

Help Me Grow Object OCA Grant No. Level 1 Purpose Amount

506146 506146 01 Personnel $ 28,846

Total for Grant No. 506146 $ 28,846

FCCS Intake & Investigation Object OCA Grant No. Level 1 Puurpose Amount

507021 507021 01 Personnel $158,877 507021 507021 03 Services-Operations & Maint. $ 5,200

Total for Grant No. 507021 $164,077

Cardiovascular Health Object OCA Grant No. Level 1 Purpose Amount

507040 507040 01 Personnel $137,406 507040 507040 02 Materials-Operation & Maint. $ 1,500 507040 507040 03 Services-Operations & Maint. $ 29,594

Total for Grant No. 507040 $168,500

Women, Infant, and Children (WIC) Object OCA Grant No. Level 1 Purpose Amount

506016 506016 02 Materials-Operation & Maint. $ 13,000

Total for Grant No. 506016 $ 13,000


Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 75 of 207 Object OCA Grant No. Level 1 Purpose Amount

506023 506023 02 Materials-Operation & Maint. $ 2,000

Total for Grant No. 506023 $ 2,000

Ohio Childhood Auto Safety Program Object OCA Grant No. Level 1 Purpose Amount

503045 508040 02 Materials-Operation & Maint. $ 12,560

Total for Grant No. 508040 $ 12,560

Tuberculosis Prevention and Control/Elimination Object OCA Grant No. Level 1 Purpose Amount

507004 507004 01 Personnel $ 52,756

Total for Grant No. 507004 $ 52,756

TB Skin Testing Object OCA Grant No. Level 1 Purpose Amount

507104 507104 01 Personnel $ 75,000 507104 507104 02 Materials-Operation & Maint. $ 1,000

Total for Grant No. 507104 $ 76,000

Chemical Emergency Preparedness Advisory Council Object OCA Grant No. Level 1 Purpose Amount

502963 508052 01 Personnel $ 53,467

Total for Grant No. 508052 $ 53,467

SECTION 2. That the City Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to transfer $137,212 within the Health Department Grants Fund, Fund No. 251, Department of Health, Department No. 50-01, as follows:

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 76 of 207 TRANSFERS FROM

Public Health Infrastructure Object OCA Grant No. Level 1 Purpose Amount

507045 507045 01 Personnel $137,212

TRANSFERS TO Object OCA Grant No. Level 1 Purpose Amount

507045 507045 02 Materials-Operation & Maint. $ 2,000 507045 507045 03 Services-Operations & Maint. $135,212

SECTION 3. That the monies appropriated in the foregoing Section 2 shall be paid upon the order of the Health Commissioner except that small claims in an amount not to exceed Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00) may be paid as authorized by Chapter 335 of the Columbus City Code, 1985, as amended; and except that payments or transfers between departments, divisions or funds of the City may be made by the City Auditor; and except that payments for premiums for official bonds, depository commissions, employees' hospitalization, life insurance, pension, dental insurance and prepaid legal services, shall be made on the order and approval of the Director of the Department of Finance or City Auditor; and that no order shall be drawn or money paid except upon voucher, the form of which shall be approved by the City Auditor.

SECTION 4. Except in the matter of payrolls providing for the payment of salaries of officers and employees regularly employed by the City and extraordinary emergencies, no warrant shall be issued in liquidation of vouchers, unless the department contracting the expense shall have first obtained an order duly certified that there are sufficient funds appropriated to the credit of the proper fund from which the expenditure is to be made, which certificate must be obtained prior to the incurrence of the obligation, and the head of any department or division authorized to contract expenditures will be held personally responsible for any obligation incurred contrary to the provisions of this section. Such certificate shall not be issued for obligations pertaining to "Capital Outlay" in programs or activities funded by federal or state categorical grants without the prior approval of the Director of the Department of Finance.

SECTION 5. That with the exception of the provisos (reasons) established in previous sections, as stated in the reason paragraphs following each subdepartment's appropriation, it is understood that this Council is not making specific appropriations for each item of every classification hereinbefore contained but only for the total for each department and subdepartment, as shown in the final column. The itemized classification shall, however, constitute limitations on the powers of the Health Commissioner as granted in Section 3 and no such officer shall make any expenditure for any other purpose in any amount beyond that of the particular classification, provided, however, that transfers may be made from one Object Level 1 to another, within any one department or division. Transfers of sums exceeding $25,000.00 shall be authorized only by the resolution of Council. Transfers of sums of $25,000.00 or less, shall be approved by letter over the signatures of the Health Commissioner, the Director of the Department of Finance and Management, the City Auditor, and the Chairman of the Committee of Finance and Administration.

SECTION 6. That the City Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to pay obligations of various departments pertaining to preceding years' obligations from current appropriations up to a maximum of $25,000.00 per obligation.

SECTION 7. That for reasons stated in the preamble hereto, which is hereby made a part hereof, this ordinance is declared to be an emergency measure and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor, or ten days after passage if the Mayor neither approves nor vetoes the same

Legislation Number: 0044-2007

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 77 of 207 Drafting Date: 01/05/2007 Current Status: Passed

Version: 1 Matter Type: Ordinance

Explanation Background: This ordinance provides for the appropriation of funds from the unappropriated balance of the Recreation and Parks Special Purpose Fund for the purchase of various supplies, services, and equipment in 2007 which are supported by donations and fees.

This ordinance is submitted as an emergency in order to have funding available for necessary 2007 expenditures.

Fiscal Impact: The fiscal impact of this ordinance will be to reduce the Special Purpose Fund's unappropriated balance by $82,613.00.

Title To authorize an appropriation of $82,613.00 from the unappropriated balance of the Recreation and Parks Special Purpose Fund to the Recreation and Parks Department for the purchase of various supplies, services, and equipment in 2007 which are supported by donations and fees, and to declare an emergency. ($82,613.00)

Body WHEREAS, an emergency exists in the usual daily operation of the Recreation and Parks Department in that it is immediately necessary to appropriate said funds to have funding available in 2007 for necessary expenditures; now, therefore


Section 1. That from the unappropriated monies in the Recreation and Parks Special Purpose Fund No. 223, and from all monies estimated to come into said fund from any and all sources and unappropriated for any other purpose during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2007, the sum of $82,613.00 is appropriated to the Recreation and Parks Department, Department No. 51-01, as follows:

Object Project Title Sub-Fund OCA Code Level 3 Amount Christopher Columbus Invitational 052 511873 1101 $ 7,000.00 052 511873 2269 29,613.00 052 511873 3375 18,000.00 052 511873 6651 28,000.00 $ 82,613.00

Section 2. That the monies in the foregoing Section 1 shall be paid upon order of the Director of Recreation and Parks, and that no order shall be drawn or money paid except by voucher, the form of which shall be approved by the City Auditor.

Section 3. That for the reasons stated in the preamble hereto, which is hereby made a part hereof, this ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor, or ten days after passage if the Mayor neither approves nor vetoes the same.

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 78 of 207 Legislation Number: 0086-2007

Drafting Date: 01/10/2007 Current Status: Passed

Version: 1 Matter Type: Ordinance

Explanation BACKGROUND: This ordinance authorizes the Finance and Management Director to enter into contract for the Facilities Management Division with Flooring Foundations, LLC for the renovation and installation of flooring at City buildings. Formal proposals were solicited on November 15, 2006, and three bids were received on November 28, 2006. The companies that bid were Flooring Foundations, LLC (FBE), All Pro Floor Services of Ohio, Ltd. (Female), and Flooring Logistics. The bids of both All Pro and Flooring Logistics were deemed unresponsive. Flooring Logistics attempted to change its labor pricing after the bidding period was closed. All Pro failed to show a good faith effort to comply with the City's contract compliance certification program by failing to register its subcontractors within seven days after the bid submittal date, as explained explicitly in the bid document.

The Facilities Management Division recommends the contract award to the most responsive and responsible, lowest and best bidder, Flooring Foundations, LLC. Their rates were as follows: Standard Hourly Rate - $44.25, Overtime Rate - $59.50, Premium Rate - $69.00, Standard Hourly Rate for Furniture Moving - $35.40, Overtime Rate for Furniture Moving - $50.75, Premium Rate for Furniture Moving - $68.45, 26 oz. face weight base bid carpet - $12.96/square yard, 30 oz. face weight cut pile carpet - $19.48/square yard if installed over pad and $14.14/square yard if glued down, 1/8" vinyl comp. floor tile - $67.50/carton or $1.50/square foot, upgrade backing - $13.20/square yard, carpet pad - $5.34/square yard, attached cushion in place of pad - $7.14/square yard, 4" vinyl base - $1.41/lineal feet, removal of existing glue down carpet - $2.95/square yard, removal of existing carpet over pd - $3.70/square yard, removal of vinyl base, $0.37/lineal foot, and removal of vinyl comp. tile - $0.70/square foot.

The renovations will consist of the removal of existing carpeting/floor tile and any existing vinyl/rubber cove base, preparation of the floor for installation of new flooring, and the installation of new flooring. The term of the contract is one year upon notification of the award of the contract, with three additional one year renewal options.

This ordinance also cancels the balance of $13,127.00 on EL005509 (AC024591) for Commercial Flooring Solutions. Ordinance 0999-2005, passed June 30, 2005, authorized a contract in the amount of $70,000.00 with Commercial Flooring Solutions for Police Division locations. Commercial Flooring Solutions recently went out of business. Therefore, it is necessary for Flooring Foundations, LLC to complete the work. The ordinance also amends the 2006 Police Division Capital Improvements Budget.

Emergency action is requested in order to update offices in City Hall that are currently uninhabitable.

Fiscal Impact: The Finance and Management Director, Office of Construction Management, budgeted $1,000,000.00 for various renovations in the Capital Improvement Budget. The Police Division has $13,127.00 available from the cancellation of a previous Auditor's Certificate. The cost of this contract is $213,127.00. Flooring Foundations, LLC Contract Compliance Number 80-0083697, expiration date 12/18/2008.

Title To amend the 2006 Capital Improvements Budget; to authorize the cancellation of $13,127.00 from an existing EL005509 (AC024591) associated with the Safety Voted Bond Fund; to authorize the Finance and Management Director to enter into contract for the Facilities Management Division for flooring renovations of various areas in City buildings with Flooring Foundations, LLC; to authorize the expenditure of $200,000.00 from the Construction Management Capital Improvement Fund, to authorize the expenditure of $13,127.00 from the Safety Voted Bond Fund; and to declare an emergency. ($213,127.00)

Body WHEREAS, the flooring at various City buildings is in disrepair and in need of renovation, and

WHEREAS, formal competitive bids were advertised and received by the Facilities Management Division for the

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 79 of 207 renovation and installation of flooring at various City buildings, and

WHEREAS, the Facilities Management Division recommends the most responsive and responsible, lowest and best bidder, Flooring Foundations, LLC, for the renovation of flooring in City buildings, and

WHEREAS, it is necessary to amend the 2006 Capital Improvements Budget, and

WHEREAS, it is necessary to reallocate funding by the cancellation of a previous purchase order in the Safety Voted Bond Fund in order to complete flooring projects in Police Division buildings, and

WHEREAS, an emergency exists in the usual daily operation of the Finance and Management Department, Facilities Management Division, in that it is immediately necessary to enter into contract for flooring renovations, thereby preserving the public health, peace, property, safety, and welfare; now, therefore:


SECTION 1. That the 2006 Capital Improvement Budget is hereby amended as follows:

CURRENT CIB: Dept/Div: 30-03|Fund: 701|Project Number 330021|Project Name - Police Facility Renovation|Amount $825,000

REVISED CIB: Dept/Div: 30-03|Fund: 701|Project Number 330021|Project Name - Police Faciltiy Renovation|Amount $838,127

SECTION 2. That the City Auditor is hereby authorized to cancel the sum of $13,127.00 from an existing EL 005509 (AC024591) originally established in the amount of $70,000.00 with Commercial Flooring Solutions.

SECTION 3. That the Finance and Management Director is hereby authorized to contract with Flooring Foundations, LLC for flooring renovation and installation at various City buildings.

SECTION 4. That the expenditure of $213,127.00, or so much thereof that may be necessary in regard to the action authorized in SECTION 3, be and is hereby authorized and approved as follows:

Division: 45-50 Fund: 733 Project: 570030 OCA Code: 733000 Object Level 1: 06 Object Level 3: 6620 Amount: $200,000.00

Division: 30-03 Fund: 701 Project: 330021 OCA Code: 644476 Object Level 1: 06 Object Level 3: 6620 Amount: $13,127.00

SECTION 5. That for reasons stated in the preamble hereto, which is hereby made a part hereof, this ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor, or ten days after passage if the mayor neither approves or vetoes the same.

Legislation Number: 0087-2007

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 80 of 207 Drafting Date: 01/10/2007 Current Status: Passed

Version: 1 Matter Type: Ordinance

Explanation Dominion Homes, Inc., an Ohio corporation, by Joseph A. Sugar III, Vice President Land Acquisitions, has submitted the plat titled Haydens Crossing Section 3 Part 2 to the City Engineer's Office for review and approval. This plat has been reviewed and approved by the City Engineer. The following legislation allows the City to accept said plat for property located north of Hayden Run Road and east of Cosgray Road.

Title To accept the plat titled Haydens Crossing Section 3 Part 2, from Dominion Homes, Inc., an Ohio corporation, by Joseph A. Sugar III, Vice President Land Acquisitions; and to declare an emergency.

Body WHEREAS, the plat titled Haydens Crossing Section 3 Part 2, (hereinafter "plat"), has been submitted to the City Engineer's Office for approval and acceptance; and

WHEREAS, Dominion Homes, Inc., an Ohio corporation, by Joseph A. Sugar III, Vice President Land Acquisitions, owners of the platted land, desires to dedicate to the public use all or such parts of the Avenue and easements shown on said plat and not heretofore so dedicated; and

WHEREAS, after examination, it has been found to be in the best interest of the City to accept said plat; and

WHEREAS, an emergency exists in the usual daily operation of the Public Service Department, Transportation Division, in that it is immediately necessary to authorize the acceptance of this plat so development of this subdivision can proceed as currently scheduled thereby preserving the public health, peace, property, safety and welfare; now, therefore


Section 1. That the plat titled Haydens Crossing Section 3 Part 2 on file in the office of the City Engineer, Transportation Division, be and the same is hereby accepted.

Section 2. That for the reasons stated in the preamble hereto, which is hereby made a part hereof, this ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor or ten days after passage if the Mayor neither approves nor vetoes the same.

Legislation Number: 0130-2007

Drafting Date: 01/20/2007 Current Status: Passed

Version: 1 Matter Type: Ordinance

Title To amend Chapter 111 of the Columbus City Codes, 1959, as it relates to the Standing Committees of Council; and to declare an emergency.

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 81 of 207 Body WHEREAS, it is necessary to amend the Columbus City Codes, 1959, as it relates to the Standing Committees of the Columbus City Council; and

WHEREAS, all other aspects of Chapter 111.04 of the Columbus City Codes, 1959 will remain the same; and

WHEREAS, an emergency exists in the City of Columbus in that it is immediately necessary to amend Columbus City Codes, 1959 as it relates to Standing Committess of Columbus City Council for the immediate preservation of the public health, peace, property, safety and welfare; now therefore


Section 1. That existing Section 111.04 of the Columbus City Codes, 1959 is hereby amended to read as follows:

111.04 Standing Committees.

All Standing Committees and the Chairperson thereof shall be appointed by the President of City Council unless the motion creating the Committee provides for a different method of appointment.

Standing Committees shall be as follows and be composed of the number of members herein designated:

Finance Committee, four members Jobs and Economic Development Committee, four members Development Committee, four members Administration Committee, four members Health, Housing & Human Services Committee, four members Public Service & Transportation Committee, four members Recreation and Parks Committee, four members Rules & Reference Committee, four members Safety & Judiciary Committee, four members Judiciary Committee, four members Workforce Development Committee, four members Utilities Committee, four members Zoning Committee, all members

Committees shall meet at times fixed by the President of City Council or the Chairperson of the Committee.

All appointments and removals made by the Mayor which are subject to the confirmation or approval by the City Council shall be referred to the Rules & Reference Committee.

Section 2. That for the reasons stated in the preamble hereto which is hereby made a part hereof, this ordinance is declared to be an emergency measure and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor or ten days after passage if the Mayor neither approves not vetoes the same.

Legislation Number: 1210-2006

Drafting Date: 06/26/2006 Current Status: Passed

Version: 1 Matter Type: Ordinance


Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 82 of 207 It is the intent of the Division of Fire, Bureau of Fire Prevention to set fees for inspections, services, and plan review established by Ordinance 2049-95, to reflect costs associated with providing these services. The existing fee structure was reviewed, some new fees proposed and existing fees increased to reflect these costs. FISCAL IMPACT: Revised and new fees more accurately reflect the Fire Division's costs associated with providing these services. And in some cases will result in the Division recovering overtime costs associated with these services for the General Fu TitleTo amend various sections of the City of Columbus Fire Prevention Code (Title Twenty-five), relating to the fees charged for plan review, inspections, and other services. BodyWhereas, the existing fees for services rendered by the Division of Fire, established by Ordinance 2049-95, are outdated and do not reflect the Division's costs, and

Whereas, the costs of all services rendered by the Division of Fire associated with the development process and certain other special inspections and services are to more accurately reflect actual costs now, therefore

Whereas, an emergency exists in the usual daily operation of the Division of Fire, Department of Public Safety in that all services associated with the development process and other special inspections and services rendered by the Division of Fire, are outdated; Now, therefore,


Section 1. That various sections of Chapter 25 of the Columbus City Code, 1959, are hereby amended to read as follows:

2502.04 Schedule of fire prevention inspection fees. A permit shall not be issued until the designated fee has been paid. (Ord. 2049-95) These fees shall be reviewed within the Division of Fire, Fire Prevention Bureau every three years, beginning in 2009 and continuing thereafter.

2502.041 Open burning. Any person who kindles or maintains a bonfire or authorizes a bonfire to be kindled or maintained on any premises must pay a fire inspection fee of twenty-five Fifty dollars ($25.00 50.00) if the bonfire material is obtained solely from the premises of a single private residence or seventy-five one-hundred dollars ($75.00 100.00) if the bonfire material is obtained from a construction site, from more than a single private residence, or from any other site. A permit issued under this section shall be good for a period not to exceed fifteen (15) days. Nothing in this ordinance implies approval of bonfires when prohibited by other governmental agencies, laws or ordinances.(Ord. 2049-95. 1210-06)

2502.042 Torch or flame-producing device. Any person who uses a torch or flame-producing device to remove paint from any building or structure must pay a fire inspection fee of fifty dollars One Hundred ($50.00100.00). (Ord. 2049-95 1210-06.)

2502.043 Combustible material. Any person, that stores in any building or upon any premises in excess of two thousand five hundred (2,500) cubic feet gross volume of combustible empty packing cases, boxes, barrels or similar containers; or rubber tires, baled cotton, rubber, cork, or other similarly combustible material whether continuously or only occasionally must pay an annual fire inspection fee of fifty One-Hundred dollars ($50.00 100.00). (Ord. 2049-95 1210-06.)

2502.044 Cellulose nitrate film. Any person that stores in any building or upon any premises more than twenty five (25) pounds of cellulose nitrate film must pay a fire inspection fee of seventy-five One hundred dollars ($75.00 100.00). (Ord. 2049-95 1210-06.)

2502.045 Cellulose nitrate plastic. Any person that stores or handles more than twenty five (25) pounds of cellulose nitrate (pyroxylin) plastics; and any manufacturer of articles of cellulose nitrate (pyroxylin) plastics, including the use of cellulose nitrate (pyroxylin) plastics in the manufacture or assembling of other articles must pay an annual fire inspection fee of seventy-five one-hundred dollars ($75.00 100.00). (Ord. 2049-95 1210-06.)

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 83 of 207 2502.046 Airports, heliports or helistops. Any person that operates airports, heliports or helistops must pay an annual fee of fifty one-hundred dollars ($50.00 100.00). (Ord. 1210 - 06)

2502.047 Application of flammable finishes. Any person engaged in spray painting for profit or dip tank operations must pay an annual fire prevention inspection fee of fifty one-hundred dollars ($50.00 100.00). (Ord. 1210 - 06) 2502.048 Bowling pin refinishing or lane resurfacing. Any person engaged in bowling pin refinishing or bowling lane resurfacing operations must pay a fire inspection fee of fifty one-hundred dollars ($50.00 100.00) for an inspection of each job site, if the operation involves the use and application of flammable liquids and materials. (Ord. 1210 - 06)

2502.049 Crop ripening or coloring process. Any person engaged in any crop ripening or coloring process using ethylene gas must pay an annual fire prevention inspection fee of fifty one-hundred dollars ($50.00 100.00). (Ord. 1210 - 06)

2502.05 Dry cleaning. Any person engaged in the business of dry cleaning must pay an annual fire prevention inspection fee of sixty one-hundred dollars ($60.00 100.00). (Ord. 1210 - 06)

2502.051 Dust producing operation. Any person that maintains dust explosion hazards, grain elevators, flour, starch or feed mills or plants pulverizing aluminum, coal, cocoa, magnesium, spices, sugar, or other material producing dust which if mixed with air in the proper proportions becomes explosive, must pay an annual fire prevention inspection fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00). (Ord. 1210 - 06)

2502.052 Fumigation or thermal insecticidal fogging. Any person engaged in any fumigation or thermal insecticidal fogging operation for profit must pay a fire prevention inspection fee of thirty seventy-five dollars ($30.00 75.00) for each building or premises treated. (Ord. 1210 - 06)

2502.053 Lumber storage or use. Any person that maintains lumber yards and woodworking plants which use or store more than 100,000 board feet of lumber must pay an annual fire prevention inspection fee of one hundred one-hundred-fifty dollars ($100.00 150.00). (Ord. 1210 - 06)

2502.054 Indoor public assembly permit. The promoter of the event or the owner of the property holding a temporary indoor public assembly event in an occupancy type that is not a place of assembly must pay a fire prevention inspection fee based on the following fee schedule:

Operation/Occupancy Permit Type Permit Fee per Day of Operation Assembly 50-299 occupants and is under 5000 square feet $25.00 50.00 Assembly 300 occupants and over or is 5000 square feet and over $50.00 100.00

(Ord. 2049-95; Ord. 0126-04 § 1 (part).)

2502.055 Place of assembly. Any person that maintains a place of assembly, as defined by this code, accommodating 50 or more persons must pay an annual fire prevention inspection fee in accordance with the following schedule:

At Least But Less Than Fee 50 100 $85.00 125.00 100 200 100.00 150.00 200 500 150.00 200.00

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 84 of 207 500 5000 250.00 300.00 5000 And Up 500.00 600.00

(Ord. 1210 - 06)

2502.056 Industrial furnace. Any person using an industrial processing furnace, as defined by this code, must pay an annual preventative inspection fee of fifty one-hundred dollars ($50.00 100.00). (Ord. 1210 - 06)

2502.057 Motor vehicle repair garage. Any person that maintains a motor vehicle repair garage which does not dispense, sell or store gasoline in quantity must pay an annual fire prevention inspection fee of fifty one-hundred dollars ($50.00 100.00). (Ord. 1210 - 06)

2502.058 Public service station. Any person that maintains a vehicle service station defined as any place, building, pump or device operated and maintained in the city where gasoline or other motor fuels are kept for sale, at retail, to the public must pay an annual fire prevention inspection fee of fifty one-hundred dollars ($50.00 100.00). This section includes marine service stations. (Ord. 1210 - 06)

2502.059 Private service station. Any person engaged in the storage of motor fuels: defined as any place, building, pump or device operated and maintained on private premises, where gasoline or other motor fuels are stored and dispensed for private consumption (not open to the public) must pay an annual fire prevention inspection fee of fifty one-hundred dollars ($50.00 100.00). (Ord. 1210 - 06)

2502.0599 Pyrotechnic special effects. The permit applicant shall furnish evidence of insurance in an amount of two million dollars ($2,000,000.00) for the payment of all damages which may be caused either to a person or persons or to a property by reasons of the permitted display, and arising from any acts of the permit holder, his agents, employees or subcontractors. The permit applicant must pay a fire prevention inspection fee of fifty one-hundred dollars ($50.00 100.00) to the Bureau of Fire Prevention at the time of permit application. (Ord. 1210 - 06)

2502.06 Fireworks. The permit applicant shall furnish evidence of insurance in an amount of two million dollars ($2,000,000.00) for the payment of all damages which may be caused either to a person or persons or to property by reason of the permitted display, and arising from any acts of the permit holder, his agents, employees or subcontractors. The permit applicant must pay a fire prevention inspection fee of one hundred one hundred-fifty dollars ($100.00 150.00) to the Bureau of Fire Prevention at the time of permit application. (Ord. 1210 - 06)

2502.061 Automobile wrecking yard, junk yard or waste material handling. Any person that maintains automobile wrecking yards, junk yards and waste material handling plants must pay an annual fire prevention inspection fee of fifty-five seventy-five dollars ($55.00 75.00). (Ord. 1210 - 06)

2502.062 Welding or cutting. Any company, corporation, copartnership or owner-operator performing welding or cutting operations must pay an annual fire prevention inspection fee of seventy-five one-hundred dollars ($75.00 100.00. (Ord. 1210 - 06)

2502.063 Calcium carbide storage. Any person who stores or keeps calcium carbide in excess of 200 pounds must pay an annual fire prevention inspection fee of fifty one-hundred dollars ($50.00 100.00). (Ord. 1210 - 06)

2502.064 Acetylene generator. Any person that operates an acetylene generator having a carbide capacity exceeding 5 pounds must pay an annual fire inspection fee of fifty one-hundred dollars ($50.00 100.00). (Ord. 1210 - 06)

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 85 of 207 2502.065 Welding or cutting cylinder or container storage. Any person that stores cylinders used in conjunction with welding or cutting operations when more than 2,000 cubic feet of flammable compressed gas other than liquefied petroleum gas, 300 pounds of liquefied petroleum gas or 6,000 cubic feet of nonflammable compressed gas must pay an annual fire prevention inspection fee of seventy-five one-hundred dollars ($75.00 100.00). (Ord. 1210 - 06)

2502.066 Combustible fiber. Any person engaged in the storage and handling of combustible fibers, as described by this code, in quantities in excess of 100 cubic feet must pay an annual fire prevention inspection fee of one hundred one-hundred fifty dollars ($100.00 150.00). (Ord. 1210 - 06)

2502.067 Compressed gas. Any person, storing, handling or using at normal temperature or pressure of more than 750 cubic feet of flammable compressed gas or 6,000 cubic feet of nonflammable compressed gas, and any quantity of highly toxic or toxic compressed gas, must pay an annual fire inspection fee of one hundred one-hundred fifty dollars ($100.00 150.00). (Ord. 1210 - 06)

2502.068 Cryogenic liquid. Any person engaged in: (1) the production, storage or sale of cryogenic liquids; or (2) the storage of nonflammable, nontoxic cryogenic liquids in quantities greater than 500 gallons; or (3) the storage or use of more than 10 gallons of liquid oxygen, flammable cryogenic liquids or cryogenic oxidizers must pay an annual fire inspection fee of one hundred one-hundred fifty dollars ($100.00 150.00). (Ord. 1210 - 06)

2502.069 Explosives, ammunition or blasting agent. Any person engaged in the conditions or operations involving explosives, ammunition, blasting agents as described in this code must pay an annual fire inspection fee of one hundred one-hundred fifty dollars ($100.00 150.00) unless the condition or operation is covered by another permit issued by the fire official pursuant to this code. (Ord. 1210 - 06)

2502.07 Flammable or combustible liquid. Any person engaged in the conditions or operations involving flammable or combustible liquids, as described in this code, must pay an annual fire inspection fee of one hundred one-hundred fifty dollars ($100.00 150.00) unless the condition or operation is covered by another permit issued by the fire official pursuant to this code. (Ord. 1210 - 06)

2502.071 Underground tank internal coating. Any person engaged in any internal coating procedure for underground tank lining must pay a fire inspection fee of sixty one-hundred dollars ($60.00 100.00) for each permit issued by the fire official. (Ord. 1210 - 06)

2502.072 Hazardous materials. Any person storing, dispensing, using or handling hazardous materials as indicated in Rule 1301:7-7-24 through Rule 1301:7-7-43 of the Ohio Administrative Code must pay an annual fire prevention inspection fee of one hundred one-hundred fifty dollars ($100.00 150.00) unless the condition or operation is covered by another permit issued by the fire official pursuant to this code. (Ord. 1210 - 06)

2502.0721 Aerosol products. Any person storing or retail displaying of Level 2 and 3 aerosol products exceeding a net weight of 500 pounds must pay an annual fire prevention inspection fee of one hundred one-hundred fifty dollars ($100.00 150.00). (Ord. 1210 - 06)

2502.0722 Corrosives. Any person storing or using corrosive materials exceeding 1000 pounds of solids, 110 gallons of liquids, or 810 cubic feet of gases must pay an annual fire prevention inspection fee of one hundred one-hundred fifty dollars ($100.00 150.00). (Ord. 1210 - 06)

2502.0723 Flammable solids. Any person storing, using or handling more than 125 pounds of flammable solids must pay an annual fire prevention inspection fee of one hundred one-humdrd fifty dollars ($100.00 150.00). (Ord. 1210 - 06)

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 86 of 207 2502.0724 Hazardous production material facilities. Any person engaged in the storage, handling or use of hazardous production materials must pay an annual fire prevention inspection fee of one hundred one-hundred fifty dollars ($100.00 150.00). (Ord. 1210 - 06)

2502.0725 Irritants, sensitizers and other health hazards. Any person engaged in the storage, use or handling of irritants, sensitizers or other health hazard materials exceeding 1000 pounds of solids, 100 gallons of liquids, and any amount of gas must pay an annual fire prevention inspection fee of one hundred one-hundred fifty dollars ($100.00 150.00). (Ord. 1210 - 06)

2502.0726 Liquid and solid oxidizers. Any person engaged in the storage, use or handling of any quantity of Class 3 and 4 oxidizers; more than 50 pounds of Class 2 oxidizers, and more than 200 pounds of Class 1 oxidizers must pay an annual fire prevention inspection fee of one hundred one-hundred fifty dollars ($100.00 150.00). (Ord. 1210 - 06)

2502.0727 Organic peroxides. Any person engaged in the storage, use or handling of any quantity of unclassified detonable Class I or II organic peroxides and more than twenty five (25) pounds of Class III organic peroxides must pay an annual fire prevention inspection fee of one hundred one-hundrd fifty dollars ($100.00 150.00). (Ord. 1210 - 06)

2502.0728 Pyrophoric materials. Any person engaged in the storage, use or handling of any amount of pyrophoric materials must pay an annual fire prevention fee of one hundred one-hundred fifty dollars ($ 100.00 150.00). (Ord. 1210 - 06)

2502.0729 Radioactive materials. Any person engaged in the storage, use or handling of any radioactive material capable of emitting a short-term radiation exposure greater than five (5) REM whole-body dose including both sealed and unsealed radioactive sources, must pay an annual fire prevention inspection fee of one hundred one-hundrd fifty dollars ($100.00 150.00). (Ord. 1210 - 06)

2502.073 Liquefied petroleum gas. Any person that maintains an installation of liquefied petroleum gas utilizing storage containers of over thirty (30) gallons individual water capacity, or when the combined container quantity exceeds sixty (60) gallons irrespective of individual container size must pay an annual fire prevention inspection fee of one hundred one-hundred fifty dollars ($100.00 150.00). (Ord. 1210 - 06) 2502.0731 Unstable (reactive) materials. Any person engaged in the storage, use or handling of any quantity of Class 3 or 4 unstable (reactive) materials; more than ten (10) pounds of Class 2 unstable (reactive) materials, or more than twenty five (25) pounds of Class 1 unstable (reactive) materials must pay an annual fire prevention inspection fee of one hundred one-hundred fifty dollars ($100.00 150.00). (Ord. 1210 - 06)

2502.0732 Water-reactive materials. Any person engaged in the storage, use or handling of any quantity of Class 3 water-reactive materials, and 100 pounds of solids, and ten (10) gallons of liquids of Class 2 water reactive materials must pay an annual fire prevention inspection fee of one hundred one-hundred fifty dollars ($ 100.00 150.00). (Ord. 1210 - 06) 2502.0733 Highly toxic and toxic solids and liquids. Any person engaged in the storage, use or handling of highly toxic materials in any quantity and toxic materials exceeding five hundred (500) pounds of solids or fifty (50) gallons of liquids must pay an annual fire prevention inspection fee of one hundred one-hundred fifty dollars ($100.00 150.00). (Ord. 1210 - 06)

2502.0734 Pesticide display and storage. Any person engaged in the display and storage of any pesticides in any quantity as indicated in Rule 1301:7-7-39 of the Ohio Administrative Code the Ohio Fire Code must pay an annual fire prevention inspection fee of one hundred one-hundrde fifty dollars ($100.00 150.00). (Ord. 1210 - 06)

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 87 of 207 2502.074 Magnesium. Any person engaged in melting, casting, heat treating, machining or grinding more than ten (10) pounds of magnesium per working day must pay an annual fire prevention inspection fee of one hundred one-hundred fifty dollars ($100.00 150.00). (Ord. 1210 - 06)

2502.075 Manufacture or storage of matches. Any person that manufactures more than twenty five (25) cases of matches per year or stores matches exceeding cases in aggregate must pay an annual fire prevention inspection fee of fifty one-hundred dollars ($50.00 100.00). (Ord. 1210 - 06)

2502.076 Organic coating. Any person engaged in any manufacturing operation making more than one (1) gallon of any organic coating on any working day must pay an annual fire inspection fee of one hundred one-hundred fifty dollars ($100.00 150.00). (Ord. 1210 - 06) 2502.077 Permit renewal, inspection fees.All the above-listed fire prevention inspection fees must be paid annually for each separate location, as determined by the fire official, within the city of Columbus and are due by July 1. Payment shall be made according to the procedures established by the fire official. After July 30, inspection fees are considered delinquent and subject to a twenty five (25) percent penalty which shall be added to the fee due. (Ord. 1210 - 06) Break12502.078 Aboveground and underground storage tanks. Any person engaged in the installation, upgrade, repair or closure of any aboveground or underground storage tank and/or tank system must pay a fire prevention inspection fee in accordance with the following schedule:

Leak detection upgrade $25.00 $50.00 Per location Piping abandonment only $100.00 $150.00 Per location Piping installation only $25.00 $50.00 Per location Piping removal only $100.00 $150.00 Per location Piping repair only $25.00 $50.00 Per location Piping replaceent only$ 100.0 $150.00 Per location Piping upgrade only $25.00 $50.00 Per location Tank abandonment in place $100.00 $150.00 Per tank Tank removal $100.00 $150.00 Per tank Tank repair $50.00 $100.00 Per tank Tank replacement $100.00 $275.00 Per tank Tank upgrade $75.00 $125.00 Per tank AST/UST system change in service $100.00 $150.00 Per system AST/UST system installation $75.00 $125.00 Per system AST/UST system temporary closure $100.00 $150.00 Per system

(Ord. 1210 - 06)

2502.079 Outdoor public assembly event. Any person operating a temporary structure at an outdoor public assembly event is required to obtain permits as indicated below. Per ordinance 126-04, there is no fee for these required permits.

Operation/Occupancy Permit Type Assembly 50-299 occupants and under 5000 square feet Assembly 300 occupants and over and 5000 square feet and over Cooking and/or Heating (any size) Combustible/Flammable Liquid (any amount) Not in conjunction with cooking/heating or assembly. Compressed Flammable Gas (any amount) Not in conjunction with cooking/heating or assembly. Compressed Non-Flammable Gas (over 6,000 cubic feet) Not in conjunction with cooking/heating or assembly. Canopy (over 400 sq. ft.) Tent (over 200 sq. ft.) Not used for cooking/heating or assembly and, no use of Flammable or Combustible liquids or Compressed Gas of any type.

(Ord. 2049-95; Ord. 0126-04 § 1 (part).)

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 88 of 207 2502.08 Plan review. Before any fire alarm, detection or fire suppression system or any other fire protection device including emergency generators and fire ventilating systems are installed, enlarged, extended or altered in any way, plans and specifications shall be reviewed by the fire official. (Ord. 1210 - 06) 2502.082 Tire rebuilding or tire shredding. Any person engaged in the business of tire rebuilding or tire shredding must pay an annual fire prevention inspection fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00). (Ord. 1210 - 06)

2502.09 Fire protection system plan review fee schedule. (A) Sprinkler System. The fee for the sprinkler is based on the number of sprinkler heads in the system.

Sprinkler Heads Plan Review Fee Inspection Fee

1-200 $40.00 80.00 $40.00 80.00 201-300 $50.00 100.00 $50.00 100.00 301-400 $60.00 120.00 $50.00 120.00 401-750 $75.00 150.00 $75.00 150.00 Over 750 $75.00 150.00plus 25 50¢ per head over 750 $75.00 150.00plus 25¢ per head over 750

The review of a hydraulically-designed sprinkler system shall be one point five (1.5) times the normal fee for sprinkler review. Review of sprinkler systems using a fire pump shall cost an additional fifty one hundred dollars ($50.00 100.00) over theee for sprinkler review.

Review of standpipes using the same supply as sprinkler systems with fire pumps are included in the sprinkler system fee. The plan review portion of the above fees shall be deposited into the Development Services Special Revenue Fund. The remaining portion of the above fees shall be deposited into the General Revenue Fund.

(B) Standpipe Systems. The plan review fee shall be twenty-five fifty($25.00 50.00) dollars for systems without fire pumps and fifty one-hundred($50.00 100.00) dollars for systems with fire pumps and shall be deposited into the Development Services Special Revenue Fund. The inspection fee for standpipe systems shall be twenty-five fifty($25.00 50.00) dollars for systems without fire pumps and fifty one-hundred ($50.00 100.00) dollars for systems with fire pumps and shall be deposited into the General Fund.

(C) Extinguishing Systems. These would include systems using the following agents: carbon dioxide, halon, dry chemical, foam, chemical, all others:

Weight of Agent Plan Review Fee Inspection Fee Up to 50# $25.00 50.00 $25.00 100.00 51-200# $37.50 75.00 37.50 100.00 201-500# $50.00 100.00 50.00 100.00 Over 750 $50.00 100.00+ 510¢ per # over 500# $50.00 + 5¢ per # over 500# 100.00

The plan review portion of the above fees shall be deposited into the Development Services Special Revenue Fund. The remaining portion of the above fees shall be deposited into the General Revenue Fund.

(D) Automatic Fire Alarm System. The fee for an automatic fire alarm system is based on the number of sending, signaling and detecting devices in the system.

Devices Plan Review Fee Inspection Fee 1-25 $37.50 75.00 $37.50 75.00 Over 25 37.50 75.00+ 4080¢ per device over 25 37.50 100.00+ 40¢ per device over 25

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 89 of 207 The plan review portion of the above fees shall be deposited into the development services special revenue fund. The remaining portion of the above fees shall be deposited into the General Revenue Fund.

(E) Manual Fire Alarm Systems. The fee for a manual fire alarm system is based on the number of sending and signaling devices.

Devices Plan Review Fee Inspection Fee 1-10 $37.50 75.00 $37.50 75.00 Over 10 37.50 75.00+ $0.50 1.00per device over 10 37.50 100.00+ $0.50 per device over 10

The plan review portion of the above fees shall be deposited into the Development Services Special Revenue Fund. The remaining portion of the above fees shall be deposited into the General Revenue Fund.

(F) Other Fire Protection Devices and Systems. The fee for smoke removal systems and other fire protection devices and systems not listed above shall be charged on the basis of time consumed reviewing the plan at the rate of one hundred dollars ($100.00) for each hour or fraction thereof. This fee shall be in addition to, and separate from, any required inspection fee and shall be deposited into the Development Services Special Revenue Fund. The inspection fee shall be at the hourly rate as specified in C.C. 2502.11 (B).

(G) Flammable or Combustible Liquid, or Flammable or Nonflammable Gas Installations. The fee for this plan review shall be charged on the basis of time consumed reviewing the plan at the rate of one hundred dollars ($100.00) for each hour or fraction thereof. This fee shall be in addition to, and separate from, any required inspection fee and shall be deposited into the Development Services Special Revenue Fund. The inspection fee shall be at the hourly rate as specified in C.C. 2502.11 (B). (Ord. 2049-95; Ord. 448-02 § 2.) break2 2502.10 Subdivision plat plan, water main plan, street improvement plan and private development plan review fee schedule. (A) Preliminary Subdivision Plat Plans: The fee for this plat plan review is thirty-five seventy-five($35.00 75.00) dollars. This fee shall be in addition to, and separate from, any required inspection fee and shall be deposited into the Development Services Special Revenue Fund.

(B) Final Subdivision Plat Plans. The fee for this plat plan review is twenty-five fifty($25.00 50.00). This fee shall be in addition to, and separation from, any required inspection fee and shall be deposited into the Development Services Special Revenue Fund. (C) Public Street Improvement Plans--Private Development. The fee schedule for this plan review is as follows:

*Number of Fire Hydrants Involved in Project Plan Review Fee Inspection Fee 0-5 $15.75 25.00 $29.25 100.00 6-10 22.75 50.00 42.25 100.00 11-15 29.75 50.00 55.25 100.00 Over 15 29.75 50.00+ $0.70 per hydrant over 15 55.25 100.00+ $1.30 per hydrant over 15

* Also includes existing hydrants to be relocated or replaced.

The plan review portion of the above fees shall be deposited into the Development Services Special Revenue Fund. The remaining portion of the above fees shall be deposited into the General Revenue Fund.

(D) Public Water Main Plans--Private Development. The fee schedule for this plan review is as follows:

*Number of Fire Hydrants Involved in Project Plan Review Fee Inspection Fee 0-5 $19.25 25.00 $35.75 100.00 6-10 26.25 50.00 48.75 100.00 11-15 35.00 70.00 65.00 100.00 Over 15 35.00 70.00+ $0.88 per hydrant over 15 65.00 100.00+ $1.62 per hydrant over 15

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 90 of 207 * Also includes existing hydrants to be relocated or replaced.

The plan review portion of the above fees shall be deposited into the Development Services Special Revenue Fund. The remaining portion of the above fees shall be deposited into the General Revenue Fund.

(E) Private Water Main Plans. The fee schedule for this plan review is as follows:

*Number of Water Main Appurtenances Involved in Project Plan Review Fee Inspection Fee 0-5 $24.50 50.00 $45.50 100.00 6-10 35.00 70.00 65.00 100.00 11-15 45.50 100.00 84.50 100.00 Over 15 45.50 100.00+ $1.05 per appurtenance over 15 84.50 100.00+ $1.95 per appurtenance over 15

* Includes new fire hydrants, relocated fire hydrants, replaced fire hydrants, abandoned fire hydrants, lead-ins to risers, and remote fire department connections.

The plan review portion of the above fees shall be deposited into the Development Services Special Revenue Fund. The remaining portion of the above fees shall be deposited into the General Revenue Fund. (Ord. 2049-95; Ord. 448-02 § 3.)

2502.11 Acceptance test fee. (A) General. A building, structure or any portion thereof shall not be occupied until all required fire protection systems and devices and all fire hydrants have been tested in the presence of the fire official and approved.

(B) The plan review fees set forth in Section 2502.09 and 2502.10 include the cost of having one fire inspector present (if required) during the initial acceptance test for the system reviewed as indicated. If, in the opinion of the fire official, more than one fire inspector is required to properly and efficiently witness the acceptance test, a fee shall be charged for each additional fire inspector required on the basis of time consumed by each fire inspector, at the rate of thirty-five fifty-eightdollars ($35.00 58.00) for each hour or fraction thereof.

(C) Should asubsequent acceptance test become necessary, for whatever reason, for approval of a fire protection system or systems, a fee of seventy-five one-hundred dollars ($75.00 100.00) shall be paid for the presence of a fire official at each subsequent test.

(D) Public fire Hydrants--Private Developments. The acceptance test fee shall be charged on the basis of time consumed by each inspector or authorized person performing the service at the rate of thirty-five fifty-eight dollars ($35.00 58.00) for each hour or fraction thereof.

(E) Private Fire Service Mains and Hydrants. The acceptance test fee shall be charged on the basis of time consumed by each inspector or authorized person performing the service at the rate of thirty-five fifty-eight dollars ($35.00 58.00) for each hour or fraction thereof. (Ord. 2049-95; Ord. 448-02 § 4.)

2502.12 Special inspections or services. (A) Definitions: 1. A special, inspection or service is an inspection or service performed during normal duty hours at an unscheduled time and at a responsible person's request.

2. After hours special inspection or service is an inspection or service as defined in 2502.12(A) 1 performed during a time which falls outside the normal duty hours of the Fire Prevention Bureau. Normal duty hours for the Fire Prevention Bureau are from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.

3. Weekend special inspection or service is an inspection or service as defined in 2502.12(A) l performed on Saturday, Sunday or a legal holiday. (B) Inspections or services shall be performed during Fire Prevention Bureau normal duty hours unless an after hours

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 91 of 207 and/or weekend inspection request is made. (C) Any person requesting an after hours or weekend inspection or service for a building or premises under their control or any part thereof, shall make the request in writing on a form and in manner acceptable to the fire official. (D) Any person requesting an inspection of a building or premises under their control or any part thereof, or other special services of whatever nature shall be charged a fee for such special inspection service on the basis of time consumed by each inspector or authorized person performing the services, at the rate of thirty-five fifty-eight dollars ($35.00 58.00) for each hour or fraction thereof. (Ord. 1210 - 06) A twenty-five dollar trip charge will be assessed for each special inspection. Special inspection fees and trip charges must be paid in full prior to the inspection. Payment of these special inspection fees and trip charge entitles the requestor to an inspection, but not necessarily an approved inspection.

2502.13 Columbus fire prevention code modification request A person requesting a modification of the Columbus Fire Prevention Code shall be required to pay a fee of two three hundred dollars ($200.00 300.00) in order to adequately compensate the division of fire for research and study of the modification request, and to ascertain that any modification allowed would not be detrimental to public safety. (Ord. 1210 - 06)

Section 2. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law.

Legislation Number: 1947-2006

Drafting Date: 10/25/2006 Current Status: Passed

Version: 1 Matter Type: Ordinance

Explanation 1. BACKGROUND: This legislation authorizes the Director of Public Utilities to pay inspection, testing and prevailing wage coordination services in the amount of $268,725.95; to the Transportation Division; for Greenlawn/Eaton Stormwater System Improvements.

2. FISCAL IMPACT: A transfer of funds within the Storm Sewer Bonds Fund is needed for this expenditure.

Title To authorize the Director of Public Utilities to pay inspection, testing and prevailing wage coordination services to the Transportation Division for Greenlawn/Eaton Stormwater System Improvements in the amount of $268,725.95; to authorize the transfer of $268,725.95 within the Storm Sewer Bond Fund for the Division of Sewerage and Drainage; and to authorize the expenditure of $268,725.95 within the Storm Sewer Bond Fund. ($268,725.95)

Body WHEREAS; the Department of Public Utilities, Division of Sewerage and Drainage needs to pay the Transportation Division for inspection, testing and prevailing wage coordination services for Greenlawn/Eaton Stormwater System Improvements; and

WHEREAS, it is necessary for this Council to authorize the City Auditor to transfer funds within the Storm Sewer Bond Fund; and

WHEREAS, it has become necessary in the usual daily operation of the Division of Sewerage and Drainage, Department of Public Utilities, to authorize the Director of Public Utilities to pay the Transportation Division for inspection, testing and prevailing wage coordination services for Greenlawn/Eaton Stormwater System Improvements, for the preservation of the public health, peace, property and safety; now therefore,


SECTION 1. That the City Auditor is hereby authorized to transfer $268,725.95 within the Storm Sewer Bonds Fund, Fund 685, Division of Sewerage and Drainage, Division 60-15, Object Level One 06, Object Level Three 6686, as

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 92 of 207 follows:

TRANSFER FROM: 610965 - Greenhill Acres Subd. SSI's OCA Code - 685965

TRANSFER TO: 610876 - Greenlawn/Eaton Ave SSI's OCA Code - 685876

SECTION 2. That the Director of Public Utilities be, and hereby is, authorized to pay inspection, testing and prevailing wage coordination services in the amount of $268,725.95 to the Transportation Division for Greenlawn/Eaton Stormwater System Improvements.

SECTION 3. That for the purpose of paying the cost of inspection, testing and prevailing wage coordination services, the following expenditure, or as much thereof as may be needed is hereby authorized as follows: Division 60-15, Storm Sewer Bond Fund No. 685, Project 610876, Object Level One 06, Object Level Three 6686, OCA Code 685876, Amount $268,725.95.

SECTION 4. That this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law.

Legislation Number: 1980-2006

Drafting Date: 10/31/2006 Current Status: Passed

Version: 2 Matter Type: Ordinance

Explanation This ordinance makes appropriations and authorizes transfers for the 12 months ending December 31, 2007, in various divisions and departments for selected funds other than the General Fund or Operating Funds.

Title To make appropriations for the 12 months ending December 31, 2007, for selected other funds for various divisions, to authorize the City Auditor to make transfers as may be necessary, and to declare an emergency.

Body WHEREAS, the matter herein provided for constitutes an emergency in that it is immediately necessary to appropriate funds for the various city departments for the 12 months beginning January 1, 2007, and ending December 31, 2007, and

WHEREAS, the matter herein constitutes an emergency in that it is immediately necessary to appropriate and authorize the transfer of these funds for the immediate preservation of the public health, peace, property, safety and welfare; Now Therefore:


SECTION 1. That from the monies in the fund known as the Recreation and Parks Debt Service Fund, Fund No. 411, and from all monies estimated to come into said fund from any and all sources during the 12 months ending December 31, 2007, there be and hereby are appropriated for the Object Level Ones for which the corporation has to provide the following sums for use during the 12 months ending December 31, 2007:

Division No. 22-01 - City Auditor

OCA - 900894 Object - 10 OL3 - 5501 Purpose - Debt Transfer Amount - $ 773,932

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 93 of 207 Total - $ 773,932

SECTION 2. That from the monies in the fund known as the Hotel-Motel Tax Fund, Fund No. 231, and from all monies estimated to come into said fund from any and all sources during the 12 months ending December 31, 2007, there be and hereby are appropriated for the Object Level 1's for which the corporation has to provide the following sums for use during the 12 months ending December 31, 2007:

Division No. 20-01 - City Council

OCA - 200204 Object - 03 Purpose - Services for Operation and Maintenance Amount - $ 4,200,000

OCA - 200214 Object - 03 Purpose - Services for Operation and Maintenance Amount - $ 4,200,000

Total - $ 8,400,000

SECTION 3. That from the unappropriated monies in the fund known as the Capitol South Fund, Fund No. 481, and from all monies estimated to come into said fund from any and all sources and unappropriated for any other purpose during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2007, there be and hereby are appropriated the following sums for use during the 12 months ending December 31, 2007:

Division No. 45-01 - Department of Finance and Management

OCA - 901133 Object - 10 OL3- 5501 Purpose - Principal Amount- $999,834

OCA - 901158 Object - 10 OL3- 5501 Purpose - Interest Amount- $376,646

Total - $1,376,480

SECTION 4. That from the unappropriated monies in the Airport Operating Fund, Fund No. 944, and from all monies estimated to come into said fund from any and all sources during the 12 months ending December 31, 2007, there be and hereby are appropriated for the Object Level Ones for which the corporation has to provide the following sums for use during the 12 months ending December 31, 2007:

Division No. 60-10 - Airports

OCA - 601245 Object - 04 OL3- 4410 Purpose - Bond Principal Payment

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 94 of 207 Amount- $1,750,000

OCA - 601245 Object - 07 OL3- 7411 Purpose - Bond Interest Payment Amount- $59,779

Total - $1,809,779

SECTION 5. That from the monies in the funds known as the Sewer System Revenue Bond Reserve Fund and Water System Revenue Bond Reserve Fund, and from all monies estimated to come into said funds from any and all sources during 2007, there be and hereby are appropriated the following sums:

Sewer Division 60-05 - Fund 656 Sewer System Revenue Bond Fund

OCA - 605824 Object - 04 OL3- 4407 Purpose - Bond Principal Payment Amount- $12,890,000

OCA - 605824 Object - 07 OL3- 7408 Purpose - Bond Interest Payment Amount- $4,943,700

Total - $17,833,700

Water Division 60-09 - Fund 601 Water System Revenue Bond Fund

OCA - 602987 Object - 04 OL3- 4407 Purpose - Bond Principal Payment Amount- $6,335,000

OCA - 602987 Object - 07 OL3- 7408 Purpose - Bond Interest Payment Amount- $1,402,250

Total - $7,737,250

SECTION 6. That from the unappropriated monies in the fund known as the Special Income Tax Fund, Fund No. 430, and from all monies estimated to come into said fund from any and all sources and unappropriated for any other purpose during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2007, there be and hereby are appropriated the following sums for use during the 12 months ending December 31, 2007, for the payment of principal and interest on outstanding notes and bonds, bond and note issuance costs, bond counsel costs,and tipping fees:

Division No. 22-01 - City Auditor

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 95 of 207 OCA - 220749 Object - 04 OL3- 4425 Purpose - OPWC Amount- $463,000

OCA - 901975 Object - 10 OL3- 5501 Purpose - Bond Principal Payment Amount- $88,719,636

OCA - 901983 Object - 10 OL3- 5501 Purpose - Bond Interest Payment Amount- $38,811,276

Total - $127,993,912

Division No. 59-02 - Refuse Collection

OCA - 593715 Object - 03 OL3- 3389 Purpose - Tipping Fee- Refuse Disposal Amount- $4,666,667

OCA - 593954 Object - 03 OL3- 3389 Purpose - Tipping Fee- Refuse Disposal Amount- $4,666,667

OCA - 594341 Object - 03 OL3- 3389 Purpose - Tipping Fee- Refuse Disposal Amount- $4,666,666

Total - $14,000,000

Division No. 24-01 - City Attorney

OCA - 240259 Object - 03 OL3- 3324 Purpose - Bond Counsel Expense Amount- $150,000

Total - $150,000

Division No. 45-01 - Finance and Management Department

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 96 of 207 OCA - 450148 Object - 03 OL3- 3336 Purpose - Professional Services Amount- $126,800

OCA - 450148 Object - 03 OL3- 3352 Purpose - Printing Costs Amount- $25,000

OCA - 450148 Object - 03 OL3- 3353 Purpose - Advertising Amount- $10,000

OCA - 450148 Object - 03 OL3- 3348 Purpose - Banking/Financial/Bond Services * Amount- $78,000

OCA - 450148 Object - 03 OL3- 3332 Purpose - Subscriptions Amount- $3,200

Total - $243,000

* Variable rate storm debt and 1996 variable rate debt

SECTION 7. That from the unappropriated monies in the fund known as the Easton TIF Debt Service Fund, Fund No. 401, and from all monies estimated to come into said fund from any and all sources and unappropriated for any other purpose during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2007, there be and hereby are appropriated the following sums for use during the 12 months ending December 31, 2007:

Division No. 44-01 - Development

OCA - 401001 Object - 05 OL3- 5548 Purpose - Debt Transfer Amount- $2,031,683

Total - $2,031,683

SECTION 8. That from the unappropriated monies in the fund known as the Polaris TIF Debt Service Fund, Fund No. 402, and from all monies estimated to come into said fund from any and all sources and unappropriated for any other purpose during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2007, there be and hereby are appropriated the following sums for use during the 12 months ending December 31, 2007:

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 97 of 207 Division No. 44-01 - Development

OCA - 402405 Object - 05 OL3- 5548 Purpose - Debt Transfer Amount- $1,253,943

Total - $1,253,943

SECTION 9. That from the unappropriated monies in the fund known as the Brewery District TIF Debt Service Fund, Fund No. 409, and from all monies estimated to come into said fund from any and all sources and unappropriated for any other purpose during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2007, there be and hereby are appropriated the following sums for use during the 12 months ending December 31, 2007:

Division No. 44-01 - Development

OCA - 409001 Object - 10 OL3- 5501 Purpose - Debt Transfer - Series A Amount- $28,210

OCA - 409005 Object - 10 OL3- 5501 Purpose - Debt Transfer - Series B Amount- $94,724.77

OCA - 409001 Object - 10 OL3- 5501 Purpose - Debt Transfer - Series B Amount- $35,775.23

Total - $158,710

SECTION 10. That from the unappropriated monies in the fund known as the Waggoner Road TIF Debt Service Fund, Fund No. 410, and from all monies estimated to come into said fund from any and all sources and unappropriated for any other purpose during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2007, there be and hereby are appropriated the following sums for use during the 12 months ending December 31, 2007:

Division No. 44-01 - Development

OCA - 410300 Object - 10 OL3- 5501 Purpose - Debt Transfer Amount- $60,000

Total - $60,000

SECTION 11. That from the unappropriated monies in the fund known as the Municipal Court Computer Fund, Fund

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 98 of 207 No. 227, Computer Systems, Subfund 002, and from all monies estimated to come into said fund from any and all sources and unappropriated for any other purpose during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2007, there be and hereby are appropriated the following sums for use during the 12 months ending December 31, 2007:

Division No. 26-01 - Municipal Court Clerk

OCA 260208 Object - 04 OL3- 4410 Purpose - Bond Principal Payments Amount- $120,000

OCA 260208 Object - 07 OL3- 7411 Purpose - Bond Interest Payments Amount- $95,400

Total - $215,400

SECTION 12. That the monies in the foregoing Sections 1 through 11 shall be paid upon the order of the respective departments for which the appropriations are made except that small claims may be paid as authorized by Chapter 335 of the Columbus City Code, 1985, as amended; and except that payments or transfers between departments, divisions or funds of the City may be made by the City Auditor; that payments for premiums for official bonds, depository commissions, employees' hospitalization, life insurance, pensions, dental insurance, and prepaid legal services, shall be made on the order and approval of the Director of the Department of Finance and Management or City Auditor; that the monies appropriated in the foregoing Section 1 shall be paid upon the order of the City Auditor; that the monies appropriated in the foregoing Section 2 shall be paid upon the order of the President of Council or City Clerk; that the monies appropriated in the foregoing Section 3 shall be paid upon the order of the Director of the Department of Finance and Management; that the monies appropriated in the foregoing Section 4 shall be paid upon the order of the Public Utilities Director; that the monies appropriated in the foregoing Section 5 shall be paid by upon the order of the Director of the Department of Public Utilities, that the monies appropriated in the foregoing Section 6 shall be paid by upon the order of the City Auditor or the City Attorney or the Director of the Department of Finance and Management or the Director of the Department of Public Safety or the Director of the Department of Public Service; that the monies appropriated in the foregoing Sections 7, 8, 9 and 10 shall be paid by upon the order of the Director of Development, that the monies appropriated in the foregoing Section 11 shall be paid upon the order of the Municipal Court Clerk, and that no order shall be drawn or money paid except upon voucher, the form of which shall be approved by the City Auditor.

SECTION 14. Except in the matter of payrolls providing for the payment of salaries of officers and employees regularly employed by the City and extraordinary emergencies, no warrant shall be issued in liquidation of vouchers, unless the department contracting the expense shall have first obtained an order duly certified that there are sufficient funds appropriated to the credit of the proper fund from which the expenditure is to be made, which certificate must be obtained prior to the incurrence of the obligation, and the head of any department or division authorized to contract expenditures will be held personally responsible for any obligation incurred contrary to the provisions of this section . Such certificate shall not be issued for obligations pertaining to "Capital Outlay" in programs or activities funded by federal or state categorical grants without the prior approval of the Director of the Department of Finance and Management.

SECTION 15. That with the exception of the provisos (reasons) established in previous sections, as stated in the reason paragraphs following each subdepartment's appropriation, it is understood that this Council is not making specific appropriations for each item of every classification hereinbefore contained but only for the total for each department and subdepartment, as shown in the final column. The itemized classification shall, however, constitute limitations on the powers of the several department heads as granted in Sections 7, 8, 9 and 10 and no such officer shall make any

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 99 of 207 expenditure for any other purpose in any amount beyond that of the particular classification; provided, however, that transfers may be made from one Object Level 1 to another, within any one department or division. Transfers of sums exceeding $25,000.00 shall be authorized only by resolution of Council. Transfers of sums of $25,000.00 or less, shall only be approved pursuant to a letter over the signatures of the head of the department, the Director of the Department of Finance and Management, the City Auditor, and the Chairman of the Committee of Finance. and Administration.

SECTION 16. That the City Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to pay obligations of various departments pertaining to preceding years obligations from current appropriations up to a maximum of $25,000.00 per obligation.

SECTION 17. That for the reasons stated in the preamble hereto, which is hereby made a part hereof, this ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor or ten days after passage if the Mayor neither approves nor vetoes the same.

Legislation Number: 2099-2006

Drafting Date: 11/14/2006 Current Status: Passed

Version: 1 Matter Type: Ordinance

Explanation Periodically over the last few years Laurie Ford PhD of Critical Path Consultants has provided assistance to the Department of Public Utilities during the realignment of the department. Her expertise has been invaluable in the development of performance measures and job descriptions in support of increased accountability and communications between the realigned work groups of the Director's Office, the Division of Operational Support and the line divisions. This legislation requests authority to contract with Dr. Ford to utilize her unique knowledge of department operations in completing performance measures and operating procedures across the department.

Waiver of competitive bidding is requested due to Dr. Ford's knowledge of departmental operations gained working closely with department leadership and staff. Any individual or firm joining the process at this late date would not be able to duplicate her understanding of the history and goals of the departmental realignment.

Supplier: Critical Path Consultants (08-1368842), Female Business Enterprise (FBE)

Fiscal Impact Funding will be shared proportionately by all the enterprise funds.

Title To authorize the Director of Public Utilities to enter into an agreement with Critical Path Consultants for provision of consultant services related to realignment of responsibilities within the Department of Public Utilities, to waive provisions of competitive bidding and to authorize expenditure of $23,490.00 from the Sewerage System Operating Fund, $16,965.00 from the Storm Water System Operating Fund, $1,305.00 from the Electricity Operating Fund and $23,490.00 from the Water System Operating Fund. ($65,250.00)

Body Whereas, Periodically over the last few years Laurie Ford PhD of Critical Path Consultants has provided assistance to the Department of Public Utilities during the realignment of the department, and

Whereas, Her expertise has been invaluable in the development of performance measures and job descriptions in support of increased accountability and communications between the realigned work groups of the Director's Office, the Division of Operational Support and the line divisions, and

Whereas, Waiver of competitive bidding is requested due to Dr. Ford's knowledge of departmental operations gained working closely with department leadership and staff, and

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 100 of 207 Whereas, This legislation requests authority to contract with Critical Path Consultants to utilize Dr. Ford's unique knowledge of department operations in completing performance measures and operating procedures across the department, now, therefore


Section 1, That the Director of Public Utilities is hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with Critical Path Consultants for provision of consultant services related to realignment of responsibilities within the Department of Public Utilities.

Section 2, That provisions of Section 329.06 of the Columbus City Code regarding competitive bidding are hereby waived.

Section 3, That the expenditure of $65,250.00 or so much thereof as may be needed is hereby authorized as follows.

Fund 650 OCA 605006 Object Level 1 03 Object Level 3 3336 Amount $23,490.00

Fund 675 OCA 675002 Object Level 1 03 Object Level 3 3336 Amount $16,965.00

Fund 550 OCA 600700 Object Level 1 03 Object Level 3 3336 Amount $1,305.00

Fund 600 OCA 601849 Object Level 1 03 Object Level 3 3336 Amount $23,490.00

Section 4, That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law.

Legislation Number: 2106-2006

Drafting Date: 11/14/2006 Current Status: Passed

Version: 1 Matter Type: Ordinance

Explanation BACKGROUND: The Purchasing Office received and opened bid number SA002178 for the purchase of hydraulic and pneumatic portable tools for the Division of Power and Water on October 26, 2006. These tools will be used by the distribution maintenance personnel to maintain the water distribution network.

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 101 of 207 The Purchase Office advertised and solicited competitive bids in accordance with Section 329.06 (Solicitation SA002178). Three (3) bids were received.

The Division of Power and Water is recommending contract award to E.H. Wachs Company as the lowest responsible bidder for items: 1-4 in the total amount of $60,312.70. E.H. Wachs Company was deemed non-responsive due to a technicality in which the supplier failed to correctly express the unit price, however the extending price was correct.

Item #1-$8,103.14 (Qty 1) Item #2-$30,256.56 (Qty 4) Item #3-$6,243.00 (Qty 3) Item #4-$15,710.00 (Qty 5)

Supplier: E.H. Wachs Company (36-1920320)

The company is not debarred according to the Excluded Party Listing System of the Federal Government or prohibited from being awarded a contract according to the Auditor of State Unresolved Findings for Recovery Certified Search.

FISCAL IMPACT: The Division of Power and Water budgeted $51,500.00 for this type of purchase.

$0 was expended for hydraulic and pneumatic tools during 2005. $0 was expended for hydraulic and pneumatic tools during 2004.

Title To authorize the Director of Finance and Management to enter into a contract for hydraulic and pneumatic tools with E.H. Wachs Company for the Division of Power and Water, to waive formal competitive bidding requirements, and to authorize the expenditure of $60,312.70 from the Water System Operating Fund. ($60,312.70)

Body WHEREAS, the Purchasing Office opened formal bids on October 26, 2006 for the purchase of hydraulic and pneumatic tools for the Division of Power and Water, and

WHEREAS, the Division of Power and Water recommends an award be made to the lowest, responsible and best bidder E.H. Wachs Company and,

WHEREAS, E.H. Wachs Company was deemed non-responsive due to a technicality in which the they failed to correctly express the unit price, however the extended price was correct; and

WHEREAS, a waiver of competitive bidding is requested due to a substantial savings over the next low bidder, and

WHEREAS, this equipment will be used by the distribution maintenance personnel to maintain the water distribution network, and

WHEREAS, a contract will be issued in accordance with the terms, conditions and specifications of bid number SA002178 on file in the Purchasing Office; now, therefore


Section 1. That the Director of Finance and Management be and is hereby authorized to establish a contract with E.H. Wachs Company for the purchase of hydraulic and pneumatic tools for the Division of Power and Water, in accordance with SA002178, specifications on file in the Purchasing Office.

Section 2. That the expenditure of $60,312.70 or as much thereof as may be needed, is hereby authorized from Water Works Fund 600, Department 60-09, and is to be dispersed among Object Level One's, Object Level Three's and OCA codes as follows:

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 102 of 207 Object Level One Object Level Three OCA Amount

02 2236 602730 $21,953.00 06 6651 602722 $8,103.14 06 6651 602730 $30,256.56

SECTION 3. That in accordance with Section 329.27 of the Columbus City Code, this Council finds the best interest of the City is served by waiving, and does hereby waive Sections 329.06 (Formal Competitive Bidding) of the Columbus City Code.

Section 4. That this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law.

Legislation Number: 2127-2006

Drafting Date: 11/15/2006 Current Status: Passed

Version: 1 Matter Type: Ordinance

Explanation1. BACKGROUND: This legislation authorizes the Director of Public Utilities to enter into a professional engineering services contract with the ms Consultants, Inc. for the sanitary sewer project known as the Franklin No. 1 Trunk Sewer Rehabilitation Project.

This contract will provide for cleaning and televising the existing sewer, dye testing of structures, performing manhole inspections and evaluations; investigating the need for easements, performing field surveying, preparing a Design Report to document evaluations and recommendations, generating detailed construction plans and specifications, preparing site-specific maintenance of traffic plans, supplying all construction documents required for bidding, performing engineering services during construction, and preparing as-built drawings at the completion of the project.

2. PROCUREMENT INFORMATION:The basis for selection of the chosen professional engineering services firm: The Division advertised Request for Statement of Qualifications (RFSQ's) for the subject services in the City Bulletin in accordance with the provisions of Section 329.13 of Columbus City Codes. Three firms were short-listed and were requested to submit technical proposals for this project. These proposals were reviewed and ranked by a Professional Engineering Services Selection Committee in order to determine the consultant best qualified to provide the services for this project. The Division of Sewerage and Drainage received technical proposals on May 19, 2006 from the Burgess & Niple, Inc.; Jones-Stuckey, Inc.; R. D. Zande & Associates, Inc., and ms Consultants, i TitleTo authorize the Director of Public Utilities to enter into a professional engineering services contract with ms Consultants, Inc., in connection with the Franklin No. 1 Trunk Sewer Rehabilitation Project; to authorize the transfer and expenditure of $528,755.24 from within the Voted Sanitary Bond Fund; for the Division of Sewerage and Drainage. ($528,755.24)

BodyWHEREAS, the Division of Sewerage and Drainage has undertaken a comprehensive review of downtown sanitary and combined infrastructure and has identified the need to rehabilitate specific sections of the Franklin No. 1 Trunk Sewer Rehabilitation Project; and

WHEREAS, the Director of the Public Utilities requested detailed proposals from the firms of Burgess & Niple, Inc.; Jones-Stuckey, Inc.; R. D. Zande & Associates, Inc., and ms Consultants, inc.; for the aforementioned project services, and received these proposals on May 19, 2006, in accordance with the procurement provisions of Section 329.13 of the Columbus City Codes; and

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 103 of 207 WHEREAS, based upon an evaluation of these proposals utilizing predetermined criteria, a selection committee determined that ms Consultants, Inc., submitted the best proposal for the required project services, to which the Director of the Department of Public Utilities concurred; and

WHEREAS, the Division has determined it necessary to request this City Council to authorize the Director of Public Utilities to enter into a professional engineering services agreement for purposes of preparing construction plans and specifications for the rehabilitation of the Franklin No. 1 Trunk Sewer Rehabilitation Project, at the earliest practicable date, now, therefore


Section 1. That the City Auditor be and hereby is authorized and directed to transfer a total of $528,755.24 from within the Voted Sanitary Bond Fund No. 664| Division 60-05| Object Level Three No. 6676:

From: Proj.: 650600| Franklin-Main Interceptor| OCA No. 651600| $528,755.24

To: Proj.: 650701| Franklin No. ! Trunk Sewer Rehab.| OCA No. 664701| $528,755.24

Section 2. That the City Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to transfer any unencumbered balance in the project account to the unallocated balance account within the same fund upon receipt of certification by the Director of the Department administering said project that the project has been completed and the monies are no longer required for said project; except that no transfer shall be so made from a project account funded by monies from more than one source.

Section 3. That the City Auditor is authorized to make any accounting changes to revise the funding source for any contract or contract modifications associated with the expenditure of the funds transferred under Section 1., above.

Section 4. That the Director of Public Utilities be, and hereby is, authorized to enter into a professional engineering services contract with the ms Consultants, Inc., 2221 Schrock Road, Columbus, Ohio 43229-1547, in connection with the Franklin No. 1 Trunk Sewer Rehabilitation Project, in accordance,with the terms and conditions of the Contract on file in the office of the Division of Sewerage and Drainage's Sewer System Engineering Section.

Section 5. That the expenditure of $528,755.24, or as much thereof as may be needed, be and the same hereby is authorized from the Voted Sanitary Bond Fund No. 664; Division 60-05; within the following project: Proj. No.: 650701| Franklin No. 1 Trunk Sewer Rehab.| Object Level Three 6676| OCA Code 664701| $528,755.24.

Section 6. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law.

Legislation Number: 2134-2006

Drafting Date: 11/16/2006 Current Status: Passed

Version: 1 Matter Type: Ordinance

Explanation 1. BACKGROUND:

A. Need. This legislation authorizes the Director of Public Utilities to modify the agreement with Malcolm Pirnie, Inc., for professional program management services for the 2006-2010 Capital Improvements Program of the Division of Sewerage and Drainage. The work in that program is a very substantial group of sewer capital improvements projects (CIPs), both collections systems and treatment works improvements, which has been agreed to by the City and Ohio EPA

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 104 of 207 in order to conform to the requirements of the City's consent orders. The actual emplacement of the CIPs will be by construction contract; the professional program management contract is providing: program planning, scheduling, budgeting, and status reporting; construction management; design management; some design of critical projects; special services such as Value Engineering, and other services for this very large, important program, as directed by the City. The initial authorization of, and appropriation of monies to, this contract was accomplished by Ordinance No. 0731-2006, passed May 8, 2006. This contract was always planned to be funded incrementally, via approximately annual appropriations. The initial FY2006 appropriation will be exhausted at the end of 2006, and this modification provides monies to continue this important work into FY2007.

B. Contract Compliance No.: 132653703(MAJ).

D. Emergency Designation: The Division of Sewerage and Drainage hereby requests City Council to concur in the declaration of this ordinance as an emergency measure, in order to assure that these important management services continue to coordinate the design and construction of the Division's Wet Weather Management Plan infrastructure improvements within the schedule commitments made to Ohio EPA in the City's consent orders.


The probable total amount of this contract over the program duration through 2010 may be approximately $45,000,000.00. This contract is planned to be modified, approximately annually, to provide needed monies as the program proceeds. Actual timing and modification amounts will depend upon the progress and development of the overall program. The amount of this modification is as programmed for the Fall, 2006 Bond Sale.


This project involves all of the Division's major facilities, City-wide.

Title To authorize the Director of Public Utilities to modify the agreement with Malcolm Pirnie, Inc., for Professional Program Management Services for the 2006-2010 Capital Improvements Program under the Wet Weather Management Plan, for the Division of Sewerage and Drainage; to authorize the expenditure of $12,000,000.00 from the Voted Sanitary Bond Fund; and to declare an emergency. ($12,000,000.00)

Body WHEREAS, the Division of Sewerage and Drainage is undertaking a substantial program of large capital improvements to improve the Division's facilities, in conformance with a Wet Weather Management Plan submitted by the City to Ohio EPA, in conformance with the City's agreed-upon Consent Orders; and

WHEREAS, a program of the size and scope of that being undertaken by the Division to improve its facilities requires the best, most robust management to assure the success of the program; and

WHEREAS, the City has contracted for such professional program management services, under authority of Ordinance No. 0731-2006, passed April 8, 2006; and

WHEREAS, the initial funding of contract EL006055 was planned to be sufficient to provide the necessary services for the balance of 2006, with additional necessary funding to be added as the program proceeds in 2007 and subsequent years; and

WHEREAS, an emergency exists in the usual daily operation of the Division of Sewerage and Drainage, Department of Public Utilities, in that it is immediately necessary to authorize the Director of Public Utilities to modify the agreement for professional program management services for the Division of Sewerage and Drainage's 2006-2010 capital

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 105 of 207 improvements program in order to ensure that these important management services continue to coordinate the design and construction of the Division's Wet Weather Management Plan infrastructure improvements within the schedule commitments made to Ohio EPA in the City's consent orders; Now, Therefore,


Section 1. That the Director of Public Utilities be, and hereby is, authorized to modify contract EL006055 with Malcolm Pirnie, Inc., 1900 Polaris Parkway, Suite 200, Columbus, Ohio 43240-2020, for Professional Program Management Services for the Division of Sewerage and Drainage's 2006-2010 capital improvements program, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the modification on file in the offices of the Division of Sewerage and Drainage.

Section 2. That the said firm shall perform the work to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Utilities and the Administrator of the Division of Sewerage and Drainage.

Section 3. That for the purpose of paying the cost of the said modification, the following expenditure, or as much thereof as may be needed, be and the same hereby is authorized from the Voted Sanitary Bond Fund, Fund 664| Div.: 60- 05 as follows: Project No. 650390| OCA Code 664390| Object Level Three 6678| Amount $12,000,000.00.

Section 4. That for the reasons stated in the preamble hereto, which is hereby made a part hereof, this ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure which shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor, or ten days after passage if the Mayor neither approves nor vetoes the same.

Legislation Number: 2174-2006

Drafting Date: 11/20/2006 Current Status: Passed

Version: 1 Matter Type: Ordinance

Explanation The purpose of this legislation is to authorize the Director of Finance and Management to enter into contract with Causeway Equipment Inc for the purchase of Compost Screen with Trade-In. The compost screen is a replacement for a screen that requires various repairs and is no longer cost effective to upkeep. The compost screen is used by the Compost Facility to screen material out for better grade compost used in the production of Com-Til.

The Purchasing Office opened formal bids on October 26, 2006 five (5) bids were received. A tabulation is attached.

The apparent low bidder D&L Equipment quoted a Warrior 1400. The bid was deemed non-responsive to the specifications for offering a vibrating deck instead of a trommel screen and their equipment is not self cleaning as specified in the proposal.

The next low bidder, Processing & Recycling bid a McCloskey 621RE. That equipment was deemed non-responsive to the specifications. The specifications called for an engine on a swing out carriage and be mounted at ground level for ease of maintenance. The McCloskey engine is mounted approximately 10 feet and does not have a swing out carriage. Furthermore, the specifications called for the drum to be free of internal structural framework. The McCloskey offered has internal framework that collects compost and requires additional cleaning. The specifications called for access to the trommel drum to be provided through side panels and cleaning of the drum to be at ground level. The McCloskey does not have access doors and the drum must be removed for cleaning.

Therefore the award is being made to the lowest, responsive and responsible and best bidder, Causeway Equipment Inc.

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 106 of 207 The amount requested on this ordinance is the net amount after trade-in.

Supplier: Causeway Equipment Inc (31-1750595)

Fiscal Impact: $222,590.00 is budgeted and needed for this purchase.

Title To authorize the Director of Finance and Management to establish a purchase order with Causeway Equipment Inc for the purchase of a Compost Screen with Trade-In for the Division of Sewerage and Drainage, and to authorize the expenditure of $222,590.00 from the Sewerage System Operating Fund. ($222,590.00)

Body WHEREAS, the Division of Sewerage and Drainage, Compost Facility has a need to replace a compost screen, and

WHEREAS, the Purchasing Office opened formal bids on October 26, 2006 for the purchase of a Compost Screen with Trade-In and five (5) bids were received, and

WHEREAS, the apparent low bidder D&L Equipment quoted a Warrior 1400. The bid was deemed non-responsive to the specifications for offering a vibrating deck instead of a trommel screen and their equipment is not self cleaning as specified in the proposal, and

WHEREAS, the next low bidder, Processing & Recycling bid a McCloskey 621RE. That equipment was deemed non-responsive to the specifications because the specifications called for an engine on a swing out carriage and to be mounted at ground level for ease of maintenance. The McCloskey engine is mounted approximately 10 feet high and does not have a swing out carriage, and

WHEREAS, the specifications also called for the drum to be free of internal structural framework. The McCloskey offered has internal framework that collects compost and requires additional cleaning, and

WHEREAS, the specifications called for access to the trommel drum to be provided through side panels and cleaning to of the drum to be at ground level. The McCloskey does not have access doors and the drum must be removed for cleaning, and

WHEREAS, a recommendation was made to the lowest, responsive and responsible and best bidder, Causeway Equipment Inc, and

WHEREAS, A purchase order will be issued in accordance with the terms and specifications of Solicitation Number: SA002195GRW on file in the Purchasing Office; now, therefore


Section 1. That the Director of Finance and Management be and is hereby authorized to establish a purchase order with Causeway Equipment Inc. for the purchase of Compost Screen with Trade-In for the Division of Sewerage and Drainage, in accordance with specifications on file in the Purchasing Office

Section 2. That the expenditure of $222,590.00 or so much thereof as may be needed, be and the same hereby is authorized from the Sewerage System Operating Fund, Fund No. 650, OCA 605899, Object Level 1: 06, Object Level 03: 6624.

Section 3. That this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law.

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 107 of 207 Legislation Number: 2182-2006

Drafting Date: 11/20/2006 Current Status: Passed

Version: 1 Matter Type: Ordinance

Explanation: BACKGROUND:

This ordinance authorizes the appropriation of $31,200, and reflects the anticipated expenses for fiscal year 2007 within the Franklin County Municipal Court's fund for probation fees. These funds are collected as a one-time probation supervision fee for all individuals placed under probation supervision by the Court effective December 1, 1995. The collection of said funds was authorized by Amended Substitute House Bill Number 406, signed into law in August, 1994. The Franklin County Municipal Court Judges incorporated the collection of probation fees into Local Court Rule 13, effective December 1 1995, in the amount of $20.00 per case. During 2005, the fee for probation supervision was increased to $40.00 per case.

Funds are to be used for the enhancement of probation services, not to supplant existing funds. The intent of these funds is to provide for specialized probation staff, the purchase of needed equipment, services, and other similar probation-related expenses not currently available to the Court's probation services department.

EMERGENCY: Emergency action is requested to allow uninterrupted payments to staff and vendors.

Title To authorize the appropriation of $315,200 for 2007 from the unappropriated balance of the Franklin County Municipal Court Judges probation fee fund for all anticipated expenses associated with the enhancement of probation services; and to declare an emergency. ($315,200.00)

Body Whereas, an appropriation of these funds is necessary in order to continue with the enhancement of probation services and the payment thereof; and

Whereas, an emergency exists in the usual daily operation of the Franklin County Municipal Court Judges in that it is immediately necessary to undertake said activities, in order for the probation department to commence expending these funds, all for the immediate preservation of the public health, safety and welfare; now therefore;


Section 1. That the sum of $315,200 be and is hereby appropriated from the unappropriated balance of the special revenue fund, fund 227, subfund 003, and from all monies estimated to come into said fund from any and all sources unappropriated for any other purposes during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2007, to the Franklin County Municipal Court Judges, department number 2501, oca code 250324, as follows: object level 1 - 01, $137,000; object level 1 - 02, $29,500; object level 1 - 03, $85,700; object level 1 - 10, $63,000.

Please refer to attachment probationfeeol3 for object level 3 detail.

Section 2. That monies appropriated in Section 1 shall be paid upon the recommendation of the Chief Probation Officer and upon the order of the Administrative and Presiding Judge, and that no order shall be drawn or paid except by voucher, the form of which shall be approved by the City Auditor.

Section 3. That for the reasons stated in the preamble hereto, which is hereby declared to be an emergency measure and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor or ten days after passage if the Mayor neither approves nor vetoes the same.

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 108 of 207 Legislation Number: 2215-2006

Drafting Date: 11/27/2006 Current Status: Passed

Version: 1 Matter Type: Ordinance

Explanation BACKGROUND: In 2004, the City Attorney entered into a contract with McNees, Wallace & Nurick LLC, a law firm knowledgeable in electric purchase power issues to provide specialized legal services for the Division of Electricity (City) relating to the Power Purchase and Sale Agreement between the City and Constellation Commodities Group (Constellation). The Constellation contract expires on December 31, 2006 requiring the negotiation of a new purchase power agreement in 2006. McNees, Wallace & Nurick LLC assisted in drafting and negotiating a purchase power agreement with AEP which provides 100% of the City's power needs for 2007. However, in 2008 AEP will only provide 75% of the City's power and only 50% in 2009. The Division of Power and Water will need to enter into new agreements to provide for the remaining 2008 and 2009 balances. Therefore, it is necessary for the City Attorney's Office to modify, and extend the contract to provide legal service regarding issues related to the purchase of power for the Division of Power and Water for the years 2008 and 2009.

Contract Compliance Number: 231256003

FISCAL IMPACT: Funding for this expenditure will come from the Electricity Operating Fund.


Title To authorize the City Attorney's Office to modify and extend the contract with McNees, Wallace & Nurick LLC to provide legal service regarding issues related to the purchase of power for the Division of Power and Water for the years 2008 and 2009, and to authorize the expenditure of $50,000.00 from the Electricity Operating Fund. ($50,000.00)

Body WHEREAS, in 2004, the City Attorney entered into a contract with McNees, Wallace & Nurick LLC, a law firm knowledgeable in electric purchase power issues to provide specialized legal services for the Division of Power and Water (City) relating to the Power Purchase and Sale Agreement between the City and Constellation Commodities Group(Constellation); and

WHEREAS, McNees, Wallace & Nurick LLC assisted in drafting and negotiating a purchase power agreement with AEP which provides 100% of the City's power needs for 2007; and

WHEREAS, in 2008 AEP will only provide 75% of the City's power and only 50% in 2009; and

WHEREAS, the Division of Division of Power and Water will need to enter into new agreements to provide for the remaining 2008 and 2009 balances; and

WHEREAS, it is estimated that an additional $50,000.00 is needed to cover the remaining specialized legal services regarding the evaluation of purchase power proposals and the negotiations of new purchase power agreements anticipated for 2008 and 2009; now, therefore:

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 109 of 207 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLUMBUS:

SECTION 1. That the City Attorney is hereby authorized to modify an existing contract with McNees, Wallace & Nurick LLC, in an amount of $50,000.00, for special legal counsel service necessary to the evaluation of purchase power proposals related to the purchase of power for the Division of Power and Water for the years 2008 and 2009 and to assist in negotiating the terms and conditions of a purchase power contract.

SECTION 2. That to pay the cost of the aforesaid contract modification, the expenditure of $50,000.00, or so much thereof as may be needed, is hereby authorized from the Division of Power and Water - Power, Division No. 60-07, Operating Fund 550, OCA 600830, Object Level Three 3336.

SECTION 3. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law.

Legislation Number: 2224-2006

Drafting Date: 11/28/2006 Current Status: Passed

Version: 1 Matter Type: Ordinance

Explanation1. BACKGROUND: This legislation authorizes the Director of Public Utilities to execute a contract with Reynolds, Inc., for the construction of the Morse Rd./Elks Drive Area Sanitary Improvements Project. This project will rehabilitate approximately 15,579 lineal feet of eight to 15-inch diameter sanitary sewer lines serving homes within the project area that is located in the Clintonville Community. This contract will utilize trenchless technology methods to minimize the disruption to residences in the project area and to avoid the costlier method of traditional open trench sewer removal and replacement. This project also includes Storm Sewer Bond Funds for the stormwater infrastructure improvement costs to be installed in Fairway Drive, that were deemed inelgible by the Ohio Water Development Authority, and which are a part of this contract work.

The Director of Public Utilities publicly opened five competitive bid proposals on November 1, 2006. The cumulative results of these bids were: Reynolds, Inc. submitted a bid of $903,432.00; Insituform, Inc., submitted a bid of $923,027.84; United Survey submitted a bid of $1,003,615.80; Kokosing Construction submitted a bid of $1,024,274.4; and American Water Underground submitted a bid of $1,234,149.60.

The Engineer's Estimate for this project was $1,220,540.40. In order to fund this contract, it was necessary to wait until an OWDA Loan could be requested, approved and executed by the Ohio Water Development Authority. The OWDA Board approved this loan on December 14, 2006.

2. FISCAL IMPACT: This legislation appropriates a total of $896,832.00 from the OWDA Loan that will be utilized for the subject project. The Division of Sewerage and Drainage has included $1,508,300.00 within the 2006 Capital Improvements Budget for this expenditure.

3. EMERGENCY DESIGNATION: The Division of Sewerage and Drainage is requesting City Council to consider this legislation an emergency measure in order to allow for the immediate commencement of this contract work that is necessary to rehabilitate nearly 15,579 lineal feet of sanitary sewer serving a residential area in the Clintonville community, pursuant to ensuring the continued operation of this vital sanitary sewer infrastructure.

TitleTo authorize the Director of Public Utilities to enter into contract with Reynolds, Inc., for the construction of the

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 110 of 207 Morse Rd./Elks Drive Area Sanitary Improvements Project; to authorize the transfer and expenditure of $6,600.00 from the Storm Sewer Bond Fund; to authorize the appropriation and expenditure of $896,832.00 from the Ohio Water Pollution Control Loan Fund; to amend the 2006 Capital Improvements Budget; for the Division of Sewerage and Drainage; and to declare an emergency. ($903,432.00)

BodyWHEREAS, five competitive bids for the construction of the Morse Rd./Elks Drive Area Sanitary Improvements Project, were received on November 1, 2006; and

WHEREAS, the Ohio Water Development Authority approved a loan to the City of Columbus on December 14, 2006, in the amount of $1,113,637.00, identified as Ohio Water Development Authority No. 4637, for the above listed project with eligible costs including the construction contract and the original professional engineering design services contract; and

WHEREAS, Voted Storm Bond Funds are required to provide funding for ancillary storm sewer improvements that were deemed inelgible under the terms of the OWDA Loan Agreement; and

WHEREAS, it is immediately necessary for the City Council to both appropriate the proceeds from the aforementioned loan agreement and to authorize the expenditure of funds from the Ohio Water Pollution Control Loan Fund; and

WHEREAS, an emergency exists in the usual daily operation of the Division of Sewerage and Drainage, in that it is necessary for this City Council to authorize the Director of Public Utilities to execute a contract for the construction of the Morse Rd./Elks Drive Area Sanitary Improvements Project; to appropriate and authorize the expenditure of the proceeds from the aforementioned loan, all of which is necessary to allow for the immediate rehabilitation of this aging and structurally deficient sanitary sewer infrastructure, for the preservation of the public health, peace, property, and safety; now, therefore,


Section 1. That the proceeds from the Ohio Water Development Authority Loan No. 4637, for the Morse Rd./Elks Drive Area Sanitary Improvements Project; and funds from the unappropriated monies in Fund 666, the amount of $896,832.00 for the cost of construction services, is hereby appropriated to the Division of Sewerage and Drainage, Division 60-05, Fund No. 666: Div.: 60-05| Fund 666| Proj: 650679| OCA Code 666679| Obj. Level 3: 6630| $896,832.00

Section 2. That the City Auditor is hereby authorized to transfer $6,600.00 within the Storm Sewer Bond Fund, Fund No. 685, Division of Sewerage and Drainage, Division 60-15, as follows:

FROM: 610975| Stelzer Rd. Southern Basin| OCA Code: 685975| OL3: 6621| $6,600.00

TO: 611003| Small Scale Stormwater Imp.| OCA Code: 681003| OL3: 6621| $6,600.00

Section 3. That the Director of Public Utilities be, and hereby is, authorized to award and execute a contract for the construction of the Morse Rd./Elks Drive Area Sanitary Improvements Project with the lowest, best, responsive and responsible bidder, Reynolds, Inc., 4520 North State Road 37, Orleans, Indiana 47452, in the amount of $903,432.00, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract on file in the Sewer System Engineering Section Office of the Division of Sewerage and Drainage.

Section 4. That for the purpose of paying the cost of construction contract, the expenditure of $903,432.00 or as much thereof as may be needed, is hereby authorized from the Ohio Water Pollution Control Loan Fund and the Storm Sewer Bond Fund as follows: Div.: 60-05| Fund 666| Proj. 650679| OCA Code 666679| Obj. Level 3: 6630| $896,832.00 Div.: 60-15| Fund 685| Proj. 611003| OCA Code 681003| Obj. Level 3: 6621| $6,600.00

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 111 of 207 Section 5. That the 2006 Capital Improvements Budget Ordinance No. 1108-2006 is hereby amended as follows, in order to provide sufficient budget authority for the aforementioned construction contract.

CURRENT: 610975-Stelzer Rd. Southern Detention - $78,527.00 611003-Small Scale Storm Improve.- $0.00

AMENDED TO: 610975-Stelzer Rd. Southern Detention - $71,927.00 (-$6,600.00) 611003-Small Scale Storm Improve.- $6,600.00 ($6,600.00)

Section 6. That for the reasons stated in the preamble hereto, which is hereby made a part hereof, this ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor, or ten days after passage if the Mayor neither approves nor vetoes the same.

Legislation Number: 2228-2006

Drafting Date: 11/28/2006 Current Status: Passed

Version: 1 Matter Type: Ordinance

Explanation BACKGROUND: This legislation authorizes the City Auditor to make payment to Patricia VanDyke for vacation time which has been accumulated in excess of the maximum amount established by the Management Compensation Plan. Ms. Van Dyke has been unable to take vacation due to the vacancy of the position of Deputy City Treasurer in the City Treasurer's Office. Emergency Action is requested to facilitate prompt payment for the unused vacation leave. FISCAL IMP ACT: There is sufficient appropriation authority within the 2006 budget to fund this ordinance.

Title To authorize and direct the City Auditor to make payment of $2,304.00 to Patricia VanDyke for vacation time and benefits which have been accumulated in excess of the maximum amount established by the Management Compensation Plan; to authorize the expenditure of $2,304.00 from the General Fund; and to declare an emergency. ($2,304.00)

Body WHEREAS, Section 12(C) of the Management Compensation Plan provides for payment of accrued vacation balances in excess of the maximums fixed the Plan; and WHEREAS, Patricia VanDyke, Administrative Analyst II, will have 80.00 hours of excess vacation at the end of the vacation year; and WHEREAS, it is not in the best interest of the City to have Patricia VanDyke take the vacation leave which would otherwise be forfeited; and WHEREAS, an emergency exists in the usual daily operation of the City Treasurer's Office, in that it is immediately necessary to make payment to Patricia VanDyke for vacation time and benefits which have been accumulated in excess of the maximum amount established by the Management Compensation Plan in order to preserve the public health, peace, property, safety, and welfare; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLUMBUS: SECTION 1. That the City Auditor be and hereby is authorized and directed to make payment to Patricia VanDyke for a vacation balance in excess of the maximum fixed by Section 12 (C) of the Management Compensation Plan and the associated retirement and workers compensation contributions. SECTION 2. That the expenditure of $2,304.00, or so much thereof that maybe necessary in regard to the action authorized in SECTION 1, be and is hereby authorized and approved as follows: Department:23-01 Fund:010 OCA Code:230227 Object Level 1: 01 Object Level 03:1101 Amount: $2,304.00

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 112 of 207 SECTION 3. That for the reasons stated in the preamble hereto, which is hereby made a part hereof, this ordinance is declared to be an emergency measure and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor, or ten days after passage if the Mayor neither approves nor vetoes the same.

Legislation Number: 2259-2006

Drafting Date: 12/01/2006 Current Status: Passed

Version: 1 Matter Type: Ordinance

Explanation Need: The Division of Police needs to purchase a new Model MD500E Aircraft. The Division of Police will use this helicopter to patrol the airspace over the City of Columbus. This purchase will improve police response time, reduce crime through area selective enforcement by use of helicopter patrol, increase patrol observation, increase officer safety, and conduct successful day and night time surveillance. This helicopter is a scheduled replacement.

Bid Information: The Finance and Management Director will be entering into a contract to purchase helicopters through July 2008 with MD Helicopters, Inc. enabling better pricing for the Division of Police. On November 29, 2006, Department of Public Safety and Police representatives negotiated pricing based on the contract with M.D. Helicopters, Inc. for a new 500E helicopter. The purchase price of a 500E is $1,356,545.00. The Division of Police needs to request the option for sole source procurement because it is vital that the contract remain for only one type of aircraft ensuring uniformity with extensive training, safety issues and maintenance costs for the helicopter unit.

Contract Compliance No.: M.D. Helicopter, Inc. - 86-0944088 expires 12/07/08

Emergency Designation: Emergency legislation is requested because negotiated price is only good for a limited time.


Since this purchase will be made with funds from the Special Income Tax Debt Fund, there will be no immediate effect on the financial status of the General Fund.

Title To authorize and direct the Finance and Management Director to enter into an agreement with MD Helicopters, Inc. for the purchase of a 500E helicopter, in accordance with sole source procurement for the Division of Police, to authorize the appropriation and the expenditure of $1,356,545.00 from the Special Income Tax Debt Fund; and to declare an emergency. ($1,356,545.00)

Body WHEREAS, the Division of Police's plan is to have six (6) helicopters available for patrolling the airspace of the City of Columbus; and

WHEREAS, the purchase of this new helicopter is a scheduled replacement; and

WHEREAS, M.D. Helicopters, Inc. is the sole source to purchase this type of aircraft; and

WHEREAS, cost for this purchase was negotiated by City representatives and M.D. Helicopters, Inc. personnel; and

WHEREAS, an emergency exists in the daily operation of the Division of Police, Department of Public Safety, in that it is immediately necessary to enter into contract for the purchase of a 500E helicopter for the preservation of the public peace, health, safety, and welfare; now, therefore


Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 113 of 207 Section 1. That the Finance and Management Director be and is hereby authorized and directed to enter into agreement with M.D. Helicopters, Inc. for the purchase of a new 500E helicopter for the Division of Police.

SECTION 2. That from the unappropriated monies in the Special Income Tax Debt Fund No. 430, and from all monies estimated to come into said fund from any and all sources and unappropriated for any other purpose during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2006, the sum of $1,356,545.00 is appropriated to the Division of Police, Department of Public Safety, No. 30-03, Object Level 03- 6652, OCA Code 302018.

Section 3. That said agreement shall be awarded in accordance with provisions of Section 329.07© (Sole Source) of the Columbus City Code, 1959.

Section 4. That the expenditure of up to $1,356,545.00 or so much as thereof as may be needed, be and is hereby authorized from the Special Income Tax Debt Fund to pay the cost thereof as described in Section 1 of this ordinance as follows:

DIV FUND OBJ LEV (1) OBJ LEV (3) OCA 30-03 430 06 6652 302018

Section 5. That proceeds from the sale/disposal of previously purchased City owned helicopters are to be deposited to fund 430.

Section 6. That for the reasons stated in the preamble hereto, which is hereby made a part thereof, this ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage approval by the Mayor, or ten days after passage if the Mayor neither approves nor vetoes the same.

Legislation Number: 2264-2006

Drafting Date: 12/05/2006 Current Status: Passed

Version: 1 Matter Type: Ordinance

Explanation BACKGROUND: This legislation transfers a total of $380,716.45 between projects within the Voted Street Lighting and Electricity Distribution Improvements Fund. Bids for an electrical transformer came in almost $400,000 more than was budgeted. Since it is imperative that the transformer be replaced before the summer, funds were transferred from the Urban Infrastructure Recovery Fund (UIRF) in order to cover this purchase. This was the only project that had sufficient funds to cover the expenditure. The UIRF project needs to be replenished immediately in order to establish funds for the Off-Campus Street Lighting Project, which is projected for early 2007.

Funds for the transfer will come from two projects included in the 2006 Bond Sale. Project 670638, Computer System Upgrades, will contribute its Bond Sale request of $300,000. These funds will not be needed as legislation for this project has recently passed, using remaining pre-Bond Sale funds.

The remaining $80,716.45 will come from project 670003, Street Lighting Improvement Force Account Work, Bond Sale request of $400,000. If remaining funding is inadequate to cover expenditures as needed, the Division will either re-prioritize future expenditures, or will seek additional funding in a 2007 Bond Sale.

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 114 of 207 It is requested that this Ordinance be handled in an emergency manner in order that the Urban Infrastructure Recovery Fund (UIRF) project be replenished as soon as possible. Funds will be needed for the Off-Campus Street Lighting Project, scheduled for early 2007.

FISCAL IMPACT: Sufficient funding will be available from the November 2006 Bond Sale.

Title To authorize and direct the City Auditor to transfer $380,716.45 within the Voted Street Lighting and Electricity Distribution Improvements Fund, to replenish the Urban Infrastructure Recovery Fund (UIRF), and to declare an emergency. ($380,716.45)

Body WHEREAS, bids for an electrical transformer came in greater than the Division of Power and Water budgeted; and

WHEREAS, monies were transferred from the Urban Infrastructure Recovery Fund (UIRF) to fund this expenditure; and

WHEREAS, funds for this project need to be replenished as soon as possible in order to fund the Off-Campus Street Lighting Project in early 2007; and

WHEREAS, monies will be transferred from projects that will be funded from the 2006 November Bond Sale; and

WHEREAS, an emergency exists in the usual daily operation of the Division of Power and Water, Department of Public Utilities, in that it is immediately necessary to authorize and direct the City Auditor to transfer funds within the Voted Street Lighting and Electricity Distribution Improvements Fund, for the immediate preservation of the public health, peace, property, safety, and welfare; now, therefore,


SECTION 1. That the City Auditor be and is hereby authorized and directed to transfer $380,716.45 within the Voted Street Lighting and Electricity Distribution Improvement Fund, Fund No. 553, Object Level One 06, Object Level Three 6625, Division 60-07, as follows:


Project No. Project Name OCA Code Amount 670003 SL Imp's - Force Acct. 675017 $ 80,716.45 670638 Computer System Upgrades 670638 $ 300,000.00 $ 380,716.45 TRANSFER TO:

Project No. Project Name OCA Code Amount 440007 Urban Infrastructure Recovery Fund 440007 $ 380,716.45

SECTION 2. That for the reasons stated in the preamble hereto, which is hereby made a part hereof, this ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor or ten days after passage if the Mayor neither approves nor disapproves the same.

Legislation Number: 2276-2006

Drafting Date: 12/11/2006 Current Status: Passed

Version: 1 Matter Type: Ordinance

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 115 of 207 The Ohio General Assembly enacted Senate Bill 9 and House Bill 163, consisting of a revision of state OVI laws. The enactment of Senate Bill 9 and House Bill 163 created a disparity between existing City ordinances and the general laws of the state of Ohio, which may result in City ordinances being found to be unenforceable. This legislation will reconcile the City Code with the amendments to state law.

Emergency Designation: This ordinance is being submitted as an emergency measure to remove the conflict between state law and local ordinance at the earliest possible date.


To amend various sections within Chapters 921, 2133 and 2141 of the Columbus City Codes, 1959, to maintain consistency between state OVI laws and City OVI ordinances; and to declare an emergency.


WHEREAS, the City of Columbus has the ability to enforce all local police, sanitary, and other similar regulations as are not in conflict with the general laws of the State of Ohio pursuant to Article XVIII, Section 3 of the Ohio Constitution, and

WHEREAS, the Ohio General Assembly has enacted Senate Bill 9 and House Bill 163 which consists of a revision of state OVI laws; and

WHEREAS, the enactment of SB 9 and HB 163 has created disparity between existing city OVI ordinances and general laws of the State of Ohio, which inconsistencies, in some instances, will cause the city ordinances to potentially be in conflict with the general laws of the State of Ohio; and

WHEREAS, an emergency exists in the usual daily operation of the City in that it is immediately necessary to amend various sections within Chapters 921, 2133 and 2141 of the Columbus City Codes, 1959, to remove any inconsistencies that may hinder enforcement of City ordinances at the earliest possible date; now therefore


Section 1. That Chapters 921, 2133 and 2141 of the Columbus City Codes, shall be amended and shall read as follows:

921.01 Definitions. As used in this chapter:

(1) "Canoe" means a narrow vessel of shallow draft, pointed at both ends and propelled by human muscular effort, and includes kayaks, racing shells, and rowing sculls.

(2) "City-controlled" includes all city-owned land, including but not limited to leases, easements and other legal agreements and all waters within the territorial limits of the city of Columbus or bounded by city-owned lands.

(3) "Coast Guard approved," means bearing an approval number assigned by the United States Coast Guard.

(4) "Contiguous property" shall mean lands owned by persons upstream from the dams which have a common boundary line with reservoir lands but not including abutting property separated from the reservoir by a right-of-way dedicated for public use.

(5) "Director, auditor, treasurer" shall mean the duly appointed officers of the city acting in their official capacity or through their deputies or employees legally authorized to act in their stead.

(6) "Diver's flag" means a red flag not less than one (1) foot square having a diagonal white stripe extending from the masthead to the opposite lower corner that when displayed indicates that divers are in the water.

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 116 of 207 (7) "Dock" means a structure or platform designed to provide access to or an area to secure watercraft. Boat docking facility means any facility supporting watercraft and designated by the director of recreation and parks, which excludes private permitted dock structures.

(8) "Idle speed" means the slowest possible speed needed to maintain steerage or maneuverability.

(9) "Immediate family" mean those family members residing within the same household.

(10) "Income taxpayer" means a taxpayer of the Columbus City Income Tax for the year preceding the issuance of any license, slip rental permit or private dock lease.

(11) "Inflatable watercraft" means any vessel constructed of rubber, canvas, or other material that is designed to be inflated with any gaseous substance, constructed with two (2) or more air cells, and operated as a vessel. Inflatable watercraft propelled by a motor shall be classified as powercraft and shall be registered by length. Inflatable watercraft propelled by a sail shall be classified as a sailboat and shall be registered by length. Excludes any contrivances that do not bear a Hull Identification Number (HIN) recognized by the United States Coast Guard.

(12) "In operation" in reference to a vessel means that the vessel is being navigated or otherwise used on the waterways of this city.

(13) "Law enforcement vessel" means any vessel used in law enforcement and under the command of a law enforcement officer.

(14) "Muffler" means an acoustical suppression device or system that is designed and installed to abate the sound of exhaust gases emitted from an internal combustion engine and that prevents excessive or unusual noise.

(15) "Navigable waters," means waters which come under the jurisdiction of the Department of the Army of the United States and any waterways within or adjacent to this state, except inland lakes having neither a navigable inlet nor outlet.

(16) "No wake" has the same meaning as "idle speed."

(17) "Operator" includes any person, who navigates or has under his the person's control a vessel, or vessel and detachable motor, on the waterways of this city.

(18) "Ordinary high water mark" means the line on the shore established by the fluctuations of water and indicated by physical characteristics such as clear, natural line impressed on the bank, shelving, changes in the soil, destruction of terrestrial vegetation, the presence of litter and debris, or other appropriate means that consider the characteristics of the surrounding areas.

(19) "Owner" includes any person who claims lawful possession of a vessel by virtue of legal title or equitable interest therein that entitled the person to that possession.

(20) "Pedal boat," means any watercraft designed to be propelled by pedals only through human muscular effort.

(21) "Person" includes any legal entity defined as a person in Section 1.59 of the Revised Code and any body politic, except the United States and this state, and includes any agent, trustee, executor, receiver, assignee, or other representative thereof.

(22) "Personal watercraft" means a vessel, less than sixteen (16) feet in length, that is propelled by machinery and designed to be operated by an individual sitting, standing, or kneeling on the vessel rather than by an individual sitting or standing inside the vessel.

(23) "Powercraft" means any vessel propelled by machinery, fuel, rockets, or similar device.

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 117 of 207 (24) "Reservoirs" shall mean the O'Shaughnessy, Griggs and Hoover water supply storage reservoir, and all adjacent city lands, unless specifically designated otherwise, from the dams upstream to the further most upstream extent of city-owned shores of the streams feeding into the reservoirs.

(25) "Resident" shall mean a bona fide resident or registered voter of the city.

(26) "Rowboat" means any vessel, except a canoe, that is designed to be rowed and that is propelled by human muscular effort by oars or paddles and upon which no mechanical propulsion device, electric motor, internal combustion engine, or sail has been affixed, or is used for the operation of such the vessel.

(27) "Sailboat" means any vessel, equipped with mast and sails, dependent upon the wind to propel it in the normal course of operation. (a) Any sailboat equipped with an inboard engine is deemed a powercraft with auxiliary sail. (b) Any sailboat equipped with detachable motor is deemed a sailboat with auxiliary power. (c) Any sailboat being propelled by mechanical power, whether under sail or not, is deemed a powercraft and subject to all laws and rules governing powercraft operation.

(28) "Sewage" means human body wastes and the wastes from toilets and other receptacles intended to receive or retain body waste.

(29) "South Side Scioto River Park" means the area bounded downstream by the spillway at Greenlawn Avenue and upstream a distance of one and one-quarter (1-1/4) statute miles.

(30) "Type one personal flotation device" means a device which that is designed to turn an unconscious person floating in water from a face downward position to a vertical or slightly face upward position, and that has at least nine (9) kilograms, approximately twenty (20) pounds, of buoyancy.

(31) "Type two personal flotation device" means a device which that is designed to turn an unconscious person in the water from a face downward position to a vertical or slightly face upward position and that has at least seven (7) kilograms, approximately fifteen and four-tenths (15.4) pounds, of buoyancy.

(32) "Type three personal flotation device" means a device which that is designed to keep a conscious person in a vertical or slightly face upward position and that has at least seven (7) kilograms, approximately fifteen and four-tenths (15.4) pounds of buoyancy.

(33) "Type four personal flotation device," means a device that is designed to be thrown to a person in the water and not worn and has at least seven and five-tenths (7.5) kilograms, approximately sixteen and five-tenths (16.5) pounds, of buoyancy., and designed to be thrown to a person in the water and not worn.

(34) "Type five personal flotation device" means a device that, unlike other personal flotation devices, has limitations on its approval by the United States Coast Guard, including, without limitation, all of the following: (a) The approval label on the type five personal flotation device indicates that the device is approved for the activity in which the vessel is being used or as a substitute for a personal flotation device of the type required on the vessel in use; (b) The personal flotation device is used in accordance with any requirements on the approval label; (c) The personal flotation device is used in accordance with the requirements in its owner's manual if the approval label refers to such a manual.

(35) "Vessel" includes every description of watercraft, including non-displacement craft and seaplanes, designed to be used as a means of transportation on water. Excludes any contrivances that do not bear a Hull Identification Number (HIN) recognized by the United States Coast Guard.

(36) "Visible" means visible on a dark night with clear atmosphere.

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 118 of 207 (37) "Watercraft" means any of the following when used or capable of being used for transportation on the water: (a) A vessel operated by machinery either permanently or temporarily affixed; (b) A sailboat other than a sailboard; Board type sailboats without rigidly affixed masts; commonly referred to as "sailboards" are not watercraft; excludes any contrivances that do not bear a Hull Identification Number (HIN) recognized by the United States Coast Guard. (c) An inflatable, manually propelled boat that is required by federal law to have a hull identification number meeting the requirement of the United States Coast Guard; (d) A canoe or rowboat. "Watercraft" does not include ferries as referred to in Chapter 4583 of the Revised Code. "Watercraft" excludes any contrivances that do not bear a Hull Identification Number (HIN) recognized by the United States Coast Guard. Watercraft subject to Section 1547.54 of the Revised Code shall be divided into five (5) classes as follows: Class A: Less than sixteen (16) feet in length; Class 1: At least sixteen (16) feet but less than twenty-six (26) feet in length; Class 2: At least twenty-six (26) feet but less than forty (40) feet in length; Class 3: At least forty (40) feet but not more less than sixty-five (65) feet in length. Class 4: At least sixty-five (65) feet in length.

(38) "Watercraft dealer" means any person who is regularly engaged in the business of manufacturing, selling, displaying, offering for sale, or dealing in vessels at an established place of business. "Watercraft dealer" does not include a person who is a marine salvage dealer or any other person who dismantles, salvages, or rebuilds vessels using used parts.

(39) "Waterways of the city" shall mean all city-administered water including, but not limited to reservoirs, reservoir lands, rivers, lakes, creeks, streams, ponds and water-filled quarries. Unless otherwise provided, this chapter applies to all vessels operating on waterways of this city. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed in contravention of any valid federal act or regulations, but is in addition to such act or regulation where not inconsistent. (40) "Drug of abuse" has the same meaning as in section 4506.01 of the Revised Code.

(ORC 1547.01) 921.11 Operation or physical control under influence of alcohol or drug; testing. (A) No person shall operate or be in physical control of any vessel underway, or shall manipulate any water skis, aquaplane, or similar device upon the waterways of the city if, at the time of the operation, control, or manipulation, any of the following applies:

(1) The person is under the influence of alcohol, or a drug of abuse, or the combined a combination of them influence of alcohol and a drug of abuse;

(2) The person has a concentration of ten eight-hundredths (0.10 08) of one (1) percent or more by weight of alcohol per unit volume in the person's whole blood;

(3) The person has a concentration of ninety-six-thousandths of one per cent or more by weight per unit volume of alcohol in the person's blood serum or plasma;

(3) (4) The person has a concentration of fourteen eleven-hundredths (0.14 11) of one (1) gram or more by weight of alcohol per one hundred (100) milliliters of the person's urine;

(4) (5) The person has a concentration of ten eight-hundredths (0.10 08) of one (1) gram or more by weight of alcohol per two hundred ten (210) liters of the person's breath. (6) Except as provided in division (H) of this section, the person has a concentration of any of the following controlled substances or metabolites of a controlled substance in the person's whole blood, blood serum or plasma, or urine that equals or exceeds any of the following: (a) The person has a concentration of amphetamine in the person's urine of at least five hundred nanograms of amphetamine per milliliter of the person's urine or has a concentration of amphetamine in the person's whole blood or

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 119 of 207 blood serum or plasma of at least one hundred nanograms of amphetamine per milliliter of the person's whole blood or blood serum or plasma. (b) The person has a concentration of cocaine in the person's urine of at least one hundred fifty nanograms of cocaine per milliliter of the person's urine or has a concentration of cocaine in the person's whole blood or blood serum or plasma of at least fifty nanograms of cocaine per milliliter of the person's whole blood or blood serum or plasma. (c) The person has a concentration of cocaine metabolite in the person's urine of at least one hundred fifty nanograms of cocaine metabolite per milliliter of the person's urine or has a concentration of cocaine metabolite in the person's whole blood or blood serum or plasma of at least fifty nanograms of cocaine metabolite per milliliter of the person's whole blood or blood serum or plasma. (d) The person has a concentration of heroin in the person's urine of at least two thousand nanograms of heroin per milliliter of the person's urine or has a concentration of heroin in the person's whole blood or blood serum or plasma of at least fifty nanograms of heroin per milliliter of the person's whole blood or blood serum or plasma. (e) The person has a concentration of heroin metabolite (6-monoacetyl morphine) in the person's urine of at least ten nanograms of heroin metabolite (6-monoacetyl morphine) per milliliter of the person's urine or has a concentration of heroin metabolite (6-monoacetyl morphine) in the person's whole blood or blood serum or plasma of at least ten nanograms of heroin metabolite (6-monoacetyl morphine) per milliliter of the person's whole blood or blood serum or plasma. (f) The person has a concentration of L.S.D. in the person's urine of at least twenty-five nanograms of L.S.D. per milliliter of the person's urine or has a concentration of L.S.D. in the person's whole blood or blood serum or plasma of at least ten nanograms of L.S.D. per milliliter of the person's whole blood or blood serum or plasma. (g) The person has a concentration of marihuana in the person's urine of at least ten nanograms of marihuana per milliliter of the person's urine or has a concentration of marihuana in the person's whole blood or blood serum or plasma of at least two nanograms of marihuana per milliliter of the person's whole blood or blood serum or plasma. (h) Either of the following applies: (i) The person is under the influence of alcohol, a drug of abuse, or a combination of them, and, as measured by gas chromatography mass spectrometry, the person has a concentration of marihuana metabolite in the person's urine of at least fifteen nanograms of marihuana metabolite per milliliter of the person's urine or has a concentration of marihuana metabolite in the person's whole blood or blood serum or plasma of at least five nanograms of marihuana metabolite per milliliter of the person's whole blood or blood serum or plasma. (ii) As measured by gas chromatography mass spectrometry, the person has a concentration of marihuana metabolite in the person's urine of at least thirty-five nanograms of marihuana metabolite per milliliter of the person's urine or has a concentration of marihuana metabolite in the person's whole blood or blood serum or plasma of at least fifty nanograms of marihuana metabolite per milliliter of the person's whole blood or blood serum or plasma. (i) The person has a concentration of methamphetamine in the person's urine of at least five hundred nanograms of methamphetamine per milliliter of the person's urine or has a concentration of methamphetamine in the person's whole blood or blood serum or plasma of at least one hundred nanograms of methamphetamine per milliliter of the person's whole blood or blood serum or plasma. (j) The person has a concentration of phencyclidine in the person's urine of at least twenty-five nanograms of phencyclidine per milliliter of the person's urine or has a concentration of phencyclidine in the person's whole blood or blood serum or plasma of at least ten nanograms of phencyclidine per milliliter of the person's whole blood or blood serum or plasma. (B) No person under twenty-one (21) years of age shall operate or be in physical control of any vessel underway or shall manipulate any water skis, aquaplane, or similar device on the waterways of the city if, at the time of the operation, control, or manipulation, any of the following applies:

(1) The person has a concentration of at least two-hundredths (0.02) of one (1) per cent, but less than ten eight-hundredths (0.10 08) of one (1) percent by weight of alcohol in the person's whole blood;

(2) The person has a concentration of at least three-hundredths of one per cent but less than ninety-six-thousandths of one per cent by weight per unit volume of alcohol in the person's blood serum or plasma;

(2) (3) The person has a concentration of at least twenty-eight one-thousandths (0.028) of one (1) gram, but less than fourteen eleven-hundredths (0.14 11) of one (1) gram by weight of alcohol per one hundred (100) milliliters of the person's urine;

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 120 of 207 (3) (4) The person has a concentration of at least two-hundredths (0.02) of one (1) gram, but less than ten eight-hundredths (0.10 08) of one (1) gram by weight of alcohol per two hundred ten (210) liters of the person's breath.

(C) In any proceeding arising out of one (1) incident, a person may be charged with a violation of subsection division (A) (1) and a violation of subsection division (B)(1), (2), or (3), or (4) of this section, but the person shall not be convicted of more than one (1) violation of those subsections divisions.

(D) (1)In any criminal prosecution or juvenile court proceeding for a violation of this section or of an ordinance of any municipal corporation relating to operating a vessel or using any water skis, aquaplane, or similar device while under the influence of alcohol or a drug of abuse, division (A) or (B) of this section, the court may admit evidence on the concentration of alcohol, or a drugs of abuse, controlled substances, metabolites of a controlled substance, or a combination of them in the defendant's or child's whole blood, blood serum or plasma, urine, or breath at the time of the alleged violation as shown by chemical analysis of the substance withdrawn, or specimen defendant's blood, urine, or breath taken within two (2) three hours of the time of the alleged violation. The three-hour time limit specified in this division regarding the admission of evidence does not extend or affect the two-hour time limit specified in division (C) of section 1547.111 of the Revised Code as the maximum period of time during which a person may consent to a chemical test or tests as described in that section.

When a person submits to a blood test, only a physician, a registered nurse, or a qualified technician, or chemist, or phlebotomist shall withdraw blood for the purpose of determining it's the alcohol, or drug, of abuse controlled substance, metabolite of a controlled substance, or combination content of the whole blood, blood serum, or blood plasma. This limitation does not apply to the taking of breath or urine specimens. A physician, registered nurse, or qualified technician or chemist person authorized to withdraw blood under this division may refuse to withdraw blood for the purpose of determining its alcohol or drug of abuse content under this division if, in the that person's opinion, of the physician, nurse, or technician or chemist, the physical welfare of the person defendant or child would be endangered by the withdrawing of blood.

The whole blood, blood serum or plasma, urine, or breath shall be analyzed in accordance with methods approved by the director of health by an individual possessing a valid permit issued by the director pursuant to Section 3701.14 .3 of the Revised Code.

(2) In a criminal prosecution or juvenile court proceeding for a violation of division (A) of this section, Iif there was at the time the blood, urine, or breath bodily substance was taken a concentration of less than ten-hundredths (0.10) of one (1) percent by weight of alcohol in the defendant's blood, less than fourteen-hundredths (0.14) of one (1) gram by weight of alcohol per one hundred (100) milliliters of the defendant's urine, or less than ten-hundredths (0.10) of one (1) gram by weight of alcohol per two hundred ten (210) liters of the defendant's breath the applicable concentration of alcohol specified for a violation of division (A)(2), (3), (4), or (5) of this section or less than the applicable concentration of a listed controlled substance or a listed metabolite of a controlled substance specified for a violation of division (A)(6) of this section, that fact may be considered with other competent evidence in determining the guilt or innocence of the defendant or in making an adjudication for the child. This division does not limit or affect a criminal prosecution or juvenile court proceeding for a violation of division (B) of this section.

(3)Upon the request of the person who was tested, the results of the chemical test shall be made available to the person or the person's attorney or agent, immediately upon the completion of the test analysis.

The person tested may have a physician, a registered nurse, or a qualified technician, or chemist, or phlebotomist of the person's own choosing administer a chemical test or tests in addition to any administered at the direction of a law enforcement officer, and shall be so advised. The failure or inability to obtain an additional test by a person shall not preclude the admission of evidence relating to the test or tests taken at the direction of a law enforcement officer.

(E) For the purposes of this section, "operate" means that a vessel is being used on the waterways of the city when the vessel is not securely affixed to a dock or to shore or to any permanent structure to which the vessel has the right to affix or that a vessel is not anchored in a designated anchorage area or boat camping area that is established by the United States Coast Guard, this state, or a political subdivision and in which the vessel has the right to anchor. (Ord. 805-05 § 1 (part).)

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 121 of 207 (E)(1) In any criminal prosecution or juvenile court proceeding for a violation of division (A) or (B) of this section or for an equivalent violation, if a law enforcement officer has administered a field sobriety test to the operator or person found to be in physical control of the vessel underway involved in the violation or the person manipulating the water skis, aquaplane, or similar device involved in the violation and if it is shown by clear and convincing evidence that the officer administered the test in substantial compliance with the testing standards for reliable, credible, and generally accepted field sobriety tests for vehicles that were in effect at the time the tests were administered, including, but not limited to, any testing standards then in effect that have been set by the national highway traffic safety administration, that by their nature are not clearly inapplicable regarding the operation or physical control of vessels underway or the manipulation of water skis, aquaplanes, or similar devices, all of the following apply: (a) The officer may testify concerning the results of the field sobriety test so administered. (b) The prosecution may introduce the results of the field sobriety test so administered as evidence in any proceedings in the criminal prosecution or juvenile court proceeding. (c) If testimony is presented or evidence is introduced under division (E)(1)(a) or (b) of this section and if the testimony or evidence is admissible under the Rules of Evidence, the court shall admit the testimony or evidence, and the trier of fact shall give it whatever weight the trier of fact considers to be appropriate. (2) Division (E)(1) of this section does not limit or preclude a court, in its determination of whether the arrest of a person was supported by probable cause or its determination of any other matter in a criminal prosecution or juvenile court proceeding of a type described in that division, from considering evidence or testimony that is not otherwise disallowed by division (E)(1) of this section. (F)(1) Subject to division (F)(3) of this section, in any criminal prosecution or juvenile court proceeding for a violation of this section or for an equivalent violation, the court shall admit as prima-facie evidence a laboratory report from any laboratory personnel issued a permit by the department of health authorizing an analysis as described in this division that contains an analysis of the whole blood, blood serum or plasma, breath, urine, or other bodily substance tested and that contains all of the information specified in this division. The laboratory report shall contain all of the following: (a) The signature, under oath, of any person who performed the analysis; (b) Any findings as to the identity and quantity of alcohol, a drug of abuse, a controlled substance, a metabolite of a controlled substance, or a combination of them that was found; (c) A copy of a notarized statement by the laboratory director or a designee of the director that contains the name of each certified analyst or test performer involved with the report, the analyst's or test performer's employment relationship with the laboratory that issued the report, and a notation that performing an analysis of the type involved is part of the analyst's or test performer's regular duties; (d) An outline of the analyst's or test performer's education, training, and experience in performing the type of analysis involved and a certification that the laboratory satisfies appropriate quality control standards in general and, in this particular analysis, under rules of the department of health. (2) Notwithstanding any other prvision of law regarding the admission of evidence, a report of the type described in division (F)(1) of this section is not admissible against the defendant or child to whom it pertains in any proceeding, other than a preliminary hearing or a grand jury proceeding, unless the prosecutor has served a copy of the report on the defendant's or child's attorney or, if the defendant or child has no attorney, on the defendant or hild. (3) A report of the type described in division (F)(1) of this section shall not be prima-facie evidence ofcntents, identity, or amount of any substance if, within seven days after the defendant or chid to whom the report pertains or the defendant's or child's attorney receives a copy of the report, the defendant or child or the defendant's or child's attorney demands the testimony of the person who signed the report. The judge in the case may extend the seven-day time limit in the interest of justice. (G) Except as otherwise provided in this division, any A physician, registered nurse, or qualified technician, or chemist, or phlebotomist who withdraws blood from a person pursuant to this section, and a hospital, first-aid station, or clinic at which blood is withdrawn from a person pursuant to this section, is immune from criminal and civil liability, and from civil liability that is based upon a claim of assault and battery or based upon any other claim that is not in the nature of a claim of malpractice, for any act performed in withdrawing blood from the person. The immunity provided in this division is not available to a person who withdraws blood if the person engages in willful or wanton misconduct. (H) Division (A)(6) of this section does not apply to a person who operates or is in physical control of a vessel underway or manipulates any water skis, aquaplane, or similar device while the person has a concentration of a listed controlled substance or a listed metabolite of a controlled substance in the person's whole blood, blood serum or plasma, or urine that equals or exceeds the amount specified in that division, if both of the following apply: (1) The person obtained the controlled substance pursuant to a prescription issued by a licensed health professional

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 122 of 207 authorized to prescribe drugs. (2) The person injected, ingested, or inhaled the controlled substance in accordance with the health professional's directions. (I) As used in this section: (1) "National highway traffic safety administration" has the same meaning as in section 4511.19 of the Revised Code. (2) "Operate" means that a vessel is being used on the waters of the city when the vessel is not securely affixed to a dock or to shore or to any permanent structure to which the vessel has the right to affix or that a vessel is not anchored in a designated anchorage area or boat camping area that is established by the United States coast guard, this state, or a political subdivision and in which the vessel has the right to anchor. (3) "Controlled substance" and "marihuana" have the same meanings as in section 3719.01 of the Revised Code. (4) "Cocaine" and "L.S.D." have the same meanings as in section 2925.01 of the Revised Code. 921.111 Implied consent. (A)(1) Any person who operates or is in physical control of a vessel or manipulates uses any water skis, aquaplane, or similar device upon any waterways of the city shall be deemed to have given consent to a chemical test or tests of the person's blood, breath, or urine for the purpose of determining its alcohol or drug of abuse content to determine the alcohol, drug of abuse, controlled substance, metabolite of a controlled substance, or combination content of the person's whole blood, blood serum or plasma, breath, or urine if arrested for the offense of operating or being in physical control of a vessel or using manipulating any water skis, aquaplane, or similar device in violation of Section 921.11 of the city code or similar statute in the Revised Code.

(2) The test or tests under division (A) of this section shall be administered at the direction of a law enforcement officer having reasonable grounds to believe the person to have been was operating or in physical control of a vessel or using manipulating any water skis, aquaplane, or similar device in violation of Section 921.11 of the city code or similar statute in the Revised Code. The law enforcement agency by which the officer is employed shall designate which of the test or tests shall be administered.

(B) Any person who is dead, or unconscious or who is otherwise is in a condition rendering the person incapable of refusal shall be deemed not to have withdrawn consented as provided by subsection in division (A)(1) of this section, and the test or tests may be administered, subject to Sections 313.12 to 313.16 of the Revised Code.

(C) Any person under arrest for the offense of operating a vessel or using any water skis, aquaplane, or similar device in violation of violating Section 921.11 of the city code or similar statute in the Revised Code shall be advised of the consequences of refusing to submit to a chemical test or tests designated by the law enforcement agency as provided in subsection division (A) of this section. The advice shall be in a written form prescribed by the Chief o

Legislation Number: 2277-2006

Drafting Date: 12/11/2006 Current Status: Passed

Version: 1 Matter Type: Ordinance

Explanation BACKGROUND: This ordinance authorizes the Franklin County Municipal Court Judges to engage in the fourth year of a potential four year contract for security guard services in the Municipal Court building with Willo Security, Inc. (Willo). In fiscal 2004, after canceling all formal bids, the court submitted bid waiver legislation to contract with Willo, pursuant to ordinance number 0130-2004 which was authorized by Columbus City Council on March 29, 2004.

During 2004, $286,032.78 was expended with Willo for security services. During 2005, $279,840.14 was expended with Willo for security services. Expenditures for Willo thusfar during 2006 have been $259,655.00.

Emergency action is requested in order to continue uninterrupted services.

Contract Compliance Number: Willo Security, Inc. 34-1808997

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 123 of 207 FISCAL IMPACT: This ordinance is contingent on passage of 2007 budget appropriations for the Municipal Court Judges, special project fund for court security. Funding for this expenditure in the amount of $300,000 is budgeted and available within the Municipal Court Judges 2007 special projects fund for court security.

Title To authorize the Franklin County Municipal Court Judges, through the Administrative and Presiding Judge, to enter into the fourth year of a potential four-year contract with Willo Security, Inc. for the provision of security guard services in the Municipal Court building; to authorize the expenditure of $300,000 from the Municipal Court special projects fund; and to declare an emergency. ($300,000.00)

Body Whereas, the continuation of security services in the Municipal Court building is imperative for the safety and well-being of the building employees and the general public; and

Whereas, the Franklin County Municipal Court Judges desire to engage in the fourth year of a potential four-year contract with Willo Security, Inc. for security guard services in the Municipal Court building; and

Whereas, it is necessary to authorize the Administrative and Presiding Judge to enter into a contract for security services with Willo Security, Inc. effective February 1, 2007, so as to continue the daily operation of the court, and for other tenants within the court building; and

Whereas, an emergency exists in the usual daily operation of the Franklin County Municipal Court Judges in that it is immediately necessary to enter into said contract and authorize expenditures with Willo Security, Inc., so as to continue uninterrupted services in the provision of contractual security guard services within the Municipal Court building, for the preservation of the public health, peace, safety, and welfare; now therefore;


SECTION 1. That the Franklin County Municipal Court Judges, through the Administrative and Presiding Judge, be and is hereby authorized to enter into the fourth year of a potential four-year contract between the Franklin County Municipal Court Judges and Willo Security, Inc., for the provision of contractual security guard services in the Municipal Court building.

SECTION 2. That the expenditure of $300,000.00 beginning February 1, 2007 to January 31, 2008, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is authorized to be expended from the Municipal Court special revenue fund, fund number 226, subfund number 001, department number 2501, oca code 226100, object level 1 - 03, object level 3 -3398, to pay the costs thereof.

SECTION 3. That for the reasons stated in the preamble hereto, which is hereby made a part hereof, this ordinance is declared to be an emergency measure and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage if the Mayor neither approves nor vetoes the same.

Legislation Number: 2282-2006

Drafting Date: 12/13/2006 Current Status: Passed

Version: 1 Matter Type: Ordinance

Explanation Background:

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 124 of 207 This ordinance will authorize various expenditures for golf course equipment to be purchased through the City of Columbus Purchasing system.

Emergency legislation is required to allow purchases to proceed as bids are being requested and equipment should be purchased immediately for Spring 2007 delivery.

Fiscal Impact:

$100,000.00 is required and budgeted in the Voted 1999/2004 Parks and Recreation Bond Fund to meet the financial obligations of these various expenditures. Title To authorize the expenditure of $100,000.00 from the Voted 1999/2004 Parks and Recreation Bond Fund for various expenditures for golf course equipment to be purchased through the City of Columbus Purchasing system, and to declare an emergency. ($100,000.00) Body

WHEREAS, various expenditures for golf course equipment to be purchased through the City of Columbus Purchasing system are necessary within the Recreation and Parks Department; and

WHEREAS, funding is available for these purchases from unallocated balances within the Voted 1999/2004 Parks and Recreation Golf Bond Fund; and

WHEREAS, an emergency exists in the usual daily operation of the Recreation and Parks Department in that it is immediately necessary to expend said funds to ensure Spring 2007 delivery of equipment; now, therefore


Section 1. That the purchase of golf course equipment, through the City of Columbus Purchasing system, is necessary for use at golf courses within the Recreation and Parks Department.

Section 2. That the expenditure of $100,000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be and is hereby authorized from the Voted 1999/2004 Parks and Recreation Bond Fund No. 702, Dept. 51-03, Project No. 510429, Object Level 3 #6652, OCA Code 644526

Section 3. That the City Auditor is hereby authorized to transfer the unencumbered balance in a project account to the unallocated balance account within the same fund upon receipt of certification by the Director of the Department administering said project that the project has been completed and the monies are no longer required for said project; except that no transfer shall be so made from a project account funded by monies from more than one source.

Section 4. That for the reasons stated in the preamble hereto, which is hereby made a part hereof, this ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor, or ten days after passage if the Mayor neither approves nor vetoes the same.

Legislation Number: 2283-2006

Drafting Date: 12/13/2006 Current Status: Passed

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 125 of 207 Version: 1 Matter Type: Ordinance


Background: This ordinance will authorize various expenditures for labor, material and equipment in conjunction with Golf Course Improvements in the amount of $50,000.00.

Improvements include roof and HVAC renovation, ADA improvements, electrical and plumbing improvements, etc.

All work will be based on three estimates obtained from qualified contractors and will not exceed $20,000.00.

Emergency legislation is required to allow these projects to proceed in a timely manner.

Fiscal Impact: $50,000.00 is required and budgeted in the Voted 1999/2004 Parks and Recreation Bond Fund to meet the financial obligations of these various expenditures.

Title To authorize the expenditure of $50,000.00 for various Golf Course Improvements from the Voted 1999/2004 Parks and Recreation Bond Fund, and to declare an emergency. ($50,000.00)

Body WHEREAS, Golf Course Improvements are necessary within the Recreation and Parks Department; and

WHEREAS, funding is available for these improvements from unallocated balances within the Voted 1999/2004 Parks and Recreation Bond Fund; and

WHEREAS, an emergency exists in the usual daily operation of the Recreation and Parks Department in that it is immediately necessary to expend said funds to ensure improvements proceed in a timely manner; now, therefore


Section 1. That the purchase of labor, materials and equipment is necessary for various golf course improvements within the Recreation and Parks Department.

Section 2. That the expenditure of $50,000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be and is hereby authorized from the Voted 1999/2004 Parks and Recreation Bond Fund No. 702, Dept. 51-03, Project No. 510429, Object Level 3 No. 6620, and OCA Code 644526, to pay the cost thereof. All work will be based on three estimates and will not exceed $20,000.00 per contract or job.

Section 3. That the City Auditor is hereby authorized to transfer the unencumbered balance in a project account to the unallocated balance account within the same fund upon receipt of certification by the Director of the Department administering said project that the project has been completed and the monies are no longer required for said project; except that no transfer shall be so made from a project account funded by monies from more than one source.

Section 4. That for the reasons stated in the preamble hereto, which is hereby made a part hereof, this ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor, or ten days after passage if the Mayor neither approves nor vetoes the same.

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 126 of 207 Legislation Number: 2292-2006

Drafting Date: 12/18/2006 Current Status: Passed

Version: 1 Matter Type: Ordinance

Explanation Background:

This ordinance will enable the Director of Recreation and Parks to accept grants and enter into agreements with the State of Ohio - Ohio Public Works Commission, and provide for the appropriation of said funds to the Recreation and Parks Grant Fund. Funding has been awarded to purchase future parkland know as "Big Walnut Creek South Corridor Protectio Title To authorize and direct the Director of Recreation and Parks to accept a grant in the amount of $596,100.00 and enter into agreements with the State of Ohio - the Ohio public works program, for land acquisition along Big Walnut Creek , to authorize an appropriation of $596,100.00 from the unappropriated balance of the Recreation and Parks Grant Fund to the Recreation and Parks Department, and to declare an emergency. ($596,100.00)

Body WHEREAS, the State of Ohio - The Ohio Public Works Commission, have awarded the City of Columbus, Recreation and Parks Department, a grant for land acquisition; and

WHEREAS, it is necessary to accept said grant and appropriate said funds; and

WHEREAS, an emergency exists in the usual daily operation of the Recreation and Parks Department in that it is immediately necessary to accept and appropriate said grant funds for the preservation of public health, peace, property and safety; now, therefore


SECTION 1. That the Director of Recreation and Parks be and he is hereby authorized and directed to accept grants in the amount of $596,100.00 and enter into agreements with the State of Ohio - Ohio Public Works Commission, for land acquisition along Big Walnut Creek.

SECTION 2. That from the unappropriated monies in the Recreation and Parks Grant Fund No. 764, and from all monies estimated to come into said fund from any and all sources and unappropriated for any other purpose during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2007, the sum of $596,100.00 is appropriated to the Recreation and Parks Department, Department No. 51-01, as follows:

Fund Type; Grant, Dept No.; 51-01, Fund No.; 764, Grant No.; 511764, Obj Lvl 3; 6601, OCA Code; 511764, Amount; $596,100.00

SECTION 3. That the monies in the foregoing Section 2 shall be paid upon order of the Director of Recreation and Parks, and that no order shall be drawn or money paid except by voucher, the form of which shall be approved by the City Auditor.

SECTION 4. That for the reasons stated in the preamble hereto, which is hereby made a part hereof, this ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor, or ten days after passage if the Mayor neither approves nor vetoes the same.

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 127 of 207 Legislation Number: 2293-2006

Drafting Date: 12/18/2006 Current Status: Passed

Version: 1 Matter Type: Ordinance

Explanation Background:

This ordinance will enable the Director of Recreation and Parks to accept grants and enter into agreements with the State of Ohio - Ohio Public Works Commission, and provide for the appropriation of said funds to the Recreation and Parks Grant Fund. Funding has been awarded to purchase future parkland know as "Dysart Run Forested Floodplain Preservation". The target completion date for this project is December 31, 2007. This ordinance is submitted as an emergency to allow the financial transaction to be posted in the City's accounting system as soon as possible. Up-to-date financial posting promotes accurate accounting and financial management. Emergency action is also necessary to have funding available for necessary expenditures.

Total project cost estimated to be $254,850.00. A match of $70,000.00 is required from the Recreation and Parks Department. The required local match will be provided from the Recreation and Parks Capital Improvement program dollars.

Fiscal Impact:

$184,850.00 in grant funding will be used for the parkland acquistion. The fiscal impact of this ordinance will be to reduce the Recreation and Parks Grant Fund's unappropriated balance by $184,850.00. The expenditure of $184,850.00 is budgeted in the Recreation and Parks Grant Fund.

Title To authorize and direct the Director of Recreation and Parks to accept a grant in the amount of $184,850.00 and enter into agreements with the State of Ohio - the Ohio public works program, for land acquisition known as Dysart Run Forested Floodplain Preservation , to authorize an appropriation of $184,850.00 from the unappropriated balance of the Recreation and Parks Grant Fund to the Recreation and Parks Department, and to declare an emergency. ($184,850.00)

Body WHEREAS, the State of Ohio - The Ohio Public Works Commission, have awarded the City of Columbus, Recreation and Parks Department, a grant for land acquisition; and

WHEREAS, it is necessary to accept said grant and appropriate said funds; and

WHEREAS, an emergency exists in the usual daily operation of the Recreation and Parks Department in that it is immediately necessary to accept and appropriate said grant funds for the preservation of public health, peace, property and safety; now, therefore


SECTION 1. That the Director of Recreation and Parks be and he is hereby authorized and directed to accept grants in the amount of $184,850.00 and enter into agreements with the State of Ohio - Ohio Public Works Commission, for land acquisition known as Dysart Run Forested Floodplain Preservation.

SECTION 2. That from the unappropriated monies in the Recreation and Parks Grant Fund No. 764, and from all

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 128 of 207 monies estimated to come into said fund from any and all sources and unappropriated for any other purpose during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2007, the sum of $184,850.00 is appropriated to the Recreation and Parks Department, Department No. 51-01, as follows:

Fund Type; Grant, Dept No.; 51-01, Fund No.; 764, Grant No.; 512764, Obj Lvl 3; 6601, OCA Code; 512764, Amount; $184,850.00

SECTION 3. That the monies in the foregoing Section 2 shall be paid upon order of the Director of Recreation and Parks, and that no order shall be drawn or money paid except by voucher, the form of which shall be approved by the City Auditor.

SECTION 4. That for the reasons stated in the preamble hereto, which is hereby made a part hereof, this ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor, or ten days after passage if the Mayor neither approves nor vetoes the same.

Legislation Number: 2306-2007

Drafting Date: 12/21/2006 Current Status: Passed

Version: 1 Matter Type: Ordinance

Explanation Background: This ordinance will authorize the Director of Recreation and Parks to enter into a contract with Quality Masonry Co. for the Goodale Park Terrace Improvements.

Three bids were received by the Recreation and Parks Department on November 19th, 2006, for the Goodale Park Terrace Improvements as follows:

Status Amount Quality Masonry Majority $64,000.00 McDaniels Construction MBE $82,500.00 Hopewell Constructors FBE $105,000.00

Services will include installation of brick columns, ornamental iron fencing and gates, concrete and electrical work.

A contingency amount of $6,000.00 is being included in this project

Contract Compliance Number for Quality Masonry Co. is #34-1548254.

Emergency action is necessary to allow project to begin as soon as possible.

Fiscal Impact: $70,000.00 is budgeted in the Recreation and Parks Voted 1999/2004 Bond Fund to meet the financial obligation of this project.


Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 129 of 207 To authorize the Director of Recreation and Parks to enter into contract with Quality Masonry Co. for the Goodale Park Terrace improvements project, to authorize the expenditure of $70,000.00 from the Recreation and Parks Voted bond fund, and to declare an emergency. ($70,000.00)

Body WHEREAS, bids were received by the Recreation and Parks Department on December 19th, 2006, and the contract for the Goodale Park Improvements will be awarded on the basis of the lowest and best responsive and responsible bidder; and

WHEREAS, an emergency exists in the usual daily operation of the Recreation and Parks Department in that it is immediately necessary to enter into contract to allow work to begin as soon as possible; now, therefore


SECTION 1. That the Director of Recreation and Parks be and he is hereby authorized and directed to enter into contract with Quality Masonry Co. for the Goodale Park Improvements, in accordance with plans and specifications on file in the Recreation and Parks Department.

SECTION 2. That the expenditure of $70,000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be and is hereby authorized, to pay the cost thereof, as follows:

$70,000.00 Recreation and Parks Voted Bond Funds: Fund No. 702, Dept. 51-01, Project 440006, OCA Code 644526, and Object Level 3 No. 6621

SECTION 3. That for the purpose of paying for any contingencies which may occur during this project, the amount of $6,000.00 has been included in Section 2, above. This amount will be expended only after approval by the Director of the Recreation and Parks Department, certification by the City Auditor, and approval of the City Attorney.

SECTION 4. That for the reasons stated in the preamble hereto, which is hereby made a part hereof, this ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor, or ten days after passage if the Mayor neither approves nor vetoes the same.


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City RFPs, RFQs, and Bids

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 131 of 207 THE CITY BULLETIN BIDS WANTED - PURCHASING OFFICE AND OTHER DIVISIONS


Each proposal shall contain the full name and address of every person, firm or corporation interested in the same, and if corporation, the name and address of the President and Secretary.

EQUAL OPPORTUNITY CLAUSE: Each responsive bidder shall submit, with its bid, a contract compliance certification number or a completed application for certification. Compliance with the provisions of Article I, Title 39, is a condition of the contract. Failure to comply with this Article may result in cancellation of the contract.

WITHHOLDING OF INCOME TAX: All bidders are advised that in order for a contract to bind the City, each contract must contain the provisions found in Section 361.34 C.C.C. with regard to income taxes due or payable to the City of Columbus for wages, salaries and commissions paid to the contractor's employees as well as requiring those contractors to ensure that subcontractors withhold in a like manner.

DELINQUENT PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX: All bidders are charged with notice of Section 5719.042 of the Ohio Revised Code and agree that if this contract is awarded to them, the successful bidder, prior to the time the contract is entered into, will submit to the City Auditor the affidavit required by said section of the Ohio Revised Code. Said affidavit, when filed with City Auditor, is thereby incorporated into and made a part of this contract and no payment shall be made with respect to this contract unless such statement has been so incorporated as a part thereof.

LOCAL CREDIT: For all contracts EXCEPT PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS: In determining the lowest bid for purpose of awarding a contract not exceeding $20,000.00, a local bidder shall receive a credit equal to five percent (5%) of the lowest bid submitted by a non-local bidder. In determining the lowest bid for purposes of awarding a contract in excess of $20,000.00, a local bidder shall receive a credit equal to one percent (1%) or $20,000.00, whichever is less, of the lowest bid submitted by a non-local bidder. A local bidder is a person, corporation or business which (a) has listed its principal place of business as being located within the corporation limits of the City of Columbus or the County of Franklin in official documents filed with Secretary of State, State of Ohio, or a valid vendor's license which indicates its place of business is located within the corporation limits of the City of Columbus or County of Franklin.



BID OPENING DATE - January 31, 2007 3:00 pm



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Sealed proposals will be received by the Director of Public Utilities of the City of Columbus, Ohio at the office of the Director of Public Utilities, 4th Floor, 910 Dublin Road, Columbus, Ohio 43215, until 3:00 P.M. local time, on January 31, 2007 and publicly opened and read at the hour and place for construction of the HAP CREMEAN WATER PLANT MISCELLANEOUS IMPROVEMENTS - CATHODIC PROTECTION, CONTRACT NO. 1097, PROJECT NO. 690286. The work for which proposals are invited consists of furnishing of all materials; equipment and labor necessary for installation of cathodic protection system for underground pipelines, and such other work as may be necessary to complete the contract in accordance with the plans and specifications. Copies of the Bid Submittal Documents will be on file and available to be purchased by prospective bidders on or after January 22, 2007 at Atlas Blueprint, 374 West Spring Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215 at 614-224-5149 or via PlanWell at upon payment of $24.00 per set. Payment shall be made payable to Atlas Blueprint. No refunds will be made.

Proposals must be submitted on the proper forms contained in the Bid Submittal Documents and the Bid Submittal Documents containing the Proposal must be submitted IN THEIR ENTIRETY in a sealed envelope marked Bid for:


CONTACT PERSON The City of Columbus Contact person for this project is Michael Hurd of the Division of Power and Water's, Water Supply Group, Technical Support Section, Phone (614) 645-7100, email - [email protected].

PROPOSAL GUARANTY The bidder is required to submit a Proposal Guaranty, consisting of either a Proposal bond, in the form provided in the Bid Submittal Documents with a surety or sureties licensed to conduct business in the State of Ohio, or a certified check drawn on a solvent bank made payable to the Treasurer - City of Columbus, Ohio. The amount of the guaranty shall not be less than ten (10) percent of the bid including all alternates submitted which increase the bid. All bonds signed by an agent must be accompanied by a certified copy of the authority to act.

PREVAILING WAGE RATE Attention of the bidder is called to the special requirements, which are included in the Bid Submittal Documents regarding prevailing rates of wages to be paid.

CONTRACT PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT BOND A contract performance and payment bond of 100 percent of the amount of the contract with a surety or


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sureties licensed to conduct business in the State of Ohio according to Section 103.05 of the City of Columbus Construction & Materials Specifications, latest edition, will be required to assure the faithful performance of the work.

CONSTRUCTION AND MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS Numbered paragraphs to which reference is made in these Bid Submittal Documents refer to the City of Columbus, Ohio Construction and Materials Specifications, latest edition and will become part of the terms and conditions of the contract to be awarded. Said specifications are hereby made a part of these Bid Submittal Documents. Bidders are required to examine Section 100, General Provisions, for the requirements necessary to submit a proposal. Copies of said Construction and Material Specifications may be examined and/or purchased at the office of the Director of Public Service, 90 W. Broad St., 3rd Floor, Columbus, Ohio 43215 (614) 645-8290, at the offices of The Transportation Division, 1800 E. 17th Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43219 (614) 645-3182, and at the office of the Director of Public Utilities, 910 Dublin Rd., 4th Floor, Columbus, Ohio 43215 (614) 645-6141.

CONTRACT COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS Each responsive bidder shall submit, with its bid, a City of Columbus Contract Compliance Certification Number or a completed application for certification.

BID CANCELLATION AND REJECTIONS The right is reserved by the Director of Public Utilities of the City of Columbus, Ohio to cancel the Advertisement for Bids, to reject any and/or all bids, to waive technicalities, to hold bids for a period of sixty (60) days after the bid opening, and/ or to advertise for new proposals, when it is in the best interests of the City.

SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS Particular attention is called to the statutory requirements of the State of Ohio relative to licensing of corporations organized under the laws of any other state.


1). January 20, 2007 2). January 27, 2007

Each proposal shall contain the full name and address of every person, firm or corporation interested in the same, and if corporation, the name and address of the President and Secretary. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY CLAUSE: Each responsive bidder shall submit, with its bid, a contract compliance certification number or a completed application for certification. Compliance with the provisions of Article I, Title 39, is a condition of the contract. Failure to comply with this Article may result in cancellation of the contract. WITHHOLDING OF INCOME TAX: All bidders are advised that in order for a contract to bind the City, each contract must contain the provisions found in Section 361.34 C.C.C. with regard to income taxes due or payable to the City of Columbus for wages, salaries and commissions paid to the contractor's employees as well as requiring those contractors to ensure that subcontractors withhold in a like manner. DELINQUENT PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX: All bidders are charged with notice of Section 5719.042 of the Ohio Revised Code and agree that if this contract is awarded to them, the successful bidder, prior to


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the time the contract is entered into, will submit to the City Auditor the affidavit required by said section of the Ohio Revised Code. Said affidavit, when filed with City Auditor, is thereby incorporated into and made a part of this contract and no payment shall be made with respect to this contract unless such statement has been so incorporated as a part thereof. LOCAL CREDIT: For all contracts EXCEPT PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS: In determining the lowest bid for purpose of awarding a contract not exceeding $20,000.00, a local bidder shall receive a credit equal to five percent (5%) of the lowest bid submitted by a non-local bidder. In determining the lowest bid for purposes of awarding a contract in excess of $20,000.00, a local bidder shall receive a credit equal to one percent (1%) or $20,000.00, whichever is less, of the lowest bid submitted by a non-local bidder. A local bidder is a person, corporation or business which (a) has listed its principal place of business as being located within the corporation limits of the City of Columbus or the County of Franklin in official documents filed with Secretary of State, State of Ohio, or a valid vendor's license which indicates its place of business is located within the corporation limits of the City of Columbus or County of Franklin. ORIGINAL PUBLISHING DATE: January 13, 2007

BID OPENING DATE - February 1, 2007 3:00 pm



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Sealed proposals will be received by the City of Columbus Transportation Division, 109 N. Front Street, 3rd Floor, Room 301, Columbus, Ohio 43215 until 3:00 P.M. local time, and publicly opened and read at 109 N. Front Street, 2nd Floor, Room 205 at 3:00 P.M. on February 1, 2007, for the Phase One of Sanitary Sewers for Easton Square Place. The work for which proposals are invited consists of all work shown on the engineered drawings prepared by EMH&T (CC14820), and such other work as may be necessary to complete the contract in accordance with the plans and specifications.

Copies of the Contract Documents and the plans will be available on January 17, 2007 at the offices of EMH&T located at 5500 New Albany Road Columbus, Ohio 43054 and are available to prospective bidders at the non-refundable cost of $45.00 for a full size set and 25.00 for a half size set. A prospective bidder must verify that their name is added to log sheet upon receiving a copy of contract documents and plans. Your addition to the log is verified when you receive a receipt. This log sheet will be used in order to advise prospective bidders of any addendums to the contract and/or plans. Failure to be entered onto the log sheet will result in rejection of any proposal and failure to refer to any addendum in a proposal will be considered non-responsive.

Proposals must be submitted on the proper forms contained in the Bid Submittal Documents and the Bid Submittal Documents containing the Proposal must be submitted IN THEIR ENTIRETY in a sealed envelope marked "Bid for the Phase One of Sanitary Sewers for Easton Square Place". All materials submitted in response to this advertisement for bids will become the property of the City and will not be returned. All materials submitted in response to this advertisement for bids will be considered public records subject to disclosure as contemplated by Ohio Revised Code Section 149.43. All materials received will be open to the public once the sealed proposals are publicly opened and read.

PREVAILING WAGE RATE Bidders must comply with the prevailing wage rates on Public Improvements in Franklin County and the City of Columbus, Ohio as determined by the Ohio Bureau of Employment Services, Wage and Hour Division (614) 644-2239.

CONTRACT PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT BOND A contract performance and payment bond of 100 percent of the amount of the contract with a surety or sureties licensed to conduct business in the State of Ohio according to Section 103.05 of the City of Columbus Construction & Materials Specifications, 2002 edition, will be required to assure the faithful performance of the work.

CONTRACT COMPLETION The contract completion time is 60 calendar days.

CONSTRUCTION AND MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS Numbered paragraphs to which reference is made in these Bid Submittal Documents refer to the City of Columbus, Ohio Construction and Materials Specifications, 2002 edition and will become part of the terms and conditions of the contract to be awarded. Said specifications are hereby made a part of these Bid Submittal Documents. Bidders are required to examine Section 100, General Provisions, for the requirements necessary to submit a proposal. Copies of said Construction and Material Specifications may be examined and/or purchased at the office of the Director of Public Service, 90 W. Broad St., 3rd Floor,


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Columbus, Ohio 43215 (614) 645-8290, at the offices of the Transportation Division, 1800 E. 17th Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43219 (614) 645-3182 and 109 N. Front St., 3rd Floor, Columbus, Ohio 43215 (614) 645-5660, and at the office of the Director of Public Utilities, 910 Dublin Rd., 4th Floor, Columbus, Ohio 43215 (614) 645-6141.

CONTRACT COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS AND EQUAL OPPORTUNITY CLAUSE Each responsive bidder shall submit, with its bid, a City of Columbus Contract Compliance Certification Number or a completed application for certification. Any questions or inquiries concerning this should be directed to the Equal Business Opportunity Commission Office.

The City of Columbus encourages the participation of Minority and female owned business enterprises. Each bidder must identify any subcontractor(s) who are minority or female owned businesses (M/FBE's) as defined in Title 39 of the Columbus City Code along with the scope of work and anticipated cost.* This information is gathered and monitored by the Equal Business Opportunity Commission Office (EBOCO). Please contact EBOCO (614) 645-4764 for assistance with identifying potential M/FBE subcontractors. Equal Business Opportunity Office, 109 N. Front Street, 4th Floor, Columbus, Ohio 43215, (614) 645-4764.

While the participation of minority and female owned businesses is encouraged the level of minority or female participation will not be a condition of the bid award.

BID CANCELLATION AND REJECTIONS The right is reserved by the MORSO Holding Company to cancel the Advertisement for Bids, to reject any and/or all bids, to waive technicalities, or to advertise for new proposals, when it is in the best interests of the MORSO Holding Company.

SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS Particular attention is called to the statutory requirements of the State of Ohio relative to licensing of corporations organized under the laws of any other state. ORIGINAL PUBLISHING DATE: January 19, 2007

BID OPENING DATE - February 7, 2007 3:00 pm



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Sealed proposals will be received by the Director of Public Utilities of the City of Columbus, Ohio at the office of the Director of Public Utilities, 910 Dublin Road, Room 4105, until 3:00 p.m., Local Time, on Wednesday, February 7, 2007 and publicly opened and read at that hour and place for the following project:


The City of Columbus contact person for this project is Gary Gilbert, P.E., of the Division of Sewerage and Drainages Sewer Systems Engineering Section, (614) 645-7436 e-mail [email protected]. The work for which proposals are invited consists of various elements involved in the rehabilitation of larger diameter sanitary sewers located southwest of downtown Columbus: 36" and 42"diameter CIPP lining work; manhole repairs and lining, 12-inch diameter storm sewer construction; and all other such work as may be necessary to complete the contract in accordance with the plans (CC-14765) and specifications. Copies of the Contract Documents and plans are on file at the Division of Sewerage and Drainage, Sewer System Engineering Section, 1250 Fairwood Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43206-3722. Bid packets will be available beginning January 8, 2007. The first set is available to prospective bidders at no cost with the second and subsequent sets available at a cost of $25.00 per set on a no-refund basis. No partial units will be released.

Proposals must be submitted on the proper forms contained in the Bid Submittal Documents. The Bid Submittal Documents containing the Proposal must be submitted IN THEIR ENTIRETY in a sealed envelope marked:


PROJECT BIDDING - CURED-IN-PLACE PIPE This project has been designed utilizing cured-in-place pipe (CIPP) rehabilitation methods and materials. The City of Columbus, Division of Sewerage and Drainage, has evaluated and approved the following cured-in-place rehabilitation methods/materials for use within the sanitary sewer system:


Bidding on this project is strictly limited to Contractors proposing utilization of any of the approved systems. Contractor's proposals for other non-approved systems will be considered non-responsive.

PROPOSAL GUARANTY The bidder is required to submit a Proposal Guaranty, consisting of either a Proposal bond, in the form provided in the Bid Submittal Documents with a surety or sureties licensed to conduct business in the State of Ohio, or a certified check drawn on a solvent bank made payable to the Treasurer - City of Columbus,


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Ohio. The amount of the guaranty shall not be less than ten (10) percent of the bid including all alternates submitted which increase the bid. The bond shall be expressed either as a percentage of the total bid (10%) or numerically in dollars and cents. All bonds signed by an agent must be accompanied by a certified copy of the authority to act.

PREVAILING WAGE RATE Attention of the bidder is called to the special requirements which are included in the Bid Submittal Documents regarding prevailing rates of wages to be paid.

CONTRACT PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT BOND A contract performance and payment bond of 100 percent of the amount of the contract with a surety or sureties licensed to conduct business in the State of Ohio according to Section 103.05 of the City of Columbus Construction & Materials Specifications, latest edition, will be required to assure the faithful performance of the work.

CONSTRUCTION AND MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS Numbered paragraphs to which reference is made in these Bid Submittal Documents refer to the City of Columbus, Ohio Construction and Materials Specifications, latest edition and will become part of the terms and conditions of the contract to be awarded. Said specifications are hereby made a part of these Bid Submittal Documents. Bidders are required to examine Section 100, General Provisions, for the requirements necessary to submit a proposal. Copies of said Construction and Material Specifications may be examined and/or purchased at the office of the Director of Public Service, 90 W. Broad Street, 3rd Floor, Columbus, Ohio 43215 (614) 645-8290; at the offices of the Construction Inspection Division, 1800 E. 17th Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43219 (614) 645-3182; and at the office of the Director of Public Utilities, 910 Dublin Road, 4th Floor, Columbus, Ohio 43215 (614) 645-6141.

CONTRACT COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS Each responsive bidder shall submit, with his or her bid, a City of Columbus Contract Compliance Certification Number or a completed application for certification.

NOTICE OF EQUAL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY REQUIREMENTS A. Minority and Female Business Enterprise (MBE and FBE) Participation: Title 39 of the Columbus City Code (C.C.C.) provides for certification of minority business enterprises and female business enterprises. Under the current legislation, a minority business enterprise is defined as a for-profit business performing a commercially useful function which is owned and controlled by a person or persons having an African American ancestry. C.C.C. ?3901.01(G). A female business enterprise is defined as a for-profit business performing a commercially useful function which is owned and controlled by one or more females of non-African American descent. C.C.C. ?3901.01(F).

B. Specific Contract M/FBE goals: Specific Contract M/FBE goals shall not apply to this selection.

C. In collaboration with the Equal Business Opportunity Commission Office, the Department of Public Utilities encourages the utilization of city-certified minority, female and small business enterprises and minority business registrants.

D. In addition to the current requirements of Title 39, Columbus City Codes, 1959, it is expected that all or part of this contract may be undertaken with State and/or Federal funding assistance. The City may,


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therefore, be required to conform to certain utilization goals in order to conform fully to those programs.

Documentation suggested: Include the name, description of the work, and the dollar value of all certified M/FBE's and MBR's included in the proposal.

For information related to minority, female and small business enterprises, please contract the Equal Business Opportunity Commission Office at (614) 645-4764 . BID CANCELLATION AND REJECTIONS The right is reserved by the Director of Public Utilities of the City of Columbus, Ohio to cancel the Advertisement for Bids, to reject any and/or all bids, to waive technicalities, to hold bids for a period of 180 days after the bid opening, and/or to advertise for new proposals, when it is in the best interest of the City.

SUBSURFACE DATA No subsurface investigation was performed for this project.

CONTRACT COMPLETION The work under this contract shall be completed in a manner acceptable to the City within 365 calendar days after the effective date of the Notice to Proceed.

SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS Particular attention is called to the statutory requirements of the State of Ohio relative to licensing of corporations organized under the laws of any other state.

______Tatyana A. Arsh, PE Director of Public Utilities ORIGINAL PUBLISHING DATE: January 06, 2007

BID OPENING DATE - February 8, 2007 11:00 am



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1.1 Scope: The City of Columbus is obtaining bids to establish an option contract(s) with a "Catalog" firm offer for sale of a full line of scientific laboratory supplies for the various City of Columbus laboratories. It is estimated that $250,000.00 will be spent on this contract annually. The proposed contract(s) shall be in effect from the date of execution by the City through May 30, 2009, with an option to extend for one additional year.

1.2 Classification: The bidder shall submit its standard published catalog(s) and/or price lists, with stated discounts to the listed prices. The city may purchase item(s) or group of like item(s) in the catalog and/or price list from the successful bidder after a purchase order is issued.

If you have an interest in receiving this proposal, please FAX this form in its entirety to: Purchasing Office, (614) 645-7051 a complete copy of the specifications will be mailed to those who request the mailing and specifications are also available in person at 50 West Gay Street, Beacon Building - First Floor, Columbus, Ohio, 43215. ORIGINAL PUBLISHING DATE: January 12, 2007


Scope: This proposal is to provide the City of Columbus, Division of Water with an Universal Term Contract (blanket type) to purchase approximately 1,390 tons (at 6% Zinc) annually of Zinc Orthophosphate as a corrosion control agent for potable water at three City of Columbus Water Plants. The proposed contract can potentially be in effect from April 1, 2007 to March 31, 2010.

Classification: The successful bidder will provide, deliver, and unload bulk quantities of ZnPO4 at 1:5 Zinc to Phosphate ratio. The supplier will also be required to provide specified safety training sessions.

For additional information concerning this bid, including procedures for obtaining a copy of the bid document(s) and how to submit a proposal, you must go to the City of Columbus Vendor Services web page ( and view this bid number in the open solicitations listing. ORIGINAL PUBLISHING DATE: January 18, 2007



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Scope: This proposal is to provide the City of Columbus, Division of Water with an Universal Term Contract (blanket type) to purchase approximately 1,120 tons annually of Hydrofluosilicic Acid for potable water at three City of Columbus Water Plants. The proposed contract can potentially be in effect from April 1, 2007 to March 31, 2010.

Classification: The successful bidder will provide, deliver, and unload bulk quantities of Hydrofluosilicic Acid. The supplier will also be required to provide specified safety training sessions.

For additional information concerning this bid, including procedures for obtaining a copy of the bid document(s) and how to submit a proposal, you must go to the City of Columbus Vendor Services web page ( and view this bid number in the open solicitations listing. ORIGINAL PUBLISHING DATE: January 18, 2007



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Notice of Request for Statements of Qualification (RFSQ) for Professional Services for the Design of a Teleconferencing Room

In accordance with City Code, Section 329.12, the City of Columbus, Ohio, Department of Finance and Management, Facilities Management Division, is hereby requesting statements for professional architectural/engineering/consulting services for the design of a teleconferencing room. A selection team will review, evaluate and rank the statements according to the criteria stated in the Request for Statements of Qualification (RFSQ) and provide them to the Director of Finance and Management for selection. The City shall enter into contract negotiations with the selected Offeror. If negotiations fail, the City shall enter into contract negotiations with the next highest-ranking Offeror. This process shall continue until a contract is successfully negotiated.

The successful consultant shall work under the direction of Facilities Management Division and their project managers, to perform professional architectural/engineering/consulting services for the design of the project. Any services performed will generally follow current City of Columbus and State of Ohio regulations, specifications, and standards.

The scope of the work shall be for complete design services, but not necessarily limited to: The design of a teleconferencing room to meet the City's current needs.

A pre-qualification meeting is scheduled for February 1, 2007 at 1:00 p.m. EST at City Hall, 90 West Broad Street, Room B-09, Columbus, Ohio 43215.

CONTRACT COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS AND EQUAL OPPORTUNITY CLAUSE Each responsive bidder shall submit, with its bid, a City of Columbus Contract Compliance Certification Number or a completed application for certification. Any questions or inquiries concerning this should be directed to the Equal Business Opportunity Commission Office.

The City of Columbus encourages the participation of Minority and female owned business enterprises. Each bidder must identify any subcontractor(s) who are minority or female owned businesses (M/FBE's) as defined in Title 39 of the Columbus City Code along with the scope of work and anticipated cost.* This information is gathered and monitored by the Equal Business Opportunity Commission Office (EBOCO). Please contact EBOCO (614) 645-4764 for assistance with identifying potential M/FBE subcontractors. Equal Business Opportunity Commission Office, 109 N. Front Street 4th Floor, Columbus, Ohio 43215, (614) 645-4764.

*While the participation of minority and female owned businesses is encouraged the level of minority or female participation will not be a condition of the bid award.

All consultants will be subject to the provisions of the City of Columbus Contract Compliance Program regarding equal employment opportunity.

Interested firms must request a copy of the RFSQ via email from Nicole D. Wilson, at [email protected] . Statements of Qualification will be due on or before February 8, 2007 by


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2:00p.m. EST

All questions concerning this advertisement or the RFSQ must be forwarded to the aforementioned e-mail address ONLY. Firms wishing to submit a statement of qualification must meet the mandatory requirements stated in the RFSQ.

Statements must be submitted to the following address: City of Columbus Department of Finance Facilities Management Division 90 W. Broad St, B-16 Columbus, OH 43215 Attn: Nicole D. Wilson

The above information will be the only information provided on this project at this time. The following footer is not applicable to this project. ORIGINAL PUBLISHING DATE: January 20, 2007



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Sealed proposals will be received by the City of Columbus Transportation Division, 109 N. Front Street, 3rd Floor, Room 301, Columbus, Ohio 43215 until 3:00 P.M. local time, and publicly opened and read at 109 N. Front Street, 2nd Floor, Room 205 at 3:00 P.M. on February 8, 2007, for RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS - 2006, 2472 Drawer E. The work for which proposals are invited consists of the annual program to install raised pavement markers on various streets within the City of Columbus, and such other work as may be necessary to complete the contract in accordance with the plans and specifications.

Copies of the Contract Documents and the plans are on file in the office of the Transportation Division Administrator, 109 N. Front Street, 3rd Fl., Columbus, OH 43215 and are available to prospective bidders at the non-refundable cost of $15.00 for the bid package. A prospective bidder must verify that their name is added to an electronic log sheet upon receiving a copy of contract documents and plans. Your addition to the log is verified when you receive a computer generated receipt. The City of Columbus will use this log sheet in order to advise prospective bidders of any addendums to the contract and/or plans. Failure to be entered onto the electronic log sheet will result in rejection of any proposal and failure to refer to any addendum in a proposal will be considered non-responsive.

Proposals must be submitted on the proper forms contained in the Bid Submittal Documents and the Bid Submittal Documents containing the Proposal must be submitted IN THEIR ENTIRETY in a sealed envelope marked Bid for RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS - 2006.

All materials submitted in response to this advertisement for bids will become the property of the City and will not be returned. All materials submitted in response to this advertisement for bids will be considered public records subject to disclosure as contemplated by Ohio Revised Code Section 149.43. All materials received will be open to the public once the sealed proposals are publicly opened and read.

PROPOSAL GUARANTY The bidder is required to submit a Proposal Guaranty, consisting of either a Proposal bond, in the form provided in the Bid Submittal Documents with a surety or sureties licensed to conduct business in the State of Ohio, or a certified check drawn on a solvent bank made payable to the Treasurer - City of Columbus, Ohio. The amount of the guaranty shall be expressed in dollars and cents or as a percentage of the bid amount, and shall not be less than ten (10) percent of the bid including all alternates submitted which increase the bid. All bonds signed by an agent must be accompanied by a certified copy of the authority to act.

PREVAILING WAGE RATE Bidders must comply with the prevailing wage rates on Public Improvements in Franklin County and the City of Columbus, Ohio as determined by the Ohio Bureau of Employment Services, Wage and Hour Division (614) 644-2239.

CONTRACT PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT BOND A contract performance and payment bond of 100 percent of the amount of the contract with a surety or sureties licensed to conduct business in the State of Ohio according to Section 103.05 of the City of Columbus Construction & Materials Specifications, 2002 edition, will be required to assure the faithful performance of the work.


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SUBSURFACE DATA Subsurface data was not obtained for project.

PRE-BID CONFERENCE There will not be a pre-bid conference for this project.

CONTRACT COMPLETION The City will issue a Notice to Proceed on or about April 19, 2007. All work is to be complete by June 18, 2007.

CONSTRUCTION AND MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS Numbered paragraphs to which reference is made in the Bid Submittal Documents refer to the City of Columbus, Ohio, Construction and Materials Specifications, 2002 edition and will become part of the terms and conditions of the contract to be awarded. Said specifications are hereby made a part of these Bid Submittal Documents. Bidders are required to examine Section 100, General Provisions, for the requirements necessary to submit a proposal. Copies of said Construction and Material Specifications may be examined and/or purchased at the office of the Director of Public Service, 90 W. Broad St., 3rd Floor, Columbus, Ohio 43215 (614) 645-8290, at the offices of the Transportation Division, 1800 E. 17th Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43219 (614) 645-3182, and 109 N. Front St, 3rd Floor, Columbus, Ohio 43215 (614) 645-8376, and at the office of the Director of Public Utilities, 910 Dublin Rd., 4th Floor, Columbus, Ohio 43215 (614) 645-6141.

CONTRACT COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS AND EQUAL OPPORTUNITY CLAUSE Each responsive bidder shall submit, with their bid, a City of Columbus Contract Compliance Certification Number or a completed application for certification. Any questions or inquiries concerning this should be directed to the Equal Business Opportunity Commission Office.

The City of Columbus encourages the participation of Minority and female owned business enterprises. Each bidder must identify any subcontractor(s) who are minority or female owned businesses (M/FBE's) as defined in Title 39 of the Columbus City Code along with the scope of work and anticipated cost.* This information is gathered and monitored by the Equal Business Opportunity Commission Office (EBOCO). Please contact EBOCO (614) 645-4764 for assistance with identifying potential M/FBE subcontractors. Equal Business Opportunity Office, 109 N. Front Street, 4th Floor, Columbus, Ohio 43215, (614) 645-4764.

*While the participation of minority and female owned businesses is encouraged the level of minority or female participation will not be a condition of the bid award.

BID CANCELLATION AND REJECTIONS The right is reserved by the Director of Public Service of the City of Columbus, Ohio to cancel the Advertisement for Bids, to reject any and/or all bids, to waive technicalities, or to advertise for new proposals, when it is in the best interests of the City.


January 22, 2007 ORIGINAL PUBLISHING DATE: January 23, 2007


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BID OPENING DATE - February 9, 2007 5:00 pm



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Notice of Request for Proposal Sidewalk Assessment, Curb Ramp Design General Engineering 2007

In accordance with City Code, Section 329.12, the City of Columbus, Ohio, Department of Public Service, is hereby requesting Proposals for professional engineering consulting services for the Sidewalk Assessment, Curb Ramp Design General Engineering 2007 project. A selection team will review, evaluate and rank the Proposals according to the criteria stated in the Request for Proposal (RFP) and provide them to the Director of Public Service for final selection. At the Director's discretion, Offeror's may be requested to make an Oral Interview presentation before the selection team. The City shall enter into contract negotiations with the selected Offeror. If negotiations fail, the City shall enter into contract negotiations with the next highest-ranking Offeror. This process shall continue until a contract is successfully negotiated.

The successful consultant shall work under the direction of the City Engineer to perform professional engineering design of the project. Any services performed will generally follow current City of Columbus and Ohio Department of Transportation regulations, specifications, and standards.

The scope of the project shall consist of the providing location and design for curb ramp work and other ADA related facilities in the City of Columbus right of way situated at various locations throughout the City of Columbus

Upon contract signing, the Consultant shall provide a preliminary plan to the City within the time specified in the Request for Proposal. The preliminary plan will be used to verify the extent of construction work in a given area and highlight complicating factors such as utility conflicts, grade issues, right-of-way or construction access concerns, ADA ramp locations or other factors affecting the design and implementation of the project. Following City acceptance or modification of preliminary plan, the Consultant shall proceed with final plan design.

CONTRACT COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS AND EQUAL OPPORTUNITY CLAUSE Each responsive bidder shall submit, with their bid, a City of Columbus Contract Compliance Certification Number or a completed application for certification. Any questions or inquiries concerning this should be directed to the Equal Business Opportunity Commission Office.

The City of Columbus encourages the participation of Minority and female owned business enterprises. Each bidder must identify any subcontractor(s) who are minority or female owned businesses (M/FBE's) as defined in Title 39 of the Columbus City Code along with the scope of work and anticipated cost. This information is gathered and monitored by the Equal Business Opportunity Commission Office (EBOCO). Please contact EBOCO (614) 645-4764 for assistance with identifying potential M/FBE subcontractors. Equal Business Opportunity Office, 109 N. Front Street, 4th Floor, Columbus, Ohio 43215, (614) 645-4764.

Interested firms may request a copy of the RFP via e-mail from [email protected]. All questions concerning this advertisement or the RFP must be forwarded to the aforementioned e-mail address. Firms wishing to submit a proposal must meet the mandatory requirements stated in the RFP. The proposal must be received by February 9, 2007 by 5:00 pm to be considered.

Proposals are to be submitted to the following address:

City of Columbus


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Department of Public Service Transportation Division 109 North Front Street, Room 301 Columbus, Ohio 43215 Attn: Gregory Carr, Contracts Officer

Each Offeror shall submit with it's proposal a City of Columbus Contract Compliance Certification Number, or a completed application for certification. Compliance with the provisions of Article I, Title 39 Columbus City Code, 1959 is a condition of contract. Failure to comply with this Article may result in cancellation of the contract. ORIGINAL PUBLISHING DATE: January 13, 2007

BID OPENING DATE - February 12, 2007 2:00 pm



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Sealed proposals will be received by the Public Safety Department, Columbus Fire Division at their fiscal office located at 3675 Parsons Avenue, Columbus OH 43207-4054 until 2:00 p.m. Local Time on Monday, February 12, 2007 and publicly opened at that hour and place for the following services:

SCOPE OF WORK: Physician and an Exercise Physiologist to serve as tester and facilitator for a physical health and fitness program for approximately one thousand five hundred forty (1,540) professional fire employees. Services will include an initial health and physical examination, scheduled health and physical examinations, body composition maintenance program, annual physical fitness test, physical fitness training program and other fitness evaluations, and wellness programs. The contractor will be responsible for all phases of this program including personnel (Physician, Exercise Physiologist, etc.), and must provide facilities and equipment to conduct testing. The resulting contract will be for two years, with the option to renew for one additional one-year period by the mutual agreement of both parties and with required City of Columbus approval authorization.

Interested bidders may request a Bid Document from the contact person listed below. All bids submitted must meet the specifications as stated in the RFP in order to be considered for award. Late bids will not be accepted.

Contact to receive a Bid Document or to make inquiries concerning this RFP:

Scott M. Marburger, Fiscal Manager Bureau of Administration COLUMBUS FIRE DIVISION 3675 Parsons Avenue Columbus, OH 43207-4054 614/645-6011 phone 614/724-0699 fax 614/402-1834 cell 136*297*79 Direct Connect [email protected]

Proposals must be submitted on the forms contained in the Bid Document and the Bid Document containing the Proposal must be submitted IN ITS ENTIRETY in a sealed envelopment marked BID FOR RFP FOR PHYSICAL FITNESS TESTING: DIVISION OF FIRE, DUE 2/12/07 2:00 PM.


CONTRACT COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS AND EQUAL OPPORTUNITY CLAUSE Each responsive bidder shall submit, with its bid, a City of Columbus Contract Compliance Certification Number or a completed application for certification. Any questions or inquiries concerning this should be directed to the Equal Business Opportunity Commission Office at 614.645.4764.

BID CANCELLATION AND REJECTIONS The right is reserved by the Public Safety Director of the City of Columbus, Ohio, to cancel the Advertisement for Bids, to reject any and/or all bids, to waive technicalities, to hold bids for a period of 120


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days after the bid opening, and/or to advertise for new proposals, when it is in the best interests of the City.

CITY BULLETIN DATES 1). January 27, 2007 2). February 3, 2007 ORIGINAL PUBLISHING DATE: January 20, 2007

BID OPENING DATE - February 14, 2007 3:00 pm



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Sealed bids will be received by the Director of Public Utilities of the City of Columbus, Ohio, at the office of the Director of Public Utilities of the City of Columbus, Ohio, located at 910 Dublin Road, 4th Floor, Columbus, Ohio, until 3:00 pm local time, on February 14, 2007, and publicly opened and read at the hour and place for CUSTODIAL SERVICES for Dublin Road and Indianola Ave, Columbus, Ohio.

Copies of the Contract Documents shall be made available at the Water Distribution Engineering Office, 910 Dublin Rd, 2nd floor, Columbus, Ohio 43215. beginning January 29, 2007 and at the PRE-BID MEETING.

Proposals must be submitted on the proper forms contained in the Bid Documents and the Bid Documents containing the Proposal must be submitted IN THEIR ENTIRETY in a sealed envelopment marked Bid for:

CUSTODIAL SERVICES for Dublin Road and Indianola Ave, Columbus, Ohio


PROPOSAL GUARANTY The bidder is NOT required to submit a Proposal Guaranty with Bid Submittals for this solicitation. This solicitation is an Invitation for Bids (IFB) only. Contractor Service Proposals WILL NOT be accepted in response to this solicitation.

PRE-BID MEETING A pre-bid meeting will be held Tuesday, February 6, 2007 at 10:00 a.m. at 910 Dublin Rd Columbus, Ohio. A follow-on Bid Tour is planned. An optional tour of the Indianola Ave complex is also planned.

CONTRACT PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT BOND A contract performance and payment bond of 100 percent of the amount of the contract with a surety or sureties licensed to conduct business in the State of Ohio according to Section 103.05 of the City of Columbus Construction and materials Specifications, latest edition, will be required to assure faithful performance of the work.

Contractors are subject to all applicable federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations pertaining to services or products to be provided under this contract.

CONSTRUCTION AND MATERIALS SPECIFICATIONS Numbered paragraphs to which reference is made in these Bid Submittal Documents refer to the City of Columbus, Ohio, Construction and Material Specifications, latest edition and will become part of the terms and conditions of the contract to be awarded. Said specifications are hereby made a part of these Bid Submittal Documents. Bidders are required to examine Section 100, General Provisions, for the requirements necessary to submit a proposal. Copies of said Construction and Materials Specifications may be examined and/or purchased at the office of the Director of Public Service, 90 West Broad Street, Room 301, Columbus, Ohio 43215, (614) 645-8290, at the office of the Transportation Division, 1800 East 17th Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43219, (614) 645-3182, at the Director of Public Utilities, 910 Dublin Road, 4th Floor, Columbus, Ohio 43215, (614) 645-6141.


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CONTRACT COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS AND EQUAL OPPORTUNITY CLAUSE Each responsive bidder shall submit, with its bid, a City of Columbus Contract Compliance Certification Number or a completed application for certification. Any questions or inquiries concerning this should be directed to the Equal Business Opportunity Commission Office.

BID CANCELLATION AND REJECTIONS The right is reserved by the Director of Public Utilities of the City of Columbus, Ohio, to cancel the Advertisement for Bids, to reject any and/or all bids, to waive technicalities, to hold bids for a period of 60 days after the bid opening, and/or to advertise for new proposals, when it is in the best interests of the City.

SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS Particular attention is called to the statutory requirements of the State of Ohio relative to licensing of corporations organized under the laws of any other state.

CONTACT PERSON Ron Bakenhaster, Building Maintenance Supervisor, Division of Power & Water, 910 Dublin Road, Columbus, Ohio 43215, (614) 645-3842.

CITY BULLETIN DATES 1). January 27, 2007 2). February 3, 2007 ORIGINAL PUBLISHING DATE: January 17, 2007

BID OPENING DATE - February 16, 2007 3:00 pm



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The City of Columbus, Ohio is soliciting Detailed Technical Proposals (RFP's) from experienced professional consulting/engineering firms to provide full-service assistance to the City to evaluate options and design an upgrade to Parsons Avenue Water Plant (PAWP) to reliably treat a 50 MGD combination of ground water, ground water under the direct influence of surface water (GWUDI) and surface water. The selected professional service firm will prepare technical reports of evaluation findings and make recommendations for improvements and/or alterations to the physical facilities and treatment processes, prepare construction documents for the selected design, and perform contract administration services. The project is identified as PAWP Surface Water Treatment Upgrade, Project Number 690488, Contract Number 1095.

It is anticipated this project will include but not be limited to the following scope of services:

1. Identify, evaluate options and design the upgrade to the existing PAWP to reliably treat 50 MGD in either surface water or a combination of groundwater and surface water. 2. Treatment improvements shall comply with existing and known future regulatory requirements. 3. Evaluate existing plant operations to determine deficiencies for treating surface water or GWUDI, and incorporate findings and recommendations into report. 4. Evaluate and design an upgrade to replace existing plant electrical service, including the electrical switch gear for the plant upgrade. This shall also include electrical monitoring and or conditioning of incoming power to the PAWP. 5. The consultant shall make recommendations on whether to bid the electrical upgrades as a separate contract or as a combined project with the GWUDI plant upgrades. 6. Perform Construction Administration / Construction Inspection services for the plant upgrade and electrical improvements construction.

Potential professional service engineering firms shall submit: - A detailed technical proposal following the format as outlined in the project information packet. - Specific information addressing how the proposed team meets the minimum qualifications as listed in this advertisement. - Provide information of special certification and licensing of primary staff and subconsultants - Firms shall also submit a statement describing the firm's familiarity with the Ohio and Federal regulatory environment - Submit brief resumes of the firm's proposed team including any sub-contractors that will be assigned to perform key portions of this project; the work location of all key project personnel and descriptions of their specific knowledge of treatment improvements for water utilities. - Provide information on design team's past performance on meeting schedules and budgets, both for the City of Columbus Division of Power and Water (fka Division of Water) and on similar projects for other entities. - The detailed technical proposal shall clearly identify the firm affiliation for all project team members and their office location, as well as a proposed project team organizational chart.


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Selection of professional services shall be in accordance with Section 329.14 of Columbus City Codes, 1959, utilizing the Department of Public Utilities Request for Proposals (RFP), process. This process is generally as follows:

1. RFP prepared and advertised by the Department. 2. All offerors are required to obtain an information package containing instruction on the expected format for the proposals, as well as pertinent plant data and excerpts from previous reports. These may be obtained at:

Division of Power and Water Water Supply Group - Technical Support Section 910 Dublin Road, 2nd Floor Columbus, Ohio 43215

Information packages will be available beginning Monday January 8, 2007. There is no charge for the information package. 3. Proposals will be received by the City until 3:00 pm, Friday February 16, 2007. No proposals will be accepted thereafter. Direct Proposals to:

Richard C. Westerfield, P.E., PhD. Administrator Division of Power and Water 910 Dublin Road, 3rd floor Columbus, Ohio 43215 4. A site tour will be held Tuesday January 16, 2007 at 9:00 am at the Parsons Avenue Water Plant, 5600 Parsons Avenue, Lockbourne, Ohio 43137. Any offeror wishing to tour the plant must furnish their own steel toe shoes/boots and safety glasses/goggles. (Note: City offices will be closed for business Monday January 15, 2007 in observation of the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday). 5. Seven (7) copies of the proposal documents shall be submitted in a sealed envelope(s) or box(s) to Richard C. Westerfield at the address listed above. The envelopes (or box) shall be clearly marked on the exterior to denote both the names of the submitting firm and the particular professional services contract for which the qualifications are offered. 6. The Department Evaluation Committee will review each proposal to confirm the team meets the minimum qualifications as listed in this advertisement. Only teams that meet the listed minimum qualifications will be considered to perform the work as outlined. 7. The Department Evaluation Committee may request that some offerors make a presentation to the Committee to elaborate on their proposals. Offerors will be notified of the invitation to a presentation interview and will be giving sufficient time to prepare for the presentation. 8. The Committee shall rank all offerors based upon the quality, and feasibility of their proposals and any revisions thereto. 9. The Department shall enter into contract negotiations with the offerors in order of rank.

Any agreement or contract entered into will be in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 329 of Columbus City Codes, 1959, the standard agreements for professional services of the Division of Power and Water, and all other applicable rules and regulations.


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Minimum Qualifications

1. The team must demonstrate prior experience (at least 3 projects) in the evaluation, planning, design, construction phase engineering, operations evaluations, training, and start-up assistance of/for new and upgraded treatment processes for existing water plants. Water plant experience must include at least one plant of 50 million gallons per day in size. 2. The team must demonstrate prior experience (at least 5 projects) in the evaluation, planning, design, construction phase engineering, operations evaluations, training, and start-up assistance of/for new and upgraded electrical service for existing facilities. 3. The team must demonstrate extensive experience (at least 5 projects) in construction inspection of large scale improvements (greater than $5,000,000) to existing, in-service treatment plants.

NOTICE OF EQUAL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY REQUIREMENTS A. Minority and Female Business Enterprise (MBE and FBE) Participation: Title 39 of the Columbus City Code (C.C.C.) provides for certification of minority business enterprises and female businesses enterprises. Under the current legislation, a minority business enterprise is defined as a for-profit business performing a commercially useful function which is owned and controlled by a person or persons having an African American ancestry. C.C.C. ?3901.01 (G). A female business enterprise is defined as a for-profit business performing a commercially useful function which is owned and controlled by one or more females of non-African American descent. C.C.C. ?3901.01 (F).

B. Specific Contract M/FBE goals: Specific Contract M/FBE goals shall not apply to this selection.

C. In collaboration with the Equal Business Opportunity Commission Office, the Department of Public Utilities encourages the utilization of city-certified minority, female and small business enterprises and minority business registrants.

Documentation suggested: Include the name, and qualifications of all certified M/FBE's and MBR's included in the proposal.

For information related to minority, female and small business enterprises, please contact the Equal Business Opportunity Commission Office as listed below.

All offerors, and their proposed subcontractors, shall have valid City of Columbus Contract Compliance Numbers (CCCN). RFP's shall include these numbers, or copies of completed, submitted applications for certification. Applications for certification may be obtained from the City of Columbus website (, or from:

City of Columbus Equal Business Opportunity Commission Office 109 North Front Street, 4th Floor Columbus, Ohio 43215-9020 614-645-4764

All questions shall be submitted in writing to Miriam C. Siegfried, P.E., Technical Support Section, Water


Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 156 of 207 THE CITY BULLETIN BIDS WANTED - PURCHASING OFFICE AND OTHER DIVISIONS

Supply Group, Division of Power and Water, 910 Dublin Road, Columbus, Ohio 43215, or by fax (614) 645-6165, or by e-mail ([email protected])

The Request for Proposals submittal must include information to address each of the criteria as listed below. Submissions meeting the minimum qualifications will be evaluated by the evaluation committee based on the following criteria and rating values:

40 Points - Proposal Quality ------(15 points) Project approach ------(15 points) Demonstrated understanding of project ------(5 points) Proposed project schedule meets needs and is realistic ------(5 points) Innovation including environmental innovation and energy efficiency

20 Points - Experience of Team (Qualifications and Experience of staff) ------(10 points) Team primary staff past experience on similar projects ------(5 points) Proposed subconsultants past experience on similar projects ------(5 points) Prime Consultants experience in managing sub-consultants

5 Points - Ability of Offeror to Perform Expeditiously ------(5 points) Current workload of primary staff assigned to project

15 Points - Past performance on similar projects, including demonstrated abilities to meet schedules and budgets ------(5 points) Past performance of project team on similar DOPW projects ------(5 points) Past performance of project team on similar projects for other entities ------(5 points) Demonstrated ability to meet schedules and budgets

20 Points - Local Workforce ------(20 points) At least 90% of the Team is paying City of Columbus income tax on the date proposal is submitted ------(15 points) At least 75% of the Team is paying City of Columbus income tax on the date proposal is submitted ------(15 points) At least 90% of the Team is assigned work in an office location within Franklin County, but outside Columbus Corporate Limits on the date proposal submitted ------(10 points) At least 50% of the Team is paying City of Columbus income tax on the date proposal is submitted Note: in the proposal, the consultant shall indicate their percentage of local workforce and show how this number was determined. The Team includes the prime consultants and sub-consultants.



City Bulletin Publication Dates:


Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 157 of 207 THE CITY BULLETIN BIDS WANTED - PURCHASING OFFICE AND OTHER DIVISIONS

January 13, 2007 January 20, 2007 January 27, 2007 ORIGINAL PUBLISHING DATE: January 20, 2007

BID OPENING DATE - February 21, 2007 3:00 pm



Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 158 of 207 THE CITY BULLETIN BIDS WANTED - PURCHASING OFFICE AND OTHER DIVISIONS

Sealed proposals will be received by the Director of Public Utilities of the City of Columbus, Ohio at the office of the Director of Public Utilities, 910 Dublin Road, Room 4190, until 3:00 p.m. Local Time on February 21, 2007 and publicly opened and read at that hour and place for the following project:


The City of Columbus's contact person for these projects is John G. Newsome, P.E. of the Sewerage and Drainage's Sewer System Engineering Section, (614) 645-8460.

The work for which proposals are invited consists of the repair and rehabilitation of approximately 11,155 LF of 8-inch, 10-inch, and 12-inch diameter sanitary sewer using the Cured-in-Place Pipe (CIPP) process. This project includes the rehabilitation of manholes and perforated manhole cover replacement as indicated on the plans.

Also included in this project is the elimination of a storm sewer cross connection to a sanitary sewer. This work includes the installation of approximately 230 LF of 12-inch storm sewer pipe, replacement of a curb inlet and catch basin, construction of two new storm manholes and the abandonment of approximately 120 LF of 8-inch pipe and 12 LF of 15-inch pipe.

The project site is located in the Upper Adena Brook area along Colerain Avenue, Weisheimer Road, Dominion Boulevard, Indian Springs Drive and Foster Street. Related work includes pavement replacement, service lateral reconnection, traffic maintenance and any such work as may be necessary to complete the contract in accordance with the plans (CC-14099) and specifications.

Copies of the Contract Documents and the plans are on file at the Division of Sewerage and Drainage, Sewer System Engineering Section, 1250 Fairwood Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43206. Bid packets will be available beginning Wednesday, January 17, 2007. The first set is available to prospective bidders at no cost with the second and subsequent sets available at a cost of $25.00 per set on a no-refund basis. No partial units will be released.

Proposals must be submitted on the proper forms contained in the Bid Submittal Documents. The Bid Submittal Documents containing the Proposal must be submitted IN THEIR ENTIRETY in a sealed envelope marked:


PROJECT BIDDING - CURED-IN-PLACE PIPE This project has been designed utilizing cured-in-place pipe (CIPP) rehabilitation methods and materials. The City of Columbus, Division of Sewerage and Drainage, has evaluated and approved the following cured-in-place rehabilitation methods/materials for use within the sanitary sewer system:



Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 159 of 207 THE CITY BULLETIN BIDS WANTED - PURCHASING OFFICE AND OTHER DIVISIONS


Bidding on this project is strictly limited to Contractors proposing utilization of any of the approved systems. Contractor's proposals for other non-approved systems will be considered non-responsive.

PROPOSAL GUARANTY No proposal will be considered unless accompanied by a bond or certified check drawn on a solvent bank made payable to the City of Columbus, Ohio, in an amount not less than 10 percent of the Bidder's Proposal, conditioned upon execution of the contract and the furnishing of a performance bond in the event the contract is awarded to the bidder. The amount of the bid bond shall be expressed either as a percentage of the total bid (10%) or numerically in dollars and cents. The amount indicated in the proposal bond shall include the total amount of the bid including all alternates submitted which increase the bid. The bond amount shall be equal to or exceed 10 percent of this total amount.

CONTRACT PREVAILING WAGE DETERMINATION As a condition of Federal financial participation in the construction cost of this Contract, the prevailing rates of wages as required by the Ohio Revised Code as shown by the following wage schedule are a part of this Contract. The Contractor to whom the award is made and all its subcontractors shall pay not less than the prevailing rate of wages for the classes of work called for by this public improvement in the locality where the Work is to be performed. These rates were obtained from the Ohio Dept of Commerce, Div. Of Labor and Worker Safety, Wage and Hour Bureau, and it is believed that they are the latest rates in effect. The City assumes no responsibility in the event of an error in listing the rates. The Bidder and/or Contractor shall verify the correctness thereof. The prevailing wage rates applicable to this project as determined by the Wage & Hour Bureau are included in the Specification. The Contractor shall submit to the City's Prevailing Wage Coordinator, Transportation Division, 1800 East 17th Avenue, Columbus, OH 43219, weekly certified payrolls of its labor forces and all subcontractor's labor forces for review of compliance to the prevailing wage rates. Payment of any partial or final payment estimate otherwise due to the Contractor will be withheld when the Prevailing Wage Coordinator finds the Contractor to be delinquent in the furnishing of payment information or to be out of compliance with the requirements for payment of prevailing wages.

CONTRACT PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT BOND A contract performance and payment bond of 100 percent of the amount of the contract with a surety or sureties licensed to conduct business in the State of Ohio according to Section 103.05 of the City of Columbus Construction & Materials Specifications, latest edition, will be required to assure the faithful performance of the work.

CONSTRUCTION AND MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS Numbered paragraphs to which reference is made in these Bid Submittal Documents refer to the City of Columbus, Ohio Construction and Materials Specifications, latest edition and will become part of the terms and conditions of the contract to be awarded. Said specifications are hereby made a part of these Bid Submittal Documents. Bidders are required to examine Section 100, General Provisions, for the requirements necessary to submit a proposal. Copies of said Construction and Material Specifications may be examined and/or purchased at the office of the Director of Public Service, 90 W. Broad Street, 3rd Floor, Columbus, Ohio 43215 (614) 645-8290; at the offices of the Transportation Division, 1800 E. 17th Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43219 (614) 645-3182; and at the office of the Director of Public Utilities, 910 Dublin


Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 160 of 207 THE CITY BULLETIN BIDS WANTED - PURCHASING OFFICE AND OTHER DIVISIONS

Road, 4th Floor, Columbus, Ohio 43215 (614) 645-6141.

CONTRACT COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS Each responsive bidder shall submit, with its bid, a City of Columbus Contract Compliance Certification Number or a completed application for certification.

NOTICE OF EQUAL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY REQUIREMENTS A. Minority and Female Business Enterprise (MBE and FBE) Participation: Title 39 of the Columbus City Code (C.C.C.) provides for certification of minority business enterprises and female business enterprises. Under the current legislation, a minority business enterprise is defined as a for-profit business performing a commercially useful function which is owned and controlled by a person or persons having an African American ancestry. C.C.C. ?3901.01(G). A female business enterprise is defined as a for-profit business performing a commercially useful function which is owned and controlled by one or more females of non-African American descent. C.C.C. ?3901.01(F).

B. Specific Contract M/FBE goals: Specific Contract M/FBE goals shall not apply to this selection.

C. In collaboration with the Equal Business Opportunity Commission Office, the Department of Public Utilities encourages the utilization of city-certified minority, female and small business enterprises and minority business registrants.

Documentation suggested: Include the name, description of the work, and the dollar value of all certified M/FBE's and MBR's included in the proposal.

For information related to minority, female and small business enterprises, please contract the Equal Business Opportunity Commission Office at (614) 645-4764

BID CANCELLATION AND REJECTIONS The right is reserved by the Director of Public Utilities of the City of Columbus, Ohio to cancel the Advertisement for Bids, to reject any and/or all bids, to waive technicalities, to hold bids for a period of 180 days after the bid opening, and/or to advertise for new proposals, when it is in the best interest of the City.

SUBSURFACE DATA No subsurface investigation was performed for this project.

CONTRACT COMPLETION The work under this contract shall be completed in a manner acceptable to the City within 270 calendar days after the effective date of the Notice to Proceed.

SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS Particular attention is called to the statutory requirements of the State of Ohio relative to licensing of corporations organized under the laws of any other state.

ENVIRONMENTALLY PREFERABLE CREDIT: In evaluating bids or offers for materials, supplies, equipment, construction and services, preference will be given to an environmentally preferable bidder who offers a product or service equal to or superior to that of a non-environmentally preferable bidder or offeror and that the environmentally preferable bid or offer does not exceed by more than 5% (up to a maximum of


Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 161 of 207 THE CITY BULLETIN BIDS WANTED - PURCHASING OFFICE AND OTHER DIVISIONS

$20,000) the lowest responsive and responsible and best bid from any non-environmentally preferable bid or offer. The environmentally preferable bidder will be required to demonstrate to the city agency procuring the product or service how their bid is equal to or superior to that of a non-environmentally preferable bidder. Where the bidder or offeror is local, the applicable credit for a local bidder or offeror shall be calculated first.

______Tatyana Arsh, P.E. Director of Public Utilities ORIGINAL PUBLISHING DATE: January 13, 2007

BID OPENING DATE - February 28, 2007 3:00 pm



Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 162 of 207 THE CITY BULLETIN BIDS WANTED - PURCHASING OFFICE AND OTHER DIVISIONS


Sealed proposals will be received by the Director of Public Utilities of the City of Columbus, Ohio at the office of the Director of Public Utilities, 910 Dublin Road, Room 4190, until 3:00 p.m. Local Time on February 28, 2007 and publicly opened and read at that hour and place for the following project:


The City of Columbus' contact person for this project is John G. Newsome, P.E., of the Division of Sewerage and Drainage's Sewer System Engineering Section, 645-6528.

The work for which proposals are invited consists of the rehabilitation of approximately 9,525 LF of 8-inch diameter, 460 LF of 10-inch diameter, 701 LF of 12-inch diameter and 360 LF of 15-inch diameter sanitary sewer pipe utilizing the cured-in-place pipe (CIPP) process; the installation of approximately 340 of 15-inch diameter sanitary sewer pipe; the dye testing of approximately 9 service connections; the reinstatement of approximately 276 service connections; the rehabilitation of approximately 481 VF of brick and pre-cast concrete manholes utilizing a cementitious lining system; the installation of 1 sanitary sewer manhole; the rehabilitation of 47 manhole bench and channels; the replacement of 48 manhole frames and covers; the open cut replacement of 53 LF of 8" sanitary sewer pipe in seven (7) locations; the by-pass pumping, maintaining traffic and other such work as may be necessary to complete the contract in accordance with the plans (CC-14509) and specifications.

Copies of the Contract Documents and the plans are on file at the Division of Sewerage and Drainage, Sewer System Engineering Section, 1250 Fairwood Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43206. Bid packets will be available beginning Wednesday, January 24, 2007. The first set is available to prospective bidders at no cost with the second and subsequent sets available at a cost of $25.00 per set on a no-refund basis. No partial units will be released.

Proposals must be submitted on the proper forms contained in the Bid Submittal Documents. The Bid Submittal Documents containing the Proposal must be submitted IN THEIR ENTIRETY in a sealed envelope marked:


PROJECT BIDDING - CURED-IN-PLACE PIPE This project has been designed utilizing cured-in-place pipe (CIPP) rehabilitation methods and materials. The City of Columbus, Division of Sewerage and Drainage, has evaluated and approved the following cured-in-place rehabilitation methods/materials for use within the sanitary sewer system:



Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 163 of 207 THE CITY BULLETIN BIDS WANTED - PURCHASING OFFICE AND OTHER DIVISIONS

Bidding on this project is strictly limited to Contractors proposing utilization of any of the approved systems. Contractor's proposals for other non-approved systems will be considered non-responsive.

PROPOSAL GUARANTY No proposal will be considered unless accompanied by a bond or certified check drawn on a solvent bank made payable to the City of Columbus, Ohio, in an amount not less than 10 percent of the Bidder's Proposal, conditioned upon execution of the contract and the furnishing of a performance bond in the event the contract is awarded to the bidder. The amount of the bid bond shall be expressed either as a percentage of the total bid (10%) or numerically in dollars and cents. The amount indicated in the proposal bond shall include the total amount of the bid including all alternates submitted which increase the bid. The bond amount shall be equal to or exceed 10 percent of this total amount.

CONTRACT PREVAILING WAGE DETERMINATION As a condition of Federal financial participation in the construction cost of this Contract, the prevailing rates of wages as required by the Ohio Revised Code as shown by the following wage schedule are a part of this Contract. The Contractor to whom the award is made and all its subcontractors shall pay not less than the prevailing rate of wages for the classes of work called for by this public improvement in the locality where the Work is to be performed. These rates were obtained from the Ohio Dept of Commerce, Div. Of Labor and Worker Safety, Wage and Hour Bureau, and it is believed that they are the latest rates in effect. The City assumes no responsibility in the event of an error in listing the rates. The Bidder and/or Contractor shall verify the correctness thereof. The prevailing wage rates applicable to this project as determined by the Wage & Hour Bureau are included in the Specification. The Contractor shall submit to the City's Prevailing Wage Coordinator, Transportation Division, 1800 East 17th Avenue, Columbus, OH 43219, weekly certified payrolls of its labor forces and all subcontractor's labor forces for review of compliance to the prevailing wage rates. Payment of any partial or final payment estimate otherwise due to the Contractor will be withheld when the Prevailing Wage Coordinator finds the Contractor to be delinquent in the furnishing of payment information or to be out of compliance with the requirements for payment of prevailing wages.

CONTRACT PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT BOND A contract performance and payment bond of 100 percent of the amount of the contract with a surety or sureties licensed to conduct business in the State of Ohio according to Section 103.05 of the City of Columbus Construction & Materials Specifications, latest edition, will be required to assure the faithful performance of the work.

CONSTRUCTION AND MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS Numbered paragraphs to which reference is made in these Bid Submittal Documents refer to the City of Columbus, Ohio Construction and Materials Specifications, latest edition and will become part of the terms and conditions of the contract to be awarded. Said specifications are hereby made a part of these Bid Submittal Documents. Bidders are required to examine Section 100, General Provisions, for the requirements necessary to submit a proposal. Copies of said Construction and Material Specifications may be examined and/or purchased at the office of the Director of Public Service, 90 W. Broad Street, 3rd Floor, Columbus, Ohio 43215 (614) 645-8290; at the offices of the Transportation Division, 1800 E. 17th Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43219 (614) 645-3182; and at the office of the Director of Public Utilities, 910 Dublin Road, 4th Floor, Columbus, Ohio 43215 (614) 645-6141.


Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 164 of 207 THE CITY BULLETIN BIDS WANTED - PURCHASING OFFICE AND OTHER DIVISIONS

CONTRACT COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS Each responsive bidder shall submit, with its bid, a City of Columbus Contract Compliance Certification Number or a completed application for certification.

NOTICE OF EQUAL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY REQUIREMENTS A. Minority and Female Business Enterprise (MBE and FBE) Participation: Title 39 of the Columbus City Code (C.C.C.) provides for certification of minority business enterprises and female business enterprises. Under the current legislation, a minority business enterprise is defined as a for-profit business performing a commercially useful function which is owned and controlled by a person or persons having an African American ancestry. C.C.C. 3901.01(G). A female business enterprise is defined as a for-profit business performing a commercially useful function which is owned and controlled by one or more females of non-African American descent. C.C.C. 3901.01(F).

B. Specific Contract M/FBE goals: Specific Contract M/FBE goals shall not apply to this selection.

C. In collaboration with the Equal Business Opportunity Commission Office, the Department of Public Utilities encourages the utilization of city-certified minority, female and small business enterprises and minority business registrants.

Documentation suggested: Include the name, description of the work, and the dollar value of all certified M/FBE's and MBR's included in the proposal.

For information related to minority, female and small business enterprises, please contract the Equal Business Opportunity Commission Office at (614) 645-4764

BID CANCELLATION AND REJECTIONS The right is reserved by the Director of Public Utilities of the City of Columbus, Ohio to cancel the Advertisement for Bids, to reject any and/or all bids, to waive technicalities, to hold bids for a period of 180 days after the bid opening, and/or to advertise for new proposals, when it is in the best interest of the City.

SUBSURFACE DATA Subsurface data was obtained for project design purposes. Copies of the report are available upon execution of the subsurface information release form.

CONTRACT COMPLETION The work under this contract shall be completed in a manner acceptable to the City within 330 calendar days after the effective date of the Notice to Proceed.

SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS Particular attention is called to the statutory requirements of the State of Ohio relative to licensing of corporations organized under the laws of any other state.

ENVIRONMENTALLY PREFERABLE CREDIT: In evaluating bids or offers for materials, supplies, equipment, construction and services, preference will be given to an environmentally preferable bidder who offers a product or service equal to or superior to that of a non-environmentally preferable bidder or offeror and that the environmentally preferable bid or offer does not exceed by more than 5% (up to a maximum of $20,000) the lowest responsive and responsible and best bid from any non-environmentally preferable bid or


Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 165 of 207 THE CITY BULLETIN BIDS WANTED - PURCHASING OFFICE AND OTHER DIVISIONS

offer. The environmentally preferable bidder will be required to demonstrate to the city agency procuring the product or service how their bid is equal to or superior to that of a non-environmentally preferable bidder. Where the bidder or offeror is local, the applicable credit for a local bidder or offeror shall be calculated first. ______Tatyana Arsh, P.E. Director of Public Utilities ORIGINAL PUBLISHING DATE: January 19, 2007

BID OPENING DATE - March 1, 2007 11:00 am


SCOPE: The City of Columbus intends to secure an integrated human resources, benefits administration, and payroll system to replace a legacy payroll and potentially consolidate other non-integrated Human Resources/Civil Service systems. The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to define the City of Columbus's requirements, solicit proposals, and gain adequate information in which the City may evaluate the software and services. The City's target date for system usage is March 1, 2008.

CLASSIFICATION: The system iis to include at least components for: Payroll Processing, Payroll Management, Personnel Action Management, Position Control Management, Employee Records/Self Service, Applicant tracking, Benefits Management, Employee/Labor Relations Management, Employee Safety and Health, Employee Performance Management, Drug Testing, Organizational Development and Technical (Security & Auditability, Reporting, Workflow, Job scheduling, Notifications and Alerts, etc.)

There is NO pre-bid conference for this bid. A 100% (One hundred percent) performance bond is required for this bid.

For additional information concerning this bid, including procedures for obtaining a copy of the bid document(s) and how to submit a proposal, you must go to the City of Columbus Vendor Services web page ( and view this bid number in the open solicitations listing. ORIGINAL PUBLISHING DATE: January 12, 2007


Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 166 of 207

Public Notices

The link to the Columbus City Health Code pdf shall constitute publication in the City Bulletin of changes to the Columbus City Health Department's Health Code. To go to the Columbus City Health Code, click here (pdf).

The Columbus City Code's "Title 7 -- Health Code" is separate from the Columbus City Health Code. Changes to "Title 7 -- Health Code" are published in the City Bulletin. To go to the Columbus City Code's "Title 7 -- Health Code," click here (html).

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 167 of 207


Ordinance 2089-2006 Ordinance 2090-2006

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 168 of 207 Office of City Clerk 90 West Broad Street City of Columbus Columbus OH 43215-9015 City Bulletin Report

Legislation Number: 2089-2006

Drafting Date: 11/13/2006 Current Status: Second Reading

Version: 2 Matter Type: Ordinance

ExplanationThis ordinance makes appropriations and transfers for the 12 months ending December 31, 2007, in various divisions and departments for funds other than the general fund.

Title To make appropriations for the 12 months ending December 31, 2007, for other funds for various divisions, to authorize the City Auditor to make transfers as may be necessary and to declare an emergency.

Body WHEREAS, the matter herein provided for constitutes an emergency in that it is immediately necessary to appropriate funds for the various city departments for the 12 months beginning January 1, 2007 and ending December 31, 2007, and

WHEREAS, the matter herein constitutes an emergency in that it is immediately necessary to appropriate and authorize the transfer of these funds for the immediate preservation of the public health, peace, property, safety and welfare; Now Therefore:


SECTION 1. That from the monies in the fund known as the employee benefits fund, fund no. 502, and from all monies estimated to come into said fund from any and all sources during the 12 months ending December 31, 2007, there be and hereby are appropriated for the object level ones for which the corporation has to provide the following sums for use during the 12 months ending December 31, 2007:

Division No. 4601 - Human Resources

Obj Level 1 01 Amount $1,539,366

Obj Level 1 02 Amount $39,000

Obj Level 1 03 Amount $766,343

TOTAL Fund No. 502 $2,344,709

SECTION 2. That from the monies in the fund known as the Technology, fund no. 514, and from all monies estimated to come into said fund from any and all sources during the 12 months ending December 31, 2007, there be and hereby are appropriated for the object level ones for which the corporation has to provide the following sums for use during the 12 months ending December 31, 2007: Division No. 4701 - Technology Administration

Obj Level 1 01 Amount $3,107,460

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 169 of 207 Obj Level 1 02 Amount $1,909,637

Obj Level 1 03 Amount $5,529,480

Obj Level 1 06 Amount $832,080

TOTAL $11,378,657

Division No. 4702 - Division of Information Services

Obj Level 1 01 Amount $10,816,495

Obj Level 1 02 Amount $389,648

Obj Level 1 03 Amount $5,555,355

Obj Level 1 04 Amount $1,795,660

Obj Level 1 06 Amount $222,856

Obj Level 1 07 Amount $585,762

TOTAL $ 19,365,776

TOTAL Fund No. 514 $ 30,744,433

SECTION 3. That from the monies in the fund known as the print services fund, fund no. 517, and from all monies estimated to come into said fund from any and all sources during the 12 months ending December 31, 2007, there be and hereby are appropriated for the object level ones for which the corporation has to provide the following sums for use during the 12 months ending December 31, 2007:

Division No. 4550 - Finance and Management Print Services

Obj Level 1 01 Amount $129,485

Obj Level 1 02 Amount $37,500

Obj Level 1 03 Amount $81,750

TOTAL Fund No. 517 $ 248,735

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 170 of 207 SECTION 4. That from the monies in the fund known as the land acquisition services fund, fund no. 525, and from all monies estimated to come into said fund from any and all sources during the 12 months ending December 31, 2007, there be and hereby are appropriated for the object level ones for which the corporation has to provide the following sums for use during the 12 months ending December 31, 2007:

Division No. 2403 - Land Acquisition

Obj Level 1 01 Amount $701,748

Obj Level 1 02 Amount $10,150

Obj Level 1 03 Amount $91,949

TOTAL Fund No. 525 $803,847

SECTION 5. That from the monies in the fund known as the fleet management services fund, fund no. 513, and from all monies estimated to come into said fund from any and all sources during the 12 months ending December 31, 2007, there be and hereby are appropriated for the object level ones for which the corporation has to provide the following sums for use during the 12 months ending December 31, 2007:

Division No. 5901 - Public Service Administration

Obj Level 1 01 Amount $567,651

Obj Level 1 03 Amount $34,543 TOTAL $ 602,194

Division No. 5905 - Fleet Management

Obj Level 1 01 Amount $8,220,359

Obj Level 1 02 Amount $13,231,290

Obj Level 1 03 Amount $3,778,240

Obj Level 1 04 Amount $1,030,000

Obj Level 1 05 Amount $5,000

Obj Level 1 06 Amount $80,000

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 171 of 207 Obj Level 1 07 Amount $1,182,416 TOTAL $ 27,527,305

TOTAL Fund No. 513 $28,129,499

SECTION 6. That from the monies in the fund known as the health special revenue fund, fund no. 250, and from all monies estimated to come into said fund from any and all sources during the 12 months ending December 31, 2007, there be and hereby are appropriated for the object level ones for which the corporation has to provide the following sums for use during the 12 months ending December 31, 2007:

Division No. 5001 - Health

Obj Level 1 01 Amount $16,483,953 $16,565,953

Obj Level 1 02 Amount $530,530

Obj Level 1 03 Amount $10,188,766 $10,413,766

Obj Level 1 05 Amount $8,900

Obj Level 1 10 Amount $180,000

TOTAL in Fund no. 250 $27,392,149 $27,699,149

SECTION 7. That from the monies in the fund known as the recreation and parks operation and extension fund, fund no. 285, and from all monies estimated to come into said fund from any and all sources during the 12 months ending December 31, 2007, there be and hereby are appropriated for the object level ones for which the corporation has to provide the following sums for use during the 12 months ending December 31, 2007:

Division No. 5101 - Recreation and Parks

Obj Level 1 01 Amount $24,898,575 $25,103,496

Obj Level 1 02 Amount $898,810 $906,810

Obj Level 1 03 Amount $7,463,630

Obj Level 1 05 Amount $106,500

Obj Level 1 10 Amount $182,000 $282,000

TOTAL in Fund no. 285 $33,549,515 $33,862,436

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 172 of 207 SECTION 8. That from the monies in the fund known as the golf course operations fund, fund no. 284, and from all monies estimated to come into said fund from any and all sources during the 12 months ending December 31, 2007, there be and hereby are appropriated for the object level ones for which the corporation has to provide the following sums for use during the 12 months ending December 31, 2007:

Division No. 5103 - Division of Golf

Obj Level 1 01 Amount $3,647,732

Obj Level 1 02 Amount $385,000

Obj Level 1 03 Amount $1,278,118

Obj Level 1 05 Amount $3,000

Obj Level 1 06 Amount $30,000

TOTAL in Fund no. 284 $5,343,850

SECTION 9. That from the monies in the fund known as the development services fund, fund no. 240, and from all monies estimated to come into said fund from any and all sources during the 12 months ending December 31, 2007, there be and hereby are appropriated for the object level ones for which the corporation has to provide the following sums for use during the 12 months ending December 31, 2007:

Division No. 4401 - Development Administration

Obj Level 1 01 Amount $516,325

TOTAL $516,325

Division No. 4403 - Building Services

Obj Level 1 01 Amount $11,548,178

Obj Level 1 02 Amount $87,225

Obj Level 1 03 Amount $2,142,771

Obj Level 1 05 Amount $61,800

TOTAL $13,839,974

Division No. 5901 - Service Administration

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 173 of 207 Obj Level 1 01 Amount $374,845

Obj Level 1 03 Amount $54,284

TOTAL $429,129

Division No. 5909 - Transportation

Obj Level 1 01 Amount $9,400,502

Obj Level 1 02 Amount $106,500

Obj Level 1 03 Amount $2,234,195

Obj Level 1 05 Amount $3,000

Obj Level 1 06 Amount $244,000

TOTAL $11,988,197

TOTAL in Fund no. 240 $26,773,625

SECTION 10. That from the monies in the fund known as the street construction, maintenance and repair fund, fund no. 265, and from all monies estimated to come into said fund from any and all sources during the 12 months ending December 31, 2007, there be and hereby are appropriated for the object level ones for which the corporation has to provide the following sums for use during the 12 months ending December 31, 2007:

Division No. 5901 - Public Service Administration

Obj Level 1 01 Amount $2,265,179

Obj Level 1 03 Amount $207,263

TOTAL $2,472,442

Division No. 5902 - Refuse Collection

Obj Level 1 01 Amount $1,401,692

Obj Level 1 02 Amount $1,500

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 174 of 207 Obj Level 1 03 Amount $5,000

TOTAL $1,408,192

Division No. 5909 - Transportation

Obj Level 1 01 Amount $25,254,145

Obj Level 1 02 Amount $550,952

Obj Level 1 03 Amount $13,944,187

Obj Level 1 05 Amount $89,100

Obj Level 1 06 Amount $943,900

Obj Level 1 10 Amount $200,000

TOTAL $40,982,284

TOTAL in Fund no. 265 $44,862,918

SECTION 11. That from the monies in the fund known as the sewerage system operating fund, fund no. 650, and from all monies estimated to come into said fund from any and all sources during the 12 months ending December 31, 2007, there be and hereby are appropriated for the object level ones for which the corporation has to provide the following sums for use during the 12 months ending December 31, 2007:

Division No. 6005 - Sewerage and Drainage

Obj Level 1 01 Amount $36,261,269

Obj Level 1 02 Amount $6,132,510

Obj Level 1 03 Amount $42,129,290

Obj Level 1 04 Amount $45,668,161

Obj Level 1 05 Amount $755,000

Obj Level 1 06 Amount $5,363,950

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 175 of 207 Obj Level 1 07 Amount $31,205,660

Obj Level 1 10 Amount $15,428,310

TOTAL $182,944,150

Division No. 6001 - Public Utilities Administration

Obj Level 1 01 Amount $3,344,956

Obj Level 1 02 Amount $162,254

Obj Level 1 03 Amount $466,246

Obj Level 1 06 Amount $13,608

TOTAL $3,987,064

Division No. 6002 - Operational Support

Obj Level 1 01 Amount $5,704,127

Obj Level 1 02 Amount $188,157

Obj Level 1 03 Amount $4,749,129

Obj Level 1 05 Amount $5,760

Obj Level 1 06 Amount $248,400

TOTAL $10,895,573

TOTAL in Fund no. 650 $197,826,787

SECTION 12. That from the monies in the fund known as the storm sewer maintenance fund, fund no. 675, and from all monies estimated to come into said fund from any and all sources during the 12 months ending December 31, 2007, there be and hereby are appropriated for the object level ones for which the corporation has to provide the following sums for use during the 12 months ending December 31, 2007:

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 176 of 207 Division No. 6015 - Storm Sewer

Obj Level 1 01 Amount $1,515,134

Obj Level 1 02 Amount $14,000

Obj Level 1 03 Amount $13,869,386

Obj Level 1 04 Amount $6,911,900

Obj Level 1 05 Amount $137,112

Obj Level 1 06 Amount $42,000

Obj Level 1 07 Amount $6,162,709

TOTAL $28,652,241

Division No. 6001 - Public Utilities Administration

Obj Level 1 01 Amount $2,415,814

Obj Level 1 02 Amount $117,183

Obj Level 1 03 Amount $336,732

Obj Level 1 06 Amount $9,828

TOTAL $2,879,557

Division No. 6002 - Operational Support

Obj Level 1 01 Amount $4,119,607

Obj Level 1 02 Amount $135,891

Obj Level 1 03 Amount $3,429,926

Obj Level 1 05 Amount $4,160

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 177 of 207 Obj Level 1 06 Amount $179,400

TOTAL $7,868,984

TOTAL in Fund no. 675 $39,400,782

SECTION 13. That from the monies in the fund known as the electricity enterprise fund, fund no. 550, and from all monies estimated to come into said fund from any and all sources during the 12 months ending December 31, 2007, there be and hereby are appropriated for the object level ones for which the corporation has to provide the following sums for use during the 12 months ending December 31, 2007:

Division No. 6007 - Electricity

Obj Level 1 01 Amount $8,407,145

Obj Level 1 02 Amount $57,634,805

Obj Level 1 03 Amount $6,807,249

Obj Level 1 04 Amount $5,546,329

Obj Level 1 05 Amount $191,500

Obj Level 1 06 Amount $2,057,000

Obj Level 1 07 Amount $1,353,618

TOTAL $81,997,646

Division No. 6001 - Public Utilities Administration

Obj Level 1 01 Amount $316,887

Obj Level 1 02 Amount $10,453

Obj Level 1 03 Amount $263,838

Obj Level 1 05 Amount $320

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 178 of 207 Obj Level 1 06 Amount $13,800

TOTAL $605,298

Division No. 6002 - Operational Support

Obj Level 1 01 Amount $185,817

Obj Level 1 02 Amount $9,014

Obj Level 1 03 Amount $25,903

Obj Level 1 06 Amount $756

TOTAL $221,490

TOTAL in Fund no. 550 $82,824,434

SECTION 14. That from the monies in the fund known as the water system revenue, fund no. 600, and from all monies estimated to come into said fund from any and all sources during the 12 months ending December 31, 2007, there be and hereby are appropriated for the object level ones for which the corporation has to provide the following sums for use during the 12 months ending December 31, 2007:

Division No. 6009 - Water System

Obj Level 1 01 Amount $26,134,707

Obj Level 1 02 Amount $20,335,723

Obj Level 1 03 Amount $21,004,339

Obj Level 1 04 Amount $27,947,290

Obj Level 1 05 Amount $300,000

Obj Level 1 06 Amount $1,465,500

Obj Level 1 07 Amount $13,224,662

Obj Level 1 10 Amount $7,662,250

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 179 of 207 TOTAL $118,074,471

Division No. 6001 - Public Utilities Administration

Obj Level 1 01 Amount $3,344,956

Obj Level 1 02 Amount $162,254

Obj Level 1 03 Amount $466,246

Obj Level 1 06 Amount $13,608

TOTAL $3,987,064

Division No. 6002 - Operational Support

Obj Level 1 01 Amount $5,704,127

Obj Level 1 02 Amount $188,157

Obj Level 1 03 Amount $4,749,129

Obj Level 1 05 Amount $5,760

Obj Level 1 06 Amount $248,400

TOTAL $10,895,573

TOTAL in Fund no. 600 $132,957,108

SECTION 15. That from the monies in the fund known as the computer system procurement & maintenance fund, fund no. 227, and from all monies estimated to come into said fund from any and all sources during the 12 months ending December 31, 2007, there be and hereby are appropriated for the object level ones for which the corporation has to provide the following sums for use during the 12 months ending December 31, 2007:

Division No. 2501 - Municipal Court Judges Subfund 001

Obj Level 1 01 Amount $199,562

Obj Level 1 02 Amount $86,200

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 180 of 207 Obj Level 1 03 Amount $255,150

TOTAL $540,912

Division No. 2601 - Municipal Court Clerk Subfund 002

Obj Level 1 01 Amount $735,846

Obj Level 1 02 Amount $66,800

Obj Level 1 03 Amount $550,905

Obj Level 1 06 Amount $10,000

Obj Level 1 07 Amount $100,400

Obj Level 1 10 Amount $120,000

TOTAL $1,583,951

TOTAL in Fund no. 227 $2,124,863

SECTION 16. That from the monies in the fund known as the municipal court special projects fund, fund no. 226, and from all monies estimated to come into said fund from any and all sources during the 12 months ending December 31, 2007, there be and hereby are appropriated for the object level ones for which the corporation has to provide the following sums for use during the 12 months ending December 31, 2007:

Division No. 2501 - Municipal Court Judges

Obj Level 1 01 Amount $984,242

Obj Level 1 02 Amount $46,700

Obj Level 1 03 Amount $459,000

TOTAL in Fund no. 226 $1,489,942

SECTION 17. That from the monies in the fund known as the collection fee fund, fund no. 295, and from all monies estimated to come into said fund from any and all sources during the 12 months ending December 31, 2007, there be and hereby are appropriated for the object level ones for which the corporation has to provide the following sums for use during the 12 months ending December 31, 2007:

Division No. 2401 - City Attorney

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 181 of 207 Obj Level 1 03 Amount $500,000

TOTAL $500,000

Division No. 2601 - Municipal Court Clerk

Obj Level 1 01 Amount $83,167

Obj Level 1 03 Amount $390,000

TOTAL $473,167

TOTAL in Fund no. 295 $973,167

SECTION 18. That the existing appropriations in funds for capital projects at December 31, 2007 are hereby reappropriated to the same division object level 1 and purpose originally authorized by the Council and that the outstanding encumbrances in those subfunds at December 31, 2007, are hereby re-encumbered.

SECTION 19. That the monies in the foregoing Sections 1 through 18 shall be paid upon the order of the respective department for which the appropriations are made except that small claims in amounts not to exceed Two Thousand Five Hundred ($2,500.00) may be paid as authorized by Chapter 335 of the Columbus City Code, 1985, as amended; and except that payments or transfers between departments, divisions or funds of the City may be made by the City Auditor; that payments for premiums for official bonds, depository commissions, employees' hospitalization, life insurance, pensions, dental insurance, and prepaid legal services, shall be made on the order and approval of the Director of the Department of Finance and Management or City Auditor; that the monies appropriated in the foregoing Section 1 shall be paid upon the order of the Director of the Department of Human Resources; that the monies appropriated in the foregoing Section 2 shall be paid upon the order of the Director of the Department of Technology; that the monies appropriated in the foregoing Section 3 shall be paid upon the order of the Director of Finance and Management; that the monies appropriated in the foregoing Section 4 shall be paid upon the order of the City Attorney; that the monies appropriated in the foregoing Section 5 shall be paid upon the order of the Director of the Department of Public Service; that the monies appropriated in the foregoing Section 6 shall be paid upon the order of the Health Commissioner; that the monies appropriated in the foregoing Sections 7 and 8 shall be paid upon the order of the Director of the Department of Recreation and Parks; that the monies appropriated in the foregoing Section 9, Divisions 44-01 and 44-03 shall be paid upon the order of the Director of the Department of Development; that the monies appropriated in the foregoing Section 9, Divisions 59-01 and 59-09, shall be paid upon the order of the Director of the Department of Public Service; that the monies appropriated in the foregoing Section 10 shall be paid upon the order of the Director of the Department of Public Service; that the monies appropriated in the foregoing Sections 11, 12, 13, and 14 shall be paid upon the order of the Director of the Department of Public Utilities; that the monies appropriated in the foregoing Section 15, Division 25-01 shall be paid upon the order of the Administrative Judge or for Division 26-01 shall be paid upon the order of Municipal Court Clerk; that the monies appropriated in the foregoing Section 16 shall be paid upon the order of the Administrative Judge; that the monies appropriated in the foregoing Section 17, Division 24-01 shall be paid upon the order of the City Attorney or, for Division 26-01 shall be paid upon the order of the Municipal Court Clerk; and that no order shall be drawn or money paid except upon voucher, the form of which shall be approved by the City Auditor.

SECTION 20. Except in the matter of payrolls providing for the payment of salaries of officers and employees regularly employed by the City and extraordinary emergencies, no warrant shall be issued in liquidation of vouchers, unless the department contracting the expense shall have first obtained an order duly certified that there are sufficient funds appropriated to the credit of the proper fund from which the expenditure is to be made, which certificate must be obtained prior to the incurrence of the obligation, and the head of any department or division authorized to contract expenditures

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 182 of 207 will be held personally responsible for any obligation incurred contrary to the provisions of this section. Such certificate shall not be issued for obligations pertaining to "Capital Outlay" in programs or activities funded by federal or state categorical grants without the prior approval of the Director of the Department of Finance and Management.

SECTION 21. That with the exception of the provisos (reasons) established in previous sections, as stated in the reason paragraphs following each subdepartment's appropriation, it is understood that this Council is not making specific appropriations for each item of every classification hereinbefore contained but only for the total for each department and subdepartment, as shown in the final column. The itemized classification shall, however, constitute limitations on the powers of the several department heads as granted in Section 21 and no such officer shall make any expenditure for any other purpose in any amount beyond that of the particular classification; provided, however, that transfers may be made from one object level 1 to another, within any one department or division. Transfers of sums exceeding $25,000.00 shall be authorized only by resolution of Council. Transfers of sums of $25,000.00 or less shall only be approved pursuant to a letter over the signatures of the head of the department, the Director of the Department of Finance and Management, the City Auditor, and the Chairman of the Committee of Finance. and Administration.

SECTION 22. That the City Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to pay obligations of various departments pertaining to preceding years obligations from current appropriates up to a maximum of $25,000.00 per obligation.

SECTION 23. That for the reasons stated in the preamble hereto, which is hereby made a part hereof, this ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor or ten days after passage if the Mayor neither approves nor vetoes the same.

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 183 of 207 Office of City Clerk 90 West Broad Street City of Columbus Columbus OH 43215-9015 City Bulletin Report

Legislation Number: 2090-2006

Drafting Date: 11/13/2006 Current Status: Second Reading

Version: 2 Matter Type: Ordinance

ExplanationThis ordinance appropriates monies within the General Fund, the Safety Staffing Contingency Fund and the Public Safety Initiative Fund to the various departments, commissions, and offices of the government of the City of Columbus for the twelve months ending December 31, 2007.

TitleTo make appropriations for the 12 months ending December 31, 2007, for each of the several Object Level 1s for which the City of Columbus has to provide from the monies known to be in the treasury of said City of Columbus, in the fund known as the General Fund, during the said 12 months from the collection of all taxes and from other sources of revenue the amount of $634,399,000 $630,000,000, in the fund known as the Safety Staffing Contingency Fund the amount of $1,000,000 and in the fund known as the Public Safety Initiative Fund the amount of $460,000, and to declare an emergency. ($635,859,000) ($631,460,000).

BodyWHEREAS, the matter herein provided for constitutes an emergency in that it is immediately necessary to appropriate funds to the various city departments, commissions, and offices for a 12 month period beginning January 1, 2007, and ending December 31, 2007, for the immediate preservation of the public health, peace, property, safety and welfare; Now, Therefore:


Section 1. That from the monies in the fund known as the "Fund for General Purposes", otherwise known as the General Fund, and from all monies estimated to come into said fund from any and all sources during the 12 months ending December 31, 2007, there be and hereby are appropriated to the use of the several departments, commissions and offices and Object Level 1s for which the corporation has to provide the following sums for use during the 12 months ending December 31, 2007:

See Attachment: GF Budget by div.xls

SECTION 2. That from the monies in the fund known as the safety staffing contingency fund, fund no. 014, and from all revenues estimated to come into said fund from any and all sources and unappropriated for any other purpose during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2007, there be and hereby are appropriated for the object level ones for which the corporation has to provide the following sums for use during the 12 months ending December 31, 2007:

Division No. 5905 - Division of Fleet Management

Obj Level 1 06 Amount $1,000,000

TOTAL in Fund no. 014 $1,000,000

SECTION 3. That from the monies in the fund known as the public safety initiative fund, and from all revenues estimated to come into said fund from any and all sources and unappropriated for any other purpose during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2007, there be and hereby are appropriated for the object level ones for which the corporation has to provide the following sums for use during the 12 months ending December 31, 2007:

Division No. 3004 - Division of Fire

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 184 of 207 Obj Level 1 01 Amount $428,879

Obj Level 1 02 Amount $23,421

Obj Level 1 03 Amount $7,700

TOTAL in Fund no. 016 $460,000

Section 4. That the monies appropriated in the foregoing Sections 1 through 3 shall be paid upon the order of the respective department directors or Elected Officials for which the appropriations are made except that small claims in amount not to exceed Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500.00) may be paid as authorized by Chapter 335 of the Columbus City Code, 1959, as amended; and except that payments or transfers between departments, divisions or funds of the City may be made by the City Auditor; and except that payments for premiums for official bonds, depository commissions, employees' hospitalization, life insurance, pensions, dental insurance and prepaid legal services, shall be made on the order and approval of the Director of the Department of Finance and Management or City Auditor; and except that the monies appropriated in the foregoing Section 1, Division No. 20-01, be paid upon the order of the City Clerk or President of City Council; and that no order shall be drawn or money paid except upon voucher, the form of which shall be approved by the City Auditor.

Section 5. Except in the matter of payrolls providing for the payment of the salaries of officers and employees regularly employed by the City and extraordinary emergencies, no warrant shall be issued in liquidation of vouchers, unless the department contracting the expense shall have first obtained an order duly certified that there are sufficient funds appropriated to the credit of the proper fund from which the expenditure is to be made, which certificate must be obtained prior to the incurrence of the obligation, and the head of any department or division authorized to contract expenditures will be held personally responsible for any obligation incurred contrary to the provisions of this section. Except that such certificate shall not be issued for obligations pertaining to "Capital Outlay" in programs or activities funded by federal or state categorical grants without the prior approval of the Director of the Department of Finance and Management; such prior approval must be obtained before submission of any requisition for items coded as "Capital Outlay" to the Department of Finance and Management. The Director of the Department of Finance and Management will review such requests for conformity with the approved budget.

Section 6. That with the exception of the provisos (reasons) established in previous sections, as stated in the reason paragraphs following each subdepartment's appropriation, it is understood that this Council is not making specific appropriations for each item of every classification hereinbefore contained but only for the total for each department and subdepartment, as shown in the final column. The itemized classification shall, however, constitute limitations on the powers of the several department heads as granted in Section 2 and no such officer shall make any expenditure for any other purpose in any amount beyond that of the particular classification, provided, however, that transfers may be made from one Object Level 1 to another, within any one department or division. Transfer of sums exceeding $25,000.00 shall be authorized only by the resolution of Council. Transfers of sums of $25,000.00 or less shall only be approved pursuant to a letter over the signatures of the head of the department, the Director of the Department of Finance and Management, the City Auditor, and the Chairman of the Committee of Finance and Administration.

Section 7. That the City Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to pay obligations of various departments pertaining to preceding years' obligations from current appropriations up to a maximum of $25,000.00 per obligation.

Section 8. That the City Auditor shall transfer funds included in the General Fund, Object Level 1 10 of the Department of Finance and Management to the "Anticipated Expenditure Fund" in the fourth quarter of 2007, if authorized to do so by the Finance Director ($1,850,000).

Section 9. That the City Auditor shall transfer funds included in the General Fund, Object Level 1 10 of the Department of Finance and Management to the "Economic Stabilization Fund" ($348,000).

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 185 of 207 Section 10. That the Director of the Department of Public Service is hereby authorized, as the successor upon reorganization, to administer all contracts and to act for and in behalf of the city and with all the powers and authority originally granted to the City Treasurer with respect to all authority being transferred to the new department.

Section 11. That the City Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to pay obligations of the Public Service Department pertaining to preceding years' obligations from current appropriations up to a maximum of $25,000 per obligation.

Section 12. That the City Auditor shall transfer funds included in Object Level 1 10 of the Department of Finance and Management to the "Public Safety Initiatives Fund ($709,000).

Section 13. That the City Auditor shall transfer funds included in Object Level 1 10 of the Department of Finance and Management to the "Jobs Growth Fund" ($658,000).

Section 14 9. That for the reasons stated in the preamble hereto, which is hereby made a part hereof, this ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor or ten days after passage if the Mayor neither approves nor vetoes the same.

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 186 of 207 Office of City Clerk 90 West Broad Street City of Columbus Columbus OH 43215-9015 City Bulletin Report

Legislation Number: PN0011-2007

Drafting Date: 01/10/2007 Current Status: Clerk's Office for Bulletin

Version: 1 Matter Type: Public Notice

Title Notice/Advertisement Title: Brewery District Commission 2007 Meeting Schedule Contact Name: Brenda Moore Contact Telephone Number: 614-645-8620 Contact Email Address: [email protected] Body Brewery District Commission 2007 Meeting Schedule

The 2007 regular monthly meetings of the Brewery District Commission will be held on the dates listed below at 6:15 p.m. at 109 N. Front Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215, in the ground floor Community Training Center. Copies of the agenda may be obtained by calling 645-8620 or by e-mail [email protected]. A Sign Language Interpreter, to “Sign” this meeting , will be made available for anyone with a need for this service, provided the Historic Preservation Office is made aware of this need and given a reasonable notice of at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the scheduled meeting time. To schedule an interpreter, please call 645-8620 or TDD 645-6802.

Application Deadlines Hearing Dates January 18, 2007 February 1, 2007 February 15, 2007 March 1, 2007 March 22, 2007 April 5, 2007 April 19, 2007 May 3, 2007 May 24, 2007 June 7, 2007 June 21, 2007 July 5, 2007 July 19, 2007 August 2, 2007 August 23, 2007 September 6, 2007 September 20, 2007 October 4, 2007 October 18, 2007 November 1, 2007 November 21, 2007* December 6, 2007 December 20, 2007 January 3, 2007 January 24, 2007 February 7, 2007

Legislation Number: PN0012-2007

Drafting Date: 01/10/2007 Current Status: Clerk's Office for Bulletin

Version: 1 Matter Type: Public Notice

Title Notice/Advertisement Title: Victorian Village Commission 2007 Meeting Schedule Contact Name: Brenda Moore Contact Telephone Number: 614-645-8620 Contact Email Address: [email protected] Body Victorian Village Commission 2007 Meeting Schedule

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 187 of 207 The 2007 regular monthly meetings of the Victorian Village Commission will be held on the dates listed below at 6:15 p.m. at 109 N. Front Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215, in the ground floor Community Training Center. Copies of the agenda may be obtained by calling 645-8620 or by e-mail [email protected]. A Sign Language Interpreter, to "Sign" this meeting , will be made available for anyone with a need for this service, provided the Historic Preservation Office is made aware of this need and given a reasonable notice of at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the scheduled meeting time. To schedule an interpreter, please call 645-8620 or TDD 645-6802.

Application Deadline Hearing Dates January 25, 2007 February 8, 2007 February 22, 2007 March 8, 2007 March 29, 2007 April 12, 2007 April 26, 2007 May 10, 2007 May 31, 2007 June 14, 2007 June 28, 2007 July 12, 2007 July 26, 2007 August 9, 2007 August 30, 2007 September 13, 2007 September 27, 2007 October 11, 2007 October 25, 2007 November 8, 2007 November 29, 2007 December 13, 2007 December 27, 2007 January 10, 2008 January 31, 2008 February 14, 2008

Legislation Number: PN0013-2007

Drafting Date: 01/10/2007 Current Status: Clerk's Office for Bulletin

Version: 1 Matter Type: Public Notice

Title Notice/Advertisement Title: Historic Resources Commission 2007 Meeting Schedule Contact Name: Brenda Moore Contact Telephone Number: 614-645-8620 Contact Email Address: [email protected] Body Historic Resources Commission 2007 Meeting Schedule

The 2007 regular monthly meetings of the Historic Resources Commission will be held on the dates listed below at 6:15 p.m. at 109 N. Front Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215, in the ground floor Community Training Center. Copies of the agenda may be obtained by calling 645-8620 or by e-mail [email protected]. A Sign Language Interpreter, to “Sign” this meeting , will be made available for anyone with a need for this service, provided the Historic Preservation Office is made aware of this need and given a reasonable notice of at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the scheduled meeting time. To schedule an interpreter, please call 645-8620 or TDD 645-6802.

Application Deadlines Hearing Dates January 4, 2007 January 18, 2007 February 1, 2007 February 15, 2007 March 1, 2007 March 15, 2007 April 5, 2007 April 19, 2007 May 3, 2007 May 17, 2007 June 7, 2007 June 21, 2007 July 5, 2007 July 19, 2007 August 2, 2007 August 16, 2007 September 6, 2007 September 20, 2007

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 188 of 207 October 4, 2007 October 18, 2007 November 1, 2007 November 15, 2007 December 6, 2007 December 20, 2007 January 3, 2008 January 17, 2008

Legislation Number: PN0014-2007

Drafting Date: 01/10/2007 Current Status: Clerk's Office for Bulletin

Version: 1 Matter Type: Public Notice

Title Notice/Advertisement Title: Italian Village Commission 2007 Meeting Schedule Contact Name: Brenda Moore Contact Telephone Number: 614-645-8620 Contact Email Address: [email protected] Body Italian Village Commission 2007 Meeting Schedule

The 2007 regular monthly meetings of the Italian Village Commission will be held on the dates listed below at 6:15 p.m. at 109 N. Front Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215, in the ground floor Community Training Center. Copies of the agenda may be obtained by calling 645-8620 or by e-mail [email protected]. A Sign Language Interpreter, to “Sign” this meeting , will be made available for anyone with a need for this service, provided the Historic Preservation Office is made aware of this need and given a reasonable notice of at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the scheduled meeting time. To schedule an interpreter, please call 645-8620 or TDD 645-6802.

Application Deadlines Hearing Dates January 2, 2007 January 16, 2007 February 6, 2007 February 20, 2007 March 6, 2007 March 20, 2007 April 3, 2007 April 17, 2007 May 1, 2007 May 15, 2007 June 5, 2007 June 19, 2007 July 3, 2007 July 17, 2007 August 7, 2007 August 21, 2007 September 4, 2007 September 18, 2007 October 2, 2007 October 16, 2007 November 6, 2007 November 20, 2007 December 4, 2007 December 18, 2007 December 31, 2007* January 15, 2008

Legislation Number: PN0015-2007

Drafting Date: 01/10/2007 Current Status: Clerk's Office for Bulletin

Version: 1 Matter Type: Public Notice

Title Notice/Advertisement Title: German Village Commission 2007 Meeting Schedule Contact Name: Brenda Moore Contact Telephone Number: 614-645-8620 Contact Email Address: [email protected] Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 189 of 207 Contact Email Address: [email protected] Body German Village Commission 2007 Meeting Schedule

The 2007 regular monthly meetings of the German Village Commission will be held on the dates listed below at 4:00 p.m. at the German Village Meeting Haus, 588 S. Third Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215. Copies of the agenda may be obtained by calling 645-8620 or by e-mail. A Sign Language Interpreter, to “Sign” this meeting , will be made available for anyone with a need for this service, provided the Historic Preservation Office is made aware of this need and given a reasonable notice of at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the scheduled meeting time. To schedule an interpreter, please call 645-8620 or TDD 645-6802.

Application Deadlines Hearing Dates December 19, 2006 January 9, 2007 January 23, 2006 February 6, 2007 February 20, 2007 March 6, 2007 March 20, 2007 April 3, 2007 April 17, 2007 May 1, 2007 May 22, 2007 June 5, 2007 June 19, 2007 July 10, 2007* July 24, 2007 August 7, 2007 August 21, 2007 September 11, 2007* September 18, 2007 October 2, 2007 October 23, 2007 November 13, 2007* November 20, 2007 December 4, 2007 December 18, 2007 January 8, 2008* January 22, 2008 February 5, 2008

Legislation Number: PN0016-2007

Drafting Date: 01/10/2007 Current Status: Clerk's Office for Bulletin

Version: 1 Matter Type: Public Notice

Title Notice/Advertisement Title: Historic Resources Commission 2007 Business Meeting Schedule Contact Name: Brenda Moore Contact Telephone Number: 614-645-8620 Contact Email Address: [email protected] Body Historic Resources Commission 2007 Business Meeting Schedule

The 2007 regular monthly business meetings of the Historic Resources Commission will be held on the dates listed below at 12:00 noon. at 109 N. Front Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215, in the 1st Floor Conference Room. Copies of the agenda may be obtained by calling 645-8620 or by e-mail [email protected] . A Sign Language Interpreter, to “Sign” this meeting , will be made available for anyone with a need for this service, provided the Historic Preservation Office is made aware of this need and given a reasonable notice of at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the scheduled meeting time. To schedule an interpreter, please call 645-8620 or TDD 645-6802.

Business Meeting Dates

January 11, 2007 February 8, 2007 March 8, 2007 April 12, 2007

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 190 of 207 May 10, 2007 June 14, 2007 July 12, 2007 August 9, 2007 September 13, 2007 October 11, 2007 November 8, 2007 December 13, 2007

Legislation Number: PN0017-2007

Drafting Date: 01/10/2007 Current Status: Clerk's Office for Bulletin

Version: 1 Matter Type: Public Notice

Title Notice/Advertisement Title: Italian Village Commission 2007 Business Meeting Schedule Contact Name: Brenda Moore Contact Telephone Number: 614-645-8620 Contact Email Address: [email protected] Body Italian Village Commission 2007 Business Meeting Schedule

The 2007 regular monthly business meetings of the Italian Village Commission will be held on the dates listed below at 12:00 noon. at 109 N. Front Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215, in the 1st Floor Conference Room. Copies of the agenda may be obtained by calling 645-8620 or by e-mail [email protected] . A Sign Language Interpreter, to “Sign” this meeting , will be made available for anyone with a need for this service, provided the Historic Preservation Office is made aware of this need and given a reasonable notice of at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the scheduled meeting time. To schedule an interpreter, please call 645-8620 or TDD 645-6802.

Business Meeting Dates

January 9, 2007 February 13, 2007 March 13, 2007 April 10, 2007 May 8, 2007 June 12, 2007 July 10, 2007 August 14, 2007 September 11, 2007 October 9, 2007 November 13, 2007 December 11, 2007

Legislation Number: PN0018-2007

Drafting Date: 01/10/2007 Current Status: Clerk's Office for Bulletin

Version: 1 Matter Type: Public Notice

Title Notice/Advertisement Title: Victorian Village Commission 2007 Business Meeting

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 191 of 207 Contact Name: Brenda Moore Contact Telephone Number: 614-645-8620 Contact Email Address: [email protected] Body Victorian Village Commission 2007 Business Meeting

The 2007 regular monthly business meetings of the Victorian Village Commission will be held on the dates listed below at 12:00 noon. at 109 N. Front Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215, in the 1st Floor Conference Room. Copies of the agenda may be obtained by calling 645-8620 or by e-mail [email protected] . A Sign Language Interpreter, to “Sign” this meeting , will be made available for anyone with a need for this service, provided the Historic Preservation Office is made aware of this need and given a reasonable notice of at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the scheduled meeting time. To schedule an interpreter, please call 645-8620 or TDD 645-6802.

Business Meeting Dates

January 4, 2007 February 1, 2007 March 1, 2007 April 5, 2007 May 3, 2007 June 7, 2007 July 5, 2007 August 2, 2007 September 6, 2007 October 4, 2007 November 1, 2007 December 6, 2007

Legislation Number: PN0019-2007

Drafting Date: 01/10/2007 Current Status: Clerk's Office for Bulletin

Version: 1 Matter Type: Public Notice

Title Notice/Advertisement Title: German Village Commission 2007 Business Meeting Schedule Contact Name: Brenda Moore Contact Telephone Number: 614-645-8620 Contact Email Address: [email protected] Body German Village Commission 2007 Business Meeting Schedule

The 2007 regular monthly business meetings of the German Village Commission will be held on the dates listed below at 12:00 noon. at 109 N. Front Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215, in the 1st Floor Conference Room. Copies of the agenda may be obtained by calling 645-8620 or by e-mail [email protected]. A Sign Language Interpreter, to “Sign” this meeting , will be made available for anyone with a need for this service, provided the Historic Preservation Office is made aware of this need and given a reasonable notice of at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the scheduled meeting time. To schedule an interpreter, please call 645-8620 or TDD 645-6802.

Business Meeting Dates January 30, 2007 February 27, 2007 March 27, 2007 April 24, 2007

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 192 of 207 May 29, 2007 June 26, 2007 July 31, 2007 August 28, 2007 September 25, 2007 October 30, 2007 November 27, 2007 December M

Legislation Number: PN0020-2007

Drafting Date: 01/10/2007 Current Status: Clerk's Office for Bulletin

Version: 1 Matter Type: Public Notice

Title Notice/Advertisement Title: Board of Commission Appeals 2007 Meeting Schedule Contact Name: Brenda Moore Contact Telephone Number: 614-645-8620 Contact Email Address: [email protected] Body Board of Commission Appeals 2007 Meeting Schedule

The Board of Commission Appeals hearings will be held on the dates listed below at 1:30 p.m. at 109 N. Front Street, Columbus, Ohio the Community Training Center or 1st Floor Conference Room. Copies of the agenda may be obtained by calling 645-8620 or by e-mail [email protected]. A Sign Language Interpreter, to “Sign” this meeting, will be made available for anyone with a need for this service, provided the Historic Preservation Office is made aware of this need and given a reasonable notice of at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the scheduled meeting time. To schedule an interpreter, please call 645-8620 or TDD 645-6802.

January 31 March 28 May 30 July 25 September 26 November 28

Legislation Number: PN0023-2007

Drafting Date: 01/17/2007 Current Status: Clerk's Office for Bulletin

Version: 1 Matter Type: Public Notice

Title Notice/Advertisement Title: City Council Zoning Agenda for 1/29/2007 Contact Name: Adam Knowlden Contact Telephone Number: (614) 645-8623 Contact Email Address: [email protected] Body REGULAR MEETING NO. 3 CITY COUNCIL (ZONING) JANUARY 29, 2007

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 193 of 207 6:30 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS





1861-2006 To grant a Variance from the provisions of Sections 3356.03, Permitted Uses; 3356.05C, C-4 district development limitations; 3342.15, Maneuvering; 3342.18, Parking setback line; 3372.609B, Setback requirements; 3372.611, Design standards; for property located at 263-277 WEST NORWICH AVENUE (43201), being 0.15 + acres located at the southwest corner of West Norwich Avenue and Tuttle Park Place, to permit ground level residential use and second floor residential use not located over a commercial use, thereby permitting an apartment building in the C-4, Commercial District.

0018-2007 To rezone 6037 CENTRAL COLLEGE ROAD (43054), being 12.47± acres located on the south side of Central College Road, 300± feet west of New Albany Road West, From: CPD, Commercial Planned Development and L-ARO, Limited Apartment Residential / Office Districts, To: CPD, Commercial Planned Development District. (Rezoning # Z05-094)

2019-2006 To rezone 6261 MAPLE CANYON AVENUE (43229), being 7.73± acres located on the west side of Maple Canyon Avenue, 100± feet north of Sprucefield Drive, From: R-1, Residential District, To: CPD, Commercial Planned Development, and L-R-4, Limited Residential Districts (Rezoning # Z06-039).

Legislation Number: PN0024-2007

Drafting Date: 01/17/2007 Current Status: Clerk's Office for Bulletin

Version: 1 Matter Type: Public Notice

Title 2007 Recreation and Parks Commission Meeting Schedule Lynda Anderson 614-645-8430 [email protected] Body NOTICE OF REGULAR MEETINGS COLUMBUS RECREATION AND PARKS COMMISSION

The Recreation and Parks Commission, appointed and organized under the Charter of the City of Columbus, Section 112-1 is empowered to equip, operate, direct and maintain all the existing recreational and park facilities. In addition, said Commission exercises certain powers and duties as specified in Sections 112-1 and 112-2 of the Columbus City Charter. In the event no proper business exists the meeting may be cancelled without further notice. For further information you may contact the Recreation and Parks Department, 90 West Broad Street, Room 115, Columbus, Ohio 43215 (Telephone: [614] 645-3300). Please take notice that meetings of the Recreation and Parks Commission will be held at 8:30 a.m. on the following dates and locations (unless otherwise posted):

Wed., January 10, 2007 - Operations Complex, 420 W. Whittier Street, 43215 Wed., February 14, 2007 - Operations Complex, 420 W. Whittier Street, 43215

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 194 of 207 Wed., March 14, 2007 -- Operations Complex, 420 W. Whittier Street, 43215 Wed., April 11, 2007 -- Operations Complex, 420 W. Whittier Street, 43215 Wed., May 9, 2007 - 1111 East Broad Street, 43205 Wed., June 13, 2007 - Topiary Park. (Gift Shop), 408 E. Town Street, 43215 Wed., July 11, 2007 - Sawyer Recreation Center, 1056 Atcheson Street, 43203 August Recess - No meeting Wed., September 12, 2007 - Antrim Shelterhouse, 5800 Olentangy River Rd., Columbus, 43085 Wed., October 10, 2007 - Howard Recreation Center, 2505 Cassady Ave., 43219 Wed., November 14, 2007 - Operations Complex, 420 W. Whittier Street, 43215 Wed., December 12, 2007 - Operations Complex, 420 W. Whittier Street, 43215

Legislation Number: PN0028-2007

Drafting Date: 01/23/2007 Current Status: Clerk's Office for Bulletin

Version: 1 Matter Type: Public Notice

Title Notice/Advertisement Title: Public Service Director's Order - Placement of Traffic Control Devices as Recommended by the Transportation Division - Effective Date: January 9, 2007

Contact Name: Patricia R. Grove Contact Telephone Number: (614) 645-7881 Contact Email Address: [email protected] Body

Please see Public Service Director's Order - Placement of Traffic Control Devices as Recommended by the Transportation Division - Effective Date: January 9, 2007

Legislation Number: PN0029-2007

Drafting Date: 01/23/2007 Current Status: Clerk's Office for Bulletin

Version: 1 Matter Type: Public Notice

Title Notice/Advertisement Title: Public Service Director's Order - Placement of Traffic Control Devices as Recommended by the Transportation Division - Effective Date: January 9, 2007

Contact Name: Patricia R. Grove Contact Telephone Number: (614) 645-7881 Contact Email Address: [email protected] Body Please see Public Service Director's Order - Placement of Traffic Control Devices as Recommended by the Transportation Division - Effective Date: January 9, 2007

Legislation Number: PN0030-2007

Drafting Date: 01/24/2007 Current Status: Clerk's Office for Bulletin

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 195 of 207 Version: 1 Matter Type: Public Notice

Title Notice/Advertisement Title: City Council Zoning Agenda for 2/5/07 Contact Name: Adam Knowlden Contact Telephone Number: (614) 645-8623 Contact Email Address: [email protected] Body REGULAR MEETING NO. 5 CITY COUNCIL (ZONING) FEBURARY 5, 2007 6:30 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS





1171-2005 To rezone 5228 BRICE ROAD (43110), being 39.50± acres located at the northeast corner of Brice Road and Winchester Pike, From: NE, Neighborhood Edge, and NG, Neighborhood General Districts, To: NE, Neighborhood Edge, NG, Neighborhood General, and NC, Neighborhood Center Districts (Rezoning # Z04-086).

Legislation Number: PN0032-2007

Drafting Date: 01/24/2007 Current Status: Clerk's Office for Bulletin

Version: 1 Matter Type: Public Notice

Title Notice/Advertisement Title: Records Commission Meeting Notice - 020507 Contact Name: Thamie Freeze, Records Commission Coordinator Contact Telephone Number: 645-7293 Contact Email Address: [email protected] Body CITY OF COLUMBUS - RECORDS COMMISSION -

TO: APPOINTED RECORDS COMMISSION OFFICERS Mayor Michael Coleman, City Records Commission Chief Executive Officer Attorney Richard Pfeiffer, City Records Commission Chief Legal Officer Hugh Dorrian, City Records Commission Chief Fiscal Officer Andrea Blevins, City Records Commission Secretary Keith Shumate, City Records Commission Citizen Representative

FROM: Thamie Freeze, City Records Commission Coordinator

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 196 of 207 DATE: 01/23/07


Let this serve as NOTICE for the upcoming RECORDS COMMISSION MEETING on Monday, February 5, 2007 at 10:00 a.m. in the City Council Conference Room - 226, 2nd floor, City Hall. The agenda is as noted below:




ITEM #1 - Department of Technology - An RC-1 Request for the one-time disposal of 4 types of obsolete records (Refer to supporting documentation attached to Agenda Packet)


If you have an item on the agenda, please have a representative from your office present to answer any questions. As always, if you have any other record-related questions, please don't hesitate to call me at 645-7293.

NOTE: The deadline for submitting Records Commission Agenda items for any meeting is 9:00 a.m. two weeks prior to the actual meeting date. The remaining meetings for 2007 will be held on Monday, May 7, 2007 and Monday, September 24, 2007.

Legislation Number: PN0033-2007

Drafting Date: 01/25/2007 Current Status: Clerk's Office for Bulletin

Version: 1 Matter Type: Public Notice

Title Notice/Advertisement Title: Brewery District Commission Meeting Canceled Contact Name: Brenda Moore Contact Telephone Number: 614-645-8620 Contact Email Address: [email protected] Body Brewery District Commissioners and all other interested parties:

Please note that the February 1, 2007 regular meeting of the Brewery District Commission is canceled due to lack of Quorum.

If there are any questions regarding this notice, please call the Historic Preservation Office at 645-8620 or 645-7920.

Legislation Number: PN0060-2005

Drafting Date: 02/23/2005 Current Status: Clerk's Office for Bulletin

Version: 1 Matter Type: Public Notice

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 197 of 207 Title Notice/Advertisement Title: Published Columbus City Health Code Contact Name: Richard Hicks Contact Telephone Number: 654-6189 Contact Email Address: [email protected] Body"The Columbus City Health Code is updated and maintained by the Columbus Health Department. To view the most current City Health Code, please visit:

Legislation Number: PN0219-2006

Drafting Date: 11/01/2006 Current Status: Clerk's Office for Bulletin

Version: 1 Matter Type: Public Notice

Title Notice/Advertisement Title: 2006 Meeting Schedule - City of Columbus Records Commission Contact Name: Thamie Freeze Contact Telephone Number: 645-7293 Contact Email Address: [email protected] Body CITY BULLETIN NOTICE MEETING SCHEDULE CITY OF COLUMBUS RECORDS COMMISSION

The regular meetings of the City of Columbus Records Commission for the calendar year 2007 are scheduled as follows:

Monday, February 5, 2007

Monday, May 7, 2007

Monday, September 24, 2007

These meetings will take place at: City Hall, 90 West Broad Street, 2nd Floor, in the City Council Conference Room (226). They will begin promptly at 10:00 am.

Every effort will be made to adhere to the above schedule, but the City of Columbus Records Commission reserves the right to change the date, time or location of any meeting; or to hold additional meetings. To confirm the meeting date, time and locations or to obtain agenda information, contact the Office of the City of Columbus Records Commission Coordinator at (614) 645-7293.

Legislation Number: PN0250-2006

Drafting Date: 12/07/2006 Current Status: Clerk's Office for Bulletin

Version: 1 Matter Type: Public Notice

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 198 of 207 TitleSCHEDULE FOR 2007 PROPOSED BUDGET

Notice/Advertisement Title:SCHEDULE FOR 2007 PROPOSED BUDGET Contact Name: Kym Nelson Contact Telephone Number:645-0852 Contact Email Address: replace with non-bold contact email address BodyBUDGET 2007 SCHEDULE:

November 16, 2006 Ordinances filed in City Clerk's office

November 20, 2006 Mayor's Proposed Budget Ordinances appear on Council agenda and tabled indefinitely pending public hearings)

December 2, 2006 Mayor's proposed Budget Ordinances appear in City Bulletin forthe First Time (Public Notice Section)

December 9, 2006 Mayor's proposed Budget Ordinances Appear in City Bulletin for 2nd Time

December 13, 2006 Budget Briefing - Presentation by Mayors Administration5:00 pm, Council Chambers,

December 18, 2006 Health Housing Human Services Budget Hearing 5:00 pm, Council Chambers

January 3, 2007 Health Housing Human Services Budget Hearing 5:30 pm, Council Chambers

January 4, 2007 Administration Committee Budget Hearing 5:30 pm, Council Chambers

January 11, 2007 Safety and Judiciary Committee Budget Hearing 4:00 pm, Council Chambers

January 11, 2007 Public Comment Hearing 5:30 pm, Council Chambers

January 15, 2007 No Council Meeting - MLK Day

January 17, 2007 Jobs and Economic Development Budget Hearing 3:30 pm, Council Chambers

January 17, 2007 Public Service/Transportation and Refuse Committee Budget Hearing 4:30 pm, Council Chambers

January 18, 2007 City Council Budget Retreat 8:30 a.m. -4:30 p.m., COSI

January 22, 2007 Budget Roll-Out, All Council Members 10:00 am, Council Chambers

January 22, 2007 Council Meeting - Budget Ordinances on the agenda for 2nd reading, to be Amended and Tabled to 2/05/07

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 199 of 207 January 27, 2007 First publication of ordinances as amended in Public Notice section of City Bulletin

February 3, 2007 2nd publication of ordinances as amended in Public Notice Section of City Bulletin

February 5, 2007 Anticipated passage date of the budget Ordinances as amended

February 10, 2007 Ordinances published in the City Bulletin (Ordinance section) as amended (must be published within twenty days of passage (per City Charter)

Legislation Number: PN0251-2006

Drafting Date: 12/13/2006 Current Status: Clerk's Office for Bulletin

Version: 1 Matter Type: Public Notice

Title OFFICIAL NOTICE - CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Notice/Advertisement Title: COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION ANNOUNCEMENTS Contact Name: Lois Washnock Contact Telephone Number: 614.645.7531 Contact Email Address: [email protected]



The Civil Service Commission continuously administers competitive examinations. Information regarding examinations, for which the Civil Service Commission is currently accepting applications, is located on our website at and is also posted at the Commission offices located at 50 West Gay Street, 6th Floor, Columbus, Ohio. Please note that all visitors to the Beacon Building are required to produce a picture ID, authenticating their identity, in order to visit the applications area. Applicants interested in City jobs should check our website or visit the Commission offices.


Whereas, an emergency exists in the usual daily operation of the Department of Public Service, Transportation Division, in that certain traffic control devices must be authorized immediately in order to preserve the public health, peace, property, and safety; now, therefore,

Under the power vested in me by Chapters 2105 and 2155 of the Traffic Code of Columbus, Ohio, I hereby determine that based on studies conducted by and recommendations made by the Transportation Division, that the following traffic regulations are necessary and I hereby authorize on the effective date of this order, or as soon thereafter as practical, the installation and/or removal of appropriate traffic control devices as follows:


Yield signs shall be installed at intersections as follows: HURLOCK LANE shall yield to SUNDIAL DR HURLOCK LANE shall yield to SUNDIAL DR OLD IRISH DR shall yield to ROTHROCK DR/OYSTER BAY WAY OLD IRISH DR shall yield to ROTHROCK DR/OYSTER BAY WAY SPIVEY LANE shall yield to ROTHROCK DR SPIVEY LANE shall yield to ROTHROCK DR SUNDIAL DR shall yield to WALLINGER DR SUNDIAL DR shall yield to WALLINGER DR SECTION 2105.11 THROUGH TRUCKS

Through trucks shall be prohibited as follows: On BRUCK ST between COLUMBUS ST and FRANKFORT ST On BRUCK ST between COLUMBUS ST and FRANKFORT ST


Crosswalks shall be removed at: BRICE RD at I - 70 WB OFF RAMP across the north leg

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 201 of 207 SECTION 2105.12 CROSSWALKS

Crosswalks shall be removed at: BRICE RD at I - 70 WB OFF RAMP across the north leg HAMILTON AVE at HUDSON ST across the west leg HAMILTON AVE at HUDSON ST across the west leg


The parking regulations on the 301 foot long block face along the E side of ADAMS AVE from PATTERSON extending to MAYNARD AVE shall be

Range Code in feet Section Regulation 0 - 30 2105.17 NO STOPPING ANYTIME 30 - 141 2151.01 (STATUTORY RESTRICTIONS APPLY) 141 - 158 (NAMELESS ALLEY) 158 - 301 2151.01 (STATUTORY RESTRICTIONS APPLY) The parking regulations on the 346 foot long block face along the W side of ADAMS AVE from PATTERSON AVE extending to MAYNARD AVE shall be

Range Code in feet Section Regulation 0 - 47 2105.17 NO STOPPING ANYTIME 47 - 164 2151.01 (STATUTORY RESTRICTIONS APPLY) 164 - 182 (NAMELESS ALLEY) 182 - 364 2151.01 (STATUTORY RESTRICTIONS APPLY)

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 202 of 207 The parking regulations on the 690 foot long block face along the W side of AVONDALE AVE from SULLIVANT AVE extending to RICH ST shall be

Range Code in feet Section Regulation 0 - 252 2151.01 (STATUTORY RESTRICTIONS APPLY) 252 - 275 2105.03 HANDICAPPED PARKING ONLY 275 - 690 2151.01 (STATUTORY RESTRICTIONS APPLY) The parking regulations on the 960 foot long block face along the N side of CHELFORD DR from MARVIEW RD extending to GATEWOOD RD shall be

Range Code in feet Section Regulation 0 - 960 2151.01 (STATUTORY RESTRICTIONS APPLY) The parking regulations on the 335 foot long block face along the E side of DENNISON AVE from CLARK PLACE extending to KING AVE shall be

Range Code in feet Section Regulation 0 - 35 2105.17 NO STOPPING ANYTIME 35 - 55 2151.01 (STATUTORY RESTRICTIONS APPLY) 55 - 78 2105.03 HANDICAPPED PARKING ONLY 78 - 157 2151.01 (STATUTORY RESTRICTIONS APPLY) 157 - 177 2105.17 NO STOPPING ANYTIME 177 - 194 (NAMELESS ALLEY) 194 - 214 2105.17 NO STOPPING ANYTIME 214 - 295 2151.01 (STATUTORY RESTRICTIONS APPLY) 295 - 335 2105.17 NO STOPPING ANYTIME The parking regulations on the 365 foot long block face along the N side of EHRING ST from WOODLAND AVE extending to TERMINUS shall be

Range Code in feet Section Regulation 0 - 308 2151.01 (STATUTORY RESTRICTIONS APPLY) 308 - 365 2105.17 NO STOPPING ANYTIME The parking regulations on the 172 foot long block face along the W side of GARFIELD AVE from CAPITAL ST extending to BROAD ST shall be

Range Code in feet Section Regulation 0 - 21 2105.17 NO STOPPING ANYTIME 21 - 108 2105.21 NO PARKING EXCEPT CITY PERMIT E 108 - 172 2105.17 NO STOPPING ANYTIME

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 203 of 207 The parking regulations on the 1190 foot long block face along the W side of GLENWOOD AVE from SULLIVANT AVE extending to TOWN ST shall be

Range Code in feet Section Regulation 0 - 621 2105.17 NO STOPPING ANYTIME 621 - 722 2151.01 (STATUTORY RESTRICTIONS APPLY) 722 - 859 2105.17 NO STOPPING ANYTIME 859 - 1190 2151.01 (STATUTORY RESTRICTIONS APPLY) The parking regulations on the 316 foot long block face along the N side of HINMAN AVE from WASHINGTON AVE extending to GOETHE AVE shall be

Range Code in feet Section Regulation 0 - 316 2151.01 (STATUTORY RESTRICTIONS APPLY) The parking regulations on the 464 foot long block face along the E side of MILLER AVE from GAULT ST extending to KENT ST shall be

Range Code in feet Section Regulation 0 - 39 2105.17 NO STOPPING ANYTIME 39 - 224 2151.01 (STATUTORY RESTRICTIONS APPLY) 224 - 241 (NAMELESS ALLEY) 241 - 364 2151.01 (STATUTORY RESTRICTIONS APPLY) 364 - 387 2105.03 HANDICAPPED PARKING ONLY 387 - 418 2151.01 (STATUTORY RESTRICTIONS APPLY) 418 - 464 2105.17 NO STOPPING ANYTIME The parking regulations on the 332 foot long block face along the S side of MOOBERRY ST from CHAMPION AVE extending to OAKWOOD AVE shall be

Range Code in feet Section Regulation 0 - 165 2151.01 (STATUTORY RESTRICTIONS APPLY) 165 - 177 (NAMELESS ALLEY) 177 - 252 2151.01 (STATUTORY RESTRICTIONS APPLY) 252 - 332 2105.17 NO STOPPING ANYTIME The parking regulations on the 383 foot long block face along the S side of NORWICH AVE from PEARL ST extending to TULLER ST shall be

Range Code in feet Section Regulation 0 - 30 2105.17 NO STOPPING ANYTIME 30 - 345 2105.17 NO PARKING 8AM - 2PM 2ND FRI APR 1 - NOV 1 FOR STREET CLEANING 30 - 345 2105.21 NO PARKING 8AM - 4PM WEEKDAYS EXCEPT CITY PERMIT Q 345 - 383 2105.17 NO STOPPING ANYTIME

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 204 of 207 The parking regulations on the 782 foot long block face along the W side of OAKLEY AVE from SPRINGMONT AVE extending to SULLIVANT AVE shall be

Range Code in feet Section Regulation 0 - 30 2105.17 NO STOPPING ANYTIME 30 - 53 2105.03 HANDICAPPED PARKING ONLY 53 - 621 2151.01 (STATUTORY RESTRICTIONS APPLY) 621 - 635 (NAMELESS ALLEY) 635 - 753 2151.01 (STATUTORY RESTRICTIONS APPLY) 753 - 782 2105.17 NO STOPPING ANYTIME The parking regulations on the 628 foot long block face along the E side of OAKWOOD AVE from NEWTON ST extending to MOOBERRY ST shall be

Range Code in feet Section Regulation 0 - 589 2151.01 (STATUTORY RESTRICTIONS APPLY) 589 - 628 2105.17 NO STOPPING ANYTIME The parking regulations on the 628 foot long block face along the W side of OAKWOOD AVE from NEWTON ST extending to MOOBERRY ST shall be

Range Code in feet Section Regulation 0 - 137 2151.01 (STATUTORY RESTRICTIONS APPLY) 137 - 160 2105.03 HANDICAPPED PARKING ONLY 160 - 232 2151.01 (STATUTORY RESTRICTIONS APPLY) 232 - 255 2105.03 HANDICAPPED PARKING ONLY 255 - 584 2151.01 (STATUTORY RESTRICTIONS APPLY) 584 - 628 2105.17 NO STOPPING ANYTIME The parking regulations on the 1044 foot long block face along the S side of PATTERSON AVE from ADAMS AVE extending to INDIANOLA AVE shall be

Range Code in feet Section Regulation 0 - 30 2105.17 NO STOPPING ANYTIME 30 - 427 2151.01 (STATUTORY RESTRICTIONS APPLY) 427 - 440 (NAMELESS ALLEY) 440 - 891 2151.01 (STATUTORY RESTRICTIONS APPLY) 891 - 904 (NAMELESS ALLEY) 904 - 1044 2151.01 (STATUTORY RESTRICTIONS APPLY)

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 205 of 207 The parking regulations on the 379 foot long block face along the W side of SEYMOUR AVE from KENT ST extending to MOOBERRY ST shall be

Range Code in feet Section Regulation 0 - 279 2151.01 (STATUTORY RESTRICTIONS APPLY) 279 - 302 2105.03 HANDICAPPED PARKING ONLY 302 - 379 2151.01 (STATUTORY RESTRICTIONS APPLY) The parking regulations on the 1722 foot long block face along the W side of STEVENS AVE from BROAD ST extending to IRENE PLACE shall be

Range Code in feet Section Regulation 0 - 160 2151.01 (STATUTORY RESTRICTIONS APPLY) 160 - 172 (NAMELESS ALLEY) 172 - 700 2151.01 (STATUTORY RESTRICTIONS APPLY) 700 - 712 (NAMELESS ALLEY) 712 - 730 2105.17 NO STOPPING ANYTIME 730 - 783 2151.01 (STATUTORY RESTRICTIONS APPLY) 783 - 806 2105.03 HANDICAPPED PARKING ONLY 806 - 1211 2151.01 (STATUTORY RESTRICTIONS APPLY) 1211 - 1224 (NAMELESS ALLEY) 1224 - 1562 2151.01 (STATUTORY RESTRICTIONS APPLY) 1562 - 1585 2105.03 HANDICAPPED PARKING ONLY 1585 - 1277 2151.01 (STATUTORY RESTRICTIONS APPLY) The parking regulations on the 380 foot long block face along the E side of TULLER ST from FRAMBES AVE extending to LANE AVE shall be

Range Code in feet Section Regulation 0 - 43 2105.17 NO STOPPING ANYTIME 43 - 150 2105.17 NO PARKING 8AM - 2PM SEC THURS APR 1 - NOV 1 FOR STREET CLEANING 150 - 238 2105.17 NO PARKING 8AM - 2PM SEC THURS APR 1 - NOV 1 FOR STREET CLEANING 150 - 238 2105.15 NO PARKING LOADING ZONE 238 - 350 2105.17 NO PARKING 8AM - 2PM SEC THURS APR 1 - NOV 1 FOR STREET CLEANING 350 - 380 2105.17 NO STOPPING ANYTIME The parking regulations on the 189 foot long block face along the S side of TWELFTH AVE from GERALD AVE extending to BROOKS AVE shall be

Range Code in feet Section Regulation 0 - 189 2105.17 NO STOPPING ANYTIME

Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 206 of 207 The parking regulations on the 632 foot long block face along the N side of TWENTIETH AVE from SUMMIT ST extending to FOURTH ST shall be

Range Code in feet Section Regulation 0 - 128 2105.17 NO STOPPING ANYTIME 128 - 231 2105.17 NO PARKING 8AM - 2PM 2ND FRI APR 1 - NOV 1 FOR STREET CLEANING 231 - 249 (NAMELESS ALLEY) 249 - 461 2105.17 NO PARKING 8AM - 2PM 2ND FRI APR 1 - NOV 1 FOR STREET CLEANING 461 - 477 (NAMELESS ALLEY) 477 - 602 2105.17 NO PARKING 8AM - 2PM 2ND FRI APR 1 - NOV 1 FOR STREET CLEANING 602 - 632 2105.17 NO STOPPING ANYTIME The parking regulations on the 1008 foot long block face along the W side of WESTGATE AVE from WICKLOW RD extending to PALMETTO ST shall be

Range Code in feet Section Regulation 0 - 162 2151.01 (STATUTORY RESTRICTIONS APPLY) 162 - 175 (NAMELESS ALLEY) 175 - 356 2151.01 (STATUTORY RESTRICTIONS APPLY) 356 - 379 2105.03 HANDICAPPED PARKING ONLY 379 - 1008 2151.01 (STATUTORY RESTRICTIONS APPLY) The parking regulations on the 380 foot long block face along the W side of WILSON AVE from DESHLER AVE extending to STEWART AVE shall be

Range Code in feet Section Regulation 0 - 285 2151.01 (STATUTORY RESTRICTIONS APPLY) 285 - 308 2105.03 HANDICAPPED PARKING ONLY 308 - 380 2151.01 (STATUTORY RESTRICTIONS APPLY) Any existing traffic restrictions, prohibitions or traffic control devices which conflict with these orders shall be declared null and void and shall be removed.


Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 01/27/07) 207 of 207